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September 2021
- 1 participants
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[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for September 2021
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Sep '21
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Sep '21
02 Sep '21
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Applications of Quantum Information in QFT and Cosmology, Lethbridge, Canada and online
1.2. XIV Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal
1.3. Black Holes Inside and Out 2021: Final announcement (online)
1.4. ICASU Inaugural Conference, Urbana, Illinois, USA
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral position in computational relativistic astrophysics/numerical relativity, Boca Raton, USA
2.2. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Physics/Neutron Stars, Coimbra, Portugal
2.3. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science, Noordwijk (Netherlands), Madrid (Spain), Baltimore (USA)
2.4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Stellar Astrophysics, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
3. News
1. Conferences
1.1. Applications of Quantum Information in QFT and Cosmology, Lethbridge, Canada and online
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-11-22 to 2021-11-24
Location: Lethbridge, Canada and online
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/qiinqftandcosmo/home
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
In recent years, quantum information theory (QIT) has become a melting pot between disparate branches of physics. Within the last decade, tools and techniques from QIT are bringing new perspectives into fields such as quantum field theory (QFT) and cosmology, and are inspiring new questions and new research directions.
The goal of this workshop is to highlight how different tools and techniques of QIT are providing new ideas and insights about quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, and cosmology.
Because of travel restrictions due to the pandemic, we currently expect the workshop will be a blend of hybrid and online formats. Our goal is to encourage interaction among participants, especially including between researchers and students, to enhance innovative ideas in Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Field Theory, and Cosmology.
1.2. XIV Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-12-20 to 2021-12-21
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Additional Information: http://bhw14.web.ua.pt/home.html
Contact: bhw14[AT]ua.pt
From astrophysics to high-energy physics, from information theory to quantum gravity, black holes have acquired an ever increasing role in fundamental physics, and are now part of the terminology of many important branches of observational, theoretical, and mathematical physics.
The Black Holes Workshops gather researchers working on physical and mathematical problems of black holes, both in its classical and quantum aspects, as well as their connections to general relativity and gravitation, string theory, cosmology, and astrophysics, and stimulate the interaction between all these issues.
The fourteenth edition of the Black Holes Workshop celebrates three landmark contributions in the history of black holes: Firstly, on the classical theory side, the 50th anniversary of the Carter uniqueness theorem, which after Israel's 1967 and 1968 pioneering contributions, and subsequent improvements by Robinson, led to the Kerr hypothesis and the remarkable idea that black holes have "no-hair"; secondly, on the observational side, the 50th anniversary of the Lynden-Bell and Rees proposal that there is a black hole at the galactic centre, an hypothesis vindicated by half a century of observational and theoretical developments culminating with the 2020 Nobel Physics Prize for black holes; thirdly, the 25th anniversary of the Vafa and Strominger computation of the microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy formula for a class of black holes in string theory.
Researchers on black holes in all their aspects are invited to participate. The workshop is organized by the Gravitation group of Aveiro University and will be held at Aveiro University, in Aveiro, Portugal, in December 20 and 21, 2021.
We hope the combination of electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations, together with theoretical and computational developments, will keep on guiding new revelations about these intriguing objects, as illustrated by the artwork image of a binary black hole merger surrounded by accretion disks in the image above (Modified image from source material by NASA's Goddard Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman).
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register and send an abstract before November 26th.
The meeting will occur in the Aveiro Campus unless this becomes impossible by the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemia. More information will follow in the fall 2021.
1.3. Black Holes Inside and Out 2021: Final announcement (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2021-09-27 to 2021-10-01
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://www.bhio2021.com/
Contact: francesco.difilippo[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
The conference "Black Holes Inside and Out" will be devoted to the discussion of black hole physics in a broad sense. Its main aim is to bring together people working on theoretical, phenomenological, and observational aspects of classical and quantum black holes. Talks will cover foundational topics as well as recent theoretical and observational breakthroughs.
The conference will be held online on the Zoom platform from 27 September to 1 October 2021. Most sessions will consist of invited talks and discussion sessions. There will be a poster session, and the presenters of the three best posters (as judged by the advisory board and the organizers) will have the opportunity to give a plenary talk. We encourage students and early postdocs to submit title and abstract for their contributions before the deadline of September 10.
1.4. ICASU Inaugural Conference, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-19 to 2022-05-21
Location: Urbana, Illinois, USA
Additional Information: https://icasu.illinois.edu/inaugural-conference
Contact: icasu2022-web[AT]physics.illinois.edu
The inaugural ICASU conference will be hosted by ICASU, and the Department of Physics of the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign from May 19 - 21, 2022 Thursday to Saturday in the lobby of NCSA.
ICASU is an interdisciplinary arena for research, education, and outreach. Members of the center seek answers to problems in fundamental physics at the intersections of cosmology, gravity, high energy, and nuclear physics. ICASU researchers ask questions such as: What is the universe made of at the most fundamental level? What are the principles, symmetries, and forces that govern the interactions of the fundamental particles and fields? and How does the universe work at all scales of energy, curvature, and size?
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral position in computational relativistic astrophysics/numerical relativity, Boca Raton, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-09-20
Location: Boca Raton, USA
Additional Information: http://physics2.fau.edu/~wolf/
Contact: wolf[AT]fau.edu
The Department of Physics (http://physics.fau.edu) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of numerical relativity and gravitational wave sources modeling in Wolfgang Tichy's group.
The current research focus of the group is on simulations of binary neutron stars and black holes. Thus the ideal candidate should have knowledge about general relativity, binary neutron stars or black holes, as well as strong programming skills. However, interested candidates with other backgrounds will be considered as well.
