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June 2023
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions

02 Jun '23
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. A Multipolar Universe?, Thessaloniki, Greece
1.2. 20th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity, Athens, Greece
1.3. Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics, Petnica, Serbia
1.4. GWs meet EFTs, Benasque, Spain
1.5. DomoSchool 2023: Einstein Equation in the dark side of the Universe, Domodossola, Italy
1.6. IV Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
1.7. Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, London, Canada
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
2.2. Postdoc in ML/GWDA, Trieste, Italy
2.3. One-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
2.4. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
2.5. Postdoctoral researcher position in gravitational-wave physics, Palma, Spain
2.6. Tenure track position in multimessenger astrophysics, Trieste, Italy
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Grant Call
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2023
3.3. Conference of the foundations of spacetime physics, Varna, Bulgaria
3.4. The Twenty-Sixth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
1. Conferences
1.1. A Multipolar Universe?, Thessaloniki, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-07
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/multipolar-universe-workshop/home
Contact: tsagas[AT]astro.auth.gr
Scientific Topic and Scope:
Over the last few years there have been repeated claims of dipolar anisotropies in a variety of cosmological observations. These include dipoles in the number counts of distant astrophysical objects, like quasars and radio galaxies for example, as well as dipoles in certain cosmological parameters, such as the Hubble and the deceleration parameter. In view of these reports, the emerging question is whether the associated observations reflect some underlying generic anisotropy of the universe we live in, whether they are relatively late-time additions, triggered by the ongoing process of structure formation in particular, or they are mere artefacts of our gross misinterpretation of the data.
The workshop will review the above mentioned issues, both from the observational and from the theoretical viewpoint, it will consider possible explanations and will discuss their potential implications for the future of cosmological research.
Confirmed Plenary and Keynote speakers:
Pravabati Chingangbam (IIA, India); Chris Clarkson (QMUL, UK); Chethan Krishnan (IIS, India); Christian Marinoni (Aix-Marseille Univ. France); Konstantinos Migkas (Leiden Univ., NL); David Parkinson (KASSI, South Korea); Leandros Perivolaropoulos (Univ. of Ioannina, Greece); Subir Sarkar (Univ. of Oxford U., UK); Mohammad Sheikh-Jabbari (IPM, Iran)
Christos Tsagas (AUTh); Kerkyra Asvesta (AUTh); Jessica Santiago (AUTh); Leandros Perivolaropoulos (UoI)
1.2. 20th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity, Athens, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-09-11 to 2023-09-14
Location: Athens, Greece
Additional Information: https://indico.physics.auth.gr/event/15/
Contact: thapostol[AT]phys.uoa.gr
The 20th NEB conference on "Recent Developments in Gravity" will be held in Athens, Greece, from the 11th to the 14th of September 2023. NEB20 is an international conference devoted to all aspects of Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, which is organized every two years by the Hellenic Society for Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology.
NEB20 will focus on recent developments in several areas: gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, alternative theories of gravity, mathematical relativity, relativistic cosmology and quantum gravity.
The venue of the conference is the conference center of the Eugenides Foundation, near the coastal line of Faliro (located a few km south of the center of Athens).
The list of invited plenary speakers includes:
Stefanos Aretakis (University of Toronto)
Stanislav Babak ( University of Paris) (TBC)
Christos Charmousis (CNRS - University Paris-Saclay)
David Hilditch (CENTRA) (TBC)
Scott Hughes (MIT)
Alexandr Kamenchtchik (University of Bologna)
Roy Maartens (University of the Western Cape)
Antoine Petiteau (Paris Diderot University)
Adam Pound (Univeristy of Southampton)
Ippocratis Saltas (CEICO, Czech Academy of Sciences)
In addition, there will be a number of invited session speakers (to be announced). We welcome the submission of abstracts for talks in the parallel sessions and for the poster session.
We are looking forward to meeting all interested participants in Athens in September!
With our best regards,
The Organizing Committee
Th. Apostolatos (University of Athens)
G. Kofinas (University of the Aegean)
A. Paliathanasis (Durban University of Technology)
N. Karnesis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
G. Loukes-Gerakopoulos (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
1.3. Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics, Petnica, Serbia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-03 to 2023-08-12
Location: Petnica, Serbia
Additional Information: http://psi.petnica.rs/2023/description.php
Contact: psi[AT]petnica.rs
We are happy to present Petnica Summer Institute 2023 - Summer School on Theoretical Astrophysics. Petnica Summer Institute (PSI) aims to provide lectures to undergraduate and early graduate students by senior PhD students, young postdocs and researchers. PSI is organized every summer in Petnica Science Center (Valjevo, Serbia) and it covers a wide range of topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics. The school is supported by International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, Trieste).
