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November 2009
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
Dear Members of the hyperspace@aei mailing list,
please find attached the bulletin for November 2009 collecting the
most recent information about Conferences, Jobs and News.
Most of these announcements have been made using the website
but some members of the list are still sending their announcements
as emails to Malcolm MacCallum, who then forwards them to me. To avoid
this complicated bouncing procedure and until all become familiar with
the new way of posting the announcements, please send such emails to hyperspace(a)aei.mpg.de
and I will post them for you.
Best regards,
Luciano Rezzolla
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 GR19: First Announcement
1.2 VII International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology
1.3 9th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
1.4 Mathematical methods in general relativity and quantum field
1.5 PDEs, Relativity and Nonlinear Waves
1.6 Cosmology on the Beach
1.7 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW14)
1.8 CAPRA and NRDA 2010
1.9 Focus Session on The Nature of Time in Fundamental Science
2. Jobs
2.1 Faculty Position in Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
2.2 Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions in Astrophysics at SISSA
2.3 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at MSU
2.4 Postdoctoral Positions at Penn State in Fundamental Gravitational
2.5 Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity at AEI
2.6 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Relativistic Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
2.7 Postdoctoral Position at University of Chicago
2.8 PhD position in Theoretical HE Physics and Cosmology
2.9 Postdoctoral position in Theoretical HE Physics and Cosmology
2.10 PhD positions in the IMPRS in Astrophysics
2.11 Postdoctoral openings in Theoretical GW Physics at Maryland
2.12 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Astrophysics at CITA
2.13 Tenure-track and long-term faculty positions at IPMU
2.14 Postdocs and distinguished-postdoc positions at IPMU
2.15 Postdoctoral Position at Beijing Normal University in Quantum
2.16 Postdoctoral positions in the Astrophysical Relativity Division
at AEI
2.17 Junior Research Fellowship in Theoretical Physics at King's College
2.18 Postdoctoral Opportunities at the University of Alberta
2.19 BCAM International Call for Researchers (faculty)
2.20 BCAM International Call for Researchers (PhD)
2.21 BCAM International Call for Researchers (postdocs)
2.22 Postdoc at Imperial College
2.23 Postdoc Position in Gravitational Physics at UC Santa Barbara
2.24 Postdoctoral Recruitment at Perimeter Institute
2.25 Postdoc in Cosmology at Tufts Institute of Cosmology
2.26 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
3. News
3.1 New book – Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity
3.2 Electronic Proceedings of Loops '09 Conference and QG School in
3.3 GRG on the Map
1. Conferences
1.1 GR19: First Announcement
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jul 05, 2010 to Fri, Jul 09, 2010
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Additional Information: http://www.gr19.com/
The 19th International Conference on General Relativity and
Gravitation (GR19) will take place at Mexico City on July 5-9, 2010.
The location of GR19 will be at the Centro Banamex Convention and
Exhibition Center (Centro Banamex) which is the most modern location
of its type in Mexico. A professional congress organizer (Anfitriones
Nacionales) will be in charge of the complete registration,
accommodation, transportation, equipment, and logistics of the event.
The Local Organizing Committee is aware of security concerns and has
taken several steps to address this issue. First, Centro Banamex is
located in the Reforma corridor, a touristic and business area in
Mexico City. Second, all the hotels proposed to the participants of
GR19 are in close proximity to the venue. Finally, the conference will
arrange special bus transportation between hotels and Centro Banamex
which will be offered free of charge during the entire conference.
GR19 will include five days of conference talks, a public lecture to
be presented by Prof. George Smoot, and an optional half-day
excursion. The Scientific Organizing Committee, chaired by Prof. Don
Marolf, is organizing a very exciting scientific program with a broad
array of plenary speakers and parallel sessions. This information is
available on the GR19 website athttp://www.gr19.com/ . Abstract
submission for the parallel sessions will begin on December 1, 2009.
To solidify an initial program, a small number of abstracts will be
accepted in January, 2010. Other acceptances will occur after the
admissions process has closed.
About Mexico
Mexico receives more than twenty million international visitors every
year, in part due to its ancient culture, the warm and friendly
atmosphere of the Mexican people, its renowned cuisine, and to its
wonderful climate year round. Mexico City, the oldest metropolis in
the Americas, is overlooked by the Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl
volcanoes and is noted for having gentle weather with an average
annual temperature of 22°C. Mexico City is an exciting place in which
history, art, culture, tradition and modernity mix to form a constant
effervescent ambience. There are neverending opportunities to
experience and enjoy the region. There are innumerable tourist
services, such as accommodation, fine dining, travel agencies, car
rental services, tourist information booths, tourist transportation
services and complementary services.
Visa information
Nationals of most countries do not require a visa to enter Mexico for
visits of up to 90 days. For more information on visa requirements
please visit: http://www.inami.gob.mx/EN/index.php The conference will
provide supporting documentation for visa applications upon request
during registration online. In the unlikely event of a visa problem,
the participants should feel free to contact us at:
Local Organizing Committee
Institute of Nuclear Sciences,
UNAM A.P. 70-543,
04510 Mexico D.F.
Fax: +52 55 56224693
E-mail: gr19mexico_AT_nucleares.unam.mx
Travel information
Mexico City can be reached by diverse means of transportation from all
over the world. The city has a world-class international airport, four
long-distance bus terminals, and a central railroad station. Visitors
can fly to Mexico City from 104 airports around the world. Mexico
City's International Airport (IATA: MEX) offers 650 flights a day and
serves 6 national and 41 international airlines. There is also a new
airport located in the city of Toluca (IATA: TLC) which is 50 minutes
away from Mexico City.
Mexico City has more than 120 tourist-standard hotels with more than
47,000 rooms. Mexico Congress City (MCC) is an alliance headed by
Centro Banamex, that involves the seven of the most important hotels
in Mexico City in order to offer special benefits to the attendees of
conferences at Centro Banamex. All the MCC hotels are within a 7 km
radius of the Convention Center and from 15 to 30 minutes away (bus
transportation during rush hour). Low-cost hotels will be offered to
students at special rates. Additional information will be given soon
on the GR19 website where you will be able to make your own
Conference fees
Early registration - Non-student (500 USD); ISGRG-Member (420 USD);
Student (300 USD)
Late registration - Non-student (550 USD); ISGRG-Member (470 USD);
Student (350 USD)
The conference fees include a welcome reception, admission to all
plenary and parallel sessions, admission to the public lecture, all
refreshment breaks, delegate pack and conference information, bus
transportation between hotels and Centro Banamex, and participation on
a half-day excursion in Mexico City.
