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- 191 discussions
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02 Jul '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure, Munich, Germany
1.2. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Parallel session "Experiments", Italy
1.3. GRaSP: New Frontiers in Gravity Phenomenology, Pisa, Italy
1.4. 11th School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, Lisbon, Portugal
1.5. Nonlinear Aspects of General Relativity, Princeton, USA
1.6. Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
1.7. 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology: New Horizons and Singularities in Gravity, Guwahati, India
1.8. Infinity on a Gridshell: online registration, Copenhagen, Denmark
2. Jobs
2.1. Graduate student opportunities in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada
2.2. PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of the two-body problem", Potsdam, Germany
2.3. Postdoctoral position in computational astrophysics, Shanghai, China
2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, Hong Kong
2.5. PhD positions in gravitational-wave research, Urbino, Italy
2.6. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave astrophysics, L'Aquila, Italy
2.7. A postdoc position in General Relativity, Warsaw, Poland
2.8. Two year postdoctoral position on gravitational-wave data analysis, Paris, France
2.9. Phd position, Milan, Italy
2.10. Research Software Engineer, Cambridge, UK
2.11. Post-doctoral position in Astrophysics and Theory of Gravity, Lublin, Poland
2.12. 2-Year Postdoc on the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime, Melbourne, Australia
2.13. Professor / Director ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, Camberra, Australia
3. News
3.1. Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder)
3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Awardee of the 2023 Edition
1. Conferences
1.1. Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure, Munich, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-07 to 2023-09-08
Location: Munich, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.cas.uni-muenchen.de/veranstaltungen/tagungen/ws_pithis/index.ht…
Contact: Andreas.Pithis[AT]physik.uni-muenchen.de
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce and invite you to participate in the two-day workshop "Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure" at the Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Munich (LMU) from Thursday 07/09/23 to Friday 08/09/23.
This workshop will bring together researchers investigating different approaches to (Lorentzian) quantum gravity which include causal dynamical triangulations, causal sets, asymptotically safe gravity, tensor models, group field theories and spin foam models. The main goal is to encourage a fruitful exchange of ideas in a pleasant and amicable atmosphere to bridge gaps, find common ground or accentuate differences between the different approaches. In particular, the focus will be on whether, to what extent and which Lorentzian aspects play a significant role for the definition of the theory as well as for the recovery of a physically desirable continuum limit to be explored, for instance, by renormalization group methods.
The workshop will consist of 4 sessions with altogether 12 speakers. Each session will include ample time for discussions after the presentations. The list of speakers consists of Jan Ambjorn, Jan Pawlowski, Astrid Eichhorn, Dario Benedetti, Daniele Oriti, Sebastian Steinhaus, Seth Asante, Stav Zalel, Maximilian Becker, Renata Ferrero, Johannes Thuerigen and Andreas Pithis.
For further information (schedule, location etc.), please visit the website of the workshop which will be frequently updated. We encourage people interested to join for the discussions to register via info[AT]cas.lmu.de. In particular, we invite people outside of Munich to join via Zoom (the Zoom link will be sent after completing the registration).
Kind regards,
Dr. Andreas Pithis
The workshop will be generously funded by the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) of the LMU via its "Junior Researcher in Residence" program.
1.2. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Parallel session "Experiments", Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-08
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.sissa.it/event/96/
Contact: roberto.peron[AT]inaf.it
The conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics, with special regard towards new developments in theory, experiments and their interplay. The congress will provide plenary lectures and parallel sessions devoted to topical studies. Additional satellite events will include the award of the Amaldi Medal to two European scientists, who distinguished themselves in gravitational physics and the SIGRAV prize for young researchers, who carried out studies of particular interest in the field.
The parallel session "Experiments" is focused on performed, ongoing or planned experiments to explore the gravitational interaction and to test the predictions of general relativity and alternative theories of gravitation. These include laboratory, space and observational tests of fundamental principles (e.g. the Equivalence Principle), relativistic geodesy and celestial mechanics, gravitational waves, strong-field dynamics, galactic/extragalactic/cosmological issues. Experiments concept, description and results are welcome (also considering data analysis), along with state-of-the-art techniques and ideas for future experiments.
1.3. GRaSP: New Frontiers in Gravity Phenomenology, Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-10-24 to 2023-10-27
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/35400/
Contact: matteo.dellarocca[AT]phd.unipi.it
GravityShapePisa(GraSP) is the 2nd International Conference completely organized by Young Researchers which supports the active participation of Young Researchers.
The event is organised so as to provide balanced alternation of "Senior" and "Young" talk sessions on the field of the experimental and theoretical Physics.
GraSP 2023 will take place in the Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo" at the Physics Department "E. Fermi" of the University of Pisa.
The aim of the conference is to gather theoretical and experimental researches from different international groups to discuss new challenges in gravity phenomenology at different curvature scales.
The main topics are black hole physics, new tests of General Relativity, neutron stars and multimessenger physics, new generation detectors and solar system tests of gravity.
No FEE required.
website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/35400/
1.4. 11th School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-01 to 2023-09-06
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/network/eag11/
Contact: joselemos[AT]st.utl.pt
The Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation (CENTRA) is organizing the 11th edition of its Summer School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, SAG11. The school is open to international applications and the official language of the classes is English. This school takes place every two years and its main objective is to encourage young talents to develop their knowledge in the areas of Astrophysics and Gravitation. This summer school is mainly aimed at university level students of Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering.
The main selection criterion is the course average grade, and priority will be given to students that desire to continue their studies in these areas of research. The applicant should mention its interest in these areas in the section "General Comments" of the application form. Applications received earlier will be given priority in case of a tie between candidates. There is no fee.
Important dates:
School: September 1-6, 2023 (Friday-Wednesday)
Application deadline: July 25, 2023 (Tuesday)
Organizing Committee:
Ana Mourao (CENTRA/IST)
Ilidio Lopes (CENTRA/IST)
Jose Sande Lemos (CENTRA/IST)
Violetta Sagun (CFis/UCoimbra)
Academic management support:
Christoph Gaertlein (CENTRA/IST and CFis/UCoimbra)
Informatic System Manager:
Tomas Martins (CENTRA/IST)
Webpage designer and poster designer:
Dario Passos (UAlgarve)
Sponsors: FCT, IST, CIGeoE
Financial support: FCT Project UIBD/00099/2020
1.5. Nonlinear Aspects of General Relativity, Princeton, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-10-10 to 2023-10-13
Location: Princeton, USA
Additional Information: https://pcts.princeton.edu/events/2023/nonlinear-aspects-general-relativity
Contact: cardenas-avendano[AT]princeton.edu
Einstein's theory of General Relativity is a well-posed theory of gravity from which one should be able to extract predictions for the evolution of any suitable initial configuration. Extracting concrete predictions can be extremely challenging in practice, mainly due to the nonlinear character of the Einstein equations.
This workshop aims to bring together a diverse group of researchers from astrophysics, physics and mathematics backgrounds to share ideas and explore multi-disciplinary strategies for tackling the nonlinear aspects of General Relativity. These issues range from black hole mergers/ringdown, and gravitational self-force to cosmic censorship and the stability of black holes.
1.6. Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-18 to 2023-09-19
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Additional Information: https://eipsconference.com/
Contact: info[AT]eipsconference.com
We are pleased to announce that the first Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science conference will take place in Belgrade (Serbia), in person, on the 18th and 19th of September 2023. The conference will showcase concise-format presentations in the field of philosophy of science. The conference aims to spark discussions appealing to philosophers and non-specialists alike. We are honored to have Jan Sprenger (University of Turin) and Vladan Djordjevic (Belgrade) as our esteemed keynote speakers.
The Emerging Ideas conference is made in collaboration with the Philosophy Club (Filozofski Klub) and it is preceding the European Association of Philosophy of Science conference taking place in Belgrade from the 20th to the 23rd of September.
More details about the conference can be found on our website.
Call for submissions
We cordially invite students from all academic disciplines and at all levels of study to submit a summary of their emerging idea. Each submission should include an outline of a philosophical issue and an original argument that addresses the identified problem. While submissions in the field of philosophy of science are preferred, we welcome submissions from all related areas of philosophy, such as epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and so on.
Every accepted author will have 15 minutes to present their idea. Each presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of moderated discussion. Presentations should be short and focused. The aim of each presentation should be to spark a lively discussion among the audience; therefore, the authors are strongly encouraged to formulate questions for the audience.
Submission Guidelines
* Submissions should be in English.
* Submissions should not exceed 1000 words including footnotes (references do not count towards the word limit and should be listed on a separate page).
* Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review (do not include any personal identifying information).
* Submissions should be made in .pdf format.
* The name of the author and the author's home institution should be noted in the body of the submission email.
* Co-authored submissions are not eligible.
Deadline and Submission Email
The deadline for submissions is the 15th of July. Submissions should be sent to submissions[AT]eipsconference.com
1.7. 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology: New Horizons and Singularities in Gravity, Guwahati, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-12-06 to 2023-12-09
Location: Guwahati, India
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1268737/
Contact: icgc2023[AT]iitg.ac.in
The 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology (ICGC) will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India during December 6 - 9, 2023. Since its inception in 1987, ICGC meetings are held once in four years and are organised by the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG). The tenth edition of this conference at IIT Guwahati aims to bring together experts working in the area of Gravitation and Cosmology to discuss the recent developments, present status and exchange ideas while providing young researchers from India an opportunity for interaction with experts. The programme will have a series of plenary lectures, with parallel and poster sessions.
Topics to be covered during the meeting:
1. Classical and Quantum Gravity
2. Gravitational Waves
3. Astrophysical Relativity
4. Cosmology
List of plenary speakers confirmed so far:
Sayantani Bhattacharyya, NISER Bhubaneswar
Floor Broekgaarden, Harvard and Smithsonian
Pratika Dayal, Groningen University, Netherlands
Archisman Ghosh, Ghent University, Belgium
Bhal Chandra Joshi, NCRA-TIFR, Pune
Nissim Kanekar, NCRA-TIFR, Pune
Aseem Paranjape, IUCAA Pune
Maulik Parikh, Arizona State University, USA
Levon Pogosian, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Sendhil Raja, RRCAT Indore
Luciano Rezzolla, Goethe University, Germany
1.8. Infinity on a Gridshell: online registration, Copenhagen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-13
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://hyperboloid.al/event/copenhagen-23/
Contact: david.hilditch[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The Research Group on Hyperboloidal Foliations is thrilled to invite you to the workshop "Infinity on a Gridshell," focusing on the progress made in hyperboloidal methods - an essential tool in black-hole perturbation theory and various applications. The workshop will take place at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, from July 10 to July 13, 2023. We are excited to offer the opportunity to attend the workshop online.
Online Registration: https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lc-2trzosE9NChGpai9-h_EXjW1xxRvd_
For additional information, please visit our website at the top of the post.
We look forward to your participation in the workshop!
Best regards,
The Scientific Organizing Committee: David Hilditch, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Alex Vano-Vinuales, and Anil Zenginoglu
2. Jobs
2.1. Graduate student opportunities in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-09-15
Location: Lethbridge, Canada
Additional Information: https://scholar.ulethbridge.ca/sauryadas/home
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Applications are invited from students interested in doing M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Saurya Das, starting January 2024. Potential research topics will be Quantum Gravity Theory and Phenomenology, Cosmology and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Applicants for the M.Sc. position must have a B.Sc. and those for the Ph.D. position must have an M.Sc. or equivalent in Physics/Theoretical Physics, and have a strong background in fundamental areas, including General Relativity and basic Quantum Field Theory. Knowledge of advanced topics, such as Quantum Optics and familiarity with computational softwares and programming will be an asset.
Please send your Statement of Purpose, CV, Transcripts (scanned/electronic copies are fine), and arrange to send at least three letters of reference directly to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Complete applications will be reviewed as and when they are received, until the positions are filled. Graduate students are supported by a combination of teaching and research assistantships and scholarships which is generally sufficient to cover tuition and living expenses. Information about the department, research areas and its graduate program and can be found in http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy/meet-our-faculty-staff http://www.uleth.ca/graduatestudies/
For more information, please send an email to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Dr. Saurya Das
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB, CANADA T1K 3M4
Email: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion:
University of Lethbridge is committed to diversity and equity in employment. It encourages applications from all minority, traditionally underrepresented, equity deserving and indigenous groups.
Letters of Reference should be sent to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Contact: Saurya Das (saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca)
2.2. PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of the two-body problem", Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-15
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/1048741/balzan-phd-and-postdoc-positions?c=26171
Contact: gravity[AT]uni-bonn.de
Balzan PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of solving the two-body problem in General Relativity"
Job Offer from June 01, 2023
The Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department, led by Alessandra Buonanno, at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, in collaboration with the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn, led by Dennis Lehmkuhl, and the Department I and Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" at the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, led by Juergen Renn and Alexander Blum, respectively, is seeking a PhD student and a Postdoctoral Fellow. The positions will start in the fall of 2023, and they are fully supported by the 2021 Balzan Prize Funds with possible funds from the Lichtenberg Group.
We invite applicants who wish to conduct research on a topic incorporating physics, history and philosophy of physics research; in particular, on the history and conceptual analysis of solving the two-body problem in General Relativity, especially as it unfolded from 1975 onwards. Important questions should concern the development of analytical and numerical methods in General Relativity, as well as their synergy and impact on the discovery of gravitational waves from merging black holes in 2015.
The positions will provide outstanding scholars with a unique opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with physicists, historians and philosophers of physics at Potsdam, Berlin and Bonn. The positions will be based at the Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, and they will include extended periods of time at the affiliated institutions in Berlin and Bonn. We invite applications especially from candidates with a suitable background in physics, philosophy of physics and/or history of physics. For more details about the groups involved see the websites of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department: https://www.aei.mpg.de/astro-cosmo-rel , the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn: https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/ , and the Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" of the Max Planck Institute for History of Science:
https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/research/projects/historical-epistemology-f… .
The PhD student / postdoc will have the opportunity to fully participate in the research life of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department in Potsdam, the Lichtenberg group and the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bonn, and the Max Planck Institute for History of Science in Berlin, conducting research leading to peer reviewed publications, attending and presenting talks at conferences, and participating in outreach activities.
Candidate qualifications for the PhD and postdoc positions:
An undergraduate degree in physics or mathematics, and a Master degree in physics, (and a PhD degree for postdoc applicants), philosophy of physics, or history of physics.
Native speaker or near-native command of the English language.
Motivated, flexible, team oriented and interested in continued professional development.
A vibrant research environment with access to a world-class research facilities and cutting-edge research projects.
An excellent working environment with various on-campus support (computing facilities, PhD/postdoc representatives, language courses, residence permit and visa support, children's day care, etc.).
For PhD students:
A structured English-language graduate program.
Fully funded positions (more details are available here), no tuition fees, and additional funding for conferences and professional development.
Individual supervision and mentoring by research scientists who are leaders in their respective fields.
Application Process:
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is July 15, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
In order to apply for a PhD position, please fill in this form: https://jobs.aei.mpg.de/121/phd-position-in-history-and-philosophy-of-the-2…
You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, university transcripts and the Master thesis or, if not yet available, a three-page account of what the planned Master thesis will consist of, and a list of publications (if available).
In order to apply for a postdoc position, please fill in this form: https://jobs.aei.mpg.de/149/postdoc-position-in-history-and-philosophy-of-t…
You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, the PhD thesis (if available), a three-page research statement, and a list of publications.
All applicants also need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload their letters.
Equal Opportunities:
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, socio-economic background, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct).
The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with a nearby international kindergarten, a parent-child office and a nursing room.
The Max-Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities
in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.
For the website version of this ad, see: https://www.aei.mpg.de/1048741/balzan-phd-and-postdoc-positions?c=26171 .
2.3. Postdoctoral position in computational astrophysics, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-08-01
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://cosimobambi.github.io
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on the development of astrophysical models for black holes. Applicants should be familiar with relativistic astrophysics, have good coding skills, and be under 35 (which is a requirement for all postdoctoral positions in China). Preference will be given to candidates with a recent PhD degree. Applicants with experience in neural networks and deep learning are particularly encouraged to apply. The position would be available from as soon as possible, but the actual starting date can be negotiated.
The appointment is initially for 2 years. Applications received by August 1 will receive full consideration but applications will be accepted as long as the position has not been accepted.
Interested candidates should send standard application material (CV, publication list, and any additional material that can be useful for the selection process) to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted as soon as possible and will be asked to arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
More details on our research group can be found at:
2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, Hong Kong
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-10-15
Location: Hong Kong
Additional Information: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/programme/science#mphil-phd-in-physics
Contact: oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk
One or more PhD positions at the CUHK GW group, Hong Kong, are available starting August 2024. Candidates with experience in areas of gravitational-wave physics or gravitational lensing are encouraged to apply. International candidates with a strong academic background may be recommended to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.
How to apply?
To apply, please submit your CV to Otto Hannuksela (oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) and Tjonnie Li (tgfli[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) by October 15, 2023. Additionally, arrange for two reference letters to be submitted through the provided online form (https://forms.gle/aFtM6YaCLzmSHmVX6)
About Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme:
Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities.
The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,200 (approximately US$41,690) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. 300 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2023/24 academic year. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities.
More information: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html
About the group:
The CUHK GW group researches gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. These waves carry information about some of the most extreme objects in the Universe. Thanks to gravitational-wave detectors' continued development, the current gravitational-wave detectors now make weekly detections when online. Moreover, with the rapidly improving detectors and more detections, many new scientific investigations are expected to become possible. This means there is much exciting work to do in investigating new detection avenues.
The group is a part of the LVK collaboration and is led by Otto Hannuksela and Tjonnie Li. The group works on topics ranging from numerical simulations of magnetars to gravitational lensing, waveform modeling, tests of general relativity, and pulsar timing arrays.
2.5. PhD positions in gravitational-wave research, Urbino, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-29
Location: Urbino, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.uniurb.it/academic-programs/1757084
Contact: francesco.piergiovanni[AT]uniurb.it
The application for PhD positions at the University of Urbino is open, you can find all the details at this link:
https://www.uniurb.it/academic-programs/1757084 (English version)
https://www.uniurb.it/corsi/1757084 (Italian version)
The Urbino group is a part of the LVK collaboration and plays an active role in the development of GW detectors, in particular, on thermal noise reduction of mirror suspensions and coatings, and in the data analysis in the search of gravitational waves from astrophysical systems such as binary neutron stars/black holes systems.
The program has 9 open positions plus one position reserved to Gravitational Waves research for new suspensions and coatings for the Einstein Telescope (https://www.uniurb.it/it/cdocs/PHD/6872-PHD-30052023122440-scheda-progetto-…)
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (francesco.piergiovanni[AT]uniurb.it), Dott. Matteo Montani (matteo.montani[AT]uniurb.it), Prof. Gianluca Maria Guidi (gianluca.giudi[AT]uniurb.it) or Prof. Filippo Martelli (filippo.martelli[AT]uniurb.it).
Please spread the announcement in your institutions.
The deadline for application is 29th June 2023.
2.6. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave astrophysics, L'Aquila, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-06
Location: L'Aquila, Italy
Additional Information: https://applications.gssi.it/postdoc/
Contact: andrea.maselli[AT]gssi.it
We are looking for a 2-year postdoc in the GW group of the Gran Sasso Science Institute
to work on source modelling of black hole binaries.
Candidates with experience in relativistic perturbation theory and semi-analytical approaches to describe astrophysical compact sources and their gravitational wave emission are strongly encouraged to apply.
We expect the candidate to work within an international network which includes different nodes in Europe, as the University of Pisa and the University of Nottingham.
Applications need to be submitted online:
(ref. Position 1.4)
Application deadline is on July 6.
2.7. A postdoc position in General Relativity, Warsaw, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-19
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/117796
Contact: Jerzy.Lewandowski[AT]fuw.edu.pl
The planned employment will be realized within the OPUS project Horizons and gravitational radiation financed by the National Science Centre. The subjects of the research will include: (i) horizon equations including the Petrov type D equation and the near horizon geometry equation, respectively (ii) black hole quasinormal modes. The work will be carried out at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lewandowski. The employment period is 12 months. The starting date of the appointment is to be agreed on with the selected candidate but must be before the end of the calendar year 2023.
The candidate should send all the documents via e-mail to Jerzy.Lewandowski[AT]fuw.edu.pl in the form of PDF files with scanned signatures, e-mail title: "Postdoc OPUS" (details on the correct application form in the external link).
The candidates have to conform to the conditions stated in art. 113 of Higher Education Law dated 20.07.2018. (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2023, item 742 with subsequent amendments).
2.8. Two year postdoctoral position on gravitational-wave data analysis, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-09-30
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7164-ERICHA-005/Default.aspx?lang=EN
Contact: ecm[AT]apc.in2p3.fr
We are recruiting a postdoctoral fellow for a 24-month contract, as part of the RICOCHET project [https://ricochet-anr.github.io] funded by the French National Research Agency. RICOCHET is an interdisciplinary project bringing together data scientists and physicists. The project aims to address fundamental theoretical issues related to the representation and measurement of the polarization state, as well as the use of Bayesian and/or statistical learning approaches to model polarization. The aim of the project is to develop methodological tools for characterizing and exploiting polarization information extracted from bivariate (i.e. two-dimensional) signals. These tools will be applied and evaluated in a range of applications, including gravitational astronomy, the main subject of the present offer.
The successful candidate will collaborate with Eric Chassande-Mottin (one of the co-leads of RICOCHET) on the development of analysis methods for gravitational polarimetry based on observations from the Virgo and LIGO gravitational wave detectors. This largely unexplored field offers promising prospects. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to join the international Virgo scientific collaboration and work on the latest data from the O4 science run currently underway.
Contract Period : 24 months
Remuneration : Between 4100 and 4540 euros gross per month depending on experience
The candidate must hold:
- either a PhD in statistical signal processing, data science or machine learning with an interest in astrophysics ;
- or a PhD in astroparticle physics with skills and professional experience in experimental data analysis.
Work Context
The APC laboratory [https://apc.u-paris.fr] located in the center of Paris (France), on the Universite' Paris Cite' campus, is a multidisciplinary laboratory developing research in five scientific fields: cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, gravitation, particle physics and theory. The candidate will join the Gravitation group, which has been involved in data analysis for gravitational astronomy for over a decade. The successful candidate will join the Virgo team of around ten senior/junior researchers and PhD students.
The candidate will interact with the other components of the RICOCHET project (and in particular, the post-docs and PhD students funded within the framework of this project), as well as with the working groups of the Virgo collaboration, thus constituting a wide national and international network of potential collaborators.
Application must be submitted through the following online platform at:
2.9. Phd position, Milan, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-06
Location: Milan, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/107285/national-phd-program-in-space-science…
Contact: monica.colpi[AT]unimib.it
The University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) will be hiring a PhD student under the Italian National PhD program in Space Science and Technology. Candidates with interests in gravitational-wave astronomy, data analysis, and multi-messenger applications are encouraged to apply. For information please see:
- https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/107285/national-phd-program-in-space-science…
- https://www.unitn.it/phd-sst/
The application deadline is July 6th, 2023 at 4pm CEST. For for informal enquiries please contact Monica Colpi (monica.colpi[AT]unimib.it)
2.10. Research Software Engineer, Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-03
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/41495/
Contact: epss[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a Research Software Engineer within the COSMOS Intel Parallel Computing Centre (IPCC), which is part of the Stephen Hawking Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC) in DAMTP. The role holder will provide parallel programming and HPC development support to faculty and researchers within the Faculty of Mathematics, as well as helping to develop and deliver training courses in research programming for graduate students in Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) with which it is associated. More specifically, the role holder will provide research programming support to the CTC group members and the linked Relativity and Gravitation group, as well as to members of the Astrophysics group. COSMOS IPCC also has a longstanding industrial collaboration with Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.
The post holder will be an integral member of the COSMOS programming team which has considerable experience optimising and porting codes to high performance systems. Specialised parallel programming support for code development will include using MPI, OpenMP and Intel AVX extensions. Software projects of particular relevance include in-situ parallel visualization, notably with Intel's open-source oneAPI OSPRAY library (now built into Paraview), as well as efficient data analytic programming on in-memory systems such as the HPE Superdome Flex. The role will also provide technical computer officer support for group systems.
The role holder will jointly develop and deliver research programming courses to graduate students in collaboration with the relevant CDT Course Directors and the IPCC Manager; this will also involve training presentations and web documentation. The role holder will be expected to continue to receive training from the vendors Intel and HPE and to attend further courses at national HPC facilities.
Applicants should have a degree-level qualification and relevant experience in HPC programming with expertise in MPI and OpenMP. You will be expected to plan your own programming support, reporting on a day-to-day basis to the COSMOS IPCC Project Manager, with weekly academic oversight from the Head of the GR group/STFC grant holder. You must be able to clearly communicate material of a technical nature and deliver training presentations on research programming.
Limited funding: The funds for this post are available for 2 years in the first instance.
2.11. Post-doctoral position in Astrophysics and Theory of Gravity, Lublin, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-10-10
Location: Lublin, Poland
Additional Information: http://umcs.pl
Contact: rogat[AT]kft.umcs.lublin.pl
A post-doctoral position under Prof.Marek Rogatko, UMCS, Lublin, Poland is advertised for 2 years.
The position will start from 1/01/2024 - 31/12/2025 is available under the three year research grant of the National Science Center DEC-2022/45/B/ST2/00013 entitled "Black objects probe dark matter sector".
The selected candidate will receive a salary of 8500 PLN per month (brutto, subject to the tax paying), and carry out work with Prof.Marek Rogatko, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Institute of Physics, 20-031 Lublin, pl.M.C.Sklodowskiej 1, Poland.
The desirable criteria are as follows:
(i) the candidate should have a Ph.D degree in the field of theoretical physics or astrophysics,
(ii) working experience in the field general relativity,
(iii) proficiency in English, both spoken and written, good command of symbolic algebra and numerical methods.
The application consisting of the two letters of recommendation from senior researchers (with the phrase "recommendation letter" and the applicant's name in the subject), detailed C.V. with the list of publications, work-experiences and a short statements of the research plans should be sent to Prof.Marek Rogatko (rogat[AT]kft.umcs.lublin.pl), or by the post at the address: Prof.dr hab. Marek Rogatko, Institute of Physics UMCS, 20-031 Lublin, pl. M. C.Sklodowskiej 1, POLAND (with annotation: "Dotyczy naboru na stanowisko adiunkta badawczego")
The closing date of sending applications is the 10-th of October 2023, 15:00.
All the enquires should be also addressed to Prof. Marek Rogatko
2.12. 2-Year Postdoc on the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime, Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-07-27
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information: https://www.lfhs.eu/join/
Contact: lucas.hackl[AT]unimelb.edu.au
The mathematical physics research group (specifically: Lucas Hackl, Mario Kieburg and Peter Forrester) at the University of Melbourne is offering a 2-year postdoc position funded through the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) Consortium (https://www.qiss.fr/consortium/) with flexible starting date (late 2023 or some time in 2024).
We are looking for a candidate with experience in at least one of the following topics and clear potential to make connections between them: Quantum Information, Relativistic Quantum Information, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Quantum Gravity, General Relativity, Random Matrix Theory.
You will have the opportunity to pursue your own research, engage in the research group and collaborate. Areas of interest could include (though not limited to):
- Average and typical entanglement entropy for ensembles of quantum states.
- Hawking radiation, Unruh effect, relativistic quantum information.
- Quantum information measures in conformal field theories.
- Symmetry classification of random matrix ensembles and relations to quantum states.
- Mathematics of bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states and their applications in physics.
- Quantum reference frames and its interplay with dynamics and quantum information.
What we offer:
- A stimulating research environment at one of Australia's top universities in one of the world's most livable cities.
- Membership in the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) Consortium with additional travel funding for visiting other nodes (see https://www.qiss.fr/consortium)
- Competitive salary, full pension benefits and travel funding.
Required application documents:
- Cover letter (1-2 pages, giving an overview of the application and emphasizing its highlights).
- CV (including publication list).
- List of at least 2 referees who agreed to provide a letter of recommendation.
- A research statement outlining existing research experience and current research interest / focus for the position, highlighting potential overlap with members of the mathematical physics research group at the University of Melbourne (preferably 3-5 pages).
- A concise summary of how the research could fit into the QISS Consortium and research overlap with other QISS nodes with the potential for collaboration (1 page).
We will start reviewing applications on July 27, 2023 (first deadline), but the search will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
2.13. Professor / Director ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, Camberra, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-08-15
Location: Canberra, Australia
Additional Information: https://jobs.anu.edu.au/jobs/professor-director-centre-for-gravitational-as…
Contact: David.McClelland[AT]anu.edu.au
The ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics is seeking an inspirational scientific leader in any field across Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with equity agendas, who can grow ANU's leadership in gravitational wave astronomy. It is an expectation that this position will take on the role of Director and play a significant part in shaping the future of the Centre. The appointment comes with an attractive start-up package. The University may also consider placement for a partner as per the University dual career procedure.
The Australian National University Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics (CGA), is a joint facility of the Research School of Physics (RSPhys) and Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA), featuring pre-eminent astrophysicist Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt, Australia's leading Relativist Susan Scott and fellow Prime Minister Prize recipient and leader of Australia's gravitational wave instrumentation program David McClelland. The Centre encompasses all aspects of gravitational wave physics and astrophysics, including instrumentation, theory and data analysis, source follow-up and multi-messenger astronomy. It brings together existing ANU researchers in these areas under one umbrella.
CGA is a team of experimental and theoretical physicists, engineers, and astronomers who work collegially towards their shared goal of advancing gravitational wave astrophysics research and translating the science and technology to a wide range of high-precision measurement applications. We thrive on learning and advancing together. We value equity and diversity and implement action-oriented strategies toward fostering an inclusive, diverse, welcoming and respectful culture in our workplace where everyone can bring their whole self to work and flourish.
3. News
3.1. Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://indico.tpi.uni-jena.de/event/289/
The combination of quantum and gravitational physics led decades ago to the prediction of quantum radiation by black holes and the production of quantum particles in expanding universes. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest, arising from both a theoretical and an experimental perspective. On the theoretical side, there are significant new findings regarding quantum effects in the inside of black holes or the interconnections between quantum entanglement, gravity, and holography. On the experimental side, there have been advances on observational signatures of quantum effects in gravitational fields, motivated partly by impressive advances in technology.
During August 28-September 1, 2023, we will hold an in-person conference at Leipzig University, Germany, to present and discuss recent developments in the field. Confirmed plenary speakers are:
Stefan Floerchinger (Heidelberg and Jena, Germany)
Christian Gerard (Orsay, France)
Veronika E. Hubeny (UC Davis, U.S.A.)
Harvey S. Reall (Cambridge, U.K.)
Jeff Steinhauer (Technion, Israel)
Robert M. Wald (Chicago, U.S.A.)
Elizabeth Winstanley (Sheffield, U.K.)
Noa Zilberman (Technion, Israel)
We also welcome contributed talks from scientists working on this area. The deadline for talk submission is July 1, 2023, and for conference registration is July 15, 2023.
Marc Casals
Stefan Hollands
Rainer Verch
Jochen Zahn
Funded via the Jena-Leipzig DFG Research Training Group 2522.
3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Awardee of the 2023 Edition
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.p…
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for outstanding research in General Relativity has been awarded to Dr. Elisa Maggio.
The Committee consisting of Profs. Lars Andersson, Mauro Carfora, Gerhard Huisken, Luciano Rezzolla, and Fulvio Ricci prepared the following laudation:
"...Dr. Maggio's Ph. D. thesis, Probing new physics on the horizon of black holes with gravitational waves, offers a comprehensive and brilliant overview of the phenomenology of exotic compact objects and their connection to testing gravity with gravitational wave observations. Her thesis work is unique in broadness, novelty, and combination of conceptual, technical, numerical, and phenomenological results, providing an outstanding example of original, bold research at the interface between gravitational-wave astronomy and General Relativity. Elisa Maggio is an outstanding scholar emerging as an excellent and active young scientist in gravitational wave astronomy, among the best early-career scientists of her generation. We will look at her work as foundational in the field, allowing us to probe physics beyond our reach just a few years ago...."
In recognition of the high quality of the nominations received, the Committee has also decided to award an honorable mention to the outstanding Ph.D. research carried out by Gabriele Benomio in the Thesis "The wave equation on black rings and the linear stability of slowly rotating Kerr spacetimes."
The prize is sponsored by The University of Pavia and by the Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational Physics (SIGRAV) to honor the memory of Giulio Rampa. It is given to a graduate student every two years for outstanding research in general relativity. The prize was established in 2011 and is endowed under the terms of a donation from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa.
Each GRT prize carries a certificate and a net check for EUR 2,000. The prizes will be presented to Elisa Maggio at the 25th edition of the "Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) Conference" that will be held at SISSA (Trieste), Italy, on 4-8 September 2023. This biennial conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics. The Rampa Prize winner will present her work during a special conference session.

02 Jun '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. A Multipolar Universe?, Thessaloniki, Greece
1.2. 20th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity, Athens, Greece
1.3. Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics, Petnica, Serbia
1.4. GWs meet EFTs, Benasque, Spain
1.5. DomoSchool 2023: Einstein Equation in the dark side of the Universe, Domodossola, Italy
1.6. IV Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
1.7. Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, London, Canada
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
2.2. Postdoc in ML/GWDA, Trieste, Italy
2.3. One-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
2.4. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
2.5. Postdoctoral researcher position in gravitational-wave physics, Palma, Spain
2.6. Tenure track position in multimessenger astrophysics, Trieste, Italy
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Grant Call
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2023
3.3. Conference of the foundations of spacetime physics, Varna, Bulgaria
3.4. The Twenty-Sixth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
1. Conferences
1.1. A Multipolar Universe?, Thessaloniki, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-07
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/multipolar-universe-workshop/home
Contact: tsagas[AT]astro.auth.gr
Scientific Topic and Scope:
Over the last few years there have been repeated claims of dipolar anisotropies in a variety of cosmological observations. These include dipoles in the number counts of distant astrophysical objects, like quasars and radio galaxies for example, as well as dipoles in certain cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble and the deceleration parameter. In view of these reports, the emerging question is whether the associated observations reflect some underlying generic anisotropy of the universe we live in, whether they are relatively late-time additions, triggered by the ongoing process of structure formation in particular, or they are mere artefacts of our gross misinterpretation of the data.
The workshop will review the above mentioned issues, both from the observational and from the theoretical viewpoint, it will consider possible explanations and will discuss their potential implications for the future of cosmological research.
Confirmed Plenary and Keynote speakers:
Pravabati Chingangbam (IIA, India); Chris Clarkson (QMUL, UK); Chethan Krishnan (IIS, India); Christian Marinoni (Aix-Marseille Univ. France); Konstantinos Migkas (Leiden Univ., NL); David Parkinson (KASSI, South Korea); Leandros Perivolaropoulos (Univ. of Ioannina, Greece); Subir Sarkar (Univ. of Oxford U., UK); Mohammad Sheikh-Jabbari (IPM, Iran)
Christos Tsagas (AUTh); Kerkyra Asvesta (AUTh); Jessica Santiago (AUTh); Leandros Perivolaropoulos (UoI)
1.2. 20th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity, Athens, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-14
Location: Athens, Greece
Additional Information: https://indico.physics.auth.gr/event/15/
Contact: thapostol[AT]phys.uoa.gr
The 20th NEB conference on "Recent Developments in Gravity" will be held in Athens, Greece, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2023. NEB20 is an international conference devoted to all aspects of Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, which is organized every two years by the Hellenic Society for Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology.
NEB20 will focus on recent developments in several areas: gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, alternative theories of gravity, mathematical relativity, relativistic cosmology and quantum gravity.
The venue of the conference is the conference center of the Eugenides Foundation, near the coastal line of Faliro (located a few km south of the center of Athens).
The list of invited plenary speakers includes:
Stefanos Aretakis (University of Toronto)
Stanislav Babak ( University of Paris) (TBC)
Christos Charmousis (CNRS - University Paris-Saclay)
David Hilditch (CENTRA) (TBC)
Scott Hughes (MIT)
Alexandr Kamenchtchik (University of Bologna)
Roy Maartens (University of the Western Cape)
Antoine Petiteau (Paris Diderot University)
Adam Pound (Univeristy of Southampton)
Ippocratis Saltas (CEICO, Czech Academy of Sciences)
In addition, there will be a number of invited session speakers (to be announced). We welcome the submission of abstracts for talks in the parallel sessions and for the poster session.
We are looking forward to meeting all interested participants in Athens in September!
With our best regards,
The Organizing Committee
Th. Apostolatos (University of Athens)
G. Kofinas (University of the Aegean)
A. Paliathanasis (Durban University of Technology)
N. Karnesis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
G. Loukes-Gerakopoulos (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
1.3. Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics, Petnica, Serbia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-03 to 2023-08-12
Location: Petnica, Serbia
Additional Information: http://psi.petnica.rs/2023/description.php
Contact: psi[AT]petnica.rs
We are happy to present Petnica Summer Institute 2023 - Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics. Petnica Summer Institute (PSI) aims to provide lectures to undergraduate and early graduate students by senior PhD students, young postdocs and researchers. PSI is organized every summer in Petnica Science Center (Valjevo, Serbia) and it covers a wide range of topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics. The school is supported by International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, Trieste).
This year we are starting the 3rd cycle of PSI summer schools, with the focus on Astrophysics. A plethora of new observational instruments have either been recently launched or are planned to be launched soon (LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA, EHT, DESI, Euclid, DKIST). This school will provide a theoretical foundation for various astrophysical topics that will allow us to understand the science cases of the probes from the solar system to cosmological scales.
The aim: The school aims to provide an intensive and thorough course on a broad range of astrophysical topics. The school is not limited to lectures, but will also include daily discussion sessions, problem solving and independent work.
For whom: The school is intended for senior undergraduate and early graduate (MSc) students mainly from the Balkans region/Southeast Europe. All lectures will be given in English, so we also welcome students from anywhere abroad. Exceptional younger students and interested graduate students will also be considered.
By whom: Lectures will be given by senior PhD students, postdocs, but also by some senior researchers. Lecturers come from various European and US institutions.
Application procedure: In order to apply, please fill the form on the website http://psi.petnica.rs/2023/apply.php . One letter of recommendation should be sent to psi (at) petnica.rs directly by a referee.
The application deadline is: Jun 4th, 2023. Please make sure that you apply and the letter of recommendation is sent by this date! Late applications will be considered in case of available places, but the applicants will not be granted any financial support. The full expenses for meals and accommodation are 400 Euros per participant (there is no participation fee). The organizers will be able to provide a partial or full financial support for a number of students, with priority given to students from the Balkans region/Southeast Europe.
Core topics: Theoretical Spectroscopy; Stellar Structure and Evolution; Galactic Dynamics and Galaxy Evolution; Introduction to Cosmology; Computational Astrophysics; Gravitational Waves; High Energy Astrophysics; Accretion Discs and Planetary Systems
Lecturers on site: Giovanni Cabass (IAS, Princeton); Nicola Franchini (APC, Paris); Marija Jankovic (IPB, Belgrade); Ivan Milic (KIS, Freiburg); Stanislav Milosevic (University of Belgrade)
Additional topics and lecturers will be announced on the website.
organising committee (psi[AT]petnica.rs)
1.4. GWs meet EFTs, Benasque, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-21 to 2023-08-25
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: www.benasque.org/2023mcs/.
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
This is the second circular to announce the upcoming workshop on "GWs meet EFTs" to be held from August 21 to 25, 2023 at the Science Center in Benasque in the Spanish Pyrenees. The workshop will focus on gravitational EFTs and ways to explore them with observations and simulations of gravitational wave emitting systems.
Registration is now open (until June 30th) and you can find all the information at https://www.benasque.org/2023mcs/. Invited speakers include:
- Cliff Burgess
- Antonio Padilla
- Miguel Zumalacarragui
- Filipo Vernizzi
- Alessandra Silvestri
- Felix Julie
- Luis Lehner
- Pau Figueras
- Helvi Witek
- Aaron Held
- Maxence Corman
- Harald Pfeiffer
- Tessa Baker
- Andrea Maselli
- Dina Traykova
- Eugeny Babichev
- Mariana Carrillo
- Marco Crisostomi
- Tanja Hinderer*
- Leo Stein*
(* to be confirmed)
Besides the spectacular location, Benasque is a very family friendly place. In particular, there will be the possibility of childcare during the conference.
Best wishes,
Enrico Barausse, Laura Bernard and Miguel Bezares
1.5. DomoSchool 2023: Einstein Equation in the dark side of the Universe, Domodossola, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Domodossola, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.arsunivco.eu/2023/02/domoschool-2023-einstein-equation-in-the-d…
Contact: sergio.cacciatori[AT]uninsubria.it
The Domoschool 2023 edition wants to focus on these issues: one of the most debated current topics in the scientific environment concerns the dynamics of galaxies. The problem concerns both the cosmological scales, given that the galaxies appear to move away from each other with increasing acceleration, and the galactic scales since the gases that form the surrounding halo appear to rotate around each galaxy at a much greater speed than predicted by the Newton theory of gravitation.
In the first case, a standard interpretation is to attribute the relative acceleration between the galaxies to an expansion of the universe caused by the presence of an energy that exerts pressure on the whole universe causing its expansion. This energy is called dark energy. In the second case, however, the gas motion seems compatible with the fact that the mass present in the given region is much greater than that which can be observed directly. So we can imagine that in addition to the visible mass, there is also some non-visible matter distributed around each galaxy, which considerably increases the mass of the galaxies. This is called dark matter.
To explain the movements of the observed universe we arrive at the conclusion that ordinary matter should constitute only 5% of all matter in the universe, while about 68% would be dark energy and 27% dark matter. While dark energy is compatible with the presence of a cosmological constant, hypothesized by Einstein over a century ago, the nature of dark matter is much more mysterious, so much so that an alternative school of thought proposes instead the absence of dark matter (never revealed in any experiment to date) in favor of new laws of universal gravitation at ultra-galactic scales (MOND theories). A third stream instead investigates the possibility that non-Newtonian effects of general relativity could help settle the issue by decreasing the amount of dark matter needed to explain galactic motions.
The aim of the school is to introduce Ph.D. students, postdocs, and young researchers, both in mathematics and physics, to this topic.
Courses will be conducted at Ph.D. level by world-leading experts.
Moreover, students will have the opportunity to give 20 minutes talks presenting their research on themes related to the main topics of the courses.
Informal discussions will be strongly encouraged, and specific time slots (short talks) will be reserved for this important part of the school.
The school is mainly dedicated to PhD students, postdocs and young researchers, but interaction with and among professors will be also encouraged.
1.6. IV Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-07
Location: Moscow, Russia
Additional Information: https://pirt.bmstu.ru/en/international-school/
Contact: dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru
The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, is arranging the 4th Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics ISGCA-2023 for students, post-graduates and young scientists. The School will be held in the Educational and Laboratory Building of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on July 3-7, 2023.
The School is chaired by the President of the Russian Gravity Society, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Aleksey Starobinskiy (chair), and the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Vladimir Gladyshev (co-chair).
The main goals of the School are to discuss modern accomplishments in studying the Universe, tackle the main problems, share ideas and methods of research in the theory of gravity and cosmology. The School will become an event where prominent researchers from different countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on gravity, cosmology and astrophysics.
The School will welcome both in-person and virtual participants and provide simultaneous interpreting for foreign guests. Each ISGCA-2023 participant will receive an international certificate.
The School will host world-famous scientists from many countries, students from Bauman Moscow State Technical University and from other leading Russian and world universities.
If you wish to attend the ISGCA-2023, you are invited to register on the School website.
1.7. Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, London, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-11-10 to 2023-11-12
Location: London, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.beyondspacetime.net
Contact: huggett[AT]uic.edu
The Beyond Spacetime project and the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, invite proposals to speak at the upcoming conference Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, on the philosophy of quantum gravity and cosmology, to be held 10-12 November 2023 at Western University. Selected speakers will have accommodation and most meals provided.
We are planning for 10 speakers - a mix of philosophers and physicists - with commentators, over two and a half days (finishing at lunch on the 12th, to allow return travel that evening). The meeting will be capped at 30 people to encourage interaction.
The following have accepted invitations to speak:
* Feraz Azhar (Notre Dame)
* Jamee Elder (BHI/Harvard)
* Laurent Freidel (Perimeter)
* Sean Gryb (Groningen)
* Katie Mack (Perimeter)
* Lee Smolin (Perimeter)
We are open to any topics exploring philosophical aspects of quantum gravity and cosmology. We hope to foster new directions and new collaborations in the field.
Please submit a title, abstract, and CV to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coqubes23 by June 30th, 2023.
The conference website can be found on http://www.beyondspacetime.net.
The organizing committee:
Nick Huggett (UIC)
Chris Smeenk (Western)
Francesca Vidotto (Western)
Christian Wuethrich (Geneva)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-30
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de
Contact: tpi-bewerbungen[AT]uni-jena.de
The numerical relativity group at the University of Jena anticipates the availability of up to three PhD positions in September 2023.
The positions are associated with the research group of Prof. Bernd Bruegmann at the TPI Jena. There is the opportunity to participate in a wide range of research activities in the area of general relativity and related fields. Applicants with a background in numerical relativity, gravitational wave science, or associated computational and mathematical methods are especially encouraged to apply.
Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of three potential referees, who may be contacted separately. To qualify for the position, applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in Physics or related fields.
Applications should be received no later than June 30, 2023, but applications will be considered until the position is filled. In a situation where two candidates have otherwise equal qualifications, preference will be given to handicapped applicants.
Please send applications to (preferably via email and as a single PDF document):
Katrin Kanter
Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena
2.2. Postdoc in ML/GWDA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-08-31
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: www.sissa.it
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for one postdoctoral position in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in January 2024.
The position is part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI).
We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply.
We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.
SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/) as well as many other national and international institutions.
Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and a statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the positions are filled.
For inquiries and applications, please contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it) or Enrico Barausse (barausse[AT]sissa.it) directly
2.3. One-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-09
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: http://www.fc.ul.pt/pt/concursos
Contact: nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt
The Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco (IA) welcomes applications to the international call (reference no. 4289) for the recruitment of a postdoctoral fellow with a PhD degree, within the scope of the project BEYLA: BEYond LAmbda (Ref. PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021), with P.I. Dr. Noemi Frusciante. The fellowship is expected to start before the end of 2023 and will have a duration of up to 1 year until the closure of the BEYLA Project. The work place will be in Lisbon and the candidate will work in collaboration with Noemi Frusciante.
Portuguese nationals, foreign and stateless persons may submit applications to this selection procedure, provided they hold a doctoral degree in Physics or Astrophysics (or similar areas) (foreign degree needs a Portuguese recognition by the time of signing the fellowship, please check the eligibility criteria at DGES webpage.
Candidates should have specialised skills and/or expertise in the field of Cosmology, and fully comply with the following requirements:
a) Demonstrated previous scientific experience in modified theories of gravity;
b) Demonstrated scientific experience in one or more of these areas: tests of gravity; parameter estimation, forecasts, modeling of the non-linear regime to probe smaller scales, gravitational waves;
c) Numerical skills in building the appropriate numerical tools.
Applications can be sent to nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt and they have to include the following documents:
i. CV;
ii. A motivation letter (max 2 pages);
iii. Up to five publications relevant for the objectives of the Work Plan (published in the last 5 years);
iv. Certificate of completion of previous degree
v. Two reference letters
2.4. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-18
Location: Cracow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/153462722/Information+on+se…
Contact: ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for the position of an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the research and teaching staff member group for the period of 33 months starting October 1, 2023 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The candidates must hold the PhD degree in theoretical physics. We expect from the candidates: strong interest in research, significant research achievements confirmed by a good publication record, ability to carry out independent research and experience in teaching work. International research experience, participation and leading positions in research grants will be advantageous.
The successful candidates will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to their research interests, carry out research in theoretical physics, and take part in teaching activities in Polish and/or English at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found under the provided url or it may be obtained upon request to ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 18, 2023, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by July 14, 2023.
2.5. Postdoctoral researcher position in gravitational-wave physics, Palma, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-30
Location: Palma, Spain
Additional Information: http://grg.uib.es/
Contact: david.keitel[AT]uib.es
The gravitational physics group at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) in Palma, Spain, is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join and extend our efforts in gravitational-wave data analysis. They will work primarily with Dr. David Keitel towards the first detection and scientific exploitation of one or both of the following: (i) gravitationally lensed GWs from compact binaries, (ii) continuous waves and long-duration transients from spinning neutron stars.
The exact research projects are open to discussion based on the applicant's background and interests. Focus should be on short- and mid-term activities with data from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detectors, but can also include applications to future detectors such as LISA and the Einstein Telescope. Previous experience in practical GW data analysis is preferable, though candidates from related research areas with strong backgrounds in scientific computing and programming, Bayesian inference and/or machine learning, and source modelling are also highly welcome to apply.
The starting day for the contract can be negotiated, but ideally would be between October 2023 and January 2024. The initial appointment will be for 1.5 years, with possible extension subject on satisfactory performance and funding availability.
The GRAVITY research group at UIB is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope collaboration, and the LISA consortium. The group also includes two senior LSC members (group PI Prof. Alicia Sintes and Prof. Sascha Husa), relativity expert Prof. Jaume Carot, and currently 8 postdocs, 7 PhD students, and 5 master students active in waveform modelling, numerical relativity and GW data analysis areas including parameter estimation, tests of GR, lensing, cosmology, and continuous waves. There are also several more experts on relativity in the physics department at UIB, and interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities within the IAC3 institute. The usual language of scientific work in the group is English. Computing is carried out using an in-house high-performance computer cluster, and external resources such as the Mare Nostrum supercomputer or the LIGO data grid. For further details, see: http://grg.uib.es
Applications should be submitted by 2023-06-30 for full consideration, but may still be considered until end of July or until the position is filled. Candidates should hold a PhD, or expect to have it defended by the start of the appointment. Please send a cover letter, 2-page research statement, CV, and either PhD certificate or indication of expected defense date to: david.keitel[at]uib.es Remote interviews may be conducted if required. For questions on the scientific scope of the position or the application procedure, please contact David Keitel in advance of submitting an application.
