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March 2021
- 1 participants
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02 Mar '21
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Los Angeles, USA
1.2. Challenges for Witnessing Quantum Aspects of Gravity in a Lab, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1.3. Alternative Gravities and Fundamental Cosmology (ALTECOSMOFUN'21; online)
1.4. Flat Asymptotia, Okinawa, Japan
1.5. Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG16), online
2. Jobs
2.1. Postodoctoral positions in Gravitational Physics and Cosmology, Beijing, China
2.2. Assistant Professor in Astroparticle Physics at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
2.3. Assistant or Associate Professor in Astrophysics, "Digital Transformations", St. Louis, USA
2.4. Research Computing Facilitator at UMass, Dartmouth, USA
2.5. Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA
2.6. Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Information Science at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
2.7. Postdoctoral position in relativistic astrophysics, Southampton, UK
2.8. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) or Noordwijk (Netherlands)
2.9. Hawking chair in Cosmology, Cambridge, UK
2.10. Professorship of Mathematical Physics, Cambridge, UK
2.11. Postdoctoral positions in computational relativity/cosmology/fluid dynamics, IBM, Daresbury, United Kingdom
2.12. 1 year post-doctoral position in strong gravity, Aveiro, Portugal
2.13. Two postdoctoral positions in gravitational physics, University of Mississippi, USA
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The general relativistic constraint equations"
1. Conferences
1.1. Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Los Angeles, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-09-13 to 2021-12-17
Location: Los Angeles, United States of America
Additional Information: http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/gwa2021
Contact: ipam[AT]ucla.edu
Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles (USA)
September 13 - December 17, 2021
The Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) organizes a fourteen-week-long program to discuss Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. The program will connect efforts of the mathematical and physical sciences communities to address new challenges on the understanding of multi-messenger astronomy. This long program will involve senior and junior researchers from several communities relevant to the program.
Long Program Schedule:
- Opening Day. September 13, 2021.
- Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era ofGravitational Wave Astronomy
Tutorial. September 14-21, 2021.
- Workshop I: Computational Challenges in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. October 4-8, 2021.
- Workshop II: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation. October 25-29, 2021.
- Workshop III: Source Inference and Parameter Estimation in Gravitational Wave Astronomy.
November 15-19, 2021.
- Workshop IV: Big Data in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. November 29 - December 3, 2021.
- Culminating Workshop at Lake Arrowhead. December 12-17, 2021.
Interested contributors may apply for financial support to participate in the entire fourteen-week program, or a portion of it. Applications will be accepted through May 31, 2021. Mathematicians and scientists at all levels who are interested in this area of research are encouraged to apply for funding. Supporting the careers of women and minority researchers is an important component of IPAM's mission and their applications are particularly welcomed.
For more information, please visit the program webpage: www.ipam.ucla.edu/gwa2021
Program Flyer PDF: http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/GWA2021-Flyer.pdf
Organizing Committee:
Manuela Campanelli (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Marco Cavaglia (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Jose Antonio Font (University of Valencia)
Igor Rodnianski (Princeton University)
Susana Serna (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Mathematics)
Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington, Mathematics)
1.2. Challenges for Witnessing Quantum Aspects of Gravity in a Lab, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-06-07 to 2021-06-11
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Additional Information: https://www.ictp-saifr.org/qgem2021/
Contact: secretary[AT]ictp-saifr.org
Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the significant challenges in modern physics. Along this line, a primary question is whether gravity is a quantum entity subject to quantum mechanical rules. Despite the purported weakness of gravity, the phase evolution induced by the gravitational interaction of two-micron size test masses in adjacent matter-wave interferometers can detectably entangle them via the exchange of graviton mediation even when they are placed far enough apart to keep Casimir-Polder forces at bay. This prescription for witnessing entanglement certifies gravity as a coherent quantum mediator through simple correlation measurements between two spins: one embedded in each test mass known as a QGEM (quantum gravity induced entanglement of masses) protocol.
This workshop will discuss various theoretical and experimental challenges to conceive the QGEM protocol in a lab that will require an unprecedented level of accuracy in witnessing the quantum nature of one of nature's weakest interactions.
