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- 1 participants
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02 Aug '20
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Vienna Summer School 2020 on Gravitational Quantum Physics, Vienna, Austria
1.2. Online Workshop: Quantum Information in QFT and AdS/CFT, India
1.3. 14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, online
1.4. The 7th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Lodz, Poland
1.5. Advances In Computational Relativity - ICERM@BROWN
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc Position in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
2.2. Postdoc position, Fukuoka, Japan
2.3. BS/Master/PhD Programs in Physics, Famagusta, Cyprus
3. News
3.1. Workshop on Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity
3.2. Presision 2020: Online Undergraduate (Pre-PhD) Physics Symposium
1. Conferences
1.1. Vienna Summer School 2020 on Gravitational Quantum Physics, Vienna, Austria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-09-03 to 2020-09-06
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: https://turis.at/summer-school-2020/
Contact: coqus[AT]univie.ac.at
The "Vienna Summer School 2020 on Gravitational Quantum Physics" will now be held ONLINE from September 3rd to 6th.
The 2020 summer school is aimed at young graduate students who want to get familiar with the status and challenges in exploring the fascinating interface between quantum physics and gravity. It will feature introductory lectures into the relevant concepts of both general relativity and quantum theory and will provide an overview of (classical and quantum) tests of gravity and their relevance for fundamental physics. After providing an introduction into the theoretical framework of quantum field theories in and of curved space-time the school will conclude with lectures discussing attempts to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Confirmed lecturers are:
- Caslav Brukner (University of Vienna)
- Georgi Dvali (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich)
- Renate Loll (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Eduardo Martin-Martinez (University of Waterloo)
- Guglielmo Tino (Universita di Firenze)
- Robert Wald (University of Chicago)
- Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna)
- Magdalena Zych (University of Queensland)
The lectures will be complemented by tutorial sessions. There will also be the possibility to present a poster. More detailed information about the program and the events can be found on our website.
The registration will be open until 2nd of August. As places are limited, please register at your earliest convenience.
We hope to see you soon in Vienna.
The local organization committee:
Markus Aspelmeyer
Veronika Baumann
Christopher Hilweg
Louise Jottrand
Marius Krumm
Susanne Ninaus-Meznik
David Trillo
Tobias Westphal
1.2. Online Workshop: Quantum Information in QFT and AdS/CFT, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-08-06 to 2020-08-07
Location: India
Additional Information: http://events.iitgn.ac.in/2020/QI/
Contact: abhattacharyya[AT]iitgn.ac.in
The workshop brings together some of the leading global experts to discuss recent developments on quantum information and computation applied to field theory and holography. This workshop is organized jointly by the members of Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IITGN), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH) working on quantum gravity. For the list of the speakers please visit our workshop webpage.
Arpan Bhattacharyya, IIT-Gandhinagar (IITGN), Shubho Roy, IIT-Hyderabad (IITH), Aninda Sinha, Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
The workshop will be on the online platform Zoom. The Zoom link and the program schedule will be shared with the registered participants by email. For the registration please visit the webpage.
1.3. 14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, online
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-08-17 to 2020-08-21
Location: Jhongli, Taiwan
Additional Information: https://icgac14.phy.ncu.edu.tw/
Contact: icgac14[AT]gmail.com
ICGAC14 is the series of biennial conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology which take place in the Asia-Pacific region, with the goals to promote cooperation among the member countries and within an international context, high level studies on hot topics and to encourage young physicists on these fields. This conference has been one of the key programs sponsored by APCTP over the past twenty years. It has been hosted by AP regions: Seoul, Korea (1993); Hsinchu, Taiwan (1995); Tokyo, Japan (1997); Beijing, China (1999); Moscow, Russia (2001); Seoul, Korea (2003); Jhongli, Taiwan (2005); Nara, Japan (2007); Wuhan, China (2009); Qui-Nhon, Vietnam (2011); Almaty, Kazakhstan (2013); Moscow, Russia (2015), Seoul, Korea (2017). After ICGAC-XIII at Ewha Womans University (2017), it will be held at National Central University, Taiwan in 2020 as a sequence of MG, GRG and ICGAC for every three years.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, the ICGAC14 will be arranged as a Web Conference.
