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May 2013
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop, Pune, India
1.2. Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting 2013, Mallorca, Spain
1.3. Reduced Order Modeling in General Relativity, Caltech, USA
1.4. ESI-EMS-IAMP Summer school on Mathematical Relativity, Vienna, Austria
1.5. Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT'13), Bloomington, Indiana
1.6. Black Holes IX - Theory and Mathematical Aspects, Saskatchewan, Canada
1.7. Dark Side of the Universe 2013, Trieste, Italy
1.8. Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting (ERE2013) - Second Circular
1.9. 16th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Dublin, Ireland (2nd announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1. Lectureship in Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, Cambridge
2.2. Postdoctoral position in General Relativistic MHD at RCAAM, Athens, Greece
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in General Relativity and Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetimes in Para', Brazil
3. News
3.1. New book: "Heart of Darkness-Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe" by Jeremiah P. Ostriker and Simon Mitton
3.2. New Book: "General Relativity: 1972 Lecture Notes" by Robert Geroch
3.3. Llama Multi-Block Infrastructure publicly available
1. Conferenes
1.1. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop, Pune, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-12-17 to 2013-12-20
Location: Pune, India
Additional Information: http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/~gwpaw/
Contact: gwpaw[AT]iucaa.ernet.in
First Circular for GWPAW 2013
Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop
17-20 December, 2013, Pune, India
Dear Colleagues,
The next Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW) will be held in Pune, India from 17-20 December 2013. It will be hosted by the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune. GWPAW was formerly called GWDAW. It is a general meeting on the physics and astronomy of gravitational waves, techniques for their detection, and interpretation of data and results. The primary purpose of this early first circular is to apprise prospective attendees of the meeting dates so that they may take them into account, e.g., when they plan for their year-end travel. More information about this meeting will be posted soon at: http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/~gwpaw
Most participants that are not Indian Citizens or holders of the OCI / PIO card will require an Indian visa to visit Pune. The second circular, which will be announced this summer, will contain instructions on visa procurement. It will also contain important deadlines for registration, abstract submission, and accommodation.
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee I am looking forward to welcoming you in Pune in December 2013.
Sukanta Bose
Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)
Post Bag 4
Ganeshkhind, Pune University Campus
Pune 411 007, India
1.2. Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting 2013, Mallorca, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-09-18 to 2013-09-21
Location: Pollentia Resort, Mallorca, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.grg.uib.es/NRDA13
Contact: gravity.uib.contact[AT]gmail.com
Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting
18-21 September, 2013, Club Pollentia Resort, Mallorca, Spain
The next Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis Meeting (NRDA) will be held at the Club Pollentia Resort, Mallorca, Spain, from 18-21 September 2013, and hosted by the Gravitational Physics Group at the University of the Balearic Islands.
The purpose of the meeting will be to bring together numerical relativists, gravitational wave data analysts, analytical relativists and a wider gravitational wave physics audience to advance the interface of numerical simulations of the Einstein equations with gravitational wave observations.
The meeting program will start on September 18 in the morning, and conclude with lunch on September 21.
Participants traveling to the LVC meeting will find several daily direct flights to Hannover available.
For further information on the meeting see the website http://www.grg.uib.es/NRDA13/
The meeting will be held at a four-star resort located in a nature reserve on the coast of Mallorca. A block of 50 rooms has been reserved on an all inclusive board basis until ** May 28th **, afterwards we cannot guarantee hotel reservation or price. Cancellations before Sep 10, 2013 do not incur a cancellation fee [in case of last minute cancellations our travel agent will try to negotiate a full or partial waiver of standard hotel cancellation fees].
Note that there is no alternative accommodation available in the immediate vicinity - accommodation should therefore be booked ** before May 28 ** (further hotels are however available within a few km radius).
1.3. Reduced Order Modeling in General Relativity, Caltech, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-06-06 to 2013-06-07
Location: Pasadena, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~rom-gr/index.html
Contact: rom-gr[AT]tapir.caltech.edu
We are pleased to announce the first workshop on "Reduced Order Modeling in General Relativity" to be held at the sunny California Institute of Technology on June 6-7, 2013. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers from gravitation physics, numerical computing, and applied mathematics to foster interactions in an open environment of multi-disciplinary discussion and collaboration.
There will be a series of accessible review talks aimed at non-experts about a number of topics including: gravitational wave physics, reduced order modeling, gravitational wave data analysis, approximation theory, numerical relativity, compressed sensing, and more.