No registration fee
1.3. Alternative Gravities and Fundamental Cosmology (ALTECOSMOFUN'21; online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-09-06 to 2021-09-10
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/873762/
Contact: altecosmo20[AT]gmail.com
Dear Colleagues,
In view of the very uncertain situation related to the pandemic of Covid-19, we have decided to hold our conference, "Alternative Gravities and Fundamental Cosmology", entirely online on 6th-10th of September of 2021.
More technical details will be provided in due time to those who register.
The task of the conference is to bring together specialists dealing with the problems of alternative gravities (including quantum gravity, superstring, varying constants, Lorentz violating etc.) both from a theoretical and observational point of view.
The program of the conference will contain 4 plenary morning sessions and 3 afternoon parallel sessions (of 3 sessions each), 1 morning doctoral students' session (up to 3 parallel sessions).
The oral presentations will be selected by the sessions conveners in collaboration with the Scientific Committee. We also plan to publish conference proceedings in the journal "Universe".
Looking forward to "seeing" you.
With compliments,
Mariusz P. Dabrowski (Organizing Committee chair)
Vincenzo Salzano (Scientific Committee chair)
1.4. Flat Asymptotia, Okinawa, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-03-15 to 2021-03-18
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://groups.oist.jp/flat-asymptotia
Contact: aritra.banerjee[AT]oist.jp
The holographic principle, a modern cornerstone in the understanding of quantum gravity, has been around for more than two decades now. Holography is often understood in spacetimes having a negative cosmological constant, via the AdS/CFT duality between gravity in D dimensions and gauge theory living in (D-1) dimensions.
Flat holography seeks to apply similar techniques to arrive at a deeper understanding of scattering processes in flat spacetime. As such, it constitutes a step away from the unrealistic case of negative cosmological constant, and towards quantum gravity in the real world.
In this workshop we will get to learn from the experts the multifaceted developments over the last few years on flat holography, and on the asymptotic symmetries that underlie it.
1.5. Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG16), online
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-07-05 to 2021-07-09
Location: online
Additional Information: http://www.icra.it/mg/mg16/
Contact: mg16[AT]icranet.org
The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG16) will take place virtually from Monday July 5 to Friday July 9, 2021. It will be organized by ICRA (Rome, Italy), ICRANet (Pescara, Italy) and the associated ICRANet centers including Yerevan, Armenia; Minsk, Belarus; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; USTC, China; Isfahan, Iran; Stanford University and the University of Arizona, USA.
The meeting will run on the Indico platform (https://indico.cern.ch/) and video conferencing will be organized using Zoom (https://zoom.us/) After the meeting all videos will be available on YouTube. Each day of the meeting there will be three program blocks of three hours each: one plenary session and two parallel sessions in revolving order to address the three major continental time zones:
Central European Summer Time:
Block 1: 6:30-9:30
Block 2: 9:30-12:30
Block 3: 16:30-19:30
The first day plenary session will start at 9:30 on Monday, the second one at 16:30 on Tuesday, the third one at 6:30 on Wednesday and so on. Each three hour parallel session block will have 10 sessions, and each session will have nine 20 minute talks (including discussion). Plenary sessions will consist of 4 talks of 45 minutes each. Recordings of each plenary session will be available the next day on YouTube.
The registration fees will be:
Regular fee: 150 Euros (up to April 1)
Regular fee: 200 Euros (from April 1)
Reduced fee: 50 Euros (applied to student and auditors)
Reduced fee: 80 Euros (from April 1)
The timeline for meeting activities is:
March 15, 2021: registration opening
April 15, 2021: abstract submission opening
May 15, 2021: registration closure
June 15, 2021: abstract submission closure
Further information will be updated here and available on the website.
Remo Ruffini, University of Rome, on behalf of the International Organizing Committee
Robert Jantzen, Villanova University, on behalf of the International Coordinating Committee
2. Jobs
2.1. Postodoctoral positions in Gravitational Physics and Cosmology, Beijing, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-01
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://physics.bnu.edu.cn/application/research/gravity/index.html
Contact: mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn
The Center for Relativity and Gravitation at Beijing Normal University has four post-doctoral positions opening from July or September 2021 in the following fields: Loop quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, CMB, Large-scale structure formation of the Universe, Gravitational lensing, Numerical relativity, and Gravitational wave astronomy.
