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February 2014
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions

02 Feb '14
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. General Relativity @ 99, Bad Honnef, Germany
1.2. Cosmology and the Constants of Nature, DAMTP, Cambridge
1.3. Third Dutch National Gravitational Wave Meeting, Dwingeloo
1.4. Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14, Jena, Germany
1.5. Gravity and the Quantum, Como, Italy
1.6. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (3rd announcement)
1.7. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
1.8. Solvay Workshop on Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology, Brussels
1.9. IRAP PhD Winter School, Nice, France
1.10. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (2nd announcement)
1.11. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure (3rd announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor position at University of Vienna
2.2. CAPES - ICRANet Program
2.3. FAPERJ - ICRANet Program
2.4. Two faculty positions in Gravity at Florida Atlantic University
2.5. Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM, India
2.6. Two Lectureships in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK)
2.7. Postdoctoral position in multimessenger Astrophysics at the University of Pisa
2.8. The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (LEAPS)
2.9. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at West Virginia University
2.10. International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program
2.11. Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at the University of Kansas
2.13. Postdoctoral positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
2.14. Ph.D. student positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
2.15. PhD positions in gravity, cosmology, astrophysics at Fudan University
3. News
3.1. The Chalonge School Programme of the Year 2014
3.2. Buchalter Cosmology Prize
3.3. 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.4. Book with A. A. Friedmanns papers on cosmology
1. Conferenes
1.1. General Relativity @ 99, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-14 to 2014-09-19
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.dpg-physik.de/dpg/pbh/aktuelles/S214.html
Contact: gos[AT]tpi.uni-jena.de
General relativity (GR) is coming of age. The year 2015 will be its 100th anniversary. ?Just on the eve of this anniversary, the school aims at teaching GR with specific emphasis on its physical and astrophysical implications. The school is intended for graduate students in physics and astrophysics as well as for postdocs and scientists with some background in GR and astrophysics who are looking for more advanced treatments of the current problems in GR.?
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, is a delightful venue, housed in a 19th century mansion on the Rhine river just south of Bonn and Cologne.? Posters by the participants are welcome and discussions with the lecturers will be encouraged.
Lecturers include Nils Andersson, Emanuele Berti, Luc Blanchet, Alessandra Buonanno, Bernd Brügmann, Karsten Danzmann, Pedro Ferreira, Sergei Klioner, Michael Kramer, Claus Laemmerzahl, Cole Miller, Ekkehard Peik, Roberto Peron, Eric Poisson, Juergen Renn, Sheila Rowan, Xavier Siemens, Norbert Wex, Clifford Will
Organized by? Gerhard Schaefer and Clifford M. Will. Sponsored by the DPG and the Heraeus Foundation
1.2. Cosmology and the Constants of Nature, DAMTP, Cambridge
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-17 to 2014-03-19
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/events/constants2014/
Contact: mmp(a)maths.cam.ac.uk
Cosmology and the Constants of Nature
DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Monday, 17 March 2014 at 09:00 - Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 15:00 (GMT)
The Constants of Nature are quantities, whose numerical values we know with the greatest experimental accuracy - but about the rationale for those values, we have the greatest ignorance. We might also ask if they are indeed constant in space and time, and investigate whether their values arise at random or are uniquely determined by some deep theory.
This mini-series of talks is part of the joint Oxford-Cambridge programme on the Philosophy of Cosmology which aims to introduce philosophers of physics to fundamental problems in cosmology and associated areas of high-energy physics.
The talks are aimed at philosophers of physics but should also be of interest to a wide range of cosmologists. Speakers will introduce the physical constants that define the standard model of particle physics and cosmology together with the data that determine them, describe observational programmes that test the constancy of traditional constants, including the cosmological constant, and discuss how self-consistent theories of varying constants can be formulated.
John Barrow, University of Cambridge
John Ellis, King's College London
Pedro Ferreira, University of Oxford
Joao Magueijo, Imperial College, London
Thanu Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune
Martin Rees, University of Cambridge
John Webb, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Registration is free and includes morning coffee and lunch. Participants are requested to register at the conference website where the detailed programme of talks can be found:
For enquiries about this event please contact the conference administrator, Margaret Bull, at mmp[AT]maths.cam.ac.uk
John D. Barrow
Jeremy Butterfield
1.3. Third Dutch National Gravitational Wave Meeting, Dwingeloo
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-07 to 2014-02-07
Location: Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://indico.astro.ru.nl//conferenceDisplay.py?confId=9
Contact: vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl
Gravitational wave research in the Netherlands is rapidly taking shape and is becoming increasingly diverse. We organise the third Dutch National GW meeting, in order to bring together astronomers and physicists interested in gravitational wave science and inform each other of developments and new projects. The meeting will be held on Friday, February 7th 2014, at ASTRON in Dwingeloo.
The day will start with a keynote lecture by dr. Joris Verbiest (Bielefeld) on detecting gravitational waves using a pulsar timing array. There will be overview talks on general topics as well as contributed talks on specific projects.
The meeting is open to all interested researchers, also from outside the Netherlands. You can register and submit abstracts for contributed talks at
We hope to see many of you there. Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested.
1.4. Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-14 to 2014-07-15
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://cse.mathe.uni-jena.de/phsp14
Contact: gerhard.zumbusch[AT]uni-jena.de
Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14
Jena, Germany, 14-15 July 2014
This workshop will focus on aspects of heterogeneous computing systems, including GPU computing, accelerators offloading, vector instruction sets and the multi level hierarchy of distributed and shared memory resources found in large scale computing.
