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May 2017
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for May 2017
by hyperspace@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de 02 May '17
by hyperspace@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de 02 May '17
02 May '17
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Third Andean School on Nuclear Physics: QCD, Quark Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions, Bogota, Colombia
1.2. Mathematical Physics and General Relativity Symposium in Honor of Professor Ivor Robinson, Dallas, Texas, USA
1.3. The Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, XXXIIIth International Colloquium of the IAP (2nd announcement)
1.4. Astro-GR@Barcelona 2017, Barcelona, Spain
1.5. School "Making Quantum Gravity Computable", Waterloo, Canada
1.6. Summer School: "Neutron stars: theory, observations and gravitational waves emission", Sofia, Bulgaria
1.7. Probing the spacetime fabric: from concepts to phenomenology, Trieste, Italy
1.8. 2017 Eastern Gravity Meeting, University Park, PA, USA
1.9. XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Braga, Portugal
1.10. International School: "Gravitational Waves and Cosmology", Varenna, Italy
1.11. Hyperbolic equations and mathematical physics, Bordeaux, France
2. Jobs
2.1. Graduate student and research assistantship, Famagusta, Cyprus
2.2. Post-doctoral position in neutron stars astrophysics at the Nicolaus Copernicus, Warsaw, Poland Astronomical Center
2.3. Postdoc position in numerical relativity/cosmology at Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science
2.4. PhD positions in numerical relativity/cosmology at Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science
2.5. PhD Scholarships in Mathematical/Computational Relativity, Dunedin, New Zealand
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: new article and website
3.2. New book: General Relativity 1916 - 2016
1. Conferences
1.1. Third Andean School on Nuclear Physics: QCD, Quark Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions, Bogota, Colombia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-07-24 to 2017-07-28
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Additional Information: https://escuelafisicanuclear3.uniandes.edu.co
Contact: escuela.fisica.nuclear[AT]uniandes.edu.co
Dear Colleagues,
it is our pleasure to announce the "Third Andean School on Nuclear Physics", to be held from July 24 - 28, 2017 at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.
The focus of the third school will be on QCD, quark-gluon plasma and heavy ion collisions. Following the pattern of earlier schools, there will be a set of lectures delivered by experts in the field, invited talks and a poster session where students can present their results.
Some financial aid is available for students coming from Latin America and presenting their results.
We look forward to seeing you in Bogota.
Best regards,
Neelima Kelkar, Fernando Cristancho, Diego Torres and Edna Carolina Pinilla
1.2. Mathematical Physics and General Relativity Symposium in Honor of Professor Ivor Robinson, Dallas, Texas, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-05-07 to 2017-05-09
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Additional Information: http://www.utdallas.edu/~mkd034000/GenRelConfUTD/
Contact: akbar[AT]utdallas.edu
The symposium will honor the scientific legacy of the late Professor Ivor Robinson. It will be an occasion to discuss recent developments in the field and an opportunity for two generations of researchers to meet and exchange ideas.
The symposium is sponsored by The Department of Mathematical Sciences at UTD, The School of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, and The National Science Foundation. We request that all participants register as early as possible ($90 students, $200 non-student), and no later than 17th April. Those willing to speak or present a poster please submit an abstract as early as possible. Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis and participants will be informed accordingly.
Information on the symposium venue, registration, logistics and abstract submission may be found on the conference website: http://www.utdallas.edu/~mkd034000/GenRelConfUTD/
Please circulate this information to your colleagues and students.
Questions can be sent to Mr. Joseph Minich (jtm130030[AT]utdallas.edu) or to Prof. Vladimir Dragovic (vxd123630[AT]utdallas.edu)
1.3. The Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, XXXIIIth International Colloquium of the IAP (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-06-26 to 2017-06-30
Location: IAP, Paris, France
Additional Information: http://www.iap.fr/vie_scientifique/colloques/Colloque_IAP/2017/
Contact: faye[AT]iap.fr
XXXIIIth international colloquium of the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris:
Second announcement
More information: http://www.iap.fr/vie_scientifique/colloques/Colloque_IAP/2017/
Contact: faye[AT]iap.fr
Date: 26-30 June 2017
Location: Paris
The XXXIIIth international colloquium of the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris on
The Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy (TEGrAW)
will be held at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, from June 26th to June 30th 2017. The conference will focus on the most recent developments regarding observations and the theory of gravitational waves. These include experimental advances and future detectors (on the ground and in space), data analysis techniques, black hole astrophysics, theoretical work on the two-body problem, effective theories, numerical relativity, and tests of gravity theories.