1.4. The 7th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Lodz, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-09-25 to 2020-09-27
Location: Lodz, Poland
Additional Information: https://fizyka.p.lodz.pl/en/potor7/
Contact: potor7[AT]info.p.lodz.pl
The 7th annual conference of the Polish Society on Relativity will be held at the Lodz University of Technology on September 25-27, 2020.
The conference is divided into six sessions:
- Mathematical Relativity I: Global structures of spacetime, black holes, initial conditions
- Mathematical relativity II: Twistor theory, complex methods, conformal geometry, exact solutions
- Numerical methods in relativity
- Models of quantum gravity
- Cosmology and astrophysics
- Gravitational waves
The coverage of respective topics should be considered rather broadly.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, this year's meeting is organized in a mixed local/remote formula. The sessions will be transmitted online to integrate remote participants with local ones. There is the limit of 40 local participants to be physically present in Lodz. We would particularly welcome students participants if we are oversubscribed.
There is no registration fee and the organizers cannot provide travel or accommodation refunds. Some financial support may be available for Ph.D. students and sudents.
1.5. Advances In Computational Relativity - ICERM@BROWN
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-09-09 to 2020-12-11
Location: Providence, RI, USA
Additional Information: https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/
Contact: sfield[AT]umassd.edu
This is a second announcement of the semester program at ICERM (Brown University) in Providence titled "Advances in Computational Relativity".
Due to COVID-19, we'll be moving this program primarily online. Workshops will run as scheduled online using Zoom but workshop speakers and participants will not travel to ICERM. Semester-long activities, including working groups and seminars, will include a significant online component as well. ICERM will only be able to physically host 16-20 people, and only extended visitors spending 1-3 months in residence
Please apply using the link "Apply with Cube" at the program website if you would like to participate in workshops and/or semester-long activities.
This semester program aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations involving mathematicians, statisticians and the relativity community with the goals of:
(i) work towards solving some of the most pressing mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and data analysis issues facing the gravitational wave community,
(ii) fostering an environment for the deep collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas between mathematicians, statisticians, and the relativity community,
(iii) creating new subfields within computational mathematics that focus on important, pressing issues related to gravitational waves.
Although the program will run over the entire Fall 2020 semester with several researchers staying the semester at ICERM, researchers are welcome to participate at any convenient block of time. In addition, there will be a week-long workshop once every month organized by topic. Dates and workshop titles appear below:
9/14: Workshop 1: "Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity." (with a focus on gravitational waves from compact objects)
10/5: Workshop 2: "Mathematical and Computational Approaches for solving the source-free Einstein field equations."
10/26: Workshop 3: "Mathematical and Computational Approaches for the Einstein field equations with matter fields"
11/16: Workshop 4: "Statistical methods for the detection, classification, and inference of relativistic objects"
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Stefanos Aretakis, UToronto
Doug Arnold, UMN
Manuela Campanelli, RIT
Scott Field, UMass Dartmouth
Jonathan Gair, AEI
Jae-Hun Jung, SUNY Buffalo
Gaurav Khanna, UMass Dartmouth
Stephen Lau, UNM
Steve Liebling, LIU
Deirdre Shoemaker, GTech
Jared Speck, Vanderbilt
Saul Teukolsky, Cornell
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc Position in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-09-14
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de
Contact: lisann.schmidt[AT]uni-jena.de
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in numerical general relativity at the University of Jena. The appointment is associated with the research group of Prof. Bernd Bruegmann at the Theoretical Physics Institute Jena. There is the opportunity to participate in a wide range of research activities, including the Research Training Group 2522 "Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems". The group is also part of the computational relativity (CoRe) collaboration.
The position is funded by DFG for two years. An extension may be possible depending on performance and availability of funds. The successful candidate is expected to work on numerical relativity and associated computational and mathematical methods. This project is embedded in the larger context of compact binaries and gravitational
wave science.
Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of three potential referees, who may be contacted separately.
Applications should be received no later than September 14, 2020, but will be considered until the position is filled. Starting date is e.g. November 2020. In a situation where two candidates have otherwise equal qualifications, preference will be given to handicapped applicants.
