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January 2025
- 1 participants
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[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for January 2025
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '25
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '25
02 Jan '25
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Blaumann's Loop Quantum Gravity School, Les Houches, France (2nd announcement)
1.2. Time in Quantum Theory 2025, Genoa, Italy
1.3. 28th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Southampton, UK
1.4. Magnetic Fields around Compact Objects, Waterloo, Canada
1.5. Black Hole Mimickers: From Theory to Observation, Princeton, NJ, USA
1.6. String Theory as a Bridge between Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, Rome, Italy
1.7. 11th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting, Oxford, MS, USA
1.8. Workshop "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics" at the annual DPG Meeting, Bonn, Germany
1.9. IberiCos 2025, Coimbra, Portugal
1.10. First International Quantum Horizons Symposium, Banff, Canada
1.11. Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity 2025, Paris, France
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD studentships in gravity at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Nottingham, UK
2.2. Postdoctoral position in mathematical general relativity and geometric analysis, multiple sites, France
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Gravity and Cosmology, Krakow, Poland
2.4. Postdoctoral position in gravitational physics, quantum gravity and cosmology, Madrid, Spain
2.5. Expression of interest for postdoc positions in gravity theory and GW phenomenology, Rome, Italy
2.6. PhD fellowships at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
2.7. PhD position in Quantum Gravity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2.8. Post Doc position in "Electronics for LISA", Rome, Italy
2.9. PhD positions in gravity, strings, astrophysics, Prague, Czech Republic
3. News
3.1. 2025 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.2. The Twenty-Ninth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
3.3. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Call for nominations, 2025 Edition
1. Conferences
1.1. Blaumann's Loop Quantum Gravity School, Les Houches, France (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-09-01 to 2025-09-12
Location: Les Houches, France
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/cstq.org/2025-lqg-blaumann-school
Contact: lqgleshouches25[AT]gmail.com
Second announcement.
We are pleased to announce that the website for the Blaumann's Loop Quantum Gravity school in Les Houches is now on-line. It contains the registration form, and the preliminary speakers' list and program.
Organisers: Eugenio Bianchi, Etera Livine, Carlo Rovelli, Simone Speziale, Francesca Vidotto
1.2. Time in Quantum Theory 2025, Genoa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-06-17 to 2025-06-20
Location: Genoa, Italy
Additional Information: https://tiqt2025.quantummechanics.it/
Contact: 2025tiqt[AT]gmail.com
We announce the 5th Conference on Time in Quantum Theory (TiQT 2025), which will be held on 17-20 June 2025 in Genoa.
Traditionally, TiQT brings together theoretical physicists, philosophers, and experimental physicists to share their ideas and findings about the nature of time in quantum mechanics and all related topics, e.g. the fundamental limitations to timekeeping, the foundational and experimental aspects of time and its measurement, relativistic quantum mechanics, etc.
We believe that beauty fosters inspiration, so the Conference will be hosted at the stunning D'Albertis Castle in Genoa, a beautiful port city on the Ligurian Sea. You can enjoy your stay by immersing yourself in the city's rich historical heritage and natural surroundings, or by exploring awesome locations and beaches along the Ligurian Coast. In Einstein's words, who stayed in Genoa at 16, "The happy months of my stay in Italy are my most beautiful memories".
Talk and poster submissions are open until March 12th, 2025. Further details and updates at the conference website.
The Local Organizers,
Lorenzo Maccone and Simone Roncallo
1.3. 28th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Southampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-07-21 to 2025-07-25
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: https://www.caprameeting.org/capra-28
Contact: capra28[AT]caprameeting.org
The 28th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will take place at the Highfield campus of the University of Southampton (UK) from 21 to 25 July, 2025.
The Capra Meeting is an annual conference/workshop on the topic of radiation reaction in general relativity. Its primary focus is the development of the gravitational-self-force approach to further our understanding of the two-body problem in general relativity, and to model gravitational waves from the extreme-mass-ratio binaries that will be a key target for the near-future space-based detector LISA. The Capra Meeting will comprise invited review talks, short contributed presentations, posters, and focused discussion sessions. The tradition of the meeting is that there is no registration fee for participating.
At the Capra Meeting, we provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, civil status, or family status. If you have any feedback or suggestions as to how we can ensure a successful and inclusive meeting, please do not hesitate to get in touch at edi[AT]caprameeting.org.