Plenary speakers are listed below. Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts of oral contributions.
** Registration **
Early registration fees (till May 12):
* students: 150 euros
* researchers: 250 euros
Beware that late registration will cost 100 euros more. Moreover, for security reasons, registration is *mandatory*. The relevant web page is:
** Deadlines **
May 12th for pre-registration and abstract submission. See conference webpage for detail.
** Accommodation **
You will find a list of recommended hotels on the conference website:
Note that Paris is a busy tourist destination in June, so we recommend booking accommodation at your earliest convenience.
** Social events **
All participants are welcome to attend an opening cocktail at the Observatoire de Paris on Monday, June 26th, as well as the conference banquet, which will take place on a dinner-cruise boat on the Seine river on Wednesday, June 28th:
On behalf of the organizing committee, I am looking forward to welcoming you in Paris in June,
Guillaume Faye
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
List of invited speakers
Bruce Allen (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover)
Krzysztof Belczynski (Astronomical Observatory, Warsaw University)
Luc Blanchet (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS)
Manuela Campanelli (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Neil J. Cornish (Montana State University)
Thibault Damour (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)
Lawrence E. Kidder (Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Cornell University)
Sergey Klimenko (University of Florida)
Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Selma E. de Mink (Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam)
Ewald Mueller (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik)
Tsvi Piran (Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University)
Frederic A. Rasio (CIERA, Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University)
David H. Reitze (LIGO, California Institute of Technology, University of Florida)
Alberto Sesana (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham)
Masaru Shibata (Center for Gravitational Physics, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
Xavier Siemens (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
James Ira Thorpe (Gravitational Astrophysics Lab, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Maarten Van de Meent (Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton)
Chris Van den Broeck (Nationaal instituut voor subatomaire fysica - Nikhef)
Jean-Yves Vinet (Artemis, Universite' Cote d'Azur CNRS, Observatoire Côte d'Azur)
Marta Volonteri (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
1.4. Astro-GR@Barcelona 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-10-16 to 2017-02-01
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Additional Information: http://astro-gr.org/astro-gr-barcelona-2017
Contact: pau[AT]ice.cat
Astro-GR@Barcelona: ASTROPHYSICS, GENERAL RELATIVITY, FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS from the capture of compact objects by supermassive black holes.
Organised by Pau Amaro-Seoane and Carlos F. Sopuerta in Barcelona, at ICE (CSIC-IEEC) from Mon 10/16 – Fri 10/20 2017
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is the future ESA-NASA Gravitational Wave Observatory. It will look for GW signals in the low-frequency band (0.1 mHz – 1 Hz), mainly from the following sources: galactic binaries, the coalescence and merger of massive black holes in galaxies at cosmological distances, the capture and inspiral of stellar compact objects into massive black holes at galactic centers and even from cosmological stochastic backgrounds.
These observations promise to open a completely new window to the exploration of the Universe, which is expected will have important consequences for our knowledge in astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. This edition of the Astro-GR meetings will focus again (like the first meeting in the series) on the third source above, (iii), which due to the mass ratio of these binaries they are commonly known as Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs). Considering the possible existence of intermediate-mass black holes, an additional source of gravitational waves for LISA will the inspiral of stellar-mass compact objects into an IMBH or the inspiral of an IMBH into a MBH. These sources, again due to the mass ratio of the binaries, are known as an intermediate-mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs).
These are one of the main sources of gravitational waves expected for LISA and their observations will produce spectacular science. In particular, with EMRI observations we will be able to map isolated black holes with high precision, obtaining very accurate values of their mass, spin, and some gravitational multipoles that will allow us to verify whether they are the stationary solutions predicted by General Relativity and described by the Kerr metric.
We can also try to use these sources to test General Relativity and alternative theories of gravity. In addition, LISA will provide information from hundreds (or even more) of massive black holes from the low redshift Universe (z < 1). This information should allow us to get information of the history of these black holes and from here we could test models of galaxy formation. Moreover, given that LISA will measure precise luminosity distances to these EMRIs, there is the possibility of doing precision cosmology with these sources (correlating the information with galaxy catalogs as has been proposed recently).
