################################################################# Table of Contents #################################################################
1. Conferences 1.1 26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (registration deadline) 1.2 Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting (2nd circ.) 1.3 49th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics: Cosmology and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics 1.4 Workshop SU Structure of the Universe 2012 - Paris Observatory 1.5 GR20/Amaldi10: the satellite schools
2. Jobs 2.1 Postdoc in Cosmology at Tufts University 2.2 Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at UNAM, Morelia, Mexico 2.3 Postdoctoral position in gravitation at the Hebrew University 2.4 Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship (VCF) / Vice-Chancellor's Advanced Fellowship (VCAF) at the University of Sheffield 2.5 Postdoctoral position in numerical loop quantum cosmology at LSU 2.6 Postdoctoral position in General Relativity at Southampton 2.7 Postdoctoral position in high energy astrophysics at Fudan University 2.8 Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at LSU 2.9 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitation Theory at the University of Florida 2.10 Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at Georgia Tech 2.11 Postdoctoral positions in gravitational-wave- physics and astronomy at ICTS, Bangalore, India 2.12 Postdoc position in GW data analysis at Rhodes University, South Africa 2.13 Faculty position in Physics at the University of Chicago 2.14 Postdoctoral Position in Relativity at the University of Chicago 2.15 Two postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity Theories at Fudan University 2.16 Postdoctoral positions in Astroparticle Physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy 2.17 Tenure-track astrophysics position at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2.18 Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship - Georgia Tech 2.19 Postdoc in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State
3. News 3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions" 3.2 New CQG focus issue: Relativistic quantum information 3.3 LIGO magazine 3.4 Deadline extension to 15 Nov 2012 for Jurgen Ehlers Thesis Prize and Bergman-Wheeler Thesis Prize 3.5 Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge: The Chalonge Medal 2012 3.6 Gravitational waves - Publication of a new review paper
================================================================= 1. Conferences =================================================================
1.1 26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (registration deadline) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/31/26th-texas-symposium-on-relativistic...
Starting Sat, Dec 15, 2012 to Thu, Dec 20, 2012 Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil Additional Information: http://www.das.inpe.br/texas2012sp
The 26th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (TEXAS 2012) will be held in Sao Paulo City, Brazil, from December 15-20, 2012.
The registration deadline is approaching: November 12.
You can see the program of the plenary talks at http://www.das.inpe.br/texas2012sp/program.php
Don't miss this exciting Texas Symposium!
The Local Organizing Committee Texas 2012 - São Paulo - Brazil http://www.das.inpe.br/texas2012sp
1.2 Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting (2nd circ.) --------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/29/seventh-gulf-coast-gravity-meeting-s...
Starting Fri, Apr 19, 2013 to Sat, Apr 20, 2013 Location: Oxford, MS, USA Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GCGM7/
The Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Theoretical Physics group at the University of Mississippi will host the Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting on April 19-20, 2013. For information on the group, please visit our webpage:
The GCGM is a regional meeting that brings together researchers in all areas of gravitational physics from the south-east region of the US. The past two editions were at Louisiana State University (GCGM5, 2009) and Florida Atlantic University (GCGM6, 2011). This is the second GCGM organized by Ole Miss (the first one was GCGM4, 2008).
There is no registration fee. Students are warmly encouraged to participate. The Blue Apple Award, sponsored by the APS Topical Group in Gravitation, will be awarded to the best student presentation. To register, simply send your name, affiliation, talk title and a short abstract to the following email address:
The same email address can be used for all inquiries related to the conference. We obtained financial support from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Events Sponsorship Program. Please say explicitly in your email if you are a student or postdoc and if you would like to have travel support; we will divide the available amount (which is quite limited!) between all students who request it, and if funds are still available we may be able to provide partial support also for postdocs. We will post more information on this page as the meeting dates get closer.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Oxford next Spring!
1.3 49th Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics: Cosmology and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/08/49-th-karpacz-winter-school-of-theor...
Starting Sun, Feb 10, 2013 to Sat, Feb 16, 2013 Location: Ladek Zdroj, Poland Additional Information: http://www.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~karp49/
The recent studies of dark matter and dark energy problems rely on (independent) modifications of both sides of the Einstein equations in order to explain current cosmic acceleration. The winter school will concern with both sides of the Einstein equations. The Einstein tensor determines the energy-momentum tensor of a fluid. In general, the relativistic fluid is more complex than just an ideal fluid. At the conference the statistical mechanics of such fluids and their consequences for the large scale cosmic evolution will be discussed. The school will be held in the mountain resort in the south-west of Poland. This is a continuation of the tradition of the Karpacz Winter schools which were organized for almost half a century.
Conference website: http://www.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~karp49/
1.4 Workshop SU Structure of the Universe 2012 - Paris Observatory ------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/08/workshop-su-structure-of-the-univers...
Starting Thu, Nov 29, 2012 to Fri, Nov 30, 2012 Location: Paris, France Additional Information: http://luth.obspm.fr/~luthier/corasaniti/SU_MEETING_2012/Workshop_SU_2012.ht...
"Galaxy Formation and Large Scale Structures: Theory vs Observations"
Historical Perrault building , Observatoire de Paris HQ, Paris Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November 2012 Entrance: 77 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris
The goal of the meeting is to gather the community working on galaxy formation and cosmic structures to communicate and exchange ideas on the current progresses and their observational implications. This workshop is organized in the framework of the « Structure of the Universe » program of the Scientific Council of Observatoire de Paris. The meeting is open to students, post-docs, researchers, no registration fee is required.