The meeting website will be accessible at https://www.caprameeting.org in due course, and we will be in touch again when registration opens. Please direct any questions to capra28[AT]caprameeting.org
1.4. Magnetic Fields around Compact Objects, Waterloo, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-03-26 to 2025-03-28
Location: Waterloo, Canada
Additional Information: https://events.perimeterinstitute.ca/event/743/
Contact: lcombi[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
In the vicinity of neutron stars and black holes, where spacetime is strongly curved, magnetic fields can power many of the violent phenomena that we observe across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from accretion and jet launching, to magnetar flares and pulsar emission. In the last decades, our theoretical understanding of the role of magnetic fields in these extreme environments has greatly improved through numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamical fluids and charged kinetic particles; however, many open and important questions remain. Our observational capabilities and computational resources will keep growing dramatically in the next few years, allowing us to explore high-energy astrophysics in unprecedented regimes. Improving our knowledge of how magnetic fields, matter, and gravity interact with each other is a crucial piece in the new era of multimessenger astrophysics.
This workshop will gather experts from a wide range of disciplines within physics and astrophysics to present state-of-the-art advances in theoretical models of magnetic fields and high-energy plasma in different contexts, from neutron star mergers to supermassive black holes, and from micro scales to macro scales.
Scientific Organizers:
Luciano Combi (Perimeter Institute and U of Guelph)
Sean Ressler (CITA)
Bart Ripperda (CITA)
Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute)
Will East (Perimeter Institute)
Gibwa Musoke (CITA)
Chris Thompson (CITA)
1.5. Black Hole Mimickers: From Theory to Observation, Princeton, NJ, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-03-03 to 2025-03-05
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Additional Information: https://pcts.princeton.edu/events/2025/black-hole-mimickers-theory-observat…
Contact: suvendu.giri[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
We are thrilled to announce the workshop "Black Hole Mimickers: From Theory to Observation," scheduled for March 3-5, 2025, at Princeton Center for Theoretical Science (PCTS), Princeton University, New Jersey. Registration is now open.
The high precision afforded by gravitational waves and black hole imaging observations have begun to open up the opportunity to test the black hole paradigm. As observations continue to improve, the need to better understand theoretical models of black hole mimicking ultra compact objects is becoming increasingly urgent. This workshop aims to bridge the gap by bringing together the three key communities working on complementary aspects of the problem - gravitational wave observations, black hole imaging, and well motivated theoretical modeling.
With a series of talks, reviews, updates, and discussions, this workshop aims to connect theoretical developments with current and future observations, stimulate discussions across disciplines, identify open problems, and brainstorm a roadmap to map the most productive path forward.
Speakers include: Cosimo Bambi, Ramy Brustein, Vitor Cardoso, Andrew Chael, Ulf Danielsson, Mariafelicia de Laurentis, Anuradha Gupta, Pierre Heidmann, Steven Liebling, Alex Lupsasca, Andrea Maselli, Elisa Maggio, Samir Mathur, Lia Medeiros, Alex Nielsen, Hector Olivares, Paolo Pani, Frans Pretorius.
Registration is free, but required for in-person participation in the workshop. Live streaming and recording of all talks will be freely available and require no registration. The registration window will remain open until we reach maximum capacity.
A limited number of slots are available for flash talks, and we encourage graduate students to take advantage of this opportunity by submitting a title and abstract for consideration.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Organizers: Suvendu Giri, Luis Lehner, Nils Siemonsen, George Wong
1.6. String Theory as a Bridge between Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-02-17 to 2025-02-19
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/PRIN_Strings_final
Contact: alessandra.curto[AT]uniroma1.it
The final event of the PRIN (Italian Research Project of National Interest) "String Theory as a Bridge between Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity" will be a three-day conference that will take place at Sapienza University of Rome from 17 to 19 February 2025.
This project is a collaboration between theoretical physics groups at INFN, SISSA, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Turin University, University of Piemonte Orientale, and Sapienza University of Rome.
The topics of the workshop will range from gravitational wave phenomenology to modern approaches to scattering amplitudes, from quantum field theories in the presence of defects to the construction of novel theories with (broken) superconformal symmetry, from cosmological perturbations to highly excited strings and black-hole microstates.
List of invited speakers:
Riccardo Argurio
Iosif Bena
* Paolo de Bernardis
Jan de Boer
* Vitor Cardoso
* Daniele Dorigoni
Roberto Emparan
Viviana Fafone
Alba Grassi
Riccardo Gonzo
* Elias Kiritsis
* Jan Manschot
Daniel Mayerson
Andrea Puhm
Augusto Sagnotti
Charlotte Sleight
Jan Steinhoff
* To be confirmed
The Organizing Committee
Matteo Bertolini, Massimo Bianchi, Marialuisa Frau, Alberto Lerda, Paolo Pani
1.7. 11th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting, Oxford, MS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-04-11 to 2025-04-12
Location: Oxford, MS, USA
Additional Information: https://www.phy.olemiss.edu/gcgm11/
Contact: gcgm11[AT]phy.olemiss.edu
The GCGM returns to the University of Mississippi! The 11th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting will be held at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, MS, on April 11 and 12, 2025. In keeping with its tradition, this will be an open, relaxed, and informal conference. We are inviting researchers and students interested in all areas of gravitational physics: classical and quantum gravity, general relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, quantum cosmology, gravitational waves, and experimental gravity. Because this is a regional meeting, many attendees will be from the southeastern United States, but all are welcome.
