########################################### Table of Contents ########################################### 1. Conferences 1.1. Black holes and neutron stars in modified gravity, Meudon, France 1.2. PHAROS Conference 2020, Patras, Greece 1.3. Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1.4. Women in Mathematical Physics Workshop, Banff, Canada 1.5. Quantum Frontiers of Technology, Gebze, Turkey 1.6. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology - Spontaneous Workshop XIV, Cargese, France 1.7. Advances In Computational Relativity - ICERM@BROWN, Providence, RI, USA 1.8. 31st Chris Engelbrecht Summer School on Gravitational waves, Cape Town, South Africa 1.9. The Fourth Zeldovich meeting, Minsk, Belarus (2nd announcement) 1.10. SIGRAV International School 2020, Vietri sul Mare, Italy 1.11. XV Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal 2. Jobs 2.1. Call for "La Caixa" postdoctoral fellowships at IGFAE, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2.2. Faculty position on gravitational wave astronomy at the University of Glasgow (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader), UK 2.3. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics and Numerical Relativity at West Virginia University, USA 2.4. Post-doctoral position in Gravitational Wave Cosmology at UCLouvain, Belgium 2.5. Post-doctoral position in Gravitational Wave Instrumentation at UCLouvain, Belgium 2.6. Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Gravitational Physics at the University of Virginia, USA 2.7. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave theory at Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2.8. Postdoctoral positions in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics at Potsdam, Germany 2.9. Four-year Postdoctoral Position in Scattering Amplitudes and Gravitational Waves at UCLA and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics 2.10. Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate in Gravitation and Cosmology at Princeton University, USA 2.11. Postdoc position in Loop Quantum Gravity at LSU, Baton Rouge, USA 2.12. PhD fellowship in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, Valencia, Spain 2.13. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave data analysis at Utrecht University, The Netherlands 2.14. Postdoctoral Positions at Center for Gravitation and Cosmology 2.15. Postdoc Position at IAP in Primordial Cosmolog/Theoretical High-Energy Physics, Paris, France 2.16. Perimeter Postdoctoral Program and Gravitational Waves Initiative 2020, Waterloo, Canada 2.17. PhD position in gravitational wave data analysis at Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2.18. Postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics, Wuhan, China 2.19. Multiple short-term postdoc positions available, Providence, RI, USA 2.20. Postdoctoral positions in the CGCA at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 2.21. Full Professor (W3) of Mathematical Physics, Tuebingen, Germany 2.22. Postdoc position in gravity/cosmology at USTC, Hefei, China 2.23. Postdoc position at APC on "Early-universe cosmological simulations", Paris, France 2.24. Postdocs: ERC CoG 'Precision Gravity from LHC to LISA', Hamburg, Germany 2.25. Four-year Postdoctoral Positions in Gravitational-Wave Theory and Astrophysics at Northwestern University and the MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam 2.26. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Astrophysics at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 2.27. PhD position in theoretical gravitational physics and cosmology at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany 3. News 3.1. Translation of Lobachevsky's papers on non-Euclidean geometry 3.2. SageMath 8.9 is out 3.3. Nominations for the 2020 IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize are now open 3.4. Texas Symposium: early-bird deadline extended 3.5. The Nineteenth Release of the Einstein Toolkit ============================================== 1. Conferences ============================================== 1.1. Black holes and neutron stars in modified gravity, Meudon, France --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/03/black-holes-and-neutron-stars... Starting: 2019-11-18 to 2019-11-20 Location: Meudon, France Additional Information: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/19676/ Contact: laura.bernard[AT]obspm.fr Thanks to the advent of gravitational wave astronomy (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, LISA), as well as to high-angular-resolution observations of black hole vicinity (EHT, VLTI/GRAVITY), new tests of gravity in the strong field regime are becoming available. They offer the potentiality to discriminate between general relativity and alternative theories (generically designed as modified gravity) that are currently developed, notably to address the issue of dark energy in cosmology. This workshop is devoted to the properties of compact objects (black holes, neutron stars, boson stars, etc.) in these theories and will allow ample time for discussions. Registration is free but we ask all participants to register on the workshop's webpage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2. PHAROS Conference 2020, Patras, Greece --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/04/pharos-conference-2020/ Starting: 2020-03-30 to 2020-04-03 Location: Patras, Greece Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/e/pharos2020 Contact: pharos2020[AT]upatras.gr Neutron stars are unique objects that manifest themselves across a wide range of multi-messenger signals: electromagnetic radiation from radio to gamma-rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. Their extreme density, gravity and magnetic fields make them exceptional astrophysical laboratories for the exploration of nuclear physics, general relativity, and electromagnetism at extreme conditions that are impossible to achieve in terrestrial laboratories. The PHAROS Conference 2020 aims to bring together neutron star experts from the following thematic areas: - Dense matter: equations of state, superfluidity and superconductivity - Magnetic field formation, structure and evolution - Neutron star observations: from radio to gamma-rays - Neutron stars in the multimessenger era - Neutron stars in General Relativity - Magnetospheric high-energy emission - Population studies - Fast Radio Bursts Confirmed Invited Speakers - Mehmet Ali Alpar (Sabanci University) - Danai Antonopoulou (Polish Academy of Sciences) - Manisha Caleb (Jodrell Bank) - Benoit Cerutti (Grenoble University) - Nathalie Degenaar (University of Amsterdam) - Sam Lander (Polish Academy of Sciences) - Yuri Levin (Columbia University, Flatiron Institute) - Lina Levin Preston (Jodrell Bank) - Cole Miller (University of Maryland) - Albino Perego (University of Trento) - Alexander Potekhin (Ioffe, St Petersburg) - Laura Tolos (University of Frankfurt & ICE Barcelona) - Eleonora Troja (NASA Goddard) - Dave Tsang (University of Bath) - Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton University) - Daniele Vigano (University of the Balearic Islands) - Patrick Weltevrede (University of Manchester) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3. Quantum Gravity and Quantum Geometry, Nijmegen, The Netherlands --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16347 Starting: 2019-10-30 to 2019-11-01 Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands Additional Information: http://www.noncommutativegeometry.nl/qgqg2019/ Contact: waltervs[AT]math.ru.nl Workshop in relation to the NWO Physics Vrije Programma Quantum gravity and the search for quantum spacetime. The goal is to bring together a range of researchers who are interested in theories of quantum gravity and quantum spacetime from a variety of angles, including asymptotic safety, causal dynamical triangulations, non-commutative and 'fuzzy' geometry, statistical/discrete formulations and tensor models, with the help of mathematical tools, renormalization group techniques, non-perturbative methods and computer simulations. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4. Women in Mathematical Physics Workshop, Banff, Canada --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/17/women-in-mathematical-physics... Starting: 2020-09-20 to 2020-09-25 Location: Banff, Canada Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/site/womathphys/ Contact: cederbaum[AT]math.uni-tuebingen.de The Women in Mathematical Physics Workshop at Banff International Research Station will have multiple research groups. One of them is on the topic of "Mathematical relativity: static Lorentzian length spaces". It is led by Carla Cederbaum (Tuebingen University) and Melanie Graf (University of Washington). Women of all stages of careers are welcome (at least you should be already doing research towards a master thesis or a PhD). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5. Quantum Frontiers of Technology, Gebze, Turkey --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/18/quantum-frontiers-of-technolo... Starting: 2019-11-08 to 2019-11-11 Location: Gebze, Turkey Additional Information: http://tbae.tubitak.gov.tr/en/haber/quantum-frontiers-technology Contact: tbae.iletisim[AT]tubitak.gov.tr TUBITAK - Research Institute for Fundamental Sciences International Workshop, November 8 - 11 2019, Gebze, TURKEY Over the last century, humankind has gained the ability not only to understand the realms of quantum, which go far beyond our everyday experience and imagination, but also to manipulate them. Nowadays, the growing power of this manipulation is paving the way for a new technological revolution where engineering and coherent control of specific quantum states can be harnessed to provide the greatest benefits for information processing, transmission, sensing and metrology. The goal of this workshop is to bring together world class experts and senior scientists, early career researchers and graduate students to discuss the latest developments in the area of quantum technologies, such as quantum communication, computation, simulation and measurement. Plenary Speakers * Winfried Hensinger (University of Sussex, UK) * Alexander Lvovsky (University of Oxford, UK) * Eugene S. Polzik (Neils Bohr Institute, Denmark) * Menno Poot (Munich Quantum Center, Germany) * Sergii Strelchuk (University of Cambridge, UK) Invited Speakers * Inanc Adagideli (Sabanci University) * Serkan Ates (IYTE) * Ceyhun Bulutay (Bilkent University) * Kadir Durak (Ozyegin University) * Zafer Gedik (Sabanci University) * Oguz Gulseren (Bilkent University) * Izgur Mustecaplioglu (Koc University) * Cengiz Onbasli (Koc University) Organizers: Hasan Mandal (President of TUBITAK), Alikram Nuhbalaoglu (TUBITAK TBAE) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6. Hot topics in Modern Cosmology - Spontaneous Workshop XIV, Cargese, France --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/20/spontaneous-workshop-xiv/ Starting: 2020-05-03 to 2020-05-09 Location: Cargese, France Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2020/index.php Contact: triay[AT]cpt.univ-mrs.fr Spontaneous Workshop brings together specialists in particle physics, astrophysics and theoretical physics at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Cargese to exchange recent knowledge on Cosmology. The goal is to stimulate debate for generating innovative ideas on emerging issues. With this in mind, the number of participants is limited to 30-40 and the workshop program is based on an optimal number of concise presentations, with a sufficient discussion space to facilitate interactions between participants. Postdoctoral and PhD students are encouraged to participate. SW14 topics includes: Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis - Primordial Universe - Inflation - Black Holes - Numerical Relativity - QFT in Curved Spacetime - CMB - Large Scale Structures - Gravitational Waves - Inhomogeneous Cosmology - Magnetic Fields in the Universe - Cosmic Antimatter -Cosmic Rays - Neutrino Cosmology - Dark Energy - Dark Matter - Modified Gravity +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.7. Advances In Computational Relativity - ICERM@BROWN, Providence, RI, USA --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/21/advances-in-computational-rel... Starting: 2020-09-09 to 2020-12-11 Location: Providence, RI, USA Additional Information: https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/ Contact: sfield[AT]umassd.edu We would like to invite you to a semester program at ICERM, Brown University in Providence titled "Advances in Computational Relativity". https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/ This semester program aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations involving mathematicians, statisticians and the relativity community with the goals of: (i) work towards solving some of the most pressing mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and data analysis issues facing the gravitational wave community, (ii) fostering an environment for the deep collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas between mathematicians, statisticians, and the relativity community, (iii) creating new subfields within computational mathematics that focus on important, pressing issues related to gravitational waves. Although the program will run over the entire Fall 2020 semester with several researchers staying the semester at ICERM, you are welcome to participate at any convenient time for as long you can. In addition, there will be a week-long workshop once every month organized by topic. Dates and workshop titles appear below: 9/14: Workshop 1 (https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w1/): "Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity." (with a focus on gravitational waves from compact objects) 10/5: Workshop 2 (https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w2/): "Mathematical and Computational Approaches for solving the source-free Einstein field equations." 10/26: Workshop 3 (https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w3/): "Mathematical and Computational Approaches for the Einstein field equations with matter fields" 11/16: Workshop 4 (https://icerm.brown.edu/programs/sp-f20/w4/): "Statistical methods for the detection, classification, and inference of relativistic objects" ICERM has funding available to cover travel and accommodation for faculty, postdocs and students. Please apply using the link "Apply with Cube" at the program website. Please let Scott Field (sfield[AT]umassd.edu) or Gaurav Khanna (gkhanna[AT]umassd.edu) know if you have any questions about the program. Scientific Organizing Committee -- Stefanos Aretakis, UToronto Doug Arnold, UMN Manuela Campanelli, RIT Scott Field, UMass Dartmouth Jonathan Gair, AEI Jae-Hun Jung, SUNY Buffalo Gaurav Khanna, UMass Dartmouth Stephen Lau, UNM Steve Liebling, LIU Deirdre Shoemaker, GTech Jared Speck, Vanderbilt Saul Teukolsky, Cornell +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.8. 31st Chris Engelbrecht Summer School on Gravitational waves, Cape Town, South Africa --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16434 Starting: 2020-01-20 to 2020-01-29 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Additional Information: http://www.chrisengelbrecht2020.com/ Contact: chrisengelbrecht2020[AT]gmail.com Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring the following school on Gravitational Waves to your attention. Please share with your students and postdocs. 31st Chris Engelbrecht Summer School on Gravitational waves Cape Town, 20 January - 29 January 2020 www.chrisengelbrecht2020.com SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT The Cosmology and Gravity Group Group at the University of Cape Town is pleased to be hosting the 31st Chris Engebrecht Summer School. This specific Summer School is motivated by recent advances in the field of gravitational wave science. The lecturer series will cover a broad range of topics related to gravitational wave science, such as numerical simualtion of gravitational wave sources, gravitational waves in modified gravity, cosmology and the gravitational wave background. The school will take place from 20 January 2020 - 29 January 2020 at the university of Cape Town Confirmed Speakers (in alphabetical order) include Rituparno Goswami (UKZN) Lavinia Heisenberg (EHT Zurich) Denis Pollney (Rhodes University) Alicia Sintes (UIB LIGO collaboration) and more to be confirmed. There is limited funding to support students to attend the school. To qualify for financial support, please visitwww.chrisengelbrecht2020.com and fill out the registration form by 01 November 2019. Due to budgetary constraints, we would like to encourage Institutions and supervisors to financially support their students where possible. We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town, THE LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (LOC): Alvaro de la Cruz Dombriz Peter K. S. Dunsby Julien Larena Bishop Mongwane Anne Marie Nzioki Chris Stevens +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.9. The Fourth Zeldovich meeting, Minsk, Belarus (2nd announcement) --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/30/the-fourth-zeldovich-meeting-... Starting: 2020-04-20 to 2020-04-24 Location: Minsk, Belarus Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich4 Contact: zeld4[AT]icranet.org This is the second announcement of the Fourth Zeldovich meeting to be held in Minsk, Belarus, from 20 to 24 of April 2020. Abstract submission started on 30 of October 2019. The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 of April 2020. It is our pleasure to announce the preliminary list of invited speakers: Abhay Ashtekar (Institute for Gravitation & the Cosmos, Penn State University, USA - TBC) Jens Chluba (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, UK) Stefan Gillessen (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany) Claus Laemmerzahl (ZARM, Germany) Vladimir Lipunov (Moscow State University, Russia) Felix Mirabel (CEA Saclay, France) Slava Mukhanov (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany) Konstantin Postnov (Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University, Russia - TBC) Piero Rosati (University of Ferrara, Italy) Jorge Rueda (ICRANet, Italy) Remo Ruffini (ICRANet, Italy) Nikolay Shakura (Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University, Russia) Alexey Starobinsky (Landau institute for theoretical physics, RAS, Russia) Registration form: http://dbserver.icra.it:8080/meetings/registration_zeld4.htm Abstract submission form: https://uploader.icranet.org/zeld4/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.10. SIGRAV International School 2020, Vietri sul Mare, Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16474 Starting: 2020-02-03 to 2020-02-07 Location: Vietri sul Mare, Italy Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/event/19488/overview Contact: fulvio.ricci[AT]uniroma1.it The SIGRAV International School 2020, organised by the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV), aims at providing robust and deep knowledge of General Relativity and its possible modifications, with particular attention to phenomenological consequences in astrophysics and in cosmology. The following courses will be offered: - General Relativity and its Modifications - Lecturer: Lavinia Heisenberg (ETH, Zurich) - Testing Gravity - Lecturer: Paolo Pani (Sapienza University of Rome) - Cosmology beyond General Relativity - Lecturer: Tessa Baker (Oxford University) - Cosmological Perturbation Theory and Structure Formation - Lecturer: Sabino Matarrese (University of Padova) For further informations see the school's web page +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.11. XV Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16476 Starting: 2020-04-06 to 2020-04-08 Location: Coimbra, Portugal Additional Information: https://ibericos2020.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt Contact: ibericos2020[AT]math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt This is the 1st announcement for the XV Iberian Cosmology meeting, which will take place in Coimbra, Portugal, from the 6th to the 8th of April 2020. Registration is now open at: https://ibericos2020.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt where you may also find more details about the meeting, as well as accommodation in Coimbra. These meetings aim to encourage interactions and collaborations between researchers working in cosmology and related areas in Portugal and Spain. Researchers working in other countries are also most welcome. Please feel free to send this announcement to other scientists that may be interested in attending. The meetings are informal and there is no registration fee. There are also no parallel sessions or posters, and blackboard talks are encouraged. All participants wishing to give a talk may submit a title and abstract when they register. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 6, 2020 and a preliminary program will appear on the webpage shortly after. Moreover, these meetings are not restricted to a single topic but are open to cosmologists in the broadest sense, from mathematical cosmology and theoretical particle physics to observational astrophysics. They are also designed to encourage the presentation of work in progress. We look forward to seeing you in Coimbra! The local organizing committee Alexandre Correia (Univ. Coimbra) Artur Alho (IST, Univ. Lisboa) Filipe Mena (IST, Univ. Lisboa) Joao Rosa (Univ. Aveiro) Nuno Peixinho (Univ. Coimbra) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 2. Jobs ============================================== 2.1. Call for "La Caixa" postdoctoral fellowships at IGFAE, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/02/call-for-la-caixa-postdoctora... Deadline: 2019-10-08 Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain Additional Information: https://igfae.usc.es/igfae/job-offer/la-caixa-junior-leaders-igfae-postdocto... Contact: thomas.dent[AT]usc.es The "La Caixa" foundation has announced a call for postdoctoral fellowships for excellent researchers, of any nationality, who wish to continue their research career in Spain. They will be offered a three-year employment contract to conduct a research project at accredited centres with the Severo Ochoa or Maria de Maeztu excellence award. The IGFAE Gravitational Wave Astronomy group at Santiago de Compostela, as a Maria de Maeztu excellence centre, encourages and will support applications to this call. More information on the fellowship programme and application process are available at http://www.juniorleaderlacaixa.org/ , and on the host institute IGFAE at https://igfae.usc.es/igfae/ . The application deadline is 8 October (registration at https://www.lacaixafellowships.org is required for application). Contact thomas.dent[AT]usc.es or ricardojulio.rodriguez[AT]usc.es in case of questions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2. Faculty position on gravitational wave astronomy at the University of Glasgow (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader), UK ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16332 Deadline: 2019-10-29 Location: Glasgow, UK Additional Information: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BVS533/lecturer-senior-lecturer-or-reader Contact: ik.heng[AT]glasgow.ac.uk The School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Glasgow have an opening for a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader with a research focus on gravitational wave astronomy. More details can be found by going to the external link and clicking 'Apply'. The closing date for applications is the 29th of October 2019. Successful applicants will be working with members of the Institute for Gravitational Research to tackle challenges in gravitational wave astronomy with ground-based and spacebourne observatories. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics and Numerical Relativity at West Virginia University, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/09/postdoctoral-fellow-in-comput... Deadline: 2019-12-15 Location: Morgantown, USA Additional Information: https://wvu.taleo.net/careersection/wvu_research/jobdetail.ftl?job=13139 Contact: zbetienne[AT]mail.wvu.edu The Department of Physics & Astronomy at West Virginia University is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of Computational Relativistic Astrophysics/Numerical Relativity. The successful candidate will: * Develop next-generation numerical relativity software. * Perform state-of-the-art simulations; analyze and visualize simulation data; and write scientific papers summarizing work. * Work with a multi-institution network of collaborators on a variety of next-generation numerical relativity projects such as: - Supercomputer simulations of magnetized binary neutron star mergers with IllinoisGRMHD (https://illinoisgrmhd.net) and realistic equations of state. - A volunteer-computing / public-outreach project called BlackHoles@Home (https://blackholesathome.net), which is aimed at unlocking the consumer-grade desktop computer as a core tool for numerical relativity simulations of black holes and black hole binaries. The preferred start date is August 15, 2020, though earlier start dates are acceptable. This position may be renewed in annualized increments for up to three years, contingent upon performance, need, and funding. The screening process will begin on December 15, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. -={ Qualifications }=- * Ph.D. in Physics or a related field required. * Strong programming skills (C and Python, or closely related languages). * Experience in high-performance computing and large-scale data analysis. * Excellent ability to communicate research to both experts and non-experts. -={ Requirements }=- * Resume or CV * Cover letter * Three letters of recommendation West Virginia University Research Corporation is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Corporation values diversity among its employees and invites applications from all qualified individuals, including minorities, females, individuals with disabilities and veterans. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4. Post-doctoral position in Gravitational Wave Cosmology at UCLouvain, Belgium ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/10/post-doctoral-position-in-gra... Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Additional Information: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/jobs/59 Contact: christophe.ringeval[AT]uclouvain.be The CURL group (https://curl.irmp.ucl.ac.be) at the IRMP Research Institute in Mathematics and Physics of the Universite' catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) has an opening for a post-doctoral research position in the field of gravitational wave cosmology starting fall 2020. Applicants with expertises in gravitational wave signatures of early universe physics, stochastic gravitational wave background, cosmic defects, primordial black holes, cosmic inflation, as well as data analysis for current and future gravitational wave interferometers, such as LIGO/Virgo and LISA, are particularly encouraged to apply. The appointment is available for two years, and could possibly be extended to 3 years depending on mutual satisfaction and available funding. The position is supported by a joint research program in gravitational wave physics between the CP3 center (https://cp3.phys.ucl.ac.be) and the CURL group (https://curl.irmp.ucl.ac.be) at UCLouvain and the STAR institute (https://www.star.uliege.be) at Universite' de Liege. Computing resources and support for travelling are excellent. Letters of application (including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a brief statement of research interests) and at least two recommendation letters from senior scientists should be submitted on-line, by the 15th of January 2020, at the accompanying URL. For more information, please contact: christophe.ringeval[AT]uclouvain.be Cosmology, Universe and Relativity at Louvain Institute of Mathematics and Physics Louvain University 2, Chemin du Cyclotron 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5. Post-doctoral position in Gravitational Wave Instrumentation at UCLouvain, Belgium ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/10/post-doctoral-position-in-gra... Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Additional Information: https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/jobs/60 Contact: Giacomo.Bruno[AT]uclouvain.be The CP3 center (http://cp3.phys.ucl.ac.be/) at the IRMP Research Institute in Mathematics and Physics of the Universite' catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) has an opening for a post-doctoral research position on development and commissioning of instrumentation for gravitational wave detectors. The IRMP institute hosts, among others, research on fundamental interactions and cosmology equally strongly on the experimental and theoretical fronts. More than 100 physicists and mathematicians from all over the world currently work at the IRMP. Physicists of the IRMP have recently joined the Virgo Collaboration at the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) and are launching a new research program in gravitational wave physics which includes important contributions to the Virgo detection and computing systems as well as to LIGO/Virgo data analysis and gravitational wave cosmology. The group will also participate in the construction of a research and development facility, funded by the EU through its Interreg Europe programme, aimed to prepare the construction of the Einstein Telescope project. The selected candidate is expected to take a leading role in current and future upgrade projects of the Virgo interferometer and to the activities related to the design and construction of the Einstein Telescope. The appointment is available for two years, and could possibly be extended to 3 years subject to mutual satisfaction and availability of funds. The position is supported by a joint research program in gravitational wave physics between the CP3 center (http://cp3.phys.ucl.ac.be/) and the CURL group (https://curl.group/) at UCLouvain and the STAR institute (https://www.star.uliege.be/) at Universite' de Liege. Computing resources and support for traveling are excellent. Applications including a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a brief statement of research interests and at least two recommendation letters from senior scientists should be submitted on-line, by the 15th of January 2020, at the accompanying URL. For more information, please, contact Giacomo Bruno (Giacomo.Bruno[AT]uclouvain.be ; tel: +32 (0)10 473215) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6. Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Gravitational Physics at the University of Virginia, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/11/postdoctoral-research-associa... Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Charlottesville, VA, USA Additional Information: https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UVAJobs/job/Charlottesville-VA/Resea... Contact: david.nichols[AT]virginia.edu The gravity group in the Department of Physics at the University of Virginia invites applications for a postdoctoral research-associate position in gravitational physics. The successful applicant will work with Assistant Professor David Nichols and other members of the gravity group (Assistant Professor Kent Yagi, Research Associate Alex Saffer, and several graduate and undergraduate students). There will also be the opportunity to work with other members of the Department of Physics, the Department of Astronomy, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) with whom the gravity group collaborates. Research associates have access to the Rivanna cluster, the high-performance-computing system housed at the University of Virginia, which has 8000 cores. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in Physics, Astronomy, or a related field by the beginning of the appointment. It would be beneficial for candidates to have significant research experience in some aspect of gravitational physics (such as analytical or numerical relativity, gravitational-wave data analysis, multi-messenger astrophysics, or cosmology), which would be demonstrated, for example, by papers published and talks delivered on these subjects. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Apply online at https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UVAJobs/job/Charlottesville-VA/Resea... and attach a one-page cover letter, a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and experience (at most three pages), and the contact information for three individuals who can provide professional reference letters. Please submit these attachments as PDF files and format them using at least 11pt font and 1-inch margins. The University will perform background checks on all new hires prior to employment. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2019, but the position will remain open until filled. Starting date is flexible, but the anticipated start date is September 1, 2020. This is a one-year appointment; however, the appointment may be renewed for two additional one-year terms, contingent upon available funding and satisfactory performance. For questions about the position, please contact David Nichols, Assistant Professor, at david[dot]nichols{at}virginia[dot]edu. For questions about the application, please contact Rich Haverstrom, Faculty Search Advisor, at rkh6j{at}virginia.edu For more information on the benefits available to postdoctoral associates at UVA, visit https://postdoc.virginia.edu/ and https://hr.virginia.edu/benefits. Centrally located in Virginia, Charlottesville boasts a thriving intellectual community and cultural life, with easy access to recreational venues and convenient travel to Richmond, Washington D.C. and SAMSI, which combine to make UVa a most desirable place to live and work. For more information about UVA and the area, please visit http://uvacharge.virginia.edu/guide.html. The University of Virginia, including the UVA Health System and the University Physician's Group are fundamentally committed to the diversity of our faculty and staff. We believe diversity is excellence expressing itself through every person's perspectives and lived experiences. We are equal opportunity and affirmative action employers. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave theory at Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16360 Deadline: 2019-11-22 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Additional Information: https://www.nikhef.nl/jobs/vacatures/ Contact: vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl The gravitational physics division at Nikhef, the National Institute for Subatomic Physics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in gravitational wave theory, with an emphasis on the numerical and analytical modeling of binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole coalescences. The successful candidate will be part of the team of data analysts and phenomenologists led by Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck and Dr. S. Caudill, which currently consists of 4 postdocs and 4 PhD students and will grow substantially over the next year. In addition, the gravitational physics division at Nikhef (led by Prof. F. Linde) has close ties with gravitational wave researchers at universities and institutes across the Netherlands, which apart from instrumentalists includes astronomers, astrophysicists, and theorists, such as Baumann, Bertone, Groot, Hinderer, Jonker, Levan, Moesta, Nelemans, and Nissanke. There is also vibrant collaboration with individuals and groups around the world. The position is initially for two years and extendable by a third year. When applying, please be prepared to upload a cover letter, publication list, and curriculum vitae including a brief description of your research interest. Also, please separately arrange for least three references who are willing to send a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The deadline for full consideration is 22 November 2019, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck (vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8. Postdoctoral positions in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics at Potsdam, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16369 Deadline: 2019-12-09 Location: Potsdam, Germany Additional Information: https://www.aei.mpg.de/2306007/postdoctoral-positions-in-computational-relat... Contact: mshibata[AT]aei.mpg.de The "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (the Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam led by Masaru Shibata (director) announces the opening of several postdoc appointments. The postdoctoral position will be available at different levels, depending on experience and seniority, and can last for different number of years. The "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division is currently composed of one group leader (Dr. Kenta Kiuchi), one senior scientist (Shinya Wanajo), and 8 junior researchers, and focuses on several research topics in theoretical astrophysics, computational astrophysics, and general relativity. The members in this division are working in the following topics: (i) numerical relativity with matter fields for a variety of relativistic phenomena like mergers of neutron-star binaries (binary neutron stars and black hole-neutron star binaries), long-term evolution of the merger remnants, stellar collapse to a black hole/neutron star, and long-term evolution of accretion disks around a black hole/neutron star. (ii) deriving accurate gravitational waves from neutron-star binaries by numerical relativity simulation for a variety of neutron-star equations of state. (iii) modeling electromagnetic counterparts (kilonovae, short gamma-ray bursts, radio flare, precursors, etc) associated with neutron-star mergers. (iv) nucleosynthesis calculation associated with neutron-star mergers and stellar collapse. (v) modeling gravitational waves emitted in the supernova explosion/proto neutron star evolution. (vi) studies for the formation processes of a variety of black holes (stellar-mass, intermediate-mass, and supermassive black holes) and for gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals associated with the formation processes. (vii) Stellar evolution calculation. Researching other topics (even for non-relativistic/non-computational astrophysics) is also encouraged. The researchers in the "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division can use high-performance computers at Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF: https://www.mpcdf.mpg.de) and several clusters (sakura and yamazaki) in this division. For more details, please visit https://www.aei.mpg.de/2306007/postdoctoral-positions-in-computational-relat... The deadline for full consideration is December 9th, 2019. The positions will be available from any time after April 2020. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.9. Four-year Postdoctoral Position in Scattering Amplitudes and Gravitational Waves at UCLA and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/15/four-year-postdoctoral-positi... Deadline: 2019-11-15 Location: Los Angeles, USA and Potsdam, Germany Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15104 Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de We invite applications for a four-year postdoctoral position jointly between the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam, and the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). The successful candidate will work to advance the understanding of the two-body problem in General Relativity, taking advantage of modern techniques in scattering amplitudes, effective field theory and the double-copy paradigm, to carry out calculations in post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian approximations for binaries of compact objects, such as black holes and neutron stars. This program is timely and relevant to develop highly accurate waveform models to be used for gravitational-wave observations with the LIGO and Virgo detectors, and future experiments on the ground and in space. The postdoctoral position is funded at the AEI by the department "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity", led by Alessandra Buonanno, and at the UCLA, by the "Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics", led by Zvi Bern. The successful applicant will reside at the AEI for the first 2 years, and at the UCLA for the last 2 years. Visits to the other institution are expected to maintain collaborations with researchers at both institutes throughout. In order to apply, please visit AcademicJobsOnline.org: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15104 For the application submission you will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, a 2-page summary of past research achievements, and a 2-page research proposal. Applicants will need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will receive an email with instructions on how to upload their letters. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is November 15, 2019. The position is available as early as Summer 2020. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and UCLA are equal opportunity employers, and are committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. For further information please contact Dr. Andre Schirotzek: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de Note that a similar advertisement for the joint postdoctoral appointment appears on AcademicsJobsOnline.org under the UCLA institution. It is sufficient for candidates to submit the application only to one of the two institutions. Applications will be reviewed jointly at the AEI and UCLA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.10. Simons Postdoctoral Research Associate in Gravitation and Cosmology at Princeton University, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16376 Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Princeton, NJ (USA) Additional Information: https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/13861 Contact: steinh[AT]princeton.edu The Physics Department at Princeton University expects to have a postdoctoral position for a candidate working at the interface between theoretical cosmology and general relativity, nominally starting September 1, 2020. The initial appointment will be for one year, renewable up to three years contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance. A PhD in Physics, Astrophysics, Mathematics, or a related area is required. The postdoctoral fellow will be supported by a Simons Foundation targeted grant under the Initiative entitled New Directions in Gravitational Theory and Cosmology: Cosmological Bounces & Bouncing Cosmologies (see http://bouncingcosmology.com). The fellow will be part of an international collaboration pursuing a broad range of fundamental problems in cosmology and general relativity using a spectrum of techniques that include analytical and numerical relativity and field theory. Interested candidates with a wide range of backgrounds, which might include cosmology, general relativity or high energy physics, will be considered. Applications will begin to be reviewed on December 1, 2019. Under the link below, you may upload a recent CV, research statement and contact information for three referees who will be solicited to provide letters of support. For more information please contact Paul Steinhardt at steinh[AT]princeton.edu. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. This position is subject to the University's background check policy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.11. Postdoc position in Loop Quantum Gravity at LSU, Baton Rouge, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/16/postdoc-position-in-loop-quan... Deadline: 2019-11-15 Location: Baton Rouge, USA Additional Information: https://lsu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/LSU/job/LSU---Baton-Rouge/Postdoctoral-Res... Contact: psingh[AT]lsu.edu The Theoretical General Relativity Group at LSU expects to have, contingent on funding, an opening for a postdoctoral researcher working in loop quantum gravity/cosmology and related areas. The initial appointment will be for one year and the selected applicant is expected to be renewed for another one, subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funds. The postdoctoral researcher will perform research on loop quantum gravity applications in cosmology and black hole physics and related areas. The core relativity group at LSU consists of Ivan Agullo, Steve Brandt, Peter Diener, Jorge Pullin and Parampreet Singh, and several graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. In addition to that, LSU hosts a strong experimental gravity group with activity in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), whose Livingston site is 30 miles away from Baton Rouge. LSU is also host to the Center for Computation & Technology (CCT), a multidisciplinary research center which includes computational groups in several areas of science, engineering and the humanities. Several researchers in the relativity group have joint appointments at CCT. Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2019. For full advertisement and application instructions see https://lsu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/LSU/job/LSU---Baton-Rouge/Postdoctoral-Res... For further information please contact Parampreet Singh psingh[AT]lsu.edu +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.12. PhD fellowship in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, Valencia, Spain ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16385 Deadline: 2019-11-07 Location: Valencia (Spain) Additional Information: https://sede.micinn.gob.es/ayudaspredoctorales/ Contact: j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es PhD fellowship in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy, Valencia, Spain The Relativistic Astrophysics Group at the University of Valencia (Spain) invites applications for a four-year PhD fellowship in the field of gravitational-wave astronomy. The fellowship is funded by the R&D project "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" (PGC2018-095984-B-I00) supported by the Spanish R+D+i Plan under the program "Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formacion de doctores 2019". The Valencia group is one of the largest groups in Spain working on relativistic astrophysics, has strong connections with a number of gravity groups worldwide, and is part of the Virgo Collaboration. The successful applicant will carry out research in topics such as the modelling of gravitational-wave sources through numerical-relativity techniques (compact binaries, core-collapse supernovae, exotic compact objects), data analysis, and parameter estimation. Call details: Spanish: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffe... English: http://www.ciencia.