Important dates
December 1, 2009: Online registration begins / Abstract submission
April 30, 2010: Deadline for abstract submission
May 15, 2010: Deadline for early registration
July 4, 2010: Arrival of participants and registration
July 5-9, 2010: Scientific and social program of GR19
We will be honored to welcome you, your families and friends, and the
entire International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation as
guests in this great country of ours.
1.2 VII International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Dec 14, 2011 to Mon, Dec 19, 2011
Location: Goa, India
ICGC 2011 - Goa, India
We are pleased to announce that the VIIth International Conference on
Gravitation and Cosmology will be organized in Goa, India by the Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research [TIFR], during 14-19 December, 2011.
The ICGC series of conferences are held once every four years, in
India, under the auspices of the Indian Association of General
Relativity and Gravitation. The first ICGC was organized by TIFR in
Goa, in 1987. Successive meetings were held at the Physical Research
Laboratory, Ahmedabad (1991); Inter-University Center for Astronomy
and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune (1995); Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur (2000); Cochin University (2004) and IUCAA,
Pune (2007).
2011 will be the Silver Jubilee Year of this conference series, and we
are happy to take the conference back to its original venue : the
picturesque beach locale of Goa on the west coast of India. December
is a pleasant month in Goa - we look forward to your participation,
and to putting up a vibrant and academically exciting conference.
More information about ICGC 2011 will be made available on the
conference website, in May, 2010.
1.3 9th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 10, 2011 to Fri, Jul 15, 2011
Location: Cardiff, U.K.
We're pleased to announce that the 9th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on
Gravitational Waves will be held at Cardiff University, Cardiff UK
from July 10-15 2011.
1.4 Mathematical methods in general relativity and quantum field
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Nov 04, 2009 to Fri, Nov 06, 2009
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://philippelefloch.wordpress.com/2009/09/07/conference-mathematical-met…
A conference on all mathematical aspects of general relativity and
quantum field theories. More information at the url above. Invited
speakers include:
Lars Andersson, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam
Daniel Bennequin, IMJ, Paris 7
Piotr Bizon, Cracow
Luc Blanchet, IAP, Paris
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
Mihalis Dafermos, Cambridge
Dan Freed, Austin
Carsten Gundlach, Southampton
Alan D. Rendall, Potsdam
Jérémie Szeftel, Princeton and Paris
Gabriele Veneziano, College de France, Paris
Alan Weinstein, Berkeley
The poster of the conference can be found at http://philippelefloch.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/2009-poster-conferencepa…
1.5 PDEs, Relativity and Nonlinear Waves
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Apr 05, 2010 to Fri, Apr 09, 2010
Location: Granada, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.ugr.es/~kinetic/rel
The mathematical work concerned with or inspired by General Relativity
has increased substantially over the years and is still expanding,
thanks to the wide variety of interesting and challenging problems
that General Relativity can offer in several distinct areas of
Mathematics, for example PDEs, Geometry and Numerical Analysis.
Fundamental open questions in General Relativity, such as the
stability of Kerr, the formation and structure of Black Holes and the
Cosmic Censorship Conjecture, require for their understanding a deep
analysis of the global behavior of solutions to the Einsten equations.
This conference brings together leading experts on General Relativity/
non-linear wave equations and will cover topics of current and future
research in these fields.
1.6 Cosmology on the Beach
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jan 11, 2010 to Fri, Jan 15, 2010
Location: Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Additional Information: http://bccp.lbl.gov/beach_program/index.html
Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation
Cosmología en la Playa / Cosmology on the Beach
Playa del Carmen, Mexico
January 11-15, 2010
A range of topics in cosmology will be covered at the conference by
eminent scholars in the field, with elements of both a winter school
and the latest research topics. Students and postdocs will present
posters and gave short talks. We hope that the beauty of the natural
and cultural environment will act as a catalyst for young researchers
to interact and generate new ideas. We encourage a diverse group of
advanced graduate students and postdocs interested in attending to
submit the Participant Application form below.
1.7 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW14)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Tue, Jan 26, 2010 to Fri, Jan 29, 2010
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.roma1.infn.it/GWDAW14/
This message contains the first circular of the annual meeting GWDAW-14.
This year the meeting will be held in Rome at the Università di Roma
La Sapienza from 26th to 29th of January 2010
A pre-conference on the "Physics of Neutron Stars as Gravitational
Wave Sources" one day prior to the GWDAW-14 start will be organised
also in the same location (http://www.roma1.infn.it/GWDAW14/preconference/
Fulvio Ricci
chair of the GWDAW-14 Int. Comm.
1.8 CAPRA and NRDA 2010
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jun 20, 2010 to Sat, Jun 26, 2010
Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Additional Information:http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/Events/
This is the first announcement about the 2010 CAPRA and NRDA meetings
that will take place at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical
Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on June 20-26, 2010.
The first three days will be devoted to CAPRA, the last three days on
NRDA with a day in between to foster interactions between both
communities. In keeping with the meetings traditions: CAPRA will focus
on the radiation reaction problem in general relativity in the broad
sense. NRDA will continue fostering collaborations between numerical
relativity and gravitational wave searches. Both meetings will have
invited and contributed talks and leave ample space for discussions
and collaborations. Additionally, having both meetings be back-to-back
at the same location would provide for interactions at the interface
between the involved communities.
A Scientific Organizing Committee is being formed and will be
announced shortly. A web page has been
set up at:
which will be updated periodically as time approaches.
Please mark this meeting in your calendars, we look forward to meeting
you in Waterloo.
