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- 1 participants
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02 Jun '20
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravitational waves: a new messenger to explore the universe
1.2. 3rd Information Universe Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands
1.3. 23rd Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Austin, Texas
1.4. 13th International Lisa Symposium (remotely)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Cosmology, Space Science and Space Technology (SPACE), Naples, Italy
2.2. Postdoctoral positions at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
2.3. PhD position in gravitational waves and numerical relativity at Jena, Germany
2.4. 3 year postdoc position in Geometric Analysis/Mathematical Relativity, Potsdam/Tuebingen, Germany
3. News
3.1. New book "Stumbling Blocks Against Unification"
3.2. Collection: Beyond Spacetime
3.3. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2020
3.4. COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physics
3.5. GRG Editor's Choice: Superstrata
3.6. The Fourth Zeldovich meeting goes virtual
3.7. Cornelius Hoenselaers - sad news
3.8. The Twentieth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravitational waves: a new messenger to explore the universe
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-03-01 to 2021-04-09
Location: Institut Henri Poincare', Paris, France
Additional Information: https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/category/408/
Contact: GWMess2021[AT]ihp.fr
We are pleased to announce the six-week program "Gravitational waves: a new messenger to explore the universe", taking place from March 1 to April 9 2021 at the Institut Henri Poincare' (IHP) in Paris.
This program is intended for scientists in the field of gravitational-wave physics and astrophysics, and especially for those who wish to start conducting research in this field. Young researchers (PhD students or postdocs) are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.
Scientific activities during the program will include a series of lectures at master/PhD level, seminars, coordinated interdisciplinary exchanges, and afternoons dedicated to junior scientists, who will have the opportunity to present their research. The program will be an occasion to interact with colleagues and students within a convenient and stimulating venue in the center of Paris. The program will also host the fourth annual meeting of the Groupement de Recherche Ondes Gravitationnelles [http://gdrgw.in2p3.fr/]
The program is organised in three two-week blocks:
1) March 1-12: theoretical aspects of gravitational-wave science
2) March 15-22: astrophysics and cosmology
3) March 29-April 9 : gravitational-wave detectors and data analysis
Applications are now open and should be submitted through the conference website at: https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/5761/overview
The deadline to apply is September 1st, 2020.
The minimal length of participation is one week. However, to foster collaborative interactions, we encourage participants to stay for longer if possible. Due to space and financial constraints, participation to this event is moderated.
The IHP provides office space on-site and also provides help finding accommodation. Financial support will be available, the amount depending on the needs of the participants and availability of funds.
Please also inform your colleagues who you think might be interested in applying to the program.
Sincerely yours,
Chiara Caprini, Eric Chassande-Mottin, Guillaume Faye, Filippo Vernizzi, Marta Volonteri
1.2. 3rd Information Universe Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-02
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://www.informationuniverse.rug.nl/registration.html
Contact: informationuniverse[AT]rug.nl
A multi-disciplinary conference on the role of information in our universe. Including sessions on
(1) The Lambda-CDM tension, Euclid and the Dark Universe
(2) Emergent gravity and space-time
(3) Quantum computing, neuromorphic computing and machine learning
(4) Complexity and chaos in nature and computers.
The organizers understand that registering for an international conference is quite a step in these corona virus dominated days. They therefore encourage you to register, without any payment obligation. They can then inform you by e-mail about the status of affairs.
1.3. 23rd Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Austin, Texas
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-06-22 to 2020-06-26
Location: Austin, Texas (virtual meeting)
Additional Information: https://zippy.ph.utexas.edu/relativity/capra23/
Contact: aaron.zimmerman[AT]austin.utexas.edu
The Capra meeting is an annual workshop focused on the topic of radiation reaction in general relativity. These workshops bring together experts from across a range of disciplines within relativity, with a focus on modeling extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs). The canonical example of an EMRI is the inspiral of a stellar-mass compact object into a supermassive black hole, and gravitational waves from these systems are a promising target for the LISA satellite mission. The study of radiation reaction and the "self-force" approximation is not limited to EMRIs, and a range of topics and applications to other areas of gravitational physics have been discussed at past Capra meetings.