The meeting will focus on the following topics:
Astrophysical mechanisms that produce EMRI events
Astrophysical mechanisms that can produce Intermediate-Mass-Ratio Inspirals (IMRIs)
Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with EMRI-IMRI observations

Tal Alexander, Pau Amaro Seoane, Melvyn B. Davies, Ben Bar-Or, Mitch Begelman, Matthew Benacquista, Torsten Boeker, Roberto C. Dolcetta, Vitor Cardoso, Xian Chen, Monica Colpi, Massimo Dotti, Carlos F Sopuerta, Carlos Frenk, Zoltan Haiman, Vicky Kalogera, Pablo Laguna, Luis Lehner, Anna Lisa Varri, Fred Rasio, Naoki Seto, Nick Stone, Eugene Vasiliev, Bence Kocsis, Smadar Naoz, Lixin Dai, Fani Dosopoulou, Luc Blanchet, Priyamvada Natarajan, Alessandro Spallicci, Lucio Mayer, Li Shuo, Giacomo Fragione, Elena Maria Rossi, Jonathan Thornburg, Jan-Willem van Holten, Marco Merafina
We will ask for EUR 50 per person to cover the coffee.
1.5. School "Making Quantum Gravity Computable", Waterloo, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-06-19 to 2017-06-23
Location: Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada
Additional Information: https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/conferences/making-quantum-gravity-comput…
Contact: bdittrich[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
A small number of vacancies is still available at this summer's school on numerical methods in quantum gravity, aimed primarily at PhD students and postdocs in the field. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible via the school's website.
1.6. Summer School: "Neutron stars: theory, observations and gravitational waves emission", Sofia, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-09-11 to 2017-09-15
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Additional Information: http://indico.cern.ch/event/629135
Contact: newcompstar2017[AT]gmail.com
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the fourth and the concluding NewCompstar school "Neutron stars: theory, observations and gravitational waves emission" to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, between 11 and 15 September.
As a concluding NewCompStar school, the school is focused on a broader area, instead of choosing a particular topic. The topics include numerical relativity, relativistic hydrodynamics, neutron star binaries, neutron star oscillations, hadronic matter and high density equation of state, pulsar timing and gamma ray burst observations. Part of the lectures will focus not only on general relativity, but also on alternative theories of gravity.
The school will be scheduled as follows – up to four 1.5h lectures per day with two coffee breaks and a lunch, one excursion (sightseeing) in the afternoon, and one poster session.
According to the Compstar policy we shall partly cover the travel and accommodation expenses to all eligible participants. In order to apply, students are requested to provide a CV.
Details on the program, venue, reimbursement are available on the web-site.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
D. Doneva (University of Tuebingen),
S. Yazadjiev (University of Sofia)
1.7. Probing the spacetime fabric: from concepts to phenomenology, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-07-10 to 2017-07-14
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.sissa.it/app/stf17/
Contact: stf17[AT]sissa.it
The conference is aimed at combining different perspectives on how to test the fundamental structure of spacetime. More specifically, while the core of the conference will focus on quantum gravity models and their possible phenomenological tests, we shall also explore methodological and conceptual aspects of this endeavour by having two dedicated sessions involving also philosophers of science.
This mix will be facilitated by applying a novel structure to the talks: there will be 3-5 talks grouped under a general theme, followed by an open debate on the main issues related to it. There will be also two session of short talks on related issues.
1.8. 2017 Eastern Gravity Meeting, University Park, PA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-06-09 to 2017-06-10
Location: University Park, PA, USA
Additional Information: http://gravity.psu.edu/events/egm20/
Contact: randi[AT]gravity.psu.edu
The 20th Eastern Gravity Meeting, hosted by the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, will be held Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10, 2017 on Penn State's University Park campus. For further information, registration and abstract submission, see http://gravity.psu.edu/events/egm20.
This annual regional meeting is open to researchers of all levels, from undergraduate students to faculty, in all areas of gravitational physics, including classical, quantum, theory, observation, computation and experiment. The purpose of the conference is to encourage the interaction of researchers in the Northeastern region.
The format of the meeting will follow the format of previous regional meetings where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. Abstracts will be selected following the order in which they are submitted. Therefore, to maximize chances of acceptance, it would be best to submit an abstract early.