Following the usual tradition all participants, and especially postdocs and graduate students, are encouraged to contribute short, introductory talks on their current research, with the aim of fostering communication and understanding among gravitational physicists with different backgrounds. A prize (sponsored by the APS Division of Gravitational Physics) will be awarded for the best talk given by a student at the meeting.
Prospective speakers should register by March 01 to receive full consideration. Late applicants will be considered at the discretion of the organizers. See the website for details: https://www.phy.olemiss.edu/gcgm11/.
1.8. Workshop "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics" at the annual DPG Meeting, Bonn, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-03-10 to 2025-03-14
Location: Bonn, Germany
Additional Information: https://bonn25.dpg-tagungen.de/
Contact: nbodden[AT]uni-bonn.de
The Working Group "Philosophy of Physics" (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual workshop. Contributions on any topic in philosophy of physics are welcome; the focus, however, will be on the topic of "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics", in honour of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, as declared by UNESCO, and the birth of quantum mechanics 100 years ago. The workshop takes place 10-14 March 2025 at the University of Bonn and will be part of the Annual Meeting of the DPG (https://bonn25.dpg-tagungen.de/)
The following Invited Speakers have confirmed thus far:
- Guido Bacciagaluppi (University of Utrecht)
- Henrique Gomes (University of Oxford)
- Michel Janssen (University of Minnesota)
- Meinard Kuhlmann (University of Mainz)
If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 10 January 2025 (ignore the stated 1 December 2024 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at https://www.dpg-tagung.de/bn25/submission.html?language=en.
As conference fees are not trivial (https://bonn25.dpg-tagungen.de/registrierung/tagungsgebuehren?set_language=…) speakers who have difficulties paying the conference fees should contact us about possible travel grants.
For future updates see
I look forward to seeing you in Bonn!
Dennis Lehmkuhl
1.9. IberiCos 2025, Coimbra, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-04-14 to 2025-04-16
Location: Coimbra, Portugal
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1479141
Contact: ibericos2025(a)uc.pt
Registration is now open for IberiCos 2025, the 19th edition of the Iberian Cosmology Meetings, which will be held on April 14-16 2025 at the Department of Physics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1479141
IberiCOS meetings are informal and there are no registration fees. These meetings aim to promote the exchange and cooperation among researchers engaged in Cosmology and related fields in Portugal and Spain. Researchers from other countries are also warmly encouraged to participate. All participants interested in presenting their work should register and provide their presentation title and abstract. We especially encourage early-career researchers to present their work to the community.
The University of Coimbra is one of the oldest universities in the world and was classified as World Heritage by the UNESCO in 2013 for its role as the centre of production of Portuguese language literature and thinking and for the universal value of its campus, which dates back to the 16th century.
Edward Hardy (Oxford U./UK)
Jessica Turner (Durham U./UK)
Jose' Luis Bernal (Cantabria U./Spain)
Registration deadline: April 1, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2024
Mar Bastero-Gil (Granada U.)
Jose Beltran-Jimenez (Salamanca U.)
Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez (U. Basque Country)
Matteo Fasiello (IFT/U.A. Madrid)
Olga Mena (IFIC/U. Valencia)
Jose Pedro Mimoso (IA/U. Lisbon)
Paulo Moniz (U. Beira Interior)
Lara Sousa (IA/U. Porto)
Catarina Cosme
Ricardo Ferreira
Antonio Manso
Isabel Melo
Jacob Litterer
Joao Rosa
1.10. First International Quantum Horizons Symposium, Banff, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-08-20 to 2025-08-22
Location: Banff, Canada
Additional Information: https://www.quantumhorizonsab.ca/fiqh-symposium
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
The first ever International Quantum Horizons Symposium will be held at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Banff, Alberta, Canada from August 20-22, 2025. This event will feature leading experts and visionary thinkers from around the globe, sharing their groundbreaking research and insights into the evolving frontiers of quantum science.
Hosted by Quantum Horizons Alberta, the symposium underscores Alberta's commitment to advancing quantum research.