The first day of the workshop is dedicated to an introduction to programming aspects. A tutorial including a hands-on session will give the opportunity for less experienced participants to learn about GPU computing. The next day of the workshop will discuss how physics applications, especially in relativity and quantum field theory, may benefit from the use of accelerators. The topics covered by this workshops are:
- Programming techniques, library and language design for heterogeneous systems. Issues of portability and performance.
- Parallel numerical algorithms and algorithms tailored or tuned for a specific system.
- Optimization of computational kernels. Tools and techniques for high performance, energy efficiency, or effective code development.
Abstracts should be submitted by end of April 2014.
1.5. Gravity and the Quantum, Como, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-01 to 2014-06-06
Location: Como, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014
Contact: grschool[AT]centrovolta.it
Villa del Grumello (Como Italy), 1-6 June 2014
The problem of merging quantum mechanics and general relativity is yet unsolved. At a fundamental level, general relativity and quantum theory seem to be contradictory and the theoretical framework of physics is still unaccomplished. It is necessary to combine these two ways of thinking into a single, even more fundamental, theoretical paradigm; this has been called quantum gravity. This step is also necessary for understanding extreme situations such as near the Big Bang or the black hole singularities. The school will give a general overview of the field of Quantum Gravity, of its main and most recent achievements and will propose new challenges and open questions that are looking for answers.
Abhay Ashtekar: Quantum cosmology
John Barrett:Non-commutative geometry and quantum gravity
Eugenio Bianchi: Black holes
Laurent Freidel: Quantum space
Roberto Percacci: Asymptotic safety
Carlo Rovelli: Covariant loop quantum gravity
Alain Connes, Thibault Damour and Lee Smolin have been invited to deliver special lectures. (Their presence is not yet confirmed).
There will be room for short communications by the participants.Those who want to submit a communication proposal should send a short abstract to grschool(a)centrovolta.it Proponents will be informed about acceptance of their contribution in due time. Preparatory and follow-up lectures will be delivered at the University of Insubria.
Registration: Participants will be accommodated in the hotels near Villa del Grumello and will be requested to pay an inclusive fee of EURO 750,00, covering part of the accommodation (in rooms to be shared), breakfast and lunch for the duration of the school. Alternatively, participants may arrange for their own accommodation and are requested to pay only the registration fee of EURO 400,00 also covering luncheons . Accommodation form can be downloaded from the School website: http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014. Accommodation is not guaranteed after May 1st, 2014. Some support to cover local expenses is available; those who need support should mention it in their registration and send a short curriculum vitae and a summary of current research (maximum two pages A4). Please, note that no support to cover travel expenses will be available.
Registration form is available on the web page http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014 or at grschool(a)centrovolta.it
For information also contact directly the Organizing Secretariat at Centro Volta: grschool(a)centrovolta.it or Chiara.stefanetti(a)centrovolta.it, ph. +39.031.579815, fax +39.031.573395
Scientific and Organizing Committee: Ugo Moschella, Vittorio Gorini, Sergio Cacciatori, Aldo Treves, Francesco Haardt
SIGRAV Council: Salvatore Capozziello, Sabino Matarrese, Pietro Fre, Eugenio Coccia, Lorenzo Fatibene, Sergio Zerbini, Gaetano Vilasi, Luca Lusanna, Carlo Bradaschia, Luigi Stella, Valeria Ferrari, Augusto Sagnotti, Leopoldo Milano, Marco Bruni, Stefano Liberati
1.6. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (3rd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-22 to 2014-04-25
Location: Sant Cugat (Barcelona, Spain)
Additional Information: http://www.ice.csic.es/research/forum/2014.html
Contact: sopuerta[AT]ieec.uab.es
This is the third and last circular for the 2014 edition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics, devoted to Gravitational Wave Astrophysics. This Workshop will be the third meeting this biennial series and will be held in Sant Cugat (near Barcelona), from April 22nd (starting in the morning) to April 25th, 2014 (ending in the afternoon). The address of the website of the workshop is
The motivation for this meeting is the incremental progress made in different major efforts to use gravitational waves (GWs) for Astronomy: The new generation of advanced ground-based GW observatories (LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA) is going to come online soon, and is expected to provide the first detections; on the other hand, we are entering a crucial moment for the European-led project eLISA for a space-based detector; in addition, pulsar timing arrays are approaching detection sensitivities. Then, it is an excellent moment to bring together experts on the different aspects of Astrophysics related to GW detection, from the mechanisms for source formation (including event rate estimations) to the impact that the observations may have on the different branches of Astrophysics, including the role of data analysis developments and source modelling techniques.
The workshop will consists in a series of plenary talks plus contributed talks, with no more than hundred participants.
