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June 2024
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
02 Jun '24
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity-III, online
1.2. British Isles Graduate Workshop: Mathematical General Relativity, Coalport, UK
1.3. Physics Latam: General Relativity and Cosmology (online)
1.4. 30 Years of Gravity Research in Australasia, Camberra, Australia
1.5. Time in Quantum Theory 2024, Smolenice, Slovakia
1.6. Gravitational-wave snowballs, populations, and models, Sexten, Italy
1.7. 2nd International Conference on Quantum, Classical, and Relativistic Causality, Waterloo, Canada
1.8. GR24 and Amaldi16, Glasgow, UK
1.9. eXtreme Matter in eXtreme Star 2024, Leiden, The Netherlands
1.10. Gravity Shape Pisa: Exploring New Sources of Gravitational Waves, Pisa, Italy
1.11. Virtual Infinity Workshop 2024 (online)
1.12. Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Pescara, Italy (2nd announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Student Position in Time and Causality, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Associate in gravitational lensing, Hong Kong
2.3. Research Assistant in Theoretical Physics, Krakow, Poland
2.4. Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics, Krakow, Poland
2.5. Research Chair: Quantum Horizons Alberta, Lethbridge, Canada
2.6. Postdoc Position in Gravitational Waves, Beijing, China
2.7. PhD position on Gravitational Wave Lensing Data Analysis, Louvain, Belgium
2.8. Postdoctoral Position on GW and GNSS Data Analyis, Louvain, Belgium
2.9. Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental High Energy Physics, Lawrence, KS, USA
2.10. Fellowship positions in gravitational-wave science, Glasgow, UK
3. News
3.1. Fordham's Second Annual Celebration of Cosmology
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2024
3.3. New book: "General Post-Newtonian Orbital Effects From Earth's Satellites to the Galactic Center" (CUP)
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity-III, online
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-05-15 to 2024-05-16
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/iitgn.ac.in/event-tag-3/home
Contact: abhattacharyya[AT]iitgn.ac.in
Recent developments in scattering amplitudes, effective field theory have given new insights into the classical two-body dynamics in the post-Minkowskian (PM) expansion and post-Newtonian (PN), leveraging extremely efficient computational techniques traditionally used for collider physics.
The workshop brings together some of the leading global experts to discuss recent developments and challenges that lie ahead in this context.
This workshop is organized jointly by the members of the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IITGN) and the University of Lethbridge, Canada (ULeth), working on the classical and quantum gravity field on 15-16th May, 2024.
1.2. British Isles Graduate Workshop: Mathematical General Relativity, Coalport, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-07-08 to 2024-07-12
Location: Coalport , UK
Additional Information: https://enric-sf.github.io/BIGW_V/index.html
Contact: mahdi.haghshenas.22[AT]ucl.ac.uk
The fifth installment of the British Isles Graduate Workshop will focus on Mathematical General Relativity. It is targeted at PhD students and postdocs but is open for application from all. The goal is for junior researchers to work together with experienced mentors for a week somewhere in a non-university environment.
The format of the workshop is that three mentors propose three topics, split into six talks each. Mentors prepare an outline for a series of 5 (introductory) talks with references for each topic, and participants prepare the talks following the mentor guidelines and present them during the workshop to the rest of their peers. The topic is concluded by a more advanced or "lookout" talk by the mentor.
The topics for the workshop will be:
1) Singularity theorems in low regularity (by Melanie Graf)
2) Notions of mass in General Relativity (by Stephen McCormick)
3) TBC
he mentors for BIGW V are
Melanie Graf, Professor at the University of Hamburg
Stephen McCormick, Senior Lecturer at Lulea University of Technology
Zoe Wyatt, Assistant Professor at Cambridge University
1.3. Physics Latam: General Relativity and Cosmology (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-06-03 to 2024-09-08
Location: Online
Additional Information: www.physicslatam.com/gr
Contact: physicslatam[AT]gmail.com
Advanced Lectures on Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
Physics Latam will offer an online course in General Relativity and Cosmology for undergraduate and graduate students in Latin America.
The General Relativity and Cosmology, will be taught online from 3rd June to 8th Sept. 2024 by Esteban Chalbaud LIP-Coimbra (University of Coimbra), CERN (ATLAS) and Daniel Galviz at Yau Mathematical Science Center (Tsinghua University) and BIMSA China. Physics students from different universities in Latin America will be trained in general relativity and its applications to cosmology. Every approved student will receive an ICTP-PWF certificate at the end.
The application procedure is now open (https://indico.ictp.it/event/10709) For more information visit our Website: www.physicslatam.com/gr
Goals and deliverables
Help students in Latin America by teaching lectures on theoretical physics, gravitation and cosmology.
Help students to be familiar with advanced and current research topics in theoretical physics. Students will solve weekly assignments on these topics.
Top students without MSc./Ph.D. will be mentored to pursue studies abroad, giving advice and recommendations about scholarships at international programs.
Esteban Chalbaud, LIP (University of Coimbra) and CERN (ATLAS)
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University)
Teaching Assistants
Blanca Hergueta, Universitaet zu Koeln
Lina Castiblanco, Newcastle University
Guest Speakers
Parameswaran Ajith, ICTS (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Jan de Boer, University of Amsterdam
Elena Caceres, UT Austin
Paolo Creminelli, ICTP
Atish Dabholkar, ICTP
Song Wei, YMSC (Tsinghua University)
Project coordinator
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University)
1.4. 30 Years of Gravity Research in Australasia, Camberra, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-09-02 to 2024-09-03
Location: Canberra, Australia
Additional Information: http://www.asgrg.org/30years
Contact: 30years[AT]asgrg.org
In September 1994, a group of mathematicians and physicists founded the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (ASGRG) at a meeting in Canberra, Australia. This year, we are celebrating the 30-year anniversary of ASGRG with a 2-day conference, on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September, 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
The conference will have 2 themes. In Past Reflections, we will look back over the last 30 years, and how Australasia has contributed to research in general relativity and gravitation. In Future Ambitions, we will look forward to the next 30 years, and opportunities for continued success in general relativity and gravitational research in Australasia. Interested participants are welcome to submit proposals for a talk on either or both of these themes.
