[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for July 2023
########################################### Table of Contents ########################################### 1. Conferences 1.1. Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure, Munich, Germany 1.2. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Parallel session "Experiments", Italy 1.3. GRaSP: New Frontiers in Gravity Phenomenology, Pisa, Italy 1.4. 11th School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, Lisbon, Portugal 1.5. Nonlinear Aspects of General Relativity, Princeton, USA 1.6. Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science Conference, Belgrade, Serbia 1.7. 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology: New Horizons and Singularities in Gravity, Guwahati, India 1.8. Infinity on a Gridshell: online registration, Copenhagen, Denmark 2. Jobs 2.1. Graduate student opportunities in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada 2.2. PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of the two-body problem", Potsdam, Germany 2.3. Postdoctoral position in computational astrophysics, Shanghai, China 2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, Hong Kong 2.5. PhD positions in gravitational-wave research, Urbino, Italy 2.6. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave astrophysics, L'Aquila, Italy 2.7. A postdoc position in General Relativity, Warsaw, Poland 2.8. Two year postdoctoral position on gravitational-wave data analysis, Paris, France 2.9. Phd position, Milan, Italy 2.10. Research Software Engineer, Cambridge, UK 2.11. Post-doctoral position in Astrophysics and Theory of Gravity, Lublin, Poland 2.12. 2-Year Postdoc on the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime, Melbourne, Australia 2.13. Professor / Director ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, Camberra, Australia 3. News 3.1. Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder) 3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Awardee of the 2023 Edition ============================================== 1. Conferences ============================================== 1.1. Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure, Munich, Germany --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26791 Starting: 2023-09-07 to 2023-09-08 Location: Munich, Germany Additional Information: https://www.cas.uni-muenchen.de/veranstaltungen/tagungen/ws_pithis/index.htm... Contact: Andreas.Pithis[AT]physik.uni-muenchen.de Dear colleagues, We are happy to announce and invite you to participate in the two-day workshop "Lorentzian Quantum Gravity: Renormalization Group and Phase Structure" at the Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Munich (LMU) from Thursday 07/09/23 to Friday 08/09/23. This workshop will bring together researchers investigating different approaches to (Lorentzian) quantum gravity which include causal dynamical triangulations, causal sets, asymptotically safe gravity, tensor models, group field theories and spin foam models. The main goal is to encourage a fruitful exchange of ideas in a pleasant and amicable atmosphere to bridge gaps, find common ground or accentuate differences between the different approaches. In particular, the focus will be on whether, to what extent and which Lorentzian aspects play a significant role for the definition of the theory as well as for the recovery of a physically desirable continuum limit to be explored, for instance, by renormalization group methods. The workshop will consist of 4 sessions with altogether 12 speakers. Each session will include ample time for discussions after the presentations. The list of speakers consists of Jan Ambjorn, Jan Pawlowski, Astrid Eichhorn, Dario Benedetti, Daniele Oriti, Sebastian Steinhaus, Seth Asante, Stav Zalel, Maximilian Becker, Renata Ferrero, Johannes Thuerigen and Andreas Pithis. For further information (schedule, location etc.), please visit the website of the workshop which will be frequently updated. We encourage people interested to join for the discussions to register via info[AT]cas.lmu.de. In particular, we invite people outside of Munich to join via Zoom (the Zoom link will be sent after completing the registration). Kind regards, Dr. Andreas Pithis Acknowledgement: The workshop will be generously funded by the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) of the LMU via its "Junior Researcher in Residence" program. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2. XXV SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation - Parallel session "Experiments", Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/07/xxv-sigrav-conference-on-gene... Starting: 2023-09-04 to 2023-09-08 Location: Trieste, Italy Additional Information: https://indico.sissa.it/event/96/ Contact: roberto.peron[AT]inaf.it The conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics, with special regard towards new developments in theory, experiments and their interplay. The congress will provide plenary lectures and parallel sessions devoted to topical studies. Additional satellite events will include the award of the Amaldi Medal to two European scientists, who distinguished themselves in gravitational physics and the SIGRAV prize for young researchers, who carried out studies of particular interest in the field. The parallel session "Experiments" is focused on performed, ongoing or planned experiments to explore the gravitational interaction and to test the predictions of general relativity and alternative theories of gravitation. These include laboratory, space and observational tests of fundamental principles (e.g. the Equivalence Principle), relativistic geodesy and celestial mechanics, gravitational waves, strong-field dynamics, galactic/extragalactic/cosmological issues. Experiments concept, description and results are welcome (also considering data analysis), along with state-of-the-art techniques and ideas for future experiments. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3. GRaSP: New Frontiers in Gravity Phenomenology, Pisa, Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26805 Starting: 2023-10-24 to 2023-10-27 Location: Pisa, Italy Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/35400/ Contact: matteo.dellarocca[AT]phd.unipi.it GravityShapePisa(GraSP) is the 2nd International Conference completely organized by Young Researchers which supports the active participation of Young Researchers. The event is organised so as to provide balanced alternation of "Senior" and "Young" talk sessions on the field of the experimental and theoretical Physics. GraSP 2023 will take place in the Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo" at the Physics Department "E. Fermi" of the University of Pisa. The aim of the conference is to gather theoretical and experimental researches from different international groups to discuss new challenges in gravity phenomenology at different curvature scales. The main topics are black hole physics, new tests of General Relativity, neutron stars and multimessenger physics, new generation detectors and solar system tests of gravity. No FEE required. website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/35400/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4. 11th School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, Lisbon, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/16/11th-school-on-astrophysics-a... Starting: 2023-09-01 to 2023-09-06 Location: Lisbon, Portugal Additional Information: https://centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/network/eag11/ Contact: joselemos[AT]st.utl.pt The Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation (CENTRA) is organizing the 11th edition of its Summer School on Astrophysics and Gravitation, SAG11. The school is open to international applications and the official language of the classes is English. This school takes place every two years and its main objective is to encourage young talents to develop their knowledge in the areas of Astrophysics and Gravitation. This summer school is mainly aimed at university level students of Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering. The main selection criterion is the course average grade, and priority will be given to students that desire to continue their studies in these areas of research. The applicant should mention its interest in these areas in the section "General Comments" of the application form. Applications received earlier will be given priority in case of a tie between candidates. There is no fee. Important dates: School: September 1-6, 2023 (Friday-Wednesday) Application deadline: July 25, 2023 (Tuesday) Organizing Committee: Ana Mourao (CENTRA/IST) Ilidio Lopes (CENTRA/IST) Jose Sande Lemos (CENTRA/IST) Violetta Sagun (CFis/UCoimbra) Academic management support: Christoph Gaertlein (CENTRA/IST and CFis/UCoimbra) Informatic System Manager: Tomas Martins (CENTRA/IST) Webpage designer and poster designer: Dario Passos (UAlgarve) Sponsors: FCT, IST, CIGeoE Financial support: FCT Project UIBD/00099/2020 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5. Nonlinear Aspects of General Relativity, Princeton, USA --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26832 Starting: 2023-10-10 to 2023-10-13 Location: Princeton, USA Additional Information: https://pcts.princeton.edu/events/2023/nonlinear-aspects-general-relativity Contact: cardenas-avendano[AT]princeton.edu Einstein's theory of General Relativity is a well-posed theory of gravity from which one should be able to extract predictions for the evolution of any suitable initial configuration. Extracting concrete predictions can be extremely challenging in practice, mainly due to the nonlinear character of the Einstein equations. This workshop aims to bring together a diverse group of researchers from astrophysics, physics and mathematics backgrounds to share ideas and explore multi-disciplinary strategies for tackling the nonlinear aspects of General Relativity. These issues range from black hole mergers/ringdown, and gravitational self-force to cosmic censorship and the stability of black holes. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6. Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science Conference, Belgrade, Serbia --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26858 Starting: 2023-09-18 to 2023-09-19 Location: Belgrade, Serbia Additional Information: https://eipsconference.com/ Contact: info[AT]eipsconference.com We are pleased to announce that the first Emerging Ideas in Philosophy of Science conference will take place in Belgrade (Serbia), in person, on the 18th and 19th of September 2023. The conference will showcase concise-format presentations in the field of philosophy of science. The conference aims to spark discussions appealing to philosophers and non-specialists alike. We are honored to have Jan Sprenger (University of Turin) and Vladan Djordjevic (Belgrade) as our esteemed keynote speakers. The Emerging Ideas conference is made in collaboration with the Philosophy Club (Filozofski Klub) and it is preceding the European Association of Philosophy of Science conference taking place in Belgrade from the 20th to the 23rd of September. More details about the conference can be found on our website. Call for submissions We cordially invite students from all academic disciplines and at all levels of study to submit a summary of their emerging idea. Each submission should include an outline of a philosophical issue and an original argument that addresses the identified problem. While submissions in the field of philosophy of science are preferred, we welcome submissions from all related areas of philosophy, such as epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and so on. Every accepted author will have 15 minutes to present their idea. Each presentation will be followed by 30 minutes of moderated discussion. Presentations should be short and focused. The aim of each presentation should be to spark a lively discussion among the audience; therefore, the authors are strongly encouraged to formulate questions for the audience. Submission Guidelines * Submissions should be in English. * Submissions should not exceed 1000 words including footnotes (references do not count towards the word limit and should be listed on a separate page). * Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review (do not include any personal identifying information). * Submissions should be made in .pdf format. * The name of the author and the author's home institution should be noted in the body of the submission email. * Co-authored submissions are not eligible. Deadline and Submission Email The deadline for submissions is the 15th of July. Submissions should be sent to submissions[AT]eipsconference.