########################################## Table of Contents ########################################### 1. Conferences 1.1. CoCoNuT Meeting 2017, Garching, Germany 1.2. Gravity@Malta2018, Valletta, Malta 1.3. X Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal 1.4. VI Postgraduate Meeting On Theoretical Physics, Valencia, Spain 1.5. Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG15, update), Rome, Italy 1.6. The Third Zeldovich meeting, Minsk, Belarus 2. Jobs 2.1. Postdoc position in numerical relativity and gravitational wave physics, Trento, Italy 2.2. Postdoctoral Fellow at the eXtreme Gravity Institute, Bozeman, Montana 2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at The University of Mississippi 2.4. Assistant professor in gravitational-wave astrophysics at GRAPPA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2.5. Assistant Professor in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy at The University of Mississippi 2.6. PhD positions in astrophysics/gravity at Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2.7. IRAP PhD 2017 call extension 2.8. Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics, Padova, Italy 3. News ============================================== 1. Conferences ============================================== 1.1. CoCoNuT Meeting 2017, Garching, Germany --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/05/coconut-meeting-2017/ Starting: 2017-10-25 to 2017-10-27 Location: Garching, Germany Additional Information: http://www.uv.es/coconut/Garching2017/index.html Contact: coconut2017[AT]mpa-garching.mpg.de The CoCoNuT code is a general relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical spacetime evolution. The aim of this numerical code is the study of several astrophysical scenarios in which general relativity can play an important role, namely the collapse of rapidly rotating stellar cores and the evolution of isolated neutron stars. The emphasis of the meeting shall be put on core collapse supernovae. Recent progress and future developments of this field and of the CoCoNuT code shall be discussed, but not exclusively. Possible topics of the meeting are: Core-collapse simulations Neutrinos Dust and molecules in supernovae Supernova remnants The purpose of the CoCoNuT meeting is twofold: on the one hand it is intended as a regular (yearly so far) meeting of the CoCoNuT users, but it also serves as an opportunity to interchange ideas with users of similar numerical codes. Therefore the attendance to the meeting of anyone outside the CoCoNuT community is welcome. The CoCoNut meeting is a family friendly meeting. Information for those traveling with kids can be found here. Invited speakers Kei Kotake, University of Fukuoka (Japan) Mikako Matsuura, Cardiff University (UK) Irene Tamborra, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen (Denmark) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2. Gravity@Malta2018, Valletta, Malta --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/14/gravitymalta2018/ Starting: 2018-01-22 to 2018-01-25 Location: Valletta, Malta Additional Information: http://www.um.edu.mt/events/gravitymalta2018/home Contact: gravitymalta2018[AT]um.edu.mt Abstract: Gravity@Malta2018 is the first in a series of conferences from the COST Action ''CA 16104 Gravitational waves, black holes and fundamental physics (GWverse)''. The consortium links three normally disjoint communities, namely Gravitational Wave detection and analysis, BH modeling (in both astrophysical and GR contexts), and strong-gravity tests of fundamental physics. The aim of the conference is to bring about discussion and collaboration between people working in these communities. Topics: Astrophysics (Super massive black hole growth and evolution, Transient observations, Numerical relativity, N-body dynamics, Binary formation and population synthesis, Dark matter and primordial Black Holes, Cosmography, Astroparticles, Dual AGN Observations, stellar mass BHs: growth, evolution and binary formation); Source modelling (Perturbation methods, Post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian methods, Numerical Relativity, Effective and phenomenological methods, Impact on data analysis problem); Black holes and fundamental physics (Testing the Black Holes hypothesis, Strong field parameterizations, Black holes beyond General Relativity, Black hole perturbation theory and fundamental physics, Binaries in alternative theories of gravity) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3. X Black Holes Workshop, Aveiro, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=13296 Starting: 2017-12-18 to 2017-12-19 Location: Aveiro, Portugal Additional Information: http://gravitation.web.ua.pt/bhw10/ Contact: herdeiro[AT]ua.pt
From astrophysics to high-energy physics, from information theory to quantum gravity, black holes have acquired an ever increasing role in fundamental physics, and are now part of the terminology of many important branches of observational, theoretical and mathematical physics.
The Black Holes Workshops gather researchers working on mathematical and physical problems of gravitation, both in its classical and quantum aspects, as well as on superstrings, cosmology and astrophysics, and stimulate the interaction between them. The tenth edition of the Black Holes Workshop invites researchers on black holes in all their aspects to participate, and will be held at the University of Aveiro in 18-19 December 2017. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4. VI Postgraduate Meeting On Theoretical Physics, Valencia, Spain --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=13306 Starting: 2017-11-29 to 2017-12-01 Location: Valencia, Spain Additional Information: http://www.uv.es/blackholes/PGTh_2017/home.html Contact: valencia2017pgm[AT]gmail.com The aim of the meeting is to allow theoretical physics-oriented PhD students and young postdocs to illustrate their research projects in an informal environment and to establish collaborations among them. We strongly encourage young researchers to participate with a talk or a poster. The topics will span High energy theory and phenomenology, Cosmology, gravitation, particle physics, mathematical physics and quantum information among others. There is NO REGISTRATION FEE. Unfortunately we will not be able to provide financial support for travel or accommodation expenses. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5. Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (MG15, update), Rome, Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/29/fifteenth-marcel-grossmann-me... Starting: 2018-07-01 to 2018-07-07 Location: Rome, Italy Additional Information: http://www.icra.it/MG/mg15/ Contact: mg15[AT]icra.it The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics will be held on the campus of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy on July 1-7, 2018, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first neutron star discovery signing the birth of relativistic astrophysics. There will be four satellite meetings of MG15 in 2018: Third Zeldovich meeting, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 23-27 April 2018; First Markarian meeting, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia, 21-25 May 2018; Second Julio Garavito Armero meeting on Relativistic Astrophysics, Bucaramanga, Colombia 30 July – 3 August, 2018; Third Cesar Lattes Meeting – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-10 August 2018. Further information will be updated here and available at the website. Remo Ruffini, University of Rome, on behalf of the International Organizing Committee Robert Jantzen, Villanova University, on behalf of the International Coordinating Committee Massimo Bianchi, University of Rome, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6. The Third Zeldovich meeting, Minsk, Belarus --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/29/the-third-zeldovich-meeting/ Starting: 2018-04-23 to 2018-04-27 Location: Minsk, Belarus Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/zeldovich3 Contact: zeld3[AT]icranet.org The Third Zeldovich meeting An international conference in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich in Minsk. First announcement International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) together with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organize an international conference to be held in Minsk, Belarus in April 23-27, 2018. Participation from neighboring countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine as well as from Balkan countries, Eastern and Western Europe and the Americas is expected. Exceptionally wide research interests of Ya. B. Zeldovich ranging from chemical physics, elementary particle and nuclear physics to astrophysics and cosmology provide the topics to be covered at the conference: Early cosmology, large scale structure, cosmic microwave background; Neutron stars, black holes, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, hypernovae; Ultra high energy particles; Gravitational waves. Many lectors at the conference will be the members of the world-famous scientific school in astrophysics and cosmology, founded by Ya. B. Zeldovich, who now became leading scientists in these fields in many countries worldwide including Germany, Italy, USA and Russia. This conference will follow a very successful international conferences in honor of Ya. B. Zeldovich, held in Minsk in 2009 and in 2014. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 2. Jobs ============================================== 2.1. Postdoc position in numerical relativity and gravitational wave physics, Trento, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/04/postdoc-position-in-numerical-... Deadline: 2017-10-05 Location: Trento, Italy Additional Information: http://www.brunogiacomazzo.org/?page_id=105 Contact: bruno.giacomazzo[AT]unitn.it Applications are invited for a two-year postdoc position on the topic of "General Relativistic Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers". The postdoc will work with Prof. Bruno Giacomazzo of the Physics Department of the University of Trento in Italy. The project is about numerical simulations of magnetized binary neutron star mergers and the study of their gravitational wave and electromagnetic emission. Giacomazzo's group has also a strong collaboration with the Virgo Data Analysis group in Trento. Candidates will need to have a PhD in Physics, Astronomy, or Mathematics by the beginning of the contract. Candidates with previous experience in numerical relativity, computational astrophysics, or gravitational-wave physics are strongly encouraged to apply. The position is expected to start possibly by the Summer of 2018 (but an earlier appointment is also possible). Interested candidates should send their full CV and publication list to bruno.giacomazzo [at] unitn.it. Candidates are also asked to provide the name and email address of one potential referee, who may be contacted at a later time. Please use the string "Application for postdoc position - SURNAME NAME" in the email subject and use the pdf format for all your files. Applications should be received by October 5, but will be considered until the position is filled. The University of Trento is ranked among the best universities in Italy and it is located in the city of Trento near the Italian Dolomites (www.visittrentino.info/en). The Physics department is active in a wide range of research topics. In the field of gravitational waves it has groups working on numerical relativity (Giacomazzo), Virgo (Prodi, Perreca), and LISA (Vitale, Dolesi, Weber). More information about the Physics department can be found at http://www.physics.unitn.it/en +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2. Postdoctoral Fellow at the eXtreme Gravity Institute, Bozeman, Montana ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=13282 Deadline: 2017-12-01 Location: Bozeman, United States Additional Information: https://jobs.montana.edu/postings/9702 Contact: nyunes[AT]physics.montana.edu The eXtreme Gravity Institute (www.montana.edu/xgi/) at the Department of Physics of Montana State University invites applications for a 3-year postdoctoral position (starting in 2018) with a focus on extreme gravity. The eXtreme Gravity Institute is composed of faculty members Nicolas Yunes, Anne Lohfink, Amy Reines, David Nidever, Neil Cornish, Bennett Link, and Sachiko Tsuruta, and postdoctoral researcher Hector Okada-da Silva. The Institute mentors a large number of graduate and undergraduate students (approx. 30), and hosts international workshops and summer schools on topics related to extreme gravity. The institute is also deeply involved in public outreach, formal and informal education. The successful applicant will work closely with faculty member Nico Yunes on theoretical physics topics related to extreme gravity, such as neutron stars, black holes, compact binary systems, gravitational waves, and experimental tests of General Relativity. These topics can range from theoretical work (e.g. neutron star solutions, null ray tracing in neutron star backgrounds, gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries) to a combination of theory and data-analysis (e.g. Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation), associated with a set of extreme gravity instruments, such as the LISA gravitational-wave detector and the NICER X-ray telescope. The successful candidate will possess a set of wide-ranging interests in extreme gravity and expertise in theoretical and computational work. In particular, the applicant must demonstrate research experience/creativity, breadth and depth of knowledge in extreme gravity, high productivity and high quality publications, and mastery of written and oral communication. A Ph.D in physics, astronomy, or a related discipline is required by the start of employment. Interested candidates will submit an application at https://jobs.montana.edu/postings/9702, which must include a resume/CV, a list of publications, a list of presentations, a research statement (3-page limit, 1-inch margins, 12 pt font), and contact information for three references. After submission of an application, our system will contact all references to request (confidential) letters of recommendation. The deadline for submission of an application is December 1st 2017. For more information, please refer to the job link or email Prof. NIco Yunes (nyunes[AT]physics.montana.edu). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3. Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy at The University of Mississippi ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/08/postdoctoral-position-in-gravi... Deadline: 2017-12-01 Location: Oxford (MS), USA Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry170908-123425 Contact: grpostdoc[AT]phy.olemiss.edu The University of Mississippi invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. The position is for one year, renewable for up to three years. The applicant must have (or be close to completing) a Ph.D. in Physics or Astrophysics, with a good track record in one or more of the following research areas: gravitational-wave source modeling and parameter estimation, the astrophysics of compact binaries, Bayesian model selection, black hole perturbation theory, post-Newtonian theory, numerical relativity and modified gravity. The Gravitational and High-Energy Theory Group at The University of Mississippi is active in various areas of theoretical and experimental gravity, and is part of the LIGO collaboration. Permanent faculty in the group include Emanuele Berti, Luca Bombelli, Marco Cavaglia and Katherine Dooley, as well as postdocs and several graduate students. More information on the gravity group in Mississippi is available at the following URL: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/ The postdoctoral scholar funded by this position will work with Professor Emanuele Berti (http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/~berti/) and several Ph.D. students. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with the group led by Bangalore Sathyaprakash, Elsbach Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State University. The successful applicant is expected to engage in a collaborative research program including several institutions (Lisbon, Cambridge, Rome, Paris and Aveiro in Europe, Perimeter Institute in Canada, and Osaka University in Japan) through the “Strong Gravity and High Energy Physics” Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Action, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015. A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications and a statement of research interests) should be sent to the following e-mail address: grpostdoc[AT]phy.olemiss.edu Please use the subject “Gravitational wave postdoc”. Applicants must also arrange to have at least three recommendation letters to be sent to the same email address. Applications should be submitted by 01/12/2017, but late applications may be considered in exceptional cases. The position will be open until filled. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4. Assistant professor in gravitational-wave astrophysics at GRAPPA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=13291 Deadline: 2017-12-01 Location: Amsterdam, NL Additional Information: http://www.uva.nl/en/content/vacancies/2017/09/17-451-assistant-professor-gr... Contact: gf.bertone[AT]gmail.com A tenure track position for gravitational-wave astrophysics is available in the Gravitation and AstroParticle Physics Amsterdam group (GRAPPA), at the interface of the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef) and the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy (API) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). GRAPPA is a joint effort between the Institute for High Energy Physics, the Anton Pannekoek Institute, and the Institute for Theoretical Physics. It consists of nine faculty members – S. Ando, D. Baumann, D. Berge, G. Bertone (spokesperson), M.P. Decowski, B. Freivogel, S. Markoff, J. Vink and C. Weniger – whose research interests include black holes, cosmic rays, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy, early universe cosmology, and string theory. In addition, there are about 15 affiliated GRAPPA faculty who are involved with experimental work on Antares/KM3NeT, ATLAS, CTA, LIGO/VIRGO, LOFAR and XENON100/XENON1T, as well as theory. Project description The Anton Pannekoek Institute and Nikhef are currently in the process of strengthening their efforts in gravitational-wave astrophysics. Nikhef is a member of the LIGO/Virgo consortium and it has strong expertise in detector construction and in the detection and interpretation of gravitational-wave signals. API has one of the world-leading groups in the astrophysics of compact objects, strong gravity, and evolution of massive stars. The research of both institutes has become more strongly linked since the founding of GRAPPA five years ago; the successful candidate will play a pivotal role in connecting the research in gravitational-wave astrophysics of the two institutes further. Nikhef and API are embedded locally and nationally in a strong and vibrant research environment: the Science Park Amsterdam campus houses national research institutes in many areas of Physics and Computational Science, the Faculty of Science of UvA, the joint BSc and MSc degrees in physics and astronomy of UvA and VUA, and has strong ties to small business incubators and major research companies. Nationally, Nikhef is the home base for the Dutch involvement in CERN, and API is a member of NOVA, the national home base for research at ESO, and has close ties to SRON and ASTRON, the national institutes for Space Science and Radio Astronomy. API has over 30% female faculty, and more than half of the recent hires in physics and astronomy have been female. The candidate should bring and further develop an independent research program in the field of gravitational-wave astrophysics. This program should be complementary to and synergetic with the ongoing research at Nikhef and API. Acquisition of external funding for building a research group is part of the position, as are enthusiastic participation in the teaching program both on Bachelor and Master level. All staff members at the UvA also have functions in the self-administration and management of the institution. Requirements We are looking for a candidate with an exceptionally strong research program and a strong interest in excellent teaching in the areas of interest of GRAPPA, with a strong preference for candidates working in gravitational-wave astrophysics. For a balanced composition of GRAPPA, we also have a strong preference for female candidates. The candidate is required to have a PhD in (astro-)physics, an excellent scientific track record, and the proven capability to attract funding. The candidate should have the capabilities to build up a research group of internationally outstanding level and to initiate and carry out scientific research. The candidate should also be able to develop and provide allotted cohesive academic course components for a wide range of target groups, based on the faculty's curriculum, so that students may meet the course objectives in terms of knowledge, understanding, skills, competence and attitude. Appointment The initial appointment will be for a period of six years. Based on performance indicators agreed on at the start of the appointment, the tenure track position will lead to a tenured position in a period of maximally 5 years. In the fifth year of the appointment the tenure decision will be taken. These conditions can be tailored appropriately for candidates that have somewhat greater seniority. Exceptional candidates may be directly considered for a tenured position. The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel. Based on a full time appointment (38 hours per week) the maximum salary is EUR 5,405 gross per month. This is excl. 8% holiday allowance and 8,3% end of year bonus. Favourable tax agreements may apply to non-Dutch applicants. The Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities is applicable. Within the Faculty of Science, newly appointed staff follow a didactic training trajectory, which should lead up to completion of a certificate qualifying yourself for academic teaching (basiskwalificatie onderwijs, BKO) within two years. Foreign teaching qualifications/certificates are assessed in compliance with the faculty’s regulations. Job application Applications must include: cover letter; curriculum vitae including full list of electronically accessible publications; research statement; teaching statement. You will also need to provide contact details for 3 referees. They will be contacted directly. Application deadline 1 December 2017 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5. Assistant Professor in Gravitational-Wave Astronomy at The University of Mississippi ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: http://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/20/assistant-professor-in-gravita... Deadline: 2017-10-20 Location: Oxford, MS (USA) Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GR/?x=entry:entry170920-093134 Contact: gravitysearch[AT]phy.olemiss.edu The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for a tenure-track position in gravitational-wave astronomy at the rank of assistant professor for the Spring or Fall of 2018. Current faculty members working on gravitational physics (Berti, Bombelli, Cavaglia', and Dooley) have expertise in gravitational-wave source modeling, data analysis and instrumentation, quantum gravity, tests of general relativity, and cosmology. The