Nils Andersson (University of Southampton, UK)
Pierre Binetruy (APC-Paris, France)
Monica Colpi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Enrique Garcia-Berro (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
Philippe Jetzer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Kostas Kokkotas (University of Tuebingen, Germany)
Pablo Laguna (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Alicia M. Sintes (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain)
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, Spain)
Alberto Vecchio (University of Birmingham, UK)
Pau Amaro-Seoane (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
John Antoniadis (Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany)
Tamara Bogdanovic (Georgia Tech, USA)
Tomasz Bulik (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland)
Laura Cadonati (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Chiara Caprini (APC Paris, France)
Pablo Cerdá Durán (University of Valencia, Spain)
Thomas Dent (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
Zachariah B. Etienne (West Virginia University, USA)
Jonathan Gair (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK)
Bruno Giacomazzo (University of Trento, Italy)
Brynmor Haskell ?(University of Melbourne, Australia)
Sascha Husa (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain)
Alessandro Nagar (IHES, France)
Carlos Palenzuela (CITA, Canada)
Edward Porter (APC Paris, France)
Christian Reisswig (Caltech, USA)
Alberto Sesana (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
Deirdre Shoemaker (Georgia Tech, USA)
Ulrich Sperhake (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, chair)
Daniel Santos (IEEC-CSIC)
Ivan LLoro (IEEC-CSIC)
Anna Bertolín (IEEC-CSIC)
Pilar Montes (IEEC-CSIC)
Diego F. Torres (ICREA & IEEC-CSIC, Sant Cugat Forum)
The web registration for the 2014 Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics" is open at the conference website
Registration fees: 300 Euros up to February 28th, 2014 (350 Euros at the Registration Desk)
The registration fee will cover: Access to the workshop & workshop materials, a copy of the Session Book (to be sent directly to the delegate address), welcome cocktail, workshop dinner, and coffee breaks.
Participants who would like to contribute a talk in the parallel sessions can apply by submitting a title and abstract in the registration website. The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2014. Participants will be informed shortly afterwards whether their contribution has been accepted. The program will be announced in the conference website.
Sant Cugat Forum Award for Young Scientists: From all contributed works by graduate scientists or postdoctoral fellows within 2 years of their PhD that are willing to apply for the award, the Scientific Organizing Committee will choose the Best Work by a Young Scientist. There will be a symbolic cash amount (TBD), an Award certificate, and a token of recognition related to Sant Cugat (typically a local artist painting). If you would like to be considered for the Award, there will be a place to note so in your abstract submission. The deadline for paper submissions for the Young Scientist Award is March 24, 2014. See the guidelines here:
During the workshop there will be an outreach talk for the general public given by Prof. Alicia M. Sintes. The talk will be on Thursday, April 24th at 7pm.
As an outcome of the workshop, an edited book will be published in the Springer-Verlags Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series, as a hardcover; following on the tradition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics series. The aim is to have a state-of-the-art summary of the workshop topic, i.e. Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.
More details can be found at:
The workshop will take place in the village of Sant Cugat, a small, vibrant city located a few kilometers away from Barcelona, across the mountain and the Collserola Natural Park. It can be easily reached from the city center of Barcelona, but the existence of the natural park in between has allowed it to maintain a completely independent character.
The venue will be the Casa de Cultura (Culture House). In front of it there is one of the best-conserved Benedictine Monasteries in Europe, known to exist since 878, which is inside the villages nucleus with 60% of the streets begin pedestrian ones.
There is a 4 star hotel with affordable prices 300 meters from the meeting room (there are several other hotels nearby). There is also the possibility to be accommodated in Barcelona downtown since there are trains every 5-10 minutes going to and from Plaza Catalunya (at the very center of Barcelona) that take 25 minutes. For more details:
There will be a welcome cocktail on the first day of the conference (Tuesday, April 22nd) from 6pm to 8pm.
There will be a conference dinner on Thursday, April 24th. The dinner is covered by the conference fee. If you would like to bring additional people to the dinner, please indicate so at the registration.
Information about how to arrive, local restaurants, and maps is described here:
We look forward to seeing you in Sant Cugat.
Best regards,
Carlos F. Sopuerta on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)
1.7. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-16 to 2014-05-17
Location: Morgantown, WV, USA
Additional Information: http://astro.phys.wvu.edu/egm
Contact: sean.mcwilliams[AT]mail.wvu.edu
The 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting will be held May 16-17, 2014 at West Virginia University. The format of the meeting will follow previous regional meetings, where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. Registration and abstract submission are now open, please visit http://astro.phys.wvu.edu/egm for more information. There will be a strict limit of 60 attendees on a first come, first served basis, so early registration is encouraged. There is no registration fee, but an RSVP is required for meals (which are provided thanks to the generosity of the WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Eberly College of Science, and the Research Corporation), so we ask that attendees register no later than April 15, 2014.
1.8. Solvay Workshop on Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology, Brussels
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-14 to 2014-04-18
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Additional Information: http://www.solvayinstitutes.be/events/holography_for_black_holes/holography…
Contact: gcompere[AT]ulb.ac.be
Invited speakers:
Dionysios Anninos, Alejandra Castro , Bin Chen , Thomas Faulkner, Matthias Gaberdiel, Gaston Giribet, Daniel Grumiller, Monica Guica, Thomas Hartman, Diego Hofman, Finn Larsen, Kyriakos Papadodimas, Eric Perlmutter, Andrew Strominger, Ricardo Troncoso
Participation is free, but registration is required. Practical information on the webpage.
1.9. IRAP PhD Winter School, Nice, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-23 to 2014-03-02
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=794
Contact: secretariat-irapphd[AT]icra.it
The International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD (IRAP PhD) School in Nice will take place from the 23 of February to 2nd of March. It is specially devoted to frontier topics in relativistic astrophysics and to the students of the IRAP PhD Program. Students from the EMJD, CAPES, FAPERJ Programs will participate. The meeting is open to all interested scientists and graduate students.