The 23rd Capra meeting will be hosted by the University of Texas at Austin. However, because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, this meeting will be held completely virtually. The meeting will be held June 22-26. The format is yet to be finalized, but the meeting will run over a portion of each day, with times aimed at maximizing participation from multiple time zones.
The program will feature a mixture of a few invited talks, shorter contributed talks, and interactive discussion sessions. Contributed talks on all aspects of the radiation reaction problem and the relativistic two-body problem generally are welcome. Unfortunately, we expect a shorter meeting each day as compared to past Capra meetings, and it may not be possible to accommodate all contributed talks. As usual, there will be no registration fees or proceedings.
We ask participants to register as soon as possible to help us get a head count. Registration will close June 15. For those who wish to give a contributed talk, please submit a title and abstract by May 25.
1.4. 13th International Lisa Symposium (remotely)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2020-09-01 to 2020-09-03
Location: Everywhere online
Additional Information: http://lisasymposium13.lisamission.org
Contact: Michele.Vallisneri[AT]jpl.nasa.gov
The 13th International LISA Symposium will take place everywhere online on three afternoons (UTC), on September 1-3, 2020.
The symposium will focus on the status of the LISA mission; on the latest developments in its design and technology; on the science (astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics) of LISA's millihertz gravitational-wave sources; and on the ensuing challenges in gravitational theory and analysis.
We welcome the entire astronomical community to help define and update the unique paths to discovery that will become possible with LISA, and to discuss opportunities for multimessenger astronomy in conjunction with future space and ground facilities.
We aim at a widely accessible and inclusive symposium that will gather a diverse audience and provide learning and advancement opportunities at all levels, and especially for early career scientists. We hope to keep participation costs low (or zero).
The live program of invited and contributed presentations, panels, and townhalls will be supplemented by prerecorded talks and tutorials, which will be available on the conference website in advance of the symposium.
A call for contributed presentations will go out in early June, with a deadline in mid-July; we will circulate the final program by early August. More information will appear soon at the symposium website, http://lisasymposium13.lisamission.org .
Best regards,
John W. Conklin (SOC Co-Chair)
Elena Maria Rossi (SOC Co-Chair)
Michele Vallisneri (TOC Chair)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD Positions in Cosmology, Space Science and Space Technology (SPACE), Naples, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-06-30
Location: Napoli, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.ssm.unina.it/en/calls-and-news/
Contact: space[AT]unina.it
Opening of six (4-years) positions for the PhD program "Cosmology, Space Science and Space Technology (SPACE)" at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Napoli, Italy), which is an international school of higher education and research with a related Institute for Advanced Studies. The school is part of the Italian Public University.
The SPACE PhD program combines fundamental researches, such as those in astrophysics, cosmology, general relativity and astroparticle physics with applied researches placed in Space, like aerospace, aerodynamics engineering, material science for extraterrestrial environment. Multidisciplinary and complementary skills are required.
The positions are fully-funded with a competitive salary and it benefits from additional funds for research activities in Italy and abroad.
The application deadline is 30 June 2020.
Call for applications 2020: http://www.ssm.unina.it/en/calls-and-news/
Information on the PhD program and grants, as well as on Ordinary Courses of Scuola Superiore Meridionale, is available at the following link:
Information on the Scuola Superiore Meridionale is available at http://www.ssm.unina.it
2.2. Postdoctoral positions at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-12-31
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Additional Information: http://www.nucleares.unam.mx/
Contact: quevedo[AT]nucleares.unam.mx
The Department of Gravitation and Field Theory at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences of UNAM, has openings, twice a year, for postdoctoral fellows in its fields of study. The positions are for one year, renewable for a second one, depending upon funding and performance, and they carry a competitive monthly stipend, as well as basic health insurance for the postdoctoral fellow and his/her dependents. The positions are open to researchers from any part of the world, independently of ethnicity, religion and gender.
The department lines of research include classical and quantum aspects of gravitation, numerical relativity, cosmology, mathematical physics, quantum field theory, lattice QCD, biophysics, and complex systems.