This year we are starting the 3rd cycle of PSI summer schools, with the focus on Astrophysics. A plethora of new observational instruments have either been recently launched or are planned to be launched soon (LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA, EHT, DESI, Euclid, DKIST). This school will provide a theoretical foundation for various astrophysical topics that will allow us to understand the science cases of the probes from the solar system to cosmological scales.
The aim: The school aims to provide an intensive and thorough course on a broad range of astrophysical topics. The school is not limited to lectures, but will also include daily discussion sessions, problem solving and independent work.
For whom: The school is intended for senior undergraduate and early graduate (MSc) students mainly from the Balkans region/Southeast Europe. All lectures will be given in English, so we also welcome students from anywhere abroad. Exceptional younger students and interested graduate students will also be considered.
By whom: Lectures will be given by senior PhD students, postdocs, but also by some senior researchers. Lecturers come from various European and US institutions.
Application procedure: In order to apply, please fill the form on the website http://psi.petnica.rs/2023/apply.php . One letter of recommendation should be sent to psi (at) petnica.rs directly by a referee.
The application deadline is: Jun 4th, 2023. Please make sure that you apply and the letter of recommendation is sent by this date! Late applications will be considered in case of available places, but the applicants will not be granted any financial support. The full expenses for meals and accommodation are 400 Euros per participant (there is no participation fee). The organizers will be able to provide a partial or full financial support for a number of students, with priority given to students from the Balkans region/Southeast Europe.
Core topics: Theoretical Spectroscopy; Stellar Structure and Evolution; Galactic Dynamics and Galaxy Evolution; Introduction to Cosmology; Computational Astrophysics; Gravitational Waves; High Energy Astrophysics; Accretion Discs and Planetary Systems
Lecturers on site: Giovanni Cabass (IAS, Princeton); Nicola Franchini (APC, Paris); Marija Jankovic (IPB, Belgrade); Ivan Milic (KIS, Freiburg); Stanislav Milosevic (University of Belgrade)
Additional topics and lecturers will be announced on the website.
organising committee (psi[AT]petnica.rs)
1.4. GWs meet EFTs, Benasque, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-08-21 to 2023-08-25
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: www.benasque.org/2023mcs/.
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
This is the second circular to announce the upcoming workshop on "GWs meet EFTs" to be held from August 21 to 25, 2023 at the Science Center in Benasque in the Spanish Pyrenees. The workshop will focus on gravitational EFTs and ways to explore them with observations and simulations of gravitational wave emitting systems.
Registration is now open (until June 30th) and you can find all the information at https://www.benasque.org/2023mcs/. Invited speakers include:
- Cliff Burgess
- Antonio Padilla
- Miguel Zumalacarragui
- Filipo Vernizzi
- Alessandra Silvestri
- Felix Julie
- Luis Lehner
- Pau Figueras
- Helvi Witek
- Aaron Held
- Maxence Corman
- Harald Pfeiffer
- Tessa Baker
- Andrea Maselli
- Dina Traykova
- Eugeny Babichev
- Mariana Carrillo
- Marco Crisostomi
- Tanja Hinderer*
- Leo Stein*
(* to be confirmed)
Besides the spectacular location, Benasque is a very family friendly place. In particular, there will be the possibility of childcare during the conference.
Best wishes,
Enrico Barausse, Laura Bernard and Miguel Bezares
1.5. DomoSchool 2023: Einstein Equation in the dark side of the Universe, Domodossola, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-17 to 2023-07-21
Location: Domodossola, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.arsunivco.eu/2023/02/domoschool-2023-einstein-equation-in-the-d…
Contact: sergio.cacciatori[AT]uninsubria.it
The Domoschool 2023 edition wants to focus on these issues: one of the most debated current topics in the scientific environment concerns the dynamics of galaxies. The problem concerns both the cosmological scales, given that the galaxies appear to move away from each other with increasing acceleration, and the galactic scales since the gases that form the surrounding halo appear to rotate around each galaxy at a much greater speed than predicted by the Newton theory of gravitation.
In the first case, a standard interpretation is to attribute the relative acceleration between the galaxies to an expansion of the universe caused by the presence of an energy that exerts pressure on the whole universe causing its expansion. This energy is called dark energy. In the second case, however, the gas motion seems compatible with the fact that the mass present in the given region is much greater than that which can be observed directly. So we can imagine that in addition to the visible mass, there is also some non-visible matter distributed around each galaxy, which considerably increases the mass of the galaxies. This is called dark matter.
