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- 191 discussions

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for October 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Oct '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Oct '22
02 Oct '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Gravity 2023, Vancouver, Canada
1.2. Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics, Albena, Bulgaria
1.3. 5th Zeldovich meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
2. Jobs
2.1. New call for ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
2.2. Postdoctoral Research Position in Numerical Relativity, Urbana (IL), USA
2.3. ERC-funded PhD position in multi-messenger astrophysics with neutron star mergers, Jena, Germany
2.4. ERC-funded postdoc position in computational relativistic astrophysics of neutron star mergers, Jena, Germany
2.5. PhD positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
2.6. N3AS Physics Frontier Center Fellow: Gravitational Wave Analysis and Modeling, USA
2.7. INFN postdoc position in gravity theory and phenomenology, Rome and Pisa, Italy
2.8. McWilliams Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pittsburgh, USA
2.9. Postdoctoral Position in time domain astronomy/gravitational waves/galaxy surveys, Pittsburgh, USA
2.10. Postdoctoral position in astrophysics, Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland
2.11. CITA National Fellowship at SFU, Vancouver, Canada
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in General Relativity and Data Analysis, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2.13. Professor/Reader in the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth, UK
2.14. Master/PhD positions in astrophysics at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2.15. Postdoctoral positions in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
2.16. Postdoctoral positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astrophysics at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
2.17. Tenure-track position in any area of cosmology, gravity, or astrophysics, Milwaukee, WI, USA
2.18. NANOGrav postdoctoral position, Milwaukee, WI, USA
2.19. Postdoctoral positions, Milwaukee, WI, USA
2.20. Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Oxford, MS, USA
2.21. Faculty Positions in High Energy Astrophysics, Shangai, China
2.22. Instrument/Experiment Postdoctoral position at the LIGO Laboratory (Caltech, MIT), USA
2.23. Data Analysis Postdoctoral position at the LIGO Laboratory, (Caltech, MIT), USA
2.24. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves at Caltech, Pasadena, USA
2.25. Postdoc position at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
2.26. Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Perimeter, Waterloo, Canada
2.27. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational-wave astronomy, Milan, Italy
2.28. Postdoctoral position at Penn state, University Park, PA, USA
2.29. European-funded postdoctoral and PhD positions in Theoretical Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
3. News
3.1. Special issue of Symmetry
3.2. Blaumann Foundation Grants (reminder)
3.3. Loops '24, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
3.4. DGRAV Seminar Series
3.5. Chalonge - de Vega Lectures Autumn 2022 and Nobel Lectures in Physics
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Gravity 2023, Vancouver, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-18 to 2023-01-21
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Additional Information: https://www.sfu.ca/physics/cosmology/TestingGravity2023/
Contact: testing-gravity[AT]sfu.ca
Registration is open for the 4th Testing Gravity conference at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver, January 18-21, 2023. Like the previous meetings in this series, TG2023 will feature the latest updates from the gravitational wave detectors, laboratory tests, cosmological surveys and other experiments, as well as discussions of recent theoretical advances.
Testing Gravity remains a topical theme because of the unexplained nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and the long-standing failure to reconcile gravity with quantum physics. The Testing Gravity conference series aims to provide theorists working on extensions of General Relativity with a realistic perspective on what aspects of their theories can be tested. On the other hand, the experimentalists and observers get a chance to learn about new ideas that their experiments can test.
There will be a one-day "school" on Wednesday, January 18th, featuring review lectures covering the key topics of the conference. The main conference, January 19-21, will include invited and contributed talks, and a poster session.
To register and for further information, including special accommodation rates, please visit the conference website.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Vancouver.
The Scientific Organizing Committee: Andrei Frolov, Makoto Fujiwara, Levon Pogosian, Dimitrios Psaltis, Douglas Scott and Alessandra Silvestri
1.2. Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics, Albena, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-05-15 to 2023-05-18
Location: Albena, Bulgaria
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/meetings/2023/
Contact: minkowski2023[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org
The Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics will commemorate the 115th anniversary of Minkowski's 1908 world-view-changing lecture "Space and Time," which presented the novel ideas of the spacetime structure of the world and the four-dimensional physics of spacetime. In addition to technical papers on areas related to Minkowski's contributions to the foundations of spacetime physics, papers on closely related topics, including on conceptual issues of spacetime physics, will be also welcome.
There will be a special session on how Hermann Minkowski, had he been alive in 1915, might have reformulated Einstein's general relativity: whether gravitational phenomena can be fully accounted for by the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime without the need to assume that gravitation is a physical interaction; in 1921 Eddington mentioned this possibility explicitly - "gravitation as a separate agency becomes unnecessary" (A. S. Eddington, The Relativity of Time, Nature 106, 802-804, 17 February 1921).
Contributed papers in the form of extended abstracts of up to two pages should be emailed to minkowski2023[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org by January 31, 2023. Submissions will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by February 28, 2023.
1.3. 5th Zeldovich meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-06-12 to 2023-06-17
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich5
Contact: zeld5[AT]icranet.org
We are happy to announce the 5th Zeldovich meeting, an international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich organized by ICRANet, to be held in Yerevan (Armenia) on June 12-17, 2023. This conference will follow a series of very successful international conferences in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich, respectively held in Minsk in 2009, 2014, 2018 and online in 2020.
Exceptionally wide research interests of Ya. B. Zeldovich, ranging from chemical physics, elementary particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics and cosmology, provide the topics to be covered during the conference:
* multimessenger astrophysics;
* early universe, large scale structure, cosmic microwave background;
* neutron stars, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, hypernovae;
* gravitational waves;
* quantum and gravity.
Traditionally, among the invited speakers, there will be members of the world-famous scientific school in astrophysics and cosmology, founded by Ya. B. Zeldovich.
All the information regarding this event are posted on its official website:
2. Jobs
2.1. New call for ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-10-31
Location: Noordwijk, Netherlands or Madrid, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme
Contact: arvp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc)
The ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme is open to scientists, at all career levels, affiliated with institutes in ESA Member States and Collaborating States. Early-career scientists (within 10 years of the PhD) are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications by PhD students are also welcome.
During their stay, visiting scientists will have access to archives and mission specialists for help with the retrieval, calibration, and analysis of archival data. In principle, all areas of space research covered by ESA science missions can be supported.
Residence lasts typically between one and three months, also distributed over multiple visits. Research projects can be carried out at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) and at ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands). To offset the expenses incurred by visitors, ESA covers travel costs from and to the home institution and provides support for lodging expenses and meals.
Applications received before 1 November 2022 will be considered for visits in spring and summer 2023.
For further details, including areas of research and contact information, please refer to:
https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme or write to the programme coordinators at arvp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
2.2. Postdoctoral Research Position in Numerical Relativity, Urbana (IL), USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Urbana, Illinois, USA
Additional Information: https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/
Contact: bkoebbe[AT]illinois.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the Illinois Relativity Group working with Professors Stuart Shapiro and Antonios Tsokaros. The candidate should have expertise in numerical relativity and relativistic astrophysics. Experience in computational hydrodynamics and/or computational MHD is desirable.
Applicants should go online at https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/ to submit their application, which must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, brief description of research interests, and the names, mailing and email addresses of three references. Please contact Brandy Koebbe at bkoebbe[AT]illinois.edu if you have any questions. Applications should be posted by DEC 1, 2022 for full consideration.
The successful applicant will join Professors Shapiro and Tsokaros and their group in developing and applying the tools of numerical relativity together with computational hydrodynamics, MHD, and/or stellar dynamics to tackle diverse problems in general relativity and astrophysics. Recent topics include the inspiral and coalescence of compact binaries, the generation of gravitational waves, magnetized neutron stars, magnetorotational stellar collapse, accretion onto isolated and binary black holes and jets, the formation and cosmological growth of supermassive black holes, and the dynamics of dark matter halos and spikes around black holes. Some of this work is geared to identifying astrophysically plausible, strong-field sources of gravitational waves and calculating gravitational waveforms detectable by LIGO/VIRGO, KAGRA, the PTA, and future detectors such as LISA and the EINSTEIN TELESCOPE. For the "multimessenger" sources we are also exploring counterpart electromagnetic
signals, including gamma-ray bursts and kilonovae, as well as neutrinos.
In addition to Professors Shapiro and Tsokaros, the Illinois Relativity Group includes Professors Nicolas Yunes and Helvi Witek and our postdocs, graduate and undergraduate research students. The Group maintains close interactions with other UIUC colleagues in Physics, Astronomy and NCSA, in addition to several external collaborators.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
2.3. ERC-funded PhD position in multi-messenger astrophysics with neutron star mergers, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/~bernuzzi
Contact: sebastiano.bernuzzi[AT]uni-jena.de
Applications are invited for one PhD position in the field of multi-messenger astrophysics with focus on modeling neutron star mergers (theory/modeling) at the University of Jena.
The position is associated with the research group of Prof. Sebastiano Bernuzzi at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and it is funded by the European Research Council consolidator grant 101043372 'InspiReM ' of the Horizon programme. The successful researcher is expected to work on the topic of binary neutron star mergers with focus on numerical relativity, theoretical and computational astrophysics, gravitational waves or multi-messenger data analysis. Candidates with background in these areas are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications should be received by December 1st, 2022, but will be considered until the positions are filled. The starting date of the project is April 1st, 2023. The appointment will be for three years.
Applications should be sent to:
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena, Germany
Office 209
Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of two potential referees, who may be contacted separately.
Please use the string "Application for PhD position - SURNAME NAME" in the email subject and submit a single PDF file.
More info:
* Research group: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/~bernuzzi
* Job advertisement: https://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/Jobs
* Theoretical Physics Institute: https://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/HomePage
2.4. ERC-funded postdoc position in computational relativistic astrophysics of neutron star mergers, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Jena. Germany
Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/~bernuzzi
Contact: sebastiano.bernuzzi[AT]uni-jena.de
Applications are invited for one postdoctoral positions in the field of numerical relativity and computational relativistic astrophysics with focus on neutron star mergers at the University of Jena.
The position is associated with the research group of Prof. Sebastiano Bernuzzi at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and it is funded by the European Research Council consolidator grant 101043372 'InspiReM ' of the Horizon programme. The successful researcher is expected to work on simulations of binary neutron star mergers in general relativity including high-performance computing, magnetohydrodynamics, microphysics, nuclear physics aspects, radiation transport, and ab-initio modeling of astrophysical observables. Candidates with demonstrated expertise in these areas are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications should be received by December 1st, 2022, but will be considered until the positions are filled. The starting date of the project is April 1st, 2023. The appointment will be initially for two years but funds up to five years are available.
Applications should be sent to:
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena, Germany
Office 209
Please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a brief description of research interests, and a list of three potential referees, who may be contacted separately.
Please use the string "Application for PD position - SURNAME NAME" in the email's subject and submit a single PDF file.
More info
* Job advertisement: https://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/Jobs
* Research group: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/~bernuzzi
* Theoretical Physics Institute: https://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/HomePage
2.5. PhD positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-10-15
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.uv.es/uvweb/astronomy-astrophysics-department/en/department-ast…
Contact: j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es
The Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the University of Valencia (Spain) invites applications for four PhD positions in the areas of Gravitational-Wave Physics and Relativistic Astrophysics, including data analysis, modelling of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, and numerical relativity. The group comprises faculty members Pablo Cerda-Duran, Isabel Cordero-Carrion, Jose Antonio Font and Alejandro Torres-Fornr, and non-tenured faculty members Milton Ruiz and Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, postdoc Raimon Luna and seven PhD students. The group is part of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope Collaboration and of the LISA Consortium.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates interested in developing tools and algorithms to characterize gravitational-wave sources based on current observations as well as in improving numerical techniques to perform accurate long-term evolutions of astrophysical scenarios involving compact objects, such as black holes, neutron stars, boson stars and other exotic compact objects, to tackle several large-scale, long-standing, unsolved problems in theoretical astrophysics, numerical relativity and fundamental physics.
Applicants should send a CV, brief statement of research interests and academic transcripts by email before Oct 15th, 2022, to Toni Font (j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es) and Milton Ruiz (milton.ruiz[AT]uv.es). Please also arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to these addresses. The start dates are flexible, but we aim to fill the positions as soon as possible.
The University of Valencia is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion encouraging applications from women and/or other underrepresented groups.
Toni Font and Milton Ruiz
2.6. N3AS Physics Frontier Center Fellow: Gravitational Wave Analysis and Modeling, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo?action=joblist&id=22510
Contact: david.radice[AT]psu.edu
The NSF Physics Frontiers Center Network for Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) would like to make a postdoctoral appointment in the general area of gravitational-wave data analysis and connections to the modeling of binary neutron star mergers and core collapse supernovae.
N3AS is a multi-institutional collaboration linking thirteen partners: UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, U. Kentucky, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U. Minnesota, U. of New Hampshire, North Carolina State U., Northwestern U., Notre Dame U., Ohio U., Pennsylvania State U., U. Washington, and U. Wisconsin. N3AS research focuses on theoretical issues in multi-messenger astrophysics, including neutrino properties and their astrophysical consequences, dense matter, gravitational waves and their interpretation, neutron stars and their mergers, supernovae, nucleosynthesis, and dark matter. N3AS provides a unique multi-disciplinary environment for postdoctoral Fellows to address fundamental questions in astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear physics, and particle physics.
The appointment would be made through UC Berkeley, but the Fellow would be hosted by one or more of New Hampshire, Penn State, or Stony Brook, centers of N3AS modeling. The precise arrangement would be negotiated with the successful candidate when the appointment is made.
N3AS Fellows receive a salary of $74K, a generous travel allowance to enable travel to other N3AS institutions and collaboration with other N3AS members, and a relocation allowance. More details on N3AS can be found at https://n3as.berkeley.edu.
Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. (on or after September 2020) in theoretical physics, astrophysics, or a closely related area, and the ability to work productively within a diverse and collaborative research environment, producing and publishing original research, and presenting that research effectively in seminars and scientific meetings.
Requested application materials: Please submit a CV, a publication list, a statement of research interest, and three letters of reference. Materials should be submitted online at AJO. Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications before November 30, 2022 to ensure full consideration. As early reviews of applications will begin November 16, any candidate who can apply by this earlier date is encouraged to do so.
If additional information is needed, please contact one of the members of the selection committee, Francois Foucart, Jim Lattimer, David Radice, or B. S. Sathyaprakash. Email addresses are below.
Fellow benefits packages will be continuous over the three-year appointments, provided through UC Berkeley. UC Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status.
2.7. INFN postdoc position in gravity theory and phenomenology, Rome and Pisa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-11
Location: Rome and Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: https://jobs.dsi.infn.it/dettagli_job.php?id=3421
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
We are looking for an outstanding and highly-motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the area of strong gravity (theory and phenomenology).
The postdoctoral project "Modelling of gravitational waveforms from compact binaries beyond General Relativity" will involve a collaboration between the gravity-theory groups at Pisa University and at Sapienza University of Rome / INFN Roma1.
Eligible candidates are non-Italian citizens or Italian citizens who, at the submission deadline, hold a position in a foreign institution and have been continuously abroad for at least three years. Conditions, eligibility criteria, and more information are available here.
The research activities of the groups include gravitational-wave modelling and phenomenology, black-hole and neutron-star physics, tests of gravity and of the nature of compact objects, and strong-gravity tests of dark matter. The members of the groups are also expected to get involved in other activities such as training of students, networking, etc. Staff members of the gravity theory groups currently include Prof. Leonardo Gualtieri (Pisa University) and Prof. Paolo Pani (Sapienza), as well as several postdocs, PhD students, and master students, with strong connections to other local and international research groups.
The groups are part of the LISA and ET Consortia, of the RISE H2020-MC network "Gravitational Universe: Challenges and Opportunities (GRU)", and of the INFN Specific Initiative TEONGRAV - Gravitational Wave Sources.
For more information please contact Prof. Leonardo Gualtieri (Pisa University) and Prof. Paolo Pani (Sapienza).
Please circulate this announcement among potentially interested candidates.
2.8. McWilliams Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pittsburgh, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-10
Location: Pittsburgh, USA
Additional Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/113566
Contact: apalmese[AT]andrew.cmu.edu
The Department of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University invites applications for the McWilliams Postdoctoral Fellowship. McWilliams Fellows are expected to carry out their own programs of original research, independently or in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students. We welcome applications from researchers working in any area of astrophysics and/or cosmology.
McWilliams Postdoctoral Fellows are part of CMU's McWilliams Center for Cosmology. The McWilliams Center synergizes research carried out in CMU's Departments of Physics, Computer Science, Machine Learning, and Statistics, and enjoys close relationships with the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Carnegie Mellon's physics faculty hold leadership roles in multiple large sky surveys and consortia, including DES, DESI, HSC, LISA, and Rubin LSST. Theoretical and observational studies within the Center cover a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, including galaxy and structure formation, black holes and gravitational waves, stellar evolution, gravitational lensing, dynamical detection of dark matter and effective field theory in Cosmology. The McWilliams Center owns the Vera computing cluster at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, which provides high-performance computing resources on a variety of scales and works closely with our scientists.
Fellowship appointments are for 2 years, with renewal for a third year likely, contingent upon satisfactory progress. The position comes with a competitive salary, an annual research budget, health benefits, and relocation expenses.
We seek excellence within a respectful, inclusive University context. Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our community on a range of intellectual and cultural dimensions. CMU's Department of Physics welcomes applicants - including women, members of minority groups, protected veterans, individuals with disabilities, and others - who will enhance this diversity through their research, teaching and service. With an interest in building and enhancing international collaborations, we especially encourage applications from candidates who come from economically disadvantaged countries and/or countries where basic science research funding levels are low.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or an adjacent field by the time of appointment, which is anticipated to begin September 1, 2023.
Application Instructions
Applications should be uploaded to Interfolio and must include a curriculum vitae, publication list, a statement of research interests, and a cover letter. The cover letter should identify the applicant's scientific background and goals, explain any synergies that make CMU a good fit for the proposed work, and discuss the candidate's contributions toward diversity, equity, and inclusion. In addition, candidates should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be uploaded (a prompt will be sent automatically to the applicant's references when their contact information is entered in Interfolio). For full consideration, all materials should be received by November 10, 2022.
For questions about the position, please contact Prof. Matthew Walker at mgwalker[AT]cmu.edu.
2.9. Postdoctoral Position in time domain astronomy/gravitational waves/galaxy surveys, Pittsburgh, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-22
Location: Pittsburgh, USA
Additional Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/113538
Contact: apalmese[AT]andrew.cmu.edu
A postdoctoral position in astrophysics is available at��� the McWilliams Center for Cosmology in the Physics Department of Carnegie Mellon University. Candidates with experience in gravitational wave follow-up, gravitational wave cosmology (with LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA, Cosmic Explorer, or LISA), transients, and/or galaxy surveys (such as DES, DESI, Rubin LSST) are all encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will work with Prof. Antonella Palmese starting in 2023, with a flexible start date. This position supports 2 years of��� funding, with renewal for a third year likely, contingent upon satisfactory progress. The salary is competitive and��� commensurate with qualifications and experience, and includes a full��� benefits package.
The position will be affiliated with CMU's McWilliams Center for Cosmology. The McWilliams Center synergizes research of the CMU's Departments of Physics, Computer Science, Machine Learning, and Statistics, and enjoys close relationships with the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Carnegie Mellon's physics faculty hold leadership roles in multiple large sky surveys and consortia, including DES, DESI, HSC, LISA, Rubin LSST. Theoretical and observational studies within the Center cover a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, including galaxy and structure formation, black holes and gravitational waves, stellar evolution, gravitational lensing, and dark matter. The McWilliams Center owns the Vera computing cluster at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, which provides high-performance computing resources on a variety of scales and works closely with our scientists.
We seek excellence within a respectful, inclusive University context. Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our community on a range of intellectual and cultural dimensions. CMU's Department of Physics especially welcomes applicants - including women, members of minority groups, protected veterans, individuals with disabilities, and others - who will enhance this diversity through their research, teaching and service.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or an adjacent field by the time of the appointment.
Application Instructions
Applications should be uploaded to Interfolio and must include a curriculum vitae, publication list, a statement of research interests. In addition, candidates should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be uploaded (a prompt will be sent automatically to the applicant's references when their contact information is entered on Interfolio). For full consideration, all materials should be received by November 22, 2022.
2.10. Postdoctoral position in astrophysics, Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-10-28
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: https://www.cft.edu.pl/nauka/praca-w-cft
Contact: agnes[AT]cft.edu.pl
We invite applications for a Postdoc to participate in the research project "Origin of Gamma Ray Bursts and their multi messenger appearance". We are using both observational (archival) data and computational methods. The successful candidate will spend 100% of the time for this project in collaboration with PI, prof. Agnieszka Janiuk.
We are looking for a candidate with a PhD and experience in high energy astrophysics. The topic of research involves physics of ultra relativistic jets in gamma ray bursts and their interaction with environment. Previous experience in code development and solid programming skills will be a plus. The successful candidate will be required (1) to publish one first-author paper per year, and (2) to submit one HPC proposal per year. The postdoc should collaborate with other team members and supervise students for the purpose of carrying out this project.
The application should include: 1. CV with the clause "I agree to the processing of my personal data contained in the application documents"), 2. Publication list, participation in research projects and conferences 3. Motivation letter, with a description of the Candidate's commitment and research plans for this position. 4. Copy of the PhD diploma, or statement from the PhD Advisor on the planned date of defense. 5. Applicants should also arrange to have two letters of reference separately sent to agnes[AT]cft.edu.pl.
2.11. CITA National Fellowship at SFU, Vancouver, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-07
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Additional Information: https://www.cita.utoronto.ca/opportunities/national-fellows-programs/
Contact: cosmo-search[AT]sfu.ca
The cosmology group in the Physics Department at Simon Fraser University invites applications for a CITA National Fellowship at SFU with a starting date in the Fall, 2023. The SFU cosmology group includes faculty members Andrei Frolov, Gopolang Mohlabeng and Levon Pogosian, and has active research interests in observational tests of fundamental theories, early universe, astroparticle physics, cosmological tests of gravity, dark energy, dark matter, neutrino physics, primordial magnetic fields, black holes and topological defects.
The successful candidate would have the opportunity to join the Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 teams. Strong consideration will be given to applicants with demonstrated ability for independent research in any area of theoretical cosmology and astroparticle physics. Members of traditionally underrepresented groups in physics are particularly encouraged to apply. The appointment is for three years.
Applications are accepted via the CITA National Fellowship website.
On the application, please select Simon Fraser University as the host. You will be required to submit a CV, research statement and arrange for three letters of recommendation. The deadline is November 7, 2022. Informal inquiries can be sent to cosmo-search[AT]sfu.ca.
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in General Relativity and Data Analysis, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-06
Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities/postdoctoral-researcher-i…
Contact: bbonga[AT]science.ru.nl
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in general relativity and data analysis. As a postdoctoral researcher you will join the Strong Gravity group of B. Bonga and work on modelling tidal resonances. These resonances were co-discovered by Bonga and are critical to model accurately in extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) if we want to maximise the scientific output of LISA. You will complement the theoretical expertise in the group by bringing your expertise in (gravitational wave) data analysis. Ideally, you already have some experience with the data analysis tools relevant for LISA.
You are expected to closely collaborate with Bonga and students in her group. In addition, you should be open to interact with Radboud University's data analysis experts on gravitational waves (B. Krishnan and G. Nelemans) and particle physics (S. Caron). The goal is to improve current models for tidal resonances, create efficient and accurate waveform models and develop data analysis tools to identify tidal resonances in mock data and extract the relevant parameters.
For more information about the position and how to apply, see https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities/postdoctoral-researcher-i…. The ideal starting date for this position is January 2023. However, if this does not suit your timeline, please apply nonetheless and clearly indicate your constraints.
The deadline for applications is *6 November 2022*. Feel free to email bbonga[AT]science.ru.nl if you have any questions regarding this position.
2.13. Professor/Reader in the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-10-09
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Additional Information: http://www.icg.port.ac.uk/
Contact: adam.amara[AT]port.ac.uk
The Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) at the University of Portsmouth invites applications at the level of Reader or Professor (equivalent to associate professor or full professor) to strengthen its existing leadership in cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics.
The ICG is a world-leading research institute for cosmology, gravitation and astrophysics. We encourage applications from scientists with an excellent record of high-quality research publications related to cosmology and/or extragalactic astrophysics, as well as strong evidence of impact (innovation and/or public engagement) and external grant funding (including personal research fellowships).
The ICG consists of 15 academic staff, 20 postdoctoral researchers and 25 PhD students, and has an active international visitors programme. ICG has major involvement in
* Dark Energy Survey (DES),
* Vera Rubin Observatory,
* Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI),
* ESA's Euclid satellite mission,
* Square Kilometre Array (SKA),
* Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), and
* 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST).
The ICG hosts the 4288-core SCIAMA supercomputer.
We are strongly dedicated to embedding equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within our community. As an Athena SWAN and Race Equality Charter award holder, a member of Stonewall and a Disability Confident Employer we are passionate about creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, regardless of your background. We welcome applications from all talented people. We want our workforce to be representative of our diverse student population.
Please contact the ICG Director, Prof Adam Amara for further details.
2.14. Master/PhD positions in astrophysics at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: https://cosimobambi.github.io
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few Master and PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2023). For the Master Program, the candidates must have a Bachelor degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2023. For the PhD Program, the candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2023. Courses and research are conducted in English. Both the Master and the PhD Programs normally last 3 years. The scholarship covers: tuition fee, accommodation inside the campus, health insurance, and salary (normally 3,000 CNY/month for Master students and 3,500 CNY/month for PhD students).
We are looking for candidates interested in:
1) X-ray data analysis of black holes
2) Astrophysical codes (fortran, C/C++, python)
The group is led by Prof. Cosimo Bambi and currently consists of two postdoctoral researchers and several graduate and undergraduate students. More details can be found on the group webpage.
Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and any additional material that can be useful for the selection process to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Please arrange also at least two recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Application deadline: 30 November 2022 (but earlier applications are strongly recommended).
More details on our research group can be found at:
2.15. Postdoctoral positions in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/524801/postdoctoral-positions-in-computational-relat…
Contact: matthias.blittersdorf[AT]aei.mpg.de
The "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (the Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam led by Masaru Shibata (director) announces the opening of postdoc appointments. A few postdoctoral positions for 2+1 years will be available.
The "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division is currently composed of one group leader (Kenta Kiuchi), one senior scientist (Shinya Wanajo), and 10 postdoc researchers and focuses on several research topics in theoretical astrophysics, computational astrophysics, and general relativity. The current members in this division are working, e.g., in (i) numerical relativity with neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and viscous-hydrodynamics for merger and post-merger of neutron-star binaries and stellar collapse to black holes; (ii) modeling electromagnetic counterparts (kilonovae, short gamma-ray bursts, radio flare, precursors, etc) associated with neutron-star mergers; (iii) nucleosynthesis calculation associated with neutron-star mergers and stellar explosion; (iv) studies for the formation processes of a variety of black holes; (v) tidal disruption of white dwarfs by a supermassive black hole; (vi) MHD simulations for turbulent accretion disks and
neutron stars; (vii) numerical-relativity simulation for supernova explosion; (viii) numerical relativity in alternative theories of gravity. Working on other topics (even for non-relativistic astrophysics) is also encouraged.
The researchers in the "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division can use high-performance computers at Max Planck Computing and Data Facility and local cluster machines in this division.
Applicants will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research interests. Applicants will need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload the letters.
The deadline for the full consideration is November 30th, 2022. The positions will be available from any time after January 2023.
The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
2.16. Postdoctoral positions in Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astrophysics at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-13
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/955858/acr-postdoc-2023
Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" (ACR) department at the Max Planck Institute for gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam announces the opening of several postdoc appointments. The postdoctoral positions will be available at different levels, depending on experience and seniority, and can last from 2 to 5 years. We are particularly interested in hiring creative and motivated candidates who are at ease working both collaboratively and independently in a vibrant, interdisciplinary and synergistic group.
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is November 13, 2022. The anticipated start date of the positions is Summer 2023 or Fall 2023.
The complete announcement and instructions how to apply can be found here:
2.17. Tenure-track position in any area of cosmology, gravity, or astrophysics, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.uwm.edu/postings/35423
Contact: astrosearch-23[AT]uwm.edu
The Department of Physics at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship, beginning Fall 2023, in any area of gravitation, cosmology, astronomy or astrophysics. The position is associated with the Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA), home to seven professors as well as post-doctoral researchers, staff scientists, and graduate and undergraduate students. The CGCA has memberships in NANOGrav, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Zwicky Transient Facility, the GROWTH collaboration, the Murchison Widefield Array, VAST, and the Vera Rubin Observatory, and others. Further information about the University, the Department and the CGCA can be found at uwm.edu/physics and cgca.uwm.edu.
We seek candidates with an outstanding record of research, excellent teaching skills and a commitment to building a diverse educational environment. Candidates should submit a cover letter, a CV with a list of publications, research statement, teaching statement, and diversity statement, and arrange for submission of three letters of recommendation. Required qualifications include a PhD (or equivalent degree) in physics, astronomy, or related field, and a demonstrated record of research productivity.
Application material must be submitted electronically to:
Review of applications will begin after December 1, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. As an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, UWM promotes excellence through diversity and encourages all qualified individuals to apply.
2.18. NANOGrav postdoctoral position, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-23
Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Additional Information: https://cgca.uwm.edu/positions/2023-nanograv
Contact: cgca-postdoc-applications[AT]uwm.edu
We invite applications for a postdoctoral position at the Leonard E. Parker Center of Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). The successful applicant will work on projects related to pulsar timing arrays with Prof. David Kaplan and Prof. Sarah Vigeland, who are members of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) collaboration. The UWM NANOGrav group consists of Kaplan and Vigeland plus several postdocs and graduate students, and are active in many aspects of the experiment including pulsar searching, pulsar timing, noise characterization, gravitational wave detection and characterization, and multimessenger astrophysics.
The CGCA at UWM has active research efforts in astronomy, astrophysics, gravity, and cosmology, with membership in NANOGrav, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Zwicky Transient Facility, the GROWTH collaboration, the Murchison Widefield Array, and others. The core group is comprised of 7 faculty (Brady, Chang, Creighton, Erb, Kaplan, Vigeland, and Wiseman), plus a number of scientists, postdocs, and graduate students. Profs. Allen and Papa (now at the Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) maintain partial adjunct appointments at UWM, and emeritus faculty Friedman participates broadly in the academic life of the Center.
The initial appointment will be for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a third year, contingent on funding and research performance. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a related field by the time they start the position.
Please submit your applications to cgca-postdoc-applications[AT]uwm.edu with the following: a CV, publication list, and a brief statement of your research interests. Please include the word NANOGrav in the email subject line. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to the same email address. Applications should be received by January 23, 2023 to ensure full consideration, but the position will be open until filled. If you have questions about the position, please contact Prof. Vigeland (vigeland[AT]uwm.edu) and Prof. Kaplan (kaplan[AT]uwm.edu)
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
2.19. Postdoctoral positions, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-23
Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA
Additional Information: https://cgca.uwm.edu/positions/2023-cgca
Contact: cgca-postdoc-applications[AT]uwm.edu
The Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions. The initial appointments are for one year, with renewal for a second (and, in most cases, a third) year contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance. Applicants should have a PhD in physics, astrophysics, or a related field.
The CGCA at UWM has active research efforts in astronomy, astrophysics, gravity, and cosmology, with membership in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Zwicky Transient Facility, the GROWTH collaboration, the Murchison Widefield Array, and others. The CGCA also hosts the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center. The core group is comprised of 7 faculty (Brady, Chang, Creighton, Erb, Kaplan, Vigeland and Wiseman), plus a number of scientists, postdocs, and graduate students. Profs. Allen and Papa (now at the Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) maintain partial adjunct appointments at UWM, and emeritus faculty Friedman participates broadly in the academic life of the Center.
We are recruiting one or more postdoctoral research associates across gravity, cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics to enhance the existing team and to strengthen our efforts in multi-messenger observations/theory. Applicants with backgrounds in gravitational-wave physics, astronomy/astrophysics, theoretical and/or numerical relativity, or cosmology are encouraged to apply. The positions include competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits.
Some of these positions have an explicit education/outreach component. Thus, we strongly encourage applicants with a strong interest in education/outreach.
Applicants should send a C.V., publication list, and a brief statement of their research interests by email to cgca-postdoc-applications[AT]uwm.edu. Please include a brief statement of your education/outreach experience and interests if you are interested in a position with an explicit education/outreach component.
Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by e-mail to the above address. Review of applications will begin on January 23th, 2023. Questions should also be sent to the above address.
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
2.20. Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Oxford, MS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-14
Location: Oxford, Mississippi, USA
Additional Information: https://careers.olemiss.edu/job/University-Assistant-Professor-of-Physics-a…
Contact: lcstein[AT]olemiss.edu
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in astrophysics with a preference for multimessenger observation, theory, and/or gravitational astrophysics for the Fall of 2023. We seek candidates from any area that complements or diversifies the research interests of our department. Our gravity and astrophysics group has expertise in gravitational-wave source modeling, tests of general relativity, quantum gravity, and cosmology, and we are members of the LIGO, LISA, and the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaborations. The successful candidate may also join the recently established Center for Multimessenger Astrophysics. Candidates are expected to develop a research program capable of supporting and leading graduate students to a Ph.D. A competitive startup package is available.
A Ph.D. in Physics or a related field is required. Faculty members are expected to contribute to the teaching and service activities of the Department and the University. Teaching duties include up to three courses a year at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. Interested candidates should apply online at https://careers.olemiss.edu/job/University-Assistant-Professor-of-Physics-a… and submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of their teaching philosophy and commitment to inclusive pedagogy, a detailed proposal for developing their research program, and the names of three references who can provide letters of recommendation. Inquiries can be sent to the email address astrosearch(a)phy.olemiss.edu or to Astrophysics Search Committee Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677.
Consideration of applications will begin on November 14, 2022, but applications will be accepted until an adequate applicant pool is established or until the position is filled. We encourage applications from candidates interested in scientific engagement with the community, including events that will take place in the STEM education building scheduled for opening during the 2023-2024 academic year on the UM campus.
As we are committed to increasing diversity in the field, we especially welcome applicants who would expand the representation of minority groups in the department. Our Department goals are supported by the larger University of Mississippi and College of Liberal Arts' Pathways to Equity strategic plan. https://dce.olemiss.edu/equity-in-action-plans/college-of-liberal-arts/. The University of Mississippi complies with all applicable laws regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and does not unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or genetic information.
2.21. Faculty Positions in High Energy Astrophysics, Shangai, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-01
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://phys.fudan.edu.cn
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The Department of Physics at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications from outstanding candidates for tenure-track Associate Professor positions in high energy astrophysics (X-ray, Gamma-ray, and GW astrophysics). Applicants must have a Doctoral Degree in physics, astronomy, or related field and an outstanding research record. They are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses and to supervise undergraduate and graduate students. Salary, start-up grant, and housing allowance are competitive at international level.
Fudan University is one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China. The Department of Physics counts about 80 faculty members, over 400 undergraduate students, and over 300 graduate students.
Applications are accepted at any time and will be considered until opening positions are filled. For positions starting in September 2023, we suggest to submit all the application material by 1 December 2022. Applicants should submit full CV with publication list and research and teaching statements to Prof. Cosimo Bambi (email: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn). Please arrange also three or more recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
For inquiries, please contact Prof. Cosimo Bambi (email: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn) or Ms. E Xu (email: xue[AT]fudan.edu.cn).
2.22. Instrument/Experiment Postdoctoral position at the LIGO Laboratory (Caltech, MIT), USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-15
Location: LIGO Laboratory (Caltech, MIT, LHO, LLO), USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22727
Contact: HR[AT]ligo.caltech.edu
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has as its goal the development of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. The LIGO Laboratory is managed by Caltech and MIT, and is funded by the National Science Foundation. It operates observatory sites equipped with laser interferometric detectors at Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, which have made the first confirmed detection of gravitational waves. A vigorous LIGO Laboratory R-and-D program supports the development of enhancements to the LIGO detector and development of future detectors and detector technologies.
The LIGO Laboratory anticipates having one or possibly more postdoctoral research positions at one or more of the LIGO sites - Caltech, MIT and at the two LIGO Observatories in Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA - as positions become available. Hires will be made based on the availability of funding. Successful applicants will interact with faculty members Rana Adhikari and Lee McCuller (Caltech) and Matt Evans and Nergis Mavalvala (MIT) as well as the Lab's extensive network of experienced researchers and personnel. Successful applicants will be involved in the operation of LIGO itself and/or the R-and-D program for future detector improvements. We seek candidates across a broad range of disciplines. Expertise related to modeling, data analysis, electronics, laser and quantum optics, vibration isolation and control systems is desirable. Most importantly, candidates should be broadly trained scientists, willing to learn new experimental and analytical techniques, and ready to share in
the excitement of building, operating and observing with a gravitational-wave observatory. Appointments at the post-doctoral level will initially be for one-year with the possibility of renewal for up to two subsequent years.
Applications for postdoctoral research positions with LIGO Laboratory should indicate which of the LIGO sites (Caltech, MIT, Hanford, or Livingston), if any, are preferred by the applicant, and which (if any) are likely to be unworkable. Caltech and MIT are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employers. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. Applications should be submitted through Academic Jobs Online and include curriculum vitae, list of publications (with refereed articles noted), and the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three or more references. Please attach a cover letter describing past experience and current and future research interests. Applicants should request that three or more letters of recommendations be submitted directly through Academic Jobs Online. Consideration of applications will begin on November 15 but will also continue throughout the academic year.
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Caltech is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor. Click here to read more about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
Caltech is committed to working with and providing access and reasonable accommodations to applicants with physical or mental disabilities. To request disability accommodations for any part of the interview or hiring process, please reach out to the contact on the job posting.
Caltech has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy effective October 15, 2021, requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees (with Institute-approved exemptions for religious or medical contraindications only). At present, an individual is deemed "fully vaccinated" when that person has received, at least 14 days prior, either the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series (e.g., Pfizer or Moderna) or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Johnson and Johnson). Upon eligibility, employees are required to receive the COVID-19 booster as part of the vaccine mandate. As a condition of employment, employees must submit official COVID-19 vaccine documentation. More information may be found here.
2.23. Data Analysis Postdoctoral position at the LIGO Laboratory, (Caltech, MIT), USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-15
Location: LIGO Laboratory (Pasadena, Boston), USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22728
Contact: HR[AT]ligo.caltech.edu
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has as its goal the development of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. The LIGO Laboratory is managed by Caltech and MIT, and is funded by the National Science Foundation. It operates observatory sites equipped with laser interferometric detectors at Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, which have made the first confirmed detection of gravitational waves. A vigorous LIGO Laboratory R-and-D program supports the astrophysical data analysis of current and future gravitational-wave detectors.
The LIGO Laboratory anticipates having one or possibly more postdoctoral research positions at Caltech and/or MIT as positions become available. Hires will be made based on the availability of funding. Successful applicants will interact with faculty members Alan Weinstein and Katerina Chatziioannou (Caltech) and Salvatore Vitale (MIT) as well as the Lab's extensive network of experienced researchers and personnel. Successful applicants will be involved in analysis of LIGO data, both for diagnostic purposes and astrophysics searches, and have the opportunity to participate in detector characterization and calibration efforts. We seek candidates across a broad range of disciplines. Expertise related to astrophysics, modeling and data analysis is desirable. Most importantly, candidates should be broadly trained scientists, willing to learn new experimental and analytical techniques, and ready to share in the excitement of building, operating and observing with a gravitational-wave
observatory. Appointments at the post-doctoral level will initially be for one-year with the possibility of renewal for up to two subsequent years.
Applications for postdoctoral research positions with LIGO Laboratory should indicate which of the LIGO sites (Caltech, MIT), if any, are preferred by the applicant, and which (if any) are likely to be unworkable. Caltech and MIT are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employers. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.
Applications should be submitted through Academic Jobs Online and include curriculum vitae, list of publications (with refereed articles noted), and the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three or more references. Please attach a cover letter describing past experience and current and future research interests. Applicants should request that three or more letters of recommendations be submitted directly through Academic Jobs Online. Consideration of applications will begin on November 15 but will also continue throughout the academic year.
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Caltech is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor. Click here to read more about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
Caltech is committed to working with and providing access and reasonable accommodations to applicants with physical or mental disabilities. To request disability accommodations for any part of the interview or hiring process, please reach out to the contact on the job posting.
Caltech has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy effective October 15, 2021, requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees (with Institute-approved exemptions for religious or medical contraindications only). At present, an individual is deemed "fully vaccinated" when that person has received, at least 14 days prior, either the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series (e.g., Pfizer or Moderna) or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Johnson and Johnson). Upon eligibility, employees are required to receive the COVID-19 booster as part of the vaccine mandate. As a condition of employment, employees must submit official COVID-19 vaccine documentation. More information may be found here.
2.24. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves at Caltech, Pasadena, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-15
Location: Pasadena, USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22663
Contact: kchatziioannou[AT]caltech.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at TAPIR (Theoretical Astrophysics including Relativity and Cosmology), Caltech. The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with Prof. Katerina Chatziioannou and her group on broad topics related to gravitational-wave astrophysics, including analysis of gravitational-wave data and inference of the neutron star equation of state. In addition, the successful candidate can pursue topics in general relativity, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational-wave modeling, analysis for ground-based and/or space-based interferometers and pulsar timing arrays. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with research groups including faculty members Alan Weinstein, Yanbei Chen, Mark Scheel, Saul Teukolsky and Elias Most, as well as JPL scientists Curt Cutler and Michele Vallisneri. Interactions with other TAPIR groups and the Caltech LIGO Laboratory are also encouraged.
