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- 1 participants
- 1 discussions

02 Nov '11
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 6th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
1.2 Relativity and Gravitation - 100 Years after Einstein in Prague (2nd announcement)
1.3 Near Field Cosmology as a Probe of Early Universe, Dark Matter and Gravity
2. Jobs
2.1 Two Research Associate positions in Gravitational Astronomy at Cardiff
2.2 Assistant/Associate/Full Professor at LSU
2.3 Sciama Research Fellowship in Theoretical Cosmology at ICG, Portsmouth
2.4 International Physics Course at Osaka University (master and Ph.D.)
2.5 Postdoctoral positions in Astrophysical Relativity at the AEI-Potsdam
2.6 Lectureship in Mathematics and Statistics at Sheffield
2.7 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Monash University
2.8 Postdoctoral Researcher/Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at LSU
2.9 Postdoctoral position in general relativity at Cornell University
2.10 Faculty Position at CITA
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at Mississippi
2.12 Several Postdoctoral positions at the Rochester Institute of Technology
2.13 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics at Indiana University
2.14 Postdoctoral Researchers in Theoretical Physics at Perimeter Institute
2.15 Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics at Physics Dept. "G.Galilei" Padova and INFN Padova (Italy)
3. News
3.1 2011 GWIC Thesis Prize: Call for Nominations
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Entanglement Entropy of Black Holes"
3.3 New forthcoming relativity books by M. S. Berman
3.4 LIGO Open Data Survey
3.5 Highlights and Conclusions of the Workshop "Warm Dark Matter in Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses"
3.6 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematical or Numerical Relativity
3.7 New focus issue on string cosmology free to read in CQG
1. Conferences
1.1 6th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Feb 08, 2012 to Sat, Feb 11, 2012
Location: Queenstown, New Zealand
Additional Information: http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/acgrg6/
The Sixth Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (ACGRG6) will be held in New Zealand's premier mountain resort: Queenstown in the South Island, from the 8th to the 11th of February 2012.
The conference brings together researchers in general relativity (mathematical/theoretical/numerical), theoretical and observational cosmology, relativistic astrophysics and gravitational wave detection. It is hosted by the University of Otago (Dunedin) and supported by the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (ASGRG).
Plenary speakers include: Florian Beyer (Otago), Richard Easther (Auckland), Steve Maddox (Canterbury), Andrew Melatos (Melbourne), Todd Oliynyk (Monash), and Dan Shaddock (ANU).
For registration and further details please visit: http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/acgrg6/. The website will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.
What: 6th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Where: Rydges Lakeside Resort, Queenstown, New Zealand
When: 8-11 February 2012
1.2 Relativity and Gravitation - 100 Years after Einstein in Prague (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 25, 2012 to Fri, Jun 29, 2012
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: http://ae100prg.mff.cuni.cz/
The conference is organized at the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's stay in Prague, with the aim of providing an overview of the development and progress achieved in general relativity and its applications since then.
The main topics of the conference include:
* Mathematical relativity
* Numerical relativity
* Relativistic astrophysics
* Relativistic cosmology
* Quantum gravity
* Gravitation and experiment
* Conceptual and historical issues
The meeting is organized under the auspices of the Rector of Charles University. The lectures will take place in the historical complex of the University in the heart of Prague's Old Town.
Scientific Program
The schedule of the conference will include plenary lectures and up to three parallel sessions in the afternoon. Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. The scientific program will be based primarily on invited lectures, the list of which is now under preparation. Confirmed speakers include:
M. Abramowicz (Goeteborgs Univ.), A. Ashtekar (Penn State Univ.), J. Barbour (Univ. of Oxford), B. Bruegmann (F. Schiller Univ.), T. Damour (IHES), K. Danzmann (Albert-Einstein Inst. and Leibniz Univ.), J. Friedman (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), H. Friedrich (Albert Einstein Inst.), V. Frolov (Univ. of Alberta), G. Gibbons (Univ. of Cambridge), G. Gonzalez (Louisiana State Univ.), K. Kuchar (Univ. of Utah), J. Lewandowski (Univ. of Warsaw), G. Neugebauer (F. Schiller Univ.), H. Nicolai (Albert-Einstein Inst.) L. Rezzolla (Albert-Einstein Inst.), M. Sasaki (Kyoto Univ.), G. Schaefer (F. Schiller Univ.), B. Schutz (Albert Einstein Inst.), A. Starobinsky (Landau Inst.), R. Wald (Univ. of Chicago), and C. Will (Washington Univ.).
Space will be reserved also for contributed oral and poster presentations. Please see below for abstract submission information.
Registration will open in December 2011. Details will be available soon on the conference website.
Standard registration fee: 350 EUR before April 15, 2012
Late registration fee: 450 EUR after April 15, 2012
Limited financial support in the form of a reduced registration fee may be available for junior researchers: apply by January 31, 2012 through the conference website.
