################################################################# Table of Contents #################################################################
1. Conferences 1.1 BritGrav 2013 at Sheffield 1.2 The Search for Quantum Gravity: CDT and Friends
2. Jobs 2.1 Tenure Track Faculty Position in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis at Rochester Institute of Technology 2.2 Postdoctoral position in gravitational waves at NASA Goddard and University of Maryland 2.3 Postdoctoral research position within the LIGO group at the University of Mississippi 2.4 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves/Neutron Star Physics at Tuebingen, Germany (II) 2.5 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves/Neutron Star Physics at Tuebingen, Germany (I) 2.6 Postdoctoral Positions at University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee 2.7 Postdoctoral Positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation at the AEI, Potsdam, Germany 2.8 ESA/ESTEC Research Fellowship in Fundamental Physics 2.9 Postdoc in Quantum Gravity at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2.10 Postdoc position in mathematical or numerical relativity at the University of Vienna 2.11 Faculty and Postdoc Positions in Theoretical Physics at Fudan University 2.12 Postdoc Position in Quantum Gravity at the Institute for Quantum Gravity, Erlangen, Germany
3. News 3.1 New CQG focus section: Non-astrophysical numerical relativity 3.2 Read the latest CQG Highlights for free
================================================================= 1. Conferences =================================================================
1.1 BritGrav 2013 at Sheffield ------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/30/britgrav-2013-at-sheffield/
Starting Wed, Apr 03, 2013 to Thu, Apr 04, 2013 Location: Sheffield, United Kingdom Additional Information: http://sites.google.com/a/sheffield.ac.uk/britgrav2013/
The 13th BritGrav (British Gravity) Meeting will be held on 3-4 April 2013 in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield. The meeting covers all areas of classical and quantum gravity including astrophysics, cosmology and experiments, and is intended to further collaborations and allow young researchers to showcase their work.
There is no registration fee, and participants are responsible for their own accommodation, meals and travel. We hope that all PhD students and postdocs who wish to will be able to give a talk, and will schedule talks by others if time allows.
If you plan to participate, please register at the website:
If you want to give a talk, please give a title and abstract when you register (which can be amended later).
More information will be posted on the above website. Please send any queries to britgrav[AT]sheffield.ac.uk.
Sam Dolan and Elizabeth Winstanley (University of Sheffield)
1.2 The Search for Quantum Gravity: CDT and Friends ---------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/02/the-search-for-quantum-gravity-cdt-a...
Starting Tue, Dec 11, 2012 to Fri, Dec 14, 2012 Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands Additional Information: http://cdtandfriends.science.ru.nl
The purpose of this meeting is to gather researchers who have contributed to our understanding of quantum gravity by using nonperturbative path integral methods, in one way or the other related to Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT). This covers a considerable range of results, from exact treatments in 1+1 dimensions (purely geometric, multicritical and matter-coupled models, relation with random trees, zero-dimensional string field etc.) to investigations in 3+1 dimensions using numerical and RG methods (phase structure and transitions, construction of effective theories, spectral dimension, emergence of macroscopic geometry etc.), as well as a number of interesting results in 2+1 dimensions.
Scientific Organizers: J. Ambjørn (Niels Bohr I. and RU Nijmegen), J. Jurkiewicz (U. Krakow), R. Loll (RU Nijmegen)
Invited speakers: M. Atkin (U. Bielefeld), D. Benedetti (Albert Einstein I.), V. Bonzom (Perimeter I.), T. Budd (Niels Bohr I.), Z. Burda (Jagiellonian U. Krakow), G. Calcagni (IEM-CSIC, Madrid), J. Cooperman (UC Davis), B. Dittrich (Perimeter I.), B. Durhuus (U. Copenhagen), A. Görlich (Niels Bohr I.), P. Horava (UC Berkeley), T. Jonsson (U. Iceland, Reykjavik), S. Jordan (Radboud U. Nijmegen), A. Kreienbühl (Radboud U. Nijmegen), J. Laiho (U. Glasgow), M.A. Martin Delgado (UC Madrid, tbc), F. Saueressig (U. Mainz), L. Smolin (Perimeter I., tbc), M. Visser (Victoria U., Wellington), S. Weinfurtner (SISSA, Trieste), J. Wheater (U. Oxford), S. Zohren (PCU Rio de Janeiro).