To facilitate the organization please register freely before November 15th at the registration page. Programme and informations at the URL: http://luth.obspm.fr/~luthier/corasaniti/SU_MEETING_2012/Workshop_SU_2012.ht...
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Best regards,
The Organizers: Pier-Stefano Corasaniti, Hector J. de Vega, Norma G. Sanchez, Technical support: Djilali Zidani
1.5 GR20/Amaldi10: the satellite schools ----------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/03/gr20amaldi10-the-satellite-schools/
Starting Fri, Jun 28, 2013 to Sun, Jul 07, 2013 Location: Zakopane, Warsaw Additional Information: http://gr20-amaldi10.edu.pl/index.php?id=19
Dear Relativists,
Before GR20/Amaldi10 there will be organized two satellite schools:
Conformal Symmetry and Perspectives in Quantum and Mathematical Gravity, in Zakopane: http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/school/2013/
School of Gravitational Waves, in Warsaw: http://bcc.impan.pl/13Gravitational/
Please pass this information to whoever may be interested.
Warm Regards Jerzy Lewandowski Chair, GR20/Amaldi10 LOC
================================================================= 2. Jobs =================================================================
2.1 Postdoc in Cosmology at Tufts University --------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/31/postdoc-in-cosmology-at-tufts-univer...
Institution: Medford, MA, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 Additional Information: http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/
We anticipate having a postdoctoral opening in the Tufts Institute of Cosmology starting September 2013, for two years, with a possibility of extension for a third. Our group includes Jose Blanco-Pillado, Larry Ford, Ken Olum, Alex Vilenkin and several postdocs and graduate students. Our research interest include inflationary cosmology, topological defects, quantum cosmology, and other fields. Applicants are invited to send their C.V. and a statement of research interests, and to arrange for three letters of reference, all to be sent to Prof. A. Vilenkin, c/o Gayle Grant, Physics Department, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA or by e-mail to Gayle.Grant (at) Tufts.edu. Application deadline is December 15, 2012.a
More information about our group is available at http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/.
Tufts University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
2.2 Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at UNAM, Morelia, Mexico --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/29/postdoctoral-position-in-loop-quantu...
Institution: Morelia, Mexico Deadline: Tue, Jan 01, 2013 Additional Information: www.matmor.unam.mx/en/research
The Quantum Gravity Group of the Center for Mathematical Sciences (Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, CCM) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Morelia is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral fellowship to start on September 1st 2013. (The date is possibly flexible.) The fellowship is for an initial duration of one year, and extensible for a second year. We expect the candidate to collaborate with the members of the group in non-perturbative aspect of quantum gravity, aspects of quantum field theory on curved spacetime or lated topics.
The quantum gravity group consists of three permanent members, A. Corichi, R. Oeckl and J.A. Zapata, a visiting faculty member, D. Colosi, a posdoctoral fellow (S. Rastgoo) and 5 PhD students.
The CCM (http://www.matmor.unam.mx) has 21 faculty members working in the following areas (http://www.matmor.unam.mx/en/research): Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, Group Theory, Number Theory, Set Theory, Topology, Representation Theory, Quantum Gravity. Being part of UNAM, we have access to reasonable computer and library facilities. We also share a building with UNAM's Center for Astrophysics and Radioastronomy. Nearby is the Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the local State University (http://www.ifm.umich.mx), with another 20 faculty members. Morelia is a moderate sized city with fair climate and a rich cultural life.
In order to be considered, we request a CV, research statement and 3 reference letters to be submitted before January 1st 2013, to the following address: corichi[AT]matmor.unam.mx
2.3 Postdoctoral position in gravitation at the Hebrew University -----------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/28/postdoctoral-position-in-gravitation...
Institution: Jerusalem, Israel Deadline: Mon, Dec 10, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.phys.huji.ac.il/~bekenste/
There will be a postdoctoral opening in gravitation physics at the Hebrew University for the academic year 2013-2014 (preferred starting date of Oct. 1, 2013, but earlier starting dates will be considered) with an optional second year. This is intended only for a person who obtained the Ph. D on or after Oct. 1, 2008. For the general research interests in our gravity-astrophysics-cosmology group, please refer to http://www.phys.huji.ac.il/astro My own research is nowadays concerned mostly with entropy and information bounds, ideas for probing quantum gravity in the lab, and the quasi normal modes of black holes in connection with black hole quantization.
The postdoctoral fellowships in question are the Lady Davis Fellowships or equivalent. No need to fill out Lady Davis forms, but you may want to look at their Web page http://ldft.huji.ac.il/upload/info/infoHU.html for information on what the fellowships are worth (the sums there need some updating). I supplement that basic fellowship stipend by 20%, and also pay for some travel to conferences while the fellow is here. These fellowships are tax free in Israel.
I prefer the application materials [CV, list of publications, statement of past and planned research (the last restricted to 2 pages) and 3 letters of recommendation] to arrive by e-mail. My deadline this year is Dec. 10.