2.6. Tenure track position in multimessenger astrophysics, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-10-15
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24931
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics and Astrophysics and Cosmology groups at the "Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati" (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, invite expressions of interest for a faculty position from outstanding candidates with a strong research record in multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics, including gravitational waves, neutrinos, gamma rays, galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays, electromagnetic waves, as well as related plasma processes. The appointment procedure will be activated at the assistant professor, tenure-track, level.
The successful candidate is expected to work as an independent principal investigator, promoting and leading research activities to complement the current expertise of the present SISSA groups, as well as to attract external funds, take an active part in the SISSA PhD teaching programme, and supervise graduate students (selected on a competitive basis and funded by bursaries provided by SISSA). Expressions of interest should be sent (in English and via Academic Jobs Online only) preferably by Oct 15, 2023. They should include:
1. Curriculum Vitae and the names of at least three referees.
2. Description of current research interests.
3. List of ten publications of greatest interest for the selection.
The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) is a leading research and training institution (PhD School) located in Trieste, Italy. The campus is in a green area on the hills close to Trieste and is efficiently connected to the city by public transport. SISSA offers to its community top tier research facilities (e.g. High Performance Computing facilities) and services (canteen and kindergarten services located on site). The Physics Area at SISSA has connections with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the National Council for Research (CNR). SISSA is also a founding member of several research Institutes such as IFPU, IGAP and TQT. More information on research in Physics at SISSA can be found at www.sissa.it.
Applications should be submitted by October 15, 2023, but the position will remain open until it is filled.
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Grant Call
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://blaumannfoundation.org
The Blaumann Foundation offers research grants of amounts between 1,000 and 30,000 EUR for fundamentals of physics projects, which fall within the general themes of interest of the foundation: Nature of time, nature of space, nature of observers, conceptual structure to understand extreme phenomena of the universe, fundamental questions of complexity and emergence. See Blaumann scientific objectives for a precise delimitation of the research times taken into consideration.
Examples of funded activities are
- Periods of study and stay in research centres. Invitations for collaborations with research groups.
- Scholarships, lasting up to one year for research periods on topics of specific interest to the foundation.
- Partial contribution for postdoctoral scholarships and PhD scholarships.
- Financial support for workshops, physics schools, conferences.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for attending meetings, schools or conferences.
- Any other specific or complementary study or research activity deemed useful for the achievement of the purposes of the foundation itself.
The selection of projects will take place at the end of June 2023. The Foundation allocates a total of 40.000 EUR for this selection. The selection will give priority to the relevance of the projects with the objectives of the foundation and to their scientific quality. Projects requiring smaller amounts are taken into consideration as a priority.
The questions, written in English or in Italian, can be sent via email and in a single pdf file, to the address below, by 15 June 2023. The questions must contain a detailed reason that clarifies in particular the relevance of the project for the Foundation's objectives, a CV of the proposer, and a budget scheme, if appropriate.
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2023
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2023.
1. $4,000 - Equivalence principle, de-Sitter space, and cosmological twistors by Maciej Dunajski, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.; email: M.Dunajski[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
2. $700 - Emergence of Quantum Field Theory in Causal Diamonds by Tom Banks, NHETC and Department of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019; email: tibanks[AT]ucsc.edu
3. $600 - The universality of black hole thermodynamics by Samir D. Mathur and Madhur Mehta, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; email: mathur.16[AT]osu.edu, mehta.493[AT]osu.edu
4. $500 - Black holes that are too cold to respect cosmic censorship by Shahar Hod, The Ruppin Academic Center, Emeq Hefer 40250, Israel and The Hadassah Institute, Jerusalem 91010, Israel; email: shaharhod[AT]gmail.com
5. $400 - What are neutron stars made of? Gravitational waves may reveal the answer by Neil Lu, Susan M. Scott, and Karl Wette, Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav); email: Neil.Lu[AT]anu.edu.au, Susan.Scott[AT]anu.edu.au, Karl.Wette[AT]anu.edu.au
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order): Akindele Adekugbe-Joseph; Emily Adlam; Shraddha Agrawal; Ahmed Farag Ali and Nader Inan; Ana Alonso-Serrano and Marek Liska; Sudarshan Ananth and Sucheta Majumdar; Julio Arrechea and Carlos Barcelo; Tjarda C. N. Boekholt, Simon F. Portegies Zwart, and Douglas C. Heggie; Jens Boos; Suddhasattwa Brahma and Abhinove Nagarajan Seenivasan; John Bruce Davies; L.H.A. de Lange; Mir Faizal; Arthur E. Fischer; Joshua Foo, Robert B. Mann, and Magdalena Zych; Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Robert G. Leigh, and Djordje Minic; Rene' Friedrich; Daniele Funaro; Abhishek Goswami; Johan Hansson; Gustavo O. Heymans, Gastao Krein, and Nami F. Svaiter; Vu B Ho; Jose' Luis Jaramillo, Badri Krishnan, and Carlos F. Sopuerta; Vaibhav Kalvakota; Bernard S. Kay; Arno Keppens; R. A. Konoplya; Dawood Kothawala; Musfar Muhamed Kozhikkal and Shafeeq Rahman Thottoli; Ashu Kushwaha, Sunil Malik, and S. Shankaranarayanan;
Carlos O. Lousto and James Healy; Morgan Henry Lynch; Tyler McMaken; Sebastian Murk; Hoang Ky Nguyen; Jonathan Oppenheim; Geovanny A. Rave-Franco and Celia Escamilla-Rivera; Fil Simovic; Javad Tabatabaei, Abdolali Banihashemi, Shant Baghram, and Bahram Mashhoon; Asher Yahalom.
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays are posted on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays are also posted on our website and will be published in the October 2023 SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD).
3.3. Conference of the foundations of spacetime physics, Varna, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://minkowskiinstitute.org/meetings/2023/
The Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics will be held in the famous Black Sea resort "Albena" (near Varna, Bulgaria) from 11 to 14 September 2023:
It will commemorate the 115th anniversary of Minkowski's 1908 world-view-changing lecture "Space and Time," which presented the novel ideas of the spacetime structure of the world and the four-dimensional physics of spacetime. In addition to technical papers on spacetime physics, papers on closely related topics, including on conceptual issues of spacetime physics, will be also welcome.
If relevant abstracts are submitted, there will be a special session on how Hermann Minkowski, had he been alive in 1915, might have reformulated Einstein's general relativity: whether gravitational phenomena can be fully accounted for by the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime without the need to assume that gravitation is a physical interaction; in 1921 Eddington mentioned this possibility explicitly - "gravitation as a separate agency becomes unnecessary" (A. S. Eddington, The Relativity of Time, Nature 106, 802-804, 17 February 1921).
Contributed papers in the form of extended abstracts of up to two pages should be emailed to minkowski2023[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org by June 15, 2023. Submissions will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by June 30, 2023.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University)
Valeria Ferrari (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
David Garfinkle (Okland University)
Robert Geroch (University of Chicago)
James Isenberg (University of Oregon)
Claus Kiefer (University of Cologne)
Vesselin Petkov (Minkowski Institute, Montreal)
Carlo Rovelli (Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy)
Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College London, University of London)
Nick Woodhouse (University of Oxford, Clay Mathematics Institute)
3.4. The Twenty-Sixth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2023_05_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twenty-sixth release (code name "Karl Schwarzschild") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community-developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The major changes in this release include:
* kuibit 1.4.0, which, in addition to bug fixes, improves support for working with horizon data, timer data, and higher rank objects (See release notes for more details).
Two new arrangements and thorns have been added:
* The FUKA reader for numerical relativity initial data
* TwoPunctures_BBHSF for binary black hole with scalar fields initial data
New capabilities for existing codes:
* Baikal and BaikalVacuum have been updated to have READ/WRITE declarations for automated ghost zone synchronization. Several variable groups (such as RHS variables) are also no longer included in checkpoint/restart operations.
* particle_tracerET can now output the particles' four-velocity (contravariant and covariant); added support for binary output format; removed limit on the number of tracer particles
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in November 2022 have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model, and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve staff and faculty from five different institutions and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org, or contact the users mailing list users[AT]einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157/2004044/2004311/2004879/2003893 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
The "Schwarzschild" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2023-05-24)
Leonardo Werneck, Samuel Cupp, Beyhan Karakas, Bing-Jyun Tsao, Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Jake Doherty, Konrad Topolski, Peter Diener, Roland Haas, Steven R. Brandt, Terrence Pierre Jacques, Thiago Assumpcao, Giuseppe Ficarra, Samuel Tootle, Zachariah Etienne

02 May '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. The 9th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Krakow, Poland
1.2. The 32nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
1.3. Multi-messenger Continuous Gravitational Waves, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1.4. 2024 Waco Eclipse International Astrophysics Conference, Waco, TX, USA
1.5. School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Warsaw/Checiny, Poland
1.6. New trends in conformal theory from probability to gravity, Okinawa, Japan
1.7. MICRA2023 at ECT*, Trento, Italy
1.8. Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting 2023, Bilbao, Spain
1.9. 2023 North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop, Rochester, NY, USA
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral Positions in Astrophysics, Kyoto, Japan
2.2. MSCA postdoctoral fellowship in Quantum Gravity, Odense, Denmark
2.3. 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
2.4. Postdoctoral Research Associate(s)/Fellow(s), Nottingham, UK
2.5. Nominations sought for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
2.6. Two 4-year PhD positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
2.7. Professorship for Computational Astrophysics, Tuebingen, Germany
2.8. PhD position in Mathematical Relativity, Hamburg, Germany
3. News
3.1. MTW at 50 (online)
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Searches for continuous-wave gravitational radiation"
1. Conferences
1.1. The 9th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-18 to 2023-09-22
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://potor2023.confer.uj.edu.pl/
Contact: jakub.gizbert-studnicki[AT]uj.edu.pl
The conference of the Polish Society on Relativity aims to bring Polish and foreign relativists together to exchange ideas on a broad range of subjects related to General Relativity.
This year's conference is the ninth in a series of conferences on classical and quantum theory of gravity organized by the Polish Society on Relativity. The conference will be held at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The talks cover a wide range of topics: mathematical and numerical relativity, relativistic cosmology and the early universe, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational waves, black holes, and quantum models of gravity.
Conferences of the Polish Society on Relativity have an international character but at the same time they bring together the Polish scientific community working in the field of gravitational physics.
1.2. The 32nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-12-11 to 2023-12-15
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://texasinshanghai.org
Contact: texasinshanghai[AT]sjtu.edu.cn
Since 1963, the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics has been one of the most important international conferences in astronomy and physics. Traditionally, it moves around the globe and takes place in different cities every two years.
The 32nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics will take place in Shanghai, China, from December 11 to 15,2023. It will be hosted by Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Shanghai, situated on the estuary of Yangtze River, serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, and cultural center in East China. It is also a popular destination for travelers seeking to experience the country's dynamic development. In addition to its modernization, the city's multicultural flair endows it with a unique charm. New skyscrapers and old Shikumen together draw the skyline of the city. Western customs and Chinese traditions intertwine, making any visit to Shanghai a memorable experience.
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI), initiated by Tsung-Dao Lee, a prominent Chinese-American physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics, was established in 2016 with strong support from various Chinese government agencies. The goal of TDLI is to develop into a top-level physics-astronomy research institute in the world and to boost research and develop talents in basic sciences in China. Professor Frank Wilczek was the founding director, and Professor Jie Zhang is the current director.
The symposium will cover all major topics on high-energy and particle astrophysics, cosmology, and relativity. It will include morning plenary sessions and afternoon parallel sessions which will function as mini-symposia in each sub-field. The plenary sessions will consist of 30-45 min review talks. The afternoon sessions will feature oral talks (about 20-30 min) and poster contributions.
We look forward to welcoming hundreds of international astronomers and physicists to Shanghai in December 2023!
To stay informed about the meeting details and future announcements, please pre-register by providing your name and email.
1.3. Multi-messenger Continuous Gravitational Waves, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-11 to 2023-07-13
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://indico.nikhef.nl/event/4375/
Contact: amiller[AT]nikhef.nl
The first Multi-Messenger Continuous Gravitational-Wave Workshop will be held from 11-13 July 2023 at Nikhef/ University of Amsterdam.
The first aim of this workshop is to bring together people inside and outside the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA collaborations working on anything related to continuous gravitational waves, and to facilitate connections with astronomers that provide the necessary electromagnetic observations that enable us to search for continuous waves.
The second aim of this workshop is to create a tutorials about how continuous-wave data analysis is done that will be accessible to anyone interested in getting involved in searches for continuous waves, as well as to broaden the understanding even amongst continuous-wave scientists about how these searches actually work.
We welcome abstracts from the community, and especially for early career scientists, for whom we hope to be able to provide some registration fee waivers. If you would like to request this support, please indicate so upon registering.
Invited Speakers:
Joseph Bayley (University of Glasgow)
David Keitel (University of the Balearic Islands)
Andrzej Krolak (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Ansel Neunzert (Caltech)
Ornella Piccinni (IFAE Barcelona) (TBC)
Andrea Possenti (INAF, Cagliari) (TBC)
Danny Steeghs (University of Warkwick) (TBC)
We look forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam!
LOC: Andrew Miller, Chris van der Broek, Andreas Freise
SOC: Andrew Miller, Cristiano Palomba
1.4. 2024 Waco Eclipse International Astrophysics Conference, Waco, TX, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-04-04 to 2024-04-08
Location: Waco, Texas, USA
Additional Information: https://www.baylor.edu/physics/index.php?id=987944
Contact: Gerald_Cleaver[AT]baylor.edu
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will take place in the US, and Waco is very close to the center of the path of totality. This event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to promote science in fields related to astrophysics.
With its easy accessibility and historically excellent weather in April, we are delighted to announce the 2024 Waco Eclipse International Astrophysics Conference to be held April 4-8, 2024, at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA.
The conference will consist of a three-day (April 5-7) scientific meeting and one day devoted to public outreach and observation of the eclipse (April 8). The conference will address topics such as observations of the solar eclipse, the sun as a probe for stellar evolution and exoplanet sciences, and applications to space plasma, dark matter, dark energy, galaxy survey, and other related topics.
1.5. School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Warsaw/Checiny, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-24 to 2023-08-04
Location: Warsaw and Checiny, Poland
Additional Information: https://indico2.fuw.edu.pl/event/5/
Contact: Adam.Szereszewski[AT]fuw.edu.pl
The first edition of the summer School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology will be held from 24th of July to 4th of August 2023. The School is organized by the University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University and the Polish Society on Relativity. It is dedicated to PhD students and young academic employee conducting research in general relativity.
The summer school will be divided into two parts: the first will be held at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw from July 24-29, and the second at the European Center for Geological Education in Checiny from July 31-August 4.
The lectures will be given by Abhay Ashtekar, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Rod Gover, Ruth Gregory, Piotr
Jaranowski, Adam Pound, Olivier Sarbach, Julian Adamek, Vladimir Karas, Mikolaj Korzynski and Patryk Mach.
Organising Committee: Lars Andersson, Bartlomiej Bak, Piotr Chrusciel, Jerzy Lewandowski, Patryk Mach, Adam Szereszewski, Sebastian Szybka.
1.6. New trends in conformal theory from probability to gravity, Okinawa, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-31 to 2023-08-04
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://groups.oist.jp/cftprgr
Contact: cftprgr[AT]oist.jp
OIST workshop 2023 "New trends of conformal theory from probability to gravity".
The study of conformal theory connects the theoretical physics and mathematics, which has been closely related to the representation theory of Lie group, algebraic geometry, topology and number theory.
Recently the random matrix models have been discussed for quantum chaos of the black hole entropy, through a universal spectral form factor. This probabilistic study of the random matrix model and random tensor model may reveal the cases of the central charge c greater than one. The rational CFT for central charge c is less than one, are well known as minimal models and as Schramm-Loewner evolution in the probability theory. The gravity coupled to matter fields may be related to exotic random geometries.
In this workshop, we focus a new relation between theoretical physics and mathematics: gravity and probability by new theoretical methods, such as conformal bootstrap methods and the studies of the eigenvalues of Calabi-Yau manifolds etc. Algebraic geometric structures like Thomson group and Moonshine will be also included for the study of complicated exotic geometries, which are related to CFT. The number theory related to p-adic group and modular form, and higher dimensional knots are topics of this workshop.
Invited speakers are:
Laurent Baulieu (LPTHE, Sorbonne Univ.)
Timothy Budd (Radboud Univ.)
Severin Charbonnier (Max Planck Inst. Bonn) (online)
Bertrand Duplantier (CEA Saclay)
Nina Holden (Courant Inst.) (online)
Motoko Kato (Ryukyu Univ.)
Makoto Katori (Chuo Univ.)
Shota Komatsu (CERN)
Wenliang Li (Sun Yat-Sen Univ.)
Takuya Murayama (Kyushu Univ.)
Eveliina Peltola (Aalto)
Kazuhiro Sakai (Meiji Gakuin)
Xiaobing Sheng (OIST)
Hidehiko Shimada (Yukawa Inst. Kyoto Univ.)
Hirohiko Shimada (Tsuyama College)
Noriko Yui (Queen's Univ.)
Yilin Wang (IHES)
Organisers: Nicolas Delporte, Shinobu Hikami, Reiko Toriumi
1.7. MICRA2023 at ECT*, Trento, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-15
Location: Trento, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.ectstar.eu/workshops/micra2023-microphysics-in-computational-re…
Contact: evan.oconnor[AT]astro.su.se
We are pleased to announce the 7th instalment of Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics, MICRA 2023. MICRA 2023 will take place at ECT* in Trento, Italy in September (11-15), 2023.
MICRA is a workshop focused on improving, discussing, and addressing the microphysics needs of relativistic simulations of astrophysical systems, such as core-collapse supernovae, compact object mergers, and gamma-ray bursts, by bringing together nuclear and neutrino theorists and experimentalists, astrophysicists and computational modelers. This is particularly timely in the current era of multi-messenger astrophysics.
Invited and confirmed speakers include:
Haakon Andresen (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Kai Hebeler (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Gail McLaughlin (North Carolina State University, USA)
Bronson Messer (Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
Jonah Miller (Los Alamos National Lab, USA)
Hiroki Nagakura (NAOJ, Japan)
Micaela Oertel (Observatoire de Paris, France)
David Radice (Penn State University, USA)
Stephan Rosswog (Hamburg University, Germany)
Daniel Siegel (University of Greifswald, Germany)
Andrew Steiner (Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
Rebecca Surman (Notre Dame University, USA)
In addition to local support, there is also some support for travel. If needed and applicable (see registration on associated link), please apply by May 31, 2023.
Hope to see you in Trento!
Carla Frohlich, Evan O'Connor, and Albino Perego; MICRA2023 Organisers
1.8. Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting 2023, Bilbao, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Bilbao, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.erep2023.eu/
Contact: erep[AT]ehu.es
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the coming Spanish and Portuguese Relativity meeting that will take place in Bilbao from 17th till 21st of July of this year.
These Relativity meetings date from 1977 and they are organized on an annual basis by one of the different groups doing research on Relativity and Gravitation in Portugal or Spain. The 2023 meeting will be hosted by the gravity and cosmology group of the University of the Basque Country.
Organizing Committee: M. Bouhmadi-Lopez (Chairwoman), R. Lazkoz (Co-chairwoman), T. Broadhurst, J. Lizarraga, A. Lopez Eiguren, J. Urrestilla, C. Garcia, P. Morilla and A. Urio.
Scientific Committee: M. Bastero Gil, S. Capozziello, V. Cardoso, P. Martin-Moruno, O. Mena, J. P. Mimoso, G. Olmo, P. Vargas Moniz
Email Contact: erep[AT]ehu.es
Important Dates
31st March 2023: First Announcement; Registration Open.
31st May 2023: Deadline for Abstract Submission.
15th June 2023: Deadline for registration ( 220 euros (190 for SEGRE members) participation fee.)
17th July 2023: Beginning of EREP 2023.
21st July 2023: End of EREP 2023.
Plenary Speakers:
Ana Achucarro* (Universiteit Leiden)
Fernando Barbero (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia (CSIC, Madrid))
Belen Barreiro (Universidad de Cantabria)
Jose Maria Diego (Universidad de Cantabria)
Eleonora Di Valentino (University of Sheffield)
Aleksandr Yu. Kamenshchik (Universita' di Bologna)
Claus Kiefer (Universitaet zu Koeln)
Tomi Koivisto (Tartu Ulikool)
Jutta Kunz (Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg)
Paolo Pani (Sapienza Universita' di Roma)
Agnieszka Pollo (Universitet Jagiellonski w Krakowie)
For all details, please visit: https://www.erep2023.eu/
Please feel free to forward this announcement to any colleague who might be interested.
Yours sincerely,
Mariam Bouhmadi-Lepez and Ruth Lazkoz (on behalf of the organising committee)
1.9. 2023 North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop, Rochester, NY, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: https://compact-binaries.org/content/events/2023-07-17/north-american-einst…
Contact: yrzsma[AT]rit.edu
The 2023 North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop will be held at the Rochester Institute of Technology on July 17 through July 21. This will be a hybrid conference with talks and participants both in-person and over zoom.
The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics. The conference consist of a mixture of tutorials for new users and talks about the latest developments both in the toolkit and the larger scientific community.
Registration is now open and remain open until June 17, 2023.
As part of the registration process, potential attendees can apply for partial travel support. In order to be eligible, applications must be received prior to June 1. Notification of partial travel support will be made by June 8.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral Positions in Astrophysics, Kyoto, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-31
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Additional Information: https://www.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/news/n395?lang=en-GB
Contact: mm2023[AT]yukawa.koyto-u.ac.jp
Postdoctoral Positions based on Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "The creation of multi-messenger astrophysics -- The unified picture of the dynamical universe driven by births of black holes" (PI: Shigeru Yoshida), Research Group C02 "Multimessenger counterparts to gravitational waves based on relativistic numerical calculations" (PI: Masaru Shibata)
(Deadline: NLT 11:59 pm JST, on May 31st, 2023)
Job title: Program-specific researcher
The title of "Research Assistant Professor" may be granted depending on the qualification.
Number of available positions: Two positions
Qualification: The candidate must hold a doctoral degree by the time of appointment
Job description: This position is funded by JSPS KAKENHI "Multimessenger counterparts to gravitational waves based on relativistic numerical calculations" (PI: Masaru Shibata). The successful candidate is expected to work with PI and other members (Kunihito Ioka, Yu-ichiro Sekiguchi, Kenta Hotokezaka, Kyohei Kawaguchi) on this project.
Job location: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.
Long-term dispatch is possible to RESCEU, University of Tokyo and AEI, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics at Potsdam.
Expected start date: As soon as possible after July 1st, 2023
Contract term: [1] The successful candidate is appointed to renewable one-year terms up to 31 March 2028.
[2] The successful candidate is appointed to renewable one-year terms up to 31 March 2026. There is a possibility of an extension.
Probation period: 6 months
Business hours: Discretionary labor system, based on 7 hours, 45 minutes (8:30Ð17:15 work schedule with a one-hour break) per day, 38 hours 45 minutes per week.
Days off: Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays, and the University Foundation Day.
Salary: Determined by qualifications and experience (Annual salary).
A small amount of research grants is provided.
Allowance: Any allowance, such as commuting expenses, housing expenses, bonuses, etc. is not provided.
Social insurance: (1) National Public Service Mutual Aid Associations (2)Employee's pension insurance (3) Unemployment insurance (4) Worker's accident insurance
Application deadline: All materials must arrive by 11:59 p.m. (JST) on May 31st, 2023.
Selection process: Selection will be made based on the documents submitted. Selected candidates will be contacted for an interview as necessary.
Application documents: The candidate is required to submit the following documents (1) to (6) by email to mm2023{AT}yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp with the subject line "MM2023". The documents should be sent in a single PDF file in order of their numbers.
(1) Curriculum Vitae
(2) List of research publications (Please mark up to three main papers)
(3) Date of appointment
(4) Research statement
(5) Research plans
(6) Names and contact information of two reference persons
(7) Which position are you applying? ([1], [2], Either)
Contact: Kunihito Ioka
Email: mm2023[AT]yukawa.koyto-u.ac.jp
Notes: Personal information in the application documents will be used solely to screen applicants and never for other purposes.
The department is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications regardless of gender or disability. The university is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
The university prohibits on-campus smoking except in designated outdoor spaces to minimize secondhand smoke exposure.
2.2. MSCA postdoctoral fellowship in Quantum Gravity, Odense, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-15
Location: Odense, Denmark
Additional Information: https://www.sdu.dk/en/om_sdu/fakulteterne/naturvidenskab/samarbejde/ert/msc…
Contact: eichhorn[AT]cp3.sdu.dk
The Quantum Gravity group at SDU, Odense, Denmark, will support applicants for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship. There will be extensive support to develop a strong application.
The project should lie within the phenomenology of quantum gravity. It is a critical challenge to connect quantum gravity theories to observations. The aim of this project is to do and explore the imprints of quantum gravity in experimental data, most importantly in particle physics and in black holes.
The quantum-gravity group at CP3-Origins at SDU focuses on asymptotically safe quantum gravity, causal sets and tensor models and their phenomenology in particle physics (in and beyond the Standard Model) and in black holes (with a particular focus on black-hole images). We are looking to i) further develop and strengthen these existing focus areas and ii) expand the focus areas both in the candidate quantum gravity theories and in the phenomenology.
We are therefore looking for candidates to support for MSCA postdoctoral fellowships who bring relevant expertise in these areas and who are looking to join a dynamic and thriving research group with an open, supportive and motivating atmosphere.
After a preselection of applicants, extensive support in writing an MSCA application will be provided. More details about how to apply can be found at the link below.
2.3. 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-10
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://www.fuw.edu.pl/~cslin/
Contact: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl
Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology at the Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. The scholarship is funded by the SONATA BIS project "new physics in light of the primordial remnants from the early universe" (NCN, Poland), with stipend 4000 PLN/month for the first 2 years, and 5000 PLN/month (*) for the third and fourth year, upon a successful mid-term evaluation. The successful candidate is expected to start the PhD study on 1st October, 2023, and have the master degree by the time the appointment starts.
Our group (at the moment of publishing this advertisement) consists of 1 faculty member, 3 postdocs, 1 PhD student, and a long-term visitor (postdoc level). We have been working on various aspects of gravity and cosmology, including the physics of the early universe, modified gravity, dark energy problem, gravitational wave astronomy and so on. Recently our group has joined the LISA collaboration, one of the main research missions of the European Space Agency.
To receive full consideration, applicants should submit the following materials:
(1) CV
(2) Research statement, including past achievement and future research plan;
(3) at least 2 recommendation letters. The letters should be treated as confidential;
(4) transcripts;
(5) list of publications (if applicable);
All materials have to be sent directly to
(*) The stipend is subject to a small amount of the university's internal deduction.
Contact: Lin, Chunshan (chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl)
Letters of Reference should be sent to: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl
2.4. Postdoctoral Research Associate(s)/Fellow(s), Nottingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-24
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.nottingham.ac.uk/SCI131923
Contact: Silke.Weinfurtner[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
We are providing an exciting opportunity for three researchers to join our efforts to carry out analogue quantum simulations to investigate processes related to black holes, the early Universe and relativistic vacuum utilising superfluid-optomechanics systems.
We are looking for a researcher in the field of theoretical or experimental physics. For the desired theoretical modelling we are looking for someone with a background in black holes or cosmology or non-equilibrium quantum systems or analogue gravity or quantum field theory in curved spacetimes or quantum information sciences. For handling the experimental systems, we are looking for someone with experience in (quantum) optics or interferometry or ultra-low temperature systems (e.g. thin-film superfluid helium films, or superfluid-optomechanics, or quantum turbulence) or ultra-cold atoms or gravitational wave instrumentation.
The central aim of the project is to carry out and/or provide high-level modelling for a novel quantum simulator based on ultra-low temperature systems equipped with interferometric quantum-sensitive measurement schemes.
The successful candidates will be joining Prof. Silke Weinfurtner's research group (gravitylaboratory.com) This project is funded through the Leverhulme Research Leadership Award (RL-20190-020), and will benefit from a UK wide initiative on Quantum Simulators for Fundamental Physics (qsimfp.org) QSimFP supports 27 researchers from 7 UK research organisations in the UK, supported by 5 International Partners in Austria, Canada and Germany.
You will be able to carry out duties to the highest standard and to evidence how through your experience you will:
Undertake original research of international excellence.
Develop research objectives for your own and/or collaborative research area.
Prepare papers for publication in leading journals and/or contribute to the dissemination at national/international conferences, workshops and meetings resulting in successful research outputs.
We are looking for a confident, organised researcher who can evidence:
PhD in experimental or theoretical physics or in a related field OR near to completion of a PhD.
Undergraduate degree in Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, or related discipline.
Expert knowledge of either high-level modelling and/or experimentation with
analogue gravity (or related fields), optical, ultra-low temperature or ultra-cold atoms systems.
The ability to work independently and as part of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team.
There are 3 fixed term positions available. All 3 positions are full-time and available from 1 October 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter) for the duration of:
Position 1: 12 months
Position 2: 24 months
Position 3: 29 months
There is some flexibility in terms of the starting dates, but all positions must end by the 31 March 2026, or by 29 months.
Requests for secondment from internal candidates may be considered on the basis that prior agreement has been sought from both your current line manager and the manager of your substantive post, if you are already undertaking a secondment role.
The University of Nottingham is committed to creating opportunities for people traditionally under-represented in the Faculty of Sciences and strives to maintain an environment where people can be their authentic selves.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Silke Weinfurtner, email Silke.Weinfurtner(a)nottingham.ac.uk. Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.
Our University is a supportive, inclusive, caring and positive community. We warmly welcome those of different cultures, ethnicities and beliefs - indeed this very diversity is vital to our success, it is fundamental to our values and enriches life on campus. We welcome applications from UK, Europe and from across the globe. For more information on the support we offer our international colleagues, see our Moving to Nottingham pages.
For successful international applicants, we provide financial support for your visa and the immigration health surcharge, plus an interest-free loan to help cover the cost of immigration-related expenses for any dependants accompanying you to the UK. For more information please see the our webpage on Financial support for visas and the immigration health surcharge.
2.5. Nominations sought for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-08-31
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/opening-for-a-director
Contact: director-search-potsdam[AT]aei.mpg.de
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) has an opening for a director and scientific member of the Max Planck Society in one of the following areas: quantum gravity, theoretical cosmology in the era of big data, early universe astrophysics and cosmology. We expect the new director to bring new expertise to the AEI, and create a department that spans research areas that complement the existing ones at the AEI in Potsdam and Hannover. The new director will be based at the AEI in Potsdam.
Max Planck Directors are international leaders in their respective field, pursue an ambitious research agenda within their groups, and lead the institute jointly with their director colleagues. Directors enjoy academic freedom and benefit from a diverse, international, excellent research environment, outstanding infrastructure, and long-term scientific funding.
The Max Planck Society seeks to achieve gender equality and diversity and is particularly interested in appointing excellent woman scientists.
Please send nominations of suitable candidates, including rising stars, to director-search-potsdam[AT]aei.mpg.de. Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominations must include a short description (1 page) of the nominee's background and most significant scientific accomplishments. All nominations will be treated confidentially.
2.6. Two 4-year PhD positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-05
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: https://innova.gva.es/es/web/ciencia/convocatories_2023/a-programa-i-d-i/-/…
Contact: j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es
The Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the University of Valencia (Spain) invites applications for two 4-year PhD positions in the areas of Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics. The focus of the research will be on numerical-relativity simulations of binary neutron star mergers, exotic compact objects and fundamental fields, along with gravitational-wave modelling, searches and data analysis. The group comprises faculty members Pablo Cerda-Duran, Isabel Cordero-Carrion, Jose Antonio Font and Alejandro Torres-Forne, non-tenured faculty members Milton Ruiz and Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, postdoc Raimon Luna, and eight PhD students. The group is part of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope Collaboration and of the LISA Consortium. We are seeking highly motivated candidates interested in developing tools and algorithms to characterize gravitational-wave sources based on current observations as well as in improving numerical techniques to perform
accurate long-term simulations involving compact objects, such as black holes, neutron stars, boson stars and other exotic compact objects, to tackle challenging open issues in theoretical astrophysics, numerical relativity and fundamental physics.
These positions are open to candidates holding a bachelor degree in physics issued by a non-European Union University or institution. Eligible candidates must have obtained their degree after January 1st 2018. The successful candidates are expected to start their PhD on September 16, 2023, and have the master degree by the time the appointment starts.
Applicants should send a CV, a brief statement of research interests, and academic transcripts, before May 5th 2023, to Toni Font (j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es) and Milton Ruiz (milton.ruiz[AT]uv.es). Please also include the contact details of two potential referees. We aim to fill the positions as soon as possible.
The University of Valencia is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion encouraging applications from women and/or other underrepresented groups.
Toni Font and Milton Ruiz
2.7. Professorship for Computational Astrophysics, Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-09
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/university/job-advertisements/newsfullview-job-…
Contact: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
Professorship (W3) for Computational Astrophysics (m/f/d) Faculty of Science, Institute for Astronomy und Astrophysics
The Faculty of Science of the University of Tuebingen invites applications for a Professorship (W3) for Computational Astrophysics (m/f/d) at the Department of Physics at the Institute for Astronomy und Astrophysics.
The position is expected to be filled as soon as possible.
The professorship is framed within the research and teaching activities of the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Tuebingen, and the Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics. In particular, the position is part of a near-term development strategy to strengthen research on the 'relativistic universe'. The latter is a broad topic ranging from gravitational waves and gravity, to compact object physics, to relativistic particle production in extreme astrophysical environments, to studies of relativistic cosmology.
The successful candidate is expected to build a vibrant and diverse research group in Computational Astrophysics, including using innovative Machine Learning techniques.
The candidate is also expected to develop interdisciplinary cooperation with the existing working groups of the Kepler Center and the Physics Department. Current research at the Kepler Center includes general relativity and gravitational wave sources, compact objects, multi-wavelength astronomy and stellar physics, experimental high-energy astrophysics, UV astronomy detector development, experimental astroparticle physics, dark matter, theoretical hadron and particle physics, neutrino physics and astronomy.
An outstanding, internationally visible research profile and substantial acquisition of competitive external funding are expected. Participation in large international research collaborations and a robust professional network are viewed favorably.
In teaching, the areas physics, astrophysics, and computational physics are to be covered in the bachelor's and master's degree program of physics, in the international master's degree program of astro and particle physics, and in the study programs for advanced teacher education. Participation in the academic self-administration of the university and in the committees of the Physics Department and the Faculty of Science is required.
Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent international degree and postdoctoral qualifications equivalent to the requirements for tenure. This includes evidence of teaching effectiveness.
The University of Tuebingen is committed to equal opportunity and diversity. To raise the number of women in research and teaching, we expressly urge qualified women to apply. In line with its internationalization agenda, the university welcomes applications from researchers outside Germany.
Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.
The German-language advertisement is the sole legally binding advertisement of this position.
Please submit your application via the application portal of the University of Tuebingen at https://berufungen.uni-tuebingen.de by June 9, 2023.
Enquiries may be directed to the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle, University of Tuebingen, Germany (career[AT]mnf.uni-tuebingen.de).
General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/213700
2.8. PhD position in Mathematical Relativity, Hamburg, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-25
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=e2bf9ff…
Contact: melanie.graf[AT]uni-hamburg.de
We are offering a position as a doctoral research associate at the department of Mathematics at the University of Hamburg, Germany, in the Geometry and Analysis group led by Prof. Melanie Graf, starting from October 01, 2023 or at a slightly earlier or later date to be negotiated by the successful candidate. The appointment is initially limited to 3 years. Depending on the successful applicant's experience and interests a suitable PhD thesis project at the cross-section of Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Relativity and within the existing core areas of expertise of the research group will be developed. Suggested starting points could be, but are certainly not limited to,
- further developing analytic approaches to low-regularity singularity theorems pursued in e.g. arXiv:1910.13915 or
- applying similar techniques as in arXiv:1910.13915 to study scalar curvature in the low-regularity Riemannian setting or
- joining a joint project with Eleni-Alexandra Kontou (King's College London) investigating singularity theorems based on worldvolume (null) energy conditions (cf. e.g. arXiv:2209.04347).
Doctoral research associates will be expected to participate in continuous scientific exchange with the other members of the research group and the Cluster of Excellence "Quantum Universe" and will become members of the Quantum Universe Research School (QURS), which provides academic and soft skills training, as well as career planning support. In addition, they will receive individual budgets to facilitate the attendance of summer schools and conferences, and to support other educational measures. Additional travel money for project-specific duties will be provided by the hosting research groups. Doctoral research associates may participate in the organization of the Cluster via an early career council. In accordance with the PhD Supervision rules at QURS, doctoral research associates will be advised by a local supervisor (Melanie Graf), a (possibly external) co-supervisor (e.g. Eleni-Alexandra Kontou) and a local mentor from another research area.
Teaching duties currently comprise 2 teaching hours per week. Teaching in English is possible.
- A university degree in a relevant field.
- Candidates should have a strong background in Analysis and Differential Geometry.
Prior experience in General Relativity is helpful but not necessary, while interest in learning concepts and techniques from Mathematical Relativity and in engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration is essential.
The deadline for applications is May 25th and applications with the usual documents (cover letter, CV, copies of degree certificates/transcripts of records) have to be done through the official job portal of the University of Hamburg (see link). Additionally one to two letters of reference should to be submitted directly to bewerbungen[at]uni-hamburg.de. Please do not hesitate to contact me at melanie.graf[at]uni-hamburg.de if you have any questions.
The Cluster of Excellence "Quantum Universe" performs research to understand mass and gravity at the interface between quantum physics and cosmology. The research team includes leading scientists from mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology at Universitaet Hamburg and DESY. As a University of Excellence, Universitaet Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, cooperative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg promotes equal opportunity. As women are currently underrepresented in this job category at Universitaet Hamburg according to the evaluation conducted under the Hamburg act on gender equality (Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz, HambGleiG), we encourage women to apply for this
position. Equally qualified and suitable female applicants will receive preference. Severely disabled and disabled applicants with the same status will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.
3. News
3.1. MTW at 50 (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information:
The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG) is organizing an online event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Misner, Thorne and Wheeler's "Gravitation" (or "MTW").
The meeting (hopefully the first in a series - stay tuned!) will be on May 3 at 8:30am Pacific Time = 11:30am Eastern US Time = 5:30pm Central European Time via zoom at the following link:
David Kaiser, who wrote the preface for the 2017 reprint of the book, will start off the meeting with an introduction. Both Charles Misner and Kip Thorne will participate. Kip will give a talk with the following title and abstract:
The Creation, Life, Death and Resurrection of MTW: A 50 Year Retrospective
In this talk I will describe
- The historical context (a renaissance of relativity on the heels of a moribund era) in which Misner, Wheeler and I wrote Gravitation (MTW), and our motivations.
- What each of us brought to our wonderful collaboration.
- How we conceived, created and crafted this weird but wildly successful tome.
- Our book's early reception and subsequent life.
- Its death in a sequence of publisher acquisitions and its 2017 resurrection.
To trigger discussion, I will offer my views on several issues:
- MTW's unusually vivid and enthusiastic writing style, and the mixed reception it received from our eminent colleagues - e.g. S. Chandrasekhar's "It is written with the zeal of a missionary preaching to cannibals... but I (probably for historical reasons) have always been allergic to missionaries."
- Its huge (for advanced physics texts of that era) ratio of words to equations. Why?
- Our many "gimmicks" (in the word of one reviewer) and whether they "work": Two tracks, boxes that often extend over several pages, framed and unframed marginal notes, Part epigraphs, nearly a dozen fonts, ....
- Our heavy emphasis on a geometric, as opposed to field-theoretic viewpoint, and Its contrast, for example, to Steven Weinberg's highly influential Gravitation and Cosmology.
- MTW's appeal to nonscientists, such as the Berkeley street people of the Viet Nam War era.
- MTW's influence on physics, astrophysics, and pedagogy over the decades.
- What accounts for MTW selling 25,000 copies since its resurrection in 2017 (44 to 50 years after publication)? How useful for physicists is MTW today?
The talk will be followed by a discussion / Q and A session.
We hope you will join and celebrate this important milestone for our field.
Emanuele Berti (on behalf of the ISGRG)
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Searches for continuous-wave gravitational radiation"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on 17 April 2023:
Riles, Keith.
Searches for continuous-wave gravitational radiation.
Living Rev Relativ 26, 3 (2023).
Now that detection of gravitational-wave signals from the coalescence of extra-galactic compact binary star mergers has become nearly routine, it is intriguing to consider other potential gravitational-wave signatures. Here we examine the prospects for discovery of continuous gravitational waves from fast-spinning neutron stars in our own galaxy and from more exotic sources. Potential continuous-wave sources are reviewed, search methodologies and results presented and prospects for imminent discovery discussed.

02 Apr '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. IAGRG School on Gravitation and Cosmology, Bengaluru, India
1.2. 6th Gravitational Wave Open Data workshop (online)
1.3. DArk Energy: from Fundamental Theories to Observations (and back), Frascati, Italy
1.4. Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach, Rijeka, Croatia
1.5. 18th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Pescara, Italy
1.6. PWF Latin America - Advanced Lectures on Theoretical Physics: General Relativity and Cosmology (online)
1.7. 1st Trieste meeting on the physics of gravitational waves, Trieste, Italy
1.8. Asymmetric Binaries meet Fundamental Astro-Physics, L'Aquila, Italy
1.9. Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2023, Tartu, Estonia
1.10. Workshop on gravity and quantum field theory, Montevideo, Uruguay
1.11. 1st Australia-New Zealand Student Conference on General Relativity (Online)
1.12. Gravity 2023: Dawn of field theoretic approach, Kyoto, Japan
1.13. Infinity on a Gridshell, Copenhagen, Denmark
1.14. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Trieste, Italy
1.15. Women in Mathematical Relativity (online)
2. Jobs
2.1. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
2.2. Assistant/Associate Professor position, Birmingham, UK
2.3. SISSA for Women in Physics, Trieste, Italy
2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astronomy, Milan, Italy
2.5. Lecturer in gravity, Southampton, UK
2.6. Scientific software developers in gravitational wave physics, Palma, Spain
2.7. Lecturers in Physics (Astronomy/Astrophysics) London, UK
2.8. Three postdoc positions in theoretical gravitational physics, Prague, Czechia
2.9. ERC-funded postdoc positions in Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
3. News
3.1. Invitation to join a research project on the very nature of gravitation
3.2. Living Reviews: Astrophysics with the LISA / Dynamical boson stars
3.3. Nominations for the 2023 Karl Schwarzschild Prize
3.4. Fifth Zeldovich meeting: third announcement
1. Conferences
1.1. IAGRG School on Gravitation and Cosmology, Bengaluru, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-10-09 to 2023-10-20
Location: Bengaluru, India
Additional Information: https://www.icts.res.in/program/IAGRG
Contact: iagrg[AT]icts.res.in
We are living in an exciting era of great discoveries in the field of gravitational physics and cosmology. The detection of gravitational waves by LIGO in 2016 has led to an enormous interest in various aspects of the physics of compact objects. The recent observation of the black hole shadow by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) also initiated diverse research programs. The primary emphasis of these works is twice folded; first, to test the theory of general relativity at the strong-field regime, and second to find possible signatures of new physics.
The second Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) school on Gravitation and Cosmology aims to train young researchers in these emerging areas of Gravitational physics. The program is mostly intended for graduate students working (or starting to work) on gravitational physics, cosmology, and related areas. In this school, the emphasis would be on cutting-edge topics on the physics of compact objects, both theoretical and observational. We have chosen four contemporary topics to be taught by the leading experts. These topics are:
1. Wald's covariant phase space formalism by Prof. Sumanta Chakraborty, IACS Kolkata, India.
2. Black holes in General Relativity and beyond by Prof. Thomas Sotiriou, University of Nottingham, UK.
3. Dynamical horizons and their application by Prof. Badri Krishnan, Radboud University, Netherlands.
4. Neutron star perturbation theory by Prof. Nils Andersson, University of Southampton, UK.
The school will be for two weeks. There will be two 1.5 hours of lectures and two tutorials per day and a total of 10 lectures and 10 tutorial sessions weekly.
The program is intended mainly for graduate students (Ph.D.) working (or starting to work) on gravitational physics, cosmology, and related areas. An introductory course on general relativity will be a prerequisite for the school. Senior Ph.D. students will be given preference. We also welcome applications from young postdoctoral researchers.
1.2. 6th Gravitational Wave Open Data workshop (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-15 to 2023-05-17
Location: (online)
Additional Information: https://www.gw-openscience.org/odw/odw2023/
Contact: gwosc[AT]igwn.org
The LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA (LVK) collaboration announces its 6th edition of the Gravitational Wave Open Data workshop (GWODW) for May 15th to the 17th 2023. The workshop will tackle topics such as access to LVK public data, introduction to GW detectors and their data, techniques for GW data analysis, and interpretation of compact binary coalesce signals.
As the last edition, the 6th GWODW will be a hybrid workshop. There will be remote lectures offered by LVK scientists on May 15th-17th from 9.00 CEST to 10.30 CEST. In parallel, each institution or group participating in the workshop can host an in-person "study hub". Study hubs are the central forum where the participants of the workshop can meet, discuss, and work together on the tutorial material prepared for the workshop. Study Hubs can be also a place to stream lectures. We warmly invite every institution hosting a GW expert that participates in the workshop to organize a study hub. More details about the workshop can be found on the conference website.
There is no fee for the workshop. Registrations to the workshop will be managed via Thinkific and the link for the streaming will be both uploaded on the platform and sent to the participants. If you are planning to organize a study hub at your institution, please follow the instructions on the conference website.
We are looking forward to meeting you
The ODW organizing committee
1.3. DArk Energy: from Fundamental Theories to Observations (and back), Frascati, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-15
Location: Frascati, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33387/
Contact: darkenergyconference2023[AT]lists.lnf.infn.it
Aim of the conference:
The problem of dark energy has unprecedentedly taken a central stage in the gravitation and cosmology research field, also in the view of the discrepancies found in the current expansion of the Universe as derived from Planck data and from local direct measurements. In this regard, we aim at organising an international workshop to discuss dark energy both from the theoretical and observational points of view.
The workshop will be a precursor to the growing interest that this topic will gain in the near future due to the Euclid satellite, whose launch is planned for later this year, complementary ground-based observatories and Cosmic Microwave Background data. We would like to gather experts (both from the theory and observational sides) to understand together, through talks and discussion sessions, which predictions of fundamental theories can be tested by observations and, conversely, which new roads in fundamental physics may be opened by the future data.
Organising committee:
Luca Buoninfante (Nordita)
Alexey Koshelev (ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai and University of Beira Interior, Covilha)
K. Sravan Kumar (ICG, U. of Portsmouth)
Gaetano Lambiase (Universita' degli studi Salerno and INFN)
Marina Migliaccio (Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata and INFN)
Enrico Nardi (INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and HEPC-NICPB, Tallinn)
Alberto Salvio (Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata and INFN)
1.4. Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach, Rijeka, Croatia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-11 to 2023-07-14
Location: Rijeka, Croatia
Additional Information: https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/31/
Contact: tomislav.terzic[AT]gmail.com
COST Action CA18108 (https://qg-mm.unizar.es/) is an initiative funded by the COST Association (https://www.cost.eu/) It is aimed at enabling researchers from different communities of quantum gravity, theoreticians, phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists, to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.
This is the fourth Annual Conference and the final event of the CA18108.
Attendance will be preferably in person in Rijeka.
Important dates:
April 30: Early Registration deadline / Deadline for abstract submission
May 15: Confirmation of financial support / Confirmation of talk selection
May 31: Late Registration deadline (financial support might not be available at this point, depending on the number of early registrants)
July 10: Arrival day
July 12: Conference Dinner
July 13: Outreach event
July 15: Departure day
Financial support:
Participation for COST Action participants can be funded by COST. A first round of COST invitations will be sent in late May.
1.5. 18th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Pescara, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-19 to 2023-06-23
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.icranet.org/event/7/
Contact: secretariat[AT]icranet.org
Classical and quantum energy extraction process from black holes: the role of the black hole irreducible mass
This symposium started in 1987, then continued for every two years alternatively in Korea and Italy with the support from Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) and hosting institutes. Main purpose of this symposium is to accelerate the exchange between scientists of Italy and Korea, especially young researchers.
In addition to the traditional topics of relativistic astrophysics discussed at the IK meetings, particular attention will be given in this IK18 meeting to the energy extraction processes from the Kerr black hole: 1) by fission of massive particles (Penrose process), 2) by classical electrodynamic processes and 3) by quantum processes. In all cases the role of the irreducible mass will be evidenced in characterizing the efficiency of the emission processes. Examples from active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts will be illustrated.
Registration fee: 300 euro
Speakers include:
Lorenzo Amati
Bogeun Gwak
Imtak Jeon
Sang Pyo Kim
Wontae Kim
Hyeong Chan Kim
Bum-Hoon Lee
Changhwan Lee
Hyungwon Lee
Wonwoo Lee
Vladimir Lipunov
Liang Li
Jeong-Hyuck Park
Jorge Rueda
Rahim Moradi
Stefano Scopel
Gregory Vereshchagin
Yu Wang
She-Sheng Xue
1.6. PWF Latin America - Advanced Lectures on Theoretical Physics: General Relativity and Cosmology (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-02 to 2023-09-08
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://indico.ictp.it/event/10109/
Contact: pwf[AT]ictp.it
General Relativity and Cosmology, will be taught in Spanish online from 2nd June to 8th Sept. 2023 by Daniel Galviz at Yau Mathematical Science Center (Tsinghua University) China, and ICTS (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) India, and Esteban Chalbaud LIP-Coimbra (University of Coimbra), CERN (ATLAS). Physics students from different universities in Latin America will be trained in general relativity and its applications to cosmology. Every student will receive an ICTP-PWF certificate at the end.
The application procedure is now open (the deadline is on 19th May 2023).
Goals and deliverables
Help students in Latin America by teaching lectures on theoretical physics.
Help students to be familiar with advanced research topics in theoretical physics. Students will solve weekly assignments on these topics.