More information will be available soon at the URL provided below. The meeting is open to all interested researchers.
================================================================= 2. Jobs =================================================================
2.1 Tenure Track Faculty Position in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis at Rochester Institute of Technology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/30/tenure-track-faculty-position-in-gra...
Institution: Rochester, NY, USA Deadline: Tue, Jan 01, 2013 Additional Information: http://careers.rit.edu/faculty
Rochester Institute of Technology invites applications for one or more tenure track positions at the Assistant Professor level, starting August 2013. Responsibilities include research, teaching, and service to the School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS), the College of Science, and RIT.
Successful applicants are expected to contribute to the scholarship of the SMS through externally funded research and peer-reviewed publications, teaching, mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students, and helping in the creation of a new PhD program in Modeling and Computation. We are looking for candidates who can add to the School’s current strengths in gravitational wave data analysis.
The School has 63 faculty members, 180 undergraduate students in three undergraduate programs: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Applied Statistics, and 25 students in its Master’s degree program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. SMS faculty members are also involved in the MS and PhD programs in Astrophysical Sciences and Technology and several are involved with two research centers within the College of Science: the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation (http://ccrg.rit.edu/) and the Center for Applied and Computational Mathematics (http://www.rit.edu/cos/math/acm/).
* A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the mathematical sciences or in a related field * A record of peer-reviewed publications * A commitment to establishing a strong externally funded research program * One or more years of university teaching experience in English-speaking environments or post-doctoral research experience * Ability to strengthen research areas of the SMS, especially gravitational wave data analysis * A commitment to undergraduate and graduate education * A commitment to undergraduate and graduate research and mentoring programs * Ability to contribute to the university’s continuing commitment to cultural diversity, pluralism, and individual differences
Apply online at http://careers.rit.edu/faculty. Enter requisition number 259BR for the position in gravitational wave data analysis. Please submit a cover letter; a vita including a list of publications; a description of research plan, including efforts and/or plans to obtain external research funding and how it will contribute to SMS research; a statement of teaching philosophy and any experience; a "contribution to diversity" statement; and the names and contact information for three references. Please have at least three letters of recommendation, one of which includes an assessment of teaching potential, sent directly via email to smsjobs[AT]rit.edu or hardcopy to Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences Faculty Search Committee, 85 Lomb Memorial Dr., Rochester, NY 14623-5603. You can contact the search committee with questions on the position at <smsjobs[AT]rit.edu>.
Review of applications will begin January 1, 2013 and will continue until an acceptable candidate is found.
RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism and inclusion in the work place. RIT provides equal opportunity to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, marital status, gender, religion, sexual orientations, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability in its hiring, admissions, educational programs and activities.
2.2 Postdoctoral position in gravitational waves at NASA Goddard and University of Maryland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/30/postdoctoral-position-in-gravitation...
Institution: Goddard, MA, USA Deadline: Fri, Jan 04, 2013 Additional Information: http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/index.cfm?fuseAction=home.main&&nav...
The Gravitational Astrophysics Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and the Maryland Gravitational Wave Theory Group at the University of Maryland-College Park (UMCP) are seeking applications for a joint postdoctoral position in gravitational waves, opening in the Fall of 2013. The position is for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year.