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.7. 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology: New Horizons and Singularities in Gravity, Guwahati, India --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/30/10th-international-conference... Starting: 2023-12-06 to 2023-12-09 Location: Guwahati, India Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1268737/ Contact: icgc2023[AT]iitg.ac.in The 10th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology (ICGC) will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India during December 6 - 9, 2023. Since its inception in 1987, ICGC meetings are held once in four years and are organised by the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG). The tenth edition of this conference at IIT Guwahati aims to bring together experts working in the area of Gravitation and Cosmology to discuss the recent developments, present status and exchange ideas while providing young researchers from India an opportunity for interaction with experts. The programme will have a series of plenary lectures, with parallel and poster sessions. Topics to be covered during the meeting: 1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. Gravitational Waves 3. Astrophysical Relativity 4. Cosmology List of plenary speakers confirmed so far: Sayantani Bhattacharyya, NISER Bhubaneswar Floor Broekgaarden, Harvard and Smithsonian Pratika Dayal, Groningen University, Netherlands Archisman Ghosh, Ghent University, Belgium Bhal Chandra Joshi, NCRA-TIFR, Pune Nissim Kanekar, NCRA-TIFR, Pune Aseem Paranjape, IUCAA Pune Maulik Parikh, Arizona State University, USA Levon Pogosian, Simon Fraser University, Canada Sendhil Raja, RRCAT Indore Luciano Rezzolla, Goethe University, Germany +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.8. Infinity on a Gridshell: online registration, Copenhagen, Denmark --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/30/infinity-on-a-gridshell-onlin... Starting: 2023-07-10 to 2023-07-13 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Additional Information: https://hyperboloid.al/event/copenhagen-23/ Contact: david.hilditch[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt The Research Group on Hyperboloidal Foliations is thrilled to invite you to the workshop "Infinity on a Gridshell," focusing on the progress made in hyperboloidal methods - an essential tool in black-hole perturbation theory and various applications. The workshop will take place at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, from July 10 to July 13, 2023. We are excited to offer the opportunity to attend the workshop online. Online Registration: https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lc-2trzosE9NChGpai9-h_EXjW1xxRvd_ For additional information, please visit our website at the top of the post. We look forward to your participation in the workshop! Best regards, The Scientific Organizing Committee: David Hilditch, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Alex Vano-Vinuales, and Anil Zenginoglu +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 2. Jobs ============================================== 2.1. Graduate student opportunities in Theoretical Physics, Lethbridge, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26788 Deadline: 2023-09-15 Location: Lethbridge, Canada Additional Information: https://scholar.ulethbridge.ca/sauryadas/home Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca Applications are invited from students interested in doing M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Saurya Das, starting January 2024. Potential research topics will be Quantum Gravity Theory and Phenomenology, Cosmology and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Applicants for the M.Sc. position must have a B.Sc. and those for the Ph.D. position must have an M.Sc. or equivalent in Physics/Theoretical Physics, and have a strong background in fundamental areas, including General Relativity and basic Quantum Field Theory. Knowledge of advanced topics, such as Quantum Optics and familiarity with computational softwares and programming will be an asset. Please send your Statement of Purpose, CV, Transcripts (scanned/electronic copies are fine), and arrange to send at least three letters of reference directly to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca Complete applications will be reviewed as and when they are received, until the positions are filled. Graduate students are supported by a combination of teaching and research assistantships and scholarships which is generally sufficient to cover tuition and living expenses. Information about the department, research areas and its graduate program and can be found in http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy/meet-our-faculty-staff http://www.uleth.ca/graduatestudies/ For more information, please send an email to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca Dr. Saurya Das Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB, CANADA T1K 3M4 Email: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: University of Lethbridge is committed to diversity and equity in employment. It encourages applications from all minority, traditionally underrepresented, equity deserving and indigenous groups. Letters of Reference should be sent to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca Contact: Saurya Das (saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2. PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of the two-body problem", Potsdam, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26811 Deadline: 2023-07-15 Location: Potsdam, Germany Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/1048741/balzan-phd-and-postdoc-positions?c=26171 Contact: gravity[AT]uni-bonn.de Balzan PhD and Postdoc positions in "Historical and philosophical aspects of solving the two-body problem in General