Previous experience in gravitational-wave astrophysics, data analysis, and the dense matter equation of state is beneficial. More broadly, the ideal candidate should possess skills and interests in theoretical astrophysics and data analysis, a willingness to diversify their expertise and to be involved in cross-disciplinary projects related to gravitational waves, as well as the disposition to work well independently and as part of a team. The initial appointment is for one year, with expected annual renewal for two additional years.
Applications should include: a cover letter, a CV and list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of reference. All material should be uploaded via Academic Jobs Online. Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2022. Further questions about this position should be addressed to Katerina Chaziioannou (kchatziioannou[AT]caltech.edu)
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Caltech is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor. Click here to read more about Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
Caltech is committed to working with and providing access and reasonable accommodations to applicants with physical or mental disabilities. To request disability accommodations for any part of the interview or hiring process, please reach out to the contact on the job posting.
Caltech has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy effective October 15, 2021, requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for all employees (with Institute-approved exemptions for religious or medical contraindications only). At present, an individual is deemed "fully vaccinated" when that person has received, at least 14 days prior, either the second dose in a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series (e.g., Pfizer or Moderna) or a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., Johnson and Johnson). Upon eligibility, employees are required to receive the COVID-19 booster as part of the vaccine mandate. As a condition of employment, employees must submit official COVID-19 vaccine documentation. More information may be found here.
2.25. Postdoc position at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: Ithaca, NY USA
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23006
Contact: saul[AT]astro.cornell.edu
Cornell University expects to have an opening for a Postdoctoral Associate in numerical relativity starting in September, 2023. The position requires a Ph.D. and experience in numerical relativity or computational physics. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds.
The Cornell Relativity Group consists of Saul Teukolsky, Eanna Flanagan, Nils Deppe (arriving 2023), senior research associate Larry Kidder and research associates Mike Boyle, Matt Giesler, and Will Throwe. There will also be opportunities to interact with the Theoretical Astrophysics Group, including Rachel Bean, David Chernoff, Dong Lai, and Ira Wasserman.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, list of publications, and a brief (1-3 pages) description of research interests, and should arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted through Academic Jobs Online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/23006
All materials should be received by November 30, 2022.
Diversity and inclusion have been and continue to be a part of our heritage. Cornell University is a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator.
2.26. Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Perimeter, Waterloo, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-08
Location: Waterloo, Canada
Additional Information: https://perimeterinstitute.ca/jobs/perimeter-postdoctoral-program
Contact: postdoc[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
Each year Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions, including named fellowships, from new and recent PhDs working in fundamental theoretical physics.
Our areas of research include:
Mathematical physics
Particle physics
Quantum fields and strings
Quantum foundations
Quantum information
Quantum gravity
Quantum matter
Strong gravity
Importantly, research at Perimeter focuses on the intersections of those research areas. Most postdoctoral positions are offered for a period of three years. You may be eligible to hold a named four year postdoctoral fellowship. Senior five-year fellowships are also available. Fellowships may, in addition, be offered jointly between Perimeter and partner institutes and universities.
Perimeter Institute offers a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment with maximum research freedom and opportunity to collaborate within and across fields. We welcome applications from highly creative and intellectually adventurous theorists. Perimeter offers:
comprehensive support including a generous research and travel fund
opportunities to invite visiting collaborators
help and support for organizing workshops and conferences
a mentoring system that provides you with feedback and support to flourish as an independent researcher
As a postdoctoral researcher at Perimeter Institute, you will be part of a thriving international research community which includes 26 Research Faculty, 22 Research Associate Faculty, 41 Distinguished Visiting Research Chairs, 61 Visiting Fellows, 50 Postdoctoral Researchers, 8 Teaching Faculty and academic staff, and 11 associate postdoctoral researchers. The Institute is host to 65 graduate students and 24 master's-level students participating in Perimeter Scholars International, as well as undergraduate students, interns, and research associates. Perimeter also welcomes approximately 800 visiting researchers and conference participants from around the world each year. We are committed to building an inclusive community that promotes excellence.
Apply Online
We welcome all candidates to apply by November 8, 2022 but applications will be considered until all positions are filled.
Recruitment for the 2023-24 academic year has begun. To submit your application, please apply online at https://perimeterinstitute.ca/jobs/perimeter-postdoctoral-program.
Compensation ($USD):
Annual Salary: $55,000 to $60,000
Stipend: $5,900
Perimeter Institute offers comprehensive extended health care (i.e. medical, dental, etc.) for primary resident and eligible dependents residing in Ontario.
2.27. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational-wave astronomy, Milan, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-18
Location: Milan, Italy
Additional Information: https://forms.gle/hnQc3N1xh53YAziH9
Contact: davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
The University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) invites expressions of interest for postdoctoral positions in gravitational-wave astronomy.
Successful candidates will join the group of Prof. Davide Gerosa and will be part of the "GWmining" project funded by the European Research Council. Targeted investigations focus on the astrophysical exploitation of gravitational-wave data. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in population-synthesis simulations of compact binaries, gravitational-wave parameter estimation and population studies, and numerical-relativity surrogate modeling (although we are open to all candidates with a strong gravitational-wave and/or high-energy astrophysics background!). Candidates will have ample opportunities to kickstart new projects with group members and will be strongly encouraged to develop their own independent collaborations.
We anticipate awarding up to three positions. Appointments will be for a three-year term and come with generous research and travel budget. The starting date is negotiable.
The astrophysics group at Milano-Bicocca provides a vibrant environment with expertise covering all aspects of gravitational-wave astronomy, relativistic astrophysics, and numerical relativity, as well as a wider astronomical context including observational and experimental activities. The group has tight connections with the LISA Consortium, the Virgo Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope Observational Science Board, the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), and the newly formed Italian Center for Supercomputing (ICSC). Faculty members with matching interests include Gerosa, Sesana, Colpi, Giacomazzo, and Dotti. For more information on Gerosa's group see https://davidegerosa.com/group
Milan is a beautiful, international city in the north of Italy with history, art, and outstanding food. Mountains lakes are just around the corner.
Successful candidates will have a PhD in Physics or related discipline, strong programming skills, and previous experience in gravitational (astro)physics. Applications should include a CV with a list of publications and a two-page statement covering research interests and plans. These should be sent by November 18th, 2022 using this web form:
Candidates should also arrange for at least two, but preferably three, reference letters to be sent using the same form by November 18th, 2022.
We strive to build a diverse and inclusive environment and welcome expressions of interest from traditionally underrepresented groups.
For inquiries please do not hesitate to contact Davide Gerosa at davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it.
2.28. Postdoctoral position at Penn state, University Park, PA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: University Park, PA, USA
Additional Information: https://psu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/PSU_Academic/job/Penn-State-Univers…, https://psu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/PSU_Academic/job/Penn-State-Univers…
Contact: bss25[AT]psu.edu
The Penn State Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos and the Department of Physics has two open postdoctoral positions in gravitational-wave astrophysics and data analysis. The first of these is focused on harnessing gravitational-wave data from LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA detectors to address problems in fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. The second position is focused on preparing the Mock Data Challenges for the next generation of gravitational-wave detectors in collaboration with colleagues at MIT and the University of Syracuse.
The Data Challenges support the Cosmic Explorer (CE) and Einstein Telescope (ET) projects in understanding the challenges in the detection and parameter estimation of gravitational waves in signal-rich data sets.
2.29. European-funded postdoctoral and PhD positions in Theoretical Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-30
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Additional Information: https://relastro.uni-frankfurt.de
Contact: steidl[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
The group of Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics in Frankfurt invites applications for one postdoctoral and one PhD position in Computational Theoretical Astrophysics. The positions are funded by the EuroHPC initiative dedicated to the creation of the multi-Institute Center of Excellence of HPC applications (SPACE).
The work to be carried out will focus on the performance and scalability optimisation of numerical codes employed in relativistic-astrophysics simulations. Experience in HPC and GPU computing is required for the postdoctoral position and desirable for the PhD position. Candidates should have a PhD/MSc in astrophysics, physics or computer science for the postdoc/PhD position, respectively.
The postdoctoral position is for four years while the PhD position is for three. The preferred starting date is 01.06.2023, but later appointments can be negotiated.
The successful applicant(s) will be part of an international research group at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Frankfurt, Germany. Interests of the group span from the modelling of the physics of neutron stars and black holes, to fundamental issues in gravitational physics (https://relastro.uni-frankfurt.de/) Frankfurt am Main is a lively and international city, and Europe's financial center.
The application should comprise a CV, a publication list, and a research summary. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the address below. Applications will have to be sent by 30.11.2022 for full consideration, but the search will remain open till the optimal candidates are found.
Applications should be made electronically and sent to: Fr. Astrid Steidl: steidl[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de indicating in the subject whether you are applying for the PD or PhD position.
Goethe University is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the number of women in research and teaching. Qualified female researchers are therefore especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with severe disabilities and equal qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration. We prioritise diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone.
3. News
3.1. Special issue of Symmetry
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/special_issues/611S4E4W8Y
We have announced a special issue of Symmetry, titled
"Advances in Theoretical Physics, Quantum Gravity and Spacetime Symmetries",
and anyone is welcome to submit a paper.
Summary of the issue:
In the search for a theory of quantum gravity, a pressing pressing question is "what is the structure of spacetime at the Planck scale?". Spacetime symmetries, and violations thereof, are promising probes for testing Planck-scale departures from known physics, and some of the most precise tests of Lorentz/CPT symmetry have Planck reach. Several approaches to Planck-scale physics can lead to the spontaneous breaking of spacetime symmetries in the gravitational sector, which could lead to observational signatures in current and future experiments. Therefore, it is of interest to study the theoretical mechanisms of spacetime-symmetry breaking in order to be able to identify any such observational hints of new physics.
All information can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/special_issues/611S4E4W8Y
3.2. Blaumann Foundation Grants (reminder)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://blaumannfoundation.org/en/research-grants/
The Blaumann Foundation offers research grants of amounts between EUR 1,000 and EUR 30,000 for fundamentals of physics projects, which fall within the general themes of interest of the foundation: Nature of time, nature of space, nature of observers, conceptual structure to understand extreme phenomena of the universe, fundamental questions of complexity and emergence. See Blaumann scientific objectives for a precise delimitation of the research times taken into consideration.
Examples of funded activities are: Periods of study and stay in research centers. Invitations for collaborations with research groups. Scholarships, lasting up to one year for research periods on topics of specific interest to the foundation. Partial contribution for postdoctoral scholarships and PhD scholarships. Financial support for workshops, physics schools, conferences. Travel and accommodation expenses for attending meetings, schools or conferences. Any other specific or complementary study or research activity deemed useful for the achievement of the purposes of the foundation itself.
The selection of projects will take place in December 2022. The Foundation allocates a total of EUR 40.000 for this selection. The Foundation plans to renew the call every six months. The selection will give priority to the relevance of the projects with the objectives of the foundation and to their scientific quality. Projects requiring smaller amounts are taken into consideration as a priority.
The applications, written in English or in Italian, can be sent via email and in a single pdf file, to the address blaumann[AT]blaumannfoundation.org by 15 November 2022. The application must contain a detailed reason that clarifies in particular the relevance of the project for the Foundation's objectives, a CV of the proposer, and a budget scheme, if appropriate.
The selection of a project involves the automatic appointment of the proposer as a Fellow of the Foundation. Promising unfunded projects can be reconsidered in a later selection.
3.3. Loops '24, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/e/loops24
This is the first announcement of the international conference Loops '24, the biennial conference on Loop Quantum Gravity and background independent approaches to quantum gravity. The conference will be held from Monday, May 6 through Friday, May 10, 2024, at the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA).
Please mark your calendars. Information on registration will appear in the second announcement and on the conference website.
3.4. DGRAV Seminar Series
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://engage.aps.org/dgrav/resources/seminar-series
The Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV) at the American Physical Society (APS) is pleased to announce the launch of the monthly online seminar series. The seminar will be held on the first Thursday of each month at 3 pm Eastern time, starting from October 6th.
The format for these seminars will be to have a more senior person, typically the research supervisor, give a short (about 15 mins) overview talk introducing the topic and open questions, and a more junior person, typically a graduate student or postdoc, give a more detailed research talk (about 30 mins). The goals are for the audience to learn about new subjects, while providing junior researchers with the opportunity to introduce themselves to our community.
The schedule for this year is as follows:
- Oct. 6: Prof. Emanuele Berti (Johns Hopkins U) and Dr. Kaze Wong (Flatiron Institute)
"Building new tools for gravitational wave astronomy"
- Nov. 3: Prof. Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute) and Prof. Masha Baryakhtar (U. Washington)
-Dec. 1: Prof. Bob Wald (U. of Chicago) and Dr. Gautam Satishchandran (Princeton U.)
"Black Holes are Watching You"
Please go to the seminar webpage at https://engage.aps.org/dgrav/resources/seminar-series to register for each seminar.
3.5. Chalonge - de Vega Lectures Autumn 2022 and Nobel Lectures in Physics
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://chalonge-devega.fr/Programme2022.html
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge - Hector de Vega. Chalonge - de Vega International School of Astrophysics Prof Dr Norma G. Sanchez, Director of the School
- Research - Training - Scientific Culture. Open Science and Free Access - Laboratory of Ideas, Workshop and Thinkshop.
Chalonge - de Vega Lectures Autumn 2022 and Nobel Lectures in Physics:
Next Chalonge - de Vega Lectures Autumn 2022 organized by Norma Sanchez, astro-cosmo-physics and their cross correlations, theory and observations, following on the 2021 Lectures series and Nobel Programme in Physics
In remote, on Wednesdays 16:00 Paris Time CEST/ CET. Save the Dates:
- 19 October 2022: Dr Alan J. KOGUT, NASA, GSFC-Greenbelt: The Curious Case of the Radio Sky, the Open Problem of the Origin of the Synchrotron Monopole and its Polarization.
- 2 November 2022: Prof Dr Takaaki KAJITA, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Cosmic Ray Research Institute, Tokyo U., Japan: Neutrino Oscillations, Exceptionally at 11:30 AM CET.
- 23 November 2022: Prof Dr Craig J. HOGAN, Chicago U. and Fermilab: Cosmic Anisotropy on Large Angular Scales.
- 7 December 2022: Prof Dr Adam G. RIESS, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Chalonge Medal and Hector de Vega Medal, H0 Award, Johns Hopkins U. and Space Telescope Science Institute: Closing Lecture of the Year
Open Free registration to receive the Zoom connection information: https://chalonge-devega.fr/registration_zoom.html
Participants already registered to the Programme 2021 and conserving the same e-address, do Not need to Register again to the Programme 2022.
More Information and posters of the Programme: https://chalonge-devega.fr/Programme2022.html
With compliments and kind regards

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for September 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Sep '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Sep '22
02 Sep '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. 32nd Midwest Relativity Conference, Rochester, Michigan
2. Jobs
2.1. Two Assistant Professorships in Data Intensive Science, Cambridge, UK
2.2. Visiting Scholars in Theoretical Sciences at OIST, Okinawa, Japan
2.3. ERC Post-Doctoral Research position in Numerical Relativity, Lisbon, Portugal
2.4. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
2.5. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Tenure-track position, Canberra, Australia
3. News
3.1. Death of David Matravers
3.2. Special Issue: Quantum Physics Including Gravity: Highlights and Novelties
1. Conferences
1.1. 32nd Midwest Relativity Conference, Rochester, Michigan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-10-07 to 2022-10-08
Location: Rochester Hills MI, USA
Additional Information: https://calendar.oakland.edu/physics/event/5981-1
Contact: garfinkl[AT]oakland.edu
This is the second announcement for The 32nd Midwest Relativity Meeting, which will be held on October 7 and 8 2022 at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. The conference website is now live
The Midwest Relativity Meetings bring together researchers from across the Midwest and beyond to discuss General Relativity and a broad range of topics in gravitational physics, including classical and quantum gravity, numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, gravitational waves, experimental gravity and other related topics.
Talks will consist of short contributed presentations in an informal atmosphere. Each participant may present one short talk. Professors, post-docs, graduate students and undergraduates working on relevant topics are encouraged to present their work. The 2022 Blue Apple Prize (sponsored by the APS Division of Gravitational Physics) will be awarded to the best graduate student speaker.
There is no registration fee. The deadline for abstract submission is September 23rd, 2022. Registration to attend the meeting is open until October 7, 2022. Access to both forms is available through the Registration tab. This meeting will be offered in hybrid, with a really large room available for in-person attendees.
If you are interested in attending the conference, please go to the website
and register for the meeting.
2. Jobs
2.1. Two Assistant Professorships in Data Intensive Science, Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-15
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/36147/
Contact: jf334(a)cam.ac.uk
The School of Physical Sciences invites applications for two University Assistant/Associate Professorships in the field of Data Intensive Science to be held either in, or shared between, the Department of Physics, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and the Institute of Astronomy.
The Departments and School are looking for talented career scientists to develop and promote an ambitious research programme aimed at understanding fundamental mechanisms in their subject area through advanced analysis of large scientific datasets. The research area of the lectureship in Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics or associated areas is broadly defined and depending on this the position will be based in either the Department of Physics, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, the Institute of Astronomy, or held jointly between two departments.
The successful candidates will have a world-class research record. We are particularly interested in applicants applying advanced data analysis techniques to large experimental or observational data sets to answer fundamental research questions which should strengthen the long-term research directions in data intensive science in the host departments. Potential research topics for the role are broadly defined to include any area compatible with the research programmes in the host departments. However, some emphasis will be given to the following fields: Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Radio Astronomy, High Energy Physics, Stellar Dynamics and Accretion Disks, Cosmology, Data-driven discovery in complex matter and biophysics, or Imaging Analysis.
The successful candidates would be expected to play a leading role in expanding interdisciplinary research activities in Data Intensive Science and would play a significant role in reinforcing the links between data intensive research groups in the Departments within the School of the Physical Sciences, and across the wider University.
In addition to the strong research focus of the position, the successful candidates would be expected to play a leading role in the new MPhil programme in Data Intensive Science that will see its first cohort arrive in 2023. The MPhil is a cross-Departmental Programme in the School of Physical Sciences which aims to provide education of the highest quality at Master's degree level covering the full range of skills required for scientific data analysis. It is expected that the successful candidates would initially be responsible for leading the delivery of teaching related to statistical analysis and/or machine learning as part of the programme. The candidates would also support the other aspects of the MPhil programme to ensure its successful delivery.
Applicants should have a PhD in mathematics, astrophysics, or physics (or a cognate discipline), a strong record of relevant research in Data Intensive Science and must show evidence of enthusiasm and ability to teach a wide range of courses successfully at both undergraduate and master's degree level. This work will include the delivery of existing courses and the development of new MPhil lecture courses, teaching materials, examinations, data science projects, and demonstration classes.
The Departments are active in promoting policies to address historic under-representation of women and minority groups in its workforce. Candidates from under-represented groups, as well as candidates with a track record in addressing barriers to equality and diversity in education, are particularly encouraged to apply.
Given the nature of these posts, the teaching load of the appointees will be directed initially toward the Masters' programme. General contribution to the academic work of the host Department(s) and the University beyond teaching and research, will be commensurate with the appointee's interests and skills, and the requirements of the host Department(s).
Click the 'Apply' button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.
Applicants should submit the following documents with their application:
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A list up to ten publications. For large collaborative papers please detail your personal contribution.
A research proposal of no longer than 3 pages, highlighting synergies with existing research activities within the relevant departments and how they might enhance interdisciplinary interactions in data science.
A statement of up to two pages setting out your approach to teaching and the contributions you can make to the new MPhil programme in Data Intensive Science.
Details of three referees, including e-mail address and phone number, whom the University of Cambridge can contact for references should be listed in the web application form. Referees will be contacted via the web application system after the application closing date.
If you upload any additional documents which have not been requested, we will not be able to consider these as part of your application.
Please quote reference KA32385 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
2.2. Visiting Scholars in Theoretical Sciences at OIST, Okinawa, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-30
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://groups.oist.jp/tsvp/application-visiting-scholars
Contact: tsvp[AT]oist.jp
Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP): Visiting Scholars FY2023
[Open Call for Visiting Scholars in the Theoretical Sciences]
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) is inviting applications for Visiting Scholars through its Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP).
The TSVP was launched in June 2021, with the goal of bringing leading theoretical researchers to OIST for extended visits. In keeping with OIST's interdisciplinary mission, the program spans all theoretical sciences including, but not limited to, mathematics, theoretical physics, computational sciences, and theoretical life sciences.
Visiting Scholars will have the opportunity to carry out independent research at OIST, and to interact with one or more OIST Research Units during their stay. Visits will usually be of 3 to 12 months, with support provided for travel, accommodation and living expenses at the level of per diem. No teaching duties come with the position. However, Visiting Scholars are expected to give a general-audience lecture about their field of research within the first month of their visit.
Appointment as Visiting Scholar may be taken while on leave or sabbatical from another university. In exceptional situations, where the applicant does not receive any salary from grants or their institution at the time of their visit to OIST, successful candidates may be able to apply for support with salary, where this is necessary to facilitate the visit, and they can provide evidence of their need. Visits of 1 to 3 months may also be approved where special circumstances prevent a longer visit.
OIST is an institution with no departments, which aims to eliminate barriers between people working in different fields. We are an equal opportunity educator and employer and are working actively toward increasing the diversity of our faculty, students, and staff. We have implemented policies to promote a diverse, inclusive, and family-friendly culture. These include supporting dual career couples, gender neutral facilities, "stop the clock" options, and on-site child care. Further details can be found at www.oist.jp.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in a relevant field and be independent researchers, i.e., should have an academic standing equivalent to senior postdoc, junior group leader, or faculty member at a research-intensive institution.
[Application Instructions]
Applicants should submit:
1) a CV including a list of publications;
2) a proposal of 1-2 pages containing a brief description of their research to date, and proposed research during the visit to OIST, including the research units the applicant is interested in interacting with;
3) a title and abstract for a general-audience talk. Proposals for additional outreach activity, research seminars, short courses for graduate students, or career talks are welcome.
All visits are subject to the availability of funding. To be considered for this year's funding the applicant's intended stay should start no later than March 2024. Applications received by September 30th 2022 are guaranteed full consideration.
Informal inquiries are welcome: please contact Dr Jonas Fischer (see email below).
2.3. ERC Post-Doctoral Research position in Numerical Relativity, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-11-15
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: http://blackholes.ist.utl.pt/
Contact: vitor.cardoso[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The Gravity Group at Tecnico (GRIT), part of the Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation in Tecnico, Lisbon, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Numerical Relativity. The appointment is for three years, and can be extended to include a dual appointment with the Niels Bohr Institute.
This position is part of the Advanced ERC Grant "Gravitas", which addresses the physics of black holes. We are looking for exceptional candidates with an outstanding CV, research plan and performance associated with strong-gravity research. The successful applicant will benefit from a generous support package for these Fellows, which may include, besides travel and equipment, also funding for the hiring of a PhD student for the duration of the grant.
Candidates should have a PhD in Numerical Relativity. The application should comprise a 4-page CV, a full list of publications, a two-page research plan and three letters of reference, to be sent to
before November 15, 2022 for full consideration, but the search will remain open until the optimal candidate is found.
The GRIT group is the largest group in the country working on gravitational physics, and has close ties to the Niels Bohr Institute. The applicant is expected to contribute to the efforts of the group and to the training of students.
The University of Lisbon wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
For more information please contact Vitor Cardoso, vitor.cardoso[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt. These positions are supported by the European Research Council.
2.4. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-19
Location: Madrid, Spain - Noordwijk, Netherlands - STScI, Baltimore, USA
Additional Information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/space-science-faculty/opportunities/research…
Contact: ioannis.zouganelis[AT]esa.int
We are pleased to announce the 2022 Call for Applications for the European Space Agency's Research Fellowships in Space Science. The call is opening on 22 August 2022 with an application deadline on 19 September 2022.
ESA's postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme offers early-career scientists and engineers the possibility to carry out research in a variety of disciplines related to space science, space applications or space technology. Research Fellowships in Space Science and Exploration specifically offer the opportunity to contribute to ESA's endeavour to explore our Solar System and the Universe, and cover the fields of human and robotic exploration, heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics.
The research fellowships offer unique insights into ESA's environment and activities while conducting cutting-edge research. Mentoring and training opportunities are available, as are possibilities to engage with ESA science-related activities (e.g., archive/data science, operations, calibration, communication, citizen science).
Within the Science Directorate (SCI), we welcome all independent proposals for innovative research associated with one or more of our missions. The Space Science fellowships can be taken up at any of the three sites ESAC, ESTEC or STScI and we encourage applicants to choose sites that allow for best local collaborations. To learn more about the research conducted by the ESA scientists at different sites, please visit the Faculty Member Directory and the pages for the Faculty research groups. There is a separate page for research at the ESA Office at STScI (see also the research of non-ESA scientists at STScI).
ESA Research Fellow contracts have a maximum duration of three years. Projects initially last two years and are frequently extended to a third year.
Research Fellowships in Space Science (SCI) can be located at any of the following institutes:
- European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villafranca del Castillo near Madrid, Spain
- European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands
- ESA office at Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Who can apply
Applicants should have recently completed or be close to completing their PhD in a technical or scientific discipline. Preference will be given to candidates with up to five years of relevant experience after their PhD.
Applications can only be considered from national of one of the 22 ESA Member States. Nationals of Slovenia, Latvia and Lithuania as Associate Members, or Canada as a Cooperating State, can apply as well as those from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Slovakia as European Cooperating States (ECS).
More information on the Research Fellowship programme and on how to apply can be found at https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/space-science-faculty/opportunities/research…
What we offer
A stimulating and inspiring working environment is just one of the benefits of working at ESA. Other advantages include competitive salaries, flexible working arrangements, and comprehensive health coverage. More information about the terms and conditions of ESA Research Fellowships can be found on our careers website.
ESA is an equal opportunity employer, committed to achieving diversity within the workforce and creating an inclusive working environment. For this purpose, we welcome applications from all qualified candidates irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, beliefs, age, disability, or other characteristics. Applications from female scientists are encouraged.
Deadline for applications is 19 September 2022.
2.5. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Tenure-track position, Canberra, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-27
Location: Canberra, Australia
Additional Information: https://jobs.anu.edu.au/cw/en/job/545665/lecturer-senior-lecturer-identifie…
Contact: david.mcclelland[AT]anu.edu.au
Open to woman-identifying applicants
Applications close: 27 Sep 2022 11:55:00 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time
CGA is seeking to appoint an experimental physicist in developing optical instrumentation for precision interferometry for the science goals related to gravitational-wave detection techniques for LIGO and third-generation gravitational wave detectors such as NEMO and Cosmic Explorer. This position is at level B/C equivalent of the US tenure-track Assistant Professor.
The successful candidates should have a PhD in gravitational wave instrumentation. Desirable skills are optical interferometry for current and future ground-based gravitational wave detectors, quantum and non-linear optics and development of squeezed light sources for applications in gravitational wave detection. Experience in science outreach and teaching is highly regarded.
3. News
3.1. Death of David Matravers
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information:
We are sad to report the death of Prof David Matravers at the age of 84.
David was born in Durban on 26th September 1937 to parents who had moved to South Africa from England. He read mathematics at the University of Natal and then studied for his PhD under the supervision of the distinguished German mathematician Hanno Rund, completing his doctorate while a fulltime lecturer at Rhodes University. David moved to the University of Cape Town first as a lecturer and then a professor, before becoming the head of the Department of Applied Mathematics. He became a regular visitor at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford, swapping the South African summer for the English winter, and he moved to England full-time in 1990 to become head of the School of Mathematical Studies, at what was then Portsmouth Polytechnic.
It was a time of great change in the UK academic system as the binary divide between universities and polytechnics was swept away, and the Portsmouth Polytechnic became the University of Portsmouth. David was charged with developing both teaching and research in mathematics, and he nurtured research groups in topics such as numerical methods, finance and logistics, as well as in his own research area, where he established the Relativity and Cosmology Group. Through a number of shrewd appointments, David built a small but very active group. The Relativity and Cosmology Group that David founded became the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation in 2002, and over the last 20 years it has gone from strength to strength.
David retired from the university in 2002, but remained an Emeritus Professor. He continued to visit the ICG every week for seminars and discussions, until ill-health began to curtail his visits. He passed away peacefully at his home in West Sussex on 31st May 2022.
David will be fondly remembered by the many mathematicians and cosmologists around the globe, whose lives and careers he touched.
Marco Bruni, Roy Maartens, David Wands
3.2. Special Issue: Quantum Physics Including Gravity: Highlights and Novelties
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/universe/special_issues/44645D0TKA
Quantum Physics Including Gravity: Highlights and Novelties
Guest Editor: Prof Dr Norma G. Sanchez
Universe Special Issue, section Gravitation.
This volume aims to provide a collection of both research papers and review papers on the fascinating problems of quantum physics including gravity, from quantum fields in curved space times to Planckian and trans-Planckian physics and quantum space-time, at the cutting edge of these domains.
And their most recent advances, whether being of foundational and conceptual nature or of implications and implementations; in cosmology, black holes, non-trivial vaccua, topologies, and geometries, being within the known approaches and frameworks, or with new research avenues in these fields, as well as experimental and observational tests and results.
Topics include:
- Quantum fields and strings in curved space times, theory and applications.
- Quantum physics and black holes, semiclassical and quantum black holes.
- Quantum fields in cosmology, inflation and dark energy.
- Planckian and trans-Planckian physics.
- Quantum space-time.
- Papers can be submitted at any time before the deadline of 31 May 2023.
- Accepted papers are published as soon they are accepted.
- Early Submission is encouraged.
I hope very much you will bring a positive answer to contribute to this important Special Issue and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Prof. Dr. Norma G. Sanchez
Guest/ Academic Editor

02 Aug '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. XVIII Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1.2. ACES Workshop 2022, Paris, France
1.3. Interdisciplinary junior scientist workshop: Mathematical General Relativity, Wildberg, Germany
1.4. 3D Supernova (Remnants). How to connect simulations and observations? Valencia, Spain
1.5. Women Of the World (WOW) in Physics! (online)
2. Jobs
2.1. Fellowships in Astrophysics, Astronomy Instrumentation and Gravitational Wave Science, Cardiff, UK
2.2. 7 Postdoc positions in "Theoretical Multi-messenger Astrophysics", Hamburg, Germany
2.3. PhD Position in Quantum Control and Gravitational Quantum Physics, Tuebingen, Germany
2.4. Assistant Professorship in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2.5. Postdoctoral Fellow in Relativity, Durban, South Africa
3. News
3.1. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia
3.2. Short term scientific missions in gravitational physics, Europe
3.3. Part 2 of Theme Issue on Mathematical Cosmology by the Phil. Trans. A.
1. Conferences
1.1. XVIII Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-12 to 2022-09-16
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Additional Information: https://mesonpi.cat.cbpf.br/XVIII-bscg/#history
Contact: bscg[AT]cbpf.br
The Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (BSCG) is a traditional international school about Cosmology and Gravitation for graduate students, young pos-docs and researchers in the field, which has been held in Brazil since 1978. Some of the speakers of the school were Evgeny Lifshitz, Bryce DeWitt, Yvone de Choquet-Bruhat, Rocky Kolb, Claudio Teitelboim, George Ellis, John Ellis, David Schram, George Smoot, Werner Israel, Larry Ford, Robert Brandenberger, Slava Mukhanov, Jorge Pullin, Luca Amendola, William Unruh, among many others. The visit of these outstanding scientists to Brazil played a fundamental role in the formation of research groups in Cosmology, Gravitation and Astrophysics in our country, and the implementation of many international scientific collaborations.
The 18th edition of the BSCG is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Friedmann cosmological solution. It will contain mini-courses focusing on the primordial and hot Universe, the physics of extreme energy scales near the cosmological singularity, present in the Friedmann solution, and its possible resolution in the context of quantum gravity approaches. There will also be advanced seminars concerning aspects of the late Universe, and the upcoming tensions of the standard cosmological model based on the Friedmann solution.
This edition of the school will also celebrate Mario Novello's 80th anniversary, the founding-father of the BSCG, dedicating one day of the meeting, September 12, to seminars and talks in his honor. During this day we have already confirmed talks of 30 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussions by William Unruh, Alexei Starobinski, Alexander Dolgov, Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Nathalie Deruelle, Ignacio Bediaga, Nami Fux Svaiter, Ivano Soares, Carlos Romero, Junior Toniato, Sergio Joras, Eduardo Bittencourt, and the former Minister of Science and Technology Roberto Amaral. In the following 4 days, September 13 to 16, 2022, the mini-courses of 4 lectures by Edward Kolb, Fabio Finelli, Antonio Pereira, Patrick Peter, and Suddhasattwa Brahma will take place, with 50 minutes for each lecture plus 15 minutes of discussions for each course. Completing these days, advanced seminars of 50 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussions will be held by Wendy Freedman, Leila Graef, Slava Mukhanov, and Jerome
All days are divided in morning sections from 9 am until 12:30, with one coffee break of 20 minutes, and afternoon sections from 2:30 pm until 6:30 pm, with one coffee break of 20 minutes, with 40 minutes to visit the poster section, which will be exhibited in a room besides the main auditorium.
The courses are introductory to research activities in the area of Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Gravitation. The seminars are advanced. The participants are expected to be senior undergraduate students in Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, or Engineering, graduate students and post-docs in Physics or Astronomy, and researchers in these areas.
1.2. ACES Workshop 2022, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-20 to 2022-07-21
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: https://aces2022.sciencesconf.org/
Contact: marc.lilley[AT]obspm.fr
The Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) is developing high performance clocks and links for space to test Einstein's theory of general relativity. From the International Space Station (ISS), the ACES payload will distribute a clock signal with fractional frequency instability and inaccuracy at the 1.0E-16 level, thus establishing a global network to compare atomic clocks in space and on ground.
In the fundamental physics domain, ACES will provide a measurement of Einstein's gravitational redshift, it will search for time variations of fundamental constants, and contribute to dark matter searches. Moreover, it will measure geopotential differences between the ground clocks connected through ACES, it will perform time transfer and clock synchronization experiments, and contribute to the study of atmospheric propagation delays.
The ACES program has recently suffered from major delays due to the difficulties encountered in the development and test of the active hydrogen maser and the time transfer microwave system. The COVID pandemic has not helped either. The constant support from the worldwide scientific community, National Space Agencies, and ESA has now brought new momentum and resources into the ACES program. The new schedule foresees ACES to be ready for launch to the ISS in 2025.
With the revival of the project, we are also resuming the annual ACES workshops. The colloquium will bring together the scientific community to:
- Present the progress of ACES in all domains, from the instruments status to the data analysis and the mission scientific performance;
- Present the progress of atomic clocks and clock-based experiments for general relativity tests, time & frequency metrology, and geodesy applications;
- Encourage international collaborations between research institutes for the exploitation of ACES;
- Discuss recent results from space-based experiments as well as new ideas and proposals on fundamental physics explorers in space.
The workshop will be held at the Ecole Normale Superieure, 29 rue d'Ulm - Paris, on 20-21 October. It will consist of invited and contributed talks. We warmly encourage all participants to submit abstracts.
1.3. Interdisciplinary junior scientist workshop: Mathematical General Relativity, Wildberg, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-02-26 to 2023-03-10
Location: Wildberg, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/en/grworkshop
Contact: grworkshop[AT]math.uni-potsdam.de
We invite applications for participation in the Interdisciplinary junior scientist workshop: Mathematical General Relativity which will be held from February 26 to March 10, 2023 in Haus Saron in Wildberg, Germany.
Who can apply?
Young researchers such as postdocs, doctoral and masters students with a background in General Relativity and in PDE Theory, Differential Geometry, or Classical Mechanics and with an interest in interdisciplinary exchange between mathematicians and physicists.
Costs and funding
There is no registration fee; room and board are provided for all invited participants. Limited funding is available to support travel of individual participants. To apply for funding, see the application questionnaire. Please do not hesitate to apply for funding.
Carla Cederbaum, Universitaet Tuebingen
Melanie Graf, Universitaet Tuebingen
Jan Metzger, Universitaet Potsdam
1.4. 3D Supernova (Remnants). How to connect simulations and observations? Valencia, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-05 to 2022-09-08
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: https://congresos.adeituv.es/supernova/
Contact: michael.gabler[AT]uv.es
Supernova (SN) are among the most fascinating events occurring in the universe. Recent years have brought tremendous progress in observations of young remnants of these explosions that show a genuinely three dimensional structure of the ejected matter. New instruments like JWST or Athena will increase our knowledge further. At the same time our theoretical understanding allows us to model SN consistently from the explosion up to the first centuries in full 3D and first qualitative comparisons are performed. New numerical tools are becoming available to study also 3D effects on the lightcurve or spectra of SN explosions. Therefore, it is now timely to connect the observations to theory in a quantitative way. For this purpose, the models need to be improved and appropriate measures or metrics need to be found to quantify differences between observations and different models.
In this workshop we aim at discussing the next steps to make use of the new possibilities to connect theory and observations. Some key questions could be:
What are the 3D effects on: Morphology, spectra, lightcurves, gravitational waves...
How reliable are observations? What is actually observed? How big are the "error bars"? What resolutions are achieved now and what can be expected to be improved in the (near) future.
What is missing in the theoretical models to compare to observations? (e.g. molecule or dust formation, good understanding of mixing and instabilities, different physical processes: beta decay, cooling, radiation transport, cosmic ray generation, ionization, magnetic fields ...)
How can we combine different approaches to maximize the return? Can we make quantitative statements to be able to compare to observations. Which kind of metric makes sense to use.
What can be done now, soon and what not?
What can we learn from multi-messenger astrophysics? In particular, what gravitational waves could tell us about SN explosions.
How can we visualize and analyze the results?
1.5. Women Of the World (WOW) in Physics! (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-11-09 to 2022-11-11
Location: Online, Frankfurt, Germany
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/e/WOW_Physics
Contact: sagunski[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
Dear students,
Dear members of the scientific community,
Dear colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to announce that the first international online conference
WOW Physics! (Women Of the World in Physics!)
will take place from Nov 9 to 11, 2022 and will be hosted by Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
WOW Physics! will honor inspiring women in physics and celebrate their outstanding contributions in science. The conference will gather physicists from all over the world and all stages of their careers who work on theoretical and experimental aspects of
atomic, molecular and optical physics,
condensed matter physics
heavy-ion physics,
geophysics, and
particle physics.
Confirmed plenary speakers are:
Prof. Barbara Jacak (UC Berkeley)
Prof. Barbara Romanowicz (UC Berkeley and College de France)
Prof. Christiane Koch (Free University of Berlin)
Prof. Claudia Felser (Director, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)
Prof. Heather Lewandowski (University of Colorado Boulder)
Prof. Irina Artemieva (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel)
Prof. Johanna Stachel (Heidelberg University)
Prof. Kandice Tanner (U.S. National Cancer Institute)
Prof. Laura H. Greene (Florida State University and U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory; U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology member)
Prof. Margaret Gardel (University of Chicago)
Dr. Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory)
Prof. Melissa Franklin (Harvard University)
Prof. Nandini Trivedi (Ohio State University)
Prof. Samaya Nissanke (GRAPPA Amsterdam)
Everyone who is interested - no matter which gender and if student, postdoc, faculty or staff - is invited to join the workshop! Registration is free and now open!
To register and for more information about WOW Physics!, please visit:
We are very much looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Best wishes,
Laura Sagunski (chair),
on behalf of the local organizing committee:
Prof. Alberica Toia
Prof. Camilla Hansen
Prof. Elena Bratkovskaya
Prof. Falko Pientka
Prof. Francesca Cuteri
Dr. Kristin Kliemt
Prof. Luciano Rezzolla
Prof. Marcus Bleicher
Prof. Roser Valenti
Tamara Caldas Cifuentes
2. Jobs
2.1. Fellowships in Astrophysics, Astronomy Instrumentation and Gravitational Wave Science, Cardiff, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-07-29
Location: Cardiff, UK
Additional Information: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/physics-astronomy/research/research-fellowships
Contact: InserraC[AT]Cardiff.ac.uk
The Cardiff Hub for Astrophysics Research and Technology (CHART) and the Gravity Exploration Institute (GEI) are welcoming applicants for the following fellowship schemes:
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships (ERF)
Royal Society University Research Fellowships (URF)
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships (DHF)
The URF, DHF and ERF fellowships are aimed at mid- to senior-level postdoctoral researchers ready to transition into a faculty-style, independent research position. The group at Cardiff has an excellent track record of successful applicants (5 in recent years) and converting such fellowships into permanent positions.
More information on the available fellowships can be found at:
More information about the research groups can be found at:
CHART - https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/physics-astronomy/research/research-groups/chart
GEI - https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/physics-astronomy/research/research-groups/gravit…
To express your interest in applying for these fellowships, or for informal enquiries please contact Dr Cosimo Inserra (InserraC[AT]Cardiff.ac.uk) or Prof Erminia Calabrese (CalabreseE[AT]acrdiff.ac.uk)
The groups have 33 staff members (in total) and several early-career academics. We host (and hosted) an ERC Starter and 3 ERC Consolidator, together with a centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence. Our members help to found, and they are current ambassadors of the Cardiff Data-Intensive Research Institute (DIRI). We are also proud to hold the Athena SWAN Silver Award by Advanced HR as well as Champion status for Project Juno, Institute of Physics.