This position supports a joint project, led by John Baker (GSFC), and Alessandra Buonanno (UMCP), to study the performance of future space-based gravitational-wave instruments in observing binary black-hole mergers. Competitive applicants should have background in source modeling, instrument modeling and/or data analysis.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications, and a description of past research and future research plans, and should arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent to gwt-postdocs[AT]physics.umd.edu
It is requested that all application materials be sent as pdf files or as plain text. Please merge all application materials (other than letters of recommendation) into one pdf file if at all possible. The deadline for receipt of all application materials is January 4, 2013. Maryland is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2.3 Postdoctoral research position within the LIGO group at the University of Mississippi -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/29/postdoctoral-research-position-withi...
Institution: University, MS and Livingston, LA, USA Deadline: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry121129-134715
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for a postdoctoral research position within the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) group. The initial appointment is for one year, with renewal for a second year contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.
The successful applicant will be expected to reside full-time at the LIGO Laboratory in Livingston, Louisiana. He/she will focus on detector characterization and commissioning of the Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) instruments, development of new analysis tools for use in future aLIGO science runs, as well as educational and public outreach activities within the LIGO Science Education Center.
Interested applicants should send a C.V., publication list, and a brief statement of their research interests by email to:
or by ordinary mail to:
Dr. Marco Cavaglia Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Mississippi University, MS 38677-1848 USA T/F +1(662)915-7642/5045
Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by e-mail or to the above address. The deadline for applications will be January 14th, 2013 but early applications are encouraged.
The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA Employer. Applications from women and members of underrepresented minority groups are strongly encouraged.
2.4 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves/Neutron Star Physics at Tuebingen, Germany (II) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/27/postdoctoral-position-in-gravitation...
Institution: Tuebingen, Germany Deadline: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas/Welcome_files/2012_Advertis...
The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) at the University of Tuebingen has an opening for one postdoctoral research position (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) starting anytime from 1st of March 2013.
The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars. The group is involved in the SFB/TR7 network on “Gravitational Wave Astronomy” (http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/) and successful applicant will carry out original research in projects regarding the study of the dynamics of neutron stars and/or magnetars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves.
The position is initially for two years with the possibility of further extension that will be decided after the first year. The successful applicant is expected to assist teaching with a maximum of four hours per week. The salary will be paid according to the German public service scale.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, e-mail) of three potential referees should be sent to:
Prof. Kostas Kokkotas Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10 D-72076 Tübingen / Germany http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas E-mail: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filled. The University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
For inquiries contact Prof. Kostas Kokkotas. Further information on the Theoretical Astrophysics Group may be found at http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/?id=3129
2.5 Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Waves/Neutron Star Physics at Tuebingen, Germany (I) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/27/postdoctoral-position-in-gravitation...
Institution: Tuebingen, Germany Deadline: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas/Welcome_files/2012_TAT_SFB_...
The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) has an opening for one postdoctoral research position starting any time in 2013. The position will be funded via the SFB/TR7 network on “Gravitational Wave Astronomy” (http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/).
The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars. The successful applicant will carry out original research in projects regarding the study of the dynamics of neutron stars and/or magnetars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves.
The position is limited to two years and the salary will be paid according to the German public service scale. Optionally, shorter duration contracts might also be considered. Applications, including a curriculum vita, a list of publications, and a statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, email) of three potential referees should be sent to:
Prof. Kostas Kokkotas Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10 D-72076 Tübingen / Germany http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas E-mail: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de
Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filled. The University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified.
For inquiries contact Prof. Kostas Kokkotas. Further information on the Theoretical Astrophysics Group may be found at http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/?id=3129
2.6 Postdoctoral Positions at University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee ----------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/26/postdoctoral-positions-at-university...
Institution: Milwaukee, WI Deadline: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.gravity.phys.uwm.edu/positions.html
The Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for several postdoctoral research positions. The initial appointments are for one year, with renewal for a second (and, in some cases, a third) year contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.