To explain the movements of the observed universe we arrive at the conclusion that ordinary matter should constitute only 5% of all matter in the universe, while about 68% would be dark energy and 27% dark matter. While dark energy is compatible with the presence of a cosmological constant, hypothesized by Einstein over a century ago, the nature of dark matter is much more mysterious, so much so that an alternative school of thought proposes instead the absence of dark matter (never revealed in any experiment to date) in favor of new laws of universal gravitation at ultra-galactic scales (MOND theories). A third stream instead investigates the possibility that non-Newtonian effects of general relativity could help settle the issue by decreasing the amount of dark matter needed to explain galactic motions.
The aim of the school is to introduce Ph.D. students, postdocs, and young researchers, both in mathematics and physics, to this topic.
Courses will be conducted at Ph.D. level by world-leading experts.
Moreover, students will have the opportunity to give 20 minutes talks presenting their research on themes related to the main topics of the courses.
Informal discussions will be strongly encouraged, and specific time slots (short talks) will be reserved for this important part of the school.
The school is mainly dedicated to PhD students, postdocs and young researchers, but interaction with and among professors will be also encouraged.
1.6. IV Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-07-03 to 2023-07-07
Location: Moscow, Russia
Additional Information: https://pirt.bmstu.ru/en/international-school/
Contact: dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru
The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, is arranging the 4th Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics ISGCA-2023 for students, post-graduates and young scientists. The School will be held in the Educational and Laboratory Building of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on July 3-7, 2023.
The School is chaired by the President of the Russian Gravity Society, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Aleksey Starobinskiy (chair), and the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Vladimir Gladyshev (co-chair).
The main goals of the School are to discuss modern accomplishments in studying the Universe, tackle the main problems, share ideas and methods of research in the theory of gravity and cosmology. The School will become an event where prominent researchers from different countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on gravity, cosmology and astrophysics.
The School will welcome both in-person and virtual participants and provide simultaneous interpreting for foreign guests. Each ISGCA-2023 participant will receive an international certificate.
The School will host world-famous scientists from many countries, students from Bauman Moscow State Technical University and from other leading Russian and world universities.
If you wish to attend the ISGCA-2023, you are invited to register on the School website.
1.7. Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, London, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-11-10 to 2023-11-12
Location: London, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.beyondspacetime.net
Contact: huggett[AT]uic.edu
The Beyond Spacetime project and the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, invite proposals to speak at the upcoming conference Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Beyond Spacetime, on the philosophy of quantum gravity and cosmology, to be held 10-12 November 2023 at Western University. Selected speakers will have accommodation and most meals provided.
We are planning for 10 speakers - a mix of philosophers and physicists - with commentators, over two and a half days (finishing at lunch on the 12th, to allow return travel that evening). The meeting will be capped at 30 people to encourage interaction.
The following have accepted invitations to speak:
* Feraz Azhar (Notre Dame)
* Jamee Elder (BHI/Harvard)
* Laurent Freidel (Perimeter)
* Sean Gryb (Groningen)
* Katie Mack (Perimeter)
* Lee Smolin (Perimeter)
We are open to any topics exploring philosophical aspects of quantum gravity and cosmology. We hope to foster new directions and new collaborations in the field.
Please submit a title, abstract, and CV to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=coqubes23 by June 30th, 2023.
The conference website can be found on http://www.beyondspacetime.net.
The organizing committee:
Nick Huggett (UIC)
Chris Smeenk (Western)
Francesca Vidotto (Western)
Christian Wuethrich (Geneva)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Numerical Relativity, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-30
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de
Contact: tpi-bewerbungen[AT]uni-jena.de
The numerical relativity group at the University of Jena anticipates the availability of up to three PhD positions in September 2023.
The positions are associated with the research group of Prof. Bernd Bruegmann at the TPI Jena. There is the opportunity to participate in a wide range of research activities in the area of general relativity and related fields. Applicants with a background in numerical relativity, gravitational wave science, or associated computational and mathematical methods are especially encouraged to apply.
Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of three potential referees, who may be contacted separately. To qualify for the position, applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in Physics or related fields.
Applications should be received no later than June 30, 2023, but applications will be considered until the position is filled. In a situation where two candidates have otherwise equal qualifications, preference will be given to handicapped applicants.