In addition to conference participation the registration fee includes: abstract book and conference materials; coffee breaks; welcome cocktail on Sunday, June 24; classical music concert in the Gothic Aula Magna of Charles University on Tuesday, June 26; guided tour through Einstein's Prague followed by banquet on Thursday, June 28 (accompanying persons need a separate banquet ticket).
Due to spacetime constraints, the number of participants is limited to around 150. It is thus possible that the registration may close already before April 15, 2012. An advance announcement will be made when the number of fully registered participants exceeds 120.
Abstract Submission
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations by April 15, 2012. Contributed presentations will be selected by the organizers. Please note that the number of oral contributions in particular is limited. The abstract submission page will be available on the conference website in December 2011.
Prague offers a broad range of hotels, hostels, and other lodging options. Participants are expected to arrange their accommodation individually. A list of recommended hotels and other suitable accommodation will be provided on the conference website.
Important dates
December 1, 2011: Registration opens
January 31, 2012: Financial support application deadline
April 15, 2012: Standard registration closes; Abstract submission deadline
June 24, 2012: See you in Prague!
Scientific Organizing Committee
Marek Abramowicz, Lars Andersson, Abhay Ashtekar, Julian Barbour, Jiri Bicak, Roger Blandford, Bernd Bruegmann, Piotr Chrusciel, Thibault Damour, Karsten Danzmann, Fernando de Felice, George Ellis, John Friedman, Helmut Friedrich, Valeri Frolov, Gary Gibbons, Gary Horowitz, Joseph Katz, Karel Kuchar, Jerzy Lewandowski, Gernot Neugebauer, Hermann Nicolai, Igor Novikov, Martin Rees, Oscar Reula, Luciano Rezzolla, Misao Sasaki, Gerhard Schaefer, Bernd Schmidt, Alexei Starobinsky, Paul Tod, Robert Wald, Clifford Will.
For more detailed information, please visit http://ae100prg.mff.cuni.cz/ . To receive notifications about updates by email, click on "Preliminary interest" and sign up on the website.
Jiri Bicak (on behalf of SOC and LOC)
1.3 Near Field Cosmology as a Probe of Early Universe, Dark Matter and Gravity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Tue, Nov 29, 2011 to Thu, Dec 01, 2011
Location: Annapolis, MD, USA
Additional Information: http://jsi.astro.umd.edu/conferences/2011-jsi-workshop.html
The Joint Space Science Institute -- consisting of astronomers, astrophysicists and physicists from the University of Maryland and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center -- is planning a cross-cutting workshop on “Near Field Cosmology as a Probe of Early Universe, Dark Matter and Gravity”. We aim to bring together 80-100 scientists from around the world to discuss many aspects of observations, theory, and how they all fit together.
The workshop will take place between: Nov 29th and Dec. 1st 2011. Online registration and abstract submission will open Sept 17th. More information can be found on the webpage of the workshop.
2. Jobs
2.1 Two Research Associate positions in Gravitational Astronomy at Cardiff
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Cardiff, UK
Deadline: Thu, Dec 01, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.cf.ac.uk/jobs/physx/research-associate-in-gravitational-astronom…
Cardiff Gravitational Physics group (http://www.astro.cardiff.ac.uk/research/gravity/) is seeking applications from highly motivated and competitive candidates to fill two STFC-funded postdoctoral positions. Both positions involve research into detection and measurement of gravitational waves in data from Advanced LIGO, GEO-HF and Advanced Virgo detectors and using the results to address a range of questions in fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. Candidates are expected to take part in the development of algorithms that help improve searches for gravitational-wave signals in detector data and extract astrophysical and cosmological information from detected events.
Current members of the group include academics Stephen Fairhurst, Leonid Grishchuk (emeritus), Mark Hannam, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Bernard Schutz (part time), and Patrick Sutton, three postdoctoral fellows and eight PhD students.
The Group cofounded the British-German GEO600 collaboration, is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and is involved in the planning of the space-based LISA and the third generation Einstein Telescope (ET) Observatory.
Group members play leading roles within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, in particular in gravitational-wave searches for compact binary coalescences, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and other transient sources. The Group’s research interests also include modelling binary black hole orbits using analytical and numerical relativity and their gravitational wave emission, strong field tests of gravity, development of algorithms and software to search for gravitational waves and quantum processes in the early Universe – specifically cosmic microwave and gravitational wave backgrounds.
The positions are available initially for a period of two years, extendible to up to four years depending on performance. The posts are available from 1 March 2012, but the precise starting date is negotiable.
2.2 Assistant/Associate/Full Professor at LSU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Deadline: Thu, Dec 15, 2011
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=51804
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University invites applications for a faculty position in physics starting in the fall of 2012. The faculty in the gravity theory group at LSU consists of Peter Diener, Robert O’Connell, Jorge Pullin, Parampreet Singh and Gabrielle Allen and Edward Seidel (both on leave at the National Science Foundation). There is also a quantum information technology group at LSU led by Jonathan Dowling, a theoretical astrophysics group led by Juhan Frank and Joel Tohline, and an experimental gravity group led by Thomas Corbitt, Joe Giaime, Gabriela González and Warren Johnson. The Department has strong research efforts in particle physics, including nuclear and neutrino physics, space physics, condensed matter physics, medical physics, and astronomy and astrophysics.