Best regards
Luis Lehner, Eric Poisson, Harald Pfeiffer
1.9 Focus Session on The Nature of Time in Fundamental Science
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Nov 09, 2009 to Tue, Nov 10, 2009
Location: University Park, PA
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/events/workshops.shtml
The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos at Penn State will hold a
focus session on "The Nature of Time in Fundamental Science" on
November 9th and 10th. These sessions bring together leading experts
on a sharply defined area from all over the world for summary talks
and extended discussions. The goal is to bring out inter-connections
between complementary but distinct lines of thought to advance the
area in novel directions.
In this session, the issue of time will be discussed from the
perspective of foundations of quantum mechanics, cosmology, general
relativity and quantum gravity. There is no registration fee but those
interested in participating must send an e-mail to Randi Neshteruk
<rxh1 AT psu.edu> as
soon as possible. To enhance discussions, the number of participants
is limited to 35.
More detailed information on the Session will be available at http://www.gravity.psu.edu/events/workshops.shtml
2. Jobs
2.1 Faculty Position in Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
Deadline: Thu, Dec 10, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu/jobs/
The School of Physics of the Georgia Institute of Technology invites
applications for a faculty position in astrophysics. We will consider
applicants in all subfields of astrophysics. We are particularly
interested in candidates with a strong background in areas that
complement our current efforts at the newly established Center for
Relativistic Astrophysics (http://www.cra.gatech.edu) These efforts
are: gravitational wave physics, accretion astrophysics, galaxy and
black hole evolution, numerical relativity and particle astrophysics.
Applicants at all levels (assistant, associate and full professor) are
encouraged to apply. Applicants should email to astro.search [at]
the following documents in PDF format: cover letter, curriculum
vitae including bibliography, statement of research interests and
brief teaching statement. In addition, applicants should arrange to
have at least three letters of reference emailed to astro.search [at]
or sent to: Astrophysics Faculty Search, School of Physics, 837
State Street, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0430.
Review of applications will begin December 10, 2009.
The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System
of Georgia, is An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.2 Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions in Astrophysics at SISSA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Trieste, Italy
Deadline: Thu, Dec 31, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.sissa.it/ap/postdocs09.html
The Astrophysics Sector of the International School for Advanced
Studies of Trieste, Italy (http://www.sissa.it/ap) expects to have an
opening for at least two research associate (postdoc) positions
starting in Fall 2010. The positions are for two years and can be
possibly extended for a further third year. Read the full
advertisement here: http://www.sissa.it/ap/postdocs09.html
The research areas covered by the Sector include: relativistic
astrophysics, early universe physics, cosmic microwave background,
large scale structure, galaxies, dark matter, galactic and
extragalactic black holes, high energy astrophysics, and gravitation
theory. We welcome applications from all candidates, especially those
whose research interests complement or enhance those of our group.
Applicants should register with https://academicjobsonline.org/ and
then submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of
publications, a research statement giving a brief description of past
research and future plans, and provide the names and email addresses
of at least two referees who we will automatically contact. The online
application form for these posts is athttp://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/SISSA/Astrophysics%20Sector
Completed applications should be received no later than December 31,
2.3 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at MSU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bozeman, MT, U.S.A.
Deadline: Tue, Dec 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.montana.edu/msuinfo/jobs/prof/
The Gravitational Wave Astronomy Group of the Department of Physics at
Montana State University has NASA funding for a two-year Postdoctoral
position in the field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, to start in the
Fall of 2010. Candidates with experience in general relativity and all
aspects of gravitational wave astronomy are encouraged to apply.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Physics or a related field.
The MSU Bozeman campus (http://www.montana.edu) is nestled in the
Rocky Mountains, 90 miles north of Yellowstone National Park, with
easy access to many outdoor recreation activities including world-
class downhill and cross-country skiing, fly fishing, and numerous
hiking and mountain biking trails. Bozeman is well served by four
major airlines.
The existing program in astrophysics and relativity focuses on
gravitational wave astronomy and compact objects. MSU is a member
institution of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and the faculty have
close ties to the LISA project.
Send via e-mail as a single PDF (1) a letter of application describing
your research interests, (2) a resume with publication list, and (3)
arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to
cornish_at_physics.montana.edu For the complete job announcement and
application procedures go to
To receive full consideration applications should be received by
December 15, 2009. Inquires may be e-mailed tocornish(a)physics.montana.edu
, or directed to Neil Cornish at (406) 994-7986.
ADA/EO/AA/Veteran Preference. Women and minorities are encouraged to
2.4 Postdoctoral Positions at Penn State in Fundamental Gravitational
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: State College, PA, U.S.A.
Deadline: Thu, Dec 31, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos expects two openings for
post-doctoral positions starting fall 2010 in the areas of general
relativity and quantum gravity. The initial appointment will be for
one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to
satisfactory progress and availability of funds. In exceptional cases
it has been renewed also for a third year. The gravitational theory
group consists of Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Bojowald, Murat Gunaydin and
Radu Roiban. In addition Professors Roger Penrose, Jerzy Lewandowski,
Alejandro Corichi and Stephon Alexander hold visiting professorships
at the Institute. Successful candidates will be encouraged to
interact also with mathematicians in the Center for Fundamental Theory
and with members of the Center for Gravitational Wave Physics. During
the current academic year, the Institute has approximately 20 post-
docs (including Drs. Zhu Chen, Jacobo Diaz-Polo, Simone Mercuri,
William Nelson, Tomas Liko, Luca Stefanini and Yi-Jun Yao in
Fundamental Theory). For further information on the Institute, see http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
Current areas of research include Loop quantum gravity, mathematical,
conceptual as well as phenomenological issues in cosmology, black hole
dynamics, interface of analytical and numerical relativity,
supergravity and gravitational aspects of string theory and non-
commutative geometry. In particular, ideas from both loop quantum
gravity and string theory are being applied to fundamental problems of
cosmology, analysis of singularity resolution and the issue of
information loss. More generally, the Institute provides a rare forum
for stimulating exchanges of ideas between different approaches to
quantum gravity.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a
statement of research interests/plans and arrange to have three
recommendation letters sent directly to:
Randi Neshteruk
IGC Post-doc Applications
104 Davey Lab #258
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802-6300, USA
E-mail applications will be preferred provided the material is
included as PDF file attachments. They should be sent to:
The deadline for receipt of all application material is December 31st,
2009. Penn State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
2.5 Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity at AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: https://lotus1.aei.mpg.de/job-form.nsf/applyQG.xsp
We invite applications of outstanding candidates for a number of
postdoctoral positions, starting in or around the fall 2010, at the
Max Planck Institute (Albert Einstein Institute) for Gravitational
Physics, Potsdam, Germany, on Quantum Gravity, including loop quantum
gravity and spin foam models, group field theories, matrix models,
discrete quantum gravity, non-commutative geometry.