Jacob D. Bekenstein Racah Institute of Physics The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904 ISRAEL
Office Tel: 972-2-6584374 Home Tel: 972-2-6791485 Office fax: 972-2-5611519 E-mail: bekenste[AT]vms.huji.ac.il URL: http://www.phys.huji.ac.il/~bekenste/
2.4 Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship (VCF) / Vice-Chancellor's Advanced Fellowship (VCAF) at the University of Sheffield --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/22/vice-chancellors-fellowship-vcf-vice...
Institution: Sheffield, UK Deadline: Fri, Nov 09, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.leadingmindssheffield.com
The University of Sheffield has an international reputation for the quality of its staff, students and for the contribution it makes to the world at large through high quality research and teaching. This reputation is reliant upon the recruitment, retention and development of talented staff of the highest quality. In order to maintain this position at the forefront of academia Professor Keith Burnett, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, has created up to 20 Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship positions. These positions are open to the candidates with a track record of the highest calibre research and who have the potential to be research leaders of the future in any academic area. The key criterion for success in these appointments is the personal capacity to make an outstanding contribution to the University, as a research-led academic. Applications are welcomed from those who will bring new fields of research activity to the University as well as those who strengthe n our existing portfolio.
Fellows will have the potential to become academic leaders of the future who will engage and collaborate across disciplinary boundaries within and beyond the University. They will also have the ability to be inspirational to others and act as ambassadors for the University.
We regard the creative mix of our people to be our greatest asset. We want to recruit from many different backgrounds, heritages and lifestyles. We want to lead in rebalancing the traditional makeup of certain subjects and build a collection of sufficiently diverse minds that can interrogate the challenges of the future with the greatest rigour. So we want to hear from leading minds which reflect the richness of the world around us.
Establishing your research quickly will be a priority. To support you in achieving this, each Fellow will receive a range of exceptional benefits including access to a tailored mentoring and development scheme, a research support grant of at least 10,000 GBP and subject to satisfactory performance a permanent appointment will be made to at least Lecturer (VCF) Senior Lecturer (VCAF) level at the end of the Fellowship.
Fellows will be appointed at one of two levels dependent upon experience. The successful applicants will hold a good first degree (or equivalent experience) and a PhD in a relevant discipline (or equivalent experience). You will have an excellent research track record in the identified area of strength with potential to become a world leading researcher; you will also have with an aptitude for research leadership.
2.5 Postdoctoral position in numerical loop quantum cosmology at LSU --------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/21/postdoctoral-position-in-numerical-l...
Additional Information: https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=55132
The theoretical relativity group at LSU aims to fill, contingent on funding, an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to work in numerical loop quantum cosmology starting January 2013 or earlier. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds.
The core relativity group at LSU consists of Ivan Agulló, Steve Brandt, Frank Loeffler, Peter Diener, Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh. In addition, LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in LIGO, whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation and Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have joint appointments at CCT.
It is desired that the postdoctoral researcher should have experience in development of numerical methods for HPCs in classical and/or quantum gravity. The application deadline is Oct 31, 2012.
See full ad and instructions for application at URL https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=55132
2.6 Postdoctoral position in General Relativity at Southampton --------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/19/postdoctoral-position-in-general-rel...
Institution: Southampton, UK Deadline: Wed, Nov 21, 2012
Postdoctoral position in General Relativity Salary: 27,578 to 37,012 GBP per annum Duration: 3 years Closing Date: 21 November 2012 Reference: 168412PJ
The School of Mathematics at the University of Southampton is offering a 3-year postdoctoral position in General Relativity. The position is available from spring 2013, but a later start can be negotiated. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake research within an ERC-funded project on the self-force approach to the two-body problem in general relativity, with application to gravitational-wave astronomy.
The University of Southampton (UK) is home to a large Gravity research group. The Group currently comprises 8 staff members (Nils Andersson, Leor Barack, Carsten Gundlach, Ian Hawke, Ian Jones, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor and James Vickers), 5 postdocs and 10 research students. Research in the group covers topics in black-hole and neutron-star astrophysics, sources of gravitational waves and numerical relativity, as well as string-inspired gravity and holography.
Applicants need to hold a PhD or equivalent in Physics, Mathematics or a related discipline, and have a track record of original research and publications in at least one of the following research areas: physics of classical black holes, gravitational-wave theory, numerical relativity, post-Newtonian theory.
The closing date for applications is 21 November 2012. Please apply online via http://www.jobs.soton.ac.uk (use the top-right search bar quoting Job number 168412PJ, and proceed as instructed). As part of your application you will be required to provide your full CV (including a list of publications), a brief (< 1 page) statement of research interests, and the contacts of 3 referees.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Leor Barack at leor[AT]soton.ac.uk.
2.7 Postdoctoral position in high energy astrophysics at Fudan University -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/19/postdoctoral-position-in-high-energy...
Institution: Shanghai, China Deadline: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/
The gravity and high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has one open postdoctoral position in high energy astrophysics. We are looking for candidates with interest/experience in X-ray astronomy, GRBs, and/or astrophysical codes. Preference may be given to candidates who have already worked with XSPEC. Graduated students who expect to receive soon the doctoral degree are also encouraged to apply. The position is available from as soon as possible and the initial appointment is for 2 years, with the possibility of an extension. Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth, contact details of 2-3 referees, and possible starting date), short statement of research interests and/or experience, and publication list to bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn. Please arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
Inquires can be sent to bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Applications submitted by December 31 will receive full consideration.