The members of IOC are the following:
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia ("Sapienza" Università di Roma)
Vladimir Belinski ("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Carlo Luciano Bianco("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Donato Bini (CNR - Ist. per Applicaz. del Calcolo "M. Picone")
Sandip Kumar Chakrabarti (Indian Centre For Space Physics, India)
Pascal Chardonnet (Université de Savoie ) CO-CHAIRMAN
Christian Cherubini (Università "Campus Biomedico" di Roma)
Thibault Damour (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques)
Jann Einasto (Tartu Observatory)
Simonetta Filippi (Università di Roma "Campus Biomedico" and ICRANet)
Sergio Frasca ("Sapienza" Università di Roma)
Filippo Frontera (Università di Ferrara)
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Yipeng Jing (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China)
Hagen Kleinert (Freie Universitat Berlin)
Olivier Legrand (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Francois Mignard (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
Hermann Nicolai (Max Plank Institute for Gravitational Physics, Postdam)
Mario Novello (Brazilian Centre For Physics Research, Brazil)
Elène Politano (Ecole Doctorale Nice)
Kjell Rosquist (Stockolm University)
Jorge Rueda (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Remo Ruffini ("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet) CHAIRMAN
Felix Ryde (Stockholm University)
Farrokh Vakili (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
Gregory Vereshchagin (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
She-Sheng Xue (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Shuangnan Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science)
The web site of the School is on http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=794. The major topics to be discussed are Neutron Stars and Black Holes, Gamma Ray Bursts, Supernovae, close binary systems, Active Galactic Nuclei, Cosmology, Dark Matter, strong fields in experiments on Earth and from space. Ample time for discussions will be granted.
In the period of the meeting many social events, including the famous carnival of Nice, will take place; therefore an early registration will be necessary for the accommodation.
Registration fees of 100 euros will be requested.
1.10. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-23 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Contact: armenia2014[AT]icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes (BHs) dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a ~10 Msun. BH appears to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appears to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism.
Current effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appears to be related to rotating electromagnetic BHs (~10 Msun). in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 10^8-10^9 Msun appears to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that unlike the 10 Msun. BHs, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of baryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter.
This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy (VHE) observatories: from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of BHs and to the process of extraction of the Black Holic Energy (BHE).
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting "Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe" from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 23 to June 27 at the National Academy of Science.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings.
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/Poster_Ar…
1.11. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure (3rd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-14
Location: Minsk, Belarus
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=747
Contact: zeldovich2014[AT]icranet.org
Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure
An international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich 100th Anniversary in Minsk
The 8th of March 2014 signs the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich in Minsk. In this occasion International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organize an international conference to be held in National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus in March 10-14, 2014.
Confirmed speakers:
- Felix Aharonian: Exploring the Physics of Black Holes with Gamma-Rays
- Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan: Outer parts of large galactic clusters in presence of a dark energy
- Sandip Chakrabarti: Black Hole Astrophysics and the contribution of Zeldovich
- Valery Chechetkin: History of modeling of supernovae explosion
- Artur Chernin: Dark energy in galaxies systems
- Andrey Doroshkevich: Zeldovich nonlinear approximation
- Maxim Khlopov: Zeldovich's legacy in Cosmoparticle physics
- Mario Novello: Perspectives of the Geometric Scalar Gravity
- Nikolai Shakura: Wind Accretion: Theory and Observations
- Alexei Starobinsky: Quantum-gravitational particle creation and generation of metric fluctuations in cosmology
Registration fee: 200 euro (on site)
Registration is open at the conference website: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich2014
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/ZM2/poster2014.pdf
University guest house for foreign participants will be available at reasonable price.
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor position at University of Vienna
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-31
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: http://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/fuer-mitarbeiterinnen/professorinnen/job/…
Contact: piotr.chrusciel(a)univie.ac.at
The Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna announces the position of a
Full Professor of Mathematical Physics
We are searching for a researcher with high international standing in theoretical physics, with a particular emphasis on mathematical physics, a person with a record of research funding who participates in the teaching and supervision of students at all levels. The successful candidate should establish (and lead) a research group at the Faculty of Physics. A thematic overlap in the research interests of the successful candidate and other members of our faculty is welcome.
For more information, see the external link provided
2.2. CAPES - ICRANet Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-06-30
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/capes
Contact: capes-icranet(a)icranet.org
A teaching, research and outreach program in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology 2013-2018
The Capes - ICRANet Program on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology promotes the Collaboration between scientists from Asia, Europe and USA with Brazilian scientists with five major actions:
1. Fellowships for Brazilian graduate students in the IRAP-PhD program.
2. Senior scientists from Asia, Europe and USA visiting Brazil for up to 3 months per year for three years within the "Ciencia sem fronteiras" program.
3. Senior Brazilian scientists visiting ICRANet seats in Asia, Europe and USA for up to 5 months in a year.
4. Postdoctoral Fellowships for International candidates in ICRANet seats, Scientific Institutions associated to ICRANet, and Institutions with Scientists associated to ICRANet, in Asia, Brazil Europe and USA.