1.9. XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Braga, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-09-04 to 2017-09-07
Location: Braga, Portugal
Additional Information: http://w3.math.uminho.pt/IFWGP
Contact: ifwgp26[AT]math.uminho.pt
XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
4-7 September 2017
The XXVI edition of the International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics (IFWGP) will take place at the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) from the 4th to the 7th of September, 2017. This series of international workshops, held at Spanish and Portuguese universities and research centers, covers topics in the fields of Differential Geometry, Applied Mathematics and Physics. A non-exhaustive list of topics traditionally covered in the workshops is the following:
Classical and quantum field theory
Control theory
General Relativity
Geometric mechanics
Information geometry
Integrable systems
Lie algebroids and mechanics
Lorentz geometry
Mechanics of continuous media
Poisson geometry
Quantum geometry
Quantum gravity
Quantum mechanics
Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian geometry
String theory
Supergravity and supersymmetry
Symplectic and contact geometry
One of the main goals of the workshops is to bring together researchers of these and related areas to promote the exchange of ideas between geometers and physicists. The participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged so, please, disseminate this message among your students and also among your colleagues who might be interested in the workshop.
As in previous editions the workshop will include two mini-courses. This year the mini-courses will be delivered by:
Paolo Gibilisco (Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy)
Jacques Smulevici (Universite' Paris-Sud, France)
and will be devoted to Information Geometry and the Cauchy-Problem in General Relativity, respectively.
The plenary talks will be given by:
Esmeralda Dias (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Isabel Fernandez (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
Gustav Holzegel (Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)
Joao Nuno Mestre (Utrech University, The Netherlands)
Jose Natario (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Sarah Rasmussen (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Helena Reis (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Information about the meeting, registration procedure, submission of contributed talks and other details can be found at the workshop webpage:
Important dates:
Talk / poster submission: 20 June.
Reduced registration fee: 30 June.
We look forward to meeting all of you in Braga.
Kind regards,
The Scientific and the Organizing Committees of the XXVI IFWGP.
1.10. International School: "Gravitational Waves and Cosmology", Varenna, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-07-03 to 2017-07-12
Location: Varenna, Como (Italy)
Additional Information: https://www.sif.it/attivita/scuola_fermi/mmxvii#200
Contact: irene.sartini[AT]gssi.infn.it
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICS "E.FERMI" - “Gravitational Waves and Cosmology”
Scholarship available to support participation
We are pleased to announce the course “Gravitational Waves and Cosmology” that will be held from 3rd to 12th July at Villa Monastero - Varenna (Como Lake - Italy).
The course is one of the Summer Courses organized by the Italian Physical Society (SIF) as part of the 2017 International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”. It represents the special opportunity to meet and discuss ultimate and top research issues with scientists and young physicists from all over the world in the gorgeous artistic and natural frame of one of the most famous villas on Como Lake.
On the occasion of its 120th anniversary, the Italian Physical Society (SIF) is exceptionally assigning many scholarships (partial or total) to favor the students' participation.
Please feel free to circulate the invitation to everyone maybe interested. Deadline 10th May.
Application form and information: Gravitational Waves and Cosmology
1.11. Hyperbolic equations and mathematical physics, Bordeaux, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2017-05-29 to 2017-06-01
Location: Bordeaux, France
Additional Information: https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/1898/page/5
Contact: mdimassi[AT]math.u-bordeaux.fr
This conference is in honour of Alain Bachelot, to celebrate the great variety and originality of his scientific contributions, including general relativity, quantum field theory, electromagnetism and nonlinear hyperbolic equations. It will be held at the University of Bordeaux, France.
Invited speakers include:
Helene Barucq (Pau)
Piotr Chrusciel (Vienne, Autriche)
Eric Darrigrand (Rennes)
Stephan De Bievre (Lille)
Bruno Despres (Paris)
Jeremy Faupin (Metz)
Vladimir Georgiev (Pise, Italie)
Christian Gerard (Orsay)
Benoit Grebert (Nantes)
Dietrich Haefner (Grenoble)
Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton, USA)
Philippe Le Floch (Paris)
Jean-Philippe Nicolas (Brest)
Vesselin Petkov (Bordeaux)
Didier Robert (Nantes)
Jeremie Szeftel (Paris)
Michal Wrochna (Grenoble)
Maciej Zworski (Berkeley, USA)
2. Jobs
2.1. Graduate student and research assistantship, Famagusta, Cyprus
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2020-11-11
Location: Famagusta, Cyprus
Additional Information: https://physchememu.wixsite.com/home
Contact: mustafa.riza[AT]emu.edu.tr
Candidates with research interests in the areas of theoretical and experimental physics are encouraged to apply.