Please note, that for the Ernest Rutherford Fellowships we are able to support a limited number of candidates. These candidates are selected via a competitive internal application process. Our internal application deadline this year is 12pm (UK time) on 29th July 2022.
If you are interested in applying for an ERF with Cardiff University as your host institution, please read the instructions on our website (link above), and send the material to Dr Cosimo Inserra (InserraC[AT]Cardiff.ac.uk).
2.2. 7 Postdoc positions in "Theoretical Multi-messenger Astrophysics", Hamburg, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-31
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=4ff497f…
Contact: stephan.rosswog[AT]astro.su.se
Three of these postdoc positions are funded by the Excellence Cluster "Quantum Universe" hosted by the University of Hamburg and they are immediately available. Four additional postdoc positions (to be advertised soon) will be funded by the European Research Council in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant "From inspiral to kilonova" (INSPIRATION).
With its Excellence Cluster "Quantum Universe" the University of Hamburg offers a vibrant international research environment with ample of possibilities to conduct original research across traditional borders. A major motivation for the "Quantum Universe" is to understand mass and gravity and the research team includes leading scientists from mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology at Universitaet Hamburg and DESY.
The successful research associates will conduct original research on the timely topic of "Theoretical Multi-Messenger Astrophysics" in the group of Prof. Stephan Rosswog. The particular focus will be on the theoretical/numerical modeling of the electromagnetic and neutrino signals of major gravitational wave sources. Demonstrated expertise in the relevant areas of theoretical astrophysics (general relativity, hydrodynamics, nuclear equations of state, neutrino physics/transport, nuclear reactions and/or radiative transfer) and of computational physics/supercomputing are of particular interest.
2.3. PhD Position in Quantum Control and Gravitational Quantum Physics, Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-01
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://uni-tuebingen.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/newsfullview-stellena…
Contact: daniel.braun[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
The position will be offered for three years starting from October 2022 and will have as topic theoretical research in quantum control theory with applications to quantum gravitational physics and quantum optomechanics.
The successful candidate will work in the group of Prof. Daniel Braun at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. We are a very active, internationally visible, and connected research group with broad research interests in quantum metrology, quantum information theory, and quantum optics. We value open discussions, eagerness to learn, and creative thinking, driven by a quest for deep understanding.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with excellent analytical skills, a sound working knowledge of quantum mechanics, and an interest in problems at the interface between quantum physics and gravity. The ideal candidate has previous working experience in quantum optics or quantum field theory (with a good understanding of quantum information concepts and tools). The formal hiring requirement is a master's degree in physics or an equivalent degree.
Interested candidates are asked to send a CV (including a list of publications, if any) and a transcript of academic records to daniel.braun(a)uni-tuebingen.de, and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address.
Disabled persons will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. The University of Tuebingen seeks to raise the number of women in research and therefore urges qualified women to apply.
We will consider all applications received up to and including Monday 1 August 2022.
2.4. Assistant Professorship in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-16
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.uu.nl/organisatie/werken-bij-de-universiteit-utrecht/vacatures/…
Contact: c.f.f.vandenbroeck[AT]uu.nl
GRASP, the Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, is in search of a tenure-track Assistant Professor in gravitational wave data analysis. As our new Assistant Professor, you bring an excellent track record of original research in the analysis of data from the LIGO-Virgo detectors. Among the research topics most relevant to this position are novel contributions to the long-term detection efforts (including towards Einstein Telescope and LISA); the development of algorithms to characterise gravitational wave sources based on their observed signals; data analysis methodology for astrophysics, fundamental physics, and cosmology with gravitational waves; and/or multi-messenger astronomy.
In this role, you will be actively involved in all aspects of academic life, including research and teaching at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, the latter including classroom teaching, supervision of students' thesis projects, mentoring, and curriculum development. In addition, you would mentor PhD students, collaborate with postdoctoral fellows, develop grant proposals to raise external research funds, and be a part of the planning and organisation of events such as conferences, workshops, and seminars, as well as outreach activities.
We are looking for someone who enjoys working with and guiding (PhD) students and who takes pleasure in carrying out research in our area of expertise. There are a few necessities we would like you to bring:
* A PhD degree in Physics or a closely related field;
* A natural talent for communication;
* A lively interest in teaching.
Also, you are willing to obtain the university teaching qualification (UTQ) in the first two years of your appointment.
In view of our commitment to a better gender balance, we strongly encourage women to apply.
For informal inquiries, please contact Prof. Chris Van Den Broeck (c.f.f.vandenbroeck[at]uu.nl).
2.5. Postdoctoral Fellow in Relativity, Durban, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-15
Location: Durban, South Africa
Additional Information: https://astro.ukzn.ac.za/jobs/
Contact: hansrajs(a)ukzn.ac.za
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is committed to meeting the objectives of Employment Equity to improve representivity within the Institution. Preference will be given to applicants from designated groups in accordance with our Employment Equity Plan.
1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023
The Astrophysics Research Centre pursues both a theoretical and experimental approach to studies of the gravitational field. A post doctoral fellow is sought to support the theoretical and mathematical areas of the Centre. The Centre staff pursue advanced studies on extended field theories such as Lovelock gravity, Einstein-Gauss-Bonet gravity, f(R,T) theory, Rastall theory and other modified theories. A number of fascinating unsolved problems exist in these directions and the use of computer algebra tools such as Mathematica, Maple, GrTensor II have opened up new avenues of study.
The fellow is expected to strengthen the Centre's research interests in these areas and to also infuse novel ideas on field theory amongst faculty and students. The fellowship is for the 2023 academic year, with the possibility of extension to 2024 based upon satisfactory outputs of the successful candidate.
The incumbent will report to Prof. S. Hansraj.
Minimum Requirements:
- PhD in the relevant area of General Relativity/ Mathematical Relativity/ Relativistic Astrophysics
- Reasonable publication outputs in high quality journals post PhD
- Experience in making presentations of your research at local and international meetings
- Willingness to participate in the Centre's broad research activities internally such as talks, colloquia, assisting with supervising post-graduate students.
- Excellent writing, communication and computer skills
Enquiries and details regarding the post may be directed to Prof. S. Hansraj at email:
hansrajs[AT]ukzn.ac.za; Tel. +2731 260 1006/ +27832324781.
The postdoctoral fellowship is for 12 months (renewable for another one year), worth R200 000 (tax-free) per annum, usually paid in the form of a monthly stipend. It is made available by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and due reporting procedures will be followed.
The closing date for receipt of applications 15 August 2022.
Applicants are required to submit the following:
(i) a covering letter highlighting their experience in meeting each of the minimum requirements as listed above.
(ii) a detailed CV including the list of publications
(iii) contact details of two referees
(iv) a copy of the applicant's doctoral degree certificate or PhD award letter.
(v) a certified copy of the applicant's ID / permanent residency document. Foreign candidates must be in possession of relevant permits.
Applications must be emailed to the school research and higher degree administrator (Mrs. Shereen Marimuthu), email: Marimuthus[AT]ukzn.ac.za, before the closing date.
The subject line must clearly indicate the reference no. MSCS05/2021. Late applications will not be considered. Successful individuals will be contacted on or before 31 August 2022. Successful candidates are expected to assume office on 1 January 2023. An online interview will take place.
The research group reserves the right not to make an appointment to this advert. Should you not receive a reply or update by the 31 August 2022, kindly consider that your application has not been successful.
3. News
3.1. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.gwpaw2022.org/
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that Registration and Abstract submission is now open for the 2022 Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW).
The Workshop will be held 5-9 December at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, Melbourne Australia.
Please visit the GWPAW website to register https://www.gwpaw2022.org/.
The website will be updated as the program is finalised.
If you have any questions please email info[AT]ozgrav.org.
3.2. Short term scientific missions in gravitational physics, Europe
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/gravnet/
In the context of the Network in Gravity (GravNet, on gravitational physics including gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics) grants for short term scientific missions (STSMs) are available. The grants will have as host institutes one of the following gravity groups: Cambridge University, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Niels Bohr Institute, Pisa University, Sapienza University of Rome, SISSA, University of Nottingham.
We are inviting you to submit proposals for STMSs starting after Jan 1, 2023 and ending before December 31, 2023 (applications outside this timeframe will be discarded).
An STSM application should include, in a single pdf document (name of file: "Applicant_HomeInstitute_HostInstitute"):
1. Proposal title
2. Indication of home and host institute, as well as contact scientist in each
3. A brief CV of the applicant (max 3 pages, including email of applicant)
4. A short description of the proposed project work (1 page max) and motivation letter (1 page max)
5. An estimate and breakup of the financial request (specify if the home institute will provide matching funds)
6. A support letter / email from the Home Institution
Applications should be made following at the network webpage (follow the link and password provided, any issues please contact the coordinator)
After the STSM, the grantee is required to submit a short scientific report (one page max) to the STSM coordinator for approval within 30 days after the end of the mission. The report should contain the purpose of the STSM, a description of the work carried out during the STSM, a description of the main results and other comments (if any).
This call closes Oct 1, 2022. All proposals will be reviewed and the results will be announced by Nov 1, 2022.
The selection committee will take into account the scientific proposal, the matching of funds by the home institute and the geographical distribution of host and home institution.
STSM recipients should acknowledge the Network and the host grant in any publication or talks. STSMs are a great opportunity for all scientists to exchange visits, nurture collaborations, or develop new ones. If you have any question, please contact the STSM Coordinator.
3.3. Part 2 of Theme Issue on Mathematical Cosmology by the Phil. Trans. A.
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://royalsocietypublishing.org
Royal Society Publishing has recently published Part II of a special double issue of Philosophical Transactions A entitled The future of mathematical cosmology (parts 1 and 2) compiled and edited by Spiros Cotsakis and Alexander P Yefremov and the articles can be accessed directly at www.bit.ly/TransA-2222 and www.bit.ly/TransA-2230
Purchase the print issue at the reduced price of GBP 35 per issue by contacting sales[AT]royalsociety.org
Felicity Davie
Royal Society Publishing

02 Jul '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravity: Current challenges in black hole physics and cosmology, Kyoto, Japan (hybrid)
1.2. 11th Aegean Summer School, Syros, Greece
1.3. Gravitational Wave Orchestra, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
1.4. Training School, "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", Belgrade, Serbia
1.5. 31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Prague, Czechia
1.6. The complexity of the cosmos: an interdisciplinary symposium in cosmology, astrophysics and statistical mechanics, L'Aquila, Italy
1.7. Tensions in Standard Cosmology: 32nd meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation, Kolkata, India
1.8. Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meetings, Salamanca, Spain
1.9. Time and Clocks, Bad Honnef, Germany
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in mathematical general relativity, Vienna, Austria
2.2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics, Lawrence, KS, USA
2.3. PhD position for Numerical-Relativity Simulations of Black Hole - Neutron Star Systems, Potsdam, Germany
2.4. Royal Society and STFC 5-year Fellowships, Sheffield, UK
2.5. Fellowships at the Centre of Gravity, Nottingham, UK
2.6. Invitation for Fellowship Applications at KCL, London, UK
2.7. Visiting Professorship at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan
2.8. ERC-funded postdoctoral position(s) in Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Physics/Data Analysis, Trieste, Italy
3. News
3.1. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Riemann)
3.2. FUKAv2 Release!
3.3. Living Reviews: EM counterparts to MBH mergers / Fundamental physics with LISA
1. Conferences
1.1. Gravity: Current challenges in black hole physics and cosmology, Kyoto, Japan (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-20 to 2022-07-01
Location: Japan and Online
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/gravityatyitp
Contact: gravity2022[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to announce workshop "Gravity: Current challenges in black hole physics and cosmology" (GBHC2022) to be held in a hybrid style at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics from June 20 to July 1, 2022. The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts working on several aspects of the gravitational interaction to have intensive discussions.
Please refer to the following web page for registration and more details.
Katsuki Aoki (YITP, Kyoto University)
Antonio De Felice (YITP, Kyoto University)
Francesco Di Filippo (YITP, Kyoto University)
Mohammad Ali Gorji (YITP, Kyoto University)
Shinji Mukohyama (YITP, Kyoto University)
Masroor C. Pookkillath (YITP, Kyoto University)
Note: https://www.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/seminar/s52959?lang=en-GB
1.2. 11th Aegean Summer School, Syros, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-05 to 2022-09-15
Location: Syros, Greece
Additional Information: http://www.physics.ntua.gr/cosmo22/Syros2022/index.html
Contact: kyriakos.destounis[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
We would like to bring to your attention the 11th Aegean Summer School, taking place on 5-15 of September in the beautiful island of Syros, Greece. The School is organized and sponsored by the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, the University of Tuebingen, Germany, The Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology (HSRGC) and the European Gravitational Observatory, EGO.
The aim of the 11th Aegean Summer School is to discuss recent developments in Gravity, Cosmology and observations with the LIGO, VIRGO, LISA and BINGO experiments.
The first week will be dedicated to recent developments on gravity and its modifications, the physics of black holes, and cosmological models of dark matter and dark energy. The second week will be dedicated on gravitational waves, quantum gravity and holography.
You can find more information regarding the Summer School, accommodation and registration on the School's website.
The registration deadline is 10 of July.
We are looking forward seeing you there!
1.3. Gravitational Wave Orchestra, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-08 to 2022-09-09
Location: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Additional Information: https://agenda.irmp.ucl.ac.be/e/gwo2022
Contact: jishnu.suresh[AT]uclouvain.be
Dear Colleagues,
Gravitational Wave Orchestra 2022, a two-day workshop, will be held (in-person) in Universite' catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium on September 08-09, 2022. The workshop aims to provide an ideal backdrop to listen to the various aspects of the gravitational-wave symphony. During the workshop, we will have separate talks about the searches for stochastic backgrounds in multiple frequency bands including:
- Review on stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds.
- Theoretical development in stochastic gravitational-wave background modeling.
- Most updated results from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration and Pulsar Timing Arrays.
- Future probes and strategies using: Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and LISA.
Along with this, we will also have a poster session. You are strongly encouraged to submit a poster abstract on stochastic gravitational-wave background-related research.
For registration and further information (regarding accommodation, travel, and financial support), please visit the conference website.
Registration and Abstract submission: from June 08 until August 05
The Organizing Committee
1.4. Training School, "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", Belgrade, Serbia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-03 to 2022-09-10
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Additional Information: https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/23/
Contact: qgmm.cost[AT]gmail.com
Welcome to the Second Training School of COST Action CA18108
"Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach"
This is the second of a series of Training Schools organized by the European COST Action CA18108 - "Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach", an initiative funded by the COST Association, whose goal is to investigate possible signatures predicted by quantum gravity models in the observation of different cosmic messengers, such as gamma rays, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves.
The success of this endeavor requires the close collaboration of scientists from very different backgrounds, ranging from experimentalists specialized in data collection and analyses for specific cosmic messengers, to theorists working on different quantum gravity models.
A fundamental ingredient to make such cooperation effective is to share a common language and be familiar with the tools used by the different communities. This is where the role of this school comes in as fundamental: its goal is to start training a generation of young scientists in the interdisciplinary expertise on quantum gravity theories and models and on experimental and theoretical approaches to multi-messenger astroparticle physics.
As such, the different editions of the Training School will offer lectures from experts on different facets of the scientific gear the students will acquire, including data analysis and interpretation for individual sources, the creation and analysis of joint datasets of different cosmic messengers, the interplay between quantum gravity theory modeling and phenomenological predictions.
The school is aimed at Master and PhD students, as well as early-career postdocs.
July 15: Registration deadline
July 20: Confirmation of participation approval and of financial support
Sep 03: Arrival day and beginning of the school (in the afternoon)
Sep 11: Departure day
1.5. 31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Prague, Czechia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-12 to 2022-09-16
Location: Prague, Czechia
Additional Information: https://texas2021.org/
Contact: info[AT]texas2021.org
Gravity: Classical, Numerical, Quantum, Modified, Tests
Relativity: Black Holes, Neutron Stars, Accretion, Jets
Multimessenger: Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Gamma Rays, X Rays, Gravitational Waves
Cosmology: Cosmic Microwave Background, Reionization, Early Universe, Large Scale Structure, Dark Matter
Special Sessions: Event Horizon Telescope, GRAVITY, X-ray Polarimetry, James Webb Space Telescope
Since 1978, the Texas Symposium has been one of the major meetings on Relativistic Astrophysics. Traditionally, it moves around the globe and takes place in different cities every 2 years. Bohemia (Czech Republic) has always had a rich cultural and intellectual history. In the context of physics, astronomy, and gravitation theory, Kepler, Doppler, Mach, and Einstein, among others, made their discoveries here. In 2022, this historic tradition will be complemented by a Texas Symposium coming to Prague, the country's capital.
Prague is one of the most important cultural centers and popular destinations for tourists in Europe. It is often called "the city of a hundred spires" and much of its appeal lies in its medieval architecture and the number of spires in the city counted by the mathematician Bolzano at the beginning of the 19th century. Since 1992, the historic center of Prague has been part of the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. The valley of the Vltava river with its beautiful bridges, cathedrals, castles, and palaces, including the Prague Castle whose construction started in 870 and it is currently the largest ancient castle in the world, makes much of the charm and beauty of the city.
1.6. The complexity of the cosmos: an interdisciplinary symposium in cosmology, astrophysics and statistical mechanics, L'Aquila, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-10-05 to 2022-10-07
Location: L'Aquila, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/31324/
Contact: andrea.maselli[AT]gssi.it
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to share the announcement of the workshop "The complexity of the cosmos: an interdisciplinary symposium in cosmology, astrophysics and statistical mechanics"
to be held at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila on October 5-7, 2022.
The meeting has a strong multidisciplinary character, with the idea to
discuss and explore a variety of topics with partial overlap in cosmology,
astrophysics and statistical mechanics, which could foster new ideas and
research collaborations.
Here is a list of topics that will be tackled during the workshop:
- Non-linear problems in gravitational physics, collapse & structure formation: role of the Non-Linear Schrodinger Equation
- Astrophysical probes of primordial quantum correlations
- Non-Markovian (non-equilibrium) effects in cosmological problems
- Black hole thermodynamics and information problem
Invited Speakers include
Erik Aurell (Stockholm University)
Nicola Bartolo (University of Padova)
Angelo Bassi* (University of Trieste)
Lapo Casetti (University of Florence)
Kyriakos Destounis (University of Tubingen)
GIacomo Gradenigo (GSSI)
Raul Jimenez (University of Barcelona)
Stefano Liberati* (SISSA)
Sandro Wimberger (University of Parma)
For registration and further information (regarding accommodation, travel), please visit the conference website
The Organising Committee
G. Gradenigo, A. Maselli, P. Pani
on behalf of the Scientific Committee
M. Branchesi, R. Livi, S. Matarrese
1.7. Tensions in Standard Cosmology: 32nd meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation, Kolkata, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-12-19 to 2022-12-21
Location: Kolkata, India
Additional Information: https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/~iagrg32/
Contact: koushik[AT]iiserkol.ac.in
The Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) was constituted in 1969 and has been active ever since in fostering general relativity related activities in the country. In particular, at the national level the IAGRG meeting is organised every two years, at various locations in the country. The participants all over the World are encouraged to join.
The Department of Physical Sciences (DPS) of IISER Kolkata will be organising the 32nd meeting of IAGRG during December 19-21, 2022.
Anupreeta More (IUCAA, Pune)
Shriharsh Tendulkar (TIFR, Mumbai)
Shabnam Iyyanni (IISER, TVM)
Ranjan Laha (IISc, Bangalore)
Susmita Adhikari (IISER, Pune)
Prayush Kumar (ICTS, Bangalore)
Tapabrata Sarkar (IIT Kanpur)
Kinjalk Lochan (IISER Mohali)
Eleonora de Valentino (Manchester University, UK)
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Sudipta Sarkar (IIT Gandhinagar)
Amitabh Virmani (CMI, Chennai)
Sudipta Das (Viswa-Bharati)
Surhud S More (IUCAA, Pune)
Gravitational Waves
Debarati Chatterjee (IUCAA, Pune)
Chandrakant Misra (IIT Madras)
Relativistic Astrophysics
Aru Beri (IISER, Mohali)
Varun Bhalerao (IIT, Bombay)
Parameswaran Ajith (ICTS, Bangalore)
Narayan Banerjee (IISER, Kolkata)
Suchetana Chatterjee (Presidency University, Kolkata)
Shantunu Desai (IIT, Hyderabad)
Harvinder Kaur Jassal (IISER, Mohali)
Bhaswati Mookerjea (TIFR, Mumbai)
Anjan A Sen (CTP, JMI, Delhi and Ahmedabad Univ., Gujarat) (SOC Chair)
S Shankaranarayanan (IIT Bombay)
Narayan Banerjee (IISER Kolkata) (LOC Chair)
Ananda Dasgupta (IISER Kolkata)
Koushik Dutta (IISER Kolkata) (Convener)
Amit Ghosh (SINP Kolkata)
Golam M Hossain (IISER Kolkata)
Biswarup Mukhopadhyay (IISER Kolkata)
Dibyendu Nandi (IISER Kolkata)
Rajesh K Nayak (IISER Kolkata)
Jyoti Prasad Saha (Kalyani University)
Ritesh K Singh (IISER Kolkata)
1.8. Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meetings, Salamanca, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-08-28 to 2022-09-03
Location: Salamanca, Spain
Additional Information: https://erep2022.com/
Contact: erep2022salamanca[AT]usal.es
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the 2022 edition of the Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meetings (EREP) will be held in Salamanca (Spain) from August 29th to September 2nd.
The Spanish-Portuguese Relativity Meetings are annual conferences on broad aspects of General Relativity and Gravitation that date back to 1977. They are organized on an annual basis by one of the different groups doing research on Relativity and Gravitation in Portugal and Spain. This year we will celebrate the 100 years of the Friedman equations, obtained by Alexander Friedman in 1922.
Registration and abstract submission for this year event are now open. All the information can be found on the conference webpage
The registration deadline is on July 8th and there is a 210 euros (180 for SEGRE members) participation fee. A limited amount of grants for students will be available. Abstract submission deadline is June 30th.
Looking forward to see you in Salamanca.
Best regards,
Ivan de Martino
On behalf of the LOC
1.9. Time and Clocks, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-02-27 to 2023-03-03
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/time-and-clocks/
Contact: christian.pfeifer[AT]zarm.uni-bremen.de
"Time" and "clock" are ubiquitous notions that every physicist is working with, irrespectively of whether that work is experimental or theoretical in nature. In spite of that, the theoretical meanings as well as the operational realisations of these concepts are far from obvious and certainly not unique. A whole spectrum of shifts in, and losses of, interpretations occur in the transitions between classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, special-relativistic quantum-field theory, general relativity, and, finally, quantum gravity. As a result of this, issues arise that, up to this day, are the subject of challenging and often controversial debates. Recent developments in high-precision metrology partly help to resharpen but partly also refuel these controversies. Our seminar intends to bring together scientists from different disciplines in order to foster a productive dialogue on the problematic issues in connection with "time" and "clock". We specifically aim to characterise, in
scientific terms, a common understanding of what the "problem of time" really entails.
Our seminar addresses Ph.D. students as well as researchers beyond their Ph.D. degree.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in mathematical general relativity, Vienna, Austria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-07-07
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at
Contact: piotr.chrusciel[AT]univie.ac.at
The Gravitational Physics group of the Department of Physics of University of Vienna is seeking to fill a post-doctoral position (Universitaetsassistent/in) in the field of mathematical general relativity.
The appointment will be for three years and will start in the fall of 2022, possibly a few months later if more convenient for the chosen candidate. The list of members of the group at the start of the appointment, including scientifically active retired members, will include Peter Aichelburg, Robert Beig, Piotr Chrusciel, Wan Cong, Mateja Gosenca, David Fajman, Maciej Maliborski, Marius Oancea and Walter Simon.
The yearly teaching load averaged over two semesters is four hours/week, in English or in German. The candidate will not teach more than six hours a week in any given semester in any case.
In addition of teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement, active participation in research, teaching and administration is expected. This involves:
- Involvement in research projects / research studies
- International publications and presentations
- Supervision of students
- Participation in evaluation measures
- Developing and strengthening an independent research profile
Excellent command of written and spoken English is expected. The candidate will have a Doctoral degree or a PhD degree in theoretical Physics.
The candidate will provide
- Letter of motivation
- Academic curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, a list of courses and a list of talks given)
- Description of research interests and research agenda
The candidate will arrange three letters of recommendation to be sent
or emailed before July 5, 2022, to Mrs Karin Picek, Gravitational Physics, Faculty of Physics, Boltzmanngasse 5/5/3521, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Further enquiries can be directed to karin.picek[AT]univie.ac.at
Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna AFTER June 16 and NO LATER than July 5, 2022 , job reference number 13204
2.2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics, Lawrence, KS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-30
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/staff/22441BR
Contact: jdtt[AT]ku.edu
Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics (ALICE experiment at CERN). University of Kansas - Lawrence, KS, USA
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position in experimental high energy nuclear physics with the University of Kansas beginning as early as July 1, 2021. Postdoctoral researcher candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in physics by date of appointment and research experience in experimental particle or nuclear physics or a related experimental field. Some accommodations can be made for PhD candidates that will do their dissertation thesis after the start of the appointment. The person would work with the University of Kansas group on physics data analysis and detector operation and development for the ALICE experiment. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought.
The University of Kansas ALICE group is pursuing a broad and exciting research program, with elements including detector development and operation for the ALICE experiment. The group's analysis efforts have a particular focus on studies of the initial stage of protons and ions via photon-induced physics processes, ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions. The group is also participating in R and D projects for the ALICE experiment and the Electron-Ion Collider project. The post-doctoral researcher would be expected to participate in many of these activities, taking a leadership role in advancing the group's research program, interacting with and mentoring students, and engaging in creative and independent thought. The person may be stationed at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland or at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.
For more information and to apply go to http://employment.ku.edu/staff/22441BR Initial review of applications will begin June 21, 2021 and will continue until a qualified pool of applicants has been identified. Inquiries can be made by email to Prof. Daniel Tapia Takaki (jdtt[AT]ku.edu)
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, retaliation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University's programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and is the University's Title IX Coordinator: the Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA[AT]ku.edu, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-6414, 711 TTY.
2.3. PhD position for Numerical-Relativity Simulations of Black Hole - Neutron Star Systems, Potsdam, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-07
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/928300/phd-multi-messenger-astrophysics-of-compact-b…
Contact: tim.dietrich[AT]uni-potsdam.de
The Theoretical Astrophysics group at the University of Potsdam is opening a PhD position in the field of numerical relativity with a focus on the simulation of black hole - neutron star systems.
The Theoretical Astrophysics group at the University of Potsdam and the Max Planck Fellow group 'Multi-messenger Astrophysics of Compact Binaries' at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein Institute, AEI) is headed by Tim Dietrich.
For this PhD position, we are looking for a student interested in the simulation of compact binary systems within the DFG-funded project 'Black Hole - Neutron Star Mergers: Theoretical Modeling, Numerical Simulations, and Data Interpretation'. The successful candidate will develop new techniques to improve the accuracy of new numerical-relativity simulations. Based on these simulations, the candidate will improve existing gravitational-wave and electromagnetic models for black-hole - neutron-star systems.
The student will have the possibility to join the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Gravitational-Wave Astronomy. Successful applicants will conduct their research projects at the University of Potsdam. The duration of the PhD position is fixed to a total of three years.
Applicants are required to have a Master degree (or an equivalent degree) in a topic relevant for the PhD position, e.g., Physics, Mathematics, or Astronomy/Astrophysics, by the start of the PhD program.
The science campus in Potsdam offers a stimulating research environment with three Max-Planck Institutes and two Fraunhofer Institutes. Potsdam is home to over 40 research institutes and is located just 30 minutes from the city center of Berlin.
For the application, please follow the given link. You will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, your MSc thesis (if available), and a list of publications (if applicable). Applicants also need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload the letters.
The University of Potsdam is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability.
The deadline for full consideration is August 7th, 2022. Applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled. The position's start date is flexible but should lie within autumn 2022 and summer 2023.
2.4. Royal Society and STFC 5-year Fellowships, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-07-13
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://gravity-cosmology.sites.sheffield.ac.uk
Contact: s.c.gielen[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield plans to support applications for long-term (five-year or eight-year) fellowships in 2022/23, in particular for the University Research Fellowship and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (both funded by the Royal Society) and for the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council). These are advanced fellowships targeting early career scientists with previous postdoctoral experience, who have the potential to become leaders in their field.
Details about these fellowships and the application procedure can be found on the following websites:
The application deadline for the University Research Fellowship is 6 September 2022, the deadline for the Ernest Rutherford Fellowship is 13 September 2022, and the deadline for the Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship is 1 November 2022.
Current members of the School working on Cosmology, Relativity and Gravitation (CRAG) include Eleonora Di Valentino, Sam Dolan, Steffen Gielen, Carsten van de Bruck and Elizabeth Winstanley. Our current research focuses on cosmology and general relativity, black hole physics, quantum field theory on curved spacetime and quantum gravity. We are interested in supporting research proposals that complement our existing research.
Expressions of interest should be sent to Dr Steffen Gielen at the address s.c.gielen[AT]sheffield.ac.uk. They should include a full CV and publication list, but a research proposal is not necessary at this stage. We are also happy to answer any informal enquiries. We will start reviewing applications after 13 July 2022 and plan to conclude the internal selection process by early August 2022.
We are committed to diversity and equality within our community and particularly welcome expressions of interest from minority groups, women, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.
2.5. Fellowships at the Centre of Gravity, Nottingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-07-15
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/gravity/
Contact: Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
The Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG) brings together Nottingham's internationally leading expertise in gravitational physics and expand it into new areas. It is built on six overlapping pillars of gravitational research: fundamental physics, mathematics, cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, experiment, and data & modeling. Members of the CoG include Tasos Avgoustidis, Clare Burrage, John Barrett, Miguel Bezares (from Jan 2023), Ed Copeland, Anne Green, Stephen Green (from Oct 2022), Kirill Krasnov, Jorma Louko, Adam Moss, Tony Padilla, Paul Saffin, Thomas Sotiriou, David Stefanyszyn, and Silke Weinfurtner.
The NCoG is very keen to host research fellowships that relate to all of the above research areas. We also aim to extend further the Centre's areas of expertise in directions such as, waveform modelling and data analysis, numerics in General Relativity and beyond, relativistic astrophysics and strong field tests of general relativity, cosmology with gravitational waves, amplitudes, string theory and supergravity, and plan to use long term fellowships as a vehicle for doing so.
A variety of potential fellowships are available, including:
Long-term Fellowships (Assistant Professor Level)
Nottingham Research Fellowships and Anne McLaren Fellowships (internally funded- scheme will reopen in July): 3-year fellowships linked to a permanent post. Anne McLaren Fellowships are aimed at outstanding female researchers.
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships (next call expected in July)
5-year fellowships funded by the STFC
Royal Society University Research Fellowships
5-year fellowships funded by the Royal Society, with potential extension to 8 years
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships (next call expected in September)
4-year fellowships funded by the Royal Society, for candidates with a need for flexible support
Future Leader Fellowships (call opens September 6)
up to 2M GBP, funded by UKRI
Nottingham University has an excellent track record of transitioning long-term fellows into permanent academic positions
Expressions of interest for the long-term fellowships above should be sent to Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk by July 15, 2022 and should include a CV and a first draft
Postdoctoral fellowships
Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions
Postdoctoral fellowship funded by the European Commission.
Stephen Hawking Fellowships
4-year postdoctoral fellowships funded by UKRI
Royal Astronomical Society and Daphne Jackson Fellowships
RAS postdoctoral Fellowships provide support for up to 3 years. (Next call expected in October)
The Daphne Jackson Trust offers flexible, part-time, paid Fellowships, normally for two years. (Applications are accepted year round.)
1851 Research Fellowships
3-year postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
If you are interested in applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship with NCoG as a host please contact the member of the centre (see list above) that is closest to your research interests to discuss you application.
2.6. Invitation for Fellowship Applications at KCL, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-07-10
Location: London, UK
Additional Information: https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/nikolay.gromov/GATIS/KINGS_FELLOWSHIPS.php
Contact: andreas.stergiou[AT]kcl.ac.uk
The Theoretical Physics group at King's College London is soliciting expressions of interest of candidates to be supported in application for several prestigious long-term fellowships to begin in the Fall of 2023.
These include:
Royal Society University Research Fellowship
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship
Dorothy Hodgkins Fellowship
European Research Council Grants (ERC)
Daphne Jackson Fellowship
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship
Royal Commission for the exhibition of 1851 Fellowship
EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
See also
The group at King's College consists of 13 permanent members (Anninos, Drukker, Gromov, Herzog, Kontou, Kravchuk, Lambert, Martone, Murthy, Papadopoulos, Stergiou, Watts, West) as well as several postdocs and PhD students. The group focuses on a wide variety of research topics including string theory and supersymmetry, conformal field theory, classical and quantum aspects of black holes and cosmological spacetimes and solvable properties of quantum field theories.
Please submit a brief one-page description of your potential project and a CV for consideration to https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/nikolay.gromov/GATIS/KINGS_FELLOWSHIPS.php.
The deadline for submission is 10 July 2022 and early submission is encouraged.
2.7. Visiting Professorship at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-01
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Additional Information: https://www.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/news/n379?lang=en-GB
Contact: director[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Visiting Professorship at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, invites applications and/or nominations for a visiting-professorship in the field of theoretical physics for the period from 1 April, 2024 to 31 March, 2025. The appointment will be made for three months (or more). The salary will be determined according to the pay scale of Kyoto University.
The deadline for applications or nominations is 1st August, 2022. A letter of application should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a list of publications. In addition, please inform us regarding all possible periods of stay at YITP. All correspondence should be addressed to:
Prof. Sinya Aoki
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN
e-mail: director_{AT}_yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp
*replace _{AT}_ to "@"
2.8. ERC-funded postdoctoral position(s) in Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Physics/Data Analysis, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-09-18
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22010
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
ERC-funded postdoctoral position(s) in Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Wave Physics/Data Analysis at SISSA (Trieste, Italy, www.sissa.it)
The gravitational-wave physics group at SISSA solicits expressions of interest for postdoctoral positions in numerical relativity and/or in the physics/data analysis of gravitational waves, starting in the beginning of 2023 or earlier.
Candidates should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics. Candidates with knowledge and experience in numerical relativity will be particularly favored.
The successful applicant will be part of an ERC-funded international research group at SISSA (https://grams-815673.wixsite.com/2019) The interests of the group focus on testing extensions of General Relativity with gravitational data, but also include more generally the physics and astrophysics of gravitational wave sources with current and future detectors. The candidate will also be part of the Astroparticle Physics Group at SISSA (https://www.sissa.it/app/people.php)
Trieste is a lively city by the Adriatic sea. It has plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, and it characterized by a high concentration of scientific research institutions -- including, besides SISSA: the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, http://www.ictp.it/) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/)
Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience.
The application should include a CV, a publication list, and a research summary and proposal. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications will have to be sent by September 18th, 2022 for full consideration, but the search will remain open till the optimal candidate is found. Applications have to be submitted via https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22010
The position is for two years.
Inquiries may be directed to Enrico Barausse barausse[at]sissa.it
3. News
3.1. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Riemann)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2022_05_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twenty-fourth release (code name "Bernhard Riemann") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The major changes in this release include:
* Long-standing default parameters issues were fixed.
* Support for CareptX included in the Cactus Flesh.
* Parts of Carpet re-written with modern C++.
* When using either g++ or icpc, gcc version 6 or higher is now required.
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in November 2021 have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including code to compute initial data parameters, the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development.
The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve staff and faculty from five different institutions, and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join.
Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org, or contact the users mailing list users(a)einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157/2004044/2004311/2004879/2003893 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
The Einstein Toolkit contains about 327 regression test cases. On a large portion of the tested machines, almost all of these tests pass, using both MPI and OpenMP parallelization.
This release includes contributions by
* Maria C. Babiuc Hamilton
* Gabriele Bozzola
* Steven R. Brandt
* Zachariah B. Etienne
* William E. Gabella
* Roland Haas
* Wolfgang Kastaun
* Patrick Nelson
* Erik Schnetter
* Ken Sible
* Leonardo Werneck
How to upgrade from Johnson Release (ET_2021_11)
To upgrade from the previous release, use GetComponents with the new thornlist to check out the new version.
See the Download page (http://einsteintoolkit.org/download.html) on the Einstein Toolkit website for download instructions.
The SelfForce-1D code uses a single git repository, thus using
git pull; git checkout ET_2022_05
will update the code.
To install Kuibit, do the following:
pip install --user -U kuibit==1.3.4
Machine notes
Supported (tested) machines include:
* Default Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Mint, OpenSUSE and MacOS Monterey (MacPorts) installations
* Expanse
* Queen Bee 2
* Queen Bee 3
* Stampede 2
* Sunrise
* SuperMUC-NG
* Summit
Note for individual machines:
* TACC machines: defs.local.ini needs to have `sourcebasedir = $WORK` and `basedir = $SCRATCH/simulations` configured for this machine. You need to determine $WORK and $SCRATCH by logging in to the machine.
* SuperMUC-NG: defs.local.ini needs to have `sourcebasedir = $HOME` and `basedir = $SCRATCH/simulations` configured for this machine. You need to determine $HOME and $SCRATCH by logging in to the machine.
All repositories participating in this release carry a branch ET_2022_05 marking this release. These release branches will be updated if severe errors are found.
The "Bernhard Riemann" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2022-05-31)
* Yosef Zlochower,
* Steven R. Brandt,
* Peter Diener,
* William E. Gabella,
* Miguel Gracia-Linares,
* Roland Haas,
* Atul Kedia
May 29, 2022
3.2. FUKAv2 Release!
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://bitbucket.org/fukaws/fuka
The Frankfurt/Kadath (FUKA) initial data (ID) codes are the first publicly available initial data codes to provide access to asymmetric, highly spinning compact object binaries such as binary black holes, binary neutron stars, and black hole-neutron star binaries. FUKA was originally released June, 2021 (https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2021/06/25/fuka-frankfurt-uni-kadath-in…) however, development has continued in order to enable the reliable generation of initial data for extremal configurations (i.e., highly asymmetric binaries with different spins) while providing an intuitive interface to the user and minimizing the workflow to obtain such ID.
To this end, each FUKAv2 binary solver utilizes the idea of super-imposed isolated compact object solutions to generate the initial setup. This provides a stable setup for each binary solver to obtain a converged solution with only minimal effort on the frontend by the user. Additionally, the solvers are now capable of automating the regridding procedure to obtain the desired final resolution while minimizing computation costs. Finally, the key features available within the original FUKAv1 codes have also been integrated into v2 allowing one to easily obtain eccentricity reduced initial data either by using the built-in 3.5th order post-Newtonian estimates or by providing eccentricity reduction parameters manually (e.g., those obtained from iterative eccentricity reduction).
Overall, when comparing to the original v1 codes FUKAv2 is more than 5x more efficient when solving the ID for asymmetric spinning binaries with a vastly more robust framework to maximize convergence.
The latest version of FUKA along with the thorns enabling the import of FUKA ID into the Einstein Toolkit are available at: https://bitbucket.org/fukaws/
3.3. Living Reviews: EM counterparts to MBH mergers / Fundamental physics with LISA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published two new review articles in June 2022:
Bogdanovic, T., Miller, M.C. and Blecha, L.
Electromagnetic counterparts to massive black-hole mergers.
Living Rev Relativ 25, 3 (2022).
Summary: The aim of this review is to provide an introduction to this research topic by presenting a summary of key findings, physical processes and ideas pertaining to electromagnetic (EM) counterparts to massive black-hole (MBH) mergers as they are known at the time of this writing. We review current observational evidence for close MBH binaries, discuss relevant physical processes and timescales, and summarize the possible EM counterparts to gravitational waves in the precursor, coalescence, and afterglow stages of a MBH merger. We also describe open questions and discuss future prospects in this dynamic and quick-paced research area.
Arun, K.G., Belgacem, E., Benkel, R. et al.
New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA.
Living Rev Relativ 25, 4 (2022).
Summary: The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) has the potential to reveal wonders about the fundamental theory of nature at play in the extreme gravity regime, where the gravitational interaction is both strong and dynamical. In this white paper, the Fundamental Physics Working Group of the LISA Consortium summarizes the current topics in fundamental physics where LISA observations of gravitational waves can be expected to provide key input.