The conference is open to everyone, and we welcome participation from both members and non-members of ASGRG. (We encourage anyone interested in general relativity and gravitational research in Australasia to join ASGRG at http://www.asgrg.org/membership/.)
There is no registration fee for the event. Lunch and morning/afternoon tea will be provided to registered participants. A conference dinner will be organised for the Monday evening, which participants will need to pay for themselves.
Please register for the conference at the following link: http://www.asgrg.org/30years. Registration will close on 15th July, 2024.
We look forward to celebrating ASGRG's 30th anniversary with you in Canberra!
Program Organising Committee: Malcolm Anderson (Universiti Brunei Darussalam), Carl Blair (University of Western Australia), Krzysztof Bolejko (University of Tasmania), Joerg Frauendiener (University of Otago), Susan Scott (Australian National University), Chris Stevens (University of Canterbury), Karl Wette (Australian National University).
Local Organising Committee: Sareh Rajabi, Susan Scott, Karl Wette.
1.5. Time in Quantum Theory 2024, Smolenice, Slovakia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-09-10 to 2024-09-13
Location: Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
Additional Information: http://quantum.physics.sk/tiqt2024/#
Contact: 2024tiqt[AT]gmail.com
We are pleased to announce that this year's Time in Quantum Theory (TiQT) conference will take place on 10-13th September 2024 at Smolenice Castle, Slovakia.
Abstract submissions for contributed talks and posters are now open and will close on the 10th June 2024.
TiQT aims to bring together disparate communities, providing a common platform to discuss questions including:
- Fundamental limitations to timekeeping: how accurate can physical clocks be? This includes, but is not limited to, models for clocks, quantum information theory, and thermodynamics.
- Foundational aspects of time: what can philosophy and quantum foundations say about time? How does this reflect itself in theoretical models? How can the conception of time in quantum mechanics be reconciled with that of general relativity?
- How can we understand time through quantum experiments?
Confirmed invited speakers:
Flaminia Giacomini (ETH Zuerich)
Kyungtae Kim (JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder)
Maximilian Lock (Atominstitut, TU Vienna)
Leon Loveridge (University of South-Eastern Norway)
...and more exciting speakers to be announced soon!
Important dates for TiQT 2024:
- 10th June 2024 (Monday): Submission deadline
- 1st July 2024 (Monday) - Acceptance notification
- 2nd August (Friday) - Early-bird registration deadline
- 09th August 2024 (Friday) - Registration deadline
- 10 - 13th September 2024 (Tuesday - Friday) - Conference
TiQT 2024 is organized by the Research Center for Quantum Information, at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Contact the organizing committee at 2024tiqt[at]gmail.com
1.6. Gravitational-wave snowballs, populations, and models, Sexten, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-01-20 to 2025-01-24
Location: Sexten, Italy
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/gwsnowballs
Contact: davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
We are organizing "Gravitational-wave snowballs, populations, and models" - a workshop to be held in Sexten, in the Dolomites region of Italy, January 20-24, 2025:
Our goal is to bring together researchers at the forefront of both forward astrophysical modeling of compact object binary formation and gravitational-wave data analysis in preparation for the upcoming O4 data release of LIGO/Virgo, for discussions focused on population-level modeling and inference.
The meeting will be held at Bad Moos Hotel right next to the ski slopes and the conference program will have appropriate breaks for snow activities; more details are available at
We hope you will consider applying to participate. Space is limited to 40 people. Please apply online at
by July 15, 2024. We plan to notify accepted participants by the end of July.
Ilya Mandel
Davide Gerosa
Salvatore Vitale
1.7. 2nd International Conference on Quantum, Classical, and Relativistic Causality, Waterloo, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-09-16 to 2024-09-20
Location: Waterloo, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.causalworlds.ca/
Contact: hler.kristjansson[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
Causalworlds 2024: The 2nd International Conference on Quantum, Classical, and Relativistic Causality
Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
16-20 September 2024
Understanding causality is fundamental to science and inspires wide-ranging applications, yet there are several distinct notions of causation. Recently, there have been important developments on the role of causality in quantum physics, relativistic physics and their interplay. These have unearthed a plethora of fascinating open questions regarding the nature of causation, emergence of space-time structure and the limits of quantum information processing. At the same time, causal reasoning has become an important tool in machine learning and statistics, with applications ranging from big data to healthcare. This conference brings together experts from different areas of physics working on questions related to causality, as well as selected researchers who bridge the gap between fundamental research and current industrial applications. The aim of the conference is to provide a venue for cross-pollination of these ideas through scientific exchange between these communities. The
conference will focus on the following facets of causality:
Quantum and classical causal inference
Indefinite causal order and quantum reference frames
Causality in quantum field theory and quantum gravity
Experiments and applications of causality
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 31 May 2024
Paper notification: mid June 2024
Registration deadline: late August 2024
Conference: 16-20 September 2024
Submissions Guidelines
Prospective speakers can submit a paper for a talk and/or a poster. Submissions for a talk will automatically be considered for a poster if not accepted for a talk.
The conference website www.causalworlds.ca is now open for submissions:
Talk: Submission will consist of (1) a 1-3 page summary, and (2) optionally a link to the full paper (published/preprint) or a draft of the manuscript.
Poster. Submission will consist of a short abstract.