5. Organization of workshops and outreach programs.
www.icranet.org | www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao-internacional/italia/capes-icranet e-mail: capes-icranet[AT]icranet.org
Please, download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterCapes.pdf
2.3. FAPERJ - ICRANet Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-06-30
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/faperj
Contact: faperj-icranet(a)icranet.org
A teaching, research and outreach program in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology 2013-2018
The FAPERJ - ICRANet Program on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology promotes the Collaboration between scientists from Asia, Europe and USA with scientists from the State of Rio de Janeiro with five major actions:
1. Fellowships for graduate students from the State of Rio de Janeiro in the IRAP-PhD program.
2. Senior scientists from Asia, Europe and USA visiting scientific institutions in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
3. Senior scientists from the State of Rio de Janeiro visiting ICRANet seats in Asia, Europe and USA.
4. Postdoctoral Fellowships for International candidates in ICRANet seats, Scientific Institutions associated to ICRANet, and Institutions with scientists associated to ICRANet in Asia, Europe, State fo Rio de Janeiro and USA.
5. Organization of workshops and outreach programs.
www.icranet.org | www.faperj.br e-mail: faperj-icranet(a)icranet.org
Please, download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterFaperj.pdf
2.4. Two faculty positions in Gravity at Florida Atlantic University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-15
Location: Boca Raton, FL, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.fau.edu
Contact: search[AT]physics.fau.edu
The Department of Physics and the Honors College at FAU invites applications for one senior faculty appointment (position #992458) and one junior faculty appointment (position #991350) in gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics with an emphasis on data analysis and/or source modeling for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and its international partners. These will be tenure/tenure-track appointments starting in August 2014. Our goal is to build a gravitational wave data analysis team that collaborates with LIGO. We are thus seeking highly qualified candidates who work on research connected to LIGO. However, we will also consider applications from candidates working in related areas such as numerical relativity, analytic gravitational wave source modeling, or cosmology.
The Department currently has nine faculty members and we collaborate with the Honors College on our UG honors curriculum. Four of these work in areas such as numerical relativity, mathematical relativity and quantum gravity which are related to gravitational-wave research. The Department offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in physics and currently supports over 25 graduate students. We also offer a MS in medical physics degree.
Successful candidates will be expected to teach, conduct a vigorous research program, and contribute to the development of the current research initiatives within the Physics Department and at the Honors College.
All applicants must apply electronically to the currently posted position on the Office of Human Resources' job website https://jobs.fau.edu (reference the applicable position number above) by completing the Faculty, Administrative, Managerial and Professional Position Application and submitting the related documents.
The site permits the attachment of required/requested documentation. In addition to completing the online application, please upload the following: a cover letter; curriculum vitae that includes a list of publications; copies of official transcripts scanned into an electronic format; and a statement of research and teaching interests.
Applicants must also arrange for at least three letters of recommendation. These letters and any additional information or supplemental material that applicants would like to submit should be sent to search[AT]physics.fau.edu. Applicants must apply online in order to be considered for the position.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. This position may close without prior notice. We encourage applications on or before February 15, 2014.
For further details e-mail to search[AT]physics.fau.edu or visit our Web page (http://www.physics.fau.edu) Positions are subject to anticipated availability of funds.
Florida Atlantic University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation, please call 561-297-3057.
2.5. Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-15
Location: Trivandrum, India
Additional Information: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/scientists/-archana-pai/personal-information.html
Contact: archana[AT]iisertvm.ac.in
Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM
Institution: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram, India (IISER-TVM)
Deadline: February 15, 2014
Salary: Rs. 22,000 Rs. 35,000 per month plus 20% House Rent Allowance
IISER-TVM seeks applicants for two Research Associate positions in the area of Gravitational Wave Physics. The positions are funded under the Max Planck Partner Group on Gravitational Wave Physics of Albert Einstein Institute (AEI). The positions will focus on Gravitational Wave detection and parameter estimation issues of binary systems for second generation and future interferometric detectors.
The appointment is for two years and one of the two positions is expected to commence as soon as possible. Candidates with expertise in general relativity, gravitational wave physics, and statistical signal processing are encouraged to apply. Candidates is expected to hold a Ph.D. in Physics, Astrophysics or related areas. Candidate with Ph.D. in Engineering faculty with adequate experience in statistical signal processing may be considered.
IISER-TVM is an active member of IndIGO (Indian Initiative in Gravitational Wave Observatories) and a member of LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). The members of the Gravitational Wave Group are Archana Pai, Nairwita Mazumder and two graduate students.
The selected candidates would get an opportunity to work closely with the AEI members as well as the members of LSC and IndIGO consortium.
Please send via e-mail as a single PDF (1) CV with the list of publications, and (2) detailed research statement. Arrange for 2 letters of recommendation to be sent to archana[at]iisertvm.ac.in with the subject Application for MP-PG positions Candidate name.
To receive full consideration, applications should be received by February 15, 2014. Applications will continued to be screened until the positions are filled.
Informal inquires may be directed to Archana Pai (e-mail: archana[at]iisertvm.ac.in, phone: +91-471-2599423)
2.6. Two Lectureships in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-09
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.shef.ac.uk/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG…
Contact: s.dolan[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK) invites applications for two lectureships with a starting date of 1 September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The School has a strong research ethos and an international reputation in research, with clusters in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Category Theory, Differential Geometry, Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Biology and Environment, Number Theory, Particle Astrophysics and Gravitation, Probability, Solar Physics, Statistics, and Topology.
We are looking for candidates with a strong record of high quality research linking to the existing strengths of the School, and able to teach at undergraduate and postgraduate level and to contribute to our Financial Mathematics Programme. You will have a PhD or equivalent experience and an established record of publishing work in high quality journals. An interest in spending two or more months of the year on concentrated teaching at the new campus in Nanjing (China) would be an advantage.