Note: This article is part of a new joint Topical Collection between Living Reviews and the journal General Relativity and Gravitation (https://link.springer.com/collections/bhdbjdhdhg)

02 Jun '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Numerical Relativity Community Summer School, Rhode Island, USA
1.2. Black Holes - Summer Physics School, Bad Honnef, Germany
1.3. Challenges to Lambda-CDM, Thessaloniki, Greece
1.4. Gravity@Prague 2022 Summer School, Prague, Czechie
1.5. The 8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Warsaw, Poland
1.6. Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities I - Summer Preparatory School (online)
1.7. Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities II - Summer Research School-Workshop (online)
1.8. Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
1.9. Petnica Summer Institute 2022: Summer School on General Relativity, Petnica, Serbia
1.10. Energy conditions in QFT, Leipzig, Germany
2. Jobs
2.1. Long-term Research Manager in Gravitational Waves, Leuven, Belgium
2.2. Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lethbridge, Canada
2.3. Banting Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Alberta, Canada
2.4. 2 experimental positions and 1 in data analysis/astrophysics/cosmology, Glasgow, UK
2.5. Postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical particle physics and cosmology, Coimbra, Portugal
2.6. PhD studentship in cosmology, Szczecin, Poland
2.7. Two posts of Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
2.8. Assistant in Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
2.9. PhD positions in QFT and GR, Jena-Leipzig, Germany
2.10. PhD position in stellar astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
2.11. PhD position in gravitational wave physics and modified gravity, Tuebingen, Germany
3. News
3.1. MSc in Gravitational Wave Physics, Cardiff, UK
3.2. 2022 Awards for Essays for Gravitation
3.3. New Frontiers in Strong Gravity, Benasque, Spain (2nd announcement)
3.4. SageMath 9.6 is out
1. Conferences
1.1. Numerical Relativity Community Summer School, Rhode Island, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-08-08 to 2022-08-12
Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Additional Information: https://icerm.brown.edu/events/re-22-f20w1
Contact: thelfer1[AT]jhu.edu
Dear (aspiring) numerical relativists,
Applications are now open for the first NR community summer school, Aug 8-12, 2022, at ICERM, Brown University, US.
This one-week summer school brings together early career researchers (graduate students and postdocs) interested in learning the state-of-the-art in numerical relativity, from the basics to advanced topics. Our preliminary program is:
- Intro and advanced NR (Helvi Witek and Katy Clough)
- Relativistic hydrodynamics (Elias Most)
- Gravitational waves (Deirdre Shoemaker)
- High-performance computing (Eloisa Bentivegna)
- Hackathon
- Evening talks, side program, NR community codes hands-on sessions
No prior exposure to numerical relativity is required, though basic familiarity with computational physics and general relativity would be desirable.
The school is planned as an in-person event with streaming options available for the lecture program. ICERM will be able to offer limited funding for some participants.
Applications are open now on this web page attached to this post
Even if you are planning to participate online, please register and indicate so in your application. We particularly encourage applications from participants from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented communities.
With warm regards,
The organizing committee,
Nils Vu, Thomas Helfer, Elias Most, Helvi Witek, Scott Field, and Leo Stein
1.2. Black Holes - Summer Physics School, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-04 to 2022-09-09
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2022/black-holes
Contact: giulini[AT]itp.uni-hannover.de
The School is dedicated to the observational, theoretical and also epistemological aspects of Black Hole physics and aims at doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.
It will cover the following topics: tentative definition of a Black Hole, observational evidence and possible alternative explanations for Black Holes, formation of Black Holes, global structure and causality of Black Hole spacetimes, rigorous definition of a Black Hole, singularity theorems, uniqueness of Black Hole solutions (no-hair theorems), stability properties, Black Holes in generalised theories of gravity, modelling Black Holes in analog-gravity models, quantum fields in Black Hole-spacetimes, Black Holes in quantum gravity proper, epistemological and philosophical aspects of Black Holes.
Contributed posters by the participants are welcome.
1.3. Challenges to Lambda-CDM, Thessaloniki, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-04 to 2022-09-07
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/cosmo-workshop/home
Contact: tsagas[AT]astro.auth.gr
The aim of the workshop is to review the status of the standard ��CDM paradigm, draw attention to open issues that may question its foundations and robustness, as well as discuss alternatives that could alleviate the tensions, and consider possible future perspectives. The topics of debate include:
Latest Measurements of Cosmological Parameters
Theoretical and Observational Challenges to Lambda-CDM
Alternatives to the Lambda-CDM paradigm
Challenges to the Cosmological Principle
The meeting is organized by the Cosmology Group at the Astronomy Lab of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the venue is on the university campus, near the city center. The event is part of the three-year research project "Tilted Cosmology", funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.
1.4. Gravity@Prague 2022 Summer School, Prague, Czechie
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-19 to 2022-09-23
Location: Prague, Czechie
Additional Information: https://gravity-prague.fzu.cz/
Contact: gravity-prague[AT]fzu.cz
We are happy to announce GRAVITY@Prague 2022, our second summer school on the theme of gravity. The school is aimed at advanced graduate students and postdocs. The lecture series will be delivered by
Claudia de Rham (Effective Field Theories in Gravity)
Roberto Emparan (Advanced Topics in Black Holes)
Marc Henneaux (Asymptotic Structure of Spacetime)
Veronika Hubeny (Holography)
Luis Lehner (Numerical Relativity)
Malcolm Perry (Black Holes)
Registration is free and is now OPEN: please register by 30th June 2022 for full consideration. Early registration is strongly encouraged.
Please email us with any further questions at gravity-prague[AT]fzu.cz.
The school is organised by CEICO, The Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.
1.5. The 8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Warsaw, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-19 to 2022-09-23
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: https://events.ncbj.gov.pl/event/152/
Contact: przemyslaw.malkiewicz[AT]ncbj.gov.pl
The scientific programme of the conference covers a broad range of topics in the classical and quantum theory of relativity. As in the past years, the goal of the conference is to discuss and promote recent achievements of the Polish and the international community. International speakers and participants are very welcome. Amongst the discussed topics will be mathematical and numerical relativity, relativistic cosmology and the early universe, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational waves, black holes, and quantum models of gravity.
The programme will include both regular talks and invited lectures by international experts.
The registration deadline is July 31st, 2022. Visit the conference website for more information.
1.6. Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities I - Summer Preparatory School (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-27 to 2022-06-30
Location: Gebze, Turkiye
Additional Information: https://tbae.tubitak.gov.tr/en/haber/quantum-horizons-developments-and-oppo…
Contact: tbae.iletisim[AT]tubitak.gov.tr
The goal of this Preparatory School is to provide a concise conceptual introduction to the current topics of quantum science and technology. This will prepare the participants to take full advantage of the specialized lectures of the following more advanced School-Workshop. The lectures will be supplemented by project sessions, which will pave the way for future involvement of motivated participants in the research process.
- Alexander Sergienko (Boston University, USA)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Canada)
- Oguz Gulseren (Bilkent University - TBAE, Turkiye)
- Ozgur Mustecaplioglu (Koc University - TBAE, Turkiye)
- Inanc Adagideli (Sabanci University - TBAE, Turkiye)
- Ceyhun Bulutay (Bilkent University, Turkiye)
- Cengiz Onbasli (Koc University, Turkiye)
- Kadir Durak (Ozyegin University, Turkiye)
- Baris Cakmak (Bahcesehir University, Turkiye)
Topics Covered
- Quantum Matter
- Quantum Information
- Quantum Communication
- Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Simulation
The school will be held online. The Zoom link information will be sent only to accepted applicants.
Note: Participants are not charged any fees.
Deadline for Applications: June 20, 2022 23:59
Alikram Nuhbalaoglu (TUBITAK TBAE), Ozgur Mustecaplioglu (Koc Univ.-TBAE), Oguz Gulseren (Bilkent Univ.-TBAE), Inanc Adagideli (Sabanci Univ.-TBAE)
1.7. Quantum Horizons: Developments and Opportunities II - Summer Research School-Workshop (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-01 to 2022-07-15
Location: Gebze, Turkiye
Additional Information: https://tbae.tubitak.gov.tr/en/haber/quantum-horizons-developments-and-oppo…
Contact: tbae.iletisim[AT]tubitak.gov.tr
Nowadays, the possibility to control and use the states of individual quantum systems is leading to the second quantum revolution, which will offer great advances in quantum computing, simulation, communication and sensing. The School-Workshop will bring together early career researchers and graduate students to present excellent series of specialized lectures, with a broad scope of exciting topics in the domain of quantum science and technology.
- Alexander Sergienko (Boston University, USA)
- Barry Sanders (University of Calgary, Canada)
- Edward Farhi (MIT - Google Quantum AI, USA)
- Nuh Gedik (MIT, USA)
- Angelo Bassi (University of Trieste, Italy)
- Jeremy Levy (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Menno Poot (TUM - Munich Quantum Center, Germany)
- Ozgur Mustecaplioglu (Koc University - TBAE, Turkiye)
- Oguz Gulseren (Bilkent University - TBAE, Turkiye)
- Inanc Adagideli (Sabanci University - TBAE, Turkiye)
Topics Covered
- Quantum Matter
- Quantum Information
- Quantum Simulation
- Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Communication
- Interdisciplinary Directions
The school will be held online. The Zoom link information will be sent only to accepted applicants.
Note: Participants are not charged any fees.
Deadline for Applications: June 20, 2022 23:59
Hasan Mandal (President of TUBITAK), Alikram Nuhbalaoglu (TUBITAK TBAE)
1.8. Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics, Moscow, Russia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-09
Location: Moscow, Russia
Additional Information: https://pirt.bmstu.ru/en/international-school/
Contact: dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru
The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, is arranging the 3rd Summer International School on Gravity, Cosmology and Astrophysics for students, post-graduates and young scientists. The School will be held in the Educational and Laboratory Building of Bauman Moscow State Technical University on July 4-9, 2022. The School is dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Ivanovich Pustovoyt.
The School is chaired by the President of the Russian Gravity Society, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Aleksey Alexandrovich Starobinskiy (chair), and the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Vladimir Olegovich Gladyshev (co-chair).
The main goals of the School are to discuss modern accomplishments in studying the Universe, tackle the main problems, share ideas and methods of research in the theory of gravity and cosmology. The School will become an event where prominent researchers from different countries will get together to present their projects and share their knowledge on gravity, cosmology and astrophysics.
The School will welcome both in-person and virtual participants and provide simultaneous interpreting for foreign guests.
The School will host world-famous scientists from many countries, students from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the University of Naples Federico II, and from other leading Russian and world universities.
Each ISGCA-2022 participant will receive an international certificate.
If you wish to attend the ISGCA-2022, you are invited to register on the School website.
1.9. Petnica Summer Institute 2022: Summer School on General Relativity, Petnica, Serbia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-08-01 to 2022-08-10
Location: Petnica, Valjevo, Serbia
Additional Information: http://psi.petnica.rs/2022/description.php
Contact: psi[AT]petnica.rs
We are happy to present Petnica Summer Institute 2022 - Summer School on General Relativity. Petnica Summer Institute (PSI) aims to provide lectures to undergraduate and early graduate students by senior PhD students, young postdocs and researchers. PSI is organized every summer in Petnica Science Center (Valjevo, Serbia) and it covers a wide range of topics in theoretical physics and astrophysics. The school is supported by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste) and International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, Trieste).
This year's topic is General Relativity. Following the recent detection of gravitational waves by LIGO, this is a perfect time to learn about GR and discuss recent progress and future developments of the theory and experiments.
The aim: The school aims to provide an intensive and thorough course on General Relativity and its applications. The school is not limited to lectures, but will also include daily discussion sessions, problem solving and independent work.
For whom: The school is intended for senior undergraduate and early graduate students mainly from the Balkans region. All lectures will be given in English, so we also welcome students from anywhere abroad. Exceptional younger students and interested graduate students will also be considered.
By whom: Lectures will be given by senior PhD students, young postdocs, but also by some senior researchers. The lecturers come from various European and US institutions.
Application procedure: In order to apply, please fill the form on the website http://psi.petnica.rs/2022/apply.php . One letter of recommendation should be sent to psi (at) petnica.rs directly by a referee.
The application deadline is: Jun 10th, 2022. The full expenses for meals and accommodation are 350 Euros per participant (there is no participation fee). The organizers will be able to provide partial or full financial support for a number of students. Please make sure that you apply before this date! Late applications will be considered in case of available places, but the applicants will not be granted any financial support.
Core topics: Special Theory of Relativity; General Theory of Relativity; Gravitational Waves; Black Holes; Cosmology; BH Thermodynamics and Quantum Gravity
Lecturers on site: Mateja Boskovic (SISSA, Trieste); Giovanni Cabass (IAS, Princeton); Nicola Franchini (SISSA, Trieste); Riccardo Penco (Carnegie Mellon University); Marko Simonovic (CERN, Geneva); Marija Tomasevic (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Additional topics and lecturers will be announced on the website.
1.10. Energy conditions in QFT, Leipzig, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-12 to 2022-09-16
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.physik.uni-leipzig.de/~ecqft/
Contact: ecqft[AT]itp.uni-leipzig.de
The Emmy Noether junior research group at the ITP Leipzig, led by Daniela Cadamuro, will host the conference "Energy conditions in QFT" in Leipzig on the 12-16 September 2022.
Positive energy conditions fulfilled by many matter fields in classical field theory are violated in quantum field theory (QFT), so the quantum energy density can have negative expectation values. This raises fundamental questions. For example, are the energy conditions that enter as an assumption of singularity theorems in general relativity (GR) compatible with quantum matter or do quantum fields allow the existence of "exotic" spacetimes?
If such scenarios are to be excluded, there must be constraints to the extent in which quantum fields can cause negative energy densities. Those constraints are known as quantum energy inequalities (QEI) or quantum energy conditions (QEC). These inequalities appear to be related to other interesting physical aspects of QFT, such as the notion of thermal equilibrium, as well as aspects of information theory, for example the relative entropy.
The conference is intended to cover topics such as quantum energy inequalities, entropy and thermal states in QFT, and more in general,the role of the Hamiltonian and of the stress-energy tensor in quantum physics.
If you intend to participate, please register via the online form at the workshop website. There are some slots for talks available, in particular for early career researchers.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Leipzig,
Daniela Cadamuro, Markus Froeb and Christoph Minz
2. Jobs
2.1. Long-term Research Manager in Gravitational Waves, Leuven, Belgium
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-05-31
Location: Leuven, Belgium
Additional Information: https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/60103219
Contact: thomas.hertog[AT]kuleuven.be
We are inviting applications for the position of a long-term research manager in gravitational waves.
This vacancy is an essential part of the new Gravitational Wave Initiative of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and of the Science, Engineering and Technology Group at KU Leuven, which brings together staff members and researchers from different research divisions around gravitational wave physics and engineering. The overarching goal of this Initiative is to expand and strengthen KU Leuven contributions to two international flagship missions in the field of gravitational waves: Einstein Telescope underground and the ESA/NASA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, or LISA.
Research divisions at the Department of Physics and Astronomy heavily involved in this Initiative include the Institute of Astronomy, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Laboratory for Semiconductor Physics, each of which are young and vibrant research groups comprising several dozens of scientists, engineers, and administrative staff. KU Leuven is also one of the founding partners of ETpathfinder, a new RandD Fieldlab based mostly in Maastricht, with a mirror coating component at KU Leuven, where some of the technology needed for future ground-based gravitational wave observatories will be developed.
- You assume the role of national project manager of the Belgian contributions to the LISA mission; You represent the Belgian LISA Consortium and report at international consortium management meetings;
- You coordinate funding proposals for the development and construction of LISA and ET instrumentation, including work package definitions and project and financial planning;
- You are the local project manager for KU Leuven LISA contributions. You bring together collaborators, coordinate research projects, and initiate and coordinate collaborations with industrial partners;
- You build bridges that strengthen the collaboration between the various research units involved in gravitational wave research activities both at KU Leuven and nationally, in the context of LISA and Einstein Telescope;
- You are encouraged to set up your own research line in a selected field of GW physics or engineering, ideally complementary with and strengthening the ongoing GW activities at KU Leuven;
- You apply for competitive grant funding to finance your research, build up your own research team, and supervise master and PhD students working in your field of expertise;
- You aim at excellence in your research and technology developments, publish in outstanding journals and present your work at the main conferences in your field;
- PhD degree in physics, astrophysics, engineering or a related field;
- Experience in gravitational wave instrumentation and/or research, or with other big science physics or astronomy facilities;
- Knowledge of or interest in a broad range of technologies and research fields relevant for gravitational wave instrumentation;
- Experience with quality standards required for space projects;
- Excellent communication skills and the affinity to interact fluently in international multicultural consortia;
- Strong organisational skills, a cooperative attitude and the ability to work independently;
- Experience with writing successful grant proposals
Our offer:
- A full-time position with a contract of indeterminate duration in the research management staff category;
- A stimulating research-driven work environment where quality, professionalism and team spirit are valued and encouraged;
- Access to state-of-the art research infrastructure at KU Leuven, ETpathfinder, etc;
- Flexible working hours and teleworking;
- Various extra-legal benefits such as health insurance, commuting expenses when using public transport or bicycle, etc;
- All relevant work experience (public and private sector) is taken into account when determining seniority;
For more information please contact Prof. dr. Thomas Hertog, tel.: +32 16 32 72 46, mail: thomas.hertog[AT]kuleuven.be or Dr. Bart Vandenbussche, tel.: +32 16 32 75 31, mail: bart.vandenbussche[AT]kuleuven.be.
2.2. Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lethbridge, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-01
Location: Lethbridge, Canada
Additional Information: https://uleth.peopleadmin.ca/
Contact: k.vos[AT]uleth.ca
Physics and Astronomy
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, is seeking applications from qualified candidates for a full-time, tenure-track Position in Physics or Astronomy at the rank of Assistant Professor, starting as early as August 1, 2022. The search process will be guided by research and teaching excellence. The successful candidate will be joining the Department at an exciting time as it settles into the new, state-of-the-art 38,500 square metre science building. The candidate will be eligible for start-up funds from the university and is expected to apply for external funding such as the NSERC Discovery Grant. Development of a vigorous, externally funded research program and contribution to the supervision/co-supervision of graduate students is expected. Hiring salary will be in the range of $77,000 to $92,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Physics or Astronomy, preferably with post-doctoral experience, and an established record of research excellence. Teaching experience will be an asset. Exceptional applicants from all areas who fit the Department's research interests and goals will be duly considered. The Department of Physics and Astronomy is a diverse department that currently has nine research faculty members with individual research programs and their own research groups. The department ( https://www.ulethbridge.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy/meet-our-faculty-staff ) has research strengths in several different theoretical and experimental research fields. Applicants from all areas of experimental and theoretical physics and astronomy are encouraged to apply. The department is responsible for undergraduate programs in Physics (B.Sc.) and offers thesis-based M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduate programs.
The University of Lethbridge (uLethbridge) is a comprehensive and research-intensive university founded on the principles of liberal education, where inspired scholars integrate research and creative activity with teaching. Our University's Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred Buffalo Stone. Founded in 1967 on traditional Blackfoot land, it is a place where student engagement in learning, creative activities, and research takes place every day. With campuses in Lethbridge and Calgary, uLethbridge offers more than 150 undergraduate and 60 graduate programs to more than 8,900 students in the faculties of Arts and Science, Education, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, the Schools of Liberal Education and Graduate Studies, and the Dhillon School of Business. The department of Physics and Astronomy is located on the Lethbridge campus. For more information about the University please visit our website ( https://www.ulethbridge.ca/welcome-university-lethbridge ).
All applications must be submitted online, and should include a letter of application, a detailed curriculum vitae, a research proposal and/or detailed research plan (five-page NSERC Discovery Grant style preferred), sample publications, teaching philosophy, information on courses previously taught, and contact information for three referees who are academics in the field. Referees will be contacted directly, with information on how to submit their reference letters. Please ensure that your referees are prepared to submit their letters immediately upon request. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but consideration of complete files will commence on June 1, 2022. For details on how to submit your application, please visit our Human Resources website at https://www.peopleadmin.ca and choose this position under the Academic postings option.
For enquiries about the position, please contact Ken Vos, Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at k.vos[AT]uleth.ca
The University of Lethbridge recognizes that diversity enriches our campus and our community and is fundamental to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. The university as a whole embraces equity as a core value to be truly inclusive of the communities of which we are a part, and this requires ongoing intentional and systemic action. Through recruitment and support of individuals who further enhance our diversity, the University strives to create a diverse and inclusive community where students, faculty and staff feel welcome, are treated equitably, and can thrive.
The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate's record of achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their applications the impact that career interruptions have had on their record.
The University of Lethbridge is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, including through all aspects of the hiring process. If you require support during the hiring process, please contact Human Resources at human.resources[AT]uleth.ca so that accommodations can be put in place to support you. All private information received in relation to your request for support will be kept confidential. Only information required to facilitate the accommodation will be shared with the selection committee.
We invite applications from all qualified candidates; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.
2.3. Banting Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Alberta, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-15
Location: Alberta, Canada
Additional Information: https://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a joint postdoctoral position in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at the University of Alberta and University of Lethbridge. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Physics or Mathematics with a strong research record and research proposal. Areas that will be considered include Mathematical Physics, Quantum Theory, Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, and Gravitational Waves. The selected candidate will be nominated for a Banting Postdoctoral position (https://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html) In the next step, a joint application with the supervisors will be submitted to the Banting program, and if successful, the candidate will officially assume the position for two years.
The successful candidate will divide their time between Edmonton and Lethbridge, two main cities in the province of Alberta, Canada, with excellent cultural and recreational opportunities, and close to the Rocky Mountains. The salary will be CAD 70,000 per year for two years, non-renewable. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, research proposal, and two recommendation letters, by June 15, 2022, to:
Saeed Rastgoo and Saurya Das
Emails: srastgoo[AT]ualberta.ca , saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca,
The University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge are committed to diversity and equity in employment, and strongly encourages women and members of other traditionally underrepresented groups to apply.
2.4. 2 experimental positions and 1 in data analysis/astrophysics/cosmology, Glasgow, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-08
Location: Glasgow, UK
Additional Information: https://www.gla.ac.uk/explore/jobs/
Contact: Sheila.Rowan[AT]glasgow.ac.uk
We are now recruiting for 3 Faculty appointments in the Institute for Gravitational Research at the University of Glasgow.
We are seeking applicants for 2 experimental positions (Vacancy refs: 082888; 082890) and 1 position in GW data analysis/astrophysics/cosmology (Vacancy ref: 082889).
The data post is fixed term for 4 years in the first instance.
The closing date for applications is 08-Jun-2022.
Full details are available via the search link on the University of Glasgow Vacancies Website by searching via keyword 'gravitational' or the vacancy refs above.
Informal enquiries can be directed to Prof Sheila Rowan in the first instance.
2.5. Postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical particle physics and cosmology, Coimbra, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-17
Location: Coimbra, Portugal
Additional Information: https://www.euraxess.pt/jobs/785621
Contact: jgrosa[AT]uc.pt
The Physics Department and the Center for Physics of the University of Coimbra (CFisUC) invites applications for a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical particle physics and cosmology, renewable up to 1 addition year. The fellowship is supported by the grant "Exploring the darkest side of dark matter" (Ref. CERN/FIS-PAR/0027/2021) awarded by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, I.P. (Portugal) in collaboration with CERN, and led by Dr. Joao G. Rosa. This research grant is a joint venture of the University of Coimbra and the University of Porto, in Portugal, also involving researchers based at the University of Oxford (UK), the University of Granada, IFAE - Barcelona and IFIC - Valencia (Spain).
The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to actively participate in the project's tasks, devoted to the study of feebly interacting dark matter candidates, with a focus on primordial black holes (as both dark matter candidates and dark matter progenitors) and cosmological scalar fields, in particular axions and axion-like particles. The sucessful candidate will work with Dr. Joao G. Rosa and be part of an international team of researchers with expertise in particle physics, cosmology and gravitation, within a stimulating and scientific environment involving both early career and senior researchers.
Candidates must hold a PhD degree in Physics or related areas obtained no more than 3 years before the application date. Applications must be sent by e-mail to jgrosa[AT]uc.pt and addf[AT]uc.pt and include a detailed Curriculum Vitae (including publication list), two reference letters and the candidate's PhD certificate. Please note that foreign degrees/diplomas must be officially recognized by the General Directorate of Higher Education or by a Portuguese higher education institution: https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition?plid=1536. Candidates who cannot provide proof of this recognition in their application must submit, with their application, a signed declaration stating that they will seek this recognition should their application be successful and before the start of the fellowship.
The fellowship is expected to start in September 2022. Please consult the official position announcement for full details on the fellowship and application process: https://www.euraxess.pt/jobs/785621
The University of Coimbra is an equal opportunity employer with welcoming working conditions, career development, and networking opportunities. For more information, please visit the University of Coimbra's website (https://www.uc.pt) and the Centre for Physics website (https://cfisuc.fis.uc.pt)
2.6. PhD studentship in cosmology, Szczecin, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-07
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: https://cosmo.usz.edu.pl/node/417
Contact: vincenzo.salzano[AT]usz.edu.pl
The Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Szczecin (http://cosmo.usz.edu.pl) invites applications for a Ph.D. studentship in cosmology.
The position is available through the PRELUDIUM BIS 3 grant nr. 2021/43/O/ST9/00664 of the Polish National Science Center (NCN) awarded by prof. Vincenzo Salzano and entitled "Probing the nature of dark matter with modified Poisson's equations".
The research will mainly focus on astrophysical tests of dark matter and modified gravity theories from cluster to galactic scales by comparison with real data. Thus, preference will be given to candidates with a strongly declared willingness to learn and work on data analysis and with numerical/computational skills.
More theoretical aspects will be also included at a later stage of the project through a collaboration with the University of Salamanca and, more specifically, with Dr. Jose Beltran Jimenez and Dr. Dario Bettoni.
The deadline for application is 07th August 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews on 22nd - 24th August 2022.
The successful candidate will then have to register at the Doctoral School of the University of Szczecin, following some extra admission procedure supervised by professors from the Szczecin Cosmology Group (more information in English can be accessed at the official webpage of the school: https://szkoladoktorska.usz.edu.pl/en/home-2/)
The studies will begin on 1st October 2022 and last for 4 years following schedules and rules of the Doctoral School. The gross monthly salary will amount to 5000 PLN (~3700 PLN net) for the first two years and then, after a positive mid-term evaluation, to 6000 PLN (~4500 PLN net) for the last two years. In addition, the grant provides funding for travel to attend conferences and schools.
The PRELUDIUM BIS 3 programme will also support international mobility of the PhD student through a foreign fellowship carried out over a period of min. 3/max. 6 months which will be spent at the University of Salamanca.
There is possibility for cheaper university-supported accommodation. The city of Szczecin is located near to Polish border with Germany - 130 km away from Berlin, with good access to international airports.
Applications should be sent to vincenzo.salzano[AT]usz.edu.pl with the subject "Preludium Bis 3 PhD Student: Surname Name" and obligatory include all the following items in order to be considered:
1) CV, including a cover letter (max. 1 page) and a list of publications (if any);
2) a brief statement of research interests (max. 2 pages);
3) copy of the M.Sc. Thesis;
4) copy of the M.Sc. graduate studies diploma;
5) transcripts of the exams from both B.Sc. and M.Sc. level;
6) (at least) 2 reference letters.
Please, include at the end of your email the following clause regarding the personal data protection laws in EU: "I hereby authorize you to process my personal data included in my job application solely for the purpose of the selection process in accordance with the article 7 of of the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) [OJ EU L. 2016.119.1 of 4 May 2016]."
2.7. Two posts of Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-17
Location: Cracow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/150741792/Adiunkt_bad-dyd.W…
Contact: wydzial.fais[AT]uj.edu.pl
The RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for TWO posts of an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the research and teaching staff member group for the period of 33 months starting October 1, 2022
at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The candidates must hold the PhD degree in theoretical physics. We expect from the candidates: strong interest in research, significant research achievements confirmed by a good publication record, ability to carry out independent research and experience in teaching work. International research experience, participation and leading positions in research grants will be advantageous.
The successful candidates will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to their research interests, carry out research in theoretical physics, and take part in teaching activities in Polish and/or English at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found at the Faculty webpage or it may be obtained upon request to wydzial.fais[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 17, 2022, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by June 30, 20
2.8. Assistant in Theoretical Physics, Cracow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-17
Location: Cracow, Poland
Additional Information: https://praca.bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/145868730/150759361/Asystent_bad_dyd_…
Contact: wydzial.fais[AT]uj.edu.pl
The RECTOR of the Jagiellonian University announces a competitive selection process for the post of an ASSISTANT in the research staff member group for the period of 33 months starting October 1, 2022 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics
Academic field: theoretical physics
The Institute of Theoretical Physics investigates a wide scope of areas in theoretical physics: Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Theory, Field Theory, General Relativity and Astrophysics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics, Theoretical Atomic Physics and Quantum Physics, Particle Physics and String Theory. The faculty consists of more than 30 Professors of theoretical physics and it is a part of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University.
We expect from the candidate strong interest and experience in research in theoretical physics confirmed by a publication record. International research experience will be advantageous.
The successful candidate will join one of the active research groups at the Institute according to the research interests and carry out research in theoretical physics.
The detailed information about formal conditions of the application may be found at the Faculty webpage or it may be obtained upon request to wydzial.fais[AT]uj.edu.pl
The deadline for applications: June 17, 2022, 23:59 Warsaw time.
Selected candidates will be invited for remote presentations and interviews.
The competitive selection process will be concluded by June 30, 2022
2.9. PhD positions in QFT and GR, Jena-Leipzig, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-17
Location: Jena-Leipzig, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.rtg2522.uni-jena.de
Contact: rtg2522[AT]uni-jena.de
The DFG Research Training Group (RTG) 2522 "Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems" jointly hosted at the Institutes for Theoretical Physics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and at Leipzig University offers 10 PhD positions, available 1 October 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The RTG 2522 offers a structured PhD program on the basis of a research program at the interface of quantum field theory and gravitational theory. Preferably, the candidates should have a strong background in quantum field theory and/or general relativity and corresponding theoretical, mathematical, and computational methods.
Participating principal investigators of the RTG include M. Ammon, S. Bernuzzi, B. Bruegmann, D. Cadamuro, H. Gies, S. Hollands, R. Meinel, B. Rosenow, R. Verch, and A. Wipf.
More information about the research program of RTG 2522 can be found on the website: http://www.rtg2522.uni-jena.de, see also https://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/ (TPI Jena) and http://www.physik.uni-leipzig.de (ITP Leipzig).
To qualify for the position, applicants must hold a Master's degree or a Diploma in Physics or Mathematics.
Applicants should submit (preferably via E-mail and as a single PDF document) a curriculum vitae, a brief description of research interests, a transcript of records, a certificate of the master's degree (or a statement concerning when it is due), and arrange for 1-2 reference letters. Important: In your cover letter, please state your preferences for one or more principal investigators, acting as supervisors for the corresponding PhD projects. Applications should be received by 17 June 2022, but will be considered until the positions are filled.
Please send applications to:
Prof. Dr. Holger Gies
Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Max Wien Platz 1
D-07743 Jena, Germany
E-mail for Reference Letters: RTG2522[AT]uni-jena.de
2.10. PhD position in stellar astrophysics, Valencia, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-16
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.uv.es/uvweb/astronomy-astrophysics-department/en/departments-ne…
Contact: miguel.a.aloy[AT]uv.es
The groups of Computer Aided Modeling of Astrophysical Plasma (CAMAP) at the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (DAA) of the University of Valencia (UV) and of Relativistic Astrophysics (RA) at the Department of Applied Physics (DAP) of the University of Alicante (UA) have a long-lasting tradition of more than 20 years of collaboration in the field of Computational Relativistic Astrophysics. Our corresponding departments work on a variety of topics such as radio observations, theoretical cosmology, and relativistic astrophysics including compact stellar objects, supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, and gravitational waves.
The CAMAP and RA groups have an opening for a PhD position in the field of Small-scale modelling of the physics in of Core-Collapse Supernova.
A major focus of our groups lies on the numerical modelling of stellar core collapse with rotation and magnetic fields. We are looking for a young researcher intent on contributing to these lines of research under the supervision of the senior group members (M.A. Aloy, J. A. Pons and/or M. Obergaulinger). Carrying out a PhD project in this field benefits from a familiarity with or interest in numerical magnetohydrodynamics and neutrino transport, multi-messenger astrophysics, and high-performance computing. Applicants should hold a Master degree (or equivalent) in physics or astronomy, as well as a Bachelor degree in a related field obtained in a country outside of the EU. A good knowledge of stellar astrophysics, experience in numerical modelling, and a good command of the English language are advantageous for the position. The successful candidate will enrol in the PhD program of the University of Valencia offering courses and seminars to complete their formation. The thesis
project is expected to be completed in three years. The student will be hired with a labour contract with the salary and benefits (including health insurance) which are typical at the University of Valencia.
We aim to fill the position as soon as possible, with the possibility of starting by September 16th 2022. Later starting of the position is possible under justified conditions. We are looking forward to receiving your application by June 10th 2022 via email (see below). Applications should include a motivation letter, copies of the Master and Bachelor degree (or equivalent), a curriculum vitae and statement of previous research, and the name and contact details of up to two experienced scientists (a letter of reference is not needed but appreciated, just the contact details).
The University of Valencia emphasizes equal opportunities and diversity in its personnel policy and strives to increase the percentage of women and thus expressly encourages women to apply.
For further questions please contact Miguel Angel Aloy, miguel.a.aloy[at]uv.es.
2.11. PhD position in gravitational wave physics and modified gravity, Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-24
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~doneva/Jobs/JobAnnouncement_PhD_20…
Contact: daniela.doneva[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
The Emmy Noether research group at the University of Tuebingen, is seeking applications for a PhD position starting in Fall 2022. The group is part of the Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) at Tuebingen. The research focus of the successful applicant will be on testing strong-field regime of gravity with gravitational waves; models and dynamics of neutron stars and black holes in modified theories of gravity. The position is for three years.
The topic of the Emmy Noether research group is on "Gravitational waves from compact objects = a tool for testing strong gravity and nuclear matter at extreme densities " with a group leader Dr. Daniela Doneva. In a broader perspective, the activities of TAT group, led by Prof. Kostas Kokkotas, are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars and black holes. The TAT group currently consists of four (4) post-doctoral researchers, five (5) PhD students and seven (7) MSc students.
The salary will be paid according to the German public service scale (E13, 50 %). Applications, including curriculum vitae, list of publications (if any), statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, e-mail) of two potential referees should be sent via email to:
Dr. Daniela Doneva
E-mail: daniela.doneva[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
The deadline for full consideration is June 24th, 2022, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Early applications are encouraged.
University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
3. News
3.1. MSc in Gravitational Wave Physics, Cardiff, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/gravitat…
Dear colleagues,
please share the announcement below with any undergraduate student interested in studying Gravitational-wave Physics:
The Gravity Exploration Institute (cardiffgravity.org) at Cardiff University offers an MSc program in Gravitational-wave Physics:
Gravitational-wave observations are now transforming our understanding of the universe, and the field will continue to grow in the next decades.
The Gravitational Wave Physics MSc provides broad and comprehensive training in both theory and experiment in gravitational wave (GW) physics and astronomy: techniques in laser interferometry for GW detection, general relativity, astrophysics, modelling of GW sources, and data analysis for GW detection and source interpretation. Cardiff University staff are at the forefront of world-leading research in all of these areas, which span the core topics at the heart of the field, and which make this a unique degree programme.
On completion of the programme you will have the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to begin a research career in gravitational-wave physics, and be a competitive candidate for jobs in industry.
3.2. 2022 Awards for Essays for Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2022.
1. $4,000 - Proper Time Quantization of a Thin Shell by Cenalo Vaz, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0011; email: cenalo.vaz[AT]uc.edu
2. $700 - "The More Things Change the More they Stay the Same", Minimum Lengths with Unmodified Uncertainty Principle and Dispersion Relation by Michael Bishop[1], Joey Contreras[2], and Douglas Singleton[2], [1]Mathematics Department, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA 93740, [2]Physics Department, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA 93740; email: mibishop[AT]mail.fresnostate.edu, mkfetch[AT]mail.fresnostate.edu, dougs[AT]mail.fresnostate.edu
3. $600 - Black Holes Decohere Quantum Superpositions by Daine L. Danielson, Gautam Satishchandran, and Robert M. Wald, Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637; email: daine[AT]uchicago.edu, gautamsatish[AT]uchicago.edu, rmwa[AT]uchicago.edu
4. $500 - Large Momentum Transfer Optics: A Means to Probe the Interplay between Gravity and Quantum Mechanics by Shraddha Agrawal, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801; email: sa30[AT]illinois.edu
5. $400 - Unitarity and Quantum Resolution of Gravitational Singularities by Steffen Gielen[1] and Lucia Menendez-Pidal[2], [1]School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom, [2]School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom; email: s.c.gielen[AT]sheffield.ac.uk, lucia.menendez-pidal[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order):
Jeffrey Alloy Q. Abanto; Stephen L. Adler; Ivan Agullo, Anthony J. Brady, and Dimitrios Kranas; D. Benisty, A. van de Venn, D. Vasak, J. Struckmeier, and H. Stoecker; Per Berglund, Tristan Huebsch, David Mattingly, and Djordje Minic; Panos Betzios, Nava Gaddam, and Olga Papadoulaki; Yuri Bonder and Johas D. Morales; Valentin Boyanov; Suddhasattwa Brahma, Robert Brandenberger, and Samuel Laliberte; Pisin Chen, Misao Sasaki, Dong-Han Yeom, and Junggi Yoon; Saurya Das and Sourav Sur; Arthur E. Fischer; Joshua Foo, Robert B. Mann, and Magdalena Zych; Leonardo Giani and Tamara Maree Davis; Andre' Grossardt; Eduardo I. Guendelman and Zeeya Merali; Bin Guo and Samir D. Mathur; Carlos A. R. Herdeiro and Eugen Radu; Clifford V. Johnson; Arun Kenath, Christoph Schiller, and C. Sivaram; R. B. MacKenzie, Victor Massart, M. B. Paranjape, Gordon Semenoff, and U. A. Yajnik; Juan F. Pedraza, Andrea Russo, Andrew Svesko, and Zachary Weller-Davies; Joseph Samuel; Tejinder P. Singh; Erickson Tjoa
and Finnian Gray; C. S. Unnikrishnan; Juan Urrutia; Erik Verlinde and Manus Visser; Ram Gopal Vishwakarma; Peter Woit; Asher Yahalom.
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays are posted on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays are also posted on our website and will be published in the October 2022 SPECIAL ISSUE of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD).
PO BOX 81389
Roger W. Babson
George M. Rideout, Jr.
3.3. New Frontiers in Strong Gravity, Benasque, Spain (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://benasque.org/2022relativity/
Dear colleagues,
We would like to announce a two-week workshop "New frontiers in strong gravity" taking place in Benasque, Spain from Jul 03-16, 2022; please see the website http://benasque.org/2022relativity/ for further information, and registration will close on May 31, 2022. Limited travel funds are available, with priority given to PhD students and participants from underrepresented groups. To help us create a safe environment, we ask that all participants are fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
We would appreciate it if you could forward the announcement to interested researchers in our field.
We look forward to welcoming you in Benasque,
on behalf of the organizers (D. Blas, P. Figueras, S. Nissanke, L. Stein, H. Witek)
3.4. SageMath 9.6 is out
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/
The free Python-based computer algebra system SageMath 9.6 has been released on 15 May 2022; it includes differential geometry and tensor calculus tools developed through the SageManifolds project (https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/) see the release tour https://trac.sagemath.org/wiki/ReleaseTours/sage-9.6 for an overview of novelties.
Regarding calculus on manifolds, SageMath 9.6 brings new features:
- symplectic structures have been introduced: symplectic forms, Poisson bivectors, Hamiltonian vector fields, Poisson brackets, Liouville volume form, symplectic Hodge duality
- projective spaces are now included in the manifold catalog
- some performance improvements have been implemented and a few bug have been fixed
See https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/changelog.html for details and examples.
The following people have contributed to these new features:
Tobias Diez, Marius Gerbershagen, Eric Gourgoulhon, Michael Jung, Trevor K. Karn, Matthias Koeppe and Travis Scrimshaw.
See https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/download.html for installation instructions.
See also https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnrOCYZpQUuJlnQbQ48zgGk-Ks1t145Yw for video tutorials by Christian Baer (Institute of Mathematics, University of Potsdam) about manifolds in SageMath.

02 May '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Estate Quantistica 2022 International School on Gravity, Cosmology, and Mathematical Physics, Scalea, Italy
1.2. A shot in the dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, Netherlands
1.3. Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach, Naples, Italy
1.4. Sixth Spacetime Conference, Varna, Bulgaria
1.5. Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT'22), Bloomington, Indiana, USA
1.6. "Eternity between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos", Padova, Italy (hybrid)
1.7. Avenues of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Genoa, Italy
1.8. Cosmology School: Introduction to cosmology, Krakow, Poland
1.9. 3rd European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation, Nice (France)
1.10. Quantum gravity, random geometry and holography, Paris, France
1.11. Remo Ruffini Festschrift - a conference in celebration of Remo Ruffini 80th birthday, Nice, France (hybrid)
1.12. 6th Bego Rencontre Summer School, Nice, France (hybrid)
2. Jobs
2.1. Job opportunities for Ukrainian theoretical physicists, Krakow, Poland
2.2. Professor/Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences, London, UK
2.3. PhD student position in mathematical relativity at Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada
2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Cape Town, South Africa
2.5. Long-term research appointment in computational astrophysics, Milan, Italy
2.6. PhD positions in Theoretical Astrophysics, Milano, Italy
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Foundation grants - Call for applications
3.2. Copernicus Webinar and Colloquium Series
3.3. GRG Golden Oldies by Foures-Bruhat and Ehlers
3.4. To members of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG)
3.5. Frontiers in Numerical Relativity 2022, Jena, Germany (2nd announcement)
1. Conferences
1.1. Estate Quantistica 2022 International School on Gravity, Cosmology, and Mathematical Physics, Scalea, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-13 to 2022-06-17
Location: Scalea, Italy
Additional Information: https://monge.u-bourgogne.fr/gdito/EQ2022
Contact: giuseppe.dito[AT]u-bourgogne.fr
This edition of Estate quantistica will be an international school covering a wide range of themes on the most recent developments on gravity, cosmology, and mathematical physics.