The positions will be offered in one of the two research groups on
Quantum Gravity of the AEI, either in the Max Planck Research Group
headed by Dr. Bianca Dittrich (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/canonicalCovariantDynamics/
), or in the Independent Research Group headed by Dr. Daniele Oriti (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/microscopicQuantumStructure/
), and funded by a Sofja Kowalevskaja Award of the Humboldt Foundation.
These two groups are expected to be formed by approximately twenty
members in total, between postdocs, PhD students and visiting
scientists, and to work in close collaboration. Moreover, close
collaboration and research exchanges are expected with the ''Quantum
gravity and unified theories'' division of the Max Planck Institute
for Gravitational Physics, that counts Prof. Nicolai, Prof. Staudacher
and Prof. Theisen as permanent members, as well as a considerable
number postdocs and PhD students (seehttp://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/quantumGravity/
); interaction with the divisions "Astrophysical Relativity",
"Geometric Analysis and Gravitation" and other research groups at the
AEI, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam, is also
possible. Overall, we can offer a vibrant, stimulating and top quality
research enviroment for young researchers interested in Quantum Gravity.
The postdoctoral appointments will be for two years, with a possible
extension (depending on performance and availability of funds) for a
third year. We offer competitive salary, depending on experience, and
additional travel funds.
Applicants are expected to hold, or to anticipate receiving very soon,
a PhD in theoretical or mathematical physics, and to have already
shown outstanding research abilities and potential. Successful
applicants will likely have a strong research background and research
interests in at least one of the following areas: loop quantum
gravity, spin foam models, group field theory, simplicial gravity,
matrix models, non-commutative geometry, fundamental cosmology and
cosmological implications of quantum gravity models, emergent gravity
in condensed matter systems, quantum gravity phenomenology. Interest
in combining multiple methods and ideas from different approaches to
quantum gravity, or to apply techniques from quantum (statistical)
field theory and/or condensed matter theory in quantum gravity is
The review of application will start December 1st 2009, but
applications will be considered until all positions are filled.
To apply, please visit the webpage:
and follow the application procedure online.
Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be written
on your behalf. Referees should upload their letters to
e-mail them to qgpostdocs_AT_aei.mpg.de or mail to
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Frau Christine Gottschalkson
Am Mühlenberg 1
D-14476 Golm
The Albert Einstein Institute is an equal opportunity employer, and
applications from women and minority scholars are strongly encouraged.
2.6 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Relativistic Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu/jobs/
The Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) at Georgia Tech invites
applications for the CRA Postdoctoral Fellowship, which will be
awarded to an outstanding scientist whose research is broadly related
to the particle, gravitational and high energy astrophysics research
at the CRA. The successful candidate will be expected to carry out a
vigorous program of independent research. In addition to highly
competitive benefits and salary, the CRA Fellow will receive support
for travel, page charges, and access to a computer cluster. The
appointment will initially be for two years, renewable for a third
year subject to availability of funds and satisfactory progress.
The CRA is devoted to interdisciplinary research and education linking
high-energy, particle and gravitational astrophysics. Center faculty
working on these areas include David Ballantyne, Pablo Laguna
(director), Deirdre Shoemaker, James Sowell, Ignacio Taboada and Paul
Wiita. Current research interests at the CRA include gravitational
waves, accretion physics, galaxy and black hole evolution, numerical
relativity and gamma-ray bursts. Observational and experimental
efforts include NuSTAR, LSST, IceCube and HAWC.
Complete applications must include (1) a CV including a list of
publications, (2) a maximum 2 page statement of research interests,
and (3) three letters of recommendation sent directly to the CRA. Only
e-mail applications will be accepted. The e-mail should include the
names of reference letter writers and the requested material as PDF
Inquires and application materials should be sent to cra-postdoc [at]
. We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2009, and will
continue until the position is filled. The expected starting date of
the position is September 2010.
The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System
of Georgia, is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.7 Postdoctoral Position at University of Chicago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Chicago, U.S.A.
Deadline: Tue, Dec 15, 2009
I will have a postdoctoral position available in my group at the
University of Chicago beginning in September, 2010. To apply, please
send me your vita, publications list, and statement of research
interests, and please also arrange to have 3 letters of reference sent
to me. All materials should be submitted by email to:
If absolutely necessary, materials can also be sent by regular mail to:
Robert M. Wald
Enrico Fermi Institute
University of Chicago
5640 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
To be assured of full consideration, all application materials
(including letters of reference) should be received by December 15,
Bob Wald
2.8 PhD position in Theoretical HE Physics and Cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Hamburg, Germany
Deadline: Sun, Nov 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.physto.se/~troms/index.html#group
The II. Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Hamburg
will open a Ph.D. position in Theoretical High-Energy Physics and
Cosmology, with a preferred starting date of January 2010. The
application deadline is November 15, 2009.
The positions are part of the junior research group 'From Dark Matter
Properties to the Fundamental Theory' (which is associated to the
Collaborative Research Center 676 'Particles, Strings and the Early
Universe'). Based on the DESY campus, they offer ample opportunities
for exchange with both experimental and theoretical groups at DESY and
the University of Hamburg.
The main focus of the Ph.D. position will be related to non-
perturbative effects in dark matter physics.
For more information, please visit http://www.physto.se/~troms/index.html#group
or contact Torsten Bringmann at troms_at_physto.se
Applications containing the usual documents, preferably combined in a
single pdf file, should be sent by email directly to Torsten Bringmann
(troms_at_physto.se). The Applicants should also arrange for letters
of recommendation, to be sent to the same address.