The positions include competitive salary (no less than CNY180,000 per year) depending on the qualifications and directions of the applicants. The appointment will be for two years.
The faculty members of the Center include Zhoujian Cao. Sijie Gao, Bin Hu, Wenbiao Liu, Yongge Ma, Hongbao Zhang, and Bin Zhou. The International Advisory Committee of the Center consisits of Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State), Ronggen Cai (ITP, CAS), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw), Canbin Liang (BNU), Hong Liu (MIT), and Zheng Zhao (BNU). The research area of the Center concerns Genenral relativity, Black hole physics, Loop quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, Holographic issue of gravity, Alternative theories of gravity, Numerical relativity and
gravitational wave, Relativistic astrophysics, and Cosmology.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research proposal and arrange to have two recommendation letters (one from the PhD advisor of the applicant)
sent directly to one of the following faculty members:
Zhoujian Cao (zjcao[AT]bnu.edu.cn)
Bin Hu (bhu[AT]bnu.edu.cn)
Yongge Ma (mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn)
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is March 1st, 2021.
2.2. Assistant Professor in Astroparticle Physics at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-06
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://www.employment.ku.edu/academic/18308BR
Contact: kuapsearch2020[AT]ku.edu
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas (KU) seeks outstanding applicants for an assistant professorship in physics (tenure track position) in astroparticle physics (AP), to start August 18, 2021. The KU AP group currently participates on multiple experiments either currently operating, or planned, in the polar regions, and seeks to build on its experience with radio-wave detection of cosmic rays and neutrinos, as well as develop and explore novel instrumentation and cosmic-ray detection strategies and technologies. Over the next decade, we hope to play a seminal role in the design, deployment, and calibration of the IceCube Gen2 radio and PUEO detectors. Candidates with research interests in radio-frequency instrumentation or areas closely related to it and compatible with, and complementing existing efforts in the department are particularly encouraged to apply.
The qualifying candidates must have a doctorate degree in physics or a closely related field. A strong record of research and commitment to excellence in teaching are required.
The University of Kansas is dedicated to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive working and learning environment. Individuals who are committed to furthering these causes are encouraged to apply. We especially welcome applicants from groups traditionally underrepresented in Physics and Astronomy. This includes, but is not limited to, women, racial and ethnic underrepresented minorities, and LGBTQIA individuals as well as those residing at the intersection of these axes. In addition, candidates with experience and/or demonstrated potential to effectively contribute to a diverse and inclusive learning environment are especially encouraged to apply.
In a continuing effort to enrich its academic environment and provide equal educational and employment opportunities, the university actively encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups in higher education. The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the U.S. by the time of appointment
Lawrence, KS is an excellent place to live. It is an affordable and progressive city with a lively arts and music scene, excellent schools, high quality restaurants, economical living, and a diverse cultural mix. It is also only an hour drive from downtown Kansas City.
For a complete announcement and to apply online, go to http://www.employment.ku.edu/academic/18308BR. A complete online application includes the following materials: cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement (up to 5 pages), a teaching statement (up to 2 pages), and the names, e-mail addresses, and contact information for at least three references. Applicants should arrange for electronic letters of reference to be sent to Professor Hume Feldman, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, kuapsearch2020[AT]ku.edu. Applications are being reviewed currently. Late applications will be accepted as long as needed to identify a qualified pool. For full consideration, all application documents and reference letters must be received before this date.
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA[AT]ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center
2.3. Assistant or Associate Professor in Astrophysics, "Digital Transformations", St. Louis, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-15
Location: St. Louis, USA
Additional Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/83721
Contact: krawcz[AT]wustl.edu
The Department of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured faculty appointment in Physics at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor to begin in the fall semester of 2021. A Ph.D. in Physics or a closely related discipline is required at the time of appointment.