Invited Speakers
Jessica Bavaresco (University of Geneva)
Cyril Branciard (CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes)
Rafael Chaves (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
Giulio Chiribella (The University of Hong Kong)
Doreen Fraser (University of Waterloo)
Anne-Catherine de la Hamette (IQOQI Vienna)
Ciaran Lee (Spotify)
Tein van der Lugt (University of Oxford)
Joris M. Mooij (University of Amsterdam)
Mio Murao (University of Tokyo)
Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens (University of Geneva)
Renato Renner (ETH Zuerich)
Thomas Richardson (University of Washington)
Sally Shrapnel (The University of Queensland)
Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute)
Rainer Verch (University of Leipzig)
Programme Committee
V Vilasini (ETH Zuerich and Inria, University Grenoble Alpes) (PC Chair)
Alastair Abbott (Inria, University Grenoble Alpes)
Caslav Brukner (IQOQI Vienna and University of Vienna)
Eric Cavalcanti (Griffith University)
Chris Fewster (University of York)
Lucien Hardy (Perimeter Institute)
Hler Kristjansson (Perimeter Institute and IQC and Universite' de Montreal)
Giulia Rubino (University of Bristol)
Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute)
Jacopo Surace (Perimeter Institute)
Elie Wolfe (Perimeter Institute)
Organising Committee
Hler Kristjansson (Perimeter Institute and IQC and Universite' de Montreal)
V Vilasini (ETH Zuerich and Inria, University Grenoble Alpes)
Robert Spekkens (Perimeter Institute)
Lucien Hardy (Perimeter Institute)
Elie Wolfe (Perimeter Institute)
Jacopo Surace (Perimeter Institute)
Perimeter Institute
PI Causal Inference Initiative
QISS Consortium
A limited amount of travel funding will be available for students who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference.
1.8. GR24 and Amaldi16, Glasgow, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2025-07-14 to 2025-07-18
Location: Glasgow, UK
Additional Information: https://iop.eventsair.com/gr24-amaldi16/
Contact: gr-amaldi[AT]glasgow.ac.uk
Announcement of the 24th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves 14th-18th July 2025 Glasgow, UK.
In 2025, the 24th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR24) and the 16th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi16) will be held together as a joint meeting in Glasgow. The meeting will bring together scientists from across classical and quantum gravity, mathematical and applied relativity, gravitational-wave instrumentation and data-analysis, and multi-messenger astronomy.
The GR24-Amaldi16 Meeting will be held as an in-person event at the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, Scotland, from 14th-18th July 2025. Registration will open in autumn 2024.
Online resources will be made freely available after the event. Meeting organisation is led by the Institute for Gravitational Research at the University of Glasgow and the Institute of Physics.
1.9. eXtreme Matter in eXtreme Star 2024, Leiden, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-09-23 to 2024-09-27
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/extreme-matter-in-extreme-stars-2024.html
Contact: sebastien.guillot[AT]irap.omp.eu
We are delighted to announce the workshop "eXtreme Matter in eXtreme Star 2024" to be held at the Lorentz Center (Leiden, Netherlands) from September 23rd to 27th, 2024.
The goal of the workshop is to gather experts in the various disciplines related to the physics of neutron star interiors, i.e., nuclear physicists, gravitational waves astrophysicists, neutron star observers and theorists. The workshop will be centered around the preparation of a community-driven white paper that focuses on the current and future probes of dense matter (experimental, astrophysical, and theoretical) that would inform neutron star science, as well as how the communities can move forward together.
The workshop will be composed of a few review presentations by key participants, some "pop-up talks" that will be planned during the workshop, and of discussion/breakout sessions for the planning of the white paper.
Some practical information:
- The current deadline to register is June 16th.
- Maximum attendance is 55 people (limited by the room size). A selection of the participants will be made by the organisers to ensure a balanced representation of research themes, gender, diversity and career-level.
- Some funding is available to help cover travel and/or accommodation costs, especially for young researchers.
For more practical information, please email extremematter [AT] lorentzcenter.nl.
For scientific questions (program, etc.), please email the scientific organisers (see workshop webpage).
We are looking forward to your registration, and to a very promising workshop.
Best regards,
The XMXS 2024 Organisers
(Sebastien, Dave, Samaya, Bruno and Ingo)
1.10. Gravity Shape Pisa: Exploring New Sources of Gravitational Waves, Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-10-23 to 2024-10-25
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/40101/overview
Contact: lucia.papalini[AT]phd.unipi.it
Gravity Shape Pisa (GraSP) is the 3rd International Conference entirely organized by PhD students which supports the active participation of young researchers.
The event is organized to balance "senior" and "young" talk sessions in the fields of observative and theoretical physics.
The conference aims to gather theoretical and observative researchers from different international groups to discuss new challenges in gravity phenomenology. In particular, the conference this year will be focused on new sources of gravitational waves in the astrophysical, cosmological, and fundamental physics fields.
GraSP24 will take place in the Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo" at the Physics Department "E. Fermi" of the University of Pisa.
This conference is supported by the University of Pisa and INFN Pisa.
1.11. Virtual Infinity Workshop 2024 (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-07-01 to 2024-07-02
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://hyperboloid.al/event/virtual-24/
Contact: rodrigo.macedo[AT]nbi.ku.dk
This is the second workshop on hyperboloidal methods. In this workshop, we will focus on forming new research ideas and collaborations among participants.
Sharing of ideas will be facilitated by short, 20-minute talks on recent developments in hyperboloidal methods followed by unconference breakout rooms. The workshop will be held virtually.
1.12. Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Pescara, Italy (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2024-07-07 to 2024-07-12
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.icranet.org/event/8/
Contact: mg17(a)icranet.org
The Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting is organized by ICRA (www.icra.it) ICRANet (www.icranet.org) and D'Annunzio University of Chieti - Pescara (https://en.unich.it/university) and will be held in Pescara, Italy on July 7-12, 2024.