Preference will be given to candidates working in loop quantum gravity, but exceptional candidates in other areas of theoretical gravity will also be considered.
Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check. Application deadline is December 15th 2011 or until a candidate is selected.
This is an abridged version of the ad. The full ad can be found at
LSU System is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer
2.3 Sciama Research Fellowship in Theoretical Cosmology at ICG, Portsmouth
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Portsmouth, UK
Deadline: Fri, Dec 30, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.icg.port.ac.uk/
The Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship in theoretical cosmology named in honour of the pioneering British cosmologist Dennis Sciama (1926-1999). We seek an outstanding postdoctoral scientist to work in collaboration with existing staff in the ICG. Applicants should have a record of high-quality research in theoretical cosmology and propose an original programme of research, complementary to existing research expertise in the ICG. A PhD and relevant research expertise is required. The post is for three years, starting on 1st October 2012.
The ICG consists of 12 academic staff, 13 postdoctoral researchers and 18 PhD students, and is a member of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III), the Dark Energy Survey, and the UK Low Frequency Array Consortium (LOFAR:UK). ICG researchers have access to the new 1000-core SCIAMA supercomputer at Portsmouth, as well as the UK National Cosmology Supercomputer Consortium (COSMOS). Many staff are also involved in many other on-going and planned astrophysical surveys. More information is available at http://www.icg.port.ac.uk/
Applications (Application Form, CV, 3-page research proposal, names of 3 referees) should be sent by email to jobs[AT]port.ac.uk and copied to icg-admin[AT]port.ac.uk. Applicants should also arrange for up to three letters of reference to be sent by email to icg-admin[AT]port.ac.uk, to arrive by the closing date, 30th December 2011. Late applications may be considered until the post has been filled.
Informal enquiries about this post can be made to david.wands[AT]port.ac.uk
To find out more about the University of Portsmouth and this role, visit www.port.ac.uk/vacancies and apply on-line. Alternatively telephone 023 9284 3421 for an application pack.
2.4 International Physics Course at Osaka University (master and Ph.D.)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Osaka, Japan
Deadline: Sat, Dec 10, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~IPC/
The Department of Physics of Osaka University is calling for applications to its International Physics Course (IPC).
It offers Master and Ph.D. courses on a wide range of research topics in Physics (see also the webpage below for more details). The most successful applicants will receive a scholarship.
Education and research is conducted in English (but students are welcome to learn a little of Japanese language and culture).
Applications for the admission to the academic year 2012/13 (starting from October 1, 2012) are open from November 1 to December 10, 2011.
More information at: http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~IPC/
2.5 Postdoctoral positions in Astrophysical Relativity at the AEI-Potsdam
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Thu, Dec 15, 2011
Additional Information: http://numrel.aei.mpg.de
The Astrophysical Relativity division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, Germany, anticipates the filling of at least one postdoctoral position within the "numerical-relativity" group.
The numerical-relativity group is primarily but not exclusively concerned with the numerical solution of the Einstein equations and with the modelling of compact objects, such as neutron stars and black holes. Its work is a multi-disciplinary effort, spanning the fields of relativistic astrophysics, hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, differential geometry, mathematics of nonlinear partial differential equations and high-performance computing. The group consists of postdoctoral fellows: Daniela Alic, Pau Amaro-Seoane, Eloisa Bentivegna, Riccardo Ciolfi, Abraham Harte, Ian Hinder, Seth Hopper, Jose Luis Jaramillo, Gian Mario Manca, Francesco Pannarale, Alberto Sesana, Kentaro Takami, of faculty Luciano Rezzolla, and of several graduate students. To learn more about the group, please visit: http://numrel.aei.mpg.de
The Albert Einstein Institute also hosts a Divisions in Mathematical Relativity and Quantum Gravity and has an extremely active visitors program. It enjoys close proximity to the Universities of Potsdam and Berlin, the Astrophysics Institute of Potsdam, and has excellent in-house supercomputing facilities. To learn more about the Institute, please visit: http://www.aei.mpg.de
The positions are for one year and renewable up to three depending on satisfactory progress. The appointments are expected to begin around Sept. 1, 2012, but an earlier date is also possible. The deadline for applications is Dec. 15, 2011. Applications can be made online via the web interface at
Applicants should upload a CV, a publication list, a research summary specifying which position they are interested in, and indicate the names of at least 3 referees.
The Albert Einstein Institute is an equal-opportunity employer and hires on the basis of merit. Applications from individuals with disabilities, minorities, and women are encouraged.
2.6 Lectureship in Mathematics and Statistics at Sheffield
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Sheffield, UK
Deadline: Thu, Nov 24, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ADK937/lectureship-in-mathematics-and-statistics/
Applications in gravitational and mathematical physics are encouraged for the following position:
The School of Mathematics and Statistics has a strong research ethos and includes several research groups with high international reputation. The School offers MMath and BSc undergraduate courses, runs a long-established MSc in Statistics and provides service teaching of mathematics to other parts of the University. Following significant investment by the Faculty of Science, including new Chairs in probability and in mathematical biology, the School of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for two lectureships with a starting date of 1 September 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter.