Please send applications to (preferably via email and as a single PDF document):
Katrin Kanter
Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena
2.2. Postdoc in ML/GWDA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-08-31
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: www.sissa.it
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for one postdoctoral position in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in January 2024.
The position is part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI).
We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply.
We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.
SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/) as well as many other national and international institutions.
Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and a statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the positions are filled.
For inquiries and applications, please contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it) or Enrico Barausse (barausse[AT]sissa.it) directly
2.3. One-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-09
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: http://www.fc.ul.pt/pt/concursos
Contact: nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt
The Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco (IA) welcomes applications to the international call (reference no. 4289) for the recruitment of a postdoctoral fellow with a PhD degree, within the scope of the project BEYLA: BEYond LAmbda (Ref. PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021), with P.I. Dr. Noemi Frusciante. The fellowship is expected to start before the end of 2023 and will have a duration of up to 1 year until the closure of the BEYLA Project. The work place will be in Lisbon and the candidate will work in collaboration with Noemi Frusciante.
Portuguese nationals, foreign and stateless persons may submit applications to this selection procedure, provided they hold a doctoral degree in Physics or Astrophysics (or similar areas) (foreign degree needs a Portuguese recognition by the time of signing the fellowship, please check the eligibility criteria at DGES webpage.
Candidates should have specialised skills and/or expertise in the field of Cosmology, and fully comply with the following requirements:
a) Demonstrated previous scientific experience in modified theories of gravity;
b) Demonstrated scientific experience in one or more of these areas: tests of gravity; parameter estimation, forecasts, modeling of the non-linear regime to probe smaller scales, gravitational waves;
c) Numerical skills in building the appropriate numerical tools.
Applications can be sent to nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt and they have to include the following documents:
i. CV;
ii. A motivation letter (max 2 pages);
iii. Up to five publications relevant for the objectives of the Work Plan (published in the last 5 years);
iv. Certificate of completion of previous degree
v. Two reference letters
2.4. Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-18
Location: Cracow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/153462722/Information+on+se…
Contact: ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for the position of an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the research and teaching staff member group for the period of 33 months starting October 1, 2023 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The candidates must hold the PhD degree in theoretical physics. We expect from the candidates: strong interest in research, significant research achievements confirmed by a good publication record, ability to carry out independent research and experience in teaching work. International research experience, participation and leading positions in research grants will be advantageous.
The successful candidates will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to their research interests, carry out research in theoretical physics, and take part in teaching activities in Polish and/or English at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found under the provided url or it may be obtained upon request to ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 18, 2023, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by July 14, 2023.
2.5. Postdoctoral researcher position in gravitational-wave physics, Palma, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-06-30
Location: Palma, Spain
Additional Information: http://grg.uib.es/
Contact: david.keitel[AT]uib.es
The gravitational physics group at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) in Palma, Spain, is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join and extend our efforts in gravitational-wave data analysis. They will work primarily with Dr. David Keitel towards the first detection and scientific exploitation of one or both of the following: (i) gravitationally lensed GWs from compact binaries, (ii) continuous waves and long-duration transients from spinning neutron stars.
The exact research projects are open to discussion based on the applicant's background and interests. Focus should be on short- and mid-term activities with data from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA detectors, but can also include applications to future detectors such as LISA and the Einstein Telescope. Previous experience in practical GW data analysis is preferable, though candidates from related research areas with strong backgrounds in scientific computing and programming, Bayesian inference and/or machine learning, and source modelling are also highly welcome to apply.
The starting day for the contract can be negotiated, but ideally would be between October 2023 and January 2024. The initial appointment will be for 1.5 years, with possible extension subject on satisfactory performance and funding availability.
The GRAVITY research group at UIB is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope collaboration, and the LISA consortium. The group also includes two senior LSC members (group PI Prof. Alicia Sintes and Prof. Sascha Husa), relativity expert Prof. Jaume Carot, and currently 8 postdocs, 7 PhD students, and 5 master students active in waveform modelling, numerical relativity and GW data analysis areas including parameter estimation, tests of GR, lensing, cosmology, and continuous waves. There are also several more experts on relativity in the physics department at UIB, and interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities within the IAC3 institute. The usual language of scientific work in the group is English. Computing is carried out using an in-house high-performance computer cluster, and external resources such as the Mare Nostrum supercomputer or the LIGO data grid. For further details, see: http://grg.uib.es
Applications should be submitted by 2023-06-30 for full consideration, but may still be considered until end of July or until the position is filled. Candidates should hold a PhD, or expect to have it defended by the start of the appointment. Please send a cover letter, 2-page research statement, CV, and either PhD certificate or indication of expected defense date to: david.keitel[at]uib.es Remote interviews may be conducted if required. For questions on the scientific scope of the position or the application procedure, please contact David Keitel in advance of submitting an application.