2.9 Postdoctoral position in Theoretical HE Physics and Cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Hamburg, Germany
Deadline: Sun, Nov 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.physto.se/~troms/index.html#group
The II. Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Hamburg
will open a postdoctoral position in Theoretical High-Energy Physics
and Cosmology, with a preferred starting date of January 2010. The
application deadline is November 15, 2009.
The positions are part of the junior research group 'From Dark Matter
Properties to the Fundamental Theory' (which is associated to the
Collaborative Research Center 676 'Particles, Strings and the Early
Universe'). Based on the DESY campus, they offer ample opportunities
for exchange with both experimental and theoretical groups at DESY and
the University of Hamburg.
Applicants with a research interest in dark matter physics at
colliders, as well as its interplay with other dark matter detection
strategies, will be given preference.
For more information, please visit http://www.physto.se/~troms/index.html#group
or contact Torsten Bringmann at troms_at_physto.se
Applications containing the usual documents, preferably combined in a
single pdf file, should be sent by email directly to Torsten Bringmann
(troms_at_physto.se). The Applicants should also arrange for letters
of recommendation, to be sent to the same address.
2.10 PhD positions in the IMPRS in Astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Munich, Germany
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/
The International Max Planck Research School on Astrophysics (IMPRS)
is soliciting applications for its PhD program. Located in the
beautiful Munich-Garching area in southern Bavaria (Germany), the
school offers a unique environment for graduate students due to the
presence of four internationally renowned institutes which form the
* The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
* The Observatory of the University of Munich (LMU/USM)
* The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA)
* The European Southern Observatory (ESO)
IMPRS offers a highly competitive PhD program, including lectures,
seminars and a research project supervised by scientists at one of the
participating institutions. Course language is English. Students have
access to ground and spaced based observatories and instrumentation
operated by the participating institutes as well as supercomputers for
advanced numerical simulations and theoretical studies.
Successful completion of the IMPRS program will be honored with an
IMPRS certificate which supplements the doctoral degree (PhD) document
awarded by the Ludwig Maximilians University (or another university to
be agreed upon before enrollment).
Applications for the program are open to students from all countries.
More details on the IMPRS program and the admission requirements can
be found on the IMPRS website http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/
The closing date for applications for the program starting in
September 2010 is December 1, 2009. If for any reason you have
problems keeping the deadline, please inform us ahead and we will
extend it upon request.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Ms Ingram at the
IMPRS office under: office_at_ imprs-astro.mpg.de
Please apply by using the IMPRS application form available online at http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/admission.html
In addition to this announcement we have an IMPRS-poster available
which we would ask you to print and to display for your students. The
poster is available at:
2.11 Postdoctoral openings in Theoretical GW Physics at Maryland
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: College Park, MD, U.S.A
Deadline: Tue, Dec 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.physics.umd.edu/grt/
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group at the University of Maryland
announces openings for two postdoctoral positions in gravitational
waves, starting in the Fall of 2010.
One postdoctoral position is in the area of gravitational-wave source
modeling, the interface between analytical and numerical relativity,
post-Newtonian theory, and physical mechanisms in the early Universe
responsible for gravitational-wave emission. The second position is in
LIGO/Virgo data analysis, with emphasis on the search for
gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences.
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group is part of the Gravitation Theory
Group at Maryland which consists of Professors Dieter Brill,
Alessandra Buonanno, Bei-Lok Hu, Ted Jacobson, Charlie Misner
(Emeritus), Manuel Tiglio, currently postdocs Enrico Barausse, Chad
Galley, Frank Herrmann, Yi Pan, and Sudipta Sarkar, and six graduate
students. The Gravitational Wave Theory Group is also part of the
Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (http://mcfp.physics.umd.edu/)
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group has also interactions with the
Maryland Gravitation Experimental Group, Professors Ho-Jung Paik and
Peter Shawhan, with the Astronomy Department, notably, Professors Cole
Miller and Chris Reynolds, and with the LISA and numerical relativity
group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications, and
descriptions of past research and future research interests, and
arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent to gwt-
postdocs_at_physics.umd.edu. For any inquiry on the postdoctoral
positions, please, contact Professor Alessandra Buonanno
It is requested that all application materials be sent as pdf files or
as plain text. Please merge all application materials (other than
letters of recommendation) into one pdf file if at all possible.
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 15,
2009. Maryland is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2.12 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Astrophysics at CITA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Toronto, ON, Canada
Deadline: Sun, Nov 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/
CITA is a national centre for theoretical astrophysics located at the
University of Toronto. The Institute expects to offer several
postdoctoral fellowships of two to three years. The starting date will
be 1 September, 2010. Funds will be available for travel and other
research expenses. A Ph.D. in any field of theoretical astrophysics is
required. Fellows are expected to carry out original research in
theoretical astrophysics under the general supervision of the
permanent faculty whose interests include: cosmology, interstellar
matter, relativistic astrophysics, star and planet formation, galaxy
formation, high energy astrophysics, gravitation and numerical
We would prefer electronic submissions. Please check http://www.cita.utoronto.ca
under “Working at CITA” for instructions. Applicants unable to do
this should send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and
arrange to have 3 letters of recommendation sent to: Prof. N. Murray,
Director, CITA, McLennan Labs, 60 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within
its community and especially welcomes applications from visible
minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with
disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may
contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
2.13 Tenure-track and long-term faculty positions at IPMU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Tokyo, Japan
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities
The “Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the
Universe” (IPMU) is a new international research institute with
English as its official language established in October 2007. The goal
of the institute is to discover the fundamental laws of nature and to
understand the universe from the synergistic perspectives of
mathematics, statistics, theoretical and experimental physics, and
astronomy. We are particularly interested in candidates with broad
interests to interact with people from other subfields.
We intend to appoint a few assistant professors to 5-year terms, with
a posible extension for five more years contingent on review and
funding. This is the equivalent of tenure-track positions at IPMU.
We intend to appoint a few associate and full professors for the
initial 8-year terms, with the intention to extend the appointments as
long as the funding allows. This is the equivalent of tenured
positions at IPMU.
We also intend to appoint about ten visiting professors for one month
to one year periods.