Top students without MSc./Ph.D. will be mentored to pursue studies abroad, giving advice and recommendations about scholarships at international programs.
Guest Speakers:
Prof. Alejandra Castro (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
Prof. Fernando Quevedo (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
Ruben Campos Delgado (BCTP and Uni Bonn, DE)
Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro (AIFI (MIT) / CFA (Harvard), USA)
Jonathan Lozano (University of Baja California, MX)
Judith Perez (IFT UAM-CSIC, ES)
Nikolina Sarcevic (Newcastle University, UK)
Daniel Galviz at Yau Mathematical Science Center (Tsinghua University) China and ICTS (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Esteban Chalbaud LIP-Coimbra (University of Coimbra) and CERN (ATLAS)
Project coordinator:
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University) and ICTS (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
1.7. 1st Trieste meeting on the physics of gravitational waves, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-09
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.sissa.it/event/86/timetable/#20230609
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The observation of gravitational waves from binary black holes and neutron stars by the LIGO-Virgo scientific collaboration heralds a new era in astrophysics, in which gravitational radiation will probe the
universe in a new and complementary way to traditional telescopes. With several new detectors coming online soon, such as LISA, ET and Cosmic Explorer, these detections are just the beginning of an
exciting scientific journey that will unravel the nature of the most mysterious objects of our Universe, black holes.
One of the main scientific targets of new detectors are supermassive black holes, which are typically present in galactic centers and surrounded by astrophysical environments involving accretion disks,
dark matter, stars, and other smaller black holes. In order to fulfill the ambitious goals of gravitational-wave astronomy it is crucial to assess how these environments affect the gravitational-wave signal of
a binary coalescence. The 1st Trieste meeting on environmental effects on binary black holes will bring together experts on astrophysical and waveform modelling, and gravitational-wave data analysis to try to
answer questions like:
- What is the bias we incur if environmental effects are not properly modeled? Can they compromise tests of GR and the nature of compact objects?
- What are the limitations of current models for environmental effects and what are the best strategies to improve them?
- How do we efficiently include these effects in the state-of-the-art waveform models?
- With what precision will we be able to constrain the properties of astrophysical environments with future detections?
The meeting will be held at SISSA in Trieste (Italy) from June 7-9, 2023 and will be preceded by the mid-term meeting of the H2020-MSCA-RISE Network Gravitational Universe: Challenges and Opportunities (June 5-6). On the non-scientific side, Trieste is a vibrant multicultural city facing the charming azure of the Adriatic sea, with a rich history and plenty of leisure and cultural activities. It is particularly enjoyable in late spring.
Note that the number of registrations may be capped due to room capacity.
1.8. Asymmetric Binaries meet Fundamental Astro-Physics, L'Aquila, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-20 to 2023-09-22
Location: L'Aquila, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.gssi.it/event/494/
Contact: andrea.maselli[AT]gssi.it
Gravitational wave observations of binary mergers are carrying a new revolution in astrophysics. While signals detected by ground based detectors have already shed light on the most violent among astrophysical events, next generation of interferometers like LISA will allow to witness the evolution of new families of sources, as asymmetric binaries, which harbour a unique potential for the identification of new fundamental fields and particles.
The workshop "Asymmetric Binaries Meet Fundamental Astro-Physics" builds around 5 topics connected to these compact sources: self-force methods, beyond GR modelling, Exotic Compact Objects, environmental effects, astrophysics and data analysis approaches.
The goal of the meeting is to discuss the most recent advances in these topics and their relevance to probe astrophysical and fundamental physics scenarios. We aim to foster multidisciplinarity among the various themes.
The workshop will be held at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila, from September 20-22, 2023.
L'Aquila lives in a beautiful environment surrounded by the highest peaks of the Apennine Mountains of Italy. The city is home to art, history, and great food.
Invited Speakers
Enrico Barausse (SISSA)
Christopher Berry* (University of Glasgow)
Susanna Barsanti (Sapienza University)
Beatrice Bonga (Radboud University)
Richard Brito (IST)
Vitor Cardoso (Niels Bohr Institute)
Alvin Chua* (University of Singapore)
Giulia Cusin* (IAP)
Leanne Durkan (University College Dublin)
Elisa Maggio (AEI)
N.K. Krishnendu (ICTS)
Paolo Pani (Sapienza University)
Laura Sberna (AEI)
Pau Amaro Seoane (University of Valencia)
Thomas Sotiriou (Nottingham University)
Lorenzo Speri (AEI)
Andrew Spiers (Nottingham University)
Takahiro Tanaka* (Kyoto University)
Maarten van de Meent (AEI)
Niels Warburton (University College Dublin)
Nico Yunes (University of Illinois)
Register Now!
Organizing Committee
Leonardo Gualtieri, Andrea Maselli, Adam Pound
1.9. Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2023, Tartu, Estonia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-19 to 2023-06-22
Location: Tartu, Estonia
Additional Information: http://geomgrav.fi.ut.ee/conf/geomgrav2023/
Contact: geomgrav[AT]ut.ee
Geometric Foundations of Gravity 2023
is a conference dedicated to the geometric foundations of gravity theories that will take place on June 19 - June 22, 2023 in Tartu, Estonia. This conference is a continuation of a series of earlier conferences and workshops on the same subject.
The theories under discussion include for instance:
- Extensions of General Relativity (metric affine gravity, Poincare gauge gravity, scalar/vector/tensor gravity, teleparallel gravity, massive gravity, bi-metric gravity, ...)
- Astrophysics in Extended Gravity (black holes, ordinary/neutron/boson/grava stars, gravitational waves, strings, wormholes, binary systems, ...)
- Cosmology in Extended Gravity (dynamical system analysis, observations and constraints, dark energy, dark matter, inflation, early universe, galaxies, ...)
- Beyond Lorentzian Geometry in Classical and Quantum Gravity (doubly/deformed relativity, standard model extension, Hamilton geometry, Finsler geometry, ...).
An up to date list of invited speakers, the registration procedure, participants and all further details can be found on
The conference is organized by the gravity research group at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu and collaborators.
Sebastian Bahamonde
Daniel Blixt
Jorge Gigante Valcarcel
Maria Jose Guzman
Manuel Hohmann
Damianos Iosifidis
Laur Jarv
Alejandro Jimenez Cano
Tomi Koivisto
Christian Pfeifer
Margus Saal
Francisco Jose Maldonado Torralba
Aneta Wojna
1.10. Workshop on gravity and quantum field theory, Montevideo, Uruguay
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-15 to 2023-05-17
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Additional Information: http://www.fisica.edu.uy
Contact: campi[AT]fisica.edu.uy
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the Montevideo Workshop on Quantum Field Theory and Gravity, to take place in Montevideo, Uruguay between May 15th and 17th 2023. The workshop aims to bring together researchers and students in these topics from the region as well as colleagues from farther away. The event will consist of research talks and discussion sessions.
Confirmed Participants Include
Sergei Dubovsky
Rodolfo Gambini
Rafael Porto
Jorge Pullin
Ira Rothstein
Gonzalo Torroba
If you are interested in participating please do not hesitate to contact us at grqft.mvd.uy[AT]gmail.com. Limited funds are available upon request to cover local expenses. The activities will take place at the Instituto de Fisica of the Facultad de Ingenieria (Julio Herrera y Reissig 565).
We would be grateful if you can forward this email to students and colleagues.
Organizing Committee
Florencia Benitez
Miguel Campiglia
Guzman Hernandez-Chifflet
Marina Maneyro
Esteban Mato
1.11. 1st Australia-New Zealand Student Conference on General Relativity (Online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-08 to 2023-05-10
Location: (Online)
Additional Information: https://www.gravity.ac.nz/rca23/
Contact: elliot.marshall[AT]monash.edu
The 2023 Australia-New Zealand Student Conference on General Relativity (8-10 May 2023) is an online event for postgraduate students in General Relativity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics to present their research and meet fellow students working in these areas. The program will involve a mix of short student talks and presentations from invited speakers.
Further details and the registration form can be found here: https://www.gravity.ac.nz/rca23/
This conference is supported by Matrix (https://www.matrix-inst.org.au/) and AMSI (https://amsi.org.au/)
To support post-symposium research collaboration between PhD student participants, MATRIX- AMSI are providing funding through the MATRIX-AMSI PhD Student Research Collaboration Scheme (https://www.matrix-inst.org.au/phd-student-research-collaboration-scheme-%2…)
Invited Speakers:
Matthew Bailes
Richard Easther
Astrid Lamberts
Todd Oliynyk
Volker Schlue
Chris Stevens
Organising Committee:
Jack Aimer
Louie Bernhardt
Alex Goodenbour
Earl Lester
Spencer Magnall
Elliot Marshall
Petra Tang
Salvatore Vultaggio
Yourong Frank Wang
1.12. Gravity 2023: Dawn of field theoretic approach, Kyoto, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-18 to 2023-07-20
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/gravity2023/home
Contact: gravity2023[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
The international workshop "Gravity 2023: Dawn of field theoretic approach" will be held from 18 to 20 July 2023 at YITP, Kyoto University. The workshop aims to apply field theory techniques such as effective field theory approaches, scattering amplitude techniques, and bootstrap approaches to understand gravitational systems. We welcome not only those who are already doing related research but also those who wish to learn about these subjects.
Important deadlines:
Abstract submission, visa support: May 26th
In-person participation: June 1st
Online participation: July 14th
Invited speakers and topics:
Yu-tin Huang: scattering amplitudes and UV/IR constraints;
Lam Hui: the symmetries of black holes and the EFT for black hole perturbations;
Michele Levi: the EFT approach to post-Newtonian gravity;
Toshifumi Noumi: quantum gravity and swampland;
Enrico Pajer: foundations of cosmological bootstrap;
David Stefanyszyn: applications of cosmological bootstrap.
Katsuki Aoki, Antonio De Felice, Francesco Di Filippo, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Shinji Mukohyama, Masroor C. Pookkillath, Kazufumi Takahashi
1.13. Infinity on a Gridshell, Copenhagen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-13
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://hyperboloid.al/event/copenhagen-23/
Contact: david.hilditch[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt
We are excited to announce the upcoming workshop "Infinity on a Gridshell," which will take place from July 10 to July 13, 2023, at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The workshop will focus on the progress made in hyperboloidal methods, which have emerged as a crucial tool in black-hole perturbation theory and other diverse applications.
The workshop aims to bring together leading experts to review and summarize the current state-of-the-art of hyperboloidal methods in a wide range of applications, including the computation of wave equations, quasi-normal modes, effective-one-body formalism, and self-force. The focus will be on exploring ideas to solve the full Einstein equations for astrophysically relevant scenarios.
We have a limited number of seats for researchers to attend the conference in person. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work using hyperboloidal methods, exchange ideas, and discuss the challenges and opportunities in the field. We aim to foster new collaborations and build a community of researchers to connect and engage in productive discussions.
We encourage researchers and graduate students with an interest in hyperboloidal methods to apply for this exciting event. The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments, contribute to the advancement of the field, and to join the hyperboloidal community.
For more information about the workshop, please visit our website (https://hyperboloid.al/event/copenhagen-23/) You can apply to participate by filling the form at the strong GR website (https://strong-gr.com/infinity-on-a-grid-shell/registration/) before the deadline April 30, 2023. We look forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen.
Scientific Organizing Committee: David Hilditch, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Alex Vano-Vinuales, and Anil Zenginoglu
Local Organizing Committee: Vitor Cardoso, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Julie de Molade, Rita Sousa
1.14. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-08
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.sissa.it/event/96/
Contact: sigrav-xxv[AT]sissa.it
The Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation announces the XXV SIGRAV Conference, to be held in Trieste, Italy from the 4th to 8th of September 2023. The conference will be hosted in the Miramare SISSA Building close to the sea.
The aim of the conference is to discuss aspects of Classical and Quantum Gravity, including General Relativity tests, Cosmology, Gravity experiments and Gravitational Waves from the experimental, theoretical and data analysis points of view. The ceremony of the Amaldi medal and that of the SIGRAV award for young scientists will be held during the conference.
The conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics, with special regard towards new developments in theory, experiments and their interplay. The congress will provide plenary lectures and parallel sessions devoted to topical studies. Additional satellite events will include the award of the Amaldi Medal to two European scientists, who distinguished themselves in gravitational physics and the SIGRAV prize for young researchers, who carried out studies of particular interest in the field.
Plenary speakers:
Agnese Bissi
Vitor Cardoso
Piotr Chrusciel
Martina De Laurentis
Eiichiro Komatsu
Ruth Lazkoz
David Lucchesi
Michela Mapelli
Michele Punturo
Luciano Rezzolla
Simone Speziale
Nicola Vittorio
1.15. Women in Mathematical Relativity (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-14 to 2023-04-14
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://mpim.is/wmr
Contact: wmr[AT]math.uni-leipzig.de
Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce the upcoming online workshop Women in Mathematical Relativity on the 14th of April 2023. There will be five talks of 25 mins each, addressed at undergraduate and graduate students, followed by a podium discussion on Support mechanisms for women interested in research careers in Mathematics.
We would be grateful if you could generously forward and advertise this event to anyone who might be interested. Female students are especially encouraged to participate.
Moreover, we encourage the local organization of in-person group viewings of the Zoom stream, as a platform for subsequent conversations and involvement.
The schedule, poster, zoom link, and abstracts of the talks can be found on the workshop website (link attached to this announcement).
Best wishes,
The organizers
Stefan Czimek (Uni Leipzig)
Dejan Gajic (Uni Leipzig)
Annalaura Stingo (Ecole polytechnique)
2. Jobs
2.1. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-30
Location: Madrid (Spain) or Noordwijk( Netherlands)
Additional Information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme
Contact: arvp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc)
The ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme is open to scientists, at all career levels, affiliated with institutes in ESA Member States and Collaborating States. Early-career scientists (within 10 years of the PhD) are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications by PhD students are also welcome.
During their stay, visiting scientists will have access to archives and mission specialists for help with the retrieval, calibration, and analysis of archival data. In principle, all areas of space research covered by ESA science missions can be supported.
Residence lasts typically between one and three months, also distributed over multiple visits. Research projects can be carried out at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) and at ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands). To offset the expenses incurred by visitors, ESA covers travel costs from and to the home institution and provides support for lodging expenses and meals.
Applications received before 1 May 2023 will be considered for visits in autumn 2023 and winter 2024.
For further details, including areas of research and contact information, please refer to: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme or write to the programme coordinators at arvp [at] cosmos.esa.int
2.2. Assistant/Associate Professor position, Birmingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-12
Location: Birmingham, UK
Additional Information: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/jobs
Contact: A.Vecchio[AT]bham.ac.uk
The Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy and the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham invite applications for a faculty position in astrophysics at the Assistant/Associate Professor level.
The focus of this position is in the area of gravitational-wave astronomy.
The Institute provides a vibrant and diverse research environment with expertise across many areas of physics and astronomy: from theoretical to experimental gravitational-wave research with applications to present and future detectors, theoretical astrophysics, data analysis, transient astronomy, gravitational-wave source modelling including numerical relativity, and theoretical general relativity.
Institute members play important roles in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration - including the development of next-generation ground-based gravitational-wave observatories - the LISA Consortium, the European and International Pulsar Timing Array collaborations, and in surveys such as ENGRAVE, STARGATE and LSST. The Institute has excellent laboratory and computer facilities. Current institute faculty members include Alberto Vecchio, Clement Bonnerot, Ben Gompertz, Denis Martynov, Sean McGee, Christopher Moore, Geraint Pratten, Patricia Schmidt, and Teng Zhang.
The University of Birmingham welcomes applications from all sections of the community and is open to discussions around all forms of flexible working. The University is committed to excellence in diversity and the creation of an inclusive learning and working environment.
Applicants should apply through the University's job portal (external link) using job reference 101219 for the position at the assistant professor level, or job reference 59918 for the position at the associate professor level.
As part of their application, applicants should include: (i) a CV, including full publication list, (ii) a statement of future research plans and objectives (max 3 pages), (iii) a statement on teaching experience (max 2 pages).
The deadline for application is 12th April 2023.
Applicants should also arrange for 3 reference letters to be sent to the group secretary, Ms Joanne Cox at j.s.cox[AT]bham.ac.uk by 12th April 2023.
For further information and informal inquiries please contact Prof Alberto Vecchio (A.Vecchio[AT]bham.ac.uk), Dr Christopher Moore (C.J.Moore[AT]bham.ac.uk), Dr Geraint Pratten (G.Pratten[AT]bham.ac.uk) or Dr Patricia Schmidt (P.Schmidt[AT]bham.ac.uk).
Interviews are expected to take place during the week 22nd-26th May, 2023.
2.3. SISSA for Women in Physics, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-19
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24553
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The Physics Area at the "Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati" (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, invites expressions of interest for a faculty position from outstanding female candidates with a strong research record in any of the fields covered by the Area (Astrophysics and Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Statistical Physics of Biological Systems, Theoretical and Scientific Data Science, Theoretical Particle Physics). The appointment procedure will be activated at the assistant professor, tenure-track, level*.
The successful candidate is expected to work as an independent principal investigator, promoting and leading research activities to complement the current expertise of the present SISSA groups, as well as to attract external funds, take an active part in the SISSA PhD teaching programme, and supervise graduate students (selected on a competitive basis and funded by bursaries provided by SISSA). Expressions of interest should be sent (in English and via Academic Jobs Online only) preferably by May 19, 2023. They should include:
1. Curriculum Vitae and the names of at least three referees.
2. Description of current research interests.
3. List of ten publications of greatest interest for the selection.
The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) is a leading research and training institution (PhD School) located in Trieste, Italy. The campus is in a green area on the hills close to Trieste and is efficiently connected to the city by public transport. SISSA offers to its community top tier research facilities (e.g. High Performance Computing facilities) and services (canteen and kindergarten services located on site). The Physics Area at SISSA has connections with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the National Council for Research (CNR). SISSA is also a founding member of several research Institutes such as IFPU, iGAP and TQT. More information on research in Physics at SISSA can be found here: Physics Area.
*In the Italian system, a tenure-track position corresponds to a "ricercatore TD b", i.e. an assistant professor to be confirmed (on the sole basis of her/his results) as a tenured associate professor within three years after appointment.
2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astronomy, Milan, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-19
Location: Milano, Italy
Additional Information: https://en.unimib.it/education/postgraduates/doctoral-research-phd-programm…
Contact: davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
The University of Milano-Bicocca welcomes applications for PhD scholarships. The application deadline is April 19th, 2023 for positions starting in the Fall of 2023:
In particular, the theoretical astrophysics group is looking for highly motivated candidates to join our activities in black-hole binary dynamics, gravitational-wave data exploitation, and numerical relativity. Faculty members with matching interests include Gerosa, Sesana, Colpi, Dotti, and Giacomazzo. Candidates will have ample opportunities to work with and visit external collaborators as well.
Our PhD admission program includes a number of "open" scholarships, covering all research activities in the department (including ours!). All candidates are considered for those by default. In addition, our group this year is advertising an additional "project" scholarship titled "Gravitational-wave source modeling" and supervised by Gerosa. Candidates wishing to be considered for this additional opportunity should indicate it explicitly when applying (the number of this position FIS.3).
We strive to build an inclusive group and welcome applications from all interested candidates. More information on the astrophysics group at Bicocca can be found at astro.fisica.unimib.it. For informal inquiries please do not hesitate to contact davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
2.5. Lecturer in gravity, Southampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-01
Location: Southampton, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id=37361
Contact: N.A.Andersson[AT]southampton.ac.uk
The Gravity Group at the University of Southampton's School of Mathematical Sciences is inviting applications for a permanent-track faculty position.
The ideal candidate will have a track record of excellent research and the potential to lead research at an international level in the areas of gravitational-wave data analysis, preferably including aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Consideration will also be given to exceptional candidates working in other areas compatible with the existing research interests of the Gravity Group.
The Gravity Group offers a welcoming, stimulating and active research environment, mainly focused on aspects of gravitational-wave astronomy and gravitational-wave source modelling. The Group is actively involved in the LISA Consortium, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and the ET Observational Science Board. Current members include Nils Andersson, Leor Barack, Carsten Gundlach, Ian Hawke, Ian Jones, Adam Pound, and Andreas Schmitt.
The Gravity Group also has close ties to the Southampton String Theory Group, and both groups form parts of the Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre https://www.southampton.ac.uk/stag . Further information about the School of Mathematical Sciences at Southampton can be found at http://www.soton.ac.uk/maths/
Informal enquiries can be made at any time to Head of the Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Division, Prof Nils Andersson, N.A.Andersson[AT]southampton.ac.uk.
The application deadline is midnight on the closing date stated above.
2.6. Scientific software developers in gravitational wave physics, Palma, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-24
Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Additional Information: https://investigacio.uib.eu/Contractacio/Convocatories-vigents
Contact: sascha.husa[AT]uib.es
For this call we are looking for two highly motivated scientific software developers/research software engineers who will actively engage in the computational research activities carried out in the gravitational physics group.
The successful candidates will support our research in gravitational wave data analysis and numerical relativity and will be involved in our contributions to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope and the LISA Consortium.
Research in the group spans a wide range of topics, including gravitational wave data analysis, waveform modelling and numerical relativity. Computing is carried out using an in-house high-performance computer cluster, and external resources such as the Mare Nostrum supercomputer or the LIGO data grid. The group comprises PIs Alicia Sintes and Sascha Husa and faculty members David Keitel and Jaume Carot, as well as several postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, and it is involved in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope project. For further details see http://grg.uib.es.
The initial contract will be for 2 years (01.06.2023- 31.05.2025). The contract may be extended until 30.09.2026 depending on performance and funding. Monthly Salary will be EUR 2995.
Minimal requirement will be a bachelor's degree or equivalent in computer science, astronomy, physics or a related discipline, with software developing experience.
* Experience in using high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) resources.
* Expert knowledge in computational languages used in the physics and astrophysics community (e.g. Python, C/C++, Mathematica).
* Experience in using Unix/Linux and macOS.
* Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
Preference will be given to candidates with:
* A background in gravitational-wave physics or astrophysics.
* Familiarity with gravitational-wave software.
* A PhD in Informatics, Astronomy, Physics or related fields (not a requirement).
* Familiarity with modern software development practices, such as version control (Git) and continuous integration (CI).
* Knowledge of machine-learning methods.
* Experience in numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Key tasks/responsibilities:
* Support the development and maintenance of software packages used to generate waveform models, and used for statistical inference of the properties of observed gravitational-wave signals.
* Performance optimisation and documentation of scientific software.
* Consult and train scientists in the use of software.
* Support research and publications conducted by scientists in the group.
* Visualisation of results.
The starting day for the contract may be negotiated, but a starting date 1.06.2023 is preferred.
The deadline for applications is April 24th 2023.
Application procedure:
* Candidates will need to apply through the human resources management at UIB. Instructions for the application process can be found at https://investigacio.uib.eu/Contractacio/Convocatories-vigents. The call reference number and job description are 2022-23_6_53 Scientific software developer in gravitational wave physics at the University of the Balearic Islands.
* Applications should be submitted via the Researcher Portal at the University of the Balearic Islands https://ppi.uib.eu/ by filling the relevant application form and uploading all required documents (CV, Passport, academic records, certificates, and any other supporting documents of the CV). When filling the form, non-Spanish applicants need to click the box authorising "a duly authorised civil servant at the University of the Balearic Islands to register all the documentation requested" in the call for applications. The resulting PDF file of the form, together with the required supporting documents, should then be emailed to forhu.contractacio[AT]uib.cat
* For questions or help with the application process please contact alicia.sintes[AT]uib.es and sascha.husa[AT]uib.es.
2.7. Lecturers in Physics (Astronomy/Astrophysics) London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-30
Location: London, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.royalholloway.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=0323-121
Contact: Stephen.Gibson[AT]rhul.ac.uk
The School of Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences (EPMS) at Royal Holloway, University of London, comprises the Departments of Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Information Security, Mathematics and Physics. We are pleased to announce that the School is embarking on an ambitious period of expansion in data science, artificial intelligence, computing, information security, digital engineering and physical science. The Department of Physics has a record of outstanding research and hosts established research groups in dark matter searches and quantum technologies for fundamental physics, which bring together research groupings across particle physics, theoretical physics, nanotechnologies and ultra-low temperature physics, and have recently initiated a new research group in Gravitational Waves.
We are seeking to appoint two lecturers in astronomy/astrophysics and particularly welcome applications from those with an interest in applying artificial intelligence tools to astronomy/astrophysics to establish new scientific directions in our research programme. Applicants should either have, or have the potential for producing, high quality publications and attracting significant research funding. Applicants will have a track record demonstrated excellence, or will show the potential for excellence, in delivering undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and the supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The Department of Physics is committed to reducing gender inequality, as recognised by the award of Athena SWAN silver status and the renewal of Physics Juno Champion status in 2022, and strongly welcome applications from groups under-represented in academic posts.
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact the Head of Department, Professor Stephen Gibson Stephen.Gibson[AT]rhul.ac.uk.
2.8. Three postdoc positions in theoretical gravitational physics, Prague, Czechia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-15
Location: Prague, Czechia
Additional Information: https://cuni.cz/UKEN-1573.html?pracid=202303-PD-MFF-UTF-002, https://cuni.cz/UKEN-1573.html?pracid=202303-PD-MFF-UTF-003, https://cuni.cz/UKEN-1573.html?pracid=202303-PD-MFF-UTF-004
Contact: positions[AT]matfyz.cuni.cz
Three similar yet different postdoc positions in theoretical gravitational physics are offered at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague:
1) "Generic" position in GR group of the Institute, for which applicant's expertise should be close to one of the following topics: mathematical relativity, exact solutions of Einstein's field equations and their interpretation, global structure of space-times, hidden symmetries, black holes, higher and lower dimensional gravity, quantum effects in the presence of gravity.
2) Position in the project supervised by David Kubiznak, for which applicant's expertise should ideally include (but is not limited to) "black hole chemistry" and its holographic interpretation, quantum information aspects of space-times, modified theories of gravity, or purely classical investigations of mathematical properties of black holes and their hidden symmetries.
3) Position in the project supervised by Ivan Kolar and aimed to study gravitational theories and scalar field theories (in the presence of gravity) that contain higher derivatives of finite or infinite order (non-local theories).
Conditions (applying to all three positions):
expected start date: 1st September 2023 (negotiable)
term contract: 2 years
Requirements, documents:
PhD in the field (completed before signing the employment contract)
structured CV
list of publication activity
list of citation response
two letters of recommendation
motivation letter
If interested, you are encouraged to apply for all three positions; in such a case, it is necessary to apply for each position separately. Please, see the attached links for details.
2.9. ERC-funded postdoc positions in Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-15
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Additional Information: https://relastro.uni-frankfurt.de
Contact: steidl[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
The group of Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics in Frankfurt invites applications for two more postdoctoral positions in Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics. The positions are funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "JETSET" and will be part of a large-scale, long-term effort to study the dynamics of relativistic jets on different scales and physical regimes.
Candidates should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics. Knowledge and experience in modelling - either analytically or numerically - the electrodynamics of black holes and the the properties of magnetised plasma are seen as prerequisites.
The successful applicants will be part of an international research group at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Frankfurt, Germany. Interests of the group span from the modelling of the physics of neutron stars and black holes, to fundamental issues in gravitational physics (https://relastro.uni-frankfurt.de/) Frankfurt am Main is a lively and international city, and Europe's financial center.
The application should comprise a CV, a publication list, and a research summary and proposal (4 pages max). Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the address below. Applications will have to be sent by 15.06.2023 for full consideration, but the search will remain open till the optimal candidate(s) is found.
The position is initially for two years and can be extended - depending on successful performance and availability of funds. The expected starting date is 01.09.2021, but earlier or later appointments can be negotiated.
Applications should be made electronically and sent to: Fr. Astrid Steidl: steidl[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de and to CC-ed to rezzolla[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
Goethe University is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the number of women in research and teaching. Qualified female researchers are therefore especially encouraged to apply. Severely handicapped applicants with equal qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration. We prioritise diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone.
3. News
3.1. Invitation to join a research project on the very nature of gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/old/gravitation.html
Minkowski Institute is inviting colleagues who are interested in joining (as affiliated members of the Institute) its most ambitious research project - to examine rigorously whether gravitational phenomena are noting more than manifestations of the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime, which would mean that gravitation is not a physical interaction.
This project follows strictly Minkowski's program of geometrizing Physics - after discovering the spacetime structure of the world (all physical objects are, in reality, a forever given web of worldlines in spacetime), Minkowski summarized this program:
"The whole world presents itself as resolved into such worldlines, and I want to say in advance, that in my understanding the laws of physics can find their most complete expression as interrelations between these worldlines."
Colleagues who join the project will take part in analyzing the mathematical structure of general relativity with the explicit intention to derive, following Minkowski's program, all predictions of general relativity by regarding gravitational phenomena as effects of the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime, without assuming that gravitation is a physical interaction (i.e., without assuming the existence of gravitational energy and momentum).
In 1921 Eddington mentioned the possibility that gravitation might not be a physical interaction almost explicitly - "gravitation as a separate agency becomes unnecessary" [A. S. Eddington, The Relativity of Time, Nature 106, 802-804 (17 February 1921)].
The main theme of the Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics this year (https://minkowskiinstitute.org/meetings/2023/) will be the nature of gravitation - whether it is merely spacetime geometry or it is a physical interaction.
If interested, contact us at mi(a)minkowskiinstitute.org or at vpetkov(a)minkowskiinstitute.org.
Vesselin Petkov
Minkowski Institute
(the new site of the Minkowski Institute is under construction):
http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/old/research.html (footnote 2)
Montreal, Canada
3.2. Living Reviews: Astrophysics with the LISA / Dynamical boson stars
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published two new review articles in March 2023:
Amaro-Seoane, P., Andrews, J., Arca Sedda, M. et al.
Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.
Living Rev Relativ 26, 2 (2023).
Summary: The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be a transformative experiment for gravitational wave astronomy, and, as such, it will offer unique opportunities to address many key astrophysical questions in a completely novel way. The current knowledge in three main source classes for LISA is reviewed; ultra-compact stellar-mass binaries, massive black hole binaries, and extreme or intermediate mass ratio inspirals. The relevant astrophysical processes and the established modeling techniques are summarized. Likewise, open issues and gaps in our understanding of these sources are highlighted, along with an indication of how LISA could help making progress in the different areas.
Note: This article is part of a new joint Topical Collection between Living Reviews and the journal General Relativity and Gravitation (https://link.springer.com/collections/bhdbjdhdhg)
Liebling, S.L., Palenzuela, C.
Dynamical boson stars.
Living Rev Relativ 26, 1 (2023).
Summary: (Major revision, updates and expands the 2017 version.)
The idea of stable, localized bundles of energy has strong appeal as a model for particles. In the 1950s, John Wheeler envisioned such bundles as smooth configurations of electromagnetic energy that he called geons, but none were found. Instead, particle-like solutions were found in the late 1960s with the addition of a scalar field, and these were given the name boson stars. Since then, boson stars find use in a wide variety of models as sources of dark matter, as black hole mimickers, in simple models of binary systems, and as a tool in finding black holes in higher dimensions with only a single Killing vector. We discuss important varieties of boson stars, their dynamic properties, and some of their uses, concentrating on recent efforts.
3.3. Nominations for the 2023 Karl Schwarzschild Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://foerderverein-physik-wgg.de
Nominations are invited for the 2023 Karl Schwarzschild Prize, awarded by the Walter Greiner-Society for Fundamental Physics Research in Frankfurt, to honour the memory of Karl Schwarzschild, who studied in Frankfurt at the beginning of his career.
This award amounts to 10,000 EUR and recognizes outstanding contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics, including the technological aspects.
Any scientist who has provided important contributions is eligible for the award. Nominations should be sent electronically to Prof. Dr. Juergen Struckmeier, Chair of the Karl Schwarzschild Award Selection Committee, at this address: struckmeier[AT]fias.uni-frankfurt.de
The nomination should include:
- a Laudatio summarising the reasons for the nomination (2 pages max)
- a CV of the nominee
- a list of publications over the last 10 years.
Self-nominations will not be accepted. The deadline for nominations is 1 June 2023.
Juergen Struckmeier, Chair, Karl Schwarzschild Award Selection Committee
3.4. Fifth Zeldovich meeting: third announcement
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich5
We are happy to inform that the list of confirmed invited talks now includes:
"Fermionic dark matter: theory and phenomenology" by Carlos Raul Arguelles, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
"Hubble Tension challenge in the modern cosmology: possible solutions" by Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Space Research Institute (IKI), Russia
"Pair-balance model for relativistic shocks and its application to astrophysical sources" by Evgeny Derishev, Institute of Applied Physics, Russia
"Quantum sensing - the key technology for further gravitational experiments in space" by Hansjoerg Dittus, University of Bremen, Germany
"Neutrino Telescope Baikal-GVD: Status and Nearest Future" by Zhan-Arys Dzhilkibaev, Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
"SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey: from solar flares and neutrino sources to cosmology" by Marat Gilfanov, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany and IKI, Russia
"Neutron Stars as Strong Field QED Laboratory" by Sang Pyo Kim, Kunsan National University, South Korea
"New quantum technologies and gravity" by Claus Laemmerzahl, University Bremen, Germany
"Discoveries from FAST" by Di Li, National Astronomical Observatories of China, China
"Black hole induced star formation in the early universe" by Felix Mirabel, CEA Saclay, France
"Selected Studies of Cosmic and Gamma Rays with the MAGIC telescopes" by Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Germany
"Influence of a plasma on the shadow of black holes" by Volker Perlick, ZARM, University Bremen, Germany
"An electrodynamic process to extract the rotational energy of a Kerr black hole" by Jorge Armando Rueda Hernandez, ICRANet, Italy
"The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) results from the first 1.5 years of observation" by Paolo Soffitta, IAPS, INAF, Rome, Italy
"New developments in the inflationary scenario" by Alexei Starobinsky, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
"The spectral signatures of BHs versus NSs" by Lev Titarchuk, University di Ferrara, Italy and Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia
"Highlights of the Insight-HXMT X-ray Astronomy Satellite" by Shuang-Nan Zhang, Institute of High Energy Physics, China
The early bird registration fee is 300 euro (100 euro for students) and it ends up on 1 of May 2023. Starting from that date the registration fee will be 400 euro (150 euro for students).
The poster of the meeting: https://indico.icranet.org/event/6/attachments/382/560/poster.pdf
The website of the meeting: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich5

02 Mar '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravity and Cosmology 2024, Kyoto, Japan
1.2. 23rd Eastern Gravity Meeting, Kingston, RI, USA
1.3. North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop, Rochester, NY, USA
1.4. AGN Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, USA
1.5. Octonions, standard model, and unification (online)
1.6. Lunar Gravitational-wave Detection, Bangalore, India
1.7. Foundations of Observational, Classical and Semi-Classical Gravitational Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature, Munich, Germany
1.8. ISAPP School: Quantum Fluids in the Universe, Pisa, Italy
1.9. 2nd MaNiTou summer school on gravitational waves, Nice, France
1.10. 39th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA
1.11. School on Quantum Photonics: Principles and Applications, Gebze, Turkey
1.12. Gravitational Memory Effects: From Theory to Observation, London, UK
1.13. LISA@Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
1.14. The Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Wave, Corfu, Greece
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Position in Gravitational Wave Physics, Tuebingen, Germany
2.2. 2 PhD positions in computational cosmology, Odense, Denmark
2.3. PhD Fellowship in Gravitational Wave Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark
2.4. Predoctoral Philosophy of Quantum Gravity, Chicago, USA
2.5. Tenured junior position in Loop Quantum Gravity, Marseille, France
2.6. Scientific software developer in gravitational wave physics, Palma, Spain
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics: "Neutrino transport in general relativistic neutron star merger simulations"
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravity and Cosmology 2024, Kyoto, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-01-29 to 2024-03-01
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Additional Information: https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~gc2024/index.php
Contact: gc2024[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
We are going to have a long-term workshop "Gravity and Cosmology 2024" (GC2024) from January 29 to March 1, 2024 at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto, Japan. This is one of series of long-term workshops held at YITP. The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers playing the leading roles in gravity and cosmology, and to have active discussions on the current problems and future directions.
The registration will open around July 2023 at the GC2024 website.
We look forward to having you in Kyoto.
Emanuele Berti (Johns Hopkins), Rong-Gen Cai (ITP CAS), Vitor Cardoso (CENTRA), Paolo Creminelli (ICTP), Anne-Christine Davis (Cambridge), Cedric Deffayet (ENS Paris), Claudia de Rham (Imperial), Ruth Durrer (Geneva), Roberto Emparan (Barcelona), Ruth Gregory (King's College London), Takaaki Kajita (Tokyo), Renata Kallosh (Stanford), Luis Lehner (Perimeter), Stefano Liberati (SISSA), Andrei Linde (Stanford), Shinji Mukohyama (YITP, Chair), Enrico Pajer (Cambridge), Tsvi Piran (Hebrew), Lisa Randall (Harvard), Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College London), Misao Sasaki (Kavli IPMU), Masaru Shibata (AEI/YITP), Masahiro Takada (Kavli IPMU), Jean-Philippe Uzan (IAP), David Wands (Portsmouth)
Katsuki Aoki (YITP), Antonio De Felice (YITP), Tomohiro Fujita (Waseda), Kunihito Ioka (YITP), Sugumi Kanno (Kyushu), Takeshi Kobayashi (SISSA), Sachiko Kuroyanagi (IFT), Hiroki Matsui (YITP), Shinji Mukohyama (YITP, Chair), Atsushi Naruko (YITP), Takahiro Nishimichi (YITP), Yoko Oya (YITP), Kazufumi Takahashi (YITP), Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto), Atsushi Taruya (YITP)
1.2. 23rd Eastern Gravity Meeting, Kingston, RI, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-09 to 2023-06-10
Location: Kingston, RI, USA
Additional Information: https://web.uri.edu/gravity/23rd-eastern-gravity-meeting/
Contact: gkhanna[AT]uri.edu
The 23rd Eastern Gravity Meeting
We invite you to save the date for the 23rd Eastern Gravity Meeting. The meeting will be hosted by URI from Friday, June 9 to Saturday, June 10, 2023 Kingston, RI.
Further information, including registration, abstract submission, and recommended accommodations can be found on the meeting website. There is no registration fee, but we do ask that all participants register by June 1st. Special hotel rates expire on May 25th.
This annual regional meeting (due to COVID-19, the last EGM was 2019) is open to researchers of all levels, from undergraduate students to faculty, in all areas of gravitational physics, including classical, quantum, theory, observation, and computation.
The purpose of the conference is to encourage the interaction of researchers in the Northeastern region, although participants from all regions are welcomed. A prize (sponsored by the APS Division of Gravitational Physics) will be awarded for the best student talk.
The format of the meeting will follow the format of previous regional meetings where all participants may present a talk of approximately 15 minutes.
1.3. North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop, Rochester, NY, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: https://compact-binaries.org/content/events/2023-07-17/north-american-einst…
Contact: yrzsma[AT]rit.edu
The 2023 North American Einstein Toolkit School and Workshop will be held at the Rochester Institute of Technology on July 17 through July 21. This will be a hybrid conference with talks and participants both
in-person and over zoom.
The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics. The conference consist of a mixture of tutorials for new users and talks about the latest developments both in the toolkit and the larger scientific community.
Registration will open on May 1, 2023 and remain open until June 17, 2023. More details to follow.
1.4. AGN Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-22 to 2023-03-24
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA
Additional Information: https://web.cvent.com/event/7b4be254-fb71-4308-b78d-0a8de242a017/summary
Contact: agnsantafe[AT]lanl.gov
Please join us for AGN Santa Fe: Where are the Objects in AGN Disks?, in sunny Santa Fe, New Mexico over March 22-24, 2023 at The Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza Hotel, hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
The conference will focus on Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) accretion disks - including physical properties and observability - and the physics of objects embedded in the disks. These objects can be stars or stellar-mass black holes that may or may not be interacting with other embedded objects. Embedded binary-black holes may also be an important population of gravitational-wave events.
A goal of the conference is to make connections between the broader community and the LANL-funded project, Solving the Mystery of LIGO Heavyweight Mergers: New Windows on Gravitational Wave Science in the Multi-Messenger Era. The project focuses on modeling single and binary black holes in AGN disks on global and horizon scales, along with observational signatures.
The format will be 2.5 days of invited talks focused on several topics including: (i) observations and theory of AGN disks, (ii) single objects in AGN disks, (iii) binary objects in AGN disks, and (iv) feedback from these objects. There will also be a poster session.
Organizing Committee:
Eve Chase (LANL)
Adam Dempsey (LANL)
Greg Salvesen (LANL)
Hui Li (LANL)
1.5. Octonions, standard model, and unification (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-02-24 to 2023-12-15
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://web.iucaa.in/attachments/events/OSMU2023LectureSeries.pdf
Contact: tpsingh[AT]tifr.res.in
Octonions, Standard Model, and Unification
February 24 - December 15, 2023
An online lecture series presented by
Archive Trust for Research in Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy (Oxford)
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Pune)
Several physicists believe that quantum theory, as presently understood, is likely to be approximate, not exact. In particular, our understanding of space-time structure in quantum field theory might be in for an overhaul. Twistor theory, trace dynamics, and the number system known as the octonions, will possibly play an important role in this improved understanding of space-time. Octonions have also emerged significantly in recent years in the investigation of elementary particles, the standard model, and its unification with gravitation. The present lecture series presents ongoing research from eminent physicists and mathematicians working in these fields. Each session will be two hours long, with one hour for the talk, followed by an hour long question-answer session.
Hosts: Tejinder P. Singh (IUCAA, Pune) and Michael Wright (ATRMSP, Oxford)
Advisors: Latham Boyle (Perimeter), Felix Finster (Regensburg), Cohl Furey (Berlin), Niels Gresnigt (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University), Basil Hiley (University College London), Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Basil Hiley (University College London)
Albert Schwarz (UC Davis)
Niels Gresnigt (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
Felix Finster (University of Regensburg)
Cohl Furey (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Stephen Adler (IAS, Princeton)
John Barrett (University of Nottingham)
Tejinder P. Singh (IUCAA, Pune)
Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University)
Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste)
Hendrik Ulbricht (University of Southampton)
Tevian Dray (Oregon State University)
Latham Boyle (Perimeter Institute)
David Chester (Quantum Gravity Research)
Corinne Manogue (Oregon State University)
Anthony Lasenby (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge)
Matej Pavsic (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
Robert Wilson (Queen Mary University of London)
Kirill Krasnov (University of Nottingham)
Ivan Todorov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Geoffrey Dixon (University of New Hampshire)
1.6. Lunar Gravitational-wave Detection, Bangalore, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-17 to 2023-04-20
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-meeting/LGWD
Contact: andrea.maselli[AT]gssi.it
Dear Colleagues,
we announce the organization of a "Discussion Meeting on Lunar Gravitational-Wave (GW) Detection" at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore, India from 17 to 20 April 2023.
The conference will be hold on mixed format with online and live speakers. The goal of this meeting is to discuss mission concepts for lunar GW detection, payload technologies, lunar geophysics as well as deci-Hz GW science and multi-messenger astronomy. This meeting will include scientists who are working on other mission concepts for deci-Hz GW detection to facilitate a meaningful exchange of ideas and techniques.
Registration can be made through the website portal
1.7. Foundations of Observational, Classical and Semi-Classical Gravitational Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature, Munich, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-28 to 2023-03-31
Location: Munich, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/fnd…
Contact: Erik.Curiel[AT]lrz.uni-muenchen.de
*Idea and Motivation*
The conference of "Foundations of Gravitational Physics and The Problem of Agency and Laws of Nature" will address various topics in theoretical physics and foundations of physics, focusing on gravitational physics and on agency and physical laws. Invited physicists and philosophers have been chosen to represent different approaches to such topics (semi-classical gravity, holography, quantum gravity theories, foundations of physics) and to discuss different kinds of issues (locality, the nature of black hole entropy, approaches to the Information-Loss Paradox, the emergence of classicality in approaches to QG, quantum reference frames, epistemology and methodology of theory and of observation, ontology, inter alia), in an attempt to foster a dialogue among the different fields. Contributed talks from theoretical physicists, observational astronomers and philosophers will be chosen in part so as to complement the perspectives of the invited speakers.
Such a gathering will spur new, innovative approaches to the above mentioned problems, as well as connecting and invigorating work on existing approaches. It will also provide young researchers with a comprehensive introduction to the state of the art of the various central fields of research, and established researchers with a comprehensive overview.
*Confirmed Speakers*
Ana Alonso Serrano,
Goncalo Araujo-Regado
Ali Barzegar
Jibril Ben Achour
Caslav Brukner
Eugenia Colafranceschi
Gemma De las Quevas
Shep Doeleman
John Dougherty
Jamee Elder
Felix Finster
Henrique Gomes
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette
Vincent Lam
Niels Martens
Prahar Mitra
Siddharth Muthukrishnan
Ramesh Narayan
Daniele Pranzetti
Renato Renner
Marika Taylor
Jos Uffink
We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. The conference will be organized and run under the MCMP's code of conduct
*Registration and venue*
The conference will be held in person. Please send registration requests by 15 March 2023 using the from on the conference website. There are no fees for the conference as well for the conference dinners.
*Dates and Deadlines*
Registration Deadline: 15 March 2023 Conference dinners will take place on Tuesday, the 28th of March and Thursday, the 30th of March. Conference venue: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, room (D) Z003, 80539 Muenchen
Erik Curiel
Daniele Oriti
Manus Visser
Aron Wall
For information about practical matters and registration, please
contact one of the organisers.
The conference is supported by the Munich Center For Mathematical Philosophy, the LMU/Cambridge Strategic Partnership project on semi-classical gravity and black hole physics as well by the FQXi grant: "The Epistemic Nature of Physical Laws, From Intelligent Agents to Quantum Gravity and Cosmology".
1.8. ISAPP School: Quantum Fluids in the Universe, Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-15
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/31781/
Contact: isapp2023[AT]lists.pi.infn.it
ISAPP School 2023
Aims of the school:
To provide a cross-disciplinary overview and the main tools to work on some of the main aspects of astroparticle physics where quantum collective properties of matter play a crucial role.
The initiative of this school springs also from the experience gained in the organization of the QFC (quantum fluids, fundamental interactions and cosmology conference series )
Planned courses and Lecturers:
* Properties of matter in neutron stars and GW emission - Lecturer: Armen Sedrakian (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
* Multimessenger observations of neutron stars - Lecturer: Samaya Nissanke (GRAPPA, Amsterdam Un.)
* Light dark matter candidates - Lecturer: Kfir Blum (Weizmann In.)
* Light dark matter search - Lecturer: Elisa Ferreira (Tokyo Un.)
* Light dark matter around black hole and its gravitational signature - Lecturer: Paolo Pani (Roma "la Sapienza" Un.)
* Simulation of gravity and GWs in Bose-Einstein condensates - Lecturer: Ivette Fuentes Guridi (Southampton Un.)
* Classical and quantum fluids in gravitational fields - Lecturer: Alberto Nicolis (Columbia Un.)
1.9. 2nd MaNiTou summer school on gravitational waves, Nice, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-08
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/29050/
Contact: marieanne.bizouard[AT]oca.eu
Date: July 3-8 2023.
Location: campus Valrose of the Universite Cote d'Azur.
Registration: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/29050/registrations/3442/
The school will cover the emerging field of gravitational wave detection and of its scientific exploitation. The goal of the school is to provide the students with a solid introduction to most aspects of this interdisciplinary field in accelerated expansion.
The school is open in priority to Master and PhD students, and also to young or not so young scientists who would like to get better acquainted with Gravitational Waves.
The school is limited to 40 participants. Master and PhD students can be accommodate at a CROUS residence free of charge (cost paid by the school).
School Programme:
GR and GW Theory (7h) - Simone Speziale (CPT)
Panorama of possible GW sources (1h) - Joe Romano (TTU)
GW Data Analysis (3h) - Sylvain Marsat (L2IT)
GW Instruments (3h)
- On Ground (LIGO/Virgo, ET) - Walid Chaibi (OCA)
- In Space (LISA) - Hubert Halloin (APC)
Hands on data analysis (3h) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza)
GW to study the Universe:
- Astrophysics (1h30) - Astrid Lamberts (OCA)
- Cosmology (1h30) - Simone Mastrogiovanni (INFN - La Sapienza)
- Fundamental Physics (1h30) - Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College)
- Multi-Messager Astronomy (1h30) - Sarah Antier (OCA)
Advanced seminars:
- GW and Nuclear Physics (1h30) - TBD
- Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA):
- Science and Detection (1h30) - Gilles Theureau (LPC2E)
- SGWB Analysis (1h30) - Joe Romano (TTU)
- Deep Learning in GW physics (1h30) - Natalia Korsakova (APC)
Organising committee:
Sebastien GUILLOT (IRAP)
Sylvain MARSAT (L2IT)
Alejandro PEREZ (CPT/IPhU)
1.10. 39th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-31 to 2023-02-21
Location: Pasadena, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~pcgm39/
Contact: yanbei[AT]caltech.edu
The 39th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting will be held at Caltech, Pasadena, CA, on March 31 and April 1, 2023.
In the tradition of the Pacific Coast Gravity Meetings, students and postdocs are strongly encouraged to participate, and all areas of gravitational physics-classical and quantum, theory and experiment - are welcome. We would like this meeting to serve as a communication medium among all branches of gravitational physics. Because this is a regional meeting, many participants will be from the Western United States, but all are welcome.
The meeting is free to attend (no registration fee). Unfortunately, we are not able to provide financial assistance to speakers and participants. A prize (sponsored by the APS Division of Gravitational Physics) will be awarded for the best student talk.
It is a pleasure to dedicate this conference to Jim Isenberg, who started these meetings and has kept them going for 39 years.
1.11. School on Quantum Photonics: Principles and Applications, Gebze, Turkey
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-13 to 2023-03-16
Location: Gebze, Turkey
Additional Information: https://tbae.tubitak.gov.tr/en/haber/quantum-photonics-principles-and-appli…
Contact: tbae.iletisim[AT]tubitak.gov.tr
Technologies based on the use of quantum principles continue to play a profound role in deeper understanding of the laws of nature, thus sparking a new wave of scientific and technological advances. The use of previously untapped quantum properties such as superposition and entanglement of individual quantum states provides novel technological resources for secure communication systems, computational paradigms, advanced sensing and metrology.