2.6. Tenure track position in multimessenger astrophysics, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-10-15
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24931
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics and Astrophysics and Cosmology groups at the "Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati" (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, invite expressions of interest for a faculty position from outstanding candidates with a strong research record in multi-messenger astronomy and astrophysics, including gravitational waves, neutrinos, gamma rays, galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays, electromagnetic waves, as well as related plasma processes. The appointment procedure will be activated at the assistant professor, tenure-track, level.
The successful candidate is expected to work as an independent principal investigator, promoting and leading research activities to complement the current expertise of the present SISSA groups, as well as to attract external funds, take an active part in the SISSA PhD teaching programme, and supervise graduate students (selected on a competitive basis and funded by bursaries provided by SISSA). Expressions of interest should be sent (in English and via Academic Jobs Online only) preferably by Oct 15, 2023. They should include:
1. Curriculum Vitae and the names of at least three referees.
2. Description of current research interests.
3. List of ten publications of greatest interest for the selection.
The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) is a leading research and training institution (PhD School) located in Trieste, Italy. The campus is in a green area on the hills close to Trieste and is efficiently connected to the city by public transport. SISSA offers to its community top tier research facilities (e.g. High Performance Computing facilities) and services (canteen and kindergarten services located on site). The Physics Area at SISSA has connections with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and the National Council for Research (CNR). SISSA is also a founding member of several research Institutes such as IFPU, IGAP and TQT. More information on research in Physics at SISSA can be found at www.sissa.it.
Applications should be submitted by October 15, 2023, but the position will remain open until it is filled.
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Grant Call
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://blaumannfoundation.org
The Blaumann Foundation offers research grants of amounts between 1,000 and 30,000 EUR for fundamentals of physics projects, which fall within the general themes of interest of the foundation: Nature of time, nature of space, nature of observers, conceptual structure to understand extreme phenomena of the universe, fundamental questions of complexity and emergence. See Blaumann scientific objectives for a precise delimitation of the research times taken into consideration.
Examples of funded activities are
- Periods of study and stay in research centres. Invitations for collaborations with research groups.
- Scholarships, lasting up to one year for research periods on topics of specific interest to the foundation.
- Partial contribution for postdoctoral scholarships and PhD scholarships.
- Financial support for workshops, physics schools, conferences.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for attending meetings, schools or conferences.
- Any other specific or complementary study or research activity deemed useful for the achievement of the purposes of the foundation itself.
The selection of projects will take place at the end of June 2023. The Foundation allocates a total of 40.000 EUR for this selection. The selection will give priority to the relevance of the projects with the objectives of the foundation and to their scientific quality. Projects requiring smaller amounts are taken into consideration as a priority.
The questions, written in English or in Italian, can be sent via email and in a single pdf file, to the address below, by 15 June 2023. The questions must contain a detailed reason that clarifies in particular the relevance of the project for the Foundation's objectives, a CV of the proposer, and a budget scheme, if appropriate.
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2023
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2023.