The abstract submission deadline is extended to June 10, 2024.
The deadline for early bird registration is extended to June 10, 2024. The early bird registration fees are: 400 euro for regular participants; 100 euro for students or retired scientists. Registration fee will cover access to all sessions, coffee-breaks, publication of proceedings, and equipment for online talks.
The list of 39 confirmed plenary speakers with abstracts of their talks can be found here: https://indico.icranet.org/event/8/page/43-confirmed-plenary-speakers. Since the field is rapidly developing a few plenary talks will be considered in view of their breakthrough nature.
The list of 64 parallel sessions with their description and chairpersons can be found here: https://indico.icranet.org/event/8/program
Conference websites: https://indico.icranet.org/event/8/ and https://www.icra.it/MG/mg17/
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Student Position in Time and Causality, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-09
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information: https://baraksh.com/
Contact: bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca
Prof. Barak Shoshany is inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD student position in his research group at Brock University, Canada. The chosen candidate will perform cutting-edge research towards understanding the nature of time and causality in general relativity and quantum mechanics.
There are many possible directions of research, and students will be free to work on whatever interests them the most, as long as it aligns with the group's overall research interests. Computational projects are also welcome, and access to high-performance computer clusters will be provided. Some topics of current interest to the group include time travel paradoxes, parallel timelines, wormholes, and warp drives.
The research group currently has one PhD student and occasional undergraduate interns. The group is small, supportive, welcoming, and laid-back. More information about Prof. Shoshany and his group can be found at this link: https://baraksh.com/
The ideal candidate will have mastery of general relativity, quantum field theory, and relevant fields of mathematics, prior research experience in a relevant field, and programming experience with Wolfram Mathematica, Python, and preferably also C++.
Students with an MSc degree will be admitted directly to the PhD program. Students with a BSc degree will start in the MSc program and transfer to the PhD program after one year, but those with significant research experience may be considered for direct admittance to the PhD program.
To apply, please email your latest CV, grade transcripts, and evidence of research experience to Prof. Barak Shoshany at bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca. In your email, please explain why you are interested in this position, and what specific skills and experience you have that make you a good candidate for it.
The deadline for full consideration is June 9, 2024, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The intended starting date is September 2024, but it is flexible. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide 2-3 confidential reference letters. Candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups in physics are particularly encouraged to apply.
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Associate in gravitational lensing, Hong Kong
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-06
Location: Hong Kong
Additional Information: https://cuhk.taleo.net/careersection/cu_career_non_teach/jobdetail.ftl?job=…
Contact: oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk
The Department of Physics at CUHK, Hong Kong, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Associate position in gravitational lensing of dark matter substructures.
We seek applicants with preferred expertise in strong gravitational lensing who want to expand their research focus to strong gravitational lensing involving gravitational waves. The ideal candidate will have considerable expertise in constructing lens models for galaxies as constrained by multiply-lensed light images, familiarity with analysing optical images, and will be committed to working with local experts to incorporate additional constraints provided by multiply-lensed gravitational-wave events. Current ground-based gravitational-wave detectors have the potential to reveal dark matter (DM) substructures through high-precision timing of the arrival of multiply-lensed gravitational waves. We envision that the combination of constraints from both light and gravitational waves will provide immunity from stellar microlensing and reveal the nature of such sub-structures.
At CUHK, since 2016, the group (led by Otto Hannuksela) has built tools to detect, analyse, and use gravitational-wave lensing with ground-based gravitational-wave detectors in isolation or with electromagnetic imaging (e.g., [1]). At HKU, the group (led by Jeremy Lim) is a leading expert in using traditional gravitational lensing of light rays to elucidate the nature of DM, including investigating the linkage between dark matter substructures and their model predictions, such as subhalos (e.g., WIMPs) and pervasive density modulations (e.g., Axions) (e.g., [2]). Furthermore, there are three dark matter groups (led by Kenny Ng, Tsang Keung Chan, Ming-Chung Chu) at CUHK that specialise in numerical simulations, indirect detection, and theory, and they have expertise in theoretical aspects of dark matter modelling.
Applicants should have (i) a PhD in Physics, Astronomy, or a related field and have a track record in lens modelling-expertise in implementing new strong lensing analyses and modelling, a publication track record in substructure lensing, and experience implementing Bayesian analysis models are highly advantageous.
The appointee will be responsible for filling the role of a lens modelling expert in the joint endeavour to connect these two branches of lensing and pursue dark matter studies. Apart from the joint work, the position comes with significant autonomy. The appointee is strongly encouraged to integrate and work with these groups freely and to develop his/her own independent research line throughout the study, with 50% time allotted to this purpose.
Appointment will be made on a contract basis for two years commencing September 2024, renewable, subject to mutual agreement. Applications will be reviewed immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Application Instructions
Applicants should submit the following documents in the online application: (1) an up-to-date CV; (2) a cover letter; (3) the names and contact information of at least two referees; (4) a research statement outlining his/her interests and qualifications; and (5) two reference letters. Please submit these to the link given in the URL
2.3. Research Assistant in Theoretical Physics, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-02
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/155743477/Information+on+se…
Contact: ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for the position of an
in the research staff member group for the time period of 33 months starting October 1, 2024 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
We expect from the candidates: strong interest in research, good research achievements confirmed by a publication record, ability to actively cooperate with other members of a research group. International research experience, participation and leading positions in research grants will be advantageous.
The successful candidates will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to their research interests, carry out research in theoretical physics.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found on the Institute webpage or it may be obtained upon request to ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 2, 2024, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by June 30, 2024.