We seek to build a diverse, highly interactive membership, and female
and international applicants are strongly encouraged. We have generous
travel support for our postdocs, and encourage full-time members to be
away from the Institute for between 1 and 3 months every year.
The initial focus of IPMU includes but is not limited to: all areas of
mathematics (e.g. algebra, geometry, analysis, and statistics); string
theory and mathematical physics; particle theory, collider
phenomenology, beyond the standard model physics phenomenology;
cosmology and astrophysics theory; astronomy and observational
cosmology; and underground experiments. We are leading efforts on the
XMASS dark matter experiment, the HyperSuprimeCam project for weak
lensing surveys at the Subaru telescope, GADZOOKS! at Super-
Kamiokande, the Xe-based double beta-decay search in KamLAND, and R&D
for future large neutrino detectors. IPMU is a full institutional
member in SDSS-III.
IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. More than
half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. Its
annual budget is approximately $15M. IPMU has a satellite in Kamioka
to maintain close connection with experimental groups.
The applications should include a CV, research statement, publication
list, and at least three letters of recommendation. They should be
uploaded at https://db.ipmu.jp/application/2010/ .
The search is open until filled, but for full considerations please
submit the applications and letters by Dec 1, 2009.
For more information, see http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities .
2.14 Postdocs and distinguished-postdoc positions at IPMU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Tokyo, Japan
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities
The "Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe" (IPMU)
is a new international research institute with English as its official
language established in October 2007. The goal of the institute is to
discover the fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe
from the synergistic perspectives of mathematics, statistics,
theoretical and experimental physics, and astronomy. We are
particularly interested in candidates with broad interests to interact
with people from other subfields.
We intend to appoint approximately 12 postdocs to three-year terms and
a few distinguished postdocs to 3+2-year terms. We seek to build a
diverse, highly interactive membership, and female and international
applicants are strongly encouraged. We have generous travel support
for our postdocs, and encourage full-time members to be away from the
Institute for between 1 and 3 months every year.
The initial focus of IPMU includes but is not limited to: all areas of
mathematics (e.g. algebra, geometry, analysis, and statistics); string
theory and mathematical physics; particle theory, collider
phenomenology, beyond the standard model physics phenomenology;
cosmology and astrophysics theory; astronomy and observational
cosmology; and underground experiments. We are leading efforts on the
XMASS dark matter experiment, the HyperSuprimeCam project for weak
lensing surveys at the Subaru telescope, GADZOOKS! at Super-
Kamiokande, the Xe-based double beta-decay search in KamLAND, and R&D
for future large neutrino detectors. IPMU is a full institutional
member in SDSS-III.
IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. More than
half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. Its
annual budget is approximately $15M. IPMU has a satellite in Kamioka
to maintain close connection with experimental groups.
The applications should include a CV, research statement, publication
list, and at least three letters of recommendation. They should be
uploaded at https://db.ipmu.jp/application/2010/ .
The search is open until filled, but for full considerations please
submit the applications and letters by Dec 1, 2009.
For more information, see http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities .
2.15 Postdoctoral Position at Beijing Normal University in Quantum
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Beijing, China
Deadline: Mon, Feb 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://physics.bnu.edu.cn/application/research/gravity/index.html
The Center for Relativity and Gravitation at Beijing Normal
Univerisity has one post-doctoral position opening from fall 2010 in
the areas of quantum gravity and quantum cosmology. Successful
candidate will work with Yongge Ma. The appointment will be for two
The gravity group consists of Sijie Gao, Wenbiao Liu, Yongge Ma, Bin
Zhou and Jianyang Zhu. In addition, the retired professors Canbin
Liang, Liao Liu and Zheng Zhao join the academic activities
frequently, and professors Abhay Ashtekar, Carlo Rovelli and Thomas
Thiemann hold visiting professorships at the Institute. The areas of
research in the group concern black hole physics and the issue of
information loss, Casimir effect, cosmology, de Sitter spacetime,
general relativity, higher dimensional gravity, and loop quantum
gravity. For further information on the group, see the webpage:
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a
statement of research proposal and arrange to have two recommendation
letters (one from the PhD advisor of the applicant)
sent directly to:
Prof. Yongge Ma
Department of Physics
Beijing Normal Univeristy
Beijing 100875
E-mail applications are also accepted. They should be sent to:
mayg_at_bnu.edu.cn, yonggema_at_yahoo.com
The deadline for receipt of all application material is February 15th,
2.16 Postdoctoral positions in the Astrophysical Relativity Division
at AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Tue, Dec 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/astrophysicalRelativity/index.…
The Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-
Institut) in Potsdam, Germany, announces the possible opening of
postdoctoral positions in its Astrophysical Relativity Division. The
Division has a group in numerical relativity and source-modeling and a
group in gravitational-wave data-analysis. Both groups operate large
supercomputing facilities.
The numerical-relativity group encourages applications from all areas
of numerical-relativity. Particularly encouraged are those applicants
who cross the domains of different research groups within the AEI, who
can work in related areas of mathematical and astrophysical
relativity, at the interface with data-analysis, and who have
analytical and numerical skills.
The gravitational-wave group encourages applications from scientists
working on gravitational-wave sources and/or data-analysis, and the
interface between them. Since the Institute has commitments to the
LIGO and GEO projects, preference may be given to applicants
enthusiastic to work on real data. Candidates interested in
gravitational-wave searches related to LISA are also encouraged.
Candidates with interests and expertise spanning across the two groups
are encouraged to apply.
The deadline for applications is Dec. 15th, 2009 and appointments will
begin Sept. 1, 2010 or earlier. Applications can be made online via
the web interfaces
https://lotus1.aei.mpg.de/job-form.nsf/registrationNR.xsp (for
gravitational-wave source modelling)
https://lotus1.aei.mpg.de/job-form.nsf/registrationGW.xsp (for
gravitational-wave data analysis)
Applications to both groups are allowed and encouraged. Applicants
should upload a CV, a publication list, a research summary and
proposal, and should arrange for 3 letters of reference.
The AEI hires on the basis of merit. Applications from individuals
with disabilities, minorities, and women are encouraged.
2.17 Junior Research Fellowship in Theoretical Physics at King's College
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Cambridge, U.K.