The CGCA at UWM is one of the nation's largest and most active research groups in gravity, cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics with ten faculty members, Luis Anchordoqui, Patrick Brady, Philip Chang, Jolien Creighton, Dawn Erb, John Friedman, David Kaplan, Leonard Parker, Xavier Siemens, and Alan Wiseman, senior scientist Scott Koranda, visiting professor Warren Anderson, three scientists, ten postdoctoral fellows, and several graduate students. The group also maintains a close relationship with the Albert Einstein Institutes in Hannover and Golm through Bruce Allen and Maria Alessandra Papa who hold Adjunct appointments at UWM. More information about the people and the research can be found at the CGCA People page.
The group conducts research that spans most aspects of LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) gravitational‐wave data analysis activities, including searches for binary neutron star and black hole inspirals, continuous waves from isolated neutron stars, development and support of Einstein@Home, bursts, and stochastic background. The group is also active in several scientific computing collaborations. The group is recruiting postdoctoral research associates to work in any of these areas, and we have one position specifically for Einstein@Home science development. Applicants with a background in gravitational‐wave physics, astronomy/astrophysics, theoretical and/or numerical relativity, cosmology, or high energy physics (theory and experiment) are welcome to apply.
Applicants whose work overlaps any of the research interests of the group should send a C.V., publication list, and a brief statement of their research interests by email to cgcpd[AT]gravity.phys.uwm.edu, or by ordinary mail to:
Ms. Stefanie Pinnow CGC Postdoc Search Committee Department of Physics University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PO Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA (Phone: 414‐229‐4474; Fax: 414‐229‐5589) Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by e-mail or to the above address. The deadline for applications will be January 14th, 2013 but early applications are encouraged.
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
2.7 Postdoctoral Positions in Geometric Analysis and Gravitation at the AEI, Potsdam, Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/23/postdoctoral-positions-in-geometric-...
Institution: Potsdam, Germany Deadline: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/metanavi/jobs/index.html#math-rel-jobs
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) will fill research positions in the areas
General Relativity and Cosmology Geometric Analysis Geometric Measure Theory Numerical General Relativity
The division of Geometric Analysis and Gravitation includes research groups by U. Menne and O. Rinne.
Research programs concern the mathematical problems of general relativity and related physical theories, and are based in analysis, geometry and numerical analysis. In particular, non-linear partial differential equations are a common theme of our research.
The Einstein field equations model both the behaviour of cosmological models and of isolated gravitating systems such as stars, black holes and galaxies. Our research addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions of the Einstein field equations with respect to their local and global behaviour. Other field equations of interest arise from string theory and the consideration of matter models including elasticity, fluids, electromagnetism and gauge theories.
Several mathematical projects involve geometrical variational problems arising in geometry and physics, as well as geometric evolution equations like the mean curvature flow of surfaces and the Ricci-flow of Riemannian metrics.
The central topic of the Max Planck research group Geometric Measure Theory (http://gmt.aei.mpg.de)%C2%A0 is the study of models of generalised submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds such as varifolds, currents, sets, or multiple valued functions. This includes both regularity problems as well as structural questions. The study often benefits from its natural connection to elliptic partial differential equations.
The numerical effort in our division seeks to provide quantitative insight into mathematical problems via a close combination of analytical and numerical methods. Topics of particular interest include conformal methods for the Einstein equations, black hole stability, cosmic censorship and critical phenomena in gravitational collapse, and geometric evolution equations such as Ricci flow.
There are close interactions with the research sections Astrophysical Relativity (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/astrophysicalRelativity/index.h...) and Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/research/teams/quantumGravity/index.html) in the Albert Einstein Institute, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam.
Postdoctoral appointments do not entail teaching duties and are typically for two years, starting September 2013 or earlier.
A limited number of PhD scholarships is available, compare also the website of our International Max Planck Research School (http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/imprs/imprsI1/index.html).
To apply please fill out this form: https://lotus1.aei.mpg.de/job-form.nsf/math-rel-jobs.xsp or submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to math-rel-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
Contact: Frau Anne Lampe Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut Am Mühlenberg 1 D-14476 Golm Germany E-Mail: math-rel-jobs[AT]aei.mpg.de
The deadline for applications in the initial round of appointments is 15. December 2012.