We invite contributions for posters in these and related areas. There will also be a workshop dinner event provided on June 6th. You may register through the workshop's website:
Further information can be found at the website, which will be updated regularly.
We look forward to seeing you at Caltech this June!
Manuel Tiglio
Jan Hesthaven
Scott Field
Chad Galley
1.4. ESI-EMS-IAMP Summer school on Mathematical Relativity, Vienna, Austria
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-28 to 2014-08-01
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: http://homepage.univie.ac.at/piotr.chrusciel/SummerSchool2014/
Contact: SummerSchool2014.esi[AT]univie.ac.at
Mathematical General Relativity is a timely topic, with outstanding recent progress in the field by many authors, with growing interest both in the physics and mathematical community. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to the topics which are currently being studied. The target audience is graduate students and postdocs, both physicists and mathematicians, interested in mathematical general relativity.
There will be 25 hours of lectures, as follows:
"Crash course on differential geometry" (speaker to be determined);
"Introduction to general relativity" by Helmut Friedrich (AEI Golm);
"Lorentzian causality" by Gregory Galloway (Miami);
"Constraint equations" by Justin Corvino (Lafayette);
"The Evolution problem in General Relativity" by Hans Ringstroem (KTH Stockholm):
"Wave equations on black hole space-times" by Gustav Holzegel (Imperial, London);
The members of the scientific committee are Robert Beig (Vienna), Piotr T. Chrusciel (Vienna), Mihalis Dafermos (Princeton), Helmut Friedrich (AEI Golm), Gregory Galloway (Miami), and Richard Schoen (Stanford).
1.5. Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT'13), Bloomington, Indiana
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-06-17 to 2013-06-21
Location: Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Additional Information: http://www.indiana.edu/~lorentz/cpt13
Contact: kostelec[AT]indiana.edu
The Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry will be held in the Physics Department, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, on June 17-21, 2013. The meeting will focus on tests of these fundamental symmetries and on related theoretical issues, including scenarios for possible violations. You are cordially invited to attend and participate in this event. Topics to be covered include:
Experimental and observational searches for CPT and Lorentz violation involving
- accelerator and collider experiments
- atomic, nuclear, and particle decays
- birefringence, dispersion, and anisotropy in cosmological sources
- clock-comparison measurements
- CMB polarization
- electromagnetic resonant cavities and lasers
- tests of the equivalence principle
- gauge and Higgs particles
- high-energy astrophysical observations
- laboratory and gravimetric tests of gravity
- matter interferometry
- neutrino oscillations and propagation, neutrino-antineutrino mixing
- oscillations and decays of K, B, D mesons
- particle-antiparticle comparisons
- post-newtonian gravity in the solar system and beyond
- second- and third-generation particles
- sidereal and annual time variations, compass asymmetries
- space-based missions
- spectroscopy of hydrogen and antihydrogen
- spin-polarized matter
- time-of-flight measurements
Theoretical and phenomenological studies of CPT and Lorentz violation involving
- physical effects at the level of the Standard Model, General Relativity, and beyond
- origins and mechanisms for violations
- classical and quantum field theory, particle physics, classical and quantum gravity, string theory
- mathematical foundations, Finsler geometry
Information about the meeting and online registration, including instructions on submitting a talk or poster, are available on the meeting web site.
1.6. Black Holes IX - Theory and Mathematical Aspects, Saskatchewan, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-05-12 to 2013-05-16
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Additional Information: https://ocs.usask.ca/conf/index.php/blackholes/blackholesix
Contact: masoud.ghezelbash[AT]usask.ca
Black Holes IX - Theory and Mathematical Aspects
University of Saskatchewan, CANADA
May 12, 2013 - May 16, 2013
Invited Speakers (in alphabetical order):
Ivan Booth
Ramin Daghigh
Saurya Das
Rainer Dick
Valeri Frolov
Jack Gegenberg
David Hobill
Viqar Husain
Gabor Kunstatter
Kayll Lake
Robert Mann
Don Page
Kristin Schleich
Rafael Sorkin
William Unruh
Ethan Vishniac
Black Holes IX-Theory & Mathematical aspects will be held in Saskatoon, SK, Canada from May 12 (arrival date) to May 16 (departure time), 2013. This conference is the 9th conference on the Theory and Mathematical aspects of Black Holes held every two years in Canada. We are encouraging graduate students to attend and present their research in the meeting.