Relativity" Job Offer from June 01, 2023 The Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department, led by Alessandra Buonanno, at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, in collaboration with the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn, led by Dennis Lehmkuhl, and the Department I and Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" at the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, led by Juergen Renn and Alexander Blum, respectively, is seeking a PhD student and a Postdoctoral Fellow. The positions will start in the fall of 2023, and they are fully supported by the 2021 Balzan Prize Funds with possible funds from the Lichtenberg Group. We invite applicants who wish to conduct research on a topic incorporating physics, history and philosophy of physics research; in particular, on the history and conceptual analysis of solving the two-body problem in General Relativity, especially as it unfolded from 1975 onwards. Important questions should concern the development of analytical and numerical methods in General Relativity, as well as their synergy and impact on the discovery of gravitational waves from merging black holes in 2015. The positions will provide outstanding scholars with a unique opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with physicists, historians and philosophers of physics at Potsdam, Berlin and Bonn. The positions will be based at the Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, and they will include extended periods of time at the affiliated institutions in Berlin and Bonn. We invite applications especially from candidates with a suitable background in physics, philosophy of physics and/or history of physics. For more details about the groups involved see the websites of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department: https://www.aei.mpg.de/astro-cosmo-rel , the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn: https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/ , and the Max Planck Research Group "Final Theory Program" of the Max Planck Institute for History of Science: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/research/projects/historical-epistemology-fi... . The PhD student / postdoc will have the opportunity to fully participate in the research life of the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity Department in Potsdam, the Lichtenberg group and the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bonn, and the Max Planck Institute for History of Science in Berlin, conducting research leading to peer reviewed publications, attending and presenting talks at conferences, and participating in outreach activities. Candidate qualifications for the PhD and postdoc positions: An undergraduate degree in physics or mathematics, and a Master degree in physics, (and a PhD degree for postdoc applicants), philosophy of physics, or history of physics. Native speaker or near-native command of the English language. Motivated, flexible, team oriented and interested in continued professional development. Offer: A vibrant research environment with access to a world-class research facilities and cutting-edge research projects. An excellent working environment with various on-campus support (computing facilities, PhD/postdoc representatives, language courses, residence permit and visa support, children's day care, etc.). For PhD students: A structured English-language graduate program. Fully funded positions (more details are available here), no tuition fees, and additional funding for conferences and professional development. Individual supervision and mentoring by research scientists who are leaders in their respective fields. Application Process: Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is July 15, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. In order to apply for a PhD position, please fill in this form: https://jobs.aei.mpg.de/121/phd-position-in-history-and-philosophy-of-the-2-... You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, university transcripts and the Master thesis or, if not yet available, a three-page account of what the planned Master thesis will consist of, and a list of publications (if available). In order to apply for a postdoc position, please fill in this form: https://jobs.aei.mpg.de/149/postdoc-position-in-history-and-philosophy-of-th... You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, the PhD thesis (if available), a three-page research statement, and a list of publications. All applicants also need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload their letters. Equal Opportunities: The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, socio-economic background, or disability. The AEI and the Max Planck Society welcome persons with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity (Code of Conduct). The institute promotes a healthy work-life balance by offering all employees a family support service, cooperation with a nearby international kindergarten, a parent-child office and a nursing room. The Max-Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. For the website version of this ad, see: https://www.aei.mpg.de/1048741/balzan-phd-and-postdoc-positions?c=26171 . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3. Postdoctoral position in computational astrophysics, Shanghai, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/14/postdoctoral-position-in-comp... Deadline: 2023-08-01 Location: Shanghai, China Additional Information: https://cosimobambi.github.io Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on the development of astrophysical models for black holes. Applicants should be familiar with relativistic astrophysics, have good coding skills, and be under 35 (which is a requirement for all postdoctoral positions in China). Preference will be given to candidates with a recent PhD degree. Applicants with experience in neural networks and deep learning are particularly encouraged to apply. The position would be available from as soon as possible, but the actual starting date can be negotiated. The appointment is initially for 2 years. Applications received by August 1 will receive full consideration but applications