The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. The Max Planck Society is certified for its commitment to enhance compatibility of family and career by berufundfamilie (http://www.beruf-und-familie.de/index.php?c=21).
For further information please contact L. Andersson (http://www.aei.mpg.de/~laan/), U. Menne (http://gmt.aei.mpg.de/menne/) or O. Rinne (http://www.aei.mpg.de/~rinne/).
2.8 ESA/ESTEC Research Fellowship in Fundamental Physics --------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/22/research-fellowship-in-fundamental-p...
Institution: Noordwijk, The Netherlands Deadline: Wed, Jan 09, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/opportunities/openRF.htm
The European Space Agency's Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) is looking for highly motivated young researchers in the area of fundamental physics, with good analytical and communicational skills and an excellent aptitude for teamwork.
The candidate should hold a degree in Physics, Mathematics or equivalent. He or she should also have completed (or be about to complete) a PhD in Physics (with the subject of the thesis being relevant to the description of the tasks outlined above) and aim at an academic/research career. The candidate is expected to bring to the team functioning links to universities and research institutes. The candidate should demonstrate an interest in space science and / or technology as well as the ability and interest to get actively involved in prospective interdisciplinary research. Applicants must be fluent in English and/or French, the working languages of the Agency. A good proficiency in English is required.
Successful candidates are expected to show an aptitude to contextualise specialised areas of research and to quickly assess their potential with respect to other domains and applications. An avid, natural curiosity and a passion for new subjects and research areas are essential. As member of an interdisciplinary, multicultural team of peers, the candidate should have a natural aptitude to teamwork, while being able to set-up, follow, monitor and be responsible for his/her own personal research plans and directions. Good methodological and organisation skills are therefore a valuable asset.
Information on the ESA Research Fellowship Programme and the application form are available at: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Careers_at_ESA/SEMICLRTJRG_0.html . Applicants should send their CV, a covering letter stating their research interests and the filled-out RF application form to: act[AT]esa.int as well as temp.htr[AT]esa.int. (if not possible by email, the reference letters can also be sent via normal mail to: ESTEC HR Division, HFI-HTR, ESA/ESTEC; Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, 2200AG Noordwijk ZH, The Netherlands).
The general eligibility criteria of the ESA Research (Internal) Fellowship Programme apply. All applications will be considered until the available post is filled. Application deadline for this round of interviews: no later than January 9, 2013.
2.9 Postdoc in Quantum Gravity at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/16/postdoc-in-quantum-gravity-at-the-ra...
Institution: Nijmegen, The Netherlands Deadline: Fri, Dec 21, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.hef.ru.nl/~rloll/Web/jobs/jobs.html
A postdoctoral position in quantum gravity will become available in the group headed by Prof. Renate Loll at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University Nijmegen, starting in autumn of 2013. Applicants should have a background in quantum gravity or related areas, and an active interest in contributing to the group's research in nonperturbative quantum gravity, in particular, the approach of Causal Dynamical Triangulations. The appointment will be for two years. See URL for additional information.
2.10 Postdoc position in mathematical or numerical relativity at the University of Vienna -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/13/postdoc-position-in-mathematical-gen...
Institution: Vienna, Austria Deadline: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 Additional Information: http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at/
The Gravitational Physics group of the Department of Physics of University of Vienna (see http://gravity.univie.ac.at/) is seeking to fill a post-doctoral position (Universitätsassistent/in) in the field of mathematical general relativity and/or numerical general relativity; in the latter case candidates with strong interest in rigorous aspects of numerical analysis will be sought.
The appointment will be up to four years, according to previous experience, without a possibility of extension. The employment will start on March 1, 2013, or a few months later if more convenient for the successful candidate. The list of members of the group at the start of the appointment, including scientifically active retired members, will include Peter Aichelburg, Robert Beig, Piotr Chrusciel, David Fajman, Helmut Rumpf, Walter Simon and Helmuth Urbantke. The gross (before taxes) salary is about EUR 3.380 fourteen times a year. The yearly teaching load averaged over two semesters is four hours/week, in English or in German, and the candidate will not be asked to teach for more than six hours a week in any given semester in any case.