The meeting covers a wide variety of topics such as exact black hole solutions of Einstein's equations in higher and lower dimensions, the search for and properties of astrophysical black holes, uniqueness theorems, black hole thermodynamics, dark matter and dark energy, loop-quantum gravity and string-theoretic approaches to black hole physics, gauge-gravity duality, numerical studies of black hole collisions, gravitational wave production in systems containing black holes, and critical gravitational collapse.
1.7. Dark Side of the Universe 2013, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-10-14 to 2013-10-17
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.sissa.it/ap/events/DarkSide/index.htm
Contact: mariafelicia.delaurentis[AT]gmail.com
DSU are a series of international workshops bringing together a wide range of theorists and experimentalists to discuss current ideas on models of the dark side and relate them to current and future experiments. Topics covered include: dark matter, dark energy, cosmic rays, neutrino physics, cosmology, astrophysical analysis of galactic halos, physics beyond the standard model, etc.
Topics of the workshop:
Observational Cosmology. Planck results.
Dark Energy: origin, evolution and observational properties.
Observational properties of Galaxies.
Dark Matter in Galaxies, Groups and Clusters.
Old and New Dark Matter candidates.
Direct and Indirect Dark Matter searches.
Simulations in Galaxy/Cluster Formation.
Abandoning the LCDM Universe paradigm?
Ultra high energy cosmic rays.
Modifying Newton-Einstein Theory of Gravity?
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Pyungwon Ko (KIAS, South Korea)
Carlos Muñoz (UAM/IFT, Spain)
Christiane Frigerio Martins (UFF Brasil)
Shaban Khalil (BUE, Egypt)
Keith Olive (Minnesota University, USA)
Csaba Balazs (Monash University, Australia)
David Delepine (Guanajauato University, Mexico)
Qaisar Shafi (Delaware University, USA)
Yu-Feng Zhou (KITPC/ITP-CAS, China)
Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy)
Local Organizing Committee:
Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy)
Andrea Lapi (SISSA, Italy)
Gigi Danese (SISSA, Italy)
Piero Ullio (SISSA, Italy)
Mariafelicia De Laurentis (SISSA, Italy)
1.8. Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting (ERE2013) - Second Circular
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-09-09 to 2013-09-12
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.benasque.org/2013ere/
Contact: sopuerta[AT]ieec.uab.es
Reminder: Application deadline is May 31
This is the second circular of the Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meeting (ERE2013), an international conference to be held at the Pedro Pascual Center of Science, Benasque, Spain, from September 9 to September 12, 2013.
This year the conference is organized by the groups in Barcelona (Departament de Fisica Fonamental, Univ. Barcelona, Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (CSIC-IEEC), Departament de Fisica and IFAE, Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona). ERE 2013 will cover most of the areas of modern General Relativity - from cosmology and gravitational waves, to quantum gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence and its applications.
On Tuesday, September 10th, there will be a session dedicated to the memory of Jose Alberto Lobo, a much esteemed and sorely missed member of our group and of the Spanish relativity community, who passed away on 30 September 2012. Prof. Lobo played a major role in boosting the research on gravitational radiation in Spain.
The program will run from the morning of 9 September until the evening of 12 September. Participants are expected to arrive in Benasque on 8 September and depart on 13 September. Please note that the Benasque Center will provide bus transportation from and to Barcelona for participants staying through the entire duration of the conference.
The web registration for the workshop is open at the conference website
Registration fees:
SEGRE members: 200 Euros (250 Euros after 1 July 2013)
Non SEGRE members: 250 Euros (300 Euros after 1 July 2013)
The registration fee will cover bus transportation from and to Barcelona, refreshments, and a conference dinner. If you want to join the SEGRE society (http://www.segre.es/es/presentacion.shtml) you can do so by going to http://www.segre.es/docs/membership.pdf.
The meeting will consist of plenary sessions with talks by invited speakers in the morning, and contributed talks in parallel sessions in the afternoon. The list of invited speakers is:
Invited Speakers
- Carlos Barcelo (IAA Granada)
- Jose Juan Blanco-Pillado (U. Pais Vasco)
- Diego Blas (CERN)
- Karsten Danzmann (AEI and Hannover U.)