2.4. Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-02
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/155815359/Information+on+se…
Contact: ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for the position of an
in the research and teaching staff member group for the time period of 33 months starting October 1, 2024 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The candidates must hold the PhD degree in theoretical physics. We expect from the candidates: strong interest in research, significant research achievements confirmed by a good publication record, ability to carry out independent research and experience in teaching work. International research experience, participation and leading positions in research grants will be advantageous.
The successful candidates will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to their research interests, carry out research in theoretical physics, and take part in teaching activities in Polish and/or English at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found on the webpage of the Institute or it may be obtained upon request to ift[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 2, 2024, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by June 30, 2024.
2.5. Research Chair: Quantum Horizons Alberta, Lethbridge, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-15
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Additional Information: https://uleth.peopleadmin.ca/postings/7318
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Position: Open until filled
The University of Lethbridge, in collaboration with the newly established Quantum Horizons Alberta Lethbridge node (QHA-Lethbridge), is seeking to fill a tenure track faculty appointment at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor, subject to budgetary approval.
QHA was established in 2023 as an Alberta-wide initiative to expand our foundational knowledge of quantum science, to pursue transformational research into the potential of quantum physics, and to enhance Alberta's stature in quantum research and innovation. QHA was initiated by a generous gift from a group of visionary donors, with the goal of making it a $25-million centre of excellence that will build on and increase Alberta's considerable capacity in quantum research through a partnership with and spread among the three nodes at the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. The successful candidate will have an earned Ph.D. and demonstrated expertise in theoretical physics with a focus on quantum foundations, quantum cosmology, and allied areas of research.
The QHA Research Chair will be situated in the newly established QHA-Lethbridge node, in the Department of Physics and Astronomy or another suitable academic unit. The successful candidate must be an established leader in their field, with a proven track record in outstanding research, scholarship, and mentorship. The candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous, externally funded research program, collaborate with scientists both within and outside the institution, and contribute to the education of undergraduate and graduate students. The QHA-Lethbridge Research Chair may be offered a visiting appointment with the Perimeter Institute, a premier research institute in theoretical physics in Waterloo, Ontario.
The position is open until a suitable candidate is found, but review of applications will begin on June 15th. The anticipated starting date for the position is September 1, 2024. All applications must be submitted online, and should include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a research proposal, a statement of teaching interests and teaching philosophy, and a statement demonstrating commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, and contact information for three referees who are academics in the field. Referees of short-listed candidates will be contacted directly, with information on how to submit their reference letters. The research proposal should describe how the applicant will develop a research program that includes engagement with all stakeholders to help develop the newly established QHA-Lethbridge node.
For inquiries about this position, please contact Dr. Saurya Das, Professor of Physics and Director of QHA-Lethbridge at saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca. For details on how to submit your application, please visit our Human Resources website at https://uleth.peopleadmin.ca and choose this position under the Academic postings option.
The University of Lethbridge (uLethbridge) is a comprehensive and research-intensive university founded on the principles of liberal education where inspired scholars integrate research and creative activity with teaching. Our University's Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone. Founded in 1967 on traditional Blackfoot land, it is a place where student engagement in learning, creative activities, and research takes place every day. With campuses in Lethbridge and Calgary, uLethbridge offers more than 150 undergraduate and 60 graduate programs in the faculties of Arts & Science, Education, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, the Schools of Liberal Education and Graduate Studies, and the Dhillon School of Business, to more than 8,900 students.
The university recognizes that diversity enriches our campus and our community and is fundamental to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. The university embraces equity as a core value to be truly inclusive of the communities of which we are a part, and this requires ongoing intentional and systemic action. Through recruitment and support of individuals who further enhance our diversity, the University strives to create a diverse and inclusive community where students, faculty and staff feel welcome, are treated equitably, and can thrive.
The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate's record of achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their applications the impact that career interruptions have had on their record.
All qualified candidates are invited to apply for this position; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.
The University of Lethbridge is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, including through all aspects of the hiring process. If you require support during the hiring process, please contact Human Resources at human.resources(a)uleth.ca so that accommodations can be put in place to support you. All private information received in relation to your request for support will be kept confidential, only information required to facilitate the accommodation will be shared with the selection committee.
Lethbridge is a city of about 100,000 residents, nestled in Southern Alberta. It boasts of an outstanding natural beauty, great outdoors, and cultural vibrancy. It has a strong sense of community, offers a high quality of life, a diverse population and a thriving economy. The Canadian Rockies are about an hour and a half away and offer superb skiing and other outdoor activities.
Position Category
Faculty Faculty of Arts andmp; Science
Campus Lethbridge
Posting Detail Information
Open Date 04/16/2024
Close Date
Open Until Filled Yes
Desired Start Date 09/01/2024
Position End Date (if temporary)
Special Instructions to Applicants
Employment Equity
The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate's record of achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their application the impact that career interruptions have had on their record.
The University of Lethbridge invites applications from all qualified candidates; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.
The University of Lethbridge is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, including through all aspects of the hiring process. If you require support during the hiring process, please contact Human Resources at human.resources[AT]uleth.ca so that accommodations can be put in place to support you. All private information received in relation to your request for support will be kept confidential, only information required to facilitate the accommodation will be shared with the selection committee.
2.6. Postdoc Position in Gravitational Waves, Beijing, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-30
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://i.astro.tsinghua.edu.cn/~yanghuan/all/index_en.html
Contact: hyangdoa[AT]tsinghua.edu.cn
The gravitational wave astronomy group at the astronomy department of Tsinghua University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in gravitational wave astrophysics/astronomy. The research group currently has one faculty member (Huan Yang) and is actively looking for more talents to join.