Further details:
Fudan. Fudan University is located in Shanghai and it is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. The group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Special Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan. Members of the group will be able also to interact with people at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.
Salary. For this position, the net salary for a postdoc with overseas doctoral degree will be about 100,000 CNY/year (roughly corresponding to 1,000 EUR/month), but in exceptional cases it can be much higher.
Housing. Fudan can provide apartments of 50-80 square meters inside the campus at very convenient rental rates (about 300 CNY/month, roughly 40 EUR/month).
2.8 Postdoctoral position in loop quantum gravity at LSU --------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/18/postdoctoral-position-in-loop-quantu...
Institution: Baton Rouge, LA, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 Additional Information: http:// https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=55133
The theoretical relativity group expects to have, contingent on funding, an opening for a postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher working in loop quantum gravity starting September 2013. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another one or two years subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds.
The core relativity group at LSU consists of Ivan Agullo', Steve Brandt, Frank Loeffler, Peter Diener, Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh. In addition to that LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in LIGO, whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation and Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have joint appointments at CCT.
The postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher will perform research on numerical loop quantum cosmology which includes but is not limited to the following: research development, writing scientific papers, presenting talks at scientific meetings, participating in other local, state, national and international developments in theoretical relativity physics.
See full ad at URL https://lsusystemcareers.lsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=55133
2.9 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitation Theory at the University of Florida ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/17/post-doctoral-position-in-gravitatio...
Institution: Gainesville, FL, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/
A postdoctoral position may be available in the Gravitation Group and the Department of Physics beginning in the fall of 2013. Applications are invited from theorists with research interests in the area of general relativity, with specific emphasis on theoretical aspects of gravitational radiation, post-Newtonian theory and other approximation methods, and strong-field tests of GR. The appointment is for one year, with renewal possible, subject to satisfactory performance and continued funding.
The Department of Physics at the University of Florida has an active program of research in gravitational physics, including Professors Clifford Will, Steven Detweiler, Bernard Whiting and Richard Woodard in gravitational theory, along with a large experimental and data analysis group working on LIGO and a future space interferometer. We also have strong collaborations with the Institute of Astrophysics of Paris.
Applications received before December 15, 2012 will receive full consideration. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution.
Send curriculum vita, statement of research interests, and three letters of reference via email, to cmw[AT]physics.ufl.edu. If regular mail or FAX is the only means available, send to the address below.
Professor Clifford M. Will University of Florida P.O. Box 118440 Gainesville FL 32611-8440 FAX: 352-846-0295
2.10 Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at Georgia Tech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/16/postdoctoral-position-in-numerical-r...
Institution: Atlanta, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 01, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu/
Postdoctoral Position in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at Georgia Tech
The Georgia Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral appointment in its Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) with starting date September 2013. The focus areas are numerical relativity and computational astrophysics. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds.
The faculty at the CRA are David Ballantyne (astrophysics), Tamara Bogdanovic (astrophysics/cosmology), Pablo Laguna (gravitational physics), Nepomuk Otte (particle astrophysics), Deirdre Shoemaker (gravitational physics), Ignacio Taboada (particle astrophysics) and John Wise (cosmology).
Please email applications to plaguna [at] gatech.edu. Complete applications must include CV, list of publications and statement of research interests. Please also arrange three letters of recommendation to be emailed to the same address. We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2012. The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.11 Postdoctoral positions in gravitational-wave- physics and astronomy at ICTS, Bangalore, India --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/15/postdoctoral-positions-in-gravitatio...
Institution: Bangalore, India Deadline: Sat, Dec 01, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.icts.res.in/news/details/111/
Two postdoctoral fellowships are being offered at the Astrophysical Relativity group of the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) in Bangalore, India. The fellowships are offered in the area of gravitational-wave- physics and astronomy, including analytical- and numerical relativity. Candidates are expected to have a PhD in Physics or Astrophysics with an excellent track record. Although PhDs in gravitational-wave physics, relativistic astrophysics, general relativity etc. are preferred, candidates from other areas with strong analytical and computational skills will also be considered. Two kinds of positions are offered:
* Post Doctoral Fellow (3 years): Emoluments range from Rs 21,000-24,000 plus 30% housing allowance per month (before taxes), and a contingency grant of Rs 20,000 per annum.
* Post Doctoral Visiting Scientist (2 years): Emoluments range from Rs 35,000-43,000 plus 30% housing allowance per month (before taxes). This position requires minimum 1 year of postdoctoral experience. Post doctoral fellows in scheme 1 can be considered for this position after a year.
The Astrophysical Relativity group includes P. Ajith (permanent faculty), Bala Iyer, Tarun Souradeep and Rana Adhikari (adjunct faculty). K. G. Arun, Sascha Husa and Mark Hannam are visiting associates. Adjunct faculty members and visiting associates are expected to spend from several weeks to a few months every year at ICTS. Several undergraduate and graduate students are also expected to join the group in the next year. The group will have a strong involvement in the proposed LIGO-India project, the IndIGO consortium and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. In addition, the group expects to develop close collaborations with the astrophysics- and gravitational-physics groups of the neighboring Indian Institute of Science and Raman Research Institute, in addition to other research groups of ICTS. The group is organizing a one-month long ICTS program in numerical relativity during June-July 2013. Such programs are expected to be organized regularly. In addition to a high-perform ance computer cluster that the Centre is in the process of purchasing, group members will have access to several large clusters in India and abroad.