Applications should be made online between January 1st and January 31, 2013 at URL http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at/. The candidates should arrange to have three letters of recommendation to be received before January 31, 2013 by Mrs Karin Picek, Mathematical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Boltzmanngasse 5/5/3521, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Further enquiries can be directed to karin.picek[AT]univie.ac.at
2.11 Faculty and Postdoc Positions in Theoretical Physics at Fudan University -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/13/faculty-and-postdoc-positions-in-the...
Institution: Shanghai, China Deadline: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/english/index.php
The Department of Physics at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) have faculty and postdoc position openings in the areas of theoretical physics, including quantum field/string theory, particle theory/phenomenology/astrophysics and cosmology. The faculty positions can be either tenure-tracked at the level of associate professor or with tenure at the level of full professor, depending on the candidate experience and research record. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in physics, with a strong background and an excellent track record in research. The successful candidates are expected to spearhead world-class research programs, teach classes at both undergraduate and graduate level, and contribute to the development of first-class scientific capabilities in the Department of Physics. Annual salary for a regular faculty is in the range 150-350K RMB (US $23,400-54,700), plus housing compensation and other benefits. New faculty members will be provided with competitive startup resource. We also sponsor qualified candidates to apply for the national Thousand Young Talents Program, which would provide additional start-up research funds and benefits. For a qualified postdoc, a competitive package may be provided.
Current research areas at Fudan include quantum field/gravity/string theory (Yong-Shi Wu, Leonardo Modesto), and relativistic astrophysics (Cosimo Bambi). The new faculty will have an independent research group, but they are expected to join the effort of founding a new theoretical physics center at Fudan, led by Prof. Yong-Shi Wu, who holds a joint position as Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah in the United States and as a Specially Appointed Professor of Physics at Fudan. Applicants should send their CV, statement of research and teaching interests and a publication list to Ms. Jin Miao, Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China, or to jinmiao[AT]fudan.edu.cn and cc to shenj5494[AT]fudan.edu.cn. Please arrange also three or more recommendation letters to be sent separately to the above email addresses.
Inquires can be sent to Ms. Jin Miao. Applications before Feb. 25, 2013 will receive immediate full consideration. Those after this deadline are welcome until the positions are filled.
Further details: Shanghai is a very international city of more than 20 millions people and its economy is in fast expansion. Fudan University is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in China and the Department of Physics is expected to grow quickly in next few years.
2.12 Postdoc Position in Quantum Gravity at the Institute for Quantum Gravity, Erlangen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/04/postdoc-position-in-quantum-gravity-...
Institution: Erlangen, Germany Deadline: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 Additional Information: http://www.gravity.physik.fau.de/opportunities/jobs/jobs.shtml
In autumn 2013, at least one postdoctoral position in the field of non perturbative and background independent quantum gravity and related will be available at the Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG), chair for Theoretical Physics III of the Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. The position is for two years with a possibility of extension for one additional year, depending on funding. In exceptional cases, a five year contract may be negotiable. Salaries depend on seniority and follow the collective wage agreement for scientific employees in Germany (TVOeD).
The successful candidate will be part of the new international centre for quantum gravity at the FAU which just completed its building up phase. The centre currently hosts 5 professors, 2 postdocs plus guests, fellows, PhD and diploma/master students. Altogether, there is space for up to 30 scientists. Current staff includes professors Kristina Giesel, Hanno Sahlmann, Frederic Schuller (Interim Chair), Michael Thies and Thomas Thiemann (Chair), Emeriti Frieder Lenz (former chair) and Hartmut Hofmann, postdocs Maite Dupuis and Derek Wise as well as 7 Phd and 2 master students. Former institute member and Humboldt Fellow Jonathan Engle recently accepted a tenure track assistant professor position at Florida Atlantic University and holds an affiliate position. Another affiliate professor position is held by Florian Girelli.