We are looking for candidates with a strong track record of high quality research in Algebra, Field Theory, Geometry, Mathematical Biology, Probability, Solar Physics or another area linking with existing strengths of the School.
You will be expected to carry out and publish high-quality research in an area covered by the REF Mathematical Sciences Subpanel, to supervise postgraduate students and to teach at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
You will have a PhD in a relevant area of mathematics or statistics, or be close to completion. You will also have an established record of high-quality research in your chosen field or be able to demonstrate strong research potential, as well as excellence in teaching.
2.7 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Monash University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Melbourne, Australia
Deadline: Tue, Jan 31, 2012
Additional Information: http://jobs.monash.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=498605
The School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) invites applications for a tenure-track academic position starting anytime in 2012. Targeted recruiting is for the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer rank (equivalent to the US assistant professor or associate professor), but applicants at higher ranks will be considered. A PhD in mathematics is required. Candidates should have strong potential or demonstrated capability for effective research and teaching in a branch of pure mathematics with priority given to analysis, geometry, number theory, algebra, group theory, or combinatorics. The School includes the areas of algebra and discrete mathematics; analysis and geometry; bioinformatics, computational mathematics; operations research; probability and statistics; astrophysics; and atmospheric science and geophysical fluid dynamics. For further information regarding the school and its programs, please visit the web site http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/
Together with a research statement, teaching statement, applicants should indicate their research specialties and interests in their cover letter.
Names of three referees are to be provided, and the key selection criteria must be addressed.
To apply, go to
2.8 Postdoctoral Researcher/Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at LSU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Deadline: Thu, Dec 15, 2011
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=53733
The theoretical relativity group expects to have (contingent on funding) an opening for a postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher to start July 2012. This position conducts research in loop quantum gravity including either the canonical or spin foam approaches and/or loop quantum cosmology. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another one or two years subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. The core relativity group at LSU consists of Steve Brandt, Frank Loeffler, Peter Diener, Jorge Pullin, and Parampreet Singh. In addition, LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in LIGO, whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation and Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have j
oint appointments at CCT.
This is an abridged version of the ad. For the full version follow the URL.
2.9 Postdoctoral position in general relativity at Cornell University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Ithaca, NY, USA
Deadline: Thu, Dec 01, 2011
Cornell University expects to have an opening for a postdoctoral associate in general relativity starting in September, 2012. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds. The Cornell Relativity Group consists of faculty members Eanna Flanagan and Saul Teukolsky, senior research associate Larry Kidder, research associates Geoffrey Lovelace, Michael Boyle, and Robert Owen, and a number of graduate students. Research interests of the group include computational relativity, black holes, gravitational waves, the gravitational self-force, modified theories of gravity and cosmology. There will also be opportunities to interact with the Theoretical Astrophysics Group, including Rachel Bean, David Chernoff, Dong Lai, Richard Lovelace, and Ira Wasserman.
Applicants should submit a resume with a list of publications and statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to:
Sharon Falletta
Space Sciences Building
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-6801
Applications can also be emailed to falletta[AT]astro.cornell.edu, with the subject line "Gravitational theory postdoc".
Completed applications should be received no later than December 1, 2011. Only candidates who anticipate receiving their Ph.D. by September 2011 should apply.
Cornell is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2.10 Faculty Position at CITA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Toronto, Canada
Deadline: Thu, Dec 01, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/index.php/Working-CITA/CITA-Faculty-Position
The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), a national centre for theoretical astrophysics hosted by the University of Toronto, invites applications for a tenure-stream faculty position, to commence July 1, 2012. The search is open to candidates at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.
Applicants from any area of theoretical astrophysics, cosmology and early universe physics are encouraged to apply; we seek candidates with a PhD, exceptionally strong and internationally recognized research records, and outstanding promise of future research accomplishments.
Additional selection criteria include demonstrated excellence in teaching, in particular working with research fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, and to assume a leadership role in administering CITA’s active postdoctoral and visitor programs. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellence in research and have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. CITA is an institute within the Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto. The present complement of research staff includes six faculty and over 25 research fellows. The unique research environment at CITA is enhanced by close ties to the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, the Dunlap Institute, the Department of Physics, and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Cosmology and Gravity Program.
We encourage applicants to apply online by clicking here and search for Job #1100857. If you are unable to apply online, please submit your application and other materials via e-mail to: citadmin[AT]cita.utoronto.ca using the subject line "Faculty Search". Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a bibliography, a statement of research interests. Please arrange for three letters of recommendation to be mailed directly to:
Prof. Norman Murray, Director
CITA, University of Toronto
60 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 3H8
All materials should reach CITA by December 1, 2011.