The School will bring together graduate students and early career researchers engaged in the various aspects of quantum science and technology to offer an excellent series of lectures, with a broad scope of topics ranging from scientific fundamentals to the ongoing state of applications.
* Vahid Karimipour (Sharif University of Technology)
* Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste)
Topics Covered
- Quantum Mechanics and its Foundations
- Quantum Superposition
- Entanglement
- Quantum Nonlocality
- Quantum Measurements
- Quantum Cryptography
- Quantum Teleportation
- Quantum Computation
Organizers: Hasan Mandal (President of TUBITAK), Alikram Nuhbalaoglu (Director of TUBITAK TBAE)
1.12. Gravitational Memory Effects: From Theory to Observation, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-09
Location: London, UK
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/gw-memory/
Contact: a.seraj[AT]qmul.ac.uk
The past few years have witnessed a rapid growth of research in the low frequency sector of gravitational waves. This is triggered by various motivations: First, its observable consequences known as "memory effects" may be detected in the near future in current and planned gravitational wave detectors. Second, substantial breakthroughs in the holographic understanding of gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes, have revealed a deep connection between memory and the underlying symmetries of quantum gravity. Third, novel methods to study gravitational scattering amplitudes have revealed detailed information about their soft limit. Accordingly, this topic lies at the interface between various fields of research, including quantum gravity, flat-space holography, gravitational wave theory, scattering amplitudes, mathematical GR and numerical relativity.
The goal of this meeting is to bring together experts from different areas of research to discuss various aspects of gravitational memory effects. In particular, we will discuss memory effects in the context of
1- Perturbative and numerical formulation of gravitational waves
2- Observation in current and future GW detectors
3- Quantum gravity and holography
4- Scattering amplitudes and their classical limit
5- Mathematical GR and the late time behavior of gravitational waves
More information, including the list of speakers and registration form can be found in the webpage of the workshop at: https://sites.google.com/view/gw-memory/
Organizers: Pau Figueras, David Nichols, Ali Seraj, and Juan A. Valiente Kroon
1.13. LISA@Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-09 to 2023-08-11
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://strong-gr.com/lisa-in-copenhagen/
Contact: vitor.cardoso[AT]nbi.ku.dk
Gravitational-wave astronomy was born with the LIGO/Virgo observations of black hole mergers. However, a new revolution is in the making, when the space-based LISA mission flies. LISA promises to observe all the visible universe, and will see supermassive black hole mergers, orbiting white dwarfs, phase transitions in the early universe etc. The capabilities of LISA to do fundamental physics are immense.
LISA@Copenhagen is the next in-person meeting of the Fundamental Physics Working Group of the LISA Consortium which will be held at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen from August 9-11, 2023. This meeting will connect the working group more directly to the science work packages and deliverables of the mission.
The meeting will be held at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. The Niels Bohr Institute carries an important legacy in physics and is one of the leading institute in theoretical and experimental physics. Copenhagen is a very enjoyable and beautiful city, and as the capital of Denmark has plenty of wonderful things to do and is easy to reach. The entire Nordic region has plenty to offer and is a remarkable place for summer vacations.
There is a very limited number of seats available, as the meeting will take place in the legendary Auditorium A of the institute (where Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein, Ehrenfest and many, many others met to establish quantum mechanics). Register now!
1.14. The Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Wave, Corfu, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-25 to 2023-09-30
Location: Corfu, Greece
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/cam.ac.uk/gw-school-2023
Contact: gw-school[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
Gravitational Wave Astrophysics is at the dawn of what will become one of the great scientific endeavours of the 21st century. The Nobel Prize winning first detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in 2015 has been a revolutionary step forward in physics and astrophysics by opening a totally new window for the exploration of the Universe.
The Kavli-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves (25-30 Sep 2023, Corfu) will introduce junior scientists (graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with a background in general relativity) to a wide range of topics at the foundation of the new exciting research field of gravitational wave astronomy, from theory and source modelling to state-of-the-art data analysis methods..
Our list of lecturers consists of leading experts in gravitational-wave science:
R. Brito (IST Lisbon)
G. Carullo (NBI Copenhagen)
K. Clough (Queen Mary University, London)
W. Del Pozzo (University of Pisa)
D. Gerosa (University of Milan)
S. Green (University of Nottingham)
L. Heisenberg (ETH Zurich)
C. Kavanagh (UC Dublin)
L. London (King's College London)
A. Pound (University of Southampton)
I. Romero-Shaw (University of Cambridge)
Please encourage your students to register for this exciting school .
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Position in Gravitational Wave Physics, Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-19
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas
Contact: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
PhD level Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany
Deadline for applications: March 15, 2023.
The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) at the University of Tuebingen has an opening for one PhD level position starting from 1st of April 2023.
The successful applicant will carry out original research focusing on the dynamics of neutron stars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves. The candidate is expected to have a strong computational background as well as previous experience in neutron star dynamics and the associated asteroseismological and universal relations.
The position is for 24 months. The salary will be paid according to the German public service scale.
The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars and black holes.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, list of publications (if any), statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, e-mail) of two potential referees should be sent to:
Prof. Kostas Kokkotas
Theoretical Astrophysics (IAAT), University of Tuebingen, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany.
E-mail: kostas.kokkotas_at_uni-tuebingen.de
Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filled. The University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
2.2. 2 PhD positions in computational cosmology, Odense, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-05-15
Location: Odense, Denmark
Additional Information: https://www.sdu.dk/da/service/ledige_stillinger/1204497
Contact: koksbang[AT]cp3.sdu.dk
The research group led by Dr Sofie Marie Koksbang at the Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology (CP3-Origins) at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy invites applications for two PhD positions. The successful applicants will contribute to the Villum Young Investigator project entitled "Observational effects of big and small structures in the Universe" and have a strong focus on numerical work based on general relativity.
We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated candidates with potential to excel in computational cosmology, and who are looking to join a dynamic, curiosity-driven research group. CP3-Origins offers a stimulating research environment with research topics ranging from cosmology to dark matter astro-particle physics, quantum gravity, black holes and quantum field theory.
The appointments will be for terms of three (or four) years and are expected to start in the autumn of 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter (starting date is flexible). Funding for travel to conferences, workshops and PhD schools is available.
Please see the external link for details on salary, application requirements and link to submission page.
For questions, e-mail Dr. Sofie Marie Koksbang at koksbang[at]cp3.sdu.dk
2.3. PhD Fellowship in Gravitational Wave Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-15
Location: Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24299
Contact: jose.ezquiaga[AT]nbi.ku.dk
The Niels Bohr International Academy (NBIA) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites expressions of interest for a PhD fellowship in Gravitational Wave physics at the interface between cosmology, fundamental physics and astrophysics. The PhD fellow will be working under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Jose Maria Ezquiaga, and will be joining the Gravitational Wave Explorers Team at the Strong group funded by the VILLUM Young Investigator Grant "Exploring the Uncharted Universe with Gravitational Waves".
The Gravitational Wave Explorers Team is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the LISA Consortium. The team exploits observations of extreme gravitational systems like colliding black holes to open unique opportunities to measure the Universe's expansion rate, map the unseen dark matter and test Einstein's gravity.
The preferred starting date for the PhD position will be the fall of 2023 and the position will last for a fixed period of 3 years. Interested individuals are encouraged to upload all material before *March 15th, 2023*. The search may possibly continue beyond that date. Interested individuals are invited to express their interest via academicjobsonline including their CV (max. 2 pages), transcripts and indicating in their cover letter (max. 1 page): 1) a summary of their background and research interests, 2) their motivation for this PhD fellowship, 3) an example of their contribution to a research project/assignment, and 4) the name of at least one researcher with whom they have worked.
The Niels Bohr International Academy is a vibrant center for Gravitational Physics, with more than 40 researchers from junior to senior levels working on various topics related to gravity, black holes and gravitational waves, including the Strong and the Theoretical Astrophysics groups. NBIA has emerged as a highly active, inspirational and diverse research environment, that further includes regular visitors, workshops, conferences, PhD-schools, seminars, and informal group meetings.
PhD students at the Niels Bohr International Academy receive a competitive salary (including pension) and funds for travel and computing. Copenhagen is a beautiful city with a large international community, a lively and diverse cultural scene, and a very high quality of life.
The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes all qualified individuals regardless of personal background.
For any inquiries, kindly send an email to jose.ezquiaga[AT]nbi.ku.dk, with email subject "PhD Fellowship in Gravitational Wave physics"
2.4. Predoctoral Philosophy of Quantum Gravity, Chicago, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-04-01
Location: Chicago, USA
Additional Information: https://beyondspacetime.net/junior-fellowship-in-philosophy-of-quantum-grav…
Contact: huggett[AT]uic.edu
The philosophy of physics group at the Department of Philosophy at University of Illinois Chicago solicits applications for a junior visiting fellowship for advanced PhD students, August 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter) through December 2023. The position is funded by the John Templeton Foundation grant 'Cosmology Beyond Spacetime'.
Candidates must be ABD in a PhD program at an accredited university, working on a dissertation related to the philosophy of quantum gravity or cosmology, broadly construed. The fellowship will provide support for the successful candidate to spend a semester away from their home institution to work with the project's UIC group led by Professor Nick Huggett, and to benefit from interactions with project members and from participation in the project's activities. The successful candidate will participate in a tutoring program directed by Professor Huggett. They will be expected to participate in weekly group meetings during term, help with the administration and organization of the group's activities, and contribute to the group's research and outreach efforts. More information on the project and the research group is available at http://beyondspacetime.net/.
The fellowship is fixed-term for one semester, to be negotiated with the successful candidate. The salary is $15,000 total. Research funds will be available for travel to relevant conferences and to visit the project's other group at the University of Geneva. The successful candidate must remain enrolled as a full-time student at their home institution, and will not be admitted into any degree program at UIC. The fellowship will not cover any costs (such as tuition and fees) at the home institution.
Applications must contain a cover letter detailing the pertinent experience and motivation for the position, a CV, a 1-2 page description of the dissertation project, one writing sample, and two letters of reference (sent under separate cover). They should be sent to Professor Nick Huggett at huggett[AT]uic.edu.
Review of the files will begin on April 1st, 2023 and continue until the position is filled. Candidates files may be reviewed by qualified members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, and the best qualified candidate will be selected by Professors Huggett and Wuethrich.
Applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged.
For more information, please contact Professor Nick Huggett at huggett[AT]uic.edu.
2.5. Tenured junior position in Loop Quantum Gravity, Marseille, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-30
Location: Marseille, France
Additional Information: https://galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/antares/can/index.jsp
Contact: dgrh-a2.conseil[AT]education.gouv.fr
Tenured junior position in loop quantum gravity in Marseille, to join the team founded by Carlo Rovelli and currently formed by Alejandro Perez and Simone Speziale.
The position is Maitre de Conferences, and it is opened by the university of Aix-Marseille. Applications are to be made through the portal Galaxie of the french government:
The position with his detailed description is listed as n. 1269 under the column 'Ref. Galaxie' at
the following page:
The applications have to be in French, and the interviews of the selected candidates will be in French. The position comes with teaching duties, to be exercised mostly in French. The total duties amount to 192 hours a year. Every teaching hour counts as 1.5h of teaching duties, so one can do at most 128 hours of teaching a year, but typically one does a bit less and compensates with other teaching duties such as proctoring etc. There exist grant-like schemes that can be applied for to reduce teaching on one or more years.
Concerning salary, it follows the national guidelines based on seniority, for some information look here:
PhD work and previous postdocs are taken into account to compute the seniority, and therefore candidates hired after postdocs will have a bigger starting salary, for some information look here:
The criteria for applying include a PhD, and the French qualification
( https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/cand_qualificat… ) that the candidate should have previously obtained.
2.6. Scientific software developer in gravitational wave physics, Palma, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-31
Location: Palma, Spain
Additional Information: https://investigacio.uib.eu/Contractacio/Convocatories-vigents
Contact: sascha.husa[AT]uib.es
The gravitational physics group at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) is seeking a highly motivated scientific software developer/research software engineer. The successful candidate will support our research in gravitational wave data analysis and numerical relativity and will be involved in our contributions to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope and the LISA Consortium.
Research in the group spans a wide range of topics, including gravitational wave data analysis, waveform modelling and numerical relativity. Computing is carried out using an in-house high-performance computer cluster, and external resources such as the Mare Nostrum supercomputer or the LIGO data grid. The group comprises PIs Alicia Sintes and Sascha Husa and faculty members David Keitel and Jaume Carot, as well as several postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, and it is involved in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope project. For further details see http://grg.uib.es.
The initial contract will be for 2 years, the contract may be extended depending on performance and funding. Salary is negotiable between EUR 2200 and EUR 2800 and will depend on the level of experience. Minimal requirement will be a bachelor's degree or equivalent in computer science, astronomy, physics or a related discipline, with software developing experience.
* Experience in using high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) resources.
* Expert knowledge in computational languages used in the physics and astrophysics community (e.g. Python,
C/C++, Mathematica).
* Experience in using Unix/Linux and macOS.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
Preference will be given to candidates with:
* A background in gravitational-wave physics or astrophysics.
* Familiarity with gravitational-wave software.
* A PhD in Informatics, Astronomy, Physics or related fields (not a requirement).
* Familiarity with modern software development practices, such as version control (Git) and continuous
integration (CI) .
* Knowledge of machine-learning methods.
* Experience in numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Key tasks/responsibilities:
* Support the development and maintenance of software packages used to generate waveform models, and used for statistical inference of the properties of observed gravitational-wave signals.
* Performance optimisation and documentation of scientific software.
* Consult and train scientists in the use of software.
* Support research and publications conducted by scientists in the group.
* Visualisation of results.
The starting day for the contract may be negotiated, but a starting date in spring 2023 is preferred.
The deadline for applications is March 31.
Candidates will need to apply through the human resources management at UIB. Instructions for the application process can be found at https://investigacio.uib.eu/Contractacio/Convocatories-vigents. The call reference number and job description are 2022-23_5_33 Scientific software developer in gravitational wave physics at the University of the Balearic Islands.
Applications should be submitted via the Researcher Portal at the University of the Balearic Islands https://ppi.uib.eu/ by filling the relevant application form and uploading all required documents (CV, Passport, academic records, certificates, and any other supporting documents of the CV). When filling the form, non-Spanish applicants need to click the box authorising "a duly authorised civil servant at the University of the Balearic Islands to register all the documentation requested" in the Call for applications. The resulting PDF file of the form, together with the required supporting documents, should then be emailed to forhu.contractacio[AT]uib.cat
For questions or help with the application process please contact alicia.sintes[AT]uib.es and sascha.husa[AT]uib.es.
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics: "Neutrino transport in general relativistic neutron star merger simulations"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41115
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics has published a new review article on 23 February 2023:
Francois Foucart.
Neutrino transport in general relativistic neutron star merger simulations.
Living Rev Comput Astrophys 9, 1 (2023).
From the abstract:
Numerical simulations of neutron star-neutron star and neutron star-black hole binaries play an important role in our ability to model gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals powered by these systems. These simulations have to take into account a wide range of physical processes including general relativity, magnetohydrodynamics, and neutrino radiation transport. The latter is particularly important in order to understand the properties of the matter ejected by many mergers, the optical/infrared signals powered by nuclear reactions in the ejecta, and the contribution of that ejecta to astrophysical nucleosynthesis. However, accurate evolutions of the neutrino transport equations that include all relevant physical processes remain beyond our current reach. In this review, I will discuss the current state of neutrino modeling in general relativistic simulations of neutron star mergers and of their post-merger remnants.

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for February 2023
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Feb '23
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Feb '23
02 Feb '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. CosmoVerse@Lisob, Lisbon, Portugal
1.2. GGI School "Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation", Florence, Italy
1.3. Verao Quantico 2023, Ubu Anchieta, Brazil
1.4. Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany
1.5. Gravitational-wave populations: what's next?, Milan, Italy
1.6. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop II, Granada, Spain
1.7. Werner Israel Memorial Symposium, Victoria, BC, Canada (hybrid)
1.8. New horizons for (no-)horizon physics: from gauge to gravity and back II, Florence, Italy
1.9. Quantum Fluids in the Universe, Pisa, Italy
1.10. Gravitational waves meet effective field theories, Benasque, Spain
1.11. BritGrav23, Southampton, UK
1.12. Analog gravity in 2023: Summer School+ Workshop, Benasque, Spain
1.13. Workshop on Gravity: classical, quantum, theoretical and experimental, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
1.14. European Einstein Toolkit Meeting 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
1.15. At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity, London, UK
1.16. CoCoNuT Meeting 2023, Potsdam, Germany
1.17. Conference of the South African Gravity Society, Durban, South Africa
1.18. XV International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Gyeongju, Korea
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD in gravitational wave physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
2.3. Research associate in theoretical cosmology, Sheffield, UK
2.4. Postdoc position on ET Instrumentation, Neaples, Italy
2.5. Postdoc position in mathematics, Potsdam, Germany
2.6. PhD Studentships in Gravitational Wave Source Modelling, Birmingham, UK
2.7. Postdoctoral position in Gravity and Astrophysics, Prague, Czech Republic
2.8. Scientific Programmer Position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
2.9. Ikerbasque senior postdoctoral fellowships in gravitation and cosmology, Bilbao Spain
2.10. Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Gravity, Beijing, China
2.11. Research Associate in Quantum Gravity, Sheffield, UK
2.12. Postdoctoral Position at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
3. News
3.1. New book: Experimental Gravitation
3.2. Multiple PhD positions in UMass Dartmouth and University of Rhode Island, - Closing Soon!
3.3. A Memoriam of Bernd Schmidt
1. Conferences
1.1. CosmoVerse@Lisob, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-30 to 2023-06-01
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://indico.unina.it/event/70/
Contact: jackson.said[AT]um.edu.mt
CosmoVerse@Lisbon is the first annual conference in a series of conferences which aim to establish a synergy between the different research areas in cosmology, and foster a sustainable network based on interdisciplinary research in order to confront the growing challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data. This conference is organized within the Cost action initiative CA21136 - Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics (CosmoVerse).
Our understanding of the Universe is at a turning point with the predictions of the standard cosmological model and the observations from different surveys are showing tensions in several key areas. The disagreement is expressed in the value of cosmic expansion as well as in the growth of large-scale structure in the Universe. New cosmological surveys, many of which are European, may expose tension in additional areas of the concordance model.
The question of cosmological tensions can be confronted in a number of ways. Firstly, survey data needs to be further analysed for potential systematic uncertainties or biases. Secondly, there have been numerous advances in approaches to data analysis and statistics, some of which provide less dependence on cosmological models to make cosmological parameter estimates. Lastly, there are a plethora of new proposals from fundamental physics which range from novel neutrino physics to dark energy proposals (and others) which may contribute to a solution to the cosmological tensions problem. These represent the three research themes through which cosmological tensions will either be alleviated or resolved.
1.2. GGI School "Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation", Florence, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-03-20 to 2022-03-31
Location: Florence, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/apcg2023
Contact: apcg.school[AT]gmail.com
Dear Colleagues,
we announce the fourth edition of the Galileo Gailiei Institute PhD School on: "Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation" to be held at The Galileo Galilei Institute of Theoretical Physics, Arcetri, Florence (Italy) from 20 to 31 March, 2023. Details can be found at the page: https://agenda.infn.it/e/apcg2023
Applications can be submitted through the GGI web page: https://www.ggi.infn.it/bee/application/submit?id=445 within the deadline February 5, 2023. A limited number of selected students will be admitted.
The School aims at providing robust and detailed introductions on the basic theoretical concepts and main tools to work in the field of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation. The courses are organized as lectures at the blackboard in the morning and are integrated with hands-on and discussion sessions with an instructor in the afternoon.
The program of the 2023 edition comprises the following four courses:
"Particle dark matter" - Torsten Bringmann (University of Oslo)
"Gravitational waves" - Sebastiano Bernuzzi (University of Jena)
"Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics" - Antonio Marrone (University of Bari)
"Cosmic tensions" - Jose Luis Bernal (MPI Garching)
The School will profit of the Galileo Galilei Institute facilities. Each student will have office space to study and discuss, with a lot of opportunities to interact with lecturers.
Practical information on accommodation, support and meals can be found here: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33079/page/6842-practical-info
Please circulate this information to colleagues, collaborators and students that may be interested in attending the School (apologies if you receive this message more than once).
For any inquiry about the school, please write to: apcg.school[AT]gmail.com
Best regards,
The Organizers
Nicola Bartolo (University of Padova and INFN Padova)
Nicolao Fornengo (University of Torino and INFN Torino)
Dario Grasso (INFN Pisa and University of Pisa)
Leonardo Gualtieri (University of Pisa and INFN Pisa)
Eligio Lisi (INFN Bari and University of Bari)
Ofelia Pisanti (University of Napoli and INFN Napoli)
1.3. Verao Quantico 2023, Ubu Anchieta, Brazil
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-10 to 2023-04-14
Location: Ubu Anchieta, Brazil
Additional Information: https://www.cosmo-ufes.org/vq2023.html
Contact: julio.fabris[AT]cosmo-ufes.org
Verao Quantico ("Quantum Summer") is a biennial meeting that is held in Brazil during the (southern hemisphere) summer. The 2023 edition will be its 10th realization.
The meeting gathers international researchers and grad students on different aspects of cosmology, gravitation, and quantum field theory. It includes both seminars (with focus to recent research developments) and mini-courses (with a more introductory approach that are helpful to both students and researchers from different areas).
-- Testing gravity with cosmology - Luca Amendola (Heidelberg, Alemanha);
-- Dark matter and the structures in the universe - Diego Lambas (UNC, Argentina);
-- Quantum gravity - Roberto Percacci (Sissa, Italia);
-- Superstructures and voids: their global dynamics and galaxy properties - Heliana Luparello (UNC, Argentina);
Advanced Seminars:
Gustavo Pazzini de Brito (SDU, Dinamarca); Searching for dark energy with the Sun - Ippocratis D. Saltas (Academia de Ciencias, Republica Tcheca; Dark Matter viewed as cosmic gluonic background - Jean-Pierre Gazeau (APC, Franca; Non-linear evolution for Vainshtein screening cosmologies - Radouane Gannouji (UCV, Chile); Richard Kerner path approach to understand materials growth and some unexpected connections - Gerardo Garcia Naumis (UNAM, Mexico); Condensed matter with Richard Kerner - Rafael Barrios (UNAM, Mexico); Karol Penson (Universite Sorbonne, Franca); h-expansion of Wightman distributions - Giuseppe Dito (Universite de Bourgogne, Franca); Variations on a theme by Schwarzschild - Jan-Willem van Holten (Universidade de Amsterda, Holanda); Global anisotropy as super-curvature modes on top of isotropic cosmologies - Thiago Pereira (UEL, Brasil).
Seminario especial - 80 anos do Prof. Richard Kerner
Discrete symmetries Z2 and Z3 and the generalized Lorentz algebra - Richard Kerner (Universite Sorbonne, Franca).
The program also includes 6 communications of 30 minutes that are yet to be selected from participants' submission.
1.4. Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-28 to 2023-09-01
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Additional Information: https://indico.tpi.uni-jena.de/e/qegf
Contact: qegf[AT]uni-leipzig.de
The combination of quantum and gravitational physics led decades ago to the prediction of quantum radiation by black holes and the production of quantum particles in expanding universes. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest, arising from both a theoretical and an experimental perspective. On the theoretical side, there are significant new findings regarding quantum effects in the inside of black holes or the interconnections between quantum entanglement, gravity, and holography. On the experimental side, there have been advances on observational signatures of quantum effects in gravitational fields, motivated partly by impressive advances in technology.
During August 28-September 1, 2023, we will hold an in-person conference at Leipzig University, Germany, to present and discuss recent developments in the field. Confirmed plenary speakers are:
Eanna E. Flanagan (Cornell, U.S.A.)
Stefan Floerchinger (Heidelberg and Jena, Germany)
Christian Gerard (Orsay, France)
Veronika E. Hubeny (UC Davis, U.S.A.)
Harvey S. Reall (Cambridge, U.K.)
Jeff Steinhauer (Technion, Israel)
Robert M. Wald (Chicago, U.S.A.)
Elizabeth Winstanley (Sheffield, U.K.)
Noa Zilberman (Technion, Israel)
We also welcome contributed talks from scientists working on this area. The deadline for talk submission is July 1, 2023, and for conference registration is July 15, 2023.
Marc Casals
Stefan Hollands
Rainer Verch
Jochen Zahn
Funded via the Jena-Leipzig DFG Research Training Group 2522.
1.5. Gravitational-wave populations: what's next?, Milan, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-14
Location: Milan, Italy
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/gwpopnext
Contact: davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
It is a pleasure to announce the workshop "Gravitational-wave populations: what's next?" which we are currently organizing for next summer:
As the catalog of detected gravitational-wave events grows from O(10) to O(100) sources (but think millions in a few decades!), such increasingly detailed information is allowing us to dig deeper into the (astro)physics of compact objects. At the same time, new and more data require appropriately powerful statistical tools to be fully exploited. This highly interactive workshop (fewer talks, more working together!) will be the opportunity to share recent progress, identify what new steps are now needed, and hopefully set the stage for substantial progress in the field.
The workshop will take place on July 10-14, 2023 at the University of Milano-Bicocca, which is located near the city center of Milan, Italy. Milan is a beautiful, international city in the north of Italy and is served by three major airports with worldwide connections. The city is home to art, history, and great food; nearby excursions will take you to the Italian lakes and the stunning Alps.
While we are unable to provide travel support, the workshop will have no registration fee. The workshop will be in person without remote options.
Interested participants should register on the conference website by March 1st, 2023. Depending on the number of people registering, participants might need to be selected. We will be in touch soon after the registration deadline, so please do not make travel plans until you hear back from us. When registering please indicate which of the discussion session(s) you would like to contribute to. Early career scientists will have the opportunity to give flash talks highlighting their science.
Davide Gerosa (Milano-Bicocca), Emanuele Berti (Johns Hopkins), Salvatore Vitale (MIT)
1.6. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop II, Granada, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-24 to 2023-05-26
Location: Granada, Spain
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/qftcsworkshop2023/home
Contact: antonio.ferreiro[AT]ru.nl
We are pleased to announce the second edition of the Workshop
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
which will be held in person from 24 May 2023 to 26 May 2022 at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA) in Granada, Spain.
The aim of this workshop continues to be to gather researchers from around the world who work in topics related to QFTCS, both in its mathematical conceptualization, and its applications in cosmology and astrophysics. The main research lines we aim to cover in the workshop include: QFT in the early universe and black holes, semiclassical Einstein equations and the backreaction problem, relativistic quantum information, and mathematical foundations of QFTCS.
Additionally, for this second edition, we plan to include topics related to quantum gravity: namely, how QFTCS fits within the different approaches toward quantum gravity. We strongly encourage the participation of researchers from the field of quantum gravity with an interest in phenomenology and QFTCS.
Plenary speakers:
- Marc Casals
- Renate Loll
- Eduardo Martin-Martinez
- Beatrice Bonga (special colloquium)
The contributions are expected to last 15 minutes + questions. However, special requests for extended talks could be considered.
We encourage the participation of researchers in the early stages of their career (PhD students and postdoc researchers). There is a registration fee of 150 EUR.
1.7. Werner Israel Memorial Symposium, Victoria, BC, Canada (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-18 to 2023-05-19
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Additional Information: https://meetings.triumf.ca/event/332/
Contact: phys_wims[AT]uvic.ca
This symposium will celebrate the scientific career and legacy of Werner Israel, one of the leading figures in the development of our modern understanding of general relativity and black holes. Among many impactful contributions, Werner proved the foundational no-hair theorems for the exterior of static black holes, and later the phenomenon of mass inflation for the interior of rotating black holes (with his student E. Poisson); he devised the Israel junction conditions for extended gravitating sources, and developed the causal Muller-Israel-Stewart theory for relativistic thermodynamics and hydrodynamics.
The symposium will be held in hybrid format on the campus of the University of Victoria, in Victoria BC, and will run over two full days May 18-19, 2023. The evening of May 18th will include a reception followed by a conference dinner.
In celebrating Werner's remarkable scientific legacy, the symposium aims to bring together researchers with interests aligned with various themes of Werner's research, both historical and modern. To this end, the focus of the meeting will be on properties of black holes and relativistic matter.
To register and for further information, please visit the conference website:
We look forward to seeing you in Victoria.
Local Organizing Committee: Nikita Blinov, Kristan Jensen, Pavel Kovtun, Eric Mefford, Adam Ritz, Karun Thanjavur
Scientific Advisory Committee: Valeri Frolov (Alberta), Shinji Mukohyama (Kyoto), Julio Navarro (UVic), Eric Poisson (Guelph), Frans Pretorius (Princeton)
1.8. New horizons for (no-)horizon physics: from gauge to gravity and back II, Florence, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-17 to 2023-04-21
Location: Florence, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.ggi.infn.it/showevent.pl?id=455
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
To be held in person at the INFN Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI) on 17-21 April, 2023.
Motivated by the recent breakthroughs in gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy and in the imaging of black holes (BHs), the last few years have witnessed a growing interest in exploring the phenomenology of BHs, compact objects, and horizonless micro-states which emerge in the 'fuzzball' proposal in string theory. Semi-analytical, fully numerical techniques and, more recently, exact methods from gauge theory and 2d CFT have been developed by different communities to study the linear response to perturbations of BHs and compact objects, their multipolar structure, tidal deformation properties and absorption coefficients that are crucial to model the GW signal expected from the merger of these objects and discriminate signatures of new physics at the horizon scale.
We are organizing the second edition of a workshop on these topics, with the goal of bringing together scientists from different communities, backgrounds and expertise, to stimulate interdisciplinary interactions between and cross-fertilisation of ideas and techniques as diverse as gauge theories, 2d CFT, BH and GW phenomenology, string theory, and advanced numerical techniques.
We aim to have only two talks per day and devote most of the time to informal discussions and to explore possible collaborations.
The GGI provides the ideal environment for a fruitful and relaxed workshop, also providing office spaces for the participants. For this reason, the number of participants is limited and we suggest applying at your earliest convenience through the workshop webpage.
The Organizing Committee
Massimo Bianchi, Giulio Bonelli, Francesco Fucito, Maria Luisa Frau, Jose Francisco Morales, Paolo Pani, Alessandro Tanzini
1.9. Quantum Fluids in the Universe, Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-15
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/ISAPP
Contact: isapp2023[AT]lists.pi.infn.it
Dear Colleagues,
we announce the International PhD School on: "QUANTUM FLUIDS IN THE UNIVERSE" to be held in Pisa (Italy), Centro Congressi le Benedettine from 5 to 15 June, 2023.
The school is part of the series ISAPP (International School of AstroParticle Physics, for more info see: https://www.isapp-schools.org/ ) and is supported by INFN, Universita' di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore and EGO.
Details and registration information can be found at the page: https://agenda.infn.it/e/ISAPP The registration deadline is: 19 March 2023 The registration fee is 400 Euro (accommodation and dinners not included).
A limited number of selected participants (PhD students and young postdocs) will be admitted.
The program comprises the following courses:
* Properties of matter in neutron stars and GW emission - Lecturer: Armen Sedrakian (Frankfurt Un.)
* Multimessenger observations of neutron stars - Lecturer: Samaya Nissanke (GRAPPA, Amsterdam Un.)
* Light dark matter candidates - Lecturer: Kfir Blum (Weizmann In.)
* Light dark matter search - Lecturer: Elisa Ferreira (Tokyo Un.)
* Light dark matter around black hole and its gravitational signature - Lecturer: Paolo Pani (Roma "la Sapienza" Un.)
* Simulation of gravity and GWs in Bose-Einstein condensates - Lecturer: Ivette Fuentes Guridi (Southampton Un.)
* Classical and quantum fluids in gravitational fields - Lecturer: Alberto Nicolis (Columbia Un.)
The School aims at providing a cross-disciplinary overview and the main tools to work on some of the main aspects of astroparticle physics where quantum collective properties of matter play a crucial role.
Practical information on accommodation, support and meals can be found here:
Please circulate this information to colleagues, collaborators and students that may be interested in attending the School (apologies if you receive this message more than once).
For any inquiry about the school, please write to isapp2023[AT]lists.pi.infn.it Best regards,
The Organizers:
Bartolome Alles Salom (INFN), Ignazio Bombaci (U. Pisa), Giancarlo Cella (INFN), Maria Luisa Chiofalo (U. Pisa), Michele Cignoni (U. Pisa), Elena Cuoco (EGO + SNS), Scilla Degl'Innocenti (U. Pisa), Walter Del Pozzo (U. Pisa), Nicolao Fornengo (U. Torino), Daniele Gaggero (INFN), Dario Grasso (INFN), Leonardo Gualtieri (U. Pisa), Laura Elisa Marcucci (U. Pisa), Giovanni Marozzi (U. Pisa), Paolo Panci (U. Pisa), Barbara Patricelli (U. Pisa), Josef Pradler (HEPHY Vienna), Massimiliano Razzano (U. Pisa), Enrico Trincherini (SNS), Michele Viviani (INFN)
1.10. Gravitational waves meet effective field theories, Benasque, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-20 to 2023-08-26
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.benasque.org/2023mcs/
Contact: miguel.bezaresfigueroa[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
General Relativity (GR) describes gravity on a huge range of scales, field strengths and velocities. However, despite its successes, GR has been showing its age. Cosmological data support the existence of Dark Sector, but may also be interpreted as a breakdown of our understanding of gravity. Also, GR is intrinsically incompatible with quantum field theory, and should be replaced, at high energies, by a (still unknown) quantum theory of gravity. This deadlock may prelude to a paradigm change in our understanding of gravity, possibly triggered by the direct observations of neutron stars and black holes by gravitational-wave interferometers.
The recent LIGO/ Virgo observations have already made a huge impact on our theoretical understanding of gravity, by severely constraining several extensions of GR. In this workshop, we will focus on effective field theories of gravity extending/modifying GR, focusing on their predictions for the generation and propagation of gravitational waves, and on their comparison with experiments. Our goal is to establish new synergies among different communities, including numerical relativity, post-Newtonian theory, data analysis and cosmology.
Invited Speakers
- Karim Noui *
- Cliff Burgess *
- Claudia de Rham*
- Antonio Padilla *
- Miguel Zumalacarragui *
- Filipo Vernizzi
- Alessandra Silvestri
- Tanja Hinderer*
- Felix Julie
- Luis Lehner
- Pau Figueras*
- Helvi Witek
- Aaron Held
- Maxence Corman
- Leo Stein*
- Harald Pfeiffer
- Tessa Baker
- Andrea Maselli
- Dina Traykova
(* to be confirmed)
The workshop will include ample time for discussions and a selected number of contributed talk, and office space will be available to participants.
Besides the spectacular location, Benasque is a very family friendly place. In particular, there will be the possibility of childcare during the conference.
E. Barausse (SISSA, Italy)
L. Bernard (Paris Meudon/CNRS)
M. Bezares (University of Nottingham)
1.11. BritGrav23, Southampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-13 to 2023-04-14
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/britgrav23
Contact: britgrav23[AT]soton.ac.uk
The 23rd BritGrav meeting will be hosted by the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton. The meeting will span two days, Thursday 13th April and Friday 14th April.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together early-stage researchers working on all aspects of gravitational physics, including astrophysics, cosmology, general relativity, quantum gravity, gravitational-wave data analysis and instrumentation, to exchange results and ideas.
Following the BritGrav tradition, the meeting will consist of short talks with priority to be given to PhD students and early-career researchers. Limited funding will be provided by the IOP Gravitational Physics Group, to support travel for students.
Registration is free. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 10th March.
At the end of the meeting, we will award The Best Student Talk Prize, sponsored by the IOP Publishing Group.
Local Organisers: Carsten Gundlach, Michael Kenna-Allison, Fabian Gittins.
For inquiries please contact us at britgrav23(a)soton.ac.uk.
1.12. Analog gravity in 2023: Summer School+ Workshop, Benasque, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-22 to 2023-06-02
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.benasque.org/2023ag/
Contact: agullo[AT]lsu.edu
This event has two goals: the training of the new generation of researchers and a discussion of the state of the art of different research programs and experimental platforms related to analog gravity. The events will be held in the 'Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual' and it is intended to stimulate the exchange of ideas between junior and senior scientists, with both theoretical and experimental expertise.
The Center provides facilities and an agreeable atmosphere to allow the participants to carry their work during the meeting.
Benasque is a beautiful mountain village located 1140 m above sea level, in a valley at the heart of the Pyrenees, about 140 km north of the city of Zaragoza. The beautiful landscapes, scenic hikes and the proximity to the highest peaks in the Pyrenees make Benasque one of the main tourist sites in the region.
The center is child friendly and families are welcome. The center does not offer day care, but can help families to find babysitters if requested.
The registration deadline for this even is March 15th 2023.
I. Agullo ( Louisiana State University)
A. Fabbri (University of Valencia)
M. Jacquet (Paris Sorbonne University)
S. Weinfurtner (University of Nottingham)
J. Wilson (Louisiana State University)
The school will take place from the 22nd to the 27th of May. It will include the following set of topics, which are intended to cover both the theoretical foundations of this filed of research as well as ongoing experimental implementations.
- Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes and analogue gravity
- Quantum information and analogue gravity
- Fluids of light, dynamical effects, Hawking radiation and super-radiance (theory and experiments)
- Analogue gravity in non-linear optical systems (theory and experiments)
- Analog gravity in Bose Einstein Condensates (theory and experiments)
Invited Lecturers:
- Anthony Brady
- Iacopo Carusotto + Luca Giacomelli
- Elisabeth Giacobino
- Friedrich Koenig
- Stefano Liberati
Financial support:
The organizers are exploring different sources of funding support. The availability of funds and the application process will be announced in due time.
All interested in participating should fill out the application form (see registration section below)
The workshop will take place from the 29th of May to the 2nd of June.
Invited Speakers
- Volodya Eltsov
- Ruth Gregory
- Joerg Schmiedmayer
- Bill Unruh
- Chris Westbrook
The registration fee for this conference is:
Regular fee: 350 eur.
Only school or workshop fee: 250 eur.
For registration, abstract submission, and further information, please visit the website https://www.benasque.org/2023ag/
1.13. Workshop on Gravity: classical, quantum, theoretical and experimental, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-17 to 2023-03-18
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Additional Information: https://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/workshop2023/index.html
Contact: psingh[AT]lsu.edu
The workshop is organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at LSU and the Hearne Institute to profess Dr. Jorge Pullin's distinctive career. Jorge Pullin is Horace Hearne Chair in Theoretical Physics with the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University. The workshop will bring together various collaborators and colleagues of Jorge from different areas of classical, quantum and numerical aspects of gravity.
During his long and dynamical career, Jorge has published more than 200 research papers and 3 books on loop quantum gravity and has worked in all areas of gravitational physics including classical and quantum aspects, theoretical and experimental elements, foundational aspects of quantum theory and numerical relativity.
Jorge's exemplary service to the community includes being the founding editor of Physical Review X, managing editor of International Journal of Modern Physics D, and editorial board of Living Reviews in Relativity, and starting International Loop Quantum Gravity seminars which have been run regularly by Jorge since 2006. He has been awarded various honors including the Fellow of American Physical Society and the American Association of Advancement of Science.
The conference will be held in 130 Nicholson Hall at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at LSU. To attend the conference please register by sending an email to Param Singh psingh[at]lsu.edu. There is no registration fee. To get a group hotel rate, register by 2/15/23.
1.14. European Einstein Toolkit Meeting 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-19 to 2023-06-23
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/
Contact: mzilhao[AT]ua.pt
The next European Einstein Toolkit Meeting will take place on 19-23 June 2023 at the University of Aveiro, Portugal.
The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven Open Source software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics, including Numerical Relativity, studies of Neutron stars and Magnetohydrodynamics.
The first two days of the meeting will include lectures and tutorials geared towards new users of the toolkit. The following three days will focus on the status and future development of the toolkit, including scientific talks as well as dedicated discussion sessions. The meeting will be fully in-person, with no online component.
This is the first announcement for you to save the dates. A second announcement will follow shortly with more details about the meeting and on how to register. Registration is expected to open in early March and there will be no registration fee.
You are welcome to send questions or informal inquiries to Miguel Zilhao at mzilhao[AT]ua.pt
We look forward to welcoming you in Aveiro.
Best regards,
The organising committee.
1.15. At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-09 to 2023-05-10
Location: London, UK
Additional Information: https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2023/05/general-relati…
Contact: scientific.meetings[AT]royalsociety.org
The Royal Society is hosting a Scientific discussion meeting organised by Dr Juan Valiente Kroon and Dr Grigalius Taujanskas.
In the sixty years since Penrose's original insight that conformal geometry could be used to study the global structure of fields and spacetimes, these ideas have become central to many parts of mathematical and theoretical physics. Today many inspired methods and frameworks exist for asymptotic analysis in general relativity. This meeting will aim to bring together researchers working on these and related topics.
This meeting is intended for researchers in relevant fields and there is no registration fee. Both in person and online attendance is available. More information on the programme and attendance can be found on the Royal Society website.
1.16. CoCoNuT Meeting 2023, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-03 to 2023-04-05
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.uv.es/tofora/CoCoNuT2023
Contact: pablo.cerda[AT]uv.es
We are pleased to announce the CoCoNuT Meeting 2023 that will be held at the Albert Einstein Institute in Golm near Berlin (Germany), from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2023.
The CoCoNuT Meeting series has been taking place yearly since 2008. Although it originally started as a way of meeting users and developers of the CoCoNuT code, it quickly evolved in a more general workshop dealing with more general topics in the field of relativistic astrophysics where everybody is welcome. After 3 years pause due to covid we are restarted the series with a workshop mainly focused on binary neutron star mergers and related issues (magnetic field amplification, equation of state, radiation transport, gravitational waves ...)
More information and registration is available at the meeting webpage.
Hoping to meet you there,
Kenta Kiuchi, Isabel Cordero-Carrion, Micaela Oertel, Alejandro Torres-Forne' and Pablo Cerda-Duran
1.17. Conference of the South African Gravity Society, Durban, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-17 to 2023-03-21
Location: Durban, South Africa
Additional Information: https://astro.ukzn.ac.za/~sags2023/
Contact: hansrajs[AT]ukzn.ac.za
This conference is organized by the South Africa Gravity Society, the CoE-MaSS, the Astrophysics Research Centre and the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban. The purpose of this conference is to consider present and future research directions in gravity theories and a variety of related applications in astrophysics and cosmology. We aim to review topical themes in research to be presented by leading experts in the field. Postgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, emerging researchers and academic staff are welcome to attend. The formal presentations, mainly presented by national and international researchers, will cover research related to the central theme of the conference. Staff and postgraduate students will have the opportunity to participate in discussion sessions and make presentations on their research projects.
Dedicated sessions, focussing on the link between gravity theories and potential research problems, are planned where all delegates should participate. The meeting will allow for plenty of opportunity for delegates to reflect and interact on common research problems. We are hoping to create an environment for greater collaboration and interaction so that new research projects may be identified. Emerging researchers will benefit from the expertise of senior researchers present.
Venue: ANEW Hotel, Hluhluwe, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dates: 17 - 21 March 2023
Send an email to Ms L Gurudas, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UKZN, at gurudas'at'ukzn.ac.za or call at (031) 260 1019 indicating your interest. You will then be contacted with further details. Additionally please register on the conference website mentioned elsewhere on this page.
This is a limited conference as the venue is isolated and close to the Hluhluwe Game Park, home of the Big Five. Accordingly a limited number of international and local delegates can be accommodated. The conference agent Venues for Africa will send each delegate an invoice which should be paid timeously to confirm participation. Expect a cost of about R12 700 (just under USD750) per delegate. This cost covers accommodation for 4 nights including dinners, conference banquet, breakfast, lunches and tea breaks. Additionally transport from the King Shaka International airport will be provided for visitors within this cost. The fee will also include one excursion to the Game Park aboard game drive vehicles provided by the hotel.
Talks: There will be a series of plenary and invited talks of about 45 minutes duration each. Additionally contributed talks by faculty, fellows and students will also be scheduled. A poster session will also be allocated on the programme. Kindly complete the Registration form on the official website.
Conference Organisers: Sudan Hansraj (Chair), Sunil Maharaj, Jeff Murugan
For matters pertaining to the conference please email hansrajs'at'ukzn.ac.za
For enquiries about invoices, registration and logistics kindly email Ms. L. Gurudas on gurudas'at'ukzn.ac.za
For enquiries about SAGS please contact the current president Jeff Murugan at jeff.murugan'at'uct.ac.za
1.18. XV International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Gyeongju, Korea
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-07
Location: Gyeongju, Korea
Additional Information: https://www.apctp.org/theme/d/html/activities/activities01_read-pop.php?id=…
Contact: sungwon[AT]ewha.ac.kr
ICGAC15 is the series of biennial conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology which take place in the Asia-Pacific region, with the goals to promote cooperation among the member countries and within an international context, high level studies on hot topics and to encourage young physicists on these fields.
This conference has been one of the key programs sponsored by APCTP over the past twenty years. It has been hosted by AP regions: Seoul, Korea (1993); Hsinchu, Taiwan (1995); Tokyo, Japan (1997); Beijing, China (1999); Moscow, Russia (2001); Seoul, Korea (2003); Jhongli, Taiwan (2005); Nara, Japan (2007); Wuhan, China (2009); Qui-Nhon, Vietnam (2011); Almaty, Kazakhstan (2013); Moscow, Russia (2015), Seoul, Korea (2017) and Taiwan (2020). After ICGAC14 (online), Taiwan (2020), it will be held at APCTP, Gyeongju, Korea in July 3-7, 2023, as a sequence of MG, GRG and ICGAC for every three years.
The topics of ICGAC15 include
1. Classical Gravity, GR Extensions
2. Classical and Quantum Cosmology
3. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
4. Black Holes, Wormholes
5. Strings, Branes, Higher Spin Fields and Quantum Gravity
6. Extra Dimensions and Variation of Constants
7. Experimental Studies of Gravity and Fundamental Physics Space Projects
8. Gravitational Waves
9. Multi Messenger Astronomy
10. Numerical Relativity
11. Relativistic Astrophysics
12. White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Gamma Ray Bursts
13. Alternative Theory
14. Education
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD in gravitational wave physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-07
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/phd-app-01-2023/
Contact: phd[AT]sissa.it
SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy) invites applications for several PhD positions in astrophysics, cosmology and astroparticle physics.
Candidates interested in the astrophysics of LISA and pulsar timing arrays, in LISA data analysis, and more generally in gravitational wave physics are especially encouraged to apply for the ***Astroparticle physics*** positions at the following link
The deadline for applications is March 7, with oral and written exams to take place online the week of March 27
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-24
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/
Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za
The High Energy Physics, Cosmology an Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2023. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory.
For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman, and most recently Marisa Geyer, a pulsar scientist and active member of the MeerKAT Large Survey Projects (LSPs) MeerTime and TRAPUM, that conduct a wide range of projects in pulsar timing and pulsar and radio transient searching. For more information on her work, please see www.marisageyer.co.za, and find additional information on the LSP projects at www.meertime.org and www.trapum.org respectively.
With this position, HEPCAT is seeking to expand its involvement in conducting radio pulsar and fast transient research both observationally and through its theoretical applications including conducting tests of Gravity in relativistic binaries; contributing to the searches for nano-Hz Gravitational Waves through high precision pulsar timing analysis and modelling radio transient propagation effects and studying its implications, in the case of Fast Radio Bursts, on Cosmological models. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research.
There will also be opportunities to join external collaborations, including the pulsar and transient programmes running on MeerKAT (Meertime, TRAPUM and MeerTRAP), the HIRAX experiment, the MeerKAT extension project (MK+) as well as SKAO working groups. There will be additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including astrophysics, gravity, cosmology and machine learning more broadly.
The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
The appointment is for two years at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funding. A PhD in Astrophysics, Astronomy, Physics or Applied Mathematics is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post.
Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R400000 per annum, tax free. Additional support is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2023. The submission deadline is 24 February 2023. Screening of candidates will start thereafter and will continue until the position is filled. Any queries can be sent to Melissa at melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za.
The University of Cape Town reserves the right to:
- disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications
- change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all
2.3. Research associate in theoretical cosmology, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-01
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CWI228/research-associate-in-theoretical-cosmolo…
Contact: c.vandebruck[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The Consortium of Fundamental Physics is seeking an STFC funded research associate in theoretical cosmology, working in at least one of the following areas: early universe cosmology, cosmological aspects of modified gravity theories, and constraining cosmological models with data. The Gravitation and Cosmology Group at the University of Sheffield consists of 5 academics (Eleonora Di Valentino, Sam Dolan, Steffen Gielen, Carsten van de Bruck, and Elizabeth Winstanley), 1 RA and 15 Ph.D. students. The Theoretical Particle Cosmology Group at Lancaster University consists of 3 academics (Konstantinos Dimopoulos, David Sloan and John McDonald) and 3 Ph.D. students.
The candidate should have a Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy, or equivalent, and be working in theoretical cosmology in at least one of the areas mentioned above. They should have a solid track record of high-quality publications, appropriate to their career stage.
This post is offered on a fixed term contract for 24 months, ideally starting in October 2023, working at the University of Sheffield with a possible extension of 12 months to work at the University of Lancaster. We expect the successful applicant to contribute to the scientific activities of the Consortium of Fundamental Physics, comprised by Sheffield and Lancaster Universities.
Applicants should submit a CV, publications list (if not included in the CV) and research proposal (up to 4 pages).
To apply, visit https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CWI228/research-associate-in-theoretical-cosmolo…
The deadline is the Wednesday 1 February 2023.
For informal enquiries, please contact Carsten van de Bruck (c.vandebruck [at] sheffield.ac.uk). Applications that are directly sent to this email will not be accepted.