A special session will be dedicated to Gerard Clement on the occasion of his birthday.
The meeting will be held at the Grand Hotel de Rose in Scalea, Italy.
There will be also specialized seminars. Check-out the webpage for updated information.
1.2. A shot in the dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-27 to 2022-07-01
Location: Leiden, Netherlands
Additional Information: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/a-shot-in-the-dark-new-challenges-in-cosmology…
Contact: nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt
The workshop aims to bring together researchers in the field of Cosmology and Gravitational Physics to present novel works, discuss hot topics in the fields and share their ideas on different aspects of Early Universe, Gravitational Waves, Large Scale Structure, Modified Gravity Theories and Observations. People from different areas of expertise will partecipate in active discussions during the Round Tables and time-slots dedicated to Working Groups which will focus on specific long-standing problems and future challenges. PhD students and young postdocs will have the opportunity to interact with leading experts in the field.
The goal will be to develop road-maps for addressing the most relevant challenges in the five themes mentioned above in a coherent and efficient way through interdisciplinary approaches, thus favoring new bridges to cross the disciplines.
Let us note that the number of participants is limited to 55 then attending the workshop is at the discretion of the scientific organizers. We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic developments. The present expectation is to be able to host a fully in-person conference.
Invited Speakers:
Cusin, Giulia
Davis, Anne-Christine
Durrer, Ruth
Ghosh, Archisman
Ijjas, Anna
Koyama, Kazuya
Sherwin, Blake
Tasinato, Gianmassimo
Registration and Abstract submission: from 6 April until 13 May
1.3. Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach, Naples, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-13 to 2022-07-15
Location: Naples, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/21/
Contact: qgmm.cost[AT]gmail.com
Welcome to the Third Annual Conference of COST Action CA18108
"Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach"
This is the third Annual Conference organized by COST Action CA18108 (https://qg-mm.unizar.es/) an initiative funded by the COST Association (https://www.cost.eu/) aiming to enable researchers from different communities of quantum gravity theorists and phenomenologists and gamma-ray, neutrino, cosmic-ray and gravitational-wave experimentalists to learn about each other's work and cooperate on the goal of developing new strategies for testing candidate quantum gravity theories using multi-messenger high-energy astrophysical observations.
The conference is preceded by a two-day workshop on future challenges and opportunities in QGMM, aimed at a limited number of participants. Registration to the workshop is done separately on the workshop webpage.
May 22: Early Registration deadline
May 31: Confirmation of financial support
June 19: Late Registration deadline (financial support might not be available at this point, depending on the number of early registrants)
June 19: Deadline for abstract submission
July 12: Arrival day
July 16: Departure day
Financial support:
Participation for COST Action participants from COST Member Countries and Near Neighbour countries can be funded by COST. A first round of COST invitations will be sent around mid-June
1.4. Sixth Spacetime Conference, Varna, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-12 to 2022-09-15
Location: Varna, Bulgaria
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/conferences/2022/
Contact: '2020conference[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org'
The sixth spacetime conference (that had to be held in May 2020) will be finally held (in person) in the famous Black Sea resort "Albena" (near Varna, Bulgaria) from 12 to 15 September 2022:
The Scientific Organizing Committee invites papers from physicists, philosophers of physics and philosophers on any topic related to the nature and ontology of spacetime.
As there is no main theme of the sixth spacetime conference a number of special sessions have been suggested by colleagues (other suggestions are welcome):
- Nature of time - becoming and flow of time
- Is spacetime a real (physical) four-dimensional entity or a mathematical concept?
- Open Questions in Spacetime Physics
- The controversy over Relativistic Mass
- The problem with the gravitational energy-momentum pseudo-tensor in general relativity - should we have a closer look at the fact that the mathematical formalism of general relativity does not yield a proper tensor of the gravitational energy-momentum?
- What is the difference between matter and geometry in general relativity, semi-classical gravity, and quantum gravity?
- Do Black Holes Actually Exist?
- Is there a conflict between relativity and quantum mechanics?
- Quantum Gravity: Where do we stand?
Contributed papers in the form of extended abstracts of between one and two pages should be emailed to 2020conference[AT]minkowskiinstitute.org by July 15, 2022. Submissions will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent by August 1, 2022.
1.5. Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT'22), Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-17 to 2022-05-26
Location: Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Additional Information: https://lorentz.sitehost.iu.edu/cpt22/
Contact: ralehner[AT]indiana.edu
The Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry will be held as an online event hosted by the Physics Department, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. from Tuesday May 17 to Thursday May 26, 2022. The meeting will focus on tests of these fundamental symmetries and on related theoretical issues, including scenarios for possible violations. You are cordially invited to attend and participate in this event. Topics to be covered include:
(1) experimental and observational searches for CPT and Lorentz violation involving
- accelerators, colliders, and storage rings
- astrophysical anisotropy, birefringence, and dispersion
- atomic and molecular spectroscopy
- cavities, oscillators, resonators
- Cherenkov radiation
- clock-comparison measurements
- CMB polarimetry
- condensed-matter applications, Weyl semimetals
- cosmic rays
- decays of atoms, nuclei, and particles
- equivalence-principle tests with matter and antimatter
- exotic atoms, muonium, positronium
- gauge bosons and Higgs particles
- gravimetry
- gravitational waves
- high-energy astrophysical observations
- hydrogen and antihydrogen spectroscopy
- lasers, masers
- magnetic and electric dipole moments
- matter-wave interferometry
- meson and baryon properties
- neutral-meson interferometry and decays
- neutrino mixing and propagation, neutrino-antineutrino oscillations
- non-Riemann geometry, torsion, nonmetricity
- QCD and nuclear interactions, parton model
- particle-antiparticle comparisons
- photon and particle scattering
- post-newtonian gravity in the solar system and beyond
- quantum effects in gravitational fields
- second- and third-generation particles
- short-range gravity
- sidereal and annual time variations, compass asymmetries
- single-top and top pair production
- space-based missions
- spin-gravity couplings
- spin precession
- strong and electroweak interactions
- time-of-flight measurements
- trapped particles, ions, and atoms
- ultracold neutrons
(2) theoretical and phenomenological studies of CPT and Lorentz violation involving
- physical effects at the level of the Standard Model, General Relativity, and beyond
- origins and mechanisms for violations
- classical and quantum field theory, gravitation, particle physics, and strings
- mathematical foundations, Finsler geometry
Information about the meeting and online registration, including instructions on requesting a talk, are available on the meeting web site.
1.6. "Eternity between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos", Padova, Italy (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-19 to 2022-05-21
Location: Padova, Italy (hybrid)
Additional Information: http://est.psy.unipd.it/est-conference-may-19th-21st/
Contact: fabio[AT]phys.ntu.edu.tw
The international conference "Eternity Between Space and Time: From Consciousness to the Cosmos" (EST) has an interdisciplinary character. The concepts of Space, Time, Consciousness, Eternity will be discussed through the results of different scientific disciplines, with specific contributes from Physics, Cosmology, Neurosciences, Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Philosophy.
EST is an "event of excellence" included in the celebrations for the 800th anniversary of the University of Padua.
Among the confirmed Keynote Speakers we have:
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht)
Gabriele Veneziano (Geneve)
Piero Benvenuti (Padova)
Giuseppe Vitiello (Salerno)
Mauro D'Ariano (Pavia)
Federico Faggin (San Francisco)
Fabio Scardigli (Milano)
Gabriele Gionti (Vatican Observatory)
Ines Testoni (Padova)
Kurt Appel (Vienna)
Piero Martin (Padova)
Diego De Leo (Brisbane)
Mario Plebani (Padova)
For a detailed program, including the Nobel lectures, please visit
For further questions (e.g. streaming, recorded talks, etc.), please email to Fabio Scardigli , or Ines Testoni
1.7. Avenues of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Genoa, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-14 to 2022-09-16
Location: Genoa, Italy
Additional Information: http://avenuesingenova.dime.unige.it/
Contact: vincenzo.vitagliano[AT]unige.it
The domain of utilisation of quantum field theory in curved spacetime has found many new applications in particle, astro, nuclear and condensed matter physics. Aside from suggesting novel intersections between quantum fields and gravity, an unexplored landscape of original ideas is taking shape and inspiring new exciting problems and ramifications of the theory.
This 3-days workshop brings together researchers working in different areas of quantum field theory with interest in its curved space applications in the area of gravity and beyond. The workshop aims to exchange ideas on what is - or is expected soon to become - topical and discuss potential interdisciplinary interactions in a stimulating and collaborative environment.
Participation in the workshop is free and open up to the capacity of the venue. However, registration is required.
1.8. Cosmology School: Introduction to cosmology, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-16 to 2022-07-31
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: http://cosmoschool2022.oa.uj.edu.pl/
Contact: cosmoschool2022[AT]oa.uj.edu.pl
Cosmology School is addressed to young astronomers and physicists interested in observational cosmology. It involves lectures, workshops and student sessions.
The lectures will cover such topics as: large-scale structure of the Universe, dark matter and dark energy, cosmic web, galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy surveys and astronomical observations, computer simulations, gravitational waves and multi-messenger astronomy.
During the workshops, the participants will have the opportunity to get a practical knowledge of: numerical simulations, SED fitting, VO tools, TOPCAT and Aladin, ADQL, VO in cosmology.
The School is intended for undergraduate, MSc and PhD students, as well as young postdoctoral researchers.
1.9. 3rd European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation, Nice (France)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-23 to 2022-05-25
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: https://3epsgpd.sciencesconf.org/
Contact: "3epsgpd[AT]sciencesconf.org"
The Third EPS (European Physical Society) Conference on Gravitation will be held in person in Nice (France) on May 23-25, 2022.
The topics for third EPS Conference on Gravitation: from foundation to observation, are:
* Mathematical relativity/Quantum gravity/Strings
* Quantum gravity phenomenology/Foundations of gravity
* Quantum properties of BHs/Tests of gravity with cosmological probes
Participation opportunities for this conference include:
* Plenary highlight talks
* Recorded talks posted in advance (asynchronous talks)
* Round tables
We hope to see you in Nice!
1.10. Quantum gravity, random geometry and holography, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-01-09 to 2023-02-17
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/7541/
Contact: QGrav2023[AT]ihp.fr
It is our pleasure to announce the thematic six-weeks program entitled "Quantum gravity, random geometry and holography" to be held from January 9th to February 17th, 2023, at the Institut Henri Poincare' (IHP) in Paris.
For registration and further information we refer to the main webpage of the event:
Two workshops will be organized during the program:
* from January 16th to 20th, 2023: "Quantum Gravity and Random Geometry"
* from February 6th to 10th, 2023: "Tensor Models and Holography"
If you are interested in attending only a workshop, please register on the corresponding workshop page.
The deadline for financial support requests is June 15th, 2022.
Organizing committee :
John Barrett (University of Nottingham)
Dario Benedetti (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique)
Joseph Ben Geloun (Universite' Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Renate Loll (Radboud University Nijmegen)
1.11. Remo Ruffini Festschrift - a conference in celebration of Remo Ruffini 80th birthday, Nice, France (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-16 to 2022-05-18
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: https://indico.icranet.org/event/3/
Contact: secretariat[AT]icranet.org
We are very happy to invite you to participate to the celebrations of the 80th birthday of Prof. Remo Ruffini, Director of ICRANet and President of ICRA, occurring on May 17, 2022. The meeting will be held from May 16 to 18 at ICRANet Seat Villa Ratti in Nice (France); an hybrid event, both face-to-face and online, will be adopted.
You can find all the necessary information on the meeting webpage, at the following link: https://indico.icranet.org/event/3/.
The registration for the meeting is now open, and you are kindly encouraged to register and to send your contribution through that link. Congratulations, greetings and scientific presentations will be welcomed.
The registration fee for each participant is 50 Euros. Waiving will be considered under request.
The list of invited speakers as well as the scientific program will be regularly updated in the next days on the meeting website.
We will be very honored if you could participate either in person or by electronic connection.
Chairs of the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC): Pascal Chardonnet, Liang Li, Rahim Moradi, Jorge A. Rueda, Narek Sahakyan, Gregory Vereshchagin, Shesheng Xue, Wang Yu.
1.12. 6th Bego Rencontre Summer School, Nice, France (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-14
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: https://indico.icranet.org/event/4/
Contact: secretariat[AT]icranet.org
We are very happy to invite you to participate to the 6th Bego Rencontre Summer School. The meeting will be held from July 4 to 14 at ICRANet Seat Villa Ratti in Nice (France); an hybrid event, both face-to-face and online, will be adopted.
You can find all the necessary information on the meeting webpage, at the following link: https://indico.icranet.org/event/4/
The list of invited speakers as well as the scientific program will be regularly updated in the next days. The meeting will be broadcasted worldwide on the Zoom platform and could be followed by up to 1.000 participants. The registration fee for each participant is:
* Regular fee: 150 Euros
* Reduced fee: 50 Euros (applied to students, retired scientists and auditors)
The registration for the meeting is now open and you are kindly encouraged to register and to send your contribution through that link.
We will be very honored if you could participate either in person or by electronic connection.
Local Organizing Committee (LOC): Francesco Haardt, Luca Izzo, Liang Li, Rahim Moradi, Tsvi Piran, Jorge Rueda, Narek Sahakyan, Gregory Vereshchagin, Yu Wang, Bing Zhang
2. Jobs
2.1. Job opportunities for Ukrainian theoretical physicists, Krakow, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-01-01
Location: Krakow, Poland
Additional Information: https://www.fuw.edu.pl/~cslin/
Contact: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl
The cosmology group in Krakow will allocate certain amount of grant to help the Ukrainian theoretical physicists (on gravity, cosmology, high energy physics) who are fleeing the war.
Two postdoc positions (each for half year, open for PhD holders at any level of their careers) and few visiting scholarships will be available to apply soon. If you are interested in these positions, please contact Dr. Chunshan Lin (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland) as soon as possible.
2.2. Professor/Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences, London, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-20
Location: London, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://www.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/items/6848.html
Contact: p.figueras[AT]qmul.ac.uk
Applications are invited for positions at Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor. We are looking for applicants that complement core research topics of the various research groups and, thus, broaden the School's research portfolio. In particular:
Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation. The study of gravitational waves broadly understood, from the rigorous mathematical treatment of the subject, including stability of black holes, to analytic approximations and numerical simulations of neutron stars.
2.3. PhD student position in mathematical relativity at Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-05-11
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information: http://baraksh.com
Contact: bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca
Prof. Barak Shoshany is creating a new research group at Brock University, focused on theoretical, mathematical, and computational relativity. More information about the group's research areas can be found in the attached link.
The chosen PhD candidate will perform cutting-edge research towards understanding the nature of time and causality through causality violations, under Prof. Shoshany's close supervision and guidance. There are many possible directions of investigation, and the student will be free to work on whatever interests them the most.
Requirements for this position include:
1. Prior knowledge of general relativity, as demonstrated by successfully completing an advanced course or (preferably) a research project in this field.
2. Mastery of the relevant mathematics, including differential geometry, topology, and differential equations, as demonstrated by successfully completing advanced courses in these fields.
3. A completed or soon-to-be-completed BSc degree in mathematics, physics, or (preferably) a combined mathematics and physics program, with a minimum 85% grade average.
4. Experience using Wolfram Mathematica will be an asset.
Students will start in the MSc program and transfer directly to the PhD program after one year, unless they already have an MSc degree and/or significant prior research experience in a relevant field.
To apply, please email your latest CV and grade transcripts to Prof. Shoshany at bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca. In your email, please explain why you are interested in this position, and what specific skills and experience you have that make you a good candidate for it.
The deadline for full consideration is May 11, 2022. The starting date is flexible. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide 2 confidential reference letters.
The group is expected to have one other graduate student, and a few undergraduates. It's a small group, but very supportive, friendly, and relaxed. Candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Cape Town, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-05-09
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://www.staff.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/SCI__E220146_L_SL_AppliedMat…
Contact: recruitment06[AT]uct.ac.za
The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics is a large and dynamic department with over thirty permanent academic staff. We seek to make one new appointment in Applied Mathematics at the level of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer. As this appointment is linked to the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology, applicants should be in a closely related field (theoretical high energy physics, cosmology, astrophysics, or gravity).
Requirements include:
* Lecturer: A PhD in Applied Mathematics, Physics, or Astronomy with research expertise in one of the��previously mentioned areas, a sustained record of peer reviewed research outputs, and some experience��lecturing at undergraduate level.
* Senior Lecturer: As for Lecturer, but also an established independent research record, successful��supervision of postgraduate students, and significant experience lecturing a range of undergraduate��and/or postgraduate courses (including course development). Postdoctoral experience is an advantage.
Responsibilities include:
* Teaching and developing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Mathematics and Applied��Mathematics (within and beyond the Faculty of Science).
* Developing and pursuing an active research program, including supervising postgraduate students.
* Course convening, departmental and faculty administrative duties.
The annual remuneration packages for 2022, including benefits, is R805 385 for Lecturer level and R968 905 for Senior Lecturer level.
To apply, please e-mail the below documents in a single pdf file to Ms Natasha Khan at recruitment06[AT]uct.ac.za
* UCT Application Form (download at http://forms.uct.ac.za/hr201.doc )
* A letter of motivation
* your CV (including a complete list of publications), and,
* clearly articulated Teaching and Research statements
Questions about the position may be addressed to the Head of Department: mamhod[AT]uct.ac.za
An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete.
Reference number: E220146
Closing date: 09 May 2022
Faculty website: www.science.uct.ac.za
Departmental website: www.maths.uct.ac.za
UCT is a designated employer and is committed to the pursuit of excellence, diversity, and redress in achieving its equity targets in accordance with the Employment Equity Plan of the University and its Employment Equity goals and targets. Preference will be given to candidates from the under-represented Designated Groups. Our Employment Equity Policy is available at
The University reserves the right not to appoint.
2.5. Long-term research appointment in computational astrophysics, Milan, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-06-15
Location: Milan, Italy
Additional Information: https://astro.fisica.unimib.it/
Contact: bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unimib.it
The University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy) invites expressions of interest for a 3+2 year research position in HPC applications to astrophysics.
The astrophysics group at Milano-Bicocca provides a vibrant environment with expertise covering all aspects of gravitational-wave astronomy, relativistic astrophysics, galactic dynamics, and numerical relativity. This is embedded in a wider astronomical context including both observational and experimental activities. Our group has tight connections with the LISA Consortium, the Virgo Collaboration, the Einstein Telescope Science Board, the European Pulsar Timing Array, and the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) via the TEONGRAV national initiative. Staff members with matching interests include Colpi, Dotti, Gerosa, Giacomazzo, Lupi, and Sesana.
Milan is a beautiful, international city in the north of Italy. Mountains and lakes are just around the corner. Art, culture, and food are outstanding. The city hosts three international airports with worldwide connections.
This recruitment campaign is part of a wider national initiative supporting HPC-related computational activities throughout the country. This is a major investment program directly supported by the European Union. It will provide the most ideal context for ambitious candidates wishing to develop and apply state-of-the-art computational and machine-learning tools to current astrophysical and gravitational-wave modeling issues.
The researcher will be appointed at the so-called "RTDA" level for 3 years. The contract can also be extended for 2 more years depending on funding availability. The starting date is negotiable, with the earliest and latest dates on January 1st, 2023 and May 1st, 2023, respectively.
RTDA researchers are full time university employees (with full benefits, such as health insurance and pension plan), have limited teaching duties and they are eligible to fully supervise research MSc student projects. This is an ideal setup for early-career researchers wishing to transition toward research independence and start developing their own group.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science, or related discipline, strong programming skills, and previous experience in one or more of the following topics: HPC workflows, GPU software development, computational astrophysics, gravitational-wave astronomy, numerical relativity, statistical data analysis, machine learning.
Applications should include a CV with a list of publications and a two-page statement covering research interests and plans. These should be sent to bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unimib.it by June 15th, 2022 for full consideration. Candidates should also arrange for two reference letters to be sent to bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unimib.it by June 15th, 2022.
We strive to build a diverse and inclusive environment and welcome expressions of interest from traditionally underrepresented groups. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
For inquiries please do not hesitate to contact Bruno Giacomazzo (bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unimib.it) or Davide Gerosa (davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it).
2.6. PhD positions in Theoretical Astrophysics, Milano, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-05-20
Location: Milan, Italy
Additional Information: https://en.unimib.it/education/doctoral-research-phd-programmes/how-apply-p…
Contact: davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it
The University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) welcomes applications for PhD scholarships. The application deadline is May 20th, 2022 for positions starting in the Fall of 2022:
In particular, the theoretical astrophysics group is looking for strong, highly motivated candidates to join our activities in black-hole binary dynamics, gravitational-wave data exploitation, and numerical relativity. Faculty members with matching interests include Gerosa, Sesana, Colpi, Dotti, and Giacomazzo. The candidates will have ample opportunities to work with and visit external collaborators as well.
Our PhD admission program includes a number of open scholarships, covering all research activities in the department (including ours!). All candidates are considered for those by default. In addition, our group sponsors two specific positions:
- "Gravitational-wave data and black-hole binary dynamics", supervised by Gerosa. Possible research directions include statistical inference from LIGO/Virgo and LISA data, application of machine-learning tools to gravitational-wave astronomy, and theoretical investigations of black-hole binaries.
- "Dynamics of massive black hole binaries in dense stellar systems", supervised by Sesana and Gualandris. This is a dual-doctorate position in partnership with the University of Surrey, UK. The main focus is the understanding of binary evolution using N-body simulations and analytical modeling. The successful candidate will spend 50% of their time at Bicocca and 50% of their time at Surrey.
Candidates wishing to be considered for these additional positions should mention it explicitly in their application.
More information on the astrophysics group at Bicocca can be found at astro.fisica.unimib.it. For informal inquiries please do not hesitate to contact davide.gerosa[AT]unimib.it or alberto.sesana[AT]unimib.it.
3. News
3.1. Blaumann Foundation grants - Call for applications
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://blaumannfoundation.org/en/home-english/
The Blaumann Foundation (blaumannfoundation.org) offers research grants of amounts between EUR 1,000 and EUR 30,000 for fundamentals of physics projects, which fall within the general themes of interest of the foundation: Nature of time, nature of space, nature of observers, conceptual structure to understand extreme phenomena of the universe, fundamental questions of complexity and emergence. See blaumannfoundation.org/en/research-topics/ for a delimitation of the research times taken into consideration.
Examples of funded activities are
- Periods of study and stay in research centers. Invitations for collaborations with research groups.
- Scholarships, lasting up to one year for research periods on topics of specific interest to the foundation.
- Partial contribution for postdoctoral scholarships and PhD scholarships.
- Financial support for workshops, physics schools, conferences.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for attending meetings, schools or conferences.
- Any other specific or complementary study or research activity deemed useful for the achievement of the purposes of the foundation itself.
The first selection of projects will take place in June 2022. The Foundation allocates a total of EUR 40.000 for this selection. The Foundation plans to renew the call every six months. The selection will give priority to the relevance of the projects with the objectives of the foundation and to their scientific quality. Projects requiring smaller amounts are taken into consideration as a priority.
The questions, written in English or in Italian, can be sent via email and in a single pdf file, to the address blaumann[AT]blaumannfoundation.org by 15 May 2021. The questions must contain a detailed reason that clarifies in particular the relevance of the project for the Foundation's objectives, a CV of the proposer, and a budget scheme, if appropriate.
The selection of a project involves the automatic appointment of the proposer as a Fellow of the Foundation. Promising unfunded projects can be reconsidered in a later selection.
For information, including questions on the admissibility of specific projects, please write to blaumann[AT]blaumannfoundation.org.
3.2. Copernicus Webinar and Colloquium Series
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://copernicuswebinar.com/
The Copernicus Webinar and Colloquium Series is a multi-institutional online seminar and colloquium series, which was initiated in 2020 to promote scientific discussions during the pandemic. We have been seeking the most outstanding speakers to introduce innovative ideas and important progress in the field of gravity and cosmology. This series is named after the famous Polish Astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, whose discovery eventually marked the dawn of modern science.
The series has been successfully held for almost 2 years, and we will keep it active even in the post-pandemic era. If you are interested in attending our seminars and colloquia, please write to Dr. Chunshan Lin to subscribe our weekly seminar announcements. The email should be titled "Copernicus, Subscribe", with a link to your Insiprehep profile included in the main text of the email.
The scope of talks: gravity, cosmology, high energy physics (astro-ph, gr-qc, hep-th, hep-ph)
contact: chunshan.lin[AT]uj.edu.pl chunshan.lin[AT]fuw.edu.pl
3.3. GRG Golden Oldies by Foures-Bruhat and Ehlers
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://link.springer.com/collections/ibdhihefdh
The Golden Oldies series of the journal General Relativity and Gravitation reprints important papers in general relativity theory that were published 30 or more years ago and are either hard to get hold of, or were originally printed in a language other than English.
Two new additions have been translated and republished in April 2022:
Foures-Bruhat, Y. Republication of: Existence theorem for the Einsteinian gravitational field equations in the non-analytic case. Gen Relativ Gravit 54, 35 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-022-02917-4
An editorial note by Demetrios Christodoulou and Richard Kerner is freely available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-022-02916-5
Ehlers, J. Republication of: On the transition from wave optics to geometric optics in general relativity. Gen Relativ Gravit 54, 40 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-021-02894-0
An editorial note by Volker Perlick freely available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10714-021-02893-1
3.4. To members of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.isgrg.org
Dear ISGRG Member,
The 2022 ISGRG election for new officers and members of the International and Nominating Committees is currently in progress. You should have received an email (from ISGRG.simplyvoting.com) with ID information you will need to vote and a link to the ballot. The email should have arrived on 8 April or 9 April depending on your time zone.
If you did not receive this email, (1) I may have an incorrect email address for you, (2) the email may be in your spam (junk) directory (folder) or was rejected by your email server, (3) you may have unsubscribed from the relevant bulk mailing possibly during a previous election, or (4) you are not currently listed as an ISGRG member.
If you would like to vote in this election, please contact BEVERLY BERGER at beverlyberger[AT]me.com as soon as possible. The election will close on 8 July.
Best regards,
Beverly K. Berger, Secretary, ISGRG
3.5. Frontiers in Numerical Relativity 2022, Jena, Germany (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://indico.tpi.uni-jena.de/event/224
This is the second announcement of Frontiers in Numerical Relativity, FNR 2022, which includes dates for registration and abstract submission.
In the history of numerical (or computational) general relativity, the "Frontiers" meeting in 1988 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA), played a pivotal role in establishing numerical relativity as a major topic in computational physics and simulation science. The "New Frontiers" meeting in 2006 at the AEI Potsdam convened after major breakthroughs in numerical simulations of binary systems. The goal of "Frontiers 2022" is to assess the state-of-the-art and point out future directions of numerical relativity in light of the breakthroughs in observations of gravitational waves and astrophysical counterparts.
Main topics:
o Mathematical foundations
o Numerical methods for the Einstein equations
o High performance computing
o Astrophysics (binary mergers, gravitational waves, counterparts)
o Beyond current astrophysics and general relativity
Scientific Organizing Committee:
S. Bernuzzi, B. Bruegmann (chair), M. Campanelli, C. Gundlach, L. Lehner, H. Pfeiffer, L. Rezzolla, M. Shibata

02 Apr '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity (online)
1.2. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop (online)
1.3. Amaldi Research Center Summer School, Paestum, Italy
1.4. 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Beijing, China and online
1.5. The Quantum, the Thermal and the Gravitational Reconciled: Physics and Philosophy in the Varied Landscape of the Intersections, Munich, Germany
1.6. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia
1.7. Carter Fest: Black Holes and other Cosmic Systems, Paris, France
1.8. ICTS summer school on gravitational-wave astronomy, Bangalore, India (hybrid)
1.9. XV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, St. Louis, MO, USA
1.10. 12th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting, Braga, Portugal (hybrid)
1.11. EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments", Rome, Italy
2. Jobs
2.1. 3-year postdoctoral position in general relativity and quantum gravity, Bergamo, Italy
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
2.3. Postdoc position in GW instrumentation, Napoli
2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Melbourne, Australia
2.5. Postdoc position on LISA data analysis, Toulouse, France
2.6. Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA
2.7. Postdoctoral Position��in Gravitational Wave Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany
2.8. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational waves or applied mathematics, Singapore
2.9. PhD position in Mathematical Analysis of Binary Black Hole Collisions, Vienna, Austria
2.10. postdoc positions in machine learning and data science at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
2.11. Post-Doctoral Position in X-ray Astrophysics, St. Louis, MO, USA
2.12. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and foundation of physics, Marseille, France
2.13. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
2.14. Senior postdoc position in machine learning and data science for cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravitational physics, Trieste Italy
3. News
3.1. Philosophical Transactions A: "The future of mathematical cosmology" (part 1)
3.2. New book: "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
3.3. Call for contributions: "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories"
1. Conferences
1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-03-11 to 2022-03-14
Location: India (online)
Additional Information: https://events.iitgn.ac.in/2022/gr/
Contact: srijuster[AT]gmail.com
The conference brings together some of the leading global experts to discuss recent developments and challenges that lie ahead in the field of relativistic astrophysics and allied areas.
This conference is organized jointly by the members of the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IITGN), the Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIITA), and the University of Lethbridge, Canada (ULeth) working on the field of classical and quantum gravity.
1.2. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-23 to 2022-05-26
Location: Online
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/qftcsworkshop/
Contact: antonio.ferreiro[AT]dcu.ie
Since the seminal papers about particle creation in an expanding Universe by Leonard Parker (1968) and the discovery of quantum radiation by Black Holes by Stephen Hawking (1975), Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time (QFTCS) has achieved many advances in both its technical conceptualization and in its applications to cosmology and astrophysics.
This workshop will be a unique opportunity to bring together different branches of theoretical physics (Astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical physics, etc.) around a key cornerstone such as QFTCS. It is also one of a kind in its unprecedented scope, providing a much needed unifying view of the field.
The main research lines of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- QFT in expanding universes and in black hole geometries
- Renormalization in curved spacetime
- Semiclassical Einstein equations and the backreaction problem
- Non-perturbative effects
- Particle production in curved spacetime
- Particle detectors in QFT and relativistic quantum information
- Algebraic QFT
- QFT in strong electric fields, etc.
1.3. Amaldi Research Center Summer School, Paestum, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-05 to 2022-09-09
Location: Paestum, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/ARCschool
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
Dear Colleagues,
Apologies if you received this multiple times. We would like to share the following announcement for a summer school.
A few years ago, the Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome inaugurated the Amaldi Research Center (ARC), an interdisciplinary Center for Gravitational Physics and Astrophysics.
One of the ARC missions is to train a new generation of students and researchers with strong interdisciplinary skills. With this purpose, we are organizing a summer school about the ARC research lines, which include:
- Gravitational physics and astrophysics
- LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave data analysis
- Multimessenger astronomy
- Quantum technologies for gravitational-wave detection
- Material science for 3G interferometers
- 3G gravitational-wave lab
The school will be held in Paestum on September 5-9, 2022. The venue will be the Hotel Ariston, a beautiful location within walking distance from the seaside and near the famous archeological site of the ancient Greek city of Paestum. We will host 10 lecturers and about 40 (mostly PhD) highly-motivated students. More information is available on the school website.
For each lecturer we schedule a 2-hour slot to give an overview of the field and highlight the main latest results.
List of invited lecturers:
Gianpietro Cagnoli (Lyon U., FR)
* Sarah Caudill (Utrecht U., NL)
Giancarlo Cella (Pisa U., IT)
Elisabetta Cesarini (INFN, Rome2, IT)
Tim Dietrich (Potsdam U. and AEI, DE)
Vittorio Giovannetti (SNS, IT)
Michela Mapelli (Padova U., IT)
Valentina Parigi (LKB, FR)
Paolo Ruggi (EGO, IT)
Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Toyama U., JP)
* = to be confirmed
There is a limited number of participants and a 200 euro participation fee, which covers double-room, half-board accommodation at the venue.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please feel free to share this announcement with potentially interested students.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
All the best,
Irene Di Palma
Ettore Majorana
Paolo Pani
Francesco Pannarale
Ernesto Placidi
Nicolo' Spagnolo
On behalf of the ARC Steering Committee
1.4. 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Beijing, China and online
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-03 to 2022-07-08
Location: Beijing, China and online
Additional Information: http://gr23beijing.com
Contact: beverlyberger[AT]me.com
The 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation will be held in Beijing, China and online during 3-8 July 2022.
GR23 is the latest in the series of triennial international conferences held under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (website). This conference series constitutes the principal international meetings for scientists working in all areas of relativity and gravitation. GR22 was held in Valencia and GR21 was held in New York.
GR23 will be hosted by the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Organisational support is provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
Due to COVID-19, GR23 will be held as a hybrid conference (online and onsite).
Please see the conference website for additional details including contact information for the Local Organizing Committee and the link for abstract submission.
Note that online registration is free for members of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG). The registration fee is reduced for ISGRG members who attend in person.
1.5. The Quantum, the Thermal and the Gravitational Reconciled: Physics and Philosophy in the Varied Landscape of the Intersections, Munich, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-24 to 2022-06-26
Location: Munich, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/qtg…
Contact: erik.curiel[AT]lmu.de
Quantum, thermal, and gravitational theories constitute the three great pillars of modern fundamental physics. Each is, prima facie, conceptually and physically independent of the other two, and finds its application in regimes well separated from those of the others. Indeed, central principles of each are in manifest tension with those of the other, if not outright contradiction: general relativity admits causal and topological structures seemingly inconsistent with quantum mechanical dynamics; the superpositions of quantum mechanics conflict with general relativity's fixed causal structures; and both are in manifest tension if not outright contradiction with the most characteristic features of thermodynamics, viz., irreversibility and temporal asymmetry.
It is thus of paramount importance that we investigate how our three best, most fundamental theories fit together, if indeed they do at all. In the past and in recent times, physicists and philosophers have worked together in remarkably fruitful ways in each of the three fundamental fields. This conference will explore these philosophical and foundational issues that arise where two or more of these three frameworks intersect. Our aim is to foster such collaboration at the intersections of the three. As such, we will be guided by the irenic spirit (and person) of Jeremy Butterfield, whose work, magisterially spanning these topics, has inspired and continues to inspire, all of us.
Public-health conditions permitting, we plan to hold the conference in-person, with no video connections, although the talks and Q&A will be recorded (pending agreement by the speakers). Please send registration requests by 29 May 2022 using the following form: https://forms.gle/aNk8ujNmaPK1woCT6
*Confirmed Speakers*
- Guido Bacciagaluppi, Utrecht University
- Harvey Brown, University of Oxford
- Fay Dowker, Imperial College London
- Flaminia Giacomini, Perimeter Institute
- Stephan Hartmann, LMU Munich
- Klaas Landsman, Radboud University
- Dennis Lehmkuhl, University of Bonn
- Michela Massimi, University of Edinburgh
- John Norton, University of Pittsburgh
- Kasia Rejzner, University of York
- Jos Uffink, University of Minnesota
- Francesca Vidotto, University of Western Ontario
- Lena Zuchowski, University of Salzburg
1.6. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-12-05 to 2022-12-09
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information: https://www.gwpaw2022.org
Contact: info[AT]ozgrav.org
GWPAW is a leading workshop in Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy. The workshop is held annually and addresses the full range of gravitational wave physics and astronomy science, including detection techniques, search results, electromagnetic counterparts, and implications for physics, astronomy and cosmology.
We are pleased to announce GWPAW will be held as an in person event in Melbourne Australia, 5-9 December 2022.
(A hybrid format will be available for those who are unable attend in person).
Further information including the registration, venue details, abstract submission, program of science talks and poster sessions will be continuously updated on our website.
We look forward to seeing you in person in December!
1.7. Carter Fest: Black Holes and other Cosmic Systems, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-06
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: https://indico.obspm.fr/e/carterfest
Contact: eric.gourgoulhon[AT]obspm.fr
A conference in celebration of Brandon Carter's 80th birthday is organized in Paris on 4-6 July 2022.
The conference will focus on the theory of black holes, topological defects in cosmology, the physics of neutron star interiors and the anthropic principle. The aim is to present the latest developments in the above-mentioned areas and to discuss the prospects for future research.
Invited speakers:
- Nils Andersson (University of Southampton, UK)
- Richard Battye (University of Manchester, UK)
- Luc Blanchet (IAP, Paris, France)
- Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
- Bernard Carr (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
- Nicolas Chamel (Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Piotr T. Chrusciel (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Christos Charmousis (IJCLab, Orsay, France)
- Milan M. Cirkovic (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia)
- Anne Davis (Univ. Cambridge, UK)
- Cedric Deffayet (IAP, Paris, France)
- Ruth Durrer (Universite' de Geneve, Switzerland)
- Ruth Gregory (King's College, London, UK)
- David Langlois (APC, Universite' Paris Cite', France)
- Jean-Pierre Lasota (IAP, Paris, France)
- Jean-Pierre Luminet (LAM, Marseille, France)
- Malcolm MacCallum (Queen Mary University of London, UK) (TBC)
- Raymond McLenaghan (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Micaela Oertel (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, France)
- Roger Penrose (University of Oxford, UK)
- Malcolm Perry (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK)
- Denis Priou (Conseil General Environ. Dev. Durable, Paris, France) (TBC)
- Reinhard Prix (Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany)
- Martin Rees (Trinity College, Cambridge, UK) (TBC)
- Paul Shellard (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK)
- Daniele Steer (APC, Universite Paris Cite, France)
- Leonard Susskind (Stanford University, USA)
- Kip Thorne (CalTech, USA)
1.8. ICTS summer school on gravitational-wave astronomy, Bangalore, India (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-30 to 2022-06-10
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: https://www.icts.res.in/program/gws2022
Contact: gwschool[AT]icts.res.in
Applications are invited for the ICTS summer school on GW astronomy. This school is part of the annual ICTS summer schools on gravitational-wave (GW) physics and astronomy. Recent observations of nearly a hundred GW signals from coalescing binaries of compact objects have firmly established the field of GW astronomy. Physicists and astrophysicists are using these observations to not only study the properties of individual GW signals but also of the populations of these compact binaries as well as their progenitor stellar population. Recognizing this, this year's summer school will focus on foundational lectures on the astrophysics of GW sources, including the structure and evolution of stars that form progenitors of compact objects; and the evolutionary history of compact binaries and their population statistics. These lectures are organized into two graduate-level courses:
Stellar structure, evolution, collapse and supernovae: Anthony Mezzacappa (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Compact binary evolution, rates and population modelling: Christopher Berry (University of Glasgow, UK)
Eligibility criteria: The school is primarily meant for graduate students and postdocs in GW astrophysics and related fields. A small number of highly motivated senior undergraduates can also be considered. A basic understanding of general relativity and statistics is a prerequisite for the courses.
Lectures will be held online. Depending on the pandemic situations, we will consider the possibility of accommodating some of the participants at the ICTS campus so that the tutorials are conducted in person.
1.9. XV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, St. Louis, MO, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-10
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA
Additional Information: https://physics.wustl.edu/ppc2022
Contact: ppc2022[AT]physics.wustl.edu
The 15th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, organized by the Department of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis will take place June 6-10 in St. Louis, Missouri. We are currently envisioning a fully in-person event.
PPC is an opportunity to bring together scientists working on particle physics and cosmology, from an experimental or theoretical perspective, to explore the profound interconnections between the micro and macro-worlds - from the smallest to the largest structures in the universe. Advances in high-energy physics can have a major impact on our understanding of the physics of the early universe, shedding light on the era of inflation, the identity of dark matter and dark energy, the origin of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry, the importance of neutrinos in the evolution of our universe, and the large scale structure formation. Conversely, advances in precision cosmology and observational astronomy can impact the directions in particle physics model building and can motivate specific types of searches in high-energy physics experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers.
We hope to provide a stimulating venue for fruitful discussions and exchange of scientific ideas at the intersection of nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. It is timely to emphasize the importance of PPC in light of the ongoing Snowmass exercise and the Astro Decadal Survey.
1.10. 12th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting, Braga, Portugal (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-08
Location: Braga, Portugal
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1141427/
Contact: herdeiro[AT]ua.pt
The Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting is an international conference set up yearly since 2011 by different groups around the Iberian Peninsula with interests in Gravitational Waves. The series of meetings have been associated to the Spanish Network on Gravitational Waves (REDONGRA). After the cancelation of the meeting in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemics, in 2021 took take place online organised by the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department (DAA) and the Mathematics Department (DM) of the University of Valencia. In 2022 the meeting will take place, for the first time in the University of Minho, in the city of Braga, Portugal, organized by Gr@v and Center of Physics of the University of Minho and University of Porto.
The goal of this series of meetings is to bring together researchers working in Gravitational Waves with the aim at promoting collaboration and synergies among them. It also serves as a way of keeping track of recent advances in the Iberian gravitational wave community. The meeting covers all aspects of gravitational waves, including theory, data analysis, experiments and multi-messenger astronomy.
The scientific program consists of plenary sessions with talks by invited speakers and selected contributed talks by participants. You can request a contributed talk during the registration process. Registration is needed regardless of whether you attend the meeting online or in person.
The meeting will have a hybrid format with the possibility of attending in person or online through Zoom. The physical venue for the meeting will be the Complexo Pedag��gico II, Room B2, in the University of Minho.
1.11. EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments", Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-15 to 2022-06-17
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/GWenvironment
Contact: alessandra.curto[AT]uniroma1.it
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to share the announcement of the following workshop.