We invite applicants in all areas of theoretical, observational, and experimental astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics and nuclear physics who specialize in the use of data-intensive methods, data mining, statistics, large-scale computer simulations, machine learning, neural network, and GPU computing. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, simulations of astrophysical processes (e.g. black hole and neutron star accretion or merger, cosmological simulations), processing large data sets (e.g., gravitational wave, cosmological, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger data sets), and statistical, uncertainty quantification, and Bayesian analyses.
The hire forms part of Washington University's Digital Transformation initiative, in which 14 faculty members are hired in departments across the schools of Arts and Sciences. The ability and willingness to collaborate with colleagues across traditional discipline boundaries will be considered as a strength of the application. Furthermore, a joint appointment with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics can be considered if appropriate. The faculty hire will be a member of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences. The successful candidate will conduct an independent research program, teach typically one class per semester, and advise undergraduate and graduate students. The appointment can begin as soon as Fall 2021.
2.4. Research Computing Facilitator at UMass, Dartmouth, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-01
Location: Dartmouth, MA, USA
Additional Information: http://careers.umassd.edu/dartmouth/en-us/job/506953/professional-tech-i-or…
Contact: sfield[AT]umassd.edu
The Center for Scientific Computing and Visualization Research (CSCVR) at UMass Dartmouth is hiring a Research Computing Technical Facilitator. The position will provide broad computing support for the center, which includes research groups in computational fluid dynamics, astrophysics, relativity, solid and structural mechanics, ocean processes, and data science.
The computing facilitator is encouraged to collaborate with individual researchers on scientific projects, and the successful candidate will have ample opportunities to interact with ongoing projects in gravity and astrophysics.
2.5. Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-04-10
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: http://ccrg.rit.edu
Contact: qxysma[AT]rit.edu
As part of several NASA and NSF collaborative projects, RIT's Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG) is currently seeking to fill one or two postdoctoral research positions with highly qualified individuals interested in pursuing research in the fields of numerical relativity, theoretical and computational astrophysics, with an emphasis on general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics simulations.
We are particularly interested in developing new high-performance algorithms for relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics simulations of binary neutron star coalescences from prior to merger through to the formation of disks and/or collapse of the merged remnant, the production of jets, and launching of outflows. The group is involved in several large collaborations, including the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), The Einstein Toolkit Consortium (einsteintoolkit.org) and a NASA Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network (TCAN) (compact-binaries.org) CCRG researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers such as XSEDE and the TACC's Frontera Supercomputer, as well as a dedicated over 3500-cores cluster and large storage pool hosted at the Center.
Applications should consist of a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. All materials should be sent electronically as soon as possible to: qxysma[AT]rit.edu with a copy to ccrg-postdoc[AT]ccrg.rit.edu. More information about the CCRG is available at http://ccrg.rit.edu/. And about Rochester at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester,_New_York
Application reviews will be begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Starting dates, duration and a competitive salary are negotiable.
2.6. Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Information Science at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-01
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: https://employment.ku.edu/staff/18504BR
Contact: jwu[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher position in quantum information science with the University of Kansas beginning as early as April 1, 2021. Postdoctoral researcher candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in physics by date of appointment and research experience in quantum information science or a related experimental field. The person would work with the University of Kansas quantum information science (QIS) group on the experimental implementation of superconducting quantum/neuromorphic computing. Candidates with relevant interests and experience, especially those who are skilled at UHV thin-film deposition, nanofabrication and cryogenic temperature characterization, are sought.
The University of Kansas QIS group is pursuing a broad and exciting research program, with elements including superconducting neuromorphic computing devices and circuits, nanoscale superconducting quantum interference devices (nanoSQUIDs), and unconventional superconducting qubits. The group's research interests focus on nanoscale quantum devices and circuits for next-generation advanced computing, which has broad impact on many applications, such as homeland security, artificial intelligence, new medicines design etc. The post-doctoral researcher would be expected to participate in many of these activities, taking a leadership role in advancing the group's research program, interacting with and mentoring students, and engaging in creative and independent thought.
For more information and to apply go to https://employment.ku.edu/staff/18504BR. Initial review of applications will begin March 1, 2021 and will continue until a qualified pool of applicants has been identified. Inquiries can be made by email to jwu[AT]ku.edu.