Informal enquiries from candidates with an interest in gravitational physics/cosmology may be directed to Sam Dolan (s.dolan[at]sheffield.ac.uk).
2.7. Postdoctoral position in multimessenger Astrophysics at the University of Pisa
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: http://virgopisa.df.unipi.it/content/postdoctoral-position-multimessenger-a…
Contact: massimiliano.razzano[AT]pi.infn.it
The Physics Department E. Fermi of the University of Pisa invites applications for a postdoctoral position in multimessenger astrophysics on: "study of the gravitational wave and high-energy eletromagnetic radiation from pulsars and other astrophysical sources".
The successful candidate should have a research background in one or more of the following topics: high-energy astrophysics, neutron stars and pulsar physics, study of time series in astrophysics, gravitational wave astronomy. The candidate will work on data analysis of electromagnetic radiation (X and gamma rays) and gravitational wave radiation from periodic sources, mainly pulsars.
The position is a fixed term appointment for 2 years. Funding for travel will be available. The successful candidate will work within an international collaboration involving scientists of the Fermi-LAT and Virgo-LSC collaborations. Annual gross salary is 24,000 euro, according to the Italian university postdoctoral level (Assegno di Ricerca). The appointment is expected to begin around the end of March 2014.
Pisa, known worldwide for its famous leaning tower, is a pleasant, university-oriented city of about 100,000 people in the beautiful context of the Tuscany region. Home of many research institutions, it offers a vibrant cultural life. The University of Pisa has a strong, historical tradition in the mathematical and physical sciences, and the Physics Department hosts research groups working on many different fields, including astrophysics, astroparticle physics and gravitational wave physics.
Applicants are required to follow the application procedure described at
A interview session will be held on March 6, 2014. Applicants committed abroad can do the interview electronically, using a telecon system (see the announcement for more details)
The University of Pisa is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from women and minorities. For more information, please visit:
or send an email to: massimiliano.razzano[AT]pi.infn.it
Related websites:
Physics Department of the University of Pisa (Italian): http://www.df.unipi.it/ricerca/attività
Fermi research group in Pisa: http://glast.pi.infn.it/
Virgo-EGO research group in Pisa: http://virgopisa.df.unipi.it/
Fermi mission: http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov
Virgo homepage: http://www.ego-gw.it/
2.8. The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (LEAPS)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/summerstudents/
Contact: leaps[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl
Leiden Observatory and ESA are pleased to welcome applications for the second edition of the LEAPS program. LEAPS is an opportunity for students with an interest in astronomy and astrophysics to perform a 10-12 week summer research project in collaboration with a research scientist from Leiden Observatory or ESA. The program is open to all students not currently engaged in a Ph.D. program, although we are most interested in students at the senior-undergraduate or masters level who are enthusiastic about research in astrophysics.
Students will be selected for the program based on their academic achievements and research potential, and will be matched to staff projects based on what they indicate their scientific interests to be. Research at Leiden Observatory and ESA takes place on a diverse array of topics (see below), and student projects will likely consist of anything from the analysis of data from world-class telescopes, to large computer simulations, to hands-on work in the astrochemistry laboratories.
Projects will begin in June 2014 and end before mid-September 2014. We expect to make as many as 20 appointments this year, depending on interest and the match of projects to students interests and skills. Details on the application process can be found below.
2.9. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at West Virginia University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-01
Additional Information: http://astro.wvu.edu/
Contact: zetienne[AT]umd.edu
We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to conduct research in computational astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics or MHD, and gravitational wave source modeling. A Ph.D. in Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, or a related field is required, with research expertise in one or more of the areas listed above. Those with particularly strong backgrounds in numerical relativity, PDEs, mathematical relativity, and computational techniques related to the solution of PDEs are especially encouraged to apply. The candidate will work primarily with Prof. Zachariah Etienne on a number of possible research topics, with particular application to the science goals of pulsar timing arrays, particularly NANOGrav, as well as ground-based interferometric detectors, particularly Advanced LIGO.
The preferred start date for the position is September 1, 2014, with an initial appointment of one year and possible renewal for up to two additional years contingent on performance and available funding.
Interested applicants should email a CV and a brief statement of research experience and interests to zetienne[AT]umd.edu. In addition, they should arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to the same address. Applications should be posted by March 1, 2013 for full consideration, though application reviews will continue until the position is filled.
The Department of Mathematics consists of 27 tenured and tenure-track faculty, three postdoctoral researchers, and 55 graduate students. West Virginia University is a Doctoral/Research University-High Land Grant institution enrolling over 28,000 students. The University is located in Morgantown, WV, an award winning "small" city with a metropolitan population of about 100,000 within easy travel distance to Pittsburgh and Washington, DC. WVU is a major center for gravitational wave astronomy, with a theoretical, multidisciplinary gravitational wave astronomy program led by Profs. Zachariah Etienne and Sean McWilliams, and an observational pulsar timing program led by Profs. Duncan Lorimer and Maura McLaughlin. It is located a few hours drive from the National Radio Astronomy Observatorys Green Bank Telescope, where most of NANOGravs observations are conducted. WVU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and the recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity.