All participants are invited to present poster presentations. The three poster sessions will form a major component of the symposium and will catalyse discussion on all aspects of quantum science.
Together with the invited talks, we anticipate a stimulating venue for future research directions. The number of participants is limited, so please register as soon as possible.
1.11. Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity 2025, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-07-07 to 2025-07-10
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34939/
Contact: bolmont[AT]lpnhe.in2p3.fr
"Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity 2025" (BridgeQG 2025) is the first annual conference of COST Action CA23130. The aim of the action is to combine investigations of the high-energy and high-precision (low-energy) regimes of quantum gravity phenomenology, bringing together the expertise of theorists working on quantum gravity or on the interaction between gravity and quantum physics with quantum information and quantum optics tools, and of experimentalists involved in astrophysical research on quantum gravity, or studying the effects of gravitational interactions on quantum systems.
The goal of the conference is to favor exchanges between the various communities.
There will be introductory seminars introducing the key concepts and objectives of the different research areas, followed by talks on hot topics and recent developments given by invited speakers. There will also be room for contributed talks.
The conference will be held in Paris, France from 7 to 10 July 2025. It is fully funded by COST Association through COST Action CA23130. No registration fee is required.
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD studentships in gravity at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Nottingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-12-20
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/course/research/mathematics-phd
Contact: stephen.green2[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
We invite applications for PhD positions in gravitational physics at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Nottingham. We are seeking applicants in several areas of research listed below, with one scholarship reserved for AI for gravitational waves.
Potential supervisors include Dr Miguel Bezares (numerical relativity), Dr Stephen Green (black holes, AI for gravitational waves), Prof Kirill Krasnov (mathematical relativity, differential geometry), Prof Jorma Louko (black holes and quantum field theory), Dr Laura Sberna (gravitational waves including astrophysics, black holes), and Prof Thomas Sotiriou (gravitational waves, black holes, and alternative theories), Prof Silke Weinfurtner (analogue gravity, black holes, quantum information). A complete list of projects is available at https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/Mathematics/Study/Research/PhD-research-opport….
Successful applicants will also join the Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG), which unites gravitational physics expertise across the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Physics and Astronomy. The Centre comprises 17 permanent staff, as well as typically 7-8 postdocs and 25 students. Staff are active members of the LIGO, LISA, and ET collaborations, providing ample opportunities for international collaboration and impact.
For more information and to apply, see https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/course/research/mathematics-phd. Please apply by 20 December for full consideration.
2.2. Postdoctoral position in mathematical general relativity and geometric analysis, multiple sites, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-02-13
Location: Avignon, Montpellier, Paris, Rouen or Toulouse, France
Additional Information: https://math.univ-avignon.fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2024/12/Postdoc_AN…
Contact: erwann.delay[AT]univ-avignon.fr
Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral position funded by the French National Agency for Research (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) project EINSTEIN-PPF ("Einstein manifolds, past, present and future").
The themes of the project are mathematical general relativity and geometric analysis.
The postdoc is expected to work in one of the following departments:
-Laboratoire de Mathematiques d'Avignon , Universite' d'Avignon.
Contact: Erwann Delay
- Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse, Universite' de Toulouse.
Contact: Yuxin Ge
-Laboratoire Univers et Theories, Observatoire de Paris.
Contact: Eric Gourgoulhon
-Institut Montpellierain Alexander Grothendieck, Universite' de Montpellier.
Contact: Marc Herzlich
-Laboratoire de Mathematiques Raphael Salem, Universite' de Rouen.
Contact: Simon Raulot
Applicants interested in working at the interface of these themes and with more than one of the aforementioned researchers will be particularly appreciated. Even if the person will be located at a single site, collaboration between the candidate and the scientists mentioned above will be encouraged.
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Gravity and Cosmology, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-01-20
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/29385
Contact: george.zahariade[AT]uj.edu.pl
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in gravity and cosmology with an emphasis on semiclassical methods, within the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland).
We seek candidates with a versatile profile and a good knowledge of general relativity and quantum field theory. The ideal candidate will also have some familiarity with statistical physics and/or the quantum field theory of open systems. They will work in Dr. George Zahariade's group and will be funded under SONATA BIS Grant No. 2023/50/E/ST2/00231 "Gravity and Field Theory at the Classical/Quantum Interface" from the Polish National Science Center. Collaboration with other groups within the Institute of Theoretical Physics will also be encouraged. A PhD degree by the start of the appointment is required.