The Institute for Quantum Gravity (IQG) is part of the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) which has a strong expertise in experimental astroparticle physics. The IQG benefits from continuous exchange with the excellency cluster 'Universe' in Munich, especially with the groups working on (quantum) cosmology. The IQG fosters strong links with the Department of Mathematics in Erlangen. The University of Erlangen has identified the collaboration between the IQG, the chair for statistical physics and the chair for algebra and representation theory as one of its prestigious 'emerging field projects' which is generously supported. Finally, the IQG is in close contact with a network of international research centers focussing on quantum gravity such as the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, Germany; the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos in State College, Pennsylvania, USA; Lousiana S tate University in Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA; Institute for Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France; Institue for Theoretical Physics in Warsaw, Poland.
Applicants must have a PhD in either physics or mathematics and should be interested in working in aspects of non perturbative and background independent quantum gravity.
The following list of material should be sent by email to kristina.giesel[AT]gravity.fau.de, hanno.sahlmann[AT]gravity.fau.de, thomas.thiemann[AT]gravity.fau.de and the Institute secretary Mrs. Martina Gercke-Viertel martina.gercke-viertel[AT]gravity.fau.de: 1. Curriculum vitae. 2. Research proposal including a summary of previous work and plans for future projects. 3. Teaching experience (if applicable). 4. List of seminars and conferences attended, detailing talks given (if applicable). 5. List of publications. 6. Three letters of recommendation
Applications will be reviewed starting December 17th, 2012 but later applications will be considered until the position is filled. The starting date of the position is normally Oct. 1st 2013 but there is some flexibility. For further information about the University and the Institute please visit: http://www.uni-erlangen.de/einrichtungen/fakultaeten/nat/departments.shtml and http://www.gravity.physik.fau.de For further information about the position please send an inquiry to all of the four email addresses to which you sent your application material.
================================================================= 3. News =================================================================
3.1 New CQG focus section: Non-astrophysical numerical relativity -----------------------------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/22/new-cqg-focus-section-non-astrophysi...
Additional Information: http://j.mp/10tV85m
Dear Colleagues,
I am very pleased to bring you this focus section on ‘Non-Astrophysical Numerical Relativity’ guest edited by David Garfinkle and Luis Lehner: http://j.mp/10tV85m
This focus section covers some of the non-astrophysical applications of numerical relativity, with an emphasis on recent uses of numerical relativity in high energy physics and quantum gravity.
I hope that you will find this focus section of particular interest, and encourage you to share and circulate this with your colleagues and peers.
I invite you to publish your next paper with CQG: http://j.mp/Wut54Y
Best wishes,
Ben Sheard Publishing Editor Classical and Quantum Gravity iopscience.org/cqg cqg[AT]iop.org
3.2 Read the latest CQG Highlights for free -------------------------------------------
Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/11/06/read-the-latest-cqg-highlights-for-f...
Additional Information: http://j.mp/vrrUyh
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the publication of Classical and Quantum Gravity’s Highlights of 2011-2012: http://j.mp/vrrUyh .
These articles were selected by the Editorial Board of Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG) and represent some of the most interesting recent work in gravitational physics.
Articles featured in past CQG Highlights have been highly cited and are frequently downloaded. All selected articles will be free to download until the end of 2013.
The list includes fast-track communications, research papers, review articles and special issue contributions published between June 2012 and June 2013.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the latest CQG Highlights Brochure which will be available at gravitational physics meetings throughout 2013. The brochure contains summaries of all the highlighted articles as well as details of the journal’s ongoing activities including prize sponsorships and forthcoming special issues.
I invite you to publish with CQG (http://bit.ly/Wut54Y) and hope to see your work promoted as a CQG Highlight in the future.
With best wishes
Adam Day Publisher Classical and Quantum Gravity