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at Mississippi
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Oxford, MS, USA
Deadline: Sat, Dec 31, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry111006-181836
The University of Mississippi invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. The applicant must have a Ph.D. in Physics or Astrophysics and a good track record in one or more of the following research areas: gravitational-wave source modeling, numerical relativity, post-Newtonian theory, alternative theories of gravity, perturbation theory of stars and black holes.
The Gravitational and High-Energy Theory Group at the University of Mississippi is active in various areas of theoretical and experimental gravity, and is part of the LIGO collaboration. Members of the group include Emanuele Berti, Luca Bombelli, Marco Cavaglia, Alakabha Datta and Tibor Torma, adjunct professors Vitor Cardoso and Ulrich Sperhake, postdocs Jocelyn Read and Alexander Dietz, and several graduate students. The University has excellent computing facilities, which include the Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research and a departmental linux computer farm.
The successful applicant is expected to engage in a collaborative research program involving several institutions, including Caltech and Princeton in the USA, Lisbon, Barcelona, Rome and Aveiro in Europe, and Para' University in Brazil (among others).
More information on the gravity group in Mississippi is available at the following URL:
A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications and a statement of research interests) should be sent to the following e-mail address:
Please use the subject "Gravitational theory postdoc". Applicants must also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters to be sent to the same email address.
The University requires all applicants to submit their application (including a CV and a statement of research interests) online at the following website:
Please click on "search postings" on the left, then from the drop-down menus select:
"Job Title" -> "Postdoctoral Research Associate"
"Department" -> "Physics and Astronomy"
The present position is filed as number 11421258-100611.
2.12 Several Postdoctoral positions at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Rochester, NY, USA
Deadline: Sat, Dec 31, 2011
Additional Information: http://ccrg.rit.edu
Several Postdoctoral positions at the Rochester institute of Technology
The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) anticipates filling several postdoctoral positions in the coming year. We are looking for postdoctoral candidates interested in working on numerical relativity. Binary black hole simulations, relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations of coalescing astrophysical compact objects, such as black-hole and/or neutron star binaries, supermassive black hole mergers and their interactions with their surrounding accretion disks, and core-collapse supernovae.
There are currently eleven senior researchers working in a broad range of areas of gravitational physics and astrophysics at the CCRG. Six faculty members work in numerical relativity and/or gravitational wave science: Manuela Campanelli, Joshua Faber, Carlos Lousto, Yosef Zlochower, John Whelan, and Hans-Peter Bischof (a visualization expert), as well as five postdoctoral fellows: Melissa Frei, Bruno Mundim, Scott Noble, Jason Nordhaus, and Hiroyuki Nakano, and several graduate students.
The successful postdoctoral candidates will be will have the possibility to collaborate on a broad range of research topics in computational astrophysics and gravitational physics. Our group is involved in several large collaborations, including the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), The Einstein Toolkit Consortium, a petascale computing project with NCSA, the NINJA (Numerical Injection Analysis) project, and the NRAR (numerical relativity-analytical relativity) collaboration. Several group members also have an ongoing collaborative research project with Johns Hopkins University to study accretion disks around supermassive black holes and explore relativistic phenomena in active galactic nuclei such as jets in active galactic nuclei.
The positions are for two years and renewable depending on satisfactory performance and the availability of funds.
CCRG researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers as well as a dedicated 800-core cluster hosted in the Center.
More information about the CCRG is available at http://ccrg.rit.edu/
And about Rochester in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester,_New_York
Applications should consist of a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. All materials should be sent electronically as soon as possible to: CCRG-postdoc[AT]ccrgweb.rit.edu
Enquiries can be addressed to:
Manuela Campanelli, manuela[AT]astro.rit.edu
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation,
and School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS)
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
85 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623 USA
Review of completed applications will begin December 31st, 2011 and will continue until February 1st, 2012 or until all positions are filled. RIT is committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.
2.13 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics at Indiana University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bloomington, IN, USA
Deadline: Tue, Nov 15, 2011
Applications are invited for the position of postdoctoral fellow in theoretical physics at Indiana University. The current faculty in our group are Micheal Berger, Radovan Dermisek, Steven Gottlieb, Alan Kostelecky, and Enrico Lunghi. The position is available from September 1, 2012 and is expected to last for two years, subject to satisfactory performance. A completed Ph.D. degree is required prior to assuming the position.
Each application should include a curriculum vitae, a description of research interests and accomplishments, and a list of publications. Candidates should also have at least three letters of reference sent to: Theory Group - Postdoc Search, Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A. Email applications should be sent to oldhamt[AT]indiana.edu.
Applications received before November 15, 2011 may receive preference. Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2.14 Postdoctoral Researchers in Theoretical Physics at Perimeter Institute
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Deadline: Tue, Nov 15, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca
Applications are now open for postdoctoral fellowships at Perimeter Institute (PI) to begin in Fall 2012. PI hosts the world’s largest group of independent postdoctoral fellows in foundational theoretical physics. At PI, Postdoctoral Fellows are encouraged to formulate and pursue their own chosen lines of research, across all fields of theoretical physics, within an exceptionally supportive environment. They enjoy ample opportunities to interact with senior scientists, host collaborators, organize workshops and conferences, and participate in the training of graduate students. In addition, a unique mentoring system gives early career scientists the feedback and support they need to become flourishing, independent researchers. PI’s previous postdoctoral fellows have had excellent success in obtaining faculty or permanent positions at leading universities and research institutes around the world.