2.4. Postdoc position on ET Instrumentation, Neaples, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-30
Location: Neaples, Italy
Additional Information: https://jobs.dsi.infn.it/dettagli_job.php?id=3531
Contact: difiore[AT]na.infn.it
Dear Colleagues,
we announce a public selection procedure, based on CV and interview, to award 1 Senior research grant (Postdoc) for conducting scientific research at the INFN Section of Napoli, Italy, on the following topic: "Development and experimental test of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for Einstein Telescope". The deadline for application is January 30, 2023. The call, both in Italian and English, is available at the link below,
The grant lasts 24 months and is renewable for a further 12 months. All other details are reported in the call.
The Napoli Gravitational research group, including researchers from INFN and University of Naples "Federico II", is involved in the Virgo Experiment since its foundation and is actively working to the development of the ET project for a third generation GW antenna in Europe. Other research activities include the Archimedes and LAG experiments, funded by INFN. The group is composed by 6 staff members, 1 tenure track assistant professor, 1 fixed-term assistant professor, 1 research engineer, 2 postdocs and 1 PhD students.
The selected candidate will work, within the ET collaboration, to the development and test, in the Gravitational Physics Laboratory in Napoli, of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for the future Einstein Telescope underground GW detector. The research is also of interest for the Advanced Virgo project. Previous experience in seismic isolation for GW detectors is welcome but non mandatory.
For any further detail or information please contact:
Luciano Di Fiore (difiore[AT]na.infn.it) or Lucia Trozzo (trozzo[AT]na.infn.it)
Please circulate this information to all possible interested candidates.
Best regards
Dr Luciano Di Fiore
I.N.F.N. - sezione di Napoli
Complesso Universitario di Monte S.Angelo
Via Cintia, 80126 - Napoli
tel. +39-081-676140/676881
fax. +39-081-676254
2.5. Postdoc position in mathematics, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-01
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/~paycha/paycha/Home.html
Contact: sypfeiffer[AT]uni-potsdam.de
This is a two year fixed term research position funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) which is available as from April 1st 2023. The starting date can nevertheless be adjusted for some other date between April 1st and September 30th 2023.
The successful candidate will work with Prof. S. Paycha. Her or his research topics should touch upon analysis or geometry and have some substantial intersection with at least one of the following topics
-Regularisation techniques
-Renormalisation methods
-Groupoids in mathematical physics
-Pseudo-differential analysis
-Infinite dimensional geometry
-Index theory and anomalies
-Noncommutative geometry and interactions with physics
-Gauge theory
-Combinatorics on cones
The topic of the research project funded by the DFG is "Renormalisation under the prism of meromorphic functions in several variables", which touches on various of the above mentioned topics, leaving a lot of flexibility for the research direction the future postdoc would actually like to follow.
Applications should be sent by February 1st 2023 to Sylke Pfeiffer with
1) a statement setting out how she or he meets the selection criteria,
2) a curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
3) a statement of research interests,
4) the names and contact details of two referees.
2.6. PhD Studentships in Gravitational Wave Source Modelling, Birmingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-31
Location: Birmingham, UK
Additional Information: http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/phd/index.php
Contact: g.pratten[AT]bham.ac.uk
I would like to bring your attention to two 4-year PhD positions at the Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the University of Birmingham. These positions would be to work with Dr Geraint Pratten and are particularly aimed at applicants looking to work in the following areas: analytical modelling of gravitational-wave sources, numerical relativity simulations of compact binaries, exploring fundamental physics with gravitational-wave observations and gravitational-wave data analysis. All students are welcome to apply!
The Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy is one of the leading centres for gravitational-wave research in Europe. We offer a vibrant research environment with diverse interests across the group. We are members of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium, the Cosmic Explorer Consortium, the Einstein Telescope, and the European Pulsar Timing Array.
2.7. Postdoctoral position in Gravity and Astrophysics, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-24
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: https://jobs.ceico.cz/appform.aspx?job=gravity_astro
Contact: saltas[AT]fzu.cz
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the field of gravity and astrophysics, at the Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CEICO) within the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The duration of the post is for 2 years (initial contract is for 1 year, renewable for a further year subject to performance). Starting date is flexible, with the latest being 1st October 2023. The gross salary is competitive, 60,000 CZK/month, from which insurance/pension contributions are deducted, and is subject to a yearly raise contingent upon performance. A generous travel budget (100,000 CZK/year) along with funds for personal equipment are offered.
The successful applicant will join the team of Dr. Ippocratis Saltas and contribute towards the development of precision tests of the standard paradigm of gravity and particle physics with astrophysics, alongside pursuing their own independent research activities. The positions are supported by funds through the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree in Physics/Astronomy, or a related field by the start of the post. Applications from candidates with a numerical or theoretical expertise in any of the following areas are welcome:
- Physics of strong gravity and compact objects
- Modelling of gravitational-wave sources
- Gravitational probes of dark matter/particle physics with astrophysical systems (e.g compact objects)
Applicants with expertise in other fields synergistic to the above, theoretical or computational, are strongly encouraged to apply. Post-holders will have access to the group's state-of-the-art computing cluster.
CEICO is an international, interdisciplinary centre within the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, established with funds from the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Czech Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the European Commission. It performs research on cosmology, astrophysics, instrumentation, field theory and string theory, and it is a host of a lively atmosphere with numerous staff and postdoctoral researchers, students and visitors. CEICO values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. For more information, see: https://www.ceico.cz/.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Ippocratis Saltas.
Application procedure:
Applications should be made online at the link provided. Applicants should fill the online form and upload in a single pdf file the following:
- Curriculum Vitae,
- A brief description of past and current research interests/achievements, and their vision as to how they would fit for the post (maximum two pages, no less than 11 pt fonts),
- List of publications (Optionally, a link to an online database, e.g NASA/ADS, could be additionally provided).
The contact details of 3 academic referees must be supplied online. Referees will be contacted automatically by the online system - it is the applicant's responsibility to inform them of their application and the deadline below. Applications received by email will not be accepted.
2.8. Scientific Programmer Position at the Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-20
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/991039/scientific-programmer
Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam is looking for a highly motivated, talented Scientific Programmer who will actively engage in the computational research activities carried out in the division. The position will be at the level of a staff scientist; the appointment will initially be for 3 years, with the possibility of becoming permanent afterwards. In exceptional cases, the position can be made permanent sooner, or from the beginning.
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" (ACR) division, led by Alessandra Buonanno, is composed of about 40 scientists, including three permanent group leaders, Jonathan Gair, Harald Pfeiffer, Jan Steinhoff, and the five-year research group leader Miguel Zumalacarregui. The division also hosts several long and short-term visitors, and it has ties with the Physics Department at the University of Maryland, the Humboldt University in Berlin, and the University of Potsdam. Several members of the division are part of international collaborations including the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope Collaboration.
With recent ground-breaking observations of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration, gravitational-wave astrophysics is an exciting, fast-growing field. One of the main research activities in the ACR division is the development of theoretical models of gravitational waves from astrophysical and cosmological sources. Such models are necessary to detect gravitational waves and extract the physical information about the extreme sources that generate them, such as black holes and neutron stars. They are also needed to test the nature of gravity itself. These models are also employed to make predictions about future more sensitive detectors, such as LISA, the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer. The ACR division plays a leading role in this pursuit, by creating and helping maintain production analyses codes (such as the LIGO Algorithm Library), and by maintaining and developing a waveform modeling toolkit called pyEOBNR (which is an effective-one-body (EOB)
numerical-relativity (NR) calibrated waveform model for binary systems in the Python language). It is expected that the pyEOBNR toolkit will include ever more physical effects and be made computationally efficient for future detectors.
Furthermore, evaluating waveform models can be computationally expensive and therefore the ACR division is also leading activities to accelerate gravitational-wave inference. This activity includes the maintenance and development of the machine-learning algorithm Deep INference for Gravitational-wave Observations (DINGO). DINGO uses state-of-the-art machine learning methods, such as normalizing flows, to directly infer the parameters, with uncertainties of events, observed by current ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. This inference can be done in seconds, enabling the use of the most accurate waveform models for a much wider range of scientific applications than ever before. It is anticipated that DINGO will be used for an increasing range of ACR projects over the coming years, and be extended to a wider range of source types and adapted to future detectors.
It is expected that the successful candidate for this position will support the computational work of ACR scientists. The successful candidate will also participate in software development and its application to the analysis of current and future observational data.
Modelling and inference work within the ACR department makes use of a high-performance computer cluster, Urania, with ~6,000 cores, a high-throughput compute cluster, Hypatia with ~12,000 cores and two GPU servers, Saraswati and Lakshmi, each with 8 A100 GPUs. Those clusters are used to run numerical-relativity simulations of gravitational-wave sources, and to carry out source modeling and data-analysis studies for current and future gravitational-wave detectors. The clusters are maintained by a full-time cluster administrator.
Key tasks/responsibilities:
- Support the development and maintenance of software packages used to generate waveform models (such as pyEOBNR), and used for statistical inference on the properties of observed gravitational-wave sources (such as DINGO).
- Work to ensure that the computational performance of the software meets the needs of the ACR's scientists.
- Ensure that software developed in the division is well documented to facilitate the easy use of the code by new members and external collaborators.
- Consult and train scientists in the use of software, as needed.
- Support research and publications conducted by scientists in the division.
- Engage in visualization of results.
Required education and experience:
- Ph.D. in computer science, astronomy, physics or a related discipline.
- At least 4 years of experience with high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) resources.
- Expert knowledge in computational languages used in the astrophysics and physics community (e.g., Python, C/C++, Mathematica).
- Experience using multiple computational platforms (e.g., OSX, Windows, Unix/Linux).
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Excellent knowledge of oral and written English.
Preferred qualifications:
- Background in gravitational-wave physics or astrophysics.
- Familiarity with gravitational-wave software.
- Familiarity with modern software development practices, such as version control (Git) and continuous integration (CI).
- Knowledge of machine-learning methods.
- Experience in numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
For the application, you will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications and a statement of past and future research activities related to this job of not more than 3 pages. Applicants will need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Please register an account with our job portal and fill in the contact information for the referees well before the deadline, so that reference letters can be received in time. Referees will receive an email with instructions on how to upload their letters. In case of problems with the application form, please contact jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de.
Salary and benefits follow the remuneration of public employees in Germany ("Tarifvertrag im Oeffentlichen Dienst, TVOED").
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is February 20, 2023, including reception of reference letters. The anticipated start date of the positions is Fall 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct). The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with a nearby international kindergarten, a parent-child office and a nursing room.
2.9. Ikerbasque senior postdoctoral fellowships in gravitation and cosmology, Bilbao Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-12
Location: Bilbao, Spain
Additional Information: https://calls.ikerbasque.net/images/stories/2023_ikerbasque_rf_call_specs.p…
Contact: gravitation[AT]ehu.eus
The "Gravitation and Cosmology" group at the Department of Physics of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is seeking expressions of interest to apply for a Ikerbasque Research Fellow. These five year fellowships are directed to promising young researchers and offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career and fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.
The position would be cofunded by a grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science. The members of this grant are David Brizuela, Inaki Garay, Ruth Lazkoz, Salvador Robles-Perez, Jose M M Senovilla, and Raul Vera. Our lines of research cover cosmological observational tests, alternative theories of gravity, dark energy, dark matter, mathematical aspects of gravitation and Lorentzian geometry, astrophysical compact objects, quantum models of cosmology and black holes, and loop quantum gravity.
The candidates should have at least 5 years of postdoctoral experience (having defended their thesis between the years 2012 and 2017) and a strong research track record in any of the above-mentioned, or related, areas. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae and a short statement of research interests (all joined together in one pdf file) to gravitation(a)ehu.eus with the subject line "Ikerbasque application". In addition, they also should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be submitted to the same address with the subject line "Recommendation letter 'candidate's name'".
The deadline for applications is February 12, 2023.
2.10. Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Gravity, Beijing, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-01
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://gravityen.bnu.edu.cn/activity1/387.html
Contact: mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn
The Center for Relativity and Gravitation at Beijing Normal University has one postdoc position opening from September 2023 in the field of quantum gravity and quantum cosmology. The position include competitive salary (no less than CNY180,000 per year before tax) depending on the qualification of the applicant. The appointment will be for two years.
The faculty members of the Center include Zhoujian Cao, Sijie Gao, Minyong Guo, Bin Hu, Wenbiao Liu, Yongge Ma, Hongbao Zhang, and Bin Zhou. The International Advisory Committee of the Center consists of Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State), Ronggen Cai (ITP, CAS), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw), Hong Liu (MIT), and Zheng Zhao (BNU). The research area of the Center concerns General relativity, Black hole physics, Loop quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, Holographic issue of gravity, Alternative theories of gravity, Numerical relativity and gravitational wave, Relativistic astrophysics, and Cosmology.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research proposal and arrange to have two recommendation letters (one from the PhD advisor of the applicant) sent directly to Yongge Ma by
mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn, ygma[AT]163.com
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is March 1st, 2023.
2.11. Research Associate in Quantum Gravity, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-16
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.shef.ac.uk/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG…
Contact: s.c.gielen[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
We are seeking a Research Associate in Quantum Gravity to work on topics related to the Royal Society funded project "Time, clocks and singularities in quantum gravity". This project will explore the issue of general covariance and the role of clocks and time in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, focusing both on canonical and covariant quantisation and on the role of quantum clocks for cosmology and black holes. The Research Associate will be a member of the Gravitation and Cosmology group at the University of Sheffield, which currently consists of 5 academics (Eleonora Di Valentino, Sam Dolan, Steffen Gielen, Carsten van de Bruck, and Elizabeth Winstanley), 2 postdocs/RAs and 16 Ph.D. students.
You should have a PhD in Mathematics, Physics or equivalent, experience working with canonical and/or path integral methods in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology (ideally with focus on the problem of time and the question of general
covariance), and have a solid track record of publications, appropriate to your career stage.
This post is initially offered on a fixed term contract, available from 1 April 2023 and with an initially fixed end date of 31 December 2025.
For informal enquiries about this job and the recruiting department, please contact the grant holder Steffen Gielen (s.c.gielen[AT]sheffield.ac.uk). Note that you must apply using the University system, and applications or documents directly sent via email will not be accepted. For administration queries and details on the application process, contact the lead recruiter Olivia Mason (o.mason[AT]sheffield.ac.uk)
We are committed to exploring flexible working opportunities which benefit the individual and University.
We are one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University's Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.
We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose talent and contributions complement each other to greatest effect. We believe diversity in all its forms delivers greater impact through research, teaching and student experience.
2.12. Postdoctoral Position at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-01
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: https://astro.cas.cz/
Contact: gglukes[AT]asu.cas.cz
The Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for one post-doctoral position in the Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the Prague section of the Institute. The appointment is initially for one year; an extension until 31.12.2025 is expected upon satisfactory scientific performance and availability of funds. The salary will be based on the domestic level and it includes health insurance. Commencement is expected on the 1st of October 2023, but this date is relatively flexible.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate research experience at least in one of the following topics: compact objects in binary systems (effective one-body approximation, self-force, post-Newtonian mechanics), gravitational waves (analytical and numerical calculation, data analysis, synergy with electromagnetic signatures), chaos theory in dynamical astronomy. A successful applicant will join Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos and his research team.
Applications containing a Cover Letter, a Curriculum Vitae, a List of Publications, and a Summary of Research Plans should be submitted in a single pdf
to: sekretariat (at) asu.cas.cz
subject: "GW postdoc 2023 - Prague"
cc: gglukes (at) asu.cas.cz
Two recommendation letters should be sent to the same email addresses with the same subject.
The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree in the field. Preferences will be given to early-stage researchers. A necessary condition for the appointment is to satisfy the legal requirements for being employed in Czech Republic. For informal inquiries about the position please feel free to email Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos.
To receive full consideration please submit your application and arrange your recommendation letters to be sent by the 1st of March 2023. Applications will be acknowledged by email. Once the selection process is completed, the successful applicant will be notified.
3. News
3.1. New book: Experimental Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-95596-0
A new textbook "Experimental Gravitation" has been published by Springer Lecture Notes in Physics.
Authors: Fulvio Ricci and Massimo Bassan
Available in print and in electronic format.
This book features a comprehensive review of experimental gravitation. It is a textbook based on the graduate courses on "Experimental Gravitation" taught by the authors at their respective universities in Rome: Sapienza and Tor Vergata. A number of different research topics in the field are covered: from the torsion pendulum (still today the tool of choice for measuring small forces or torques) to the large interferometers developed to observe gravitational waves. Techniques that are still under development are also discussed, like the pulsar timing array and space-based detectors of the future.
This book is written by experimentalists for experimentalists. While the background physics is summarized for less experienced readers, the emphasis is certainly on experimental verifications: the strategy, the apparatuses, the data analysis and the results of many cornerstone experiments are analyzed and discussed in depth. This textbook serves as a useful resource for both graduate students and professionals working in the increasingly vibrant field of experimental gravity.
3.2. Multiple PhD positions in UMass Dartmouth and University of Rhode Island, - Closing Soon!
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://web.uri.edu/gravity/phd-openings/
One or more Ph.D. positions in the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium (U2GRC) starting in September 2023. We are particularly interested in applicants looking to work in these specific research areas: gravitational-wave detector characterization, parameter estimation and detection, data-driven modeling, numerical relativity, and black hole perturbation theory.
How to apply?
U2GRC is jointly run by the University of Rhode Island (URI) and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMassD). Therefore, interested students would apply to either URI, UMassD, or both depending on their preference. Applicants seeking further information may contact u2grc-faculty -at- googlegroups -dot- com. The deadline for submitting applications is February 1st, 2023.
About the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium:
The recently established U2GRC includes gravitational physics researchers at URI and UMassD. Faculty include Drs. Collin Capano (UMassD), Rob Coyne (URI), Sarah Caudill (UMassD), Scott Field (UMassD), Bob Fisher (UMassD), Doug Gobeille (URI), Gaurav Khanna (URI/UMassD), Michael Puerrer (URI) and Vijay Varma (UMassD). Many U2GRC faculty and students are members of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, LISA Consortium, and the SXS Collaboration. U2GRC currently has 10 PhD students.
3.3. A Memoriam of Bernd Schmidt
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information:
In Memoriam of Bernd Schmidt
On 10th January 2023 Bernd Schmidt passed away. He is survived by his wife Christa Pauler and daughters Katrin and Nikola Schmidt.
Bernd was an influential scientist whose work covered many of the aspects of general relativity which are nowadays called Mathematical Relativity. He started his research career at Hamburg University, where Pascual Jordan led an illustrious group which produced, among many others, Juergen Ehlers, Engelbert Schuecking and Rainer K. Sachs. A modern version of his 1996 diploma thesis was published in 1991 as "Existence and Properties of Spherically Symmetric Static Fluid Bodies with a Given Equation of State", co-authored with Alan Rendall. His first published paper in 1967 on "Isometry Groups with Surface-Orthogonal Trajectories" is important for understanding the geometry of spherically symmetric spacetimes and forms the basis for the treatment in Appendix B of the celebrated Hawking-Ellis monograph. The subject of spherical symmetry in general relativty remained close to Bernd's interest throughout his life. Bernd's 1972 paper on the bundle (or b-) boundary also plays a key role
in description of singularities of Chapter 8 in the Hawking-Ellis monograph.
When Juergen Ehlers undertook the call to create a relativity group at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Munich, he recruited Bernd to join him. Bernd remained with this group through its relocation, first at Garching and finally at Golm. In 1995, with Ehlers, Bernard Schutz and Helmut Friedrich, Bernd became a founding member of the Albert Einstein Institute at Golm, the Max Planck Institute devoted to Gravitation. Starting in 1995, he was instrumental in assisting the founding Directors in designing and staffing the new Institute. After his retirement in 2007 he moved back to Munich, where he continued research until his death. Bernd recently presented a talk in Golm on the history of the Institute. In the week following his return to Munich he became afflicted with a fatal brain abscess.
Bernd's research contributions are striking in their breadth. The subjects range from purely geometric topics such as spacetime isometry groups and the theory of connections, to subjects of physical importance such as spacetime singularities, the asymptotic structure of the gravitational field, exact solutions of the Einstein equations, mathematical cosmology, stellar oscillations, relativistic elasticity, quasi-normal modes and aspects of numerical relativity.
His comprehensive Living Review with Kostas Kokkatas on "Quasi-Normal modes of Stars and Black Holes" has provided an important resource for numerous perturbation studies which have been a main topic in relativistic astrophysics. In particular, the review has gained particular importance from the recent observations of gravitational waves from binary inspirals, where quasi-normal modes dominate the final ringdown of the waveform. His work on boost-symmetric spacetimes with Jiri Bicak, and the analysis of various aspects of the asymptotic structure of spatial and null infinity has led to a number of important advances. Thanks to his more recent work with Robert Beig, elasticity has now become an interesting new area of research in mathematical general relativity. Their collaboration continued until Bernd's last publication, "Mechanics of Floating Bodies" (2021).
Bernd was insightful and perceptive in both research and friendship. Many mathematical relativists were drawn to the Albert Einstein Institute for long visits because of Bernd's presence. A great many colleagues in this community will share our appreciation of his advice, professional support and research input. His clarity of thought and friendly help went beyond his own specialties and spanned all aspects of general relativity. This was immediately apparent to those who benefited from interacting with him and was perhaps his most important contribution to the field.
Abhay Ashtekar, Robert Beig, Jeff Winicour

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for January 2023
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '23
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '23
02 Jan '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics, Skeikampen, Norway
1.2. 26th Capra meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Copenhagen, Denmark
1.3. Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Quantum Gravity (online)
1.4. 13th Central European Relativity Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden
1.5. Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity, Lisbon, Portugal
1.6. Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Moscow, Russia
1.7. Relativistic Quantum Information North 2023, Chania, Crete, Greece
1.8. Probing the quantum origin of spacetime, Northampton, UK
1.9. School: "Future Cosmology", Cargese, France
1.10. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop XV, Cargese, France
1.11. 4th G2Net Training School on Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece (hybrid)
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-wave and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Rolla, MO, USA
2.2. Postdoc and PhD positions at MPI for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany
2.3. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics/Mathematical Physics, Sheffield, UK
2.4. Research Associate in Cosmology and Gravitation (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
2.5. PhD position in multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2.6. Postdoctoral position in machine learning at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2.7. Postdoctoral Position in Black Hole Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
2.8. Expression of interest - Postdoc in QFT in curved spacetime and applications, Genoa, Italy
2.9. Research fellowships in gravitational physics, Lisbon, Portugal
2.10. (senior) postdoctoral position, Potsdam, Germany
2.11. Fixed-term (3yr) Researcher position in HPC for astrophysics, cosmology, and gravity theory, Rome, Italy
2.12. Balzan PhD position, Berlin, Germany
2.13. PostDoc in Theoretical Gravity, Paris, France
2.14. Research Fellow in Gravitational Waves, Birmingham, UK
2.15. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave source modelling, Southampton, UK
3. News
3.1. 2023 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Call for nominations, 2023 Edition
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Unveiling the Universe with emerging cosmological probes"
1. Conferences
1.1. Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics, Skeikampen, Norway
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-29 to 2023-02-03
Location: Skeikampen, Norway
Additional Information: https://indico.nbi.ku.dk/event/1903/
Contact: nbia-school[AT]nbi.ku.dk
The Nordic Winter School on Gravitational Astrophysics aims to introduce Ph.D. students, advanced Master's students and Postdocs to current exciting topics in gravitation, particle physics and cosmology. It takes place at the beautiful Thon Hotel Skeikampen, approximately 40 kilometers north of Lillehammer (200 km north of Oslo). You can find details about the area here: http://www.skeikampen.no/en/.
This year, the school has a particular focus on Gravitational Physics and the science behind gravitational wave analysis. The School will feature the following invited guest lecturers:
* Elisa Bortolas (University of Milano Bicocca) -- Formation of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
* Simon Portegies Zwart (University of Leiden) -- Computational Astrophysics and Gravitational wave sources
* Aaron Zimmerman (University of Texas Austin) -- Gravitational Wave physics and observations
Together with shorter topical lectures by:
* Johan Samsing -- Formation channels for binary black holes
* Jose M. Ezquiaga -- Fundamental Physics and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves
* Daniel J. D'Orazio -- Finding Supermassive Black Hole Binaries
* Maarten van de Meent - Modelling Black Hole Binary Dynamics
The Winter School attendance will be limited to 40 participants. Please check the Registration page for detailed information about the necessary registration materials. Preference will be given to applicants from the Nordic countries, but there will be more spaces available and we encourage participants from all nationalities and backgrounds to apply. Young post-docs are encouraged to participate as well. Exceptionally talented M.Sc. students can apply too.
Transportation between Oslo Airport and the hotel will be provided without cost. All participants are expected to arrange their own travel to and from Oslo.
1.2. 26th Capra meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Copenhagen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-07
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://www.caprameeting.org
Contact: capra26[AT]caprameeting.org
The 26th Capra meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will take place at Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen from 3rd - 7th July 2023. Registration is now open and there is no registration fee.
The Capra meeting is an annual workshop on the topic of radiation reaction in general relativity. The primary focus of these workshops is the development of self-force techniques to model the dynamics of black hole binaries and further our understanding of the two-body problem in General Relativity. This week-long meeting will consist of review talks, short contributed presentations, and discussion sessions. Contributed talks on all aspects of the radiation reaction problem (including related topics such as EMRI astrophysics or data analysis) are welcome.
A limited number of conference grants will be available for early career researchers working on project with promising applications in the field. All applications will be considered, but preference will be given to PhD students from developing countries or with limited access to funding.
At Capra and Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, we provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, civil status or family status. If you have any feedback or suggestions as to how we can do more to provide equal opportunities at Capra, please do not hesitate to get in touch at edi(a)caprameeting.org.
For registration and further information, please visit the conference website at https://www.caprameeting.org. The Capra Meeting at the Niels Bohr Institute is supported by the Villum Foundation.
1.3. Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Quantum Gravity (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-07 to 2023-06-23
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://indico.ictp.it/event/10146
Contact: galvizblancod10[AT]mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Physics Without Frontiers has enlisted volunteers Daniel Galviz and Ruben Campos and partnered with the Physics Department at the University of Los Andes to provide online advanced courses in theoretical physics for undergraduate and graduate students in Venezuela and Latin America.
The Third course, Quantum Gravity, will be taught online from 7th March to 23th June 2023 by Ruben Campos Delgado (Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and Uni Bonn, DE). Physics students from different universities in Latin America will be trained in Quantum gravity, Black Holes and string theory and its applications to cosmology. Every student will receive an ICTP-PWF certificate at the end.
The application procedure is open now (the deadline is on 28th Feb 2023). For more information visit our Website.
Goals and deliverables
Help students in Latin America by teaching lectures on theoretical physics.
Help students to be familiar with advanced research topics in theoretical physics.
Students will solve weekly assignments on these topics.
Top students without MSc./Ph.D. will be mentored to pursue studies abroad, giving advice and recommendations about scholarships at international programs.
Guest Speakers:
Prof. Gaston Giribet (New York University, USA)
Prof. Irene Valenzuela (CERN and, IFT, CH)
Prof. Juan Pedraza (IFT Madrid, ES)
Tatevik Vardanyan (Universitaet zu Koeln, DE)
Daniel Sega (NASA FINESST Fellow and CU Boulder , USA)
Eugenia Colafranceschi (UC santa Barbara, USA)
Ruben Campos Delgado (Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics & Uni Bonn, DE)
Teaching Assistant:
Muldrow Etheredge (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
Project coordinator:
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University) and ICTS (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
1.4. 13th Central European Relativity Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-03 to 2023-05-05
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Additional Information: https://cers.univie.ac.at/cers13/index.html
Contact: oliverlp[AT]kth.se
The Stockholm meeting will be the thirteenth seminar of a series designed to provide a forum for younger researchers to present their work, and to expand their research horizons, in all topics of research in general relativity.
While the main geographical basin of attraction for the meeting has traditionally been Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Germany, we welcome researchers from all countries.
The meeting will be held on site unless the pandemic situation prevents it.
Abstracts received by April 7, 2023, will receive full attention.
1.5. Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-03 to 2023-05-05
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1194229/
Contact: icdms2023[AT]centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The International Conference "Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity" aims to bring together scientists working across the different research fields of astrophysics, cosmology, and modified gravity. We want to look at the dark matter problem from different perspectives, considering it to be of particle nature, as well as modification of gravity. This meeting aims to initiate cross-field discussions of dark matter searches, their current status, and future prospects.
- Dark matter in compact stars (neutron stars, white dwarfs, exotic stars)
- Multi-messenger and gravitational wave probes of dark matter
- Models of dark matter
- Cosmology
- Modified gravity
We seek to encourage dialogue between different research groups to enhance collaboration and help to improve our understanding of dark matter. The conference is also planned to introduce the dark matter research field to encourage attendance by young scientists including Ph.D. students.
The meeting will be held at the Centro de Congressos, Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Registration for the conference is free of charge. The number of participants is limited to 120 people to ensure comfortable usage of facilities and create good opportunities for the participants to interact. The selection of the final participant list is the responsibility of the organizing committee. The criteria for choosing the participants are based on availability and conference goals, as described above.
- Katy Clough (Queen Mary University of London)
- Eleonora Di Valentino (Sheffield University)
- Tim Dietrich (University of Potsdam/Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute))
- Lavinia Heisenberg (ETH Zuerich/Heidelberg University)
- Chris Kouvaris (National Technical University of Athens)
- Andrea Maselli (Gran Sasso Institute)
- Sanjay Reddy (University of Washington)
Ilidio Lopes (Co-chair, IST, University of Lisbon)
Violetta Sagun (Co-chair, University of Coimbra)
Laura Sagunski (Co-chair, Goethe University Frankfurt)
Ana Brito (IST, University of Lisbon/Instituto Superior de Gestao)
Marco Calza (University of Coimbra)
Edoardo Giangrandi (University of Coimbra)
Jose Sande Lemos (IST, University of Lisbon)
Grigorios Panotopoulos (Frontera University)
Joseph Silk (Johns Hopkins University/Oxford University/Paris, Institute of Astrophysics)
1.6. Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, Moscow, Russia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-06
Location: Moscow, Russia
Additional Information: https://pirt.bmstu.ru/en/
Contact: dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru
International Conference "Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory" (PIRT-2023) will take place July 3 - 6, 2023 at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia and online (Zoom).
The PIRT conference is an international scientific event that was organized by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Liverpool and the University of Sunderland in 1988 and was first held at Imperial College London every two years, and since 2003 it has been held at Bauman University in Moscow. The main objectives of the conference are to discuss the physical, geometric, and mathematical interpretation of the theory of relativity, its experimental verification and discussion of alternative theories of gravity, optical methods for detecting gravitational waves, new effects of moving-media optics and relativistic electrodynamics, as well as astrophysical observations and space experiments.
THE CONFERENCE SCIENCE PROGRAM OF THE PIRT-2023 will include papers on the following topics:
Gravitation, cosmology and large-scale structure
Gravitational waves and experimental tests of the relativity theory
Relativistic electrodynamics
High energy astrophysics
Modern problems of classical and quantum field theory
Dr. Michael Gordin, Bauman MSTU, Russia (University Rector, Chairman, IOC)
Acad. of RAS, Prof. Alexei Starobinsky, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, Russia (Chairman, ISC)
Corr.-Member of RAS, Prof. Andrei Morozov, Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia (Co-Chairman, ISC)
Prof. Vladimir Gladyshev, Bauman MSTU, Russia (Co-Chairman, IOC, ISC)
Prof. Innocenzo M. Pinto, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States (ISC)
Prof. Bivudutta Mishra, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India (IOC, ISC)
Dr. Richard Kerner, Sorbonne-Universite', France (ISC)
Prof. Roland Triay, Centre de Physique Theorique CNRS - Aix- Marseille University, France (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Aroonkumar Beesham, University of Zululand, South Africa (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Sunil Kumar Tripathy, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, India (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Carlos Romero, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Brazil (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Sergey Chervon, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia (IOC, ISC)
Prof. Valery Mitrofanov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (ISC)
Prof. Konstantin Postnov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (ISC)
Prof. Antonio C. Gutierrez-Pineres, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia (IOC, ISC)
1.7. Relativistic Quantum Information North 2023, Chania, Crete, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Chania, Crete, Greece
Additional Information: https://isrqi.net/
Contact: jorma.louko[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
Relativistic Quantum Information North (RQI-N) 2023 conference will be held on the week of 17 July 2023 in Chania, Crete, Greece.
The conference is supported by the International Society for Relativistic Quantum Information (ISRQI).
More information will become available through the Society's website (isrqi.net)
Jorma Louko
1.8. Probing the quantum origin of spacetime, Northampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-23 to 2023-01-24
Location: Northampton, UK
Additional Information: https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2023/01/quantum-origin…
Contact: scientific.meetings[AT]royalsociety.org
On 23 - 24 January 2023, Dr Steffen Gielen and Dr Jean-Luc Lehners will lead a residential Theo Murphy scientific meeting on the topic of the quantum origin of spacetime.
Quantum theory describes the behaviour of matter, but could it also be instrumental in explaining the structure of space and time? This meeting will explore how the quantum properties of spacetime can change our understanding of the foundations of cosmology. The discussion will also focus on how the relationship between quantum theory and spacetime could be tested observationally.
This meeting is intended for researchers in relevant fields and can only be attended in-person. Advance registration is essential. This is a residential meeting held at Sedgebrook Hall, Northampton. Participants will need to book their own accommodation with the venue.
1.9. School: "Future Cosmology", Cargese, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-23 to 2023-04-29
Location: Cargese, France
Additional Information: https://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/EC2023/index.php
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr
Cosmology is at the dawn of a revolution in terms of the quantity and quality of observation data on large structures. During the next two years, the Euclid mission will be launched, the Vera Rubin observatory will have its first light, followed very closely by the SPHEREx and Nancy Roman space missions.
This thematic school of CNRS aims to provide a modern panorama on these new observatories, the different multi-wavelength probes on the physics of large scale structures, the rising tensions in cosmology, the problems caused by the influence of baryons and the opportunities provided by new multi-messengers approaches (e.g. gravitational waves).
For the above reasons, the school will cover aspects of photometric and spectroscopic galaxy catalogues, weak lensing of galaxies, cosmic microwave background (including the lensing of it), a presentation on Euclid, LSST and SPHEREx and tensions/opportunities in the combination of these datasets.
Participants will also be provided an overview on classical statistics computed on large scale structures to infer cosmological parameters, and new methods that are being developed.
1.10. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop XV, Cargese, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-16 to 2023-04-22
Location: Cargese, France
Additional Information: https://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2023/index.php
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr
Spontaneous Workshop (SW) brings together specialists in particle physics, astrophysics and theoretical physics at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Cargese (IESC) to exchange recent knowledge on Cosmology in a constructive atmosphere. The goal is to stimulate debate for generating innovative ideas on emerging issues.
With this in mind, the number of participants is limited to 30-40 and the workshop program is based on an optimal number of concise presentations, with a sufficient discussion space to facilitate interactions between participants. Postdoctoral and PhD students are encouraged to participate.
Just keep in mind that :
SW differs from a traditional workshop in that the program is specified only two weeks before it starts, based on a selection of talks submitted by the participants.
The number of participants depends on the availability of IESC, which hosts another event at the same period of time, and might be less than 40.
Workshop Schedule
Arrival on Sunday, April 16th afternoon
Departure on Saturday, April 22th morning
The opening session on Monday
Lectures hours are 9:00 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 18:00
1.11. 4th G2Net Training School on Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-28 to 2023-03-31
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Additional Information: https://indico.physics.auth.gr/event/14/
Contact: g2netschool[AT]gmail.com
The G2Net COST action is organizing the 4th Training School on Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning in Thessaloniki, Greece. Our school will provide training in the exciting field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, in which the application of machine learning (ML) techniques is rapidly evolving. The training modules are designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of machine learning techniques, as well as the practical skills and knowledge needed to apply these in the field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, including the analysis of seismic noise.
The school will be organized in a hybrid mode, with in-person attendance at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and remote attendance through live zoom sessions.
Lecture Modules:
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Gravitational Waves
- Seismic Noise
- Control Systems
Individual topics include rapid GW detection using neural networks, accelerating surrogate GW models with machine learning and denoising using machine learning. There will be hands-on exercise sessions using jupyter notebooks. Please bring your laptops.
The in-person attendance is limited to about 30 persons. Registration is required for both modes of participation. There are no registration fees.
Financial Support:
Support for a limited number of students will be provided through the G2Net COST action (details to be announced, soon).
Scientific and Organizing Committee:
Cuoco, Elena
Iosif, Panagiotis
Nousi, Paraskevi
Passalis, Nikolaos
Pesios, Dimitrios
Petre, Luigia
Sasli, Argyro
Stergioulas, Nikolaos
Tefas, Anastasios
The visit the training school's website for additional information.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-wave and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Rolla, MO, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-31
Location: Rolla, MO, USA
Additional Information: https://imac.mst.edu/news/
Contact: marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org
The Institute of Multi-messenger Astrophysics and Cosmology (IMAC) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology anticipates having one postdoctoral position in the areas of gravitational physics and astrophysics. The position is for one year, renewable for up to three years, contingent on funding availability and satisfactory performance. The applicant must have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in physics or related fields and show a strong track record in gravitational-wave data analysis and instrumentation, experimental gravitational-wave science, and/or multi-messenger astrophysics.
IMAC [https://imac.mst.edu/] is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and is active in various areas of experimental and theoretical gravity, astrophysics, and cosmology. Current faculty members in the group include Marco Cavaglia (LIGO) and Shun Saito (HETDEX, PFS), as well as several graduate students. The postdoctoral scholar funded by this position will work in close collaboration with the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the KAGRA Collaboration, as well as partner astrophysics consortiums. The successful applicant is expected to engage in a collaborative research program in the above areas, mentor undergraduate and graduate students, and contribute to the educational and outreach activities of the group. Depending on the research program and interests of the applicant, these activities may be carried out by residing full-time at one of the LIGO sites in Livingston, LA, or Hanford, WA.
Missouri S&T [https://mst.edu/] is one of the nation's leading research universities with 101 degree programs in 40 areas of study, ranging from business and information technology to engineering, the sciences, the humanities, and the liberal arts. It is located about 100 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, in the multicultural community of Rolla, surrounded by Ozarks scenery. The physics department includes 16 active faculty with expertise in condensed matter physics, atomic physics, and astrophysics.
A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications) and a statement of research interests should be sent in PDF format to Marco Cavaglia "marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org". Please use the subject "Gravitational physics and astrophysics postdoctoral application." Applicants must also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters sent to the same email address. Please direct questions about the position to "marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org". Applications will be reviewed starting on January 1, 2023, but applications will be accepted until an adequate applicant pool is established, or until the position is filled. The position is available as early as February 2023. IMAC and Missouri S&T are committed to increasing diversity in the sciences. Applications from underrepresented groups in physics are particularly encouraged. IMAC and Missouri S&T will strive to meet the needs of dual-career couples.
2.2. Postdoc and PhD positions at MPI for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-31
Location: Hannover, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/continuouswaves
Contact: cw-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
PhD and postdoctoral positions in Continuous Gravitational Wave research at AEI Hannover
We are inviting applications from outstanding Post-Docs and graduate students (Ph.D. students) to join the permanent independent research group "Continuous Gravitational Waves" at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (AEI), in Hannover, Germany.
Continuous gravitational waves have not yet been observed. The detection problem is possibly one of the most challenging across the various types of gravitational wave signals, with the data analysis procedures effectively increasing the detector sensitivity by a significant amount. The group at AEI is the largest group world-wide devoted to this endeavour, designing and carrying out the deepest searches and deploying them on in-house computing resources and on the Einstein@Home volunteer commuting project. The research environment is dynamic, stimulating and fast-paced.
The ideal candidate should have an excellent track record, programming experience, have worked with data, be creative and enthusiastic. Prior experience specifically with gravitational wave data is not required.
For post doctoral fellows the initial appointment will be for two years with the possibility, upon satisfactory performance, of an extension. For PhD students the appointment is for three years. Their PhD is awarded by Leibniz university Hannover.
The working language of the group is English.
Applications should comprise a CV, a publication list and a brief research statement. They should be submitted by email to cw-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de. Candidates should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to cw-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de by the referees.
The deadline for submission is December 31st 2022, but later applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability.
2.3. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics/Mathematical Physics, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-04
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://tinyurl.com/2zasxjpy
Contact: a.brini[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield is seeking to recruit an open-ended academic position as part of a strategic initiative to strengthen its research activity in the fields of Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Gravitation and Cosmology. The appointment will be made at either Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level (broadly equivalent to Assistant or Associate Professor, respectively) according to the experience of the successful candidate. We particularly welcome applicants with a proven track record of research in one or more of the following subjects: enumerative algebraic geometry; mirror symmetry; mathematical aspects of quantum field theory and string theory; quantum gravity; and quantum cosmology.
The School of Mathematics and Statistics aspires to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for all who enjoy mathematics, and it has a strong research ethos and an international reputation in research. In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), 96% of our submission was judged to be either internationally excellent or world leading.
We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose talent and contributions complement each other to greatest effect. We believe diversity in all its forms delivers greater impact through research, teaching and student experience. The School is a supporter of the LMS Good Practice Scheme and a recipient of an Athena Swan Bronze award. We recognise the structural barriers to participation faced by many individuals from under-represented groups and are committed to supporting staff from diverse backgrounds to base their career in our community. We are committed to exploring flexible working opportunities which benefit the individual and the University.
We're one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University's Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.
2.4. Research Associate in Cosmology and Gravitation (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-04
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/38525/
Contact: sherwin[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Relativity and Gravitation Group within Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, working on lensing of the cosmic microwave background, with a particular focus on lensing measurements and B-mode delensing with early Simons Observatory CMB data.
The successful candidate will work primarily with Professor Blake Sherwin, as well as academic staff across the Relativity and Gravitation group (Challinor, Dafermos, Fergusson, Hartnoll, Pajer, Quevedo, Reall, Santos, Shellard, Sperhake, Wall and Warnick) and research staff and PhD students. There are close links with the HEP group in DAMTP and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology (www.kicc.cam.ac.uk)
The position is expected to be available from 1 April 2023, but the start date is flexible and can be delayed until October 2023. Applicants should have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in a relevant area of theoretical physics, and to have an established track record of original research and experience of working in collaboration.
Duties will include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. You will be expected to plan your own research, with guidance if required, and to assist in the preparation of funding proposals. You must be able to communicate material of a technical nature. You may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects and development of skills, and deliver seminars relating to the research area.
Further information about CTC can be found at www.ctc.cam.ac.uk and the GR Group at www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 3 years in the first instance.
Apply here: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/38525/
2.5. PhD position in multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-02
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs/phd-ca…
Contact: c.f.f.vandenbroeck[AT]uu.nl
The Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP) at Utrecht University is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate in multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics. In this position you will be an active member of the interdisciplinary Dutch consortium "Probing the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics", which includes collaborators at Utrecht University (Prof. Van Den Broeck, Dr. Christakoglou, Dr. Gursoy, Dr. Hinderer, and Prof. Snellings), the University of Amsterdam (Dr. Moesta, Dr. Nissanke, and Prof. Watts), and the University of Groningen (Prof. Even).
The consortium aims to study dense nuclear matter by combining information from multiple observational and experimental channels: gravitational waves emitted by binary neutron star mergers, the gamma ray bursts and "kilonova" afterglows caused by them, X-ray observations with NICER, radio observations of pulsars, nuclear physics experiments, and heavy-ion collisions in earth-based particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.
In this research project, you will be working in the group of Prof. Chris Van Den Broeck and focus on the development of a joint Bayesian data analysis framework that optimally brings together the observables from the above mentioned channels, with input from theoretical (astro)physics and large-scale numerical simulations.
2.6. Postdoctoral position in machine learning at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-15
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://cosimobambi.github.io
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on the development of astrophysical codes with machine learning techniques (neural networks and deep learning). The start date of this position is negotiable but it should be in 2023.
The appointment is for 2 years. Applications received by January 15 will receive full consideration.
Interested candidates should send standard application material (CV, publication list, and any additional material that can be useful for the selection process) to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted as soon as possible and will be asked to arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
2.7. Postdoctoral Position in Black Hole Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-27
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/customize/809?columnId=57
Contact: mizuno[AT]sjtu.edu.cn
The astrophysics division of Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) invites applications for 1-2 highly motivated and talented candidates for a postdoc position in black hole astrophysics working with Prof. Yosuke Mizuno primally focus on the theoretical/computational modeling of black holes, accretion flows and relativistic jets.
TDLI was founded in November 2016, with Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee (Nobel Prize in Physics 1957) as the Honorary Director and Prof. Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics 2004) as the Founding Director (and the current Chief Scientist). The Current Director is Prof. Jie Zhang, a prominent physicist and the former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). TDLI supports research in Particle and Nuclear physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Quantum physics, and aims to become a top-notch physics and astronomy research institute in the world. TDLI has an internationalised environment with English as its working language.
Applicants should have a PhD in astronomy, physics, or other related subjects by the time of appointment. Researchers with a knowledge or experience of numerical plasma simulations, relativistic radiation transfer calculation, analysing and interpreting observations of relativistic jets, or theory of gravity are particularly encouraged to apply.
The position is initially for two years and can be extended - depending on successful performance and availability of funds. It comes with a competitive annual salary ranging from from 34k to 41k US dollars including housing subsidies. The start date of the appointment can be as early as Spring 2023 but not be later than September 1, 2023.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV including publication list, a research statement (< 5 pages), and arrange three reference letters to be sent directly to Prof. Yosuke Mizuno (mizuno[AT]sjtu.edu.cn). Applications will have to be sent by February 27, 2023 for full consideration, but the search will remain open till the optimal candidate is found. Applicants applied the TDLI prized postdoc positions do not need to send separate application material, except an email expressing the interest of a postdoctoral position of black hole astrophysics.
2.8. Expression of interest - Postdoc in QFT in curved spacetime and applications, Genoa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-10
Location: Genoa, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.dime.unige.it/en/research/research-topics/mechanics-continuous-…
Contact: vincenzo.vitagliano[AT]unige.it
The gravity group hosted by the mathematical modelling centre - ITIMAT at the University of Genoa (Italy) got last-minute funding (Principal Investigator: Vincenzo Vitagliano) for an 18-months postdoctoral position starting from March 2023 (unfortunately, not negotiable). Applicants should have a PhD in Theoretical or Mathematical Physics (or related areas).
The group consists of five faculty members (Sante Carloni, Claudio Carmeli, Roberto Cianci, Stefano Vignolo, Vincenzo Vitagliano), graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The group has strong connections with several local and international research groups and is an active member of the INFN project QGSKY - Quantum Universe.
The successful candidate will work primarily on quantum field theory in curved spacetime and related applications. An interest in the Casimir effect, geometrical aspects of gravity and modified theories is welcome.
The formal application involves a competitive call whose deadline is around the end of January. Interested candidates, however, are asked to contact in advance Vincenzo Vitagliano (vincenzo.vitagliano[AT]unige.it) by Jan, 10th. Informal enquiries may be made to the same email address.
The salary is fixed (the net salary is about 1700 euros per month), but allows a comfortable life in the city (Genoa is quite cheap when compared with other realities in Italy).
Genoa "la Superba" is an incredibly charming city, with one of the largest historical city centres in Europe, glorious food, gorgeous mountains (the Alps) and sea (Riviera and Cinque Terre) within a stone's throw. The city has its own airport, plus convenient connections (1-2 hours by train) with Milan and Pisa hubs.
2.9. Research fellowships in gravitational physics, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-20
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/
Contact: edgar.gasperin[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The gravity group (GRIT) at Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon invites potential candidates to express their interest in the upcoming FCT Investigator grant opening.
The group can support a small number of applications, and we therefore ask interested parties to send a cv, publication list and research statement to Edgar Gasperin (edgar.gasperin[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt) with the subject "FCT-Investigator-2023" by 20th of January 2023.
The grant itself offers a six year position, with various different levels available depending on experience. The formal application involves a competitive call opening in Spring 2023. Successful applications would be expected to start in early Summer 2024.
Information about both the team and the broader CENTRA research unit to which GRIT belongs can be found at the link attached to this advertisement.
2.10. (senior) postdoctoral position, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-12
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/988161/postdoc-erc-smart?e=eyJ0aW1lIjoiMjAyMi0xMi0xN…
Contact: tim.dietrich[AT]uni-potsdam.de
As part of the ERC project "SMArt: From Subatomic to Cosmic Scales: Simulating, Modelling, and Analyzing Binary Neutron Star Mergers' we are opening a postdoctoral position.
The position is located at the University of Potsdam within the Theoretical Astrophysics group. This group has strong ties to the Max Planck Fellow group "Multi-messenger Astrophysics of Compact Binaries", as well as the "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" and "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" divisions at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics.
We are looking for a candidate working on the interpretation and modeling of binary neutron star mergers. Hence, the successful candidate must have a strong background in (some of) the following topics: numerical relativity, gravitational wave modeling, kilonova modeling, and multi-messenger data analysis. It is beneficial to have experience in scientific programming.
While we are mainly looking for a senior researcher to fill the position, we also accept applications from younger researchers and PhD students shortly before graduation. Depending on seniority, the position can be handed out for up to five years and with a yearly gross salary ranging from about 55,000 to 70,000 Euro.
For the application, you will be asked to upload as a single pdf, a cover letter, your curriculum vitae, your list of publications, a (up to 3-page) statement of past and future research activities, and your University transcripts. Applicants will need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will receive an email with instructions on how to upload their letters. If they encounter problems, referees may also send letters by email to cornelia.heinrich[AT]uni-potsdam.de.
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is February 12, 2023. The position will start in autumn 2023, but the exact starting date can be adjusted.
The University of Potsdam is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. For further information, please contact Cornelia Heinrich (cornelia.heinrich[AT]uni-potsdam.de) for administrative questions. Questions considering the scientific topic should be sent to tim.dietrich[AT]uni-potsdam.de.