1. $4,000 - Equivalence principle, de-Sitter space, and cosmological twistors by Maciej Dunajski, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.; email: M.Dunajski[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
2. $700 - Emergence of Quantum Field Theory in Causal Diamonds by Tom Banks, NHETC and Department of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019; email: tibanks[AT]ucsc.edu
3. $600 - The universality of black hole thermodynamics by Samir D. Mathur and Madhur Mehta, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; email: mathur.16[AT]osu.edu, mehta.493[AT]osu.edu
4. $500 - Black holes that are too cold to respect cosmic censorship by Shahar Hod, The Ruppin Academic Center, Emeq Hefer 40250, Israel and The Hadassah Institute, Jerusalem 91010, Israel; email: shaharhod[AT]gmail.com
5. $400 - What are neutron stars made of? Gravitational waves may reveal the answer by Neil Lu, Susan M. Scott, and Karl Wette, Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav); email: Neil.Lu[AT]anu.edu.au, Susan.Scott[AT]anu.edu.au, Karl.Wette[AT]anu.edu.au
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order): Akindele Adekugbe-Joseph; Emily Adlam; Shraddha Agrawal; Ahmed Farag Ali and Nader Inan; Ana Alonso-Serrano and Marek Liska; Sudarshan Ananth and Sucheta Majumdar; Julio Arrechea and Carlos Barcelo; Tjarda C. N. Boekholt, Simon F. Portegies Zwart, and Douglas C. Heggie; Jens Boos; Suddhasattwa Brahma and Abhinove Nagarajan Seenivasan; John Bruce Davies; L.H.A. de Lange; Mir Faizal; Arthur E. Fischer; Joshua Foo, Robert B. Mann, and Magdalena Zych; Laurent Freidel, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Robert G. Leigh, and Djordje Minic; Rene' Friedrich; Daniele Funaro; Abhishek Goswami; Johan Hansson; Gustavo O. Heymans, Gastao Krein, and Nami F. Svaiter; Vu B Ho; Jose' Luis Jaramillo, Badri Krishnan, and Carlos F. Sopuerta; Vaibhav Kalvakota; Bernard S. Kay; Arno Keppens; R. A. Konoplya; Dawood Kothawala; Musfar Muhamed Kozhikkal and Shafeeq Rahman Thottoli; Ashu Kushwaha, Sunil Malik, and S. Shankaranarayanan;
Carlos O. Lousto and James Healy; Morgan Henry Lynch; Tyler McMaken; Sebastian Murk; Hoang Ky Nguyen; Jonathan Oppenheim; Geovanny A. Rave-Franco and Celia Escamilla-Rivera; Fil Simovic; Javad Tabatabaei, Abdolali Banihashemi, Shant Baghram, and Bahram Mashhoon; Asher Yahalom.
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays are posted on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays are also posted on our website and will be published in the October 2023 SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD).
3.3. Conference of the foundations of spacetime physics, Varna, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://minkowskiinstitute.org/meetings/2023/
The Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics will be held in the famous Black Sea resort "Albena" (near Varna, Bulgaria) from 11 to 14 September 2023:
It will commemorate the 115th anniversary of Minkowski's 1908 world-view-changing lecture "Space and Time," which presented the novel ideas of the spacetime structure of the world and the four-dimensional physics of spacetime. In addition to technical papers on spacetime physics, papers on closely related topics, including on conceptual issues of spacetime physics, will be also welcome.
If relevant abstracts are submitted, there will be a special session on how Hermann Minkowski, had he been alive in 1915, might have reformulated Einstein's general relativity: whether gravitational phenomena can be fully accounted for by the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime without the need to assume that gravitation is a physical interaction; in 1921 Eddington mentioned this possibility explicitly - "gravitation as a separate agency becomes unnecessary" (A. S. Eddington, The Relativity of Time, Nature 106, 802-804, 17 February 1921).
Contributed papers in the form of extended abstracts of up to two pages should be emailed to minkowski2023[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org by June 15, 2023. Submissions will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by June 30, 2023.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University)
Valeria Ferrari (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
David Garfinkle (Okland University)
Robert Geroch (University of Chicago)
James Isenberg (University of Oregon)
Claus Kiefer (University of Cologne)
Vesselin Petkov (Minkowski Institute, Montreal)
Carlo Rovelli (Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy)
Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College London, University of London)
Nick Woodhouse (University of Oxford, Clay Mathematics Institute)
3.4. The Twenty-Sixth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2023_05_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twenty-sixth release (code name "Karl Schwarzschild") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community-developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The major changes in this release include:
* kuibit 1.4.0, which, in addition to bug fixes, improves support for working with horizon data, timer data, and higher rank objects (See release notes for more details).
Two new arrangements and thorns have been added:
* The FUKA reader for numerical relativity initial data
* TwoPunctures_BBHSF for binary black hole with scalar fields initial data
New capabilities for existing codes:
* Baikal and BaikalVacuum have been updated to have READ/WRITE declarations for automated ghost zone synchronization. Several variable groups (such as RHS variables) are also no longer included in checkpoint/restart operations.
* particle_tracerET can now output the particles' four-velocity (contravariant and covariant); added support for binary output format; removed limit on the number of tracer particles
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in November 2022 have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model, and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve staff and faculty from five different institutions and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org, or contact the users mailing list users[AT]einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157/2004044/2004311/2004879/2003893 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
The "Schwarzschild" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2023-05-24)
Leonardo Werneck, Samuel Cupp, Beyhan Karakas, Bing-Jyun Tsao, Cheng-Hsin Cheng, Jake Doherty, Konrad Topolski, Peter Diener, Roland Haas, Steven R. Brandt, Terrence Pierre Jacques, Thiago Assumpcao, Giuseppe Ficarra, Samuel Tootle, Zachariah Etienne