Please send applications as a single PDF with "Postdoc NumRel" in the subject line to:
Lisann Schmidt
Theoretical Physics Institute
University of Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena
2.2. Postdoc position, Fukuoka, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-08-14
Location: Fukouka, JAPAN
Additional Information: http://www.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/koho/kobo/pdf/postdoc_spacephys.pdf
Contact: yamamoto[AT]phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Public Recruitment of Academic Researchers (Postoc)
1. Number of positions: Academic researcher (fixed term part-time staff): 1
2. Affiliation: 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan, Theoretical Astrophysics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
3. Specialism: Theoretical physics (applicant should be able to work in the intersection between quantum information / quantum foundations and gravitation and cosmology)
4. Qualification for application: Applicants must have a PhD degree or be expected to receive one by the expected start date.
5. Working conditions: Monthly salary: About 300,000 yen
Insurance: Social insurance through the Japan Health Insurance Association (health insurance, pension), employment insurance, and industrial injury insurance.
Allowances (commuting allowance, housing allowance, etc.) and severance benefit are not paid.
Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays
6: Period of employment: From October 1, 2020, until the end of September 2021
7. Application deadline: August 14, 2020 (Fri) *Applications will be closed as soon as an appropriate candidate is found.
8. Documents for submission: Please email documents (1) to (6) to yamamot_at_phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp (replace "_at_" with "@") as a single PDF file in the following order, with the subject "Application for Theoretical Astrophysics Academic Researcher."
If you do not receive an email confirming receipt within 24 hours, please contact us.
(1) Resume
(2) List of published paper (specify three main papers)
(3) Research history
(4) Research plan
(5) Name and contact information of two people who can provide references for the applicant
(6) Main papers (papers stamped in (2))
9. Inquiries: Kazuhiro Yamamoto,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University,
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Phone: +81-92-802-4047
e-mail: yamamot_at_phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp (replace "_at_" with "@")
2.3. BS/Master/PhD Programs in Physics, Famagusta, Cyprus
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2030-08-22
Location: Famagusta, Cyprus
Additional Information: https://physics.emu.edu.tr/en
Contact: physics[AT]emu.edu.tr
The department of Physics of Eastern Mediterranean University (Famagusta, Cyprus) offers BS and Master and PhD degrees in Physics. The objectives of the BS(Four-year)/MS(two-year)/PhD (four-year) programs in physics are, within a physics curriculum, to provide the students with knowledge of the advanced and modern physics.
The program develops mathematical, computational, and experimental methods used in a wide range of topics in physics, such as general relativity, quantum field theory, quantum gravity, statistical mechanics, string theory, quantum computation, biophysics, liquid crystal physics etc.
The graduate students will be integrated from the very beginning into the physics groups of the department, and are expected to write a master/PhD theses during the second/third year.
All the lectures will be given in English.
A limited number of scholarships & fellowships are available.
For more information, please visit EMU-PHYSICS DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE.
and our Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/EMUPHYSCHEM/
3. News
3.1. Workshop on Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w1/
We would like to invite you to the first workshop as part of the semester-long program "Advances in Computational Relativity".
This first workshop will provide an overview of both state-of-the-art and open challenges drawing from multiple themes (theory, analysis of the equations, computation, and data analysis) within the broad context of Einstein's general relativity theory. Many of the talks will focus on the computation of gravitational radiation from compact bodies using numerical and analytical approaches for both current and future detectors. Speakers will draw from physics, astronomy, and applied and pure mathematics.
Due to COVID-19, this workshop will be held online.
Please apply using the link "Apply with Cube" at the workshop website (https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w1/) if you would like to participate in this workshop.
Program Organizing Committee:
Douglas Arnold, U. Minnesota
Scott Field, UMass Dartmouth
Gaurav Khanna, UMass Dartmouth
Deirdre Shoemaker, Georgia Tech
Saul Teukolsky, Cornell
Niels Warburton, UC Dublin
Barry Wardell, UC Dublin
3.2. Presision 2020: Online Undergraduate (Pre-PhD) Physics Symposium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-FFlgzmcgg4f7BS-bZRkYPPPteird4Io…
Submit abstracts for the symposium organized by students of Presidency University Kolkata.
Only students who have not started their PhD as of May 2020 can apply. First year IPhD students are eligible.