Interested candidates are requested send their CV, list of publications and a research proposal of not more than two pages by e-mail to gravity.postdocs[at]icts.res.in. Please also arrange at least three reference letters to be sent to the same e-mail. The nominal deadline is 1 December 2012; but applications will be considered until positions are filled. The nominal starting date of 1 September 2013 is negotiable. Informal queries may be addressed to ajith[at]caltech.edu.
Download poster: http://tinyurl.com/ictspostdoc
2.12 Postdoc position in GW data analysis at Rhodes University, South Africa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/15/postdoc-position-in-gw-data-analysis...
Institution: Grahamstown, South Africa Deadline: Fri, Nov 23, 2012
Position: Postdoctoral Fellowship Subject: Gravitational wave data analysis Location: Department of Mathematics, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Period: Available from 1 January 2013 for 1 year, renewable Deadline: 23 November 2012, and thereafter until the position is filled
The Department of Mathematics at Rhodes University has two Faculty members, Prof NT Bishop and Dr D Pollney, working in numerical relativity and particularly black hole mergers. We would like to expand the interests of the group to include other aspects of gravitational wave astronomy, and as a first step we are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow in data analysis. The position is not for a specific project, and we are interested in candidates with experience in any aspect of gravitational wave data analysis.
Rhodes University is a small university (just over 7 000 students), which emphasizes postgraduate training and research. It is located 60km from the coast, between Port Elizabeth and East London in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.
While the main focus of this appointment will be data analysis related to the detection of gravitational waves by laser interferometric facilities, there would also be an opportunity in terms of pulsar timing measurements building on the University's strong involvement in the SKA project.
Applications should preferably be in the form of a single PDF file attached to an email to Prof NT Bishop (n.bishop[AT]ru.ac.za) with a copy to Dr D Pollney (d.pollney[AT]ru.ac.za). Applications should include * Full CV * Contact details of three referees * A statement (about half a page) of the candidate's research interests and proposed research work during the Fellowship.
2.13 Faculty position in Physics at the University of Chicago -------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/14/faculty-position-in-physics-at-the-u...
Institution: Chicago, IL, USA Additional Information: https://academiccareers.uchicago.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/position/JobDetai...
The Department of Physics and the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago invite applications for faculty positions in the areas of: a) experimental gravitational wave physics and particle astrophysics; b) experimental elementary particle physics.
Candidates must have a doctoral degree in physics or a related field prior to appointment and are expected to contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching programs while engaging in forefront research. Appointments are expected to start in or after the fall of 2013.
Applicants must apply through the University’s Academic Jobs website and upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae with list of publications, and a brief research statement. In addition, three recommendation letters are required as part of the application process. If applying for a position at more than one rank, separate applications are required. Consideration of applications will begin in the fall of 2012.
a) For a position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the field of experimental gravitational wave physics and particle astrophysics, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/bua5x63 . To be considered for an Associate Professor position in this field, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/bvmb9cy .
b) For a position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the field of experimental elementary particle physics, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/c7l96y9 . To be considered for an Associate Professor position in this field, please apply at: http://tinyurl.com/clfjd6b .
The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Included Benefits: Please see http://hrservices.uchicago.edu/benefits for full description of available benefits.
2.14 Postdoctoral Position in Relativity at the University of Chicago ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/14/postdoctoral-position-in-relativity-...
Institution: Chicago, IL, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 01, 2012
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Scholar appointment in the Relativity Group at the University of Chicago. The position is expected to start on or around September 2013.
The UChicago Relativity Group consists of Daniel Holz, Robert Wald, and Robert Geroch (emeritus). Particular areas of interest include mathematical aspects of general relativity and the interplay of general relativity with astrophysics and cosmology, although applications from all subfields of relativity are welcome.
To apply, please send your CV, publication list, and statement of research interests to relativityPD[AT]uchicago.edu. Please also arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to the same address. To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by December 1, 2012. Priority will be given to those having received their Ph.D. in 2009 or later. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.15 Two postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity Theories at Fudan University -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/13/two-postdoctoral-positions-in-quantu...
Institution: Shanghai, China Deadline: Mon, Dec 31, 2012
The newly established "Classical and Quantum Gravity Group" (spacetime structure from small to large scales) at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has several postdoctoral positions to fill as soon as possible. The group right now consists of two Faculty members, one postdoc and two students.
We are looking for candidates with interest/experience in Quantum Gravity Theories. Priority will be given to expertise in: perturbative and non-perturbative quantum gravity, asymptotically safe quantum gravity, quantum field theory, but also candidates in extended/modified theories of gravity, Lorentz violating theories, string theory, supergravity, ADS/CFT correspondence, background independent quantum gravity, cosmology, classical and quantum black Holes will be considered as well.
Preference may be given to candidates with no more than 2-3 years of postdoctoral experience. ABD (All But Dissertation) candidates are also encouraged to apply. The positions will start as soon as possible. The initial appointment is for 2 years, with the possibility of an extension for 1 year. Salary and benefits are negotiable.
Interested candidates should send their CV, including contact details of 2-3 referees, and expected starting date, short statement of research interests and/or experience, and publication list by December 31 to lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn. Please arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
If electronic submission is not possible, application materials may be sent via regular mail to:
Prof. Leonardo Modesto Physics Department, Fudan University 220 Handan Road, Shanghai 200433, China Tel: +86 18721714036 (Mobile)
Inquires can be sent to lmodesto[AT]fudan.edu.cn
Review of applications will start immediately and shortlisted candidates will be contacted as soon as possible. The DEADLINE is December 31.
Further details:
FUDAN. Fudan University is located in Shanghai, one of the major cities in China, and it is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China. THEORY CENTER: The "Classical and Quantum Gravity" group joins the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as University Distinguished Professor at University of Utah in the U.S. and as a Specially Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan.
SALARY. The salary is negotiable and depends on the qualification of the candidate and it can be up to 150,000 CNY/year. Housing. Fudan can provide apartments of 50-80 square meters inside the campus at very convenient rental rates (about 300 CNY/month, roughly 40 EUR/month).
2.16 Postdoctoral positions in Astroparticle Physics at SISSA, Trieste, Italy -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/10/postdoctoral-positions-in-astroparti...
Institution: Trieste, Italy Deadline: Sun, Dec 02, 2012
The Astroparticle Physics group at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS) in Trieste, Italy, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions to be filled in the Fall of 2013. The positions are for 2+1 years. Applications in the area of Cosmology, Gravitation Theory, Particle Astrophysics and Phenomenology, and Neutrino Physics will be considered. SISSA is a multidisciplinary PhD school, unique in Italy, pursuing research in the areas of physics, mathematics and neuroscience http://www.sissa.it and is part of a network of nearby scientific institutions in the Trieste area (ICTP, Trieste University and the Trieste Astronomical Observatory). The Astroparticle Physics Group currently consists of about 12 staff members, 5 postdocs and 15 graduate students with a broad spectrum of research topics. More information on the Astroparticle Physics group can be found here: http://www.sissa.it/app/.
Applicants should register with academicjobsonline.org and then submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests, and at least two letters of reference from senior physicists. The online application form for these posts can be found at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/2152
The selected candidates are expected to take part in the scientific activity of the group and to carry out their own independent research. There are no compulsory teaching duties. All of our scientific activity is carried out in English (as is the administrative support) and we provide local assistance for all members: a housing office, Italian classes, a nursery for children of SISSA members and a gym.
Completed applications should be received no later than December 2nd, 2012.
2.17 Tenure-track astrophysics position at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/04/tenure-track-astrophysics-position-a...
Institution: Chapel Hill, NC, USA Deadline: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 Additional Information: http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/8662
The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites applications for a tenure-track astrophysics position in theory, observation, and/or instrumentation. We seek candidates with post-doctoral experience whose work will address fundamental problems in cosmology or astrophysics in collaboration with our strong groups in multi-wavelength observational astronomy, computational astrophysics and gravity, high-energy and cosmology theory, and neutrino and nuclear astrophysics. UNC-Chapel Hill has 60 nights guaranteed annually on the high-performance 4.1-m SOAR telescope atop Cerro Pachon, Chile, and operates a state-of-the-art remote observing center. We are also a partner with guaranteed nights on the 11-m SALT telescope operating in South Africa, and run a network of robotic telescopes (the PROMPT rapid response array in Chile and Skynet globally). Our instrumentation labs built SOAR's high-throughput facility spectrograph and are working on several other SOAR and large telescope inst rument projects. Campus computing clusters total more than 10,000 cores and support advanced visualization capabilities. The Chapel Hill area is a dynamic R&D and entrepreneurial environment including Research Triangle Park, Duke University, and NC State University. It is also only a few hours drive from NRAO Charlottesville and Green Bank.
Applicants must apply online at:
and upload their cover letter, CV, publication list, and separate research and teaching statements. The application review will begin on Monday December 17,2012. Applicants must also arrange for four letters of recommendation to be sent to astrosearch2012[AT]listserv.unc.edu for attention of Gerald Cecil.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.18 Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship - Georgia Tech --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/01/center-for-relativistic-astrophysics...
Institution: Atlanta, GA, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 01, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.cra.gatech.edu
Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) Postdoctoral Fellowship - Georgia Institute of Technology
The CRA invites applications for the CRA Postdoctoral Fellowship, which will be awarded to an outstanding scientist in cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, particle astrophysics, or gravitational astrophysics. In addition to highly competitive benefits and salary, the CRA Fellow will receive support for travel, page charges, and access to a 2266-node computer cluster dedicated to astrophysics. The appointment will initially be for two years, renewable for a third year subject to availability of funds and satisfactory progress.
Current research interests at the CRA include the formation of the first stars and galaxies, gravitational waves, accretion physics, the intercluster medium, galaxy and black hole evolution, pulsars, numerical relativity and gamma-ray bursts. Observational and experimental efforts include NuSTAR, HAWC, VERITAS, IceCube, LSST, and CTA. The CRA faculty are David Ballantyne, Tamara Bogdanovic, Pablo Laguna (director), Nepomuk Otte, Deirdre Shoemaker, Ignacio Taboada and John Wise. For more information visit http://www.cra.gatech.edu.
Complete applications must include (1) a CV including a list of publications, (2) a maximum 2 page statement of research interests, and (3) three letters of recommendation sent directly to the CRA. Only e-mail applications will be accepted. The email should include the names of reference letter writers and the requested material included as PDF attachments. Inquires and application materials should be sent to cra[at]mail.gatech.edu. We will begin reviewing applications on December 1, 2012. The expected starting date of the position is September 2013.
The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
2.19 Postdoc in Fundamental Gravitational Theory at Penn State --------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/01/post-doc-in-fundamental-gravitationa...
Institution: University Park, PA, USA Deadline: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos expects openings for post-doctoral positions starting fall 2013 in the areas of general relativity, cosmology and quantum gravity. The initial appointment will be for one year and is expected to be renewed for another year subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. In exceptional cases it has been renewed also for a third year.
The gravitational theory group faculty consists of Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Bojowald, Murat Gunaydin, Radu Roiban and Sarah Shandera. In addition Professors Roger Penrose, Jerzy Lewandowski, Alejandro Corichi and Stephon Alexander hold visiting appointments at the Institute. Successful candidates will be encouraged to interact also with mathematicians in the Center for Fundamental Theory and with members of the Center for Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. During the current academic year, the Institute will have approximately 20 post-docs (including Drs. Thomas Cailleteau, Marco Chiodaroli, Marc Gailler, William Nelson, Yakov Nieman, Sohyun Park, and Gabriel Santiago in Fundamental Theory). For further information on the Institute, see http://www.gravity.psu.edu/
Current areas of research include loop quantum gravity, mathematical, conceptual as well as phenomenological issues in cosmology, black hole dynamics, interface of analytical and numerical quantum gravity, supergravity and gravitational aspects of string theory and non-commutative geometry. In particular, ideas from loop quantum gravity are being applied to extend the cosmological perturbation theory to the Planck regime, analysis of singularity resolution due to quantum geometry, supergravity and the issue of information loss. More generally, the Institute provides a rare forum for stimulating exchanges of ideas between different approaches to quantum gravity and between theoretical and observational cosmologists.
Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list and a statement of research interests/plans and arrange to have three recommendation letters sent directly to:
Mrs. Randi Neshteruk IGC Post-Doc Applications, The Pennsylvania State University 104 Davey Lab #258 University Park, PA 16802-6300, USA
E-mail applications and letters of reference are preferred provided the material is included as PDF file attachments. They should be sent to igc-applications[AT]gravity.psu.edu
The deadline for receipt of all application material is December 15, 2012. Penn State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer
================================================================= 3. News =================================================================
3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/23/living-reviews-in-relativity-the-ker...
Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2012-11
Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions" by Geoffrey Compère on 22 October 2012.
Please find the abstract and further details below.
NEW: Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/livrev_lrr
PUB.NO. lrr-2012-11 Compère, Geoffrey "The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions"
ACCEPTED: 2012-06-13 PUBLISHED: 2012-10-22
FULL ARTICLE AT: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2012-11
ABSTRACT: We present a first-principles derivation of the main results of the Kerr/CFT correspondence and its extensions using only tools from gravity and quantum field theory, filling a few gaps in the literature when necessary. Firstly, we review properties of extremal black holes that imply, according to semi-classical quantization rules, that their near-horizon quantum states form a centrally-extended representation of the one-dimensional conformal group. This motivates the conjecture that the extremal Kerr and Reissner--Nordstr"om black holes are dual to the chiral limit of a two-dimensional conformal field theory. We also motivate the existence of a $SL(2,\mathbb Z)$ family of two-dimensional conformal field theories which describe in their chiral limit the extremal Kerr--Newman black hole. We present generalizations in anti-de Sitter spacetime and discuss other matter coupling and higher derivative corrections. Secondly, we show how a near-chiral limit of these CFTs reproduces the dynamics of near-superradiant probes around near-extremal black holes in the semi-classical limit. Thirdly, we review how the hidden conformal symmetries of asymptotically flat black holes away from extremality combined with their properties at extremality allow for a microscopic accounting of the entropy of non-extremal asymptotically flat rotating or charged black holes. We conclude with a list of open problems.
UPCOMING ARTICLES AT: http://relativity.livingreviews.org/Articles/upcoming.html
3.2 New CQG focus issue: Relativistic quantum information ---------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/18/new-cqg-focus-issue-relativistic-qua...
Additional Information: http://bit.ly/SYgzJU
Dear Colleagues,
I am very pleased to bring you this special focus issue on ‘Relativistic Quantum Information ( http://bit.ly/SYgzJU )’ guest edited by R B Mann and T C Ralph.
This focus issue provides a sample of the state of the art in research in RQI. Some of the articles in this issue review the subject while others provide interesting new results that will stimulate further research. The recent award of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems is indicative of the current high level of interest in quantum information; understanding and exploiting the role of relativity is the next frontier.
RQI is beginning to enter the stage at which actual experiments can be contemplated. Some of the articles appearing in this issue discuss some of these exciting new developments. I hope that you will find this focus issue of particular interest and encourage you to share & circulate this with your colleagues and peers.
I hope that you will publish your next paper with CQG ( http://bit.ly/Wut54Y ) and I look forward to working with you soon.
Best wishes,
Adam Day Publisher Classical and Quantum Gravity iopscience.org/cqg ( http://iopscience.iop.org/0264-9381 ) cqg@iop.org
P.S. You may be interested in reading about one of the focus issue’s articles in New Scientist ( http://j.mp/QPTWoG ), Discovery ( http://bit.ly/V4uDis ) and Wired ( http://bit.ly/PzYVNj ).