The permanent members are Miguel Alcubierre, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Yuri Bonder, Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, Jemal Guven, Dario Nunez, Nestor Ortiz, Hernando Quevedo, Marcos Rosenbaum, Marcelo Salgado, Christopher Stephens, Daniel Sudarsky, Roberto Sussman, and Alexander Turbiner -- there is also a number of postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
Applications are reviewed in late January, for positions starting in September of the same year, and in late May, for positions starting in February of the next year.
The successful candidates should have received a PhD in Physics, or closely related fields, no longer than 3 years before the starting date of the position.
We strongly encourage interested persons to apply throughout the year, by sending, in a single pdf file, their CV and research plan, while also arranging for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: quevedo[AT]nucleares.unam.mx with copy to fengari[AT]nucleares.unam.mx
Contact: Quevedo, Hernando (quevedo[AT]nucleares.unam.mx)
Letters of Reference should be sent to: quevedo[AT]nucleares.unam.mx
2.3. PhD position in gravitational waves and numerical relativity at Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-07-01
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.physik.uni-jena.de/TPIJobs
Contact: sebastiano.bernuzzi[AT]uni-jena.de
Applications are invited for one PhD position in the field of gravitational waves and numerical relativity at the University of Jena. The position is associated with the research group of Prof. Sebastiano Bernuzzi at the Theoretical Physics Institute Jena and funded by Jena FSU. The successful candidate is expected to work on the topic of compact binaries in general relativity, including computational aspects in numerical relativity, gravitational waveform modeling and data-analysis applications. The group is part of the Virgo Collaboration and there is the possibility to join and participate to the LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave astronomy programme. The group is also part of the computational relativity (CoRe) collaboration.
Candidates with interest in analytical and numerical relativity, computational astrophysics, gravitational-wave modeling and data analysis are particularly encouraged to apply. Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of one to three potential referees, who may be contacted separately.
Applications should be received by July 1st, 2020, but will be considered until the positions are filled. Starting date can be as early as September 2020. Please send applications to:
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena, Germany
Please use the string Application for PhD position - SURNAME NAME in the Email subject and send a single PDF file for all your documents.
2.4. 3 year postdoc position in Geometric Analysis/Mathematical Relativity, Potsdam/Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-06-30
Location: Potsdam/Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1sw1hj6jsp1bvnr/ausschreibung_en.pdf?dl=0
Contact: cederbaum[AT]math.uni-tuebingen.de
We are jointly offering a full time Postdoc Position in Mathematics for 3 years at the interface between Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Relativity, starting from October 01, 2020 or at a slightly earlier or later date to be negotiated by the successful candidate. The appointment is limited to 3 years and will be split equally between the University of Potsdam (in the Partial Differential Equation group led by Jan Metzger) and the University of Tuebingen (in the Differential Geometry and Mathematical Relativity group led by Carla Cederbaum). The order of the appointments in Potsdam and Tuebingen is negotiable. The successful applicant is expected to participate in and facilitate continuous scientific exchange between the two research groups.
The position is part of our joint project Geometrically defined asymptotic coordinates in General Relativity funded by the priority programme Geometry at Infinity.
The closing date is June 30, 2020.
Please find more details in the job advertisement under the link on the top.
3. News
3.1. New book "Stumbling Blocks Against Unification"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11738
A new book on some persistent problems in theoretical physics: "Stumbling Blocks Against Unification", by Matej Pavsic, published by World Scientific.
The book is meant to provide a concise formulation and proposed solutions to a number of obstacles in the attempts to arrive at quantum gravity and unification of interactions.
From the puiblisher info:
The history is full of misconceptions that opposed the progress of physics. The book starts with reviewing some historical cases, such as the arguments against the Earth rotation, or the famous problem of 3/4 in the theory of electromagnetic mass of electron. After having pointed out that misconceptions have been common in the history of physics, it is argued that they must be present today as well. In fact, it is now commonly being realized that in the last forty years there has been no significant progress in the fundamental theoretical physics. A reason certainly lies in certain stumbling blocks on our way towards the unification of interaction and of gravity with quantum mechanics. The author discusses what he perceives as some persisting misconceptions that have not yet been recognized as such by physics community in general.
3.2. Collection: Beyond Spacetime
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.beyondspacetime.net
We draw your attention to the publication to the collection of essays, "Beyond Spacetime: The Foundations of Quantum Gravity".