- Oscar Dias (Saclay SPhT)
- Cesar Gomez (IFT-U. Autonoma de Madrid)
- Carlos Herdeiro (U. Aveiro)
- Kyriakos Papadodimas (CERN & U. Groningen)
- Bernard Schutz (AEI Golm)
- Alicia Sintes (U. Illes Balears)
- Licia Verde (ICREA & U. Barcelona)
Participants who would like to contribute a talk in the parallel sessions can apply by submitting a title and abstract in the registration website. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 June 2013. Participants will be informed shortly afterwards whether their contribution has been accepted.
There will not be a proceedings volume, but we are considering the possibility that the slides or write-ups of the talks be made available online.
The SEGRE society has a limited number of grants to support expenses of some Ph.D. students. The grants can cover the registration fee and/or accommodation and/or travel expenses. The application for financial support can be made through the registration website. Participants will be informed of the decision by 20 June 2013.
The Benasque Center for Science provides a stimulating environment for research. Benasque is a picturesque village nestled in the Spanish Pyrenees. The beautiful mountain atmosphere provides for many outdoor activities - for further information please consult http://www.benasque.org/
We look forward to seeing you in Benasque,
The organizers of ERE2013
Roberto Emparan
Jaume Garriga
Josep Llosa
Oriol Pujolas
Carlos Sopuerta
1.9. 16th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Dublin, Ireland (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-07-15 to 2013-07-19
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: http://maths.ucd.ie/capra16/
Contact: capra16[AT]maths.ucd.ie
The 16th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will be hosted by the School of Mathematical Sciences at University College Dublin, marking its first return to Ireland since 1999 when the 2nd Capra Meeting was also held in UCD. The meeting will run from the 15th to 19th of July 2013, starting with three days of invited and contributed talks and followed by two days of informal discussions.
A block of rooms have been reserved for Capra attendees at the Burlington Hotel, Dublin. There will be a free shuttle bus organised to bring attendees from the hotel to the conference venue and back each day. Half of the reserved rooms will be released on May 14th, so in order to guarantee availability attendees are strongly encouraged to book before then - booking details are available on the conference website: http://maths.ucd.ie/capra16/
2. Jobs
2.1. Lectureship in Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, Cambridge
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-04-30
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/vacancy/
Contact: E.P.S.Shellard[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in Theoretical Physics to commence on 1 July 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. Appointment will be made at an appropriate point on the scale for University Lecturers and will be for a probationary period of five years with appointment to the retiring age thereafter, subject to satisfactory performance.
Candidates should hold a PhD in mathematics, physics or equivalent, and have an outstanding record of research in an area relevant to the research interests of the DAMTP theoretical physics groups the High Energy Physics Group and the General Relativity and Cosmology Group. For more information about these and other research groups in the Department see: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research.
Informal enquiries about the post may be made to
Professor Anne Davis (email: A.C.Davis[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk),
Professor Paul Shellard (email: E.P.S.Shellard[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk) or
Professor Nick Dorey (email: N.Dorey[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk)
Further details of the application procedure can be found here: www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/vacancy/
2.2. Postdoctoral position in General Relativistic MHD at RCAAM, Athens, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-05-17
Location: Athens, Greece
Additional Information http://astro.academyofathens.gr
Contact: icontop[AT]academyofathens.gr
Applications are now open for one 2 year postdoctoral research position at the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens on the study of the origin of astrophysical magnetic fields around accreting black holes. Applicants with previous experience in general relativistic numerical magnetohydrodynamics are particularly encouraged to apply. The position has a starting date in the Spring 2013, and will be funded by the Excellence program of the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and future research interests and up to three letters of recommendation. Submission and inquires should be addressed to Dr. I. Contopoulos (e-mail: icontop[AT]academyofathens.gr; tel.: +30 2106597167; fax: +30 2106597602).
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in General Relativity and Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetimes in Para', Brazil
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-05-31
Location: Belém, Pará, Brazil
Additional Information http://www.ppgf.ufpa.br/
Contact: crispino[AT]ufpa.br
The GRADUATE PROGRAM IN PHYSICS of the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PARA', in Brazil, invites applications for one postdoctoral position in the area of General Relativity and Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetimes, including Analog Models of Gravity. The appointment is for one year, subject to funding renewal and satisfactory performance.
The appointment can happen after 1st June 2013 (with details to be agreed upon with the successful applicant). All candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Physics, preferably in General Relativity and Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetimes.