will be accepted as long as the position has not been accepted. Interested candidates should send standard application material (CV, publication list, and any additional material that can be useful for the selection process) to: Prof. Cosimo Bambi E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn Shortlisted candidates will be contacted as soon as possible and will be asked to arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address. More details on our research group can be found at: https://cosimobambi.github.io +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4. PhD positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics, Hong Kong ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26817 Deadline: 2023-10-15 Location: Hong Kong Additional Information: https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/programme/science#mphil-phd-in-physics Contact: oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk One or more PhD positions at the CUHK GW group, Hong Kong, are available starting August 2024. Candidates with experience in areas of gravitational-wave physics or gravitational lensing are encouraged to apply. International candidates with a strong academic background may be recommended to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. How to apply? To apply, please submit your CV to Otto Hannuksela (oahannuksela[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) and Tjonnie Li (tgfli[AT]cuhk.edu.hk) by October 15, 2023. Additionally, arrange for two reference letters to be submitted through the provided online form (https://forms.gle/aFtM6YaCLzmSHmVX6). About Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme: Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities. The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,200 (approximately US$41,690) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. 300 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2023/24 academic year. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities. More information: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html About the group: The CUHK GW group researches gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. These waves carry information about some of the most extreme objects in the Universe. Thanks to gravitational-wave detectors' continued development, the current gravitational-wave detectors now make weekly detections when online. Moreover, with the rapidly improving detectors and more detections, many new scientific investigations are expected to become possible. This means there is much exciting work to do in investigating new detection avenues. The group is a part of the LVK collaboration and is led by Otto Hannuksela and Tjonnie Li. The group works on topics ranging from numerical simulations of magnetars to gravitational lensing, waveform modeling, tests of general relativity, and pulsar timing arrays. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5. PhD positions in gravitational-wave research, Urbino, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26827 Deadline: 2023-06-29 Location: Urbino, Italy Additional Information: https://www.uniurb.it/academic-programs/1757084 Contact: francesco.piergiovanni[AT]uniurb.it The application for PhD positions at the University of Urbino is open, you can find all the details at this link: https://www.uniurb.it/academic-programs/1757084 (English version) https://www.uniurb.it/corsi/1757084 (Italian version) The Urbino group is a part of the LVK collaboration and plays an active role in the development of GW detectors, in particular, on thermal noise reduction of mirror suspensions and coatings, and in the data analysis in the search of gravitational waves from astrophysical systems such as binary neutron stars/black holes systems. The program has 9 open positions plus one position reserved to Gravitational Waves research for new suspensions and coatings for the Einstein Telescope (https://www.uniurb.it/it/cdocs/PHD/6872-PHD-30052023122440-scheda-progetto-0...). For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (francesco.piergiovanni[AT]uniurb.it), Dott. Matteo Montani (matteo.montani[AT]uniurb.it), Prof. Gianluca Maria Guidi (gianluca.giudi[AT]uniurb.it) or Prof. Filippo Martelli (filippo.martelli[AT]uniurb.it). Please spread the announcement in your institutions. The deadline for application is 29th June 2023. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave astrophysics, L'Aquila, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26835 Deadline: 2023-07-06 Location: L'Aquila, Italy Additional Information: https://applications.gssi.it/postdoc/ Contact: andrea.maselli[AT]gssi.it We are looking for a 2-year postdoc in the GW group of the Gran Sasso Science Institute to work on source modelling of black hole binaries. Candidates with experience in relativistic perturbation theory and semi-analytical approaches to describe astrophysical compact sources and their gravitational wave emission are strongly encouraged to apply. We expect the candidate to work within an international network which includes different nodes in Europe, as the University of Pisa and the University of Nottingham. Applications need to be submitted online: https://applications.gssi.it/postdoc/ (ref. Position 1.4) Application deadline is on July 6. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7. A postdoc position in General Relativity, Warsaw, Poland ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26842 Deadline: 2023-07-19 Location: Warsaw, Poland Additional Information: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/117796 Contact: Jerzy.Lewandowski[AT]fuw.edu.pl The planned employment will be realized within the OPUS project Horizons and gravitational radiation financed by the National Science Centre. The subjects of the research will include: (i) horizon equations including the Petrov type D equation and the near horizon geometry equation, respectively (ii) black hole quasinormal modes. The work will be carried out at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lewandowski. The employment period is 12 months. The starting date of the appointment is to be agreed on with the selected candidate but must be before the end of the calendar year 2023. The candidate should send all the documents via e-mail to Jerzy.Lewandowski[AT]fuw.edu.pl in the form of PDF files with scanned signatures, e-mail title: "Postdoc OPUS" (details on the correct application form in the external link). The candidates have to conform to the conditions stated in art. 113 of Higher Education Law dated 20.07.2018. (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2023, item 742 with subsequent amendments). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8. Two year postdoctoral position on gravitational-wave data analysis, Paris, France ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26844 Deadline: 2023-09-30 Location: Paris, France Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7164-ERICHA-005/Default.aspx?lang=EN Contact: ecm[AT]apc.in2p3.fr We are recruiting a postdoctoral fellow for a 24-month contract, as part of the RICOCHET project [https://ricochet-anr.github.io] funded by the French National Research Agency. RICOCHET is an interdisciplinary project bringing together data scientists and physicists. The project aims to address fundamental theoretical issues related to the representation and measurement of the polarization state, as well as the use of Bayesian and/or statistical learning approaches to model polarization. The aim of the project is to develop methodological tools for characterizing and exploiting polarization information extracted from bivariate (i.e. two-dimensional) signals. These tools will be applied and evaluated in a range of applications, including gravitational astronomy, the main subject of the present offer. The successful candidate will collaborate with Eric Chassande-Mottin (one of the co-leads of RICOCHET) on the development of analysis methods for gravitational polarimetry based on observations from the Virgo and LIGO gravitational wave detectors. This largely unexplored field offers promising prospects. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to join the international Virgo scientific collaboration and work on the latest data from the O4 science run currently underway. Contract Period : 24 months Remuneration : Between 4100 and 4540 euros gross per month depending on experience The candidate must hold: - either a PhD in statistical signal processing, data science or machine learning with an interest in astrophysics ; - or a PhD in astroparticle physics with skills and professional experience in experimental data analysis. Work Context The APC laboratory [https://apc.u-paris.fr], located in the center of Paris (France), on the Universite' Paris Cite' campus, is a multidisciplinary laboratory developing research in five scientific fields: cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, gravitation, particle physics and theory. The candidate will join the Gravitation group, which has been involved in data analysis for gravitational astronomy for over a decade. The successful candidate will join the Virgo team of around ten senior/junior researchers and PhD students. The candidate will interact with the other components of the RICOCHET project (and in particular, the post-docs and PhD students funded within the framework of this project), as well as with the working groups of the Virgo collaboration, thus constituting a wide national and international network of potential collaborators. Application must be submitted through the following online platform at: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7164-ERICHA-005/Default.aspx?lang=EN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.9. Phd position, Milan, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/21/phd-position-at-milano-bicocc... Deadline: 2023-07-06 Location: Milan, Italy Additional Information: https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/107285/national-phd-program-in-space-science-... Contact: monica.colpi[AT]unimib.it The University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) will be hiring a PhD student under the Italian National PhD program in Space Science and Technology. Candidates with interests in gravitational-wave astronomy, data analysis, and multi-messenger applications are encouraged to apply. For information please see: - https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/107285/national-phd-program-in-space-science-... - https://www.unitn.it/phd-sst/ The application deadline is July 6th, 2023 at 4pm CEST. For for informal enquiries please contact Monica Colpi (monica.colpi[AT]unimib.it) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.10. Research Software Engineer, Cambridge, UK ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26850 Deadline: 2023-07-03 Location: Cambridge, UK Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/41495/ Contact: epss[AT]damtp.cam.ac.uk Applications are invited for a Research Software Engineer within the COSMOS Intel Parallel Computing Centre (IPCC), which is part of the Stephen Hawking Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC) in DAMTP. The role holder will provide parallel programming and HPC development support to faculty and researchers within the Faculty of Mathematics, as well as helping to develop and deliver training courses in research programming for graduate students in Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) with which it is associated. More specifically, the role holder will provide research programming support to the CTC group members and the linked Relativity and Gravitation group, as well as to members of the Astrophysics group. COSMOS IPCC also has a longstanding industrial collaboration with Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. The post holder will be an integral member of the COSMOS programming team which has considerable experience optimising and porting codes to high performance systems. Specialised parallel programming support for code development will include using MPI, OpenMP and Intel AVX extensions. Software projects of particular relevance include in-situ parallel visualization, notably with Intel's open-source oneAPI OSPRAY library (now built into Paraview), as well as efficient data analytic programming on in-memory systems such as the HPE Superdome Flex. The role will also provide technical