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, retaliation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University's programs and activities. The following persons has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and are the Title IX Coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA[AT]ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011,m 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses).
2.7. Postdoctoral position in relativistic astrophysics, Southampton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-11
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=1338021PJ
Contact: n.a.andersson[AT]soton.ac.uk
The Southampton Gravity Group is offering a postdoctoral position in relativistic astrophysics, starting in the autumn of 2021. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake research within an STFC-funded project to investigate the physics, astrophysics and phenomenology of neutron stars, with a particular focus on binary neutron-star seismology.
The University of Southampton (UK) is home to a large research group in gravitational physics. The Group currently comprises 15 staff members (Nils Andersson, Leor Barack, Oscar Dias, Carsten Gundlach, Ian Hawke, Ian Jones, Carlos Mafra, Andy O'Bannon, Adam Pound, Andreas Schmitt, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor, David Turton, James Vickers and Ben Withers) and a number of postdocs and research students. Research interests in the group cover black-hole and neutron-star physics, gravitational wave astronomy and numerical relativity, and string-inspired gravity and holography. The Group is part of the STAG Research Centre and has close ties with the astronomy and high-energy groups in the Physics and Astronomy department.
In order to be considered for this post, the applicant must have a PhD* or equivalent in Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, or a related discipline and have a track record in at least one of the following research areas: neutron-star astrophysics, gravitational-wave theory, and numerical relativity.
The post is for 2 years, with an extension to 3 years possible, subject to satisfactory performance. Hours would be considered from 0.8 Full time equivalent to full time.
A complete application should include (i) a Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications; (ii) a brief (< 1 page) statement of research interests; and (iii) the names and addresses of two referees.
Applications should be made online via https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancies.aspx , vacancy number 1338021PJ. For informal queries, please contact Nils Andersson at n.a.andersson[AT]soton.ac.uk.
2.8. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) or Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-04-30
Location: Madrid (Spain) or Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Additional Information: http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme
Contact: avrp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives (http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc)
The ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme is open to scientists, at all career levels, affiliated with institutes in ESA Member States and Collaborating States. Early-career scientists (within 10 years of the PhD) are particularly encouraged to apply. PhD students are also welcome to apply through their supervisors.
During their stay, visiting scientists will have access to archives and mission specialists for help with the retrieval, calibration, and analysis of archival data. In principle, all areas of space research covered by ESA science missions can be supported.
Residence lasts typically between one and three months, also distributed over multiple visits. Research projects can be carried out at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) and at ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands). To offset the expenses incurred by visitors, ESA covers travel costs from and to the home institution and provides support for lodging expenses and meals.
Applications received before 30 April 2021 will be considered for visits in autumn/winter (2021/2022).
For further details, including areas of research and contact information, please refer to:
or write to the programme coordinators at avrp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
2.9. Hawking chair in Cosmology, Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-04-12
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/28800/
Contact: c.p.caulfield[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
The Advisory Committee to the Stephen W. Hawking Professorship of Cosmology invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the broad field of cosmology which includes the analysis as to the origins of matter and of the universe, theoretical cosmology and gravitation, and all other fields of academic scholarship as may from time to time be generally considered cosmology and theoretical physics, to take up appointment on 1 October 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Candidates will have an outstanding research record of great international stature. They will have the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence. They will hold a PhD or equivalent postgraduate qualification.
Standard professorial duties include teaching and research, examining, supervision and administration. The Professor will be based in Cambridge. A competitive salary will be offered.
2.10. Professorship of Mathematical Physics, Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-04-06
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/25627/
Contact: c.p.caulfield[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
The Board of Electors to the Professorship of Mathematical Physics (1967) invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the broad framework of quantum field theory, including particle physics, mathematical physics, and quantum gravity. The appointment should be taken up as soon as mutually convenient, and preferably no later than 1 October 2021.
Candidates will have an outstanding research record of international stature in quantum field theory, and the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence. They will hold a PhD or equivalent postgraduate qualification.
Standard professorial duties include teaching and research, examining, supervision and administration. The Professor will be based in Cambridge, in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, (DAMTP) University of Cambridge. A competitive salary will be offered.