Krakow, Poland's second largest city, is nestled in the heart of Europe and has a beautiful UNESCO world heritage historical center. It is also a vibrant academic and high tech hub, fostering a large international community. The Jagiellonian University, founded in 1364, is the second oldest university in Central and Eastern Europe and is the alma mater of Nicolaus Copernicus. The Institute of Theoretical Physics conducts state-of-the-art research in various branches of modern theoretical physics: astrophysics and general relativity, atomic optics and quantum physics, classical and quantum field theory, condensed matter theory, elementary particle physics, mathematical physics, quantum gravity and string theory, statistical physics, and the theory of complex systems. A particular focus is given to interdisciplinary fields such as cognitive and brain sciences, quantum computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The initial appointment is for two years with a possible extension for a third year depending on performance and funding. The successful applicant is expected to start the appointment in the fall of 2025.
To receive full consideration, applicants should submit the following materials:
(1) Cover letter (no longer than one page);
(2) CV including list of publications;
(3) Research statement (no longer than 4 pages), including past achievements and future plans;
(4) Three recommendation letters.
All materials should be submitted via Academic Jobs Online (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/29385) Review of applications will start on January 21, 2025.
2.4. Postdoctoral position in gravitational physics, quantum gravity and cosmology, Madrid, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-12-22
Location: Madrid, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.ucm.es/teorica/
Contact: doriti[AT]ucm.es
The Department of Theoretical Physics of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain invites applications for one 2-years postdoctoral position. The expected starting date of the position is the (early) Fall 2025.
The hired postdoctoral researchers will work under the supervision of Prof. D. Oriti, and in close collaboration with other faculty members (including Prof. L. Garay, Prof. M. Martin-Benito, and others), on projects at the interface of quantum gravity, mathematical physics and cosmology.
Candidates must hold a PhD degree (in Physics or Mathematics) by the Fall 2025, and have a research track record and solid expertise in at least one, but preferably more, of the following research areas: quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, quantum field theory (in curved spacetimes), mathematical gravitational physics, theoretical (and physical) cosmology, the (mathematical) theory of quantum fluids and quantum many-body systems, analogue gravity in condensed matter systems.
Not required, but very much welcome, is specialized knowledge of quantum gravity formalisms like group field theory, spin foam models or canonical loop quantum gravity, and of loop quantum cosmology.
The salary will be in the range 2500-3500 EUR/month before taxes, depending on research experience, with an additional allowance for travel and other research expenses.
The application should include: a brief letter of interest, a CV with publications list, and a short (2 pages max) outline of research interests, in a single pdf file. It should be sent via email to doriti[AT]ucm.es, with subject "Postdoc application - Candidate Name".
Moreover, two reference letters should be sent to the same address, with subject "Recommendation letter - Candidate Name", by the deadline.
For more information about this position, please contact Prof. D. Oriti directly.
Additional Information about the research environment:
Department of Theoretical Physics: https://www.ucm.es/teorica/
Universidad Complutense de Madrid: https://www.ucm.es/
2.5. Expression of interest for postdoc positions in gravity theory and GW phenomenology, Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-12-19
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://forms.gle/mGWkr3Cm6KDzktPn8
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
We expect to open several postdoctoral positions to work in the gravity theory and gravitational-wave phenomenology group at Sapienza University of Rome [https://web.uniroma1.it/gmunu] Successful candidates will join the FIS project 'ET-NOW: Fundamental Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmology with the Einstein Telescope' (PI: Paolo Pani) recently funded by the Italian Ministry for Research.
Candidates with expertise in gravitational-wave modeling, numerical relativity, science interpretation and data analysis, and with interests in cosmology, nuclear, high-energy physics and gravity are particularly encouraged to apply.
The appointment is for 2+1 years (extension subject to funding renewal and satisfactory performance), with a net salary competitive with international standards. All candidates must hold (or soon be completing) a Ph.D. in Physics. Although flexible, the positions are expected to start typically in Sep 2025; but earlier start dates (as early as March 2025) can also be considered. Screening of the applications will begin in late December 2024 and will continue until the positions are filled.
Expressions of interest can be submitted at the attached link.
The research activities of the gmunu group include gravitational-wave modeling and phenomenology, black-hole and neutron-star physics, tests of gravity and of the nature of compact objects, and strong-gravity searches for dark matter. Group members are also expected to get involved in other activities such as training of students, networking, workshop and meeting organization, etc.
The gmunu group currently includes the PI, Prof. Paolo Pani, 6 postdocs and 5 PhD students. Successful candidates will directly collaborate also with Prof. Francesco Pannarale (GW modelling and data analysis), Prof. Alfredo Urbano (Beyond the standard model theory and phenomenology; cosmology and physics of the primordial universe), and their students. Project members are also expected to interact with the ET experimental and GW data-analysis group [https://web.infn.it/VirgoRoma/index.php/en/] and with the INFN Rome Theory group [https://theory.roma1.infn.it/] at Sapienza, and to actively take part of the activities of the ET Observational Science Board.
The Department of Physics at Sapienza is a vibrant work environment which hosts renowned research groups in several areas of physics, including gravitational-wave science, cosmology, and high-energy physics. In 2024 it ranked 12th among all Physics Departments worldwide and first in Italy, according to the Shanghai Global Ranking.
2.6. PhD fellowships at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-03-04
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: Please read annoucement
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The gravitational-wave physics group at SISSA (Trieste, Italy) invites applications for PhD positions in gravitational-wave theory, source modeling, science interpretation and data analysis, to start in the fall of 2025.
Successful candidates will join the GWSKy project, which an ERC Synergy Grant has recently funded. We are particularly interested in hiring creative and highly motivated candidates who can work collaboratively and independently in a vibrant, welcoming, and synergistic group. The ERC-funded project called "Making sense of the unexpected in the gravitational-wave sky (GWSky)" is led by PIs Enrico Barausse (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Zvi Bern (University of California, Los Angeles, US), Alessandra Buonanno (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam) and Maarten van de Meent (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark).
The aim of the GWSky project is to use gravitational-wave measurements by existing and future observatories on the Earth and in space as precision laboratories for fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. This includes the current LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detectors, as well as the future ground-based observatories Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope, and the space-based detector LISA. By leveraging the PIs and their team's expertise, the GWSky project aims to develop a groundbreaking framework capable of solving the highly nonlinear equations of Einstein's General theory of Relativity, creating waveform models with unprecedented accuracy, and translating these results into practical tools for interpreting the data.
As a consequence, at SISSA we are looking at candidates in the following research areas: numerical-relativity simulations in General Relativity and alternative theories of gravity; environmental effects for binary systems; tests of General Relativity; gravitational-wave data analysis and machine learning; waveform modeling.
Applications should be sent to *both* https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/phd-gwsky-2025/ and https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/phd-app-01-2025/
Please also see https://www.sissa.it/sites/default/files/2024-03/SISSA_IstruzioniCompilazio… for instructions. The hard deadline for applications is March 4 at 1300 Italian time.
2.7. PhD position in Quantum Gravity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-01-10
Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.hef.ru.nl/~rloll/Web/jobs/jobs.html
Contact: r.loll[AT]science.ru.nl
A PhD position in Quantum Gravity is available in the High-Energy Physics Department of the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Renate Loll on a project "Origin and Emergence of Spacetime Symmetries", co-supervised by Dr. Annegret Burtscher (Mathematics Department), and with collaboration by Dr. Renee Hoekzema.
This position is part of a national consortium "Emergence at all Scales", which is the national flag-carrier of the NWA route 2 game changer Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena (d-iep.org) EAAS combines 8 Dutch and 1 Ukrainian university as well as Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in an interdisciplinary and collaborative endeavour aimed at understanding emergent phenomena across scales, combining multiple fields including physics, mathematics, astronomy, history and philosophy of science, and social science. Its approach to societal engagement throughout the project's 5-year lifetime is equally interdisciplinary, with a wide variety of activities ranging from art/science programmes, large scale science festivals, citizen science and educational initiatives at various levels. EAAS is hiring a total of 20 PhD/postdoc scientists to join the team, and our project/group leaders share the ambition of gender parity in hires across EAAS.
Within this context we invite interested candidates to apply for this PhD position, to work on the subproject "Origin and Emergence of Spacetime Symmetries". This project aims to elucidate the role of spacetime symmetries like cosmological isometries and de Sitter- or Lorentz invariance, which are usually taken for granted in descriptions of the very early universe, in a nonperturbative Planckian regime, where spacetime is highly quantum-fluctuating. Using lattice gravity methods based on causal dynamical triangulations, a key goal is to construct microscopic symmetry precursors, and investigate if and how (approximate) symmetries can emerge under coarse-graining.
Applicants must have a university degree in (theoretical) physics at master level or equivalent and proven abilities in theoretical physics and mathematics, including courses on General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory at a minimum. Good programming skills and a working knowledge of Monte Carlo simulations are essential prerequisites. The PhD position is for four years, which is the expected time for obtaining a doctoral degree in the Netherlands, and is paid according to nationally set standard rates. PhD candidates are required to take a number of courses, usually in the form of attending winter schools organized by the Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics. They also act as teaching assistants for about ten percent of their working time. We particularly encourage women and candidates from other under-represented groups to apply.