Theoretical Physics' subjects are gravitation, cosmology, mathematical physics, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, quantum gravity, and computational physics.
Experimental Physics' subjects include liquid crystals and optics.
Faculty members of the Department include Mustafa Halilsoy, Izzet Sakallı, Habib Mazharimousavi, Omar Mustafa, Mustafa Rıza, Mehmet Okcan, Koray Duztas, Ali Ovgun and Zahra Amirabi.
The candidates who have qualified background will be assigned as Research Assistant. A full-time research assistant gets exemption from tuition fees as well as they get monthly salary up to 2000 Turkish Lira.
Part-time research assistantships are also available.
Besides, all international postgraduate students registering to the Eastern Mediterranean University can apply for merit-based tuition scholarships of 25%, 50% and 100%, and many student at Eastern Mediterranean University benefit from this generous scheme.
Applicants are requested visit http://physics.emu.edu.tr/ and click on "APPLY NOW"
(or directly https://physchememu.wixsite.com/home)
For any question do no hesitate to contact with:
mustafa.riza[AT]emu.edu.tr or izzet.sakalli[AT]emu.edu.tr
2.2. Post-doctoral position in neutron stars astrophysics at the Nicolaus Copernicus, Warsaw, Poland Astronomical Center
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2017-05-15
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2017/03/30/post-doctoral-position-neutr…
Contact: bhaskell[AT]camk.edu.pl
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (NCAC) in Warsaw, Poland, with preferred start in the Fall of 2017 or early 2018. The successful applicant will collaborate with Dr Brynmor Haskell on the physics of superfluid neutron stars, with a specific focus on pulsar glitches and gravitational wave source modelling.
The position is available for up to three years and will be funded from a Polish National Science Centre research project. Funding for travel and research equipment will also be provided.
NCAC is the leading astronomical institute in Poland and current research at the institute encompasses a broad range of both observational and theoretical subjects in modern astrophysics. NCAC scientists participate in many international projects, e.g. H.E.S.S., CTA, Fermi, Herschel, Virgo, LIGO, SALT, Gaia-ESO, ATHENA.
Candidates are required to have completed a PhD in astronomy, physics or a related discipline before the start date and no earlier than in 2011 (with extensions possible for maternity or paternity leave). Applicants should have a strong background in computational physics or astrophysics. Experience in neutron star physics, and in particular cooling or hydrodynamical simulations, will be an advantage but are not essential. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr Brynmor Haskell (bhaskell[AT]camk.edu.pl) to discuss the project further.
Applications (in pdf format) can be sent to bhaskell[AT]camk.edu.pl and should include a copy of the applicant’s PhD diploma, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications and a brief statement of research interests and plans (2 pages). Applicants should also arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address. For full consideration applications should be received by May 15th, 2017. The review of applications will begin soon after this date and continue until the position is filled.
2.3. Postdoc position in numerical relativity/cosmology at Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2017-06-30
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: http://www.cft.edu.pl/en/
Contact: korzynski[AT]cft.edu.pl
The Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics invites applications for a postdoctoral position at the CTP PAS, financed from the project "Local relativistic perturbation theory in hydrodynamics and cosmology" No. 2016/22/E/ST9/00578 (SONATA BIS 6) supported by the National Science Center, decision No. DEC-2016/22/E/ST9/00578. The principal investigator is Prof. Mikolaj Korzynski. The position starts on September 1st, 2017.
The position requires a PhD in theoretical or computational physics and experience in numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics, MHD or compatible field. A background in astrophysics, general relativity or cosmology and experience with the EinsteinToolkit framework would be an advantage.
The group of Mikolaj Korzynski will work on the application of numerical relativity to cosmology, especially the problems of structure formation and the light propagation through spacetime, combining numerics, stochastic and perturbative methods.
The applicants should submit the following documents:
1. cover letter including the statement „I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposes of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. no. 101, item 926)”
2. a scientific CV, including the list of publications and major scientific achievements
3. brief description of research interests
4. copy of the PhD diplomma
5. personal questionnaire form from the CTP PAS webpage via email directly to Mikolaj Korzynski (korzynski[AT]cft.edu.pl). Additionally they should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same email address. Applicants expecting to obtain their PhD soon should also include a statement from their supervisors about the scheduled date of their defence.
The deadline for applications is June 30th, 2017. Selected applicants will be invited for an interview. Successful applicant will be employed for the trial period of 12 months, with the possibility of extension for up to 3 further years.