2.10. International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-16
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=3…
Contact: mariaelena.pirone[AT]icranet.org
The coordinated effort of many international organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), has led to an unprecedented amount of scientific information from the microphysical world all the way to the entire Universe. To harvest the results of these scientific missions, a specific Ph. D. program has been envisaged in order to involve the students in the analysis and modeling of the above observational data within the theory of general relativity and relativistic quantum and classical field theories. The students will also be involved in innovative experimental programs in relativistic astrophysics. The program provides expertise in the most advanced topics of experimental, mathematical and theoretical physics relevant to the context of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. These activities, being necessarily international, the scientific and academic ins
titutions, indicated below, participate with their own specific scientific specialties and a joint degree is delivered, at the end of the program.
A deadline of 16th February 2014 has been established for the nine positions sponsored by the Erasmus Mundus Program. Five additional positions sponsored by CAPES, for students from Brazil, and two by FAPERJ for students from the state of Rio de Janeiro, have deadline 30th June 2014. Five additional positions open internationally and directly sponsored by the participating institutions will have deadline 30th September 2014. For the application and more information see http://www.icranet.org/irap-phd .
Headquarters, Piazza della Repubblica, 10 | 65100 Pescara | Italy
Phone: +39.085.23054.200 | Fax: +39.085.4219252
Download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterIrap.pdf
2.11. Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-01
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669
Contact: tizby[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in space physics at the University of Kansas beginning as early as March 24, 2014. Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a related field associated with space physics within six months of appointment and experience in space physics or astrophysics or related field.
The initial appointment is for one year with probable renewal for another year subject to review and continued grant funding. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought. For complete position announcement and to apply on-line go http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669. A complete electronic application will include: letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research, list of publications and a list of 3 references. In addition, applicants should arrange for the three cited references to send letters of reference to: Thomas E. Cravens, Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr., 1082 Malott Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045-7582 or cravens[AT]ku.edu.
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at the University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-07
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4688
Contact: tatekris[AT]ku.edu
The KU nuclear physics group seeks highly qualified candidates for an immediate opening for a post-doctoral position working on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The postdoctoral researcher is expected to be stationed at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland. Ph.D. in nuclear science or particle physics by date of appointment and experience in data analysis and detector operation of particle and nuclear physics experiments are required.
The KU nuclear physics group is playing a leading role in the physics analyses of long-range correlations in heavy-ions as well as in studies emphasizing physics in the forward region, including the study of ultra-peripheral heavy-ions collisions. Inquires about the physics program can be sent by email to Dr. Daniel Tapia Takaki (jdtt(a)ku.edu)
The initial appointment is for one year with possibility of renewal annually for the subsequent two years subject to review and continued grant funding. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought. For complete position announcement and to apply on-line go to http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4688. A complete electronic application will include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research, and a list of 3 references. In addition, applicants should arrange for the three cited references to send letters of reference via email to: Kristin Rennells (tatekris[AT]ku.edu) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr., 1082 Malott Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045-7582.
Initial review of applications will begin February 7, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. General inquiries can be made by email to tatekris[AT]ku.edu. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.
2.13. Postdoctoral positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: http://cosmo.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl
Contact: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Szczecin invites applications for 2 postdoctoral positions cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The positions are supposed to be filled after 1st of March 2014 and last for 2 years with a possibility to further extension for another 2 years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre Maestro-3 grant "New consequences of the variability of the fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz P. Dabrowski (DEC-2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a position is 6500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away from Berlin with good access to international airports.
The research will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and observational aspects of such theories.
The deadline for applications is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of publications, and a brief statement of research interests. Candidates should arrange for 3 letters of recommendation. Applications and recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dabrowski: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
2.14. Ph.D. student positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: http://cosmo.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl
Contact: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Szczecin invites applications for 2 Ph.D. student positions cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The positions are supposed to be filled after 1st of March 2014 and last for 3 years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre Maestro-3 grant "New consequences of the variability of the fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz P. Dabrowski (DEC-2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a position is 2500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away from Berlin with good access to international airports.
The research will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and observational aspects of such theories.
The deadline for applications is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of publications, a brief statement of research interests, a copy of graduate studies diploma (M.Sc.) and a copy of the thesis. Candidates should arrange for at least 1 letter of recommendation. Applications and recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dabrowski: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
2.15. PhD positions in gravity, cosmology, astrophysics at Fudan University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-31
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/Site/Job_Opportunities.html
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The gravity/cosmology/astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2014) for non-Chinese students. The successful candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2014. Courses and research are conducted in English. The PhD program normally lasts for 3 years, but it can be extended to 4-5 years.
Applications from candidates with interest/experience in any research area of gravity, cosmology, high energy astrophysics, and quantum field theory will be considered. The group currently consists of 3 faculty (Cosimo Bambi, Antonino Marciano, Leonardo Modesto), 4 postdocs (Stefano Giaccari, Daniele Malafarina, Leslaw Rachwal, Naoki Tsukamoto), and several graduate and undergraduate students. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and a short statement of research interests and/or experience to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Please arrange also at least 2 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Applications received by January 31 will receive full consideration.
Enquires can be sent to Cosimo Bambi (bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn), Antonino Marciano (marciano[AT]fudan.edu.cn), or Leonardo Modesto (lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn). Some of the possible research projects can be found here:
Further details:
Shanghai is the most international city in China. It has been recently developing as a forefront for scientific research in Asia, and will continue in the next years. Fudan University is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. The group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Special Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan.
Housing: the successful candidates can live in the international student dormitory inside the campus at very convenient rental rates.
3. News
3.1. The Chalonge School Programme of the Year 2014
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://chalonge.obspm.fr
23 Years of Activity-Calling for Understanding.
Welcome to the Chalonge School.