Deadline: Fri, Nov 20, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/research/jrfs/theor-phys.html
There is a research fellowship available in Kings College, Cambridge
in Theoretical Physics, with preference to quantum physics and early
universe cosmology.
The details are on http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/research/jrfs/theor-phys.html
2.18 Postdoctoral Opportunities at the University of Alberta
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Deadline: Sun, Nov 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.phys.ualberta.ca/research/astro/
In the coming year there will be opportunities for new postdoctoral
fellowships in astrophysics, cosmology, and gravitation at the
University of Alberta. We presently have six professors (Valeri
Frolov, Craig Heinke, Natasha Ivanova, Sharon Morsink, Don Page, and
Dmitri Pogosyan) and many postdoctoral fellows and graduate students,
making it one of the largest in this combination of research areas in
the world. For more information, see our website at http://www.phys.ualberta.ca/research/astro/
Fellowship opportunities include CITA National Fellowships for people
who apply by Nov. 1, 2009, Killam Fellowships for those who apply by
Nov. 15, and PIMS and other fellowships with a Dec. 1, 2009, deadline
for your materials to reach us.
Please submit the material listed below, all to either
Valeri Frolov <frolov-at-phys.ualberta.ca> (electronical submission
Craig Heinke <cheinke-at-phys.ualberta.ca> (electronical submission
Natasha Ivanova <nata-at-phys.ualberta.ca> (electronical submission
Sharon Morsink <morsink-at-phys.ualberta.ca> (electronical submission
Don Page <don-at-phys.ualberta.ca>
Dmitri Pogosyan <pogosyan-at-phys.ualberta.ca> (electronical
submission only)
Please send the material to one of these people at the address below,
unless you send electronic applications in pdf form.
Department of Physics
Room #238 CEB
11322 - 89 Avenue
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta CANADA
T6G 2G7
(telefax 1-780-492-0714)
For full consideration for all positions, applications and supporting
materials should arrive by Nov. 1, 2008. Later applications will be
considered for the funding opportunities remaining at the time of
Applications should include the following material:
(a) Curriculum Vitae.
(b) Proposed Research statement of one page or less.
(c) Research Experience statement of two pages or less.
(d) A listing of papers appearing in refereed publications or
conference proceedings.
(e) A list of any academic honors or awards received.
(f) Arrange for three letters of appraisal to be sent, at least two
from persons familiar with your academic work.
Postdoctoral opportunities in mathematical physics and relativity are
also available in our Department of Mathematical and Statistical
Sciences. Interested applicants should contact Dr Eric Woolgar
> for further information.
The records arising from this competition will be managed in
accordance with provisions of the Alberta Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP).
The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are
committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome
diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men,
including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities,
and Aboriginal persons.
2.19 BCAM International Call for Researchers (faculty)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bilbao, Spain
Deadline: Fri, Nov 20, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.bcamath.org/public_job/ctrl_job.php?accion=job
The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) has opened an
international call for researchers, including Senior and Associate
Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students.
All topics of research will be considered, with special emphasis on
those developed by the already existing BCAM teams (http://www.bcamath.org/research/
Applicants should visit the website http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers,
and must complete the application form and upload the required
documentation (cover letter, curriculum vitae, a list of publications,
a statement describing current and planned research) and provide the
name and e-mail address of two referees (the system will automatically
ask for these reference letters). Referees who are unable to submit
their letters electronically may mail them to the following
address:join_us@bcamath.org, indicating the name of the candidate they
are supporting.
You can find further details of our center and activities at our
website: http://www.bcamath.org
BCAM supports and signs the European Charter for Researchers and
encourages applications from women, minorities and outstanding
researchers from developing countries.
2.20 BCAM International Call for Researchers (PhD)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bilbao, Spain
Deadline: Fri, Nov 20, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.bcamath.org/public_job/ctrl_job.php?accion=job
The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) has opened an
international call for researchers, including Senior and Associate
Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students.
All topics of research will be considered, with special emphasis on
those developed by the already existing BCAM teams (http://www.bcamath.org/research/
Applicants should visit the website http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers,
and must complete the application form and upload the required
documentation (cover letter, curriculum vitae, a list of publications,
a statement describing current and planned research) and provide the
name and e-mail address of two referees (the system will automatically
ask for these reference letters). Referees who are unable to submit
their letters electronically may mail them to the following
address:join_us@bcamath.org, indicating the name of the candidate they
are supporting.
You can find further details of our center and activities at our
website: http://www.bcamath.org
BCAM supports and signs the European Charter for Researchers and
encourages applications from women, minorities and outstanding
researchers from developing countries
2.21 BCAM International Call for Researchers (postdocs)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bilbao, Spain
Deadline: Fri, Nov 20, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers
The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) has opened an
international call for researchers, including Senior and Associate
Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students.
All topics of research will be considered, with special emphasis on
those developed by the already existing BCAM teams (http://www.bcamath.org/research/
Applicants should visit the website http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers,
and must complete the application form and upload the required
documentation (cover letter, curriculum vitae, a list of publications,
a statement describing current and planned research) and provide the
name and e-mail address of two referees (the system will automatically
ask for these reference letters). Referees who are unable to submit
their letters electronically may mail them to the following
address:join_us@bcamath.org, indicating the name of the candidate they
are supporting.
You can find further details of our center and activities at our
website: http://www.bcamath.org
BCAM supports and signs the European Charter for Researchers and
encourages applications from women, minorities and outstanding
researchers from developing countries.
2.22 Postdoc at Imperial College
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: London, U.K.
Additional Information: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/theoreticalphysics/intranet/useful/vacancies
The Theoretical Physics group at Imperial College expect to have a
postdoctoral position available within the broad area cosmology from
January 2010 to September 2011. Anyone interested in applying should
express their interest by sending their CV and publication list to
<theory-job[AT]imperial.ac.uk> and arranging three recommendation
letters to be sent to the same address as soon as possible and by
Sunday 18 October at the latest. Informal enquiries should be directed
to Dr Arttu Rajantie <a.rajantie[AT]imperial.ac.uk>.
2.23 Postdoc Position in Gravitational Physics at UC Santa Barbara
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A.