2.4. PhD positions in numerical relativity/cosmology at Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2017-06-30
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: http://www.cft.edu.pl/en/
Contact: korzynski[AT]cft.edu.pl
The Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS invites applications for 2 PhD positions at the CTP PAS, financed from the project "Local relativistic perturbation theory in hydrodynamics and cosmology". The principal investigator is Prof. Mikolaj Korzynski. The positions start on 1st September 2017, and will last until the end of the project (46 months). The PhD students will be enlisted as a participants of the PhD Program of the Institute of Physics PAS, following their individual programs. The subject of the PhD will be related to the topic of the project. The students will receive a stipend of 3000 zł/month.
The group of Mikolaj Korzynski will work on the application of numerical relativity to cosmology, especially the problems of structure formation and the light propagation through spacetime, combining numerics, stochastic and perturbative methods.
At the time of application the candidates should either have a MSc degree, or expect to obtain it before signing the contract. The positions require a MSc or compatible in physics, astronomy, computer science or related field. Experience in any of the following: general relativity, astrophysics, differential geometry, computational hydrodynamics would be an advantage, although is not necessary. The tasks of the PhD students involve investigation of structure formation in the Universe using numerical simulations and perturbative approach.
The applicants should submit the following documents:
1. scientific CV, including the major scientific achievements, list of publications, participation in research projects and conferences. The document should contain the statement: "I hereby give consent to the processing of my personal data for the needs of the recruitment process (in accordance with the Law dated 29.08.97 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws, No. 101, item 926)".
2. transcript of records from undergraduate studies
3. personal questionnaire form from the CTP PAS webpage
4. certified copy of the MSc diploma (or the letter from the supervisor about the prospects for completion of the Thesis before the beginning of the employment) via email directly to Mikolaj Korzynski (korzynski[AT]cft.edu.pl). Additionally they should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same email address.
The deadline for applications is 30th June 2017. Selected applicants will be invited for an interview. For more information please contact Prof. Mikolaj Korzynski (korzynski[AT]cft.edu.pl).
2.5. PhD Scholarships in Mathematical/Computational Relativity, Dunedin, New Zealand
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2017-12-31
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Additional Information: http://gravity.otago.ac.nz
Contact: joergf[AT]maths.otago.ac.nz
Applications are invited for 3-year PhD scholarships in Mathematical or Computational Relativity, at the University of Otago, New Zealand.
The Relativity Group at the University of Otago consists of three permanent staff (F. Beyer, J. Frauendiener and J. Hennig) and, currently, two PhD students and one Master student. The research interests include mathematical and numerical properties of the conformal field equations, gravitational waves, Fuchsian methods, cosmological space-times, exact solutions, transformation optics etc.
A University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship provides an annual emolument of 25,000NZD plus tuition fee waiver for 3 years. Applicants should have a First Class honours degree, Masters degree, or equivalent, specialising in an area of Applied Mathematics, preferably with some prior knowledge in General Relativity and numerical methods. The scholarships are available to both International and Domestic students.
Interested? Then, you should apply for a University of Otago Postgraduate Scholarship by downloading the appropriate application form the Scholarships Office website at http://www.otago.ac.nz/study/scholarships
Enquiries to: Prof. J. Frauendiener
(Phone: +64 3 479 7770, Email: joergf[AT]maths.otago.ac.nz )
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: new article and website
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41114-017-0004-1
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on 4 April 2017:
Joseph D. Romano and Neil. J. Cornish, Detection methods for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds: a unified treatment, Living Rev Relativ (2017) 20:2. doi:10.1007/s41114-017-0004-1
We are also happy to announce that the new Living Reviews community portal (http://www.livingreviews.org) was recently relaunched.
With this common entry point to research and review journals in physics and astronomy, three communities will be able to find associated journals, highlighted articles, and related news 'just a click away'.
We present Springer's original research journals along with the Living Reviews open-access series as partner journals serving researchers in relativity, solar physics, and computational astrophysics.
This milestone marks also the completion of the Living Reviews journals' content transfer from its previous publishing platform to SpringerLink, during which all articles have been retro-digitized and are now also available in standard XML/HTML with embedded MathJax.
3.2. New book: General Relativity 1916 - 2016
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/2016conf.html
General Relativity 1916 - 2016 (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2017) - Selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the publication of General Relativity, 30 May - 2 June 2016, Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria :