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- 191 discussions
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe - Program
1.2. NARDA 2014, Fullerton
1.3. NEB16: Recent Developments in Gravity - GR@GR (2nd announcement)
1.4. XXI SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Alessandria
1.5. Probing the fundamental nature of spacetime with the Renormalization Group, Stockholm
1.6. IUCSS Workshop on Gravitational Tests of Lorentz Invariance, Bloomington
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc Position in Theoretical Physics, Oldenburg
2.2. Post-doctoral Fellowship at School of Physics, IISER-TVM
3. News
3.1. Galaxies: Special Issue "Advances in Gravitational Research"
3.2. Nominations open for the 2015 Einstein Prize
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment"
3.4. David Radice awarded 2014 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize
1. Conferences
1.1. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe - Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-30 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/meetings/registration_armenia2014.htm
Contact: marziomaria.cimini[AT]icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a Black Holes appear to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appear to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism. An effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appear to be related to rotating electromagnetic Black Holes in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 10^8 and 10^9 solar masses appear to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that, unlike the stellar mass Black Holes, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of ba
ryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter. This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy observatories from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of Black Holes and to the process of extraction of the Black Hole Energy.
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 28 to June 29 in Aghveran.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page
<a href="http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/meetings/registration_armenia2014.htm">http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/meetings/registration_armenia2014.htm</a>
The registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings. The registration fee is 100 EUR for who attends ONLY the first two days (28-29 June IRAP school) which include transportation from the Yerevan airport, accommodation and meals. The registration fee for who attends ONLY the second week (30 June-4 July Meeting) is: 100 EUR for students, postdocs and participants from former Soviet Union countries and 200 EUR for other participants.
A preliminary program of the meeting can be found here:
<a href="http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/prelimina…">http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/prelimina…</a>
Please download the poster from:
<a href="http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/Poster_Ar…">http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/Poster_Ar…</a>
1.2. NARDA 2014, Fullerton
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-08-21 to 2014-08-22
Location: Fullerton, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://physics.fullerton.edu/gwpac/news/169-narda-2014
Contact: jread[AT]fullerton.edu
The 2014 Numerical and Analytical Relativity and Data Analysis (NARDA) Meeting will take place at California State University, Fullerton on August 21, 2014 - Friday, August 22, 2014.
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together numerical relativists, analytic relativists, and gravitational-wave astronomers to discuss progress and challenges in gravitational-wave source modeling and data analysis in the advanced detector era.
While there is no fee for the meeting, we ask that participants register so that we can allocate limited space for contributed talks.
For more information, including travel, lodging, and registration, please see the meeting web page at
Please email any questions to the organizers (glovelace at fullerton dot edu or jread at fullerton dot edu).
1.3. NEB16: Recent Developments in Gravity - GR@GR (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-17 to 2014-09-20
Location: Mykonos, Greece
Additional Information: http://neb.hsrgc.gr/16/
Contact: gravitygreece[AT]gmail.com
NEB16: Recent Developments in Gravity - GR@GR
Mykonos, Greece
17-20 September 2014
The 16th NEB conference on Recent Developments in Gravity will be held in Mykonos, Greece, from the 17th to the 20th of September 2014. NEB16 is an international conference devoted to all aspects of Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, which is organized every two years by the Hellenic Society for Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology. A list of previous conferences in the NEB series can be found at http://www.hsrgc.gr/activities.html.
NEB16 will focus on recent developments in several areas: gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, alternative theories of gravity, mathematical relativity, relativistic cosmology and quantum gravity.
The interdisciplinary character of the meeting is reflected in the list of confirmed invited speakers:
L. Amendola (Heidelberg)
L. Barack (Southampton)
E. Bergshoeff (Groningen)
M. Bojowald (Penn State)
A. Calder (Stony Brook)
V. Ferrari (Roma)
V. Kalogera (Northwestern)
J. Lattimer (Stony Brook)
D. Lüst (LMU München)
M. Maggiore (Geneva)
D. Oriti (AEI)
J. Pullin (Louisiana State)
L. Rezzolla (Frankfurt/AEI)
B. Schutz (AEI)
M. Shibata (Kyoto)
T. Sotiriou (Nottingham)
The venue of the conference is Saint John Mykonos Hotel, a beach resort at Agios Ioannis bay, located 4 km from Mykonos Town. The organizing committee has arranged for special conference rates at Saint John Mykonos Hotel as well as at the nearby Petinos Hotel (there will be a shuttle taking conference participants to the main venue at the beginning and end of sessions). Further information on accommodation and travel can be found here: http://neb.hsrgc.gr/16/INFO/info.html. Please note that due to a high demand in accommodation and airline tickets, you are advised to book both the hotel and airline tickets as soon as possible.
Registration and abstract submission can be done through:
The final abstract submission deadline for NEB16 is June 30th 2014. Soon after that, the official program will be announced.
We are looking forward to meeting all interested participants in Mykonos this September!
With our best regards,
The Organising Committee
T. Apostolatos (University of Athens)
K. Kokkotas (University of Tuebingen)
M. Sakellariadou (Kings College London, University of London)
N. Stergioulas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
E. Vagenas (Kuwait University)
1.4. XXI SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Alessandria
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-19
Location: Alessandria, Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Additional Information: http://sigrav.na.infn.it/attivita/congresso-nazionale/xxi-congresso-sigrav-…
Contact: mfdelaurentis[AT]tspu.edu.ru
The biennial Conference of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) is devoted to all aspects of gravitation, such as Classical General Relativity (GR), Quantum Gravity, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, as well as Experimental Gravity.
A key and defining feature of the conference is the ability to present the state of the art of the wide variety of methods (experimental, theoretical, mathematical, computational) used to advance in the knowledge of gravity.
The five day conference will host 25 invited plenary talks, and 4 shorter invited talks and a dozen of contributed talks for each of the three parallel workshops sessions: classical and quantum gravity, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, experimental gravity.
The conference will review the status, and present the advances in the fields of classical GR, modified gravity theories, relativistic astrophysics, astroparticle physics, precision tests of GR, cosmology, gravitational waves, numerical relativity, quantum gravity, quantum field theory in curved spacetime, supergravity.
The geometry of quantum spacetime will be discussed also from the experimental viewpoint of quantum metrology and experimental cosmology, as well as aspects of precision cosmology.
A science popularization evening will be organized.
During the Conference, the AMALDI MEDAL will be awarded to an outstanding european senior scientist and the SIGRAV Prizes will be awarded to (two) outstanding junior scientists.
Parallel Sessions
During the scientific program the following parallel sessions will be organised
Workshop A: Classical and quantum gravity
Chairmen: Roberto Casadio, Lorenzo Fatibene
Contact: WorkShopA[AT]sigrav.org
Workshop B: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
Chairmen: Antonaldo Diaferio, Alberto Vecchiato
Contact: WorkShopB[AT]sigrav.org
WorkShop C: Experimental Gravity
Enrico Calloni, Giancarlo Cella
Contact: WorkShowC[AT]sigrav.org
Candidate contributors to workshops should contact organization at the above links.
Fees and Deadlines:
Fees include lunches, coffee breaks and welcome refreshment.
Regular Eur 200,
Students Eur. 100.
Fees after July 31 Eur. 230.
The registration fee is to be paid via bank transfer to:
Società Italiana di Relatività Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione (SIGRAV)
IBAN: IT84 S030 6901 0241 0000 0015 035
Istituto Bancario San Paolo-IMI di Torino, Ag. 24,
Cso Turati 18, 10128 Torino
Specifying: Registration fees for XXI SIGRAV, Alessandria
Then send the payment receipt via mail to secretariat[AT]sigrav.org
Only late registration fees can be paid cash on site in Alessandria.
For information send an email to secretariat .
Local Organizing Committee
Paolo Aschieri (chair), Salvatore Capozziello, Leonardo Castellani (chair), Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Antonaldo Diaferio, Lorenzo Fatibene, Pietro Antonio Grassi.
Scientific Committee
Paolo Aschieri (chair), Carlo Bradaschia, Marco Bruni, Salvatore Capozziello, Mauro Carfora, Leonardo Castellani (chair), Eugenio Coccia, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Antonaldo Diaferio, Mariateresa Crosta, Lorenzo Fatibene, Valeria Ferrari, Pietro Fre, Alberto Lerda, Stefano Liberati, Luca Lusanna, Sabino Matarrese, Augusto Sagnotti, Luigi Stella, Leopoldo Milano, Gaetano Vilasi, Sergio Zerbini
1.5. Probing the fundamental nature of spacetime with the Renormalization Group, Stockholm
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-03-23 to 2015-03-27
Location: Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
Additional Information: http://www.nordita.org/spacetime2015/
Contact: aeichhorn[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca
Renormalization group methods are a key element of theoretical particle physics and may also be central for constructing a fundamental theory of gravity, e.g., based on Weinbergs asymptotic safety conjecture. The aim of this program is to bring together theorists and phenomenologists in order to discuss ideas related to the application of the renormalization group in quantum gravity and the consequences of asymptotic safety for cosmology, black holes and a possible ultraviolet completion of the standard model of particle physics including gravity.
1.6. IUCSS Workshop on Gravitational Tests of Lorentz Invariance, Bloomington
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-08-09 to 2014-08-10
Location: Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Additional Information: http://www.indiana.edu/~lorentz/lvgr14/
Contact: kostelec[AT]indiana.edu
An IUCSS Workshop on Gravitational Tests of Lorentz Invariance will be held in the Physics Department, Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. on August 9-10, 2014.
The Workshop focus will be on the search for local Lorentz violation using gravitational experiments, in the context of realistic field-theoretic models and the gravitational SME. Experimentalists and theorists will review existing and forthcoming gravitational studies and discuss prospects and strategies for future searches. The Workshop format is expected to be short talks with time for discussion. A poster session will also be held.
Topics in gravitational searches for Lorentz violation that may be discussed include:
- experiments on short-range gravity
- interferometry with atoms and other particles
- investigations of the equivalence principle
- lunar and satellite laser ranging
- measurements with free-fall and force-comparison gravimeters
- observations in astrophysics/cosmology: pulsars, lensing, gravity waves, CMB
- solar-system measurements
- space-based missions
- studies with antihydrogen and other exotic species
- tests using gravitational Doppler shift and redshift
- phenomenology of Lorentz violation in gravity
There is no registration fee for this Workshop, but online registration on or before July 15 is required. Due to space limitations the total attendance is likely to be capped, so early registration is advised to avoid disappointment.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc Position in Theoretical Physics, Oldenburg
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-07-06
Location: Oldenburg, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.models-of-gravity.org
Contact: secretariat[AT]models-of-gravity.org
The DFG Research Training Group "Models of Gravity" invites applications for a Postdoc position in Theoretical Physics, salary group (Entgeltgruppe) 13 TV-L, to be appointed on September 1st, 2014. The position which is located at the University Oldenburg is limited up to two years.
The Research Training Group consists of gravity groups working at the Universities of Bremen, Oldenburg, Bielefeld, Hannover, Copenhagen, as well as at the Jacobs University Bremen. We intend to obtain a better understanding of Einsteins General Relativity and of generalised theories of gravity as given by, e.g., string theory. These investigations are also related to observations. More information can be found on the website www.models-of-gravity.org
Responsibilities and Duties:
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to continue her/his academic career in theoretical physics in the area of gravitational physics. She/he is expected to contribute to the teaching programme of the Research Training Group.
Employment conditions:
The applicant is required to have a Master degree and a PhD in Mathematics or Physics and should have strong expertise in General Relativity and numerical solutions of the Einstein field equations. The University Oldenburg aims, in particular, to promote women within the scope of the statutory provisions and, hence, emphatically invites qualified women to apply for this position. Severely disabled applicants are given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification. Applicants with a migration background are highly welcome.
The application with a curriculum vitae, certifications, a description of the scientific interest, a conception of the own career, a list of publications, and two letters of reference should be sent as one single pdf document preferred via e-mail to: RTG Models of Gravity, Am Fallturm, 28359 Bremen, Germany, secretariat(at)models-of-gravity.org, http://www.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/
2.2. Post-doctoral Fellowship at School of Physics, IISER-TVM
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-07-04
Location: Trivandrum, India
Additional Information: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IPF-advertisement.pdf
Contact: ipf[AT]iisertvm.ac.in
The School of Physics at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvanathapuram (IISER-TVM) invites applications from highly qualified young scientists holding Ph.D. in the area of Physial Sciences/Engineering/Technology for the Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships for the year 2014.
The duration is for 2 years, extendable by up to one more year on the basis of performance. The Fellowship carries a remuneration of INR 40,000/- per month for the first two years and INR 45,000/- per month in the third year, with no other allowances. There will be a contingency grant of INR 75,000/- per year that may be used for consumables and attending conferences/workshops.
The application must be submitted via email to ipf[AT]iisertvm.ac.in on or before 4 July 2014. For more details, please visit the IISER website:
3. News
3.1. Galaxies: Special Issue "Advances in Gravitational Research"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/galaxies/special_issues/gravitational-research
Dear Colleagues,
Gravitation is one of the known fundamental interactions shaping the fabric of the natural world. Although we have been familiar with it since the remote past, our knowledge of it is far less accurate than that of electromagnetism and of the nuclear interactions because of its comparatively feebler intensity. To date, the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) represents the best theoretical description of gravitation at our disposal. As such, GTR is one of the pillars of our knowledge of Nature; intense experimental and observational scrutiny is required not only to gain an ever-increasing confidence about it, but also to explore the borders of the realm of its validity at different regimes ranging from the shortest distances to extragalactic scales.
To this aim, a variety of different theoretical, experimental and observational approaches are required to extend the frontiers of our knowledge of the gravitational phenomena. What are the possibilities opened up by forthcoming space-based missions? What is the status of some long-lasting experimental endeavors aimed to test certain relativistic predictions? Are there some founded hopes to testing newly predicted gravitational effects in the near future in some suitable astronomical and astrophysical laboratories? Might observations collected in the past for various purposes hide some surprises? Do Earth-based laboratory experiments have nothing new to say about gravitation? What is the role of alternative models of the gravitational interaction? These are just some of the questions that the present special issue will try to address.
Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Iorio
Guest Editor
Manuscripts should be submitted online at http://www.mdpi.com by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form.
3.2. Nominations open for the 2015 Einstein Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/prizes/einstein.cfm
Dear Colleagues,
The next American Physical Society (APS) Einstein Prize will be awarded in 2015. This Prize, established by the APS Topical Group in Gravitation (GGR) in 1999, is given to recognize outstanding accomplishments in the field of gravitational physics. The prize consists of $10,000 and a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient. It also includes an allowance for the recipient to travel to a meeting of the Society to receive the award and deliver a lecture. It is awarded biennially in odd-numbered years.
The award, usually to a single individual, is for outstanding achievement in theory, experiment or observation in the area of gravitational physics. It is open to any scientist, worldwide.
The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2015 prize is July 1, 2014.
For additional information about the prize including the nomination procedure and past winners, see
I encourage you to consider nominating outstanding gravitational physicists for this prize.
Beverly K. Berger
Chair, APS Topical Group in Gravitation
3.3. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2014-4
Living Reviews in Relativity has published an update of the review "The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment" by Clifford M. Will on 11 June 2014.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
This new edition of one of our most read reviews also marks a new milestone the journal's history: as of this day, Living Reviews has published 130 articles on 90 topics!
PUB.NO. lrr-2014-4
Will, Clifford M.
"The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment"
ACCEPTED: 2014-06-06
PUBLISHED: 2014-06-11
The status of experimental tests of general relativity and of theoretical frameworks for analyzing them are reviewed and updated. Einstein's equivalence principle (EEP) is well supported by experiments such as the Eötvös experiment, tests of local Lorentz invariance and clock experiments. Ongoing tests of EEP and of the inverse square law are searching for new interactions arising from unification or quantum gravity. Tests of general relativity at the post-Newtonian level have reached high precision, including the light deflection, the Shapiro time delay, the perihelion advance of Mercury, the Nordtvedt effect in lunar motion, and frame-dragging. Gravitational wave damping has been detected in an amount that agrees with general relativity to better than half a percent using the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar, and a growing family of other binary pulsar systems is yielding new tests, especially of strong-field effects. Current and future tests of relativity will center on strong g
ravity and gravitational waves.
Major revision, updated and expanded. Added new Section 2.3.3 on the Pioneer anomaly; split former Section 3 into new 3 and 4, and extended Section 3.3 on competing theories of gravity; added new Sections 5.3 and 5.4 on compact binary systems; added a new Section 8 on astrophysical and cosmological tests. The number of references increased from 299 to 454. Added two figures (8, 9) and updated Figures 1, 3, 5, and 7.
3.4. David Radice awarded 2014 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.p…
We are pleased to announce that the 2014 Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for outstanding research in Mathematical or Numerical General Relativity will be presented to Dr. David Radice.
The committee consisting of Profs. Gerhard Huisken (Chair), Lars Andersson, and Mauro Carfora, prepared the following citation:
Dr. Radice's Thesis on "Advanced Numerical Approaches in the Dynamics of Relativistic Flows" discusses a number of novel numerical approaches dedicated to the solution of the hydrodynamic equations in relativistic regimes. The research initiated by Dr. Radice in so many different areas has enormously pushed forward the state-of-the-art in that field, providing new insight and resolving long-standing questions. Dr. Radice's work has not been restricted to the construction of new and advanced numerical codes; rather, his work has been all about making use of these sophisticated tools to advance gravitational physics, probing with more precision and fewer resources new physical scenarios. The large impact that the work of Dr. Radice has already can only continue to grow in the future.
The prize is sponsored by The University of Pavia to honor the memory of Giulio Rampa and is given, every two years, to a graduate student for outstanding research in mathematical or numerical general relativity. The prize has been established in 2011, and is endowed under the terms of a bequest from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa.
The GRT prize carries a certificate and a net check for 2,000. The prize will be presented at the annual Honors Ceremony during the Inauguration of the Graduate Studies Academic Year in Pavia, on November the 28th 2014.
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. International Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics, Lahore, Pakistan
1.2. International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences 2014, Madrid
1.3. Mons Meeting 2014 on Multidisciplinary aspects of Compact Object Physics
1.4. International Conference on Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and String Theory, Giza, Egypt
1.5. LOOPS'15, Erlangen, Germany
1.6. Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2014) Valencia 1-5 September 2014 (2nd announcement)
1.7. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe - Program
2. Jobs
2.1. Nominations for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
2.2. Tenure position in Cosmology, Campinas, Brasil
2.3. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Otago
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems"
3.2. Awards Winners for Essays 2014
3.3. More than a 1000 ...
1. Conferenes
1.1. International Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics, Lahore, Pakistan
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-02-10 to 2015-02-15
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Additional Information: http://icra.pu.edu.pk/
Contact: icra.math[AT]pu.edu.pk
The International Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics will be held in downtown area of Lahore-Pakistan during February 10-14, 2015. It is the first International Conference on Relativistic Astrophysics organized by Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore. There are two Nobel Laureates Dr. Har Gobind Khorana and Dr. Abdus Salam among the Universitys alumni and formal staff. University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam campus spread over 1800 acres of lush green landscape. A canal dividing the academic blocks from the student lodgings adds to the beauty of the campus. This conference is devoted to celebrate 100 years of General Relativity.
This conference is aimed to provide an effective floor to researchers for presenting their research findings and share their knowledge as well as experience with each other. It will also provide a unique platform for young researchers, faculty and especially M.Phil./Ph.D. students to interact and collaborate with distinguished researchers from all over the world working in the area of relativity and astrophysics.
1.2. International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences 2014, Madrid
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-08-28 to 2014-08-31
Location: Madrid, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.icmsquare.net/
Contact: secretariat[AT]icmsquare.net
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to circulate the announcement of the 3nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, IC-MSQUARE 2014 (http://www.icmsquare.net) The conference is to be held in Madrid, Spain, from 28th of August till 31st of August 2014.
Professor George Karniadakis (Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics Brown University) will be the Keynote Speaker of IC-MSQUARE 2014, while the Invited Speakers are:
1) Prof. Ofer Lahav (Perren Chair of Astronomy, Astrophysics Group, University College London, UK)
2) Prof. Yamir Moreno (Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Spain),
3) Prof. Bernd Michael Rode (Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry University of Innsbruck, Austria)
The conference aims to promote the knowledge and the development of high-quality research in mathematical fields that have to do with the applications of other scientific fields and the modern technological trends that appear in them, these fields being those of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Economics, Sociology, Environmental sciences etc.
1.3. Mons Meeting 2014 on Multidisciplinary aspects of Compact Object Physics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-08-26 to 2014-08-29
Location: Belgium, Mons
Additional Information: http://hosting.umons.ac.be/php/fitg-ns/index.php/en/mons-meeting-2014-b
Contact: fitg-ns[AT]umons.ac.be
The second edition of the Mons Meeting will be held at the University of Mons from Aug. 26 to Aug. 29 2014. The workshop will be organized over 4 days, the morning being devoted to plenary lectures from experts in Astroparticle detection, Gravity, Nuclear Physics, electromagnetic applications and QCD.
Registration is free, however the number of participants is limited.
Compact objects are the endpoints of stellar evolution. They connect all the aspects of fundamental interactions.
In particular, neutron stars are ideal labs for testing the unknown properties of strong interactions in a regime that cannot be approached in laboratories, namely the high density regime. In fact all four interactions interplay. For instance as very compact objects, neutron stars and black holes are described by General Relativity. On another hand current observations rely on atomic spectroscopic observations, described by the electromagnetic interaction. Neutron stars are made of nuclear matter, described by the strong interaction, while macroscopic quantities such as the mass, the spin, and so forth are dictated by gravity. The dynamics leading to the formation of these compact objects are known to involve weak interaction processes, which can be detected by neutrino observatories.
The aim of this workshop is twofold. First, it brings together experts from all four interactions around the fascinating topic of compact object physics. The discussion sessions will be very instructive and will provide an opportunity for all communities to talk to each other. Secondly, this workshop is intended to be accessible to Ph. D. students, as part of the Doctoral School trainings (PandA). The afternoon presentation sessions will allow participants, in particular Ph.D. Students, to report on their research.
This Workshop is the second edition of the Mons Meeting in Gravity, initiated in 2013.
1.4. International Conference on Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and String Theory, Giza, Egypt
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-01-11 to 2015-01-15
Location: Giza, Egypt
Additional Information: http://www.zewailcity.edu.eg/qgcs15/
Contact: afarag[AT]zewailcity.edu.eg
The Center for Fundamental Physics (CFP) at Zewail City of Science and Technology is organizing its first international conference on Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and String Theory (QGCS15) in Giza, Egypt from 11 to 15 January 2015.
The Conference will bring together theoretical physicists working on different approaches to quantum gravity, and its applications to cosmological models as well as in the early universe with the goal of getting a deeper understanding and fresh insights into some of the fundamental problems in cosmology and quantum gravity.
Discussion topics will include:
- Advances in various approaches to quantum gravity, including, but not limited to String Theory, Loop Quantum
Gravity and Canonical Quantum Gravity.
- Cosmological singularity resolution via quantum gravity.
- Structure formation, inflation and alternative theories.
- Dark energy and dark matter.
- Phenomenological implications of quantum gravity in the early universe, in lab-based experiments.
1.5. LOOPS'15, Erlangen, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-07-06 to 2015-07-10
Location: Erlangen, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.physik.fau.de/events/loops15/loops15.shtml
Contact: loops15[AT]gravity.fau.de
This is a preliminary announcement of LOOPS'15, the eighth conference with focus on Loop Quantum Gravity, which will take place in Erlangen, Germany from July 6th to July 10th in 2015.
More details will soon be available from the url: http://www.gravity.physik.fau.de/events/loops15/loops15.shtml
1.6. Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2014) Valencia 1-5 September 2014 (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-01 to 2014-09-05
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.uv.es/ere2014
Contact: ere2014[AT]uv.es
ERE2014: Spanish Relativity Meeting 2014 - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles 2014
"Almost 100 years after Einstein's revolution"
Valencia, Spain,
1-5 September 2014
The 2014 edition of the "Spanish Relativity Meeting" (ERE2014) will be held in Valencia from the 1st to the 5th of September 2014. The Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE) is an international conference devoted to Relativity and Gravitation which is organized every year by different members of the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity (SEGRE). This year, it will be hosted by the University of Valencia. A brief historical background of the ERE can be found at http://www.segre.es/en/historia.shtml .
The meeting will address the status of gravitation and general relativity one year before the centennial of the publication of Einstein's theory, which will be celebrated on November 25th 2015, as it was stablished by the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. In particular ERE2014 will focus on three research lines: relativistic astrophysics, mathematical relativity, and the interphase between gravitation and quantum theory.
The meeting will take place at the ADEIT building and will consist of plenary talks given by invited speakers during the morning sessions and contributed talks during the afternoon. The latter will be distributed in topical parallel sessions.
The interdisciplinary character of the meeting is reflected in the list of confirmed invited speakers:
Abhay Ashtekar, Penn State University, USA.
Vitor Cardoso, CENTRA/IST, Lisboa, Portugal.
Christos Charmousis, Paris-Sud Orsay, Paris, France.
Alessandro Fabbri, Centro Fermi, Italy and IFIC, Valencia, Spain.
Eric Gourgoulhon, Observatoire de Paris, France.
Javier Gorosabel, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain.
Philippe LeFloch, UPMC, Paris 6, France.
Francisco Lobo, CAAUL, Lisboa, Portugal.
Leonard Parker, University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.
Miquel Portilla, Universitat de València, Spain.
José María Martín Senovilla, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Alberto Sesana, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany.
Masaru Shibata, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan.
Nikolaos Stergioulas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Jorge Zanelli, CEC, Chile.
Information regarding registration, abstract submission, accommodation and travel can be found at the web page of the conference http://www.uv.es/ere2014
Important: The abstract submission deadline for the ERE2014 conference has been extended to June 20th 2014.
Looking forward to meeting all interested participants in Valencia this September!
With our best regards,
The Local Organising Committee
1.7. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe - Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-30 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/meetings/registration_armenia2014.htm
Contact: annapia.delbeato[AT]icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a Black Holes appear to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appear to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism. An effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appear to be related to rotating electromagnetic Black Holes in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 10^8 and 10^9 solar masses appear to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that, unlike the stellar mass Black Holes, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of ba
ryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter. This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy observatories from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of Black Holes and to the process of extraction of the Black Hole Energy.
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 28 to June 29 in Aghveran.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page
The registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings. The registration fee is 100 EUR for who attends ONLY the first two days (28-29 June IRAP school) which include transportation from the Yerevan airport, accommodation and meals. The registration fee for who attends ONLY the second week (30 June-4 July Meeting) is: 100 EUR for students, postdocs and participants from former Soviet Union countries and 200 EUR for other participants.
A preliminary program of the meeting can be found here:
Please download the poster from:
2. Jobs
2.1. Nominations for the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-07-01
Location: Potsdam-Golm, Germany
Additional Information: http://NewDirector.aei.mpg.de
Contact: NewDirector[AT]aei.mpg.de
at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute),
Potsdam-Golm, Germany
The Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), with approximately 400 scientists, employees, and students, is the world's largest research organization devoted to the study of the general theory of relativity (GR) and gravity. The AEI campus has three divisions (Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories, and Mathematical Relativity) located in Potsdam-Golm, near Berlin, and two divisions (Gravitational Wave Detection, Observational Relativity and Cosmology) located in Hannover.
The AEI is seeking a new Director following the departure of Prof. Gerhard Huisken, former Director of the Mathematical Relativity division. The successful candidate will have established a record of original and creative research at the highest international level, and will have demonstrated the ability to inspire and lead a substantial group of younger scientists. The search will span the following areas: Mathematical Relativity, Classical General Relativity and Gravity, Theoretical Cosmology, and Quantum Gravity.
Nominations can be submitted with a deadline of 1 July 2014 by registering at the following link:
Upon registration nominators will receive an access code that will allow them to enter their nomination (multiple nominations are possible). Nominations must include a short description of the nominee's background and most significant scientific accomplishments. Self-nominations are not permitted. All nominations will be treated confidentially.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer, and seeks to increase the percentage of female Directors. It is also committed to employing more individuals with disabilities. Nominations in these categories are particularly welcome.
2.2. Tenure position in Cosmology, Campinas, Brasil
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-06-06
Location: Campinas, Brasil
Additional Information: http://portal.ifi.unicamp.br/avisosgeraismoderador/213-portal/1247-concurso…
Contact: holanda[AT]ifi.unicamp.br
The Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin (IFGW) OF UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS (UNICAMP) opens one position for tenure track in EXPERIMENTAL COSMOLOGY.
UNICAMP is one of the top universities in South America with strong experimental activities in different areas of physics such as synthesis and characterization of novel materials and nanostructures, nanotechnology, optical communications, theoretical and experimental studies of biological, nanoscopic and self-assembled system, medical physics and theoretical and experimental high energy particle physics.
The University is located in Campinas city. Campinas is the 10th richest city in Brazil, showing a gross domestic product (GDP) of 36.68 billion reais (2010), which represents almost 1% (0.998%) of all Brazilian GDP. Currently, the city concentrates around one third of industrial production of São Paulo state. The Campinas Metropolitan Region is home to many national and international high-tech industries, including IBM, Dell, Motorola, Freescale, Lucent, Nortel, Compaq, Celestica, Samsung, Alcatel, Bosch, 3M, Texas Instruments.
A very nice description of Brazil Science is described in http://mag.digitalpc.co.uk/fvx/iop/physworld/brazil14/
IFGW started its activities in 1967 and became a center of excellence in research, teaching and extension, recognized as one of the best in Latin America. UNICAMP is ranked 17th in the World amongst the Universities younger than 50 years and is amongst the top 3 overall South American Universities (2013 QS Top Universities ranking). Exciting opportunities for graduate students, post-docs and researchers are continuously offered.
The Institute of Physics consists of four departments: Quantum Electronics, Applied Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Cosmic Rays and Chronology. Grants from state and federal funding agencies are easily obtained for travel and research as well as for students and postdocs. A stronger program from the federal government, Science without Borders, allow to bring younger and senior people to Brazil for an extended stay.
The deadline for this application is on 6th of June 2014.
Initial Salary: R$ 122,161.83 Brazilian reais per year
Documents necessary:
Please ask the required documents in holanda[AT]ifi.unicamp.br, with the Dean of Cosmic Rays Departament or with the Secretary of Physics Institute, secgeral[AT]ifi.unicamp.br
2.3. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at Otago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-07-25
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Additional Information: http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/home/department/vacancies
Contact: joergf[AT]maths.otago.ac.nz
We are offering an opportunity for an academic appointment in Mathematics at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level. The U.S. equivalent level of appointment is Assistant Professor (Lecturer) and Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer).
We welcome applications from candidates with research expertise in any area of Mathematics. Research areas of current Mathematics staff include algebra, complex analysis, fractional calculus with applications, functional analysis, graph theory, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, operator algebra, polar-marine physics, ring theory and stochastic PDE. Preference may be given to applicants with research interests in areas that are already represented or that suitably complement those that are.
Interested candidates may find a more detailed job description and other relevant information on the department's home page at http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz.
3. News
3.1. Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2014-3
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a major update of the review "The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems" by Konstantin A. Postnov and Lev R. Yungelson on 5 May 2014.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2014-3
Postnov, Konstantin A. and Yungelson, Lev R.
"The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems"
ACCEPTED: 2014-03-17
PUBLISHED: 2014-05-05
We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Mergings of compact-star binaries are expected to be the most important sources for forthcoming gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy. In the first part of the review, we discuss observational manifestations of close binaries with NS and/or BH components and their merger rate, crucial points in the formation and evolution of compact stars in binary systems, including the treatment of the natal kicks, which NSs and BHs acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution, which are most relevant to the merging rates of NS-NS, NS-BH and BH-BH binaries. The second part of the review is devoted mainly to the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations, including their role as progenitors of cosmologically-important thermonuclear SN Ia. We also consider AM CVn-stars, w
hich are thought to be the best verification binary GW sources for future low-frequency GW space interferometers.
3.2. Awards Winners for Essays 2014
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
Gravity Research Foundation
PO BOX 81389
Roger W. Babson George M. Rideout, Jr.
FOUNDER President
The trustees are pleased to announce the Awards for Essays for 2014.
1. $4,000 - From B-Modes to Quantum Gravity and Unification of Forces by Lawrence M. Krauss[1] and Frank Wilczek[2]; [1]Department of Physics and School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, PO BOX 871404 Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 and Mount Stromlo Observatory, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Weston, ACT, Australia 2611, [2]Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139; e-mail: krauss[AT]asu.edu, wilczek[AT]mit.edu
2. $1,250 - Black Holes as Gravitational Atoms by Cenalo Vaz, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0011; email: Cenalo.Vaz[AT]UC.Edu
3. $1,000 - What Drives the Time Evolution of the Spacetime Geometry? by T. Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India; e-mail: paddy[AT]iucaa.ernet.in
4. $750 - Schrödinger's Cat and the Firewall by Timothy J. Hollowood, Department of Physics, Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK; e-mail: t.hollowood[AT]swansea.ac.uk
5. $500 - Gravitational Waves and the (Quantum) Nature of the Primordial Seed by Rafael A. Porto, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540 and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Theory Group, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany; e-mail: rporto[AT]ias.edu
Selected for Honorable Mention this year were (listed in alphabetical order): F. D. Albareti, J. A. R. Cembranos, and A. L. Maroto; C. R. Argüelles and R. Ru?ni; Manjari Bagchi and Diego F. Torres; Shant Baghram, Saeed Tavasoli, Farhang Habibi, Roya Mohayaee, and Joseph Silk; Vijay Balasubramanian, Bartlomiej Czech, and Jan de Boer; Tom Banks and W. Fischler; Carlos Barceló, Raúl Carballo-Rubio, and Luis J. Garay; Spyros Basilakos, José Ademir Sales Lima, and Joan Solà; Christian G. Böhmer and Robert J. Downes; Marco Bruni, Juan Carlos Hidalgo, and David Wands; Saurya Das; John Bruce Davies; Laurent Freidel, Robert G. Leigh, and Djordje Minic; Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin; Zahra Haghani, Tiberiu Harko, Hamid Reza Sepangi, and Shahab Shahidi; Richard T. Hammond; Carlos A. R. Herdeiro and Eugen Radu; Shahar Hod; Kristan Jensen and Julian Sonner; Justin Khoury, Godfrey E. J. Miller, and Andrew J. Tolley; Huiquan Li; Samir D. Mathur; Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas; Fabrizio Pinto; D
irk Puetzfeld and Yuri N. Obukhov; Mukund Rangamani and Massimilliano Rota; Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto; Varun Sahni and Yuri Shtanov; Jeremy Sakstein, Bhuvnesh Jain, and Vinu Vikram; P. Salucci, C. Frigerio Martins, and E. Karukes; Anushrut Sharma and Tejinder P. Singh; C. S. Unnikrishnan and George T. Gillies
This announcement and abstracts of award-winning and honorable mention essays will be posted when ready on our web site, http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org. The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). They will also be posted at a later date on our web site.
Copyright © 2014 Gravity Research Foundation, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Gravity Research Foundation
P.O. Box 81389
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-0004
3.3. More than a 1000 ...
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information:
Since October 2009, when the new blog interface was introduced for hyperspace, more than a 1000 announcements have been posted. We are pleased that hyperspace continues to remain the reference channel to provide information on activities in general relativity and gravitation.
The hyperspace@aei team.
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 14, Marseille
1.2. 1st Conference of the Polish Society of General Relativity, Spala, Poland
1.3. Astro-GR@Rome
1.4. COSMO-2014, Chicago
1.5. Growth and evolution of the Milky Ways nuclear star cluster and its central black hole, Alajar, Spain
1.6. 100 Years of General Relativity, Penn State
2. Jobs
2.1. Post-Doctoral Researcher or Research Associate in Experimental High Energy Physics - University of Kansas
2.2. Postdoc position in GR within Prague Relativity Group
2.3. M.Sc. and Ph.D. positions at the University of Lethbridge
2.4. Lectureship in Theoretical Cosmology at Queen Mary University of London
2.5. PhD positions in Gravitational Waves at the University of Birmingham
3. News
3.1. New book on Interferometric detectors
1. Conferenes
1.1. Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 14, Marseille
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-15 to 2014-07-18
Location: Marseille, France
Additional Information: http://ffp14.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/index.php?page=home
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr
FFP Symposium began in India in 1997 and it became itinerant in 2004, through Europe, Canada and Australia. It covers topics in fundamental physics with the objective to enable scholars working in related areas to meet on a single platform and exchange ideas. In addition to highlighting the progress in these areas, the symposium invites the top researchers to reflect on the educational aspects of our discipline. Moreover, the scientific concepts are also discussed through philosophical and epistemological viewpoints. Several eminent scientists, such as the laureates of prestigious awards (Nobel, Fields Medal,
), have already participated in these meetings.
FP14 develops around seven main themes, which are: Astroparticle Physics Cosmology High Energy Physic Quantum Gravity Mathematical Physics Physics Education Epistemology and Philosophy
1.2. 1st Conference of the Polish Society of General Relativity, Spala, Poland
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-29 to 2014-07-04
Location: Spala, Poland
Additional Information: http://www.spala2014.p.lodz.pl/en
Contact: przan[AT]fis.cinvestav.mx
The 1st Conference of the Polish Society of General Relativity will be held in Spala from the 29th of June to the 4th of July. The meeting will contain sessions on Inhomogeneous Cosmology, Twistors and Complex Methods, Gravitational Waves, Mathematical Relativity, Homogenous Cosmology, Non-Commutative Spacetimes, Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmological Models.
Spala is a small forest resort located in the centre of Poland by the Pilica river. http://www.staypoland.com/about_spala.htm The nearest international airport is in Lodz.
Participants should register at the conference website http://www.spala2014.p.lodz.pl/en
Invited Speakers are
Bruce Allen, Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Paolo Aschieri, Abhay Ashtekar, Michal Bejger, Marek Biesiada, Piotr Bizon, Arkadiusz Blaut, Martin Bojowald, Krzysztof Bolejko, Andrzej Borowiec, Tomasz Bulik, Salvatore Capozziello, Marie-Noelle Celerier, Adam Chudecki, Ewa Czuchry,Mariusz Dabrowski, Marek Demianski, Michal Dobrski, Maciej Dunajski, Laurent Freidel, Janusz Garecki, Gary Gibbons, Jan Gutt, Orest Hrycyna, Romuald Janik, Piotr Jaranowski,Jerzy Jurkiewicz Andrzej Krasinski, Wojciech Krynski, Izabela Kowalska-Leszczynska, Andrzej Krolak, Jerzy Kijowski, Wojciech Kaminski, Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, Woei Chet Lim, Jerzy Lewandowski, Jerzy Lukierski, Yongge Ma, Shahn Majid, Edward Malec, Maciej Maliborski, Przemyslaw Malkiewicz, Jakub Mielczarek, Pawel Nurowski, Jan Ostrowski, Tomasz Pawlowlowski, Prim Plansangkate, Tania Regimbau, Dorota Rosinska, Boud Roukema, Andrzej Rostworowski, Hanno Sahlmann, Gerhard Schager, Jose M.M. Senovilla, Leszek Sokolowski, Adam Szereszewski, S
ebastian Szybka, Marek Szydlowski, Thomas Thiemann, Paul Tod, Andrzej Woszczyna.
1.3. Astro-GR@Rome
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-14 to 2014-07-18
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: http://members.aei.mpg.de/amaro-seoane/astro-gr-rome
Contact: Pau.Amaro-Seoane[AT]aei.mpg.de
Dear all,
We are happy to announce:
What: Astro-GR/VESF-School@Rome
Where: INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma,
Via Frascati 33,
00040 Monteporzio-Catone (Roma), Italy
When: 14-18 July 2014
This year's Astro-GR workshop will be run jointly with the Virgo EGO Science Forum (VESF) in order to provide also young scientists and student from the VESF community with an opportunity to listen to the presentation and participate in the discussion.
Please visit this URL to register:
The meeting is co-sponsored by the Virgo EGO Science Forum (VESF), the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI).
This workshop will bring together experts from the astrophysical community (in particular scientists working in the field of multiwavelength observations, evolution and dynamics of stellar systems and astrometry) and experts in gravitational wave (GW) research (both from the experiments and theory).
The goal is to stimulate the interest and foster the collaboration across the GW and astrophysical communities in one of the most challenging and exciting scientific enterprises of the 2010's. Outstanding scientific issues will be outlighted which can only be addressed through the collaboration of these communities. The program that we are presently finalizing comprises reviews by a number of leading experts.
The format and venue for Astro-GR/VESF-school@Rome will limit the number of attendees, to some 50-60. Please register soon to avoid disappointment.
In keeping with the spirit of an informal workshop, the registration fee will be kept to a minimum of 150 that will include lunch and the social dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,
Pau, Raffaella and Luigi
1.4. COSMO-2014, Chicago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-08-25 to 2014-08-29
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Additional Information: http://cosmo2014.uchicago.edu/index.php
Contact: cosmo2014[AT]cosmo.uchicago.edu
Dear Colleagues,
The 18th annual International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology -- COSMO 2014 -- will be held in Chicago on August 25--29, 2014. The meeting is being hosted by the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago, and will be held at the University of Chicago's Gleacher Center in downtown Chicago.
The COSMO series is one of the major venues of interaction between cosmologists and particle physicists. Topics to be discussed include:
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
Results from the Planck satellite, BICEP2, and other CMB experiments
Results from the Large Hadron Collider
The large-scale structure of the Universe
Primordial cosmology
Numerical cosmology
String cosmology
Particle astrophysics
Plenary speakers include:
Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)
Ryan Foley (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Wendy Freedman (Carnegie Observatories)
Daniel Green (Stanford University)
Catherine Heymans (University of Edinburgh)
Justin Khoury (University of Pennsylvania)
Lloyd Knox (University of California, Davis)
Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University)
Hiranya Peiris (University College London)
Antonio Riotto (University of Geneva)
Sarah Shandera (Pennsylvania State University)
Eva Silverstein (Stanford University )
Tracy Slatyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mark Trodden (University of Pennsylvania)
More information can found at the meeting's website:
The early registration deadline is May 31, 2014.
On behalf of the COSMO-2014 LOC, we look forward to welcoming you to Chicago in August!
Daniel Holz and Liantao Wang
1.5. Growth and evolution of the Milky Ways nuclear star cluster and its central black hole, Alajar, Spain
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-20 to 2014-09-28
Location: Alajar, Spain
Additional Information: http://members.aei.mpg.de/amaro-seoane/alm14
Contact: Pau.Amaro-Seoane[AT]aei.mpg.de
The goal of the workshop is to review the current theoretical and observational state-of-the-art related to stellar kinematic and dynamics in the nuclear star cluster around the massive black hole at the centre of our Galaxy and to discuss in detail the open key questions and future observational possibilities. The workshop will serve to build new collaborative relationships and strengthening existing ones.
We will focus on topics such as the growth history of the nuclear cluster and black hole, the apparently missing cusp of old stars around the central black hole, upcoming tests of general relativity, star formation in the nuclear cluster, and the Galactic centre as a source of gravitational radiation.
1.6. 100 Years of General Relativity, Penn State
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-06-08 to 2015-06-12
Location: Penn State, University Park, PA, USA
Additional Information: http://igc.psu.edu/
Contact: rxh1[AT]psu.edu
100 Years of General Relativity
First Announcement
An international conference to celebrate 100 years of general relativity will be held at the University Park campus of Penn State from June 8th to 12th, 2015 under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG) and the Topical Group on Gravitation (GGR) of the American Physical Society. Please mark these dates in your calenders.
The goal of the scientific program will be two-fold: To assess the current status of our field in broad terms, and discuss future directions. The plenary part of the conference will feature invited talks as well as "perspectives sessions". The plenary talks will review the current status of various areas. In the "perspective sessions" 3-4 experts will be invited to present their vision on a single theme (such as "the third generation gravitational wave detectors", or "the next decade of cosmology", or "when gravity meets the quantum", or, ....). Parallel sessions will be divided into four themes used traditionally in the ISGRG tri-annual conferences: i) Mathematical and numerical GR; ii) Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology; iii) Experimental and observational gravity; and iv) Quantum aspects of gravity. They will feature contributed talks, as well as a few invited talks, providing introductions to broad sub-areas.
ISGRG has commissioned a volume to celebrate the centennial, to be published by the Cambridge University Press. This volume will be released at the conference.
The conference will offer several opportunities for informal discussions through social gatherings and a banquet. Every effort will be made to keep the registration fee low, especially for younger researchers. The local airport at Penn State is University Park/State College (SCE), served by Delta, United, and US Airways with flights from Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. More detailed information will be provided in the subsequent announcements.
Abhay Ashtekar
Beverly Berger
James Isenberg
Malcolm Maccallum
2. Jobs
2.1. Post-Doctoral Researcher or Research Associate in Experimental High Energy Physics - University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-05-19
Location: CERN, Switzerland
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/staff/408BR
Contact: gwwilson(a)ku.edu
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral or research associate position in experimental high energy physics with the University of Kansas beginning as early as July 1, 2014. Post-doctoral researcher candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in physics by date of appointment and research experience in experimental high energy physics or a related experimental field. Candidates with three or more years of post doctoral experience may be eligible for initial appointment as research associate. The person would work with the University of Kansas group on physics data analysis and detector operation and development for the CMS experiment and would be located at CERN. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought.
For more information and to apply go to http://employment.ku.edu/staff/408BR. Initial review of applications will begin May 19, 2014 and will continue until a qualified pool of applicants has been identified. Inquiries can be made by email to gwwilson(a)ku.edu. KU is an EO/AAE.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected Veteran status.
2.2. Postdoc position in GR within Prague Relativity Group
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-05-30
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Additional Information: http://utf.mff.cuni.cz
Contact: oldrich.semerak[AT]mff.cuni.cz
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral position within the Prague Relativity Group to a motivated person working in the field of general relativity and/or its astrophysical applications. Priority will be given to candidates whose doctoral expertise and research plan focus primarily on the geometry and physics of compact objects. Specific topics include behaviour of particles and fields in black-hole space-times, relativistic models of discs as strong-field sources, black holes surrounded by massive discs or rings described by stationary axisymmetric metrics, physics of neutron stars, black-hole perturbations, or self-consistent many-particle dynamical systems in post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian approximations.
For more information please e-mail Dr. Oldrich Semerak (Oldrich.Semerak[AT]mff.cuni.cz).
2.3. M.Sc. and Ph.D. positions at the University of Lethbridge
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-07-31
Location: Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Additional Information: http://directory.uleth.ca/users/saurya.das
Contact: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Applications are invited from students interested in doing M.Sc. or Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Saurya Das, to work on Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and related areas, starting January 2015.
Applicants must have B.Sc., M.Sc. or equivalent in Physics/Theoretical Physics, and have an excellent grasp of its fundamental areas. Knowledge of advanced topics, such as general relativity and quantum field theory, and familiarity with computation and computational softwares such as Mathematica, Matlab, GRTensor etc will be an asset.
Please send your Statement, CV, Transcripts (scanned/electronic copies are fine), and arrange to send at least three letters of reference directly to saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca . Complete applications will be reviewed as and when they are received, until the positions are filled. Graduate students are supported by a combination of teaching and research assistantships, which is generally sufficient to cover tuition and living expenses. Information about Lethbridge, the department, research areas and its graduate program and can be found in:
For more information, please send an email to saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Dr. Saurya Das
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB, CANADA T1K 3M4
Contact: Saurya Das
Email: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
Letters of Reference should be sent to: saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca
2.4. Lectureship in Theoretical Cosmology at Queen Mary University of London
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-05-31
Location: London, UK
Additional Information: https://ig24.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_QMUL01.asp?newms=rf&ID=QMUL3631
Contact: Pau.Amaro-Seoane[AT]aei.mpg.de
Queen Mary, University of London is a leading university in the UK, with a breadth of excellence across Science and Engineering, Medicine, and Humanities and Social Sciences. The School of Physics and Astronomy maintains a tradition of outstanding research in ground-breaking fields. Research in the School is internationally excellent, with academic and research staff and students working in dedicated Research Centres in Astronomy, Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Particle Physics and Theoretical Physics.
The School is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in the area of Theoretical Cosmology within the Astronomy Unit (AU). The Astronomy Units current major activities cover cosmology, planetary formation and dynamics, space and solar plasma physics, helio/asteroseismology and survey astronomy. The AU has access to high quality computing resources in the form of local HPC facilities.
The successful candidate will already have shown outstanding research achievements or potential, consistent with their current career point, and have an outstanding proven record of research in an area of Theoretical Cosmology that strengthens, complements and enhances existing research strengths within the Astronomy Unit. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the delivery of high-quality teaching, in the form of tutorials, and research within the School.
The lectureship is full-time and permanent, subject to satisfactory 36-month probationary period. Starting salary will be in the range £38,579 - £44,225 per annum, depending on experience, inclusive of London Allowance. Benefits include 30 days annual leave, defined benefit pension scheme and interest-free season ticket loan.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. Where required this may include entry clearance or continued leave to remain under the Points Based Immigration Scheme.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Prof Richard Nelson at r.p.nelson[AT]qmul.ac.uk or on +44 20 7882 3460.
General information about the School can be found at http://www.ph.qmul.ac.uk and about the Astronomy Unit at http://www.astro.qmul.ac.uk. Further details and an application form can be found at https://ig24.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_QMUL01.asp?newms=rf&ID=QMUL3631
The closing date for applications is 31 May 2014.
2.5. PhD positions in Gravitational Waves at the University of Birmingham
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-05-23
Location: Birmingham, UK
Additional Information: http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/gwgroup/
Contact: imandel[AT]star.sr.bham.ac.uk
Applications are invited for two PhD positions in gravitational-wave related projects. The positions are funded by the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network GraWIToN (http://www.grawiton-gw.eu/) and provide very attractive salary and mobility opportunities. Only non-UK candidates are eligible, no previous experience with gravitation-wave projects is required. The closing date for applications is 23.05.2014.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Andreas Freise (a.freise[AT]bham.ac.uk) and Ilya Mandel (imandel[AT]star.sr.bham.ac.uk). For information about our group, see http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/gwgroup/.
To download the details and submit an electronic application online, please go to www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs and quote the Job References 52271 or 52272.
Project 52271
Title: Computational modelling of advanced laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors
Our research group at the University of Birmingham specialises in precision measurements with laser interferometers. We have leading roles in the optical design of large international projects and do tests of new optical technologies in our own laboratory experiments with small prototype laser interferometers. The largest and most precise laser interferometers today are ground-based gravitational wave detectors. The most advanced of these machines, Advanced LIGO, will start operation in 2015. Our group is involved with the installation of the instrument, using numerical simulations to understand unexpected problems with the optics. At the same time we are investigating new optical technologies for future detectors such as the Einstein Telescope. Our group investigates new optical designs to mitigate the effects of beam shape changes, and the quantum optical coupling between the light and the optics. We develop and provide one of the main simulation packages for the internati
onal science community http://www.gwoptics.org/finesse.
The specific objective of this project is to perform a new implementation of an optical simulation code that will enable accurate prediction of mirror surface effects as well as photon quantum effects. The model shall be implemented using GPU-based libraries making the software accessible to experimentalists and designers for rapid prototyping work patterns. In collaboration with Trii Technologies we will provide the student with the necessary knowledge and support to leverage the latest GPU-based technology. The student will work closely with experimentalists in Hannover, Glasgow and Pisa to develop and execute test plans for suspended, quantum-limited interferometers.
Project 52272
Title: Studying neutron-star and black-hole binaries with gravitational waves
Gravitational waves will provide a unique way to explore the Universe --- to observe in detail a variety of astrophysical and relativistic phenomena. Advanced ground-based gravitational-wave detectors will go beyond just making the first detections of these elusive signals. They will allow us to expand our reach in space and time, and provide answers to deep questions about astrophysics and strong-field general relativity. Our group at the University of Birmingham leads the preparations for source analysis, data analysis, and astrophysical interpretation that will enable us to take full advantage of the wealth of information that will be available.
Gravitational waves from mergers of compact binaries composed of neutron stars and black holes encode the parameters of the source: binary component masses and spins, as well as the binary's sky location, inclination, and the distance to the binary. Accessing this information is critical for enabling astrophysical inference, but is very challenging because of the multi-modal, multi-dimensional nature of the parameter space. Our group led the successful effort to enable parameter estimation for the initial generation of ground-based gravitational-wave detectors using sophisticated Bayesian techniques. However, parameter inference on signals from advanced and third-generation detectors will bring a new set of challenges. The in-band duration of gravitational sources will increase significantly, from tens of seconds for binary neutron stars in initial detectors to tens of minutes in advanced detectors to days in third-generation detectors. Analyzing such long data streams will b
e prohibitively computationally expensive without innovative techniques. Methods will need to be developed to deal with potential data drop-outs, changes in noise properties, calibration changes, or glitches over the course of the long signals. The motion of the detectors on the sky as a result of the rotation of the Earth will need to be considered for the first time. The high signal-to-noise ratio that some sources are likely to have in advanced detectors will mean that proper handling of systematic biases from imperfect waveform models is critical. This project will address these challenges while providing an opportunity to explore binary astrophysics and learn sophisticated Bayesian data analysis techniques such as Markov-chain Monte Carlo and nested sampling.
3. News
3.1. New book on Interferometric detectors
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.springer.com/physics/theoretical%2C+mathematical+%26+computation…
Springer has just published the book:
"Advanced Interferometers and the Search for Gravitational Waves"
Lectures from the First VESF School on Advanced Detectors for Gravitational Waves
Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 404
Bassan, Massimo (Ed.)
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. 15th Russian Gravitational Conference - International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (RUSGRAV-15), Kazan, Russia
1.2. Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity, SISSA
1.3. Gravitation, Solitons and Symmetries, Tours, France
1.4. Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG14)
1.5. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (3rd announcement)
1.6. Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse, Les Houches, France
1.7. 17th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Caltech
1.8. Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity, Rome
2. Jobs
2.1. Max Planck Partner Group Post-doctoral Positions at IISER-TVM, India
2.2. Theory post-doc position at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
2.3. Lectureships in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (3 posts), Newcastle, UK
2.4. Postdoctoral researcher position, Warsaw
2.5. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship at the University of Kansas
2.6. Post Doctoral position at Parma University, Italy
3. News
3.1. English translation of A. A. Friedmann, "The World as Space and Time"
3.2. Exclusive 30% discount on books from Oxford University Press
1. Conferenes
1.1. 15th Russian Gravitational Conference - International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (RUSGRAV-15), Kazan, Russia
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-30 to 2014-07-05
Location: Kazan, Russia
Additional Information: http://www.rusgrav15.kpfu.ru
Contact: arkady_popov[AT]mail.ru
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to inform you that the 15th Russian Gravitational Conference - International Conference on Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (RUSGRAV-15) and the International School on Gravitation and Cosmology (GRACOS-2014) will be held in the city of Kazan, in one of the oldest Russian universities, Kazan Federal University, on June 30 - July 5, 2014.
The conference program will include plenary and sectional talks, lectures, posters and informal discussions on the latest developments in gravitation and cosmology. Young scientists taking part in the conference will have a unique opportunity to present their talks at a large international meeting and to hear the lectures of leading specialists.
The working languages are Russian and English.
1.2. Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity, SISSA
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-01 to 2014-09-05
Location: Trieste, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.sissa.it/app/esqg2014/
Contact: esqg2014[AT]sissa.it
We are pleased to announce the fourth workshop in the series "Experimental search for quantum gravity", to be held at SISSA, Trieste, September 1-5, 2014.
These workshops bring together experimentalists and theoreticians working on possible tests of the quantum/discrete structure of spacetime at very short distances. The aim is to review the status and prospects of the experiments and, on the theory side, of the phenomenological aspects and perspectives.
Discounted early registrations are open till June the 1st.
For more information and to register please visit http://www.sissa.it/app/esqg2014/
1.3. Gravitation, Solitons and Symmetries, Tours, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-20 to 2014-05-23
Location: Tours, France
Additional Information: http://www.lestudium-ias.com/#!registration-conference-21-may-gibbons/ci2z
Contact: solodukh[AT]lmpt.univ-tours.fr
This workshop marks the first 3-months stay of Gary Gibbons as a LE STUDIUM (R)PROFESSOR at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de Physique Théorique (University of Tours). We want to organize a gathering of many leading experts in the field of classical and quantum gravity, symmetries and solitons -- the three directions which were in the focus of the research of G. Gibbons over the years. The scientific goal of the workshop is to discuss the recent progress and the future prospects in this very rapidly evolving field of research.
1.4. Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG14)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2015-07-12 to 2015-07-18
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icra.it/MG/
Contact: robert.jantzen(a)villanova.edu
Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG14), Rome 2015
This is a preliminary announcement of the dates of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics to be held on the campus of the University of Rome la Sapienza in Rome, Italy in the year 2015:
Onsite registration Sunday July 12, Opening Monday July 13, Closing Saturday July 18, 2015.
Further information will be updated here and available at the website.
Remo Ruffini, University of Rome, Chair of the International Organizing Committee
Robert Jantzen, Villanova University, Chair of the International Coordinating Committee
1.5. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (3rd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-23 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Contact: armenia2014(a)icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a Black Holes appear to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appear to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism. An effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appear to be related to rotating electromagnetic Black Holes in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 108-109 solar masses appear to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that, unlike the stellar mass Black Holes, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of baryonic
matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter. This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy observatories from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of Black Holes and to the process of extraction of the Black Hole Energy.
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 23 to June 27 at the National Academy of Science.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page
The registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings. Instead the registration fee is 100 EUR for who attends ONLY the first week (IRAP school) and 200 EUR for who attends ONLY the second week (Meeting).
Please download the poster from
1.6. Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse, Les Houches, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-11 to 2014-05-16
Location: Les Houches, France
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=784
Contact: secretariat[AT]icranet.org
Ecole de Physique de Les Houches
IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop
Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse
The workshop is promoted by ICRANet within the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program (IRAP PhD) and the ERASMUS MUNDUS activities. The recent astrophysical data observed by the satellites Swift, Fermi, Agile as well as the observations of the largest telescopes: VLT, Canari Island and KEK in Hawaii give a clear evidence for a new scenario of understanding between Supernovae and the GRBs. The induced gravitational concept initially proposed in 2001 and then in 2006 revisited appear to give a complete explanation of the main observational data. The new concept of cosmic matrix has been recently proposed and will be discussed with special attention to GRBs 970828, 060218, 060614, 060729, 061007, 080319B, 090227B, 090510A, 090618, 091127, 101023, 110709B, 111228A, 130427A, 130925A.
Invited lecturers include: Boer Michel, Della Valle Massimo, Izzo Luca, Meynet George, Muccino Marco, Nomoto Kenichi t.b.c., Penacchioni Ana Virginia, Pisani Giovanni Battista, Soderberg Alicia t.b.c., Xang-Yu Wang et al.
Les Houches Physics School is affiliated with Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble I (UJF). The school is a joint interuniversity facility of UJF and Grenoble-INP, and the Direction des Sciences de la Matiere du Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique (CEA/DSM).
Please download the poster from
1.7. 17th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Caltech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-23 to 2014-06-27
Location: Pasadena, CA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~capra17
Contact: capra17[AT]tapir.caltech.edu
Since the inaugural meeting in 1998 (held at Caltechs Capra ranch near San Diego) Capra meetings have been bringing together relativists interested in the problem of radiation reaction in relativity and its application to extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. The meetings address an important open problem in gravitational theory, made particularly relevant by the exciting prospect of directly observing gravitational waves from EMRIs and other compact binaries in the near future.
The 17th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will be hosted by members of the Theoretical Astrophysics group (TAPIR) at the sunny California Institute of Technology. The meeting will run June 23-27, 2014 starting with three to four days of invited and contributed talks followed by one to two days of informal discussions.
As usual, the program will focus on aspects of the self-force in general relativity but will also seek to explore the promise of a synergy with other approaches to the two-body problem. Following the Capra tradition, the meeting will be informal. There will be no registration fee and no proceedings. The program will include a few invited review talks, short contributed presentations, and open discussion sessions. Contributed talks on all aspects of the radiation reaction problem (including related topics such as EMRI astrophysics or data analysis) are welcome.
Registration can be completed on the conference website at
where information about blocked hotel rooms (including booking deadlines, the earliest being May 5) is also available. The organizing committee gratefully acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation.
Chad Galley
Roland Haas
Yanbei Chen
Manuel Tiglio
1.8. Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity, Rome
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-08 to 2014-09-12
Location: Rome, Italy
Additional Information: http://ctcqg2014.relativerest.org/
Contact: info[AT]relativerest.org
This conference will provide an opportunity for an encounter between different approaches and different perspectives on the quantum-gravity problem. Its main goal is to contribute to a higher level of shared knowledge among the quantum-gravity communities pursuing each specific research program. We plan to have plenary talks on many different approaches, including in particular string theory, loop quantum gravity, spacetime noncommutativity, causal dynamical triangulations, asymptotic safety and causal sets. We shall also welcome contributions from the perspective of philosophy of science. In addition we shall have several shorter talks organized in parallel sessions labelled not by specific approaches, but rather by themes that can cross the boundaries between different approaches, such as black-hole information, locality, dimensional reduction and phenomenology. It is our intention to make this meeting particularly enjoyable for students and junior postdocs, since exposur
e to different perspectives is most significant at early stages of ones path in quantum gravity.
2. Jobs
2.1. Max Planck Partner Group Post-doctoral Positions at IISER-TVM, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-21
Location: Trivandrum, India
Additional Information: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/~cosmograv
Contact: shanki(a)iisertvm.ac.in
Max Planck Partner Group on Cosmology and Gravity, IISER-Thiruvananthapuram intends to appoint up to two postdoctoral positions in the areas of early-universe cosmology, classical and quantum gravity. A Ph.D. degree and relevant research experience are required for these posts. The positions can start as early as 1st June 2014.
Both these posts are funded under the Max Planck Partner Group. Currently, the group has 4 post-doctorate fellows and 3 Ph.D. students. The fellows have the opportunity to visit and interact with the members of Albert Einstein Institute, Golm.
The position is available for a period of up to two years. Informal enquiries can be made to S. Shankaranarayanan (shanki[AT] iisertvm.ac.in ).
Tenure: 2 years
Salary: INR 2,64,000 INR 4,20,000 per annum
Group Page: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/~cosmograv
Deadline: 21 April 2014
To apply please send CV, research statement and have at least two letters of reference sent by email to: shanki[AT] iisertvm.ac.in with the subject Application for MP-PG positions Candidate name.
2.2. Theory post-doc position at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-30
Location: Lethbridge, AB, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/physics-astronomy/about
Contact: walton[AT]uleth.ca
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral opening in Theoretical Physics/Mathematical Physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, under the supervision of Professors Saurya Das and Mark Walton. A 1-year position is to be offered, renewable for a second year, subject to funding and satisfactory performance. The preferred (but not rigid) start date is September 2014. Candidates working in a number of research areas will be considered. These include conformal field theory and its string theory applications, black-hole physics, cosmology, deformation quantization, quantum gravity and its potential phenomenology, and quantum information.
Please send your statement of interests, curriculum vitae, and arrange to have at least 3 letters of reference sent directly to saurya.das[AT]uleth.ca and walton[AT]uleth.ca. Complete applications will be reviewed as and when they are received, until the position is filled.
Lethbridge is a small (pop.~ 100K) but vibrant city with a reasonable cost of living. It is located less than 1 1/2 hours from the beautiful Rocky Mountains and less than 2 1/2 hours from Calgary.
2.3. Lectureships in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (3 posts), Newcastle, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-22
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Additional Information: https://www15.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_newcastle02.asp?s=4A515F4E5A565B1A&jobid=5…
Contact: ian.moss[AT]ncl.ac.uk
Lectureships in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (3 posts)
Ref D1472A
Faculty/Services Science, Agriculture and Engineering
Department School of Mathematics & Statistics
Job Type Academic (non-clinical)
Hours of Work Full time
The Applied Mathematics section currently consists of eleven permanent staff: six professors, one reader, one senior lecturer, and three lecturers. The section has a strong record of activity in a wide range of areas of theoretical physics, mathematical physics, and astrophysics, some in collaboration with experimentalists and observers. We have frequent visitors and a wide network of collaborators.
Research interests of the group include radio astronomy, astrophysical fluid dynamics (in particular dynamo action and magneto convection), galactic, solar and geophysical magneto-hydrodynamics, quantum field theory, cosmology and quantum gravity, vortex dynamics, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum fluids and gases including dipolar gases, finite-temperature effects and related aspects of quantum optics. Some staff in Applied Mathematics are also involved in population models of archaeology and prehistory.
2.4. Postdoctoral researcher position, Warsaw
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-30
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Additional Information: http://ktwig.fuw.edu.pl/pliki/position01.pdf
Contact: malgorzata.trippenbach[AT]fuw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics is searching for
Postdoctoral Researcher
for the International Interdisciplinary Project International PhD studies at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw founded and operated by the Foundation for Polish Science
We offer :
1. Attractive stipend 5800 PLN/month
2. Contract length : 12 months ( July 2014 June 2015)
Requirements for candidates must:
1. Have a PhD degree awarded no earlier than 4 years ago,
2. Be interested in research topics studied within the program
"International PhD Projects at the Department of Physics, University of Warsaw" (More information about the topics can be found at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~mpd/ )
Candidates are requested to send their application including:
- A letter of motivation
- CV
- List of publications
- 2 letters of recommendation
To malgorzata.trippenbach[AT]fuw.edu.pl
The deadline is April 30, 2014
Candidates, please include in your offer: "I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the Institution for the needs of the recruitment process in accordance with the Act of 29.08.97, the Personal Data Protection Laws No. 133, item. 883". The granting institution reserves the right to contact selected candidates.
The full announcement can be found at http://ktwig.fuw.edu.pl/pliki/position01.pdf
2.5. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship at the University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-30
Location: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Additional Information: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGWebHost/jobdetails.aspx?SID=%5ezB7yBBRaDXE8_s…
Contact: tatekris[AT]ku.edu
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas announces the availability of a three year postdoctoral teaching fellowship. The department maintains a vibrant research program and seeks to apply the same intellectual rigor to pedagogy. The candidate will assist a team of faculty within the department who are charged with transforming the introductory courses into a blended online/in-class format. Eligibility is limited to applicants who have or will have completed their Ph.D in Physics, Astronomy or closely related field by the time of the appointment. Opportunities exist for the candidate to collaborate with one of the research groups within the department. For a complete announcement and to apply online, go to https://employment.ku.edu and search under Faculty Jobs for the keyword "Teaching Postdoc"
The following documents should be attached to your application: letter of application, curriculum vitae and a teaching statement that summarizes your teaching experience and philosophy for improving student engagement and learning in large physics and astronomy courses. Applicants should arrange to have three of the referees submit letters of recommendation that evaluate pedagogical potential/achievement and teaching sent to: Kristin Rennells, Department of Physics & Astronomy, 1082 Malott Hall, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr., Lawrence, KS 66045, or via email: tatekris[AT]ku.edu with "Teaching Postdoc" in the subject line.
Initial review of applications begins April 30, 2014, and continues as long as needed to identify a qualified pool. KU is an EO/AAE. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected Veteran status.
2.6. Post Doctoral position at Parma University, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-28
Location: Parma, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.infn.it/job/dettagli_job.php?id=1286
Contact: roberto.depietri[AT]unipr.it
The Gravitational Physics Group at the University of Parma (http://www.fis.unipr.it/gravity) announces an opening for a 1-year Post-Doctoral position involving research in Porting and developing of Algorithms to GPU Enhanced Parallel System". Main activity will be the porting of Numerical Relativity simulation programs to GPU architecture.
The position is funded by the INFN SUMA project (https://web2.infn.it/SUMA/) and the activity of the project will be hosted at Parma University. The term of the contract is an "INFN Assegno di Ricerca" and the salary (after taxes) will be around 1600 Euro/month.
Applications should be done following the indication of the official posting of the position
http://www.infn.it/job/dettagli_job.php?id=1286. The dead line is March 28, 2014.
For any enquire or help on how to apply for the position please contact by email Prof. Roberto De Pietri (roberto.depietri _at_ unipr.it).
Please note that: "Le domande di partecipazione al concorso, redatte in carta semplice, secondo lo schema unito al presente bando (Allegato n. 1), sottoscritte dagli interessati, devono essere inoltrate, a mezzo raccomandata A.R., presso la sede della Sezione Milano Bicocca dell'I.N.F.N. entro e non oltre trenta giorni dalla data del bando di concorso"
3. News
3.1. English translation of A. A. Friedmann, "The World as Space and Time"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/friedmann1.html
This is the first English translation of A. A. Friedmann's book "The World as Space and Time":
The original Russian publication was in 1923.
Vesselin Petkov
3.2. Exclusive 30% discount on books from Oxford University Press
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.oup.com/uk
Key Cosmology and Relativity titles, both new and established are now available with a 30% Discount from Oxford.
To obtain your discount visit www.oup.com/uk add the book to your shopping basket and use promo code AAFLY6 at the checkout. Offer Expires 31/08/2014
Introduction to 3+1 Numerical Relativity
Miguel Alcubierre
WAS £69.99 NOW £48.99
A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity
Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin
WAS £36.50 NOW £25.55
Gravitational Waves
Volume 1: Theory and Experiments
Michele Maggiore
WAS £57.50 NOW £42.25
Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Luciano Rezzolla and Olindo Zanotti
WAS £55.00 NOW £38.50
Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological
Second Edition
Wolfgang Rindler
WAS £39.99 NOW £27.99
Steven Weinberg
WAS £52.50 NOW £36.75
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. GR 100 - Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Jena
1.2. Frontiers of neutron star astrophysics, Cornell
1.3. The Chalonge School Meudon Workshop 2014 "From large to small scale structures in agreement with observations"
1.4. The Chalonge School 18th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2014
1.5. IX Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal
1.6. IVth Iberian Gravitational Wave Meeting, Granada
1.7. Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2014, Valencia
1.8. XXI SIGRAV Conference, Alessandria, Italy
1.9. Gravitational-Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW 2014)
1.10. XXXIII Max Born Symposium: "Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity"
1.11. NAM2014 session: "Neutron Star Behaviour: Multi-messenger Observations and Theory", Portsmouth (UK)
1.12. 569. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Quantum Cosmology, Bad Honnef, Germany
1.13. Workshop: Fundamental Issues of the Standard Cosmological Model, Cargese
1.14. XIIth School of Cosmology: Structure Formation after Planck, Cargese
1.15. Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity, Grenoble (2nd announcement)
1.16. Dark Side of the Universe 2014, Cape Town
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc/Scientist position available in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at UWA, Perth, Australia
2.2. Scientific Application Developer Positions (2) at UW-Milwaukee
2.3. Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Cosmology, Stavanger, Norway
2.4. Tenure-track position at UNAM, Mexico City
3. News
3.1. Membership of the Topical Group in Gravitation of the American Physical Society
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational Radiation from..." / "The Hole Argument and..."
3.3. CQG+ another great reason to publish in CQG!
1. Conferenes
1.1. GR 100 - Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Jena
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-12-01 to 2014-12-05
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/Events/GWA2014
Contact: GWA2014[AT]uni-jena.de
With Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity entering its 100th year since its inception in 1915, we are organizing a workshop on one of its most profound predictions - gravitational waves. The detection of gravitational waves is expected to launch a new era in general relativity and astrophysics. The workshop focuses on
Gravitational Wave Astronomy - Methods, Sources, and Observation.
Topics include mathematical relativity, numerical relativity, source modeling, astrophysical sources, data analysis, and detector development. It is sponsored by the SFB/TR7, a collaborative research center of the German Research Foundation.
Details will be provided in future announcements and on the website.
Bernd Bruegmann
Chair of the Organizing Committee
University of Jena, Germany
1.2. Frontiers of neutron star astrophysics, Cornell
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-29 to 2014-05-30
Location: Ithaca, New York, USA
Additional Information: http://www.astro.cornell.edu/events/special-events.html
Contact: frontiers[AT]astro.cornell.edu
First announcement
A meeting on open problems and future directions in neutron star astrophyics will be at Cornell on May 29 and 30, 2014. The topics covered will include radio pulsars and magnetars, magnetic field evolution, models of neutron star interiors and equation of state, supernova explosion mechanisms, accreting neutron stars, binary neutron star mergers, gravitational waves and electromagnetic counterparts, tests of general relativity using pulsars, etc. The meeting will consist of 18 invited talks, a number of contributed talks and a panel discussion. There will also be a conference banquet at which we will celebrate the 65th birthday of Jim Cordes and the 60th birthday of Ira Wasserman.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Lars Bildsten (chair), Phil Arras, David Chernoff, Jim Cordes, Eanna Flanagan, Dong Lai, Saul Teukolsky, Ira Wasserman
Invited Speakers
Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia)
Edo Berger (Harvard)
Lars Bildsten (KITP)
Adam Burrows (Princeton)
Jim Cordes (Cornell)
Andrew Cumming (McGill)
Francois Foucart (CITA)
David Kaplan (U. Wisconsin Milwaukee)
Vicki Kaspi (McGill)
Michael Kramer (MPIfR)
Duncan Lorimer (West Virginia U.)
Maura McLaughlin (West Virginia U.)
Brian Metzger (Columbia)
Scott Ransom (NRAO)
Sanjay Reddy (U. Washington)
Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton)
Ira Wasserman (Cornell)
Anna Watts (U. Amsterdam)
1.3. The Chalonge School Meudon Workshop 2014 "From large to small scale structures in agreement with observations"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-04 to 2014-06-06
Location: Meudon Castle-CIAS, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
Additional Information: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2014.html
Contact: Chalonge.Ecole[AT]obspm.fr
The Chalonge School Meudon Workshop 2014 "From Large to Small scale structures in Agreement with Observations: CMB, WDM, Galaxies, Black holes, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
A Turning Point operated recently in the Dark Matter research: Warm Dark Matter (WDM) emerged impressively over Cold Dark Matter (CDM) as the leading Dark Matter candidate. WDM solves naturally the problems of CDM and CDM + baryons.
LambdaWDM provides the same large scale and CMB results than LambdaCDM and agrees with the observations at the galactic and small scales. Warm Dark Matter (WDM) implies progresses in the astrophysical,cosmological, particle and nuclear physics context.
This workshop addresses the last developements in WDM, including its distribution function and equation of state, the quantum mechanical framework to galaxy structure reproducing in particular the observed galaxy cores and their sizes and the dwarf galaxies.
This workshop puts together astrophysical, cosmological, particle and nuclear WDM, astronomical observations, theory and WDM analytical and numerical frameworks which reproduce the observations. The Workshop addresses as well the theoretical and experimental search for the leading WDM particle candidate: keV sterile neutrinos.
The New Dark Matter Situation Today: Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations at all scales: small structures, galaxies, large, cosmological and CMB scales.
The CDM crisis, CDM+ baryons crisis and WIMP crisis and their decline.
1.4. The Chalonge School 18th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2014
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-23 to 2014-07-25
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2014.html
Contact: Chalonge.Ecole[AT]obspm.fr
The Chalonge School 18th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2014 "Latest News from the Universe: LambdaWDM, CMB, Warm Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
The new concordance model in agreement with observations: ?WDM (Lambda-dark energy- Warm Dark Matter). Recently, Warm (keV scale) Dark Matter emerged impressively over CDM (Cold Dark Matter) as the leading Dark Matter candidate. Astronomical evidence that Cold Dark Matter (LambdaCDM) and its proposed tailored baryonic cures do not work at galactic and small scales is staggering. LambdaWDM solves naturally the problems of LambdaCDM and agrees remarkably well with the observations at galactic and small scales as well as large and cosmological scales. In contrast, LambdaCDM simulations only agree with observations at large scales.
In the context of this new Dark Matter situation, which implies novelties in the astrophysical, cosmological, particle and nuclear physics context, the 18th Paris Colloquium 2014 is devoted to the Latest News from the Universe.
2. This Colloquium is within the astrofundamental physics spirit of the Chalonge School, focalised on recent observational and theoretical progress in the CMB, dark matter, dark energy, the new WDM framework to galaxy formation, and the effective theory of the early universe inflation with predictive power in the context of the LambdaWDM Standard Model of the Universe. The Colloquium addresses as well the theory and experimental search for the WDM particle physics candidates (keV sterile neutrinos). Astrophysical constraints including sterile neutrino decays points the sterile neutrino mass m around 2 keV or nearly larger.
In summary, the aim of the meeting is to put together real data : cosmological, astrophysical, particle, nuclear physics data, and hard theory predictive approach connected to them in the framework of the LambdaWDM Standard Model of the Universe.
Two observed quantities crucially constrain the DM nature in an inescapable way independently of the particle physics model: the average DM density rho and the phase space density Q. The observed values of rho and Q in galaxies today robustly point to a keV scale DM particle (WDM) and exclude CDM as well as axion Bose-Einstein condensate DM.
The fermionic quantum pressure of WDM ensures the observed small scale structures as the cores of galaxies and their right sizes (including the dwarf galaxies). N-body simulations in classical (non-quantum) physics do not take into account the fermionic quantum pressure of WDM and produce unreliable results at small scales: That is the reason of the too small core size problem in classical (non quantum) Nbody WDM simulations and its similar dwarf galaxies problem.
Lyman alpha bounds on the WDM particle mass apply only to specific sterile neutrino models and many sterile neutrino models are available today for which the Lyman alpha bounds are unknown. Therefore, WDM cannot be disfavoured in general on the grounds of the Lyman alpha bounds (only valid or specific models), as erroneously stated and propagated in the literature. Astrophysical constraints put the sterile neutrino mass m in the range 1< m <10 keV. Most of the constraints and last results points to m about 2 keV or nearly larger. MARE, KATRIN, ECHO and PTOLEMY experiments could detect such a keV sterile neutrino. It will be a fantastic discovery to detect dark matter in a beta decay or in electron capture. A exciting WDM work to perform is ahead of us.
1.5. IX Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-28 to 2014-04-30
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Additional Information: http://gravitation.web.ua.pt/ibericos2014
Contact: fis-ibericos2014[AT]ua.pt
Dear colleagues,
This is the first announcement for the IX Iberian Cosmology meeting, which will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, from the 28th to the 30th of April 2014. Registration is now open at:
where you may also find more details about the meeting, as well as about accommodation in Aveiro.
These meetings aim to encourage interactions and collaborations between researchers working in cosmology and related areas in Portugal and Spain. Researchers working in other countries are also most welcome. Please feel free to send this announcement to other scientists that may be interested in attending.
These meetings are informal and there will be no registration fee. There are also no parallel sessions or posters, and blackboard talks are encouraged. All participants wishing to give a talk will be able to do so, by naming a topic when they register. The deadline for abstract submission is the 5th of April 2014 and a preliminary program will appear on the webpage shortly after.
Moreover, these meetings are not restricted to a single topic but are open to cosmologists in the broadest sense, from theoretical particle and gravitational physics to observational astrophysics. They are also designed to encourage the presentation of work in progress. In addition, it is the aim of these meetings to promote interactions between theorists and observers.
We look forward to seeing you in Aveiro!
The local organizing committee
Carlos Herdeiro
Joao G. Rosa
Marco Sampaio
Flavio Coelho
1.6. IVth Iberian Gravitational Wave Meeting, Granada
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-26 to 2014-02-28
Location: Granada, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.ugr.es/~iberiangw14
Contact: iberiangw14[AT]ugr.es
The idea of the meeting is to bring together researchers with interest in the development of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, including researchers from related areas of Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics. Please, feel free to send this announcement to scientists that may be interested in attending.
The meetings are informal, and there will be no registration fee. There are also no parallel sessions, or posters. And they are designed to encourage the presentation of work in progress (or even being started or planned). All participants wishing to speak can do so, by naming a topic when they register.
1.7. Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2014, Valencia
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-01 to 2014-09-05
Location: Valencia, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.uv.es/ere2014
Contact: j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es
ERE2014: Spanish Relativity Meeting 2014 - Encuentros Relativistas Espanoles 2014
"Almost 100 years after Einstein's revolution"
Valencia, Spain, 1-5 September 2014
The 2014 edition of the "Spanish Relativity Meeting" (ERE2014) will be held in Valencia from the 1st to the 5th of September 2014. The Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE) is an international conference devoted to Relativity and Gravitation which is organized every year by different members of the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity (SEGRE). This year, it will be hosted by the University of Valencia. A brief historical background of the ERE can be found at http://www.segre.es/en/historia.shtml .
The meeting will address the status of gravitation and general relativity one year before the centennial of the publication of Einstein's theory, which will be celebrated on November 25th 2015, as it was stablished by the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. In particular ERE2014 will focus on three research lines: relativistic astrophysics, mathematical relativity, and the interphase between gravitation and quantum theory.
The meeting will take place at the ADEIT building and will consist of plenary talks given by invited speakers during the morning sessions and contributed talks during the afternoon.The latter will be distributed in topical parallel sessions.
The interdisciplinary character of the meeting is reflected in the list of confirmed invited speakers:
Abhay Ashtekar, Penn State University, USA.
Victor Cardoso, CENTRA/IST, Lisboa, Portugal.
Christos Charmousis, Paris-Sud Orsay, Paris, France.
Alessandro Fabbri, Centro Fermi, Italy and IFIC, Valencia, Spain.
Eric Gourgoulhon, Observatoire de Paris, France.
Javier Gorosabel, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain.
Philippe LeFloch, UPMC, Paris 6, France.
Francisco Lobo, CAAUL, Lisboa, Portugal.
Leonard Parker, University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.
Miquel Portilla, Universitat de València, Spain.
Jose Maria Martín Senovilla, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Alberto Sesana, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany.
Masaru Shibata, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan.
Nikolaos Stergioulas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Jorge Zanelli, CEC, Chile.
ERE2014 Scientific Advisory Board:
Miguel Alcubierre (ICN, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University).
Robert Beig (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Viena).
Curt Cutler (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Inst. of Technology).
Thibault Damour (Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris).
Roy Maartens (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth).
Fernando Quevedo (DAMTP, University of Cambridge).
Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington).
ERE2014 Local Organising Committee:
Jose Antonio Font, UVEG.
Jose María Ibanez, UVEG.
Pablo Cerda-Duran, UVEG.
Jose Navarro-Salas, CSIC/UVEG.
Gonzalo J. Olmo, CSIC/UVEG.
Information regarding registration, abstract submission, accommodation and travel can be found at the web page of the conference http://www.uv.es/ere2014
Looking forward to meeting all interested participants in Valencia this September!
With our best regards,
The Local Organising Committee
1.8. XXI SIGRAV Conference, Alessandria, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-19
Location: Alessandria, Italy
Additional Information: http://sigrav.na.infn.it/xxi-sigrav-conference-on-general-relativity-and-gr…
Contact: felicia[AT]na.infn.it
The biennial Conference of the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) is devoted to all aspects of gravitation, such as Classical General Relativity (GR), Quantum Gravity, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, as well as Experimental Gravity.
A key and defining feature of the conference is the ability to present the state of the art of the wide variety of methods (experimental, theoretical, mathematical, computational) used to advance in the knowledge of gravity.
The five day conference will host 20 invited plenary talks, 4 shorter invited talks and a dozen of contributed talks in four parallel workshops sessions: classical GR, quantum gravity, relativistic astrophysics, experimental gravity. The conference will review the status, and present the advances in the fields of classical GR, modified gravity theories, relativistic astrophysics, astroparticle physics, precision tests of GR, cosmology, gravitational waves, numerical relativity, quantum gravity, quantum field theory in curved spacetime, supergravity. The geometry of quantum spacetime will be discussed also from the experimental viewpoint of quantum metrology and experimental cosmology, as well as aspects of precision cosmology.
A science popularization session will be organized.
During the Conference, the AMALDI MEDAL will be awarded to an outstanding european senior scientist and the SIGRAV Prizes will be awarded to (two) outstanding Junior scientists.
1.9. Gravitational-Wave Advanced Detector Workshop (GWADW 2014)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-25 to 2014-05-30
Location: Takayama, Japan
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.ircs.titech.ac.jp/GWADW2014/
Contact: gwadw2014-loc[AT]gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp
The last decade has produced pioneering demonstrations of the technologies to observe astrophysical gravitational waves across the frequency band from kilohertz to nanohertz.
The construction of advanced interferometric detectors (Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO-HF) is progressing steadily, and will reach the sensitivity needed to yield first observations. The LISA Pathfinder mission is nearing launch and the LISA mission has been reformulated.
The international pulsar timing effort is progressing in developing the instruments needed, while surveys continue to provide new sources. Several developments are ongoing and gaining momentum ensuring that the field of gravitational waves astrophysics will be able to fully deploy in the current and next decades.
This workshop will address techniques that might be implemented towards the completion and commissioning of the almost completed second generation detectors. Ideas for the next generation of detectors will be explored, such as the ways of reducing thermal noise, the role of cryogenics, improving robustness, extending the frequency spectrum of observation and emphasizing the role of simulations.
The registration starts on March 1st and the deadline is April 30th. For registration form and logistic information see the conference web site.
Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, May 25th and to leave on Saturday, May 31st.
Chairs: Francesco Fidecaro, Syd Meshkov
Local Organizers: Kazuaki Kuroda, Kentaro Somiya, Naoko Ohishi, Daisuke Tatsumi
1.10. XXXIII Max Born Symposium: "Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-06 to 2014-07-10
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Additional Information: http://ift.uni.wroc.pl/~mborn33/
Contact: mborn33(a)ift.uni.wroc.pl
The aim of the Symposium is to provide recent results related with noncommutative geometries and quantum groups as well as present some applications in quantum gravity models.
Main topics:
- noncommutative geometry
- quantum groups
- quantum gravity
1.11. NAM2014 session: "Neutron Star Behaviour: Multi-messenger Observations and Theory", Portsmouth (UK)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-23 to 2014-06-26
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Additional Information: http://www.nam2014.org/
Contact: wynn.ho[AT]soton.ac.uk
It is an exciting time for studying neutron stars, both observationally and theoretically. New and important discoveries are driving better understanding of these exotic stars, and the physics that governs them, thanks to instruments across the EM spectrum, including LOFAR, VLT, XMM-Newton, Swift, and Fermi. These include: constraints on the nuclear equation of state from measurements of the highest mass neutron stars, direct evidence for and constraints on superfluid and superconducting matter in neutron stars, discovery of discrete state switching in isolated and binary pulsars, and detection of gamma-rays from objects across the broad pulsar population. The advent of multi-messenger neutron star astronomy is on the immediate horizon with IceCube and Advanced LIGO/Virgo, and the more distant future is bright with SKA, Athena+, and LOFT. Submit an abstract and join us to discuss this fascinating topic.
Session chairs: Wynn Ho (Southampton), Michael Keith (Manchester).
1.12. 569. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Quantum Cosmology, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-28 to 2014-08-01
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.thp.uni-koeln.de/gravitation/qc14/
Contact: mairi.sakellariadou[AT]kcl.ac.uk
It is our pleasure to announce the 569. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Quantum Cosmology.
The event will take place from July 28 to August 1, 2014 at the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany.
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together leading experts from different approaches to quantum cosmology. The programme includes invited lectures and plenty of time for discussions, with the main emphasis on exchanging ideas, learning from each other, and assessing the successes and open problems of the different approaches.
Apart from the invited speakers, we will be able to accommodate additional participants, especially young scientists, and we will also give them the opportunity to present a poster at a dedicated poster session.
Contact: kiefer[AT]thp.uni-koeln.de --- mairi.sakellariadou[AT]kcl.ac.uk
1.13. Workshop: Fundamental Issues of the Standard Cosmological Model, Cargese
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-21 to 2014-09-27
Location: Cargese (Corsica), France
Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/FISCM/FISCM.html
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr
The Planck Satellite measurement have increased the accuracy of cosmological observations to a level which allows to constrain cosmological models with unprecedented precision. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the implications of these recent results combined with other (i.e. Planck, but also WMAP, galaxy surveys, SNIa data...) on models that aim at describing the primordial epochs and the origin and formation of large scale structures of the Universe.
The standard model of cosmology, including a phase of early inflation, provides a very effective phenomenological approach to account for observations. It can however be argued to require clarifications at the fundamental level. One way to do that is by considering alternatives and deriving their consequences. This will lead either to either reaffirm the current inflationary paradigm on more solid theoretical foundations, or to introduce a new one (or both!).
During the workshop, we aim at having a broad range of talks on the topics covered, also scheduling ample time for discussions and scientific exchanges. The programme will include a few selected talks per day, in addition to specific introductions on the relevant topics by members of the committees.
1.14. XIIth School of Cosmology: Structure Formation after Planck, Cargese
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-15 to 2014-09-20
Location: Cargese (Corsica), France
Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/EC2014/EcoleLuminy14_a.html
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr
Structure Formation after Planck: their impact in the study of galaxies and cosmology
The theme of the school is the formation of large scale structures after the results of the Planck mission. The aim of this school is, after an overview of the standard model containing the inflationary paradigm, to focus on alternatives. The model of inflation, although generally confirmed at phenomenological level with these new data, suffers from conceptual difficulties when we want to use it in the framework of a "realistic" theory (great unification theory string, for example). Indeed, as models at large field (Large Field Inflation) are now virtually eliminated, one has to consider models for which the potential of the inflation contains a plateau (Small Field Inflation) or several fields (Hybrid Inflation). And in the latter case, one must understand the reason why the non-local Gaussianity are so weak. Moreover, the "recent" history of the Universe, since the nucleosynthesis to the formation of structures, requires, so that the observations are consistent with the th
eory to introduce two ingredients not yet well understood (Dark Matter and Dark Energy).
1.15. Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity, Grenoble (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-16 to 2014-07-04
Location: Grenoble, France
Additional Information: http://if-summer2014.sciencesconf.org/
Contact: Dietrich.Hafner[AT]ujf-grenoble.fr
We are announcing a summer school and conference in Grenoble, France, entitled Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity.
The summer school will start on the 16th of June 2014 and last two weeks. It will be followed by a one week international conference from the 30th June to the 4th July.
The summer school will consist of five mini-courses of eight hours each, given by Lars Andersson, Christian Gerard, Rod Gover, Jeremie Szeftel and Andras Vasy. The topics covered will be geometry and analysis in black hole spacetimes, quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, conformal geometry and tractor calculus with a view to applications in GR, the resolution of the bounded L2 curvature conjecture in General Relativity, microlocal analysis and wave propagation.
All information can be found on the conference webpage.
To register, use the conference webpage.
The deadline for registration to the mini-courses is 12th May 2014.
The deadline for registration to the conference is 27th May 2014.
1.16. Dark Side of the Universe 2014, Cape Town
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-11-17 to 2014-11-21
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Additional Information: http://dark.ft.uam.es/dsu/
Contact: dunsby[AT]gmail.com
Dear Colleague,
I would like to draw your attention to the following workshop
Dark Side of the Universe 2014
X International Workshop
Surveying the Dark Side of the Universe - Theory and Observations
17-21 November 2014 (Cape Town, South Africa)
Follow us on Twitter @dsu2014
Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dsu2014
The meeting is in the series of the DSU workshops previously held in Seoul (2005), Madrid (2006), Minnesota (2007), Cairo (2008), Melbourne (2009), Leon (2010), Beijing (2011), Buzios, Rio de Janeiro (2012) and Trieste (2013).
For more information, see http://dark.ft.uam.es/dsu/
Topics of the workshop:
Surveying the Dark Universe
Dark Energy - beyond the Concordance Model
Simulations of galaxies, clusters and the Universe
Dark Matter candidates
Modified Gravity
International Committee
Pyungwon Ko (KIAS, South Korea), Carlos Muñoz (UAM/IFT, Spain), Keith Olive (Minnesota University, USA), Shaaban Khalil (BUE, Egypt), Csaba Balazs (Monash University, Australia), David Delepine (Guanajuato University, Mexico), Yu-Feng Zhou (KITPC/ITP-CAS, China), Qaisar Shafi (Delaware University, USA), Christiane Frigerio Martins (UFF Brasil), Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy).
Local Committee
Vinicius Busti (UCT), Vincent Bouillot (UCT), Chris Clarkson (UCT), Sergio Colafrancesco (WITS), Peter Dunsby - Chair (UCT), Marc Lilley (UCT), Roy Maartens (UWC), Diego Saez Gomez (UCT), Amanda Weltman (UCT).
Immediately after DSU2014, there will be a meeting hosted by the South African Gravity Society to celebrate the 75th birthday of George Ellis (24 November). Please contact Roy Maartens (roy.maartens[AT]gmail.com) if you are interested in attending this event.
Important Dates:
Deadline for talk submissions: 1st October 2014
Workshop: 17th-21st November 2014
George Ellis at 75 and the South African Gravity Society Meeting: 24-25 November 2014
Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested on DSU 2014.
I apologise in advance if you receive this mail twice
Yours Sincerely,
Professor Peter Dunsby,
Co-Director, Centre for Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation
Department of Mathematics
and Applied Mathematics,
University of Cape Town,
Rondebosch 7701
Tel: +27 21 650 2344
Fax: +27 21 650 2334
Twitter: https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=peterdunsby
WWW: http://www.mth.uct.ac.za/~peter
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc/Scientist position available in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at UWA, Perth, Australia
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-10
Location: Perth, Australia
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.uwa.edu.au
Contact: linqing.wen[AT]uwa.edu.au
The University of Western Australia (UWA) gravity group http://www.gravity.uwa.edu.au/ invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate or computer engineer position in the area of gravitational wave signal processing and multi-messenger astronomy for ground-based interferometric gravitational-wave detectors.
The initial appointment will be for one year, renewable to two years and possibly longer depending on funding and performance. The position is available immediately but the start date is negotiable.
We are looking for highly motivated applicants with interest in gravitational wave search pipeline development and its applications to multi-messenger astronomy. Background with astrophysics and/or supercomputing especially with the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is a plus. The postdoc or scientist will have opportunities to develop their own research programs and obtain future funding support through competitive funding programs in Australia.
Informal inquiries of the position can be made to Prof. Linqing Wen by email at linqing.wen AT uwa.edu.au or to Prof. David Blair by email at david.blair AT uwa.edu.au. A complete application should include a CV including a list of publications, a statement of research interests, and names and contact information of at least three references.
2.2. Scientific Application Developer Positions (2) at UW-Milwaukee
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-28
Location: Milwaukee, WI. USA
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/positions.html
Contact: patrick[AT]gravity.phys.uwm.edu
The Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is looking for two creative, energetic and talented individuals to join our scientific computing team. You will specialize in building and supporting software for the LIGO (http://www.ligo.org) project.
LIGO is an ambitious project, funded by the National Science Foundation, to detect gravitational waves from astrophysical sources and is part of a worldwide network of gravitational-wave detectors. You will be working toward ground-breaking research, with cutting edge computing challenges, in collaboration with top scientists from around the world.
Members of the CGCA play an important role in LIGO concentrating on data analysis and software infrastructure. The CGCA at UW-Milwaukee also offers an exciting and friendly environment in which to work and play. We have a world-class scientific computing team that works on software for LIGO and other astronomy projects. With almost forty faculty, staff, postdocs, and students, the center is a fun and vibrant place to work.
Maintain, enhance and support LIGO data handling and analysis software including the LIGO Data Replicator and the Gravitational-wave Candidate Event Database. Take ownership of your projects and be responsible for the definition, architecture, and implementation of applications which enhance the scientific productivity of the LIGO collaboration. Keep current on big data trends to identify new technologies that can be effectively leveraged for LIGO data handling and analysis.
Have a PhD in Physics, Computing Science or a related field, a minimum of two years of related research experience beyond the PhD, demonstrated experience with large data sets, and strong analytical troubleshooting skills. Be proficient in at least one high-level scripting language, familiar with C/C++, and comfortable with Unix operating systems. Familiarity with Debian and/ or Redhat Linux administration and packaging tools would be a plus, as would knowledge of Globus tools. Experience developing web UIs with AJAX, json and related technologies is also desirable, but not required.
Apply online via UWM Job Posting 17244. This recruitment will continue until a final candidate is selected. Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2014. Applications received after February 28, 2014 may not be considered. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Employment will require a criminal background check.
2.3. Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Cosmology, Stavanger, Norway
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-15
Location: Stavanger, Norway
Additional Information: http://www.uis.no/job-opportunities/vacant-positions/postdoctoral-fellow-in…
Contact: sigbjorn.hervik[AT]uis.no
3-year Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Cosmology
Closing date for application is 15. Mar. 2014 (for full consideration).
The University of Stavanger invites applications for a three-year position as Postdoctoral Fellow in theoretical physics, specifically theoretical cosmology at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, starting in the fall of 2014.
Particularly relevant areas of research include mathematical cosmology, anisotropic space-times, observational consequences of non-standard cosmology, quantum fields in curved spaces, modified theories of gravity and cosmological perturbations.
The fellow will be working within the group of Professors Sigbjorn Hervik and Anders Tranberg at the University of Stavanger.
Further information about the position can be obtained from Prof. Anders Tranberg, email anders.tranberg[AT]uis.no or from Professor Sigbjorn Hervik, email sigbjorn.hervik[AT]uis.no .
2.4. Tenure-track position at UNAM, Mexico City
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-04-25
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Additional Information: http://www.nucleares.unam.mx/icn2/
Contact: chryss[AT]nucleares.unam.mx
The Department of Gravitation and Field Theory of the Institute for Nuclear Sciences at UNAM is inviting applications for a tenure-track position at roughly the assistant professor level (either Asociado C or Titular A), the exact appointment depending on qualifications.
The Department lines of research include classical and quantum aspects of gravitation, numerical relativity, cosmology, quantum field theory, mathematical physics, lattice QCD, biophysics, and complex systems. We invite applications from talented young researchers working in any of these fields, but also welcome novel profiles compatible with the Departments general direction. Current members include Miguel Alcubierre, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos, Jemal Guven, Darío Núñez, Hernando Quevedo, Marcos Rosenbaum, Marcelo Salgado, Christopher Stephens, Daniel Sudarsky, Roberto Sussman, Alexander Turbiner, and various postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. The Department participates actively in the Graduate Program in Physics of UNAM, a typical teaching load for its members being a graduate level course every other semester.
Candidates for the position should have a PhD in Physics, or closely related fields, and should be under 37 (male) / 39 (female) years of age when starting the job (tentatively around September 2014, although adjustments are possible to suit particular needs). Persons interested in applying should submit a CV and short research plan, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent directly by email to Prof. Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos (chryss[AT]nucleares.unam.mx) with copy to Mrs. Trinidad Ramirez (fengari[AT]nucleares.unam.mx).
3. News
3.1. Membership of the Topical Group in Gravitation of the American Physical Society
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information:
Dear colleague,
We warmly invite you to consider joining or re-joining the Topical Group in Gravitation (GGR) of the American Physical Society (APS).
There are many good reasons to join GGR. But we know you are busy, so by simply sending an email to nyunes[AT]physics.montana.edu with a "yes" you will be re-enrolled for free and GGR will pay the $8 fee for your first year of GGR membership. In subsequent years, the annual renewal of your APS membership will include membership in GGR as a default choice. We hope that you find GGR membership valuable and choose to remain as a member in subsequent years. If you are unsure of your APS membership status, please respond to this email and we will clarify it for you.
You probably already know about the APS---representing over 50,000 physicists from around the world. The APS sponsors meetings to promote the exchange of new results in physics, publishes some of the most prestigious journals in the field (including Physical Review and Physical Review Letters), advocates for physics education and science education in general, and is very active in promoting funding for physics research at NSF, DOE, and NASA.
What may be less familiar to some of you is the role of the "units" within the APS. There are Sections (regional groups that foster a spirit of community), Forums (groups built to address broad issues such as graduate student education or international cooperation), and Technical Units (groups which coalesce around a common interest in physics). Technical groups are of two types, Divisions and Topical Groups, distinguished primarily by size. Divisions are larger and they have a more important role in the governance of the APS, but the missions are similar---to bring together scientists with overlapping interests in physics and foster cooperation and communication.
You are receiving this email as part of a campaign to increase GGR membership. GGR is already the largest topical group in the APS, and it is approaching a size wherein it becomes eligible to become an APS Division. Your membership would help us achieve this goal. The main motivation for starting GGR was to provide a broad-based voice for the gravitational physics community. Divisional status will allow us to do this more effectively by giving our community substantial benefits: a permanent seat on the APS council with enhanced opportunity to advocate for our field, the ability to choose plenary speakers for the April Meetings, a larger budget allocation from the APS which would, for example, mean an increase in student travel support.
You are in a position to help your community achieve Divisional status. In fact, as a member of the gravitational physics community, you already likely benefit directly from the activities of GGR. The APS April meeting (for which the GGR organizes a large number of sessions) has become one of our main forums for releasing new results. The journals of the APS are mainstays for publishing our papers. GGR sponsors and selects the winner of the APS Einstein Prize, awarded, for example, in 2007 to Rai Weiss and Ron Drever for their role in establishing LIGO. GGR has named fifty-five APS fellows, an important and distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers in the physics community.
These activities don't just happen---it is the membership of GGR that make them happen. Growth in the membership of the APS and GGR is one of the best arguments for increased funding in physics and gravitation, and will lead directly to increased influence of GGR as an advocate for gravitational physics.
If gravity is of interest to you, we urge you to join GGR. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, all you have to do is reply to this email within the next month. If you have any questions please contact Jon Burkin, the Units Coordinator for APS, at burkin[AT]aps.org. We look forward to welcoming you back into GGR.
With kind regards,
Nicolas Yunes (GGR Membership Committee Chair)
Daniel Holz (GGR Chair)
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational Radiation from..." / "The Hole Argument and..."
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://relativity.livingreviews.org/
Living Reviews in Relativity recently published two new articles: a major update of the review on "Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries" by Luc Blanchet and a new article on "The Hole Argument and Some Physical and Philosophical Implications" by John Stachel.
Please find the abstracts and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2014-2
Blanchet, Luc
"Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries"
ACCEPTED: 2014-01-27
PUBLISHED: 2014-02-14
To be observed and analyzed by the network of gravitational wave detectors on ground (LIGO, VIRGO, etc.) and by the future detectors in space (eLISA, etc.), inspiralling compact binaries -- binary star systems composed of neutron stars and/or black holes in their late stage of evolution -- require high-accuracy templates predicted by general relativity theory. The gravitational waves emitted by these very relativistic systems can be accurately modelled using a high-order post-Newtonian gravitational wave generation formalism. In this article, we present the current state of the art on post-Newtonian methods as applied to the dynamics and gravitational radiation of general matter sources (including the radiation reaction back onto the source) and inspiralling compact binaries. We describe the post-Newtonian equations of motion of compact binaries and the associated Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, paying attention to the self-field regularizations at work in the calculat
ions. Several notions of innermost circular orbits are discussed. We estimate the accuracy of the post-Newtonian approximation and make a comparison with numerical computations of the gravitational self-force for compact binaries in the small mass ratio limit. The gravitational waveform and energy flux are obtained to high post-Newtonian order and the binary's orbital phase evolution is deduced from an energy balance argument. Some landmark results are given in the case of eccentric compact binaries -- moving on quasi-elliptical orbits with non-negligible eccentricity. The spins of the two black holes play an important role in the definition of the gravitational wave templates. We investigate their imprint on the equations of motion and gravitational wave phasing up to high post-Newtonian order (restricting to spin-orbit effects which are linear in spins), and analyze the post-Newtonian spin precession equations as well as the induced precession of the orbital plane.
PUB.NO. lrr-2014-1
Stachel, John
"The Hole Argument and Some Physical and Philosophical Implications"
ACCEPTED: 2013-11-17
PUBLISHED: 2014-02-06
This is a historical-critical study of the hole argument, concentrating on the interface between historical, philosophical and physical issues. Although it includes a review of its history, its primary aim is a discussion of the contemporary implications of the hole argument for physical theories based on dynamical, background-independent space-time structures.
The historical review includes Einstein's formulations of the hole argument, Kretschmann's critique, as well as Hilbert's reformulation and Darmois' formulation of the general-relativistic Cauchy problem. The 1970s saw a revival of interest in the hole argument, growing out of attempts to answer the question: Why did three years elapse between Einstein's adoption of the metric tensor to represent the gravitational field and his adoption of the Einstein field equations?
The main part presents some modern mathematical versions of the hole argument, including both coordinate-dependent and coordinate-independent definitions of covariance and general covariance; and the fiber bundle formulation of both natural and gauge natural theories. By abstraction from continuity and differentiability, these formulations can be extended from differentiable manifolds to any set; and the concepts of permutability and general permutability applied to theories based on relations between the elements of a set, such as elementary particle theories.
We are closing with an overview of current discussions of philosophical and physical implications of the hole argument.
3.3. CQG+ another great reason to publish in CQG!
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.CQGplus.com
Dear Colleagues,
I'm delighted to announce the formal launch of CQG+, CQG's companion website: CQGplus.com
This is a great place to find out about the latest papers to be rated 'high quality' by your peers. I recommend signing up to follow CQG+. This will allow you to receive email alerts (at your desired frequency) of the best of the latest gravitational physics research.
Publish your next great paper in CQG for the chance to benefit from promotion in CQG+
Best wishes
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity and CQG+

02 Feb '14
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. General Relativity @ 99, Bad Honnef, Germany
1.2. Cosmology and the Constants of Nature, DAMTP, Cambridge
1.3. Third Dutch National Gravitational Wave Meeting, Dwingeloo
1.4. Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14, Jena, Germany
1.5. Gravity and the Quantum, Como, Italy
1.6. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (3rd announcement)
1.7. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
1.8. Solvay Workshop on Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology, Brussels
1.9. IRAP PhD Winter School, Nice, France
1.10. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (2nd announcement)
1.11. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure (3rd announcement)
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor position at University of Vienna
2.2. CAPES - ICRANet Program
2.3. FAPERJ - ICRANet Program
2.4. Two faculty positions in Gravity at Florida Atlantic University
2.5. Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM, India
2.6. Two Lectureships in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK)
2.7. Postdoctoral position in multimessenger Astrophysics at the University of Pisa
2.8. The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (LEAPS)
2.9. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at West Virginia University
2.10. International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program
2.11. Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at the University of Kansas
2.13. Postdoctoral positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
2.14. Ph.D. student positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
2.15. PhD positions in gravity, cosmology, astrophysics at Fudan University
3. News
3.1. The Chalonge School Programme of the Year 2014
3.2. Buchalter Cosmology Prize
3.3. 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
3.4. Book with A. A. Friedmanns papers on cosmology
1. Conferenes
1.1. General Relativity @ 99, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-14 to 2014-09-19
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.dpg-physik.de/dpg/pbh/aktuelles/S214.html
Contact: gos[AT]tpi.uni-jena.de
General relativity (GR) is coming of age. The year 2015 will be its 100th anniversary. ?Just on the eve of this anniversary, the school aims at teaching GR with specific emphasis on its physical and astrophysical implications. The school is intended for graduate students in physics and astrophysics as well as for postdocs and scientists with some background in GR and astrophysics who are looking for more advanced treatments of the current problems in GR.?
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, is a delightful venue, housed in a 19th century mansion on the Rhine river just south of Bonn and Cologne.? Posters by the participants are welcome and discussions with the lecturers will be encouraged.
Lecturers include Nils Andersson, Emanuele Berti, Luc Blanchet, Alessandra Buonanno, Bernd Brügmann, Karsten Danzmann, Pedro Ferreira, Sergei Klioner, Michael Kramer, Claus Laemmerzahl, Cole Miller, Ekkehard Peik, Roberto Peron, Eric Poisson, Juergen Renn, Sheila Rowan, Xavier Siemens, Norbert Wex, Clifford Will
Organized by? Gerhard Schaefer and Clifford M. Will. Sponsored by the DPG and the Heraeus Foundation
1.2. Cosmology and the Constants of Nature, DAMTP, Cambridge
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-17 to 2014-03-19
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/events/constants2014/
Contact: mmp(a)maths.cam.ac.uk
Cosmology and the Constants of Nature
DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Monday, 17 March 2014 at 09:00 - Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 15:00 (GMT)
The Constants of Nature are quantities, whose numerical values we know with the greatest experimental accuracy - but about the rationale for those values, we have the greatest ignorance. We might also ask if they are indeed constant in space and time, and investigate whether their values arise at random or are uniquely determined by some deep theory.
This mini-series of talks is part of the joint Oxford-Cambridge programme on the Philosophy of Cosmology which aims to introduce philosophers of physics to fundamental problems in cosmology and associated areas of high-energy physics.
The talks are aimed at philosophers of physics but should also be of interest to a wide range of cosmologists. Speakers will introduce the physical constants that define the standard model of particle physics and cosmology together with the data that determine them, describe observational programmes that test the constancy of traditional constants, including the cosmological constant, and discuss how self-consistent theories of varying constants can be formulated.
John Barrow, University of Cambridge
John Ellis, King's College London
Pedro Ferreira, University of Oxford
Joao Magueijo, Imperial College, London
Thanu Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune
Martin Rees, University of Cambridge
John Webb, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Registration is free and includes morning coffee and lunch. Participants are requested to register at the conference website where the detailed programme of talks can be found:
For enquiries about this event please contact the conference administrator, Margaret Bull, at mmp[AT]maths.cam.ac.uk
John D. Barrow
Jeremy Butterfield
1.3. Third Dutch National Gravitational Wave Meeting, Dwingeloo
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-07 to 2014-02-07
Location: Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://indico.astro.ru.nl//conferenceDisplay.py?confId=9
Contact: vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl
Gravitational wave research in the Netherlands is rapidly taking shape and is becoming increasingly diverse. We organise the third Dutch National GW meeting, in order to bring together astronomers and physicists interested in gravitational wave science and inform each other of developments and new projects. The meeting will be held on Friday, February 7th 2014, at ASTRON in Dwingeloo.
The day will start with a keynote lecture by dr. Joris Verbiest (Bielefeld) on detecting gravitational waves using a pulsar timing array. There will be overview talks on general topics as well as contributed talks on specific projects.
The meeting is open to all interested researchers, also from outside the Netherlands. You can register and submit abstracts for contributed talks at
We hope to see many of you there. Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested.
1.4. Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14, Jena, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-14 to 2014-07-15
Location: Jena, Germany
Additional Information: http://cse.mathe.uni-jena.de/phsp14
Contact: gerhard.zumbusch[AT]uni-jena.de
Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14
Jena, Germany, 14-15 July 2014
This workshop will focus on aspects of heterogeneous computing systems, including GPU computing, accelerators offloading, vector instruction sets and the multi level hierarchy of distributed and shared memory resources found in large scale computing.
The first day of the workshop is dedicated to an introduction to programming aspects. A tutorial including a hands-on session will give the opportunity for less experienced participants to learn about GPU computing. The next day of the workshop will discuss how physics applications, especially in relativity and quantum field theory, may benefit from the use of accelerators. The topics covered by this workshops are:
- Programming techniques, library and language design for heterogeneous systems. Issues of portability and performance.
- Parallel numerical algorithms and algorithms tailored or tuned for a specific system.
- Optimization of computational kernels. Tools and techniques for high performance, energy efficiency, or effective code development.
Abstracts should be submitted by end of April 2014.
1.5. Gravity and the Quantum, Como, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-01 to 2014-06-06
Location: Como, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014
Contact: grschool[AT]centrovolta.it
Villa del Grumello (Como Italy), 1-6 June 2014
The problem of merging quantum mechanics and general relativity is yet unsolved. At a fundamental level, general relativity and quantum theory seem to be contradictory and the theoretical framework of physics is still unaccomplished. It is necessary to combine these two ways of thinking into a single, even more fundamental, theoretical paradigm; this has been called quantum gravity. This step is also necessary for understanding extreme situations such as near the Big Bang or the black hole singularities. The school will give a general overview of the field of Quantum Gravity, of its main and most recent achievements and will propose new challenges and open questions that are looking for answers.
Abhay Ashtekar: Quantum cosmology
John Barrett:Non-commutative geometry and quantum gravity
Eugenio Bianchi: Black holes
Laurent Freidel: Quantum space
Roberto Percacci: Asymptotic safety
Carlo Rovelli: Covariant loop quantum gravity
Alain Connes, Thibault Damour and Lee Smolin have been invited to deliver special lectures. (Their presence is not yet confirmed).
There will be room for short communications by the participants.Those who want to submit a communication proposal should send a short abstract to grschool(a)centrovolta.it Proponents will be informed about acceptance of their contribution in due time. Preparatory and follow-up lectures will be delivered at the University of Insubria.
Registration: Participants will be accommodated in the hotels near Villa del Grumello and will be requested to pay an inclusive fee of EURO 750,00, covering part of the accommodation (in rooms to be shared), breakfast and lunch for the duration of the school. Alternatively, participants may arrange for their own accommodation and are requested to pay only the registration fee of EURO 400,00 also covering luncheons . Accommodation form can be downloaded from the School website: http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014. Accommodation is not guaranteed after May 1st, 2014. Some support to cover local expenses is available; those who need support should mention it in their registration and send a short curriculum vitae and a summary of current research (maximum two pages A4). Please, note that no support to cover travel expenses will be available.
Registration form is available on the web page http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014 or at grschool(a)centrovolta.it
For information also contact directly the Organizing Secretariat at Centro Volta: grschool(a)centrovolta.it or Chiara.stefanetti(a)centrovolta.it, ph. +39.031.579815, fax +39.031.573395
Scientific and Organizing Committee: Ugo Moschella, Vittorio Gorini, Sergio Cacciatori, Aldo Treves, Francesco Haardt
SIGRAV Council: Salvatore Capozziello, Sabino Matarrese, Pietro Fre, Eugenio Coccia, Lorenzo Fatibene, Sergio Zerbini, Gaetano Vilasi, Luca Lusanna, Carlo Bradaschia, Luigi Stella, Valeria Ferrari, Augusto Sagnotti, Leopoldo Milano, Marco Bruni, Stefano Liberati
1.6. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (3rd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-22 to 2014-04-25
Location: Sant Cugat (Barcelona, Spain)
Additional Information: http://www.ice.csic.es/research/forum/2014.html
Contact: sopuerta[AT]ieec.uab.es
This is the third and last circular for the 2014 edition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics, devoted to Gravitational Wave Astrophysics. This Workshop will be the third meeting this biennial series and will be held in Sant Cugat (near Barcelona), from April 22nd (starting in the morning) to April 25th, 2014 (ending in the afternoon). The address of the website of the workshop is
The motivation for this meeting is the incremental progress made in different major efforts to use gravitational waves (GWs) for Astronomy: The new generation of advanced ground-based GW observatories (LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA) is going to come online soon, and is expected to provide the first detections; on the other hand, we are entering a crucial moment for the European-led project eLISA for a space-based detector; in addition, pulsar timing arrays are approaching detection sensitivities. Then, it is an excellent moment to bring together experts on the different aspects of Astrophysics related to GW detection, from the mechanisms for source formation (including event rate estimations) to the impact that the observations may have on the different branches of Astrophysics, including the role of data analysis developments and source modelling techniques.
The workshop will consists in a series of plenary talks plus contributed talks, with no more than hundred participants.
Nils Andersson (University of Southampton, UK)
Pierre Binetruy (APC-Paris, France)
Monica Colpi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Enrique Garcia-Berro (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
Philippe Jetzer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Kostas Kokkotas (University of Tuebingen, Germany)
Pablo Laguna (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Alicia M. Sintes (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain)
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, Spain)
Alberto Vecchio (University of Birmingham, UK)
Pau Amaro-Seoane (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
John Antoniadis (Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany)
Tamara Bogdanovic (Georgia Tech, USA)
Tomasz Bulik (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, Poland)
Laura Cadonati (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Chiara Caprini (APC Paris, France)
Pablo Cerdá Durán (University of Valencia, Spain)
Thomas Dent (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
Zachariah B. Etienne (West Virginia University, USA)
Jonathan Gair (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK)
Bruno Giacomazzo (University of Trento, Italy)
Brynmor Haskell ?(University of Melbourne, Australia)
Sascha Husa (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain)
Alessandro Nagar (IHES, France)
Carlos Palenzuela (CITA, Canada)
Edward Porter (APC Paris, France)
Christian Reisswig (Caltech, USA)
Alberto Sesana (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
Deirdre Shoemaker (Georgia Tech, USA)
Ulrich Sperhake (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, chair)
Daniel Santos (IEEC-CSIC)
Ivan LLoro (IEEC-CSIC)
Anna Bertolín (IEEC-CSIC)
Pilar Montes (IEEC-CSIC)
Diego F. Torres (ICREA & IEEC-CSIC, Sant Cugat Forum)
The web registration for the 2014 Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics" is open at the conference website
Registration fees: 300 Euros up to February 28th, 2014 (350 Euros at the Registration Desk)
The registration fee will cover: Access to the workshop & workshop materials, a copy of the Session Book (to be sent directly to the delegate address), welcome cocktail, workshop dinner, and coffee breaks.
Participants who would like to contribute a talk in the parallel sessions can apply by submitting a title and abstract in the registration website. The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2014. Participants will be informed shortly afterwards whether their contribution has been accepted. The program will be announced in the conference website.
Sant Cugat Forum Award for Young Scientists: From all contributed works by graduate scientists or postdoctoral fellows within 2 years of their PhD that are willing to apply for the award, the Scientific Organizing Committee will choose the Best Work by a Young Scientist. There will be a symbolic cash amount (TBD), an Award certificate, and a token of recognition related to Sant Cugat (typically a local artist painting). If you would like to be considered for the Award, there will be a place to note so in your abstract submission. The deadline for paper submissions for the Young Scientist Award is March 24, 2014. See the guidelines here:
During the workshop there will be an outreach talk for the general public given by Prof. Alicia M. Sintes. The talk will be on Thursday, April 24th at 7pm.
As an outcome of the workshop, an edited book will be published in the Springer-Verlags Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series, as a hardcover; following on the tradition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics series. The aim is to have a state-of-the-art summary of the workshop topic, i.e. Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.
More details can be found at:
The workshop will take place in the village of Sant Cugat, a small, vibrant city located a few kilometers away from Barcelona, across the mountain and the Collserola Natural Park. It can be easily reached from the city center of Barcelona, but the existence of the natural park in between has allowed it to maintain a completely independent character.
The venue will be the Casa de Cultura (Culture House). In front of it there is one of the best-conserved Benedictine Monasteries in Europe, known to exist since 878, which is inside the villages nucleus with 60% of the streets begin pedestrian ones.
There is a 4 star hotel with affordable prices 300 meters from the meeting room (there are several other hotels nearby). There is also the possibility to be accommodated in Barcelona downtown since there are trains every 5-10 minutes going to and from Plaza Catalunya (at the very center of Barcelona) that take 25 minutes. For more details:
There will be a welcome cocktail on the first day of the conference (Tuesday, April 22nd) from 6pm to 8pm.
There will be a conference dinner on Thursday, April 24th. The dinner is covered by the conference fee. If you would like to bring additional people to the dinner, please indicate so at the registration.
Information about how to arrive, local restaurants, and maps is described here:
We look forward to seeing you in Sant Cugat.
Best regards,
Carlos F. Sopuerta on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)
1.7. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-16 to 2014-05-17
Location: Morgantown, WV, USA
Additional Information: http://astro.phys.wvu.edu/egm
Contact: sean.mcwilliams[AT]mail.wvu.edu
The 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting will be held May 16-17, 2014 at West Virginia University. The format of the meeting will follow previous regional meetings, where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. Registration and abstract submission are now open, please visit http://astro.phys.wvu.edu/egm for more information. There will be a strict limit of 60 attendees on a first come, first served basis, so early registration is encouraged. There is no registration fee, but an RSVP is required for meals (which are provided thanks to the generosity of the WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Eberly College of Science, and the Research Corporation), so we ask that attendees register no later than April 15, 2014.
1.8. Solvay Workshop on Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology, Brussels
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-14 to 2014-04-18
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Additional Information: http://www.solvayinstitutes.be/events/holography_for_black_holes/holography…
Contact: gcompere[AT]ulb.ac.be
Invited speakers:
Dionysios Anninos, Alejandra Castro , Bin Chen , Thomas Faulkner, Matthias Gaberdiel, Gaston Giribet, Daniel Grumiller, Monica Guica, Thomas Hartman, Diego Hofman, Finn Larsen, Kyriakos Papadodimas, Eric Perlmutter, Andrew Strominger, Ricardo Troncoso
Participation is free, but registration is required. Practical information on the webpage.
1.9. IRAP PhD Winter School, Nice, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-23 to 2014-03-02
Location: Nice, France
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=794
Contact: secretariat-irapphd[AT]icra.it
The International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD (IRAP PhD) School in Nice will take place from the 23 of February to 2nd of March. It is specially devoted to frontier topics in relativistic astrophysics and to the students of the IRAP PhD Program. Students from the EMJD, CAPES, FAPERJ Programs will participate. The meeting is open to all interested scientists and graduate students.
The members of IOC are the following:
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia ("Sapienza" Università di Roma)
Vladimir Belinski ("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Carlo Luciano Bianco("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Donato Bini (CNR - Ist. per Applicaz. del Calcolo "M. Picone")
Sandip Kumar Chakrabarti (Indian Centre For Space Physics, India)
Pascal Chardonnet (Université de Savoie ) CO-CHAIRMAN
Christian Cherubini (Università "Campus Biomedico" di Roma)
Thibault Damour (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques)
Jann Einasto (Tartu Observatory)
Simonetta Filippi (Università di Roma "Campus Biomedico" and ICRANet)
Sergio Frasca ("Sapienza" Università di Roma)
Filippo Frontera (Università di Ferrara)
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Yipeng Jing (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China)
Hagen Kleinert (Freie Universitat Berlin)
Olivier Legrand (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Francois Mignard (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
Hermann Nicolai (Max Plank Institute for Gravitational Physics, Postdam)
Mario Novello (Brazilian Centre For Physics Research, Brazil)
Elène Politano (Ecole Doctorale Nice)
Kjell Rosquist (Stockolm University)
Jorge Rueda (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Remo Ruffini ("Sapienza" Università di Roma and ICRANet) CHAIRMAN
Felix Ryde (Stockholm University)
Farrokh Vakili (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
Gregory Vereshchagin (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
She-Sheng Xue (SAPIENZA Università di Roma and ICRANet)
Shuangnan Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science)
The web site of the School is on http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=794. The major topics to be discussed are Neutron Stars and Black Holes, Gamma Ray Bursts, Supernovae, close binary systems, Active Galactic Nuclei, Cosmology, Dark Matter, strong fields in experiments on Earth and from space. Ample time for discussions will be granted.
In the period of the meeting many social events, including the famous carnival of Nice, will take place; therefore an early registration will be necessary for the accommodation.
Registration fees of 100 euros will be requested.
1.10. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the universe (2nd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-23 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Contact: armenia2014[AT]icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes (BHs) dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a ~10 Msun. BH appears to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appears to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism.
Current effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appears to be related to rotating electromagnetic BHs (~10 Msun). in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 10^8-10^9 Msun appears to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that unlike the 10 Msun. BHs, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of baryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter.
This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy (VHE) observatories: from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of BHs and to the process of extraction of the Black Holic Energy (BHE).
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting "Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe" from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 23 to June 27 at the National Academy of Science.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings.
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/Poster_Ar…
1.11. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure (3rd announcement)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-14
Location: Minsk, Belarus
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=747
Contact: zeldovich2014[AT]icranet.org
Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure
An international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich 100th Anniversary in Minsk
The 8th of March 2014 signs the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich in Minsk. In this occasion International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organize an international conference to be held in National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus in March 10-14, 2014.
Confirmed speakers:
- Felix Aharonian: Exploring the Physics of Black Holes with Gamma-Rays
- Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan: Outer parts of large galactic clusters in presence of a dark energy
- Sandip Chakrabarti: Black Hole Astrophysics and the contribution of Zeldovich
- Valery Chechetkin: History of modeling of supernovae explosion
- Artur Chernin: Dark energy in galaxies systems
- Andrey Doroshkevich: Zeldovich nonlinear approximation
- Maxim Khlopov: Zeldovich's legacy in Cosmoparticle physics
- Mario Novello: Perspectives of the Geometric Scalar Gravity
- Nikolai Shakura: Wind Accretion: Theory and Observations
- Alexei Starobinsky: Quantum-gravitational particle creation and generation of metric fluctuations in cosmology
Registration fee: 200 euro (on site)
Registration is open at the conference website: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich2014
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/ZM2/poster2014.pdf
University guest house for foreign participants will be available at reasonable price.
2. Jobs
2.1. Professor position at University of Vienna
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-31
Location: Vienna, Austria
Additional Information: http://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/fuer-mitarbeiterinnen/professorinnen/job/…
Contact: piotr.chrusciel(a)univie.ac.at
The Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna announces the position of a
Full Professor of Mathematical Physics
We are searching for a researcher with high international standing in theoretical physics, with a particular emphasis on mathematical physics, a person with a record of research funding who participates in the teaching and supervision of students at all levels. The successful candidate should establish (and lead) a research group at the Faculty of Physics. A thematic overlap in the research interests of the successful candidate and other members of our faculty is welcome.
For more information, see the external link provided
2.2. CAPES - ICRANet Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-06-30
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/capes
Contact: capes-icranet(a)icranet.org
A teaching, research and outreach program in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology 2013-2018
The Capes - ICRANet Program on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology promotes the Collaboration between scientists from Asia, Europe and USA with Brazilian scientists with five major actions:
1. Fellowships for Brazilian graduate students in the IRAP-PhD program.
2. Senior scientists from Asia, Europe and USA visiting Brazil for up to 3 months per year for three years within the "Ciencia sem fronteiras" program.
3. Senior Brazilian scientists visiting ICRANet seats in Asia, Europe and USA for up to 5 months in a year.
4. Postdoctoral Fellowships for International candidates in ICRANet seats, Scientific Institutions associated to ICRANet, and Institutions with Scientists associated to ICRANet, in Asia, Brazil Europe and USA.
5. Organization of workshops and outreach programs.
www.icranet.org | www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao-internacional/italia/capes-icranet e-mail: capes-icranet[AT]icranet.org
Please, download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterCapes.pdf
2.3. FAPERJ - ICRANet Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-06-30
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/faperj
Contact: faperj-icranet(a)icranet.org
A teaching, research and outreach program in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology 2013-2018
The FAPERJ - ICRANet Program on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology promotes the Collaboration between scientists from Asia, Europe and USA with scientists from the State of Rio de Janeiro with five major actions:
1. Fellowships for graduate students from the State of Rio de Janeiro in the IRAP-PhD program.
2. Senior scientists from Asia, Europe and USA visiting scientific institutions in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
3. Senior scientists from the State of Rio de Janeiro visiting ICRANet seats in Asia, Europe and USA.
4. Postdoctoral Fellowships for International candidates in ICRANet seats, Scientific Institutions associated to ICRANet, and Institutions with scientists associated to ICRANet in Asia, Europe, State fo Rio de Janeiro and USA.
5. Organization of workshops and outreach programs.
www.icranet.org | www.faperj.br e-mail: faperj-icranet(a)icranet.org
Please, download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterFaperj.pdf
2.4. Two faculty positions in Gravity at Florida Atlantic University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-15
Location: Boca Raton, FL, USA
Additional Information: https://jobs.fau.edu
Contact: search[AT]physics.fau.edu
The Department of Physics and the Honors College at FAU invites applications for one senior faculty appointment (position #992458) and one junior faculty appointment (position #991350) in gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics with an emphasis on data analysis and/or source modeling for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and its international partners. These will be tenure/tenure-track appointments starting in August 2014. Our goal is to build a gravitational wave data analysis team that collaborates with LIGO. We are thus seeking highly qualified candidates who work on research connected to LIGO. However, we will also consider applications from candidates working in related areas such as numerical relativity, analytic gravitational wave source modeling, or cosmology.
The Department currently has nine faculty members and we collaborate with the Honors College on our UG honors curriculum. Four of these work in areas such as numerical relativity, mathematical relativity and quantum gravity which are related to gravitational-wave research. The Department offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in physics and currently supports over 25 graduate students. We also offer a MS in medical physics degree.
Successful candidates will be expected to teach, conduct a vigorous research program, and contribute to the development of the current research initiatives within the Physics Department and at the Honors College.
All applicants must apply electronically to the currently posted position on the Office of Human Resources' job website https://jobs.fau.edu (reference the applicable position number above) by completing the Faculty, Administrative, Managerial and Professional Position Application and submitting the related documents.
The site permits the attachment of required/requested documentation. In addition to completing the online application, please upload the following: a cover letter; curriculum vitae that includes a list of publications; copies of official transcripts scanned into an electronic format; and a statement of research and teaching interests.
Applicants must also arrange for at least three letters of recommendation. These letters and any additional information or supplemental material that applicants would like to submit should be sent to search[AT]physics.fau.edu. Applicants must apply online in order to be considered for the position.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. This position may close without prior notice. We encourage applications on or before February 15, 2014.
For further details e-mail to search[AT]physics.fau.edu or visit our Web page (http://www.physics.fau.edu) Positions are subject to anticipated availability of funds.
Florida Atlantic University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation, please call 561-297-3057.
2.5. Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-15
Location: Trivandrum, India
Additional Information: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/scientists/-archana-pai/personal-information.html
Contact: archana[AT]iisertvm.ac.in
Max Planck Partner Group Research Associate Position in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM
Institution: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram, India (IISER-TVM)
Deadline: February 15, 2014
Salary: Rs. 22,000 Rs. 35,000 per month plus 20% House Rent Allowance
IISER-TVM seeks applicants for two Research Associate positions in the area of Gravitational Wave Physics. The positions are funded under the Max Planck Partner Group on Gravitational Wave Physics of Albert Einstein Institute (AEI). The positions will focus on Gravitational Wave detection and parameter estimation issues of binary systems for second generation and future interferometric detectors.
The appointment is for two years and one of the two positions is expected to commence as soon as possible. Candidates with expertise in general relativity, gravitational wave physics, and statistical signal processing are encouraged to apply. Candidates is expected to hold a Ph.D. in Physics, Astrophysics or related areas. Candidate with Ph.D. in Engineering faculty with adequate experience in statistical signal processing may be considered.
IISER-TVM is an active member of IndIGO (Indian Initiative in Gravitational Wave Observatories) and a member of LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). The members of the Gravitational Wave Group are Archana Pai, Nairwita Mazumder and two graduate students.
The selected candidates would get an opportunity to work closely with the AEI members as well as the members of LSC and IndIGO consortium.
Please send via e-mail as a single PDF (1) CV with the list of publications, and (2) detailed research statement. Arrange for 2 letters of recommendation to be sent to archana[at]iisertvm.ac.in with the subject Application for MP-PG positions Candidate name.
To receive full consideration, applications should be received by February 15, 2014. Applications will continued to be screened until the positions are filled.
Informal inquires may be directed to Archana Pai (e-mail: archana[at]iisertvm.ac.in, phone: +91-471-2599423)
2.6. Two Lectureships in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-09
Location: Sheffield, UK
Additional Information: https://jobs.shef.ac.uk/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG…
Contact: s.dolan[AT]sheffield.ac.uk
The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield (UK) invites applications for two lectureships with a starting date of 1 September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The School has a strong research ethos and an international reputation in research, with clusters in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Category Theory, Differential Geometry, Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Biology and Environment, Number Theory, Particle Astrophysics and Gravitation, Probability, Solar Physics, Statistics, and Topology.
We are looking for candidates with a strong record of high quality research linking to the existing strengths of the School, and able to teach at undergraduate and postgraduate level and to contribute to our Financial Mathematics Programme. You will have a PhD or equivalent experience and an established record of publishing work in high quality journals. An interest in spending two or more months of the year on concentrated teaching at the new campus in Nanjing (China) would be an advantage.
Informal enquiries from candidates with an interest in gravitational physics/cosmology may be directed to Sam Dolan (s.dolan[at]sheffield.ac.uk).
2.7. Postdoctoral position in multimessenger Astrophysics at the University of Pisa
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Pisa, Italy
Additional Information: http://virgopisa.df.unipi.it/content/postdoctoral-position-multimessenger-a…
Contact: massimiliano.razzano[AT]pi.infn.it
The Physics Department E. Fermi of the University of Pisa invites applications for a postdoctoral position in multimessenger astrophysics on: "study of the gravitational wave and high-energy eletromagnetic radiation from pulsars and other astrophysical sources".
The successful candidate should have a research background in one or more of the following topics: high-energy astrophysics, neutron stars and pulsar physics, study of time series in astrophysics, gravitational wave astronomy. The candidate will work on data analysis of electromagnetic radiation (X and gamma rays) and gravitational wave radiation from periodic sources, mainly pulsars.
The position is a fixed term appointment for 2 years. Funding for travel will be available. The successful candidate will work within an international collaboration involving scientists of the Fermi-LAT and Virgo-LSC collaborations. Annual gross salary is 24,000 euro, according to the Italian university postdoctoral level (Assegno di Ricerca). The appointment is expected to begin around the end of March 2014.
Pisa, known worldwide for its famous leaning tower, is a pleasant, university-oriented city of about 100,000 people in the beautiful context of the Tuscany region. Home of many research institutions, it offers a vibrant cultural life. The University of Pisa has a strong, historical tradition in the mathematical and physical sciences, and the Physics Department hosts research groups working on many different fields, including astrophysics, astroparticle physics and gravitational wave physics.
Applicants are required to follow the application procedure described at
A interview session will be held on March 6, 2014. Applicants committed abroad can do the interview electronically, using a telecon system (see the announcement for more details)
The University of Pisa is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from women and minorities. For more information, please visit:
or send an email to: massimiliano.razzano[AT]pi.infn.it
Related websites:
Physics Department of the University of Pisa (Italian): http://www.df.unipi.it/ricerca/attività
Fermi research group in Pisa: http://glast.pi.infn.it/
Virgo-EGO research group in Pisa: http://virgopisa.df.unipi.it/
Fermi mission: http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov
Virgo homepage: http://www.ego-gw.it/
2.8. The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (LEAPS)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/summerstudents/
Contact: leaps[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl
Leiden Observatory and ESA are pleased to welcome applications for the second edition of the LEAPS program. LEAPS is an opportunity for students with an interest in astronomy and astrophysics to perform a 10-12 week summer research project in collaboration with a research scientist from Leiden Observatory or ESA. The program is open to all students not currently engaged in a Ph.D. program, although we are most interested in students at the senior-undergraduate or masters level who are enthusiastic about research in astrophysics.
Students will be selected for the program based on their academic achievements and research potential, and will be matched to staff projects based on what they indicate their scientific interests to be. Research at Leiden Observatory and ESA takes place on a diverse array of topics (see below), and student projects will likely consist of anything from the analysis of data from world-class telescopes, to large computer simulations, to hands-on work in the astrochemistry laboratories.
Projects will begin in June 2014 and end before mid-September 2014. We expect to make as many as 20 appointments this year, depending on interest and the match of projects to students interests and skills. Details on the application process can be found below.
2.9. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at West Virginia University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-01
Additional Information: http://astro.wvu.edu/
Contact: zetienne[AT]umd.edu
We are seeking a postdoctoral research associate to conduct research in computational astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics or MHD, and gravitational wave source modeling. A Ph.D. in Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, or a related field is required, with research expertise in one or more of the areas listed above. Those with particularly strong backgrounds in numerical relativity, PDEs, mathematical relativity, and computational techniques related to the solution of PDEs are especially encouraged to apply. The candidate will work primarily with Prof. Zachariah Etienne on a number of possible research topics, with particular application to the science goals of pulsar timing arrays, particularly NANOGrav, as well as ground-based interferometric detectors, particularly Advanced LIGO.
The preferred start date for the position is September 1, 2014, with an initial appointment of one year and possible renewal for up to two additional years contingent on performance and available funding.
Interested applicants should email a CV and a brief statement of research experience and interests to zetienne[AT]umd.edu. In addition, they should arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to the same address. Applications should be posted by March 1, 2013 for full consideration, though application reviews will continue until the position is filled.
The Department of Mathematics consists of 27 tenured and tenure-track faculty, three postdoctoral researchers, and 55 graduate students. West Virginia University is a Doctoral/Research University-High Land Grant institution enrolling over 28,000 students. The University is located in Morgantown, WV, an award winning "small" city with a metropolitan population of about 100,000 within easy travel distance to Pittsburgh and Washington, DC. WVU is a major center for gravitational wave astronomy, with a theoretical, multidisciplinary gravitational wave astronomy program led by Profs. Zachariah Etienne and Sean McWilliams, and an observational pulsar timing program led by Profs. Duncan Lorimer and Maura McLaughlin. It is located a few hours drive from the National Radio Astronomy Observatorys Green Bank Telescope, where most of NANOGravs observations are conducted. WVU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and the recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity.
2.10. International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-16
Location: Pescara, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=3…
Contact: mariaelena.pirone[AT]icranet.org
The coordinated effort of many international organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), has led to an unprecedented amount of scientific information from the microphysical world all the way to the entire Universe. To harvest the results of these scientific missions, a specific Ph. D. program has been envisaged in order to involve the students in the analysis and modeling of the above observational data within the theory of general relativity and relativistic quantum and classical field theories. The students will also be involved in innovative experimental programs in relativistic astrophysics. The program provides expertise in the most advanced topics of experimental, mathematical and theoretical physics relevant to the context of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. These activities, being necessarily international, the scientific and academic ins
titutions, indicated below, participate with their own specific scientific specialties and a joint degree is delivered, at the end of the program.
A deadline of 16th February 2014 has been established for the nine positions sponsored by the Erasmus Mundus Program. Five additional positions sponsored by CAPES, for students from Brazil, and two by FAPERJ for students from the state of Rio de Janeiro, have deadline 30th June 2014. Five additional positions open internationally and directly sponsored by the participating institutions will have deadline 30th September 2014. For the application and more information see http://www.icranet.org/irap-phd .
Headquarters, Piazza della Repubblica, 10 | 65100 Pescara | Italy
Phone: +39.085.23054.200 | Fax: +39.085.4219252
Download the poster from here: http://www.icranet.org/documents/posterIrap.pdf
2.11. Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-01
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669
Contact: tizby[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in space physics at the University of Kansas beginning as early as March 24, 2014. Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a related field associated with space physics within six months of appointment and experience in space physics or astrophysics or related field.
The initial appointment is for one year with probable renewal for another year subject to review and continued grant funding. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought. For complete position announcement and to apply on-line go http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669. A complete electronic application will include: letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research, list of publications and a list of 3 references. In addition, applicants should arrange for the three cited references to send letters of reference to: Thomas E. Cravens, Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr., 1082 Malott Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045-7582 or cravens[AT]ku.edu.
2.12. Postdoctoral Researcher in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at the University of Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-07
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4688
Contact: tatekris[AT]ku.edu
The KU nuclear physics group seeks highly qualified candidates for an immediate opening for a post-doctoral position working on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The postdoctoral researcher is expected to be stationed at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland. Ph.D. in nuclear science or particle physics by date of appointment and experience in data analysis and detector operation of particle and nuclear physics experiments are required.
The KU nuclear physics group is playing a leading role in the physics analyses of long-range correlations in heavy-ions as well as in studies emphasizing physics in the forward region, including the study of ultra-peripheral heavy-ions collisions. Inquires about the physics program can be sent by email to Dr. Daniel Tapia Takaki (jdtt(a)ku.edu)
The initial appointment is for one year with possibility of renewal annually for the subsequent two years subject to review and continued grant funding. Candidates with relevant interests and experience are sought. For complete position announcement and to apply on-line go to http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4688. A complete electronic application will include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research, and a list of 3 references. In addition, applicants should arrange for the three cited references to send letters of reference via email to: Kristin Rennells (tatekris[AT]ku.edu) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr., 1082 Malott Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045-7582.
Initial review of applications will begin February 7, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. General inquiries can be made by email to tatekris[AT]ku.edu. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.
2.13. Postdoctoral positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: http://cosmo.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl
Contact: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Szczecin invites applications for 2 postdoctoral positions cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The positions are supposed to be filled after 1st of March 2014 and last for 2 years with a possibility to further extension for another 2 years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre Maestro-3 grant "New consequences of the variability of the fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz P. Dabrowski (DEC-2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a position is 6500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away from Berlin with good access to international airports.
The research will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and observational aspects of such theories.
The deadline for applications is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of publications, and a brief statement of research interests. Candidates should arrange for 3 letters of recommendation. Applications and recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dabrowski: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
2.14. Ph.D. student positions in cosmology, University of Szczecin
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-14
Location: Szczecin, Poland
Additional Information: http://cosmo.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl
Contact: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl
Szczecin Cosmology Group at the Institute of Physics of the University of Szczecin invites applications for 2 Ph.D. student positions cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental interactions. The positions are supposed to be filled after 1st of March 2014 and last for 3 years. The positions are funded by the National Science Centre Maestro-3 grant "New consequences of the variability of the fundamental constants in physics and cosmology" led by prof. Mariusz P. Dabrowski (DEC-2012/06/A/ST2/00395). The gross monthly salary per a position is 2500 PLN, there is a possibility for a cheaper university supported accommodation, travel fund is available. The city of Szczecin is located near to polish border with Germany 130 km away from Berlin with good access to international airports.
The research will deal with broad area of the particle physics and cosmology with the emphasis onto the theories with variable physical constants and their consequences onto the evolution of the universe. The project will refer to both theoretical as well as experimental and observational aspects of such theories.
The deadline for applications is 14th February, 2014. Applications should include CV, list of publications, a brief statement of research interests, a copy of graduate studies diploma (M.Sc.) and a copy of the thesis. Candidates should arrange for at least 1 letter of recommendation. Applications and recommendations should be sent by email to prof. M.P. Dabrowski: mpdabfz[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl.
2.15. PhD positions in gravity, cosmology, astrophysics at Fudan University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-31
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/Site/Job_Opportunities.html
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The gravity/cosmology/astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2014) for non-Chinese students. The successful candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2014. Courses and research are conducted in English. The PhD program normally lasts for 3 years, but it can be extended to 4-5 years.
Applications from candidates with interest/experience in any research area of gravity, cosmology, high energy astrophysics, and quantum field theory will be considered. The group currently consists of 3 faculty (Cosimo Bambi, Antonino Marciano, Leonardo Modesto), 4 postdocs (Stefano Giaccari, Daniele Malafarina, Leslaw Rachwal, Naoki Tsukamoto), and several graduate and undergraduate students. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and a short statement of research interests and/or experience to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Please arrange also at least 2 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Applications received by January 31 will receive full consideration.
Enquires can be sent to Cosimo Bambi (bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn), Antonino Marciano (marciano[AT]fudan.edu.cn), or Leonardo Modesto (lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn). Some of the possible research projects can be found here:
Further details:
Shanghai is the most international city in China. It has been recently developing as a forefront for scientific research in Asia, and will continue in the next years. Fudan University is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. The group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Special Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan.
Housing: the successful candidates can live in the international student dormitory inside the campus at very convenient rental rates.
3. News
3.1. The Chalonge School Programme of the Year 2014
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://chalonge.obspm.fr
23 Years of Activity-Calling for Understanding.
Welcome to the Chalonge School.
A Laboratory of Ideas. Research, Training and Scientific Culture. Science with great intellectual endeavour and a Human Face.
A beacon pioneering and developing research, projects and training.
The Chalonge School offers unvaluable international current research view at the forefront of astrophysics and cosmology, international contacts at the highest level and a careful interdisciplinarity, with both Theory and Observations.
The Programme is open to researchers, post-docs and advanced students of the different disciplines in the field, both theorists, experimentalists and observers. Advanced students, post-docs, young researchers are encouradged to participate.
The Programme includes scientific culture events with the latest and anticipated results and exhibitions.
All the Year 2014 with the topics and dates of the Chalonge Programme Colloquia, Workshops, Open Sessions and meetings are available at:
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Programme2014.html
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr
--The Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2014
"From Large to Small Scale Structures in Agreement with Observations:
CMB, WDM, Galaxies, Black Holes, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
--The Chalonge 18th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2014 "Latest News from the Universe: LambdaWDM, CMB, Warm Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Neutrinos and Sterile Neutrinos"
URL: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/colloque2014.html
The Chalonge Medal
The Chalonge Medal is coined exclusively for the Chalonge School by the Hôtel de la Monnaie de Paris (the French Mint).
Only nine Chalonge medals have been awarded by the School in the 21 year school history: Subramanyan CHANDRASEKHAR, Nobel prize of physics. Bruno PONTECORVO. George SMOOT, Nobel prize of physics. Carlos FRENK. Anthony LASENBY. Bernard SADOULET, fellow of the USA Academy of Arts and Science. Peter BIERMANN. John MATHER, Nobel prize of physics. Brian SCHMIDT, Nobel prize of Physics. Gerard GILMORE, Fellow of the UK Royal Society
The Chalonge School Team:
Science Organizers: Norma G. SANCHEZ, Héctor J. DE VEGA, Maria C. FALVELLA, Alba ZANINI,
Marina RAMON MEDRANO, Annalisa PERISSA, and other colleagues .....
Engineering and Technical Support : Djilali ZIDANI, François SEVRE, Nicole LETOURNEUR, Jean-Pierre MICHEL, Sylvain CNUDDE, and other colleagues....
School Courses, Lectures and available Lecturers, Album of Pictures are available at:
URL http://chalonge.obspm.fr
With Compliments and kind Regards
Norma G. SANCHEZ, Hector J. DE VEGA
3.2. Buchalter Cosmology Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.buchaltercosmologyprize.org
The newly established Buchalter Cosmology Prize seeks to motivate and recognize innovative theoretical, observational, or experimental work in cosmology that has the potential to produce a breakthrough advance in our thinking. Submissions for the 2014 prize will be accepted through September 30th, 2014. Three prizes will be awarded, with $10,000 going to first place. Details can be found at http://www.buchaltercosmologyprize.org.
(submitted by Robert Caldwell)
3.3. 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org
In 2014, for our sixty-fifth competition, the trustees of the Gravity Research Foundation are offering five awards for short essays for the purpose of stimulating thought and encouraging work on gravitation. The stipulations follow.
(1) We will make these Awards on May 15, 2014 for the best well-written essays, 1500 words or fewer (excluding abstracts, diagrams, references and minimal equations), on the subject of gravitation, its theory, applications, or effects.
(2) The First Award will be $4000.00
The Second Award will be $1250.00
The Third Award will be $1000.00
The Fourth Award will be $750.00
The Fifth Award will be $500.00
(3) Essays must be in English and e-mailed in a single PDF file before April 1, 2014. One essay only will be accepted from each author. Notify us within 24 hours if you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your submission.
(4) Title pages should include essay title; authors names, e-mail and complete mailing addresses; submission date; an abstract of 125 words or less; and the statement: Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2014 Awards for Essays on Gravitation. Pages should be numbered.
(5) The decision of the judges will be final and no reviews or comments will be provided.
(6) Please check the winners announcement to be posted on our website: gravityresearchfoundation.org around May 15, 2014. We will also attempt to send all participants a general e-mail notification.
(7) The five award-winning essays will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD). Authors of essays designated Honorable Mention will be invited to submit their essays to the IJMPD where these may undergo additional refereeing at editorial discretion for possible publication. Authors of all other essays are free and encouraged to publish their essays after May 15th.
Submission e-mail address: George M. Rideout, Jr., President (grideoutjr[AT]aol.com)
Recent First Award Winners:
2013 - Baocheng Zhang, Qing-yu Cai, Ming-sheng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan and Li You, Tsinghua University, Bejing, PR China
2012 - Claus Kiefer and Manuel Kraemer, University of Cologne, Koeln, Germany
2011 - Ivan Agullo, Penn State and Leonard Parker, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2010 - Mark Van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
2009 - Alexander Burinskii, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
2008 - T. Padmanabhan, IUCAA, Pune, India
2007 - S. Carlip, University of California at Davis
2006 - Vijay Balasubramanian, University of Pennsylvania; Donald Marolf, University of California at Santa Barbara and Moshe Rozali, University of British Columbia
2005 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, Kings College London and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A-and-M University
2004 - Maulik Parikh, Columbia University, New York
2003 - Martin Bojowald, The Pennsylvania State University
2002 - Steven B. Giddings, University of California at Santa Barbara and Stanford University
2001 - Csaba Csaki and Joshua Erlich, Los Alamos National Lab and Christophe Grojean, University of California at Berkeley
2000 - Arthur Lue and Erick J. Weinberg, Columbia University, New York
1999 - John Ellis, CERN; N. E. Mavromatos, University of Oxford and D. V. Nanopoulos, Texas A and M University
3.4. Book with A. A. Friedmanns papers on cosmology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/friedmann2.html
Alexander A. Friedmann, Papers On Curved Spaces and Cosmology (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2014), 74 pages
This book contains three papers by Friedmann - "On the Curvature of Space" (1922), "On the Possibility of a World with a Constant Negative Curvature of Space" (1924), and "On the Geometry of Curved Spaces". The third paper is a 28-page manuscript (dated 15 April 1922) which has not been published even in Russian.
Unlike the existing two English translations of Friedmann's 1922 and 1924 papers (done from the German publications), now these papers are translated directly from the original Russian texts.
Vesselin Petkov

02 Jan '14
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Recent Developments in Gravity, Mykonos, Greece
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral position in Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology, Beijing
2.2. Postdoctoral positions in numerical relativity at the Academy of Athens
2.3. PhD positions in gravity/cosmology/astrophysics at Fudan University
2.4. PhD Fellowship in Relativity at Southampton
2.5. Postdoc position in numerical relativity at the University of Trento (Italy)
2.6. Postdoctoral positions in numerical relativity and computational astrophysics at the Rochester Institute of Technology
2.7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy and Astrophysics, Syracuse
2.8. Max Planck Partner Group Post-doctoral Positions at IISER-TVM, India
2.9. Post-doctoral and Ph.D. positions in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy at the AEI
2.10. Postdoctoral positions in Relativistic and Computational Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
2.11. Postdoc in Quantum Gravity at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2.12. Two gravity postdocs at the University of Nottingham
3. News
3.1. GWIC Thesis Prize and Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize for 2013: Call for Nominations
3.2. REMINDER: The IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize
1. Conferenes
1.1. Recent Developments in Gravity, Mykonos, Greece
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-09-17 to 2014-09-20
Location: Mykonos Island, Greece
Additional Information: http://neb.hsrgc.gr/16/
Contact: gravitygreece[AT]gmail.com
This is the 16th biennial Hellenic conference Recent Developments in Gravity (NEB 16). The purpose of the conference will be to discuss the present status and latest developments in relativity, gravitation and cosmology. The program will consist of invited, keynote, and contributed talks.
Invited/Keynote Speakers: L. Amendola, L. Barack, M. Bojowald, A. Calder, V. Ferrari, V. Kalogera, J. Lattimer, D. Lust, M. Maggiore, D. Oriti, L. Rezzolla, B. Schutz, M. Shibata, T. Sotiriou
Organizing Committee: T. Apostolatos [CHAIR], K. Kokkotas, M. Sakellariadou, N. Stergioulas, E.C. Vagenas
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctoral position in Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology, Beijing
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-03-01
Location: Beijing, China
Additional Information: http://physics.bnu.edu.cn/application/research/gravity/english%20version/in…
Contact: mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn
The Center for Relativity and Gravitation at Beijing Normal Univerisity has one post-doctoral position openning from fall 2014 in the areas of quantum gravity and quantum cosmology. The appointment will be for two years.
The gravity group consists of Sijie Gao, Wenbiao Liu, Hong Lu, Yongge Ma, Bin Zhou and Jianyang Zhu. In addition, the retired professors Canbin Liang and Zheng Zhao join the academic activities frequently, and professors Abhay Ashtekar, Jerzy Lewandowski, Carlo Rovelli and Thomas Thiemann hold visiting professorships at the Institute. The areas of research in the group concern loop quantum gravity, black hole physics, general relativity, de Sitter spacetime, higher dimensional gravity and cosmology, supergravity, AdS/CFT etc.. For further information on the group, see the webpage:
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research proposal and arrange to have two recommendation letters (one from the PhD advisor of the applicant) sent directly to:
Prof. Yongge Ma
Department of Physics
Beijing Normal Univeristy
Beijing 100875
E-mail applications are also accepted. They should be sent to:
mayg[AT]bnu.edu.cn, yonggema[AT]yahoo.com
The deadline for receipt of all application material is March 1st, 2014.
2.2. Postdoctoral positions in numerical relativity at the Academy of Athens
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-31
Location: Athens, Greece
Additional Information: http://www.academyofathens.gr/ecHome.asp?lang=2
Contact: icontop[AT]academyofathens.gr
Applications are now open for two postdoctoral research positions at the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens on the numerical study of magnetic fields around astrophysical black holes. Applicants with previous experience in numerical magnetohydrodynamics (preferentially in general relativity) are particularly encouraged to apply. Starting date: January 2014. Termination date: September 26, 2015. The positions will be funded by the Excellence program of the Greek secretariat of Research and Technology.
Applications should be sent to the Research Commission of the Academy of Athens (Solonos 84 str. 3rd floor, Athens 10679, Greece) before December 31 2013, and should include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and future research interests and up to three letters of recommendation. Questions and inquires: Dr. I. Contopoulos (e-mail: icontop[AT]academyofathens.gr; tel.: +30 2106597167; fax: +30 2106597602).
2.3. PhD positions in gravity/cosmology/astrophysics at Fudan University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-10
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/Site/Job_Opportunities.html
Contact: bambi(a)fudan.edu.cn
The gravity/cosmology/astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2014) for non-Chinese students. The successful candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2014. Courses and research are conducted in English. The PhD program normally lasts for 3 years, but it can be extended to 4-5 years.
Applications from candidates with interest/experience in any research area of gravity, cosmology, high energy astrophysics, and quantum field theory will be considered. The group currently consists of 3 faculty (Cosimo Bambi, Antonino Marciano, Leonardo Modesto), 4 postdocs (Stefano Giaccari, Daniele Malafarina, Leslaw Rachwal, Naoki Tsukamoto), and several graduate and undergraduate students. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and a short statement of research interests and/or experience to:
Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Please arrange also at least 2 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Applications received by January 10 will receive full consideration.
Enquires can be sent to Cosimo Bambi (bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn), Antonino Marciano (marciano[AT]fudan.edu.cn), or Leonardo Modesto (lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn).Some of the possible research projects can be found here:
Further details:
Shanghai is the most international city in China. It has been recently developing as a forefront for scientific research in Asia, and will continue in the next years. Fudan University is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. The group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Special Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan.
Housing: the successful candidates can live in the international student dormitory inside the campus at very convenient rental rates.
2.4. PhD Fellowship in Relativity at Southampton
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-28
Location: Southampton, UK
Additional Information: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/stag
Contact: leor[AT]soton.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a PhD position within the Gravity group in the School of Mathematics at the university of Southampton, UK. The PhD position is funded by the European Research Council for a standard duration of 3 years, starting in October 2014. The successful candidate will work with Prof. Leor Barack on analytical and numerical approaches to the problem of radiative dynamics of orbits around black holes in General Relativity, with applications to gravitational-wave astronomy.
The University of Southampton (UK) is home to a large Gravity research group. The group comprises 9 staff members (Nils Andersson, Leor Barack, Carsten Gundlach, Ian Hawke, Wynn Ho, Ian Jones, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor and James Vickers), 9 postdocs and 15 research students. Research in the group covers topics in black-hole and neutron-star astrophysics, sources of gravitational waves and numerical relativity, as well as string-inspired gravity and holography.
Students of any nationality are invited to apply, but full funding is guaranteed only for EU nationals. We prefer applications to arrive before February 28, 2014, although later applications will be considered until the position is filled.
Applications should be made online, by following the link on
In the online application form please select Programme Type "Research", "FullTime" and type in "Mathematics" in the Search window. Then follow the link under "Apply online" and proceed as instructed. Make sure to indicate "Leor Barack" as the requested supervisor.
Contact for enquiries:
Prof. Leor Barack
School of Mathematics
University of Southampton
United Kingdom
email: leor[at]soton.ac.uk
2.5. Postdoc position in numerical relativity at the University of Trento (Italy)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-27
Location: Trento, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/bando/32797/department-of-physics-call-for-th…
Contact: bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.it
The Department of Physics at the University of Trento invites applications for a 2-year postdoc position starting on or around September 2014. The postdoc will work with Dr. Bruno Giacomazzo on numerical simulations in full general relativity of magnetized compact objects (such as neutron stars and black holes). Previous experience in general relativistic simulations of compact objects is required for this position.
The net salary will be ~2500 EUR per month (the gross salary of this fellowship will be 33000 EUR per year). Travel funds are also available for the entire duration of the project.
The deadline for applications is January 27 2014 at 12 pm Italian time. Applicants should have a PhD in Physics or related areas. Candidates that will obtain their PhD before the contract starts can also apply. Full details about the selection process (which may include also a Skype interview) can be found at http://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/bando/32797/department-of-physics-call-for-th…
Application and required documents:
1) application form to be downloaded at http://www.unitn.it/files/download/32796/domanda.pdf
2) a copy of the applicant's ID card or other form of identification
3) curriculum vitae (dated and signed by the applicant)
4) publication list (dated and signed by the applicant)
5) a research program
6) copy of PhD certificate or a declaration to certify that the title will be achieved by the starting date of the contract
All documents must be sent in one of the following ways:
1. by fax to +39 0461 281699. Those using fax may send extended files containing only research program, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and PhD certificate in zipped form to ateneo[AT]pec.unitn.it (application form and ID cannot be sent via regular email). Please mention in the email "Application for Research Fellowship DFI Decree n. 148 02.12.2013" and that you sent the application form and ID via fax.
2. by courier service (e.g., DHL, FedEx, UPS, Italian "raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno") to the following address (please write on the envelope "Application for Research Fellowship DFI Decree n. 148 02.12.2013"):
Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Fisica,
Ufficio Contratti Serv. Amm. per la Didattica e la Ricerca Polo Collina,
Università degli Studi di Trento,
Via Sommarive 14,
38123 TRENTO,
3. by Italian certified email to ateneo[AT]pec.unitn.it using ONLY an Italian PEC email address (e.g., see https://www.postacertificata.gov.it in Italian). Please mention in the subject "Application for Research Fellowship DFI Decree n. 148 02.12.2013".
Applicants should also arrange to have three reference letters sent via email directly to bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.it.
Applicants are also encouraged to notify bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.it once they have sent their applications. Please note that all the application material has to be received by the deadline (particularly important if you are applying via courier service). Any question about this position and the application process can be sent directly to bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.it.
The University of Trento is ranked among the top 5 universities in Italy (first for quality of research according to national rankings). The city of Trento is located on the Italian Dolomites and it is very well connected with several destinations in Italy and Europe. Moreover the city of Trento has been recently ranked as the best place to live in Italy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trento)
More information about the Physics Department of the University of Trento can be found at: http://www.unitn.it/en/dphys
2.6. Postdoctoral positions in numerical relativity and computational astrophysics at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-31
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: http://ccrg.rit.edu/spotlight/jobs
Contact: ccrg-postdoc(a)ccrgweb.rit.edu
The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (CCRG) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) anticipates filling one postdoctoral positions in the area of numerical relativity and computational astrophysics in the coming year. We are looking for postdoctoral candidates interested in working on relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations of accretion disks around supermassive black hole mergers and jet dynamics. This work will have direct impact on electromagnetic observations of active galactic nuclei and is part of ongoing collaborative research effort with Johns Hopkins University.
There are currently eleven senior researchers working in a broad range of areas of gravitational physics and astrophysics at the CCRG. Six faculty members work in numerical relativity and/or gravitational-wave science: Manuela Campanelli, Joshua Faber, Carlos Lousto, Yosef Zlochower, John Whelan, and Hans-Peter Bischof (a visualization expert), plus a new faculty in the area of gravitational wave data analysis, as well as four postdoctoral fellows: Miguel Zilhao, Scott Noble, Jason Nordhaus, and James Healy, and several Ph.D. students.
The successful postdoctoral candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate on a broad range of research topics in gravitational physics. Our group is involved in several large collaborations, including the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), The Einstein Toolkit Consortium, a Petascale computing project with NCSA, the NINJA (Numerical Injection Analysis) project, and the NRAR (numerical relativity-analytical relativity) collaboration.
The positions are for two years and renewable depending on satisfactory performance and the availability of funds. CCRG researchers have access to several computing cluster facilities at national computing centers such as XSEDE and BlueWaters as well as a dedicated 1600-core cluster hosted at the Center.
More information about the CCRG is available at http://ccrg.rit.edu/ and about Rochester at
Applications should consist of a cover letter, a brief statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae including publication list, and at least three letters of recommendation. All materials should be sent electronically as soon as possible to: ccrg-postdoc[AT]ccrgweb.rit.edu
Enquiries can be addressed to the center's Director:
Manuela Campanelli, manuela[AT]astro.rit.edu
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation,
School of Mathematical Sciences, and School of Physics and Astronomy,
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
85 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester,
New York 14623
Review of completed applications will begin as soon as available and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. RIT is committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.
2.7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy and Astrophysics, Syracuse
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-17
Location: Syracuse, NY, USA
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phy.syr.edu/
Contact: psaulson[AT]syr.edu
The Syracuse University Gravitational-Wave Group invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics, starting September 1, 2014 or possibly earlier. The initial appointment will be for one year, renewable up to three years contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.
The Syracuse University Gravitational-Wave Group consists of faculty members Stefan Ballmer, Duncan Brown and Peter Saulson, senior scientist Peter Couvares, research assistant professor Ryan Fisher, 3 postdocs and 9 graduate students. The group is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and has a broad range of research interests in gravitational-wave astronomy including: searches for gravitational waves with Advanced LIGO, astrophysics of compact object binaries, detector characterization, and next-generation detector development. The Syracuse group has excellent computing and laboratory facilities and operates a 2000 CPU core cluster with 170 GPUs for gravitational-wave astrophysics and LIGO analysis.
The successful candidates research will be focused on development of search and parameter estimation techniques for gravitational waves using the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO), the interface between numerical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy and the physics of gravitational-wave sources.
For full consideration qualified candidates must complete an online management application at www.sujobopps.com (job #070925) and attach their curriculum vitae, list of publications and a statement of research interests.
Application materials should be submitted by January 15, 2014 for full consideration, but the screening process will continue until filled.
Syracuse University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Members of minority groups and women are especially encouraged to apply.
2.8. Max Planck Partner Group Post-doctoral Positions at IISER-TVM, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-17
Location: Trivandrum, India
Additional Information: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/~cosmograv
Contact: shanki[AT]iisertvm.ac.in
Max Planck Partner Group on Cosmology and Gravity, IISER-Thiruvananthapuram intends to appoint up to two postdoctoral positions in the areas of early-universe cosmology, classical and quantum gravity. A Ph.D. degree and relevant research experience are required for these posts. The positions can start as early as 1st April 2014.
Both these posts are funded under the Max Planck Partner Group. Currently, the group has 4 post-doctorate fellows and 3 Ph.D. students. The fellows have the opportunity to visit and interact with the members of Albert Einstein Institute, Golm.
The position is available for a period of up to two years. Informal enquiries can be made to S. Shankaranarayanan (shanki[AT] iisertvm.ac.in ).
Tenure: 2 years
Salary: INR 2,64,000 INR 4,20,000 per annum
Group Page: http://www.iisertvm.ac.in/~cosmograv
Deadline: 17 January 2014
To apply please send CV, research statement and have at least two letters of reference sent by email to: shanki[AT] iisertvm.ac.in with the subject Application for MP-PG positions Candidate name.
2.9. Post-doctoral and Ph.D. positions in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy at the AEI
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-10
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/1121114/gwjobs2014
Contact: buonanno[AT]aei.mpg.de
As a result of the recent appointment (starting in September 2014) of Prof. Alessandra Buonanno as director of the "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam, several postdoc appointments will be available beginning September 2014. The positions are available at different levels, depending on experience and seniority. Students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. in gravitational-wave astronomy are also invited to apply.
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division will focus on several aspects of gravitational-wave astronomy, including (i) theoretical gravitational dynamics (post-Newtonian theory, gravitational self-force approach, perturbation theory and effective-one-body formalism), (ii) numerical simulations of gravitational-wave sources, (iii) source modeling and analysis of data from gravitational-wave detectors, and (iv) astrophysics of compact objects. Members of the division will have the opportunity to join the LIGO Scientific Collaboration through the group's membership. They could also be involved in Pulsar-Timing-Array projects and the eLISA mission, which was recently approved by ESA.
A strong visitor program will be established to create a lively and vibrant research environment.
In brief, the relevant research areas for these positions are:
- Gravitation Theory
- Analytical Relativity
- Numerical Relativity
- Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis and Phenomenology
- Relativistic Astrophysics
The gravitational-wave data-analysis research includes work on the detection of continuous gravitational-wave signals, led by Dr. Maria Alessandra Papa's group. Postdoctoral candidates interested in this research topic are also encouraged to apply.
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division has high-performance clusters to run numerical-relativity simulations, and carry out source modeling and data-analysis studies.
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division will have interactions with the "Observational Relativity and Cosmology" division led by Prof. Bruce Allen and the "Laser Interferometry and Gravitational Wave Astronomy" division led by Prof. Karsten Danzmann, which are located at the Albert Einstein Institute in Hannover.
The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division will have also ties with the Physics Department at the University of Maryland, notably the gravitation theory and experimental groups, and the Joint Space-Science Institute.
To apply for a postdoctoral position please fill out this form:
and upload a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of past, current and future research interests. Applicants would need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload the letters (in case of problems referees could send the letters directly to gwjobs[AT]aei.mpg.de).
If you are interested in doing a Ph.D. at the AEI please fill out this form:
and upload a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of past, current and future research interests. Applicants would need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will be notified by email on how to upload the letters (in case of problems referees could send the letters directly to gwjobs[AT]aei.mpg.de).
Mrs. Ute Schlichtung
Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut
Am Muehlenberg 1
D-14476 Golm
email gwjobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is January 10, 2014. The search will continue until positions are filled. The Max Planck Institute encourages applications from women and members of underrepresented groups.
For further information please send an email to Alessandra Buonanno (buonanno[AT]aei.mpg.de)
This advertisement can also be found here:
2.10. Postdoctoral positions in Relativistic and Computational Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-31
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Additional Information: http://numrel.aei.mpg.de/jobs
Contact: rezzolla[AT]th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
The Department of Relativistic Theoretical Astrophysics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Frankfurt anticipates the opening of several postdoctoral positions to carry our research in Relativistic and Computational Astrophysics, at Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The newly founded department is chaired by L. Rezzolla and presently includes D. Alic, F. Galeazzi, F. Guercilena, B. Mundim, A. Tsokaros, and A. Zhydenko. Very close connections and collaborations are present with the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam.
The candidates should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics and research experience in numerical simulations in numerical relativity, relativistic hydrodynamics and MHD. Scientific-computing skills are essential, as well as a theoretical background in relativistic hydrodynamics and MHD. Candidates with knowledge in alternative theories of gravity and accretion flows onto compact objects are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidates will contribute to the modelling of the radiative emission from the galactic center and to the modelling of the multi-messenger emission from inspiralling binaries of compact objects.
Applicants should upload a CV, a publication list, a research summary and proposal, and should arrange for 3 letters of reference to be sent to the address above.
The deadline for applications is Jan. 31st, 2014 and appointments will begin in the fall of 2014. Applications should be made electronically and sent to:
Fr. Astrid Steidl
For further information please email Luciano Rezzolla (rezzolla[AT]th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de)
2.11. Postdoc in Quantum Gravity at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-07
Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://www.hef.ru.nl/~rloll/Web/jobs/jobs.html
Contact: r.loll[AT]science.ru.nl
A postdoctoral position in quantum gravity and quantum geometry will become available at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University Nijmegen, starting in autumn of 2014. See the website for more details and how to apply.
2.12. Two gravity postdocs at the University of Nottingham
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-15
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1345
Contact: kirill.krasnov[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
Two postdoctoral positions are available at the University of Nottingham, to work with Prof Kirill Krasnov on the ERC funded project Diffeomorphism invariant gauge theories, asymptotic safety and geometry. The successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the development of the gauge-theoretic approach to General Relativity and perturbative quantum gravity in this formalism.
Two full-time posts are available from the 1 September 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of 24 months.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof Kirill Krasnov email: kirill.krasnov[AT]nottingham.ac.uk. When applying, please arrange the letters of reference to be sent to this address. However, please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted. See the link provided for more information on how to apply.
For information about the research group that the postdocs will be joining see http://www.digt.org/.
For information about the School of Mathematical Sciences and its other research groups, some of them in related areas, see: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mathematics/index.aspx.
3. News
3.1. GWIC Thesis Prize and Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize for 2013: Call for Nominations
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: https://gwic.ligo.org/thesisprize/
The Gravitational Wave International Committee is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2013 GWIC Thesis Prize and for the 2013 Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize are now open. Both prizes recognize outstanding PhD theses in the general area of gravitational waves. To better serve the community, GWIC and the Friends of Stefano Braccini have moved to coordinate the two Prizes. From now on, there will be a common call for nominations, and all theses submitted will be considered for both awards by a joint selection committee. Two winners will be selected, with the GWIC Thesis Prize emphasizing the impact of the research on the field of gravitational wave science, while the Braccini Thesis Prize will be awarded with an emphasis on innovation.
Members of the gravitational wave community are invited to nominate students who have performed notable research on any aspect of gravitational wave science. Theses will be judged on 1) originality and creativity of the research, 2) importance to the field of gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection, broadly interpreted, and 3) clarity of presentation. Each winner will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize of US$1,000.
Since 2010, GWIC has recommended the GWIC Prize Thesis for the book series Springer Theses. Subject to certain qualifications, Springer Theses publishes exceptional Ph.D. theses in the physical sciences in their entirety. Beginning in 2013, the Braccini Prize winner will also be recommended to Springer. If accepted, the winner will receive an additional 500 from Springer upon publication.
Eligibility: Both prizes are award on a calendar year basis. Theses should have been accepted by their institutions between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2013. It is expected that many of the nominations will come from the member projects of GWIC, but this is not a requirement. Nominated theses may be in any language. A committee selected from the gravitational wave community will evaluate the nominations and select the winner. The selection committee will make all determinations about eligibility.
Nominations: Nominations should be submitted to the selection committee chair (Andrea Possenti) by 15 January 2014. The nomination package consists of (i) the thesis, (ii) a letter of nomination, preferably from the thesis advisor, and (iii) an optional supporting letter from another scientist familiar with the work. The nomination and supporting letters should describe the importance and novelty of the research and how it supports GWICs goal to support the development of gravitational-waves as an astronomical tool.
Electronic submission of the the thesis and letters is strongly preferred. Electronic copies of the nomination materials may be sent to gwic-braccini-prize(a)oa-cagliari.inaf.it, with a copy to stan(a)ligo.caltech.edu. Please note the following two restrictions on the names of files which can be handled at these addresses:
i) The filename cannot contain more than 1 dot (i.e "."). A file like mythesis.pdf is ok, while a file like my.thesis.pdf will be rejected.
ii) The filename cannot contain blank spaces, i.e. a file like "my thesis.pdf" will be rejected.
If electronic submission is impossible, please contact stan(a)ligo.caltech.edu for instructions concerning paper submission.
3.2. REMINDER: The IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information:
Nomination Deadline: 1 February 2014
As an affiliated commission (AC2) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG) offers an annual IUPAP Young Scientist Prize. The IUPAP Young Scientist Prizes recognize outstanding achievements of scientists at early stages of their career. Each prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, a medal and 1000 euros.
The conditions for the prize are:
The IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize can be for work in any area of relativity and gravitation, theoretical or experimental.
On 1 February 2014, nominees must have a maximum of eight years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree. They are expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievements in relativity and gravitation.
The primary nominator must be a member of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation.
Nominations may be made by any member of ISGRG (other than the nominee) and should be accompanied by a CV, a proposed citation of 30-50 words summarizing the reason for the nomination, a list of publications and a description (about one page long) of the specific achievements of the nominee, who need not be an ISGRG member. The entire package should be bundled into a single PDF file and emailed to the Secretary of ISGRG, beverlyberger[AT]me.com, by 1 February 2014. The winner will be announced on 14 March 2014 and the award made shortly thereafter. The official presentation of the award will be made at the GR21 conference in 2016.
Through the generosity of Prof. Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U), an Ashtekar Travel Award of $1000 will be presented to the winner as partial support for travel to GR21.
It is important that the selection committee has specific information that allows it to determine what the nominee has contributed and how this will impact the subject. Therefore it will be extremely helpful to the selection committee to receive at least two additional letters supporting the nomination that detail the expected significance of the contributions of the nominee.
It is also appropriate to submit additional materials such as published articles. In the case of co-authored or multi-authored publications, it is essential for nominators and supporters to discuss the nominee's precise contributions, if known, in addition to the work's overall significance.

02 Dec '13
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Geometric Analysis and Relativity, Hefei, China
1.2. Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity, Grenoble, France
1.3. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
1.4. Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Winnipeg
1.5. BritGrav 14, University of Cambridge, UK
1.6. 44th Saas-Fee course: Cosmology with wide-field surveys
1.7. From Classical to Quantum GR: Applications to cosmology, Brighton, UK
1.8. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology, Cargese, France
1.9. Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse, Les Houches, France
1.10. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure, Minsk, Belarus
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctroral Fellowships in Gravitational-Wave Physics at ICTS-TIFR, India
2.2. Postdoc in Gravity at the University of Nottingham
2.3. Master and Ph.D. in Physics at Osaka University, Japan: course in English
2.4. EADS Postdoctoral Prize Fellowships at ICTS-TIFR and TIFR-CAM, India
3. News
3.1. New CQG focus issue on Pulsar Timing Arrays edited by M A Bizouard, F Jenet, R Price and C M Will
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational-Wave Tests of General Relativity with Ground-Based Detectors and Pulsar-Timing Arrays"
3.3. Chalonge School Autumn Open Session of Scientific Culture 2013
3.4. New CQG focus issue on Astrophysical Black Holes edited by David Merritt and Luciano Rezzolla
1. Conferenes
1.1. Geometric Analysis and Relativity, Hefei, China
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-07-06 to 2014-07-10
Location: Hefei, China
Additional Information: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~xinw09/
Contact: piotr.chrusciel[AT]univie.ac.at
The University of Science and Technology of China, in Hefei, is hosting a conference entitled "Geometric Analysis and Relativity", which will be held July 6-10, 2014. The primary aim of the conference is to gather together leading experts in elliptic aspects of Mathematical Relativity and related areas of Geometric Analysis to discuss recent advances and new directions of research in these areas, and to expose graduate students and young mathematicians in China to these developments.
The list of speakers includes Lan-Hsuang Huang (University of Connecticut), Marcus Khuri (Stony Brook), Dan Knopf (University of Texas), Marc Mars (Salamanca), David Maxwell (University of Alaska), Caleb Meier (UC San Diego), Lorenzo Mazzieri (Scuola Normale Superiore), Jan Metzger (Potsdam), Pengzi Miao (Miami), Ettore Minguzzi (Firenze), Jie Qing (Santa Cruz), Natasa Sesum (Rutgers), Yuguang Shi (Peking University), Mu-Tao Wang (Columbia).
The meeeting is organized by Mingliang Cai, Xiuxiong Chen, Piotr Chrusciel, Greg Galloway, and Jim Isenberg.
1.2. Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity, Grenoble, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-16 to 2014-07-04
Location: Grenoble, France
Additional Information: http://if-summer2014.sciencesconf.org/
Contact: Dietrich.Hafner[AT]ujf-grenoble.fr
We are announcing a summer school and conference in Grenoble, France, entitled "Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity".
The summer school will start on the 16th of June 2014 and last two weeks. It will be followed by a one week international conference from the 30th June to the 4th July.
The summer school will consist of five mini-courses of eight hours each, given by Lars Andersson, Christian Gerard, Rod Gover, Jeremie Szeftel and Andras Vasy. The topics covered will be geometry and analysis in black hole spacetimes, quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, conformal geometry and tractor calculus with a view to applications in GR, the resolution of the bounded L2 curvature conjecture in General Relativity, microlocal analysis and wave propagation.
All information can be found on the conference webpage.
Registration is now open. To register, use the conference webpage.
The deadline for registration to the mini-courses is 12th May 2014.
The deadline for registration to the conference is 27th May 2014.
1.3. 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting, West Virginia University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-17 to 2014-05-18
Location: Morgantown, WV, USA
Additional Information: http://astro.wvu.edu/
Contact: sean.mcwilliams[AT]mail.wvu.edu
The 17th Eastern Gravity Meeting will be held May 16-17, 2014 at West Virginia University. The format of the meeting will follow previous regional meetings, where all participants may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. A conference website will be open within a few months, at which time more details, registration information, and abstract submission will be available.
1.4. Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics, Winnipeg
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-21 to 2014-05-23
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Additional Information: http://ccgrra15.uwinnipeg.ca
Contact: g.kunstatter[AT]uwinnipeg.ca
University of Winnipeg, May 21-23, 2014
The 15th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics (CCGRRA XV) will be the latest in a series of meetings bringing together Canadian and international researchers, including students, for scientific discussion and exchange of ideas. A wide range of closely related topics will be covered, including mathematical relativity, numerical approaches to general relativity, string theory, loop quantum gravity, cosmology, gravitational waves, and compact astrophysical objects. All of these areas have seen substantial progress in recent years, including the development of new techniques in numerical calculations relevant to gravitational wave observatories such as LIGO, new observations in astrophysics and cosmology, string-inspired models of cosmology, and theoretical insights into black hole information.
1.5. BritGrav 14, University of Cambridge, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-31 to 2014-04-01
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/meetings/2014/britgrav.14
Contact: BritGrav14[AT]ast.cam.ac.uk
The 14th BritGrav (British Gravity) Meeting will be held on 31 March 1 April 2014 at the University of Cambridge in St Catharine's College.
The meeting covers all areas of classical and quantum gravity, including astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical general relativity, gravitational wave data analysis and instrumentation. It is intended to bring together the entire gravitational research community to further collaboration and allow young researchers to showcase their work.
We hope that all interested graduate students and post-docs will be able to give talks; there shall be talks by others if time allows. There will be a prize for the best student talk.
There is no conference fee, but participants are responsible for their own accommodation, meals and travel. Tea and coffee will be provided in breaks. Accommodation will be available at St Catharine's College and limited funds have been provided by the IoP to assist with student participation. More details can be found on the conference website.
1.6. 44th Saas-Fee course: Cosmology with wide-field surveys
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-02 to 2014-03-07
Location: Engelberg, Switzerland
Additional Information: http://saasfee2014.epfl.ch
Contact: saasfee2014[AT]listes.epfl.ch
Dear Colleagues,
This is to remind you that the registration for the 2014 Saas Fee lectures is open. Those interested in financial support should apply before 21st November 2013. Also the early-bird registration (CHF 250) will terminate on 13th December 2013, normal registration will be open until 23rd January 2014.
The 2014 Saas Fee lectures will be on: COSMOLOGY WITH WIDE-FIELD SURVEYS
The course will take place on 2-7 March 2014 in the Swiss mountain village and ski resort of Engelberg. The topics and lecturers are
- Theory / Dark Energy: Prof. Luca Amendola (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik - Universitaet Heidelberg),
- Galaxy Clustering: Dr. Camille Bonvin (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge),
- Weak Lensing: Prof. Sarah Bridle (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester),
- Bayesian Methods: Dr. Roberto Trotta (Astrophysics Group, Imperial College).
With the advent of several current and future ground and space-based surveys, this advanced course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to wide-field cosmological surveys. It is aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral scientists from cosmology and astronomy backgrounds. More details can be found on the course website http://saasfee2014.epfl.ch.
The number of participants is limited to about one hundred. We therefore encourage you to apply as soon as possible. The registration is open from now until 23 January 2014 or until all places have been allocated. An early-bird discount for the registration fee is available until 2nd December 2013. The registration form can be found here: http://saasfee2014.epfl.ch.
**Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone interested** in future wide-field surveys. For enquiries please contact saasfee2014[AT]listes.epfl.ch.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Engelberg next year!
The organisers,
Ruth Durrer (UNIGE), Alexandre Refregier (ETHZ), Martin Kunz (UNIGE) and Anais Rassat (EPFL).
contact: saasfee2014[AT]listes.epfl.ch
1.7. From Classical to Quantum GR: Applications to cosmology, Brighton, UK
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-23 to 2014-04-25
Location: Brighton, UK
Additional Information: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/physics/newsandevents/classicalquantumgr
Contact: x.calmet[AT]sussex.ac.uk
This short Graduate School which will take place on April 23-25 2014 will be the second of a series started in 2013 at the University of Sussex. From Classical to Quantum GR aims at bringing together students from high energy physics, cosmology and astrophysics to discuss the state of the art in classical and quantum gravity. The series started in 2013 as a COST school and focussed on applications to black holes. The 2014 edition will focus on applications to cosmology. Our sponsors this year are SEPnet and the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Sussex.
We have planned the following lectures:
- Inflation and Higgs inflation, Fedor Bezrukov (University of Connecticut)
- Quantum Gravity imprints in the CMB, Claus Kiefer (University of Cologne)
- Quantum Gravity Phenomenology, Sabine Hossenfelder (Nordita, Stockholm)
- Review of LambdaCDM cosmology, David Seery (University of Sussex)
- more speakers are currently being contacted
We kindly ask you to register (below) as soon as possible, the deadline for registration will be April 4, 2014. The registration fees have been fixed at 50 GBP and will cover coffee breaks and a pub evening.
1.8. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology, Cargese, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-12 to 2014-05-17
Location: IESC (Cargese, France)
Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2014/SW8.html
Contact: triay[AT]cpt.Univ-mrs.fr
Spontaneous Workshop (SW) brings together specialists on recent insights in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. The aim is to stimulate debates on common topics in views of providing us with innovating ideas. The workshops organization is based on an optimal number of concise presentations and enough space for discussions on emergent problems in order to encourage interactions among participants.
SW8 topics includes :
- Cosmological parameters, Anomalies in CMB
- Baryon and Lepton number violation, CP violation
- LHC and Dark Matter, Astroparticle Physics
- Neutrino Cosmology
- Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis, Cosmic antimatter
- Inflation, Dark Energy, Modified Gravity
- Cosmological Large Scale Structures, Magnetic Fields
- Gravitational waves of Cosmological and Astrophysical origin
1.9. Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse, Les Houches, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-05-11 to 2014-05-16
Location: Les Houches
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=784
Contact: mariaelena.pirone[AT]icranet.org
Ecole de Physique de Les Houches
IRAP PhD and Erasmus Mundus Workshop
Supernovae, Gamma-ray bursts and the induced gravitational collapse
The workshop is promoted by ICRANet within the International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. Program (IRAP PhD) and the ERASMUS MUNDUS activities. The recent astrophysical data observed by the satellites Swift, Fermi, Agile as well as the observations of the largest telescopes: VLT, Canari Island and KEK in Hawaii give a clear evidence for a new scenario of understanding between Supernovae and the GRBs. The induced gravitational concept initially proposed in 2001 and then in 2006 revisited appear to give a complete explanation of the main observational data. The new concept of cosmic matrix has been recently proposed and will be discussed with special attention to GRBs 970828, 060218, 060614, 060729, 061007, 080319B, 090227B, 090510A, 090618, 091127, 101023, 110709B, 111228A, 130427A, 130925A.
Invited lecturers include: Boer Michel, Della Valle Massimo, Izzo Luca, Meynet George, Muccino Marco, Nomoto Kenichi t.b.c., Penacchioni Ana Virginia, Pisani Giovanni Battista, Soderberg Alicia t.b.c., Xang-Yu Wang et al.
Les Houches Physics School is affiliated with Universite' Joseph Fourier Grenoble I (UJF). The school is a joint interuniversity facility of UJF and Grenoble-INP, and the Direction des Sciences de la Matiere du Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique (CEA/DSM).
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/les_houches_2014/poster.pdf
1.10. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure, Minsk, Belarus
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-14
Location: Minsk, Belarus
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich2014
Contact: mariaelena.pirone(a)icranet.org
Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure
An international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich 100th Anniversary in Minsk
(Second announcement)
The 8 of March 2014 signs the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich in Minsk. In this occasion International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organize an international conference to be held in National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus in March 10-14, 2014.
Confirmed speakers:
- Felix Aharonian: Exploring the Physics of Black Holes with Gamma-Rays
- Gennady Bisnovatyi-Kogan: Outer parts of large galactic clusters in presence of a dark energy
- Sandip Chakrabarti: Black Hole Astrophysics and the contribution of Zeldovich
- Valery Chechetkin: History of modeling of supernovae explosion
- Artur Chernin: Dark energy in galaxies systems
- Andrey Doroshkevich: Zeldovich nonlinear approximation
- Maxim Khlopov: Zeldovich's legacy in Cosmoparticle physics
- Mario Novello: Perspectives of the Geometric Scalar Gravity
- Nikolai Shakura: Wind Accretion: Theory and Observations
Alexei Starobinsky Quantum-gravitational particle creation and generation of metric fluctuations in cosmology
Registration fee: 200 euro (on site)
Registration is now open at the conference website: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich2014
Please download the preliminary poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/ZM2/poster2014.pdf
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoctroral Fellowships in Gravitational-Wave Physics at ICTS-TIFR, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-15
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: http://icts.res.in/postdoctoral_fellowships/
Contact: ajith[AT]icts.res.in
International Centre for Theoretical Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR), Bangalore invites applications from highly motivated candidates for postdoctoral positions. Founded in 2007, ICTS is a new initiative in Indian science. It is conceived to contribute to the growth of excellence in the basic sciences through its programs, interactions and cross-fertilization between disciplines. ICTS provides a platform and infrastructure to organize various activities in theoretical and mathematical sciences.
ICTS also has an active in-house research program. Current research spans the areas of astrophysical relativity, statistical physics and turbulence, data assimilation and dynamical systems, and string theory. Other areas under consideration are cosmology, multiscale and complex systems including interfaces with biology, theoretical biology, mathematics, computer science and computational sciences with strong interface to other areas at ICTS.
Research interests of the Astrophysical Relativity group include gravitational-wave physics and astronomy, analytical and numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics, high-performance computing, etc. Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Physics or Astrophysics with an excellent track record. Although PhDs in gravitational-wave physics, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology etc. are preferred, candidates from other areas with strong analytical and computational skills will also be considered.
Two kinds of postdoctoral positions are offered:
* Post Doctoral Fellow (3 years): Emoluments range from Rs 21,000-24,000 and a contingency grant of Rs 20,000 per annum. Initial appointments will be for a two year period, with an extension to a third year after an academic review.
* Post Doctoral Visiting Scientist (2 years): Emoluments range from Rs 35,000-43,000 per month. This position is open to candidates with excellent record and requires minimum 1 year of postdoctoral experience. Post doctoral fellows in scheme 1 can also be considered for this position after they have completed the basic requirements.
Medical benefits and institutional housing will be provided to all academic members. Optionally members may choose to receive a housing allowance that amounts to 30% of the fellowship. ICTS offers access to high-performance computing facilities, and to most scientific journals. Support for travel for participation in important international meetings is also available. Postdocs will have opportunities to participate in teaching of graduate courses at ICTS.
Apart from the regular faculty members, ICTS has an extended associate faculty actively involved in the research and program activities. ICTS organizes around 10-25 programs every year, on diverse topics not restricted to the research interests of the ICTS faculty. The Centre also has an extensive visitor program. Research groups at ICTS are part of, amongst others, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Indian Initiative in Gravitational-Wave Observations, Mathematics and Climate Research Network, Indo-French Center for Applied Mathematics, etc. See http://icts.res.in/research/ for more information.
Interested candidates should apply online at http://forms.icts.res.in/postdoc_app. Applicants should also arrange for (at least) two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to postdocapp(a)icts.res.in. Applications will be normally reviewed twice every year, once in January and once in July. The deadline for the current call is 15 January 2014.
The Astrophysical Relativity group includes Parameswaran Ajith (faculty member), Bala Iyer, Tarun Souradeep, Rana Adhikari (adjunct faculty members), Manjari Bagchi, Chandra Kant Mishra, Archisman Ghosh (postdoctoral scholars) and several visiting students. K. G. Arun, Sascha Husa and Mark Hannam are visiting associates. Adjunct faculty members and visiting associates are expected to spend from several weeks to a few months every year at ICTS. The group has strong involvement in the IndIGO consortium and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.
Bangalore, known as the Garden City of India, is the center of India's information technology sector, and is home to many distinguished educational and research institutions. It is among the most cosmopolitan and demographically diverse cities in India, with a pleasant and moderate climate. A permanent campus for ICTS is under construction at Hessarghatta in North Bangalore.
Astrophysical Relativity at ICTS: http://www.icts.res.in/research/astrorel
Apply online: http://forms.icts.res.in/postdoc_app
Upcoming ICTS Programs: http://www.icts.res.in/program/upcoming
Bangalore (Wikipedia): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangalore
2.2. Postdoc in Gravity at the University of Nottingham
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-17
Location: Nottingham, UK
Additional Information: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1336
Contact: Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position, to work with Dr Thomas Sotiriou on the ERC funded project "Challenging General Relativity". The research is aimed at exploring the limits of General Relativity as a theory of the gravitational interaction. The main research areas of the research group are quantum gravity and phenomenology, alternative theories of gravity, and the strong gravity regime. More details about the group can be found here:
Candidates must hold or be near completion of a PhD, or equivalent, in mathematics, physics or a closely related discipline. Research experience in the field of gravity and in one of the 3 aforementioned main research areas of the group is essential.
This full-time post is available from 1 September 2014 and will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of 24 months. In recognition of its commitment to promoting women in science, The University of Nottingham is one of four universities to hold a Silver Athena SWAN Award.
To apply please visit this link:
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Thomas Sotiriou, email: thomas.sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk. Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted. For information about the School of Mathematical Sciences, which has strong and active research groups, see:
Closing date: 17 December 2013.
2.3. Master and Ph.D. in Physics at Osaka University, Japan: course in English
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-20
Location: Osaka, Japan
Additional Information: http://www.rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp/~IPC/
Contact: IPCoffice[AT]ile.osaka-u.ac.jp
The Department of Physics of Osaka University is calling for applications to its International Physics Course (IPC). It offers Master and Ph.D. courses on a wide range of research topics in Physics (see the webpage below for more details). Some successful applicants will receive a scholarship.
Education and research is conducted in English (but students are welcome to learn a little of Japanese language and culture).
Applications for admission to academic year 2014/15 (starting from October 1, 2014) are accepted until December 20, 2013.
For further information see the website.
Luca Baiotti
Osaka University
2.4. EADS Postdoctoral Prize Fellowships at ICTS-TIFR and TIFR-CAM, India
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-15
Location: Bangalore, India
Additional Information: http://www.icts.res.in/news/details/146/
Contact: ajith[AT]icts.res.in
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR) and TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics (TIFR-CAM) invite applications from highly motivated candidates for a number of EADS Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship positions. These fellowships are supported by the EADS Corporate Foundation through an International Teaching and Research Chair titled Mathematics of Complex Systems at ICTS-TIFR and TIFR-CAM. The EADS Chair is aimed to develop innovative research involving theoretical, applied, and computational work related to mathematics of complex systems.
Fellowships are available in the following areas:
- Numerical relativity, gravitational-wave physics and astrophysics (PI: Parameswaran Ajith ajith[AT]icts.res.in)
- Dynamical systems, stochastic analysis, and data assimilation (PI: Amit Apte apte[]ATicts.res.in)
- Homogenization and control of PDEs, inverse problems (PIs: M. Vanninathan vanni[AT]math.tifrbng.res.in, Mythily Ramaswamy mythily[AT]math.tifrbng.res.in, Venky Krishnan vkrishnan[AT]math.tifrbng.res.in)
- Numerical methods for fluid flows and uncertainty quantification (PI: Praveen C. praveen[AT]math.tifrbng.res.in)
- Inertial particles in turbulent fluid flows (PI: Samriddhi Sankar Ray ssray[AT]icts.res.in)
The research themes are described in more detail at http://www.icts.res.in/eads_chair and http://math.tifrbng.res.in/eads-chair/. Fellows are expected to work closely with the research groups at ICTS and CAM in Bangalore. In addition, Fellows will have opportunity to interact with experts from all over the world through collaborative visits, workshops and conferences, funded by the program. Christopher K. R. T. Jones of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is currently the EADS Visiting Professor.
Applications are invited from candidates who have relevant experience in any of the above areas. Candidates must have a PhD degree in mathematics, physics or engineering. The ideal candidate must have an aptitude for applied mathematics and scientific computing. Prior research experience in the specific areas mentioned above is recommended, but not essential.
The initial appointment will be for two years, with a possibility of extension up to four years. Renewal for the third year will depend on a comprehensive review of the scientific activity of the Fellow. The salary will be comparable to that of an assistant professor in India (Rs. 50,000 per month during the first year, with 10% increase in subsequent years). In addition, a research grant of Rs. 150,000 per annum can be availed, apart from relocation allowances and medical benefits. Fellows can also opt for Institute accommodation or a house rent allowance that amounts to 30% of the fellowship.
Interested candidates are requested to apply online at http://forms.icts.res.in/eads-fellowships/ with their CV, list of publications, a research proposal of not more than two pages, and a covering letter. The nominal deadline is 15 January 2014; but applications will be considered until the positions are filled. The nominal starting date of 1 September 2014 is negotiable. Applicants will also be considered for normal postdoctoral positions at ICTS. Informal queries may be addressed to the individual PIs listed above.
Bangalore, known as the Garden City of India, is the center of India's information technology sector, and is home to many distinguished educational and research institutions. It is among the most cosmopolitan and demographically diverse cities in India, with a pleasant and moderate climate
Application form: http://forms.icts.res.in/eads-fellowships/
TIFR-CAM, http://math.tifrbng.res.in
ICTS-TIFR, http://www.icts.res.in
EADS Foundation, http://www.fondation.eads.com/content/en
Astrophysical relativity research at ICTS, http://www.icts.res.in/research/astrorel
Turbulence research at ICTS: http://www.icts.res.in/research/statphys
Dynamical systems and data assimilation research at ICTS, http://www.icts.res.in/research/dynamicdata
3. News
3.1. New CQG focus issue on Pulsar Timing Arrays edited by M A Bizouard, F Jenet, R Price and C M Will
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://j.mp/1hHdeKK
The latest CQG focus issue is titled: Pulsar Timing Arrays and is guest edited by M A Bizouard, F Jenet, R Price and C M Will.
Gravitational-wave detection via a pulsar timing array (PTA) is now entering the realm of practicality. This focus issue includes an overview of the field and articles describing the various detection efforts that are currently underway. Other articles in the issue discuss the potential for astrophysics and tests of general relativity using PTAs.
The full issue is available from IOPscience for free for the next 3 months.
Best wishes
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity
3.2. Living Reviews in Relativity: "Gravitational-Wave Tests of General Relativity with Ground-Based Detectors and Pulsar-Timing Arrays"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2013-9
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "Gravitational-Wave Tests of General Relativity with Ground-Based Detectors and Pulsar-Timing Arrays" by Nicolas Yunes and Xavier Siemens on 6 November 2013.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
This publication also introduces a redesigned HTML article layout, which allows better indexing by search engines and improves usability (easy linking to sections and figures, replacement for popups):
PUB.NO. lrr-2013-9
Yunes, Nicolas and Siemens, Xavier
"Gravitational-Wave Tests of General Relativity with Ground-Based Detectors and Pulsar-Timing Arrays"
ACCEPTED: 2013-10-08
PUBLISHED: 2013-11-06
This review is focused on tests of Einstein's theory of general relativity with gravitational waves that are detectable by ground-based interferometers and pulsar-timing experiments. Einstein's theory has been greatly constrained in the quasi-linear, quasi-stationary regime, where gravity is weak and velocities are small. Gravitational waves will allow us to probe a complimentary, yet previously unexplored regime: the non-linear and dynamical strong-field regime. Such a regime is, for example, applicable to compact binaries coalescing, where characteristic velocities can reach fifty percent the speed of light and gravitational fields are large and dynamical. This review begins with the theoretical basis and the predicted gravitational-wave observables of modified gravity theories. The review continues with a brief description of the detectors, including both gravitational-wave interferometers and pulsar-timing arrays, leading to a discussion of the data analysis formalism tha
t is applicable for such tests. The review ends with a discussion of gravitational-wave tests for compact binary systems.
3.3. Chalonge School Autumn Open Session of Scientific Culture 2013
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.obspm.fr/interdisciplinarity-and-latest-news-of-the.html?lang=en
Chalonge School Autumn Open Session of Scientific Culture
Title: "Interdisciplinarity and Latest news of the Universe anticipated"
Thursday 28 November, at the Observatoire de Paris, in the historic Perrault building, will take place the Autumn session of scientific culture of the International Astrophysical School Daniel Chalonge.
This session provides salient findings of the 2013 program and a preview of the program for the year 2014. It is open to all interested parties: specialists and non-specialists, students, mediators and journalists. It brings together researchers from different disciplines and various personalities.
The program:
- The statement of the standard model of the universe: what the data tell us and what they continue to tell: understanding the physics and the direction in which the data are pointing.
- The latest scientific anticipated news of the universe, dark matter, galaxies, black holes, dark energy, sterile neutrinos.
- Linguistic and epistemology in science communication
- Missions in extreme environments
- Science and technology: information, memory, history.
- Daniel Chalonge (1897-1977): from the Observatoire de Paris to the IAP.
- Jean Prouve' (1901-1984): from Nancy to the Observatoire de Paris and the OHP.
- Man Ray (1890-1976) "at the time of the Observatory"
- Erwin Blumenfeld (1897-1969) at the Jeu de Paume.
- The Blumenfeld family at the Ecole Daniel Chalonge.
Nadia Charbit Blumenfeld (medical doctor, doctor in sciences, grand daughter of Erwin Blumenfeld, Paris) and
Henry Blumenfeld (CEA emerite physicist, son of Erwin Blumenfeld, Gif- sur-Yvette), Hector J. Vega (Director of Research at CNRS -UPMC LPTHE and LERMA , Observatoire de Paris, Paris), Jaime Helios (Linguist, epistemologist, doctor in comparative literature University of Paris-Sorbonne, Paris), Norma G. Sanchez (Director of Research at CNRS, Observatoire de Paris LERMA, director of the International School Daniel Chalonge, Paris), François Sevre (Engineer at the IAP, Paris), Alba Zanini (physicist at the INFN-Turin, Ambassador of the City of Turin for science and culture, Turin)
And others speakers ....
URL: http://www.obspm.fr/interdisciplinarity-and-latest-news-of-the.html
Download the Program:
With compliments and kind regards
Norma G. Sanchez, Hector J. de Vega
3.4. New CQG focus issue on Astrophysical Black Holes edited by David Merritt and Luciano Rezzolla
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://j.mp/180WQ6e
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to present this focus issue on Astrophysical Black Holes, guest edited by David Merritt and Luciano Rezzolla:
The issue features 10 articles which cover recent developments in the observational and theoretical understanding of black holes - both stellar mass and supermassive - as well as black holes in alternate theories of gravity. The context is astrophysical; that is: how black holes form in, and interact with, their stellar and galactic environments, and the observational consequences of that interaction.
The full issue is available from IOPscience for free for the next 3 months. I hope you will enjoy reading the articles and that they will be useful references for your future research.
Kind regards,
Ben Sheard
Publishing Editor
Classical and Quantum Gravity
IOP Publishing

02 Nov '13
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe
1.2. International conference: "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death", Florence, Italy
1.3. International Workshop "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death"
1.4. VI Black Holes Workshop, Braga, Portugal
1.5. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"; 2nd announcement
1.6. INT Program: Binary Neutron Star Coalescence as a Fundamental Physics Laboratory, Seattle
1.7. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure
1.8. The Strong Gravity Regime of Black Holes and Neutron Stars, Bad Honnef, Germany
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in quantum gravity at IQG, Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
2.2. CAPES-ICRANet Program 2014
2.3. Postdoctoral position in quantum gravity and/or theoretical cosmology, Louisiana State University
2.4. Postdoctoral position at Saclay: Gravitational Waves as a New Probe of the Dark Side of the Universe
2.5. PhD and postdoctoral positions for space interferometry at the AEI Hannover
2.6. Postdoctoral positions in gravity/cosmology/astrophysics at Fudan University
2.7. Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Mississippi
2.8. Faculty Position, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina
2.9. Postdoctoral fellowship in GW data analysis at Rhodes University
2.10. Faculty position in physics at Utah State University
2.11. Postdoc Position in Numerical Relativity at Cornell
2.12. Postdoctoral positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation, AEI, Potsdam
2.13. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis at Rochester Institute of Technology
2.14. Postdoctoral Position in Wave Power harvesting at Technion
2.15. Lagrange Fellows - Institut Lagrange de Paris
2.16. Postdoc Positions in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State
2.17. Postdoctoral Position at Georgia Tech
2.18. Postdoctoral Researcher in Galaxy Evolution, Lawrence, Kansas
2.19. Faculty Position in Physics at the University of Mississippi
2.20. Postdoctoral Position in Computational Gravitational Dynamics at IAP, Paris
2.21. Faculty position in Gravitation Theory and Theoretical Cosmology, UChicago
2.22. Postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics, DAMTP, Cambridge
3. News
3.1. New CQG focus issue on Scalars and Gravity edited by David Langlois
3.2. Death of Alex Harvey
3.3. Death of Sotirios Bonanos
3.4. GWIC Thesis Prize and Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize for 2013: 1st Announcement
3.5. Nominations open: 2014 IUPAP GRG Young Scientist Prize
1. Conferenes
1.1. 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia - Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-30 to 2014-07-04
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Contact: mariaelena.pirone[At]icranet.org
The Physics of Black Holes (BHs) dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a ~10 Msun. BH appear to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appear to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism.
Current effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appears to be related to rotating electromagnetic BHs (~10 Msun). in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 10^8-10^9 Msun. appear to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that unlike the 10 Msun. BHs, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of baryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter.
This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy(VHE) observatories: from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of BHs and to the process of extraction of the Black Holic Energy (BHE).
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting "Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe" from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP Ph D School for graduate students will be organized from June 23 to June 27 at the National Academy of Science.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Registration fee is 300 including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings.
Please download the poster from http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/Meetings/meetingArmenia2014/Poster_Ar…
1.2. International conference: "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death", Florence, Italy
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-24 to 2014-03-28
Location: Florence, Italy
Additional Information: http://indico.cern.ch/e/NS2014
Contact: drago[AT]fe.infn.it
With great pleasure we announce the first circular for the international conference "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death", to be held in Florence, Italy from March 24-28, 2014. The conference is part of a six-weeks workshop of the same title to be held at the Galileo Galilei Institute, also in Florence, from March 10-April 18, 2014. Support to the conference also comes from CompStar, a ESF COST Action.
Registration is now open via the webpage link. The registration fee will be 200 euro until October 31, 2013 (Early registration). After that date, registration fee will be 250 euro (Late registration). The fee for students will be 100 euro and 130 euro, respectively, for Early and Late registration.
Those planning to participate in the longer-term workshop should do apply to do so by filling out the relevant form that may be found linked to the Conference webpage.
1.3. International Workshop "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death"
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-10 to 2014-04-18
Location: Florence, Italy
Additional Information: http://www.ggi.fi.infn.it/index.php?p=events.inc&id=120
Contact: drago[AT]fe.infn.it
With great pleasure we announce the six-week international workshop "The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death", to be held in Florence, Italy from March 10 to April 18, 2014. The workshop will include a one week conference of the same title, also in Florence, from March 24-28, 2014.
Please visit the workshop website for more information, and to fill out the workshop application form.
1.4. VI Black Holes Workshop, Braga, Portugal
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-12-19 to 2013-12-20
Location: Braga, Portugal
Additional Information: http://bhw2013.wikidot.com/
Contact: blackholes[AT]math.uminho.pt
19 - 20 December 2013, Braga, Portugal
>From astrophysics to high-energy physics, from information theory to quantum gravity, black holes have acquired an ever increasing role in fundamental physics, and are now part of the terminology of many important branches of observational, theoretical and mathematical physics. This workshop, now at its sixth edition, aims at bringing together experts about black holes in all their aspects.
The aim of these meetings is to gather researchers working on mathematical and physical problems of gravitation which have black holes as a common theme, both in their classical and quantum aspects, and to stimulate the interaction between them.
1.5. Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics. 2014 Session on "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"; 2nd announcement
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-04-22 to 2014-04-25
Location: Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain
Additional Information: http://www.ice.csic.es/research/forum/2014.html
Contact: sopuerta[AT]ieec.uab.es
We are pleased to inform you about the progress in the organization of the 2014 edition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics, devoted to Gravitational Wave Astrophysics. This Workshop will be the third meeting this biennial series and will be held in Sant Cugat (near Barcelona), from April 22nd to April 25th, 2014. The address of the website of the workshop is
The motivation for this meeting is the incremental progress made in different major efforts to use gravitational waves (GWs) for Astronomy: The new generation of advanced ground-based GW observatories (LIGO, VIRGO, KAGRA) is going to come online soon, and is expected to provide the first detections; on the other hand, we are entering a crucial moment for the European-led project eLISA for a space-based detector; in addition, pulsar timing arrays are approaching detection sensitivities. Then, it is an excellent moment to bring together experts on the different aspects of Astrophysics related to GW detection, from the mechanisms for source formation (including event rate estimations) to the impact that the observations may have on the different branches of Astrophysics, including the role of data analysis developments and source modelling techniques.
The workshop will consists in a series of plenary talks plus contributed talks, with no more than hundred participants.
Nils Andersson (University of Southampton, UK)
Pierre Binetruy (APC-Paris, France)
Monica Colpi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Enrique Garcia-Berro (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
Philippe Jetzer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Kostas Kokkotas (University of Tuebingen, Germany)
Pablo Laguna (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Alicia M. Sintes (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain)
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, Spain)
Alberto Vecchio (University of Birmingham, UK)
Pau Amaro-Seoane (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
John Antoniadis (Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Germany)
Tamara Bogdanovic (Georgia Tech, USA) [*]
Laura Cadonati (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Chiara Caprini (APC Paris, France)
Pablo Cerdá Durán (University of Valencia, Spain)
Thomas Dent (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany) [*]
Zachariah B. Etienne (West Virginia University, USA)
Jonathan Gair (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK)
Bruno Giacomazzo (University of Trento, Italy)
Brynmor Haskell ?(University of Melbourne, Australia)
Alessandro Nagar (IHES, France)
Carlos Palenzuela (CITA, Canada)
Edward Porter (APC Paris, France)
Christian Reisswig (Caltech, USA)
Alberto Sesana (Albert Einstein Institute, Germany)
Deirdre Shoemaker (Georgia Tech, USA)
Ulrich Sperhake (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)
[*] To be confirmed
Carlos F. Sopuerta (IEEC-CSIC, chair)
Daniel Santos (IEEC-CSIC)
Ivan LLoro (IEEC-CSIC)
Anna Bertolín (IEEC-CSIC)
Pilar Montes (IEEC-CSIC)
Diego F. Torres (ICREA & IEEC-CSIC, Sant Cugat Forum)
The web registration for the 2014 Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on "Gravitational Wave Astrophysics" is open at the conference website
Registration fees: 300 Euros up to February 28th, 2014 (350 Euros at the Registration Desk)
The registration fee will cover: Access to the workshop & workshop materials, a copy of the Session Book (to be sent directly to the delegate address), welcome cocktail, workshop dinner, and coffee breaks.
Participants who would like to contribute a talk in the parallel sessions can apply by submitting a title and abstract in the registration website. The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2014. Participants will be informed shortly afterwards whether their contribution has been accepted.
Sant Cugat Forum Award for Young Scientists: From all contributed works by graduate scientists or postdoctoral fellows within 2 years of their PhD that are willing to apply for the award, the Scientific Organizing Committee will choose the Best Work by a Young Scientist. There will be a symbolic cash amount (TBD), an Award certificate, and a token of recognition related to Sant Cugat (typically a local artist painting). If you would like to be considered for the Award, there will be a place to note so in your abstract submission. The deadline for paper submissions for the Young Scientist Award is March 24, 2014. See the guidelines here:
During the workshop there will be an outreach talk for the general public given by Prof. Alicia M. Sintes.
In the years in between workshops there is at least one relatively important outreach event. This year there is an itinerant exhibition on the evolution of the Universe, and all the 22 Sant Cugat schools will visit it.
As an outcome of the workshop, an edited book will be published in the Springer-Verlags Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series, as a hardcover; following on the tradition of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics series. The aim is to have a state-of-the-art summary of the workshop topic, i.e. Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.
More details can be found at:
The workshop will take place in the village of Sant Cugat, a small, vibrant city located a few kilometers away from Barcelona, across the mountain and the Collserola Natural Park. It can be easily reached from the city center of Barcelona, but the existence of the natural park in between has allowed it to maintain a completely independent character.
The venue will be the Casa de Cultura (Culture House). In front of it there is one of the best-conserved Benedictine Monasteries in Europe, known to exist since 878, which is inside the villages nucleus with 60% of the streets begin pedestrian ones.
There is a 4 star hotel with affordable prices 300 meters from the meeting room (there are several other hotels nearby). There is also the possibility to be accommodated in Barcelona downtown since there are trains every 5-10 minutes going to and from Plaza Catalunya (at the very center of Barcelona) that take 25 minutes. For more details:
Information about how to arrive, local restaurants, and maps is described here:
We look forward to seeing you in Sant Cugat.
Best regards,
Carlos F. Sopuerta on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)
1.6. INT Program: Binary Neutron Star Coalescence as a Fundamental Physics Laboratory, Seattle
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-06-30 to 2014-08-01
Location: Seattle, WA. USA
Additional Information: http://www.int.washington.edu/PROGRAMS/14-2a/
Contact: llee[AT]uw.edu
The program will bring together nuclear physicists, astrophysicists, observational astronomers and gravitational-wave physicists to address key issues and identify new directions in the study of the inspiral and merger of binary neutron stars. The focus will be on the theoretical modeling, with realistic nuclear and neutrino microphysics, of the late stages of binary coalescence and opportunities for multi-messenger observations. Large-scale numerical simulations of the merger and the dynamics of the remnant are now being pursued by several groups world-wide with a level of realism that was unthinkable a few years back. Meanwhile, the first direct detection of gravitational waves from inspiraling and merging binaries is expected once advanced detectors such as LIGO and Virgo stars taking data in their upgraded configurations in 2017. The intrinsically multi-physics and multi-messenger aspects of binary inspirals emphasize the need for better coordination between theoretical,
experimental and observational efforts and provide the backbones of the program.
The schedule for the 5 week program is designed to foster interactions among theorists, experimentalists and observers. Discussion topics include realistic numerical simulations, gravitational-wave waveforms modeling and searches, electromagnetic counterpart signals and gamma-ray bursts, nuclear physics including superfluidity, complex hydrodynamics, neutron star seismology and nucleosynthesis. During the last week a workshop will bring together experts working on nucleosynthesis of heavy elements and galactic chemical evolution.
* Week 1: Gravitational waves: Modeling waveforms, parameter estimation, advanced detectors and extracting physics from merger signals.
* Week 2: Numerical Relativity: Status and challenges, incorporating realistic nuclear and neutrino physics, magnetohydrodynamics, dissipative effects and contributions from the crust.
* Week 3: Dense matter physics: Equation of state, neutrino interactions, neutron star seismology and superfluid dynamics, effects of temperature and magnetic fields on matter.
* Week 4: Merger astrophysics: Modeling electromagnetic signals, crust and disk dynamics and connections to gamma-ray bursts and transients.
Week 5: Joint workshop with the program on nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution.
>From the perspective of both theory and observations, the diverse phenomena covered by the program have much in common. Simulations rely on the development of improved microphysics models, transport methods for radiation, heat, and neutrinos, hydrodynamics, and nuclear reaction networks. Gravitational-wave observations require reliable theoretical models to identify the signal and facilitate the extraction of physical parameters. Observers will also benefit greatly from deeper insights into key multi-messenger aspects. On the verge of the first gravitational-wave observations, we expect to make considerable progress by bringing together researchers with overlapping interests and expertise on issues that require interdisciplinary information, thus facilitating collaboration and discussion that might otherwise not take place.
A link to the application form can be found at http://www.int.washington.edu/PROGRAMS/14-2a/
N. Andersson, University of Southampton
S. Bose, Washington State University
S. Reddy, University of Washington
L. Rezzolla, University of Frankfurt
Program Coordinator
Laura Lee
1.7. Subatomic particles, Nucleons, Atoms, Universe: Processes and Structure
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-10 to 2014-03-14
Location: Minsk, Belarus
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=752
Contact: mariaelena.pirone[AT]icranet.org
An international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich 100th Anniversary in Minsk.
First announcement
The 8 of March 2014 signs the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich in Minsk. In this occasion International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organize an international conference to be held in Minsk, Belarus in March 10-14, 2014. The total number of participants of the conference is expected to be in the range of 100 scientists with the participation from neighboring countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine, and of course Europe and the Americas.
Exceptionally wide research interests of Ya. B. Zeldovich ranging from chemical physics, elementary particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics and cosmology are very difficult to cover within one conference. It will therefore be focused on several selected topics.
This celebration will follow a very successful international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich 95th anniversary held in Minsk on 20-23 of April 2009.
International Organizing Committee is co-chaired by prof. Vladimir Fortov, the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences and prof. Remo Ruffini, director of ICRANet.
Registration fee: 200 euro
For further information visit: http://www.icranet.org
1.8. The Strong Gravity Regime of Black Holes and Neutron Stars, Bad Honnef, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-03-31 to 2014-04-04
Location: Bad Honnef, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/sgr2014/
Contact: eva.hackmannn[AT]zarm.uni-bremen.de
The 558th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on The Strong Gravity Regime of Black holes and Neutron stars will be held from March 31st to April 4th, 2014 at the Physikzentrum of the German Physical Society in Bad Honnef near Bonn and Cologne, Germany.
The main theme of this seminar is the observation and theoretical description of systems where gravity is strong and non-linear, in particular systems containing black holes and neutron stars which are ideal gravitational laboratories. To cover the complete complexity of this field of research, experts and graduate students from the observational and theoretical community are invited to bring together their expertise.
As a rough guideline, we have the following categories:
Strong-field gravity in GR and its alternatives
Black holes as strong field probes
Neutron stars as strong field probes
Gravitational wave observations and merger events
The program consists of invited as well as contributed talks and posters. We particularly encourage female scientist to contribute to the seminar. For young scientists we award the best poster with a price.
The number of participants is limited to about 70. All local costs (i.e., meals and accommodation) of the participants will be covered. The registration deadline is December 15th, 2013.
2. Jobs
2.1. Postdoc position in quantum gravity at IQG, Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-15
Location: Erlangen, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.physik.fau.de/opportunities/jobs/jobs.shtml
Contact: application[AT]gravity.fau.de
In autumn 2014, at least one postdoctoral position in the field of quantum physics of the gravitational field, in particular quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, will be available at the Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG) (Theoretical Physics III) of the Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. The position is for two years with a possibility of extension for one additional year, depending on funding. In exceptional cases, a five year contract may be negotiable. Salaries depend on seniority and follow the collective wage agreement for scientific employees in Germany (TVOeD).
The successful candidate will be part of the new international centre for quantum gravity at the FAU which just completed its building up phase. The centre currently hosts 5 professors, 2 postdocs plus guests, fellows, PhD and diploma/master students. Altogether, there is space for up to 30 scientists. Current staff includes professors Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann, Frederic Schuller (Interim professor), Michael Thies and Thomas Thiemann (Chair), Emeriti Frieder Lenz (former chair) and Hartmut Hofmann, postdocs Daniele Pranzetti and Derek Wise as well as 7 Phd and 4 master students. Former institute member and Humboldt Fellow Jonathan Engle recently accepted a tenure track assistant professor position at Florida Atlantic University and holds an affiliate position. Another affiliate professor position is held by Florian Girelli.
The Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG) is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) which has a strong expertise in experimental astroparticle physics. The IQG benefits from continuous exchange with the excellency cluster 'Universe' in Munich, especially with the groups working on (quantum) cosmology. The IQG fosters strong links with the Department of Mathematics in Erlangen. The University of Erlangen has identified the collaboration between the IQG, the chair for statistical physics and the chair for algebra and representation theory as one of its prestigious 'emerging field projects' which is generously supported. Finally, the IQG is in close contact with a network of international research centers focussing on quantum gravity such as the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, Germany; the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos in State College, Pennsylvania, USA; Louisiana
State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA; Institute for Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France; Institute for Theoretical Physics in Warsaw, Poland.
Applicants must have a PhD in either physics or mathematics and should have prior research experience in general relativity and quantum field theory and a strong interest in working on aspects of non perturbative and background independent quantum gravity. The following list of material should be uploaded in one pdf- or zip file, whose name should include your lastname, using the application form at
1. Curriculum vitae.
2. Research proposal including a summary of previous work and plans for future projects.
3. Teaching experience (if applicable).
4. List of seminars and conferences attended, detailing talks given (if applicable).
5. List of publications.
6. In addition we ask for three letters of recommendation, which should also be uploaded before the deadline via the application form by the referees.
Recommendation letters sent by email will not be accepted. Referees are kindly asked to use the following format for their message text: Recommendation letter for FIRSTNAME AND LASTNAME OF THE APPLICANT.
Applications will be reviewed starting November 15th, 2013 but later applications will be considered until the position is filled. The starting date of the position is normally Oct. 1st 2014 but there is some flexibility.
For further information about the University and the Institute please visit:
For further information about the position please send an inquiry to application[AT]gravity.fau.de.
2.2. CAPES-ICRANet Program 2014
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=721
Contact: ruffini[AT]icra.it; jorge.rueda[AT]ICRA.it
Following the completion of the CAPES-ICRANet Program 2013, we are partucularly happy to announce the CAPES-ICRANet Program 2014. Following the entrance of Brazil into the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) in 2007, the many agreements between ICRANet and the universities and research centers in Brazil and Latin America, and the opening of the seat ICRANet-Rio, CAPES and ICRANet promoted a joint program. The aim is to foster the development of the research in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology between Brazil and the academic centers and Member States of ICRANet. Within this agreement the CAPES-ICRANet Program has been established with the following actions:
Five fellowships for Brazilian students will be granted each year in the IRAP PhD Program. Each fellowship will last for three years with the final PhD degree jointly delivered by the academic institutions participating in the program. The starting date of the application is December 2013 and the deadline is August 2014, the activities will start on September 2014.
For the application: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/irapphd/entry2013.htm
2. CAPES-ICRANet Visitors Program to Brazil
A visitor program for senior scientists from ICRANet centers in Asia, Europe, and USA to Brazilian universities and research centers has been opened. This program is specially directed to senior scientists who have given fundamental worldwide recognized contributions to the field of relativistic astrophysics and cosmology. During their stay in Brazil, scientists will visit universities and research centers associated with ICRANET. Each visitor can spend up to three years in Brazil and each year up to three months. Five positions will be available each year and the applications are opened during the entire year and for this year the starting date of the application is December 2013 and the deadline is August 2014.
For the application: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/irapphd/entry2013_visitors_brazil.htm
3. CAPES-ICRANet Visitors Program to Europe
A program to promote scientific visits of university professors and research scientists from Brazil in ICRANet centers in Europe has been established. During their stay in the ICRANet centers, the scientists will be able to visit the universities and research centers associated to the IRAP PhD Program. Visits addressing both theoretical research and observational activities in ICRANet related centers are welcome. Particularly encouraged are research activities synergic with the IRAP PhD Program through the interaction with IRAP graduate students and Faculty Professors. Each year five positions are established, each one of the duration of five months per year. Applications are opened during the entire year and for this year they are going to open on December 2013 and the deadline is August 2014.
For the application: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/irapphd/entry2013_visitors_europe.htm
4. CAPES-ICRANet Postdoctoral Program
Four two-year postdoctoral positions in ICRANet Centers in Europe and Asia, and five two-year postdoctoral positions in Brazilian universities and research centers with signed collaboration agreements with ICRANet and/or with associated scientists to ICRANet, will be opened every year. For this year the starting date of the applicaltion is December 2013 and the deadline is August 2014. All topics related to theoretical and observational activities or data analysis in relativistic astrophysics and cosmology are welcome.
For the application to postdoc in Europe and Asia: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/irapphd/entry2013_post_europe.htm
For the application to postdoc in Brazil: http://ntsrvg9-2.icra.it/irapphd/entry2013_post_brazil.htm
For further information: http://www.icranet.org
(in Portuguese): http://cooperacaointernacional.capes.gov.br http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao-internacional/italia/capes-icranet
2.3. Postdoctoral position in quantum gravity and/or theoretical cosmology, Louisiana State University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-15
Location: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.js…
Contact: pullin[AT]lsu.edu
Abridged ad:
The theoretical relativity group expects to have, contingent on funding opening(s) for a postdoctoral researcher(s) or senior postdoctoral researcher(s) working in quantum gravity and/or theoretical cosmology. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another one or two years subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds.
The core relativity group at LSU consists of Ivan Agullo', Steve Brandt, Frank Loeffler, Peter Diener, Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh. In addition to that, LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in LIGO, whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation & Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have joint appointments at CCT.
The postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher will perform research on cosmology, quantum gravity and/or quantum field theory in curved space-time.
For the full ad view: <a href="https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=56702">https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=56702</a>
2.4. Postdoctoral position at Saclay: Gravitational Waves as a New Probe of the Dark Side of the Universe
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-30
Location: CEA-Saclay near Paris, France
Additional Information: http://ipht.cea.fr/en/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/ast_visu.php?id_ast=695
Contact: ipht-gb[AT]cea.fr
The Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT) of CEA-Saclay invites applications for a postdoctoral position on the subject "Gravitational Waves as a New Probe of the Dark Side of the Universe". The position is for 2 years, to start in autumn 2014.
Description of the research: upcoming observations of gravitational waves have a high potential for cosmology. Gravitational waves carry unique information not only about the violent phenomena that produce them, but also about the expansion of the universe and the intervening matter as they propagate. In particular, gravitational wave sources such as binaries inspirals have been proposed as standard sirens, to measure the equation of state of dark energy. We will study gravitational wave propagation in the inhomogeneous universe, in order to quantify the various effects that determine the accuracy to which gravitational waves can probe dark energy.
Candidates should have a research background in the fields of gravitational waves, gravitational lensing, cosmology.
2.5. PhD and postdoctoral positions for space interferometry at the AEI Hannover
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-17
Location: Hannover, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/638112/LISAGRACEFO2013
Contact: gerhard.heinzel[AT]aei.mpg.de
The space interferometry working group of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Hannover invites applications for doctoral students and postdoctoral positions to support existing projects, as well as to set up new projects.
Our general aim is the development of laser interferometers in space for the detection of gravitational waves (LISA) and surveying Earth's gravity field (GRACE Follow-On and successional missions). In this context we have close collaboration with the space industry, as well as ESA and NASA. Our working group currently has about 25 members from various countries, the working language is english.
The main tasks are the planning and construction of prototypes, subsequent testing of the resulting industrial hardware, as well as numerical simulations. The methods comprise laser optics, electronics, numerical mathematics, digital signal processing (DSP) - e.g. with FPGAs and micro controllers - programming in C, C++, and MATLAB, development of algorithms for data filtering. It may also extend to include system engineering and project management.
We offer outstanding working conditions in a highly motivated international environment, the possibility to gain knowledge and experience in the mentioned fields, a pleasant working atmosphere as well as high quality of life in a beautiful district of Hannover. We expect highly motivated candidates, with an enthusiastic approach to work, a good level of spoken and written english, knowledge in some of the topics mentioned above, and the willingness to gain missing knowledge.
The salary is in accordance with general Max Planck regulations.
The Max Planck Society aims to increase the number of women in fields in which they are under-represented. Women are therefore specifically encouraged to apply.
The Max Planck Society aims to increase the number of disabled employees. People with disabilities are specifically encouraged to apply.
2.6. Postdoctoral positions in gravity/cosmology/astrophysics at Fudan University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-31
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://phys.fudan.edu.cn/
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
The gravity/cosmology/astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few postdoctoral positions to fill as soon as possible. Graduate students who expect to receive soon the Doctoral Degree are also encouraged to apply. Applications from candidates working in any research area of gravity, cosmology, high energy astrophysics, and quantum field theory will be considered, but preference may be given to the ones with experience/interest in the following topics:
- Gravitational collapse (broadly defined, including both analytical and numerical approaches)
- Stability of black holes and quasi-normal modes
- Phenomenology of CMBR (including polarization and non-gaussianities)
- Analysis of dark matter (from both theoretical and phenomenological side)
The group currently consists of 3 faculty (Cosimo Bambi, Antonino Marciano, Leonardo Modesto), 4 postdocs (Stefano Giaccari, Daniele Malafarina, Leslaw Rachwal, Naoki Tsukamoto), and several graduate and undergraduate students. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth, contact details of 2-3 referees, and possible starting date), short statement of research interests and/or experience, and publication list to:
Ms. Juan Wang
E-mail: wangjuan[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Please arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Applications received by December 31 will receive full consideration.
Enquires can be sent to Cosimo Bambi (bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn), Antonino Marciano (marciano[AT]fudan.edu.cn), or Leonardo Modesto (lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn).
Further details:
Shanghai is the most international city in China. It has been recently developing as a forefront for scientific research in Asia, and will continue in the next years. Fudan University is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. The group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Special Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan.
Housing: Fudan can provide apartments of 50-80 square meters inside the campus at very convenient rental rates.
2.7. Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Mississippi
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-31
Location: Oxford, MS
Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry131007-123804
Contact: grpostdoc[AT]phy.olemiss.edu
The University of Mississippi invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. The applicant must have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in Physics or Astrophysics, with a good track record in one or more of the following research areas: gravitational-wave source modeling and astrophysics, numerical relativity, post-Newtonian theory, alternative theories of gravity, perturbation theory of stars and black holes.
The Gravitational and High-Energy Theory Group at the University of Mississippi is active in various areas of theoretical and experimental gravity, and is part of the LIGO collaboration. Members of the group include Emanuele Berti, Luca Bombelli, Marco Cavaglia, Alakabha Datta and Tibor Torma, adjunct professors Vitor Cardoso and Ulrich Sperhake, three postdocs and several graduate students.
The successful applicant is expected to engage in a collaborative research program involving several institutions, including Caltech and Princeton in the USA, Lisbon, Cambridge, Rome and Aveiro in Europe, and Para' University in Brazil (among others).
A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications and a statement of research interests) should be sent to the following e-mail address:
Please use the subject "Gravitational theory postdoc". Applicants must also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters to be sent to the same email address.
Applications must be submitted as soon as possible, and no later than 12/31/2013. Late applications may be considered until the position is filled.
2.8. Faculty Position, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-15
Location: Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Additional Information: http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/32613
Contact: theorysearch2014[AT]listserv.unc.edu
Assistant Professor Position in Fundamental Theory of Gravity, Cosmology, or High Energy Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
We invite applications for an assistant professor position in the fundamental theory of gravity, cosmology, or high energy physics. Candidates should have demonstrated an excellent record of achievements, have broad interests and thorough training in either cosmology, gravitational, or high energy theory, including string theory, and have a commitment to high quality research and teaching. The Department intends to fill several positions in theoretical physics in the next few years. These new colleagues will complement our existing strengths in theoretical physics and be expected to play a major role in subsequent recruitment. The appointment is a regular tenure-track position. Interested applicants should submit a completed application at http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/32613, along with a Curriculum Vitae/Resume (which includes a cv and publication list), Research Statement, and Teaching Philosophy. Please also provide the names of four (4) referees to the above site. F
or timely consideration, please submit your application, and ensure your referees respond by December 15, 2013. Review of applicants will begin in December and continue until the position is filled. Address any inquires to theorysearch2014[AT]listserv.unc.edu. We particularly encourage applications from members of under-represented groups.
If you experience any problems accessing the system or have questions about the application process, please contact the Universitys Equal Employment Opportunity office at (919) 966-3576 or send an email to equalopportunity[AT]unc.edu. Please note: The Equal Employment Opportunity office will not be able to provide specific updates regarding position or application status. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity employer.
2.9. Postdoctoral fellowship in GW data analysis at Rhodes University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-02
Location: Grahamstown, South Africa
Additional Information: http://www.ru.ac.za/mathematics
Contact: n.bishop[AT]ru.ac.za
The Department of Mathematics at Rhodes University has two Faculty members, Prof NT Bishop and Dr D Pollney, working in numerical relativity and particularly black hole mergers. We would like to expand the interests of the group to include other aspects of gravitational wave astronomy, and as a first step we are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow in data analysis. The position is not for a specific project, and we are interested in candidates with experience in any aspect of gravitational wave data analysis.
Rhodes University is a small university (just over 7000 students), which emphasizes postgraduate training and research. It is located 60 km from the coast, between Port Elizabeth and East London in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
While the main focus of this appointment will be data analysis related to the detection of gravitational waves by laser interferometric facilities, there would also be an opportunity in terms of pulsar timing measurements building on the Universitys strong involvement in the SKA project.
Applications should preferably be in the form of a single PDF file attached to an email to Prof NT Bishop (n.bishop[AT]ru.ac.za) with a copy to Dr D Pollney (d.pollney[AT]ru.ac.za).
Applications should include
* Full CV
* Contact details of three referees
* A statement (about half a page) of the candidates research interests and proposed research work during the Fellowship.
The closing date is 2 December 2013, although applications will be considered until the position is filled. The starting date will be as soon as possible thereafter.
2.10. Faculty position in physics at Utah State University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Logan, UT, USA
Additional Information: http://jobs.usu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=59391
Contact: GMPCA[AT]usu.edu
The Department of Physics at Utah State University is seeking a mathematical physicist to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professor opening in Fall 2014. The targeted research area for this position is one or more of: mathematical relativity, classical and quantum field theory, string theory, topological field theory, integrable systems, differential geometry, mechanics and dynamical systems, geometric methods in physics, or a closely related area.
The department is looking for a scientist who can complement/support the efforts of the Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Computer Algebra (GMPCA) group, consisting of Charles Torre in the Department of Physics and Ian Anderson, Mark Fels, Zhaohu Nie, Nathan Geer, all in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Preference will be given to candidates with postdoctoral experience and a track record of publications in mathematical physics. Research activities which incorporate computer algebra techniques are desirable. Candidates should be able to teach a wide variety of physics courses - and possibly some mathematics courses - at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate will support development of a new interdisciplinary PhD program in mathematical physics. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is also conducting a search for a mathematician to join the GMPCA group.
Applicants must apply online at http://jobs.usu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=59391. Applicants must have a terminal degree in Physics or a closely related field. A complete application includes: a letter of application stating qualifications and fit to this position; a curriculum vitae; a statement of research interests; a statement of teaching philosophy; and at least three letters of reference. Requests for further information can be sent to the Search Committee at GMPCA[AT]usu.edu. Review of applications will begin December 1.
The Department of Physics, one of five departments in the College of Science (http://www.usu.edu/science/) offers BS, BA, MS, and PhD degrees in Physics. The Department currently has 15 full-time faculty, about 100 undergraduate majors, and about 30, mostly PhD, graduate students. Utah State University is a 28,000-student, land grant, Space Grant, and Carnegie Doctoral/STEM-dominant/high research activity university. Based in Logan (perennially rated as one the safest communities in America), USU is surrounded by spectacular mountains offering a wide range of outdoor activities. Located eighty miles north of Salt Lake City, Logan is within an easy drive of five national parks and numerous other historical and recreational sites. Logan offers affordable housing, excellent health care facilities, and a family-friendly environment. USU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, dedicated to recruiting and retaining top candidates from a diverse pool including women an
d minorities. The University provides spousal accommodation packages for dual career applicants, and offers competitive salaries and outstanding medical, retirement, and professional benefits (see http://www.usu.edu/hr/ for details).
2.11. Postdoc Position in Numerical Relativity at Cornell
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Ithaca, NY, USA
Additional Information: https://www.hr.cornell.edu/jobs/positions.html
Contact: lmk3[AT]cornell.edu
Cornell University Center for Radiophysics and Space Research expects to have an opening for a Research Associate in numerical relativity starting in September, 2014. The position requires a Ph.D. and experience in numerical relativity or computational physics. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds.
The Cornell Relativity Group consists of Saul Teukolsky and Eanna Flanagan, senior research associate Larry Kidder, research associate Mike Boyle, and several graduate students. There will also be opportunities to interact with the Theoretical Astrophysics Group, including Rachel Bean, David Chernoff, Dong Lai, Richard Lovelace, and Ira Wasserman.
Applicants should submit a resume with a list of publications, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Lynda Sovocool, Finance and Human Resource Manager, 106 Space Sciences Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; lmk3[AT]cornell.edu. Applicants can also apply online at: https://www.hr.cornell.edu/jobs/positions.html posting #21920
Completed applications should be received no later than December 1, 2013. Diversity and inclusion have been and continue to be a part of our heritage. Cornell University is a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator.
2.12. Postdoctoral positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation, AEI, Potsdam
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-15
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/755651/postdocGeometricAnalysis-and-Gravitation
Contact: anne.lampe[AT]ei.mpg.de
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) will fill research positions in the areas
General Relativity and Cosmology
Geometric Analysis
Geometric Measure Theory
Numerical General Relativity
Research programs concern the mathematical problems of general relativity and related physical theories, and are based in analysis, geometry and numerical analysis. In particular, non-linear partial differential equations are a common theme of our research.
The Einstein field equations model both the behaviour of cosmological models and of isolated gravitating systems such as stars, black holes and galaxies. Our research addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions of the Einstein field equations with respect to their local and global behaviour. Other field equations of interest arise from string theory and the consideration of matter models including elasticity, fluids, electromagnetism and gauge theories.
The central topic of the Max Planck research group "Geometric Measure Theory" is the study of geometrical variational problems involving models of generalised submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds such as varifolds, currents, sets, or multiple valued functions. This includes both regularity problems as well as structural questions. The study often benefits from its natural connection to elliptic partial differential equations.
The numerical effort in our division seeks to provide quantitative insight into mathematical problems via a close combination of analytical and numerical methods. Topics of particular interest include conformal methods for the Einstein equations, nonlinear stability, cosmic censorship and critical phenomena in gravitational collapse, and geometric evolution equations such as Ricci flow.
There are close interactions with the research sections "Astrophysical Relativity" and "Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories in the Albert Einstein Institute, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam.
Postdoctoral appointments do not entail teaching duties and are typically for two years. The starting date is flexible and usually lies within the range April till October 2014.
To apply please fill out this form:
or submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to math-rel-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
Frau Anne Lampe
Max-Planck-Institut fu?r Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut
Am Muehlenberg 1
D-14476 Golm
email math-rel-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
The deadline for applications in the initial round of appointments is 15. December 2013.
The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
For further information please contact L. Andersson, U. Menne, or O. Rinne.
2.13. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis at Rochester Institute of Technology
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-17
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Additional Information: http://careers.rit.edu/faculty
Contact: smsjobs[AT]rit.edu
Rochester Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level starting August 2014. Responsibilities include research, teaching, and service to the School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS), the College of Science, and RIT.
Successful applicants are expected to contribute to the scholarship of the SMS through externally funded research and peer-reviewed publications, teaching, mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, and participating in developing a new Ph.D. program in Mathematical Modeling. We are looking for candidates who can add to the Schools current strengths in gravitational wave data analysis.
We are seeking individuals who have the ability and interest to contribute to a community committed to student-centeredness; professional development and scholarship; integrity and ethics; respect, diversity, and pluralism; innovation and flexibility; and teamwork and collaboration. Select to view links to RITs core values, honor code, and diversity commitment.
The School of Mathematical Sciences has 64 faculty members and four administrative staff members. There are 169 undergraduate students in the schools three undergraduate programs: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Applied Statistics. In addition, there are 35 students in its Masters degree program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. The school offers mathematics courses for students from every RIT program. SMS faculty members are also involved in the M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology, Computing and Information Science, and Imaging Science.
The School of Mathematical Sciences is a division of the College of Science that promotes both teaching and research. SMS faculty members are involved with two research centers within the College of Science: the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, http://ccrg.rit.edu/, and the Center for Applied and Computational Mathematics, http://www.rit.edu/cos/math/acm/, and some SMS faculty members participate in other research centers across the college and university. We have recently hired applied mathematicians in the fields of mathematical physiology, computational physics, general relativity, fluid dynamics, and mathematical imaging, and we are developing a Ph.D. program in Mathematical Modeling.
* A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the mathematical sciences or in a related field completed by November 17, 2013.
* Ability to communicate effectively in English.
* Professional experience compatible with strengthening existing gravitational wave data analysis research in SMS and contributing to the development of a Ph.D. program in Mathematical Modeling.
* Potential to collaborate with SMS and/or RIT faculty.
* One or more years of postdoctoral research or college-level teaching after Ph.D. completed or equivalent experience by Fall 2014.
* An ongoing record of peer-reviewed publications.
* A commitment to obtaining external grants to support research.
* A commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, including the ability to teach advanced courses in statistics.
* A commitment to mentoring graduate and undergraduate students in research.
* Ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the colleges continuing commitment to cultural diversity, pluralism, and individual differences.
Apply online at http://careers.rit.edu/faculty. Enter requisition number 811BR for the position in gravitational wave data analysis. Please submit your cover letter addressing the listed qualifications; a vita including a list of publications and the names, addresses and phone numbers for three references; a description of research plans that also addresses efforts and/or plans to obtain external funding, potential to collaborate with SMS/RIT faculty, and commitment to mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in research; a statement of teaching philosophy and any experience that also addresses commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, including the ability to teach advanced courses in statistics; up to three sample publications/preprints; and a "contribution to diversity" statement. Please arrange to have at least three letters of recommendation, one of which includes an assessment of teaching potential, sent directly via email to smsjobs(a)rit.edu.
You can contact the search committee with questions about the position at smsjobs[AT]rit.edu.
Application review will begin immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Applicants are encouraged to apply by November 17, 2013.
Curriculum Vitae or Resume
Cover Letter
Research Statement
Statement of Diversity Contribution
List of References
Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Letters of Recommendation
RIT does not discriminate. RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism and inclusion in the work place. RIT provides equal opportunity to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, marital status, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability in its hiring, admissions, educational programs and activities.
RIT provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities, veterans or wounded warriors where appropriate. If you need reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, please contact the Human Resources office at 585-475-2424 or email your request to Careers[AT]rit.edu. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis.
2.14. Postdoctoral Position in Wave Power harvesting at Technion
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-18
Location: Haifa, Israel
Additional Information: http://cee.technion.ac.il/eng/Templates/showpage.asp?DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID=84…
Contact: miky[AT]technion.ac.il
A new postdoctoral position is available at the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa.
The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work with Prof. Michael Stiassnie on a project entitled: "Harvesting wave power in deep stormy seas".
The study involves the mutual interaction of wind, waves, and floating structures; and is a four years research initiative funded by the Israel Science foundation, started on Oct. 1st 2013.
The suitable candidate must have a PhD degree in Science or Engineering, which was obtained within the last five years; as well as an extensive experience in the study of water waves.
The chosen candidate will receive a scholarship of about 2000 euro per month, payable in Israeli Shekel. The initial appointment is for one year with possible extensions.
Interested candidates should address their application to Miky Stiassnie at: miky[AT]technion.ac.il
And include their CV.
2.15. Lagrange Fellows - Institut Lagrange de Paris
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-30
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://ilp.upmc.fr
Contact: contact[AT]ilp.upmc.fr
The Lagrange Institute (Institut Lagrange de Paris, ILP) invites applications from scientists with recent PhDs for several Fellowships beginning in 2014. Lagrange Fellows will receive a salary according to experience, and generous travel, research, and visitor funds.
The Lagrange Institute, established in 2011 for 10 years, unites research groups from the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, the Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et Hautes Energies, and the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies with internationally recognized research programs in theoretical and observational cosmology, (astro-)particle physics, and theoretical and experimental high energy physics. The Institutes mission is to advance foundational questions on the origin, constituents, dynamics and fate of the Universe through the interplay of theory, computation, and data.
The Lagrange Institute will further expand its visitors program by the recently announced Lagrange Awards, enabling international leaders in the research themes of the Institute and their groups to spend extended periods of time collaborating with ILP fellows and members in Paris. In addition, the Lagrange Institute will host regular workshops and conferences.
Successful candidates will have demonstrated outstanding research creativity and have the potential to develop and lead projects in collaboration with the member teams of the Lagrange Institute.
Lagrange fellows will be immersed in an internationally visible research environment with rich intellectual and computational resources, and opportunities for involvement in the leading astronomical observations and (astro-)particle physics experiments of the decade. Research strengths include (but are not limited to) theoretical and observational cosmology, the cosmic beginning, dark matter and dark energy research, theoretical and experimental (astro-)particle physics, and recent advances in quantum field theory and quantum gravity. If desired, Fellows may attend short courses on emerging research methods.
Members of the Lagrange Institute are involved in leading capacities in several international projects, including Planck, Herschel, Euclid, CFHTLS, TeraPix, BOSS, AUGER, CTA, VIPER, Square Kilometer Array, ATLAS at LHC and HESS.
Detailed information about the Lagrange Institute, its members, its mission, and the Lagrange Fellow program can be found at http://ilp.upmc.fr.
2.16. Postdoc Positions in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-30
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
Contact: contact[AT]ilp.upmc.fr
The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos expects openings for post-doctoral positions starting fall 2014 in the areas of general relativity, cosmology and quantum gravity. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. In exceptional cases it has been renewed also for a third year.
The gravitational theory group faculty consists of Abhay Ashtekar, Eugenio Bianchi, Martin Bojowald, Murat Gunaydin, Radu Roiban and Sarah Shandera. In addition Professors Roger Penrose, Jerzy Lewandowski, Alejandro Corichi and Stephon Alexander hold visiting appointments at the Institute. Successful candidates will be encouraged to interact also with mathematicians in the Center for Fundamental Theory and with members of the Center for Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. During the current academic year, the Institute has approximately 25 post-docs (including Drs. Thomas Cailleteau, Marc Gailler, Yaakov Nieman, Sohyun Park, Gabriel Santiago and Wolfgang Wieland in Fundamental Theory). For further information on the Institute, see http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
Current areas of research include loop quantum gravity, mathematical, conceptual and phenomenological issues in cosmology, black hole dynamics, interface of analytical and numerical quantum gravity, supergravity and gravitational aspects of string theory and non-commutative geometry. On the classical side, there is ongoing research on various projects that aim at extending the theoretical frameworks for investigating the global aspects and gravitational waves in asymptotically de Sitter space-times and non-linear aspects of black hole dynamics, with potential applications to numerical relativity. On the quantum side, ideas from loop quantum gravity are being applied to extend the cosmological perturbation theory to the Planck regime, analysis of singularity resolution due to quantum geometry, and the issue of information loss. In addition there is considerable work on theory and observations of the early universe. More generally, the Institute provides a rare forum for stimul
ating exchanges of ideas between different approaches to quantum gravity and between theoretical and observational cosmologists.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research interests/plans and arrange to have three recommendation letters sent directly to:
Mrs. Randi Neshteruk IGC Post-Doc Applications, The Pennsylvania State University 104 Davey Lab #258 University Park, PA 16802-6300, USA
E-mail applications and letters of reference are preferred provided the material is included as PDF file attachments. They should be sent to igc-applications[AT]gravity.psu.edu
The deadline for receipt of all application material is December 7, 2013. Penn State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer
2.17. Postdoctoral Position at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Atlanta, USA
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu
Contact: plaguna[AT]gatech.edu
Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics
The Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral appointment in its Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) with starting date September 2013. The focus areas are numerical relativity and computational astrophysics. The position is for two years, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds.
The faculty at the CRA are David Ballantyne (astrophysics), Tamara Bogdanovic (astrophysics/cosmology), Pablo Laguna (gravitational physics), Nepomuk Otte (particle astrophysics), Deirdre Shoemaker (gravitational physics), Ignacio Taboada (particle astrophysics) and John Wise (cosmology). For more information visit www.cra.gatech.edu
Please email applications to plaguna [at] gatech.edu. Complete applications must include CV, list of publications and statement of research interests. Please also arrange three letters of recommendation to be emailed to the same address. We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2013. The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.18. Postdoctoral Researcher in Galaxy Evolution, Lawrence, Kansas
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Lawrence, KS, USA
Additional Information: http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/3854
Contact: grudnick[AT]ku.edu
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. The successful applicant will work with Prof. Gregory Rudnick on one or more of the following topics: i) galaxy evolution in the infall regions of galaxy clusters at intermediate redshift or ii) molecular line observations of high redshift cluster galaxies. These projects make use of existing or approved observations with the VLT, Spitzer, HST, EVLA, CFHT, and Magellan. Previous experience with ground-based spectroscopy, HST Grism spectroscopy, or molecular line observations of galaxies is preferred. 50% of the successful candidates time is expected to be devoted to the development of their own research program. The appointment is initially for 2 years. Further extension is contingent on additional funding and performance. The salary is competitive and includes funds for travel and computers. The successful applicant will be encouraged to ta
ke part in collaborations with Prof. Rudnicks national and international collaborators. The hope is that the candidate can start in August 2014.
The University of Kansas has a vibrant research atmosphere with 9 faculty working in the field of astrophysics ranging from galactic chemical evolution, cosmology, high energy astrophysics, space physics, and extragalactic astronomy. Lawrence, KS is an excellent place to live. It is and affordable and progressive city with a lively arts and music scene, excellent schools, high quality restaurants, affordable living, and a diverse cultural mix. It has often been called the Austin of Kansas. It is also only an hour from the many good things that Kansas City has to offer.
For a complete job description and to apply go to http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/3854. Applicants should submit a cover letter with the names and contact information of three references, their CV, publication list, a statement of past research, and a statement of research interests. In addition, three reference letters should be sent to Kristin Rennells . For questions, please contact grudnick[AT]ku.edu. Those applicants attending the Jan. 2014 AAS meeting should contact grudnick[AT]ku.edu to schedule an interview. Full consideration will be given to applicants whose materials are received by Dec. 1, 2013.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.
2.19. Faculty Position in Physics at the University of Mississippi
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-31
Location: Oxford, MS, USA
Additional Information: http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/physics_and_astronomy/
Contact: bombelli[AT]olemiss.edu
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Mississippi
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for a tenure-track position in physics at the rank of assistant professor for the Fall of 2014. The emphasis of this position is on developing an externally funded research program and laboratory capable of supporting and leading graduate students to a Ph.D. A competitive startup package is available in the first three years. The University currently has strong programs in atmospheric physics, biomedical ultrasonics, condensed matter physics, gravitation, high-energy physics, and physical acoustics. A Ph.D. in Physics or a related field and one year postdoctoral experience is required. Faculty members are expected to contribute to the teaching and service activities of the Department and the University. Teaching duties include three courses a year at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Interested candidates should apply online at https://jobs.olemiss.edu. A curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a detailed proposal for developing their research program should be sent directly to: Search Committee Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677. Recommendation letters should address the candidates qualifications and assess the quality of the proposed research plan. The search will remain open until an adequate applicant pool is established, or until the position is filled.
The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA Employer.
2.20. Postdoctoral Position in Computational Gravitational Dynamics at IAP, Paris
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-01-01
Location: Paris, France
Additional Information: http://www.iap.fr
Contact: vlasix[AT]iap.fr
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at Institut dAstrophysique de Paris (IAP). The fellowship will begin on, or after, September 1st, 2014, for a maximum period of 2 years.
The candidate should have a PhD in astrophysics, physics or applied mathematics and research experience in numerical simulations of collisionless self-gravitating systems. Additional experience in numerical hydrodynamics is welcome. Whereas computer science skills are essential, a theoretical background in the dynamics of galaxies or large-scale structures is desirable.
The successful candidate will contribute to the development and applications of new Vlasov-Poisson solvers, as well as large N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies and large-scale structures in the Universe.
Funding will be available for travel and research expenses. The successful candidate will also have access to the local and national computing resources of the numerical simulation team of IAP.
Applications should be submitted by email to vlasix [AT] iap [DOT] fr as a single PDF file containing a cover letter, a CV including a publication list, a brief statement of past research (one page) and future aims (one page). Please also arrange for 3 reference letters to be sent to the same address.
Applications completed by January 1st, 2014, will receive full consideration.
2.21. Faculty position in Gravitation Theory and Theoretical Cosmology, UChicago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-15
Additional Information: https://academiccareers.uchicago.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/position/JobDeta…
Contact: holz[AT]uchicago.edu
The Department of Physics and the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago invite applications for faculty positions in the areas of gravitation theory (such as numerical relativity and gravitational wave astronomy) and theoretical cosmology (especially connections with particle physics and gravitation). Candidates must have a doctoral degree in physics or a related field prior to appointment and are expected to contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching programs while engaging in forefront research.
Applicants must apply through the University's Academic Jobs website and upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae with list of publications, and a brief research statement. In addition, three recommendation letters are required as part of the application process. If applying for a position at more than one rank, separate applications are required.
Review of applications will start in the fall of 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, applications and recommendation letters should be received no later than November 15, 2013.
For a position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the field of gravitation theory and theoretical cosmology, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/bua5x63. To be considered for an Associate Professor position in this field, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/bvmb9cy. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (#1380/1381)
2.22. Postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics, DAMTP, Cambridge
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-12
Location: Cambridge, UK
Additional Information: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/vacancy/
Contact: hsr1000[AT]cam.ac.uk
Cambridge University, DAMTP
Applications are invited for a number of postdoctoral positions from candidates qualified to undertake research in the following areas: theoretical cosmology, general relativity and black holes, numerical general relativity, string theory and AdS/CFT, gauge theories and scattering amplitudes.
Applications should be submitted online at:
Applicants should indicate their areas of interest but there is no need to submit multiple applications if more than one of the above positions are of interest.
Applicants are expected to be in post by October 2014, but earlier start dates are possible. There is also funding available to support a postdoc in quantum field theory for a shorter period between January and September 2014.
3. News
3.1. New CQG focus issue on Scalars and Gravity edited by David Langlois
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://j.mp/19mB7p0
I am very pleased to bring you this special issue on Scalars and Gravity guest edited by David Langlois.
This issue presents several active directions of research where the interplay between scalar fields and gravity is essential.
The issue features articles on a range of topics including inflationary models based on scalar fields, quintessence, chameleon fields, and generalized Galileon theories.
We hope that these articles will offer offer a stimulating perspective on several recent and active research topics that mix scalar fields with gravity.
Best wishes
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity
3.2. Death of Alex Harvey
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information:
I have recently become aware that Alex Harvey had passed away. (I don't recall an earlier post of this information). I spent a semester at Queens' in 1991-2 as a Visiting Distinguished Professor on Alex's invitation. It was a very happy time when, apart from our overlapping interests in relativity, he took time to be my 'dive buddy' on the College's scuba-diving course and introduced me to Thursday sailing races (on a 36ft boat named 'Moveable Feast', so not too serious...) at Port Washington. He was an engineer by original training and had, I believe, during his Army career, had a Presidential commendation for work on cryptography in the field (North Africa). Alex wrote a number of useful, if not outstanding, papers over many years, and also kept his friends and acquaintances supplied with frequent humorous emails... I'm sure I'm not the only relativist who will miss him
NY Times. Sept 14
HARVEY--Alexander Dr., noted physics professor dies at 95. Dr. Harvey taught at Queens College for 25 years where he became chairman of the Physics Dept. until his retirement in 1988. He served as an Army Captain during WWII. Dr. Harvey was a visiting scholar at NYU. He continued publishing papers until 2011. He is survived by his wife of 60 years Rhea Harvey, a brother Robert Harvey and nieces Susan Giordano and Mickie Mandel.
3.3. Death of Sotirios Bonanos
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information:
We are sorry to inform that Prof. Sotirios Bonanos, passed away on Tuesday, October 1st. He was a fine specialist in algebraic computer calculations and a scientist at the National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos. The sad news was given us by his daugther, Alceste Bonanos.
3.4. GWIC Thesis Prize and Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize for 2013: 1st Announcement
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: https://gwic.ligo.org/thesisprize/
The Gravitational Wave International Committee is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2013 GWIC Thesis Prize and for the 2013 Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize will soon be open. Both prizes recognize outstanding PhD theses in the general area of gravitational waves. To better serve the community, GWIC and the Friends of Stefano Braccini have moved to coordinate the two Prizes. From now on, there will be a common call for nominations, and all theses submitted will be considered for both awards by a joint selection committee. Two winners will be selected, with the GWIC Thesis Prize emphasizing the impact of the research on the field of gravitational wave science, while the Braccini Thesis Prize will be awarded with an emphasis on innovation.
Members of the gravitational wave community are invited to nominate students who have performed notable research on any aspect of gravitational wave science. Theses will be judged on 1) originality and creativity of the research, 2) importance to the field of gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection, broadly interpreted, and 3) clarity of presentation. Each winner will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize of US$1,000.
Since 2010, GWIC has recommended the GWIC Prize Thesis for the book series Springer Theses. Subject to certain qualifications, Springer Theses publishes exceptional Ph.D. theses in the physical sciences in their entirety. Beginning in 2013, the Braccini Prize winner will also be recommended to Springer. If accepted, the winner will receive an additional 500 from Springer upon publication.
Eligibility: Both prizes are award on a calendar year basis. Theses should have been accepted by their institutions between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2013. It is expected that many of the nominations will come from the member projects of GWIC, but this is not a requirement. Nominated theses may be in any language. A committee selected from the gravitational wave community will evaluate the nominations and select the winner. The selection committee will make all determinations about eligibility.
A second announcement with instructions about how to submit nominations will be issued on December 1.
3.5. Nominations open: 2014 IUPAP GRG Young Scientist Prize
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.isgrg.org/IUPAPprize.php
Nomination Deadline 1 February 2014
The IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize
As an affiliated commission (AC2) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG) offers an annual IUPAP Young Scientist Prize. The IUPAP Young Scientist Prizes recognize outstanding achievements of scientists at early stages of their career. Each prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, a medal and 1000 euros.
The conditions for the prize are:
The IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize can be for work in any area of relativity and gravitation, theoretical or experimental.
On 1 February 2014, nominees must have a maximum of eight years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree. They are expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievements in relativity and gravitation.
The primary nominator must be a member of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation.
Nominations may be made by any member of ISGRG (other than the nominee) and should be accompanied by a CV, a proposed citation of 30-50 words summarizing the reason for the nomination, a list of publications and a description (about one page long) of the specific achievements of the nominee, who need not be an ISGRG member. The entire package should be bundled into a single PDF file and emailed to the Secretary of ISGRG, beverlyberger[AT]me.com, by 1 February 2014. The winner will be announced on 14 March 2014 and the award made shortly thereafter. The official presentation of the award will be made at the GR21 conference in 2016.
Through the generosity of Prof. Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U), an Ashtekar Travel Award of $1000 will be presented to the winner as partial support for travel to GR21.
It is important that the selection committee has specific information that allows it to determine what the nominee has contributed and how this will impact the subject. Therefore it will be extremely helpful to the selection committee to receive at least two additional letters supporting the nomination that detail the expected significance of the contributions of the nominee. It is also appropriate to submit additional materials such as published articles.
In the case of co-authored or multi-authored publications, it is essential for nominators and supporters to discuss the nominee's precise contributions, if known, in addition to the work's overall significance.

02 Oct '13
Table of Contents
1. Conferences
1.1. Fudan Winter School on Astrophysical Black Holes, Shanghai, China (2nd circular)
1.2. CoCoNuT Meeting 2013, Meudon, Paris
1.3. 7th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
1.4. Advances in Mathematical Relativity: A Conference in Honor of Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, IHES, France
2. Jobs
2.1. Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network Postdoc at Georgia Tech
2.2. Faculty Position, School of Physics - Georgia Tech
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Relativity at the University of Chicago
2.4. Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at the Univeristy of Illinois
2.5. Postdoc in Mathematical Relativity at Memorial University
2.6. PostDoc Position on Numerical MHD simulations of Accreting Neutron Stars at Leiden Observatory
2.7. PhD Position on the Spin Evolution of Neutron Stars at Leiden Observatory
2.8. Postdoctoral position in Black Hole Physics at CBPF, Rio de Janeiro
2.9. Postdoctoral position in gravitational physics at the University of New Brunswick
2.10. PhD and MSc positions in gravitational physics at the University of New Brunswick
3. News
3.1. New book: "Relativistic Hydrodynamics", by Luciano Rezzolla and Olindo Zanotti
3.2. New book: "Special Relativity in General Frames" by Eric Gourgoulhon
3.3. Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize 2014 edition
3.4. Living Reviews in Relativity: Cosmology with Euclid / Testing GR with Space-Based GW Detectors / Near-Horizon Geometries of Extremal Black Holes
3.5. New CQG focus issue on Massive Gravity edited by Shinji Mukohyama
3.6. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics announces BrainSTEM: Your Future is Now Festival
1. Conferenes
1.1. Fudan Winter School on Astrophysical Black Holes, Shanghai, China (2nd circular)
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-02-10 to 2014-02-15
Location: Shanghai, China
Additional Information: http://bambi2014.fudan.edu.cn/school2014
Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Black holes are very fascinating and peculiar objects. According to General Relativity, uncharged black holes are completely specified by only two parameters, the mass M and the spin angular momentum J. In the last 40 years, we have discovered at least two classes of astrophysical black hole candidates: stellar-mass objects in X-ray binary systems and super-massive black hole candidates at the center of every normal galaxy. The mass of these objects can be inferred by robust dynamical measurements, by studying the orbital motion of gas or individual stars around them. The determination of the spin J is much more difficult and it is a hot topic of contemporary astrophysics. Then, there are still many open questions: What is the origin of the jets produced in the region around these objects? How could super-massive black holes become so heavy? Are these objects the Kerr black holes predicted by General Relativity? All our open questions may be addressed by studying the properti
es of the electromagnetic radiation emitted in the accretion process and, hopefully in a not distant future, by observing the gravitational waves emitted by these systems.
This school consists of series of lectures on specific topics given by experts in the field and some short research talks. It is mainly intended for Master/PhD students and young postdocs working on high energy astrophysics, both for theorists and for observers. We plan also to arrange a few sessions for short presentations given by young participants.
Tomaso Belloni (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera)
Black Hole Binaries
Kostas Kokkotas (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
Gravitational Waves from Black Holes
Jean-Pierre Lasota (Institut dAstrophysique de Paris)
Black Hole Accretion Disks
James Steiner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Measuring the Mass and the Spins of Black Holes
Feng Yuan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
Formation mechanisms of outflows and jets
Cosimo Bambi (Fudan, Shanghai), Chair
Lingyao Kong (Fudan, Shanghai)
Zilong Li (Fudan, Shanghai)
Daniele Malafarina (Fudan, Shanghai)
Naoki Tsukamoto (Fudan, Shanghai)
1.2. CoCoNuT Meeting 2013, Meudon, Paris
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-12-04 to 2013-12-06
Location: Meudon, France
Additional Information: http://www.uv.es/coconut/Meudon2013
Contact: jerome.novak[AT]obspm.fr
The CoCoNuT code is a general relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical spacetime evolution. The aim of this numerical code is the study of several astrophysical scenarios in which general relativity can play an important role, namely the collapse of rapidly rotating stellar cores and the evolution of isolated neutron stars. More information about the CoCoNuT code can be found in:
The emphasis of the meeting this year shall be put on formulations of Einstein equations. Recent progress and future developments of these fields and of the CoCoNuT code shall be discussed, but not exclusively. Possible topics of the meeting are:
· Gravitational waves.
· Black hole excision techniques.
· Numerical methods.
Together with the usual suspects:
· Core collapse simulations.
· Magnetic fields.
· Structure of neutron stars.
· Microphysics and neutrino transport.
The purpose of the CoCoNuT meeting is twofold: on the one hand it is intended as a regular (yearly so far) meeting of the CoCoNuT users, but it also serves as an opportunity to interchange ideas with users of similar numerical codes. Therefore the attendance to the meeting of anyone outside the CoCoNuT community is welcome.
1.3. 7th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2013-12-08 to 2013-12-11
Location: Hamilton Island, QLD, Australia
Additional Information: http://acgrg7.org/
Contact: daniel.shaddock[AT]anu.edu.au
EXTENSION OF EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: The period for which the early bird fee may be paid has been extended by one week until TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER, 2013.
ACGRG7, the next meeting in the biennial series of conferences organised by the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (ASGRG) will be held on Hamilton Island, Queensland in December. There will be a welcome reception in the evening of Sunday 8th December, and the scientific program will run from Monday 9th to the evening of Wednesday 11th December inclusive.
Hamilton Island is situated in the Whitsunday Archipelago in the Great Barrier Reef and is famous for its azure waters, brilliant beaches and spectacular coral reefs. Direct flights to the island depart daily from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns.
Participants should register as soon as possible at http://acgrg7.org/
Abstracts are due by 18 October 2013.
1.4. Advances in Mathematical Relativity: A Conference in Honor of Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, IHES, France
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Starting: 2014-01-09 to 2014-01-10
Location: IHÉS (Bures-sur-Yvette, France)
Additional Information: http://www.ihes.fr/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?document_id=3391&portlet_id=14
Contact: jasserand[AT]ihes.fr
9-10 January 2014, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques - Le Bois-Marie 35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat has made many deep and lasting contributions to mathematical and physical aspects of General Relativity, starting with her epoch-making 1952 proof of the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for Einstein's equations.
On the occasion of her 90th birthday (29 December 2013), recent advances in mathematical relativity will be presented by leading experts.
The invited speakers include:
Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH, Zuerich)
Piotr Chrusciel (University of Vienna)
Helmut Friedrich (AEI, Golm)
Jim Isenberg (University of Oregon)
Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University)
Vincent Moncrief (Dpt of Physics and Mathematics, Yale University)
Tommaso Ruggeri (University of Bologna)
More information will be posted at http://www.ihes.fr/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?document_id=3391&portlet_id=14
2. Jobs
2.1. Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network Postdoc at Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu
Contact: plaguna[AT]gatech.edu
Applications are invited for a theoretical astrophysics postdoctoral position at the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This position is supported under the auspices of a NSF-funded Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Network (TCAN) spanning Yale University (PI Priya Natarajan); University of Maryland (PI Chris Reynolds) and Georgia Tech (PI Pablo Laguna, and David Ballantyne, Tamara Bogdanovic, John Wise Co-Is). The focus of this network is the multi-scale physics of massive black hole formation, fueling and feedback, including the dynamics and thermodynamics of hot baryons. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct theoretical and computational research in this focus area, collaborating closely with scientists at the other two nodes in the network.
For this Georgia Tech position, candidates with a strong background in cosmology, structure formation, and black hole formation and fueling in the early universe are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Astronomy or a related field by the start date of the position (Sept-2014). The initial appointment will be for two years, renewable for a third year subject to performance and funding.
To apply, please send a CV, bibliography, and statement of research interests/accomplishments (in the form of a single PDF file) to tcanpostdoc[AT]physics.gatech.edu by 1st December 2013. Please also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to the same email address by 1st December 2013. Georgia Tech is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and we particularly encourage applications from women and members of minority groups.
2.2. Faculty Position, School of Physics - Georgia Tech
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
Additional Information: http://www.physics.gatech.edu
Contact: plaguna[AT]gatech.edu
Tenure-Track Faculty Position
School of Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology
The School of Physics of the Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position beginning Fall 2014. Applications for an Associate or Full Professor level position may also be considered for exceptionally qualified individuals. Targeted research areas are: Experimental and Observational Astrophysics (including Astro-Particle and Gravitational-Wave Physics), and Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter (including Hard and Soft). Successful applicants are expected to direct an active program of funded research and to teach effectively at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Applicants should email to faculty.search[AT]physics.gatech.edu the following documents in PDF format: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae including a full list of publications and relevant teaching experience, 3) a research plan for the next five years (maximum 3 pages), and 4) a statement of teaching philosophy and experience (maximum 1 page). In addition, junior applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference emailed separately to the same address. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2013.
Georgia Tech is a unit of the University System of Georgia and an equal education/employment opportunity institution.
2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Relativity at the University of Chicago
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Chicago, USA
Additional Information: http://danielholz.com
Contact: relativityPD[AT]uchicago.edu
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Scholar appointment in the Relativity Group at the University of Chicago. The position is expected to start on or around September 2014.
The UChicago Relativity Group consists of Daniel Holz, Robert Wald, and Robert Geroch (emeritus). Particular areas of interest include mathematical aspects of general relativity and the interplay of general relativity with astrophysics and cosmology, although applications from all subfields of relativity are welcome.
To apply, please send your CV, publication list, and statement of research interests to relativityPD[AT]uchicago.edu. Please also arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to the same address. To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by December 1, 2013. Priority will be given to those having received their Ph.D. in 2010 or later. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.4. Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at the Univeristy of Illinois
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-01
Location: Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Additional Information: https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/
Contact: cardaron[AT]illinois.edu
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position in the Illinois Relativity Group. The candidate should have research experience in numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics or computational MHD. A background in general relativity and relativistic astrophysics would be desirable.
Applicants should go online at https://my.physics.illinois.edu/join/ to submit their application, which must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, brief description of research interests, and the names, mailing and email addresses of three references. Please contact Shannon Cardaronella at cardaron[AT]illinois.edu if you have any questions. Applications should be posted by NOV 1, 2013 for full consideration. The starting date of the position is AUG 16, 2014.
The Illinois Relativity Group is developing the tools of numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics and computational MHD to tackle diverse problems in general relativity and astrophysics. Recent topics include the inspiral and coalescence of compact binaries (binary black holes, binary neutron stars, binary black hole-neutron stars and binary white dwarf-neutron stars), the generation of gravitational waves, magnetorotational stellar collapse, gas accretion onto black holes and binary black holes, the formation and cosmological growth of supermassive black holes in the early universe, and the dynamics of self-interacting dark matter halos. Some of our work is geared to identifying astrophysically plausible, strong-field sources of gravitational waves and calculating gravitational waveforms for detection by laser interferometers, such as Advanced LIGO/VIRGO and eLISA. For these sources we are also exploring counterpart electromagnetic signals, where the later may inclu
de optical, UV and X-ray emission and gamma-ray bursts.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
2.5. Postdoc in Mathematical Relativity at Memorial University
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-15
Location: St. John's, NL, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.math.mun.ca/~ibooth/
Contact: ibooth[AT]mun.ca
The Gravity Group at Memorial University invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position in mathematical relativity to start in Fall 2014.
The gravity group is made up of two professors (Ivan Booth and Hari Kunduri) along with three PhD students, three MSc students and several undergraduates. Our department also includes other (non-relativist) mathematical physicists and topologists with whom we have close ties.
Applicants should send a CV and Statement of Research Interests and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to
Electronic versions in PDF format are strongly preferred but if you have to send physical copies, mail them to:
Ivan Booth
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Memorial University, St. John's
Newfoundland and Labrador, A1C 5S7
Review of the applications will begin on November 15, 2013.
2.6. PostDoc Position on Numerical MHD simulations of Accreting Neutron Stars at Leiden Observatory
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://jobs.strw.leidenuniv.nl/2013/patrunoPD
Contact: patruno[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl
Applications are invited for a 3-yr Postdoctoral Research Position at the Leiden Observatory (Leiden University) to work in the new Compact Objects group of Dr. Alessandro Patruno. The main target of this position is to integrate theoretical models with numerical computations to study the magnetic field evolution of accreting neutron stars. Candidates with previous experience of magneto-hydrodynamic simulations are particularly encouraged to apply, although we are interested in any motivated candidate working in a field related to theoretical and/or numerical astrophysics. Successful candidates will have access to our computing facilities at Leiden Observatory and will have also the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other leading groups in the field. In particular two visits are planned (within the 3 years): one at Cornell University with prof. Marina Romanova and her group and one at the University of Bonn with Dr. Jon Braithwaite and the stellar astrophysics gr
oup. The nominal starting date is April 1, 2014, but different starting dates are possible and negotiable. The position is fully funded for three years. Please submit applications electronically at: http://jobs.strw.leidenuniv.nl/2013/patrunoPD by December 1, 2013. The application should include a CV, a brief research statement (max 3 pages), list of publications, a cover letter and the contact information of three referees.
Further information about the Leiden Observatory can be found here: http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/research/
Leiden Observatory, founded in 1633, is the oldest university astronomy department in the world. With about 25 faculty, over 40 postdoctoral associates and about 75 PhD students it is the largest astronomy department in theNetherlands. Leiden is a charming university town with an international flair. Most Leiden researchers have an international background. English is the common language. For more information, dont hesitate to contact Alessandro Patruno at patruno[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl and visit the website www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~patruno Included Benefits: Leiden University offers comprehensive benefits including paid vacation, sick leave, disability insurance, maternity and parental leave, and retirement benefits
2.7. PhD Position on the Spin Evolution of Neutron Stars at Leiden Observatory
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-15
Location: Leiden, The Netherlands
Additional Information: http://jobs.strw.leidenuniv.nl/2013/patrunoPhD
Contact: patruno[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl
Applications are invited for a PhD research position (4-years) to work with Dr. Alessandro Patruno and his new Compact Objects research group at the Leiden Observatory.
The position is fully funded by an NWO Vidi grant awarded to the project? Hints of New Physics in Pulsating Neutron Stars. The PhD researcher will carry out a comprehensive study of accreting neutron stars and radio pulsars to constrain the behaviour of the nuclear force at ultra-high densities and possible mechanisms for the emission of gravitational waves. This is achieved by understanding how the neutron star spin evolves with time and what is the maximum rotational frequency that neutron stars can reach in their lifetime. The PhD researcher will work on X-ray, optical and radio data collected with different space and ground based observatories. An intense interpretative work will also be conducted and some theoretical work is also expected. The PhD researcher will also have the opportunity to work and interact for a few months at the University of Southampton with prof. N. Andersson and his group.
The position comes with a competitive salary and full benefits. The application review process will begin on November 15, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. The starting dates are negotiable with a preference for an early start (March/April 2014). Applicants are requested to upload a CV, a brief statement of research interests and experience, and contact information for two referees. Application forms are available at http://jobs.strw.leidenuniv.nl/2013/patrunoPhD
For more information, dont hesitate to contact Alessandro Patruno at patruno[AT]strw.leidenuniv.nl and visit the website http://strw.leidenuniv.nl/~patruno
More information about research at Leiden Observatory can be found at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/research/.
Leiden Observatory, founded in 1633, is the oldest university astronomy department in the world. With about 25 faculty, over 40 postdoctoral associates and about 75 PhD students it is the largest astronomy department in the Netherlands. Leiden is charming university town with an international flair. Most Leiden researchers have an international background. English is the common language.
Included Benefits: Leiden University offers comprehensive benefits including paid vacation, sick leave, disability insurance, maternity and parental leave, and retirement benefits
2.8. Postdoctoral position in Black Hole Physics at CBPF, Rio de Janeiro
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-11-01
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Additional Information: http://www.cbpf.br/~mcasals/Postdoc.html
Contact: mcasals[AT]cbpf.br
Applications are now open for the "Young Talents" scholarships within the "Science without Borders" program, a recent joint effort of the Brazilian agencies CAPES and CNPq. These are generous postdoctoral scholarships for carrying out research in a Brazilian institution for a duration of 2 to 3 years with a starting date between February and April 2014. The application must be submitted by the host researcher in Brazil and the deadline is November 1, 2013.
Another type of funding for postdoctoral research in Brazil is awarded by the agency CNPq alone. This funding has a duration of typically 1 year (some times extendable to 2 years), a starting date between June and September 2014 and a deadline of January 31, 2014. (Note that the call with this deadline is not open yet but it will very soon).
If you wish to apply for funding for a postdoctoral position in Black Hole Physics in the Department of Cosmology, Relativity and Astrophysics (ICRA) at the research centre Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) in Rio de Janeiro, please email a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a statement of research interests to Marc Casals at mcasals[AT]cbpf.br. If you wish to apply for a "Young Talents" scholarship please do so as soon as possible before the deadline of November 1.
For further information on the above and other funding possibilities for either postdoctoral research or postgraduate studies and on research activities at ICRA-CBPF, you may see http://www.cbpf.br/~mcasals/Postdoc.html
2.9. Postdoctoral position in gravitational physics at the University of New Brunswick
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2013-12-01
Location: Fredericton, NB, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.math.unb.ca/~gravity/positions.html
Contact: gravity.unb[AT]unb.ca
The gravity group at the University of New Brunswick (http://www.math.unb.ca/~gravity/) invites applications for a two year postdoctoral position starting in September 2014 (or sooner), subject to the availability of funds.
The UNB gravity group consists of three faculty members: Jack Gegenberg, Viqar Husain and Sanjeev Seahra. Typically, the group also includes 1-2 postdoctoral researchers, 2-4 graduates students and 1-3 undergraduate student members. Our main areas of research are general relativity and its modifications, quantum gravity and cosmology. Group members have access to the ACEnet (http://www.ace-net.ca) high performance computing facility.
Please send a complete CV and statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to gravity.unb[AT]unb.ca. Informal enquires may be directed to any gravity group faculty member. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.
It is possible for exceptional candidates to be nominated for an Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) (http://www.aarms.math.ca) postdoctoral fellowship. If you wish to be considered for this award, we must receive a complete application package by December 1, 2013. (Please note that we must receive and process your application before it is sent to AARMS.)
2.10. PhD and MSc positions in gravitational physics at the University of New Brunswick
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Deadline: 2014-02-01
Location: Fredericton, NB, Canada
Additional Information: http://www.math.unb.ca/~gravity/positions.html
Contact: gravity.unb[AT]unb.ca
The gravity group at the University of New Brunswick (http://www.math.unb.ca/~gravity/) is seeking students to begin masters (MSc) or doctoral studies (PhD) in September 2014 (or sooner). Applicants should have a degree in physics or mathematics from a recognized university.
The group consists of three faculty members: Jack Gegenberg, Viqar Husain and Sanjeev Seahra. Typically, the group also includes 1-2 postdoctoral researchers, 2-4 graduates students and 1-3 undergraduate student members. Our main areas of research are general relativity and its modifications, quantum gravity and cosmology. Group members have access to the ACEnet (http://www.ace-net.ca) high performance computing facility.
Please send a complete CV and arrange for up to three letters of reference to be sent to gravity.unb[AT]unb.ca. Informal enquires may be directed to any gravity group faculty member. Complete application packages must be received by February 1, 2014.
3. News
3.1. New book: "Relativistic Hydrodynamics", by Luciano Rezzolla and Olindo Zanotti
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198528906.do
Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Luciano Rezzolla, Olindo Zanotti
Oxford University Press, 2013
Hard back, 752 pages, 128 colour illustrations, available as ebook
Contents and reviews at http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198528906.do
Price: 55 GPB/70 EUR; 20% discount available for hyperspace readers. Enter the code AAFLY4 in the promotional code box when adding to the basket (offer valid till 30.11.13).
Relativistic hydrodynamics is a very successful theoretical framework to describe the dynamics of matter from scales as small as those of colliding elementary particles, up to the largest scales in the universe. This book provides an up-to-date, lively, and approachable introduction to the mathematical formalism, numerical techniques, and applications of relativistic hydrodynamics. The topic is typically covered either by very formal or by very phenomenological books, but is instead presented here in a form that will be appreciated both by students and researchers in the field.
The topics covered in the book are the results of work carried out over the last 40 years, which can be found in rather technical research articles with dissimilar notations and styles. The book is not just a collection of scattered information, but a well-organized description of relativistic hydrodynamics, from the basic principles of statistical kinetic theory, down to the technical aspects of numerical methods devised for the solution of the equations, and over to the applications in modern physics and astrophysics. Numerous figures, diagrams, and a variety of exercises aid the material in the book. The most obvious applications of this work range from astrophysics (black holes, neutron stars, gamma-ray bursts, and active galaxies) to cosmology (early-universe hydrodynamics and phase transitions) and particle physics (heavy-ion collisions).
It is often said that fluids are either seen as solutions of partial differential equations or as "wet". Fluids in this book are definitely wet, but the mathematical beauty of differential equations is not washed out.
Readership: Graduate and post-graduate students, professors, lecturers, and researchers in astrophysics, particle physics, and applied mathematics.
3.2. New book: "Special Relativity in General Frames" by Eric Gourgoulhon
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://relativite.obspm.fr/sperel/
Special Relativity in General Frames: From Particles to Astrophysics
Eric Gourgoulhon
Springer, 2013
784 pages
Special relativity is presented by adopting a four-dimensional point of view from the start. A distinctive feature of the book is that it doesnt restrict itself to inertial frames and considers accelerated and rotating observers. It is thus possible to treat physical effects such as the Thomas precession or the Sagnac effect in a simple yet precise manner. In the final chapters, more advanced topics like tensorial fields in spacetime, exterior calculus, relativistic hydrodynamics and relativistic gravity are addressed. Illustrated by 178 figures and enriched by many historical notes, this book also presents many applications of special relativity, ranging from particle physics (accelerators, particle collisions, quark-gluon plasma) to astrophysics (relativistic jets, active galactic nuclei), and including practical applications (Sagnac gyrometers, synchrotron radiation, GPS). In addition, the book provides some mathematical developments, such as the detailed analysis of the
Lorentz group and its Lie algebra.
1. Minkowski Spacetime
2. Worldlines and Proper Time
3. Observers
4. Kinematics 1: Motion with Respect to an Observer
5. Kinematics 2: Change of Observer
6. Lorentz Group
7. Lorentz Group as a Lie Group
8. Inertial Observers and Poincaré Group
9. Energy and Momentum
10. Angular Momentum
11. Principle of Least Action
12. Accelerated Observers
13. Rotating Observers
14. Tensors and Alternate Forms
15. Fields on Spacetime
16. Integration in Spacetime
17. Electromagnetic Field
18. Maxwell Equations
19. Energy-Momentum Tensor
20. Energy-Momentum of the Electromagnetic Field
21. Relativistic Hydrodynamics
22. What about Relativistic Gravitation?
A. Basic Algebra
B. Web Pages
C. Special Relativity Books
More details on http://relativite.obspm.fr/sperel/
3.3. Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize 2014 edition
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www-2.unipv.it/dottorati/scienzeetecnologie/fisica/n/web_PhD/index.p…
The University of Pavia is glad to announce the 2014 edition of the Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize For Outstanding Research in Mathematical or Numerical General Relativity. This international prize is sponsored by the University of Pavia to honor the memory of the young physicist Giulio Rampa who, in his short life, had a profound impact on his fellow students and the faculty of the Department of Physics of the University of Pavia. The GRT prize is given, every two years, to a graduate student for outstanding research in mathematical or numerical general relativity.
Call for nominations for the 2014 edition of The Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematical or Numerical Relativity
The prize has been established in 2011, and is endowed under the terms of a bequest from Nadia and Giorgio Rampa. The GRT prize carries a certificate and a net check for 2,000 together with coverage of travel and local expenses for attending the award ceremony.
Any student who graduated in a university or research centre in Europe is eligible to be considered for this prize. European citizenship is NOT required. The prize recipients Ph.D. Thesis must be submitted for consideration by a nominator, preferably via e-mail, to:
Secretariat of The Rampa Prize Committee,
c/o Department of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics,
Via Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: rampa.prize[AT]pv.infn.it
Self nominations will not be considered. It is the nominator's responsibility to ensure that his/her candidate submits the required documentation. In particular, all nominated applicants must submit, preferably by e-mail, the application form, a copy of the thesis, a letter of recommendation from their thesis advisor, one or more letters of endorsement substantiating the candidate contributions, thesis reader comments, a one-page abstract of the thesis, and a C.V. to the above address.
The following criteria are reviewed when selecting the Giulio Rampa prize recipient: (i) Originality of Contribution, (ii) Breadth of Work, (iii) Publications, (iv) Quality of Nomination, (v) Quality of Endorsement.
The recipients of the prize are to be selected by a standing joint committee of the Graduate School in Physics of The University of Pavia and of The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam.
The decisions of the Committee are final and will be communicated by May the 31st, 2014. The 2014 prize will be awarded to a Ph. D. Thesis submitted for consideration no later than January 31, 2014, on behalf of students who graduated between January 2012- December 2013.
The prize will be presented at the annual Honors Ceremony during the Inauguration of the Graduate Studies Academic Year in Pavia, in December 2014.
3.4. Living Reviews in Relativity: Cosmology with Euclid / Testing GR with Space-Based GW Detectors / Near-Horizon Geometries of Extremal Black Holes
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://relativity.livingreviews.org/
Living Reviews in Relativity has published three new review articles:
"Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite" by Luca Amendola et al. (Euclid Theory Working Group),
"Testing General Relativity with Low-Frequency, Space-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors" by Jonathan R. Gair et al.,
"Classification of Near-Horizon Geometries of Extremal Black Holes" by Hari K. Kunduri and James Lucietti.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
PUB.NO. lrr-2013-6
Luca Amendola et al. (Euclid Theory Working Group)
"Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite"
ACCEPTED: 2013-06-13
PUBLISHED: 2013-09-02
Euclid is a European Space Agency medium-class mission selected for launch in 2019 within the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program. The main goal of Euclid is to understand the origin of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Euclid will explore the expansion history of the Universe and the evolution of cosmic structures by measuring shapes and redshifts of galaxies as well as the distribution of clusters of galaxies over a large fraction of the sky. Although the main driver for Euclid is the nature of dark energy, Euclid science covers a vast range of topics, from cosmology to galaxy evolution to planetary research. In this review we focus on cosmology and fundamental physics, with a strong emphasis on science beyond the current standard models. We discuss five broad topics: dark energy and modified gravity, dark matter, initial conditions, basic assumptions and questions of methodology in the data analysis. This review has been planned and carried out within Euclid's Theory
Working Group and is meant to provide a guide to the scientific themes that will underlie the activity of the group during the preparation of the Euclid mission.
PUB.NO. lrr-2013-7
Jonathan R. Gair, Michele Vallisneri, Shane L. Larson and John G. Baker
"Testing General Relativity with Low-Frequency, Space-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors"
ACCEPTED: 2013-08-19
PUBLISHED: 2013-09-12
We review the tests of general relativity that will become possible with space-based gravitational-wave detectors operating in the $\sim 10^5 1$ Hz low-frequency band. The fundamental aspects of gravitation that can be tested include the presence of additional gravitational fields other than the metric; the number and tensorial nature of gravitational-wave polarization states; the velocity of propagation of gravitational waves; the binding energy and gravitational-wave radiation of binaries, and therefore the time evolution of binary inspirals; the strength and shape of the waves emitted from binary mergers and ringdowns; the true nature of astrophysical black holes; and much more. The strength of this science alone calls for the swift implementation of a space-based detector; the remarkable richness of astrophysics, astronomy, and cosmology in the low-frequency gravitational-wave band make the case even stronger.
PUB.NO. lrr-2013-8
Kunduri, Hari K. and Lucietti, James
"Classification of Near-Horizon Geometries of Extremal Black Holes"
ACCEPTED: 2013-09-11
PUBLISHED: 2013-09-25
Any spacetime containing a degenerate Killing horizon, such as an extremal black hole, possesses a well-defined notion of a near-horizon geometry. We review such near-horizon geometry solutions in a variety of dimensions and theories in a unified manner. We discuss various general results including horizon topology and near-horizon symmetry enhancement. We also discuss the status of the classification of near-horizon geometries in theories ranging from vacuum gravity to EinsteinMaxwell theory and supergravity theories. Finally, we discuss applications to the classification of extremal black holes and various related topics. Several new results are presented and open problems are highlighted throughout.
3.5. New CQG focus issue on Massive Gravity edited by Shinji Mukohyama
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://j.mp/1daT1tF
I am very pleased to bring you this focus issue on Massive Gravity guest edited by Shinji Mukohyama.
The aim of the issue is to highlight some of the recent developments in massive gravity and their phenomenological implications.
We hope that these articles will be of interest and beneficial to your research.
Best wishes
Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity
3.6. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics announces BrainSTEM: Your Future is Now Festival
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI:
Additional Information: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/brainstemfestival
The BrainSTEM: Your Future is Now Festival will connect remarkable technological innovations to the scientific breakthroughs that make them possible. The festival will feature highly interactive science-centre style exhibits, special presentations, public lectures, Science in the Club events and insider-tours of the world-class facilities of Perimeter Institute. Showcasing cutting edge technology and innovation, Your Future is Now Festival exhibits will deeply engage attendees, inspiring them with the wonders of science, technology and the fundamentals of physics, engineering and mathematics that make this progress possible. Live Webcast Public Lectures features: James Grime, Ray Laflamme and Lucy Hawking.
Most tickets are FREE at http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/brainstemfestival.
Perimeter Institute
31 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, ON
N2L 2Y5
Event Start Date: September 30, 2013
Event End Date: October 6, 2013
Event Start Time: 8:30 AM (weekdays), 9:00 AM (Saturday), 10:00 AM (Sunday)
Event End Time: 9:00 PM (weekdays), 6:00 PM (Saturday), 5:00 PM (Sunday)
AGES: All ages
TYPE: Festival (Science Festival) outdoor and indoor
TICKET PRICE RANGES: FREE to $10 depending on event
Phone: 519-883-4480
Online: www.perimeterinstitute.ca/members