Candidates with research experience in one (or more) of the following areas are especially encouraged to apply for the position: (1) modelling of compact binaries for ground-based and space-based gravitational wave detection, (2) theory and simulation aspects of stars/black holes within active galactic nucleus, (3) multi-messenger gravitational wave astronomy and (4) application of Artificial Intelligence in data analysis problems in gravitational wave astronomy. However, applicants with other backgrounds will also be considered.
The start time of the position is expected to be September 2024, but this part is negotiable. The initial term of the position is two years, with a possible extension for a second term based on performance and funding situation. We offer internationally competitive annual salary (RMB 300K), travel supports and benefits, and we are proud of our collaborative culture which encourages interactions with other members of the astronomy department, external researchers and visitors. Outstanding applicants will be recommended for the prestigious "Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar" fellowship. In the application package please include a research statement, a CV and a publication list. Please also arrange at least two letters of recommendations. Complete applications should be submitted before the end of June, although late submission may also be considered until the position is filled.
2.7. PhD position on Gravitational Wave Lensing Data Analysis, Louvain, Belgium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-20
Location: Louvain, Belgium
Additional Information: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/jobs/101
Contact: j.janquart[AT]uu.nl
The gravitational-wave (GW) group of the University of Louvain (UCLouvain, Belgium), hosted at the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) of the Research Institute in Mathematics and Physics (IRMP), welcomes applications for a four-year PhD student position on gravitational lensing data analysis for ground-based GW detectors (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, ...).
The CP3 center hosts research in physics of the Universe and fundamental interactions on the experimental and theoretical fronts. The UCLouvain GW group is part of the Virgo Collaboration at the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) and has been active so far in searches for ultra-light dark matter, anisotropic stochastic GW background, and on a multi-messenger project aiming to detect neutrinos and gravitational waves originating from common astrophysical sources. All the data analysis studies are performed in collaboration with theory specialists and use the IRMP computing center that also serves CERN experiments (CMS and NA62), IceCube, KM3NeT, muography, and projects in theoretical particle physics and cosmology. The UCLouvain GW group is also involved in instrumentation projects for both Virgo and the future Einstein Telescope, notably at the two research and development facilities, E-TEST and ETPF. In September 2024 a new data analysis activity focusing on gravitational
lensing will be launched under the direction of the newly hired professor Justin Janquart. The selected candidate will start a PhD on gravitational lensing of gravitational waves for current and future GW detectors under the supervision of Prof. Janquart.
Activities related to the commissioning, operation, and monitoring of Virgo, implying presence on site, are also envisaged as part of the PhD. Constant and careful supervision of the candidate is also guaranteed thanks to the presence in the group of several postdoctoral researchers. Computing resources and support for traveling are excellent. The UCLouvain GW group, and more generally the CP3 center, is a highly international, diverse, and stimulating environment. The PhD research work will also be conducted in close contact and cooperation with the rest of the Belgian GW community and international partners.
The UCLouvain campus is located some 25 km south of Brussels, to which it is conveniently connected by public transport, thus allowing life either in the EU capital or in the pleasant green countryside surrounding the campus. UCLouvain offers several advantages to its personnel, including reimbursement of public transport season tickets between home and workplace and free language courses. More information about life in Belgium and at UCLouvain is available here. The appointment is available for four years. The selected candidate is ideally expected to start the PhD as soon as September 2024, with some flexibility on the starting date. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.
Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a personal motivation letter, the academic transcript of university studies, and at least two recommendation letters from senior scientists. Applications must be submitted online, by the 20th of June 2024, at: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/jobs/101. Applicants should hold, by the time of the start of the appointment, a Master Degree in physics or equivalent with a remarkable academic record and they should demonstrate a strong interest and motivation in fundamental physics research. The position will remain open after the first deadline indicated above until a suitable candidate is found.
2.8. Postdoctoral Position on GW and GNSS Data Analyis, Louvain, Belgium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-23
Location: Louvain, Belgium
Additional Information: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/job/102
Contact: j.janquart[AT]uu.nl
The gravitational-wave (GW) group of the University of Louvain (UCLouvain, Belgium), hosted at the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) of the Research Institute in Mathematics and Physics (IRMP), and the "Time and Ionosphere" group of the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) are welcoming applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in gravitational-wave data analysis of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra detectors and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
The UCLouvain GW group is part of the Virgo Collaboration at the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) and has been active so far in searches for ultra-light dark matter, anisotropic stochastic GW background, and on a multi-messenger project aiming to detect neutrinos and gravitational waves originating from common astrophysical sources. In September 2024 new data analysis activities focusing on gravitational lensing and challenges in next-generation detectors such as Einstein Telescope will be launched under the direction of the newly hired professor Justin Janquart, who will also work at 50% of his time at ROB. The UCLouvain GW group is also involved in instrumentation projects for both Virgo and the future Einstein Telescope, notably at the two research and development facilities, E-TEST and ETPF.
The "Time and Ionosphere" group of ROB conducts cutting-edge research on remote atomic clocks comparisons, ionosphere/plasmasphere physics, and electromagnetic signal perturbations using the Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS: GPS, Galileo...). Among various activities, the group aims to exploit the excellent precision and stability of ground and space atomic clocks for tests of fundamental physics, e.g. tests of local position invariance, or constraints on Dark Matter (DM) density close to the Earth. ROB has not been involved so far in GW research, but will soon be with the hiring of Justin Janquart on a permanent position shared with the UCLouvain GW group.
The selected candidate will work on the analysis of data from ground-based GW laser interferometers and the GNSS constellations with a focus on searches for DM and/or novel techniques for the detection of GW signals. Activities related to the commissioning, operation and monitoring of Virgo, implying presence on site, are also envisaged as part of the appointment. Computing resources and support for traveling are excellent. The UCLouvain CP3 center and ROB represent a highly international, diverse, and stimulating environment. The research work will also be conducted in close contact and cooperation with the rest of the Belgian GW community and our international partners.