2.11. Postdoctoral positions in computational relativity/cosmology/fluid dynamics, IBM, Daresbury, United Kingdom
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-31
Location: Daresbury, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://careers.ibm.com
Contact: eloisa.bentivegna[AT]ibm.com
IBM Research is seeking to fill three postdoctoral positions, with start dates in the second half of 2021. Candidates with a background in any aspect of numerical relativity, computational cosmology, and/or fluid dynamics are invited to apply. Evidence of strong competence in large-scale scientific computing is required. Previous experience with optimization, AI/ML techniques, heterogeneous computing, or past involvement with industrial research projects would be an advantage.
Official job openings will appear on our online system (see external link) shortly. In the meantime, interested candidates are welcome to enquire about the positions and/or forward their CV to Eloisa Bentivegna at the contact above. Applications from traditionally underrepresented groups are especially welcome.
2.12. 1 year post-doctoral position in strong gravity, Aveiro, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-03-26
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Additional Information: http://gravitation.web.ua.pt/node/2764
Contact: herdeiro[AT]ua.pt
A call for a 1 year research position in Strong Gravity, is open within the strong gravity and HEP group at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The group is coordinated by Carlos Herdeiro and includes, as researchers, Eugen Radu, Pedro V. P. Cunha and Nicolas Sanchis-Gual (strong gravity), Antonio Morais and Felipe Freitas (HEP), amongst others, as well as several highly motivated graduate students.
The successful applicant will integrate the team of the research grant "Ultralight dark matter particles, black hole shadows and gravitational waves", CERN/FIS-PAR/0027/2019.
2.13. Two postdoctoral positions in gravitational physics, University of Mississippi, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-04-01
Location: Oxford, MS, USA
Additional Information: https://relativity.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry210227-180500
Contact: lcstein[AT]olemiss.edu
Two postdoctoral positions in gravitational physics at the University of Mississippi, USA
The gravity group at the University of Mississippi invites applications for two postdoctoral researchers in gravitational physics and astrophysics. One postdoctoral position will focus on numerical relativity and tests of theories beyond GR, and will be supported by NSF-2047382. The second postdoctoral position will focus on gravitational-wave astrophysics and data-analysis. Each position is for two years, with potential for renewal for a third year contingent on performance and funding. A PhD in physics/mathematics/astronomy is required by the time of the initial appointment.
The successful applicants will also develop and advance independent research programs, collaborate with UMiss gravity group faculty (Leo Stein, Anuradha Gupta, and Luca Bombelli) on their research, and help to train UM students. UMiss is a member of the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaboration, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), the LISA consortium, and will thus provide ample opportunities to collaborate with other SXS, LSC, and LISA member institutions.
The nominal starting date for the positions is Sep. 1, 2021, but is flexible.
Applicants should submit an application by sending an email to grpostdoc[at]phy.olemiss.edu, including: a complete CV in PDF format (including publication list); a research proposal which covers research interests and experience; and contact information for three professional references who may provide letters. Please arrange for your references to also mail letters to this same address. Use the email subject "Gravity postdoc."
Review of applications will begin Apr. 1, 2021 and will continue until the positions are filled.
Please direct questions about the positions to Anuradha Gupta agupta1[AT]olemiss.edu, and Leo Stein lcstein[AT]olemiss.edu.
The University of Mississippi is an EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity/Title VI/Title VII/Title IX/504/ADA/ADEA employer.
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The general relativistic constraint equations"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/gp/livingreviews/relativity
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on 24 February 2021:
Alessandro Carlotto.
"The general relativistic constraint equations".
Living Rev Relativ 24, 2 (2021).
We present the state-of-the-art concerning the relativistic constraints, which describe the geometry of hypersurfaces in a spacetime subject to the Einstein field equations. We review a variety of solvability results, the construction of several classes of solutions of special relevance and place results in the broader context of mathematical general relativity. Apart from providing an overview of the subject, this paper includes a selection of open questions, as well as a few complements to some significant contributions in the literature.
Please, visit frequently our relativity channel (https://www.springer.com/gp/livingreviews/relativity) at http://livingreviews.org for other news.