PI encourages applications from outstanding postdoctoral researchers in: condensed matter theory, cosmology, particle physics, quantum foundations, quantum gravity, quantum information, string theory and other areas of theoretical physics. Postdoctoral positions are normally held for a period of three years, although exceptional candidates may also be considered for senior postdoctoral positions with five-year terms.
Located west of Toronto, in Waterloo, Canada, Perimeter Institute was founded in 1999 as an independent institute supporting research in foundational areas of theoretical physics. Over the past decade, PI has emerged as a leading centre in the areas of quantum information, quantum foundations, quantum gravity, string theory and cosmology. The Institute is now expanding its fields of focus to include particle physics, condensed matter, and complex systems, combining insights from the full spectrum of physics within its cutting-edge research programs.
Postdoctoral Researchers will also have opportunities to visit scientists connected with experimental and observational centers such as the Large Hadron Collider; the Planck satellite; VISTA, VLT, the SKA and other observatories; SNOlab and other astroparticle facilities; and LIGO, LISA and other gravitational wave detectors.
The Institute’s growing research staff currently comprises over 80 resident researchers, including 16 Faculty members and 15 Associate Faculty members, in addition to visiting Distinguished Research Chairs. The Institute hosts hundreds of visitors and conference participants throughout the academic year, in addition to over 25 PhD students, and 37 Masters level students participating in Perimeter Scholars International.
PI strives to offer an optimal environment for scientific enquiry and discovery, where resident and visiting researchers of all backgrounds pursue diverse approaches to fundamental questions in an atmosphere of intense scientific interaction. Researchers enjoy a collaborative atmosphere and the amenities of our award-winning facility, with excellent support for them and their families. Frequent cultural and social events are held at the Institute for the entire PI community (see Event Horizons to get a flavour of PI’s cultural offerings).
The deadline for applications is November 15, 2011.
Please email pdfrecruitment[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca with any questions.
2.15 Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics at Physics Dept. "G.Galilei" Padova and INFN Padova (Italy)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Padova, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.ac.infn.it/personale/borsedistudio/pdf/getfile.php?filename=1462…
The INFN PD51 research group leading the Cosmology/Astroparticle program Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe announces one postdoctoral position in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, to begin in Fall 2012. The position will be a 1 + 1 year appointment and reserved for non-italian citizens. The post-doc research activity will be mainly related to primordial non-Gaussianity and Inflationary models.
The following Institutes participating in the program may host the Fellowship:
Padova INFN Section and University, Italy (main node)
Ferrara INFN Section and University, Italy
Bologna INFN Section and University, Italy
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and University of L’Aquila, Italy
Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy
Roma III University, Italy
Torino University, Italy
Trieste SISSA and University, Italy
The staff team members are:
Padova: Nicola Bartolo, Michele Liguori, Sabino Matarrese, Massimo Pietroni, Antonio Riotto.
Also present in Padova are:
Gianguido Dall'Agata, Ferruccio Feruglio, Antonio Masiero, Massimo Passera, Stefano Rigolin, Fabio Zwirner
Ferrara: Denis Comelli, Paolo Natoli
Bologna: Stefano Ettori, Fabio Finelli, Massimo Meneghetti, Lauro Moscardini
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and L’Aquila: Zourab Berejiani, Luigi Pilo, Francesco Villante
Roma Tor Vergata: Amedeo Balbi, Francesco Fucito, Nicola Vittorio
Roma III: Enzo Branchini
Torino: Antonaldo Diaferio, Luisa Ostorero
Trieste SISSA and University: Carlo Baccigalupi, Stefano Borgani, Stefano Cristiani, Samuel Leach, Paolo Tozzi, Matteo Viel
The deadline is Thursday, October 20, 2011 (also for the upload of Reference Letters).
The interested candidates should apply directly at the web page
selecting the PD51 n. 14620 job announcement.
The application form must contain:
- a statement of research interests
- a curriculum vitae
- a list of publications
- 3 Reference letters
For further detailed information: please download the file
or contact Nicola Bartolo, bartolo[AT]pd.infn.it, Dipartimento di Fisica "Galileo Galilei", via Marzolo, 8 - I−35131 Padova, Italy
3. News
3.1 2011 GWIC Thesis Prize: Call for Nominations
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: https://gwic.ligo.org/thesisprize/
Nominations for the 2011 GWIC Thesis Prize are now open.
The Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) was formed to promote international collaboration and cooperation in the construction, operation and use of gravitational wave detection facilities world-wide. To this end, GWIC has established an annual prize for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis based on research in gravitational waves (http://gwic.ligo.org/thesisprize/)
Members of the gravitational wave community are invited to nominate students who have performed notable research on any aspect of gravitational wave science. Theses will be judged on 1) originality and creativity of the research, 2) importance to the field of gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection, broadly interpreted, and 3) clarity of presentation. The recipient will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize of $1,000.
Since 2010, GWIC has an arrangement with Springer Publishing. Subject to qualifying criteria, the prize-winning thesis will be nominated for Springer Theses, a new book series in which exceptional Ph.D. theses in the physical sciences are published in their entirety. The winner will receive an additional €500 from Springer upon publication.
Eligibility: The award is made on a calendar year basis. Theses should have been accepted by their institutions between 1 January 2011 and 31 December 2011. It is expected that many of the nominations will come from the member projects of GWIC, but this is not a requirement. Nominated theses may be in any language. A committee selected from the gravitational wave community will evaluate the nominations and select the winner. The selection committee will make all determinations about eligibility.
Nominations: Nominations should be submitted to the selection committee chair (Neil Cornish, cornish[AT]physics.montana.edu) by 15 January 2012. The nomination package consists of (i) the thesis, (ii) a letter of nomination, preferably from the thesis advisor, and (iii) an optional supporting letter from another scientist familiar with the work. The nomination and supporting letters should describe the importance of the research and how it supports GWIC’s goals to promote construction and exploitation of gravitational-wave detectors, foster development of new or enhanced gravitational-wave detectors, and support the development of gravitational-waves as an astronomical tool. The thesis and letters may be submitted in electronic form (preferred) or in hard-copy (five copies).
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Entanglement Entropy of Black Holes"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2011-8
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "Entanglement Entropy of Black Holes" by Sergey N. Solodukhin on October 21, 2011.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2011-8
Solodukhin, Sergey N.
"Entanglement Entropy of Black Holes"
ACCEPTED: 2011-08-23
PUBLISHED: 2011-10-21
The entanglement entropy is a fundamental quantity which characterizes the correlations between sub-systems in a larger quantum-mechanical system. For two sub-systems separated by a surface the entanglement entropy is proportional to the area of the surface and depends on the UV cutoff which regulates the short-distance correlations. The geometrical nature of the entanglement entropy calculation is particularly intriguing when applied to black holes when the entangling surface is the black hole horizon. I review a variety of aspects of this calculation: the useful mathematical tools such as the geometry of spaces with conical singularities and the heat kernel method, the UV divergences in the entropy and their renormalization, the logarithmic terms in the entanglement entropy in four and six dimensions and their relation to the conformal anomalies. The focus in the review is on the systematic use of the conical singularity method. The relations to other known approaches such
as 't Hooft's brick wall model and the Euclidean path integral in the optical metric are discussed in detail. The puzzling behavior of the entanglement entropy due to fields which non-minimally couple to gravity is emphasized. The holographic description of the entanglement entropy of the black hole horizon is illustrated on the two- and four-dimensional examples. Finally, I examine the possibility to interpret the Bekenstein--Hawking entropy entirely as the entanglement entropy.
3.3 New forthcoming relativity books by M. S. Berman
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=30375
"General Relativity and the Pioneers Anomaly"
This book is an introduction to the General Relativity Theory (GRT) and to the solution of the Pioneers Anomaly by means of relativistic cosmology, a study that is designed to be understood by undergraduate and graduate students alike in the fields of theoretical physics, applied mathematics and space engineering. In fact, this book is the first elementary account of GRT and cosmology to address the NASA problem, which consists of a specific deceleration suffered by two space-probes launched to outer space more than thirty years ago. The other two NASA anomalies, which are, the spin-down of the Pioneers, when they were not disturbed, and the "fly-by" of spacecraft in gravity assists, around the Earth, are explained by Berman, along with the linear deceleration, by the rotation of the Universe, and General Relativity theory.
Pub. Date: 2011 4th quarter
Author: Marcelo Samuel Berman (Instituto Albert Einstein/Latinamerica, Curitiba, Brazil)
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, New York
ISBN: 978-1-62100-107-2
"Realization of Einstein's Machian Program"
This book is a solution of the so-called Einstein's Machian Program, that left Einstein very angry and frustrated, for he was unable to reconcile Relativity Theories with Ernst Mach ideas, that by looking into the Cosmos as a whole, absolute motion could be found. About one hundred years ago, the discussion led to no conclusions among physicists, so that now Berman found that the existence of a Universal rotation, was compatible with General Relativity, and that this rotation is "absolute". Berman thus solved the problem.
Author: Marcelo Samuel Berman (Instituto Albert Einstein/Latinamerica, Curitiba, Brazil).
Pub. Date: 2012 1st Quarter
publisher: Nova Science Publishers, New York
ISBN: 978-1-61942-164-6
3.4 LIGO Open Data Survey
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFJuS1d4UlNiLW9Wdm5OQT…
Dear Astronomer,
Gravitational wave astronomy is coming, thanks to the LIGO and Virgo advanced detectors that will be online at or after 2015. The LIGO Scientific Collaboration will release open data to the broader community, including rapid alerts for follow-up observation, and the detected strain corresponding to astrophysical detections. In order to make the open data program most useful to astronomers, LIGO is asking you to fill in a survey about what you see as most important for us to support.
Please take a few minutes to fill in the survey on LIGO Open Data at the link below. You don't have to answer all the questions. We really appreciate your time and thoughts.
Thank you
Patrick Brady
Roy Williams
LIGO Scientific Collaboration
3.5 Highlights and Conclusions of the Workshop "Warm Dark Matter in Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2011.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
"Warm Dark Matter in Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses",
Meudon Castle/CIAS of Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France, 8, 9 and 10 JUNE 2011
We are pleased to inform you that the Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2011 on Warm Dark Matter in the Galaxies (48 pages, 24 figures including photos of the workshop) are available on the web site of this Workshop
ABSTRACT (Abridged):
Warm Dark Matter (WDM) research is progressing fast, the subject is new and WDM essentially works, naturally reproducing the astronomical observations over all scales: small (galactic) and large (cosmological) scales (LambdaWDM). Evidence that Cold Dark Matter (LambdaCDM) and its proposed tailored cures do not work at small scales is staggering.
Fedor Bezrukov, Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Hector J. de Vega, Stefano Ettori, Frederic Hessmann, Ayuki Kamada, Marco Lombardi, Alexander Merle, Christian Moni Bidin, Angelo Nucciotti on behalf of the MARE collaboration, Sinziana Paduroiu, Henri Plana, Norma Sanchez, Patrick Valageas, Shun Zhou present here their highlights of the Workshop. LambdaWDM simulations with keV particles remarkably reproduce the observations, small and large structures and velocity functions. Cored DM halos and WDM are clearly determined from theory and astronomical observations, they naturally produce the observed structures at all scales. keV sterile neutrinos are the leading candidates, they naturally appear extensions of the standard model of particle physics. Astrophysical constraints including Lyman alpha bounds put its mass in the range 1< m <13 keV. Predictions for EUCLID and PLANCK have been presented. MARE and an adapted KATRIN experiment could detect a keV sterile neutrino. It will be a fan
tastic discovery to detect dark matter in a beta decay. A formidable WDM work to perform is ahead of us, these highlights point out some relevant research directions to put the effort. Photos of the Workshop are included.
We thank all again, both lecturers and participants, for having contributed so much to this Workshop and look forward to seeing you again in a next Meeting of this series.
With Compliments and kind regards
Norma G Sanchez,
Hector J de Vega
3.6 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematical or Numerical Relativity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
A graduate of the University of Pavia, Giulio Rampa, in his short life, had a profound impact on his fellow students and the faculty of the Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics of the University of Pavia. Following his Master in Physics, he soon entered Graduate School at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam where he became deeply interested in mathematical relativity. Known for his remarkable personality as well as his outstanding intellectual capability, Giulio Rampa's life is celebrated through this prize honouring an outstanding Ph.D. Thesis in mathematical or numerical general relativity.
A net monetary prize of 2,000 EUR will be awarded every two years to a graduate student for outstanding research in mathematical or numerical general relativity. The prize has been established in 2011, and is endowed under the terms of a bequest from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa.
Any student who graduated in a university or research centre in Europe is eligible to be considered for this prize. European citizenship is NOT required. The prize recipient's Ph.D. Thesis must be submitted for consideration by a nominator, preferably via e-mail, to:
Secretariat of The Rampa Prize Committee,
c/o Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics,
Via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: rampa.prize[AT]pv.infn.it
Self nominations will not be considered. It is the nominator's responsibility to ensure that his/her candidate submits the required documentation. In particular, all nominated applicants must submit, preferably by e-mail, the application form (available from the above address), a copy of the thesis, a letter of recommendation from their thesis advisor, one or more letters of endorsement substantiating the candidate contributions, thesis reader comments, a one-page abstract of the thesis, and a C.V. to the above address.
The following criteria are reviewed when selecting the Giulio Rampa prize recipient: (i) Originality of Contribution, (ii) Breadth of Work, (iii) Publications, (iv) Quality of Nomination, (v) Quality of Endorsement. The recipients of the prize are to be selected by a standing joint committee of the Graduate School in Physics of The University of Pavia and of The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam.
The decisions of the Committee are final and will be communicated by May the 31st, 2012. The 2012 prize will be awarded to a Ph. D. Thesis submitted for consideration no later than January 31, 2012, on behalf of students who graduated between January 2010-December 2011.
3.7 New focus issue on string cosmology free to read in CQG
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381/28/20
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce that the new Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG) focus issue on string cosmology is now free to read online.
This issue includes 10 specially invited papers from some of the top researchers in the field.
Guest Edited by Dr Vijay Balasubramanian and Professor Paulo Moniz, the focus issue appraises recent applications of string-theoretic and string-inspired ideas to the cosmos. The articles in this issue also survey a number of potentially promising directions for the future.
With best wishes,
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity