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- 191 discussions
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions
1.2 KITP program 2012: Bits, Branes, and Black Holes
1.3 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics (2nd circular)
1.4 21st Midwest Relativity Meeting
1.5 XXIX Max Born Symposium: "Super, Quantum & Twistors II"
2. Jobs
2.1 PhD position in gravitational theory at the University of Jena
2.2 PhD position in Gravitational Wave Physics in Rome (Tor Vergata)
2.3 Postdoc in gravitational-wave physics and numerical relativity at Cardiff University
2.4 PhD position at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland
2.5 Postdoctoral position at Florida Atlantic University in numerical astrophysics
3. News
3.1 Dr Barry Wardell to receive thesis prize from IOP’s Gravitational Physics Group co-sponsored by CQG
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity - No. 100: "Varying Constants, Gravitation and Cosmology"
1. Conferences
1.1 Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Sep 18, 2011 to Sat, Sep 24, 2011
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: http://benasque.org/2011qfext/
QFEXT11 is a continuation of a series of workshops of the same title held at the University of Leipzig in 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2007, at the University of Oklahoma in 2003, 2009, and at the University of Barcelona in 2005. Started with the intention of bringing about an East-West scientific dialog, QFEXT developed into one of the most prominent meetings in the field of the Casimir effect, vacuum energy, and related questions in several areas, ranging from quantum field theory and cosmology to atomic, subnuclear, and experimental physics. Typically mathematical questions related to spectral geometry are represented as well. These meetings have created a unique atmosphere where theoreticians, mathematicians and experimentalists are brought together for a week, where talks by colleagues that they might rarely hear otherwise often spark lively debate and result in numerous collaborations.
QFEXT11 will also celebrate the 75th anniversary of the seminal paper "Consequences of the Dirac Theory of the Positron", by W. Heisenberg and H. Euler (Zeitschr. Phys. 98, 714-732, 1936), which played an important part in establishing the study of quantum fields in classical background fields. We plan to include a special session devoted to Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangians and their impact in modern physics.
1.2 KITP program 2012: Bits, Branes, and Black Holes
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Mar 19, 2012 to Fri, May 25, 2012
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/dbdetails?acro=bitbranes12
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to announce the program Bits, Branes, Black Holes, to be held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, during the period March 19 – May 25, 2012, and to alert you that applications are now being accepted. We also encourage you to inform others who you think might be interested in applying.
We coordinators will be assisted by advisors Joe Polchinski and Ted Jacobson. A summary and the latest information about the program can be found online at http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/dbdetails?acro=bitbranes12 .
It is necessary for every prospective participant to set up an account and apply online, even if we have already corresponded with you about the program. There will also be a “wrap-up” conference associated with this program, entitled Black Holes and Information to be held from May 21 – 25, 2012. Further information will be posted online when it becomes available. (It is not necessary to be a program participant in order to attend the conference.)
KITP programs differ from many conferences and workshops in that they create a situation where scientists learn from each other and actually do substantive research, often collaborating with other participants. To foster these interactions, KITP strongly encourages theorists to stay for as long as possible, with three weeks being the minimum stay for a regular participant. We understand, however, that experimentalists/observers often cannot manage long visits but can have a big impact even in a week, so we can be more flexible for them. Some level of financial support will be available, the amount depending on the needs of the participants and availability of funds. To apply, go to the aforementioned web page, and click on the Apply link. Application deadline: July 31, 2011. Late applications will be considered as budget and space permits. Due to space and financial constraints, however, we may not be able to accommodate everyone who applies.
KITP provides office and computing facilities on-site at UC Santa Barbara and also provides help in finding living accommodations. Actual commitments of office space and financial support can be made only by written formal invitations from the KITP Director, David Gross, regardless of any communications you may have had with us. If you think you might like to participate, it will help us with our planning if you could apply early, including your proposed length of stay and any financial requirements. If you have any questions, please contact one of the coordinators.
Sincerely yours,
Vijay Balasubramanian <vijay [AT] physics.upenn.edu>
Alex Maloney <maloney [AT] physics.mcgill.ca>
Donald Marolf <marolf [AT] physics.ucsb.edu>
Joan Simon <J.Simon [AT] ed.ac.uk>
1.3 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics (2nd circular)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 20, 2011 to Sat, Jun 25, 2011
Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Additional Information: http://micra2011.org
The Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics (MICRA 2011) workshop will take place June 20-25 at the Perimeter Institute, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Registration is now open at http://micra2011.org
The goal of MICRA is to bring together researchers from the numerical relativity/computational astrophysics community with experts in the microscopic physics of matter and radiation at high densities to facilitate exchange between these communities leading to improved models of relativistic astrophysical systems.
Topics covered by MICRA 2011 will include
* Hot and cold nuclear EOS (including implementation in codes),
* Improved neutrino interactions,
* Efficient implementations of interactions/neutrino transport (approximate schemes [leakage,diffusion], Monte Carlo schemes etc.),
* Crust physics and its inclusion in computational models,
* Nucleosynthesis in compact object mergers and the potential radioactive afterglow signature? (including implementation issues),
MICRA 2011 will take place in an informal workshop setting with much time for interaction and discussion. Registration will open on March 1 and will close on June 1. We aim for 30-40 participants and can accomodate a maximum of 50. Please register ASAP.
The MICRA 2011 organizers,
Cliff Burgess, James Lattimer, Luis Lehner, Christian Ott, Chris Pethick, Achim Schwenk
1.4 21st Midwest Relativity Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Fri, Nov 04, 2011 to Sat, Nov 05, 2011
Location: Urbana, IL, USA
The 21st Midwest Relativity Meeting will be held Friday and Saturday, November 4 and 5, 2011 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The format of the meeting will follow previous regional meetings, where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. We intend for the meeting to cover a broad range of topics in gravitation physics, including classical and quantum gravity, numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, gravitational waves and experimental gravity.
As this is a regional meeting, many of the participants will be from the greater United States Midwest and Canada, but researchers and students from other areas are also welcome. A conference website will be open in September, at which time further details, registration information and abstract submission will be available.
1.5 XXIX Max Born Symposium: "Super, Quantum & Twistors II"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Tue, Jun 28, 2011 to Thu, Jun 30, 2011
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Additional Information: http://www.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~mborn29/
The aim of the Symposium is to gather together researchers working on different aspects of theoretical physics, such as sypersymmetry, quantum symmetries and twistors, which are all interests of Prof. Lukierski whose 75th birthday will be celebrated at the Symposium.
Main topics:
* Supersymmmetry
* Quantum symmetries
* Twistors
Local Organizing Committee:
A. Borowiec, J. Kowalski-Glikman, M. Mozrzymas, A. Pachol
The Symposium will be held in at Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw
Contact: mborn29[at]ift.uni.wroc.pl
Address: pl. M. Borna 9; 50-204 Wroclaw; Poland
Lecturers include:
* J. Azcarraga
* M. Arzano
* M. Chaichian*
* L. Dabrowski
* S. Doplicher
* M. Dunajski
* L. D. Fadeev*
* T.R. Govindarajan
* E. Ivanov
* R. Kerner
* L. Mason
* V.N. Tolstoy
* M. Rausch de Traubenberg
* A. Sitarz
* D. Sorokin
* P. Stichel
* W.J. Zakrzewski
*-to be confirmed
2. Jobs
2.1 PhD position in gravitational theory at the University of Jena
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Jena, Germany
Deadline: Wed, Jun 01, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/gravity/Jobs/Ausschreibung_G3.pdf
Applications are invited for a PhD position starting from October 1, 2011 within the DFG Research Training Group 1523/1 "Quantum- and Gravitational Fields" at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
The successful candidate will work on analytical methods for solving Einstein’s field equations of general relativity.
Please send your application with a curriculum vitae and a description of your research interests compiled in one single pdf document to meinel[at]tpi.uni-jena.de. In addition, we request two letters of recommendation.
For further questions please contact:
Professor Reinhard Meinel
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena, Germany
2.2 PhD position in Gravitational Wave Physics in Rome (Tor Vergata)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Rome, Italy
Deadline: Mon, Apr 25, 2011
Additional Information: http://dottorati.uniroma2.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&…
The University of Roma Tor Vergata is starting a pre-selection process for non-Italian students applying for a position in a PhD Program for the Academic Year 2011/12.
All the information can be found at:
http://dottorati.uniroma2.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=27 3&catid=275&Itemid=259
For any question regarding the research proposal to be submitted, please contact me at:
Prof. Viviana Fafone
University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN Rome Tor Vergata
Via della ricerca scientifica, 1 - 00133 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 0694038135 / 0672594563
Fax: +39 0694032605
2.3 Postdoc in gravitational-wave physics and numerical relativity at Cardiff University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Cardiff, UK
Additional Information: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/jobs/physx/research-associate-in-gravitational-wav…
The Cardiff Gravitational Physics Group (http://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/research/gravity) is seeking applications to fill one postdoctoral research position in topics related to numerical simulations of compact binaries and the detection of gravitational waves from these sources.
The group consists of Stephen Fairhurst, Mark Hannam, Bangalore Sathyaprakash, Bernard Schutz (part time), and Patrick Sutton, five postdoctoral associates, and seven PhD students. Group members play leading roles in efforts to detect signals from the coalescence of neutron-star and black-hole binaries, and from gamma-ray bursts. They model astrophysical sources of gravitational waves and develop search algorithms for their detection and interpretation with current and future detectors, including participation in the design study of the Einstein Telescope, a third generation gravitational wave antenna with an anticipated sensitivity a factor of ten better than the advanced LIGO detectors.
The position is available initially for a period of two years and will be appointed at Research Associate (Grade 6) level. The nominal starting date is October 2011.
Salary: £29853 - £35646 per annum. (Grade 6).
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Mark Hannam by email at Mark.Hannam[AT]astro.cf.ac.uk.
To work for an employer that values and promotes equality of opportunity, visit http://www.cf.ac.uk/jobs, telephone +44 (0) 29 2087 4017, or email vacancies[AT]cardiff.ac.uk for an application form quoting vacancy number 2011/0138.
Closing date: March 25 2011. (NOTE the close deadline.)
2.4 PhD position at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Warsaw, Poland
Deadline: Mon, May 16, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.camk.edu.pl/studok/2011/bh-accr-program-poster.pdf
Ph.D. program "High-luminosity black hole accretion disks - unsolved problems" at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw, Poland
advisor: Prof. Marek A. Abramowicz (NCAC, Poland; Göteborg University, Sweden)
co-advisor: Prof. Ramesh Narayan (Harvard University, USA)
co-advisor: Dr. Aleksander Sądowski (Harvard University, USA)
Applications are invited for a four-year stipend to conduct work on the above mentioned doctorate thesis at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center in Warsaw.
The project goal is to develop accurate hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic numerical codes to calculate physically realistic "Slim Disk" models for black hole accretion with luminosities in the Eddington range. The problem is considered to be one of the most interesting and challenging in today's high energy astrophysics. Slim disk models are applied to explain the observed properties of quasars, microquasars, and similar astronomical objects, which contain accreting black holes in their high luminosity states. By fitting the observed X-ray spectra (continuum and line) to those calculated from state-of-art slim disk models, and by fitting the observed variability Fourier spectra to the calculated model's oscillatory behaviour, one can deduce fundamental properties of the accreting system, and of the black hole itself.
The student(s) will use numerical methods that have been developed by our scientific team in the last few years. The student(s) will improve and expand these methods. Initial projects include the following, which will naturally lead to other topics:
* The alpha viscosity prescription at high luminosities,
* The vertical structure of slim disks at high luminosities.
The student(s) will collaborate not only with our colleagues at the Copernicus Centre (Włodek Kluźniak, Agata Różańska) and at Harvard and MIT (Jeff McClintock, Ron Remillard), but possibly also with our collaborators at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Astronomy Institute in Prague and Silesian University in Opava in the Czech Republic, Paris Observatory and Institute d'Astrophysique in France, Göteborg University and NORDITA in Sweden, Xiamen and Peking universities in China, Kyoto University in Japan, and University of California in USA. The studies will be conducted in Warsaw, but the student(s) should be prepared for one or two long stays at Harvard University (up to a few months). The candidate should have some experience in serious numerical simulations.
Relativistic slim disks with vertical structure A. Sądowski et al., A&A, (http://arxiv.org/abs/1006.4309)
Slim disks around Kerr black holes revisited A. Sądowski, ApjS, (http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.0355)
Deadline for applications is on 16th May 2011. Decision about admission will be made in June. Studies start on 1st October 2011. The stipend fully covers all living expenses in Warsaw.
More information, and announcements about other Ph.D. projects at NCAC, at http://www.camk.edu.pl/studok/studokeng2011.html
2.5 Postdoctoral position at Florida Atlantic University in numerical astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Boca Raton, FL, USA
Deadline: Sun, Jul 31, 2011
Additional Information: https://jobs.fau.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=12993…
The Florida Atlantic University Space Time Group (FAUST) invites applications for a postdoctoral research position for a two year period, renewable to a third beginning in Fall 2011.The FAUST group includes seven faculty members of the Department and its research interests cover a wide range of subjects from Astrophysics, General Relativity and Quantum Gravity. The successful applicant will be part of the longstanding collaboration between FAU, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and North Carolina State University that pursues the numerical modeling of supernovae explosions. Applicants who have received their Ph.D. in Physics are eligible for consideration. For this position,applicants will submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests and arrange for three letters of recommendation. An on-line application must be completed in order to be considered for the position: https://jobs.fau.edu, reference position numbe
r 980115. Applicants selected for employment must complete a background check prior to employment. Florida Atlantic University is an Equal Employment/Equal Access Institution. All applications will be fully considered until the position is filled.
3. News
3.1 Dr Barry Wardell to receive thesis prize from IOP’s Gravitational Physics Group co-sponsored by CQG
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.iop.org/activity/groups/subject/gp/prize/page_40694.html
It gives me great pleasure to announce the award of the 2010 IOP Gravitational Physics Group’s Thesis Prize to Dr Barry Wardell of the Albert Einstein Institute at Golm. As Editor-in-Chief of Classical and Quantum Gravity, which co-sponsors the prize, I am delighted to see it going to such a deserving recipient.
The award is made for the development of ground-breaking computational techniques for obtaining highly accurate expressions for Green functions on curved spacetime.
Dr Wardell completed his thesis at Dublin City University in Ireland. The thesis: "Green functions and radiation reaction from a spacetime perspective" is available for download from the ArXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.2634
The prize will be awarded at IOP’s Nuclear and Particle Physics Divisional (NPPD) conference at Glasgow University on 6 April. Dr Wardell will receive the prize shortly before his talk at 3.30pm in the Humanities Lecture Theatre.
Yours sincerely
Clifford M Will
Editor in Chief
Classical and Quantum Gravity
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity - No. 100: "Varying Constants, Gravitation and Cosmology"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2011-2
Today, Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "Varying Constants, Gravitation and Cosmology" by Jean-Philippe Uzan. Please find the abstract and further details below.
Thus, our journal offers 100 review articles on 72 different topics in in various areas of relativity. All full texts are free of charge, following the principles of the Open Access to Scientific Knowledge movement. Our reference database now contains about 20,000 references which are linked to the reviews and can be exported in various formats.
The success of Living Reviews in Relativity has been acknowledged by its high Impact Factor (10.600), and just recently by SPIRES including 10 reviews in the Top Cited Articles during 2010 in gr-qc. Overall, nine articles made it to the list of the 100 most highly cited papers of all time.
We'd like to thank all our readers and authors for their interest and support!
The Living Reviews team.
PUB.NO. lrr-2011-2
Uzan, Jean-Philippe
"Varying Constants, Gravitation and Cosmology"
ACCEPTED: 2011-03-23
PUBLISHED: 2011-03-29
(incl. 6 Figures and 554 references)
Fundamental constants are a cornerstone of our physical laws. Any constant varying in space and/or time would reflect the existence of an almost massless field that couples to matter. This will induce a violation of the universality of free fall. Thus, it is of utmost importance for our understanding of gravity and of the domain of validity of general relativity to test for their constancy. We detail the relations between the constants, the tests of the local position invariance and of the universality of free fall. We then review the main experimental and observational constraints that have been obtained from atomic clocks, the Oklo phenomenon, solar system observations, meteorite dating, quasar absorption spectra, stellar physics, pulsar timing, the cosmic microwave background and big bang nucleosynthesis. At each step we describe the basics of each system, its dependence with respect to the constants, the known systematic effects and the most recent constraints that have b
een obtained. We then describe the main theoretical frameworks in which the low-energy constants may actually be varying and we focus on the unification mechanisms and the relations between the variation of different constants. To finish, we discuss the more speculative possibility of understanding their numerical values and the apparent fine-tuning that they confront us with.
Living Reviews in Relativity
ISSN: 1433-8351
Published by
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
(Albert Einstein Institute)
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 12th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
1.2 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop on: Recent News from the GeV and TeV Gamma-Ray Domains: Results and Interpretations
1.3 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop: From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (2nd announcement)
1.4 3rd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting
1.5 Seventh International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology (2nd announcement)
1.6 PASCOS 2011 - Registration now open
1.7 Grav11 (Second Circular)
1.8 8th Constantine International Conference on Progress in Theoretical Physics
1.9 14th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity
1.10 2011 Numerical Relativity - Data Analysis (NRDA) meeting
1.11 INT program announcement - Astrophysical Transients
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral positions in theoretical cosmology at IISER-TVM
3. News
1. Conferences
1.1 12th Italian-Korean Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jul 04, 2011 to Fri, Jul 08, 2011
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=94&Itemid=…
This series of biannual symposia since 1987 has been boosting exchange of information and collaborations between Italian and Korean astrophysicists on new and hot issues in the field of Relativistic Astrophysics. The symposium will cover astrophysics and cosmology, such as gamma ray bursts and compact stars, high energy cosmic rays, dark energy and dark matter, general relativity, black holes, and new physics related to cosmology. The organizers wish this symposium to deepen understanding not only astrophysics and cosmology but also Eastern and Western culture.
The 12th Italian-Korean meeting is organized by ICRAnet, Sogang University, Center for Quantum Space Time, National Research Foundation of Korea, Institute for the Early Universe, Korean astronomy & Space Science Institute, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza”, University of Nice “Sophia Antipolis”, Stockholm University, Free University of Berlin, ICRA, ENEA, INFN, ICTP, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, CBPF, the National Astronomical Observatory (Beijing), the Institutes of High Energy Physics, the Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences.
1.2 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop on: Recent News from the GeV and TeV Gamma-Ray Domains: Results and Interpretations
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Mar 21, 2011 to Sat, Mar 26, 2011
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=574
This workshop is jointly organized by ICRANet, the Universities of Rome “Sapienza” and “Tor Vergata” and the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (Heidelberg), within the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate Program. The main topics discussed will be UHE, Extreme Astrophysical Accelerators, AGN, Galactic Center, Black Holes, Blazars, Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Signatures, Supermassive Black Holes, FERMI LAT data, SNRs, Cyg X-3 and Cyg X-1, Big Surprises from the Crab Nebula, AGILE data on SNRs, SNR Gamma-Cygni.
Lecturers include:
Aharonian Felix - The Nature's perfectly designed Extreme Accelerators, Barkov Maxim - Particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in AGN initiated by the jet-star interactions, Jones Dave - Multiwavelength studies of the Galactic Center, Kafexhiu Ervin - Excitation and destruction of nuclei in hot astrophysical plasmas around black holes, Lefa Eva - Time-dependent modeling of the energy spectra of gamma-ray blazars, Prosekin Anton - Gamma-ray and neutrino signatures of sources of 1020 eV cosmic rays, Rieger Frank - Particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in the vicinity of supermassive black holes. The case of M87, Ruizhi Yang - The study of extended gamma-ray sources based on the FERMI LAT data
Ruffini Remo - GRBs and Supernovae: common conceptual issues, Benedetti Alberto - On the frequency of plasma oscillations in the pair plasma generated by a strong electric field, Bianco Carlo Luciano - The canonical GRB scenario, Caito Letizia - The case of disguised short GRBs, De Barros Gustavo - The case of GRB 050509B, Fraga Machado De Oliveira Bernardo - Cosmological Constraints on inos masses and quantum statistic, Han Wenbiao - Electron-positron pair oscillation in spatially inhomogeneous electric fields and radiation, Izzo Luca - on a Nova undergoing outburst, Malheiro Manuel - Magnetized White Dwarfs, Penacchioni Ana V. - The case of Multiple GRBs, Rueda Jorge A. - Thomas Fermi in Relativistic Field Theories, Siutsou Ivan - Self Gravitating inos and constant surface density, Vereshchagin Gregory - Transparency of an extended relativistic shell along the line of sight and application to GRBs, Xue She-Sheng - Space-time evolution of electric fields in compact stars
Tavani Marco - On SNR RX 1713.7, Discussion of particle acceleration in SNRs, Overview of galactic microquasars and focus on Cyg X-3 and Cyg X-1, Big surprises from the Crab Nebula: variability and theory, Cardillo Martina - on SNR W44, Giuliani Andrea - Overview of AGILE data on SNRs, On SNR W28, Piano Giovanni - On SNR Gamma-Cygni, Striani Edoardo - The mysterious Galactic gamma-ray sources, Vercellone Stefano - The brightest gamma-ray blazar: 3C 454.3 ("Crazy Diamond"), Vittorini Valerio - Theoretical models of 3C 454.3 and similar monsters
All interested scientists and students are invited to register themselves using the form that can be found on the website:
The registration fee is 300€.
1.3 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop: From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Apr 03, 2011 to Fri, Apr 08, 2011
Location: Les Houches, France
Additional Information: http://astro-les-houches.in2p3.fr/
The workshop is promoted by ICRANet within the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph. D. Program (IRAP Ph D) and the ERASMUS MUNDUS activities. Lectures will be presented by leading Physicists and Astrophysicists working in the interface of Nuclear Physics, White Dwarfs, Neutron Star Physics and Black Holes Physics. Special attention is being devoted to the new scenarios presented by the observations of X-ray bursters, Gamma Ray Bursts and Supernovae.
Lecturers include: Aksenov Aleksey, Arnett David, Baym Gordon, Bianco Carlo Luciano, Bisnovaty-Kogan Gennady, Casey Meakin (TBC), Chardonnet Pascal, Chechetkin Valery, Della Valle Massimo, Fuller George (TBC), Izzo Luca, Lattimer Jim, Meynet George, Mezzacappa Anthony, Nadyozhin Dmitrij K., Ott Christian, Pelletier Guy, Pethick Chris, Psaltis Dimitrios(TBC), Rotondo Michael, Rueda Jorge A., Ruffini Remo, Vereshchagin Gregory, Xue She-Sheng
All interested scientists and students can register themselves using the form on the webpages:
The registration fee is 350€ and it includes accommodation, lunches, coffee breaks and the proceedings publication.
You can find information on how to reach Les Houches on the website: the nearest airport is the Geneva one, that is 1 hour drive, then there are many public and private shuttle services from the airport to the conference location. As regards accommodation, there are 70 chalets in the school: they are single-rooms with toilet facilities. If you are interested in booking one of them, please send a mail to annapia.delbeato[AT]icranet.org with information on your name, surname, age and sex. You can settle into your room from 6pm on Sunday evening; you should leave your room on Friday morning, after the breakfast.
1.4 3rd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Oct 12, 2011 to Sun, Oct 16, 2011
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/3gx
This 3rd “Galileo – Xu Guanqi meeting” will be held in Beijing from Oct. 12th to 16thth 2011. It represents a collaboration between ICRANet, University of Roma “Sapienza”, University of Nice “Sophia Antipolis”, Stockholm University, Free University of Berlin, ICRA, ENEA, INFN, ICTP, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, CBPF, the National Astronomical Observatory (Beijing), the Institutes of High Energy Physics, the Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Tsinghua University, the Peking University, the Beijing Normal University, the Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, the Beijing Planetarium. The meeting is particularly dedicated to recall the roots of the modern scientific research in the East and the West and revie
w the recent progress in Physics and Astrophysics with special attention to one of the most advanced fields of scientific research: relativistic astrophysics. We will review current progress in the theoretical fields made possible by astronomical observations of the Sun, of the Stars and of the Universe. These results have been achieved thanks to the theories of Albert Einstein and to the unprecedented numbers of observational techniques: in X-ray, Gamma-ray, optical wave-lengths from space based observatories, in radio telescopes wavelengths from telescopes on the ground as well as in particle physics from underground observatories. We are looking for an international meeting of 274 participants, 137 from Asia and 137 from the rest of the Planet. The meeting is organized by an international organizing committee and a local organizing committee. Interested scientists and students can register themselves and submit title and abstract of their contributions on the webpage
The registration fee for non-Chinese participants is 300€ (students 150€) before the deadline, 30th August, 2011. After the deadline, it is 400€ (students 200€). Participants who didn’t pay their fee in advance can pay cash upon their arrival at the registration desk. For Chinese participants (including participants from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao) the registration fee is RMB 800 Yuan (students RMB 400 Yuan) and should be paid upon their arrival at the registration desk. The registration fee will include 5 lunches, coffee breaks and the proceedings publication.
1.5 Seventh International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Dec 14, 2011 to Mon, Dec 19, 2011
Location: Goa, India
Additional Information: http://www.tifr.res.in/~icgc2011
This is the second announcement for the Seventh International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology [ICGC 2011], to be held in Goa, India during 14-19 December, 2011. Pre-registration opens on 1st March, 2011 and closes on 30th June, 2011. Abstracts for contributed talks in parallel sessions can be submitted during this period. Apart from plenary talks, there will be invited talks in three mini-sessions on: Gravity as an Emergent Phenomenon; Dark Energy; Gravitational Wave Astronomy.
ICGC is a four yearly conference series held in India under the auspices of the Indian Association for General relativity and Gravitation. ICGC 2011 is the Silver Jubilee conference of the series, and is being held as part of the programme "Frontiers of Cosmology and Gravitation". This programme will run from December 1-23, 2011 and is an activity of the newly formed International Centre of Theoretical Sciences of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The programme consists of a school on Cosmology and Gravitational Waves; ICGC 2011; and a workshop on Gravitational Wave astronomy. More information about the programme will become available at
1.6 PASCOS 2011 - Registration now open
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 03, 2011 to Fri, Jul 08, 2011
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/workshops/PASCOS/2011/
Registration for PASCOS 2011, the 17th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, is now open. This conference will be held in the University of Cambridge, UK, in their award-winning Centre for Mathematical Sciences from 3rd to 8th July 2011. The aim of the conference is to explore and develop synergies between particle physics, string theory and cosmology. This is a particularly timely meeting given ongoing flagship experiments like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the Planck satellite. We have booked an international line-up of 26 speakers, all of them leaders in these fields.
Registration for PASCOS 2011 costs GBP 160 (a discounted rate of GBP 100 applies to PhD students); this includes all talks, the Sunday evening reception and lunches. Accommodation and the conference banquet are charged separately. If you wish to attend PASCOS 2011, you may register online by going to:
Select the section marked 'Registration', then click on the link 'PASCOS 2011 Online Booking'. The PASCOS website gives further information on speakers, accommodation and where to find us. Any problems, please e-mail: pascos[at]damtp.cam.ac.uk.
Please note that places are strictly limited and the meeting is expected to be over-subscribed, so register early.
1.7 Grav11 (Second Circular)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Apr 11, 2011 to Fri, Apr 15, 2011
Location: La Cumbre, Argentina
Additional Information: http://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/grupos/grg/grav11/
Grav11 is the fourth meeting in a series of conferences on general relativity and gravitation organized starting the year 2006 by the GRG group at FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba:
This year the conference will be held at the hostal Cruz Chica in the city of La Cumbre, 90kms from Córdoba, the week starting on April 11th.
A partial list of speakers is:
* Andrés Aceña, AEI, Germany.
* Florian Beyer, University of Otago, New Zealand.
* Mario Díaz, The Unversity of Texas at Brownsville, USA.
* Helmut Friedrichs, AEI, Germany
* Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute, Canada.
* Jorge Pullin, LSU, USA.
* Martin Reiris, AEI, Germany.
* Daniel Sudarsky, UNAM, México.
* Robert Wald, Universty of Chicago, USA.
For updated information on the conference please check the web page at
Please note the following deadlines:
registration: March 4th, 2011
abstract submission: March 18th, 2011
If you do not speak Spanish we suggest that, after registering, you contact any of the organizers (see below) to assist you with travel arrangements and hotel booking. If you do speak Spanish, you should book your hotel room by calling any of the numbers +54-3548-452780 / 452743, or by e-mail to reservas[at]hostalcruzchica.com.ar
When making the reservation please mention that you are attending the Grav11 meeting. The hotel special fare for the meeting is $225/day including all meals (one person, sharing a double room), $282 (one person, single room). The exchange rate is 1$=0.25 US dollars. Students and young researchers may apply for financial help to cover their living expenses. Please note that due to organizational procedures, no request of financial help will be considered for late applications.
We look forward to seeing you in La Cumbre.
The organizing committee:
Sergio Dain, Gustavo Dotti, Omar Ortiz
1.8 8th Constantine International Conference on Progress in Theoretical Physics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Oct 23, 2011 to Tue, Oct 25, 2011
Location: Constantine, Algeria
Additional Information: http://highenergy2011.com
This 8th International Conference on Progress in Theoretical Physics at Mentouri University of Constantine (Algeria) is pursuing the tradition of the previous ones as being a meeting ground for exchange and for keeping updated on the latest advances in theoretical physics. The conference will take place from Oct. 23 to Oct. 25 2011.
1.9 14th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jul 04, 2011 to Fri, Jul 08, 2011
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: http://www.soton.ac.uk/capra
Registration is now open for the 2011 Capra Meeting, to be held at the University of Southampton (UK) on 4-8 July 2011.
For more information, and a registration form, please visit http://www.soton.ac.uk/capra
Early registration is advised!
Best wishes,
Sam Dolan
Niels Warburton
Sarp Akcay
Leor Barack
1.10 2011 Numerical Relativity - Data Analysis (NRDA) meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 10, 2011 to Tue, Jul 12, 2011
Location: Cardiff, UK
Additional Information: http://www.nrda2011.org
The 2011 Numerical Relativity - Data Analysis (NRDA) meeting will be held in Cardiff from July 10-12. The NRDA meetings bring together numerical relativists who simulate sources of gravitational radiation, and data analysts who search for these signals in gravitational-wave detector data.
This years' meeting will be held in conjunction with the 9th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, which will run from July 11-15. Registration will open soon, with options for registration to either NRDA (Sunday to Tuesday), Amaldi (Monday to Friday) or both meetings (Sunday to Friday). More information can be found at http://www.nrda2011.org .
1.11 INT program announcement - Astrophysical Transients
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jul 11, 2011 to Fri, Aug 05, 2011
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.int.washington.edu/PROGRAMS/11-2b/
We are glad to announce the upcoming INT Program, "Astrophysical Transients: Multi-Messenger Probes of Nuclear Physics", to take place at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle, July 11 to August 5, 2011.
The program will bring together nuclear physicists, astrophysicists, and observational astronomers to address current issues and identify new directions in the study of explosive and transient astrophysical phenomena. The program will emphasize study of astrophysical phenomena through their multi-messenger and multi-wavelength signals, and will bring together observations in the optical band, x-rays, gamma rays, gravitational waves, and neutrinos.
Lodging and per diem for participants will be covered by the INT. Due to space restrictions, attendance will be limited to about 20 participants during each week of the four-week program. More details about the program and an application form can be found at:
If you are interested in attending, please fill out the on-line registration form.
We hope to see you in Seattle!
Ed Brown - Michigan State University
Chris Fryer - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Bennett Link - Montana State University
Sanjay Reddy - Los Alamos National Laboratory
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral positions in theoretical cosmology at IISER-TVM
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Thiruvananthapuram, India
Deadline: Sun, May 15, 2011
Additional Information: http://iisertvm.ac.in/~shanki
IISER-Thiruvananthapuram intends to appoint two postdoctoral positions in the areas of early-universe cosmology and quantum gravity. A Ph.D. degree and relevant research experience are required for these posts, which are expected to start on or before 1st August 2011.
Both these posts are funded under the Max Planck Partner group on cosmology, and the researcher will work on projects which include inflation, reheating, baryogenesis, modified gravity and quantum gravity phenomenology.
The positions are available for a period of up to two years. Informal enquiries can be made to S. Shankaranarayanan <shanki[AT]iisertvm.ac.in>.
Salary: Rs. 2,64,000 - Rs. 2,88,000 per annum
Deadline: 15 May 2011
To apply please send CV, research statement and have at least two letters of reference sent by email to S. Shankaranarayanan <shanki[AT]iisertvm.ac.in> with the subject "Application for MP-PG positions - Candidate name".
3. News

02 Feb '11
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 6th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting
1.2 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop: From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
1.3 3rd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting
1.4 Black Holes VIII: Theory & Mathematical Aspects
1.5 NPPD 2011
1.6 SIGRAV Graduate School "Analogue Gravity"
1.7 Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves: The Next Steps toward Detection
1.8 LOOPS 11: “Celebrating 25 years of Loop Quantum Gravity”
1.9 Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity
1.10 Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2011
1.11 Workshop and School on Higher Gauge Theory, TQFT and Quantum Gravity
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral position in Gravitational Theory at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
2.2 9 PhD positions in Relativistic Astrophysics - International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD Program
2.3 Postdoctoral position in Quantum Measurement and Spacetime Structure at Tata Institute
2.4 Postdoctoral Position in String Cosmology at Covilhã / Lisbon
2.5 Postdoctoral position in General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics at Lisbon
3. News
3.1 2011 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.2 New book by John D Barrow: "The Book of Universes"
3.3 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse" (update)
1. Conferences
1.1 6th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, May 15, 2011 to Mon, May 16, 2011
Location: Boca Raton, FL, USA
The 6th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting will be held May 15-16 at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. The meeting will cover all aspects of gravitational physics, including numerical, experimental, classical and quantum gravity. This is an informal regional meeting, and most participants will be from the Gulf Coast area of the United States, but all outside of this region who wish to attend are more than welcome. The registration simply consists in sending an email to <engle[AT]physics.fau.edu>, with a title and short abstract if it is desired to give a talk, preferably by May 8th. Hotel reservations can be made at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Boca Raton (561-417-8585), where a block of rooms has been reserved (refer to 6th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting). The room block will be released on April 30th.
1.2 IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop: From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Apr 03, 2011 to Sat, Apr 09, 2011
Location: Les Houches, France
Additional Information: http://astro-les-houches.in2p3.fr/
The meeting is directed by David Arnett and Remo Ruffini within the ERASMUS MUNDUS activities promoted by ICRANet within the International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD Program (IRAP PhD). Lectures will be presented by leading physicists and astrophysicists working in the interface of nuclear physics, white dwarfs, neutron star physics and black holes physics. Special attention is being devoted to the new scenarios presented by the observations of gamma ray bursts and supernovae.
The Proceedings of the workshop will be published by World Scientific Publishing.
Arnett David
Casey Meakin (TBC)
Chardonnet Pascal
Della Valle Massimo
Fuller George (TBC)
Izzo Luca
Lattimer Jim
Mezzacappa Anthony (TBC)
Nadyozhin Dmitrij K.
Ott Christian
Pethick Chris (TBC)
Psaltis Dimitrios (TBC)
Rueda Jorge A.
Ruffini Remo
Vereshchagin Gregory
Xue She-Sheng
1.3 3rd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Oct 12, 2011 to Sun, Oct 16, 2011
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org
The 3rd Galileo-XuGuangqi international conference follows the 1st and the 2nd meeting of this series held on October 2009 in Shanghai – China (http://www.icranet.org/galileo-xuguangqi) and on July 2010 in Ventimiglia - Italy and Nice – France (http://www.icranet.org/2nd_galileo-xuguangqi/) The goal is to create once a year a forum for strategic exchanges between eastern and western science at the highest level dealing with relativistic astrophysics and related fundamental theoretical, experimental and observational fields. The aim is to enlarge the audience from the one strictly Chinese and Italian to one embracing European and western scientific interests and the eastern ones. Therefore a broader participation from Korea and Taiwan is encouraged, as well as a participation of scientists from Europe and the Americas. We are happy to confirm that the Proceedings of the 1st Galileo-XuGuangqi are in print and we are also assembling the ones of the second meeting.
The 3rd Galileo - XuGuanqi meeting will be held on October 12-17, 2011. It represents a collaboration between ICRANet, University of Roma “Sapienza”, University of Nice “Sophia Antipolis”, Stockholm University, Free University of Berlin, ICRA, ENEA, INFN, ICTP, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, the National Astronomical Observatory (Beijing), the Institutes of High Energy Physics, the Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Tsinghua University, the Peking University, the Beijing Normal University, the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Beijing Planetarium.
We have begun to work on the meeting with the local organizing committee. We have also begun to work on the scientific program with the International Organizing and the Scientific Advisory Committees. The topics discussed in the conference will be: Cosmology, GRB supernovae, Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, AGN, High-Energy Astrophysics, General relativity, Gravitational Waves, Black Holes. The sessions will be divided in morning plenary sessions for invited speakers and the afternoon parallel sessions for contributions; posters session will be arranged as well. The contributions of the conference will be published on "International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD)".
Interested scientists and students can register themselves and submit title and abstract of their intended contributions on the webpage http://www.icranet.org
The registration fee for non-Chinese participants is USD 300 (students USD 150) before the deadline, 30th August, 2011. After the deadline, it is USD 400 (students USD 200). For Chinese participants (including participants from Taiwan) it is Yan 800 (students Yan 400) before the deadline; Yan 1200 (students Yan 600) after deadline. The registration fee will include 5 lunches, coffee breaks and the proceedings publication.
1.4 Black Holes VIII: Theory & Mathematical Aspects
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Tue, May 10, 2011 to Sat, May 14, 2011
Location: Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~rbmann/home.html
Black Holes VIII -- Theory & Mathematical Aspects is the 8th in a series of a research-related conferences the focus on the latest advances in the theoretical and mathematical and (increasingly) astrophysical aspects of black hole physics.
This is the 8th conference in the series, which has traditionally alternated between eastern and western locations. Black Holes VIII will be held next May 2011 in Niagara Falls, a location within reach of Pearson airport, Buffalo airport USA, and is easily accessible from both Canada and the United States. The setting provides an interesting natural venue for discussion while at the same time being close to all major services. Particular attention at this meeting will be paid to problems in current research, such as exact black hole solutions of Einstein's equations in higher and lower dimensions, the search for and properties of astrophysical black holes, uniqueness theorems, black hole thermodynamics, loop-quantum gravity and string-theoretic approaches to black hole physics, new aspects of gauge-gravity duality, numerical studies of black hole collisions, critical gravitational collapse.
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are particularly welcome. In addition to a series of invited presentations, there will be opportunities for a limited number of contributed talks.
1.5 NPPD 2011
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Apr 04, 2011 to Thu, Apr 07, 2011
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Additional Information: http://nppd.iopconfs.org
Five Institute of Physics subject groups will be holding their annual conferences jointly under the umbrella of the Nuclear and Particle Physics Divisional Conference in 2011. The Nuclear Physics, High Energy Particle Physics, Gravitational Physics, Astroparticle Physics and Particle Accelerators and Beams Groups will meet together at the University of Glasgow from 4 Apr 2011 to 7 Apr 2011. Together, they will form one of the largest, most exciting and broadest ranged NPP divisional conferences ever held.
Over the course of the four days, there will be joint plenary sessions covering topics of broad interest to all delegates, including a number of topics in experimental and theoretical gravity research. It will be an excellent opportunity to explore the interface between gravitational physics and the remit of the other four IOP groups represented at the conference.
Furthermore, the 11th British Gravity (BritGrav) meeting will be held during the parallel sessions, and will provide opportunities for research students and young postdocs to present their work.
The deadlines for abstract submission and early registration are approaching fast (see below). A provisional programme and instructions for abstract submission, registration and booking accommodation may be found on http://nppd.iopconfs.org/
Deadlines: abstract submission 11 Feb 2011, early registration 25 Feb 2011, registration 18 Mar 2011
1.6 SIGRAV Graduate School "Analogue Gravity"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, May 16, 2011 to Sat, May 21, 2011
Location: Como, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2011/
The Schools are directed to PH.D. students and young Post-Docs in Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics who are interested in widening their knowledge in the fields of Physical Cosmology, Relativistic Astrophysics, General Relativity, Experimental Gravity and the Modern Quantum Theories of Gravitation. The Schools wish to introduce students to current problems, highlighting their importance and potential scientific impact. Lecturers will report on theoretical, observational and experimental aspects of the research, reviewing latest achievements in the field.
IX edition
Analogue Gravity
Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, 16-21 May 2011
Our knowledge of the world that surrounds us is characterized by a strong division into sectors, and Physics is no exception. Yet, remarkably, this knowledge is also streaked by "fils rouges" that connect apparently unrelated phenomena. This allows us to understand and study the physics of one area using "analogue" systems that are connected by a unifying physical concept. Analogue gravity is the study of certain aspects of gravitational interactions, most notably Hawking radiation emitted from black holes, as predicted more than 35 years ago by S. Hawking. Since the first studies initiated by W. Unruh in the early eighties, black hole and horizon analogues have been identified in a number of systems ranging from flowing fluids to flowing dielectrics. The field has made great progress in the past years and the first experimental results are now maturing. The school will give a general overview of the field of Analogue Gravity, of its main and most recent achievements and wi
ll propose new challenges and open questions that are looking for answers.
• Survey of analogue space-times (4 hours)
Matt Visser, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
• Black holes and Hawking radiation (4 hours)
Theodore Jacobson, University of Maryland, USA
• Fundamental quantum effects in the laboratory? (3 hours)
Ralf Schützhold, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
• Dumb holes - what are they, how do they work (3 hours)
William Unruh, University of British Colombia, Canada
• Analogue gravity, Hawking radiation and black hole lasers in Bose-Einstein condensates (3 hours)
Renaud Parentani, Université Paris-Sud 11, France
• Analogue gravity models in dielectrics (3 hours)
Ulf Leonhardt, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
Special lectures
• Astrophysical black holes: evidence of an horizon? (2 hours)
Monica Colpi, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy
• Water wave analogues of black holes (2 hours)
Germain Rousseaux, CNRS, Université de Nice, France
• Topology, thermodynamics and dynamics of quantum vacuum in effective theory (2 hours)
Grigori Volovik, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland
• Quantum correlations of density fluctuations: from the radius of stars to the analogue Hawking radiation (2 hours)
Iacopo Carusotto, Università di Trento, Italy
• Photon emission by refractive index perturbations in dielectrics (2 hours)
Daniele Faccio, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
• Lorentz breaking EFT and observational tests (2 hours)
Stefano Liberati, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
• Hawking's thermal hypothesis verified in an analogue gravity system (1 hour)
Silke Weinfurtner, SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Scientific and Organizing Committee: Francesco Belgiorno (Polytechnic of Milan), Sergio Luigi Cacciatori (Insubria, Como), Daniele Faccio (Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh), Vittorio Gorini (Insubria, Como), Stefano Liberati (SISSA, Trieste), Ugo Moschella (Insubria, Como)
SIGRAV Council: Massimo Bassan (Rome Tor Vergata), Roberto Cianci (Genoa), Monica Colpi (Milan Bicocca), Mauro Francaviglia (Turin), Adalberto Giazotto (Pisa), Luca Lusanna (Florence), Sabino Matarrese (Padua), Augusto Sagnotti (SNS, Pisa), Gaetano Vilasi (Salerno)
There will be room for short communications by the participants. Those who want to submit a communication proposal should send a short abstract to grschool[AT]centrovolta.it Proponents will be informed about acceptance of their contribution in due time.
Participants will be accommodated in hotels near Villa Olmo and will be requested to pay an inclusive fee of EURO 700 covering accommodation (in rooms to be shared with other participants), breakfast and lunch for the duration of the school. Alternatively, participants may arrange for their own accommodation and are requested to pay only the registration fee of EURO 320, also covering lunch (the school secretary provides assistance for hotel reservation through the accommodation form available at http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2011/ ). Accommodation is not guaranteed after April 8th 2011.
Some support to cover local expenses may be available; those who need support should mention it in their registration and send a short curriculum vitae and a summary of current research (maximum two pages A4). Please note that no support to cover travel expenses will be available.
Registration forms are available on the web page http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2011/ or at grschool[AT]centrovolta.it
For information also contact directly the Organizing Secretariat at Centro A.Volta:
grschool[AT]centrovolta.it or mariagiovanna.falasconi[AT]centrovolta.it,
tel. +39 031 579814,
fax +39 031 573395
Further information about the School (course abstracts, schedule of lectures, etc.) is also available at the web page http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2011/
SIGRAV (Italian Society for Gravitational Physics).
INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics).
University of Insubria.
Department of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Insubria at Como.
SISSA, Trieste.
1.7 Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves: The Next Steps toward Detection
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, May 22, 2011 to Sun, May 22, 2011
Location: Boston, USA
Additional Information: https://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/ligovirgo/cw/public/NS/May11/
The joint Continuous Waves Search Group of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration will bring together experts in the neutron star, pulsar and gravitational wave communities to discuss prospects for gravitational wave detection from (or via) spinning compact objects.
The workshop's primary focus is how to improve chances for success in detecting gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars, but there will also be presentations on detection of low-frequency gravitational waves by way of pulsar timing arrays and on other fundamental gravity tests using pulsars.
Presentations are by invitation, but other interested astronomers and physicists are most welcome to attend and join the discussions. The workshop will be held May 22, 2011 in Boston as part of the summer AAS meeting.
1.8 LOOPS 11: “Celebrating 25 years of Loop Quantum Gravity”
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, May 23, 2011 to Sat, May 28, 2011
Location: Madrid, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.iem.csic.es/loops11/
2nd announcement
The LOOPS 11 conference will take place at the main campus of the CSIC in Madrid (SPAIN) in May 23-28, 2011. This edition will commemorate the twenty fifth anniversary of the publication by Abhay Ashtekar of the landmark paper on the "new variables" that sparked the loop quantum gravity (LQG) revolution. In addition to the expected participation of LQG researchers, we would like to invite the quantum gravity community at large to be present in this occasion as this would provide a very fruitful exchange of ideas with researchers working on other approaches to the quantization of general relativity.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the state of the art in LQG research and review the open issues and problems that must be solved to complete the quantization of general relativity in this framework. However we would like to place special emphasis on the impact of LQG on other approaches to quantum gravity and, reciprocally, on the exploration of ideas originating in other frameworks that could be eventually beneficial for LQG.
The main topics that will be covered in the conference will be:
• Foundations of Quantum Gravity.
• Hamiltonian Loop Quantum Gravity.
• Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity and Spinfoams.
• Polymer Quantization and Quantum Field Theory.
• Loop Quantum Cosmology.
• Black Hole Physics.
• Dynamical Triangulations and other discrete approaches.
• Phenomenology derived from Quantum Gravity.
• Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University, USA).
• Martin Bojowald (Penn State University, USA).
• Alejandro Corichi (UNAM-Morelia, Mexico).
• Bianca Dittrich (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany).
• Kristina Giesel (Louisiana State University, USA).
• Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw University, Poland).
• Renate Loll (Utrecht University, Netherland).
• Yongge Ma (Beijing Normal University, China).
• Don Marolf (Univ. California-Santa Barbara, USA).
• Daniele Oriti (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany).
• Tomasz Pawlowski (University of New Brunswick, Canada).
• Alejandro Pérez (Univ. Méditerranée, Marseille, France).
• Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State University, USA).
• Carlo Rovelli (Univ. Méditerranée, Marseille, France).
• Hanno Sahlmann (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Korea).
• Parampreet Singh (Perimeter Institute, Canada).
• Lee Smolin (Perimeter Institute, Canada).
• Thomas Thiemann (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany).
• Madhavan Varadarajan (Raman Research Institute, India).
• J. Fernando Barbero González (IEM, CSIC).
• Guillermo A. Mena Marugán (IEM, CSIC).
• Luis J. Garay Elizondo (Univ. Complutense, Madrid).
• Eduardo J. Sánchez Villaseñor (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid).
• Iñaky Garay Elizondo (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg)
• Mercedes Martín-Benito (AEI-Potsdam).
• Gonzalo Olmo Alba (IFIC, CSIC).
• Tomasz Pawlowski (Univ. New Brunswick).
• Mikel Fernández Méndez (IEM, CSIC).
• Daniel Martín de Blas (IEM, CSIC).
• Javier Olmedo Nieto (IEM, CSIC).
Detailed information about registration, fees, abstract submission, accommodation, travel and financial support for participants can be found in the conference web page.
This web page will be regularly updated with the necessary information. In particular the RELEVANT DATES and deadlines will be posted there.
Please note the following deadlines:
• Deadline for early registration: 28 February 2011
• Deadline for late registration: 20 March 2011
• Deadline for abstract submission: 20 March 2011
• Deadline for application for financial support: 28 February 2011
• Deadline for reservations to the banquet: 15 April 2011.
The registration period has been open for some time already. The fee for late registrations will be 250 €. The final decision concerning financial support will be taken shortly after 28 February 2011. So, those participants that need financial support should apply for it as soon as possible. Accommodation can be booked via the registration form that can be found in the conference web page. The web page also offers a list of cheap hotels, provided for informational purposes only, for those participants that prefer to book their hotel accommodation directly. Finally, pdf files with the conference POSTER are available for download at http://www.iem.csic.es/loops11/
Looking forward to meeting you all,
The local organizing committee.
1.9 Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Fri, May 20, 2011 to Sun, May 22, 2011
Location: Providence, RI, USA
Additional Information: http://www.dam.brown.edu/ACCGR/
This workshop at Brown University will focus on the application of numerical techniques to binary blackhole simulations, extreme mass ratio inspirals, waveform analysis, and alternative formulations of the Einstein equations. Limited travel support for students and postdocs may be available. Please contact the organizers to inquire.
Tentative participants
Thomas Baumgarte (Bowdoin College)
David Brown (North Carolina State University)
Luisa Buchman (California Institute of Technology)
Alessandra Buonanno (University of Maryland)
Manuela Campanelli (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Snorre Christiansen (University of Oslo)
Matt Duez (Washington State University)
Scott Field (Brown University)
Chad Galley (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Mark Hannam (Cardiff)
Frank Herrmann (University of Maryland)
Mike Holst (University of California San Diego)
Jan Hesthaven (Brown University)
Scott Hughes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Gharav Khanna (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
Larry Kidder (Cornell)
Pablo Laguna (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Stephen Lau (University of New Mexico)
Geoffrey Lovelace (Cornell University)
Abdul Mroue (Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics)
Christian Ott (California Institute of Technology)
Harald Pfeiffer (Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics)
Richard Price (University of Texas at Brownsville)
Mark Scheel (Caltech)
Masaru Shibata (Kyoto University)
Deirdre Shoemaker (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Bela Szilagyi (California Institute of Technology)
Nick Taylor (California Institute of Technology)
Saul Teukolsky (Cornell University)
Manuel Tiglio (University of Maryland)
Gerhard Zumbusch (University of Jena)
1.10 Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2011
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Feb 02, 2011 to Fri, Feb 04, 2011
Location: Palma, Mallorca
Additional Information: http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/GRG/IberianGW11
Iberian Gravitational-Wave Meeting 2011
February 2-4 2011, University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca
The meeting aims to stimulate interaction between researchers who are interested in the field of gravitational wave physics and astronomy in a wider sense, with a focus on research based in or connected to the communities in Spain and Portugal. The style of the meeting will be informal, with plenty of discussion time. Different groups from the Iberian community will be asked to introduce their work in overview presentations, in addition we plan for a number of contributed talks, in particular by younger researchers.
Dates and venue:
February 2-4 2011, Cas Jai building at the Campus of the University of the Balearic Islands.
There is no registration fee, but please register at the web page
http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/GRG/IberianGW11. Financial support for accommodation of some participants will be possible. In this case accommodation will have to be booked with the conference organizers, and support should be requested when registering.
Web page:
For further information and registration please see http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/GRG/IberianGW11
See for updates on the web page.
The UIB gravitational physics group,
with the financial support of:
- UIB: Universitat de les Illes Balears,
- SEGRE: the Spanish Network on Relativity and Gravitation,
- MICINN Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
and the Consolider-Ingenio Projects:
- CPAN: the Spanish National Center for Particle Physics, Astroparticle
and Nuclear Physics,
- MULTIDARK: Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection.
The organizing committee
Carles Bona
Jaume Carot
Sascha Husa
Denis Pollney
Alicia Sintes
1.11 Workshop and School on Higher Gauge Theory, TQFT and Quantum Gravity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Feb 07, 2011 to Sun, Feb 13, 2011
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/site/hgtqgr
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce a workshop and school in Lisbon, which we hope you will find of interest. Workshop and School on Higher Gauge Theory, TQFT and Quantum Gravity Lisbon, 10-13 February, 2011 (Workshop), 7-13 February, 2011 (School)
Provisional list of speakers:
Paolo Aschieri (Alessandria)
Benjamin Bahr (Cambridge)
Aristide Baratin (Paris-Orsay)
John Barrett (Nottingham)
Rafael Diaz (Bogotá)
Bianca Dittrich (Potsdam)
Laurent Freidel (Perimeter)
John Huerta (California)
Branislav Jurco (Prague)
Thomas Krajewski (Marseille)
Tim Porter (Bangor)
Hisham Sati (Maryland)
Christopher Schommer-Pries (MIT)
Urs Schreiber (Utrecht)
Jamie Vicary (Oxford)
Konrad Waldorf (Regensburg)
Derek Wise (Erlangen)
Christoph Wockel (Hamburg)
Deadline for registration, proposals for talks/contributions and requests for financial support: 8th January, 2011
On behalf of the organisers,
Roger Picken
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral position in Gravitational Theory at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Jena, Germany
Deadline: Thu, Mar 31, 2011
Additional Information: http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de
A two-years postdoctoral position will be available in the Transregional Collaborative Research Center ``Gravitational Wave Astronomy'' (SFB-TR7) of the Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany, http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/, in the research group of Professor Gerhard Schaefer, beginning July 1, 2011.
The research to be performed is on the analytic motion and wave emission of gravitationally interacting compact binaries with spin.
Send curriculum vitae and three letters of reference via email to gos[AT]tpi.uni-jena.de . The deadline for application is March 31, 2011.
Prof. Dr. G. Schaefer
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
2.2 9 PhD positions in Relativistic Astrophysics - International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: Mon, Feb 28, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.irap-phd.org
PhD Admissions and Funding at the International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD Program Consortium (IRAP PhD). The coordinating Institution is the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis located in the French Riviera. The IRAP PhD program intends to create the condition of high level education in Relativistic Astrophysics to create a new generation of leading scientists. Each student admitted to the Ph.D. program will be part of a team inside one of the laboratories of the consortium. They will have the opportunity to work in the laboratories of the consortium and be introduced to new topics in the forefront research by internationally recognized experts. In this way the students will come in direct contact with some of the leading scientists in the world working in the theoretical fields of general relativity, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and in quantum field theories. They will also have access to observations from the leading observatories in space missions in infrar
ed, x and gamma rays wavelengths, as well as to the new generation of large optical telescopes on the ground and ino’s underground observatories. This research is by its nature international and we have identified for this collaborative effort some of the leading European Universities in these fields linked to a vast international collaboration worldwide. The Degree will be a joint one of all the participating Academic institutions.
Students strongly motivated in the study of relativistic astrophysics and fundamental physics and mathematics are encouraged to apply.
The Partners of the Consortium are:
Director of the course: Prof. Remo Ruffini
PhD students will receive a very competitive salary (gross salary 2800 Euros per month and a 7500 Euro installation grant for non-European students), computing facilities and support for travel, and comprehensive benefits including paid vacation, health care insurance and retirement benefits. To be eligible, applicants should have obtained a Masters degree in astronomy, astrophysics, theoretical physics or a related field. We encourage applications from the best candidates irrespective of nationality, gender or background. Student research will be carried out in the framework of the IRAP PhD Consortium. They will obtain a joint PhD diploma.
Consult the web page: http://www.irap-phd.org for details and application instructions. All inquiries should be directed to Prof. Pascal Chardonnet: chardonnet[at]lapp.in2p3.fr.
Applicants are requested send a curriculum vitae, an application form, a list of all university courses taken and transcripts of grades obtained, brief statements of research interests and experience, and the contact information for at least two referees. Applications received by the deadline of February 28, 2011 will receive full consideration.
2.3 Postdoctoral position in Quantum Measurement and Spacetime Structure at Tata Institute
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Mumbai, India
Deadline: Mon, Feb 28, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.tifr.res.in/~tpsingh
A two year project post-doctoral position starting 1st May, 2011 and funded by the John Templeton Foundation will be available at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The area of research is the Quantum Measurement Problem, and the exact title of the project is `The need to reformulate quantum mechanics without classical spacetime, the consequent nonlinearity, and its potential to solve the measurement problem'.
The project team members are T. P. Singh (TIFR), Angelo Bassi (Trieste), Kinjalk lochan (TIFR) and Cenalo Vaz (Cincinnati).
Interested applicants may please send their CV, list of publications, and names and email addresses of three referees to T. P. Singh by email to tpsingh[AT]tifr.res.in
2.4 Postdoctoral Position in String Cosmology at Covilhã / Lisbon
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Covilhã / Lisbon, Portugal
Deadline: Sun, Feb 20, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.dfis.ubi.pt/~pmoniz
The Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofisica (CENTRA) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of Cosmology, namely string cosmology . The appointment is for three years, subject to funding renewal and satisfactory performance. The call is made within the Welcome II program, which is now open. The complete set of requirements are specified here: http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/welcome2/
The candidates to the program should send the applications to the CENTRA member email indicated below. If the CENTRA member agrees, CENTRA can support the application to the FCT Welcome II program.
Due to the nature of the funding, all candidates must:
i) be European and hold a Ph.D. in Physics
ii) currently and for the past three years been working outside Europe.
A tentative date for the appointment is September 1, 2011 (with possible variations to be agreed upon with the successful applicant). The appointment is for three years.
The Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofsica (CENTRA) is a research centre of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) in Lisbon, a leading research Institution in Portugal. Most CENTRA members are professors at the Physics Department of IST. This post requires collaboration with the CENTRA researchers at UBI (Universidade da Beira Interior). More information on the Center can be found at http://centra.ist.utl.pt/. Research in string cosmology at Centra focuses within an interesting range of directions and from strong ties with groups in other institutions (see, e.g., http://www.dfis.ubi.pt/~pmoniz) The applicant is expected to contribute to the efforts of the CENTRA researchers at UBI and to the training of students. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research interests (with an exciting (!) research proposal) and three letters of recommendation to the following e-mail address: pmoniz[AT]ubi.pt
Please use the subject "Welcome II - String Cosmology ". Applications should be received by Feb 20, 2011. Incomplete applications shall not be considered. Screening of applicants will begin on March 1, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. For more information please contact Paulo Moniz (pmoniz[AT]ubi.pt). These positions are supported by Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT).
2.5 Postdoctoral position in General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics at Lisbon
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Lisbon, Portugal
Deadline: Sun, Feb 20, 2011
Additional Information: http://centra.ist.utl.pt/
Postdoctoral position in General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics (including gravitational waves, black holes, compact objects, and numerical relativity). The Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofisica (CENTRA) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, including gravitational wave research, black holes, compact objects and Numerical Relativity. The appointment is for three years, subject to funding renewal and satisfactory performance.
Due to the nature of the funding, all candidates must:
i) be European and hold a Ph.D. in Physics
ii) currently and for the past three years been working outside Europe.
A tentative date for the appointment is September 1, 2011 (with possible variations to be agreed upon with the successful applicant). The appointment is for three years, the salary is 60,000 Euros per year or higher, depending on the experience of the researcher. The Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofsica (CENTRA) is a research centre of the Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) in Lisbon, a leading research Institution in Portugal. Most CENTRA members are professors at the Physics Department of IST. More information on the Center can be found at
The gravity group is currently focusing on phenomenology of black hole physics and numerical relativity, and is composed of Vitor Cardoso and José P. S. Lemos, several postdocs and PhD students. The group has strong ties with gravity groups in other institutions, such as the Universities of Rome, Aveiro, Barcelona, São Paulo, and Mississippi. The applicant is expected to contribute to the efforts of the group and to the training of students.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement of research interests (with an exciting research proposal) and three letters of recommendation to the following e-mail address:
Please use the subject "Welcome II". Applications should be received by Feb 20, 2011. Incomplete applications shall not be considered. Screening of applicants will begin on March 1, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled.
3. News
3.1 2011 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
In 2011 for our sixty-second competition, the trustees are offering five Awards for short Essays for the purpose of stimulating thought and encouraging work on Gravitation. The stipulations follow:
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2011 for the best essays, 1500 words or less (excluding abstracts, diagrams, references and minimal equations), on the subject of Gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00
The Second Award will be 1250.00
The Third Award will be 1000.00
The Fourth Award will be 750.00
The Fifth Award will be 500.00
(3) Essays must be in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file before April 1, 2011. Page numbering and early submission is greatly encouraged. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation within 48 hours.
(4) Cover pages should include essay title; authors' names, addresses and e-mail addresses; the statement: "Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2011 Awards for Essays on Gravitation"; submission date; and a summary paragraph of 125 words or less.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final, no reviews will be provided and no essays will be returned.
(6) The list of winners will be posted on our website: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org on or about May 15, 2011. All participants will receive a general e-mail notification.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in the Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation (GRG) and, subsequently, in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th. Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President (grideoutjr[at]aol.com)
Recent First Award Winners:
2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
2009 - Alexander Burinskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2008 - T. Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune, India
2007 - S. Carlip, University of California at Davis
2006 - Vijay Balasubramanian, University of Pennsylvania; Donald Marolf, University of California at Santa Barbara and Moshe Rozali, University of British Columbia
2005 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, King's College London and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A&M University
2004 - Maulik Parikh, Columbia University, New York
2003 - Martin Bojowald, The Pennsylvania State University
2002 - Steven B. Giddings, University of California at Santa Barbara and Stanford University, Stanford, California
2001 - Csaba Csaki and Joshua Erlich, Los Alamos National Lab and Christophe Grojean, University of California at Berkeley
2000 - Arthur Lue and Erick J. Weinberg, Columbia University, New York
1999 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, University of Oxford and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A and M University
1998 - Viqar Husain, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
1997 - Robert Myers, McGill University, Quebec
1996 - D. V. Ahluwalia, Los Alamos National Lab and C. Burgard, Universitaet Hamburg/DESY, II, Germany
3.2 New book by John D Barrow: "The Book of Universes"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
New Book Published 2 Feb 2011
The Book of Universes
John D Barrow
Publ. Bodley Head, Random House, UK
354 Pages, 12 chapters, b/w illustrations and photographs
Description: This book for a general audience tells the story of how Einstein's equations provided a succession of solutions describing possible universes. It follows the history of the discovery of all the different sorts of possible universes that we know about and introduces the characters involved. It describes the latest ideas about inflationary universes, quantum cosmology and multiverses, as well as the best buy model of the observable universe today.
3.3 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse" (update)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2011-1
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a major update of the review "Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse" by Chris L. Fryer and Kimberly C.B. New on January 20, 2011.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2011-1
Fryer, Chris L. and New, Kimberly C. B.
"Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse"
ACCEPTED: 2011-01-14
PUBLISHED: 2011-01-20
We have significantly altered and restructured the text of the previous version, describing the latest results from a new point of view. New figures have been added. The number of references has increased from 271 to 350.
Gravitational wave emission from stellar collapse has been studied for nearly four decades. Current state-of-the-art numerical investigations of collapse include those that use progenitors with more realistic angular momentum profiles, properly treat microphysics issues, account for general relativity, and examine non-axisymmetric effects in three dimensions. Such simulations predict that gravitational waves from various phenomena associated with gravitational collapse could be detectable with ground-based and space-based interferometric observatories. This review covers the entire range of stellar collapse sources of gravitational waves: from the accretion induced collapse of a white dwarf through the collapse down to neutron stars or black holes of massive stars to the collapse of supermassive stars.

02 Jan '11
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
1.2 RUSGRAV-14: International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics
1.3 Hot topics in Modern Cosmology - Spontaneous Workshop V
1.4 Grav11 (First Announcement)
1.5 27th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting
1.6 The Chalonge School 15th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2011
1.7 Chalonge School CIAS Workshop 2011 "Warm Dark Matter in Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses"
1.8 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics at PI
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-Wave Physics at Tübingen
2.2 Leader of Max Planck Research Group in conjunction with Professorship for Geometric Analysis (W2)
2.3 Postdoctoral positions at SISSA Astrophysics
2.4 Postdoc and PhD Position in Numerical Relativity at Jena
2.5 Postdoctoral positions at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2.6 International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD: 2011 Announcement
3. News
3.1 Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation available online
1. Conferences
1.1 From Nuclei to White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Apr 03, 2011 to Sat, Apr 09, 2011
Location: Les Houches, France
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org
The meeting is directed by David Arnett and Remo Ruffini within the ERASMUS MUNDUS and ICRANet activities in the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph. D. Program. Lectures will be presented by leading Physicists and Astrophysicists working in the interface of Nuclear Physics, White Dwarfs, Neutron Star Physics and Black Holes Physics. Special attention is being devoted to the new scenarios presented by the observations of Gamma Ray Bursts.
1.2 RUSGRAV-14: International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 27, 2011 to Sat, Jul 02, 2011
Location: Ulyanovsk, Russia
Additional Information: http://rusgrav14.ulspu.ru
The 14th Russian Gravitational Conference - International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics – RUSGRAV-14 is to be held in Ulyanovsk at Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, on June 27 – July 2, 2011.
The program of the conference and the school-seminar will include plenary and sectional reports, poster session for young scientists, graduate students and undergraduates. Featured also are informal discussions on such issues as: the latest developments in the theory of gravitation, quantum gravity and cosmology, theories with extra dimensions, theoretical and observational cosmology and astrophysics, gravitational experiments, fundamental constants and related topics.
1.3 Hot topics in Modern Cosmology - Spontaneous Workshop V
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, May 09, 2011 to Sat, May 14, 2011
Location: Cargèse, France
Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2011/SW5.html
Spontaneous Workshop (SW) brings together specialists on recent insights in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. The aim is to stimulate debates on common topics in views of providing us with innovating ideas. The workshop will take place in Cargèse (France), on 9 - 14 May 2011.
The workshop’s organization is based on an optimal number of concise presentations and enough space for discussions on emergent problems in order to favour interactions among participants.
SW5 topics includes :
* Cosmological parameters – Anomalies in CMB
* Baryon and Lepton number violation, CP violation
* LHC and Dark Matter - Astroparticle Physics
* Neutrino Cosmology
* Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis - Cosmic antimatter
* Inflation - Dark Energy – Modified Gravity
* Cosmological Large Scale Structures, Magnetic Fields
* Gravitational waves of Cosmological and Astrophysical origin
1.4 Grav11 (First Announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Apr 11, 2011 to Fri, Apr 15, 2011
Location: La Cumbre, Córdoba, Argentina
Additional Information: http://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/grupos/grg/grav11
We are pleased to announce that the conference Grav11 will be held in La Cumbre, Córdoba (Argentina), from April 11th through April 15th, 2011. The venue of the conference is the Hostal Cruz Chica:
This is the fourth in a new series ("Grav") of conferences organized by the General Relativity and Gravitation Group at FaMAF (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) since the year 2006. We expect to have a Grav meeting every two years from now on.
The conference is intended to bring together specialists working on gravitation and closely related topics, including classical and quantum gravity, gravity in arbitrary dimensions, astrophysics and astro-particle physics.
Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students are encouraged to apply, some funds will be available to cover living expenses for students, as well as postdocs and young researchers. The working languages of the conference will be English (mostly), and Spanish.
A preliminary (as of December 2010) list of confirmed speakers includes:
Andrés Aceña, AEI, Germany.
Florian Beyer, University of Otago, New Zealand.
Mario Díaz, The Unversity of Texas at Brownsville, USA.
Helmut Friedrichs, AEI, Germany.
Heinz O. Kreiss, KTH, Sweden.
Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute, Canada.
Jorge Pullin, LSU, USA.
Martin Reiris, AEI, Germany.
Robert Wald, Universty of Chicago, USA.
For updates on the Grav11 meeting please check the web page:
Applications should be filed through the webform in the above page before March 4th, 2011. The deadline for abstract submissions is March 18th, 2011.
For further information on the General Relativity and Gravitation group at FaMAF and the previous Grav meetings see
Information on how to handle hotel reservations will be provided in a second circular.
1.5 27th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Fri, Mar 18, 2011 to Sat, Mar 19, 2011
Location: Pasadena, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~pcgm27/
The 27th Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting will be held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, on March 18 and 19, 2011. In keeping with its tradition, this will be an open, relaxed, and informal conference. We are inviting researchers and students interested in all areas of gravitational physics: classical and quantum gravity, general relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, quantum cosmology, gravitational waves, and experimental gravity. Because this is a regional meeting, many attendees will be from the western United States, but all are welcome.
Following the usual tradition all participants, and especially postdocs and graduate students, are encouraged to contribute short, introductory talks on their current research, with the aim of fostering communication and understanding among gravitational physicists with different backgrounds. Speakers will be given equal time (between 10 and 15 minutes, including a question period). Graduate students and postdocs will be given first priority if there are more requests to speak than available time slots. A prize (sponsored by the APS Topical Group on Gravity) will be awarded for the best talk given by a student at the meeting.
The 27th PCGM will begin at 9am, on March 18, in Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Caltech (see the Practical Information page of the meeting web site for directions). The Scientific Program will be posted on the meeting website shortly before the meeting, and will be distributed to registered participants on March 13, 2011. All participants are asked to register on the meeting web site or by e-mail by 11 March, 2011.
More information will be posted on the meeting web site as it becomes available: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~pcgm27/
1.6 The Chalonge School 15th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2011
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Jul 20, 2011 to Fri, Jul 22, 2011
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2011.html
Ecole Internationale Daniel Chalonge
The Chalonge School 15th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2011 " From Cold Dark Matter to Warm Dark Matter in the Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations "
The International School Daniel Chalonge: 20 Years of Activity
The Conference is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the Chalonge School, focalized on recent observational and theoretical progress on the CMB, dark matter, dark energy, dark ages, and the theory of the early universe with predictive power in the context of the Standard Model of the Universe.
Recently, LambdaWDM (Warm Dark Matter) emerged impressively over LambdaCDM (Cold Dark Matter) whose small -galactic- scale (and even larger scale) problems are ever-increasing. LambdaWDM solves naturally the problems of LambdaCDM and agree with the observations at small as well as large and cosmological scales.
In summary, the aim of the meeting is to put together the recent cosmological and astrophysical data and hard theory predictive approach connected to them in the framework of the Standard Model of the Universe.
Observational and theoretical progress on the nature of dark matter: keV scale dark matter particles.
Dark energy: cosmological constant: the quantum energy of the cosmological vacuum.
Large and small scale structure formation in agreement with observations at large scales and small (galactic) scales.
The ever increasing problems of LambdaCDM.
The emergence of Warm (keV scale) Dark Matter from theory and observations.
The analysis of the CMB+LSS+SN data with the effective (Ginsburg-Landau) effective theory of inflation: New Inflation (double well inflaton potential) strongly favored by the CMB + LSS + SN data: The presence of the lower bound for the primordial gravitons (non vanishing tensor to scalar ratio r) with the present CMB + LSS + SN data. CMB polarization and forecasts for Planck.
Neutrinos in cosmology.
The new serious dark matter candidate: Sterile neutrinos at the keV scale.
All Lectures are followed by a discussion. All participants are invited to take part in the discussions.
The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject but Registration is mandatory.
The format of the Meeting is intended to allow easy and fruitful mutual contact and communication.
Sessions last for three full days in the beautiful parisian campus of Observatoire de Paris (built on orders from Colbert and to plans by Claude Perrault from 1667 to 1672). All sessions take place at the Salle Cassini (Cassini Hall) in the historic Perrault building ("Bâtiment Perrault") of Observatoire de Paris HQ. All Coffee-Tea breaks take place at the "Salle du Conseil" under the portraits of Laplace, Le Verrier, Lalande, Arago, Delambre and Louis XIV. The Registration desk and the Secretariat of the Colloquium take place at the "Grande Galerie" (Great Gallery) just aside facing Salle du Conseil
An exhibition at the "Grand Galerie" (Great Gallery) and "Salle Cassini" (Cassini Hall) will retrace the 20 years of activity of the Chalonge School and "The Golden Days" in "Astrofundamental Physics": The Construction of the Standard Model Of the Universe, as well as the Exhibition "The World High Altitude Observatories Network: World Cultural and Scientific Heritage".
The books and proceedings of the School since its creation, as well as historic Daniel Chalonge material, Prizes and Chalonge instruments will be on exhibition at the Great Gallery.
Informations about this Colloquium, participation information and background information are displayed at the Chalonge School web site:
Informations on the previous Paris Cosmology Colloquia and of the school events are available at http://chalonge.obspm.fr (lecturers, lists of participants, lecture pdf files and photos during the Colloquia).
Early Registration is strongly encouraged
With compliments and kind regards,
1.7 Chalonge School CIAS Workshop 2011 "Warm Dark Matter in Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Jun 08, 2011 to Fri, Jun 10, 2011
Location: Meudon, France
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2011.html
Ecole Internationale Daniel Chalonge
A Turning Point in the Research of Dark Matter: Warm Dark Matter. Theory and Observations
Recently, LambdaWDM (Warm Dark Matter) emerged impressively over LambdaCDM (Cold Dark Matter) whose small galactic- scale (and even larger scale) problems are ever-increasing. LambdaWDM solves naturally the problems of LambdaCDM and agrees with the observations at small as well as large and cosmological scales. The Workshop addresses the last progresses made in Warm Dark Matter and the Universal and Non Universal properties of Galaxies. In the tradition of the Chalonge School, an effort of clarification and synthesis will be made by combining in a conceptual framework, theory, analytical, observational and numerical simulation results that reproduce observations.The subject will be approached in a threefold way: (I) Conceptual context. (II) Astronomical observations linked to the galaxy structural properties and to structure formation at different (large and small (galactic) scales). (III) Numerical simulations which reproduce observations at large and small (galactic) scales
Recent progress in solving the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation to obtain the observed properties of galaxies (and clusters of galaxies). N-body numerical simulations with Warm Dark Matter.The surface density . The phase-space density. Particle model independent analysis of astrophysical dark matter. The impact of the mass of the dark matter particle on the small scale structure formation. The radial profiles and the Dark Matter distribution. Cores versus Cusps. The ever increasing problems of LambdaCDM. The keV scale Dark Matter (Warm Dark Matter): Observational and theoretical progresses. Large and small scale structure formation in agreement with observations at large and small (galactic) scales. The new serious dark matter candidate: Sterile neutrinos at the keV scale.
Sessions last for three full days in the beautiful Meudon campus of Observatoire de Paris, where CIAS "Centre International d´Ateliers Scientifiques" is located. All sessions take place in the historic Château building, (built in 1706 by great architect Jules-Hardouin Mansart in orders by King Louis XIV for his son the Grand Dauphin). The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. The format of the Meeting is intended to allow easy and fruitful mutual contact and communication. Informations about the Workshop, participation information and background information are displayed at the http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2011.html
Early Registration is strongly encouraged
With compliments and kind regards,
Chalonge.Ecole[at]obspm.fr http://chalonge.obspm.fr/
1.8 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics at PI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 20, 2011 to Sat, Jun 25, 2011
Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada
This is the first circular, please note further info (webpage, deadlines, SOC, etc) will be sent in the near future.
The workshop will be held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo ON, Canada on June 20 - 25 2011, and will bring together leading and younger researchers in the field of numerical modeling and microscopic physics of matter and radiation at high densities where effects of general relativity play a central role.
The topics covered will include improved microscopic physics inputs (neutrino-matter interactions, equations of state, thermonuclear reaction rates) and computational methods (GRMHD, radiation transport, reaction networks) with an emphasis on approaches that allow for efficient implementation of the improvements in multi-D simulations of relativistic astrophysical systems.
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational-Wave Physics at Tübingen
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Tübingen, Germany
Deadline: Mon, Jan 31, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas/Welcome_files/TAT_SFB_adv.…
The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) of the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Tübingen (IAAT) has an opening for one postdoctoral research position starting from 1st of October 2011. The position will be funded via the SFB/TR7 network on “Gravitational Wave Astronomy” (http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/)
The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars.The successful applicant will carry out original research in projects regarding the study of the dynamics of neutron stars and/or magnetars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves. The position is limited to two years with a possible extension for one more year and the salary will be paid according to the German public service scale. Optionally, shorter duration contracts might also be considered. Applications, including a curriculum vita, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, email) of three potential referees should be sent to:
Prof. Kostas Kokkotas
Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10
D-72076 Tübingen / Germany
E-mail: kostas.kokkotas[at]uni-tuebingen.de
Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filed. The University of Tübingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
For inquiries contact Prof. Kostas Kokkotas.
Further information on the Theoretical Astrophysics Group may be found at http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/?id=3129
2.2 Leader of Max Planck Research Group in conjunction with Professorship for Geometric Analysis (W2)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Thu, Jan 13, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.uni-potsdam.de/verwaltung/dezernat3/stellen/W2%20Analytische%20G…
The Institute for Mathematics of the Faculty of Science at the Potsdam University in a joint appointment with Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) invites applications for a Leader of Max Planck Research Group in conjunction with Professorship for Geometric Analysis (W2). The position is limited for 5 years.
The University of Potsdam and the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) are looking for applicants with an excellent research record to lead an independent Max Planck Research Group in the area of Geometric Analysis, in the context of their agreement on cooperation in the areas of geometric analysis and partial differential equations. The preferred research area lies in nonlinear partial differential equations related to geometry and mathematical physics.
The successful applicant is expected to participate in the supervision of PhD students and will have teaching responsibilities at the Institute for Mathematics at Potsdam University of 2 hours/semester-week. The research group will include resources for PhD scholarships and postdoctoral positions as well as research related expenses. During the term of the employment contract with the MPG the successful applicant will (according to § 38 (9) BbgHG) also be Professor at the university of Potsdam.
Prerequisites for the application are a doctoral degree and a record of research equivalent to the German “Habilitation”. Scientific qualifications achieved in the private sector, outside Germany, or as Junior professor will also be considered (§ 39 BbgHG). Appointment will be made according to the laws of Brandenburg (Brandenburgisches Hochschulgesetz - BbgHG §§ 38).
The University of Potsdam and the Max Planck Society are committed to support the appointment of severely handicapped people, applications are explicitly encouraged. The University of Potsdam and the Max Planck Society wish to increase the employment of woman in those areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply.
Please send your application until 13.01.2011 to Potsdam University, Office of the President, Am Neuen Palais 10, D–14469 Potsdam, Germany.
2.3 Postdoctoral positions at SISSA Astrophysics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Trieste, Italy
Deadline: Mon, Jan 31, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.sissa.it/ap
The Astrophysics Sector (http://www.sissa.it/ap) of the International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste (Italy) expects to have an opening for up to three research associate (postdoc) positions starting in Fall 2011. The positions are for two years (formally 1+1 but with renewal based only on reasonable scientific performance) and can be possibly extended for a further third year.
The SISSA Astrophysics Sector consists of a faculty of nine permanent members and two contract researchers. There are currently eleven postdocs and eighteen graduate students (http://www.sissa.it/ap/people.html)
The research areas covered by our group include: Analysis and interpretation of cosmic microwave background and sub-mm surveys (Planck and Herschel), large scale structure and cluster physics, galaxies, dark matter, galactic and extragalactic black holes, high energy astrophysics, relativistic astrophysics, early universe physics and gravitation theory. We welcome applications from all candidates whose research interests complement or enhance those of our group.
SISSA is an international and multidisciplinary PhD school, unique in Italy, pursuing research in the fields of Physics, Mathematics and Biophysical Sciences (http://www.sissa.it) SISSA has recently moved to a new building a few kilometres just outside Trieste on the hillside overlooking the city and Gulf of Trieste, and located close by the main scientific institutions of the area (ICTP, Trieste University and the Trieste Observatory). Trieste is situated in the north east of Italy, 130 km to the east of Venice and close to Slovenia, Austria and Croatia.
The selected candidates are expected to take part in the scientific activity of the Sector and to carry out their own independent research. There are no compulsory teaching duties. The salary covers the cost of living in Trieste, which is less expensive than other big Italian cities like Milan and Rome, and we offer funding for travel and inviting collaborators. SISSA also offers good local computer facilities and access to regional supercomputing resources. All of our scientific activity is carried out in English (as is the administrative support) and we provide local assistance for all members: a housing office (http://www.sissa.it/main/?p=A7_B4) the Welcome Office (http://www.welcomeoffice.trieste.it) Italian classes, and a nursery for children of SISSA members (http://www.sissa.it/ap/joinourgroup.html)
Applicants should register with https://academicjobsonline.org/ and then submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a research statement giving a brief description of past research and future plans, and provide the names and email addresses of two referees who we will automatically contact. The application form is found at http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/631
For further information or problems with the submitting your application, you can contact Dr. Lorena Bencina via email: bencina[at]sissa.it
Completed applications should be received no later than January 31, 2011.
2.4 Postdoc and PhD Position in Numerical Relativity at Jena
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Jena, Germany
Deadline: Wed, Jan 05, 2011
Additional Information: http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de
The numerical relativity group at the University of Jena anticipates the availability of a postdoc position starting September 2011, and a PhD position in April 2011.
The gravity group at Jena includes Marcus Ansorg, Bernd Bruegmann, Reinhard Meinel, and Gerhard Schaefer, and also involves applied mathematician Gerhard Zumbusch. There is the opportunity to participate in a wide range of research activities offered by the SFB/Transregio grant on "Gravitational Wave Astronomy", see http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de. Applicants with a background in numerical relativity, but also in the area of gravitational wave science or associated computational methods are especially encouraged to apply.
For the postdoc position, please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation. For the PhD position, please submit the same except that instead of the letters only a list of potential references is requested. Submission of PDF files is preferred.
Applications should be received no later than January 5, 2011, but applications will be considered until the positions are filled. In a situation where two candidates have otherwise equal qualifications, preference will be given to women, minorities, and handicapped applicants.
Please send applications to:
Renate Wagner, Email: r.wagner X tpi.uni-jena.de
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena
2.5 Postdoctoral positions at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Deadline: Sat, Jan 15, 2011
Additional Information: http://gravity.phys.uwm.edu
The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for a number of postdoctoral research positions. The initial appointments are for one year, with renewal for a second (and, in some cases, a third) year contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.
The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology at UWM is one of the nation's largest and most active research groups in gravity, cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics with nine faculty members, Luis Anchordoqui, Patrick Brady, Jolien Creighton, Dawn Erb, John Friedman, David Kaplan, Leonard Parker, Xavier Siemens, and Alan Wiseman, senior scientist Scott Koranda, visiting professor Warren Anderson, and several postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. The group also maintains a close relationship with the Albert Einstein Institutes in Hannover and Golm through Bruce Allen and Maria Alessandra Papa who hold Adjunct appointments at UWM and visit regularly.
The Center has a strong gravitational-wave astronomy group working on LIGO related research, including searches for binary neutron star and black hole inspirals, continuous waves from isolated neutron stars, development and support of Einstein@Home, bursts, and stochastic background. The group is active in several grid computing collaborations including the Open Science Grid (OSG). Other research activities in the Center include cosmic ray physics with Pierre-Auger, evolution and characterization of high redshift galaxies, neutron-star astrophysics, and radio astronomy. The Center also has a nascent computational astrophysics effort. More information about the people and the research can be found at
http://gravity.phys.uwm.edu .
The group is recruiting postdocs in gravitational-wave astronomy and related areas. Applicants with backgrounds in astronomy, gravitational-wave physics, theoretical relativity, numerical relativity, cosmology, or high energy physics (theory and experiment) are welcome to apply.
Applicants whose work overlaps any of the research interests of the group should send a C.V., publication list, and a brief statement of their research interests by email to cgcpd[at]gravity.phys.uwm.edu. Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent via e-mail to this address.
Screening of applications will begin January 15, 2011 and will continue until all positions are filled.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
2.6 International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD: 2011 Announcement
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: several universities in ICRANET
Deadline: Mon, Feb 28, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.irap-phd.org
9 Erasmus Mundus funded positions available (3 for European students, 5 for non-European students, 1 for “Western Balkans and Turkey Window" candidates)
28 February 2011- Erasmus Mundus program full economical support is provided
30 September 2011- nine additional fellowships
Additional Information: http://www.irap-phd.org – http://www.icranet.org – http://www.icra.it
Following the successful scientific space missions by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, as well as the high energy particle activities at CERN in Genève, we have initiated a Ph.D. programme dedicated to create a pool of scientists in the field of relativistic astrophysics. After taking full advantage of the observational and experimental facilities mentioned above, the students of our programme are expected to lead the theoretical developments of one of the most active fields of research: relativistic astrophysics. This program provides expertise in the most advanced topics of mathematical and theoretical physics, and in relativistic field theories, in the context of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. It provides the ability to model the observational data received from the above laboratories. This activity is necessarily international as no single university can have a scientific expertise in such a broad range of fiel
We announce two calls: one with a deadline on 28 February 2011, sponsored by Erasmus Mundus, and the other with a deadline on 30 September 2011. The Erasmus Mundus program has a very competitive salary as well as comprehensive benefits.
The Institutions participating in the IRAP PhD are: the international organization ICRANet as coordinating institution and the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis as the host Institution; the Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam; the Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) and ICRA Brasil; the Free University of Berlin; Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata; Observatoire de la Cote D’Azur, Nice; Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China; University of Ferrara, Italy; University of Rome, la Sapienza, Italy; University of Savoie, Annecy, France; University of Stockolm, Sweden, Tartu Observatory , Estonia. The Final Ph.D. degree will be jointly delivered by the Academic Institutions participating in the program. We encourage applications from the most qualified and motivated candidates worldwide, independent of nationality, gender or background. Special attention will be given to applicants originating from or planning to move to countries where ICRANet activities are in
action or being planned.
The Courses: Each student will have to follow 180 hours of courses during the three years of the Ph.D. program. There is also a possibility to follow courses from other Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Ph.D. programs in each participating institution, after approval by the Faculty. Courses can be chosen from the following list:
The Host Institution for the call of 2011-2012 is the Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis; Grand Château 28 Avenue Valrose 21 - B.P. 2135 - 06103 NICE CEDEX 2
Applications and Fellowships:
In 2011-2012, nine positions will be available. In the call of February 28, 2011, within the ERASMUS MUNDUS program, full economical support is provided. See http://www.irap-phd.org. In the call of September 30, 2011 nine additional fellowships will be available: six with full financial support. See http://www.icra.it and http://www.icranet.org. For further Information please contact: Dr. Carlo Luciano Bianco tel. + 39 06 4991 4 397, secretariat-irapphd[at]icra.it; Dr. Pina Barbaro Université de Nice- Parc Valrose 06108 Nice Cedex, Pina.Barbaro[at]unice.fr
The Faculty
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia - SAPIENZA Università di Roma
Vladimir Belinski - SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet
Carlo Luciano Bianco - SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet
Donato Bini - CNR – Istit. per Applicaz. del Calcolo “M. Picone”
Sandip Kumar Chakrabarti - Indian Centre For Space Physics, India
Pascal Chardonnet (Erasmus Mundus Coordinator) - Université de Savoie
Christian Cherubini - Università “Campus Biomedico” di Roma
Pierre Coullet - Université de Nice - Sophie Antipolis
Thibault Damour - IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
Jaan Einasto - Tartu Observatory
Simonetta Filippi - Univ.“Campus Biomedico” di Roma and ICRANet
Sergio Frasca - SAPIENZA Università di Roma
Filippo Frontera - Università di Ferrara
Yipeng Jing - Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China
Hagen Kleinert - Freie Universitat Berlin
Gian Luca Lippi - Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Francois Mignard - Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
Hermann Nicolai - Max Planck Inst. for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam
Mario Novello - Brazilian Centre For Physics Research, Brazil
José Pacheco - Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
Kjell Rosquist - Stockolm University
Remo Ruffini (Director) - SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet
Farrokh Vakili - Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
Gregory Vereshchagin - SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet
Xue She Sheng - SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet
3. News
3.1 Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation available online
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.nrbook.com/relativity/
The Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation, by Alan P. Lightman, William H. Press, Richard H. Price, and Saul A. Teukolsky, is now available free online at
The publisher, Princeton University Press, has generously given permission for this. The book remains in print and available for purchase.
Saul Teukolsky
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 Britgrav 2011
1.2 PASCOS 2011
1.3 Rencontres de Moriond and GPhyS Colloquium
1.4 School on Gravitational Waves: from Theory to Detection
1.5 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics at PI
2. Jobs
2.1 Research positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation at the AEI
2.2 Postdoctoral position in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy and Astrophysics at Syracuse
2.3 PhD Position in Scientific Computing at Jena University
2.4 Postdoc Position in Quantum Gravity at Utrecht University
2.5 Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Gravitational-Wave Physics at Maryland
2.6 PhD Scholarships in Computational/Mathematical Relativity at Otago
2.7 Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave physics at UIB
2.8 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitation Theory at Maryland
2.9 Postdoc Position in Theoretical/Computational Astrophysics at Jacobs University Bremen
2.10 CIFAR Junior Fellowship (Cosmology and Gravity Program)
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State
2.12 Postdoctoral position in Quantum Gravity at the AEI
2.13 Postdoctoral position in theoretical and experimental particle physics at ICN, UNAM, Mexico
2.14 Postdoctoral positions in astrophysics, numerical relativity and nuclear physics at IRFU, LUTH and IPN, Paris, France
2.15 Information Technology Analyst 3 or Consultant at LSU CCT
3. News
3.1 Post-doc and Student Prizes for the best presentations at the GR19 conference
3.2 GWIC Thesis Prize: Call for Nominations
3.3 Einstein Toolkit Release
3.4 Read the Classical and Quantum Gravity Highlights of 2009-2010
1. Conferences
1.1 Britgrav 2011
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Apr 04, 2011 to Thu, Apr 07, 2011
Location: Glasgow, UK
Additional Information: http://nppd.iopconfs.org/
The format of the Britgrav meeting in 2011 will be different to that in previous years. The Gravitational Physics Group is a member of the Nuclear and Particle Physics Division (NPPD) of the IOP, and the 2011 Britgrav meeting will be included in the 2011 NPPD conference (4-7 April 2011, University of Glasgow) as parallel sessions. PhD students and young postdocs (experimentalists and theorists alike) are encouraged to submit an abstract. In addition to the parallel sessions, the 2011 NPPD conference will include invited plenary talks on gravitational physics. See http://nppd.iopconfs.org/ for further details.
For abstract submission information see http://nppd.iopconfs.org/
Please note that the abstract submission deadline is *21 January 2011*.
David Burton
Hon. Sec. IOP Gravitational Physics Group
1.2 PASCOS 2011
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 03, 2011 to Fri, Jul 08, 2011
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/workshops/PASCOS/2011/
The Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge, UK, is proud to be hosting PASCOS 2011, the 17th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology. The conference will be held in the award-winning Centre for Mathematical Sciences from 3rd to 8th July 2011. The aim of the conference is to explore and develop synergies between particle physics, string theory and cosmology. This is a particularly timely meeting given ongoing flagship experiments like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the Planck satellite. With an international line-up of 26 speakers, all of them world leaders in these fields, PASCOS 2011 will be a major event in the conference schedule for 2011. For further details and latest news, see: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/research/gr/workshops/PASCOS/2011/. It is hoped to have online registration running shortly.
1.3 Rencontres de Moriond and GPhyS Colloquium
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Mar 20, 2011 to Sun, Mar 27, 2011
Location: La Thuile (Valle d'Aosta), Italy
Additional Information: http://gphys.obspm.fr/LaThuile2011/Home.html
The next Rencontres de Moriond meeting devoted to Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity will be organized in La Thuile (Valle d'Aosta, Italy), March 20-27, 2011.
The topics covered will include:
Gravitational Waves
o Astrophysical sources of GW
o Cosmological sources of GW
o GW data analysis
o Status of detectors
o Advanced detectors
o Space borne detectors
Experimental Gravity
o Tests of the equivalence principle (classical and cold atoms)
o Atrometry, solar system ephemerides and observational gravity tests
o Clocks, lasers and fundamental constants
o CPT and Lorentz symmetry
o Short range gravity and Casimir effect; classical, atom and neutron tests
o Long range gravity, dark matter, dark energy
Registration is now open.
And more details can be found on the web site of the conference:
Best regards,
the organizing committee
1.4 School on Gravitational Waves: from Theory to Detection
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, May 23, 2011 to Sat, May 28, 2011
Location: CargËse, Corsica, France
Additional Information: http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC/Conferences/Site_Cargese/Home.html
As its name suggests, the school program consists of essentially two parts: one devoted to the theoretical grounds of gravitational waves, the astrophysical sources and waveform models, the other more focused on detection principles and analysis methods.
1.5 Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics at PI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 20, 2011 to Sat, Jun 25, 2011
Location: Waterloo ON, Canada
This is the first circular, please note further info (webpage, deadlines, SOC, etc) will be sent in the near future.
The workshop will be held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo ON, Canada on June 20 - 25 2011, and will bring together leading and younger researchers in the field of numerical modeling and microscopic physics of matter and radiation at high densities where effects of general relativity play a central role.
The topics covered will include improved microscopic physics inputs (neutrino-matter interactions, equations of state, thermonuclear reaction rates) and computational methods (GRMHD, radiation transport, reaction networks) with an emphasis on approaches that allow for efficient implementation of the improvements in multi-D simulations of relativistic astrophysical systems.
2. Jobs
2.1 Research positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation at the AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Sun, Dec 12, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) will fill research positions in the areas
Mathematical Relativity
Geometric Analysis
Research programs concern the mathematical foundations of general relativity and related physical theories, they are based in analysis, geometry and numerical analysis. In particular, nonlinear partial differential equations are a common theme of our research.
The Einstein field equations model both the behavior of global cosmological models and of isolated gravitating systems such as stars, black holes and galaxies. Our research addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions with respect to their local and global behavior, singularity formation and numerical simulation and investigates the close correspondence between geometrical structures and physical concepts. Other field equations arise from string theory and the consideration of matter in modern mathematical models in elasticity, fluids, electromagnetism and gauge theories.
Several mathematical projects are concerned with the geometrical structure of space and time. They involve geometrical variational principles characterizing specific models in geometry and physics as well as geometric evolution equations like the mean curvature flow of surfaces and the Ricci-flow of Riemannian metrics.
There are close interactions with the research sections "Astrophysical Relativity" and "Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories" in the Albert Einstein Institute, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam.
Postdoctoral appointments typically are for two years, starting September 2011 or earlier.
A limited number of PhD-scholarships is available, compare also the website of our "International-Max-Planck-Research-School", http://www.aei.mpg.de/imprs/index.html .
To apply please submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to anne.lampe[AT]aei.mpg.de
2.2 Postdoctoral position in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy and Astrophysics at Syracuse
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Syracuse, NY, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phy.syr.edu/
The Syracuse University Gravitational-Wave Group invites application for a postdoctoral research position in gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics, starting September 1, 2011 or possibly earlier. The initial appointment will be for one year, renewable up to three years contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.
The Syracuse University Gravitational-Wave Group consists of faculty members Stefan Ballmer, Duncan Brown and Peter Saulson, senior scientist Peter Couvares, 1 postdoc and 7 graduate students. The group has a broad range of research interests in gravitational-wave astronomy including searches for compact binaries, unmodeled bursts and stochastic sources, as well as detector characterization and next-generation detector development. The Syracuse group has excellent computing and laboratory facilities and operates a 320 CPU core Intel Xeon cluster for gravitational wave data analysis and source modeling. The group has recently received NSF funding to upgrade this to a 2000-core computing cluster.
The successful candidate's research will be focused on development of search and parameter estimation techniques for gravitational waves using the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO), the interface between numerical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy and the physics of gravitational-wave sources.
For full consideration qualified candidates must complete an online management application at www.sujobopps.com (job #027055) and attach their curriculum vitae, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to Prof. Duncan Brown at dabrown[at]physics.syr.edu or via regular mail to:
Prof. Duncan Brown,
Department of Physics,
Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Application materials should be submitted by December 15, 2010 for full consideration, but the screening process will continue until the position is filled. Syracuse University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Members of minority groups and women are especially encouraged to apply.
2.3 PhD Position in Scientific Computing at Jena University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Jena, Germany
Deadline: Fri, Dec 31, 2010
Additional Information: http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/Jobs/
PhD research position on Numerical Methods within the Collaborative Research Center SFB/Transregio 7 "Gravitational Wave Astronomy" is available from January 2011 at Jena University.
The PhD project will focus on the development and implementation of numerical methods for second order wave equations, including Finite Element and discontinuous Galerkin methods. A background in one or more of the following is considered advantageous: numerical methods for PDEs, differential geometry, exterior calculus, general relativity, working experience in high-level programming languages, parallel computing.
2.4 Postdoc Position in Quantum Gravity at Utrecht University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Deadline: Fri, Dec 17, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~loll/Web/jobs/jobs.html
There will be an opening for a post-doctoral position in quantum gravity in the group headed by Renate Loll at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Utrecht University, starting in autumn of 2011 or earlier. Applicants should have a background in quantum gravity or related areas, and an active interest in contributing to the group's research in nonperturbative quantum gravity, in particular, the approach of Causal Dynamical Triangulations and possible applications to cosmology. See the attached URL for more information and how to apply.
2.5 Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Gravitational-Wave Physics at Maryland
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: College Park, MD, USA
Deadline: Fri, Dec 31, 2010
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group at the University of Maryland announces the opening of a postdoctoral position in gravitational waves, starting in the Fall of 2011. The position is in the areas of LIGO/Virgo data analysis, with emphasis on the search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences, gravitational-wave source modeling, the interface between analytical and numerical relativity,and post-Newtonian theory.
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group is part of the Gravitation Theory Group at Maryland which consists of Professors Dieter Brill, Alessandra Buonanno, Bei-Lok Hu, Ted Jacobson, Charlie Misner (Emeritus), Manuel Tiglio, currently postdocs Enrico Barausse, Frank Herrmann, Alexandre Le Tiec, Yi Pan, Craig Robinson, and Sudipta Sarkar, and four graduate students. The Gravitational Wave Theory Group is also part of the Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (http://mcfp.physics.umd.edu/) and the Joint Space-Science Institute (http://jsi.astro.umd.edu/)
The Gravitational Wave Theory Group has also interactions with the Maryland Gravitation Experimental Group, Professors Ho-Jung Paik and Peter Shawhan, with the Astronomy Department, notably, Professors Cole Miller and Chris Reynolds, and with the LISA and numerical relativity group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
All applicants will also automatically be considered for a Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (MCFP) postdoctoral fellowship. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications, and descriptions of past research and future research interests, and arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent to gwt-postdocs[at]physics.umd.edu. For any inquiry on the postdoctoral positions, please, contact Professor Alessandra Buonanno (buonanno[at]umd.edu)
It is requested that all application materials be sent as pdf files or as plain text. Please merge all application materials (other than letters of recommendation) into one pdf file if at all possible.
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 31, 2010. Maryland is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2.6 PhD Scholarships in Computational/Mathematical Relativity at Otago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Dunedin, New Zealand
Deadline: Sat, Dec 31, 2011
Applications are invited for 3-year PhD scholarships in Applied Mathematics, in particular in mathematical or computational relativity, at the University of Otago. A University of Otago Prestigious Scholarship provides an annual emolument of $25,000, plus tuition fee waiver for 3 years. A normal University of Otago Postgraduate Scholarship provides an annual emolument of $20,000, plus tuition fee waiver for 3 years: exceptional applicants who are awarded a Prestigious Scholarship may be eligible for additional support offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Applicants should have a First Class honours degree, or Masters degree, or equivalent, specialising in an area of Applied Mathematics.The scholarships are available to both International and Domestic students. There is no deadline for applications.
Interested? Then, you should apply for a University of Otago Postgraduate Scholarship by downloading the appropriate application form the Scholarships Office website at:
Successful applicants will be considered for a departmental supplement.
Enquiries to: Professor J. Frauendiener
(Phone: +64 3 479 7770, Email: joergf[at]maths.otago.ac.nz )
2.7 Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave physics at UIB
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Palma, Spain
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/GRG
The gravity group at the Balearic Islands University (UIB) [http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/GRG] is seeking applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in the areas of gravitational wave physics and astrophysics, including data analysis for current and future gravitational wave detectors, modeling of gravitational-wave sources, numerical relativity, and related astrophysical topics.
Research of the UIB group focuses on studies of gravitational waves from the point of view of data analysis and numerical simulations, cosmology and dark matter. UIB is a member institution of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the GEO600 project, and our group is part of the IAC3 computational institute. The group consists of faculty members Carles Bona, Jaume Carot, Sascha Husa, Lluis Mas, Joan Masso, Alicia Sintes and Joan Stela, and post-doctoral research fellow Denis Pollney, as well as several graduate students. Two further postdoctoral researchers are expected to arrive in early 2011. The position is available in 2011, the exact starting date being negotiable.
Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, brief description of research interests and achievements, as well as arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to gravity.uib.contact[at]gmail.com. Please contact Alicia Sintes (alicia.sintes[at]uib.es) and Sascha Husa (sascha.husa[at]uib.es) or any other group member if you have any questions.
Review of applications will begin on December 15, and applications will be considered until the position is filled. The position is funded by grant FPA2010-16495 of the Spanish ministry for science and innovation, "Data analysis and source modeling for gravitational wave detectors" to Alicia Sintes.
2.8 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitation Theory at Maryland
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: College Park, MD, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/608
The Maryland Gravitation Theory Group announces an opening for a postdoctoral position in gravitation theory, starting in the Fall of 2011. The position is for one year, with renewal for a second year expected depending on the continuation of funding and satisfactory progress.
The research areas for this position include, but are not limited to, phenomenology of general relativity and modified gravity theories, black hole thermodynamics, quantum field theory in curved spacetime, and quantum gravity.
The Maryland Gravitation Theory Group currently consists of Professors Dieter Brill, Alessandra Buonanno, Bei-Lok Hu, Ted Jacobson, and Manuel Tiglio, and is part of the Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (MCFP), which also includes particle and nuclear theory groups. The group web page is http://www.physics.umd.edu/rgroups/grt/ ; the Center web page is http://mcfp.physics.umd.edu/. Some members of the group are also fellows of the Joint Space Science Institute: http://jsi.astro.umd.edu/.
All applicants will also automatically be considered for an MCFP postdoctoral fellowship. Applications should be submitted via Academic Jobs Online, at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/608 and should incude a CV, publication list, and statement of research experience and interests, and at least three letters of reference. Maryland is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Deadline: Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Contact: Y. Kubota
Email: ykubota[at]umd.edu
More information: http://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/608
2.9 Postdoc Position in Theoretical/Computational Astrophysics at Jacobs University Bremen
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bremen, Germany
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/srosswog/Postdoc_advert_flyer_10_2010.pdf
Position available immediately, without any restriction on citizenship.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Physics or Astrophysics, in exceptional cases also in Mathematics or Computer Science. The main topic of the project will be related to the tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes, but other topics related to compact objects may also be studied. The current research interests of the group comprise space-plasma physics, galaxy clusters, compact objects, binary systems, supernova explosions, Gamma-ray bursts, nucleosynthesis, sources of gravitational waves and computational methods.
Jacobs University Bremen is an English-speaking private research University in the North of Germany. Jacobs University has excellent local computing facilities and access to national supercomputing centres.The selection process will begin 15 December 2010, but applications will be considered for as long as the position is available.
Potential applicants are encouraged to make informal enquiries to
Prof. Dr. Stephan Rosswog
Jacobs University Bremen
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen, Germany
Email: s.rosswog[AT]jacobs-university.de
Candidates should send HARDCOPIES (no emails, please) of their application material (curriculum vitae, publication list, summary of current research interests; max. 2 pages) to the above address. They should also arrange for two letters of reference to arrive by the same date.
2.10 CIFAR Junior Fellowship (Cosmology and Gravity Program)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Eligible universities in Canada
Additional Information: http://www2.cifar.ca/media/files/C%26G Junior Fellow Ad - June 2010.pdf
The Junior Fellow Academy of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research is an elite fellowship program designed to build research and leadership capacity in gifted young scholars at a critical early stage of career development. The Academy provides unique opportunities for personal and professional growth through close collaboration with and mentorship from some of the best researchers in Canada and around the world.
CIFAR's Cosmology and Gravity Program is seeking outstanding postdoctoral researchers to fill a Junior Fellowship position beginning in or after July 2011. The Junior Fellowship will be held in conjunction with a university postdoctoral appointment under the supervision of one or more program Fellows or Scholars. The position is tenable at any of the Canadian institutions where members of the Cosmology and Gravity Program are based.
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: University Park, PA, USA
Deadline: Sun, Dec 12, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/opportunities/index.shtml
The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos expects an opening for a post-doctoral position starting fall 2011 in the areas of general relativity and quantum gravity. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. In exceptional cases it has been renewed also for a third year.
The gravitational theory group consists of Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Bojowald, Murat Gunaydin and Radu Roiban. In addition, Professors Roger Penrose, Jerzy Lewandowski, Alejandro Corichi and Stephon Alexander hold visiting professorships at the Institute. Successful candidates will be encouraged to interact also with mathematicians in the Center for Fundamental Theory and with members of the Center for Gravitational Wave Physics. During the current academic year, the Institute has approximately 20 post-docs (including Drs. Ivan Agullo, David Brizuela, Marco Chiodaroli, Jacobo Diaz-Polo, Alok Laddha, Elena Magliaro, William Nelson, Claudio Perini, Dmytro Volin in Fundamental Theory). For further information on the Institute, see http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
Current areas of research include Loop quantum gravity, mathematical, conceptual as well as phenomenological issues in cosmology, black hole dynamics, interface of analytical and numerical quantum gravity, supergravity and gravitational aspects of string theory and non-commutative geometry. In particular, ideas from both loop quantum gravity and string theory are being applied to fundamental problems of cosmology, analysis of singularity resolution and the issue of information loss. More generally, the Institute provides a rare forum for stimulating exchanges of ideas between different approaches to quantum gravity.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research interests/plans and arrange to have three recommendation letters sent directly to:
Randi Neshteruk
IGC Post-doc Applications
104 Davey Lab #258
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802-6300, USA
E-mail applications will be preferred provided the material is included as PDF file attachments. They should be sent to:
The deadline for receipt of all application material is December 12th, 2010. Penn State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
2.12 Postdoctoral position in Quantum Gravity at the AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/metanavi/jobs/index.html
We invite applications of outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral position, starting in or around the fall 2011, at the Max Planck Institute (Albert Einstein Institute) for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany, in Quantum Gravity. This is meant to include loop quantum gravity and spin foam models, group field theories, matrix models, discrete quantum gravity, non-commutative geometry, and related areas, including gravitational thermodynamics, emergent gravity models and quantum gravity phenomenology.
The position will be offered either in the Max-Planck Research Group headed by Dr. Bianca Dittrich (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/canonicalCovariantDynamics/ind…) or in the Independent Research Group headed by Dr. Daniele Oriti (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/microscopicQuantumStructure/in…) and funded by a Sofja Kowalevskaja Award of the Humboldt Foundation. The two groups are formed by approximately twenty members in total, between postdocs, PhD students and visiting scientists. The two groups are also involved in a variety of international research collaborations. Moreover, close collaboration and research exchanges are expected with the ''Quantum gravity and unified theories'' division of the Institute, directed by Prof. Nicolai, and counting on a considerable number postdocs and PhD students (see http://www.aei-potsdam.mpg.de/english/research/teams/quantumGravity/index.h…)
Overall, we can offer a vibrant, stimulating and top quality research environment for young researchers interested in Quantum Gravity.
The postdoctoral appointments will be for two years, with the possibility of extension (depending on performance and availability of funds) in exceptional circumstances. We offer competitive salary, depending on experience, and adequate travel funds.
Applicants are expected to hold, or to anticipate receiving very soon, a PhD in theoretical or mathematical physics, and to have already shown outstanding research abilities and potential. Successful applicants will likely have a strong research background and research interests in at least one of the following areas: loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, group field theory, simplicial gravity, matrix models, non-commutative geometry, fundamental cosmology and cosmological implications of quantum gravity models, emergent gravity in condensed matter systems, thermodynamical aspects of gravity, quantum gravity phenomenology. Interest in combining methods and ideas from different approaches to quantum gravity, and to apply techniques from quantum (statistical) field theory and/or condensed matter theory in quantum gravity is desirable.
The review of applications will start December 1st 2010, but applications will be considered until the position is filled.
To apply, please visit the webpage:
and follow the application procedure online.
Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be written on your behalf. Referees will be asked to upload the letters following your application. Alternatively, they can be e-mailed to qgpostdocs[at]aei.mpg.de or mailed to
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik
Frau Christine Gottschalkson
Am Muehlenberg 1
D-14476 Golm
The Albert Einstein Institute is an equal opportunity employer, and applications from women and minority scholars are strongly encouraged.
For any question or problem concerning the application process, please contact daniele.oriti[at]aei.mpg.de
2.13 Postdoctoral position in theoretical and experimental particle physics at ICN, UNAM, Mexico
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Mexico City, Mexico
Deadline: Tue, Feb 15, 2011
The High Energy Physics Department of the Institute of Nuclear Science (ICN) at the National University in Mexico City (UNAM) is seeking candidates for a 1+1 year postdoctoral position in the fields of theoretical and experimental particle physics, starting on September 2011.
The research topics developed at the Department include: Astroparticle Physics, Effective Field Theories, Electroweak Baryogenesis, Gauge/Gravity Duality, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods of Quantization, Mathematical Physics, Neutrino Physics, Noncommutative Field Theories, Quantum Gravity Phenomenology, Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics, Thermal Field Theory, Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Physics. The Department is also currently engaged in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and in the Pierre Auger Observatory, as well as in the JEM-EUSO and HAWC collaborations.
The permanent members of the Department are: A. Aguilar-Arevalo, A. Ayala, E. Cuautle, J.C. D'Olivo, A. Garcia, A. Guijosa, G. Medina-Tanco, L. Nellen, G. Paic, S. Sahu, M. Socolovsky, L.F. Urrutia and J.D. Vergara. In addition, there are currently four postdocs: M.A. Acero, V. Cuesta, C. De Donato and R. Lehnert .
Those interested should send (preferably by e-mail) an application consisting of a cover letter, C.V., description of previous research experience and current research interests, along with three letters of recommendation, to:
Prof. Jose David Vergara,
Head, High Energy Physics Department
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Circuito Exterior S/N, Ciudad Universitaria
Apdo. Postal 70-143 C.P. 04510
Mexico, D.F. MEXICO
Ph.: +52-55-5622 4690 / 91 / 92
Fax: +52-55-5622 4693
Email: vergara[AT]nucleares.unam.mx
To receive full consideration, all application materials should be received no later than February 15th, 2011.
2.14 Postdoctoral positions in astrophysics, numerical relativity and nuclear physics at IRFU, LUTH and IPN, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Paris, France
Deadline: Tue, Feb 01, 2011
The program SN2NS, sponsored by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), is advertising three postdoctoral positions for the period 2011-2014. The expected starting date is September 1, 2011, though earlier starting dates can be accommodated. Required application materials include a CV, bibliography, a statement of research interests and three letters of reference. All applications arriving before February 1, 2011 will be fully considered. Later applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
SN2NS is a 4-year program of the French agency ANR whose goal is the modeling of stellar core-collapse, leading to the birth of neutron stars and black holes. It involves three laboratories:
- Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU) in the CEA (Saclay)
- Laboratoire Univers et Theories (LUTh) in the Observatoire de Paris (Meudon)
- Institut de Physique Nucleaire (IPN) in the UniversitÈ Paris 11 (Orsay)
* Postdoctoral position at IRFU, CEA-Saclay (36 months)
Location: Service d'astrophysique, Orme des merisiers, CEA Saclay, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
Contact person: Thierry Foglizzo (foglizzo[AT]cea.fr)
The hydrodynamical aspects of the SN2NS project will be studied at IRFU using numerical and analytical tools. The successful candidate will conduct multidimensional simulations in order to characterize the consequences of instabilities during core-collapse. Their sensitivity to the simplified prescriptions concerning gravity, neutrino transport and the microphysics will be studied in close collaboration with LUTh and IPN. A strong background in numerical hydrodynamics is required. Some experience in the physics of core-collapse supernovae would be welcome. Available tools include simplified versions of the code CoCoNut developped at LUTh, and the AMR code RAMSES developped at Saclay. The succesful candidate will benefit from the stimulating environment of the COAST group at IRFU/SAp, and the help of visualisation engineers associated with the project.
* Postdoctoral position at LUTH, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (36 months)
Location: Laboratoire Univers et Theories, Observatoire de Meudon, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon, France.
Contact person: Jerome Novak (jerome.novak[AT]obspm.fr)
The main interest of LUTH within this project is to study the formation of a black hole in realistic stellar core-collapse, and its properties regarding its spin and kick velocity. The successful candidate should be able to rapidly join the collaborative numerical project CoCoNuT (see http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/hydro/COCONUT) developed together with the Max-Planck-Institut f¸r Astrophysik (Garching, Germany) and the University of Valencia (Spain) and to develop his/her own numerical tools to study the formation of a black hole and its interaction with its surroundings. She/he will also have to work in collaboration with the two other groups: IRFU (SASI and hydrodynamics) and IPN (realistic equation of state and neutrino interactions). The applicant of this post-doctoral position at LUTH should therefore have some interest in the field of numerical relativity in the context of gravitational collapse and/or black hole simulation. However, any candidate with some experienc
e in the numerical modeling of gravitational collapse (hydrodynamics, neutrino transport, ...) is also encouraged to apply.
* Postdoctoral position at IPN, Universite Paris 11, Orsay (24 months)
Location: Institut de Physique Nucleaire, 15 rue Georges Clemenceau, 91400 Orsay, France.
Contact person: Jerome Margueron (jmargue[AT]ipno.in2p3.fr)
Realistic microphysics input for numerical simulations will be developed at IPN in collaboration with LUTH Meudon and LPC Caen. The aim is to obtain an equation of state covering the entire domain of density, asymmetry and temperature reached by massive core collapse events together with consistent electro-weak interaction rates (electron capture, neutrino interactions). This means that the multi-component sub-saturation regime, where statistical models could be employed, as well as the dense regime with a possible transition to exotic matter (hyperons, quarks) should be described. The implementation into core-collapse modelization will be done in collaboration with the partners at LUTH and at IRFU. We are therefore looking for applicants with profound knowledge in nuclear/hadronic physics. Some experience in dense matter (neutron stars or supernovae) would be appreciated.
2.15 Information Technology Analyst 3 or Consultant at LSU CCT
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Deadline: position is open until filled
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.js…
The Information Technology Analyst 3 or Consultant works with researchers in the CCT focus areas in the design of software systems to support scientific research; works with Cyberinfrastructure Development (CyD) to promote adoption of CCT frameworks and tools; supports the research goals of the CCT Coast to Cosmos and Core Computational Sciences focus areas; develops and supports software, particularly Cactus and related tools, and educating others about its use; ensures that this software makes efficient use of computational resources, e.g. via providing optimization, deploying tools, or consulting; conducts research in relativistic astrophysics and other research groups, complementing the strategic goals and plans of the CCT Coast to Cosmos focus area; ensures that this research is making efficient use of novel and emerging technologies, including technologies from the Core Computational Sciences focus area; prepares proposals and reports; represents the CCT at national an
d international meetings.
This is not the full ad for the position. For the full ad and/or to apply you should go to
The LSU System is an equal opportunity/equal access employer.
3. News
3.1 Post-doc and Student Prizes for the best presentations at the GR19 conference
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.isgrg.org/prizes.php
The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation awards prizes for the best post-doc and student presentations at the Society's tri-annual conferences. The winners are chosen by the Executive committee of the Society from recommendations made by the Session Chairs and the Chair of the Scientific organization committee of the conference. For further details, see http://www.isgrg.org/prizes.php
The post-doc prizes are named after Prof. S. Chandrasekhar and are sponsored by World Scientific. They were instituted in 2010, the centennial year of Professor Chandrasekhar's birth. There is one prize in each of the four major themes of the conference. The 2010 prize winners are: Drs. Wei Chet Lim (Mathematical and Numerical Relativity); Mark Hannam (Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology); Thomas Corbitt (Experimental Gravitation) and Parampreet Singh (Quantum Gravity). The prize carries a certificate, a 3 year membership of the Society and a monetary award of $150.
The student prizes are made possible through generosity of Professor James B. Hartle. The 2010 Hartle Prize winners are: Amitai Bin-Nun, Bethan Cropp, Samuel Gralla, Charalampos Markakis, Vivien Raymond, Ian Morrison, David Sloan, Jan Steinhoff and Francesca Vidotto. The prize carries a certificate, a 3 year membership of the Society and a monetary award of $75.
Congratulations to all the winners!
3.2 GWIC Thesis Prize: Call for Nominations
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://gwic.ligo.org/thesisprize/
The Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) was formed to promote international collaboration and cooperation in the construction, operation and use of gravitational wave detection facilities world-wide. To this end, GWIC has established an annual prize for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis based on research in gravitational waves.
Nominations for the 2010 GWIC Thesis Prize are now open. Members of the broader gravitational wave community are invited to nominate students who have performed notable research on any aspect of gravitational waves science. Theses will be judged on 1) originality and creativity of the research, 2) importance to the field of gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection, broadly interpreted, and 3) clarity of presentation in the thesis.
Eligibility: The award is made on a calendar year basis. Theses should have been accepted by their institutions between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010 to qualify for consideration. It is expected that many of the nominations will come from the member projects of GWIC, but this is not a requirement. A committee representing the GWIC member projects will evaluate the nominations and select the winner. Nominated theses may be in any language. The selection committee will make the final determinations about eligibility.
Nominations: Nominations should be submitted to the selection committee chair (Viviana Fafone, viviana.fafone[at]roma2.infn.it) by January 15, 2011. The nomination package consists of (i) the thesis, (ii) a letter of nomination, preferably from the thesis advisor, and (iii) an optional supporting letter from another scientist familiar with the work. The nomination letter (and supporting letter if applicable) should describe the importance of the research and how it supports GWIC's goals to promote construction and exploitation of gravitational-wave detectors, foster development of new or enhanced gravitational-wave detectors, and to support the development of gravitational-wave detection as an astronomical tool generally. The thesis and letters may be submitted in electronic form (preferred) or in hard-copy (five copies).
The GWIC Thesis Prize will be presented at the 9th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves (Amaldi9) in Cardiff, UK from 10-15 July 2011. The recipient will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize of $1,000. The nominator is responsible to ensure that travel funds will be made available to send the winner to the Amaldi Conference to receive the prize.
3.3 Einstein Toolkit Release
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/toolkit/releases/ET_2010_11_announcement.php
We are pleased to announce the second release (code name "Chandrasekhar") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. This release is mainly a maintenance release incorporating fixes accumulated since the previous release in June 2010, as well as additional test suites.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including CactusEinstein, the Carpet AMR infrastructure and on the public version of the Whisky hydrodynamics code (now modified and called GRHydro). The Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development. The toolkit includes modules to build complete codes for simulating black hole spacetimes as well as systems governed by relativistic hydrodynamics. Current development in the consortium is targeted at providing additional infrastructure for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve postdocs and faculty from five different institutions, and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join in.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages http://einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 0903973/0903782/0904015 (CIGR), and also by NSF 0701566/0855892 (XiRel), 0721915 (Alpaca), 0905046/0941653 (PetaCactus) and 0710874 (LONI Grid).
The "Chandrasekhar" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2010-11-23)
3.4 Read the Classical and Quantum Gravity Highlights of 2009-2010
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://herald.iop.org/link/4077
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to announce the publication of Classical and Quantum Gravity's Highlights of 2009-2010. The articles in the list, published between May 2009 and June 2010, were selected by the Editorial Board of Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG) as a representation of the best recent work in gravitational physics.
The list includes research Papers, Fast Track Communications, review articles and special issue contributions. The selected articles have also proven popular with our readers and have been frequently downloaded.
Look out for the CQG Highlights Brochure in 2011, which will be available at gravitational physics meetings. The brochure summarises the highlighted papers and will tell you more about the journal's ongoing activities including prize sponsorships and forthcoming special issues.
I invite you to submit your work to CQG and look forward to seeing it promoted as a CQG Highlight in the future.
Yours sincerely
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity

02 Nov '10
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop
1.2 14th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction at Southampton (First announcement)
1.3 Eastern Gravity Meeting (First Announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral positions in mathematics at IST Lisbon
2.2 Faculty position in computational mathematics at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2.3 Faculty position in gravitational physics/cosmology at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2.4 Postdoctoral Fellowships and Research Associate Positions at CITA
2.5 Faculty Position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics/Gravitational Waves at UMD
2.6 Postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational astrophysics at Johns Hopkins University
2.7 PhD positions in GW data analysis at Nikhef, Amsterdam
2.8 Postdoctoral position(s) in loop quantum gravity at LSU
2.9 Postdoctoral positions in Astrophysical Relativity at the AEI
2.10 Postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at Portsmouth
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
2.12 Postdoctoral position at the Rochester Institute of Technology
2.13 Postdoctoral Positions in Gravitational Physics at Montana State
2.14 Junior professorship at the APC laboratory, University Paris Denis Diderot
2.15 Faculty positions at IPMU
2.16 Postdoctoral Fellows at IPMU
2.17 Postdoctoral position in theoretical gravity at University of Tartu
3. News
3.1 Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer (New Book)
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Quantization of Midisuperspace Models"
3.3 Read the 2010 CERN Winter School in Classical & Quantum Gravity
3.4 Read the Classical & Quantum Gravity GWDAW-14 Special Issue
3.5 2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravity
1. Conferences
1.1 Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Jan 26, 2011 to Sat, Jan 29, 2011
Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/conferences/gwpaw
The Gravitational-wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (the re-incarnation of GWDAW) will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA from 26-29 January 2011. This is the first of three circulars that will be distributed describing GWPAW. Additional information, including registration instructions, can be found at the workshop web site. At this URL, you can also subscribe to a mailing list for future circulars.
Early registration: Monday, 20 December 2010
Abstract submission: Friday, 7 January 2011
Hotel special workshop rate: Tuesday, 9 January 2011
Registration: Sunday, 16 January 2011
To bring together experts in gravitational waves, astronomy and computational astrophysics to address open questions in gravitational-wave astronomy. The workshop will be arranged around the following questions: How do we combine gravitational-wave, electromagnetic, and particle observations of transient astrophysical events? What can we learn about compact objects through multi-messenger observations and simulations? How can we use gravitational-wave observations to address open questions in cosmology? How can gravitational-wave observations address fundamental questions of physics? For example, what constraints can be placed on alternative theories of gravity? The next generation of gravitational-wave detectors will begin observations around the middle of the decade. What gaps, if any, in observational capabilities need to be filled in order to maximize the science related to gravitational-wave observations?
The workshop sessions will last three-and-one-half days, beginning in the morning about 09:00 AM on Wednesday, January 26, and ending around lunchtime 12:30 PM on Saturday, January 29. There will be a reception at the hotel on the evening of Tuesday, January 25. There will be a banquet at Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin on Thursday, January 27.
The closest airports are (1) at 15km, Milwaukee (MKE) and (2) at 150km, Chicago O'Hare (ORD).
The workshop will take place at the UWM Center for Continuing Education (UCCE) Conference Facility. This is located on the 7th floor of the Plankinton Building, 161 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203-2602 USA. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served at the conference center on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Breakfast will also be served at the conference center on Saturday morning.
The workshop hotel is the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, 33 West Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 USA. The hotel is located approximately two city blocks from the workshop venue.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hyatt for the nights of Tuesday, 25 January 2011 through Friday, 28 January 2011. This block of rooms will be held in reserve until Tuesday, 11 January 2011. Please note that the hotel is hosting two additional conferences during these dates and room availability after this date cannot be guaranteed.
Room rates (block identifier: GWPAW) are:
Single Occupancy: US $109.00/night
Double Occupancy: US $109.00/night
Online reservations are strongly encouraged. You will find a link for making on-line reservations at the negotiated rate on the GWPAW website.
Alternatively, you can reserve a room by calling 1-888-421-1442 or +1-414-276-1234 and requesting the "GWPAW" room rate.
The members of the Scientific Organizing Committee are:
Lars Bildsten. University of California, Santa Barbara
Marie Anne Bizouard. LAL Orsay and Carleton College
Patrick Brady (Chair). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Laura Cadonati. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Neil Gehrels. NASA/GSFC and University of Maryland
Francis Halzen. University of Wisconsin
Scott Hughes. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Zelko Ivezic (*). University of Washington
Nobuyuki Kanda. Osaka City University
David Kaplan. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Shri Kulkarni. Caltech
Maura McLaughlin. West Virginia University
Brian McNamara. Waterloo University
Benoit Mours. LAPP‚ Annecy
Ben Owen. Pennsylvania State University
Maria Alessandra Papa. Albert Einstein Institute-MPG
Fulvio Ricci (*). University of La Sapienza and INFN
Susan Scott. Australian National University
Deirdre Shoemaker. Georgia Institute of Technology
Xavier Siemens. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Alberto Vecchio. University of Birmingham
Stan Whitcomb. Caltech
(*) To be confirmed.
The members of the Local Organizing Committee are: Patrick Brady, Alan Wiseman, Stefanie Pinnow, Sara Gil-Casanova. Contact the local organizing committee by e-mail to gwpaw-loc[AT]gravity.phys.uwm.edu
A breakdown of the sessions will be provided in the next circular. Abstract submission will open at the end of November.
Early Registration: $325 (until Dec 20)
Late Registration: $350 (after Dec 20)
The registration includes the welcome reception on Tuesday evening; breakfast, lunch and breaks on Wed-Sat; and the workshop dinner at Discovery World on Thursday evening.
Additional registration information is available at the GWPAW web site
The average of the Milwaukee daily maximum and minimum temperatures in Celsius for January 26 -29 are:
Average Maximum: -1
Average Minimum: -9
1.2 14th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction at Southampton (First announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jul 04, 2011 to Fri, Jul 08, 2011
Location: Southampton, UK
We are pleased to announce that the 14th Capra meeting on radiation reaction in relativity will be held at the University of Southampton, UK, on 4-8th July 2011 (the week preceding the Amaldi meeting in Cardiff). Further details will follow in January.
1.3 Eastern Gravity Meeting (First Announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Thu, Jun 02, 2011 to Fri, Jun 03, 2011
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
The 14th Eastern Gravity Meeting will be held June 2-3, 2011 at Princeton University.
The format of the meeting will follow previous regional meetings, where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. A conference website will be open in a few months, at which time more details, registration information and abstract submission will be available.
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral positions in mathematics at IST Lisbon
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Lisbon, Portugal
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://camgsd.math.ist.utl.pt/postdocs.phtml.en
The Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems of the Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, invites applications for postdoctoral positions for research in mathematics, subject to budgetary approval. Positions are for one year, with the possibility of extension for a second year upon mutual agreement. Selected candidates will be able to take up their position between September 1, 2011, and January 1, 2012.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in mathematics, or in a related area relevant to the scientific interests of the faculty of the Center, preferably obtained after December 31, 2008. They must show very strong research promise in one of the areas in which the faculty of the Center is currently active. There are no teaching duties associated with these positions.
Information on how to apply please see in:
2.2 Faculty position in computational mathematics at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Deadline: Mon, Nov 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/positions.html
The Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), invites applications to fill one faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level in Mathematical Sciences. Starting date is August 2011.
The department is seeking an outstanding researcher in computational mathematics with interdisciplinary focus. Candidates must have, or expect to complete by August 2011, a PhD or equivalent in mathematics or a closely related field, with expertise in computational mathematics. Preferred qualifications are: evidence of a strong research record (publications, funding, post-doc experience); a commitment to teaching excellence; primary expertise in numerical partial differential equations (PDE), high performance scientific computing (HPC), multiscale modeling and analysis (MMA), computational stochastics or a related field, and interdisciplinary experience or potential.
The candidate is expected to develop significant cooperation with researchers in other fields of application, especially outside the Department of Mathematical Sciences, in fields such as biology, bio-engineering, chemistry, freshwater science, medicine, and public health. Responsibilities include development of a vigorous, collaborative research program, teaching two courses per semester, and taking active roles in the undergraduate, Master‚ and Doctoral programs. A competitive compensation, benefits, and research start-up package is provided.
The Mathematical Sciences Department has a faculty of 37, including pure mathematicians, applied & computational mathematicians, statisticians, and atmospheric scientists. We are engaged in collaborations with many other departments in the natural sciences and engineering, as well as the Great Lakes WATER Institute and the Medical College of Wisconsin. More information can be found by visiting our web page at http://www.math.uwm.edu/
Applications must be completed online at http://jobs.uwm.edu/postings/4906, where applicants will upload a CV, cover letter, and teaching and research statements. Please include links to relevant web pages and publications in your cover letter or CV. In addition, applicants must arrange to have three letters of recommendation (at least one should address the candidate's teaching abilities) sent to the Chairperson at stockbri[at]uwm.edu at Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413.
Review of applications will start by November 15, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. UW-Milwaukee is an AA/EEO employer.
2.3 Faculty position in gravitational physics/cosmology at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/positions.html
The Department of Physics at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant or tenured associate professorship, beginning Fall 2011. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: cosmology, numerical relativity, computational astrophysics, and astro-particle physics. We are seeking candidates who have an outstanding research and publication record and who have promise of excellent teaching. A PhD in physics, astronomy or closely related field is required. The position is associated with the Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, home to seven professors, one visiting professor, 11 post-doctoral researchers and staff scientists, and a number of graduate and undergraduate students. UWM is committed to excellence in research, and provides substantial internal funding opportunities.
To apply, submit a cover letter, CV (including list of publications), and description of research interests electronically at http://jobs.uwm.edu/postings/4958 and arrange to have three letters of reference emailed to cgc-faculty-search[at]gravity.phys.uwm.edu or sent to: CGC Physics Search Committee, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Physics, 1900 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53211.
Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. UWM is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer.
2.4 Postdoctoral Fellowships and Research Associate Positions at CITA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Toronto, Canada
Deadline: Mon, Nov 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/index.php/Working-CITA
CITA is a national centre for theoretical astrophysics located at the University of Toronto. The Institute expects to offer several postdoctoral fellowships of two to three years duration this year, as well as one or more Research Associate positions of three to five years duration. The starting date will be September 1, 2011. Funds will be available for travel and other research expenses. Fellows are expected to carry out original research in theoretical astrophysics under the general supervision of the faculty at CITA, whose interests include: cosmology, interstellar matter, nuclear and relativistic astrophysics, numerical relativity, gravitational waves, gamma ray bursts, solar physics, star and planet formation.
Please apply electronically, following the instructions at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca under “Working at CITA”. Deadline for applications and letters of recommendation is November 15, 2010.
2.5 Faculty Position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics/Gravitational Waves at UMD
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: College Park, MD, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://jsi.astro.umd.edu/
The Department of Physics at the University of Maryland (UMD) invites applications for a professorial position in theoretical physics in the areas of cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, high-energy astrophysics, astroparticle physics and gravitational waves.
We are primarily interested in candidates at the non-tenured assistant professor rank, but we will consider applications for a tenured position in exceptional cases.
The successful candidate will be part of the Joint Space-Science Institute (JSI) recently established between the Astronomy and Physics Departments at UMD and the NASA Goddard Flight Space Center located a few miles from the UMD campus. Information about the JSI can be found here http://jsi.astro.umd.edu/
Applications are accepted through https://jobs.umd.edu/ (sort for position number 116793). Required are (1) a cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) statement of research interests and plans, (4) statement of teaching philosophy and (5) the names and email addresses of four reference writers. Requests for letters of reference will be generated UPON COMPLETION OF THE ONLINE APPLICATION. Candidates are thus advised to apply promptly.
For full consideration all application materials and reference letters should be received by December 15, 2010.
2.6 Postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational astrophysics at Johns Hopkins University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Baltimore, MD, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://academicjobsonline.org
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational astrophysics at the Center for Astrophysical Sciences of Johns Hopkins University. Working under the supervision of Prof. Julian Krolik at JHU, the postdoctoral fellow will join a team (Manuela Campanelli, Carlos Lousto, Yosef Zlochower, and Scott Noble (RIT), Jim Stone (Princeton), and John Hawley (Virginia)) using numerical simulations to study the role interstellar gas plays in every aspect of supermassive black hole mergers, including potential photon signals diagnostic of these events. We expect that the broad scope of this effort will lead to additional investigations in related areas, such as accretion physics, numerical relativity, and galaxy evolution.
The starting date for this position is flexible, but could be as early as spring or as late as fall, 2011. Officially it must be renewed annually, but it is intended to extend for three years.
Applicants should send a letter of application, CV, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests to AcademicJobsOnline at http://academicjobsonline.org . Three letters of recommendation should also be submitted through AcademicJobsOnLine. However, we will also accept letters sent to:
Barbara Dreyfus
Center for Astrophysical Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
517 Bloomberg Center
3400 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218
The deadline for receipt of application materials is December 15, 2010.
Johns Hopkins University is an EEO/AA employer.
2.7 PhD positions in GW data analysis at Nikhef, Amsterdam
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deadline: Sat, Jan 01, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.nikhef.nl/generalstorage/tt-news/vacatures/back_to/nikhef/articl…
The gravitational physics group at Nikhef in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, invites applications for one or more PhD positions in the detection and interpretation of gravitational waves, particularly from coalescing compact binaries. The group is a member of the Virgo collaboration, is active in the LISA effort, and plays an important role in the Einstein Telescope design study. It is led by Prof. dr. J.F.J. van den Brand and currently consists of 9 staff members in instrumentation, theory, and data analysis, 3 postdocs, and 5 students. There is also vibrant collaboration with individuals and groups around the world. The Nikhef group itself will expand significantly over the next several years. More information about our activities can be found at http://www.nikhef.nl/en/for-nikhef-users/departments/scientific-departments….
The PhD positions are for 4 years. Applicants should send a CV and a brief statement of research interests, preferably by e-mail, before January 1st 2011, to Dr. Chris Van Den Broeck (vdbroeck[at]nikhef.nl) with a c.c. to Teus van Egdom (pz[at]nikhef.nl). Please also arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to these addresses. Applications may also be sent by regular mail to: Nikhef Personnel Department, Science Park 105, NL-1098 XG Amsterdam. Please quote the vacancy number 100995. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply.
2.8 Postdoctoral position(s) in loop quantum gravity at LSU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=52481
The theoretical relativity group expects to have, contingent on funding, openings for postdoctoral or senior postdoctoral researchers working in loop quantum gravity starting September 2011. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another one or two years subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. The core relativity group at LSU consists of Peter Diener, Kristina Giesel, Jorge Pullin, Parampreet Singh, four postdocs and several graduate students. In addition to that LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in LIGO, whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation & Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering, and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have joint appointments at CCT.
Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check. Application deadline is December 15th , 2010 or until a candidate is selected.
For full details or to submit an application visit
The LSU System is an equal opportunity/equal access employer
2.9 Postdoctoral positions in Astrophysical Relativity at the AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Potsdam, Germany
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://numrel.aei.mpg.de
The Astrophysical Relativity division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, Germany, anticipates the filling of three postdoctoral positions within the "numerical-relativity" group.
The positions are tied to funds for research in the following areas:
a) inspiral and merger of binary black holes
b) electromagnetic counterparts to the merger of supermassive black-hole binaries
c) inspiral and merger of binary neutron stars
Candidates with interests and expertise in the above areas are particularly encouraged to apply, but candidates with more generic backgrounds will also be considered.
The numerical-relativity group is led by Luciano Rezzolla and is primarily but not exclusively concerned with the numerical solution of the Einstein equations and with the modelling of compact objects, such as neutron stars and black holes. Its work is a multi-disciplinary effort, spanning the fields of relativistic astrophysics, hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, differential geometry, mathematics of nonlinear partial differential equations and high performance computing. To learn more about the group, please visit: http://numrel.aei.mpg.de
The Albert Einstein Institute also hosts a Divisions in Mathematical Relativity and Quantum Gravity and has an extremely active visitors program. It enjoys close proximity to the Universities of Potsdam and Berlin, the Astrophysics Institute of Potsdam, and has excellent in-house supercomputing facilities. To learn more about the Institute, please visit: http://www.aei.mpg.de
The positions are for one year and renewable up to three depending on satisfactory progress. The appointments are expected to begin around Sept. 1, 2011, but an earlier date is also possible. The deadline for applications is Dec. 15, 2010. Applications can be made online via the web interface at
Applicants should upload a CV, a publication list, a research summary specifying which position they are interested in, and should arrange for 3 letters of reference.
The Albert Einstein Institute is an equal-opportunity employer and hires on the basis of merit. Applications from individuals with disabilities, minorities, and women are encouraged.
2.10 Postdoctoral position in theoretical cosmology at Portsmouth
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Portsmouth, UK
Deadline: Wed, Jan 05, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.port.ac.uk/vacancies/academic/
The Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation (ICG) intends to appoint two postdoctoral researchers in theoretical cosmology. A PhD degree and relevant research experience are required for these posts, which are expected to start on or before 1st OCTOBER 2011.
Post 10000868 is funded by the European Research Council and the Leverhulme trust, and is for up to two years; the researcher will work on projects which include modified gravity models as an alternative to dark energy and models for the origin of structure in the early universe.
Post 10000869 is funded by the STFC and is for up to three years; the researcher will work primarily on projects concerning the underlying theory and observational probes relevant to the study of dark energy.
Informal queries about these posts can be made to Kazuya.Koyama[AT]port.ac.uk (10000868) or Robert.Crittenden[AT]port.ac.uk (10000869).
The ICG consists of 11 academic staff, 13 postdoctoral researchers and 18 PhD students, and is a member of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III), the Dark Energy Survey, the UK Low Frequency Array Consortium (LOFAR:UK) and the UK National Cosmology Supercomputer Consortium (COSMOS).
An online application form is available at http://www.port.ac.uk/vacancies/downloads/applicationform.doc or via email (jobs[AT]port.ac.uk), quoting the post reference number (or numbers.)
Applications (Application Form, CV, research statement) should be sent by email to jobs[AT]port.ac.uk and copied to icg-admin[AT]port.ac.uk. Applicants should also arrange for two letters of reference to be sent by email to icg-admin[AT]port.ac.uk, to arrive by the closing date, 5th JANUARY 2011. Late applications may be considered until the post has been filled.
http://www.icg.port.ac.uk (Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation website)
http://www.port.ac.uk/vacancies/academic/ (University of Portsmouth job site)
http://www.port.ac.uk/vacancies/downloads/applicationform.doc (Application form)
2.11 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Atlanta, GA, USA
Deadline: Tue, Nov 30, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu
The Georgia Tech Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar position in the area of gravitational wave astrophysics including numerical relativity. The appointment will initially be for one year, renewable for up to three years subject to availability of funds and satisfactory progress. The expected starting date is September 2011. The research would focus on compact object binaries, accretion physics, electromagnetic counterparts and data analysis.
The CRA is devoted to interdisciplinary research and education linking high-energy , particle gravitational wave astrophysics. Center faculty working on these areas include David Ballantyne, Pablo Laguna (director), Deirdre Shoemaker and Ignacio Taboada. For more information visit <http://www.cra.gatech.edu/>.
Applicants should email to cra[at]physics.gatech.edu the following documents in PDF format: 1) cover letter with names of three references, 2) curriculum vitae including full list of publications, and 3) a brief description of research interests (maximum 2 pages). In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference e-mailed separately to cra[at]physics.gatech.edu. Review of applications will begin November 30, 2010.
Georgia Tech is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.
2.12 Postdoctoral position at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Rochester, NY, USA
Deadline: Tue, Feb 01, 2011
Additional Information: http://ccrg.rit.edu/announce/jobs
The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) anticipates filling a postdoctoral position in the coming year. We are looking for postdoctoral candidates interested in working in a broad range of areas of computational astrophysical relativity and gravitational wave physics.
The Center currently includes seven faculty members: Hans-Peter Bischof, Manuela Campanelli (CCRG Director), Joshua Faber, Carlos Lousto, David Merritt, John Whelan and Yosef Zlochower; four postdoctoral researchers: Scott Noble, Hiroyuki Nakano, Bruno Mundim, and David Urminsky; and several graduate and undergraduate students.
Candidates are sought in both numerical source modeling and its interface with gravitational wave data analysis, in areas associated with the activities of the CCRG. These include numerical relativity and simulation of coalescing astrophysical compact objects such as black-hole and/or neutron star binaries and their interactions with gaseous environments, and initial data for relativistic binary systems. Our group is active in the LSC, NINJA, and NR-AR collaborations. The position is for one year and renewable depending on satisfactory performance and the availability of funds.
CCRG researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers as well as a dedicated 500 core, 104-node cluster with 4/8 processor cores per node for numerical relativity simulations hosted in the Center. RIT is also a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), and CCRG members participate in the analysis of data from the LIGO, GEO-600 and Virgo gravitational wave detectors, using computing resources at RIT and other LSC institutions.
Information about the CCRG is available at http://ccrg.rit.edu/
Review of completed applications will begin February 1st, 2010 and continue until all positions are filled. Applications should consist of a cover letter, statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. Applicants should send all materials electronically as soon as possible to:
Manuela Campanelli <manuela[at]astro.rit.edu>
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS)
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
85 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623 USA
2.13 Postdoctoral Positions in Gravitational Physics at Montana State
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Bozeman, MT
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.montana.edu/msuinfo/jobs/prof/
The Gravity Group in the Department of Physics at Montana State University (MSU) seeks applicants for two postdoctoral positions. Both are two year appointments starting in the Fall of 2011. One position (with Dr. Yunes) will concentrate on general relativity theory, with an emphasis on gravitational wave aspects, post-Newtonian theory, black hole perturbation theory, or strong-field tests of GR. The other position will (with Dr. Cornish) concentrate on gravitational wave astronomy and data analysis, with a focus on LIGO and LISA applications. The successful applicants will be encouraged to collaborate with all members of the Gravity Group. Candidates with expertise in general relativity, gravitational wave astronomy, and data analysis are encouraged to apply. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Physics or a related field.
MSU has been home to a Gravity Group for over 40 years. Current faculty members in the group are Neil Cornish, Ron Hellings and Nicolas Yunes. In the related field of relativistic astrophysics we have faculty members Bennett Link and Sachiko Tsuruta. MSU is a member institution of the LIGO collaboration, and is represented on the LISA International Science Team.
The Gravity Group's main areas of concentration include gravitational wave modeling within post-Newtonian theory and black hole perturbation theory, data analysis problems related to gravitational wave detection, the interface between astrophysics andgravitational wave theory, and theoretical and data analysis aspects of testing general relativity. We have strong collaborations with Princeton University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the Goddard Space Flight Center, the Perimeter Institute and Cambridge University.
The MSU Bozeman campus (http://www.montana.edu) is nestled in the Rocky Mountains, 90 miles north of Yellowstone National Park, with easy access to many outdoor recreation activities including world-class downhill and cross-country skiing, fly fishing, and numerous hiking and mountain biking trails. Bozeman is well served by four major airlines.
Send via e-mail as a single PDF (1) a letter of application describing your research interests, (2) a resume with publication list, and (3) arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to cornish[at]physics.montana.edu. We request that at least one of the letters be from the candidate's current institution. For the complete job announcement and application procedures go to http://www.montana.edu/msuinfo/jobs/prof/
To receive full consideration applications should be received by December 15, 2010. Applications will continued to be screened until the positions are filled. Inquires may be directed to Neil Cornish (e-mail: cornish[at]physics.montana.edu, phone: (406) 994-7986) and/or Nico Yunes (e-mail: nyunes[at]space.mit.edu, phone: (814) 883-2069).
ADA/EO/AA/Veteran Preference. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
2.14 Junior professorship at the APC laboratory, University Paris Denis Diderot
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Paris, France
We expect to have a Maitre de Conference position [1-3] at the Department of Physics, University Paris Denis Diderot (this is a permanent position on a junior professor level and corresponds to assistant professor positions in the US university system). The position will start on September 1st, 2011. The selection is a two-stage process. A first national pre-application step (qualification) is required and pre-registration needs to be completed by October 28, 2010 (see the complete time-line below). The second part of the selection process will take place in spring 2011. The details for pre-application (in French only) can be found at
The successful candidate will share his/her time between teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, and research. The teaching will be conducted in French. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to take part in the data analysis activities of the Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC). In particular, the Laboratory has specific needs in the area of novel data analysis methods and algorithms aimed at current (Virgo) and future (LISA) gravitational wave experiments. All applicants in this field are encouraged to apply.
The selected candidate is expected to become a member of the ADAMIS research group at the Laboratory. ADAMIS is a dynamic, interdisciplinary group composed of experts in diverse areas of research, including physicists, data analysts, applied mathematicians, and the objectives of which are innovative approaches to data analysis of current and forthcoming, astrophysical and cosmological data sets. The group also benefits from the resources and opportunities offered by the newly opened Space Mission Data Center (Centre Francois Arago). At this time the members of the group are involved in the analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background (Planck, EBEX, POLARBeaR) and gravitational wave (Virgo, LISA) experiments. There is also work being conducted on cutting-edge hydrodynamical simulations in various astrophysical contexts.
Application time-table:
First step: Qualification [4]
Pre-registration deadline: October 28, 2010, 4pm (Paris time)
Application deadline: December 17, 2010
Second step: Selection (anticipated)
Spring 2011
Post start date: September 1st 2011
Useful links:
Additional documentation about Maitre de Conferences and the selection procedure
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_rank_in_France
[2] http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid22657/maitres-de-conference…
[3] https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/candidats.html
[4] https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/pdf/calendrier qualification 2011.pdf
Laboratoire APC: http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/
ADAMIS: http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/recherche/adamis
Dept of Physics, University Paris-Diderot:
Centre Francois Arago:
Contact information:
Radek Stompor: radek[AT]apc.univ-paris7.fr
Ed Porter: porter[AT]apc.univ-paris7.fr
Eric Chassande-Mottin: ecm[AT]apc.univ-paris7.fr
2.15 Faculty positions at IPMU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Kashiwa, Japan
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities
The "Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe" (IPMU) is a new international research institute with English as its official language established in October 2007. The goal of the institute is to discover the fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe from the synergistic perspectives of mathematics, statistics, theoretical and experimental physics, and astronomy. We are particularly interested in candidates with broad interests to interact with people from other subfields.
We intend to appoint a few assistant professors to 5-year terms, with a possible extension for five more years contingent on review and funding. This is the equivalent of tenure-track positions at IPMU. We also intend to appoint a few associate and full professors for the upcoming terms for as long as funding is allowed. This is the equivalent of tenured positions at IPMU.
We seek to build a diverse, highly interactive membership, and female and international applicants are strongly encouraged. We have generous travel support for our postdocs, and encourage full-time members to be away from the Institute for between 1 and 3 months every year.
The initial focus of IPMU includes but is not limited to: all areas of mathematics (e.g. algebra, geometry, analysis, and statistics); string theory and mathematical physics; particle theory, collider phenomenology, beyond the standard model physics phenomenology; cosmology and astrophysics theory; astronomy and observational cosmology; and underground experiments. We are leading efforts on the XMASS dark matter experiment, the HyperSuprimeCam project for weak lensing surveys at the Subaru telescope, GADZOOKS! at Super-Kamiokande, the Xe-based double beta-decay search in KamLAND, and R&D for future large neutrino detectors. IPMU is a full institutional member in SDSS-III.
IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. More than half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. Its annual budget is approximately $15M. IPMU has a satellite in Kamioka to maintain close connection with experimental groups.
The applications should include a CV, research statement, publication list, and letters of recommendation.
Applications received via IPMU application form https://db.ipmu.jp/application/2010/ or AcademicJobsOnline https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/UT/IPMU will be treated equally in screening process.
The search is open until filled, but for full considerations please submit the applications and letters by Dec 1, 2010.
2.16 Postdoctoral Fellows at IPMU
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Kashiwa, Japan
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.ipmu.jp/job-opportunities
The "Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe" (IPMU) is a new international research institute with English as its official language established in October 2007. The goal of the institute is to discover the fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe from the synergistic perspectives of mathematics, statistics, theoretical and experimental physics, and astronomy. We are particularly interested in candidates with broad interests to interact with people from other subfields.
We intend to appoint approximately 12 postdocs to three-year terms. We seek to build a diverse, highly interactive membership, and female and international applicants are strongly encouraged. We have generous travel support for our postdocs, and encourage full-time members to be away from the Institute for between 1 and 3 months every year.
The initial focus of IPMU includes but is not limited to: all areas of mathematics (e.g. algebra, geometry, analysis, and statistics); string theory and mathematical physics; particle theory, collider phenomenology, beyond the standard model physics phenomenology; cosmology and astrophysics theory; astronomy and observational cosmology; and underground experiments. We are leading efforts on the XMASS dark matter experiment, the HyperSuprimeCam project for weak lensing surveys at the Subaru telescope, GADZOOKS! at Super-Kamiokande, the Xe-based double beta-decay search in KamLAND, and R&D for future large neutrino detectors. IPMU is a full institutional member in SDSS-III.
IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of the University of Tokyo. More than half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. Its annual budget is approximately $15M. IPMU has a satellite in Kamioka to maintain close connection with experimental groups.
The applications should include a CV, research statement, publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation.
Applications received via IPMU application form https://db.ipmu.jp/application/2010/ or AcademicJobsOnline https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/UT/IPMU will be treated equally in screening process.
The search is open until filled, but for full considerations please submit the applications and letters by Dec 1, 2010.
2.17 Postdoctoral position in theoretical gravity at University of Tartu
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Tartu, Estonia
Additional Information: http://hexagon.fi.tartu.ee/
Estonian Science Foundation (ESF) runs two programs offering postdoc grants at Estonian research institutions: MOBILITAS (Researcher Mobility Programme) and ERMOS (Estonian Research Mobility Scheme), the latter is financed in conjunction with FP7 Marie Curie COFUND "People".
The gravitation theory group at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia is looking for a suitable postdoc candidate to apply for one of these grants, who would be able to contribute to or complement the ongoing research of the group.
Key points
General research area: theoretical aspects of gravity;
Preferred topics: extensions of Einstein's general relativity (e.g. scalar-tensor gravity), theoretical cosmology beyond the concordance model (especially dark energy).
Duration of the grant: 2 or 3 years.
Amount of the grant: 19,200 EUR per year for salary (pre-tax), 3,200 EUR per year for research costs, and a one-time relocation allowance to move in to Estonia.
Eligibility: The post-doctoral research grant can be applied for by a person who has been awarded a doctoral degree or an equivalent qualification not earlier than five years before the start of the grant. (In case that, after obtaining the degree, the applicant was on parental leave or in compulsory military service, the period of qualification is extended by the period of the parental leave or compulsory military service.)
The deadlines for MOBILITAS applications are usually in October/November and March, and for ERMOS in April.
NB! The postdoc application to ESF is submitted together by the applicant and the host institution.
Therefore interested candidates are first invited to send a CV, a list of publications, a brief research proposal, and a letter of recommendation to Dr. Piret Kuusk (piret[AT]fi.tartu.ee), head of the gravitation theory group.
The next round of MOBILITAS applications closes on 10 November 2010, but in order to have sufficient time to prepare the joint application to ESF, we expect the candidates to make contact by 25 October 2010 the latest.
3. News
3.1 Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer (New Book)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.cambridge.org/us/knowledge/isbn/item2707919/?site_locale=en_US
Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer
T. W. Baumgarte and S. L. Shapiro
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Aimed at students and researchers entering the field, this pedagogical introduction to numerical relativity will also interest scientists seeking a broad survey of its challenges and achievements. Assuming only a basic knowledge of classical general relativity, this textbook develops the mathematical formalism from first principles, then highlights some of the pioneering simulations involving black holes and neutron stars, gravitational collapse and gravitational waves. Applications include calculations of coalescing binary black holes and binary neutron stars, rotating stars, colliding star clusters, gravitational and magnetorotational collapse, critical phenomena, the generation of gravitational waves, and many more.
Features of the book include:
- 300 exercises help readers master new material as it is presented.
- Numerous illustrations, many in color, assist in visualizing new geometric concepts and highlighting the results of computer simulations.
- Summary boxes encapsulate some of the most important results for quick reference.
- Applications cover topics of current physical and astrophysical significance.
For details, see http://www.cambridge.org/us/knowledge/isbn/item2707919/?site_locale=en_US
3.2 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Quantization of Midisuperspace Models"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2010-6
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "Quantization of Midisuperspace Models" by J. Fernando Barbero González and Eduardo J.S. Villaseñor on October 14, 2010.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2010-6
Barbero G., J. Fernando and Villaseñor, Eduardo J.S.
"Quantization of Midisuperspace Models"
ACCEPTED: 2010-09-28
PUBLISHED: 2010-10-14
We give a comprehensive review of the quantization of midisuperspace models. Though the main focus of the paper is on quantum aspects, we also provide an introduction to several classical points related to the definition of these models. We cover some important issues, in particular, the use of the principle of symmetric criticality as a very useful tool to obtain the required Hamiltonian formulations. Two main types of reductions are discussed: those involving metrics with two Killing vector fields and spherically-symmetric models. We also review the more general models obtained by coupling matter fields to these systems. Throughout the paper we give separate discussions for standard quantizations using geometrodynamical variables and those relying on loop-quantum-gravity--inspired methods.
3.3 Read the 2010 CERN Winter School in Classical & Quantum Gravity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://herald.iop.org/link/4003
As a researcher with an interest in gravitational physics, we invite you to read the latest Classical & Quantum Gravity special section ‘Lectures from the CERN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theory, CERN, 25 – 29 January 2010'.
The articles included within the special section are free to read online until 18 April 2011, and can be accessed by visiting http://herald.iop.org/link/4003
Please feel free to pass this message on to friends and colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Day
Publisher, Classical and Quantum Gravity
3.4 Read the Classical & Quantum Gravity GWDAW-14 Special Issue
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://herald.iop.org/link/4002
You may be interested in reading the Classical & Quantum Gravity special issue featuring selected articles from the ‘The 14th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop’ (GWDAW-14), Rome, Italy, 26 – 29 January 2010.
The articles included within the special issue are free to read online until 22 March 2011, and can be accessed by visiting http://herald.iop.org/link/4002
You may also be interested to know that Journal of Physics Conference Series, the open access conference proceedings publication, has publish additional papers from this conference http://herald.iop.org/link/4004
Please feel free to mention this special issue to friends and colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Day
Publisher, Classical and Quantum Gravity
CQG Highlights of 2009
The collection of Classical & Quantum Gravity’s Highlights of 2008–2009 is still free to read until 01 November 2010, and can be accessed through the following link: http://herald.iop.org/link/4001
3.5 2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravity
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://gp.iop.org/
Second call for nominations 2010
Closing date for nominations: 17th December 2010
The 2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize, sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG), will be made for excellence in postgraduate research and communication skills in gravitational physics. All members of the IOP Gravitational Physics Group who passed their PhD viva voce exam between 30 September 2008 and 1 October 2009 are entitled to enter the competition. The winner will be awarded £500 and they will be invited to submit a paper to CQG based on the winning thesis which, if accepted, will be made a 'select article' in CQG. Furthermore, the winner will be given the opportunity to present their work at one of the UK 'BritGrav' meetings.
Anyone (student or otherwise) can nominate a candidate (including the candidate themselves). If you have someone in mind, please send an email to the IOP Gravitational Physics Group secretary (David Burton at d.burton-at-lancaster.ac.uk) containing the candidate's contact details and the committee will encourage them to enter the competition. The candidate must be a member of the IOP Gravitational Physics Group, and will be asked to provide their IOP membership number.
Please note that the student's external PhD examiner must be willing to comment on the student's research, quality of the student's thesis and the student's ability to cogently communicate their work (evidenced by their viva performance and/or seminars). Students are advised to consult their external examiner before entering the competition.
For information on how to enter the competition please click 'Group Prize' on the IOP Gravitational Physics Group web page http://gp.iop.org/
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 LOOPS 11 (First announcement)
1.2 Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools and Outcomes
1.3 Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation: Cosmology on the Beach
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Gravity at UC Davis
2.2 Post-doctoral Research Associate in gravitational wave/LIGO science at the University of Mississippi
2.3 Lecturer in Theoretical Physics (Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology) at Christchurch (NZ)
2.4 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Physics at Washington University, St. Louis
2.5 Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2.6 Postdoctoral VESF fellowship for Theoretical Gravitational-Wave Studies at Valencia
2.7 Postdoc position in early-universe, black-hole physics or quantum gravity at IISER-TVM
2.8 Senior and junior faculty positions in astroparticle physics at University of Amsterdam
2.9 Faculty Position in Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology at Georgia Tech
2.10 Postdoctoral position in theoretical gravity at University of Tartu
3. News
3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: Updated Articles
3.2 Highlights and Conclusions of the 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
1. Conferences
1.1 LOOPS 11 (First announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, May 23, 2011 to Sat, May 28, 2011
Location: Madrid, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.iem.csic.es/loops11/
LOOPS 11: "Celebrating 25 years of Loop Quantum Gravity"
Madrid, Spain,
23-28 May 2011
The LOOPS 11 conference will take place at the main campus of the CSIC in Madrid (SPAIN) in May 23-28, 2011.
This edition will commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication by Abhay Ashtekar of the landmark paper on the "new variables" that sparked the loop quantum gravity (LQG) revolution. The meeting will be the fifth in the series of regular LOOP conferences that have been celebrated, to this date, in Marseille, Potsdam, Morelia and Beijing. In addition to the expected participation of LQG researchers, we would like to invite the quantum gravity community at large to be present in this occasion as this would provide a very fruitful exchange of ideas with researchers working on other approaches to the quantization of general relativity.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the state of the art in LQG research and review the open issues and problems that must be solved to complete the quantization of general relativity in this framework. However we would like to place special emphasis on the impact of LQG on other approaches to quantum gravity and, reciprocally, on the exploration of ideas originating in other frameworks that could be eventually beneficial for LQG.
The main topics that will be covered in the conference will be:
• Foundations of Quantum Gravity.
• Hamiltonian Loop Quantum Gravity.
• Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity and Spinfoams.
• Polymer Quantization and Quantum Field Theory.
• Loop Quantum Cosmology.
• Black Hole Physics.
• Dynamical Triangulations and other discrete approaches.
• Phenomenology derived from Quantum Gravity.
The schedule will be divided in morning plenary sessions and a number of parallel sessions covering the subjects listed above. These will take place during the afternoons.
• Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University, USA).
• Martin Bojowald (Penn State University, USA).
• Alejandro Corichi (UNAM-Morelia, Mexico).
• Bianca Dittrich (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany).
• Kristina Giesel (TU Munich, Germany).
• Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw University, Poland).
• Renate Loll (Utrecht University, Netherland).
• Yongge Ma (Beijing Normal University, China).
• Don Marolf (Univ. California-Santa Barbara, USA).
• Daniele Oriti (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany).
• Tomasz Pawlowski (Univeristy of New Brunswick, Canada).
• Alejandro Pérez (Univ. Méditerranée, Marseille, France).
• Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State University, USA).
• Carlo Rovelli (Univ. Méditerranée, Marseille, France).
• Hanno Sahlmann (Karslruhe University, Germany).
• Parampreet Singh (Perimeter Institute, Canada).
• Lee Smolin (Permiter Institute, Canada).
• Thomas Thiemann (Univ. Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany).
• Madhavan Varadarajan (Raman Research Institute, India).
• Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University, USA).
• J. Fernando Barbero González (IEM, CSIC, Spain).
• John Barrett (Nottingham University, UK).
• José Manuel Cidade Mourão (Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa, Portugal).
• Laurent Freidel (Perimeter Institute, Canada).
• Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw University, Poland).
• Guillermo A. Mena Marugán (IEM, CSIC, Spain).
• Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State University, USA).
• Carlo Rovelli (Univ. Méditerranée, Marseille, France).
• Thomas Thiemann (Univ. Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)
• Guillermo A. Mena Marugán (IEM, CSIC).
• J. Fernando Barbero González (IEM, CSIC).
• Luis J. Garay Elizondo (Univ. Complutense, Madrid).
• Eduardo J. Sánchez Villaseñor (Univ. Carlos III, Madrid).
• Iñaky Garay Elizondo (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnbeg)
• Mercedes Martín-Benito (AEI-Potsdam).
• Gonzalo Olmo Alba (IFIC, CSIC).
• Tomasz Pawlowski (Univ. New Brunswick e IEM-CSIC).
• Mikel Fernández Méndez (IEM, CSIC).
• Daniel Martín de Blas (IEM, CSIC).
• Javier Olmedo Nieto (IEM, CSIC).
Detailed information about registration, abstract submission, accommodation, travel and financial support for participants can be found in the conference web page.
This web page will be regularly updated with the necessary information. In particular the RELEVANT DATES and deadlines will be posted there.
Looking forward to meeting you all,
The local organizing committee.
1.2 Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools and Outcomes
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Jun 13, 2011 to Fri, Jun 17, 2011
Location: Cefalù (Sicily), Italy
Additional Information: http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/meetings/cefalu/2011/Home.html
Scientific Rationale:
Contemporary ground-based and space telescopes are fundamental tools for the study of the Cosmos. However, without a deep knowledge of the underlying physical processes, telescopes alone cannot help us to understand the physical Universe, the main topic of Astrophysics. Due to the complexity of the physical phenomena involved, from the atomic and molecular scales up to the large scales of the cosmic structures, as well as to the pervasive presence of gravity as a fundamental engine acting on all the spatial scales, this knowledge may be obtained through the use of massive simulations. This is made true thanks to the concurrent progress of computing machines and software. In this workshop, we intend to gather some of the most active researchers in various fields of computational Astrophysics (such as Stellar Formation and Evolution, Supernovae, Stellar Systems, Compact Interacting Objects, etc.) to talk about specific and common methods used in their studies, as well as abou
t results and the way to make them available to the scientific community.
Scientific Topics:
- Fundamental physical processes (transport, advection, convection, etc.);
- Stars: formation, evolution and final phases;
- Supernovae and progenitors;
- Compact interacting objects and gravitational waves;
- Stellar systems: from small to large N-body problems;
- Large-scale Structure;
- Supercomputing methods and visualization tools.
D. Arnett (Univ. of Arizona, USA),
W. Benz (Univ. of Bern, CH),
S. Borgani (Univ. di Trieste, Italy),
R. Capuzzo Dolcetta (Univ. of Roma La Sapienza, Italy, co-chair),
A. Chieffi (INAF-IASF, Roma, Italy),
J. Isern (IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain),
M. Limongi (INAF-OAR, Roma, Italy, co-chair),
A. Mezzacappa (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA),
J. Monaghan (Monash Univ., Aus),
B. Moore (ETH, Zurich, CH),
E. Mueller (MPI, Garching, DE),
L. Rezzolla (AEI, Potsdam, DE),
R. Rosner (Univ. of Chicago, USA),
T. Theuns (ICC, Durham, UK),
A. Tornambe' (INAF-OAR, Roma, Italy)
L. Burderi (Univ. of Cagliari, Italy),
T. Di Salvo (Univ. of Palermo, Italy),
G. Giobbi (INAF-OAR, Roma, Italy) ,
F. Lupinacci (Univ. of Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
Scientific Program:
There will be a number of invited talks (see the conference website for the list of confirmed invited speakers) offering an overview of the various topics, as well as contributed talks and posters. Information on abstract submission can be found at the conference website (http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/meetings/cefalu/2011/Home.html)
We plan to publish the conference proceedings with one of the main scientific publishers. The list of confirmed invited speakers and a preliminary programme will be made available on the conference website soon. We warmly invite interested people to fill the preregistration form in the conference website.
General Information:
The Conference will be held in Cefalù, a beautiful ancient and touristic town located on the northern cost of Sicily, about 70 km east of Palermo. It will take place from Monday, June 13 until Friday, June 17 in the Sala delle Capriate of the Historical Cefalù Town Hall in the historical center of Cefalù, facing the Arab-Norman Cathedral (Duomo). Part of the conference will also be hosted in the close-by Sala S. Caterina (poster sessions and coffee breaks). Computers and web facilities will be available in the rooms of the historical building hosting the Fondazione Mandralisca. The two buildings are close to each other.
For general information about Cefalù, please consult the links of the conference website: http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/meetings/cefalu/2011/Home.html
See the conference web site http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it/meetings/cefalu/2011/Home.html
Refer also to the two conference chairmen:
Dep. of Physics, Univ. of Roma La Sapienza, Italy
e-mail: Roberto.capuzzodolcetta[at]uniroma1.it
Phone: +39-06-49914535
Fax: +39-06-4857697
INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Roma, Italy
e-mail: marco.limongi[at]oa-roma.inaf.it
Phone: +39-06-94286443
Fax: +39-06-9447243
1.3 Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation: Cosmology on the Beach
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jan 09, 2011 to Sat, Jan 15, 2011
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Additional Information: http://bccp.lbl.gov/beach_program/index2011.html
A range of topics in cosmology will be covered at the conference by eminent scholars in the field, with elements of both a winter school and the latest research topics. Students and postdocs will present posters and gave short talks. We hope that the beauty of the natural and cultural environment will act as a catalyst for young researchers to interact and generate new ideas. We encourage a diverse group of advanced graduate students and postdocs interested in attending to submit the Participant Application form, see more details in our web site.
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Gravity at UC Davis
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Davis, CA, USA
Deadline: Mon, Dec 06, 2010
Additional Information: http://particle.physics.ucdavis.edu/hefti/
We invite applications for a postdoctoral position at UC Davis in the area of quantum gravity theory and phenomenology, beginning in Fall 2011. We have two open positions, and candidates from both quantum gravity (this ad) and particle phenomenology/model building will be considered for both positions. We ask that applicants apply for only one of these positions.
The faculty members of the group include Steve Carlip, Hsin-Chia Cheng, Jack Gunion, Markus Luty, and John Terning. We also have close contact with the UC Davis cosmology group, which includes Andreas Albrecht and Nemanja Kaloper.
Applicants should send their CV, publication list, statement of research interests, and at least three letters of recommendation to Academic Jobs Online,
Review of applications will begin Dec. 6 2010, but late applications may be considered until the position has been filled. The initial appointment will be for two years, and may be extended to a third, contingent on performance and continued external funding. Further information may be found on our website:
The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. The University undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for special disabled veterans, Vietnam era veterans, and any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized.
2.2 Post-doctoral Research Associate in gravitational wave/LIGO science at the University of Mississippi
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Oxford, MS, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: https://jobs.olemiss.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1…
A one-year post-doctoral research position is available for work in gravitational waves and experimental gravity within the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) group at the University of Mississippi.
The LIGO group at the University of Mississippi contributes to the LIGO experiment in the areas of data analysis, detector characterization and outreach. The successful candidate for the position is expected to work effectively within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration in these areas. The appointment will be for one year, with extension possible upon continued funding. Actual salary will depend on experience, qualifications, and departmental budget.
Candidates must have a PhD in physics and have prior experience in experimental gravity, gravitational-wave physics and data analysis. They should also have excellent programming skills, good communication skills and must be willing to work in a collaborative team environment.
Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, a resume, a statement of research achievements and proposal for upcoming research online at http://jobs.olemiss.edu and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by email to Dr. Marco Cavaglia at cavaglia[AT]olemiss.edu. At least one of the letters of recommendation must be from the candidate's current institution. Review of applications will begin immediately. Applications will be considered until the position is filled or until an adequate candidate pool is obtained.
Prior to applying for the position, please prepare the electronic versions of the resume and cover letter to upload or to "copy and paste" when prompted. You will not have the opportunity to attach them after you apply.
The University of Mississippi is an EOE/AA/TitleVI/TitleIX/Section504/ADA/ADEA employer. Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
2.3 Lecturer in Theoretical Physics (Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology) at Christchurch (NZ)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Christchurch, New Zealand
Deadline: Fri, Nov 26, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/hr/job_vacancies.shtml
Applications are invited for a continuing position of Lecturer in Theoretical Physics.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. and post-doctoral or equivalent experience in an area of theoretical physics relating to particle physics, gravity and cosmology, or quantum field theory and quantum gravity, with demonstrated potential for excellent teaching and a record of high research productivity. The appointee will be required to teach and co-ordinate undergraduate courses in physics, to teach post-graduate courses in theoretical physics, to contribute to teaching in other core areas as appropriate, and to supervise research students. Research interests in cosmology or astroparticle physics which complement existing interests in the theoretical physics group would be advantageous.
The successful applicant should be able to inspire and motivate students and work within a collegial environment. The appointee will be expected to publish regularly in high-impact journals, to contribute to collaborative research, and to actively seek and obtain funding in support of research.
The University of Canterbury offers generous leave provisions, support for attendance at international conferences, and superannuation benefits. It also has excellent childcare, recreation and staff club facilities on campus.
Based in Christchurch, New Zealand, the University of Canterbury is known for its world class research, inspirational teaching, vibrant campus environment and diverse academic community. Located on the east coast of the South Island, Christchurch is a city of contrasts which embraces a cosmopolitan lifestyle and rich art and culture. Internationally famed “The Garden City”, Christchurch is the international gateway to the South Island and is a place where you are able to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle amidst a natural environment world-renowned for its beauty.
Located on a picturesque campus, the University offers an extensive range of services and facilities including library and art collections, child-care centres, health centre, recreation centre, pharmacy, book shop and cafés. You’ll have opportunities to work alongside members of a world class, diverse academic community and enrich your own professional and personal development.
Enquiries of an academic nature may be made to Associate Professor David Wiltshire, at david.wiltshire[AT]canterbury.ac.nz . Further details about the Department of Physics and Astronomy can be found at http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz .
To apply on-line see Position 1088 at http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/hr/job_vacancies.shtml
2.4 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Physics at Washington University, St. Louis
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: St. Louis, MO, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://physics.wustl.edu/cmw
McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences
Department of Physics
Washington University, St. Louis
A postdoctoral position will be available in the Gravitation Group WUGRAV of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences and the Department of Physics beginning in the fall of 2011. Applications are invited from theorists with research interests in the area of general relativity, with specific emphasis on theoretical aspects of gravitational radiation, post-Newtonian theory, strong-field tests of GR, or numerical relativity. The appointment is for one year, with renewal possible, subject to satisfactory performance and continued funding.
The WUGRAV group consists of Professors Clifford Will and Wai-Mo Suen, research scientist Hui-Min Zhang, and three graduate students. The main foci of the group are the post-Newtonian study of inspiralling binary systems, issues in gravitational-wave data analysis, numerical simulations of coalescing and collapsing compact bodies, the interface between post-Newtonian theory and numerical relativity, and theoretical aspects of tests of GR. We have strong collaborations with the Institute of Astrophysics of Paris and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Applications received before December 15, 2010 will receive full consideration. Applicants will also be considered for the prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences (http://mcss.wustl.edu/fellowships)
Send curriculum vita, statement of research interests, and three letters of reference via email, to cmw[AT]wuphys.wustl.edu.
If regular mail or FAX is the only means available, send to the Paris address below.
Professor Clifford M. Will
Institut d'Astrophysique
98 bis, Boulevard Arago
75014 Paris, France
+33 1 44 32 80 01
2.5 Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Urbana, IL, USA
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position with Professor Stuart L. Shapiro. The candidate should have research experience in numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics or computational MHD. A background in general relativity and relativistic astrophysics would be useful.
Applicants should go online to: https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/ and choose the appropriate job ad to submit their application, which must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, brief description of research interests, and the names, mailing and email addresses of three references. Please contact Linda Thorman (thorman[at]illinois.edu) if you have any questions. Applications should be posted by DEC 1, 2010 for full consideration. The starting date of the position is AUGUST 16, 2011, but earlier dates will be considered.
The Illinois Gravity Group is developing the tools of numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics and computational MHD to tackle diverse problems in general relativity and astrophysics. Recent topics include the inspiral and coalescence of binary compact objects (binary black holes (BHs), binary neutron stars (NSs), binary BH-NSs, and binary white dwarf-NSs); the generation of gravitational waves; magnetorotational stellar collapse; accretion onto BHs and binary BHs; and the formation and cosmological growth of supermassive BHs in galaxies and quasars. Some of our work is geared to identifying astrophysically plausible, strong-field sources of gravitational waves and calculating gravitational waveforms for detection by laser interferometers, such as LIGO and LISA. For such sources we are also exploring correlations between gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals, including UV and X-ray emission and gamma-ray bursts.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.6 Postdoctoral VESF fellowship for Theoretical Gravitational-Wave Studies at Valencia
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Valencia, Spain
Deadline: Tue, Mar 01, 2011
The relativistic astrophysics group at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Valencia "UVEG" (http://www.uv.es/daa) is seeking applications from highly motivated and competitive candidates for one VESF-funded postdoctoral position for a duration of two years in the area of gravitational-wave astrophysics. The successful candidate is expected to conduct numerical simulations in general relativity in order to build an improved catalog of gravitational waveforms from neutron star mergers. The study will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. José A. Font. Work on this topic will be performed in close collaboration with Prof. Luciano Rezzolla at the Albert Einstein Institute (Germany).
The UVEG group conducts research aimed at understanding the physics and dynamics of some of the most representative scenarios in the field of relativistic astrophysics, namely relativistic jets (in active galactic nuclei, or in progenitors of gamma-ray bursts), and compact stellar objects (neutron stars and black holes), as well as at analyzing the electromagnetic and gravitational radiation emitted from such sources. In order to achieve these goals the UVEG group strongly relies on multidimensional numerical magneto-hydrodynamical simulations in general relativity.
Senior members of the UVEG relativistic astrophysics group are Miguel-Angel Aloy, Jose A. Font, Jose M. Ibañez and Jose M. Marti. The group also includes a number of research students and postdocs.
The positions will become available in the next few weeks (deadline March 1st, 2011), the exact starting date being negotiable. Gross salary is 35.000 euros/year.
Interested candidates please contact:
Prof. Jose Antonio Font
Departamento de Astronomia y Astrofisica
Edificio de Investigacion
Universidad de Valencia
Dr. Moliner, 50
E-46100 Burjassot (Valencia), Spain
Phone: +34-963-54-3074
Fax: +34-963-54-3084
mailto: j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es
2.7 Postdoc position in early-universe, black-hole physics or quantum gravity at IISER-TVM
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Trivandrum, India
Deadline: Sun, Oct 31, 2010
One postdoctoral position is available in the area of early-universe cosmology, black-hole physics or quantum gravity at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Thiruvananthapuram. A Ph.D. degree and relevant research experience are required for this position.
The position is available for a period of up to two years. Informal enquiries about the position can be made to S. Shankaranarayanan (shanki[AT]iisertvm.ac.in)
The fellowship is awarded as part of the Ramanujan Fellowship under Department of Science and Technology, India. The selected candidate can take up the position by December, 2010.
Salary: Rs. 2,64,000 – Rs. 2,88,000 per annum
Deadline: 31 October 2010
To apply please send CV, and have at least two letters of reference sent by email to S. Shankaranarayanan (shanki[AT]iisertvm.ac.in) with the subject “Application for PDF position – Candidate name”.
2.8 Senior and junior faculty positions in astroparticle physics at University of Amsterdam
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deadline: Wed, Dec 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.uvaapp.nl
The Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam has launched a major new initiative: GRAPPA - GRavitation and AstroParticle Physics in Amsterdam, and is hiring at least four new faculty for that initiative.
GRAPPA is a collaboration between the Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek (API), the Institute for High-Energy Physics (IHEF) and the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA). Each of these institutes already has a programme of research into the fundamental laws of physics using a variety of observational probes of the cosmos and theoretical developments inspitred by these. The intention of the programme is to provide a focused research centre in which these efforts are brought to an even higher level by interdisciplinary collaboration. Some further information on the programme may be found at http://www.uvaapp.nl .
To jump-start the programme, we are searching at least four new faculty members in senior and junior ranks, tenured or tenure-track. A full professorship is available for an inspiring candidate with leadership qualities and a clear vision on how to make the initiative a world-leading programme in the field by joining the participating institutes' efforts into a coherent programme, as well as proven ability to teach and to attract substantial external research funding. Junior faculty positions are available to candidates with a proven record of interdisciplinary research in this field, an excellent publication record, and ability to teach inspiringly and attract external research funding. The subfields of research into which the candidates will be hired are not fixed; excellence of the candidates, interdisciplinary interests, and overlap and affinity with the existing work at the UvA will be used to select the candidates, in addition to the above criteria.
Within the context of GRAPPA, we currently focus on the following areas of research:
At API, GRAPPA researchers focus on the formation and properties of extreme matter and magnetic fields in strongly curved spacetime, near black holes and neutron stars, and the high-energy messengers emanating from them (X and gamma rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos, gravity waves, radio waves). We are involved in numerous major instrumental initiatives, such as LOFAR, CTA, and many current space instruments, and in theoretical studies of these issues.
At IHEF, GRAPPA researchers focus on the study of cosmic neutrinos using the ANTARES and KM3NeT detectors, as well as on accelerator studies of physics beyond the standard model.
At ITFA, GRAPPA researchers focus on fundamental aspects of quantum gravity and black-hole physics, and on studies of the physics of the early universe and its measurable impact on present-day observables.
Further information is available at http://www.uvaapp.nl . Enquiries about the positions may be made with profs. Stan Bentvelsen (IHEF, stanb[AT]nikhef.nl), Jan de Boer (ITFA, j.deboer[AT]uva.nl), and Ralph Wijers (Ralph.Wijers[AT]uva.nl). Evaluation of the applications will start on December 1, 2010, and continue until the positions are filled.
Applicants should send their CV, a research and teaching statement and three letters of reference, as well as the level of position they are applying for to itf[AT]science.uva.nl.
2.9 Faculty Position in Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Atlanta, GA, USA
Deadline: Tue, Nov 30, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu
As part of the ongoing expansion of the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (http://www.cra.gatech.edu) the School of Physics of the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the junior or senior level in theoretical astrophysics and cosmology with emphasis on computation and simulation. All sub-fields will be considered, but we are particularly interested in candidates with a strong background in areas that complement and enhance our current efforts in gravitational wave physics, accretion astrophysics, galaxy and black hole evolution, numerical relativity and particle astrophysics.
Applicants should email to astro.search [at] physics.gatech.edu the following documents in PDF format: 1) cover letter with names of references, 2) curriculum vitae including full list of publications and relevant teaching experience, 3) a research plan for the next five years, and 4) a statement of teaching philosophy and experience. In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference emailed separately to astro.search [at] physics.gatech.edu. Review of applications will begin November 30, 2010.
2.10 Postdoctoral position in theoretical gravity at University of Tartu
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Tartu, Estonia
Deadline: Mon, Oct 25, 2010
Additional Information: http://hexagon.fi.tartu.ee/
Estonian Science Foundation (ESF) runs two programs offering postdoc grants at Estonian research institutions: MOBILITAS (Researcher Mobility Programme) and ERMOS (Estonian Research Mobility Scheme), the latter is financed in conjunction with FP7 Marie Curie COFUND "People".
The gravitation theory group at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, Estonia is looking for a suitable postdoc candidate to apply for one of these grants, who would be able to contribute to or complement the ongoing research of the group.
Key points
General research area: theoretical aspects of gravity;
Preferred topics: extensions of Einstein's general relativity (e.g. scalar-tensor gravity), theoretical cosmology beyond the concordance model (especially dark energy).
Duration of the grant: 2 or 3 years.
Amount of the grant: 19,200 EUR per year for salary (pre-tax), 3,200 EUR per year for research costs, and a one-time relocation allowance to move in to Estonia.
Eligibility: The post-doctoral research grant can be applied for by a person who has been awarded a doctoral degree or an equivalent qualification not earlier than five years before the start of the grant. (In case that, after obtaining the degree, the applicant was on parental leave or in compulsory military service, the period of qualification is extended by the period of the parental leave or compulsory military service.)
The deadlines for MOBILITAS applications are usually in October/November and March, and for ERMOS in April.
NB! The postdoc application to ESF is submitted together by the applicant and the host institution.
Therefore interested candidates are first invited to send a CV, a list of publications, a brief research proposal, and a letter of recommendation to Dr. Piret Kuusk (piret[AT]fi.tartu.ee), head of the gravitation theory group.
The next round of MOBILITAS applications closes on 10 November 2010, but in order to have sufficient time to prepare the joint application to ESF, we expect the candidates to make contact by 25 October 2010 the latest.
3. News
3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: Updated Articles
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://relativity.livingreviews.org/
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a major update of the review "Brane-World Gravity" by Roy Maartens and Kazuya Koyama on 14 September 2010.
The original article by Roy Maartens from 2004 ranks number 13 on SPIRES "Top Cited Articles of All Time (2009 edition) in gr-qc".
Please, note also the revision of the review "Analytic Black Hole Perturbation Approach to Gravitational Radiation" by Misao Sasaki and Hideyuki Tagoshi.
Find the further details on these revisions below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2010-5
Maartens, Roy and Koyama, Kazuya
"Brane-World Gravity"
ACCEPTED: 2010-09-06
PUBLISHED: 2010-09-14
Inserted subsections on numerical solutions in Sections 6 and 7 and five figures. Added new Subsection 2.2 on the Randall–Sundrum model in string theory. Added new Section 9 on Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati models and nine figures. Added new Section 10 on 6-dimensional models and one figure. Added about 100 new references.
PUB.NO. lrr-2003-6
Sasaki, Misao and Tagoshi, Hideyuki
"Analytic Black Hole Perturbation Approach to Gravitational Radiation"
ACCEPTED: 2010-08-24
PUBLISHED: 2010-09-14
The main changes are new Sections 4.6, 5.3, 5.8, and 5.9, which show the progress since 2003. Added 46 new references.
3.2 Highlights and Conclusions of the 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2010.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
The 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
"The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations"
Greetings from Paris. We are pleased to inform you that the Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2010 (54 pages, 19 figures) have appeared as http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.3494 and are also available (.ps printing format) on the web site of the Colloquium:
Abstract (Abridged)
The Chalonge 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium was held on 22-24 July 2010 in Paris Observatory on the Standard Model of the Universe: News from WMAP7, BICEP, QUAD, SPT, AMI, ACT, Planck, QUIJOTE and Herschel; dark matter (DM) searches and galactic observations; related theory and simulations; aiming synthesis, progress and clarification. P. Biermann, D. Boyanovsky, A. Cooray, C. Destri, H. de Vega, G. Gilmore, S. Gottlober, E. Komatsu, S. McGaugh, A. Lasenby, R. Rebolo, P. Salucci, N. Sanchez and A. Tikhonov present here their highlights of the Colloquium. Inflection points emerged: LambdaWDM (Warm DM) emerges impressively over LambdaCDM whose galactic scale problems are ever-increasing.
Summary and conclusions by H. J. de Vega, M. C. Falvella and N. G. Sanchez stress among other points: (i) Primordial CMB gaussianity is confirmed. Inflation effective theory predicts a tensor to scalar ratio 0.05-0.04 at reach/border line of next CMB observations, early fast-roll inflation provides lowest multipoles depression. SZ amplitudes are smaller than expected: CMB and X-ray data agree but intracluster models need revision and relaxed/non-relaxed clusters distinction. (ii) cosmic ray positron excess is explained naturally by astrophysical processes, annihilating/decaying dark matter needs growing tailoring. (iii) Cored (non cusped) DM halos and warm (keV scale mass) DM are increasingly favored from theory and observations, naturally producing observed small scale structures, wimps turn strongly disfavoured. LambdaWDM 1 keV simulations well reproduce observations. Evidence that LambdaCDM does not work at small scales is staggering. P Biermann presents his live minutes
of the Colloquium and concludes that a keV sterile neutrino is the most interesting DM candidate.
Photos of the Colloquium are included.
We thank all again, both lecturers and participants, for having contributed so much to this Colloquium and look forward to seeing you again in a next Meeting of this series.
With Compliments and kind regards
Norma G Sanchez, Hector J de Vega

02 Sep '10
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 The Ins and Outs of Black Holes
1.2 Mario Novello Symposium On Bouncing Models
2. Jobs
2.1 Tenure track position in Mathematical/Theoretical Physics at Waterloo
2.2 Postdoctoral positions at Perimeter Institute
2.3 Joliot-Curie Fellowship for Women at Radboud University Nijmegen
2.4 CIFAR Junior Fellowship Cosmology and Gravity Program
3. News
3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Pioneer Anomaly"
3.2 Special Session at ERE2010 Dedicated to the Memory of Brian Edgar
3.3 Publishing papers with no author's approval
1. Conferences
1.1 The Ins and Outs of Black Holes
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Nov 15, 2010 to Wed, Nov 17, 2010
Location: Annapolis, MD, U.S.A.
Additional Information: http://www.mdjsi.org/
"The Ins and Outs of Black Holes"
Annapolis, Maryland, USA
November 15-17, 2010
The Joint Space Science Institute (JSI) -- consisting of astrophysicists and physicists from the University of Maryland and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center -- is hosting a cross-cutting conference to examine the physics and astrophysics of energy flows in and around black holes. We plan to bring together 80-100 scientists from around the world to discuss observations, phenomenology, fundamental theory and how they all fit together. Sessions will be organized around broad questions:
* What are the observations that we need to explain?
* How is plasma physics important for understanding accretion?
* What interesting particle physics takes place near black holes?
* How does black hole spin modulate the nature of the emitted energy?
* What can observations of black holes tell us about the theory of gravity?
* What can we learn from emissions from merging black holes?
Confirmed invited Speakers:
Nahum Arav (Virginia Tech)
Steven Balbus (ENS-Paris)
Roger Blandford (KIRPAC/Stanford)
Tamara Bogdanovic (Maryland)
Andrew Fabian (Cambridge)
Ted Jacobson (Maryland)
Julian Krolik (Johns Hopkins)
Kristen Menou (Columbia)
Richard Mushotzky (Maryland)
Angela Olinto (Chicago)
Tsvi Piran (Hebrew U. of Jerusalem)
Guenter Sigl (Hamburg)
Nico Yunes (Princeton)
VENUE: The conference will be held at the Loews Annapolis Hotel, located less than half a mile from the Maryland State House in the historic capital city of Maryland, and within easy walking distance of the waterfront and restaurant district. Annapolis is easily accessible from Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI), Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport.
REGISTRATION: Registration will open in early September and will be on a first-come first-serve basis. Registration will be accessible via http://www.mdjsi.org . We encourage you to register early.
FURTHER INFORMATION: To sign up for further email announcements, or if you have any other queries about this meeting, please email Chris Reynolds (chris[at]astro.umd.edu) or Peter Shawhan (pshawhan[at]umd.edu) For further information, please go to http://www.mdjsi.org .
Alessandra Buonanno
Jean Cottam
Bill Dorland
Jordan Goodman
Richard Mushotzky
Chris Reynolds (co-Chair)
Peter Shawhan (Chair)
1.2 Mario Novello Symposium On Bouncing Models
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Fri, Nov 26, 2010 to Tue, Nov 30, 2010
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Additional Information: http://www.cbpf.br/~smnbm/
The "Mario Novello Symposium on Bouncing Models" is to honor the decades of long work of M. Novello to promote cosmology in Brazil and develop numerous interactions with other countries, and for his emphasis, for many years, on bouncing models that culminated in 2008 with an exhaustive report on the subject. All aspects of this subject, from the high energy theory implementation to the observational consequences, will be covered. The Symposium on bouncing cosmological models will be held in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in the charming beach Resort of Portobello, Mangaratiba, 100 km away from Rio de Janeiro.
2. Jobs
2.1 Tenure track position in Mathematical/Theoretical Physics at Waterloo
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Deadline: Mon, Jan 10, 2011
Additional Information: http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~akempf/facultyposition.pdf
Tenure track position in Mathematical/Theoretical Physics
Applications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, in the field of Mathematical/Theoretical Physics, to begin on or after July 1, 2011. The deadline for receiving applications, including three letters of reference, is January 10, 2011. Apply via email to
am-positions AT math.uwaterloo.ca
with “MPposition” in the subject line.
We are particularly interested in applicants with expertise in the areas of gravity, quantum gravity or cosmology.
The successful applicant may be considered for an Associate Membership at the independent Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and/or the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo.
For full details, see the official ad here:
2.2 Postdoctoral positions at Perimeter Institute
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Waterloo, ON, Canada
Deadline: Mon, Nov 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/Scientific/Applications/Postdoctoral_Resea…
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions from new and recent PhD’s working in fundamental theoretical physics. Our areas of strength include quantum gravity, string theory, quantum information, cosmology, quantum foundations, particle physics and condensed matter theory. We also encourage applications from scientists whose work overlaps these categories or falls in more than one of them. Our postdoctoral positions are normally for a period of three years. Outstanding candidates may also be considered for a senior postdoctoral position with a five-year term.
Further details on this opportunity, online application instructions and Perimeter Institute, can be found at: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/postdoctoralresearcher. Please note that to be considered for this position, you must apply online.
We welcome all candidates to apply by November 15th, 2010, but applications will be considered until all positions are filled.
PI may also nominate exceptional candidates for a Banting Fellowship, sponsored by the Government of Canada. Applicants who may be interested in this opportunity are requested to have their application materials and references submitted by October 15th, 2010.
Perimeter Institute offers a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment with maximum research freedom and opportunity to collaborate within and across fields. Our postdoctoral positions are intended for highly original and intellectually independent young theorists and offer exceptional support including a generous research and travel fund, opportunities to invite their own collaborators as visitors, and the possibility of organizing workshops and conferences.
Perimeter Institute is located west of Toronto, in Waterloo, Canada and opened in September 2001 as an independent Institute supporting research in foundational areas of theoretical physics. The Institute offers an exceptional research environment and is currently staffed with 25 full-time and part-time faculty members, 20 Distinguished Research Chairs, 45 Postdoctoral Researchers, 25 Graduate Students, 31 exceptional masters-level students participating in Perimeter Scholars International, and hosts hundreds of visitors and conference participants throughout the academic year.
Perimeter Institute is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.
2.3 Joliot-Curie Fellowship for Women at Radboud University Nijmegen
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Deadline: Wed, Sep 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.ru.nl/vacatures/details/details_vacature_0?recid=500121
The Faculty of Science at the Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) is pleased to offer several tenure track fellowships to talented young women with outstanding potential in the field of chemistry, physics, and astronomy. The Joliot-Curie fellowships are available in three of the faculty’s prestigious research institutes. This highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment offers exceptional research opportunities to independent, motivated and gifted female scientists.
You are encouraged to launch your own independent research program at one of the faculty's research institutes. You are expected to publish in high-profile journals, attract your own external funding and contribute to the teaching programs.
The Faculty of Science has three interdisciplinary research institutes with fellowship opportunities in the field of chemistry, physics, and astronomy:
Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM): conducts excellent interdisciplinary research in the field of chemistry and physics and offers a strong interplay between experimental and theoretical research groups. IMM and the Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences aim to further strengthen their leading activities at the interface of chemistry and biology.IMM also has several unique research facilities, including the High-Field Magnet Laboratory, NanoLab, Free Electron Lasers, and a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance laboratory. Fellowships are available in the field of chemical biology and advanced spectroscopy of molecules and materials.
Institute for Mathematics, Astronomy, and Particle Physics (IMAPP): centers around the theme of the origin of the universe. The particle physics group – member of Nikhef – has a vigorous theory program and participates in experiments at CERN and Fermilab. The astronomy group is active in the area of compact binaries, radio astronomy and, jointly with the particle physics group, the area of gravitational waves and cosmic ray physics. Fellowships are available in the field of mathematical physics, particle physics or astroparticle physics.
Donders Centre for Neuroscience (DCN): studies the human and animal brain with a broad repertoire of experimental techniques and informatics tools. The research is conducted on different levels: from genetic, molecular, neuronal cells to behavior. Fellowships are available in the field of new molecular imaging techniques in neuronal systems.
Website: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1935/joliot-curie-bi…
Conditions of employment
Employment: 0,8 - 1,0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on a fulltime employment: € 5,920 gross/month
Starting salary depends on experience.
Salary scale: 14
Additional conditions of employment
You will be appointed as assistant professor (UD) for up to five years and will be offered a permanent position as assistant or associate professor (UHD) depending a successful evaluation. The evaluation will be based on a set of objective criteria.
The university also welcomes applications from women with a more senior profile and is happy to offer them a customized tenure track. A full professorship is possible depending on the fellow’s long-term performance.
Other Information
Your application should include a cover letter, a research and teaching statement, CV, three referents and a list of publications. Suggestons for suiteble candidates are also welcomed.
Additional Information
Dr. Iwan Holleman, Managing Director IMM
Telephone: +31 24 3653189
E-mail: i.holleman[at]science.ru.nl
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancy number 62.51.10) before 15 September 2010 by sending your application – preferably by email – to:
RU Nijmegen, FNWI, P&O, Ms. Astrid Schröder
P.O Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen
Telephone: +31 24 3652764
E-mail: pz[at]science.ru.nl
2.4 CIFAR Junior Fellowship Cosmology and Gravity Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Canada
Additional Information: http://www2.cifar.ca/media/files/C%26G%20Junior%20Fellow%20Ad%20%2D%20June%…
The Junior Fellow Academy of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research is an elite fellowship program designed to build research and leadership capacity in gifted young scholars at a critical early stage of career development. The Academy provides unique opportunities for personal and professional growth through close collaboration with and mentorship from some of the best researchers in Canada and around the world.
CIFAR’s Cosmology and Gravity Program is seeking outstanding postdoctoral researchers to fill two Junior Fellowship positions: the first beginning in January 2011 and the second in July 2011. The Junior Fellowship will be held in conjunction with a university postdoctoral appointment under the supervision of one or more program Fellows or Scholars. The position is tenable at any of the Canadian institutions where members of the Cosmology and Gravity Program are based.
3. News
3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Pioneer Anomaly"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2010-4
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "The Pioneer Anomaly" by Slava G. Turyshev and Viktor T. Toth on September 1, 2010.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2010-4
Turyshev, Slava and Toth, Viktor T.
"The Pioneer Anomaly"
ACCEPTED: 2010-07-16
PUBLISHED: 2010-09-01
Radio-metric Doppler tracking data received from the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft from heliocentric distances of 20-70 AU has consistently indicated the presence of a small, anomalous, blue-shifted frequency drift uniformly changing with a rate of $\sim 6\times 10^{-9}$ Hz/s. Ultimately, the drift was interpreted as a constant sunward deceleration of each particular spacecraft at the level of $a_P = (8.74 \pm 1.33)\times 10^{-10}$ m/s$^2$. This apparent violation of the Newton's gravitational inverse square law has become known as the Pioneer anomaly; the nature of this anomaly remains unexplained. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the physical properties of the anomaly and the conditions that led to its detection and characterization. We review various mechanisms proposed to explain the anomaly and discuss the current state of efforts to determine its nature. A comprehensive new investigation of the anomalous behavior of the two Pioneers has begun recen
tly. The new efforts rely on the much-extended set of radio-metric Doppler data for both spacecraft in conjunction with the newly available complete record of their telemetry files and a large archive of original project documentation. As the new study is yet to report its findings, this review provides the necessary background for the new results to appear in the near future. In particular, we provide a significant amount of information on the design, operations and behavior of the two Pioneers during their entire missions, including descriptions of various data formats and techniques used for their navigation and radio-science data analysis. As most of this information was recovered relatively recently, it was not used in the previous studies of the Pioneer anomaly, but it is critical for the new investigation.
3.2 Special Session at ERE2010 Dedicated to the Memory of Brian Edgar
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.iaa.es/ere2010/website/modules/tinyd0/
On the afternoon of Thursday 9th September a special session of talks will be held at the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2010) to honour the memory of S. Brian Edgar who died on 10th June 2010. The ERE2010 meeting will be held at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) in Granada, Spain from 6th-10th September 2010.
Brian was a frequent attendee at the ERE meetings in recent years and shared fruitful collaborations with several groups in Iberia and indeed world-wide. Brian was a dedicated teacher and supervisor and a very able and productive researcher. However to many of us, Brian was more than just a colleague, but rather a dear friend.
Further details of the programme may be found on the ERE2010 web-site: http://www.iaa.es/ere2010/website/modules/tinyd0/index.php?id=22
On hyperspace@aei there is an obituary (http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/06/15/death-of-brian-edgar/) written mainly by Marcos Maia, who was a PhD student together with Brian at King's college in London, with input from others, and on MAI an obituary (http://www.phys.umu.se/bradley/GRSweden/maiobituary.pdf) written by his colleagues at the Department of Mathematics at Linköping University.
3.3 Publishing papers with no author's approval
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Dear hyperspace@aei Users!
I want inform you about interesting event I have met recently. Namely, I noticed that one of my arXiv's contributions to gr-qc titled "On quantum cosmology as field theory of bosonic string mass groundstate" has been published as "On quantum cosmology as field theory of bononic string mass groundstate" (i.e. with mispronounced word bosonic) in the journal International Journal of Physics by International Sciences Press within Serial Publications, see the webpage
I have submitted the appropriate info (with the link cited above) to arXiv, and SPIRES also accepted this information. After this I sent email to the Editor in Chief M. Agop affiliated to Department of Physics, Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi 700050, Romania with my question about the publication procedures of the journal. My doubts were serious, because I did not sent my paper to the journal, as well as I did not give my approval for publication of the manuscript. Moreover, I suppose there was not applied peer-review, because the paper consists few minor mistakes. I have not obtained any reply from the Editor in Chief, however, I have noticed today that the paper has been withdrawn from the journal.
Really, I do not know what one should do in this type of situations. I do not wish to suggest manifestly the opinion about the journal and its Editors.
Best regards,
L. Glinka

02 Aug '10
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 Colombo-Venezuelan Meeting in Relativity, Fields and Gravitation
1.2 Multimessenger Emissions from Sources of Gravitational Waves
1.3 20th Midwest Relativity Meeting at Guelph
1.4 Mathematical Relativity Workshop at Edinburgh
2. Jobs
2.1 Tenure track University Assistant in Physics at Vienna
2.2 Postdoc positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics at Birmingham
2.3 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cosmology at Oslo
3. News
3.1 Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge CIAS Meudon Workshop Dark Matter in the Universe 2010
3.2 Presentations of 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
3.3 Travel Grants for Chandra Centennial Symposium
3.4 2010 IOP Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize
1. Conferences
1.1 Colombo-Venezuelan Meeting in Relativity, Fields and Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Dec 01, 2010 to Fri, Dec 03, 2010
Location: San Gil, Santander Colombia
Additional Information: http://eventos.saber.ula.ve/rcvr2010
The 3rd Colombo-Venezuelan Meeting in Relativity, Fields and Gravitation is looking to be a latinamerican forum for researchers, advanced undergraduate and graduate students to share/discuss ideas in Gravitational and Field Physics.
This meeting is the continuation of the Colombian-Venezuelan effort for academic cooperation in Science and Technology. It is organized by the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Universidad del Valle (Colombia) and Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela). This meeting is a joint effort between research groups in two brother countries to strengthen joint research and academic exchanges that are so important and necessary for the growth of our collective intellectual heritage. Nowadays it becomes more important facing the intolerance of governments and showing the reality of a population with no border, working together, exchanging ideas, projects, researchers and students to get mutual benefit.
This short event will have three workshops (3h) by the invited speakers, three invited lectures (1h), short presentations (20 minutes), a poster session and a plenary to discuss the future of the Colombo-Venezuelan Network Relativity and Gravitation
- 20th of September: Deadline for Abstract Submision.
- 30th of September: Deadline for Conference Registration + Payment of Registration Fee
Information regarding registration, abstract submission, accommodation and travel issues will be posted soon at the web page of the conference http://eventos.saber.ula.ve/rcvr2010
1.2 Multimessenger Emissions from Sources of Gravitational Waves
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Nov 29, 2010 to Fri, Dec 03, 2010
Location: Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
Additional Information: http://hostel.ufabc.edu.br/~cecilia.chirenti/mesgw/index.html
The workshop Multimessenger Emissions from Sources of Gravitational Waves will take place from November 29th to December 3rd 2010, and it will be held at the Maresias Beach Hotel in Sao Sebastiao, Brazil. The objective of this 5-day workshop is to discuss the state of the art of different aspects of gravitational wave emission, including EM counterparts, supernovae and neutrino emission, different astrophysical sources, numerical simulations, analytical methods and data analysis.
The workshop is partly motivated by the 2010-2011 German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation. Both countries have an active interest in the study of gravitational waves, both in the theoretical and observational aspects, and are currently developing gravitational-wave detectors: the Mario Schenberg detector in Brazil, and the GEO600 in Germany.
Local Organizing Committee:
Elcio Abdalla (USP), Odylio Aguiar (INPE), Cecilia Chirenti (UFABC), Rodrigo Macedo (USP/AEI), Alberto Saa (UNICAMP), Vilson Zanchin (UFABC).
Scientific Advisory Board:
Hans-Thomas Janka, Kostas Kokkotas, Badri Krishnan, Cole Miller, Luciano Rezzolla, Stephen Rosswog, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Gerhard Schaefer, Bernard Schutz, Anna Watts.
Confirmed invited speakers so far:
Lee Lindblom, Joan Centrella, Zoltan Haiman, Stefanie Komossa, Kostas Kokkotas, Luciano Rezzolla, B.S. Sathyaprakash, Vitor Cardoso, Elcio Abdalla.
Registration is now open until November 1st, and we encourage the participants to present contributions in the form of short talks or posters. Limited financial support is available.
1.3 20th Midwest Relativity Meeting at Guelph
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Fri, Nov 05, 2010 to Sat, Nov 06, 2010
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.physics.uoguelph.ca/poisson/midwest/
This is an informal meeting that gathers researchers in general relativity and gravitation who work in or near the United States midwest. The format of the meeting will be as in past Midwest Relativity Meetings. Each participant may present a talk of approximately 15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. Registration and abstract submission will open on 13 September 2010 and close on 15 October 2010. Abstracts submitted after this date may still be considered, but no guarantee can be given. Undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral follows are especially encouraged to make presentations.
1.4 Mathematical Relativity Workshop at Edinburgh
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Wed, Sep 01, 2010 to Tue, Sep 07, 2010
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Additional Information: http://www.icms.org.uk/workshops/relativity
A workshop on Mathematical Relativity will take place on Sep 1, 2010 - Sep 7, 2010 at the James Clerk Maxwell Building (JCMB), King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh.
The focus of interest of the workshop is on recent developments in the understanding of the mathematical structure of general relativity, with an emphasis on global properties of solutions of Einstein equations.
Further information can be found on
There is no conference fee. Non-invited participants are welcome to attend, after letting one of the undersigned know about the intended participation, and making their own housing arrangements.
Pieter Blue, Piotr Chrusciel, Paul Tod
2. Jobs
2.1 Tenure track University Assistant in Physics at Vienna
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Vienna, Austria
Deadline: Fri, Sep 10, 2010
Additional Information: http://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/en/for-applicants/tenure-tracks/faculty-o…
The Rectorate of the University of Vienna invites applications for a tenure-track position of University Assistant (UniversitätsassistentIn) at the Faculty of Physics. The position is expected to be filled by March 1st, 2011, and the deadline for applications is September 10, 2010. Applications should be done online at
Position Reference No: 1368
Successful candidates will have an outstanding research record or show exceptional promise in any of the research areas of the Faculty of Physics, which include Gravitational Physics. Prerequisites for application:
a. PhD and a minimum of 2 years of post-doc experience
b. Scientific publications relevant to the field
c. Teaching experience or teaching concept
See also
More information can be obtained from Gabriele Marzoner of the Dean's office: dekanat.physik[AT]univie.ac.at
2.2 Postdoc positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics at Birmingham
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Birmingham, UK
Deadline: Fri, Aug 20, 2010
Additional Information: http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/gravity/
The Gravitational-Wave Group at the University of Birmingham invites applications for two post-doctoral positions. One position is to support research in advanced interferometry for future gravitational wave detectors. The second position is in the area LIGO/GEO/Virgo data analysis, with emphasis on compact object binary systems.
The positions are available from 1st September 2010 until 31st March 2013, and can be extended by a further year subject to available funding. The starting salary is in the range of GBP 27,319 to 35,646 a year, with potential progression to £37,839 a year.
The Birmingham Gravitational-wave Group currently consists of faculty members Mike Cruise, Andreas Freise and Alberto Vecchio, two postdoctoral research assistants and five post-graduate students. The group has a broad range of research interests including gravitational-wave advanced interferometer research and gravitational-wave data analysis. The group is member of the GEO Collaboration, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and has roles in the LISA International Science Team, GEO-HF (the upgrade of GEO 600) and the Einstein gravitational-wave Telescope. Project grants support activities in Advanced LIGO, the Einstein gravitational-wave Telescope, and LISA-Pathfinder. The group has excellent laboratory and computer facilities.
For full consideration, candidates must submit an electronic application online at www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs (please quote ref 35882 for advanced interferometry and ref 43560 for data analysis). In addition, candidates are requested to submit a curriculum vita, list of publications, statement of research interests to:
Mrs Annette Jenkins
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston B15 2TT
United Kingdom
Email: a.jenkins[at]bham.ac.uk
and to arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the same address. The deadline for application is 20th August 2010.
For further information and informal enquiries please contact: Dr. Alberto Vecchio (av[at]star.sr.bham.ac.uk) or Dr. Andreas Freise (adf[at]star.sr.bham.ac.uk).
2.3 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cosmology at Oslo
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: Fri, Oct 01, 2010
Additional Information: http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/430138/64278?iso=gb
A postdoctoral fellowship in cosmology is open at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics of the University of Oslo. The fellowship period is 3 years. The position is available from 1st January, 2011 but can also be started later in 2011. Closing date for applications: 1 October, 2010.
Salary: NOK 448.200 – 510.000 depending on qualifications and seniority
Applications should be done electronically: http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/430138/64278?iso=gb
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has appointed the cosmology group of the Institute as an emerging top-tier research group. The participation in the European Space Agency’s flagship mission PLANCK and the ground based CMB polarization experiment QUIET, and a strong effort in fundamental cosmological theory, act as two foci for consolidating the group and developing it further to become one of Norway’s internationally most visible research groups in the physical sciences.
The position is connected to the project ”Cosmological Probes of Modified Gravity”, funded by the Research Council of Norway. The successful applicant is expected to carry out research on cosmological structure formation within theories of gravity beyond General Relativity. The research will focus on both the linear and nonlinear regime of structure formation in the framework of scalar-tensor theories, vector-tensor theories and brane world models. It may involve testing these alternatives to dark energy using N-body simulations and/or lensing and/or the CMB and matter power spectra among others.
3. News
3.1 Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge CIAS Meudon Workshop Dark Matter in the Universe 2010
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2010.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 "Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal Properties of Galaxies: Theory and Observation"
Greetings from Paris. We are pleased to inform you that the Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge CIAS Meudon Workshop Dark Matter in the Universe 2010 (41 pages, 10 figures, 3 photos) have appeared as http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.2411 and are also available (.pdf format) on the web site of this Workshop:
The Workshop approached DM in a fourfold way: astronomical observations of DM structures (galaxy properties, halos, rotation curves and density profiles), DM numerical simulations (with and without baryons), theoretical astrophysics and cosmology (kinetic theory, Boltzmann-Vlasov evolution), astroparticle physics. Peter Biermann, Alfonso Cavaliere, Hector J. de Vega, Gianfranco Gentile, Chandra Jog, Andrea Lapi, Paolo Salucci, Norma G. Sanchez, Pasquale Serpico, Rainer Stiele, Janine van Eymeren and Markus Weber present here their highlights of the Workshop.
The summary and conclusions by H. J. de Vega and N. G. Sanchez stress among other points the growing evidence that DM particles have a mass in the keV scale and that those keV scale particles naturally produce the small scale structures observed in galaxies. Wimps (DM particles heavier than 1 GeV) are strongly disfavoured combining theory with galaxy astronomical observations.
Peter Biermann presents his live minutes of the Workshop and concludes that a right-handed sterile neutrino of mass of a few keV is the most interesting DM candidate. Photos of the Workshop are included.
We thank all again, both lecturers and participants, for having contributed so much to this Workshop and look forward to seeing you again in a next Meeting of this series.
With Compliments and kind regards
Norma G Sanchez, Hector J de Vega
3.2 Presentations of 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2010.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
The 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010
"The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations"
We are pleased to inform you that the presentations by the lecturers during the 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010 are available on-line (in pdf format) in "Programme and Lecturers" at the web site of this Colloquium:
The photographs of the Colloquium capturing moments of the stimulating and outstanding atmosphere created by all lecturers and participants during the Colloquium will be posted soon in this site.
We thank all again, both lecturers and participants, for having contributed so much to this Colloquium and look forward to seeing you again in a next Meeting of this series.
With Compliments and kind regards
Norma G Sanchez, Hector J de Vega
3.3 Travel Grants for Chandra Centennial Symposium
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://chandra100.uchicago.edu
As previously announced, a Symposium marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. Chandrasekhar will be held on the University of Chicago campus, October 15-17, 2010. The Symposium has now received a small amount of funding from the NSF to pay the travel costs of junior participants (assistant professors, postdocs, and graduate students) who are U.S. scientists. Applications and instructions can be found by going to the Chandra Symposium website (chandra100.uchicago.edu) and clicking on the "Travel" tab. The application deadline is September 1, 2010.
3.4 2010 IOP Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://gp.iop.org/
The 2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize will be made for excellence in postgraduate research and communication skills in gravitational physics. All members of the IOP Gravitational Physics Group who passed their PhD viva voce exam between 30 September 2008 and 1 October 2009 are entitled to enter the competition, and the winner will receive £250. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2010.
Please note that anyone (student or otherwise) can nominate a candidate (including the candidate themselves).
Furthermore, please note that the student's external PhD examiner must be willing to comment on the student's research, quality of the student's thesis and the student's ability to cogently communicate their work (evidenced by their viva performance and/or seminars). Students are advised to consult their external examiner before entering the competition.
For further information please click on the "Group prize" link on the web page http://gp.iop.org/, and click on "Details of the 2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize" at the top of the page.
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1 MG13: Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
1.2 2nd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting (final program)
1.3 XIVth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (second announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoc position in mathematical and/or numerical relativity at the University of Vienna
3. News
3.1 Einstein Toolkit Release
3.2 Presentations of Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 "Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal Properties of Galaxies: Theory and Observations"
3.3 Death of Brian Edgar
1. Conferences
1.1 MG13: Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 01, 2012 to Sat, Jul 07, 2012
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Additional Information: http://www.icra.it/MG/
The International Organizing Committee chaired by Remo Ruffini, the International Coordinating Committee chaired by Robert Jantzen, and the Local Organizing Committee chaired by Kjell Rosquist are pleased to announce the Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theory at the University of Stockholm in Stockholm, Sweden July 1 - 7, 2012.
As information becomes available, it will be posted at the
meeting website linked to this page:
Remo Ruffini, University of Rome
Robert Jantzen, Villanova University
Kjell Rosquist, University of Stockholm
1.2 2nd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting (final program)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Sun, Jul 11, 2010 to Fri, Jul 16, 2010
Location: Ventimiglia, Italy and Nice, France
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/2nd_galileo-xuguangqi
Registration at: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/meetings/RegistrationXU2.htm
The conference fee will be 350 € and it will cover coffee breaks, conference banquet and proceedings.
The 2nd Galileo - Xu Guanqi meeting will be limited to 100 participants and will be held on July 11 - 17, 2010.
The final program, together with wonderful images of Villa Hanbury, Villa Ratti and the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, can be downloaded clicking on the following link: http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/XU2/program.pdf
On the webpage you can find the list of titles and abstracts too.
See also the previous announcements on hyperspace@aei: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/tag/galileo-xuguangqi2/
Li-Zhi Fang and Remo Ruffini,
Co-Chairs of the "2nd Galileo - Xu Guanqgi meeting"
1.3 XIVth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (second announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting Mon, Aug 30, 2010 to Sat, Sep 11, 2010
Location: Rio de Janero, Brazil
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org.br
The XIV Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (BSCG) will take place in Mangaratiba, two hours from Rio de Janeiro, from August 30 to September 11, 2010. The BSCG was founded in 1978 through the initiative of the Cosmology and Gravitation Group, of the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF). The School is dedicated to the discussion of current research in Cosmology, Gravitation, Astrophysics and related fields, as well as to bringing together students and researchers from different countries.
Details can be found at http://www.icranet.org.br
2. Jobs
2.1 Postdoc position in mathematical and/or numerical relativity at the University of Vienna
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Institution: Vienna, Austria
Deadline: Thu, Jul 15, 2010
Additional Information: http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at/
The Gravitational Physics group of the Department of Physics of University of Vienna (see http://gravity.univie.ac.at/) is seeking to fill a post-doctoral position (Universitätsassistent/in) in the field of mathematical general relativity and/or numerical general relativity; in the latter case candidates with strong interest in rigorous aspects of numerical analysis will be sought. The initial appointment will be for two years, with a possibility of extension. The employment could start as early as September 2010, and we wish to fill the position before October 2010 in any case.
The list of members of the group, including scientifically active retired members, includes Peter Aichelburg, Robert Beig, Piotr Chrusciel, Mark Hannam, Mark Heinzle, Helmut Rumpf and Helmut Urbantke.
The gross salary is EUR 3248,70.- fourteen times a year. The teaching load is four hours/week, in English or in German.
Applications should be done online before July 15, 2010 at URL
position numbered “Kennzahl 1195" (follow the link to the online advertisements)
The candidates should arrange to have three letters of recommendation to be sent to
Mrs Karin Picek,
Mathematical Physics,
Faculty of Physics,
Boltzmanngasse 5/5/3521,
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
before July 15, 2010. Further enquiries can be directed to karin.picek[AT]univie.ac.at
3. News
3.1 Einstein Toolkit Release
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://einsteintoolkit.org/
We are pleased to announce the first release (code name "Bohr") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of over 130 software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including CactusEinstein, the Whisky hydrodynamics code, and the Carpet AMR infrastructure. The Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development. The toolkit includes modules to build complete codes for simulating black hole spacetimes as well as systems governed by relativistic hydrodynamics. Current development in the consortium is targeted at providing additional infrastructure for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve postdocs and faculty from five different institutions, and hold weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join in.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include:
1: Open, community-driven software development that encourages the sharing of code across the community, prevents code duplication, and leads to sustainable support and development of essential code.
2: Well thought out and stable interfaces between components that enable multiple implementations of physics capabilities, and allow groups or individuals to concentrate on their areas of interest.
3: Separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure so that new technologies for large scale computing, processor accelerators, or parallel I/O can be easily integrated with science codes.
4: The provision of complete working production codes to provide: prototypes, standard benchmarks, and testcases; codes that are available for and usable by the general astrophysics community; tools for new researchers and groups to enter this field; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at <http://einsteintoolkit.org>.
We thank the numerous people who contributed to this software over the past many years; there are too many to be listed here. We also gratefully acknowledge those who helped in the past months to make this release happen. The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 0903973/0903782/0904015 (CIGR), and also by NSF 0701566/0855892 (XiRel), 0721915 (Alpaca), 0725070 (Blue Waters), and 0905046/0941653 (PetaCactus).
The "Bohr" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium
3.2 Presentations of Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 "Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal Properties of Galaxies: Theory and Observations"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2010.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 "Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal Properties of Galaxies: Theory and Observations"
We are pleased to inform you that the presentations by the lecturers during The Chalonge Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 are available on-line (in pdf format) in "Programme and Lecturers" at the Workshop site:
The photographs of the workshop will be posted soon on this site.
We thank all again, both lecturers and participants, for having contributed so much to this workshop and look forward to seeing you again in a next meeting of this series.
With compliments and kind regards,
Norma G Sanchez,
Hector J de Vega
3.3 Death of Brian Edgar
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Brian Edgar
Brian Edgar sadly passed away last Thursday June 10th from a stroke. He is survived by a wife, son, daughter and grandson who all live in Linköping, Sweden. Brian worked at the Mathematics Department of Linköping University (LiU). He was born in Northern Ireland and had that marvellous broad Northern Ireland accent which people loved to hear.
Brian finished his PhD under the supervision of Clive Kilmister (who also sadly died about a month ago). Brian was an ‘Effer’, a name given by and to the PhD students who shared the office at room F of the old building of King's College, on Surrey Street, just above the Aldwych station and the London Roman Bath, from mid 60's to mid 70’s. That was a very rich period for gravitation physics when we lived under the strong influence of Felix Pirani, Hermann Bondi, Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking, William Bonnor, Clive Kilmister among others. This was a rich period when many new ideas on gravitational physics were being created, mostly on its mathematical aspects.
After graduating from Queen’s Belfast, Brian worked in Cameroon and Ghana before his PhD studies and after his PhD exam he went back to work in Ghana. After many years in Ghana he moved to Botswana in 1982. During this time he also in secret supervised a banned ANC activist that later became a South African minister who opened the Durban GR meeting in 2001. He then moved to Linköping in Sweden in 1987, where he and Malcolm Ludvigsen inaugurated and developed the gravitational physics program at LiU. He was the supervisor of several successful PhD students.
One of his characteristics was to help the development of applied mathematics programs in developing countries, a passion that was born during his time in Africa. He was working on a program for collaboration between the Swedish and Brazilian applied mathematical programs, but it was beaten by the slow pace of bureaucracy and shortness of life.
Brian was a classical relativist, in the sense that his works were mainly motivated by geometrical aspects of Riemann geometry in general relativity. Part of his work was devoted to the field of exact solutions and in particular the GHP formalism and generalisations of it. An important outcome of these studies is the Edgar-Ludwig metrics. In the latter period, motivated by the support of Kilmister, he was working with various collaborators on the problem of Lanczos potentials and dimensionally-dependent identities for general relativity. At the time of his passing he was finishing one of such papers. We will miss his scientific enthusiasm, his willingness to help scientists around the world, and above all his always joyful presence.
>From all friends of Brian