If selected for this position you are also expected to participate in the various scientific activities, meetings and workshops of the EAAS consortium, to form interdisciplinary collaborations across fields and geographical locations within the Netherlands, and to acquire skills by active participation in science communication activities, interacting with public audiences and taking part in a pilot programme where experience can be acquired in high school science teaching.
Applications should be sent by email as a single pdf-file to R. Loll at the address stated below and consist of a cover letter, CV, transcripts of university grades and degrees, a statement of research interests and motivation for undertaking doctoral research in quantum gravity, as well as the names of at least two senior scientists who are in a position to judge the applicant's suitability for a PhD in theoretical physics. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The review of applications will begin on Jan 10, 2025 and continue until the position is filled.
2.8. Post Doc position in "Electronics for LISA", Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-01-18
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://jobs.dsi.infn.it/borseassegni/pdf/getfile.php?filename=27428.pdf
Contact: giuseppe.masciantonio[AT]roma2.infn.it
The LISA group in Roma Tor Vergata is seeking a physicist or engineer for a post-doc fellowship for on the theme:
"Modeling, development and characterization of electronics for gravitational wave detectors in space"
The new post-doc will work with the LISA - Tor Vergata group, developing and/or monitoring several projects in support to our Electronic Lab (1 engineer, 1 physicist, 1 post-doc, 2 technicians).
The LISA group is also active in multimessager data from galactic nuclei and in fundamental physics (SEP violation, PFE) with LISA.
The duration is 2 + 1 year, starting date: asap.
Annual gross salary is euro 31.308 ( about 2.300/month net, according to present tax regulation).
2.9. PhD positions in gravity, strings, astrophysics, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2025-01-15
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/physicsphd/f1/program-overview
Contact: phd-f1[AT]matfyz.cuni.cz
We are inviting applications for multiple 4-year PhD positions in Prague, Czech Republic, in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Theory of Gravity, and String Theory. The list of available projects is at https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/physicsphd/f1/program-overview.
PhD thesis research will be conducted at one of the participating institutions in Prague: Charles University (Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomical Institute), Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The PhD degrees are awarded by Charles University. The positions are funded by individual grants (both national and EU, including ERC grants or equivalents) and institutional fellowships. The positions are open to candidates of any nationality.
PhD students receive medical insurance with no or small co-pays, subsidized meals, possibility of staying in student dormitories, and free "Czech as foreign language" classes. Prague remains cheaper than other comparable European cities while offering similar level of comforts and entertainments.
For more information and application procedure, please see https://www.mff.cuni.cz/en/physicsphd/f1/program-overview. The application deadline is January 15 2025 for positions beginning in the Fall semester of 2025.
3. News
3.1. 2025 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://gravityresearchfoundation.org
In 2025, for our seventy-sixth competition, the trustees of the Gravity Research Foundation are offering five awards for short essays for stimulating thought and encouraging work on the phenomenon of gravitation. The stipulations follow:
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2025, for the best and most well-written essays about gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects. Essays must be 10 pages or fewer using double-spacing, single column, 12-point font and 1-inch margins including a small number of diagrams, tables, and equations. Title and reference pages are additional and not included in the page count. The subject matter may or may not be original research. The essay competition is not intended to replace a research journal where the detailed results of original research are submitted. Essays should not give lengthy detailed mathematical calculations nor detailed descriptions of an experimental setup. Essay ideas should be self- contained and understandable - not dependent on reading other documents.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00 The Second Award will be $700.00 The Third Award will be $600.00 The Fourth Award will be $500.00 The Fifth Award will be $400.00
(3) Essay must be typed in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file by March 31, 2025. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us within 24 hours if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission.
(4) Title page should include all the following: essay title, authors' names (specify corresponding author), e-mail and mailing addresses, submission date, an abstract of 125 words or fewer, and the statement: "Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2025 Awards for Essays on Gravitation." Pages should be numbered.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final. No reviews or comments will be provided.