2.11. Fixed-term (3yr) Researcher position in HPC for astrophysics, cosmology, and gravity theory, Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-10
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.phys.uniroma1.it/fisica/
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
The Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome is planning to open a call for a fixed-term (3 yr) Researcher Position (RTDa) in high-performance computing in astrophysics, cosmology, and gravity theory. The position is funded by the new National HPC Center created with the PNRR (Next Generation EU) funds. This project involves the extragalactic astrophysics, the cosmology, the gravity theory and gravitational-wave phenomenology, and the particle-physics theory groups at Sapienza. The appointment is for 3 years and must start no later than March 2023. A minimum mandatory teaching is foreseen, corresponding to approximately 35 - 40 hours per year. There is a very convenient fiscal benefit for candidates living outside Italy in the last 2 years as they will pay reduced taxes for the whole duration of the contract. The Department of Physics at Sapienza hosts renowned research groups in several areas of physics and is regularly included among the first 40 Physics and Astronomy
institutes in the world according to various rankings.
More information on this position will appear shortly. Depending on their research field, for further information interested candidates can contact before January 10 2023: alessandro.melchiorri at uniroma1.it (cosmology) paolo.pani at uniroma1.it, alfredo.urbano at uniroma1.it (gravity and particle-physics theory), raffaella.schneider at uniroma1.it, luca.graziani at uniroma1.it (extragalactic astrophysics and GW source population modeling)
2.12. Balzan PhD position, Berlin, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-31
Location: Berlin, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/982627/balzan-phd-position
Contact: gravity[AT]uni-bonn.de
The Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department, led by Alessandra Buonanno, at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, in collaboration with the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn, led by Dennis Lehmkuhl, and the Department I and Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" at the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, led by Juergen Renn and Alexander Blum, respectively, is seeking a PhD student. The position will start in the fall of 2023, and it is fully supported by the 2021 Balzan Prize Funds for three years with the possibility of extension for a fourth year.
We invite applications of prospective PhD students who wish to pursue a PhD in a topic incorporating physics, history and philosophy of physics research; in particular, on the history and conceptual analysis of solving the two-body problem in General Relativity, especially as it unfolded from 1975 onwards. Important questions should concern the development of analytical and numerical methods in General Relativity, as well as, their synergy and impact on the discovery of gravitational waves from merging black holes in 2015.
The position will provide an outstanding early-career scholar with a unique opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with physicists, historians and philosophers of physics at Potsdam, Berlin and Bonn. The position will be based at the Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, and it will include extended periods of time at the affiliated institutions in Berlin and Bonn. We invite applications especially from candidates with a suitable background in physics, philosophy of physics and/or history of physics. For more details about the groups involved see the websites of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department, the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn, and the Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" of the Max Planck Institute for History of Science.
The PhD student will have the opportunity to fully participate in the research life of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department in Potsdam, the Lichtenberg group and the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bonn, and the Max Planck Institute for History of Science in Berlin, conducting research leading to peer reviewed publications, attending and presenting talks at conferences, and participating in outreach activities.
PhD candidate qualifications:
An undergraduate degree in physics or mathematics, and a Master degree in physics, philosophy of physics, or history of physics.
Native speaker or near-native command of the English language.
Motivated, flexible, team oriented and interested in continued professional development.
A vibrant research environment with access to a world-class research facilities and cutting-edge research projects.
A structured English-language graduate program.
Fully funded positions (more details are available here), no tuition fees, and additional funding for conferences and professional development.
Individual supervision and mentoring by research scientists who are leaders in their respective fields.
An excellent working environment with various on-campus support (computing facilities, PhD representatives, language courses, residence permit and visa support, children's day care, etc.).
Application Process:
You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, university transcripts and the Master thesis or (if not yet available) a three-page account of what the planned Master thesis will consist in, and a list of publications (if available). Applicants also need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload their letters.
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is January 31st, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunities:
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, socio-economic background, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct).
The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with a nearby international kindergarten, a parent-child office and a nursing room.
2.13. PostDoc in Theoretical Gravity, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-15
Location: Paris Area (Orsay and Meudon), France
Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR9012-ALEHEN-049/Default.aspx
Contact: karim.noui[AT]ijclab.in2p3.fr
There will be a post doctoral position opening in the field of theoretical gravity financed via the StronG Project (contract 252472) of the French ANR.
We are seeking a young researcher who has research experience and a very good track record on the following research subjects: modified gravity theories, gravity waves, compact objects. The themes involve analytic or numerical methods.
In the researched profile, there is a slight preference for younger candidates, having obtained their PhD less than two years ago.
The research will be carried out with members of the "Gravitation and Cosmology" team (Eugeny Babichev, Christos Charmousis and Karim Noui) from IJCLab at the University of Paris-Saclay and with members of the "Relativity and Objects Compacts" team (Laura Bernard, Eric Gourgoulhon, P. Grandclement) of LUTh at Meudon. Both institutions are in the south of Paris area.
The postdoc position is for two years and can be extended up to three.
Interested candidates must apply using the official website of CNRS
where they have to send (in a PDF format)
a detailed CV which contains the list of publications
a statement of past research and a research project (max. 5 pages in total)
Recommandation letters must be sent by email to karim.noui[AT]ijclab.in2p3.fr
with in the Title: "Post-Doc StronG (Name of Candidate)"
Best regard.
2.14. Research Fellow in Gravitational Waves, Birmingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-13
Location: Birmingham, UK
Additional Information: https://edzz.fa.em3.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_6…
Contact: P.Schmidt[AT]bham.ac.uk
The Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, invites applications for a fixed-term postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave astronomy from March 1st, 2023 until March 31st, 2025. The appointment may be extended depending on the availability of funds and comes with a generous travel budget.
The successful candidate will work with Dr Patricia Schmidt and Dr Geraint Pratten on topics including analytical modelling of gravitational-wave sources, numerical relativity simulations of compact binaries, gravitational-wave data analysis and parameter estimation, as well as surrogate modelling and machine learning.
The applicant is expected to have a PhD in physics or a related subject, with a background in analytical and/or numerical modelling of compact binaries and data analysis techniques. They will be strongly encouraged to join the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and will also have the opportunity to join the LISA Consortium, the Einstein Telescope Collaboration, and the Cosmic Explorer Consortium.
The Institute for Gravitational Wave Astronomy provides a vibrant and diverse environment with expertise across key areas of gravitational-wave astronomy: From theoretical to experimental gravitational-wave research, with applications to present and future-generation detectors, theoretical astrophysics, transient astronomy, gravitational-wave source modelling including numerical relativity, and general relativity theory. The candidate will have the opportunity to engage in collaborative research within the Institute.
The University of Birmingham is an equal opportunity employer. The School of Physics and Astronomy is an Athena SWAN Silver Award holder and JUNO Champion, welcomes people from all backgrounds and is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is at the heart of who we are. We encourage applications from all qualified applicants; those from minority groups who are under-represented in this discipline are particularly welcome.
Applications should include a CV, list of publications, and a statement of past and future research activities of two pages. The deadline for application is January 13th, 2023 for full consideration.
Applications should be submitted through the University of Birmingham job portal at https://edzz.fa.em3.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_6… (Research Fellow in Gravitational Waves - Physics and Astronomy - 100947 - Grade 7).
Applicants should also arrange for 3 reference letters to be sent to Ms Joanne Cox at: j.s.cox[AT]bham.ac.uk by January 13th, 2023.
For further information and informal inquiries please contact Dr Patricia Schmidt (P.Schmidt[AT]bham.ac.uk) and Dr Geraint Pratten (G.Pratten[AT]bham.ac.uk).
2.15. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave source modelling, Southampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-19
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id=35879
Contact: a.pound[AT]soton.ac.uk
The Southampton Gravity Group is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave source modelling. The successful candidate will undertake research as part of Adam Pound's Royal Society-funded programme to model waveforms from small-mass-ratio binaries.
The University of Southampton is home to a large research group in gravitational physics, currently comprising 15 staff members and a number of postdocs and PhD students. Research in the group includes black-hole and neutron-star physics, gravitational-wave astronomy, gravitational self-force, numerical relativity, string theory, and holography. The group is involved in the LISA Consortium, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and the Einstein Telescope Observational Science Board, and the successful applicant will contribute to high-accuracy gravitational-wave model development for both current and future detectors.
The ideal candidate will have a track record in at least one of the following research areas: the relativistic two-body problem, gravitational self-force theory, black hole perturbation theory. The applicant will have, or be about to obtain, a relevant PhD degree in physics or mathematics.
The post is for 2 years, with a negotiable start date no later than September 2023 and the possibility of an extension upon satisfactory performance.
Applications should be made through the University of Southampton jobs portal at https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id=35879 . A complete application should include (i) a CV, including a list of publications, (ii) a statement of research interests (no more than 1 page), and (iii) the names and contact information of two referees.
Informal enquiries may be made to Adam Pound at A.Pound[AT]soton.ac.uk.
You should submit your completed online application form by the deadline of midnight on the closing date stated above. If you need any assistance, please call Sian (Recruitment Team) on +44 (0) 23 8059 2750 or email recruitment(a)soton.ac.uk. Please quote reference 2120522PJ on all correspondence.
3. News
3.1. 2023 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
In 2023, for our seventy-fourth competition, the trustees of the Gravity Research Foundation are offering five awards for short essays for stimulating thought and encouraging work on the phenomenon of gravitation. The stipulations follow:
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2023, for the best and most well-written essays about gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects. Essays must be 10 pages or fewer using double-spacing, single column, 12-point font and 1-inch margins including a small number of diagrams, tables, and equations. Title and reference pages are additional and not included in the page count. The subject matter may or may not be original research. The essay competition is not intended to replace a research journal where the detailed results of original research are submitted. Essays should not give lengthy detailed mathematical calculations nor detailed descriptions of an experimental setup. Essay ideas should be self-contained and understandable - not dependent on reading other documents.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00
The Second Award will be $700.00
The Third Award will be $600.00
The Fourth Award will be $500.00
The Fifth Award will be $400.00
(3) Essay must be typed in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file by March 31, 2023. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us within 24 hours if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission.
(4) Title page should include all the following: essay title, authors' names (specify corresponding author), e-mail and mailing addresses, submission date, an abstract of 125 words or fewer, and the statement: "Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2023 Awards for Essays on Gravitation." Pages should be numbered.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final. No reviews or comments will be provided.
(6) Contestants can find the awards announcement posted on our website: gravityresearchfoundation.org around May 15, 2023.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication. Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President, grideoutjr[AT]aol.com
Recent First Award Winners:
2022 - Cenalo Vaz, University of Cincinnati, OH
2021 - Samir D. Mathur, The Ohio State University, OH
2020 - Maulik Parikh and George Zahariade, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Arizona State University, AZ, Stockholm University, Sweden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2019 - Alessio Belenchia, Queen's University, England; Robert M. Wald, Enrico Fermi Institute, IL; Flaminia Giacomini, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Caslav Brukner and Markus Aspelmeyer, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austria
2018 - Jessica Santiago and Matt Visser, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2017 - Ivan Agullo, Louisiana State University, LA; Adrian del Rio and Jose Navarro-Salas, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Spain
2016 - Stephen L. Adler, Institute for Advanced Study, NJ
2015 - Gerard 't Hooft, Utrecht University and Spinoza Institute, the Netherlands
2014 - Lawrence M. Krauss, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA 2013 - Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai and Ming-sheng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and Li You, Tsinghua University, China
2012 - Claus Kiefer and Manuel Kraeer, University of Cologne, Germany
2011 - Ivan Agullo, Pennsylvania State University, PA and Leonard Parker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, BC
2009 - Alexander Burinskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2008 - T. Padmanabhan, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India
3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Call for nominations, 2023 Edition
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.p…
Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in General Relativity and Gravitational Physics 2023 Edition
Call for nominations
A graduate of the University of Pavia, Giulio Rampa, in his short life, had a profound impact on his fellow students and the faculty of the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia. Following his Master in Physics, he soon entered The Graduate School at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam where he became deeply interested in general relativity. Known for his remarkable personality, as well as for his outstanding intellectual potential, Giulio Rampa's life is celebrated through this prize honouring an outstanding PhD Thesis in general relativity or gravitational physics.
A monetary prize of 2,000 EUR will be awarded every two years to a graduate student for outstanding research on all aspects of general relativity or gravitational physics. The prize has been established in 2011, and is endowed under the terms of a donation from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa. Any PhD student who graduated in a University or research centre worldwide defending a PhD Thesis on all aspects of general relativity or gravitational physics between January 1st 2020 and December 31st 2022 is eligible to be nominated for this prize.
The nominator should submit electronically all relevant material described below to the following address:
Secretariat of The Rampa Prize Committee,
c/o Department of Physics,
Via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: mauro.carfora[AT]unipv.it
The candidature material should comprise:
1) a one-page abstract of the PhD Thesis;
2) a full copy of the PhD Thesis;
3) a letter of recommendation from the Thesis Advisor;
4) one or more letters of endorsement - possibly from the Thesis reader - substantiating the candidate's contributions;
5) a complete CV.
All of the material should be submitted no later than March 31st, 2023. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
The following criteria are reviewed when selecting the Giulio Rampa prize recipient: (i) Originality of Contribution; (ii) Breadth of Work; (iii) Publications; (iv) Quality of Nomination; (v) Quality of Endorsement.
The recipients of the prize are to be selected by a committee of international experts whose resolution will be communicated to the winners by June the 30th, 2023.
The prizes will be presented at the 25th edition of the "Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) Conference" to be held in September 2023 at SISSA (Trieste). This is the biennial Conference of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics. The Rampa Prize-winner will have the opportunity to present his/her work during a special session of the conference.
The winner will also be announced during the annual Honours Ceremony during the Inauguration of the Graduate Studies Academic Year in Pavia, in December 2023.
Previous Awardees:
2020 Tommaso De Lorenzo
2018 Davide Gerosa, Jan Ostrowski
2016 not assigned
2014 David Radice
2012 Thomas-Paul Hack
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Unveiling the Universe with emerging cosmological probes"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on 14 December 2022:
Moresco, M., Amati, L., Amendola, L. et al.
Unveiling the Universe with emerging cosmological probes.
Living Rev Relativ 25, 6 (2022).
From the abstract:
The detection of the accelerated expansion of the Universe has been one of the major breakthroughs in modern cosmology. Several cosmological probes have been studied in depth to better understand the nature of the mechanism driving this acceleration, and they are being currently pushed to their limits, obtaining remarkable constraints that allowed us to shape the standard cosmological model. In parallel to that, however, the percent precision achieved has recently revealed apparent tensions between measurements obtained from different methods. These are either indicating some unaccounted systematic effects, or are pointing toward new physics. Following the development of CMB, SNe, and BAO cosmology, it is critical to extend our selection of cosmological probes. Novel probes can be exploited to validate results, control or mitigate systematic effects, and, most importantly, to increase the accuracy and robustness of our results. This review is meant to provide a state-of-art
benchmark of the latest advances in emerging "beyond-standard" cosmological probes.

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for December 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Dec '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Dec '22
02 Dec '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Astro-GR@Cuba 2023, Habana, Cuba
1.2. DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology, Pisa, Italy
1.3. Training School, "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", Jelenia Gora, Poland
1.4. School "Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers", Aussois, France
1.5. Quantum Gravity, Hydrodynamics and Emergent Cosmology, Munich, Germany
1.6. New perspectives in numerical methods for high-energy multiscale astrophysics, Princeton, NJ, USA
1.7. Quantum Gravity 2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands
1.8. Black Hole Interiors: Classical and Quantum (online)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD positions in "Gravity and Matter at the Extreme", AEI, Potsdam, Germany
2.2. 2+1 year postdoc position in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
2.3. 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
2.4. Expression of Interest - Postdoctoral positions in gravity theory and phenomenology, Rome, Italy
2.5. Research Fellow/Associate, Nottingham, UK
2.6. Faculty position in Astrophysics or Gravitational Physics, Dallas, TX, USA
2.7. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, CUHK, Hong Kong
2.8. Postdoctoral position in gravitational waves or gravitational lensing, Hong Kong
2.9. Postdoc positions in black-hole physics beyond GR and in quantum gravity, Odense, Denmark
2.10. VandyGRAF postdoctoral fellowships, Nashville, TN, USA
2.11. Postdoctoral position in quantum gravity and related areas, Erlangen, Germany
2.12. Postdoctoral Associate in Physics, Syracuse, NY, USA
2.13. Postdocs at the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe, Trieste, Italy
2.14. Postdoc in theory and GW probes of dense matter physics, Utrecht, NL
2.15. Assistant Professor, Mathematics with specialty in Data Science, Kingston, RI, USA
2.16. Multiple PhD positions in UMass Dartmouth and University of Rhode Island, USA
2.17. Postdoctoral and senior scientific positions at AEI, Hannover, Germany
2.18. PhD positions in theory, Prague, Czech Republic
2.19. Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Gravitational Physics, London, UK
2.20. Postdoctoral Research Associate
2.21. Postdoc in String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Wroclaw, Poland
2.22. Faculty Position in Astrophysics, Baltimore, MD, USA
2.23. 4yr Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Applied and Computational Maths, Melbourne, Australia
2.24. Research Associate (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
2.25. Research Associate in QFT and Theoretical Cosmology (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
2.26. Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Postdoctoral Researcher LSU/LIGO, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
2.27. Manager - Data Processing/Computer Services 1 LSU/LIGO, Baton Rouge, LS, USA
2.28. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-wave and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Rolla, MO, USA
3. News
3.1. GWECS Job Fair on November 17: invitation to early career scientists
3.2. GRG Golden Oldies by Rainer Weiss
3.3. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Kowalevski)
3.4. Second announcement of the Fifth Zeldovich meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
1. Conferences
1.1. Astro-GR@Cuba 2023, Habana, Cuba
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-05 to 2023-03-18
Location: Habana, Cuba
Additional Information: https://astro-gr.org/astro-gr-cuba-2023/
Contact: astro-gr-cuba2023[AT]protonmail.com
Pau Amaro Seoane, Fernando Guzman, Leonel Morejon, Amaya Ofelia Casanova and Stamatis Vretinaris are organizing the next Astro-GR meeting, which will be focusing, as usual, on astrophysics of gravitational waves, including general relativity, physics and observational astronomy
This is the meeting nr 23 in a series of workshops which intend to unite people working on different disciplines of gravitational waves: astrophysicists, theoretical and numerical relavisits and data analysts.
The meeting will take place at the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC) de la Universidad de La Habana, from 5-18 March 2023.
The talks will not be classical talks, but "constantly-interrupted-ones", in the sense that the speakers will have to address as many questions as the students see fit to ask to understand the topic being presented, instead of just listening to a talk. There is a difference.
This is the list of participants we have so far (with some missing names to be added yet, I will be updating the list on the page):
Fernando Guzman, Veronica Vazquez Aceves, Andrew Taylor, Alessandra Mastrobuono Battisti, Kostas Kokkotas, Pablo Laguna, Badri Krishnan, Daniel Siegel, Abhay Ashtekar (online), Luis Lehner, Roger Blandford, Mitch Begelman, Selin Ustundag, Ulrich Sperhake (online), Cliff Will (online), Deirdre Shoemaker, Zoltan Haiman, Odele Straub, Xian Chen, Amaya Ofelia Casanova, Pau Amaro Seoane, Tanja Hinderer (online)
For details about registration, venue and accommodation, please visit the web page.
1.2. DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology, Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-23 to 2023-01-25
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/darkcosmograv
Contact: darkcosmograv[AT]df.unipi.it
We are thrilled to announce that the Conference "DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology" will take place in January 23-24-25, 2023, at the University of Pisa.
The aim of this event is twofold. On the one hand, by hosting world-renowned experts in these subjects, we want to critically review recent progresses in particle physics, gravity and cosmology, especially underlining their connections. On the other hand, the goal is to bring together researchers from different but tightly connected research areas to increase the exchange of ideas between them and give the participants the possibility to start new and exciting collaborations.
From the scientific standpoint, given the recent theoretical and experimental developments in high energy physics and cosmology, it is becoming crucial to better understand the connection between these fields. Indeed, cosmological observations are becoming increasingly more important for both the particle physics and gravity communities. In fact, our understanding of Nature accounts for only about 5% of the content of the Universe, whereas the remaining elusive ingredients strongly point at new physics beyond our standard paradigms, both at the smallest and at the largest scales. It is therefore essential to investigate the theoretical and phenomenological developments in all of these areas, while also increasing the communication between them.
DarkCosmoGrav will feature:
Six plenary speakers
24 talks
Evening poster session
Round table
Special Talk
We warmly invite you to come and present your work with a talk or a poster and to join in stimulating discussions covering all aspects in the fields of particle physics, gravity and cosmology, with a special emphasis on the topics at their intersections. We particularly encourage the participation of young researchers.
1.3. Training School, "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", Jelenia Gora, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-02-12 to 2023-02-21
Location: Jelenia Gora, Poland
Additional Information: https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/30/
Contact: qgmm.cost[AT]gmail.com
Welcome to the Third Training School of COST Action CA18108
"Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach"
This COST Action CA18108 training school is held jointly with the 59th edition of the Winter School of Theoretical Physics. The event is organized by the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Wroclaw at Palac Wojanow, Poland.
The European COST Action CA18108 - "Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach", is an initiative funded by the COST Association, whose goal is to investigate possible signatures predicted by quantum gravity models in the observation of different cosmic messengers, such as gamma rays, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves.
The success of this endeavor requires the close collaboration of scientists from very different backgrounds, ranging from experimentalists specialized in data collection and analyses for specific cosmic messengers, to theorists working on different quantum gravity models.
A fundamental ingredient to make such cooperation effective is to share a common language and be familiar with the tools used by the different communities. This is where the role of this school comes in as fundamental: its goal is to start training a generation of young scientists in the interdisciplinary expertise on quantum gravity theories and models and on experimental and theoretical approaches to multi-messenger astroparticle physics.
As such, the different editions of the Training School will offer lectures from experts on different facets of the scientific gear the students will acquire, including data analysis and interpretation for individual sources, the creation and analysis of joint datasets of different cosmic messengers, the interplay between quantum gravity theory modeling and phenomenological predictions.
The school is aimed at Master and PhD students, as well as early-career postdocs.
1.4. School "Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers", Aussois, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-05 to 2023-06-09
Location: Aussois, France
Additional Information: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28236/
Contact: jerome.novak[AT]obspm.fr
The thematic school "Gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars and neutron star mergers" will take place in Aussois (France) from June 5 to June 9 2023, see https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28236/
This graduate school will consist of lectures, practical sessions, and seminars from young researchers. The focus will be on the gravitational wave emission from supernovae, proto-neutron stars and coalescing binaries, with an eye on the connection between astrophysical phenomena and the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter that defines the structure and macroscopic behaviour of these compact objects.
Teachers and topics:
* Tito Dal Canton (Virgo collaboration and IJCLab Orsay, France): Gravitational wave sources and data analysis
* Fiorella Burgio (INFN Catania, Italy): Ultra-dense matter of neutron stars and supernovas
* Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo (GSI and TU Darmstadt, Germany): Heavy element nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers and its electromagnetic signatures
* Bruno Giacomazzo (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy): Numerical simulations of coalescing neutron star binaries
* Pablo Cerda-Duran (University of Valencia, Spain): Simulations of supernovae and gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron stars
More information on the website https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28236/
Looking forward to meeting you in Aussois,
The organizing committee
Anthea Francesca Fantina, Francesca Gulminelli, Micaela Oertel, Jerome Novak, Marco Antonelli
1.5. Quantum Gravity, Hydrodynamics and Emergent Cosmology, Munich, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-12-08 to 2022-12-09
Location: Munich, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.theorie.physik.uni-muenchen.de/lsluest/oriti_group/activites/ev…
Contact: Andreas.Pithis[AT]physik.uni-muenchen.de
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce and invite you to participate in the two-day workshop "Quantum Gravity, Hydrodynamics and Emergent Cosmology" in Munich from Thursday 08/12/22 to Friday 09/12/22. This workshop is dedicated to the study of four thematic sessions of research topics sharing common ground and goals:
1. Analogue gravity systems and maps between hydrodynamics and cosmology
2. Phase transitions and continuum limit in quantum gravity
3. Relational physics in quantum gravity
4. Emergent cosmology from quantum gravity.
Each session will include ample time for discussions after the presentations.
For further information (schedule, list of speakers), please visit the website of the workshop. We encourage people from Munich to come to the talks in-person (at the Akademischer Gesangverein). For people outside of Munich, you will be able to join via Zoom (the Zoom links will be made available on the website).
Jibril Ben Achour
Christophe Goeller
Luca Marchetti
Daniele Oriti
Andreas Pithis
1.6. New perspectives in numerical methods for high-energy multiscale astrophysics, Princeton, NJ, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-04-24 to 2023-04-26
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Additional Information: https://pcts.princeton.edu/events/2023/new-perspectives-numerical-methods-h…
Contact: mahlmann[AT]princeton.edu
Registration is now open for the 2023 workshop 'New perspectives in numerical methods for high-energy multiscale astrophysics' that will take place from April 24 to April 26, 2023, at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science (PCTS), the Princeton Gravity Initiative (PGI) and Princeton University (PU).
This workshop aims at bringing together experts in theoretical plasma physics and astrophysics, numerical methods, and machine learning to discuss new pathways to an improved multiscale modeling of plasmas and a better connection to observations.
Free registration and abstract submission for in-person oral and poster contributions are now open until February 1, 2023.
Registration at: https://forms.gle/HAw4cku4zTDoKXd56
More information at: https://pcts.princeton.edu/events/2023/new-perspectives-numerical-methods-h…
We are looking forward to seeing you in Princeton.
The organizers (Anatoly Spitkovsky, Frederico Fiuza, Benjamin Crinquand, Jens Mahlmann, Arno Vanthieghem).
1.7. Quantum Gravity 2023, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-14
Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands
Additional Information: https://indico.imapp.ru.nl/e/quantumgravity2023
Contact: QG2023[AT]ru.nl
The conference "Quantum Gravity 2023" aims at bringing together researchers from all approaches to quantum gravity as well as scientists working on its conceptual aspects and potential phenomenological implications. The meeting will provide a platform to discuss the open questions currently driving the research field in an open and constructive format. The goal is to work towards combining the lessons learned within various complementary approaches followed by the field.
Following the spirit of the "Quantum Gravity 2020" online-event organized by Perimeter Institute, we hope that "Quantum Gravity 2023" will make a contribution to bridging the gaps between quantum gravity approaches and bring together the entire community for a constructive and fruitful exchange.
The conference is supported by the International Society for Quantum Gravity (ISQG, www.isqg.org)
Local Organization Committee
Beatrice Bonga
Timothy Budd
Badri Krishnan
Renate Loll
Antonio Pereira
Frank Saueressig
1.8. Black Hole Interiors: Classical and Quantum (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-12-14 to 2022-12-14
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://iop.eventsair.com/gp2022/
Contact: brien.nolan[AT]dcu.ie
Institute of Physics Gravitational Physics Group Annual Meeting (Online)
Black Hole Interiors, Classical and Quantum: Mathematical and Numerical Approaches.
Wednesday 14th December, 11am - 4.30pm
Roger Penrose's Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis, now over 50 years old, has generated a huge amount of work that has revealed numerous insights into black hole interiors. A key aspect of this hypothesis is that the inner horizon of a black hole (charged, rotating or both) should be unstable. Recent results have shown the deep subtleties involved in this hypothesis, with insights coming from mathematical relativity, semi-classical gravity and from numerical studies. Furthermore, the role of semi-classical effects raises questions regarding the continued applicability of classical singularity theorems. This year's annual meeting of the Gravitational Physics Group will comprise a series of talks related to different aspects of black hole interiors, reviewing a number of these recent results. Our speakers will be:
Marc Casals (Leipzig) - Quantum fluxes at the inner horizon of a spinning black hole
Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge) - TBC
Eleni-Alexandra Kontou (King's College, London) - Singularity theorems in semi-classical gravity
Raimon Luna (Valencia) - Strong cosmic censorship: The nonlinear story
The meeting will be held over Zoom and all are welcome: relevant links will be available on registration via the URL above.
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD positions in "Gravity and Matter at the Extreme", AEI, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-08
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/975391/phd-positions-in-gravity-matter-at-the-extrem…
Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam, Germany, announces the opening of several PhD positions in "Gravity and Matter at the Extreme". We are particularly interested in hiring creative, proactive and motivated candidates who flourish at working in a vibrant, interdisciplinary and synergistic group.
Successful candidates will join the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Gravitational-Wave Astronomy at the AEI, comprised of the "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" (ACR) and "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" (CRA) divisions at the AEI in Potsdam, the University of Potsdam (UP) and the Humboldt University (HU) in Berlin. Our graduate students are exposed to a variety of research topics and have access to a world-wide research network, including international partner universities (University of Maryland and the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University). Our graduate students also have the opportunity to join the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the LISA Consortium through the ACR-division's membership, and the Einstein Telescope Collaboration through the AEI-UP membership.
For a detailed overview of the IMPRS, its research groups, and the application procedure, please visit the website of the IMPRS on Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, Potsdam.
The two research divisions (ACR and CRA) at the AEI in Potsdam operate three high-performance compute clusters to model gravitational-wave sources (binary black holes, neutron star binaries, and stellar collapse of massive stars), electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, high-energy astrophysical phenomena, and to carry out waveform developments, and data analysis of gravitational waves observed by LIGO and Virgo detectors.
Ph.D. theses can cover a broad spectrum of topics in gravitational-wave astronomy, high-energy astrophysics and fundamental physics, such as:
- analytical modelling of gravitational dynamics and radiation (within post-Newtonian theory, post-Minkowskian theory, gravitational self-force, black-hole perturbation theory, and effective-one-body theory),
- numerical-relativity, most notably simulations of compact objects in general relativity and alternatives,
- interpretation and analysis of data from gravitational-wave detectors on the ground (LIGO and Virgo) and in space (LISA),
- acceleration techniques for gravitational-wave inference, including machine learning,
- cosmography with gravitational waves (including dark energy, dark matter, gravitational lensing),
- tests of gravity in the strong-field and highly dynamical regime
- modelling neutron star mergers as high-energy phenomena,
- modelling electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves,
- exploring neutron-star equation of state,
- exploring nucleosynthesis,
- stellar collapse to a black hole and a neutron star, and
- modelling gamma-ray bursts.
Successful applicants will conduct their research projects at the AEI in Potsdam, and they will have to enrol and receive their Ph.D. degree from either the University of Potsdam or the Humboldt University in Berlin. The expected duration of the PhD program is three to four years. Applicants are required to have a Master degree by the start of the PhD program.
The science campus in Potsdam offers a stimulating research environment with three Max-Planck Institutes, two Fraunhofer Institutes, and the University of Potsdam. The city of Potsdam is home to over 40 research institutes, and is located just 30 minutes from the city center of Berlin.
Applicants will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, university transcripts, a statement of research interests, a list of publications (if applicable), and the Master thesis (if applicable). The statement of research interests should describe the student's past research experience, future research interests and how they relate to the IMPRS's scientific mission.
Applicants also need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload the letters. More information on the preparation of the documents can be found on the IMPRS website and its FAQ section.
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is January 8th, 2023.
Equal Opportunities: The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct).
The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with a nearby international kindergarten, a parent-child office and a nursing room.
2.2. 2+1 year postdoc position in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2157505
Contact: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in gravity and cosmology at the Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. We seek the candidates with research experience in gravity, cosmology, and high energy physics. The successful candidate has to have a PhD degree by the time the appointment starts.
Our group (at the moment of publishing this advertisement) consists of 1 faculty member, 3 postdocs, 1 PhD student, 1 long-term visitor (postdoc level). We have been working on various aspects of gravity and cosmology. Recently our group has joined the LISA collaboration and we plan to focus on the physics of gravitational waves in the next a few years. Therefore, the candidates with expertise in gravitational wave would be preferred (however, we will still consider the candidates working on other aspects of gravity and cosmology).
The initial appointment is for 2 years. Depending on the performance and the funding situation of our group, the position may be extended for another year. The successful applicant is expected to start the appointment in 2023.
To receive full consideration, applicants should submit the following materials:
(1) CV
(2) Research statement, including past achievement and future research plan;
(3) list of publications;
(4) at least 3 recommendation letters. The letters should be treated as confidential;
All materials have to be sent directly to chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl by 1st December, 2021.
2.3. 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2157514
Contact: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl
Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD scholarship in gravity and cosmology at the Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. The scholarship is funded by the SONATA BIS project "new physics in light of the primordial remnants from the early universe" (NCN, Poland), with stipend 4000 PLN/month for the first 2 years, and 5000 PLN/month (*) for the third and forth year, upon a successful mid-term evaluation. The successful candidate is expected to start the PhD study on either 1st March or 1st October, 2023, and have the master degree by the time the appointment starts.
Our group (at the moment of publishing this advertisement) consists of 1 faculty member, 3 postdocs, 1 PhD student, and 1 long-term visitors (postdoc level). We have been working on various aspects of gravity and cosmology, including the physics of early universe, modified gravity, dark energy problem, gravitational wave astronomy and so on. Recently our group has joined the LISA collaboration, one of the main research missions of European Space Agency.
To receive full consideration, applicants should submit the following materials:
(1) CV
(2) Research statement, including past achievement and future research plan;
(3) at least 2 recommendation letters. The letters should be treated as confidential;
(4) transcripts;
(5) list of publications (if applicable);
All materials have to be sent directly to chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl by 1st December, 2021.
(*) The stipend is subject to a small amount of the university's internal deduction.
2.4. Expression of Interest - Postdoctoral positions in gravity theory and phenomenology, Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-07
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://web.uniroma1.it/gmunu/jobs
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
We are looking for one or more outstanding and highly-motivated postdoctoral researchers to work in the gravity theory and gravitational-wave phenomenology group at Sapienza University of Rome. Candidates with expertise in numerical relativity and/or with interests in high-energy physics and gravity are particularly encouraged to apply.
The appointment is for 2+1 years (extension subject to funding renewal and satisfactory performance), with a net salary competitive with international standards. All candidates must hold (or soon be completing) a Ph.D. in Physics. The positions are expected to start no later than September/October 2023; earlier start dates can also be considered. Screening of the applications will begin in December 2022.
The research activities of the groups include gravitational-wave modelling and phenomenology, black-hole and neutron-star physics, tests of gravity and of the nature of compact objects, and strong-gravity tests of dark matter (see group website for more details). The members of the groups are also expected to get involved in other activities such as training of students, networking, etc.
Members of the group currently include Prof. Paolo Pani, INFN Fellini Fellow Dr. Ilia Musco, postdocs Dr. Robin Croft, Dr. Kyriakos Destounis, Dr. Gabriele Franciolini, Dr. Nicholas Loutrel, as well as 9 PhD students. The group has strong connections with other local and international research groups and is active member of the LISA and ET Consortia, of the RISE H2020-MC network "Gravitational Universe: Challenges and Opportunities (GRU)", of the GravNet network, and of the INFN Specific Initiative TEONGRAV - Gravitational Wave Sources.
The Department of Physics at Sapienza hosts renowned research groups in several areas of physics and is regularly included among the first 40 Physics and Astronomy institutes in the world according to various rankings.
2.5. Research Fellow/Associate, Nottingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-07
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.nottingham.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=SCI519722
Contact: thomas.sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
We happy to announce that we have up to two STFC funded PDRA positions to fill in the following areas: Early Universe Cosmology (including inflation, preheating, quantum field theory, phase transitions, topological defects and scattering amplitudes) and the Dark Universe and Gravity (including primordial black holes, axion like particles and light scalar fields, dark energy, modified gravity, strong gravity and numerical relativity).
If successful, you will have the opportunity to work with a diverse set of researchers in the Particle Cosmology and Astronomy groups in the School of Physics and Astronomy, and with the closely connected Gravity group in the School of Mathematical Sciences. You will also be a member of the Nottingham Centre of Gravity.
You will need to have, or be close to completion of, a PhD in physics or a related subject area, and have a track record of publishing and disseminating your work through conferences and seminars as appropriate to your career stage. Applicants should submit a CV, publications list (if not included in the CV) and research proposal (up to 4 pages).
The post is offered on a fixed term contract from 01 October 2023 until 30 September 2025. Hours of work are full time, (36.25 hours per week), job share arrangements may be considered.
As part of our commitment to improving equality, diversity and inclusion within the school, shortlisted candidates will be given the opportunity to talk to a member of staff representing women, BAME, LGBTQIA+ or disabilities communities. This will be separate to the assessment process and will play no role in the decision to appoint.
Informal enquiries can be sent to Ed Copeland, email (edmund.copeland[AT]nottingham.ac.uk). Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.
Our University is a supportive, inclusive, caring and positive community. We warmly welcome those of different cultures, ethnicities and beliefs - indeed this very diversity is vital to our success, it is fundamental to our values and enriches life on campus. We welcome applications from UK, Europe and from across the globe. For more information on the support we offer our international colleagues, see our Moving to Nottingham pages.
For successful international applicants, we provide financial support for your visa and the immigration health surcharge, plus an interest-free loan to help cover the cost of immigration-related expenses for any dependants accompanying you to the UK. For more information please see the our webpage on Financial support for visas and the immigration health surcharge.
2.6. Faculty position in Astrophysics or Gravitational Physics, Dallas, TX, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Richardson, TX, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/21010
Contact: astrosearch[AT]lists.utdallas.edu
Position Description
The Department of Physics in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in astrophysics, cosmology, or gravitational physics. We will consider both candidates at the Assistant Professor level and senior candidates seeking tenured positions. Our current faculty work is in a variety of areas including cosmology, large-scale structure, gravitational lensing, galaxy cluster formation and evolution, gravitational-wave astrophysics, compact objects, binary black holes, stellar tidal disruption by supermassive black holes, detection and characterization of extrasolar planets, and tidal effects in star-planet and binary star systems.
We are interested in candidates that will either expand and complement our expertise or open up new areas of research. We have involvements with the Legacy Survey Telescope of Space and Time (LSST) and its Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC), and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The primary selection criteria will be excellence in research, as well as a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and student mentoring.
Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent in Astronomy or Physics and demonstrate their commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and service, which includes a strong commitment to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. All candidates are expected to work effectively in a highly collaborative, engaging, and dynamic environment comprised of individuals of diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. The appointment will commence in fall 2023.
The Department/Program/School
The Department of Physics occupies UT Dallas' new, ~190K square foot Sciences Building in the heart of the campus. The university has multiple state-of-the-art core facilities, including a research cleanroom (research.utdallas.edu/cleanroom) and direct access to The Texas Advanced Computing Center (www.tacc.utexas.edu) The Physics department engages in cutting-edge research while delivering extraordinary educational value, offering degree plans at the undergraduate and graduate levels in areas of study relevant to today's scientific and industrial challenges. The department presently has active research in the broad fields of atomic, molecular and optical physics, astrophysics and cosmology, space sciences, condensed matter, quantum information science, and biophysics.
Application Instructions
Applicants should upload the following:
. cover letter summarizing their interests and their qualifications for the position
. a full curriculum vitae with a list of publications
. statement of teaching philosophy describing (at a minimum) their conceptualizations of teaching and learning, teaching and assessment methods, and how their teaching philosophy and practices foster (or will foster) equitable and inclusive learning environments;
. statement of research interests describing (at a minimum) past, present, and future research and how they have fostered (or will foster) equitable and inclusive research environments;
. statement including past and/or anticipated future efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion; and
. full contact information for at least three academic or professional references.
Reviews will commence as completed applications are received and will continue until the position is filled. Priority will be given to completed applications received by December 1, 2022. Questions can be addressed to the search subcommittee members at astrosearch[AT]lists.utdallas.edu.
The University and Community
Rich with visual and performing arts venues, museum districts, professional and semi- professional athletics teams, botanical gardens, accessible trails and so much more, the Dallas- Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex has something for everyone to explore. UT Dallas partners with regional higher education institutions and school districts and with the Richardson Innovation Quarter (Richardson IQ), a major hub for innovation, entrepreneurship and educational activities.
UT Dallas is committed to graduating well-rounded members of the global community whose education has prepared them for rewarding lives and productive careers in a constantly changing world. A diversity of people, ideas and perspectives is crucial to our vision and mission. UT Dallas is a place where members of the community from all backgrounds are welcomed, treated fairly, and encouraged in their pursuit of excellence.
UT Dallas is consistently ranked among the "Best of the Best Colleges" for LGBTQ Inclusion by Campus Pride. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion hosts a variety of programs and initiatives to cultivate a culture of equity and belonging for all members of the campus community. "LilyPad" lactation facilities are located throughout campus. The University currently supports several Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that are communities of faculty and staff from various identities along with advocates and allies (e.g., Black Faculty and Staff Alliance, Universal Access ERG, Military and Veteran ERG).
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
The University of Texas at Dallas is committed to providing an educational, living and working environment that is welcoming, respectful and inclusive of all members of the university community. The University prohibits unlawful discrimination against a person because of their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.
The University of Texas at Dallas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action university.
Minimum Education and Experience
An earned graduate degree appropriate to the academic discipline and a record of productivity and professional achievement.
Preferred Education and Experience
PhD or equivalent in Astronomy or Physics
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Establish research record documented in publications and external support.
Undergraduate and Graduate student mentorship and instruction
Demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence
Prepare and teach undergraduate and/or graduate classes
Contribute assessment information and data as requested
Mentor and/or advise undergraduate and/or graduate students
Establish and/or continue an independent line of research
Continue to expand professional influence in the academic discipline through research and/or publication
Engage in service within the academic unit, the university, and the profession as appropriate based on teaching and research constraints
Important Message
1) All employees serve as a representative of the University and are expected to display respect, civility, professional courtesy, consideration of others and discretion in all interactions with members of the UT Dallas community and the general public.
2) UT Dallas does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, or veteran status in its programs and activities, including in admission and enrollment. For inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies, contact the Director of Institutional Equity at InstitutionalEquity[AT]utdallas.edu or the Title IX Coordinator at TitleIXCoordinator[AT]utdallas.edu, or call 972-883-5331.
2.7. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, CUHK, Hong Kong
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-23
Location: Hong Kong
Additional Information: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/programme/science#mphil-phd-in-physics
Contact: oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk
One or more PhD positions at the CUHK GW group, Hong Kong, are available starting August 2023. Candidates with experience in areas of gravitational-wave physics or gravitational lensing are encouraged to apply. International candidates with a strong academic background may be recommended to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.
How to apply?
To apply, please contact Otto Hannuksela (oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) and Tjonnie Li (tjonnie.li[AT]kuleuven.be), sending your CV by November 23. Please also send two reference letters to (https://forms.gle/wJtqBDx8PEGP2HXR8) The deadline for submitting HKPFs applications is 1 December 2022 at Hong Kong Time 12:00:00.
About Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme:
Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities.
The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,200 (approximately US$41,690) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. 300 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2023/24 academic year. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities.
More information: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html
About the group:
The CUHK GW group researches gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. These waves carry information about some of the most extreme objects in the Universe. Thanks to gravitational-wave detectors' continued development, the current gravitational-wave detectors now make weekly detections when online. Moreover, with the rapidly improving detectors and more detections, many new scientific investigations are expected to become possible. This means there is much exciting work to do in investigating new detection avenues.
The group is a part of the LVK collaboration led by Otto Hannuksela and Tjonnie Li. There are currently six graduate students. The group works on topics ranging from numerical simulations of magnetars to gravitational lensing, waveform modeling, tests of general relativity, and pulsar timing array.
2.8. Postdoctoral position in gravitational waves or gravitational lensing, Hong Kong
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Hong Kong
Additional Information: https://forms.gle/TLwYDjZMZH3u8Ggo8
Contact: oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk
A two-year postdoctoral researcher position at the CUHK gravitational-wave group, Hong Kong, is available starting earliest June 2023. Candidates with experience in areas of gravitational-wave physics or gravitational lensing are encouraged to apply.
How to apply?
To apply, please send your CV and statement of purpose to (https://forms.gle/TLwYDjZMZH3u8Ggo8) along with two reference letters. The application deadline is December 15th or until positions are filled.
Project description:
General relativity posits that gravitational waves, like light, can be gravitationally lensed. Recent studies suggest that we could detect gravitational-wave lensing as early as in the coming few years as the current ground-based detectors are upgraded. However, the methods to detect and employ gravitational-wave lensing are entirely different from light lensing. Indeed, we detect waves instead of particles, and the source population is one of merging black holes. For these reasons, the field would pave the way to interesting new applications in a wide range of scientific domains, one of which is combined lensing observations using multiple messenger signals - electromagnetic and gravitational-wave signals [1]. However, to realize these applications in practice, several challenges relating to methodology and science-case development need to be overcome.
The postdoctoral researcher would work on combining gravitational-wave lensing with follow-up electromagnetic lens reconstructions at the border between two fields. The work would be done in collaboration with institutes from the Netherlands and Belgium. Beyond the research work, the position would also involve graduate student supervision.
[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.13811
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.08732
About the group:
The CUHK GW group researches gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. These waves carry information about some of the most extreme objects in the Universe. Thanks to gravitational-wave detectors' continued development, the current gravitational-wave detectors now make weekly detections when online. The CUHK group focuses broadly on extracting physics from gravitational-wave detections.
The group is part of the LVK collaboration and is led by Otto Hannuksela and Tjonnie Li. There are currently six graduate students. The group works on topics ranging from numerical simulations of magnetars to gravitational lensing, waveform modeling, tests of general relativity, and pulsar timing array.
For enquiries, please contact Otto Hannuksela (oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) and Tjonnie Li (tjonnie.li[AT]kuleuven.be).
2.9. Postdoc positions in black-hole physics beyond GR and in quantum gravity, Odense, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-22
Location: Odense, Denmark
Additional Information: https://www.sdu.dk/da/service/ledige_stillinger/1199096
Contact: eichhorn[AT]cp3.sdu.dk
One or more postdoc positions are to be filled in the research team of Astrid Eichhorn at CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark, with a focus on black-hole physics beyond GR and in quantum gravity. The ideal candidate brings expertise on black holes beyond GR, their images, and connections to quantum gravity to complement the expertise already present in the team.
The research team - consisting of several PhD students, postdocs, long-term visitors and master students - explores questions in quantum gravity and beyond, with a particular focus on asymptotically safe gravity, causal sets, the phenomenology of quantum gravity and black-hole images. The team is actively involved in the fundamental-physics working group of the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope.
The starting dates for the positions are flexible, between January and October 2023. To apply, submit a cover letter stating your motivation to apply, a research statement, a CV, a list of publications at https://www.sdu.dk/da/service/ledige_stillinger/1199096. Three letters of recommendation should be sent to anc(a)sdu.dk mentioning the title of the position and name of the applicant in the subject line.
The application deadline is November 22, 2022.
For questions, please contact Astrid Eichhorn at eichhorn[AT]cp3.sdu.dk
2.10. VandyGRAF postdoctoral fellowships, Nashville, TN, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Nashville, TN, USA
Additional Information: http://www.academicjobsonline.com/ajo/jobs/23567
Contact: alexandru.v.lupsasca[AT]vanderbilt.edu
The Vanderbilt Department of Physics and Astronomy is seeking exceptional candidates for an honorific postdoctoral fellowship program affiliated with the Vanderbilt Initiative for Gravity, Waves, and Fluids (VandyGRAF).
The VandyGRAF Initiative is a new collaborative effort between Vanderbilt University's Departments of Mathematics and Physics & Astronomy to work on problems of outstanding scientific merit in general relativity, fluid mechanics, PDE theory, and nuclear physics.
VandyGRAF hosts a weekly seminar series with diverse guests and open scientific discussion. Ideal candidates will be excited to contribute to this atmosphere of open inquiry and learn about fields adjacent to their own; see https://www.vanderbilt.edu/vandygraf/ for more information.
Up to five VandyGRAF fellowships are available this year in mathematics, physics and astronomy, with appointments to begin in academic year 2023-2024. The positions in the Department of Physics and Astronomy will be at the rank of postdoctoral fellow and have no teaching component. The appointments will be annual with the expectation of renewal for two additional years subject to satisfactory performance. Research funds will be provided to support the scientific endeavors of the postdoctoral fellow.
This particular announcement is specifically for candidates interested in gravitational theory and black hole physics. Up to two candidates will be hired and mentored by Prof. Alex Lupsasca.
Two companion postdoctoral positions in mathematics and up to two other postdoctoral positions in nuclear physics and relativistic heavy-ion collisions are available in separate announcements: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/21463 https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23618
Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
To apply online, please submit the following documents on AcademicJobsOnline.org: cover letter, CV, list of publications, research statement, and three recommendation letters. To ensure full consideration, all materials, including letters of reference, must be received by December 15, 2022.
For more information on the Physics positions, contact:
Prof. Alex Lupsasca (alexandru.v.lupsasca[AT]vanderbilt.edu and https://as.vanderbilt.edu/physics/bio/alex-lupsasca)
Prof. Jean-Francois Paquet (jean-francois.paquet[AT]vanderbilt.edu and https://as.vanderbilt.edu/physics/bio/jean-francois-paquet)
For more information on the Mathematics positions, contact:
Prof. Marcelo Disconzi (marcelo.disconzi[AT]vanderbilt.edu and https://as.vanderbilt.edu/math/bio/?who=marcelo-disconzi)
Prof. Jared Speck, Director of the VandyGRAF Initiative (jared.speck[AT]vanderbilt.edu and https://as.vanderbilt.edu/math/bio/?who=jared-speck)
2.11. Postdoctoral position in quantum gravity and related areas, Erlangen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-11
Location: Erlangen, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.gravity.physik.fau.de/contact/open-positions/
Contact: application[AT]gravity.fau.de
In autumn 2023, at least one postdoctoral position in one of the fields quantum gravity, theoretical cosmology, quantum gravity phenomenology, theoretical gravitational waves is expected to be available at the Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG) (Chair for Theoretical Physics III) of the Friedrich Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU) in Germany. The position is for two years with a possibility of extension for one additional year, depending on funding and performance. In exceptional cases, a five year contract may be negotiable. Salaries depend on seniority and follow the collective wage agreement for scientific employees in Germany (TV-L).
Current staff of the IQG includes professors Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann and Thomas Thiemann (Chair), postdocs Shreya Banerjee, Hongguang Liu and Cong Zhang, as well as 9 PhD and 5 master and bachelor students. Former institute members and Humboldt Fellows, professors Jonathan Engle and Muxin Han (Florida Atlantic University) hold affiliate positions at the institute. Further affiliates are professors Wojciech Kaminski, Jerzy Lewandowski (University of Warsaw) and Parampreet Singh (Louisiana State University).