The UCLouvain campus is located some 25 km south of Brussels, to which it is conveniently connected by public transport. ROB is located in the green, southern outskirts of Brussels. This situation allows life either in the EU capital or in the pleasant green countryside environment between ROB and the UCLouvain campus. A number of advantages will be available to the selected candidate, including reimbursement of public transport season tickets between home and workplace and free language courses. More information about life in Belgium is available here. The appointment is available for three years. The selected candidate is ideally expected to start the postdoctoral term as soon as possible. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.
Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a personal motivation letter, and at least three recommendation letters from senior scientists. Applications must be submitted online, by 23 June 2024, at: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/jobs/102. Applicants should hold, by the time of the start of the appointment, a PhD in physics and they should demonstrate a strong interest and motivation in fundamental physics research. The position will remain open after the first deadline indicated above until a suitable candidate is found.
For more information please, contact
Justin Janquart (j.janquart[AT]uu.nl)
Bruno Bertrand (Bruno.Bertrand[AT]oma.be)
Giacomo Bruno (Giacomo.Bruno[AT]uclouvain.be)
2.9. Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental High Energy Physics, Lawrence, KS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-06-17
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/staff/27939BR
Contact: gwwilson[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher or research associate position
in experimental high energy physics with the University of Kansas beginning as
early as August 1, 2024. The person would work with the University of Kansas
group on physics data analysis and detector operation and development for the CMS
experiment. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought.
The University of Kansas experimental high-energy physics CMS group is pursuing a
broad and exciting research program, with elements including detector
development and operation in the CMS tracker group. The group's analysis efforts
have a particular focus on searches for evidence of new physics beyond the
Standard Model. The group has interests in developing detector concepts for future
e+e- colliders. The postdoctoral researcher or research associate would be expected
to participate in many of these activities, taking a leadership role in advancing the
group's research program, interacting with and mentoring students, and engaging in
creative and independent thought. The person may be stationed at CERN, in Geneva,
Switzerland or at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.
For more information and to apply go to http://employment.ku.edu/staff/27939BR
Initial review of applications will begin June 17, 2024 and will continue until a
qualified pool of applicants has been identified. Inquiries can be made by email to
Graham Wilson, gwwilson[AT]ku.edu . Candidates should arrange for at least three
recommendation letters to be sent to gwwilson[AT]ku.edu .
KU's excellence is a result of the rich tapestry of experiences, perspectives, and
backgrounds of our faculty, staff, students, and colleagues from across our nation
and the globe. At KU, we invest in continuous learning and growth by creating a
climate where people engage in respectful dialogue and debate and support each
other's success. We foster a culture of care where each person is seen, heard and
valued. When people feel a true sense of belonging, we believe they are better able
to reach their full potential and achieve remarkable things. The successful
candidate, if stationed in the U.S., must be eligible to work in the U.S. by the effective
date of the appointment.
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color,
ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran,
sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, retaliation, gender identity,
gender expression and genetic information in the University's programs and
activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
the non-discrimination policies and is the University's Title IX Coordinator: the
Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access,
IOA[AT]ku.edu, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-
6414, 711 TTY.
2.10. Fellowship positions in gravitational-wave science, Glasgow, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2024-10-01
Location: Glasgow, UK
Additional Information: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/physics/research/groups/igr/fellowships/
Contact: sheila.rowan[AT]glasgow.ac.uk
The Institute for Gravitational Research, at the University of Glasgow, welcomes applications as a host institution for postdoctoral fellowships, such as Royal Society University Research Fellowships and STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships, in all aspects of gravitational-wave research from experimental science and instrumentation development to gravitational-wave data analysis and astrophysics or associated multi-messenger astronomy.
Fellowships are prestigious opportunities that provide multi-year funding for early career researchers to establish their own independent research programmes. Details of applying for fellowships may be found on the attached link.
The University of Glasgow also offers the Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Fellowship that will provide additional funds (up to GBP 100k) for successful applicants.
To help strengthen applications, all fellowship applications undergo internal review, and applicants are provided with mentorship. Consequently, potential applicants are advised to make contact well in advance of fellowship deadlines. For example, those interested in University Research Fellowships should provide preliminary information of the planned submissions by 10 June and confirm their intention to submit by 18 July.
The Institute is one of the world's largest and most diverse gravitational-wave groups. It is active in major international collaborations such as the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope Collaboration. Experimental work is supported by facilities including a new world-class facility for producing ion-beam sputtered optical coatings in partnership with the Universities of Strathclyde and West of Scotland, and with a new cryogenic prototype interferometer facility for next-generation gravitational-wave detectors with suspended crystalline silicon mirrors under development. Data analysis is supported through access to our local high-performance computing clusters. All postdoctoral fellows have access to training and career development opportunities through the University's Early Career Development Programme. The School of Physics and Astronomy has Institute of Physics Juno Champion and Athena Swan Silver statuses, and the University is a
Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champion.
3. News
3.1. Fordham's Second Annual Celebration of Cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://mailchi.mp/fordham/fordhams-second-annual-celebration-of-cosmology
Join us for Fordham University's Second Annual Celebration of Cosmology, featuring talks by:
Dennis W. Marks, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus and Head of Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences, Valdosta State University
It From Bit: Power of Two
Patricia Marks, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita of English, Valdosta State University
Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers: The New Woman in the Popular Press
Tuesday, May 14 4:30 p.m.
Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus
113 West 60th Street, NY, New York
This event will also be livestreamed and recorded. When registering, please indicate whether you will join us in person or via livestream. The recording will be available online following the talks.