The advent of gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy has opened a new scientific era, giving access to hitherto unexplored regimes and sources. In parallel to its countless astrophysical implications, GW science is also reshaping tests of fundamental physics and contributing to the growth of a new, interdisciplinary community.
The EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments" will bring together experts on GW sources and modelling, dark matter and GW searches, cosmology, and high-energy astrophysics to explore possible synergies in this emerging field.
The event will be held at Sapienza University of Rome on June 15-17, 2022. We expect to host some invited overview talks as well as contributed talks, and short presentations by students and early-career researchers.
List of topics will include:
- Overview on current and future status of GW observations
- GW searches for dark matter
- Role of environmental effects in GW astronomy and tests of gravity
- Environmental effects and primordial black holes
- Modelling accretion onto black holes
- Innovative data analysis and search pipelines for environmental effects
Registration are now open and the abstract submission deadline is on April 30th, 2022
More information will soon be available on the workshop webpage.
The Organising Committee
P Astone, G Bertone, V Cardoso, E Cuoco, G Franciolini, L Gualtieri, P Leaci, A Maselli, P Pani, L Sberna
2. Jobs
2.1. 3-year postdoctoral position in general relativity and quantum gravity, Bergamo, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-30
Location: Bergamo, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.unibg.it/ricerca/lavorare-ricerca/assegni-ricerca/bandi
Contact: agpn2203[AT]gmail.com
Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position at the University of Bergamo, with a focus on theoretical research of spacetime propulsion devices. We seek applicants with a background in general relativity, quantum field theory in curved space, quantum gravity, who are highly motivated to investigate the repercussion of general relativity for future interstellar travels. This position is part of an existing collaboration between R. Garattini (Bergamo) and P. Nicolini (Frankfurt).
Strong analytical skills and experience with traversable wormholes, spacetime geometries and perturbative methods of quantum gravity are highly desired.
Required Qualifications
Candidates must have a PhD in physics or astrophysics
Preferred Qualifications
Strong analytical skills and experience with quantum gravity methods, wormhole spacetime geometries
Ability to work well in a collaborative project with colleagues from a remote location
2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-31
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/
Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za
The High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2022. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory.
For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman. We will consider candidates with an interest in quantum complexity and its application in quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, cosmology and gravity. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including machine learning techniques in physics and astrophysics. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research.
The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
The appointment is for one year at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to budgetary approval and satisfactory progress. A PhD in Physics, Applied Mathematics or Astronomy is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post.
Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R300 000 per annum, tax free. Additional support is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2022. Applications close on 31 March 2022 and screening of candidates will start shortly thereafter. Any queries can be sent to shajid.haque[AT]uct.ac.za.
The University of Cape Town reserves the right to:
- disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications
- change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all
2.3. Postdoc position in GW instrumentation, Napoli
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-10
Location: Napoli, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.na.infn.it
Contact: difiore[AT]na.infn.it
The Napoli GW research group announces a public selection procedure, based on CV and interview, to award 1 Senior research grant (Postdoc) for conducting scientific research at the INFN Structure of Napoli, Italy, on the following topic:
"Development and experimental test of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for Einstein Telescope". The deadline for application is April 10 2022.
The grant lasts 12 months and is renewable for a further 24 months.
The call, both in Italian and English, is available at the following file:
The grant lasts 12 months and is renewable for a further 24 months. All other details are reported in the call.
The Napoli Gravitational research group is involved in the Virgo Experiment since its foundation and is actively working to the development of the ET project for a third generation GW antenna in Europe. Other research activities include the Archimedes and LAG experiments, funded by INFN. The group is composed by 6 staff members, 1 tenure track assistant professor, 1 temporary assistant professor, 1 research engineer, 1 postdoc and 2 PhD students.
The selected candidate will work, within the ET collaboration, to the development and test, in the Gravitational Physics Laboratory in Napoli, of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for the future ET underground GW
For any further detail or information please contact:
Luciano Di Fiore (difiore[AT]na.infn.it) or Lucia Trozzo (trozzo[AT]na.infn.it)
2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-24
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/630719/lecturersenior-lectur…
Contact: sci-maths-jobs[AT]monash.edu
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics
LOCATION: Clayton campus
DURATION: Continuing appointment
REMUNERATION: $103,153 - $122,495 pa Level B / $126,360 - $145,702 pa Level C (plus 17% employer superannuation)
The School of Mathematics at Monash University invites applications for the position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics.
The School of Mathematics is a research leader with a strong international reputation in Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematical Finance, and Applied and Computational Mathematics. Monash University is a leading Australian research university that ranks in the top-100 globally. Monash University is located in Melbourne, which is a major cosmopolitan centre and has been named the world's most liveable city on several occasions.
Candidates will be expected to have an outstanding research record and help our drive for excellence across the School. Exceptional candidates in any area of applied and computational mathematics will be considered. Of particular interest are candidates with an expertise in numerical and computational mathematics with a background in AI and Data Science, an area that the School is actively looking to grow.
To be considered you will have a PhD in mathematics or a related area, proven ability to perform independent research, and a strong commitment to teaching and the supervision of research students.
This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.
The School of Mathematics aims at increasing the representation of women in its academic ranks. Applications from qualified female candidates are especially encouraged.
2.5. Postdoc position on LISA data analysis, Toulouse, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-07
Location: Toulouse, France
Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR5033-NICTAM-004/Default.aspx?lang=EN
Contact: nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr
Job offer:
The Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse (L2IT) is inviting applications for a 2-year postdoc position to work on gravitational wave data analysis for LISA. Applications instructions are available here below. The successful candidate is expected to start on the 1st of June 2022, or as soon as possible after that date. A PhD degree or equivalent must have been obtained before the starting date. More information can be found through the application link reported here below.
L2IT is a new laboratory established in 2020 with the objective to pursue fundamental research with innovative numerical and theoretical approaches. The research of the laboratory is focused on particle physics, gravitational waves and the nuclear matter equation of state, and it is supported by a complementary development of data analysis and data science methodologies.
The gravitational wave group at L2IT conducts research on both theoretical and experimental aspects of gravitational wave science, with a distinct focus at exploiting new ideas connecting theory with observations through data analysis and numerical simulations. The group is part of the LISA Consortium and of the Virgo Collaboration, it currently counts three permanent members, Christelle Buy, Sylvain Marsat and Nicola Tamanini, plus several postdocs and students, and it works in close collaboration with computing research engineers at L2IT.
Application instructions:
Interested candidates must complete the following steps to apply:
1) Submit an application containing a CV and a research statement through the Portail Emploi CNRS by following the instructions available at this link:
2) Arrange for two or more letters of recommendation to be submitted by the reference writers to nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr (email subject "Reference for NAME SURNAME")
Deadline & interviews:
Application deadline is on 7 April 2022. Remote interviews are currently planned for the end of April 2022.
Please contact Nicola Tamanini (nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr) or Sylvain Marsat (sylvain.marsat[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr) with any questions.
2.6. Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-11
Location: Oxford, MS, USA
Additional Information: https://physics.olemiss.edu/
Contact: luca[AT]phy.olemiss.edu
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for one Visiting Assistant Professor appointment to start in the Fall 2022 semester. This temporary, non-tenure track position will be for a year, with the possibility of renewals for up to a total of three years. Duties will include teaching courses in both physics and astronomy. Applicants must have a PhD in physics, astronomy, or a related field, experience in teaching at the college level, and good communication skills. Priority will be given to applicants with experience in astronomy and/or active-learning approaches to teaching.
Interested parties should apply online at https://careers.olemiss.edu. Applicants should include a description of their plan for implementing effective techniques in undergraduate classes, and a CV. Submission of a statement of research interests is encouraged. In addition, each applicant should have three letters of recommendation sent to vapsearch AT phy.olemiss.edu. Review of applications will begin on April 11, 2022 and continue until the position is filled or until an adequate applicant pool is established.
Applications from underrepresented groups in physics and astronomy are strongly encouraged. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the field. The University of Mississippi provides equal opportunity in any employment practice, education program, or education activity to all qualified persons. The University complies with all applicable laws regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and does not unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment based upon race, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or genetic information.
2.7. Postdoctoral Position��in Gravitational Wave Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-15
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/faculties/faculty-of-science/departments/physic…
Contact: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) at the University of Tuebingen has an opening for one postdoctoral research position (Wissenschaftlicher Assistant / Research Assistant) starting from 1st of October 2022.
The successful applicant will carry out original research focusing on the dynamics of rotating and/or magnetized neutron stars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves.
The position is initially for 1 year with the possibility of further extension, up to maximum of 2 more years, that will be decided after the first year. The successful applicant is expected to assist teaching with a maximum of four (4) hours per week. The salary will be paid according to the German public service scale.
The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars and black holes. Currently consists of six (6) post-doctoral researchers, five (5) PhD students and seven (7) MSc students (including an Emmy-Noether Research Group led by Dr. D. Doneva).
Applications, including curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, e-mail) of up to three potential referees should be sent to:
Prof. Kostas Kokkotas
Theoretical Astrophysics (IAAT),
University of Tuebingen, D-72076
Tuebingen, Germany
E-mail: kostas.kokkotas_at_uni-tuebingen.de
Further information on the Theoretical Astrophysics Group may be found at
Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filled. The University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
2.8. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational waves or applied mathematics, Singapore
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Singapore
Additional Information: https://www.physics.nus.edu.sg
Contact: achua[AT]caltech.edu
Applications are invited for two postdoctoral research fellowships in the Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The successful candidates will work under the supervision of incoming faculty member Alvin Chua, who is presently at Caltech.
Fellowship A: We seek applicants with a strong background in scientific modelling and analysis for contemporary and/or near-future gravitational-wave detectors such as LIGO, LISA and pulsar timing arrays. The successful candidate will join and contribute to the growth of a new gravity/astrophysics group at NUS with both theoretical and observational interests, whose faculty members include Prof. Edward Teo (relativity and gravitation) and Prof. Chelsea Sharon (radio astronomy). There will also be opportunities to take up (or retain) membership in international gravitational-wave collaborations such as LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and the LISA Consortium, and to be formally involved in their activities.
Fellowship B: We seek applicants with a general background in applied mathematics, statistics, data science or computational science. Specific areas of expertise can include (but are not limited to) topics such as applied geometry, numerical analysis, computational statistics, time-series analysis and statistical learning. The successful candidate will work with the gravity/astrophysics group to develop or adapt cutting-edge techniques for a variety of difficult open problems in gravitational-wave scientific analysis. They will also be encouraged to foster collaborations with other NUS researchers at the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Statistics and Data Science, and the Department of Computer Science.
The ideal candidate for either position will possess skills and interests in both theoretical and computational research, a willingness to diversify their expertise and to be involved in cross-disciplinary projects, as well as the disposition to work well independently and as part of a team. They will be expected to maintain their own individual research programme, while working in close collaboration with Prof. Chua on topics of mutual interest.
The initial appointment is for one or two years, with expected renewal up to three years in total, and could start as early as October 2022. Both positions come with a competitive salary and personal benefits, as well as travel funds for international conferences. There will also be opportunities for the successful candidates to gain additional experience in teaching and research supervision during their appointment.
Applicants should submit the following materials via e-mail to Alvin Chua (achua[AT]caltech.edu) a cover letter, their CV and list of publications, a short statement of research, and the e-mail addresses of three academic referees who will provide letters of reference. They should also indicate clearly which of the two positions they wish to be considered for. All materials should be received by 30 April 2022 for full consideration.
At NUS, the health and safety of our staff and students is one of our utmost priorities, and COVID-vaccination supports our commitment to ensure the safety of our community and to make NUS as safe and welcoming as possible. Many of our roles require a significant amount of physical interactions with students/staff/public members. Even for job roles that may be performed remotely, there will be instances where on-campus presences are required. In accordance with Singapore's legal requirements, unvaccinated workers will not be able to work on the NUS premises with effect from 15 January 2022. Thus job applicants will need to be fully COVID-vaccinated to secure successful employment with NUS.
2.9. PhD position in Mathematical Analysis of Binary Black Hole Collisions, Vienna, Austria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: https://www.vsmath.at/application/
Contact: walter.simon[AT]univie.ac.at
"Gravitational wave astronomy" provides an indirect confirmation of the mathematical concepts of gravitational collapse developed about 50 years ago. A key model for a black hole horizon is the so-called "marginally outer trapped surface" which has become the standard tool in determining the wave output during a merger via numerical simulations. However, the mathematical understanding of such a merging process is still incomplete and subject of this thesis project.
A good background on "Mathematical General Relativity" (in particular differential geometry, functional analysis and second order PDEs) is a basic requirement for the position. Riemannian aspects (metrics with positive signature and elliptic PDEs) will play a more important role than Lorentzian (hyperbolic) ones. As the black hole merging process is a bifurcation phenomenon, some acquaintance with bifurcation theory and calculus of variations would be an advantage. While the project will draw heavily upon information coming from recent numerical analysis, the candidate is not required to do numerical work herself/himself.
The advertised position is supervised by Walter Simon at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. The extent of employment is 30 hours per week for 3 years, starting June 1, 2022 or later.
The candidate must have a master degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics (or Theoretical/Mathematical Physics).
The application documents should contain a letter of motivation; the scientific CV with list of publications; higher education certificates/diplomas; and letter(s) of recommendation. Applications have to be sent to office[AT]vsmath.at, if possible in a single PDF file. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2022.
2.10. postdoc positions in machine learning and data science at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/21497
Contact: rtrotta[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for two postdoctoral positions in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in the fall of 2022.
Each of the positions will last for a minimum of two years, renewable subject to funding availability and performance. These positions are part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI).
We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply.
We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.
SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/) as well as many other national and international institutions.
Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and an statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the positions are filled.
For inquiries, contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it)
2.11. Post-Doctoral Position in X-ray Astrophysics, St. Louis, MO, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-12-31
Location: St. Louis, MO, USA
Additional Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/104617
Contact: krawcz[AT]wustl.edu
The X-ray Astrophysics group of Professor H. Krawczynski at the Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis (https://sites.wustl.edu/xastro/) is searching for a post-doc working on the XL-Calibur hard X-ray polarization mission, and on the analysis, theoretical modeling, and interpretation of stellar mass black hole, magnetar, blazar, and quasar observations with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), the Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer Mission (NICER), and the Neil Gehrels Observatory (NGO). The group is furthermore involved in the development of solid state and microcalorimeter X-ray and gamma-ray detectors.
The ideal candidate would have a strong background in one or several of the three areas: theoretical, observational, or experimental astrophysics, and should bring the willingness to work in the other two areas as well. We expect that the candidate will carry through a vigorous research program and will author and co-author research articles in top-journals. The initial appointment will be for a two-year year period, renewable for a third year.
Candidates must have a PhD in experimental, observational, or theoretical astrophysics before starting the appointment. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of 2-5 selected publications with a brief description of the applicant's role in these publications, a 2-page research proposal, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references. Washington University will request reference letters.The start date of the position is between 7/1/2022 and 7/1/2023. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at their earliest convenience through Interfolio (https://apply.interfolio.com/104617) The search will remain open until the position is filled. Questions related to the search or application process may be directed to Henric Krawczynski at (krawcz[AT]wustl.edu)
Each year Washington University publishes a Safety and Security brochure that details what to do and whom to contact in an emergency. This report also publishes the federally required annual security and fire safety reports, containing campus crime and fire statistics as well as key university policies and procedures. You may access the Safety and Security brochure at https://police.wustl.edu/clery-reports-logs/.
2.12. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and foundation of physics, Marseille, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-05-01
Location: Marseille, France
Additional Information: https://www.qiss.fr/
Contact: applications.qg.cpt[AT]gmail.com
The quantum gravity team at the Centre de Physique Theorique in Marseille opens a two-year postdoctoral position. The group has 3 permanent members (Carlo Rovelli, Alejandro Perez and Simone Speziale), currently one postdoc (Johannes Munch) and 4 PhD students.
The position can start at any time after October 1st, 2022.
The candidate is expected to collaborate (but not exclusively) with members of the team on their projects, interact with the students and contribute to the organisation of the team's activities. The team focuses on quantum gravity and on foundational questions, and it is part of the international QISS project (see http://www.qiss.fr ) which provides funding for the position. Salary will follow the French grid system and depends on seniority after the PhD defense.
Interested applicants should send a CV, list of publications and motivational cover letter, plus up to 3 support letters, to the following address:
preferably before Mai 1st. Please indicate the name of the applicant in the subject line of all relevant mails.
We encourage applications contributing to gender and origin diversity in our group.
2.13. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-15
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/
Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za
The High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2022. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory.
For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman. We will consider candidates with an interest in quantum complexity and its application in quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, cosmology and gravity. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including machine learning techniques in physics and astrophysics. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research.
The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
The appointment is for one year at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to budgetary approval and satisfactory progress. A PhD in Physics, Applied Mathematics or Astronomy is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post.
Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R300 000 per annum, tax free. Additional support is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2022. Applications close on 31 March 2022 and screening of candidates will start shortly thereafter. Any queries can be sent to shajid.haque[AT]uct.ac.za.
The University of Cape Town reserves the right to:
- disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications
- change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all
2.14. Senior postdoc position in machine learning and data science for cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravitational physics, Trieste Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Trieste (Italy)
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/21551
Contact: rtrotta[AT]sissa.it
The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for one senior three-year long postdoctoral position in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in the fall of 2022.
The position is part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI). Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience.
We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply.
We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.
SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/) the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it) the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/) as well as many other national and international institutions.
Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and an statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the position is filled.
For inquiries, contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it)
3. News
3.1. Philosophical Transactions A: "The future of mathematical cosmology" (part 1)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.bit.ly/TransA-2222
Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions A entitled The future of mathematical cosmology (part 1) org compiled and edited by Spiros Cotsakis and Alexander P Yefremov and the articles can be accessed directly at www.bit.ly/TransA-2222
Purchase the print issue at the reduced price of 35 GBP by contacting sales[AT]royalsociety.org
3.2. New book: "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-981-15-4702-7
Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Cosimo Bambi, Stavros Katsanevas, Konstantinos D. Kokkotas (Editors)
Springer Singapore 2022
Chapter 1: Introduction to Gravitational Wave Astronomy
N.T. Bishop
*** SECTION I: Gravitational Wave Detectors ***
Section Editors: S. Katsanevas, D. Reitze, M. Ando
Chapter 2: Terrestrial Laser Interferometers
K.L. Dooley, H. Grote, J. van den Brand
Chapter 3: Space-Based Gravitational Wave Observatories
J. Gair, M. Hewitson, A. Petiteau, G. Mueller
Chapter 4: Pulsar Timing Array Experiments
J.P.W. Verbiest, S. Oslowski, S. Burke-Spolaor
Chapter 5: Quantum Sensors with Matter Waves for GW Observation
A. Bertoldi, P. Bouyer, B. Canuel
Chapter 6: CMB Experiments and Gravitational Waves
L. Conti, B.R.B. Saliwanchik
Chapter 7: Third-Generation Gravitational-Wave Observatories
H. Lueck, J. Smith, M. Punturo
Chapter 8: Research and Development for Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors
R.L. Ward, B.J.J. Slagmolen, Y. Aso
Chapter 9: Squeezing and QM Techniques in GW Interferometers
F. Sorrentino, J. Zendri
Chapter 10: Environmental Noise in Gravitational-Wave Interferometers
I. Fiori, A. Effler, P. Nguyen, F. Paoletti, R.M.S. Schofield, M.C. Tringali
Chapter 11: Detection Landscape in the deci-Hertz Gravitational-Wave Spectrum
K. Izumi, K. Jani
*** SECTION II: Gravitational Wave Sources ***
Section Editors: V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri, K.D. Kokkotas, G. Schaefer, M. Sakellariadou
Chapter 12: Binary Neutron Stars
L. Baiotti
Chapter 13: Isolated Neutron Stars
B. Haskell, K. Schwenzer
Chapter 14: r-Process Nucleosynthesis from Compact Binary Mergers
A. Perego, F.-K. Thielemann, G. Cescutti
Chapter 15: Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers
F. Foucart
Chapter 16: Dynamical Formation of Merging Stellar-Mass Binary Black Holes
B. Kocsis
Chapter 17: Formation Channels of Single and Binary Stellar-Mass Black Holes
M. Mapelli
Chapter 18: The Gravitational Capture of Compact Objects by Massive Black Holes
P. Amaro Seoane
Chapter 19: Massive Black-Hole Mergers
E. Barausse, A. Lapi
Chapter 20: LISA and the Galactic Population of Compact Binaries
M. Benacquista
Chapter 21: Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernovae
E. Abdikamalov, G. Pagliaroli, D. Radice
Chapter 22: Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Waves in the Hz-kHz Range
M. Branchesi, A. Stamerra, O.S. Salafia, S. Piranomonte, B. Patricelli
Chapter 23: Multi-messenger Astrophysics with the Highest Energy Counterparts of Gravitational Waves
A. Stamerra, B. Patricelli, I. Bartos, M. Branchesi
Chapter 24: Mission Design for the TAIJI Mission and Structure Formation in Early Universe
X. Gong, S. Xu, S. Gui, S. Huang, Y. Lau
Chapter 25: Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds of Cosmological Origin
C. Caprini, D.G. Figueroa
Chapter 26: Primordial Gravitational Waves
G. Tasinato
Chapter 27: Primordial Black Holes
J. Garcia-Bellido
Chapter 28: Testing the Nature of Dark Compact Objects with Gravitational Waves
E. Maggio, P. Pani, G. Raposo
Chapter 29: Quantum Gravity and Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
G. Calcagni
Chapter 30: LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA as the International Gravitational Wave Network
P. Brady, G. Losurdo, H. Shinkai
*** SECTION III: Gravitational Wave Modeling ***
Section Editors: P. Laguna, D. Shoemaker
Chapter 31: Post-Newtonian Templates for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Inspirals
S. Isoyama, R. Sturani, H. Nakano
Chapter 32: Effective Field Theory Methods to Model Compact Binaries
R. Sturani
Chapter 33: Repeated Bursts
N. Loutrel
Chapter 34: Numerical Relativity for Gravitational Wave Source Modelling
T. Zhao, Z. Cao, C. Lin, H. Yo
Chapter 35: Black-Hole Superradiance: Searching for Ultralight Bosons with Gravitational Waves
R. Brito, P. Pani
Chapter 36: Black Hole Perturbation Theory and Gravitational Self-Force
A. Pound, B. Wardell
Chapter 37: Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Signals by Astrophysical Environments
X. Chen
Chapter 38: Emission of Gravitational Radiation in Scalar-Tensor and f(R)-Theories
M. De Laurentis, I. De Martino
Chapter 39: Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves
Z. Carson, K. Yagi
Chapter 40: Nonlinear Effects in EMRI Dynamics and Their Imprints on Gravitational Waves
G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos, V. Witzany
*** SECTION IV: Data Analysis Techniques ***
Section Editors: L. Cadonati, E. Porter, P. Sutton
Chapter 41: Principles of Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis
A. Krolak
Chapter 42: Inferring the Properties of a Population of Compact Binaries in Presence of Selection Effects
S. Vitale, D. Gerosa, W.M. Farr, S.R. Taylor
Chapter 43: Machine Learning for the Characterization of Gravitational Wave Data
E. Cuoco, A. Iess, F. Morawski, M. Razzano
Chapter 44: Advances in Machine and Deep Learning for Modeling and Real-Time Detection of Multi-messenger Sources
E.A. Huerta, Z. Zhao
Chapter 45: Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Gravitational Waves
S. Mastrogiovanni, D.A. Steer
3.3. Call for contributions: "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/truthinphysics.html
Dear Colleagues,
Minkowski Institute Press invites contributions to the volume "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories":
Minkowski Institute Press (http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/) is an academic publisher, associated with the Minkowski Institute in Montreal, which is run by academics for academics and which has already published 66 books.
As the Minkowski Institute Press publishes valuable books that are out of print and are now in the public domain (the books are typeset in LaTeX), any suggestions for the publication of such books are always appreciated.
Best wishes,
Vesselin Petkov
Minkowski Institute
Montreal, Canada

02 Mar '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. New frontiers in strong gravity, Benasque, Spain
1.2. Custom Styles
1.3. When \hbar meets G, Paris, France
1.4. European Einstein Toolkit Meeting, Dublin, Ireland
1.5. EAS special session SS14: Gravitational Wave and Multi-messenger Astronomy, Valencia, Spain
1.6. Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) 2022, London, Canada
1.7. Sejny Summer Institute 2022, Sejny, Poland
1.8. Non-regular Spacetime Geometry, Vienna, Austria
1.9. First IAGRG School on Gravitation and Cosmology (online)
1.10. North American Einstein Toolkit School 2022, Moscow, Idaho, USA (hybrid)
1.11. Atlantic General Relativity Meeting 2022 (online)
1.12. V Institute of Space Sciences Summer School, Barcelona, Spain
1.13. 25th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Dublin, Ireland
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor in Gravitational Wave Instrumentation, Canberra, Australia
2.2. Research Associate in Theoretical Cosmology, Sheffield, UK
2.3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory Group, Cape Town, South Africa
2.4. PhD position in Physics of Compact Stars and Dark Matter, Lisbon/Coimbra, Portugal
2.5. Postdoc position in Cosmology, Newcastle University, UK
2.6. Assistant Professor in Gravitational Waves and/or Numerical Relativity, Nottingham, UK
2.7. Assistant Teaching Professor in Physics, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
2.8. Faculty Positions in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Bangalore, India
2.9. PhD position in numerical relativity at Brock University, Canada
2.10. Postdoc position in theoretical particle physics, cosmology and gravitational wave physics, Frankfurt, Germany
2.11. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
2.12. PhD position in Theoretical Cosmology, Sheffield, UK
2.13. PhD student position in Mathematical Relativity, Tuebingen, Germany
3. News
3.1. Prof. Canbin Liang passed away on February 16, 2022
3.2. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop XIV, Cargese, France - date change
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Rates of compact object coalescences"
1. Conferences
1.1. New frontiers in strong gravity, Benasque, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-03 to 2022-07-16
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: http://benasque.org/general/cgi-bin/years.pl?ano=2022
Contact: hwitek[AT]illinois.edu
New frontiers in strong gravity
The highly nonlinear, strong-field regime of gravity holds the key to address long-standing puzzles in modern physics. These range from deeply theoretical questions concerning a consistent theory of quantum gravity and resulting modifications to general relativity, over the stability properties of black holes in traditional general relativity, to new insight into nuclear matter under extreme conditions in the context of neutron star and multimessenger astronomy.
In this two-week workshop (Jul 03-16, 2022) we will bring together leading experts as well as junior scientists and PhD students in these diverse research areas, to encourage communication and training across the fields and to foster new research collaborations.
Invited speakers include:
Masha Baryaktar - Laura Bernard - Beatrice Bonga - Katerina Chatziioannou - Katy Clough - Mihalis Dafermos - Will East - Roberto Emparan - Tanja Hinderer - Aaron Kovacs - Macarena Lagos - Luis Lehner - Lionel London - David Mateos - Maria Okounkova - Carlos Palenzuela - Paolo Pani - Patricia Schmidt - Thomas Sotiriou - Rita Teixeira - Toby Wiseman - Nicolas Yunes
The number of participants is limited. We ask students to upload a short CV (maximal 2 pages). Limited travel support will be available, with priority given to students and participants from underrepresented groups. To apply for travel support please include some text justifying your request for support on the registration page. Registration will close on May 31, 2022. Registration will open shortly
To help us create a safe and healthy environment, we ask that all participants are fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
1.2. Custom Styles
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-03 to 2022-07-16
Location: Benasque, Spain
Additional Information: http://benasque.org/general/cgi-bin/years.pl?ano=2022
Contact: hwitek[AT]illinois.edu
{"version": 2, "isGlobalStylesUserThemeJSON": true }
1.3. When \hbar meets G, Paris, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-27 to 2022-07-01
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://www.iap.fr/col2022/
Contact: conferenceIAP2022[AT]iap.fr
The Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP, http://www.iap.fr) organizes its 38th Conference, in Paris, from Monday June 27th to Friday July 1st, 2022 and entitled
"When \hbar meets G"
The aim will be to discuss the physics at the interface between Quantum Mechanics, the theory of Gravitation and Cosmology, both at the theoretical and experimental levels.
The main subjects which will be covered are
(1) The different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and their relationship with the theories of Gravity and Cosmology.
(2) Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics
(3) Gravitational Quantum Physics
Plenary speakers include M. Arndt, M. Aspelmeyer, G. Bacciagaluppi, A. Bassi, S. Bose, C. Burgess, E. Dimastrogiovanni, T. Jacobson, J.-L. Lehners, J. Martin, S. Liberati (TBC), F. Sciarrino, D. Rickles (TBC), D. Sudarsky, W. Unruh and D. Wallace.
The conference webpage gathers informations about registration and fees (350EUR and 250EUR for students before May 31st, increase by 50EUR after)
The conference will be in person: should the material conditions related to the covid pandemic not allow us to proceed this way, there will be no on-line version and the conference will be postponed.
Apologies if you receive this announcement more than once.
We would be grateful if you could forward this message to all the colleagues who could be interested in this meeting!
The organising committee (C. Curceanu, D. Kaiser, J. Martin, A. Micheli, P. Peter, V. Vennin, F. Vidotto).
1.4. European Einstein Toolkit Meeting, Dublin, Ireland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-08-29 to 2022-09-02
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/eetm2022
Contact: christiana.pantelidou[AT]ucd.ie
The next European Einstein Toolkit Meeting will take place from 29 August - 2 September 2022 at University College Dublin, Ireland.
The Einstein Toolkit is a community-driven Open Source software platform of core computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics, including Numerical Relativity, studies of Neutron stars and Magnetohydrodynamics.
The first two days of the meeting will include lectures and tutorials geared towards new users of the toolkit. The following three days will focus on the status and future development of the toolkit, including scientific talks as well as dedicated discussion sessions.
For more information and to register, please use this link:
There is no registration fee. Everyone is welcome. Participants from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to register.
You are welcome to send questions or informal inquiries to Christiana Pantelidou at christiana.pantelidou[AT]ucd.ie
We look forward to welcoming you in Dublin.
Best regards,
The local organising committee.
1.5. EAS special session SS14: Gravitational Wave and Multi-messenger Astronomy, Valencia, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-27 to 2022-07-01
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS_meeting/session.jsp?id=SS14
Contact: marica.branchesi[AT]gssi.it
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the special session SS14 about
"Gravitational Wave and Multi-messenger Astronomy: current results and future perspectives"
at the European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting which will take place on 27 June - 1st July, in Valencia Spain.
The session (SS14) will focus on the emerging field of gravitational-wave and multi-messenger astronomy which has demonstrated a transformative potential for astrophysics and fundamental physics. An enormous amount of information has been gathered by the gravitational-wave detections made by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers. The next generation gravitational-wave detector Einstein Telescope (ET), thanks to its improved design, will explore the Universe through gravitational-waves along its cosmic history up to the cosmological dark ages. The session will cover i) the capabilities of present and future gravitational-wave and electromagnetic observatories, ii) the current observational results and iii) the science perspectives for the next generation of gravitational-wave observatories; the theoretical challenges that need to be undertaken from now to the ET era.
For more details please visit the SS14 website:
The EAS 2022 registration has opened:
We kindly invite your contributions. In addition to 7 invited talks our session will include about 10 contributed talks as well as ePosters.
To submit an abstract for an oral contribution or a poster:
(deadline 1st March)
Please circulate this announcement to all colleagues you may think could be interested.
Looking forward to seeing you in Valencia!
Marica Branchesi and Toni Font, on behalf of the SOC.
1.6. Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) 2022, London, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-10
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information: https://qiss.uwo.ca
Contact: qissconference[AT]gmail.com
The Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) interdisciplinary initiative in Quantum Information and Quantum Gravity is announcing its first large conference, QISS 2022, to be held at Western University, in London, Ontario, Canada, the week of 6-10 June 2022. The conference will be in person, in respect of the Covid-prevention norms. The conference will be accessible to the wider worldwide community through the online streaming of the event.
The conference will bring together the three components of the QISS community, quantum gravity, quantum information and foundations, and philosophy of science, with ample discussion time for comparing views and problems. The discussions will be organized around 6 main themes:
The themes of the three central days are:
Are we going to see quantum geometry in the lab?
Is there an arrow of time in quantum phenomena?
How does the structure of spacetime impact quantum physics?
In which sense do quantum phenomena challenge objectivity?
How can we use information in quantum gravity?
What are the available general quantum formalisms for gravity?
The first day of the conference (June 6) is devoted to 6 hours of micro-courses in quantum gravity, quantum informations, and philosophy, introducing themes and questions of each community to the others.
The three main days (June 7-8-9) are organized in a series of lightning presentations followed by long moderated discussion time around the conference themes, where all participants are invited to contribute.
The last day (June 10) is reserved for social activities, community building, group discussions.
We invite all participants to present a poster: posters will be displayed during the whole conference, with many opportunities for the participants to discuss them.
Registration is open at the website https://qiss.uwo.ca. The total number of in-person participants is constrained by Covid-safety restrictions. Members of the QISS consortium will be given priority for in-person attendance, and space for our other colleagues will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register at the earliest convenience. Conference organizers will confirm whether there is space to accommodate in-person registrations for non-QISS participants by no later than 1 April 2022.
For any inquiry, please send it to: qissconference[AT]gmail.com
The Organizing Committee
Emily Adlam, Andrea Di Biagio, Flaminia Giacomini, Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto
1.7. Sejny Summer Institute 2022, Sejny, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-07 to 2022-07-17
Location: Sejny, Poland
Additional Information: https://sejny.sciencesconf.org
Contact: sejny.summer.institute[AT]gmail.com
In these virtual-meeting times, it is our great pleasure to announce the second edition of the Sejny Summer Institute, a real-world workshop on theoretical physics! The sanitary situation permitting, the event will be held in northern Poland between the 7th and 17th of July 2022.
The successful format of last year's event will be kept almost unchanged. The workshop remains question-based and addressed to junior researchers (graduate students, post-docs...). It will be centered around the investigation of foundational problems in physics chosen by the participants themselves. Organized in small multi-disciplinary groups, participants from theoretical/mathematical physics are to join forces with historians/philosophers of science, as well as computer scientists and pure mathematicians. We aim at providing a balance between the different ways of thinking in order to generate a stimulating and dynamic environment for common inquiries.
An equally important characteristic of this workshop is a relaxed, home-like and inclusive atmosphere that we wish to create. The workshop will be held in a country-house near the town of Sejny, with about 20 participants. Enjoying the surrounding lakes and forests will also be part of the experience.
The organizers:
Jan Glowacki, Pierre Martin-Dussaud, Alexander Thomas, Vaclav Zatloukal
1.8. Non-regular Spacetime Geometry, Vienna, Austria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2023-03-13 to 2023-03-24
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: https://www.esi.ac.at/events/e460/
Contact: michael.kunzinger[AT]univie.ac.at
This is a two weeks workshop at the Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, with a conference taking place in the first week.
This workshop aims at gathering researchers at the forefront of the field to discuss and advance recent related results in areas such as causality theory, cone and Lorentz-Finsler structures, Alexandrov geometry, length spaces, metric geometry, ${C}^0$-extendibility of spacetimes, transport theory and curvature-dimension conditions, as well as non-commutative geometry.
Piotr T. Chrusciel (U Vienna)
Melanie Graf (U Tuebingen)
Michael Kunzinger (U Vienna)
Ettore Minguzzi (U Florence)
Roland Steinbauer (U Vienna)
1.9. First IAGRG School on Gravitation and Cosmology (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-16 to 2022-05-28
Location: (online)
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/iitgn.ac.in/iagrgschool2022
Contact: iagrg.school2022[AT]iitgn.ac.in
The Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) was first constituted in 1969 and has been active ever since in fostering general relativity-related activities in India. As part of its activity, IAGRG has planned an ONLINE school on gravitation and cosmology.
The first IAGRG school on gravitation and cosmology will take place on May 16 - 28, 2022 in ONLINE mode. This school aims to train students and young researchers in the emerging areas of Gravitation and Cosmology. The series is mainly intended for graduate students working (or starting to work) on gravitational physics, cosmology, and related areas.
For more details and registration, please visit the program website.
1.10. North American Einstein Toolkit School 2022, Moscow, Idaho, USA (hybrid)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-13 to 2022-06-17
Location: Moscow, Idaho, USA
Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.github.io/et2022uidaho/
Contact: workshop[AT]einsteintoolkit.org
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 North American Einstein Toolkit School will be held at the University of Idaho June 13-17, 2022. This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual attendees welcome to participate. The school will provide an opportunity for researchers and students to gather and learn about the Einstein Toolkit.
The Einstein Toolkit provides a community-driven software platform of computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics. As such, the Workshop will offer a mixture of talks and tutorials designed to build a community around this important research and the software that helps sustain it. The talks will report on both the latest developments in numerical relativity, as well as new applications of the Einstein Toolkit to generate interesting science.
This year, a special field trip will be offered for in-person participants to nearby LIGO Hanford, whose direct observation of the gravitational waves from a coalescing pair of black holes led to the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics. During the visit, LIGO Hanford will be gearing up for the start of O4 (Observing Run 4), due to start at the end of this year. On the same day, virtual participants will have the opportunity to attend an Einstein Toolkit hackathon.
Event dates : June 13-17, 2022.
Event location: University of Idaho & virtually
Registration and abstract submission: Opens March 1, and will remain open through May 1. To register or learn more, please visit our webpage: https://einsteintoolkit.github.io/et2022uidaho/
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Scientific Organizing Committee
1.11. Atlantic General Relativity Meeting 2022 (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-16 to 2022-05-19
Location: St. John's, Canada
Additional Information: https://atlanticgr2022.ca
Contact: atlanticgr2022[AT]gmail.com
Atlantic General Relativity 2022 will be hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador and held online from May 16-19.
It is the latest in the series of Atlantic GR conferences that have been organized annually by the Atlantic Canadian relativity community for the last three decades. These are broadly based meetings covering the full range of gravitational research including mathematical and numerical relativity, all approaches to quantum gravity, gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology. These meetings are open to all.
As has been customary for the last few years the meeting will be split into two parts. The first two days will consist of three mini courses of three hours each. This years speakers are Carla Cederbaum (U. Tuebingen), William East (Perimeter Institute) and Daniel Pook-Kolb (AEI Hannover).
The second two days will consist of contributed presentations. Students and post-docs are particularly encouraged to present talks and there will be a judged competition with prizes for the best student and post-doc talks.
1.12. V Institute of Space Sciences Summer School, Barcelona, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-15
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Additional Information: https://www.ice.csic.es/projects/ICE_School_2022/index.html
Contact: diego.saez[AT]uva.es
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity has provided until now a most successful and accurate framework to fit the results of cosmological observations in a very wide range of scales; thus yielding, at the same time, a very convenient way to model our knowledge of the Universe and to understand its origin and evolution from the very basic and logical principles that led Einstein to formulate his field equations. However, in recent years some discrepancies have appeared, which have prompted the study of modified versions of GR. Moreover, important issues affecting both the original and the modified theories, such as inflation, primordial gravitational waves (from primordial tensor perturbations), scalar cosmological perturbations, singularities of different kinds appearing in the solutions, etc., need to be addressed.
And all these issues should be viewed with a very wide scope, considering the different subjects in depth separately, but also under a comprehensive and inclusive view, which will take into account all details of each issue: from its theoretical formulation to the effective calculations using numerical up-to-day methods (e.g. python and other); albeit never losing the necessary perspective that will shed light in our search of new procedures and discoveries. In our ultimate quest to better understand the Universe.
This will be the aim of the present Summer School, which is for the first time two-week long and that counts among its lecturers with some of the most prominent international specialists in the different fields covered by the Summer School. A way of celebrating that our Institute has recently been awarded the prestigious "Maria de Maeztu" distinction of excellence.
Modifying General Relativity: Different approaches
Reconstruction of Modified Gravity Theories
Inflation, cosmological perturbations
Python Lectures: Programming from Newtonian Gravity to Dark Energy and Primordial Gravitational Waves
Neutron Star Equation of State
Basic concepts and elements of black hole physics: Solutions and singularities
Zeta Function approach to cosmology
Historical notes: the quest to understand our Universe
1.13. 25th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Dublin, Ireland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-06-20 to 2022-06-24
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: https://www.caprameeting.org
Contact: capra25[AT]caprameeting.org
The 25th Capra meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will take place at University College Dublin from 20th - 24th June 2022. Registration is now open and there is no registration fee.
The Capra meeting is an annual workshop on the topic of radiation reaction in general relativity. The primary focus of these workshops is the development of self-force techniques to model extreme mass ratio inspirals and further our understanding of the two-body problem in General Relativity. This week-long meeting will consist of review talks, short contributed presentations, and discussion sessions. Contributed talks on all aspects of the radiation reaction problem (including related topics such as EMRI astrophysics or data analysis) are welcome.
We encourage all those interested in registering to Capra or who wish to give a talk to apply. At Capra and University College Dublin, we provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, civil status or family status. If you have any feedback or suggestions as to how we can do more to provide equal opportunities at Capra, please do not hesitate to get in touch at edi[AT]caprameeting.org.
For registration and further information, please visit the conference website at https://www.caprameeting.org.