Deadline: Tue, Dec 01, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.academicjobsonline.org
The Gravitational Physics group at UCSB expects to have a postdoctoral
position available starting fall 2010, depending on availability of
funding. Current faculty in the group include Jim Hartle, Gary
Horowitz, and Don Marolf. We also have close ties to the UCSB High
Energy Theory group and the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics
Applications should consist of a CV, list of publications, summary of
research interests, and three letters of recommendation, all submitted
to AcademicJobsOnline, at http://www.academicjobsonline.org .
Applicants must have received the Ph.D. degree prior to the beginning
the appointment. The department is especially interested in
candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the
academic community through research. For full consideration,
applications should be received by December 1, 2009.
An EO/AA Employer.
2.24 Postdoctoral Recruitment at Perimeter Institute
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Deadline: Sun, Nov 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/postdoctoralresearcher
2010 Postdoc Recruitment
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for
postdoctoral positions in the areas of quantum gravity, string theory,
quantum information, cosmology, quantum foundations and particle
physics. We will consider applications in all of these areas.
Exceptional applicants in related areas, such as condensed matter
physics, are encouraged to apply. The postdoctoral positions are
normally for a period of three years. Outstanding candidates may also
be considered for a senior postdoctoral position with a five‐year
Further details on this opportunity, online application instructions
and Perimeter Institute, can be found at:http://
www.perimeterinstitute.ca/postdoctoralresearcher .
Perimeter Institute is located west of Toronto, in Waterloo, Canada
and opened in September 2001 as an independent institute supporting
research in foundational areas of theoretical physics. The Institute
offers an exceptional research environment and is currently staffed
with 21 full‐time and part‐time faculty members, 11 Distinguished
Research Chairs, 48 Postdoctoral Researchers, 22 Graduate Students, 29
exceptional masters‐level students participating in Perimeter
Scholars International, and hosts hundreds of visitors and conference
participants throughout the academic year.
Perimeter Institute is an equal opportunity employer.
2.25 Postdoc in Cosmology at Tufts Institute of Cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Medford, MA, U.S.A.
Deadline: Tue, Dec 15, 2009
Additional Information: http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/
We anticipate having a postdoctoral opening in the Tufts Institute of
Cosmology starting September 2010, for two years, with a possibility
of extension for a third. Our group includes Jose Blanco-Pillado,
Larry Ford, Ken Olum, Alex Vilenkin and several postdocs and graduate
students. Our research interest include inflationary cosmology,
topological defects, quantum cosmology, and other fields. Applicants
are invited to send their C.V. and a statement of research interests,
and to arrange for three letters of reference, all to be sent to Prof.
A. Vilenkin, c/o Gayle Grant, Physics Department, Tufts University,
Medford, MA 02155, USA or by e-mail to Gayle.Grant (at) Tufts.edu.
Application deadline is December 15, 2009.
More information about our group is available at http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/
Tufts University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity
employer. Members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged
to apply.
2.26 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Oxford, MS, U.S.A.
Deadline: Thu, Dec 31, 2009
Additional Information: http://jobs.olemiss.edu
The University of Mississippi invites applications for a postdoctoral
position in the area of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, more
specifically in the subarea related to gravitational-wave theory and
The Gravitational and High-Energy Theory Group at the University of
Mississippi is active in various areas of theoretical and experimental
gravity, and is part of the LIGO collaboration. Members of the group
include Emanuele Berti, Luca Bombelli, Marco Cavaglia, Alakabha Datta,
Tibor Torma, adjunct professor Vitor Cardoso, visiting professor Mihai
Bondarescu and several graduate students. More information is
available at the following URL:
The University has excellent computing facilities which include the
Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research and a departmental
linux computer farm. The University is a member of the Internet 2
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Physics or Astrophysics and a track
record in gravitational-wave source modeling, numerical relativity,
post-Newtonian theory or perturbation theory. A curriculum vitae
(including a list of publications and a statement of research
interests) should be sent to the following e-mail address:
grpostdoc AT phy.olemiss.edu
Please use the subject "Gravitational-wave postdoc". Applicants must
also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters to be sent
to the same email address. Applications will start to be reviewed
starting from Dec 31st 2009 and until the position is filled.
The University requires all applicants to submit their application
(including a CV and a statement of research interests) online at the
following website:
Please click on "search postings" on the left, then from the drop-down
menus select:
"Job Title" -> "Postdoctoral Research Associate"
"Department" -> "Physics and Astronomy"
The gravitational-wave position is filed as number 11201401-093090.
3. News
3.1 New book – Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521889278
This new book by Jerry Griffiths and Jiri Podolsky has just been
published by Cambridge University Press. It reviews the physical and
geometrical interpretation of the basic exact solutions of Einstein's
For details, see
http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521889278 .
3.2 Electronic Proceedings of Loops '09 Conference and QG School in
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://physics.bnu.edu.cn/loops09/
Dear Colleagues,
To permanently share the resource of Loops`09 conference and QG summer
school, we have created a new homepagehttp://physics.bnu.edu.cn/
loops09 to replace the old one http://www.loops09.org. The audio/video
files of the lectures in Loops`09 and the Summer School as well as the
photos of the event are now available. Please visit the new homepage
and click the button “Resource” on the upper right corner to
download them.
Local Organization Committee of Loops`09
Yongge Ma
Professor, Dept of Physics
Beijing Normal Univ
Beijing 100875
Tel: +86-10-58809499
Fax: +86-10-62209742
Webpage: http://physics.bnu.edu.cn/application/research/gravity/LQG/eng/research.html
3.3 GRG on the Map
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://maps.google.com/?q=http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/public/scientists.kml
A new service has been added to hyperspace@aei to facilitate the
geographical location of GRG scientists. By clicking the button "GRG
on the Map" on the left sidebar you will be moved to a google-map page
showing the geographical distribution of the scientists in the GRG
list. By clicking on the balloons you will be able to pick-up the
different scientists and will also find a link to their profile on
hyperspace. Besides providing a measure of the geographical
distribution of GRG scientists, "GRG on the map" may be useful to
plan your future trips. Let us have your feedback on this initiative.