The Graduate Program in Physics is situated in the Belem Campus of the Federal University of Para', in Brazil. In the gateway to Amazonia, the Belem Campus is located on the shore of the river Guamá, one of the rivers which form the Guajara' bay, near the Marajo' Island. More information can be found at: http://www.ppgf.ufpa.br/
The General Relativity and Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetimes Group is currently focusing on black hole physics and analog models of gravity, and is composed of faculty Luís C. B. Crispino, Ednilton S. Oliveira, João Vital Cunha Jr., Jorge Castineiras and some Postdoctoral Fellows, including a Brazilian Science Without Borders Program Fellow.
The postdoctoral research project is to be supervised by Luis C. B. Crispino (Graduate Program in Physics, Federal University of Para', Brazil) and Vitor Cardoso (Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofísica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal).
The applicant is expected to contribute to the efforts of the group and to the training of students. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research interests and letter(s) of recommendation to the following e-mail address: crispino[AT]ufpa.br
Please use the subject GR/QTCS postdoctoral position.
Applications should be received by May 31st, 2013. Incomplete applications shall not be considered. Screening of applicants will begin promptly and will continue until the position is filled.
For more information please contact Luis C. B. Crispino (crispino[AT]ufpa.br). This position is supported by the Brazilian Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq).
3. News
3.1. New book: "Heart of Darkness-Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe" by Jeremiah P. Ostriker and Simon Mitton
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Informationhttp://press.princeton.edu/titles/9818.html
Authors: Jeremiah P Ostriker and Simon Mitton
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 9780691134307
Heart of Darkness is a popular science book (level of reader = college educated) that describes the incredible saga of humankind's quest to unravel the deepest secrets of the universe. Over the past thirty years, scientists have learned that two little-understood components--dark matter and dark energy--comprise most of the known cosmos, explain the growth of all cosmic structure, and hold the key to the universe's fate. The story of how evidence for the so-called "Lambda-Cold Dark Matter" model of cosmology has been gathered by generations of scientists throughout the world is told here by one of the pioneers of the field, Jeremiah Ostriker, and his coauthor Simon Mitton.
3.2. New Book: "General Relativity: 1972 Lecture Notes" by Robert Geroch
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Informationhttp://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/geroch-gr.html
Robert Geroch's lecture notes on general relativity are unique in three main respects. First, the physics of general relativity and the mathematics, which describes it, are masterfully intertwined in such a way that both reinforce each other to facilitate the understanding of the most abstract and subtle issues. Second, the physical phenomena are first properly explained in terms of spacetime and then it is shown how they can be decomposed into familiar quantities, expressed in terms of space and time, which are measured by an observer. Third, Geroch's successful pedagogical approach to teaching theoretical physics through visualization of even the most abstract concepts is fully applied in his lectures on general relativity by the use of around a hundred figures.
Although the book contains lecture notes written in 1972, it is (and will remain) an excellent introduction to general relativity, which covers its physical foundations, its mathematical formalism, the classical tests of its predictions, its application to cosmology, a number of specific and important issues (such as the initial value formulation of general relativity, signal propagation, time orientation, causality violation, singularity theorems, conformal transformations, and asymptotic structure of spacetime), and the early approaches to quantization of the gravitational field.
Robert Geroch, General Relativity: 1972 Lecture Notes (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2013)
3.3. Llama Multi-Block Infrastructure publicly available
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Informationhttp://llamacode.org/
The Llama Multi-Block Infrastructure for Cactus is now publicly available under the GNU General Public License. Llama provides three-dimensional multi-block capability for Cactus-based simulations that can be combined with Carpet's adaptive mesh refinement functionality. Llama decomposes the domain into multiple (potentially overlapping) blocks with different local coordinate systems. This allows e.g. spherical domains, spherical excision, adaptive radial/angular resolution, etc., without incurring coordinate singularities.
Llama provides several patch systems suitable for single and binary objects in relativistic astrophysics, and is well integrated with the Einstein Toolkit . Llama was already used for several publications , and we believe the code is ready to be used in other projects. We are seeking volunteers to help us add tutorials and documentation, improve error messages, and generally shake down and brush up the code for a future inclusion in the Einstein Toolkit.
To aid others in getting started using Llama, we will be hosting a virtual workshop where we provide an overview of the code and answer questions. Details will be announced shortly.
Llama constitutes the fruit of a significant effort of several people over several years. We make Llama public to help modernize the computational tools used in our community, and in the hope to boost Llama itself by inviting contributions from everybody. We ask you to acknowledge our effort by following the citation guidelines described on .
The Llama groomers:
R. Haas, I. Hinder, D. Pollney, C. Reisswig, E. Schnetter, B. Wardell