A Laboratory of Ideas. Research, Training and Scientific Culture. Science with great intellectual endeavour and a Human Face.
A beacon pioneering and developing research, projects and training.
The Chalonge School offers unvaluable international current research view at the forefront of astrophysics and cosmology, international contacts at the highest level and a careful interdisciplinarity, with both Theory and Observations.
The Programme is open to researchers, post-docs and advanced students of the different disciplines in the field, both theorists, experimentalists and observers. Advanced students, post-docs, young researchers are encouradged to participate.
The Programme includes scientific culture events with the latest and anticipated results and exhibitions.
All the Year 2014 with the topics and dates of the Chalonge Programme Colloquia, Workshops, Open Sessions and meetings are available at:
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Programme2014.html
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr
--The Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2014
"From Large to Small Scale Structures in Agreement with Observations:
CMB, WDM, Galaxies, Black Holes, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
--The Chalonge 18th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2014 "Latest News from the Universe: LambdaWDM, CMB, Warm Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2014.html
The Chalonge Medal
The Chalonge Medal is coined exclusively for the Chalonge School by the Hôtel de la Monnaie de Paris (the French Mint).
Only nine Chalonge medals have been awarded by the School in the 21 year school history: Subramanyan CHANDRASEKHAR, Nobel prize of physics. Bruno PONTECORVO. George SMOOT, Nobel prize of physics. Carlos FRENK. Anthony LASENBY. Bernard SADOULET, fellow of the USA Academy of Arts and Science. Peter BIERMANN. John MATHER, Nobel prize of physics. Brian SCHMIDT, Nobel prize of Physics. Gerard GILMORE, Fellow of the UK Royal Society
The Chalonge School Team:
Science Organizers: Norma G. SANCHEZ, Héctor J. DE VEGA, Maria C. FALVELLA, Alba ZANINI,
Marina RAMON MEDRANO, Annalisa PERISSA, and other colleagues .....
Engineering and Technical Support : Djilali ZIDANI, François SEVRE, Nicole LETOURNEUR, Jean-Pierre MICHEL, Sylvain CNUDDE, and other colleagues....
School Courses, Lectures and available Lecturers, Album of Pictures are available at:
URL http://chalonge.obspm.fr
With Compliments and kind Regards
Norma G. SANCHEZ, Hector J. DE VEGA
3.2. Buchalter Cosmology Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.buchaltercosmologyprize.org
The newly established Buchalter Cosmology Prize seeks to motivate and recognize innovative theoretical, observational, or experimental work in cosmology that has the potential to produce a breakthrough advance in our thinking. Submissions for the 2014 prize will be accepted through September 30th, 2014. Three prizes will be awarded, with $10,000 going to first place. Details can be found at http://www.buchaltercosmologyprize.org.
(submitted by Robert Caldwell)
3.3. 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
In 2014, for our sixty-fifth competition, the trustees of the Gravity Research Foundation are offering five awards for short essays for the purpose of stimulating thought and encouraging work on gravitation. The stipulations follow.
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2014 for the best well-written essays, 1500 words or fewer (excluding abstracts, diagrams, references and minimal equations), on the subject of gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00
The Second Award will be $1250.00
The Third Award will be $1000.00
The Fourth Award will be $750.00
The Fifth Award will be $500.00
(3) Essays must be in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file before April 1, 2014. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us within 24 hours if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission.
(4) Title pages should include essay title; authors names, e-mail and complete mailing addresses; submission date; an abstract of 125 words or less; and the statement: Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation. Pages should be numbered.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final and no reviews or comments will be provided.
(6) Please check the winners announcement to be posted on our website: gravityresearchfoundation.org around May 15, 2014. We will also attempt to send all participants a general e-mail notification.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication. Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President (grideoutjr[AT]aol.com)
Recent First Award Winners:
2013 - Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai, Ming-sheng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan and Li You, Tsinghua University, Bejing, PR China
2012 - Claus Kiefer and Manuel Kraemer, University of Cologne, Koeln, Germany
2011 - Ivan Agullo, Penn State and Leonard Parker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
2009 - Alexander Burinskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2008 - T. Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune, India
2007 - S. Carlip, University of California at Davis
2006 - Vijay Balasubramanian, University of Pennsylvania; Donald Marolf, University of California at Santa Barbara and Moshe Rozali, University of British Columbia
2005 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, Kings College London and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A-and-M University
2004 - Maulik Parikh, Columbia University, New York
2003 - Martin Bojowald, The Pennsylvania State University
2002 - Steven B. Giddings, University of California at Santa Barbara and Stanford University
2001 - Csaba Csaki and Joshua Erlich, Los Alamos National Lab and Christophe Grojean, University of California at Berkeley
2000 - Arthur Lue and Erick J. Weinberg, Columbia University, New York
1999 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, University of Oxford and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A and M University
3.4. Book with A. A. Friedmanns papers on cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/friedmann2.html
Alexander A. Friedmann, Papers On Curved Spaces and Cosmology (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2014), 74 pages
This book contains three papers by Friedmann - "On the Curvature of Space" (1922), "On the Possibility of a World with a Constant Negative Curvature of Space" (1924), and "On the Geometry of Curved Spaces". The third paper is a 28-page manuscript (dated 15 April 1922) which has not been published even in Russian.
Unlike the existing two English translations of Friedmann's 1922 and 1924 papers (done from the German publications), now these papers are translated directly from the original Russian texts.
Vesselin Petkov