The IQG is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) which has a strong expertise in experimental astroparticle physics. The IQG also fosters strong links with the Department of Mathematics in Erlangen. The IQG benefits from continuous exchange with the excellence cluster 'Origins' in Munich, especially with the groups working on (quantum) cosmology. Finally, the IQG is in close contact with a network of international research centres focussing on quantum gravity, such as the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos in State College, Pennsylvania, USA; Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA; Institute for Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France; Institute for Theoretical Physics in Warsaw, Poland and Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Applicants must have a PhD in either physics or mathematics and should have prior research experience in one or more of the following fields: general relativity, quantum field theory, quantum foundations, theoretical cosmology, theoretical gravitational waves, quantum gravity. Applicants should also have a strong interest in working on aspects of non perturbative and background independent quantum gravity. The following list of material should be uploaded in one pdf- or zip file, with the applicant's last name as file name, using the application form at https://www.umfrageonline.com/s/dgretqj
1. Curriculum vitae.
2. Research proposal including a summary of previous work and plans for future projects.
3. Teaching experience (if applicable).
4. List of seminars and conferences attended, detailing talks given (if applicable).
5. List of publications.
In addition we ask for three letters of recommendation, which should also be uploaded by the referees before the deadline via the application form at https://www.umfrageonline.com/s/mwfy9ja. Referees are kindly asked to use the last name of the applicant as the filename. Recommendation letters sent by email will not be accepted.
Applications will be reviewed starting December 12, 2022 (deadline) but later applications may be considered until the position is filled. The starting date of the position is normally Oct. 1st 2023 but there is some flexibility. For further information about the Department of Physics and the Institute please visit: https://www.physik.nat.fau.de/ and https://www.gravity.physik.fau.de. For further information about the position please send an inquiry to application(a)gravity.fau.de.
2.12. Postdoctoral Associate in Physics, Syracuse, NY, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Syracuse, NY, USA
Additional Information: https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/96857
Contact: ahnitz[AT]syr.edu
The Department of Physics at Syracuse University invites applications from scientists interested in gravitational-wave astrophysics and astronomy on topics including: observational multi-messenger astrophysics, the science and analysis methods for next-generation detectors such as Cosmic Explorer, and the use of open gravitational-wave data to further our understanding of astrophysics, dark matter, gravity, and the Universe.
The successful applicant will be joining the Syracuse University Gravitational-wave Group, which is led by Prof. Duncan Brown, Prof. Stefan Ballmer, Prof. Alexander Nitz, Prof. Eric Coughlin, Prof. Georgia Mansell, and Prof. Craig Cahillane. The group's research interests span a large range of topics from modeling multi-messenger sources to building the next generation of gravitational-wave observatories. Members of the group have the opportunity to work on projects in many areas of astrophysics, data analysis, and instrument science. The successful applicant for this position would work closely with Prof. Duncan Brown or Prof. Alexander Nitz.
An online application can be completed at https://www.sujobopps.com/postings/96857
Priority consideration is given to applications submitted by December 15, 2022. Positions remain open until filled.
Syracuse University is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution. The University prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law to the extent prohibited by law. This nondiscrimination policy covers admissions, employment, and access to and treatment in University programs, services, and activities.
2.13. Postdocs at the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23597
Contact: liberati[AT]sissa.it
The Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) Trieste, Italy, invites applications for a few postdoctoral research positions to start in the Fall of 2023. The positions are for two years, with a possible extension to a third year. The research fields supported by the Institute are connected to the areas of: astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, early Universe, gravitational wave astrophysics, structures in the Universe, theory and phenomenology of gravity.
IFPU is a newly born institute, having started its activities in the academic year 2018-2019. It is a joint initiative of International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, www.sissa.it/ap/ and www.sissa.it/app/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section). The Institute aims at hosting and promoting a vigorous and innovative multi-disciplinary research program focused on investigating the fundamental laws of Nature under a Cosmological and Astrophysical perspective. Postdocs at IFPU work in close connections with staff members from the supporting institutions - about 30 researches in total - and also benefit from the extended visitor and research programs the Institute is hosting.
Applications should be submitted via the external AJO URL provided with this announcement.
Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2022 and continue until the positions are filled.
2.14. Postdoc in theory and GW probes of dense matter physics, Utrecht, NL
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-05
Location: Utrecht, NL
Additional Information: https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs/postdo…
Contact: t.p.hinderer[AT]uu.nl
The Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Utrecht University is currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher at the interface of theoretical advances in relativistic hydrodynamics with gravitational waves from neutron star binaries. You are going to work in the group of Tanja Hinderer and become member of the interdisciplinary Dutch consortium 'Probing the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics'.
This is a collaboration of Utrecht University (Profs. Guersoy, van den Broeck, Snellings, Christakoglou), the University of Amsterdam (Profs. Watts, Nissanke, Moesta) and the University of Groningen (Dr Even).
In this position you will focus your work on the development of an overarching theoretical framework for relativistic (magneto-)hydrodynamics of dissipative multi-fluid systems. You will include sufficient complexity to encompass a range of physical effects and study consequences for gravitational waves from neutron star binary inspirals.
For more information, please see the linked URL for the full ad for the vacancy.
2.15. Assistant Professor, Mathematics with specialty in Data Science, Kingston, RI, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-27
Location: Kingston, RI, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.uri.edu/postings/10922
Contact: gkhanna[AT]uri.edu
Applications are invited for a tenure-track, academic-year Assistant Professor position in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematical Sciences at the University of Rhode Island (URI) to begin Fall 2023.
The department has 16 research faculty members, 9 teaching faculty members, and 16 graduate teaching assistants. We offer programs leading to BA, BS, MS, and PhD degrees with applied math options at all levels and co-govern the Data Science Program, which houses a BA, BS, online graduate certificate, and online Master's degree. The interdisciplinary nature of our department will provide the new faculty member with opportunities to interact with a broad range of colleagues in areas such as, Oceanography, Computer Science, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, Biology, and Business.
Data Science is an area of tremendous growth for the department and the College of Arts and Sciences. University wide, investments have been made in hiring faculty who do research in data science or data-enabled science and in the research computing (data, high-performance computing, machine learning) facilities and support personnel to enhance their opportunities for success.
Candidates working in areas of gravity that include data analysis, ML/AI, are encouraged to apply. The University of Rhode Island has a strong gravity research group jointly with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth -- the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium (U2GRC). Current researchers in this group include Drs. Collin Capano (UMassD), Sarah Caudill (UMassD), Rob Coyne (URI), Scott Field (UMassD), Bob Fisher (UMassD), Doug Gobeille (URI), Gaurav Khanna (URI/UMassD), Michael Puerrer (URI) and Vijay Varma (UMassD). URI is a member of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration.
2.16. Multiple PhD positions in UMass Dartmouth and University of Rhode Island, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-01
Location: Dartmouth, MA and Kingston, RI
Additional Information: https://web.uri.edu/gravity/phd-openings/
Contact: u2grc-faculty[AT]googlegroups.com
One or more Ph.D. positions in the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium (U2GRC) starting in September 2023. We are particularly interested in applicants looking to work in these specific research areas: gravitational-wave detector characterization, parameter estimation and detection, data-driven modeling, numerical relativity, and black hole perturbation theory.
How to apply?
U2GRC is jointly run by the University of Rhode Island (URI) and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMassD). Therefore, interested students would apply to either URI, UMassD, or both depending on their preference. Applicants seeking further information may contact u2grc-faculty -at- googlegroups -dot- com. The deadline for submitting applications is February 1st, 2023.
About the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium:
The recently established U2GRC includes gravitational physics researchers at URI and UMassD. Faculty include Drs. Collin Capano (UMassD), Rob Coyne (URI), Sarah Caudill (UMassD), Scott Field (UMassD), Bob Fisher (UMassD), Doug Gobeille (URI), Gaurav Khanna (URI/UMassD), Michael Puerrer (URI) and Vijay Varma (UMassD). Many U2GRC faculty and students are members of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, LISA Consortium, and the SXS Collaboration. U2GRC currently has 10 PhD students.
2.17. Postdoctoral and senior scientific positions at AEI, Hannover, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-20
Location: Hannover, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/obs-rel-cos
Contact: jobs-gw-han[AT]aei.mpg.de
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, or AEI) in Hannover (Germany) invites applications for postdoctoral and senior scientific positions in gravitational-wave physics. Initial appointments for postdocs are for two years with the possibility of a one year extension in cases of good performance. Longer-term appointments for more senior scientists are also possible. Starting dates are negotiable but should not be later than late summer 2023.
Successful candidates will join the Department of Observational Relativity and Cosmology, led by Prof. Bruce Allen. The group has a long track record of significant scientific advances which were enabled via the development of new data analysis methods, techniques and technology. Current activities include searches for gravitational wave sources in data from ground-based instruments, and for new radio and gamma ray neutron stars in data from a variety both earth- and space-based telescopes. We collaborate closely with the Independent Research Group led by Prof. Maria Alessandra Papa, working on searches for continuous gravitational waves.
We are a welcoming, enthusiastic working environment with diverse research interests. The working language of the group is English, but we provide free German language courses if you are interested.
The group has outstanding data analysis and computing resources, including the Atlas computer cluster at AEI Hannover (53,000 physical CPU cores, 2,400 GPUs, and 22 PB of disk-based storage) and the Einstein@Home volunteer distributed computing project (about a factor of ten more).
We are particularly interested in applicants with a background in either (1) the analysis and interpretation of data from pulsar timing arrays, or (2) the use of quantum computing to perform optimal matched filtering on classical data with many templates. However, we are open to all scientists with a strong gravitational-wave and/or data-analysis/astrophysics background. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to start new projects with group members and to collaborate internationally. Funds are available for travel and other research costs.
Hannover is the capital city of the state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) in Germany, and is an important commercial center with a culture rich in arts and music. It has an excellent public transportation system and very reasonable living costs compared with many other large cities. The AEI is located on the campus of Leibniz University Hannover, not far from downtown.
Applications should include a CV, a one to two page statement covering research interests and plans, and a publication list. Please identify your three most significant publications, and, if you are not the lead author, briefly describe your contributions.
These materials should be sent to jobs-gw-han[AT]aei.mpg.de by December 20, 2022. Candidates should also arrange for at least two but if possible three letters of reference to be sent to the same address by that date.
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct: https://www.aei.mpg.de/450712/code-of-conduct.pdf)
The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with an on-campus international kindergarten, and access to a multi-function room that may be used for child care.
2.18. PhD positions in theory, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-15
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/physicsphd/f1/program-overview
Contact: phd-f1[AT]mff.cuni.cz
We are offering multiple 4-year PhD positions in Prague, Czech Republic, in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravity, Mathematical Physics, String Theory, and Atomic and Molecular Physics. The areas of research focus on theory, but include also observation and instrumentation. The list of available projects is at http://physicsphd.cz/f1. This list of projects will be finalized by December 5 2022 when we will also open the Application form for submissions. The application deadline is January 15 2023 for positions beginning in the Fall semester of 2023.
PhD thesis research will be conducted at one of the participating institutions in Prague: Charles University (Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomical Institute) and Czech Academy of Sciences (Institute of Physics, Astronomical Institute, Institute of Mathematics, and Nuclear Physics Institute). The PhD degrees are awarded by Charles University. The positions are funded by a combination of government stipend, individual grants (national or EU), and institutional fellowships. The positions are open to candidates of any nationality. Our PhD program is international with majority of students coming from abroad.
Benefits depend on the type of the working contract, but all PhD students receive subsidized meals, possibility of staying in student dormitories, and free "Czech as foreign language" classes. Prague remains cheaper than other comparable European cities while offering similar level of comforts and entertainments.
2.19. Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Gravitational Physics, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-12
Location: London, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/items/7821.html
Contact: smsgravitypostdoc[AT]office365groups.qmul.ac.uk
We invite expressions of interest for an STFC-funded Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation group in the School of Mathematical Sciences. The successful applicant will be expected to work in close collaboration with Prof. Pau Figueras and Dr. Katy Clough on the interface between modified gravity and early universe cosmology, studying the strong field regime of alternative theories of gravity with higher derivative corrections in cosmological spacetimes. The successful applicant should have existing expertise in one or more of numerical relativity, mathematical relativity, well-posed formulations of alternative theories of gravity and early university cosmology, and be motivated to contribute to new developments in these areas.
The successful applicant will have, or be about to obtain, a relevant PhD degree in mathematics or physics, or equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience.
The post is based at the Mile End campus in London. It is a full-time (35 hours per week), fixed term appointment for three years. The expected start date is April 2023 (negotiable).
Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Pau Figueras at smsgravitypostdoc[AT]office365groups.qmul.ac.uk
The deadline for the applications is 12th of December; the interviews are expected to be held shortly thereafter. Late enquiries may be accepted until the position is filled.
For more information: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/items/7821.html
2.20. Postdoctoral Research Associate
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Brighton, UK
Additional Information: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2513548
Contact: X.Calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk
A postdoctoral research associate is sought to join the South-Eastern Particle Theory Alliance (SEPTA), a consortium composed of Royal Holloway, University of London, University College London and the University of Sussex. The position is devoted to research in the area of particle astrophysics and cosmology, and will be based at the University of Sussex.
The position (ref. 10354) is funded for 24 months and the expected start date is 01 October 2023. Applications must be received by midnight on 15 December 2022.
The successful applicant will join a consortium working on particle astrophysics and cosmology, particle physics phenomenology, quantum field theory and quantum gravity. We are particularly interested in applicants with experience in any of the following fields: quantum effects in black holes, quantum gravity, dark matter (including the search for light dark matter particles with quantum sensors), primordial black holes, gravitational waves, baryogenesis, inflation, phase transitions, cosmic defects, and fundamental theories in astrophysics and cosmology.
Applicants will also benefit from the close links to the Sussex Astronomy Centre and to the Experimental Particle Physics groups at Sussex and RHUL, and from the NExT Institute, a regional particle physics alliance in the South-East of England including the two groups, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the University of Southampton. Sussex is also a founder-member of the COSMOS consortium for the application of High Performance Computing to cosmology in the UK.
The following materials should be sent by email to mpsrecruitment[AT]sussex.ac.uk quoting the job reference number above.
- Official Sussex application form (available via the University website www.sussex.ac.uk/jobs)
- CV, list of publications, and statement of research interests in a single pdf document
- Three recommendation letters.
Please send a copy of all the application materials including recommendation letters to Prof. Xavier Calmet (X.Calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk)
Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to make informal contact with Chris Byrnes (C.Byrnes[AT]sussex.ac.uk), Xavier Calmet (X.Calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk) (main point of contact), Stephan Huber (s.j.huber[AT]sussex.ac.uk), Mark Hindmarsh (m.b.hindmarsh[AT]sussex.ac.uk), David Seery (D.Seery[AT]sussex.ac.uk).
Instructions on how to apply can be found at https://www.sussex.ac.uk/about/jobs/research-associate-theor-particle-physi…
Contact: Calmet, Xavier (X.Calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk)
Letters of Reference should be sent to: X.Calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk
More Information: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/about/jobs/research-associate-theor-particle-physi…
2.21. Postdoc in String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Wroclaw, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-23
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Additional Information: https://www.fhassler.de/group#postdocs
Contact: falk.hassler[AT]uwr.edu.pl
The Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, invites applications for a 3-year postdoc in String Theory and Quantum Gravity within the project "Duality Symmetries as Key to Quantum Spacetime" funded by the National Science Centre Poland to create a new research group with Falk Hassler as principal investigator. In addition to the PI, this group consists of a master's student, three PhD students, and a postdoc (you). Depending on available funding, a second postdoc will join the group in 2023.
Starting Date: September/October 2023
How to apply: Please fill out the online application form (https://www.fhassler.de/applications) where you have to provide the following information/documents:
* General information about you (name, email, PhD date, and university)
* Names and email addresses of three references, who agree to provide reference letters for you
* Curriculum vitae
* Statement of research interests
* Cover letter (optional)
The revision of applications starts now and continues until a suitable candidate is found, but after
Friday, 23/12/2022 23:59:59 CET,
the application form is closed and no more applications will be accepted. Please make sure that also your reference letters have been uploaded by then.
Research Tasks: You will have the chance to contribute your ideas to research projects of the group, which are focused on the topics
* quantum corrections to non-linear sigma-models
* generalised geometry and double/exceptional field theory
* higher derivative corrections in (super)gravity
* integrability in string theory
* consistent truncations
* conformal field theory
* computer algebra systems
and their applications in holography, cosmology, and the swampland. We care about your professional development. Therefore, you will be provided with generous travelling funds to participate in workshops and conferences, present our work and extend your network of potential collaborators. Moreover, you will be included in the supervision of our PhD students to develop leadership skills and build an independent research profile.
* PhD degree in theoretical physics or a closely related field by the start date of the position
* fluent English in writing and speaking
* ability to publish research results in leading journals
* experience in string theory is desirable, ideally focusing on one or more of the following topics: sigma-models, integrable deformations, generalised geometry and double/exceptional field theory, higher-derivative corrections, supergravity, conformal field theory, D-branes
* a highly motivated team player, willing to share knowledge with the group's master's and PhD students
Terms of Employment: The position is guaranteed for two years with an extension of one more year based on satisfactory performance (2+1).
Salary: The monthly gross salary is 10000 PLN. After deducting taxes, pension, and health insurance costs approximately 7000-6000 PLN are left. With this income, a single person can have a comfortable life in Wroclaw (i.e. see Numbeo to get a first impression). You are entitled to at least 20 days of paid holidays.
The University of Wroclaw is one of the leading universities in Poland, currently teaching over 26,000 students and around 1,300 doctoral students. It is situated on the banks of the Oder River in the city of Wroclaw. With more than 130,000 students, Wroclaw is one of the most youth-oriented cities in the heart of Europe.
2.22. Faculty Position in Astrophysics, Baltimore, MD, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Baltimore, MD, USA
Additional Information: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/9c9f3a49
Contact: pcarmen1[AT]jhu.edu
The William H. Miller III Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a faculty appointment in astrophysics. We invite applications from theorists, observers, and instrumentalists across all areas of astrophysics.
This is an open-rank search, and candidates will be considered for appointment both at the assistant professor level and at higher ranks, as appropriate. The successful candidates will be expected to maintain an active research program and to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The department is the recent recipient of a very large gift that will be used to expand dramatically the size of the faculty and endow substantial programs for prize postdocs and graduate students. The new faculty member will play a key role in our realization of this transformational opportunity.
Applicants should submit application materials via Interfolio to http://apply.interfolio.com/117532. Materials should include a letter expressing interest, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a teaching statement, and a short description of research plans, as well as a statement describing efforts (past, present, or future) to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Applicants who wish to be considered at the level of assistant professor should have three letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf to the same webpage. If you have questions concerning Interfolio, please call (877) 977-8807 or email help[AT]interfolio.com. You may also contact Pam Carmen at (410) 516-7346 or pcarmen1[AT]jhu.edu. If you have questions about the search please contact the chair of the search committee, Julian Krolik (jhk[AT]jhu.edu)
Consideration of applications will begin on December 15, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Johns Hopkins University is committed to the active recruitment of a diverse faculty and student body. The University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from these and other protected groups. Consistent with the University's goals of achieving excellence in all areas, we will assess the comprehensive qualifications of each applicant. The Department of Physics and Astronomy in particular is committed to hiring candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.
2.23. 4yr Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Applied and Computational Maths, Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-15
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/643321/lecturer-senior-lectu…
Contact: todd.oliynyk[AT]monash.edu
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics
Job No.: 643321
Location: Clayton campus
Employment Type: Full-time
Duration: 4-year fixed-term appointment
Remuneration: $104,185 - $123,720 pa Level B / $127,624 - $147,159 pa Level C (plus 17% employer superannuation
Be inspired every day
Drive your own learning at one of the world's top 80 universities
Take your career in exciting, rewarding directions
Everyone needs a platform to launch a satisfying career. At Monash, we give you the space and support to take your career in all kinds of exciting new directions. You'll have access to quality research, infrastructure and learning facilities, opportunities to collaborate internationally, as well as the grants you'll need to publish your work. We're a university full of energetic and enthusiastic minds, driven to challenge what's expected, expand what we know, and learn from other inspiring, empowering thinkers.
The Opportunity
The School of Mathematics at Monash University invites applications for the position of Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics. The School is a research leader with a strong international reputation in Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematical Finance, and Applied and Computational Mathematics.
Candidates will be expected to have an outstanding research record and help our drive for excellence across the School. Exceptional candidates in any area of applied and computational mathematics will be considered. Of particular interest are candidates with expertise in numerical and computational mathematics, an area that the School is actively looking to grow. To be considered, you will have a PhD in mathematics or a related area, a proven ability to perform independent research, and a strong commitment to teaching and supervising of research students.
This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.
We encourage applications from First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, and people of all genders, sexualities and age groups.
2.24. Research Associate (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-20
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/38387/
Contact: u.sperhake[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Relativity and Gravitation Group within Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, working on gravitational-wave physics including gravitational-wave modelling, modified theories of gravity, numerical relativity and fundamental fields around black holes.
The successful candidate will work primarily with Professor Ulrich Sperhake, as well as academic staff across the Relativity and Gravitation group (Challinor, Dafermos, Fergusson, Hartnoll, Pajer, Quevedo, Reall, Santos, Shellard, Sherwin, Wall and Warnick) and research staff and PhD students. There are close links with the HEP group in DAMTP and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology (www.kicc.cam.ac.uk)
The position is expected to be available from 1 April 2023, but the start date is flexible and can be delayed until October 2023. Applicants should have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in a relevant area of theoretical physics, and to have an established track record of original research and experience of working in collaboration.
Duties will include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. You will be expected to plan your own research, with guidance if required, and to assist in the preparation of funding proposals. You must be able to communicate material of a technical nature. You may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects and development of skills, and deliver seminars relating to the research area.
Further information about CTC can be found at www.ctc.cam.ac.uk and the GR Group at www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/
Informal enquiries may be made to James Parke (LE34392[AT]maths.cam.ac.uk) or to Ulrich Sperhake (u.sperhake[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk).
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 2 years in the first instance.
2.25. Research Associate in QFT and Theoretical Cosmology (Fixed Term), Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-20
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/38386/
Contact: ep551[AT]cam.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Relativity and Gravitation Group within Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, working on the theoretical calculation of cosmological correlators in the early universe and their observational signals in CMB and large-scale structure datasets. A robust knowledge of quantum field theory and general relativity is required.
The successful candidate will work primarily with Professor Enrico Pajer, as well as academic staff across the Relativity and Gravitation group (Challinor, Dafermos, Fergusson, Hartnoll, Quevedo, Reall, Santos, Shellard, Sherwin, Sperhake, Wall and Warnick) and research staff and PhD students. There are close links with the HEP group in DAMTP and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology (www.kicc.cam.ac.uk)
The position is expected to be available from 1 April 2023, but the start date is flexible and can be delayed until October 2023. Applicants should have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in a relevant area of theoretical physics, and to have an established track record of original research and experience of working in collaboration.
Duties will include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. You will be expected to plan your own research, with guidance if required, and to assist in the preparation of funding proposals. You must be able to communicate material of a technical nature. You may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects and development of skills, and deliver seminars relating to the research area.
Further information about CTC can be found at www.ctc.cam.ac.uk and the GR Group at www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/
Informal enquiries may be made to James Parke (LE34391[AT]maths.cam.ac.uk) or to Enrico Pajer (ep551[AT]cam.ac.uk).
Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 3 years in the first instance.
2.26. Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Postdoctoral Researcher LSU/LIGO, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-28
Location: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Additional Information: https://lsu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/LSU/job/0266-JW-Nicholson-Hall/Post…
Contact: gonzalez[AT]lsu.edu
Job Posting Title:
Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Postdoctoral Researcher (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO))
Position Type:
Other Academic
LSUAM Science - PA - Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Gabriela Gonzalez (00000092))
Work Location:
0266 J.W. Nicholson Hall
Pay Grade:
Other Academic
Job Description:
The LSU Department of Physics and Astronomy is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher or Senior Postdoctoral Researcher to participate in Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) instrument and data characterization. The successful candidate will conduct research diagnosing the LIGO detectors' non-astrophysical transients as well as noise in the frequency domain to improve the reach to astrophysical sources like collisions of black holes and neutron stars. The research will be carried out as a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration at Louisiana State University (LSU), very close to the LIGO Livingston Observatory (LLO), with opportunity to collaborate with scientists at LLO.
Postdoctoral Researcher - (100%) diagnosing the LIGO detectors' non-astrophysical transients as well as noise in the frequency domain.
Senior Postdoctoral Researcher - (90%) lead the research of diagnosing the LIGO detectors' non-astrophysical transients as well as noise in the frequency domain; will be assigned additional research projects to lead; (10%) expected to publish papers, and present results at conferences; and mentor graduate students.
Minimum qualification: (Both) PhD in physics or a related field. (Senior Postdoctoral Researcher) Three years of related work experience.
Preferred Qualifications: Experience in one or more of the following: precision experiments, instrument noise diagnostics, data analysis methods, and statistical methods.
Additional Job Description:
Special Instructions:
Please attach ALL required documents under the "Resume/CV" section of your application. Please provide letter of application, resume, and three professional references including name, title, phone number and e-mail address.
A copy of your transcript(s) may be attached to your application (if available). However, original transcripts are required prior to hire.
Please email any questions to Gabriela Gonzalez, gonzalez[AT]lsu.edu
Posting Date:
October 24, 2022
Closing Date (Open Until Filled if No Date Specified):
Additional Position Information:
Background Check - An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check.
Benefits - LSU offers outstanding benefits to eligible employees and their dependents including health, life, dental, and vision insurance; flexible spending accounts; retirement options; various leave options; paid holidays; wellness benefits; tuition exemption for qualified positions; training and development opportunities; employee discounts; and more!
Essential Position (Y/N):
LSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer:
LSU believes diversity, equity, and inclusion enrich the educational experience of our students, faculty, and staff, and are necessary to prepare all people to thrive personally and professionally in a global society. We celebrate diversity and are committed to the principles of diversity and inclusion. We actively seek and encourage qualified applications from persons with diverse backgrounds, cultures and experiences. To learn more about how LSU is committed to diversity and inclusivity, please see LSU's Diversity Statement and Roadmap. Persons needing accommodations or assistance with the accessibility of materials related to this search are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resource Management (hr[AT]lsu.edu)
HCM Contact Information:
Questions or concerns can be directed to the LSU Human Resources Management Office at 225-578-8200 or emailed HR[AT]lsu.edu
About Us
LSU includes institutions, facilities and programs in each of Louisiana's 64 parishes, and its campuses stretch the length of the state from New Orleans to Shreveport. Each institution plays a vital role in preparing students to incorporate new knowledge and technologies into their daily lives. LSU researchers across Louisiana are working on developing a wide-range of innovations to improve quality of life by studying issues such as disease management, advance medical treatments, obesity, coastal protection, hurricane preparedness, energy, natural resource management and agriculture, among others. Louisiana's Flagship University is a land-, sea- and space-grant institution with academic programs in all areas of science, engineering, humanities, arts and social sciences.
The University comprises of nine institutions:
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College ("LSU"), the premier flagship university for the state, which include the Paul M. Hebert Law Center and the School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University at Alexandria
Louisiana State University at Eunice
Louisiana State University at Shreveport
LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
LSU Health Science Center - Shreveport
The Health Care Services Division
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Any other college, university, school, institution, or program now or hereafter under the supervision and management of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
In implementing its mission, LSU is committed to:
Offering a broad array of undergraduate degree programs and extensive graduate research opportunities designed to attract and educate highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students;
Employing faculty who are excellent teacher-scholars, nationally competitive in research and creative activities, and who contribute to a world-class knowledge base that is transferable to educational, professional, cultural, and economic enterprises; and
Using its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental, and social challenges.
2.27. Manager - Data Processing/Computer Services 1 LSU/LIGO, Baton Rouge, LS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-02-28
Location: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Additional Information: https://lsu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/LSU/job/0271-JW-Nicholson-Hall/Mana…
Contact: gonzalez[AT]lsu.edu
Job Posting Title:
Manager - Data Processing/Computer Services 1 (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO))
Position Type:
Professional / Unclassified
LSUAM Science - PA - Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Gabriela Gonzalez (00000092))
Work Location:
0271 J.W. Nicholson Hall
Pay Grade:
Job Description:
LSU is looking for an expert to work for the LIGO Data Grid used by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), and help the discovery of gravitational waves with LIGO detectors. We collaborate closely with colleagues in University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Syracuse University, California State University-Fullerton and other institution outside the US. The person will lead the maintain and developing of a suite of python-based tools for LIGO scientists, especially those at the LIGO Livingston Observatory. Scientists working with the LIGO detectors and with the LIGO data use a graphical monitoring of the performance of the many subsystems in the instruments, using standard statistical measures and diagnostic methods developed by the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA collaboration members. Many of these graphical monitors are "live" with a few minutes latency, other are produced hourly, and others daily.
GWpy is a collaboration-driven Python package providing tools for studying data from ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. GWpy provides a user-friendly, intuitive interface to the common time-domain and frequency-domain data produced by the LIGO and Virgo observatories and their analyses, with easy-to-follow tutorials at each step.
(30%) Maintain and develop the GWpy package and related tools; GWpy is a collaboration-driven Python package providing tools for studying data from ground-based gravitational-wave detectors. GWpy provides a user-friendly, intuitive interface to the common time-domain and frequency-domain data produced by the LIGO and Virgo observatories and their analyses, with easy-to-follow tutorials at each step. (https://gwpy.github.io/)
(20%) Independently perform statistical analysis, programming, and predictive modeling. Maintains and develop online monitors for LIGO instrument diagnostics. Conduct performance tuning and troubleshooting on existing data analytic applications.
(50%) Maintains and develop graphical summary pages of LIGO instruments' performance. Ensure technical models remain accurate with changes in operations. Creating documentation as required by supervisor in order to move projects along. Collaborate with stakeholders to generate reports, distribute data processing, and deliver robust predictive analytics. Effectively communicate technical issues, decisions reached, and or the status of the project with all stakeholders within the team and or department. Contributes to departmental efforts to develop, implement, or further improve processes and operations. Maintains awareness of current industry practices that pertain to (insert industry here).
Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in physics or related field with 3 or more years of professional level computer experience. Proficient in Python programming, packaging and development, as well as familiarity with C, and/or Java (LDVW).
Preferred Qualifications: Master's degree in physics or related field with experience with visualization, scientific workflow management, database technology is desirable, but not required.
Additional Job Description:
Special Instructions:
Please attach ALL required documents under the "Resume/CV" section of your application. Please provide letter of application, resume, and three professional references including name, title, phone number and e-mail address.
A copy of your transcript(s) may be attached to your application (if available). However, original transcripts are required prior to hire.
Please email any questions to Gabriela Gonzalez, gonzalez[AT]lsu.edu
Posting Date:
November 8, 2022
Closing Date (Open Until Filled if No Date Specified):
Additional Position Information:
Background Check - An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check.
Benefits - LSU offers outstanding benefits to eligible employees and their dependents including health, life, dental, and vision insurance; flexible spending accounts; retirement options; various leave options; paid holidays; wellness benefits; tuition exemption for qualified positions; training and development opportunities; employee discounts; and more!
Essential Position (Y/N):
LSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer:
LSU believes diversity, equity, and inclusion enrich the educational experience of our students, faculty, and staff, and are necessary to prepare all people to thrive personally and professionally in a global society. We celebrate diversity and are committed to the principles of diversity and inclusion. We actively seek and encourage qualified applications from persons with diverse backgrounds, cultures and experiences. To learn more about how LSU is committed to diversity and inclusivity, please see LSU's Diversity Statement and Roadmap. Persons needing accommodations or assistance with the accessibility of materials related to this search are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resource Management (hr[AT]lsu.edu)
HCM Contact Information:
Questions or concerns can be directed to the LSU Human Resources Management Office at 225-578-8200 or emailed HR[AT]lsu.edu
About Us
LSU includes institutions, facilities and programs in each of Louisiana's 64 parishes, and its campuses stretch the length of the state from New Orleans to Shreveport. Each institution plays a vital role in preparing students to incorporate new knowledge and technologies into their daily lives. LSU researchers across Louisiana are working on developing a wide-range of innovations to improve quality of life by studying issues such as disease management, advance medical treatments, obesity, coastal protection, hurricane preparedness, energy, natural resource management and agriculture, among others. Louisiana's Flagship University is a land-, sea- and space-grant institution with academic programs in all areas of science, engineering, humanities, arts and social sciences.
The University comprises of nine institutions:
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College ("LSU"), the premier flagship university for the state, which include the Paul M. Hebert Law Center and the School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University at Alexandria
Louisiana State University at Eunice
Louisiana State University at Shreveport
LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
LSU Health Science Center - Shreveport
The Health Care Services Division
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Any other college, university, school, institution, or program now or hereafter under the supervision and management of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
In implementing its mission, LSU is committed to:
Offering a broad array of undergraduate degree programs and extensive graduate research opportunities designed to attract and educate highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students;
Employing faculty who are excellent teacher-scholars, nationally competitive in research and creative activities, and who contribute to a world-class knowledge base that is transferable to educational, professional, cultural, and economic enterprises; and
Using its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental, and social challenges.
Read More
LSU Privacy Statement
2.28. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-wave and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, Rolla, MO, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-31
Location: Rolla, MO, USA
Additional Information: https://imac.mst.edu/news/
Contact: marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org
The Institute of Multi-messenger Astrophysics and Cosmology (IMAC) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology anticipates having one postdoctoral position in the areas of gravitational physics and astrophysics. The position is for one year, renewable for up to three years, contingent on funding availability and satisfactory performance. The applicant must have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in physics or related fields and show a strong track record in gravitational-wave data analysis and instrumentation, experimental gravitational-wave science, and/or multi-messenger astrophysics.
IMAC [https://imac.mst.edu/] is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and is active in various areas of experimental and theoretical gravity, astrophysics, and cosmology. Current faculty members in the group include Marco Cavaglia (LIGO) and Shun Saito (HETDEX, PFS), as well as several graduate students. The postdoctoral scholar funded by this position will work in close collaboration with the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, and the KAGRA Collaboration, as well as partner astrophysics consortiums. The successful applicant is expected to engage in a collaborative research program in the above areas, mentor undergraduate and graduate students, and contribute to the educational and outreach activities of the group. Depending on the research program and interests of the applicant, these activities may be carried out by residing full-time at one of the LIGO sites in Livingston, LA, or Hanford, WA.
Missouri S&T [https://mst.edu/] is one of the nation's leading research universities with 101 degree programs in 40 areas of study, ranging from business and information technology to engineering, the sciences, the humanities, and the liberal arts. It is located about 100 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, in the multicultural community of Rolla, surrounded by Ozarks scenery. The physics department includes 16 active faculty with expertise in condensed matter physics, atomic physics, and astrophysics.
A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications) and a statement of research interests should be sent in PDF format to Marco Cavaglia "marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org". Please use the subject "Gravitational physics and astrophysics postdoctoral application." Applicants must also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters sent to the same email address. Please direct questions about the position to "marco.cavaglia[AT]ligo.org". Applications will be reviewed starting on January 1, 2023, but applications will be accepted until an adequate applicant pool is established, or until the position is filled. The position is available as early as February 2023. IMAC and Missouri S&T are committed to increasing diversity in the sciences. Applications from underrepresented groups in physics are particularly encouraged. IMAC and Missouri S&T will strive to meet the needs of dual-career couples.
3. News
3.1. GWECS Job Fair on November 17: invitation to early career scientists
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://forms.gle/F56UmgPe4vMUa5xLA
Dear early career researchers,
You are invited to the GWECS Job Fair for early career scientists in gravitational waves.
The online event will be held on Thursday, November 17th between 4 pm and 6 pm (CET).
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the following form by Monday, November 14th:
You can check out the jobs submitted so far in this google sheet:
The participants of the job fair will be split into breakout rooms. Each recruiter will have the chance to introduce themselves and talk for 5 minutes about their group and available position(s). The early career scientists will have the chance to introduce themselves for 1 minute and ask questions about the job offers they are interested in.
We hope you can join us!
All the best,
GWECS Career Opportunities Office
Elisa Maggio, Gabriela Conde-Saavedra, Krishnendu N V, Nils Nilsson
3.2. GRG Golden Oldies by Rainer Weiss
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://link.springer.com/collections/ibdhihefdh
The Golden Oldies series of the journal General Relativity and Gravitation reprints important papers in general relativity theory that were published 30 or more years ago and are either hard to get hold of, or were originally printed in a language other than English.
In 2022, we celebrate Rai Weiss' 90th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his original GW detector design study with a republication of one of the most significant papers in the Golden Oldies series:
Rainer Weiss. Republication of: Electromagnetically coupled broadband gravitational antenna. Gen Relativ Gravit 54, 153 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-022-03021-3
Editorial note by David H. Shoemaker, D.H. Gen Relativ Gravit 54, 152 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-022-03022-2
3.3. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Kowalevski)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2022_11_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twenty-fifth release (code name "Sophie Kowalevski") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The major changes in this release include:
* many READS / WRITES statements were corrected
* there is now more robust testsuite error reporting
* kuibit has improved support for modern matplotlib versions
* a workaround for Intel 19+ compilers was added to GRHydro
Three new arrangements and thorns have been added:
* FLRW initial data solver for cosmological initial data
* NRPyEllipticET hyperbolic relaxation initial data solver for vacuum spacetimes
* The Canuda library of codes now supports complex and real scalar fields
New capabilities for existing codes:
* The SelFforce-1D code now supports gravitational perturbations using the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli formalism
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in May 2022 have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including code to compute initial data parameters, the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. Data analysis and postprocessing is handled by the kuibit library. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages, or contact the users mailing list users[AT]einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157/2004044/2004311/2004879/2003893 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
The "Sophie Kowalevski" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2022-11-29)
Roland Haas, Allen Wen, Anuj Kankani, Bing-Jyun Tsao, Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Chi Tian, Giuseppe Ficarra, Hrishikesh Kalyanaraman, Lisa Leung, Nadine Kuo, Peter Diener, Steven R. Brandt, Taishi Ikeda, Zachariah Etienne
3.4. Second announcement of the Fifth Zeldovich meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich5
We are happy to inform that abstract submission at the Fifth Zeldovich meeting is now open.
The list of invited speakers includes:
Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Space Research Institute (IKI), Russia
Massimo Della Valle, Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory and INAF, Italy (TBC)
Marat Gilfanov, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany and IKI, Russia (TBC)
Paolo Giommi, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy
Luca Izzo, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark (TBC)
Michael Kramer, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Germany (TBC)
Jutta Kunz, University of Oldenburg, Germany (TBC)
Klaus Laemmerzahl, University Bremen, Germany
Di Li, National Astronomical Observatories of China, China
Ruoyu Liu, Nanjing University, China
Andrea Merloni, Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, Germany (TBC)
Razmik Mirzoyan, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Germany
Tsvi Piran, The Hebrew University, Israel
Konstantin Postnov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia
Rashid Sunyaev, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany and IKI, Russia (TBC)
Alexei Starobinsky, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia
Lev Titarchuk, University di Ferrara, Italy and Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia
Nan Zhang, Institute of High Energy Physics, China
At this 5th Zeldovich meeting the new discoveries from the leading scientific mi ssions in relativistic astrophysics will be reported:
* Russian-German Spektr-RG telescope (SRG)
* USA-European-Canadian James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
* USA-Italian Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)
* Chinese-European enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission (eXTP)
* Chinese Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO)
* Chinese Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)
* European Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC)
The early bird registration fee is 300 euro (100 euro for students). The late registration fee will be 400 euro (150 euro for students). It will cover conference kit, coffee breaks, and publication of the conference papers.

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for November 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Nov '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Nov '22
02 Nov '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. XV Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal
1.2. CDT and Friends: Jubilee edition, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1.3. SIGRAV International School 2023 - Applied Quantum Gravity, Vietri sul mare, Italy
1.4. Astro-GR@Cuba 2023, Habana, Cuba
2. Jobs
2.1. Visiting Fellow Positions at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR, Mumbai, India
2.2. Numerical relativity and computational astrophysics postdoctoral positions, Rochester, NY, USA
2.3. Postdoctoral fellowship in gravitational waves, Singapore
2.4. Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada
2.5. Postdoctoral Fellowships JHU Physics and Astronomy, Baltimore, MA, USA
2.6. NP3M Postdoctoral Research Positions, USA
2.7. PostDoc Position at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
2.8. Postdoc position in Gravitational Physics, Dublin, Ireland
2.9. PhD position in gravitational-wave instrumentation, Ghent, Belgium
2.10. ERC-funded postdoctoral position(s) in Numerical Relativity beyond GR, Trieste, Italy
2.11. Post-doc and PhD position in experimental relativistic geodesy, Duesseldorf, Germany
2.12. Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2.13. Faculty Position in Astrophysics at T.D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China
2.14. Postdoc Fellows in Astrophysics at T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China
2.15. Postdocs in Loop Quantum Gravity, London, Ontario, Canada
2.16. Faculty positions on gravitational waves at QMUL, London, UK
2.17. Several 3-year postdoc position in Qubits and Spacetime Unit, Okinawa, Japan
2.18. Postdoc position in gravitational wave data analysis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2.19. Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowships, Charlottesville, VA, USA
2.20. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and random geometry, Okinawa, Japan
2.21. Postdoctoral Position in Strong-field Tests of Gravity, Urbana-Champaign, USA
2.22. TDLI International Graduate Student Fellowships in Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
2.23. Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Astrophysics and Numerical Relativity, Moscow, ID, USA
2.24. Postodoc opportunity in gravitational wave physics, Geneva, Switzerland
2.25. Postdoctoral position in Gravitation and Cosmology, Bilbao, Spain
2.26. Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Cosmology at Bilbao, Spain
3. News
3.1. Detecting continuous gravitational-wave signals: a Kaggle competition
1. Conferences
1.1. XV Black Holes Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-12-19 to 2022-12-20
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/e/bhw15
Contact: XVblackholes.ista[AT]iscte-iul.pt
From astrophysics to high-energy physics, from information theory to quantum gravity, black holes have acquired an ever increasing role in fundamental physics, and are now part of the terminology of many important branches of observational, theoretical and mathematical physics.
The Black Holes Workshops gather researchers working on physical and mathematical problems of black holes, both in its classical and quantum aspects, as well as their connections to general relativity and gravitation, string theory, cosmology, and astrophysics, and stimulate the interaction between all these issues.
The fifteenth edition of the Black Holes Workshop celebrates landmark contributions in the history of black holes. It will take place, for the first time, at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon. Researchers on black holes in all their aspects are invited to participate. Registration to the event will start on September 19th and end on December 3rd. The deadline to submit abstracts is November 30th.
1.2. CDT and Friends: Jubilee edition, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-25 to 2023-01-27
Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://indico.imapp.ru.nl/event/102/
Contact: hep[AT]ru.nl
Following up on the first CDT and Friends conference in Dec 2012, we are happy to announce that Radboud University Nijmegen will host a second edition in January:
The search for Quantum Gravity:
CDT and Friends - Jubilee edition (Jan 25 - 27, 2023).
The conference will feature many talks by leading experts on quantum field theory inspired approaches to quantum gravity, which have some connections to Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT) and the study of quantum spacetime.
The conference will be hosted at the Lindenberg cultuurhuis in Nijmegen with a conference dinner on Friday evening (Jan 27). Capacity for the conference as well as the dinner is limited, so please register swiftly through the linked webpage to secure your spot! The registration fee for the conference is 150 EUR (including dinner, coffee, lunches and drinks) or 100 EUR (excluding dinner, but including coffee, lunches and drinks). For the program and further details please visit the linked webpage.
Organizing committee: Beatrice Bonga, Timothy Budd, Badri Krishnan, Frank Saueressig
1.3. SIGRAV International School 2023 - Applied Quantum Gravity, Vietri sul mare, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-02-13 to 2023-02-17
Location: Vietri sul mare, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33027/
Contact: liberati[AT]sissa.it
This edition of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) International School aims to provide robust and broad knowledge of different quantum aspects of gravitational theory and their implications for black hole physics and cosmology as well as their possible observational/experimental tests.
The School organizes the following lectures:
Quantum Gravity applied to Black Holes:
- Black hole in String Theory
- Quantum gravitational aspects of black holes
Quantum Gravity applied to Cosmology:
- String Cosmology
- Quantum Cosmology
Monographic courses:
- Foundational Issues in Quantum Gravity
- Gravitational physics of Quantum Objects
- Analogue/Emergent Gravity
- Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
- Introduction to AdS/CFT correspondence
The School is intended for PhD students and young post-docs. In order to receive the certificate of participation, all lectures and seminars should be attended.
The Participation Fee (350 EUR) guarantee the access to all courses and activities, including lunch and coffee breaks. A reduced participation fee (50 EUR) is available for those which will be only able to attend the lectures remotely.
The room should be booked in the Lloyd's Baia Hotel. Please, reserve your room by using the form available in the section "Practical Info - Accomodation and Transport".
The deadline for registration is January 31st, 2023 while that for payment of the fee is February 3rd, 2023.
1.4. Astro-GR@Cuba 2023, Habana, Cuba
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-05 to 2023-03-18
Location: Habana, Cuba
Additional Information: https://astro-gr.org/astro-gr-cuba-2023/
Contact: astro-gr-cuba2023[AT]protonmail.com
Pau Amaro Seoane, Fernando Guzman, Leonel Morejon, Amaya Ofelia Casanova and Stamatis Vretinaris are organizing the next Astro-GR meeting, which will be focusing, as usual, on astrophysics of gravitational waves, including general relativity, physics and observational astronomy
This is the meeting nr 23 in a series of workshops which intend to unite people working on different disciplines of gravitational waves: astrophysicists, theoretical and numerical relavisits and data analysts.
The meeting will take place at the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias y Ciencias Aplicadas (InSTEC) de la Universidad de La Habana, from 5-18 March 2023.
The talks will not be classical talks, but "constantly-interrupted-ones", in the sense that the speakers will have to address as many questions as the students see fit to ask to understand the topic being presented, instead of just listening to a talk. There is a difference.
This is the list of participants we have so far (with some missing names to be added yet, I will be updating the list on the page):
Fernando Guzman, Veronica Vazquez Aceves, Andrew Taylor, Alessandra Mastrobuono Battisti, Kostas Kokkotas, Pablo Laguna, Badri Krishnan, Daniel Siegel, Abhay Ashtekar (online), Luis Lehner, Roger Blandford, Mitch Begelman, Selin Ustundag, Ulrich Sperhake (online), Cliff Will (online), Deirdre Shoemaker, Zoltan Haiman, Odele Straub, Xian Chen, Amaya Ofelia Casanova, Pau Amaro Seoane, Tanja Hinderer (online)
For details about registration, venue and accommodation, please visit the web page.
2. Jobs
2.1. Visiting Fellow Positions at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR, Mumbai, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-01
Location: Mumbai, India
Additional Information: https://www.tifr.res.in/~daa/
Contact: chairdaa[AT]tifr.res.in
The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (DAA; https://www.tifr.res.in/~daa/) at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai invites applications from qualified candidates for Visiting Fellow (post-doctoral) positions. The research interests pursued at DAA are diverse and include projects involving instrument-building (Infrared, X-Ray and Radio), observational, theoretical, and computational efforts. The science topics pursued in the department include extrasolar planets, star formation, interstellar medium, star clusters, stellar dynamics, resolved transients, fast radio bursts, gravitational waves, seismology, Solar astrophysics, black holes, pulsars and accreting neutron stars, compact-object binaries, X-ray astronomy including science from AstroSat data, gravitational waves using InPTA, cosmology, multi-messenger astronomy, and astronomical big data analysis using machine learning techniques.
This position allows the fellows to pursue their own research projects independently, although they are welcome to collaborate with any faculty in the department.
At the time of joining, the candidate must have completed her/his Ph. D. (Successfully defended thesis)
The position is initially for one year with a possibility of extensions for up to three years upon satisfactory performance.
In addition to a competitive salary, the position comes with a competitive research contingency grant, health benefits, and accommodation assistance (accommodation on campus as per availability, or HRA).
Deadline for application:
November 01, 2022
Application procedure:
The application should include a cover letter, research proposal (should include past research expertise, future research plans at TIFR), CV, publication list, and names and contact information of three referees. Interested applicants should collate all material into a single PDF and send it to chairdaa[AT]tifr.res.in and cc to daapostdoc[AT]gmail.com. If the interested applicant already has a specific faculty in mind for collaboration, it is alright to contact that faculty as well, but a formal application should be sent to the above-mentioned email(s).
2.2. Numerical relativity and computational astrophysics postdoctoral positions, Rochester, NY, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-31
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=2…
Contact: mxcsma[AT]rit.edu
The RIT Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG) is currently seeking to fill one or two postdoctoral research positions, including a prestigious fellowship in multi-messenger astronomy, as part of several NASA and NSF collaborative projects.
We are looking for highly qualified individuals interested in pursuing research in the fields of numerical relativity, theoretical and computational astrophysics, with an emphasis on general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics simulations of compact object mergers, such as accreting binary, massive, black holes and binary neutron stars.
Accreting supermassive binary black holes are promising multi-messenger sources because they strongly emit both gravitational wave and electromagnetic radiation. It is the goal of our group to combine astrophysical knowledge about the environments of these sources with detailed physical simulations of gas flows in the immediate neighborhoods of these binaries as they proceed from large orbital separations through the merger proper and postmerger, and to predict the signals observers would see to identify them.
Similarly, we are interested on pushing the frontiers in developing new high-performance algorithms that will allow us to perform long-term simulations neutron star coalescences from prior to merger through to the formation of disks and/or collapse of the merged remnant, the production of jets, and launching of outflows.
The group is actively developing new numerical codes and tools (e.g. AsterX, SphericalNR, Harm3D, PWMHD) as part of The Einstein Toolkit Consortium, and a large NASA Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network. The CCRG hosts a number of research scientists and students involved in gravitational wave data analysis from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the LISA consortium, and collaborate closely with the larger astrophysics group of observational astronomers gathering data from the Vera Rubin Observatory, Nanograv and JWST.