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffe... Candidate requirements and documentation: Applicants must be enrolled or admitted to a doctoral program for the 2019/2020 academic year at the time the application is submitted or will be at the time of the signature of the contract (around May 2020, max). Applications can be submitted from October 17 to November 7, 2019. They have to be submitted online at the website of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades: https://sede.micinn.gob.es/ayudaspredoctorales/ Electronic signature of the application is mandatory for applicants residing in Spain. The following documents must be included in the online application: a) Copy of passport (only for non-Spanish citizens not living in Spain) b) Curriculum Vitae (either in Spanish or English) c) Academic degree certificate. It must list the qualifications obtained and the corresponding dates for all subjects. For certificates issued by foreign centers, it must also be stated which are the maximum and minimum qualifications within the corresponding evaluation system and what is the minimum qualification to pass. If the academic certification is issued in a language other than Spanish or English, it must be accompanied by the corresponding official translation into one of these two languages. d) Statement that no predoctoral training has been initiated with other grants from previous calls of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades and of not being in possession of a PhD degree, issued by any Spanish or foreign university. e) Statement that the applicant has not been contracted as a PhD student for more than twelve months prior to the submission of his/her application. For further information, please contact Prof. Jose Antonio Font (j.antonio.font[AT]uv.es). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.13. Postdoctoral position in gravitational wave data analysis at Utrecht University, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16390 Deadline: 2019-11-29 Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands Additional Information: https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1066434&Vacancy=Postdoctoral%20Researcher%20in%20Gravitational%20Wave%20Data%20Analysis%20%281%2E0%20FTE%29#top Contact: c.f.f.vandenbroeck[AT]uu.nl The Institute for Subatomic Physics at Utrecht University invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in gravitational wave data analysis and phenomenology, covering all aspects of strong-field gravity, with an emphasis on studying gravitational wave signals from coalescing binary neutron stars and black holes. This effort is led by Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck; it currently involves 4 postdocs and 4 PhD students and will grow significantly over the coming year. Apart from collaboration within the Institute for Subatomic Physics, the gravitational waves team of Utrecht University has close ties with researchers at universities and institutes across the Netherlands, which apart from instrumentalists includes astronomers, astrophysicists, and theorists. There is also vibrant collaboration with individuals and groups around the world. The successful candidate will become a member of the Virgo Collaboration and have access to all data from the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers. To apply, please upload your curriculum vitae, including a letter of motivation, using the link provided. Also, please separately arrange for least three references who are willing to send a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The deadline for full consideration is 29 November 2019, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck (c.f.f.vandenbroeck[AT]uu.nl). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.14. Postdoctoral Positions at Center for Gravitation and Cosmology ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/19/postdoctoral-positions-at-cen... Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Yangzhou, China Additional Information: http://www.cgc-yzu.cn/ Contact: ycong@yzu.edu.cn The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology of Yangzhou University, China, is seeking qualified and talented postdoctoral researchers in the field of gravitation (general relativity or modified theories of gravity) and/or its applications in astrophysics, cosmology, or high energy physics. Special considerations will be given to candidates with strong background in gravitational wave physics, 21cm cosmology, numerical relativity, and black hole physics. Strong candidates with background in other closely related fields, such as holography or quantum gravity, will also be considered. Applicants should have (or expected to obtain by starting date) a Ph.D. in the relevant fields to receive full considerations. We offer a 2 year contract starting from September 2020. Successful applicants are expected to collaborate with members of the center, but they are otherwise also free to pursue their own research interest. There is no teaching duty. The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology (CGC) is a young and vibrant research center founded in 2017 at Yangzhou University. Yangzhou is a scenic city with rich history in the Jiangsu Province of China, primarily known for its former major role in the salt trade. It is the Southern capital of China under Emperor Yang of Sui. It is believed that Marco Polo had served as a governer in Yangzhou around 1282-1287. CGC is an initiative of the BRICS-Association of Gravity and Cosmology (BRICS-AGAC), with support from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). CGC also initiates the United Center for Gravitational Wave Physics in China and participates the international BINGO collaboration on 21cm cosmology. Interested candidates should submit the following documents in a SINGLE PDF file to Prof. Yen Chin Ong at ycong[AT]yzu.edu.cn : (1) A full curriculum vitae. (2) A copy of PhD certificate (3) A publication list, with five most significant publications clearly highlighted. (4) A brief description of research interests, including future plans, not exceeding 2 pages. In addition, 2-3 recommendation letters should be arranged to be sent to the same E-mail address. Completed applications should be received no later than December 1, 2019. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.15. Postdoc Position at IAP in Primordial Cosmolog/Theoretical High-Energy Physics, Paris, France ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16405 Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Paris, France Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7095-SEBREN-003/Default.aspx?lang=EN Contact: renaux[AT]iap.fr In connection with the ERC Starting Grant GEODESI (Principal Investigator: Sebastien Renaux-Petel), the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris invites applications for one postdoctoral position in primordial cosmology and theoretical high-energy physics, to start indicatively in Fall 2020. An earlier starting date is welcome and negotiable. The position is for two years, with the possibility of a third year extension based on performance and availability of resources. Applicants must have a PhD by the time the contact starts. The main scientific objective of the project is to determine the theoretical and observational consequences of the geometrical destabilization of inflation, and more generally of geometry-induced effects on inflation. Applicants with interests in the field of primordial cosmology broadly defined are encouraged to apply, including high-energy physicists with a strong interest in cosmological aspects. Research themes of the group include for instance: inflation and curved field space, constraints on high-energy physics, stochastic inflation, lattice field theory simulations, (p)reheating, swampland conjectures, inflation and random matrix theory, primordial non-Gaussianities, primordial black holes etc. The IAP maintains a lively visitor program and hosts regular workshops and conferences throughout the year. The successful candidate will be immersed in an internationally visible research environment with rich intellectual and computational resources. The members of the theory group are interested in a wide range of topics, including cosmology, gravitational waves, modifications of gravity and astroparticles. More generally, IAP plays a central role in several observational programs (notably Planck and Euclid). Further information can be found on the IAP website: http://www.iap.fr/?langue=en The postdoctoral researcher will also benefit from the very large cosmology/astrophysics and theoretical physics communities in the Paris region. The salary is competitive, depending on experience, and includes French social security benefits. Additional generous funding is available for conferences, collaborations, personal equipment and publications . Applications consisting of a CV, cover letter, publication list, and a brief statement of research interests should be submitted into one pdf file through the website: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7095-SEBREN-003/Default.aspx?lang=EN before December 1st, 2019. Applicants should also arrange for 3 recommendation letters to be sent directly to iap.erc.2019[AT]gmail.com by this date. Late applications may be considered until the positions have been filled. For informal enquiries about the position please contact Sebastien Renaux-Petel (renaux[AT]iap.fr). Included Benefits: French national medical insurance, Maternity/Paternity leave, Lunch subsidies, Family supplement for children, Participation to public transport fees, Pension contributions. Note that the school is free in France for all children above 3. In addition, the IAP/CNRS and the Cite' Universitaire de Paris (https://access.ciup.fr/en/welcome-desk-paris/) can provide support for settling in Paris and for French lessons. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.16. Perimeter Postdoctoral Program and Gravitational Waves Initiative 2020, Waterloo, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16406 Deadline: 2019-11-01 Location: Waterloo, Canada Additional Information: https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/about/careers/positions/perimeter-postdoct... Contact: hyang[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca Each year Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions, including named fellowships, from new and recent PhDs working in fundamental theoretical physics. This year, Perimeter Institute is launching the Gravitational Waves Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to take advantage of the unique insights gravitational wave astronomy can provide into gravity, particle physics, cosmological large-scale structure, and transient astronomy across the electromagnetic spectrum. In tackling these fundamental issues, the Gravitational Waves Initiative brings together expertise in analytical and numerical approaches to studying the nonlinear regime of gravity, data analysis for gravitational wave observations, and connections to particle physics and cosmology. Candidates interested in joining this effort, especially those with a strong background in data analysis, are encouraged. Most postdoctoral positions are offered for a period of three years. You may also be eligible for a named four-year postdoctoral fellowship including the Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Stephen Hawking, and Chien-Shiung Wu fellowships. Senior five-year fellowships are also available. Fellowships may, in addition, be offered jointly between Perimeter and partner institutes and universities. Perimeter Institute is now accepting applications for the 2020/2021 academic year. The following information will be required to complete the application: Curriculum Vitae, Publications List, Research Statement, and Contact Information for three (3) referees. Applications are due November 1, 2019, while later application may also be considered. Perimeter Institute is a member of the Simons Observatory (SO), Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), and Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) collaborations. Perimeter Institute is committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons/persons of colour, women, Indigenous/Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2 persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. Applicants who require special accommodation in order to complete their application/interview are encouraged to contact accessibility[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca for assistance. For more information, including the online application, see: https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/about/careers/positions/perimeter-postdoct... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.17. PhD position in gravitational wave data analysis at Nikhef, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16415 Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Additional Information: https://www.nikhef.nl/jobs/vacatures/ Contact: vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl The gravitational physics division at Nikhef, the National Institute for Subatomic Physics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, invites applications for a PhD studentship in gravitational wave astrophysics, with an emphasis on data analysis of signals from binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole coalescences. The successful candidate will be part of the team of data analysts and phenomenologists led by Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck and Dr. S. Caudill, which currently consists of 4 postdocs and 4 PhD students and will grow substantially over the next year. In addition, the gravitational physics division at Nikhef (led by Prof. F. Linde) has close ties with gravitational wave researchers at universities and institutes across the Netherlands, which apart from instrumentalists includes astronomers, astrophysicists, and theorists, such as Baumann, Bertone, Groot, Hinderer, Jonker, Levan, Moesta, Nelemans, and Nissanke. There is also vibrant collaboration with individuals and groups around the world. For more information and an application form, see the link provided. Please be prepared to upload a cover letter, publication list, and curriculum vitae including a brief description of your research interests. Also, please separately arrange for three references who are willing to send a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The deadline for full consideration is 15 January 2020, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. C. Van Den Broeck (vdbroeck[AT]nikhef.nl). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.18. Postdoctoral positions in theoretical physics, Wuhan, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16417 Deadline: 2020-03-01 Location: Wuhan, China Additional Information: http://english.phys.hust.edu.cn Contact: yggong[AT]mail.hust.edu.cn The Theoretical Group of School of Physics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology invites applications from outstanding candidates for several postdoctoral fellowships starting around September 2020 in the field of gravitational physics (including gravitational theory, gravitational waves, and cosmology), particle physics (including QCD theory and phenomenology, flavor physics, heavy ion collision, axion and dark matter), formal theoretic physics (including AdS/CFT correspondence, matrix model and quantum entanglement). The salary is competitive and negotiable. Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vita, a publication list, a brief statement of research interests and three letters of recommendation to yggong[AT]mail.hust.edu.cn. The letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the referees. The deadline for application is 1/March/2020. Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a major higher education institution located in the central city Wuhan of China. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.19. Multiple short-term postdoc positions available, Providence, RI, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16421 Deadline: 2020-01-04 Location: Providence, RI, USA Additional Information: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/14009 Contact: gkhanna[AT]umassd.edu As part of a semester-long Fall 2020 program on "Advances in Computational Relativity" at ICERM, Brown University in Providence, multiple postdoc positions are available. Details appear below. Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship: ICERM has one opening for its 9-month appointment, commencing in September 2020. The Institute Postdoc will participate in the fall 2020 "Advances in Computational Relativity" semester program and remain as a researcher-in-residence during the spring 2021 semester. ICERM will match the Institute Postdoc with a faculty mentor for the entire academic year. The Institute Postdoc receives a nine-month salary of $60,000 with benefits, a $1,000 one-time taxable payment to offset travel costs, and up to $800 in reimbursable professional travel support. Semester Postdoctoral Fellowships: ICERM has five openings for its semester-long positions. These appointments are intended for those who would like to participate in the fall 2020 semester program: "Advances in Computational Relativity". ICERM will match Semester Postdocs with faculty mentors for the duration of the fall semester. ICERM Semester Postdocs receive a salary over four months of $30,000 with benefits, and a $1,000 one-time taxable payment to offset travel costs. Eligibility: applicants must have completed their Ph.D. within three years of the start of the appointment. The research statement must clearly indicate interest in the fall semester program, whether the application is for the Institute (9 month) or Semester (4 month) postdoctoral fellowship (or both), and how the applicant's research interests relate to the scientific goals of the "Advances in Computational Relativity" semester program topic. If applying for the Institute postdoc position, the research statement should also outline research plans for work to be done as "researcher-in-residence" during the spring 2021 semester. Documentation of completion of all requirements for a doctoral degree in mathematics or a related area by the start of the appointment is required. For full consideration, applicants must submit an AMS Standard Cover Sheet, cover letter, curriculum vitae (including publication list), research statement, and three letters of recommendation. Priority will be given to applications received before January 4, 2020. Please apply through the mathjobs link included. Brown University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.20. Postdoctoral positions in the CGCA at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16422 Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Milwaukee, WI, USA Additional Information: https://cgca.uwm.edu/positions.html Contact: jolien[AT]uwm.edu The Leonard E. Parker Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions. The initial appointments are for one year, with renewal for a second (and, in most cases, a third) year contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance. Applicants should have a PhD in physics, astrophysics, or a related field. The CGCA at UWM has active research efforts in astronomy, astrophysics, gravity, and cosmology, with membership in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Zwicky Transient Facility, the GROWTH collaboration, the Murchison Widefield Array, and others. The CGCA also hosts the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center. The core group is comprised of 7 faculty (Brady, Chang, Creighton, Erb, Kaplan, Vigeland and Wiseman), 8 scientists, 9 postdocs, and 14 graduate students. Profs. Allen and Papa (now at the Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) maintain partial adjunct appointments at UWM, and emeritus faculty Friedman and Parker participate broadly in the academic life of the Center. We are recruiting one or more postdoctoral research associates across gravity, cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics to enhance the existing team and to strengthen our efforts in multi-messenger observations/theory. Applicants with backgrounds in gravitational-wave physics, astronomy/astrophysics, theoretical and/or numerical relativity, or cosmology are encouraged to apply. The positions include competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits. Some of these positions have an explicit education/outreach component. Thus, we strongly encourage applicants with a strong interest in education/outreach. Applicants should send a C.V., publication list, and a brief statement of their research interests by email to cgca-postdoc-applications[AT]uwm.edu. Please include a brief statement of your education/outreach experience and interests if you are interested in a position with an explicit education/outreach component. Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by e-mail to the above address. Review of applications will begin on January 15th, 2020. Questions should also be sent to the above address. The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.21. Full Professor (W3) of Mathematical Physics, Tuebingen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16428 Deadline: 2019-12-13 Location: Tuebingen, Germany Additional Information: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/university/job-advertisements/newsfullview-job-a... Contact: career[AT]mnf.uni-tuebingen.de The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science at Tuebingen University, Germany, invites applications for the position of Full Professor (W3) of Mathematical Physics. The position is due to commence on April 1, 2020. The successful candidate has a proven international record of outstanding research in the field of mathematical physics, preferably with reference to mathematical quantum theory and/or mathematical statistical physics. The applicant will be expected to teach a broad variety of classes in mathematical physics and some of these classes should be taught in English. The successful candidate will be expected to secure external grants and to collaborate on department projects with other institutions as well as to fulfill teaching obligations, especially in the Bachelor and Master programs, and also to participate in faculty governance. Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent international degree and postdoctoral qualifications equivalent to the requirements for tenure. This includes evidence of teaching effectiveness. The University of Tuebingen is particularly interested in increasing the number of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages women candidates to apply. In line with its internationalization agenda, the university welcomes applications from researchers outside Germany. Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference. Applications with supporting documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications and teaching experience, diplomas/certificates), a research statement including collaboration plans as well as a teaching statement, along with the completed application form (see external link) should be sent by e-mail as a single PDF-file (max. 10 MB) to the Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Tuebingen, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rosenstiel (see email address) by December 13, 2019. Enquiries may be directed to this address. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.22. Postdoc position in gravity/cosmology at USTC, Hefei, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16436 Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Hefei, China Additional Information: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~zhoushy/index.html Contact: zhoushy[AT]ustc.edu.cn Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at University of Science and Technology of China, expected to start in the autumn of 2020 or earlier. The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is a top university in China. The postdoctoral position is for 2 years and renewable for up to 3 additional years, contingent on funding and the postdoc's research performance. The successful candidate is expected primarily to work with Prof Shuang-Yong Zhou's group (http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~zhoushy/index.html). The information about other faculty members of the theoretical physics group at USTC, Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study, can be found at (http://icts.ustc.edu.cn/english/index.html), with research interests including string and formal theory, gravity, cosmology, field theory, scattering amplitudes, particle and nuclear physics, etc. The postdoc will also benefit from the research programs and funding opportunities of the newly established Peng Hengwu Center of Fundamental Theory at USTC, as well as interactions with the gravity/cosmology groups in the Astronomy Department of USTC. The annual salary of the position is from 170,000 to 250,000 CNY, depending on qualifications. Generous international travel funding will be provided, and the postdoc is also entitled to various university benefits, including social and health insurances, housing and childcare subsidies, etc. (With the housing subsidies, it costs less than 1000 CNY/month to rent a 1-bedroom apartment just outside the campus.) Exceptional candidates will be also considered for the Distinguished University Fellowship, which carries a salary top-up of 50,000 to 150,000 CNY per year. Candidates are invited to send their CV, publication list, a short statement of research interests and to arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to Prof Shuang-Yong Zhou (zhoushy[AT]ustc.edu.cn). For enquiries, also contact (zhoushy[AT]ustc.edu.cn). The position is open until filled, but full considerations will be given to applications submitted before January 15, 2020. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.23. Postdoc position at APC on "Early-universe cosmological simulations", Paris, France ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16441 Deadline: 2018-12-15 Location: Paris, France Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15188 Contact: caprini[AT]apc.in2p3.fr POSTDOC POSITION at APC on "Opening new windows on the early universe with multi-messenger astronomy" Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the "Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC)" Institute in Paris, France. The appointment is for two-years (starting date fall 2020), in the context of the ANR-funded project "Opening new windows on the early universe with multi-messenger astronomy" in collaboration with Moscow and Novosibirsk Universities. In particular, the project focuses on four observables: cosmic magnetic fields, stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds, cosmic rays and dark matter in the form of primordial black holes. The successful candidate (preferably less than 3 years after Ph.D.), will ideally have expertise on early-universe cosmological simulations, and will concentrate on studying the magnetic field and gravitational wave production at cosmological phase transitions, with the final aim of assessing their present-day observational signatures. She/He will join the APC theory group and work in close collaboration with Chiara Caprini, Andrii Neronov and Dmitri Semikoz (APC). The successful candidate will be able to join the LISA Consortium. A Ph.D. in physics or astrophysics is required, and a demonstrated ability to carry out independent research is expected. The salary will depend on the candidate's track record, following CNRS hiring rules. Enquiries about this position can be addressed to Dmitri Semikoz: dmitri.semikoz[AT]apc.univ-paris7.fr Candidates may apply at: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.24. Postdocs: ERC CoG 'Precision Gravity from LHC to LISA', Hamburg, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16443 Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Hamburg, Germany Additional Information: https://ias.desy.de/pls/apex/f?p=182:1:0: Contact: rafael.porto[AT]desy.de Postdocs (f/m/diverse) for ERC CoG "Precision Gravity from the LHC to LISA" The Astro-particle Physics division at DESY invites applications for several Postdoctoral Positions at DESY, Hamburg, funded by the ERC-consolidator grant "Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA". The appointments are two-year fixed-term positions starting in the fall of 2020, and they may be extended by one year depending on performance. Job Description: Implementation of the Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to gravitational dynamics to compute the emission of Gravitational Waves (GW) from binary systems to fifth Post-Newtonian order. Develop new tools from the theory of scattering amplitudes to streamline the derivation of gravitational observables for the two-body problem in gravity. Use of 'GW Precision Data' to constrain the nature of the sources. Requirements: PhD in theoretical physics at the time of appointment, in an area related to: gravitational physics, Post-Newtonian theory. EFT approaches and/or the study of scattering amplitudes in gravity, broadly defined. Sufficient independence to manage their own academic research and associated activities. Applications can be submitted at the link below, by selecting the option 'Gravitational Waves' (Rafael Porto). The application should include a statement of research interests, CV, list of publications, as well as the names of three referees who will be asked to upload letters of recommendation. In case of technical problems, you may contact pd-app-desyt[AT]desy.de. The deadline for applications is 1 December, 2019. Salary and benefits are commensurate with those of public service organisations in Germany. Classification is based upon qualifications and assigned duties. Handicapped persons will be given preference to other equally qualified applicants. DESY operates flexible work schemes. DESY is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women. Vacant positions at DESY are in general open to part-time- work. During each application procedure DESY will assess whether the post can be filled with part-time employees. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.25. Four-year Postdoctoral Positions in Gravitational-Wave Theory and Astrophysics at Northwestern University and the MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/28/four-year-postdoctoral-positi... Deadline: 2019-12-01 Location: Evanston, IL (USA) and Potsdam (Germany) Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15205 Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de We invite applications for a four-year postdoctoral position joint between CIERA (Northwestern University) in Evanston, IL and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam, Germany. Candidates working on any aspect of gravitational-wave theory, source modeling, astrophysics, astrophysical inference, and data analysis are encouraged to apply. It is highly recommended that applicants propose research that will leverage interactions between researchers at the two institutions. The successful appointee will benefit from close interactions with the internationally-leading expertise in astrophysics and astrophysical inference at CIERA and in gravitational-wave theory, source modeling and data analysis at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Gravitational Physics. At CIERA the successful candidate will be part of the group led by Vicky Kalogera, while at the the MPI will be part of the department "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity", led by Alessandra Buonanno, both members of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and LISA Consortium. During the four-year appointment, the successful applicant will reside for two years in each of the two institutions. Visits to the other institution are expected to maintain collaborations with researchers at both institutes throughout. In order to apply, please visit AcademicJobsOnline.org: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/15205 For the application submission you will be asked to upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and a research statement consisting of a 2-page summary of past research achievements and a 2-page research proposal. Applicants will need to indicate the names of three referees for recommendation letters. Referees will receive an email with instructions on how to upload their letters. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is December 1, 2019. The position is available as early as Summer 2020. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. CIERA and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics are an equal opportunity employer, and are committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. For further information please contact Dr. Kari Frank: ciera-jobs@northwestern.edu and Dr. Andre Schirotzek: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de Note that a similar advertisement for the joint postdoctoral appointment appears on Academics Jobs Online under the Northwestern University. It is sufficient for candidates to submit the application only to one of the two institutions. Applications will be reviewed jointly at CIERA and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.26. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Astrophysics at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/29/postdoctoral-fellowship-in-th... Deadline: 2019-11-30 Location: Melbourne, Australia Additional Information: http://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/599943/research-fellow-theoret... Contact: ilya.mandel[AT]monash.edu Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research fellowship in the group of Prof. Ilya Mandel at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. We have a dynamic group and welcome candidates with broad interests in theoretical astrophysics, including any of the following areas: - Gravitational-wave astrophysics and the astrophysical interpretation of exciting new data on binary neutron star and black hole mergers - Modelling massive stellar and binary evolution - The interpretation of high-energy astrophysical transients, including tidal disruption events and gamma ray bursts - Stellar dynamics - Astrostatistics Please see http://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/599943/research-fellow-theoret... for the full advertisement and application instructions. Applications should be submitted online via the above URL and should include a CV with a publication list and a statement of research interests. Applicants should also arrange for three reference letters to be sent directly to ilya.mandel[AT]monash.edu . The School of Physics and Astronomy at Monash University is strongly committed to improving the diversity of our staff and students, and promoting a culture of equity, fairness, respect and openness. Applications from female candidates are highly encouraged. The application deadline is 30 November, 2019. Successful candidates may start in September 2020, but the start date is flexible. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.27. PhD position in theoretical gravitational physics and cosmology at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=16467 Deadline: 2020-01-15 Location: Hannover, Germany Additional Information: https://anna-ijjas.com/assets/pdfs/ijjas_phd.pdf Contact: anna.ijjas[AT]aei.mpg.de The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Hannover, Germany, announces the opening of one PhD position in theoretical gravitational physics and cosmology, nominally starting as early as April 1, 2020. (A later start date is possible.) The successful candidate will pursue research in the recently established Lise Meitner Research Group "Gravitational Theory and Cosmology," led by Anna Ijjas. PhD theses may span topics ranging from mathematical relativity to theoretical and numerical cosmology. The PhD student will be associated with the joint AEI-Princeton Cosmology Initiative of the Simons Foundation and will participate in a wide range of activities (workshops, visits, seminars, journal clubs, special events) in Europe and the US. The successful applicant will enroll in the International Max Planck Research School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy and conduct their research at the AEI in Hannover, receiving their PhD degree from the Leibniz University Hannover. The expected duration of the PhD program is three years; it can be extended to four years in exceptional cases. Using the link below, applicants may upload a recent CV and a brief (1-page) research statement as a single pdf-file as well as the contact information for two referees who will be solicited to provide letters of support. (The research statement should describe past research experience and projects including publications, where applicable. No future research proposal is required.) Applicants are required to have a master's degree by the start of the PhD program. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The final deadline is Jan 15th, 2020. Please send all inquiries to Anna Ijjas at anna.ijjas[AT]aei.mpg.de The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 3. News ============================================== 3.1. Translation of Lobachevsky's papers on non-Euclidean geometry ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/03/translation-of-lobachevskys-p... Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/lobachevsky.html Nikolai I. Lobachevsky, The Foundations of Geometry: Works on Non-Euclidean Geometry (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2019), 210 pages Description: Neither general relativity (which revealed that gravity is merely manifestation of the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime) nor modern cosmology would have been possible without the almost simultaneous and independent discovery of non-Euclidean geometry in the 19th century by three great mathematicians - Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, Janos Bolyai and Carl Friedrich Gauss (whose ideas were later further developed by Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann). This volume contains three works by Lobachevsky on the foundations of geometry and non-Euclidean geometry: "Geometry", "Geometrical investigations on the theory of parallel lines" and "Pangeometry". It will be of interest not only to experts and students in mathematics, physics, history and philosophy of science, but also to anyone who is not intimidated by the magnitude of one of the greatest discoveries of our civilization and would attempt to follow (and learn from) Lobachevsky's line of thought, helpfully illustrated by over 130 figures, that led him to the discovery. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.2. SageMath 8.9 is out ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/06/sagemath-8-9-is-out/ Additional Information: https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/ SageMath 8.9 has just been released. It has new features regarding symbolic calculus on manifolds. In particular, some tutorials about vector calculus have been added and computations related to the extrinsic geometry of hypersurfaces have been improved. For more details, see https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/changelog.html SageMath is a Python-based free computer algebra system, with some differential geometry and tensor calculus capabilities implemented via the SageManifolds project (https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/). See https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/examples.html for examples of use, in particular in the context of general relativity. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.3. Nominations for the 2020 IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Young Scientist Prize are now open ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/28/nominations-for-the-2020-iupa... Additional Information: http://www.isgrg.org/IUPAPprize.php The IUPAP Young Scientist Prizes recognize outstanding achievements of scientists at early stages of their career. Each prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, a medal and 1000 euros. The conditions for the prize are: The Prize can be for work in any area of relativity and gravitation, theoretical or experimental. On 1 February 2020, nominees must have a maximum of eight years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following the Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree. They are expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievements in relativity and gravitation. The primary nominator MUST BE A MEMBER of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. Writers of support letters and candidates need not be members. The nomination deadline is 1 Feb 2020. Additional details may be found at http://www.isgrg.org/IUPAPprize.php. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.4. Texas Symposium: early-bird deadline extended ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/29/texas-symposium-early-bird-de... Additional Information: http://texas2019.org/ 30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics Sunday 15th to Friday 20th December 2019, Portsmouth, UK Early-bird payment deadline extended to Friday 8th November The Texas meetings have covered topics such as black holes, gravitational waves, neutron stars, cosmic rays, dark matter and the early Universe since the first symposium, held in Dallas in 1963. Following the tradition of previous meetings, the 2019 Symposium will cover a broad range of subjects in relativistic astrophysics. To register online go to http://texas2019.org/ Once the online registration form is completed please pay via the University of Portsmouth online store: https://onlinestore.port.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/technology/icg/30th-te... We look forward to seeing you in Portsmouth this December! Marco Bruni and David Wands on behalf of the Scientific and Local Organising Committees texas2019[AT]port.ac.uk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.5. The Nineteenth Release of the Einstein Toolkit ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2019/10/30/the-nineteenth-release-of-the... Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2019_10_announcement.html Release Announcement We are pleased to announce the nineteenth release (code name "Mayer") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The highlights of this release are: A new thorn has been added: * FishboneMoncriefID Also, for the first time, a new code has been added. * SelfForce-1D The ETK is embracing a new model of assigning credit: Until now, the 2012 Einstein Toolkit paper was the common way to cite the Einstein Toolkit (though we suggested citing the website itself). In this release, however, we will begin using https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3522086 to recognize the many contributers that have worked on the toolkit since that time. In principle, the Einstein Toolkit was always intended to be a collection of codes for exploring numerical relativity, not simply a collection of arrangements and thorns for the Cactus Framework. Going forward, SelfForce-1D will have regular releases using the same release tags as the Cactus-based codes, and will have a similar setup for the running of test-suites. While the new code will not download at the same time as the Cactus-based code, download instructions will appear in the same places. In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in March 2019 have been included. The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including the spacetime evolution codes McLachlan and Lean, analysis codes to compute horizon characteristics and gravitational waves, the Carpet AMR infrastructure, and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics codes GRHydro and IllinoisGRMHD. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development. The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve postdocs and faculty from six different institutions, and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join in. Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought-out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers. For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org. The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 1550551/1550461/1550436/1550514 (Einstein Toolkit Community Integration and Data Exploration). The Einstein Toolkit contains about 400 regression test cases. On a large portion of the tested machines, almost all of these tests pass, using both MPI and OpenMP parallelization. The changes between this and the previous release include: Larger changes since last release * The Fishbone Moncrief Initial Data thorn (FishboneMoncriefID) thorn has been added to the WVUThorns arrangement - This thorn solves the equations originally posed by Fishbone & Moncrief, describing a non-self-gravitating equilibrium disk of matter orbiting a spinning black hole in standard (spherical) Kerr-Schild coordinates. When the disk is seeded with initially dynamically unimportant poloidal magnetic fields, dramatic magnetic instabilities occur during the subsequent evolution, launching ultrarelativistic jets. Thus the Fishbone-Moncrief solution provides a standard testbed for GRMHD accretion disk codes. - From a code perspective, FishboneMoncriefID is notable in that it is the first ETK thorn entirely written and documented within pedagogical Jupyter notebooks. In these notebooks, the Fishbone-Moncrief equations are converted from Einstein-like notation into optimized C code using NRPy+, a Kranc analogue depending only on Python and its open-source SymPy computer algebra software. * The inclusion of the SelfForce-1D code in the Einstein Toolkit as the first non-Cactus code in the toolkit. - Evolves the sourced scalar wave equation on a Schwarzschild spacetime using the effective source approach to point particles. - The wave equation is decomposed into spherical harmonics and the resulting 1+1 dimensional equations are discretized in the radial direction using the discontinuous Galerkin method. * Update hwloc to 1.11.12 * Groups of vectors of vectors are now handled properly by RotatingSymmetry90 and RotatingSymmetry180 * Compilation of PAPI is faster and produces fewer warnings How to upgrade from Proca (ET_2019_03) To upgrade from the previous release, use GetComponents with the new thornlist to check out the new version. See the Download page (http://einsteintoolkit.org/download.html) on the Einstein Toolkit website for download instructions. As the SelfForce-1D code was not present in the previous release, there is no need to upgrade. Just follow the download instructions. Machine notes Supported (tested) machines include: * Default Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS 7, Mint, OpenSUSE and MacOS Mojave (MacPorts) installations * Bluewaters * Comet * Cori * Stampede 2 * Mike * TACC machines: defs.local.ini needs to have sourcebasedir = $WORK and basedir = $SCRATCH/simulations configured for this machine. You need to determine $WORK and $SCRATCH by logging in to the machine. All repositories participating in this release carry a branch ET_2019_10 marking this release. These release branches will be updated if severe errors are found. The "Mayer" Release Team on behalf of the Einstein Toolkit Consortium (2019-10-25) * Steven R. Brandt * Maria Babiuc-Hamilton * Peter Diener * Matthew Elley * Zachariah Etienne * Giuseppe Ficarra * Roland Haas * Helvi Witek Oct, 2019 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++