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor in Gravitational Wave Instrumentation, Canberra, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-28
Location: Canberra, Australia
Additional Information: https://cga.anu.edu.au/news-events/news/eoi-full-professor-position-instrum…
Contact: sareh.rajabi[AT]anu.edu.au
The Australian National University Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics (CGA) encompasses all aspects of gravitational wave physics and astrophysics, including instrumentation, theory and data analysis, source follow-up and multi-messenger astronomy. It brings together ANU researchers in these areas under one umbrella. The CGA is looking to expand its capability by making multiple tenure-track academic appointments across these research programs over the next year.
We are currently seeking Expressions of Interest for the appointment of a key senior position in the area of gravitational wave instrumentation at Level E, Full Professor.
We are seeking an inspirational scientific leader with an equity agenda, who can grow ANU's leadership across gravitational wave detector instrumentation. If you think you have the skills, vision and drive required to fill this role, please consider applying.
The appointment comes with an attractive start-up package and the ability to help shape the future of the CGA through subsequent faculty hires. This is a tenure-track position with a negotiable probation period. The University may also consider placement for a significant other if they fit within the profile of the institution. There may be additional incentives available to an appointee from a diverse or underrepresented background.
We are now seeking a 2-page Expression of Interest (EoI), along with a complete CV. EoIs will be accepted any time up to the end of Feb 2022. We then anticipate advertising the position with a closing date for applications in April 2022. There is significant flexibility in regard to actual commencement date and physical presence at the ANU.
You are encouraged to contact Professor David McClelland (david.mcclelland[AT]anu.edu.au) for further information. Please email your expression of interest and CV to the CGA Administrator, Dr Sareh Rajabi (sareh.rajabi[AT]nau.edu.au) before the closing date.
2.2. Research Associate in Theoretical Cosmology, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-01
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.shef.ac.uk/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG…
Contact: e.divalentino[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
We are seeking a Research Associate in Theoretical Cosmology which has research interest in testing cosmological models with observational data. We are particularly interested in investigating the nature of the observed discrepancies present in the current cosmological data, with a focus on the H0 and S8 tensions, and in understanding how these tensions are related to the theoretical motivation behind the cosmological model. The position is supported by a grant from the Royal Society, with the Principal Investigator being Doctor Eleonora Di Valentino. The Gravitation and Cosmology group consists of 5 academics (Eleonora Di Valentino, Sam Dolan, Steffen Gielen, Carsten van de Bruck, and Elizabeth Winstanley) and 15 Ph.D. students.
You should have a PhD in Physics and Astronomy or equivalent experience working in Theoretical Cosmology and have experience of coding and data analysis of cosmological data.
The School has a strong research ethos and an international reputation in research, with groups in Algebra and Geometry, Number Theory, Topology, Fluid Dynamics, Solar Physics and Plasmas, Mathematical Biology and Environment, Gravitation and Cosmology, Probability, and Statistics. There are also fruitful interdisciplinary links across the University.
We are committed to exploring flexible working opportunities which benefit the individual and University.
We're one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University's Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.
We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose talent and contributions complement each other to greatest effect. We believe diversity in all its forms delivers greater impact through research, teaching and student experience.
Please upload a CV with a complete list of publications as attachments to the online application through our jobs webpages.
2.3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory Group, Cape Town, South Africa
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/
Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za
The High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2022. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory.
For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman. We will consider candidates with an interest in quantum complexity and its application in quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, cosmology and gravity. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including machine learning techniques in physics and astrophysics. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research.
The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
The appointment is for one year at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to budgetary approval and satisfactory progress. A PhD in Physics, Applied Mathematics or Astronomy is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post.
Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R200 000 per annum, tax free. Additional support in the amount of R25 000 is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2022. Screening of candidates will start in March 2022 and will continue until the positions are filled. Any queries can be sent to shajid.haque[AT]uct.ac.za.
The University of Cape Town reserves the right to:
- disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications
- change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all
2.4. PhD position in Physics of Compact Stars and Dark Matter, Lisbon/Coimbra, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-31
Location: Lisbon/Coimbra, Portugal
Additional Information: https://centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Contact: violetta.sagun[AT]uc.pt
The Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, Instituto Superior Tecnico (Lisbon) and Centre for Physics of the University of Coimbra (Coimbra) invite applications for a joint PhD position under the supervision of Prof. Ilidio Lopes and Dr. Violetta Sagun on compact stars, properties of strongly interacting matter and dark matter. The PhD fellow will join an interdisciplinary and innovative research project in the interface between astrophysics, nuclear physics and quantum chromodynamics. The position will be equally distributed in time between the Instituto Superior Tecnico and the University of Coimbra.
Applications, which have to be sent electronically to Violetta Sagun (violetta.sagun[AT]uc.pt), should include a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, certificates of all the obtained academic degrees, other documents that the candidate may consider relevant (diplomas, certificates etc..) and up to three reference letters. Candidates should hold either a pre-Bologna degree, or a pre-/post-Bologna Master's degree at the time of application. Foreign degrees/diplomas are required to be recognized by the General Directorate of Higher Education or by a Portuguese higher education institution: https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition?plid=1536
The application deadline for full consideration is 28th of February, 2022. Applications will continue to be considered until the 31th of March, 2022. Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Violetta Sagun well in advance, to discuss potential projects and application procedure. The expected starting date of the PhD is October 1st, 2022.
The Instituto Superior Tecnico and the University of Coimbra are an equal opportunity employer with welcoming working conditions, career development, and networking opportunities. For more information, please visit the Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation site (https://centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt) Coimbra University site (https://www.uc.pt) and the Centre for Physics site (https://cfisuc.fis.uc.pt)
2.5. Postdoc position in Cosmology, Newcastle University, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-17
Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.ncl.ac.uk/job/Newcastle-Research-AssistantAssociate-in-Cosmolo…
Contact: cora.uhlemann[AT]newcastle.ac.uk
The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics (MSP) at Newcastle University is seeking to recruit a Research Assistant/Associate in Cosmology to join an exciting STFC-funded research program managed by Dr Cora Uhlemann.
The project aims at harnessing the power of the large-scale structure as a laboratory for fundamental physics. Deriving the most competitive constraints will require us to harvest additional information beyond standard two-point statistics from galaxy surveys like Euclid. You will work on non-Gaussian statistics that dissect different density environments to unlock additional information on dark energy, neutrinos and galaxy bias by using galaxy clustering and weak lensing.
You will build on your experience in modelling nonlinear effects for galaxy clustering or weak lensing and/or the analysis of galaxy survey data. Within the project, you will perform theoretical modelling and data analysis and disseminate your work through publications and presentations at scientific meetings. You will become a member of a dedicated local research group, contributing to the research planning and implementation and join the international Euclid consortium.
In addition to project-specific activities, you will be encouraged to pursue your own independent research and training. Furthermore, you may engage in outreach activities, particularly those designed to increase accessibility and inclusion to science.
You will join the growing cosmology and astronomy groups at Newcastle University, which has wider expertise in cosmology and galaxy evolution. We embrace equality and particularly welcome applications from community members that are under-represented in physics. If you have demonstrable experience in showing a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion then please outline this in your application.
The position is offered on a fixed term basis for 3 years, the start date is flexible with a preferred start in autumn 2022. We would be happy to discuss arrangements for flexible and/or blended working. Generous funds are available for travel, training and other support.
Further details on the role and application process can be found on the official job ad URL (see above). For any questions, please contact Dr Cora Uhlemann via email: cora.uhlemann[AT]newcastle.ac.uk.
2.6. Assistant Professor in Gravitational Waves and/or Numerical Relativity, Nottingham, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-17
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI533121
Contact: Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
We are looking for an Assistant Professor to deliver high quality teaching and undertake original research of international excellence in Gravitational Physics in the School of Mathematical Sciences and the newly launched Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG). NCoG brings together Nottingham's internationally leading expertise in gravitational physics in the School of Mathematical Sciences and the School of Physics and Astronomy and the new post aims to expand and strengthen its research in Gravitational Waves and/or Numerical Relativity.
We believe that talented and inclusive teams deliver the highest quality research and are seeking applications from high quality candidates who enhance the diversity of our existing team. The School is committed to creating opportunities for people traditionally under-represented in Mathematical Sciences and strives to maintain an environment where people can be their authentic selves.
You will be able to carry out duties to the highest standard and to evidence how, through your experience, you will:
Plan and deliver high quality teaching on undergraduate and MSc modules in mathematics and mathematical physics.
Provide curriculum development within your own area of expertise and collaborate with colleagues to design courses and/or programmes.
Develop research proposals to attract funding from Research Councils or other sources.
Undertake original research to further the School's ambitions in the study of gravitational waves, including gravitational wave modelling, data analysis and exploitation.
Contribute to the dissemination of research outputs at national/international conferences, workshops, and meetings
We are looking for a proactive, organised appointee who can evidence:
A PhD or equivalent in mathematics, physics or a related subject.
Excellent communication and organisational skills.
Good pedagogical skills required to teach a range of mathematics and mathematical physics modules.
Proven track-record in publishing research work of international quality in gravitation in areas related to gravitational waves.
This is a permanent post available from 01 September 2022. Hours of work are full-time (36.25 hours); however applications are also welcome from candidates wishing to work part-time (minimum 21.75 hours per week). Please specify in your application if you wish to work part time and the number of preferred hours. Job share arrangements may be considered. Many of our team have flexible working patterns so we're open to discuss flexible working arrangements with you.
If it sounds like you would be a good fit, we look forward to hearing from you.
Interviews will take place at the beginning of May.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor John Barrett, email: John.Barrett[AT]nottingham.ac.uk. Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.
Information about the School is available at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mathematics/index.aspx
Further details:
Our University has always been a supportive, inclusive, caring and positive community. We warmly welcome those of different cultures, ethnicities and beliefs - indeed this very diversity is vital to our success, it is fundamental to our values and enriches life on campus. We welcome applications from UK, Europe and from across the globe. For more information on the support we offer our international colleagues, see our Moving to Nottingham pages.
For successful international applicants, we provide financial support for your visa and the immigration health surcharge, plus an interest-free loan to help cover the cost of immigration-related expenses for any dependants accompanying you to the UK. For more information please see the our webpage on Financial support for visas and the immigration health surcharge.
2.7. Assistant Teaching Professor in Physics, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-21
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Additional Information: https://employment.ku.edu/academic/21340BR
Contact: shark[AT]ku.edu
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas (KU) is seeking a non-tenure Assistant Teaching Professor. The Assistant Teaching Professor will have a three-year, non-tenure track appointment through May 16, 2025.
The Assistant Teaching Professor will be a part of the PhysTEC Program's Comprehensive Site at KU, teach undergraduate physics courses, and work with the Department of Physics and Astronomy and other STEM units on the revising and administering undergraduate Secondary Physics teacher preparation within the STEMTeach KU program, with a particular emphasis on recruitment and advising.
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is central to the university's mission and a critical component to Jayhawks Rising, KU's strategic plan. The university fosters a multicultural environment in which the dignity and rights of individuals are respected. We are interested in candidates whose scholarship focuses on culturally responsive approaches that are conscious of diversity and equity perspectives. The successfully candidate must be eligible to work in the U.S. by the effective date of the appointment.
The University of Kansas is a major public research and teaching institution that operates through a diverse, multi-campus system. KU's many parts are bound together by a mission to serve as a "center for learning, research, scholarship and creative endeavor" in the state of Kansas, the nation, and the world. An ideal campus, historic and wireless at the same time, KU is home to one of the top public- university library systems in the nation.
A city of approximately 97,600, Lawrence is located in the rolling hills of eastern Kansas, 35 miles west of the Kansas City metropolitan area and 20 miles east of Topeka, the state capital. Home to Haskell Indian Nations University as well as KU, Lawrence offers the many cultural opportunities of a university town. Lawrence is a wonderful community filled with endless opportunities for historical explorations, beautiful scenery, incredible arts and entertainment venues, and many popular restaurants. Kansas City International airport, The Plaza, and access to world-renowned attractions are less than an hour away.
For a complete announcement and to apply online, go to: https://employment.ku.edu/academic/21340BR. A complete online application includes the following materials: (1) cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, (3)a statement of education research interests, (4) a teaching statement, and (5) the names, e-mail addresses, and contact information for at least three references.
In addition to the materials above, learning about each applicant's contribution and engagement in areas of diversity will be presented the following question at the time of application. The response must be within 4,000 characters or less.
* Describe your experiences working with people from diverse backgrounds and explain how those experiences reflect your commitments to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Initial review of applications will begin March 21, 2022 and will continue as needed for a qualified pool of candidates.
For questions regarding this position, contact:
Professor Chris Fischer, Search Committee Chair
Physics and Astronomy
University of Kansas
1082 Malott Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045
Email: shark[AT]ku.edu
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights[AT]ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY (for the Lawrence, Edwards, Parsons, Yoder, and Topeka campuses); Director, Equal Opportunity Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-8011, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center
2.8. Faculty Positions in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Bangalore, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-01
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: https://www.rri.res.in/research_faculty_positions.html
Contact: ea-director[AT]rri.res.in
The Raman Research Institute is a premier research Institution founded by Nobel Laureate Sir C V Raman in 1948. The Institute has a rich heritage and conducts cutting edge research in frontier areas of Physics under contemporary research themes.
The Institute is undertaking a major recruitment drive and welcomes applications for regular faculty appointments. There are 14 vacancies in total with multiple vacancies at the Assistant and Associate Professor level.
Within theoretical physics, for the research theme of Classical and Quantum Gravity, RRI is interested in candidates with an established record of independent research and with a strong grounding in general relativity, working in any areas of Classical and Quantum Gravity including Gravitational waves, Mathematical and Numerical Relativity, Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime and different approaches to Quantum Gravity. Members working in Classical and Quantum Gravity are Sumati Surya and Madhavan Varadarajan.
A Ph.D. degree in Physics, or in a relevant field, is a minimum requirement. Assistant Professor requires a minimum of Three years of post-doctoral experience, while Associate Professor requires a minimum of Six years of post-doctoral experience.
Applications are to be sent to ea-director[AT]rri.res.in
For more details visit https://www.rri.res.in/research_faculty_positions.html
To know more about the Institute and its research areas, please visit www.rri.res.in
2.9. PhD position in numerical relativity at Brock University, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-21
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Additional Information: http://baraksh.com
Contact: bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca
Prof. Barak Shoshany is creating a new research group at Brock University, focused on theoretical, mathematical, and computational relativity. More information about the group's research areas can be found in the attached link.
The goal of the advertised PhD position will be to create software for real-time visualization of spacetime geometries in general relativity, using advanced techniques such as multi-threading and GPU programming, under Prof. Shoshany's close supervision and guidance.
Prior knowledge of C++ and general relativity is required, as well as a minimum 85% grade average. Students will start in the MSc program and transfer directly to the PhD program after one year, unless they already have an MSc degree and/or significant prior research experience in a relevant field.
To apply, please email your latest CV and grade transcripts to Prof. Shoshany at bshoshany[AT]brocku.ca. In your email, please explain why you are interested in the position, and what specific skills and experience you have that make you a good candidate for it.
The deadline for full consideration is March 21, 2022. The starting date is flexible. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide 2 confidential reference letters.
The group is expected to have one other graduate student, and a few undergraduates. It's a small group, but very supportive, friendly, and relaxed. Candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
2.10. Postdoc position in theoretical particle physics, cosmology and gravitational wave physics, Frankfurt, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-18
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Additional Information: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2036145
Contact: sagunski[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de
The Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Faculty of Physics at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, invites applications for a
Postdoc position (all genders welcome)
(E13 TV-G-U)
at the interface of theoretical particle physics, cosmology and gravitational wave physics, open from 01.10.2022 until 30.09.2024. The salary grade is based on the job characteristics of the collective agreement (TV-G-U) applicable to Goethe University. The position is funded by the DFG Collaborative Research Center CRC-TR 211 "Strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions" as part of the research project B07 on "Strong-interaction matter in the early Universe" coordinated by Prof. Dietrich B���eker (Bielefeld University), Prof. Laura Sagunski (Goethe University), Prof. Juegen Schaffner-Bielich (Goethe University) and Prof. Dominik Schwarz (Bielefeld University). The position as funded according to the financial plan of the CRC-TR211 is split in half with the University of Bielefeld and limited to two years, half of the full funding period of the CRC-TR211.
Job description: The successful candidate will work with Prof. Laura Sagunski and Prof. Juegen Schaffner-Bielich and will pursue cutting-edge research at the interface of particle physics, cosmology and gravitational wave physics. The main emphasis of the planned studies is the exploration of the QCD epoch of the early Universe and the possible cosmological implications as the modification of the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves and of primordial black holes. Part of the joint research within the CRC-TR211 entails also implementing the scientific results from lattice QCD calculations, perturbative QCD and effective field theories for cosmological studies.
The prospective candidate will closely interact with the other members of the CRC-TR 211 and the Astrophysics Groups at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS).
Qualification requirements: The ideal candidate has a PhD in theoretical physics or astrophysics, a strong background in theoretical particle physics, cosmology and/or gravitational wave physics, and solid knowledge of at least one programming language (Python, C++).
Application material and deadline: Applications, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a short research summary and outlook, and a copy of the PhD certificate (or alternatively a statement from the supervisor stating the expected completion date of the PhD), should be sent electronically to: Mrs Astrid Steidl (steidl[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de) and CC-ed to sagunski[AT]itp.uni-frankfurt.de and schaffner[AT]astro.uni-frankfurt.de. Applicants should also arrange for at two letters of recommendation to be sent separately to the above e-mail addresses. The application deadline is 18.03.2022.
2.11. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme, Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-04-30
Location: Madrid (Spain) and Noordwijk (Netherlands)
Additional Information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/esdc/visitor-programme
Contact: arvp[AT]cosmos.esa.int
To increase the scientific return from its space science missions, the European Space Agency (ESA) welcomes applications from scientists interested in pursuing research projects based on data publicly available in the ESA Space Science Archives.
The ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme is open to scientists, at all career levels, affiliated with institutes in ESA Member States and Collaborating States. Early-career scientists (within 10 years of the PhD) are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications by PhD students are also welcome.
During their stay, visiting scientists will have access to archives and mission specialists for help with the retrieval, calibration, and analysis of archival data. In principle, all areas of space research covered by ESA science missions can be supported.
Residence lasts typically between one and three months, also distributed over multiple visits. Research projects can be carried out at ESAC (Madrid, Spain) and at ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands). To offset the expenses incurred by visitors, ESA covers travel costs from and to the home institution and provides support for lodging expenses and meals.
Applications received before 1 May 2022 will be considered for visits in autumn 2022 and winter 2023.
2.12. PhD position in Theoretical Cosmology, Sheffield, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-20
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/maths/phd/funding#cosmology
Contact: e.divalentino[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The Faculty of Science is funding a studentship (including stipend, Home level fees for 3.5 years and research training support) in the Gravitation and Cosmology Research Group (https://gravity-cosmology.group.shef.ac.uk/) under the supervision of Dr Eleonora Di Valentino, to start in October 2022.
The project title is "Constraints on models beyond the standard LCDM by using current and future cosmological data". For further details and instructions, see gravity-cosmology.group.shef.ac.uk/styled-3.
Full applications can only be sent to the University of Sheffield, not directly per email. The link to the online form is https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/phd/apply/applying
To be considered for this funding, please name Dr Di Valentino as proposed supervisor in your standard PhD application, and submit that no later than 20 March 2022.
2.13. PhD student position in Mathematical Relativity, Tuebingen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-10
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cphrotsw1w96ue7/2022-PhD-position-Tuebingen.pdf?d…
Contact: cederbaum[AT]math.uni-tuebingen.de
We are offering a PhD Student Position in Mathematics for 3 years (salary group E13 TV-L, 50%) at the interface between Geometric Analysis, Differential Geometry, and Mathematical Relativity, starting from October 01, 2022 or at a slightly earlier or later date to be negotiated by the successful candidate.
The appointment is limited to 3 years and will be held at the University of Tuebingen in the Differential Geometry and Mathematical Relativity group led by Carla Cederbaum. The successful applicant is expected to research topics related to the asymptotic STCMC-foliation in relativistic initial data sets, as introduced in Carla Cederbaum, Anna Sakovich: On center of mass and foliations by constant spacetime mean curvature surfaces for isolated systems in General Relativity. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 60, no. 214 (2021).
Furthermore, the successful applicant is expected to participate in continuous scientific exchange with the other members of the research group as well as in relevant scientific seminars and events. The position has a teaching load of 2 hours per week per semester. Teaching in English is possible.
We will start reviewing applications on March 10, 2022 until the position will be filled. For further information, please consult the job ad.
3. News
3.1. Prof. Canbin Liang passed away on February 16, 2022
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://physics.bnu.edu.cn
It is with deep sorrow to announce that Prof. Canbin Liang (Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, China) passed away on February 16, 2022. He was 84 years old.
3.2. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology: Spontaneous Workshop XIV, Cargese, France - date change
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2022/index.php
For logistical reasons, the SW14 workshop is scheduled for May 8-14, 2022.
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Rates of compact object coalescences"
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on 17 February 2022:
Ilya Mandel and Floor S. Broekgaarden,
Rates of compact object coalescences,
Living Rev Relativ 25, 1 (2022).
Gravitational-wave detections are enabling measurements of the rate of coalescences of binaries composed of two compact objects-neutron stars and/or black holes. The coalescence rate of binaries containing neutron stars is further constrained by electromagnetic observations, including Galactic radio binary pulsars and short gamma-ray bursts. Meanwhile, increasingly sophisticated models of compact objects merging through a variety of evolutionary channels produce a range of theoretically predicted rates. Rapid improvements in instrument sensitivity, along with plans for new and improved surveys, make this an opportune time to summarise the existing observational and theoretical knowledge of compact-binary coalescence rates.

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for February 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Feb '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Feb '22
02 Feb '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany
1.2. Aspects of Emergent Gravity, A one-day meeting in memory of Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan, (online)
1.3. PHAROS Conference 2022 "The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars", Rome, Italy
1.4. Recent progress on gravity tests (online)
1.5. Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 2022 (online)
1.6. Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Invariants in General Relativity, Stavanger, Norway
1.7. Universe Webinar:Superfluidity and Superconductivity in Neutron Stars (online)
1.8. BritGrav22, Glasgow, UK (online)
1.9. Loops Summer School '22, Marseille, France
1.10. 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in gravitational wave astronomy, Perth, Australia
2.2. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave astronomy or high-energy astrophysics, Melbourne, Australia
2.3. Inaugural Argonne Energy Technology and Security AI Fellowship, Illinois, USA
2.4. ���Postdoctoral Position at the Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
2.5. Postdoctoral position in Gravity and Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
2.6. PhD positions in gravitational physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhgen, Denmark
2.7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mathematical General Relativity, Edinburgh, UK
2.8. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave modeling and analysis at TAPIR, Caltech, CA, USA
2.9. Faculty Positions in Classical and Quantum Gravity, RRI, Bangalore, India
2.10. PhD positions in gravitational physics, Dublin, Ireland
2.11. Postodoctoral positions in Gravitational Physics and Cosmology, Beijing, China
2.12. Postdoctoral position in cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
3. News
3.1. New book: "Geometry: A very short introduction", by Maciej Dunajski
1. Conferences
1.1. Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, Heidelberg, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-03-21 to 2022-03-25
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.dpg-physik.de/vereinigungen/fachuebergreifend/ag/agphil?set_lan…
Contact: dennis.lehmkuhl[AT]uni-bonn.de
CALL FOR PAPERS (Online Conference, Deadline: 21 January 2021)
Call for abstracts for the annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, 21-25 March 2022.
The Philosophy of Physics Group (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual conference which will take place within the framework of the annual conference of the DPG. Contributions on any topic in the philosophy of physics are welcome. A particular focus in this year will be the philosophical analysis of gravitational wave and black hole physics, and we particularly encourage submissions on this topic.
The following speakers have already accepted the invitation to speak at the AGPhil sessions:
Juliusz Doboszewski (Bonn)
Isobel Falconer (St Andrews)
Peter Galison (Harvard)
Tushar Menon (Cambridge)
Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech)
Karim Thebault (Bristol)
The conference will take place 21-25 March 2022 and will be held entirely online. The DPG divisions for gravitational physics, particle physics, history of physics, and theoretical/mathematical physics, among others, also convene at the same conference. The conference will have many parallel sessions organised by the various DPG groups and divisions, and any attendee can freely jump between the different sessions on physics, its philosophy and history.
If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 21 January 2022 (ignore the stated 15 January 2022 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at https://www.dpg-tagung.de/hd22/submission.html?language=en
For future updates see https://www.dpg-physik.de/vereinigungen/fachuebergreifend/ag/agphil?set_lan…
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Dennis Lehmkuhl
Radin Dardashti
1.2. Aspects of Emergent Gravity, A one-day meeting in memory of Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan, (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-03-09 to 2022-03-09
Location: (online)
Additional Information: https://events.iitgn.ac.in/2022/aeg/index.html
Contact: sudiptas[AT]iitgn.ac.in
Emergent gravity is a unique approach which aims to understand the dynamics of gravity using a thermodynamic perspective. This paradigm provides a refreshingly different way of interpreting spacetime dynamics and highlights the fact that several features of classical gravitational theories may have direct thermodynamic interpretation.
In this meeting, we aim to focus on various aspects of this interesting approach and understand the current status. This meeting is organized by Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) in collaboration with the physics departments of IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Madras and IACS Kolkata.
The speakers are
Ted Jacobson
Mark Van Raamsdonk
Stefano Liberati
Erik Verlinde
This meeting is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan.
1.3. PHAROS Conference 2022 "The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars", Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-16 to 2022-05-19
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://indico.ice.csic.es/event/29/
Contact: pharos_conference2022[AT]ice.csic.es
We are glad to announce that registration and abstract submission are open for the upcoming PHAROS Conference 2022 on "The multi-messenger physics and astrophysics of neutron stars" that will be held on May 16-19, 2022 in La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
You can find more information at the conference website, where you will also find the registration and abstract submission forms: https://indico.ice.csic.es/event/29/.
Invited speakers:
Marco Antonelli
Stefano Ascenzi
Anna Bilous
Alice Borghese
Enrico Bozzo
Benoit Cerutti
Colin Clark (TBC)
Paolo D'Avanzo
Rossella Gamba
Michael Kramer
Sam Lander
Lina Levin Preston
Arianna Miraval Zanon
Helena Pais
Albino Perego
Luigi Piro
Geert Raaijmakers
Kaustubh Rajwade
Tania Regimbau
Stephan Rosswog
Benjamin Shaw (TBC)
Alicia Sintes
Luigi Stella
Thomas Tauris
Laura Tolos
Alejandro Torres-Forne'
Roberto Turolla
Silvia Zane
The meeting is planned to be held fully in presence, but if this will not be possible, a hybrid or totally remote format will be implemented. We expect to update you on that in early April 2022.
We hope to see you all in Rome very soon!
Best regards,
Nanda Rea, Leonardo Gualtieri, Gianluca Israel, Paola Leaci, Alessandro Papitto on behalf of the SOC and LOC
1.4. Recent progress on gravity tests (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-02-16 to 2022-02-18
Additional Information: https://astro.fudan.edu.cn
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The purpose of this online mini-workshop is to build bridges and foster collaborations between scientists working on tests of general relativity with electromagnetic and gravitational waves. Communication between the participants will be fostered by having few talks and scheduling discussions time. There will be no parallel sessions, and everybody is expected to attend every session, thereby ensuring enough cross-discussions among participants from different areas.
Discussions will be centered on the constraints from each technique, what is expected in the future, and possible synergies among different methods.
Every talk is 25 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A, and we will have dedicated time for further discussion.
Registration is free but required.
Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University)
Alejandro Cardenas-Avendano (Princeton University and Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz)
1.5. Asia-Pacific School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 2022 (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-03-19 to 2022-03-22
Location: online
Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1108528/
Contact: chunwu[AT]me.com
General relativity has set a formidable benchmark for studying the characteristics of spacetime and its connections to the material world. The remarkable findings in cosmology and astrophysics, such as the expansion of the Universe, gravitational lensing, black holes, and gravitational waves not only change the conventional wisdom about the Mother Nature, but also pave the way for exploring the foundation of physics. However, new discoveries in recent years, including the Hubble tension, the enigmas regarding dark energy and dark matter, have requested further intellectual dedication and investigation to respond such profound challenges.
We have had a series of annual school/workshop on these topics since 2007 in Taidong, Taiwan, with the most recent version being held at Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Korea, Feb 2020. Unfortunately the school and workshop in 2021 was cancelled due to Covid-19. APSW 2022 will be a virtual meeting.
The school/workshop aims to promote understanding in frontier issues in gravitation and cosmology, to put forth a new idea, and to introduce and propose challenging problems to young physicists.
This program consists of two parts. In the school, invited lecturers deliver a series of lectures from introductory to research level to help students and junior researchers to grasp the essence of the cutting-edge developments. In the workshop, participants are expected to give presentations on the recent developments in gravitation and cosmology and are encouraged to have intensive discussions and establish collaborations.
1.6. Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and Invariants in General Relativity, Stavanger, Norway
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-30 to 2022-06-03
Location: Stavanger, Norway
Additional Information: https://pseudoriem22.ux.uis.no/
Contact: matthew.t.aadne[AT]uis.no
This conference is a venue for researchers to present their work in the following topics:
-Group actions in Pseudo-Riemannian geometry
-Algebraically special Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
-Null congruences in Lorentzian geometry
-Invariants of metrics in GR and separation of spacetimes
-Cartan-theoretic methods for the equivalence problem
-Generalized gravity theories
-Black holes and horizons.
There will be talks given by invited speakers. In addition we welcome attendees to submit an abstract�� to give a talk.
The conference will be held at the University of Stavanger in Norway. It will also be possible to attend online.
1.7. Universe Webinar:Superfluidity and Superconductivity in Neutron Stars (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-01-28 to 2022-01-28
Location: online
Additional Information: https://universe-5.sciforum.net/
Contact: universe.webinar[AT]mdpi.com
Welcome to the webinar, "Superfluidity and Superconductivity in Neutron Stars".
This webinar will provide an overview on our current understanding of superfluidity and superconductivity in neutron stars and what can be learned from astrophysical observations focusing on neutron-star cooling, pulsar glitches, and neutron-star asteroseismology.
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Chamel (Chair and introduction)
Dr. Peter Shternin (Department of Theoretical Astrophysics, Ioffe Institute, Russia)
Prof. Dr. Nils Andersson (Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
Dr. Brynmor Haskell (Nicolaus Copernicus of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
This is a FREE webinar. The number of participants to the live session will be limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Webinar!
My best regards,
Nicolas Chamel.
1.8. BritGrav22, Glasgow, UK (online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-04-04 to 2022-04-05
Location: Virtual (Glasgow, UK)
Additional Information: https://www.gla.ac.uk/events/conferences/britgrav22/
Contact: britgrav22[AT]glasgow.ac.uk
The 22nd British Gravity (BritGrav) Meeting will be held online on 4-5 April 2022, hosted by the University of Glasgow.
The meeting covers all areas of gravity, classical and quantum, including astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical general relativity, gravitational-wave data analysis and instrumentation. It is intended to bring together the entire gravitational research community to further collaboration and allow early-career researchers to showcase their work.
In keeping with BritGrav tradition, the meeting will consist of short talks with priority given to PhD students and early-career researchers. There will be a prize for the best student talk awarded at the end of the meeting.
Registration is free. The abstract submission deadline is 28 February, and the registration deadline is 31 March.
1.9. Loops Summer School '22, Marseille, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-11 to 2022-07-15
Location: Marseille, France
Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/loops-22-summer-school/home
Contact: loops.summer.school.2022[AT]gmail.com
We are please to announce the Loops Summer School '22, to take place from July 11th to 15th in the Luminy campus of Marseille, France, and organized in parallel with the Loops '22 conference which will be held in Lyon the week after. Marseille and Lyon are connected by a 90 minutes train ride, and multiple bus connections.
This event is part of a series of summer schools around the topics of loop quantum gravity, and has the specific goal of introducing in a pedagogical way some of the main areas of research in the field and allow the students to take advantage as much as possible from the talks of the Loops conference the following week.
The lectures will span around 35 hours, and cover spin networks and quantum geometry, canonical and spin foam dynamics, quantum black holes, loop quantum cosmology, and entanglement in loop quantum gravity. There will be also special hands-on workshops on learning how to run numerical codes used in cosmology and in spin foam dynamics.
Information about the lectures and the registration can be found at the school webpage.
The website will be regularly updated.
1.10. 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-09-14 to 2022-09-16
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Additional Information: https://atpi.eventsair.com/gnss2022/
Contact: esaconferencebureau[AT]atpi.com
This colloquium brings together members of the European scientific community and their international partners involved in the use of Galileo and other GNSS in their research. The various possibilities to use Galileo and other GNSS satellites for scientific purposes shall be reviewed. The Colloquium shall contribute to GNSS development in general, based on scientific approaches, in particular to raise awareness of those in charge of Galileo development and operations as well as in development of recent scientific achievements in the field.
The colloquium will address six major areas of research:
1. Scientific applications in meteorology, geodesy, geodynamics, geophysics, space physics, oceanography, land surface and ecosystem studies, using either direct or reflected signals, differential measurements, phase measurements, radio occultation measurements, using receivers placed on the ground, in airplanes or on satellites;
2.Scientific developments in physics with a potential impact on future GNSS, particularly in testing fundamental laws of physics (general relativity, quantum technologies, etc.);
3.Aspects of Metrology such as reference frames, on board and ground clocks, precise orbit determination and time and frequency transfer;
4.Scientific aspects of satellite navigation, positioning and its applications, such as signal propagation, tropospheric and ionospheric corrections, multi-constellation aspects, hybridisation with additional sensors and integrated navigation, precise positioning;
5.Transversal topics of interest to a wide number of scientific fields including collection of GNSS Big Data (baseband data recording), and GNSS scientific data archives, Internet of Things positioning for Science, Scientific Payloads in GNSS satellites, novel disruptive technologies for science, the use of Cubesats, HAPS, UAVs, and in general, autonomous vehicles, for GNSS science, software receivers and low-cost SDR platforms, and the topic of GNSS science and education.
6.Systems and technologies for navigation in space: use of GNSS in terrestrial orbits and beyond terrestrial orbits (e.g. GNSS to the Moon), dedicated systems for exo-navigation (e.g. new systems for PNT on the Moon, Mars, in the solar system, etc.) and their scientific possibilities.
The conference will be organised as a series of plenary talks, parallel half day sessions and poster presentation throughout the duration of the event.
The conference is organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in gravitational wave astronomy, Perth, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-01
Location: Perth, Australia
Additional Information: https://external.jobs.uwa.edu.au/en/job/507687/research-associate-gravitati…
Contact: linqing.wen[AT]uwa.edu.au
Two 2-yr research associate positions are open in gravitational wave astronomy at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Applicants will be considered from the broad areas of gravitational wave data analysis, machine learning, multi-messenger follow ups, and astrophysical modellings.
The positions are available immediately and will remain open until filled. The interviewing process will start from early February, 2022.
2.2. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave astronomy or high-energy astrophysics, Melbourne, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-10
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Additional Information: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/628867/research-fellow
Contact: ilya.mandel[AT]monash.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research fellowship at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
We have a dynamic group and welcome candidates with broad interests in theoretical astrophysics. The position focuses on gravitationala-wave astronomy or high-energy astrophysics, including but not limited to:
- Gravitational-wave astrophysics and the interpretation of exciting new data on binary neutron star and black hole mergers
- Modelling massive stellar and binary evolution
- The interpretation of high-energy astrophysical transients, including tidal disruption events and gamma-ray bursts
- Astrostatistics, including gravitational-wave and LSST data analysis
- Stellar dynamics, X-ray binaries, test of gravity, ...
Please see the URL for the full advertisement and application instructions.
Applications should be submitted online via the above URL and should include a CV with a publication list and a statement of research interests. Applicants should also arrange for three reference letters to be sent directly to Ilya Mandel by e-mail.
The School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University is strongly committed to improving the diversity of our staff and students, and promoting a culture of equity, fairness, respect and openness. Applications from female candidates are highly encouraged.
The application deadline is 10 February, 2022. The start date is flexible.
2.3. Inaugural Argonne Energy Technology and Security AI Fellowship, Illinois, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-21
Location: Lemont, Illinois, USA
Additional Information: https://www.anl.gov/egs/argonne-energy-technology-security-fellowship
Contact: egsfellowships[AT]anl.gov
The Argonne Energy Technology and Security (AETS) Fellowship is an exciting and unique opportunity to lead and contribute to cutting-edge applied research that develops and uses artificial intelligence components for science and engineering applications in the energy and global security space. The proposals should demonstrate short and long-term impact on the target applications. Fellows work closely with an Argonne sponsor to pursue their research interests.
Fellows are hired as an Argonne Scholar with full benefits, highly competitive salary and a generous professional allowance. Fellows may renew their appointments on an annual basis for up to 3 years, with the possibility of retention.
2.4. ���Postdoctoral Position at the Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-25
Location: Prague, Czechia
Additional Information: http://www.asu.cas.cz/en/about/open-positions
Contact: gglukes[AT]asu.cas.cz
The Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for one post-doctoral position in the Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the Prague section of the Institute. The appointment is initially for one year; an extension for two more years is expected upon satisfactory scientific performance and availability of funds.
The position will be funded through the project "Impact of Resonances and Chaos in Gravitational Waves from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals", which is supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The salary will be based on the domestic level and it includes health insurance. Commencement is expected on the 1st of January 2023, but an earlier commencement can be arranged.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate research experience at least in one of the following topics: orbital dynamics in EMRIs (Mathisson-Papapetrou equations, effective one-body approximation, self-force, post-Newtonian mechanics), gravitational waves (analytical and numerical calculation, data analysis, synergy with electromagnetic signatures), chaos theory in dynamical astronomy. A successful applicant will join Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos and his research team.
Applications containing a Cover Letter, a Curriculum Vitae, a List of Publications, and a Summary of Research Plans should be submitted in a single pdf to:
subject: "EMRI postdoc 2022 - Prague"
cc: gglukes (at) asu.cas.cz
Two recommendation letters should be sent to the same email addresses with the same subject.
The successful candidate must hold a PhD degree in the field and present a certificate of that by the date of employment. Preferences will be given to early-stage researchers. A necessary condition for the appointment is to satisfy the legal requirements for being employed in Czech Republic. For informal inquiries about the position please feel free to email Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos.
To receive full consideration please submit your application and arrange your recommendation letters to be sent by 25th of March 2022. Applications will be acknowledged by email. Once the selection process is completed, the successful applicant will be notified.
Further information:
o See http://www.asu.cas.cz for the list of working groups at the Institute.
o See http://www.euraxess.cz for details about the research employment and work conditions in Czech Republic.
o See https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp to compare cost of living.
Note: Please understand that the COVID-19 challenge may prevent us from admitting applicants from some regions because of legal or travel restrictions related to the current medical situation in the world.
2.5. Postdoctoral position in Gravity and Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-28
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: https://app.ceico.cz/appform.aspx?job=Gravity_astrophysics_2022_01
Contact: saltas[AT]fzu.cz
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the field of gravity and astrophysics within the Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CEICO), Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The duration of the post is for 2 years (initial contract is for 1 year, renewable for a further year subject to performance). A further extension beyond 2 years may be possible subject to funds availability. Earliest starting date is 1st July 2022, and the latest possible is 1st October 2022. The gross salary is competitive, 60,000 CZK/month (net ~ 47,000 CZK), and is subject to a yearly raise contingent upon performance. A generous travel budget of 110,000 CZK/year, along with funds for personal equipment are offered.
The successful applicant will join an interdisciplinary research project led by Dr. Ippocratis Saltas, and contribute towards the development of precision tests of the standard paradigm of gravity and particle physics with astrophysics, alongside pursuing their own independent research activities. The position is supported by funds through the Czech Grants Foundation (GACR) and the Czech Academy of Sciences. Applicants must hold a PhD degree in Physics or a related field by the start of the post.
We welcome applications from outstanding candidates with a theoretical, numerical or phenomenological expertise in any of the following areas:
- Physics of strong gravity and/or modelling of gravitational wave sources
- Stellar modelling and/or stellar pulsations (Newtonian or relativistic)
Applicants with expertise in any field synergistic to the above are strongly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will also have access to the centre's computing cluster.
CEICO is an international centre within the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, performing interdisciplinary research on the boundary between astrophysics and cosmology, gravity, instrumentation, particle physics and string theory. CEICO values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. For more information about the center, please see: https://www.ceico.cz/.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Ippocratis Saltas, saltas[AT]fzu.cz.
Application procedure:
Applications should be made online at:
Applicants should fill the online form and upload in a single pdf file the following:
- Curriculum Vitae,
- A brief description of past and current research interests/achievements, and their vision as to how they would fit for the post (maximum two pages, no less than 11 pt fonts),
- List of publications (Optionally, a link to an online database, e.g NASA/ADS, could be additionally provided).
The contact details of 3 academic referees must be supplied online. Referees will be contacted automatically by the online system - it is the applicant's responsibility to inform them of their application and the deadline below. Applications received by email will not be accepted.
The deadline for all application material is 28 February 2022.
2.6. PhD positions in gravitational physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhgen, Denmark
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-31
Location: Copenhgen, Denmark
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/19207
Contact: vitor.cardoso[AT]tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The Niels Bohr International Academy at the Niels Bohr Institute invites expressions of interest for PhD Fellowships in Gravitational Physics (in particular black-hole and gravitational-wave physics) for a fixed period of three years. The preferred starting date is Fall-Winter 2022. Interested candidates should send a 2-page CV, transcripts, and a one-page letter of motivation. They should also arrange for at least one letter of recommendation to be sent. All material should be uploaded before March 30, 2022, in order to receive full consideration.