In her talk, Patricia Marks will explore how 19th-century feminist movements were portrayed by male caricaturists and editors in satirical magazines like Puck and Punch. These caricatures depicted the "New Woman" challenging societal norms by advocating for education, independence, and participation in traditionally male-dominated fields. Despite initially aiming to undermine women's equality efforts, the portrayals shifted toward a more lighthearted view, reflecting changing attitudes toward gender roles.
In his talk, Dennis Marks will discuss how matrix representations of geometric algebras over real numbers correlate with various numerical systems based on space-time metrics. It will highlight how quantum information can be accurately depicted in space-times without time dimensions, while those with multiple time dimensions lack coherence. The recursive generation over Z2 suggests implications for combatting oncogenes and conflict resolution using "Marks's Matrix Method", impacting political, philosophical, and theological realms.
3.2. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2024
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
Gravity Research Foundation
PO BOX 81389
Wellesley Hills MA 02481-0004,
Roger W. Babson (Founder), George M. Rideout, Jr. (President)
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2024.
1. $4,000 - Holographic Inflation, Primordial Black Holes and Early Structure Formation by
Tom Banks, NHETC and Department of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019; email: tibanks(a)ucsc.edu and Willy Fischler, Department of Physics and Texas Cosmology Center, Weinberg Institute, Center for Theory, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712; email: fischler(a)physics.utexas.edu
2. $700 - The Secret Structure of the Gravitational Vacuum by Samir D. Mathur, Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; email: mathur.16(a)osu.edu
3. $600 - Universal Acceleration and Fuzzy Dark Matter by Douglas Edmonds, Department of Physics, Penn State Hazleton, Hazleton, PA 18202; email: edmonds(a)psu.edu, Joshua Erlich, Department of Physics, William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23185; email: jxerli(a)wm.edu, Djordje Minic and Tatsu Takeuchi, Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061; emails: dminic(a)vt.edu, takeuchi(a)vt.edu
4. $500 - In Search of the Biggest Bangs since the Big Bang by John Ellis1,2, Malcolm Fairbairn1, Juan Urrutia3,4 and Ville Vaskonen4,5,6, 1TPPC Group, Physics Department, King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS, UK; 2Theoretical Physics Department, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland; 3Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Fuusika Instituut, Ravala pst. 10, 10143 Tallinn, Estonia; 4Department of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 21, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia; 5Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita' degli Studi di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy; 6Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy; emails: john.ellis(a)cern.ch, malcolm.fairbairn(a)kcl.ac.uk, juan.urrutia(a)kbfi.ee, ville.vaskonen(a)kbfi.ee
5. $400 - Fully Extremal Black Holes: A Black Hole Graveyard? by Francesco DiFilippo, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic, email: francesco.difilippo(a)matfyz.cuni.cz , Stefano Liberati, SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy; IFPU - Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe, Via Beirut 2, 34104 Trieste, Italy; INFN Sezione di Trieste, Via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy; email: liberati(a)sissa.it and Matt Visser, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand; email: matt.visser(a)sms.vuw.ac.nz
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order): Francesco Alessio and Michele Arzano; Spyros Basilakos, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Theodoros Papanikolaou, Emmanuel N. Saridakis and Charalampos Tzerefos; Elmo Benedetto, Christian Corda and Ignazio Licata; Nigel T. Bishop, Vishnu Kakkat, Amos S. Kubeka, Monos Naidoo and Petrus J. van der Walt; Philippe Brax and Pierre Vanhove; Molly Burkmar and Marco Bruni; Juan A. Canas, A. Martin-Ruiz and J. Bernal; Raul Carballo-Rubio and Astrid Eichhorn; Juanca Carrasco-Martinez; Man Ho Chan; S. Mahesh Chandran and S. Shankaranarayanan; Hong Zhe Chen; RY Chiao, NA Inan, DA Singleton, ME Tobar; Sayantan Choudhury; A. A. Coley; Bruno Arderucio Costa; Jesse Daas, Cristobal Laporte, Frank Saueressig and Tim van Dijk; John Bruce Davies; Arthur E. Fischer; T. R. Govindarajan; Eduardo Guendelman; Yuan K. Ha; Shahar Hod; Viqar Husain, Irfan Javed, Sanjeev Seahra and Nomaan X; Lawrence M. Krauss, Francesco Marino, Samuel L.
Braunstein, Mir Faizal and Naveed A. Shah; Philip D. Mannheim; Alexander I. Nesterov; Fabrizio Pinto; Tom Rudelius; Jorge G. Russo; Victoria Shenderov, Mark Suppiah, Thomas Beitel, Sreenath K.Manikandan and Igor Pikovski; Tejinder P. Singh; Slava G.Turyshev; C.S.Unnikrishnan; Jenny Wagner
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays are posted on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays are also posted on our website and will be published in the October 2024 SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD).
3.3. New book: "General Post-Newtonian Orbital Effects From Earth's Satellites to the Galactic Center" (CUP)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.cambridge.org/it/universitypress/subjects/physics/cosmology-rel…
The forthcoming book "General Post-Newtonian Orbital Effects. From Earth's Satellites to the Galactic Center" has been announced by the Cambridge University Press. Orbital motions have always been used to test gravitational theories which, from time to time, have challenged the then-dominant paradigms. This book provides a unified treatment for calculating a wide variety of orbital effects due to general relativity and modified models of gravity, to its first and second post-Newtonian orders, in full generality. It gives explicit results valid for arbitrary orbital configurations and spin axes of the primaries, without a-priori simplifying assumptions on either the orbital eccentricity or inclination. These general results apply to a range of phenomena, from Earth's artificial satellites to the S-stars orbiting the supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre, to binary and triple pulsars, exoplanets and interplanetary probes. Readers will become acquainted with working out a
variety of orbital effects other than the time-honoured perihelion precession, designing their own space-based tests, performing effective sensitivity analyses and assessing realistic error-budgets.