computer officer support for group systems. The role holder will jointly develop and deliver research programming courses to graduate students in collaboration with the relevant CDT Course Directors and the IPCC Manager; this will also involve training presentations and web documentation. The role holder will be expected to continue to receive training from the vendors Intel and HPE and to attend further courses at national HPC facilities. Applicants should have a degree-level qualification and relevant experience in HPC programming with expertise in MPI and OpenMP. You will be expected to plan your own programming support, reporting on a day-to-day basis to the COSMOS IPCC Project Manager, with weekly academic oversight from the Head of the GR group/STFC grant holder. You must be able to clearly communicate material of a technical nature and deliver training presentations on research programming. Limited funding: The funds for this post are available for 2 years in the first instance. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.11. Post-doctoral position in Astrophysics and Theory of Gravity, Lublin, Poland ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/26/post-doctoral-position-at-ast... Deadline: 2023-10-10 Location: Lublin, Poland Additional Information: http://umcs.pl Contact: rogat[AT]kft.umcs.lublin.pl A post-doctoral position under Prof.Marek Rogatko, UMCS, Lublin, Poland is advertised for 2 years. The position will start from 1/01/2024 - 31/12/2025 is available under the three year research grant of the National Science Center DEC-2022/45/B/ST2/00013 entitled "Black objects probe dark matter sector". The selected candidate will receive a salary of 8500 PLN per month (brutto, subject to the tax paying), and carry out work with Prof.Marek Rogatko, Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Institute of Physics, 20-031 Lublin, pl.M.C.Sklodowskiej 1, Poland. The desirable criteria are as follows: (i) the candidate should have a Ph.D degree in the field of theoretical physics or astrophysics, (ii) working experience in the field general relativity, (iii) proficiency in English, both spoken and written, good command of symbolic algebra and numerical methods. The application consisting of the two letters of recommendation from senior researchers (with the phrase "recommendation letter" and the applicant's name in the subject), detailed C.V. with the list of publications, work-experiences and a short statements of the research plans should be sent to Prof.Marek Rogatko (rogat[AT]kft.umcs.lublin.pl), or by the post at the address: Prof.dr hab. Marek Rogatko, Institute of Physics UMCS, 20-031 Lublin, pl. M. C.Sklodowskiej 1, POLAND (with annotation: "Dotyczy naboru na stanowisko adiunkta badawczego") The closing date of sending applications is the 10-th of October 2023, 15:00. All the enquires should be also addressed to Prof. Marek Rogatko +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.12. 2-Year Postdoc on the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime, Melbourne, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/27/2-year-postdoc-on-the-quantum... Deadline: 2023-07-27 Location: Melbourne, Australia Additional Information: https://www.lfhs.eu/join/ Contact: lucas.hackl[AT]unimelb.edu.au The mathematical physics research group (specifically: Lucas Hackl, Mario Kieburg and Peter Forrester) at the University of Melbourne is offering a 2-year postdoc position funded through the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) Consortium (https://www.qiss.fr/consortium/) with flexible starting date (late 2023 or some time in 2024). We are looking for a candidate with experience in at least one of the following topics and clear potential to make connections between them: Quantum Information, Relativistic Quantum Information, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Quantum Gravity, General Relativity, Random Matrix Theory. You will have the opportunity to pursue your own research, engage in the research group and collaborate. Areas of interest could include (though not limited to): - Average and typical entanglement entropy for ensembles of quantum states. - Hawking radiation, Unruh effect, relativistic quantum information. - Quantum information measures in conformal field theories. - Symmetry classification of random matrix ensembles and relations to quantum states. - Mathematics of bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states and their applications in physics. - Quantum reference frames and its interplay with dynamics and quantum information. What we offer: - A stimulating research environment at one of Australia's top universities in one of the world's most livable cities. - Membership in the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) Consortium with additional travel funding for visiting other nodes (see https://www.qiss.fr/consortium). - Competitive salary, full pension benefits and travel funding. Required application documents: - Cover letter (1-2 pages, giving an overview of the application and emphasizing its highlights). - CV (including publication list). - List of at least 2 referees who agreed to provide a letter of recommendation. - A research statement outlining existing research experience and current research interest / focus for the position, highlighting potential overlap with members of the mathematical physics research group at the University of Melbourne (preferably 3-5 pages). - A concise summary of how the research could fit into the QISS Consortium and research overlap with other QISS nodes with the potential for collaboration (1 page). We will start reviewing applications on July 27, 2023 (first deadline), but the search will continue until a suitable candidate is found. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.13. Professor / Director ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, Camberra, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26873 Deadline: 2023-08-15 Location: Canberra, Australia Additional Information: https://jobs.anu.edu.au/jobs/professor-director-centre-for-gravitational-ast... Contact: David.McClelland[AT]anu.edu.au The ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics is seeking an inspirational scientific leader in any field across Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with equity agendas, who can grow ANU's leadership in gravitational wave astronomy. It is an expectation that this position will take on the role of Director and play a significant part in shaping the future of the Centre. The appointment comes with an attractive start-up package. The University may also consider placement for a partner as per the University dual career procedure. registration. The Australian National University Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics (CGA), is a joint facility of the Research School of Physics (RSPhys) and Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA), featuring pre-eminent astrophysicist Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt, Australia's leading Relativist Susan Scott and fellow Prime Minister Prize recipient and leader of Australia's gravitational wave instrumentation program David McClelland. The Centre encompasses all aspects of gravitational wave physics and astrophysics, including instrumentation, theory and data analysis, source follow-up and multi-messenger astronomy. It brings together existing ANU researchers in these areas under one umbrella. CGA is a team of experimental and theoretical physicists, engineers, and astronomers who work collegially towards their shared goal of advancing gravitational wave astrophysics research and translating the science and technology to a wide range of high-precision measurement applications. We thrive on learning and advancing together. We value equity and diversity and implement action-oriented strategies toward fostering an inclusive, diverse, welcoming and respectful culture in our workplace where everyone can bring their whole self to work and flourish. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 3. News ============================================== 3.1. Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder) ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=26808 Additional Information: https://indico.tpi.uni-jena.de/event/289/ The combination of quantum and gravitational physics led decades ago to the prediction of quantum radiation by black holes and the production of quantum particles in expanding universes. In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest, arising from both a theoretical and an experimental perspective. On the theoretical side, there are significant new findings regarding quantum effects in the inside of black holes or the interconnections between quantum entanglement, gravity, and holography. On the experimental side, there have been advances on observational signatures of quantum effects in gravitational fields, motivated partly by impressive advances in technology. During August 28-September 1, 2023, we will hold an in-person conference at Leipzig University, Germany, to present and discuss recent developments in the field. Confirmed plenary speakers are: Stefan Floerchinger (Heidelberg and Jena, Germany) Christian Gerard (Orsay, France) Veronika E. Hubeny (UC Davis, U.S.A.) Harvey S. Reall (Cambridge, U.K.) Jeff Steinhauer (Technion, Israel) Robert M. Wald (Chicago, U.S.A.) Elizabeth Winstanley (Sheffield, U.K.) Noa Zilberman (Technion, Israel) We also welcome contributed talks from scientists working on this area. The deadline for talk submission is July 1, 2023, and for conference registration is July 15, 2023. Organizers: Marc Casals Stefan Hollands Rainer Verch Jochen Zahn Funded via the Jena-Leipzig DFG Research Training Group 2522. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.2. Giulio Rampa PhD Thesis Prize, Awardee of the 2023 Edition ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2023/06/20/giulio-rampa-phd-thesis-prize... Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=14&Itemid=106&lang=it We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for outstanding research in General Relativity has been awarded to Dr. Elisa Maggio. The Committee consisting of Profs. Lars Andersson, Mauro Carfora, Gerhard Huisken, Luciano Rezzolla, and Fulvio Ricci prepared the following laudation: "...Dr. Maggio's Ph. D. thesis, Probing new physics on the horizon of black holes with gravitational waves, offers a comprehensive and brilliant overview of the phenomenology of exotic compact objects and their connection to testing gravity with gravitational wave observations. Her thesis work is unique in broadness, novelty, and combination of conceptual, technical, numerical, and phenomenological results, providing an outstanding example of original, bold research at the interface between gravitational-wave astronomy and General Relativity. Elisa Maggio is an outstanding scholar emerging as an excellent and active young scientist in gravitational wave astronomy, among the best early-career scientists of her generation. We will look at her work as foundational in the field, allowing us to probe physics beyond our reach just a few years ago...." In recognition of the high quality of the nominations received, the Committee has also decided to award an honorable mention to the outstanding Ph.D. research carried out by Gabriele Benomio in the Thesis "The wave equation on black rings and the linear stability of slowly rotating Kerr spacetimes." The prize is sponsored by The University of Pavia and by the Italian Society for Relativity and Gravitational Physics (SIGRAV) to honor the memory of Giulio Rampa. It is given to a graduate student every two years for outstanding research in general relativity. The prize was established in 2011 and is endowed under the terms of a donation from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa. Each GRT prize carries a certificate and a net check for EUR 2,000. The prizes will be presented to Elisa Maggio at the 25th edition of the "Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) Conference" that will be held at SISSA (Trieste), Italy, on 4-8 September 2023. This biennial conference is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics. The Rampa Prize winner will present her work during a special conference session. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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