Several positions in the field of Strong Gravity are available through the Villum Investigator Grant "Illuminating the Dark Universe with Gravitational Waves" and the DNRF Chair Grant led by Prof. Vitor Cardoso. The successful candidates will join a young and vibrant team composed of Gregorio Carullo, Yifan Chen, Jose-Maria Ezquiaga, Shilpa Kastha, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, David Pereniguez, Maarten van de Meent, Takuya Katagiri, among others), and an ambitious research program addressing the physics of black holes, including black hole spectroscopy, black hole singularities and that of possible exotic compact objects as well as binary dynamics. It further includes the exploration of black holes as engines of discovery, including implications for dark matter physics and connections to cosmology and particle physics. An ample travel budget is available. Brief interviews will be made with team members after an initial shortlist is formed.
These multiple hires are part of a vigorous expansion at the Niels Bohr International Academy into the field of Gravitational Physics, bringing together a number of scientists from several areas of theoretical physics and astrophysics and addressing some of the most burning questions related to gravity.
The Niels Bohr International Academy is hosted by the Niels Bohr Institute and functions as a primary center for fundamental research, including theoretical and computational astrophysics, cosmology, high-energy particle physics, condensed matter physics, and biophysics. The Academy hosts a large number of international programs, including visitors, workshops, and Ph.D. schools. The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
2.7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mathematical General Relativity, Edinburgh, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-18
Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/school-of-mathematics/jobs/postdoctoral-research…
Contact: Jan.Sbierski[AT]ed.ac.uk
Applications are invited for the post of Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mathematical General Relativity in the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. The post is available with a mutually agreeable starting date between 1st April and 1st September 2022 for a 24 months fixed-term, full-time contract.
Grade/salary: UE07 / GBP 34,304 - GBP 40,927 per annum
College of Science and Engineering, School of Mathematics
Contract type: Fixed term, full-time
Duration: 24 Months
The position is funded by the Royal Society and the School of Mathematics to work with Dr Jan Sbierski on aspects of the interior of dynamical black holes and singularities.
The Opportunity:
Mathematical general relativity in Edinburgh is spread across the analysis group, with Jan Sbierski and Pieter Blue, and the mathematical physics group with Tim Adamo, Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill, Jelle Hartong, James Lucietti and Joan Simon, as well as postdoctoral researchers and PhD students. In addition to working in collaboration with the grant-holder (Sbierski), the successful candidate will be encouraged to develop and pursue their own research agenda and will be expected to undertake a small amount of teaching in the School of Mathematics. This position also comes with a generous travel budget and funds for laptop purchase.
Your skills and attributes for success:
Applicants should have a PhD in mathematics or mathematical physics with a background in general relativity, partial differential equations and/or Lorentzian geometry, as well as a track record of research excellence.
Please apply online and submit a CV and a brief research statement. In addition, please arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to references[AT]maths.ed.ac.uk (This is for references only)
The deadline for applications is 18th February 2022 at 5pm.
2.8. Postdoctoral position in gravitational-wave modeling and analysis at TAPIR, Caltech, CA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-31
Location: Pasadena, California, United States
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/20996
Contact: achua[AT]caltech.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at TAPIR (Theoretical Astrophysics including Relativity and Cosmology), Caltech. The position is largely funded by a NASA grant; its main focus is the modeling and analysis of extreme-mass-ratio binary inspirals, which will be a key class of source for the near-future ESA-NASA gravitational-wave mission LISA.
The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with Alvin Chua - visiting associate from the National University of Singapore (NUS) - and will join research groups that include faculty members Katerina Chatziioannou, Yanbei Chen, Mark Scheel and Saul Teukolsky, as well as JPL scientists Curt Cutler and Michele Vallisneri. In addition to LISA research, the candidate will have the opportunity to pursue topics in general relativity, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational-wave modeling and analysis for ground-based interferometers and pulsar timing arrays, computational statistics, and machine learning. Interactions with other TAPIR groups and the Caltech LIGO Laboratory are also encouraged.
Previous experience in source modeling and data analysis for gravitational-wave astronomy is beneficial, but not required. The ideal candidate will possess skills and interests in both theoretical and computational research, a willingness to diversify their expertise and to be involved in cross-disciplinary projects, as well as the disposition to work well independently and as part of a team. The initial appointment is for one year, with expected annual renewal for two additional years, and could start as early as September 2022. There is an opportunity for the final year of the position to be held at either Caltech or NUS.
Applicants should submit the following materials via Academic Jobs Online: a cover letter, their CV and list of publications, and a short statement of research. They should also arrange for three letters of reference to be uploaded. All materials should be received by March 31, 2022. Enquiries on the position can be addressed to Alvin Chua (achua[AT]caltech.edu) and Yanbei Chen (yanbei[AT]caltech.edu)
2.9. Faculty Positions in Classical and Quantum Gravity, RRI, Bangalore, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-08-01
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: https://www.rri.res.in/research_faculty_positions.html
Contact: madhavan[AT]rri.res.in
The RAMAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE (RRI) seeks to fill a total of 14 faculty positions institute wide across groups. In this connection, the Theory Group at RRI invites applications for one or more faculty positions in the area of Classical and Quantum Gravity.
We are interested in candidates with an established record of independent research and with a strong grounding in general relativity, working in any areas of Classical and Quantum Gravity including Gravitational waves, Mathematical and Numerical Relativity, Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime and different approaches to Quantum Gravity. Members of the Theory Group working in Classical and Quantum Gravity are Sumati Surya and Madhavan Varadarajan.
Minimum Requirements:
(i) Assistant Professor - Ph.D in Physics or in a relevant field. A minimum of 3 years of post- doctoral experience. Age Limit:40 years.
(ii) Associate Professor - Ph.D in Physics or in a relevant field. A minimum of 6 years of post- doctoral experience. Age Limit: 45 years.
The salary would depend on experience and current status. Financial assistance towards relocation will be provided as per norms.
To apply, please send the following to director[AT]rri.res.in:
(a) a Curriculum Vitae,
(b) List of Publications mentioning your 5 best publications
(c) a resume detailing previous research activities,
(d) a statement containing future research plans and
(e) Three letters of reference from people familiar with your work.
The letters of reference should reach us within three weeks from the date of application. We prefer to receive applications and supporting letters in soft copy. The preferred format is PDF files. To avoid confusion all application files should be attached to a single email message.
For more details see: https://www.rri.res.in/research_faculty_positions.html
2.10. PhD positions in gravitational physics, Dublin, Ireland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-20
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2015718
Contact: relativityphds[AT]maths.ucd.ie
The Relativity Group (https://maths.ucd.ie/relativity/) at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University College Dublin invites applications for two four-year PhD positions commencing in September 2022.
The proposed research is aimed at mathematically and computationally exploring General Relativity and black holes, in order to improve our understanding of how the Universe works. The two advertised projects will study
- the phenomenon of gravitational turbulence, and its potential observational implications through gravitational waves. (Supervisor: Christiana Pantelidou)
- using analytic methods to model the relativistic dynamics of binary black hole systems in the small mass-ratio regime and the gravitational waves emitted. (Supervisor: Chris Kavanagh)
The Relativity Group is a vibrant and active community with 15 members (6 faculty and 9 PhD students), is strongly involved in gravitational wave source modelling and are members of the LISA Consortium. They are also actively involved in the development of the Einstein Toolkit and BHPToolkit.
Application Process
To apply, please prepare the following material and send it by e-mail to relativityphds[AT]maths.ucd.ie before February 20th, 2022, to receive full consideration:
- CV, including your expected or past undergraduate/master degree completion date;
- Grade transcript, with an explanation of the grading scale used, if needed;
- Two reference letters to be sent directly to the e-mail address above from supervisors or University lecturers who know your work.
Brief interviews will be made in late February after the initial shortlist is formed.
These PhD positions will be fully funded. This includes tuition fees, a stipend of EUR 18,500 per annum and a research allowance (to be used for travel and IT).
UCD is an equal opportunity institution. All applicants will receive consideration for the position without regard to gender, sexual orientation, race, age, religion, disability, or any other circumstance. Candidates from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
You are welcome to send questions or informal inquiries to the address provided.
2.11. Postodoctoral positions in Gravitational Physics and Cosmology, Beijing, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-01
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://virphysics.bnu.edu.cn/web/application/faculty/mayongge/index_en.htm
Contact: mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn
The Center for Relativity and Gravitation at Beijing Normal University has one postdoc position opening from September 2022 in the field of quantum gravity and quantum cosmology. The position include competitive salary (no less than CNY180,000 per year) depending on the qualification of the applicant. The appointment will be for two years.
The faculty members of the Center include Zhoujian Cao. Sijie Gao, Minyong Guo, Bin Hu, Wenbiao Liu, Yongge Ma, Hongbao Zhang, and Bin Zhou. The International Advisory Committee of the Center consisits of Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State), Ronggen Cai (ITP, CAS), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw), Canbin Liang (BNU), Hong Liu (MIT), and Zheng Zhao (BNU). The research area of the Center concerns Genenral relativity, Black hole physics, Loop quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, Holographic issue of gravity, Alternative theories of gravity, Numerical relativity and gravitational wave, Relativistic astrophysics, and Cosmology.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research proposal and arrange to have two recommendation letters (one from the PhD advisor of the applicant) sent directly to Yongge Ma by
mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn, yonggema[AT]yahoo.com
The deadline for receipt of all application materials is March 1st, 2022.
2.12. Postdoctoral position in cosmology, Lisbon, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-02-28
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Additional Information: http://www.iastro.pt/ia/jobDetails.html?ID=190
Contact: nfrusciante[AT]fc.ul.pt
The Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco (IA) welcomes applications to the international call for the recruitment of a scientific researcher with a PhD degree, within the scope of the project BEYLA: BEYond LAmbda (Ref. PTDC/FIS-AST/0054/2021), financed by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia and with P.I. Dr. Noemi Frusciante. The employment contract is expected to start in second quarter of 2022 and will have a duration of 24 months. The contracted researcher will work in the Lisbon node of IA.
Portuguese nationals, foreign and stateless persons may submit applications to this selection procedure, provided they hold a doctoral degree in Physics or Astrophysics (or similar areas) (foreign degree needs a Portuguese Recognition), have specialised skills and/or expertise in the field of Cosmology and Astrophysics, and fully comply with the following requirements:
a) Demonstrated previous scientific experience in modified theories of gravity;
b) Demonstrated scientific experience in one or more of these areas: tests of gravity; parameter estimation, forecasts, modeling of the non-linear regime to probe smaller scales, gravitational waves;
c) Numerical skills in building the appropriate numerical tools.
For more informations please visit the post advertisement in the IA webpage.
3. News
3.1. New book: "Geometry: A very short introduction", by Maciej Dunajski
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://global.oup.com/ukhe/product/geometry-a-very-short-introduction-9780…
This is a popular science book about geometry published by the OUP, and aiming at a level well bellow that of any subscriber to the hyperspace. It contains a chapter about geometry of space time, and another chapter about geometry of Renaissance art. It mentions twistor theory. Buy it for your children. Suggest it to libraries and donate copies if they are slow in purchasing.

[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for January 2022
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '22
by hyperspace@itp.uni-frankfurt.de 02 Jan '22
02 Jan '22
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Gravitational Wave and Multimessenger Astronomy", Bad Honnef, Germany
1.2. Global Structure in Semi-Classical Gravity, Munich, Germany
1.3. Information Architecture of Spacetime, Okinawa, Japan (hybrid online)
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD positions in cosmology, Newcastle, UK
2.2. Tenure track position in Gravitational Physics at Montana State University, Bozeman, US
2.3. Postdoctoral positions in computational relativity/cosmology/fluid dynamics at IBM, Daresbury, UK
2.4. Postdoctoral Positions, LIGO Laboratory
2.5. Postdocs in numerical simulations of gravitational and cosmological physics, Auckland, New Zealand
2.6. Call of interest for Faculty positions in Physics at Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
2.7. Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Physics at IPhT, Saclay, France
2.8. PhD Studentships in Theoretical Physics, Dublin, Ireland
2.9. Full-Time lecturer in Physics at UMass, Dartmouth, MA, USA
2.10. PhD fellowships at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
3. News
3.1. Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz passed away on November 30, 2021
3.2. Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: Coalescences of BH-NS / UHF-GW Searches
3.4. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Johnson)
1. Conferences
1.1. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Gravitational Wave and Multimessenger Astronomy", Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-04-25 to 2022-04-28
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/gravitational-wave-and-m…
Contact: gravWaves-heraeus[AT]aei.mpg.de
Gravitational waves are the only way to access the dark side of the Universe that is invisible to other instruments. The large number and properties of the detected black hole binaries already challenge our understanding of their formation. Furthermore, other cataclysmic events like the merger of neutron stars emit gravitational waves and other "messengers", such as electromagnetic radiation and neutrinos. In this new era of multimessenger astronomy, all information must be combined to unravel more secrets of the expanding Universe, matter at extreme densities, gamma-ray bursts and much more.
This workshop will bring together pioneers and experts of this new era and a new generation of astronomers who will use all available tools to advance the field in the future. Introductory talks will not only summarize the status quo but also look into the future of instrumental developments, data analysis, astronomy and astrophysics. In addition, tutorials will offer hands-on experience with these new types of data and software, and participants will have ample opportunity to discuss the future of a field that has just begun.
WE-Heraeus Seminars are fully funded seminars focussing on broadly accessible expert talks and tutorials. There is plenty of time to interact at the magnificent Physikzentrum Bad Honnef that serves as the conference venue and accommodation for all participants.
Spaces are limited! Applicants will be selected based on their motivation, ensuring appropriate diversity in research interests, career stage, home institution, gender and other aspects.
1.2. Global Structure in Semi-Classical Gravity, Munich, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-07-21 to 2022-07-23
Location: Munich, Germany
Additional Information: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/scg…
Contact: erik.curiel[AT]lmu.de
Semi-classical gravity (SCG)---the coupling of the dynamics of quantum fields to the classical spacetime geometry of general relativity by way of the semi-classical Einstein field equation (SCEFE)---is the framework within which black hole thermodynamics is formulated. As such, it is widely held to provide the most secure theoretical clues to a search for a theory of quantum gravity. Considered in its own right, however, it already presents us with a plethora of foundational and conceptual problems that require investigation, even over and above the most famous one, Hawking's Information-Loss Paradox.
- In what sense is it legitimate to think of black holes as thermodynamical systems?
- What is the causal structure of an evaporating black hole spacetime, and its relation to causality conditions on quantum fields?
- What is black hole entropy?
- How does the Generalized Second Law ramify into the host of other problems of fundamental physical and philosophical import that the ordinary Second Law of thermodynamics does?
- What is the difference between geometry and matter?
- Are there singularities in the semi-classical regime, and does a form of cosmic censorship hold in it?
- What role do classical energy conditions and quantum energy inequalities play, and how do they relate to entropy and information?
- What is holography at the semi-classical level, and what role can or does it play there?
- What can the epistemology of a field of physics be, completely divorced from experimentation and observation?
This will be the first major conference to address foundational and philosophical issues associated with SCG, and to try to examine how they all bear on each other. Invited physicists and philosophers have been chosen to represent different approaches to SCG and the many different kinds of conceptual questions it poses (quantum field theory on curved spacetime, emergent gravity, canonical gravity, holography, phenomenology, methodology, epistemology), in an attempt to foster a dialogue among the different fields. Contributed talks from both physicists and philosophers will be chosen so as to complement the perspectives of the invited speakers. Such a gathering will spur new, innovative approaches to the problem, as well as connecting and invigorating work on existing approaches. It will also provide young researchers with a comprehensive introduction to the state of the art of this central field of research, and established researchers with a comprehensive overview.
*Confirmed Speakers*
- Beatrice Bonga
- Craig Callender
- Ted Jacobson
- Eleni Kontou
- JB Manchak
- Marija Tomasevic
- Chris Smeenk
- Bob Wald
- Chris Wuethrich
*Call for Abstracts*
We invite the submission of paper abstracts for the conference. Abstracts should include a title, a brief abstract (up to 200 words), and a full abstract (up to 1000 words), blinded for peer review. They should be PDF files, submitted to the conference's EasyChair account . The deadline for submission is 07 March 2022. We will select 4 submissions for presentation at the conference. Decisions will be sent to all applicants by 31 March 2022.
We plan to publish the proceedings of the conference as a special issue of a leading journal (e.g., /Universe/ or /Foundations of Physics/).
We are committed to fostering diversity and equality in our programs. Submissions from underrepresented groups are particularly welcome. The conference will be organized and run under the MCMP's code of conduct .
Public-health conditions permitting, we will hold the conference in-person, with no video connections, although the talks and Q&A will be recorded (pending agreement by the speakers). Please send registration requests by 26 June 2022 using the following form: https://forms.gle/rBAZakkNPxc2uxD87
The fees for the conference and dinner are as follows.
- Senior researchers with permanent positions (associate and full professors, etc.): conference fee EUR 40
- Junior researchers (assistant professors, post-docs, etc.): conference fee EUR 25
- Students (masters, doctoral, etc.): no conference fee
- Conference dinner (for everyone): EUR 30
*Dates and Deadines*
- Deadline for Submission: 07 March 2022
- Date of Notification: 31 March 2022
- Registration Deadline: 26 June 2022
- Erik Curiel
- Juliusz Doboszewski
- Cecilia Giavoni
Gefoedert teilweise durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) -- Projektnummer 312032894. (Funded in part by the German Research Foundation (DFG) -- project number 312032894.) Also supported by the Volkswagen Foundation funding for the Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the University of Bonn , under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl.
1.3. Information Architecture of Spacetime, Okinawa, Japan (hybrid online)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Starting: 2022-05-30 to 2022-06-03
Location: Okinawa, Japan
Additional Information: https://groups.oist.jp/iasw
Contact: joshua.kirklin[AT]oist.jp
The emerging information paradigm is leading to deep new insights into the structure of spacetime. Many results, in various approaches, suggest that its large-scale structure can be understood as emerging from quantum correlations of more fundamental degrees of freedom. An intriguing picture arises that portrays the architecture of spacetime as a network of quantum degrees of freedom exchanging information and in which quantum correlations assume the role of the "glue" that holds spacetime together. These insights not only hint at a universal emergence mechanism for spacetime structures, but also offer new perspectives on various established topics, including black holes, the dynamics of spacetime, spacetime thermodynamics, and information processing in spacetime. Drawing from multiple research areas, these developments have led to prolific cross-fertilizations and a novel multidisciplinary research community.
The Informational Architecture of Spacetime Workshop brings together leading experts at the interface of quantum gravity, quantum information theory, quantum many-body physics and quantum foundations to discuss contemporary research on understanding spacetime from an informational perspective. The following four main topics will be broadly covered during the meeting:
Black Holes and Information
Entanglement, Complexity and Geometry
Quantum Many-Body Techniques in Quantum Gravity
Quantum Information, Foundations and Spacetime
���Talks are by invitation only.
At present, we are aiming for a hybrid format with both in-person (mostly speakers and local audience) and online participation. Talks will be made available by livestream. Zoom links will be provided after registration.
Depending on the situation due to the covid-19 pandemic, the workshop may however be moved fully online. Relevant updates will be announced once available.
2. Jobs
2.1. PhD positions in cosmology, Newcastle, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-31
Location: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
Additional Information: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/cosmology/phd-positions/
Contact: cora.uhlemann[AT]newcastle.ac.uk
The Cosmology group at Newcastle University is looking to further expand by recruiting PhD students for several funded graduate studentships.
A quick summary of the opportunities for PhD studentships starting in 2022:
1. We have two prestigious Robinson Cosmology PhD studentships for which we offer projects ranging from early universe theory to late-time cosmology with applications to galaxy surveys. (Deadline 31 January)
2. We are also offering projects for one prestigious Lady Bertha Jeffrey's PhD studentship in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics ranging from black holes to galaxies and the cosmic web. (Deadline 31 January)
3. We are keen to support one applicant for the Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship for students from groups currently under-represented in Physics (part-funded from the IOP). Our group members offer several cosmology and observational astronomy projects for the Bell Burnell Scholarship. (Internal deadline 12 December, final IoP deadline 21 January)
We are a dynamic research group covering cosmology and quantum gravity from the early to the late-time universe. We offer a vibrant environment for PhD students and postdocs with links to other areas of physics and observational astronomy. We value equality, diversity and inclusion and strive to promote it within our group and beyond.
You can find more detail about our research group, the different PhD studentships and connected projects on our webpage.
2.2. Tenure track position in Gravitational Physics at Montana State University, Bozeman, US
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-15
Location: Bozeman, Montana, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.montana.edu/postings/27327
Contact: ncornish[AT]montana.edu
The Department of Physics at Montana State University invites applications for a tenure-track position with a research emphasis in Gravitational Physics, including the fields of General Relativity, Gravitational Waves, and Cosmology.
Successful candidates will hold a Ph.D. in physics or related field and will have demonstrated the potential to develop and conduct a vigorous research program in areas related to gravitational physics. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to excellence in graduate and undergraduate teaching and research, and will complement current research collaborations in the Department of Physics. The appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level. Screening of applications will begin on January 15, 2022.
Montana State University values a broad array of experiences and perspectives and is committed to continually supporting, promoting and building an inclusive, diverse and culturally rich campus environment. We hope to attract applicants who can teach effectively and have demonstrated ability in helping students succeed. In support of our strategic plan, which promotes access and respect, we enthusiastically encourage members of traditionally underrepresented groups to apply. MSU recognizes the importance of work-life integration and strives to be responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
Montana State University is located in beautiful Bozeman, Montana. Bozeman is home to a dynamic community, surrounded by stunning mountain ranges, and is in close proximity to Yellowstone National Park. The area is renowned for outdoor activities such as alpine and cross-country skiing, mountain climbing, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, hunting and camping.
2.3. Postdoctoral positions in computational relativity/cosmology/fluid dynamics at IBM, Daresbury, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2021-12-20
Location: Daresbury, UK
Additional Information: https://ibm.biz/FLFpostdocs
Contact: eloisa.bentivegna[AT]ibm.com
IBM Research is seeking to fill several postdoctoral positions over the next six months. Candidates with a background in any aspect of numerical relativity, computational cosmology, and/or fluid dynamics are invited to apply. Evidence of strong competence in large-scale scientific computing is required. Previous experience with optimization, AI/ML techniques, heterogeneous computing, or past involvement with industrial research projects would be an advantage.
Applications should be submitted via our online system (see external link), and will be reviewed immediately. The deadline for full consideration is December 20, but the positions will remain open until suitable candidates are appointed. Applications from traditionally underrepresented groups are especially welcome.
2.4. Postdoctoral Positions, LIGO Laboratory
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2023-12-09
Location: Caltech, MIT, LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston
Additional Information: https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/page/postdocs
Contact: HR[AT]ligo.caltech.edu
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has as its goal the development of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. The LIGO Laboratory is managed by Caltech and MIT, and is funded by the National Science Foundation. It operates observatory sites equipped with laser interferometric detectors at Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, which recently made the first confirmed detection of gravitational waves. A vigorous LIGO Laboratory R&D program supports the development of enhancements to the LIGO detector as well as astrophysical data analysis, and development of future detectors and detector technologies.
The LIGO Laboratory anticipates having one or possibly more postdoctoral research positions at one or more of the LIGO sites - Caltech, MIT and at the two LIGO Observatories in Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA - as positions become available. Hires will be made based on the availability of funding. Successful applicants will be involved in the operation of LIGO itself, analysis of LIGO data, both for diagnostic purposes and astrophysics searches, and/or the R&D program for future detector improvements. We seek candidates across a broad range of disciplines. Expertise related to astrophysics, modeling, data analysis, electronics, laser and quantum optics, vibration isolation and control systems is desirable. Most importantly, candidates should be broadly trained scientists, willing to learn new experimental and analytical techniques, and ready to share in the excitement of building, operating and observing with a gravitational-wave observatory. Appointments at the post-doctoral
level will initially be for one-year with the possibility of renewal for up to two subsequent years.
Applications for postdoctoral research positions with LIGO Laboratory should indicate which of the LIGO sites (Caltech, MIT, Hanford, or Livingston), if any, are preferred by the applicant, and which (if any) are likely to be unworkable. Applications should be sent to HR(a)ligo.caltech.edu (Electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) submittals are preferred) and information provided is subject to LIGO privacy policy. Caltech and MIT are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employers. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.
Applications should include curriculum vitae, list of publications (with refereed articles noted), and the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three or more references. Please attach a cover letter describing past experience and current and future research interests. Applicants should request that three or more letters of recommendations be sent directly to HR[AT]ligo.caltech.edu (Electronic Portable Document Format (PDF) submittals are preferred). Consideration of applications happens continuously.
2.5. Postdocs in numerical simulations of gravitational and cosmological physics, Auckland, New Zealand
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-12
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Additional Information: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/TheUniversityOfAuckland/743999791879982-res…
Contact: r.easther[AT]auckland.ac.nz
The University of Auckland is looking to hire two Research Fellows (post-docs) in gravitational wave science. One position is focused on the dynamics of possible low-frequency sources (including supermassive black holes interacting with ultralight dark matter) and one is focussed on the statistical analysis of gravitational wave time-series. Both positions will be filled from the same pool of applicants.
These positions support a larger national collaboration in gravitational wave science, centred on engagement with the LISA mission. This cross-disciplinary effort engages scientists in mathematics, statistics, physics and astronomy from five universities and has strong international linkages. The project is supported by a major grant which also funds six PhD studentships to commence in 2022. These two positions are due to run for three years and are fixed-term.
We are specifically seeking applicants who can demonstrate expertise in one or more of i) numerical simulations in astrophysical or cosmological settings, ii) fundamental physics and cosmology and iii) Bayesian inference, in particular statistical methods applied to gravitational wave detectors. In particular, this is an explicitly interdisciplinary project and we are particularly keen to encourage applications from candidates whose primary academic background is in statistics.
Deadline is 12 January 2022.
Please see the following link for more information regarding these positions.
2.6. Call of interest for Faculty positions in Physics at Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-31
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: https://www.phys.uniroma1.it/fisica/node/9835
Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it
The Physics Department of Sapienza University of Rome invites applications for academic openings at the Associate and/or Full Professor level from any fields in Physics covered through a "direct call" procedure.
The Department of Physics has strong research groups in a number of fields over a wide range of interests and is seeking established scientists with an outstanding record of high impact research, excellence and leadership. The successful candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the department's academic program, its strategy and governance, as well as providing scientific leadership and to participate in large-scale grant applications.
The Direct Calls program of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), provides opportunities to fund academic positions to scientists and scholars who have been working abroad with an equivalent position for at least three years, or to recipients of European Research Council (ERC) grants. More details about the Direct Calls program and eligibility criteria can be found on the call webpage:
In particular, the "Gravity theory and gravitational wave phenomenology" group at Sapienza University of Rome [https://web.uniroma1.it/gmunu] is willing to support applications from outstanding candidates. The research activities of the group include gravitational-wave modelling and phenomenology, black-hole and neutron-star physics, tests of gravity and of the nature of compact objects, and strong-gravity tests of dark matter. Staff members of the group are also involved in activities such as supervision of students, networking, fund raising, scientific policy making, etc.
Staff members of the gravity theory group at Sapienza currently include Leonardo Gualtieri and Paolo Pani, as well as 7 postdocs, 10 PhD students, and several master students, with strong connections to other research groups at Sapienza and worldwide. The group is part of the LISA and ET Consortia and of the "Amaldi Research Center for gravitational physics and astrophysics" at Sapienza, of the RISE H2020-MC network "Gravitational Universe: Challenges and Opportunities (GRU)", and of the INFN Specific Initiative TEONGRAV - Gravitational Wave Sources. The group is funded by several national and international grants.
2.7. Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Physics at IPhT, Saclay, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-31
Location: Saclay, France
Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/20703
Contact: position2022[AT]ipht.fr
The Institut de Physique Theorique invites applications for a junior CEA permanent position in theoretical physics. Candidates with interest in one of the two following scientific areas will be considered with the highest priority:
"High-energy phenomena and quantum field theory, from amplitudes and integrability to gravitational waves"
"Applications of statistical physics: physics of life, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, complex systems, etc.".
The Institut de Physique Theorique (IPhT) is a Research Institute of CEA and CNRS, and is part of the Universite' Paris-Saclay. IPhT is a multidisciplinary institute, with a strong expertise in a wide range of topics in mathematical physics, gravity, string theory, high-energy physics and particle physics, cosmology, statistical physics, condensed matter physics and quantum information. It is located in the south of Paris, in a rich scientific environment (Universite' Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique). More details can be found at https://www.ipht.fr/en/
Applications should include a CV, a cover letter, a statement of research interests, and a list of publications. Applicants should also arrange for the submission of at least three recommendation letters. All materials should be uploaded electronically to Academic Jobs Online (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/20703)
Applications should be received by January 31, 2022 in order to receive full consideration.
Institut de Physique Theorique
CEA Saclay
91191 Gif sur Yvette, France
2.8. PhD Studentships in Theoretical Physics, Dublin, Ireland
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-31
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Additional Information: https://www.dias.ie/positions/index.php?p=1639740931
Contact: grogers[AT]stp.dias.ie
The School of Theoretical Physics at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies has a number of PhD studentship places available in theoretical physics, to start as early as March 2022 but no later than September 2022.
These positions are fully funded and cover university fees and an annual stipend of EUR 18500 (tax-free) for 4 full years.
Applicants are welcome from all fields of theoretical and mathematical physics, such as quantum gravity, cosmology and particle physics.
Qualifications and personal qualities:
Applicants must:
Hold a master's degree (MPhys/MSci/MPhil) or the equivalent in physics or mathematics (1st class Hons or equivalent), or must be finishing before the start of the PhD.
Be able to work independently and in a structured manner, and demonstrate good collaborative skills.
Be proficient in both written and oral English.
Your application must include:
1- A brief account of your research interests and motivation for applying for the position (max 1 page)
2- Your CV
3- Copies of your academic transcript
4- Recommendation letters from two referees one of whom should be your academic tutor or final year project advisor
How to apply:
Applicants should send their application with the information requested above via our online recruitment system: https://dias.ie/applyPhDStudentshipsTheoreticalPhysics
The application deadline is January 31, 2022. Late applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
For further information please visit:
At DIAS, we are committed to building an inclusive scientific community, distinguished by scientific excellence, gender balance, and diversity.
*University fees covered are EU home fees which apply to EU��citizens, fees associated with international applicants are not��covered unless a waiver can be negotiated.
2.9. Full-Time lecturer in Physics at UMass, Dartmouth, MA, USA
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-01-10
Location: Dartmouth, MA, USA
Additional Information: http://careers.umassd.edu/dartmouth/en-us/job/510808/full-time-lecturer-phy…
Contact: sfield[AT]umassd.edu
UMass Dartmouth is hiring a Full-Time lecturer (FTL) in physics. This is primarily a teaching position, although lecturers also advise research projects. The position carries a 9-month contract leaving extra time for research activities.
We are working to build up a local network of gravity researchers in the region (URI + UMassD; please see http://gravity.phy.umassd.edu/)
The current group is Collin Capano, Robert Coyne, Scott Field, Robert Fisher, Gaurav Khanna, Michael Puerrer, and one additional faculty member who will be hired as part of an ongoing faculty search.
2.10. PhD fellowships at SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Deadline: 2022-03-07
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/phd-app-01-2022/
Contact: barausse[AT]sissa.it
The astroparticle group at SISSA is soliciting applications for PhD fellowships (3 years with a possible extension to 4) in a range of topics including gravitational wave physics
and astrophysics.
SISSA (http://www.sissa.it/) promotes its activity within an international environment and in contact with the other institutions in the Trieste area. In particular, the students will participate to the activities of the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (https://www.ifpu.it/) a new joint initiative of SISSA, the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (http://www.ictp.it/) INAF - Observatory of Trieste (http://www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and INFN - Trieste (https://www.ts.infn.it/en/)
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply.
More information on the Astroparticle Physics group can be found here: www.sissa.it/app
The selection will take place following an admission exam (written+oral) to be held online. Application will be accepted until March 7, 2022, and should be submitted through the external link provided.
3. News
3.1. Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz passed away on November 30, 2021
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information:
It is with deep sorrow that we learned on November 30, 2021, of the unexpected passing of our Colleague, Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz. He was 74 years old.
Jerzy Jurkiewicz was born on July 22, 1947, in Krakow. In 1970 he received a master's degree in physics, and in 1975 a doctoral degree in physics at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (JU). In 1987 Jerzy Jurkiewicz was awarded a postdoctoral degree (habilitation), and in 1997 he became a full professor. In 2009-2012 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at the JU; for many years he was the head of the Theory of Complex Systems Department of the Institute of Physics at the JU, the founder and head of the Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Center at the JU and a member of the Senate of the JU. In 2018 he was awarded the "Jagiellonian Laurel" ("Laur Jagiellonski") for outstanding scientific achievements. Professor Jerzy Jurkiewicz was an active member of the Division III of Science and Technology of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), a member of the PAU Board of Directors in years 2018-2021 and a chairman of the PAU Complex
Systems Commission. He was the initiator and chairman of the Marian Smoluchowski Krakow Scientific Consortium, which was granted the status of National Leading Scientific Centre (KNOW) in physics in 2012. He was also one of the initiators, a founding member and former Vice President of the Polish Society on Relativity.
Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz was one of the most eminent Polish theoretical physicists, a world-renowned scientist, an expert in the fields of quantum gravity, strong interactions, complex systems and random matrices, mathematical physics and its applications, and numerical simulations of quantum systems using the so-called lattice regularization.
Prof. Jurkiewicz became famous, together with Prof. Jan Ambjorn and Prof. Renate Loll, as the creator of the model of Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT). Earlier, together with Prof. Ambjorn, he also invented a model of the so-called Euclidean Dynamical Triangulations. Both models are an attempt at a non-perturbative formulation of the theory of quantum gravity aimed at unifying two fundamental areas of theoretical physics - quantum mechanics and the theory of gravity. The CDT model has proven to be one of the most promising research directions in the quest for a theory of quantum gravity, allowing the analysis of quantum-gravitational effects using advanced computer simulations. In particular, the research group led by Prof. Jurkiewicz succeeded in showing the existence of a correct semiclassical limit of the CDT model, consistent with Einstein's theory of gravity, was one of the first to observe the existence of scale dependence of the effective dimension of quantum spacetime
(so-called dimensional reduction), demonstrated the presence of higher order phase transitions in CDT, which gives hope for the formulation of a continuum limit of this model, analyzed the influence of spacetime topology on the phase structure of CDT, demonstrated the existence of a non-trivial effect of matter fields on the topology of quantum space-time. In addition to his work on the theory of quantum gravity, Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz was also very active in the field of research on lattice QCD and on random matrix theory and its application to the analysis of complex systems, including the study of physical phenomena, economics, financial markets, biological phenomena, analysis of random networks and surfaces.
Prof. Jurkiewicz enjoyed great recognition in the international scientific community. He was repeatedly invited to the world's leading scientific centers. Among longer research stays, it is worth mentioning the University of Utrecht (1979-80, 1984-86), the University of Marseille (1982), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva (1983), the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay (1983-84, 1996), the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (1990-91, 1994-95, 1997-98). Jerzy Jurkiewicz cooperated with and was a friend of many recognized scientists, among others with Prof. Jan Ambjorn, Prof. Renate Loll, Prof. Maciej Nowak, Prof. Zdzislaw Burda, Prof. Andrzej Krzywicki, Prof. Chris Korthals-Altes, Prof. Gerardemus 't Hooft, Prof. Martinus Veltman. He was repeatedly invited to organizing committees of prestigious international scientific conferences and was a plenary speaker at key scientific conferences in the field of gravitational, random matrix or complex systems
Professor Jurkiewicz was also an extremely active organizer and leader of research projects. He was, among others, the coordinator of a significant European grant COCOS (Correlations in Complex Systems), the head of research groups in European programmes (EUROGRID, ENRAGE projects), co-organizer of the European Science Foundation project, member of the COPIRA Centre of Excellence, principal investigator of numerous KBN and NCN grants, including NCN MAESTRO.
Prof. Jurkiewicz's research achievement includes over 150 papers published in the world's best scientific journals and cited over 5500 times. During his scientific career he has lectured extensively both at home and abroad on, among others, mathematical methods of physics, numerical computation methods, quantum field theory and advanced quantum mechanics, the study of complex systems. Prof. Jurkiewicz has promoted five Ph.D. students, and his alumni have already received professorships and habilitation degrees.
Jerzy Jurkiewicz was not only an excellent scientist but also a great colleague and collaborator. He was a person of great kindness and extremely deep knowledge and scientific intuition, a true mentor to several generations of physicists.
For his achievements and contributions, he was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit by the President of Poland.
Professor Jerzy Jurkiewicz passed away on November 30, 2021. He leaves a grieving wife Elzbieta, daughters Anna and Katarzyna, and grandchildren.
3.2. Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org.
In 2022, for our seventy-third competition, the trustees of the Gravity Research Foundation are offering five awards for short essays for stimulating thought and encouraging work on the phenomenon of gravitation. The stipulations follow:
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2022 for the best and most well-written essays about gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects. Essays must be 10 pages or fewer using double-spacing, 12-point font and 1-inch margins including a small number of diagrams, tables and equations. Title and reference pages are additional and not included in the page count. The subject matter may or may not be original research. The essay competition is not intended to replace a research journal where the detailed results of original research are submitted. Essays should not give lengthy detailed mathematical calculations nor detailed descriptions of an experimental setup. Essay ideas should be self- contained and understandable - not dependent on reading other documents.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00
The Second Award will be $700.00
The Third Award will be $600.00
The Fourth Award will be $500.00
The Fifth Award will be $400.00
(3) Essay must be typed in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file before March 31, 2022. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us within 24 hours if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission.
(4) Title page should include all the following: essay title, authors' names (specify corresponding author), e-mail and mailing addresses, submission date, an abstract of 125 words or fewer, and the statement: "Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2022 Awards for Essays on Gravitation." Pages should be numbered.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final. No reviews or comments will be provided.
(6) Contestants can find the awards announcement posted on our website: gravityresearchfoundation.org around May 15, 2022.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication. Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President, grideoutjr[AT]aol.com
Recent First Award Winners:
2021 - Samir D. Mathur, The Ohio State University, OH
2020 - Maulik Parikh and George Zahariade, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Arizona State University, AZ, Stockholm University, Sweden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2019 - Alessio Belenchia, Queen's University, England; Robert M. Wald, Enrico Fermi Institute, IL; Flaminia Giacomini, Esteban Castro-Ruiz, aslav Brukner and Markus Aspelmeyer, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austria
2018 - Jessica Santiago and Matt Visser, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
2017 - Ivan Agullo, Louisiana State University, LA; Adrian del Rio and Jose Navarro-Salas, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Spain
2016 - Stephen L. Adler, Institute for Advanced Study, NJ
2015 - Gerard 't Hooft, Utrecht University and Spinoza Institute, the Netherlands
2014 - Lawrence M. Krauss, Arizona State University, AZ and Frank Wilczek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
2013 - Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai and Ming-sheng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and Li You, Tsinghua University, China
2012 - Claus Kiefer and Manuel Kraemer, University of Cologne, Germany
2011 - Ivan Agullo, Pennsylvania State University, PA and Leonard Parker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI
2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, BC
2009 - Alexander Burinskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2008 - T. Padmanabhan, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India
2007 - S. Carlip, University of California at Davis, CA
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: Coalescences of BH-NS / UHF-GW Searches
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://www.springer.com/journal/41114
The open-access journal Living Reviews in Relativity has published two new review articles on 6 December 2021:
Aggarwal, N., Aguiar, O.D., Bauswein, A. et al.
Challenges and opportunities of gravitational-wave searches at MHz to GHz frequencies.
Living Rev Relativ 24, 4 (2021).
Summary: This white paper outlines the challenges and gains expected in gravitational-wave searches at frequencies above the LIGO/Virgo band, with a particular focus on Ultra High-Frequency Gravitational Waves (UHF-GWs), covering the MHz to GHz range. We highlight some of the most promising gravitational sources, review several detector concepts, and compare their expected sensitivity with the signal strength predicted in various models.
Kyutoku, K., Shibata, M. and Taniguchi, K.
Coalescence of black hole-neutron star binaries.
Living Rev Relativ 24, 5 (2021).
(This article is a revised version of https://doi.org/10.12942/lrr-2011-6.)
Summary: We review the current status of general relativistic studies for coalescences of black hole-neutron star binaries. We summarize our understanding for the merger process, tidal disruption and its criterion, properties of the merger remnant and ejected material, gravitational waveforms, and gravitational-wave spectra. We also discuss expected electromagnetic counterparts to black hole-neutron star coalescences.
3.4. New Einstein Toolkit Release (Johnson)
Announcement on Hyperspace@GU:
Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2021_11_announcement.html
Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the twenty-third release (code name "Katherine Johnson") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The highlights of this release include:
* The inclusion of a new code in the Toolkit release, Kuibit
* The inclusion of a new code in the Toolkit release, RePrimAn
In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in May 2021 have been included.
The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including code to compute initial data parameters, the spacetime evolution codes Baikal, lean_public, and McLachlan, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. The Einstein Toolkit also contains a 1D self-force code. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development.
For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org, or contact the users mailing list users[AT]einsteintoolkit.org.
The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 2004157/2004044/2004311/2004879/2003893 (Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics).
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5770803
Nov, 2021