(6) Contestants can find the awards announcement posted on our website: gravityresearchfoundation.org around May 15, 2025.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication. Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President, grideoutjr[AT]aol.com
Recent First Award Winners:
2024 - Tom Banks, Rutgers University, NJ and Willy Fischler, University of Texas, TX
2023 - Maciej Dunajski, University of Cambridge, UK
2022 - Cenalo Vaz, University of Cincinnati, OH
2021 - Samir D. Mathur, The Ohio State University, OH
2020 - Maulik Parikh and George Zahariade, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Arizona State University, AZ, Stockholm University, Sweden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2019 - Alessio Belenchia, Queen's University, England; Robert M. Wald, Enrico Fermi Institute, IL; Flaminia Giacomini, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, Caslav Brukner and Markus Aspelmeyer, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austria
2018 - Jessica Santiago and Matt Visser, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2017 - Ivan Agullo, Louisiana State University, LA; Adrian del Rio and Jose Navarro-Salas, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Spain
2016 - Stephen L. Adler, Institute for Advanced Study, NJ
2015 - Gerard 't Hooft, Utrecht University and Spinoza Institute, the Netherlands
2014 - Lawrence M. Krauss, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
2013 - Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai and Ming-sheng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and Li You, Tsinghua University, China
2012 - Claus Kiefer and Manuel Kraemer, University of Cologne, Germany
2011 - Ivan Agullo, Pennsylvania State University, PA and Leonard Parker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI
2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, BC
3.2. The Twenty-Ninth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2024_11_announcement.html
We are pleased to announce the twenty-ninth release (code name "Annie Jump Cannon") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community-developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The major changes in this release include:
One new thorn has been added:
* TOVola -- solves the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equations for simple polytropes, piecewise polytropes, and tabulated equations of state.
Updated thorns:
* CarpetX -- many updates and new functionality
* GRHayL -- support WENO5 reconstruction
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems. It builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community, including codes to compute initial data parameters, the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic (magneto)hydrodynamics codes GRHayLHD, GRHayLHDX, GRHydro, and IllinoisGRMHD. Data analysis and post-processing are handled by the kuibit library. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure, providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model. Its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers ensure quality control for modules included in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve staff and faculty from five different institutions and host weekly meetings that are open to anyone.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157 / 2004044 / 2004311 / 2004879 / 2003893 / 2114582 / 2227105 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
The "Annie Jump Cannon" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2024-11-29)
Roland Haas, Maxwell Rizzo, David Boyer, Domenica Garzon, Bing-Jyun Tsao, Lucas Timotheo Sanches, Peter Diener, Steven R. Brandt
November 29, 2024
3.3. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Call for nominations, 2025 Edition
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.p…
Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in General Relativity and Gravitational Physics 2025 Edition.
Call for nominations
A graduate of the University of Pavia and among the distinguished alums of Collegio Borromeo, Giulio Rampa, in his short life, had a profound impact on his fellow students and the faculty of the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia. Following his Master in Physics, he soon entered The Graduate School at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, where he became deeply interested in general relativity. Known for his remarkable personality and outstanding intellectual potential, Giulio Rampa's life is celebrated through this prize, honoring an outstanding PhD Thesis in general relativity or gravitational physics.
Under the aegis of the University of Pavia, the Almo Collegio Borromeo, and the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitational Physics a monetary prize of 2,000 EUR, an honorary lecture (the Collegio Borromeo Giulio Rampa Honorary Lecture and Medal), will be awarded every two years to a graduate student for outstanding research on all aspects of general relativity or gravitational physics. The prize was established in 2011 and is endowed under the terms of a donation from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa. Any PhD student who graduated from a University or research center worldwide defending a PhD Thesis on all aspects of general relativity or gravitational physics between January 1st, 2021, and December 31st, 2024, is eligible to be nominated for this prize.
The nominator should submit - preferably via email - all relevant material described below to the following address:
Secretariat of The Rampa Prize Committee,
c/o Department of Physics,
Via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: mauro.carfora[AT]unipv.it
The candidature material should comprise: 1) a one-page abstract of the PhD Thesis; 2) a full copy of the PhD Thesis; 3) a letter of recommendation from the Thesis Advisor; 4) one or more letters of endorsement - possibly from the Thesis reader - substantiating the candidate's contributions; 5) a complete CV. The material should be submitted no later than March 31st, 2025. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
The following criteria are reviewed when selecting the Giulio Rampa prize recipient: (i) Originality of Contribution; (ii) Breadth of Work; (iii) Publications; (iv) Quality of Nomination; (v) Quality of the Endorsment.
The prize recipients will be selected by a committee of international experts, whose resolutions will be communicated to the winners by June 30th, 2025.
The prizes will be presented at the 26th edition of the "Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) Conference", to be held in September 2025 at the University of Milano Bicocca (Milano). This is the biennial Conference of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV), devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics. The Rampa Prize-winner will have the opportunity to present their work during a special session of the conference and will be awarded the Giulio Rampa Honorary Lecture to be held at the Salone degli Affreschi of the Collegio Borromeo, a prestigious university college associated with the University of Pavia. During the Lecture ceremony, a medal will be presented to the winner.
Previous Awardees:
2012 Thomas-Paul Hack
2014 David Radice
2016 not assigned
2018 Davide Gerosa, Jan Ostrowski
2020 Tommaso De Lorenzo
2023 Elisa Maggio