Blurb: "One of the greatest challenges in fundamental physics is to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity in a theory of quantum gravity. A successful theory would have profound consequences for our understanding of space, time, and matter. This collection of essays written by eminent physicists and philosophers discusses these consequences and examines the most important conceptual questions among philosophers and physicists in their search for a quantum theory of gravity. Comprising three parts, the book explores the emergence of classical spacetime, the nature of time, and important questions of the interpretation, metaphysics, and epistemology of quantum gravity. These essays will appeal to both physicists and philosophers of science working on problems in foundational physics, specifically that of quantum gravity."
With contributions from: Daniele Oriti, Suddhasattwa Brahma, Robert H. Brandenberger, Daniel Harlow, Carlo Rovelli, Fay Dowker, Lee Smolin, Henrique Gomes, David Wallace, Richard Dawid, Sebastian De Haro, Radin Dardashti, Sean Gryb, Karim Thebault, Tiziana Vistarini, Ko Sanders.
See here:
Nick Huggett, Keizo Matsubara, and Christian Wuethrich
3.3. Gravity Research Foundation, Awards for Essays for 2020
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
PO BOX 81389
Roger W. Babson Founder
George M. Rideout, Jr. President
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2020.
1. $4,000 - The Noise of Gravitons by Maulik Parikh[1][2], Frank Wilczek[1][3][4][5], and George Zahariade[2], [1]Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, [2]Beyond: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, [3]Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Stockholm SE-106 91, Sweden, [4]Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, [5]Wilczek Quantum Center, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; e-mail: maulik.parikh[AT]asu.edu, frank.wilczek[AT]asu.edu, george.zahariade[AT]asu.edu
2. $1,250 - Lorentzian Quintessential Inflation by David Benisty[1][2] and Eduardo I. Guendelman[1][2][3], [1]Physics Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer- Sheva 84105, Israel, [2]Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Ruth-Moufang- Strasse 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, [3]Bahamas Advanced Study Institute and Conferences, 4A Ocean Heights, Hill View Circle, Stella Maris, Long Island, The Bahamas; e-mail: benidav[AT]post.bgu.ac.il, guendel[AT]bgu.ac.il
3. $1,000 - A Proof of the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture by Shahar Hod, The Ruppin Academic Center, Emeq Hefer 40250, Israel and The Hadassah Institute, Jerusalem 91010, Israel; e-mail: shaharhod[AT]gmail.com
4. $750 - Cosmological Constant in Coherent Quantum Gravity by Craig Hogan, University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 and Fermilab; e-mail: craighogan[AT]uchicago.edu
5. $500 - Principle of Equivalence at Planck Scales and the Zero-Point-Length of Spacetime - A Synergistic Description of Quantum Matter and Geometry by T. Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411 077, India; e-mail: paddy[AT]iucaa.in
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order): Charis Anastopoulos and Konstantina Savvidou; Sebastian Bahamonde, Mir Faizal, James Q. Quach, and Richard A. Norte; Rabin Banerjee; John D. Barrow; Jens Boos; Michael Creutz; A. Danehkar; Camilla Danielski and Nicola Tamanini; Saurya Das; Aharon Davidson and Tomer Ygael; Douglas Edmonds, Djordje Minic, and Tatsu Takeuchi; Roberto Emparan; Arthur E. Fischer; Wen-Cong Gan and Fu-Wen Shu; D. Grumiller, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari and C. Zwikel; Gregory W. Horndeski; Ted Jacobson and Phuc Nguyen; Qing-Quan Jiang, Yan Han, and Jin Pu; Jose Beltran Jimenez, Dario Bettoni, and Philippe Brax; Barak Kol; Alexey S. Koshelev, K. Sravan Kumar, and Alexei A. Starobinsky; Amitabha Lahiri; Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano and Luciano Petruzziello; Rodrigo Maier; Philip D. Mannheim; Jun Nian and Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas; Marius Oltean, Hossein Bazrafshan Moghaddam, and Richard J. Epp; Murat Ozer; M. B. Paranjape; M. A. Perez-Garcia and
Joseph Silk; Fabrizio Pinto; Edgar Shaghoulian; Tejinder P. Singh; Douglas Singleton; Ram Gopal Vishwakarma; Jenny Wagner.
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays are posted on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays are also posted on our web site and will be published in the October 2020 SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD).
3.4. COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physics
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://gwverse.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/stsms/
In the context of the European COST Action CA16104 on Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics (GWverse), grants for short term scientific missions (STSMs) are available. We are inviting you to submit proposals for STMSs starting after July 1, 2020 and ending before Jan 31, 2021 (applications outside this timeframe will be discarded).
This call closes on June 30, 2020. All proposals will be reviewed and the results will be announced by July 7, 2020.
The selection committee will take into account the geographical distribution of host and home institution, matching of funds by the host, the scientific proposal and the experience of the applicant (preference is given to Early Career Investigators).
Successful applicants will be expected to join as members of one (or more) of the Action's Working Groups. STSM recipients should acknowledge the COST Action in any publication or talks, through the use of the COST logo and the statement "The authors would like to acknowledge networking support by the COST Action GWverse CA16104".
STSMs are a great opportunity for all scientists within the COST Action to exchange visits, nurture collaborations, or develop new ones. Further details are available at the GWverse webpage: https://gwverse.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/stsms/
If you have any question, please contact the STSM Coordinator Andreja Gomboc: andreja.gomboc[at]ung.si
3.5. GRG Editor's Choice: Superstrata
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/gp/livingreviews/relativity/grg-editors-choice
In each volume of the journal General Relativity and Gravitation (GRG), a few articles are marked as "Editor's Choice". The primary criteria is original, high-quality research that is of wide interest within the community. This recent publication deserves special attention:
Masaki Shigemori,
Gen Relativ Gravit 52, 51 (2020).
Invited review for the Topical Collection "The Fuzzball Paradigm"
(Eds. Samir D. Mathur, David Turton and Amitabh Virmani).
Please, browse all Editor's Choice articles at:
Frank Schulz
Publishing Editor GRG
3.6. The Fourth Zeldovich meeting goes virtual
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://icranet.org/zeldovich4
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 4th Zeldovich meeting will be held virtually, on 7-11 September 2020, with ICRANet and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as organizers and hosts. All participants registered so far are confirmed.
The participation will be free of charge.
The registration deadline is extended until 31 of July 2020.
The abstract submission deadline is extended until 15 of August 2020.
The proceedings of the meeting will be published in Astronomy Reports journal.
3.7. Cornelius Hoenselaers - sad news
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information:
Cornelius Hoenselaers died on May 30, 2020. He was well known for his work on��exact solutions of Einstein's equations in the 1970s and 1980s. His probably��best remembered professional achievement will be the co-authorship of the second��edition of "Exact solutions" by Stephani et al. His friends will also remember his lifelong love of all things Japanese; he was a fluent Japanese speaker. We��will miss his bright mind and jolly company.
3.8. The Twentieth Release of the Einstein Toolkit
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2020_05_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twentieth release (code name "Turing") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The highlights of this release are:
Cactus now supports tracking of data dependencies at runtime using schedule annotations. These can be used to check correctness of a schedule and also to automate data synchronizations between MPI ranks.
Two new thorns have been added:
- Baikal, a spacetime evolution code using NRPy+ for code generation
- BaikalVacuum, a version of Baikal optimized for vacuum only simulations
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in October 2019 contributed by Eloisa Bentivegna, Erik Schnetter, Federico Cipolletta, Frank Loeffler, Giuseppe Ficarra, Ian Hinder, Jascha Schewtschenko, Ken Sible, Lorenzo Sala, Miguel Zilhao, Philipp Moesta, Roland Haas, Samuel Cupp, Steven R. Brandt, and Zachariah Etienne have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve staff and faculty from five different institutions, and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join in.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org, or contact the users mailing list users[AT]einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 1550551/1550461/1550436/1550514 (Einstein Toolkit Community Integration and Data Exploration).
The "Turing" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2020-05-31)
Roland Haas, Brockton Brendal, William E. Gabella, Beyhan Karakas, Atul Kedia, Shawn G. Rosofsky, Steven R. Brandt, Alois Peter Schaffarczyk, Helvi Witek