Our researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers such as the TACC's Frontera Supercomputer, XSEDE and a dedicated over 4000-cores cluster with 5 PB of storage pool hosted at the Center.
Applications should consist of a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. All materials should be sent electronically as soon as possible to: mxcsma[AT]rit.edu with a copy to ccrg-postdoc[AT]ccrg.rit.edu. More information about the CCRG is available at http://ccrg.rit.edu/. And about Rochester at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester,_New_York
Application material should also be uploaded here: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?partnerid=2…
Application reviews will be begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Starting dates, duration and a competitive salary are negotiable.
2.3. Postdoctoral fellowship in gravitational waves, Singapore
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-31
Location: Singapore
Additional Information: https://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/
Contact: alvincjk[AT]nus.edu.sg
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The successful candidate will work under the supervision of faculty member Alvin Chua.
We seek applicants with a strong background in scientific modelling and analysis for contemporary and/or near-future gravitational-wave detectors such as LIGO, LISA and pulsar timing arrays. The successful candidate will join and contribute to the growth of a new gravity/astrophysics group at NUS with both theoretical and observational interests. This group presently includes faculty members Profs Edward Teo (relativity and gravitation) and Chelsea Sharon (radio astronomy), research fellows Drs Soichiro Isoyama and Josh Mathews, as well as several PhD and MSc students. There will also be opportunities to take up (or retain) membership in international gravitational-wave collaborations such as LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and the LISA Consortium, and to be formally involved in their activities.
Candidates with expertise in gravitational-wave data analysis are particularly encouraged to apply. Those with a more general background in applied mathematics, statistics, data science or computational science will also be considered. Relevant areas of expertise can include (but are not limited to) topics such as applied geometry, numerical analysis, computational statistics, time-series analysis and statistical learning.
The ideal candidate for this position will possess skills and interests in both theoretical and computational research, a willingness to diversify their expertise and to be involved in cross-disciplinary projects, as well as the disposition to work well independently and as part of a team. They will be expected to maintain their own individual research programme, while working in close collaboration with Prof. Chua on topics of mutual interest.
The initial appointment is for one year, with expected renewal up to three years in total, and could start as early as August 2023. This position comes with a competitive salary and personal benefits, as well as travel funds for international conferences/visits. There will also be opportunities for the successful candidate to gain additional experience in teaching and research supervision during their appointment.
Applicants should submit the following materials via e-mail to Alvin Chua (alvincjk[AT]nus.edu.sg): a cover letter, their CV and list of publications, a short statement of research, and the e-mail addresses of three academic referees who will provide letters of reference. All materials should be received by 31 December 2022 for full consideration.
At NUS, the health and safety of our staff and students is one of our utmost priorities, and COVID-vaccination supports our commitment to ensure the safety of our community and to make NUS as safe and welcoming as possible. Many of our roles require a significant amount of physical interaction with students/staff/public members. Even for job roles that may be performed remotely, there will be instances where on-campus presence is required. Taking into consideration the health and well-being of our staff and students, and to better protect everyone in the campus, job applicants are strongly encouraged to have themselves fully COVID-vaccinated to secure successful employment with NUS.
2.4. Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-10-31
Location: Lethbridge, Canada
Additional Information: https://www.ulethbridge.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a postdoctoral position in Theoretical Physics at the University of Lethbridge, Canada. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Physics with a strong research record and research proposal. Areas that will be considered include Mathematical Physics, Quantum Theory, Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, and Gravitational Waves. It is expected that the position will be partially funded by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences via their competitive postdoctoral program (see http://www.pims.math.ca/scientific/postdoctoral) for one year, with the possibility of renewal for another year. Lethbridge is a small (population ~ 100k) but vibrant city in the province of Alberta, Canada, with excellent cultural and recreational opportunities, close to Calgary and the Rocky Mountains. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, research proposal, and three letters of reference by 31 October 2022 directly to:
Saurya Das and Mark Walton
Emails: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca , walton[AT]uleth.ca
If you applied to one of us for a postdoctoral position within the past year and would like to be considered for the current position, you are welcome to let us know and send us updated material, if applicable.
University of Lethbridge is committed to diversity and equity in employment, and strongly encourages women and members of other traditionally underrepresented groups to apply.
Contact: Saurya Das (saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca); Mark Walton (walton[AT]uleth.ca)
Letters of Reference should be sent to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca, walton[AT]uleth.ca
2.5. Postdoctoral Fellowships JHU Physics and Astronomy, Baltimore, MA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-04
Location: Baltimore, MA, USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/fellowship/22275
Contact: pcarmen1[AT]jhu.edu
The William H. Miller III Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for several postdoctoral fellowships: The William H. Miller Fellowship (any area of physics and astronomy), the Sweeney Fellowship (any area of physics), and Davis Fellowship (any area of astronomy). These fellowships offer the opportunity for postdoctoral research that combines academic freedom with strong faculty mentorship in an intellectually vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming department. The Department has strong programs in condensed-matter physics, particle physics, astrophysics, and biological physics and is now embarking upon a significant expansion, including growth into new areas of physics. The department also benefits from its close relationship with the Space Telescope Science Institute, located on the Johns Hopkins campus. More details about the department and its research can be found at https://physics-astronomy.jhu.edu.
Consideration of applications will begin on 1 November 2022 and continue until all available positions are filled. Applicants will also be considered for other appropriate postdoctoral positions in the department. Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, a statement of research interests, and a list of publications and arrange for at least three letters of reference on their behalf to be submitted to the application website.
Johns Hopkins University is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, other legally protected characteristics or any other occupationally irrelevant criteria. The University promotes Affirmative Action for minorities, women, individuals who are disabled, and veterans. Johns Hopkins University is a drug-free, smoke-free workplace.
Please apply on Academic Jobs Online on the following ur.
2.6. NP3M Postdoctoral Research Positions, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-01
Location: USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23174
Contact: dur566[AT]psu.edu
NP3M is soliciting applications for several postdoctoral research positions as part of the Nuclear Physics of Multi-Messenger Mergers (NP3M) Focus Research Hub in Theoretical Physics, supported by the National Science Foundation. We seek applicants interested in the nuclear physics of neutron star mergers from (i) nuclear structure theory, (ii) neutrino astrophysics, (iii) astrophysical simulations, and (iv) high-temperature nuclear theory.
NP3M postdocs will have an opportunity to work with any of the NP3M senior/principal investigators: Duncan Brown, Veronica Dexheimer, Joshua Dolence, Joaquin Drut, Francois Foucart, Christopher L. Fryer, Charles Horowitz, William Raphael Hix, Jeremy W. Holt, Davide Lazzati, Witold Nazarewicz, David Radice, Ralf Rapp, Claudia Ratti, Jocelyn Read, Srimoyee Sen, Andrew W. Steiner, Rebecca Surman, Ingo Tews, Ashley Villar. These postdocs will be employees of either the University of Tennessee, Syracuse University, Penn State University, the University of Houston, or Indiana University but may also perform research at any one of the institutions represented by the NP3M senior investigators. See https://np3m.org for more information about our collaboration. Applications received by November 1st, 2022 will receive priority consideration. We will continue to review applications until the positions are filled. Positions are anticipated to begin in the Fall of 2023. A complete application
consists of a CV, a research statement which summarizes recent research achievements and details a future research program, a publication list, a diversity statement (see below), and the contact information for at least three recommendations. Materials should be submitted online at academicjobsonline.org.
NP3M postdocs will have the opportunity to work with multiple NP3M investigators. Applicants are encouraged to contact the executive board members listed below and/or NP3M senior investigators on https://np3m.org/people.html to discuss their proposed research program.
Applications are strongly encouraged to provide a diversity statement. Diversity, equality, and inclusion are important to the NP3M collaboration. Applications should include a 1-2 page diversity statement which includes a description of how applicants have been involved with DEI efforts at their current institution and/or how they envision their involvement as a postdoc in NP3M.
We specifically seek applications from women and from members of groups traditionally underrepresented among scholars in higher education. We are interested in candidates who have the communication skills and cross-cultural abilities to be effective with diverse groups of students, colleagues and community members.
Contacts: Duncan Brown (dabrown[AT]syr.edu) Chuck Horowitz (horowit[AT]indiana.edu) David Radice (dur566[AT]psu.edu) Claudia Ratti (cratti[AT]Central.UH.EDU) or Andrew Steiner (awsteiner[AT]utk.edu)
The U.S. National Science Foundation is committed to expanding the opportunities in STEM to people of all racial, ethnic, geographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and to persons with disabilities. We value diversity and inclusion, demonstrate integrity and excellence in our devotion to public service and prioritize innovation and collaboration in our support of the work of the scientific community and of each other.
2.7. PostDoc Position at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-20
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Additional Information: https://jobs.canterbury.ac.nz/jobdetails/ajid/4gxd8/Academic-School-of-Math…
Contact: chris.stevens[AT]canterbury.ac.nz
Te Kura Pangarau School of Mathematics and Statistics finds itself in the unique position to be able to offer multiple two-year fixed term roles. These roles offer the opportunity to create new connections and collaborations that will ultimately support our existing research across the school, and particularly of our early-mid career academics.
Fixed term for two years
Full time at 37.5 hours per week
Relocation assistance contribution
Te Kura Pangarau School of Mathematics and Statistics is a forward-looking School, dedicated to excellence in teaching and research. We aspire to be a productive, dynamic, creative, and inspiring community that maintains an inclusive, welcoming and supportive environment in which students and staff alike can flourish. Our School is one of the largest at UC and we teach a diverse range of students from programmes across the University.
These positions are school-wide but applications can be made to work with Chris Stevens with the possibility of collaborating with with David Wiltshire in Physics:
Dr. Stevens research is in the field of mathematical and numerical relativity focusing on black holes, gravitational waves, global properties/asymptotic structure and IBVP formulations of the Einstein equations and Friedrich's conformal field equations.
Ongoing projects include global numerical evolutions of asymptotically simple space-times, the numerical calculation of the Newman-Penrose constants, a numerical implementation of Cauchy-characteristic matching, quasinormal mode calculations in modified theories and the scattering problem for gravitational waves. There is potential to jointly collaborate with Prof. David Wiltshire in the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences on numerical relativity applied to cosmological simulations.
P��hea te tono mai | How You Apply
Step 1
Review our list of staff/groups and their research projects
Identify which person/group you align with and then email the contact's name to discuss your research and collaboration opportunities. Please note that Applicants who do not do this may not be considered by the selection committee.
Step 2
Apply via our careers website https://jobs.canterbury.ac.nz/search including the following:
Document 1: A cover letter summarising your background and experience
Document 2: A Curriculum Vitae
Document 3: A detailed two-year Research Plan that aligns with the staff member/group you have been in contact with. Please put their name on this document, plus a half-page research statement and half-page teaching philosophy.
We do not accept applications by email, however, we are happy to answer any queries at WorkatUC[AT]canterbury.ac.nz
For overseas applicants, please visit Immigration New Zealand website or the New Zealand Government's official Covid-19 website, to review the latest health and visa requirements for visiting and working in New Zealand.
The closing date for this position is: 20 November 2022 (midnight NZ time)
Please note, applications will be reviewed after the close date.
The salary for this position is Lecturer (2.01 - $82,882) to Senior Lecturer (4.05 - $120, 514).
2.8. Postdoc position in Gravitational Physics, Dublin, Ireland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: https://maths.ucd.ie/relativity/.
Contact: christiana.pantelidou[AT]ucd.ie
The Relativity Group at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin, is seeking to recruit a postdoctoral research fellow (Level 1) to work with Dr Christiana Pantelidou. The appointment is for 2 years, starting in September 2023, and is funded by the Royal Society - Science Foundation Ireland research grant "Gravitational turbulence in the era of gravitational waves".
The successful candidate will work on non-linear effects in the strong-field regime of gravity in both asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter and asymptotically flat spacetimes, including but not limited to gravitational turbulence, and will explore potential observational implications of these phenomena on gravitational wave signals. Candidates should have demonstrated experience in gravitational physics and related computational and numerical skills.
Interested applicants can apply through the Joint European System at
indicating University College Dublin (UCD) as their preference. The deadline for applications is November 30th, 2022.
Fixed Salary: EUR 39,522 per annum
Mandatory skills:
- PhD in gravitational physics, holography or related field
- Expertise in numerical techniques and their implementation
- A demonstrated commitment to research and publications
Desirable skills:
- Experience in numerical techniques in AdS spacetime
- Experience working with the Einstein toolkit
- Evidence of research independence
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:
UCD is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is afforded equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from everyone, including those who identify with any of the protected characteristics that are set out in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy. The university adheres to a range of equality, diversity and inclusion policies. We encourage applicants to consult UCD's equality, diversity and inclusion policies here https://www.ucd.ie/equality/ .
For more information about the UCD Relativity Group please visit https://maths.ucd.ie/relativity/.
2.9. PhD position in gravitational-wave instrumentation, Ghent, Belgium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-11
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Additional Information: https://gravity.ugent.be/phd-opportunities/
Contact: daniela.pascucci[AT]ugent.be
The Ghent Gravity Group is seeking applications for a PhD position in gravitational-wave instrumentation (optics). The candidate will work with Dr. Daniela Pascucci on the development of an output mode cleaner (OMC) for the ETpathfinder.
The Etpathfinder is a R-and-D research facility located in Maastricht for developing and testing new technologies for the next generation of gravitational-wave detectors such as the Einstein Telescope. An optical laboratory is being set up in Ghent University for the characterization of the 2mum wavelength laser for the ETpathfinder. The PhD research will involve design and characterization carried out in the laboratory in Ghent as well as installation and commissioning in the facility in Maastricht. The project will be integrated into the Optics work package of ETpathfinder project and will involve close collaboration with members of the ETpathfinder consortium including project leader Prof. Stefan Hild and Optics work package deputy leader Prof. Sebastian Steinlechner. Some instrumentation commitments towards the Virgo project including commissioning duties are also expected from the successful candidate.
The Ghent Gravity Group is led by Prof. Archisman Ghosh. Its broader research activities span the analysis of Advanced LIGO/Virgo and KAGRA data, cosmology and strong-field gravity using gravitational-wave observations, future observatories including the Einstein Telescope, and instrument science for the ETpathfinder project. The group is embedded within the Experimental Particle Physics division of the Department of Physics and Astronomy in Ghent University. The group forms the Virgo BelGrav network with neighbouring universities in Belgium (including Antwerp, Brussel, Bruxelles, Louvain, and Liege) and is closely connected with institutes in the Netherlands including Maastricht University and Nikhef. BelGrav-UGent is one of the initial founding research units of the recently-formed Einstein Telescope Collaboration.
Candidates should have a masters degree in the Physical Sciences or Engineering. Applications should include: (i) a statement of interest (up to two pages), (ii) a brief academic CV, (iii) a list of grades, (iv) title and abstract of masters thesis (if applicable), and additionally (v) two letters of reference (to be sent directly by the referees). Applications including letters of reference are to be sent to gravity[AT]ugent.be.
The deadline for applications is 11 November 2022. We will interview the shortlisted candidates in late November and announce the results by mid-December. The position is expected to begin on 01 February 2023 or soon afterwards. PhD positions in Belgium are for a duration of 4 years. The language of communication in the research groups is English, and there are no special language requirements for the advertised position. Information on international life in Ghent is available at The Square.Gent. For more information about the positions, please contact Dr. Daniela Pascucci or Prof. Archisman Ghosh.
2.10. ERC-funded postdoctoral position(s) in Numerical Relativity beyond GR, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-16
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23261
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The gravitational-wave physics group at SISSA solicits expressions of interest for one postdoctoral position in numerical relativity, starting in the second half of 2023 or earlier.
Candidates should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics. Candidates with knowledge and experience in numerical relativity will be particularly favored.
The successful applicant will be part of an ERC-funded international research group at SISSA (https://grams-815673.wixsite.com/2019) The interests of the group focus on testing extensions of General Relativity with gravitational data, but also include more generally the physics and astrophysics of gravitational wave sources with current and future detectors. The candidate will also be part of the Astroparticle Physics Group at SISSA (https://www.sissa.it/app/people.php)
Trieste is a lively city by the Adriatic sea. It has plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, and it characterized by a high concentration of scientific research institutions - including, besides SISSA: the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, http://www.ictp.it/) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/)
Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience.
The application should include a CV, a publication list, and a research summary and proposal. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications will have to be sent by Dec 16th, 2022 for full consideration.
The position is for two years.
Inquiries may be directed to Enrico Barausse barausse[at]sissa.it
2.11. Post-doc and PhD position in experimental relativistic geodesy, Duesseldorf, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-31
Location: Duesseldorf, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.exphy.uni-duesseldorf.de
Contact: step.schiller[AT]hhu.de
This project aims at performing experiments on relativistic geodesy using optical lattice clocks and ground-to-satellite time transfer links to the ISS.
The project task consists in comparing a strontium lattice clock at Geodaetische Fundamentalstation Wettzell (Germany) with a strontium lattice clock at PTB Braunschweig. The comparison will be performed during the mission ACES on the ISS, starting in 2025. High-performance optical, microwave, and fiber links will be used for this purpose. In particular, free-space optical links will be implemented betweeen the Wettzell laser ranging station and the ACES payload and, simultaneously, between ACES and a similar ranging station in Potsdam. These two-way pulsed laser time-transfer links will be unique worldwide, as there are currently no other ground stations providing the necessary infrastructure capable of sufficiently high accuracy. We aim for achieving clock comparisons with a fractional uncertainty of 1E-17 in time interval measurements.
This position refers to improving an existant optical lattice clock, called "SOC2", then transferring it to Wettzell, operating it there, performing measurement campaings during the ACES mission, analyzing and interpreting data. The SOC2 clock is a modular, transportable lattice optical clock based on strontium.
Currently, the SOC2 team consists of three Ph.D. students, plus engineering and software support.
The work will be performed initially at PTB Braunschweig for approximately 1.5 years and subsequently at the Wettzell Geodetic Observatory (Bavaria). The work is in the framework of an interdisciplinary research consortium comprising 10 groups, most of them in geodesy (measurements and data analysis). The position holder therefore has ample opportunity to learn about this subject.
Apart from contributing to seminal experiments, the position gives the person the possiblity to develop his/her management and leadership skills, towards a career in academia or in a research organisation (if desired).
We are seeking a highly motivated person to make crucial contributions to the above work and accomplish significant progress. The applicant should have experience with complex cold atom/optical equipment and excellent organizational and communication skills (written and interpersonal).
The contract duration is 4 years, with a possibility of extension by additional 4 years.
The salary level for the post-doc position is EG 13.
The salary level for the Ph.D. student position is 66% EG 13 during year 1 and 2, 75 % during year 3 and 4.
Applications will be reviewed as received. The earliest possible start date is Jan. 1, 2023; a later start date is possible.
For further information or for applying, contact:
Prof. S. Schiller, Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf, step.schiller[AT]hhu.de
2.12. Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-31
Location: Taoyuan, Taiwan
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22950
Contact: cjlo[AT]phy.ncu.edu.tw
The Department of Physics ( https://www.phy.ncu.edu.tw ) at National Central University in Taoyuan, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track positions with the appointment starting on August 1, 2023. Applicants in all areas of physics are welcome. Successful candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program, obtain research funding, commit to excellent teaching, and supervise students.
The application materials should be submitted through Academicjobsonline:
https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22950 .
Complete applications should include a cover letter, a full curriculum vitae with a complete publication record, a research statement, and a teaching statement. Candidates should arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be submitted through Academicjobsonline.
To ensure full consideration, all application materials should be received before December 31, 2022. Any queries about the position should be directed to Professor Chien-Jung Lo (cjlo[AT]phy.ncu.edu.tw).
2.13. Faculty Position in Astrophysics at T.D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23238
Contact: leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn
The Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (http://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn) invites applications for several tenure-track ("Fellows") or tenured ("Senior Fellows" and "T.D. Lee professors") faculty positions in astrophysics. We are seeking candidates in all areas of astrophysics, from exoplanets, gravitational waves/time-domain astronomy to particle astrophysics and cosmology, and from theoretical and observational astronomy to instrumental/laboratory astrophysics.
The Fellows (equivalent to Assistant Professor) and Senior Fellows/Professors (equivalent to Associate or Full Professors) at TDLI are expected to carry out independent forefront research and supervise students (both Ph.D. and undergraduate students). They will have a reduced teaching load compared to typical university faculty. The positions are open to researchers of any nationality, and will provide internationally competitive salary, housing subsidy, and start-up grant.
TDLI is a national research institute, with Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee (Nobel Prize in Physics 1957) as the Honorary Director and Prof. Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics 2004) as the Founding Director (and the current Chief Scientist). The Current Director is Prof. Jie Zhang, a prominent physicist and the former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). TDLI supports research in high energy physics, astrophysics and quantum physics, and aims to become a top-notch physics and astronomy research institute in the world. SJTU is the contractor and trustee of TDLI and is in charge of the operation of TDLI. TDLI has an internationalised environment with English as its working language.
TDLI has an active visitor program, and organises many topical workshops and conferences each year to create a scientifically stimulating environment. Its astronomy division works closely with the astronomy department at SJTU (http://astro.sjtu.edu.cn/en/) which currently has an active extragalactic/cosmology research program and is eager to expand into other areas. The TDLI astronomy division also works with its particle physics division, on particle astrophysics, dark matter search and other frontiers in fundamental physics.
Applicants should submit their applications at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23238. They should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including a publication list), a research and teaching statement (four-page maximum). At least five reference letters should be submitted online at the same website. For other inquires please send an email to leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn.
For full consideration, all application material should be received before December 15, 2022. The search will remain open until the positions are filled.
Included Benefits: The position comprises comprehensive university benefit packages for faculty, including generous housing subsidies, medical insurance and retirement benefits.
2.14. Postdoc Fellows in Astrophysics at T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-20
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23237
Contact: leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn
The Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (http://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn) invites applications for several T. D. Lee prize postdoctoral research fellow positions in all areas of astrophysics, including high energy and gravitational wave astronomy, exoplanets, astrophysical dynamics, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology and laboratory astrophysics.
We welcome highly motivated applicants who have recently obtained a Ph.D. degree or expect one prior to starting the position. The initial appointment is for 2 years with possible renewal up to 2 additional years. We offer a competitive salary (minimum 300,000 RMB per year) and heavily subsidised housing options through the co-sponsor Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
The nominal start date is September 2023, but can be flexible.
Applicants will also automatically be considered for other postdoc positions supported by research grants, particularly in the areas of (1) exoplanets (Prof. Fabo Feng, Prof. Masahiro Ogihara, Prof. Xianyu Tan); (2) high energy/particle astrophysics (Prof. Gwenael Giacinti, Prof. Yosuke Mizuno, Prof. Luca Visinelli, Prof. Hao Zhou); (3) laboratory astrophysics (Prof. Longqing Yi).
TDLI is a national research institute, with Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee (Nobel Prize in Physics 1957) as the Honorary Director and Prof. Frank Wilczek (Nobel Prize in Physics 2004) as the Founding Director (and the current Chief Scientist). The Current Director is Prof. Jie Zhang, a prominent physicist and the former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). TDLI supports research in high energy physics, astrophysics and quantum physics, and aims to become a top-notch physics and astronomy research institute in the world.
TDLI has an internationalised environment with English as its working language. TDLI has an active visitor program, and organises many topical workshops and conferences each year to create a scientifically stimulating environment. The TDLI astrophysics division works closely with the astronomy department at SJTU (http://astro.sjtu.edu.cn/en/) and also enjoys a unique interdisciplinary research environment of TDLI.
Applicants should submit their applications at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23237. They should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including a publication list), a research statement (three-page maximum). Three reference letters should be submitted online at the same website. For other inquires please send an email to leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn.
For full consideration, all application material should be received before January 20, 2023. The search will remain open until the positions are filled.
Included Benefits: The position comprises comprehensive university benefit packages for faculty, including generous housing subsidies, medical insurance and retirement benefits.
2.15. Postdocs in Loop Quantum Gravity, London, Ontario, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-08
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information: https://uwo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0oyoUDCaW0CJWfQ
Contact: fvidotto[AT]uwo.ca
We invite applications for 2 postdoctoral positions at Western University. The successful candidate will join Francesca Vidotto's group (physics.uwo.ca/people/faculty_web_pages/vidotto.html), that currently includes 2 postdocs and 7 graduate students. The group focuses on interdisciplinary research between the application of loop quantum gravity to cosmology and black holes and the foundations of physics, at the interface between quantum mechanics and spacetime structure. The group benefits of the presence of Carlo Rovelli as associate professor and of the numerous researchers in philosophy of physics, including Chris Smeenk, Wayne Myrvold and Robert Disalle. The group is part at Western of the Physics and Astronomy Department, of the Philosophy Department and of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, and it is affiliated with the nearby Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Western campus in London, Ontario, provides an exceptional environment for interdisciplinary research
and a community that values and foster diversity.
The successful candidate is expected to collaborate on the group's projects, interact with the other group members and contribute to the group's activities. in particular, the group has a major involvement in the international project for the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime QISS (see http://www.qiss.fr ) which provides part of the funding for these positions.
The starting date of the positions is flexible, ideally between January 2023 and September 2023. The initial appointment will be for two years. The salary, in agreement with Canadian scales, will be commensurate to the candidate experience.
The review of the applications will start on November 8, 2022 and applications will be considered until all positions are filled. Application should be submitted using the following link: uwo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0oyoUDCaW0CJWfQ
Candidates interested in philosophy of physics may consider applying directly to the postdoctoral program of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy. Candidates with a doctoral degree in philosophy and with research interests in cosmology, spacetime theories, and quantum field theory, are especially encouraged to apply. The call for applications is currently open: the review of applications will begin on November 1, 2022 and will continue on a rolling basis until the position is filled. For more information, see: rotman.uwo.ca/fellows/rotman-institute-postdoctoral-fellowship/cfa-phil-physics-postdoc/
2.16. Faculty positions on gravitational waves at QMUL, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-12
Location: London, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/strategic-hires-se/
Contact: p.figueras[AT]qmul.ac.uk
Dear colleagues,
The Faculty of Science and Engineering at Queen Mary University of London are advertising a set of academic positions as part of a major investment in its strategic research themes, with 25 positions at Lecturer / Senior Lecturer level and 5 positions at Reader / Professor level. The targeted research areas for these positions feature gravitational wave science, including (but not limited to) numerical and mathematical relativity, perturbative techniques, gravitational wave astrophysics, gravitational wave data analysis/theory (Ref: QMUL30731). In addition, appointments will be made in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. (Ref: QMUL30635).
The Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation group at the School of Mathematical Sciences is one of the strongest groups in the UK doing research on various aspects of general relativity and gravitation, covering areas from mathematical and numerical relativity to gravitational wave data analysis. Apart from the permanent faculty members, the group has several postdoctoral researchers, many PhD students and a vibrant visitor program. Our members have strong connections to other world leading institutions, and play key roles in various collaborations such as GRChombo, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the LISA consortium.
The Astronomy Unit is one of the largest such research groups in the UK, with 14 full-time permanent academic staff, as well as many postdoctoral researchers and PhD students, and a vibrant visitors' research programme. Our research focuses on several active areas of modern astrophysics: Cosmology and Relativity, Space and Astrophysical Plasma Physics, and Extrasolar Planets and Planet Formation. Our members play leading roles in many space missions and large collaborations, e.g., the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA consortium, the Vera Rubin Observatory, Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array. We run comprehensive undergraduate and masters taught programmes in Astrophysics, maintain a successful PhD research training programme, and undertake an extensive range of outreach activities, both within the local area and nationally.
For more information about these positions, please see: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/strategic-hires-se/ and to apply please see: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/items/7622.html.
The deadline for applications is 12th November 2022.
Please get in touch with any academic staff member if you are interested in applying, or would like more information. For gravitational wave source modelling, compact objects, mathematical and numerical relativity, gravitational wave data analysis and machine learning we recommend contacting Dr. Juan A. Valiente-Kroon (j.a.valiente-kroon[AT]qmul.ac.uk), Prof. Pau Figueras (p.figueras[AT]qmul.ac.uk), Dr. Shabnam Behesthi (s.beheshti[AT]qmul.ac.uk) and/or Dr. Charalampos Markakis (c.markakis[AT]qmul.ac.uk). For gravitational wave astronomy, cosmology or scattering amplitude applicants, we recommend contacting Dr. Tessa Baker (t.baker[AT]qmul.ac.uk) and/or Prof. Chris Clarkson (chris.clarkson[AT]qmul.ac.uk).
2.17. Several 3-year postdoc position in Qubits and Spacetime Unit, Okinawa, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-24
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23351
Contact: quast.oist[AT]gmail.com
Several 3-year postdoctoral positions will become available in the fall of 2023 in the Qubits and Spacetime Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (https://www.oist.jp) led by Philipp Hoehn. The research of the unit lies broadly at the interface of quantum gravity, quantum information and foundations, focusing on general questions in an around quantum gravity. Current research interests include e.g. finite regions in gauge theory and gravity, equilibrium and non-equilibrium spacetime thermodynamics, gravitational observables, quantum reference frames, the interplay of quantum correlations and spacetime geometry, entanglement in gauge systems, as well as (micro)causality in gauge theory and gravity. For further information on the group, see https://groups.oist.jp/quast. Candidates with an interest in any of these or related topics are encouraged to apply.
The Qubits and Spacetime Unit is a node of the international consortium Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS, https://www.qiss.fr) funded by the Templeton Foundation. While all positions will be connected with QISS, one of them will be fully funded through the consortium grant and (in contrast to the others) on a 2+1 year basis, with third year extension subject to funding. Ideally, this QISS position should be filled starting June 2023 due to the grant period. Please indicate in your cover letter whether you are interested in this position.
OIST currently harbors three further units in quantum gravity or related topics in mathematical physics, headed by Shinobu Hikami, Yasha Neiman and Reiko Toriumi, and is currently expanding its quantum information science initiative with several new groups to arrive. Furthermore, the institute regularly hosts international workshops, seminars and visitors in these areas, providing for a stimulating research environment. The unit will provide support for traveling and hosting collaborators.
The successful candidate will contribute to the research program of the Qubits and Spacetime Unit, but is also encouraged to carry out self-designed projects. Active participation in group seminars and meetings is expected, as well as in assisting with their organization. The successful candidate may also contribute to mentoring students.
- Completed PhD in theoretical physics or mathematics by the time of employment.
- Background in one or several of the following topics: quantum gravity, quantum information, quantum field theory, quantum foundations, quantum many-body physics or mathematical physics.
- Fluency in English.
Starting Date:
Fall 2023 for the internally funded positions and (ideally) June 2023 for the QISS funded position.
Term and Working hours:
Full-time, fixed term appointment for 3 years for the internally funded positions, and full-time, fixed term appointment for 2 years with possibility of a third year extension (subject to funding) for the QISS funded position.
Compensation and Benefits:
We pay an internationally competitive salary, which is raised upon completion of every additional year after the PhD award. A housing allowance of up to 80% of the rent complements the salary. Additional benefits:
- Relocation and commuting allowances
- Annual paid leave and summer holidays
- Health insurance, welfare pension insurance and worker's accident compensation insurance
How to Apply:
Apply by uploading your Submission Documents through Academic Jobs Online under the link https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23351. For further information please see https://groups.oist.jp/quast or contact Philipp Hoehn under quast.oist[AT]gmail.com.
Submission Documents:
- Cover letter
- Research statement, including summary of past achievements and future research plans (max. 3 pages text!)
- Curriculum vitae including publication list
- Three letters of reference
Application Due Date:
Applications will be screened as they come in. Preferably they should be received by November 24, 2022.
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST; see https://www.oist.jp) is a dynamic new graduate university of science and technology in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The university is located on 85 hectares of protected forestland overlooking beautiful shoreline and coral reefs. The campus is striking architecturally, and the facilities are outstanding (OIST campus video tour). There are no academic departments, which facilitates multidisciplinary research. Outstanding resources and equipment are provided and managed to encourage easy access and collaboration. English is the official language of the University, and the university research community is fully international, with more than 50 countries represented. OIST is rapidly gaining recognition in the worldwide academic community as a model for excellence in education and research.
* OIST Graduate University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, students and staff. The University strongly encourages women and minority candidates to apply.
* Information provided by applicants or references will be kept confidential, documents will not be returned. All applicants will be notified regarding the status of their applications.
* Please view our policy for rules on external professional activities (https://groups.oist.jp/acd/information-disclosure/)
2.18. Postdoc position in gravitational wave data analysis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-05
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs/postdo…
Contact: c.f.f.vandenbroeck[AT]uu.nl
The Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP) at Utrecht University is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher in gravitational wave data analysis and phenomenology, who is interested in studying gravitational wave signals from coalescing binary neutron stars and black holes as probes of fundamental physics.
At GRASP this effort is led by Professor Chris Van Den Broeck and currently involves a team of 14 postdocs and PhD students. The group has close ties with researchers at Utrecht University's Institute for Theoretical Physics, and with other individuals and institutes across the Netherlands as well as globally. Within the Netherlands this research will be carried out as part of the Dutch Black Hole Consortium, which includes more than 10 universities and knowledge institutes across the country. Internationally, the successful candidate will conduct her or his research as a member of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration and the Einstein Telescope Collaboration.
As a candidate you are expected to have, or be in the final stages of obtaining, a PhD degree in Physics or a closely related field. Excellent programming and scientific writing skills are required, as well as English communication skills, together with the motivation to work in a multidisciplinary, international research team.
Early applications are encouraged. Also, women are strongly encouraged to apply.
2.19. Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowships, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-15
Location: Charlottesville, VA, USA
Additional Information: https://graduate.as.virginia.edu/rising-scholars
Contact: ky5t[AT]virginia.edu
The University of Virginia Department of Physics is pleased to announce its participation in the Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (https://graduate.as.virginia.edu/rising-scholars) The Program is intended to support under-represented scholars in any field and is sponsored by the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Its goal is to provide mentored professional development opportunities to train the next generation of scholars for future tenure-track positions at UVA or elsewhere. Postdoctoral Fellows selected under this program will be appointed for two years (subject to annual review) and will carry out research, teaching, and professional development activities directed toward securing a tenure-track position.
The UVA Physics Department encourages Rising Scholars Fellowship applications from postdoctoral candidates who received (or will receive) their Ph.D degree in Physics or a closely related field between August 24, 2020 and August 24, 2023, and who are interested in obtaining additional research and teaching experience as well as cultivating a more inclusive department and professional community for those traditionally underrepresented in Physics, for instance, women and racial minorities.
Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2023. For full consideration, applications should be completed by that date.
Fellowship recipients in Physics will work with one or more faculty in the areas of active research described on the Department's web page (http://www.phys.virginia.edu/) including: Astrophysics, Gravity and Cosmology; Atomic, Molecular and Optical; Biological and Medical; Condensed Matter; High Energy; Mathematical; Nuclear and Particle; and Quantum Information.
Please contact Prof. David Nichols (david.nichols[AT]virginia.edu) and/or Prof. Kent Yagi (ky5t[AT]virginia.edu) for further information about the research in gravity, astrophysics, and cosmology in the Department of Physics at the University of Virginia. Applicants who seek additional information regarding this program are welcome to contact Keisha John (kj6s[AT]virginia.edu) associate dean for diversity and inclusion; and Liza Flood (ejs6yc[AT]virginia.edu) program coordinator for the Rising Scholars Program.
2.20. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and random geometry, Okinawa, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-18
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23414
Contact: qgqft.oist[AT]gmail.com
Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory group (Principal Investigator: Reiko Toriumi) at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University, Japan, starting in the Fall of 2023. The successful applicant will work in the group lead by Prof. Reiko Toriumi.
1. The candidate is expected to actively contribute to the research program of Gravity, Quantum Geometry and Field Theory group including collaborations, meetings and seminars, and to mentor student research.
2. The candidate must have a clear research plan (with flexibility and interests in potential collaboration with Prof. Reiko Toriumi and other members), and be able to achieve research objectives.
3. The candidate is expected to be in residence for the time of appointment. Support for conference and collaboration travel/host can be provided but up to availability of funding.
1. Applicants are required to have completed Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and/or Mathematics by the time of appointment and have a background in quantum gravity, quantum field theory, random geometry or related areas.
2. We are looking for a self-motivated, responsible, and respectful researcher.
3. Demonstrates excellent oral and written English.
Full-time, fixed term appointment for 2 years (more precisely until 30th September 2025), starting Fall 2023. There may be an opportunity to renew it.
The salary is internationally competitive and complemented by allowances as below.
1. Relocation, housing and commuting allowances in addition to the salary.
2. Annual paid leave (10 days for the first year and 20 days for the second year) and summer holidays (7 days)
3. Health insurance, welfare pension insurance, and worker's accident compensation insurance.
Application documents in pdf (in English)
1. Cover letter
2. Research statement (includes future research plan, where you may also consider overlap in interests with the research that Prof. Reiko Toriumi does.)
3. CV including publication list
4. Three reference letters to be submitted through Academic Jobs Online (23414)
The application materials 1, 2, and 3 should be compiled in one single pdf file and should be sent to qgqft.oist[AT]gmail.com. Please submit only the reference letters through Academic Jobs Online (23414). Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Reiko Toriumi at qgqft.oist[AT]gmail.com.
Application deadline
The review of the applications will start on December 18th 2022, and will continue until the positions are filled. The applications received by December 18th 2022 are guaranteed full consideration.
1919-1 Tancha, Onna, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0495
2.21. Postdoctoral Position in Strong-field Tests of Gravity, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Urbana-Champaign, USA
Additional Information: https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/
Contact: hwitek[AT]illinois.edu
The Illinois Relativity Group in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a postdoctoral research position with focus on strong-field tests of gravity.
The successful candidate will join Asst. Prof. Helvi Witek and her team to work on gravitational wave signatures in extensions of General Relativity, including quadratic gravity, or signatures of extra degrees of freedom to probe for beyond-standard model particles and dark matter candidates. The candidate should have strengths in one or more of the following topics: numerical relativity in and beyond General Relativity, Post-Newtonian theory, inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform modelling or gravitational wave data analysis.
In addition to Asst. Prof. Helvi Witek, the Illinois Relativity Group is composed of Prof. N. Yunes, Prof. S. Shapiro and Research Professor A. Tsokaros, and their research postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students. The Illinois Relativity Group maintains close interactions with UIUC colleagues in the Department of Physics, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA; in particular Dr. R. Haas), and in the Department of Astronomy. Furthermore, the successful candidate will become part of a vibrant research community in the Illinois Center for Advanced Study of the University (ICASU; https://icasu.illinois.edu/) that bridges the Departments of Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science, Mathematics and NCSA. ICASU faculty working in closely related areas include Profs. Peter Adshead, Charles Gammie, Gil Holder, Yoni Kahn, Jaki Noronha-Hostler, Jorge Noronha, and Jessie Shelton. The successful candidate will also have opportunities to join the LISA Consortium
(https://lisamission.org) and the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (https://einsteintoolkit.org)
Interested candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in astronomy, physics or a related field before the start date. They must submit their application package online here:
under "Postdoctoral Fellowships in Strong-field Tests of Gravity 2023."
Applicants are requested to submit
(1) a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
(2) a research statement (limited to 3 pages, 1 inch margin, 11pt) containing a summary of previous and current research, and future plans
(3) contact information for three referees who will be asked to write letters of recommendation
The deadline for applications and all letters of recommendation is December 1, 2022 for full consideration. The expected starting date of the position is 15 August 2022.
Please contact Helvi Witek (hwitek[AT]illinois.edu) if you have any questions about the position itself, or Brandy Koebbe (bkoebbe[AT]illinois.edu) if you have any questions about the application form.
Candidates from underrepresented groups in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.
Any offer for this position is contingent upon the successful completion of a criminal background check process in accordance with the University of Illinois Background Check Policy.
The University of Illinois is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity age, status as a protected veteran, or status as a qualified individual with a disability, or criminal conviction history. Illinois welcomes individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity.
2.22. TDLI International Graduate Student Fellowships in Astrophysics, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-03-31
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/customize/578?t=90cf13047f0f
Contact: leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) in Shanghai, China (http://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn) initiated by Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee, is a newly established national research institute and the current director is Prof. Frank Wilczek. TDLI supports research in high energy physics, astrophysics and quantum physics, and aims to become a top-notch physics and astronomy research institute in the world. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is the contractor and trustee of TDLI and in charge of the operation of TDLI. TDLI has an internationalized environment with English as its working language.
The TDLI astrophysics division works closely with the astronomy department at SJTU (http://astro.sjtu.edu.cn/en/) Current faculty members are active in exoplanets and dynamics, high-energy/particle astrophysics, galactic/extragalactic astronomy and cosmology with projects in observations, theory, statistics, computation, and instrumentation.
In TDLI astrophysics division, we are looking for talented and highly motivated Master and PhD students for Fall 2023 Admission. The study duration for Master's programs is usually 2-3 years (full-time), and 4 years (full-time) for PhD programs. Successful applicants are expected to start in Sep 2023. These positions are funded partially through individual faculty's grants. Scholarships such as Chinese Government Scholarship, Shanghai Government Scholarship, SJTU Scholarship are also available for excellent candidates. Please apply before Dec 15, 2022 for the 1st round scholarship application and Mar 31, 2023 for the 2nd round scholarship application. Self-supported applications are open until May 31, 2023. Please refer to the SJTU International Graduate Admission for the enrolment eligibility (https://tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/EN/customize/578?t=90cf13047f0f) Any other inquires please send an email to leeastronomy[AT]sjtu.edu.cn.
2.23. Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Astrophysics and Numerical Relativity, Moscow, ID, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Moscow, ID, USA
Additional Information: https://uidaho.peopleadmin.com/postings/38351
Contact: zetienne[AT]uidaho.edu
The Department of Physics at the University of Idaho (Principal Investigator: Zachariah Etienne) is seeking applications for two Postdoctoral Fellows in the field of Computational Astrophysics/Numerical Relativity.
The successful candidate will:
* Perform state-of-the-art simulations of important astrophysical/multi-messenger phenomena, and analyze and visualize simulation data.
* Work with multi-institution networks of collaborators on next-generation numerical relativity projects such as:
1. BlackHoles@Home (https://blackholesathome.net) which is a proposed, BOINC-based volunteer-computing / public-outreach project called aimed at unlocking the consumer-grade desktop computer as a core tool for numerical relativity simulations of black hole binaries (BHBs). Our goal is to generate more than 10,000 NR-based waveform predictions per year, validating all existing waveform catalogs and greatly improving our coverage of BHB parameter space.
2. superB, a supercomputer-ready, highly-scalable fork of BlackHoles@Home aimed at both rapid follow-up simulations of binary black hole gravitational wave detections, and simulating extreme binary black hole mergers (super-high spins and mass ratios).
3. NRPy+-enhanced Einstein Toolkit, which involves advancing NRPy+-based code generation (http://nrpyplus.net/) within the Einstein Toolkit (https://einsteintoolkit.org/) framework, lowering the barrier to entry for new users.
4. IllinoisGRMHD (https://illinoisgrmhd.net) Supercomputer simulations of magnetized binary neutron star mergers with IllinoisGRMHD, coupling dynamical spacetimes, GRMHD, tabulated equations of state, and neutrino physics.
5. ChaNGa/NRPy+: Advancing the state-of-the-art in supercomputer simulations of binary neutron star mergers, through the marriage of the ChaNGa moving-mesh ALE code (for GRHD/GRMHD) and the NRPy+-based BlackHoles@Home infrastructure (for the spacetime).
6. NRPyElliptic: A fast new hyperbolic relaxation elliptic solver for generating initial data for numerical relativity.
* Write scientific papers summarizing work and present work at scientific conferences.
-={ Position Details }=-
Application deadline: The screening process will begin on December 15, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.
Preferred start date: August 2023, though start dates earlier in the year are acceptable.
Duration: These positions may be renewed in annualized increments for a duration of at least three years, contingent upon performance, need, and funding.
Remote work option: Available, considered on a case-by-case basis
Salary range: $55-60k annually
-={ Qualifications }=-
* All Ph.D. requirements fulfilled in Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Computer Science, or a related field.
* Strong programming skills (C and Python, or closely related languages).
* Experience in high-performance computing and large-scale data analysis.
* Excellent ability to communicate research to both experts and non-experts.
-={ How to Apply }=-
1. Click on the *More Info External Link* above. The application will request
* Resume or CV
* Statement of research
2. Please have three letters of recommendation sent directly to zetienne(a)uidaho.edu
-={ University of Idaho }=-
The University of Idaho (UI) is located in the idyllic Palouse region, on the Washington state border. It experiences a Mediterranean-like climate with warm, dry summers, and mild winters. UI is situated in Moscow, the most walkable city in Idaho (walkscore.com) and is only 15km from Pullman, WA, another college town .
The University of Idaho is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer.
2.24. Postodoc opportunity in gravitational wave physics, Geneva, Switzerland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23460
Contact: chiara.caprini[AT]cern.ch
We invite applications for a postdoc position at the University of Geneva, to work on Gravitational Waves, mainly in the context of the LISA mission.
Possible topics span from the characterisation of stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds from the early universe (for example from first order phase transitions) to developing data analysis techniques for the detection of backgrounds and/or compact binaries, to the use of the gravitational wave emission from binary sources to probe the late time expansion of the universe.
The position needs to be filled *as soon as possible*. The gross salary is approximately 6700 CHF per month. Applicants with experience in: gravitational wave cosmology, gravitational wave data analysis, numerical simulations of early universe phenomena, are encouraged to apply. A completed, or near to completion, Ph.D. in Physics, Astrophysics, or closely related areas is required.
The Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva offers a lively environment with many opportunities for collaborations. Interactions with the CERN Theory Group are foreseeable. The postdoctoral fellow will become a member of the LISA Consortium.
Applications should be submitted by the 1st December 2022. Please submit a CV, publication list, statement of research interests and arrange for three referees to send letters of recommendation. Late applications may still be considered until the position is filled. For any queries about the job, please contact chiara.caprini[AT]cern.ch
2.25. Postdoctoral position in Gravitation and Cosmology, Bilbao, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Bilbao, Spain
Additional Information: http://tp.lc.ehu.es/tp/wp-content/uploads/2023/late.pdf
Contact: gravitation[AT]ehu.eus
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral position in the area of Gravitation and Cosmology beginning around September 2023. The position will be held in the Department of Physics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. The successful candidates are required to hold a PhD at the starting date of the position.
Our group includes Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez, David Brizuela, Tom Broadhurst, Inaki Garay, Jesus Ibanez, Ruth Lazkoz, Jose M M Senovilla, and Raul Vera as well as several graduate students. The group also benefits from close ties with other faculty members of the department, including Ana Achucarro, Igor Bandos, Jose Juan Blanco-Pillado, Joanes Lizarraga, Asier Lopez-Eiguren, Juan Luis Manes, Jon Urrestilla, and Manuel Valle.
Our lines of research cover mathematical aspects of gravitation and Lorentzian geometry, astrophysical compact objects, loop quantum gravity, quantum models of cosmology and black holes, cosmological observational tests, alternative theories of gravity, dark energy and dark matter, gravitational lensing, formation of galaxy (clusters), gravitational waves, and panoramic surveys with space telescopes, including the James Webb Space Telescope.
The appointment will be for two years. Candidates should send a CV, statement of research interests and publication list, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted to:
The deadline for applications is 15/12/2022
2.26. Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Cosmology at Bilbao, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-15
Location: Bilbao, Spain
Additional Information: http://tp.lc.ehu.es/tp/wp-content/uploads/2023/early.pdf
Contact: early-universe-cosmo[AT]ehu.es
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral positions in the area of Theoretical Cosmology beginning around September 2023. The position will be held in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain. The successful candidates are required to hold a PhD at the starting date of the position.
Our group includes Ana Achucarro, Igor Bandos, Jose Juan Blanco-Pillado, Joanes Lizarraga, Asier Lopez-Eiguren, Juan Luis Manes, Jon Urrestilla and Manuel Valle, as well as several graduate students. The group also benefits from close ties with other faculty members of the department which includes Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez, David Brizuela, Tom Broadhurst, Inaki Garay, Jesus Ibanez, Ruth Lazkoz, Jose M M Senovilla, and Raul Vera.
Our research interests focus on inflationary cosmology, topological defects, gravitational waves and other applications to cosmology within field theory as well as String Theory. Members of our group are involved in several gravitational wave collaborations such as the NANOGrav Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and Einstein Telescope. For more information on the group see (http://tp.lc.ehu.es/earlyuniverse/ )
The appointments will be for two years. Candidates should send a CV, statement of research interest and publication list, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted to:
The deadline for applications is 15/12/2022
3. News
3.1. Detecting continuous gravitational-wave signals: a Kaggle competition
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/g2net-detecting-continuous-gravitationa…
As a collaboration between the University of Glasgow and the University of the Balearic Islands, with the support of the G2Net COST Action CA17137, we have launched a Kaggle competition for the detection of continuous gravitational waves. In this competition, participants are asked to develop a machine-learning-based solution to identify data samples in which a simulated continuous wave is present. The competition lasts for three months (October 2022 - January 2023) and there is a prize of $25,000 generously donated by Google to be split among the three winners of the competition.
Continuous gravitational waves are a long-lasting form of gravitational radiation, yet to be detected by the current generation of interferometric detectors operated by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration. They are expected to be emitted by non-axisymmetric rapidly-spinning neutron stars and they would allow us to probe the physics of such compact objects, as well as accessing the electromagnetically-quiet population of galactic neutron stars, otherwise inaccessible. Their detection would constitute the next major milestone of gravitational-wave astronomy.
Current continuous-wave searches are computationally limited, as the most optimal methods incur a computational cost orders of magnitude greater than typical budgets nowadays available. Latest advancements in machine learning, on the other hand, suggest that other, more efficient methods, could be used to develop more sensitive searches.
Kaggle is an open online platform associated with Google which hosts data-analysis competitions for different entities. Any individual can take part in this competition regardless of their background at no cost. Upon completion, the source code of winning solutions should be disclosed in order to be eligible for a monetary prize.
Join the competition and find all the info at:
Rodrigo Tenorio
Michael Williams
Chris Messenger