3.3 LIGO magazine -----------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/11/ligo-magazine/
Additional Information: http://www.ligo.org/magazine/
The US-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is supported by an international group of more than 800 scientists from about 80 institutions, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC, http://www.ligo.org).
Following the examples of other large science projects we decided to create the LIGO Magazine, a regular publication to exchange information, news and stories from and with the LSC community. The inaugural issue is now available, with more than 30 pages of entertaining stories and fascinating photos from the installation of the Advanced LIGO detectors.
We believe that the magazine is also a good way to find out more about LIGO and the gravitational wave community, and to satisfy your general interest in science and technology. Therefore the magazine is available as a free download (pdf file) at: http://www.ligo.org/magazine/
We hope you find it inspiring and entertaining. Let us know what you think and do tell your friends and colleagues by forwarding this link to them.
Gabriela Gonzalez, gonzalez[AT]lsu.edu (LSC spokesperson)
3.4 Deadline extension to 15 Nov 2012 for Jurgen Ehlers Thesis Prize and Bergman-Wheeler Thesis Prize -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/09/deadline-extension-to-15-nov-2012-fo...
Additional Information: http://www.isgrg.org/
Dear Colleagues,
The deadlines for submission of nomination for the Jürgen Ehlers Thesis Prize for an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in mathematical and numerical relativity and the Bergman-Wheeler Thesis Prize for a outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the broad area of quantum gravity have been extended to 15 November 2012.
Additional information on the prizes and directions for submission of nominations may be found at
For both prizes, the nominator must be a member of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG) and can make at most one nomination. The nominee need not be a member of the Society but the official defense must have taken place between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2012.
Please direct any questions regarding ISGRG membership to me.
Beverly K. Berger Secretary, ISGRG beverlyberger[AT]me.com
3.5 Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge: The Chalonge Medal 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/03/ecole-internationale-dastrophysique-...
Additional Information: http:// http://chalonge.obspm.fr
Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge
The Daniel Chalonge Medal 2012 has been awarded to Professor Brian SCHMIDT
The International Astrophysics School Daniel Chalonge has awarded the Daniel Chalonge Medal 2012 to Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Nobel Laureate of physics 2011 for his outstanding contribution to the discovery of the present accelerated expansion of the Universe, deeply discussed in the framework of the Chalonge School.
Brian Schmidt was lecturer in several courses of the School, and from the very beginning in the discovery of the acceleration of the Universe, which motivated the realization of very important projects in cosmology and the training and formation of young physicists and astrophysicists over the world.
The medal was presented to Brian Schmidt during the Open Session of the 16th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2012 at the Observatoire de Paris HQ (historic Perrault building) in the Cassini Hall, on the meridian of Paris, which was attended by about hundred participants from the world over, among them four laureates of the Chalonge Medal: John Mather and George Smoot, Nobel laureates of physics, Anthony Lasenby and Peter Biermann.
The Chalonge Medal, coined exclusively for the Chalonge School by the prestigious Hotel de la Monnaie de Paris (the French Mint), is a surprise award and only nine Chalonge medals have been awarded in the 21 year school history.The list of the awarded Chalonge Medals is the following:
1991:Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, Nobel prize of physics. 1992: Bruno Pontecorvo. 2006: George Smoot, Nobel prize of physics. 2007: Carlos Frenk. 2008: Anthony Lasenby. 2008: Bernard Sadoulet. 2009: Peter Biermann. 2011: John Mather, Nobel prize of physics. 2012: Brian Schmidt, Nobel prize of Physics.
With the Chalonge Medal, the International School of Astrophysics Daniel Chalonge confirms its great appreciation to Dr. Brian Schmidt and his huge contribution to the construction of the Standard Model of the Universe, at the center of the Chalonge School programmes. This recognizes the outstanding scientific value and impact of the discovery of the dark energy component, compatible with the cosmological constant, which constitutes about three quarters of the content of the Universe.
See the announcement, full history, photo gallery and links at:
http://chalonge.obspm.fr http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Medal_Chalonge2012.pdf http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Archives_Daniel_Chalonge.html http://www.planetastronomy.com/special/2012-special/27jul/chalonge-cosmo.htm
With compliments and kind regards
Norma G. Sanchez, Hector J.de Vega
Ecole Chalonge chalonge.ecole[at]obspm.fr http://chalonge.obspm.fr
3.6 Gravitational waves - Publication of a new review paper ------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/10/03/gravitational-waves-publication-of-a...
Additional Information: http://www.sif.it/riviste/ncr/econtents/2012/035/08
M. Cerdonio, G. Losurdo - Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 35, 389, 2012
"The purpose of this review is to give an outlook on the initial crop of GW observations, on their impact in fundamental physics, in relativistic astrophysics and in cosmology, and give also an updated view of the methods and technologies, which are making possible the historical achievement of opening the era of GW astronomy." (From the abstract)
"The review paper “Gravitational waves from discovery to astronomy” by M. Cerdonio and G. Losurdo is a remarkable piece of scientific work (…) Starting from first principles, the physics and technology involved in the contemporary search for gravitational wave is well described. In particular, some key physics issues, usually overlooked in other reviews, are here nicely analyzed. The perspectives of the field are clearly illustrated." (From the referee's report)