The position is associated with an NSF funded project about providing high quality initial data for binary neutron star simulations. The successful candidate will thus work some of the time on initial data and also on evolving these data with evolution codes such as the Einstein Toolkit or Nmesh. The appointment will be for about 2 years, but may be renewable depending on future funding.
FAU researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers through XSEDE, as well as a dedicated cluster at FAU (https://hpc.fau.edu)
Applications should consist of a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. The letter writers are asked to send the letters directly. All materials should be sent electronically as soon as possible to: wolf[AT]fau.edu
Review of completed applications will begin on September 20, 2021 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. The starting date is flexible, but should be somewhere between the end of this year and mid 2022.
2.2. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Physics/Neutron Stars, Coimbra, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-09-15
Location: ���Coimbra (Portugal)/Potsdam (Germany)
Additional Information: https://cfisuc.fis.uc.pt
Contact: violetta.sagun[AT]uc.pt
The Centre for Physics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for a Postdoctoral position in the interplay between gravitational wave physics and nuclear astrophysics. The Postdoctoral researcher will join an interdisciplinary and innovative research project in the interface between astrophysics, nuclear physics, and gravitational-wave astronomy. The successful candidate will work in tight collaboration with Dr. Violetta Sagun in Coimbra on neutron star physics and with Prof. Tim Dietrich in Potsdam on numerical-relativity simulations. While the position will be primarily based at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), long-term stays at the University of Potsdam will be possible.
A necessary requirement is a PhD degree in Physics or Astrophysics. A background in nuclear astrophysics, theoretical gravitational-wave physics, numerical relativity, and computational astrophysics is beneficial. Experience in general-relativistic numerical simulations is highly welcomed.
Applications, which have to be sent electronically to Violetta Sagun (violetta.sagun[AT]uc.pt), should include a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, copies of the MS and PhD certificates. Three recommendation letters should be sent separately to the above-mentioned e-mail.
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The application deadline for full consideration is September 15th, 2021. Applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled. The position is for one year with a possibility of extension. The expected starting date is on the 1st of January, 2022.
The University of Coimbra is an equal opportunity employer with welcoming working conditions, career development, and networking opportunities. For more information, please visit Coimbra University site (https://www.uc.pt) and the Centre for Physics site (https://cfisuc.fis.uc.pt)
2.3. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science, Noordwijk (Netherlands), Madrid (Spain), Baltimore (USA)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-09-27
Location: Noordwijk (Netherlands), Madrid (Spain), Baltimore (USA)
Additional Information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/space-science-faculty/opportunities/research…
Contact: yannis.zouganelis[AT]esa.int
We are pleased to inform you about the opening of the call for European Space Agency's Research Fellowships in Space Science. The call is opening on 30 August 2021 with an application deadline on 27 September 2021.
ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry out research in a variety of disciplines related to space science, space applications or space technology. Research Fellowships in Space Science specifically offer the opportunity to contribute to ESA's endeavour to explore our Solar System and the Universe, and cover the fields of heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics.
The research fellowships offer a unique insight into ESA's environment and activities while conducting cutting edge research. Mentoring and training opportunities are available, as are possibilities to engage with ESA science-related activities (e.g., archive/data science, operations, calibration, communication, citizen science).
Approximately 12 ESA Fellowships in Space Science (SCI) will be offered this year, to join the pool of about 25 Research Fellows. Within the Science Directorate (SCI), we welcome all independent proposals for innovative research associated with one or more of our missions. The Space Science fellowships can be taken up at any of the three sites ESAC (Spain), ESTEC (Netherlands) or STScI (USA) and we encourage applicants to choose sites that allow for best local collaborations. To learn more about the research conducted by the ESA scientists at different sites, please visit the Faculty Member Directory and the pages for the Faculty research groups. There is a separate page for research at the ESA Office at STScI.
Duration: Appointments are for a maximum of three years. The initial project is for two years. An extension for a third year requires a dedicated proposal and is frequently granted.
Eligibility: Citizens of ESA Member States or of cooperating and associated countries.
More information on the Research Fellowship programme and on how to apply can be found at the link below.
Deadline for applications is 27 September 2021.
2.4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Stellar Astrophysics, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-15
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/staff/20127BR
Contact: ianc[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position to work with Professor Ian Crossfield and his ExoLab research group. Applications targeting any area of stellar or exoplanetary research are welcome, but are especially encouraged for topics focusing on the derivation of precise stellar parameters via stellar spectroscopy, particularly detailed stellar abundances.
The successful applicant will work with both archival and newly-acquired spectroscopic data sets from Keck/HIRES, Keck/NIRSPEC, IRTF/iSHELL, and other facilities. The NSF- and NASA-funded project will focus on investigating abundance patterns in field stars and brown dwarfs to test models of Galactic Chemical Evolution, improve the precision of inferred stellar ages, and compare abundance patterns in exoplanet host stars to the makeup of these planets' atmospheres (as inferred by JWST, HST, or other observations). Candidates are particularly sought who can demonstrate experience and/or interest in the analysis of stellar spectra and/or related data products, including the construction of model stellar atmospheres and/or stellar spectra, spectral synthesis, curve-of-growth analysis, or related efforts.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in astronomy, astrophysics, physics or a related field by their start date. The position is available as early as June 2022 for a period of three years and a possible extension, and come with funds for travel and research expenses. Start date is flexible. Applicants should send a cover letter, a description of research expertise and interests (as pertaining to the projects described above), and a curriculum vitae with names and email addresses of at least two references to Ian Crossfield (ianc[AT]ku.edu) Applications received before Feb 15, 2022 will receive full consideration; review will continue until the position is filled. For more information and to apply go to http://employment.ku.edu/staff/20127BR
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights[AT]ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center
3. News