University of Mississippi is part of the LIGO collaboration. We seek candidates from any area that complements or diversifies the group’s research interests in gravitational-wave astronomy. Candidates are expected to develop a research program capable of supporting and leading graduate students to a Ph.D. A competitive startup package is available in the first three years. A Ph.D. in Physics or a related field is required. Faculty members are expected to contribute to the teaching and service activities of the Department and the University. Teaching duties include up to three courses a year at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. In 2017, the University of Mississippi initiated Flagship Constellations, which are designed to bring together a wide range of faculty from across campus to address some of the most difficult and complex problems facing our nation and world. Candidates who are interested in working with cross-disciplinary researchers to solve key, grand challenges are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should apply online at https://jobs.olemiss.edu and provide a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a detailed proposal for developing their research program. Inquiries can be sent to the email address gravitysearch[AT]phy.olemiss.edu or to Gravity Search Committee Chair Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Mississippi P.O. Box 1848 University, MS 38677 Consideration of applications will begin on October 20, 2017 but applications will be accepted until an adequate applicant pool is established, or until the position is filled. The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA Employer. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6. PhD positions in astrophysics/gravity at Fudan University, Shanghai, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/25/phd-positions-in-astrophysics... Deadline: 2017-11-30 Location: Shanghai, China Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/ Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2018). The successful candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2018. Courses and research are conducted in English. The PhD program normally lasts for 3 years, but it can be extended to 4-5 years. We are particularly interested in candidates with interest/experience in: 1) X-ray data analysis of black holes (in particular for spin measurements) 2) Astrophysical codes (fortran, C/C++, python) We will also consider applications from candidates interested in other lines of research in high energy astrophysics, as well as from candidates interested in theoretical aspects of general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. The group is led by Prof. Cosimo Bambi and currently consists of 2 postdoctoral researchers and several graduate and undergraduate students. More details on the possible projects can be found on the group webpage. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and a short statement of research interests and/or experience to: Prof. Cosimo Bambi E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn Please arrange also at least 2 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address. Applications received by November 30 will receive full consideration. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7. IRAP PhD 2017 call extension ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2017/09/29/irap-phd-2017-call-extension/ Deadline: 2017-10-25 Location: Rome, Italy Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/irap-phd Contact: secretariat-irapphd[AT]icra.it The International Relativistic Astrophysics Ph.D. (IRAP PhD) – Joint Doctorate Program sponsored by ICRANet. A deadline for eight positions open internationally and directly sponsored by the participating institutions has been extended to 25th of October 2017. Please see the poster: http://www.icranet.org/images/stories/poster-irap2017R.pdf The coordinated effort of many international organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), has led to an unprecedented amount of scientific information from the microphysical world all the way to the entire Universe. To harvest the results of these scientific missions, a specific Ph. D. program has been envisaged in order to involve the students in the analysis and modeling of the above observational data within the theory of general relativity and relativistic quantum and classical field theories. The students will also be involved in innovative experimental programs in relativistic astrophysics. The program provides expertise in the most advanced topics of experimental, mathematical and theoretical physics relevant to the context of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. These activities, being necessarily international, the scientific and academic institutions, indicated below, participate with their own specific scientific specialties and a joint degree is delivered, at the end of the program. The Institutions participating in the IRAP PhD are: the international organization ICRANet (Pescara, Rio de Janeiro and Rome) as coordinating institution and the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis as the host Institution; the Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam (Germany); Indian Centre for Space Physics, Kolkata (India); Observatoire de la Cote D’Azur, Nice (France); University of Ferrara (Italy); University of Rome, la Sapienza (Italy); University of Savoie, Annecy (France). The Final Ph.D. degree will be jointly delivered by the Academic Institutions participating in the program. We encourage applications from the best candidates worldwide, independent of nationality, gender or background. The Courses are listed on the website. Each student will have to follow 180 hours of courses during the three years of the Ph.D. program. There is also a possibility to follow courses from other Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Ph.D. programs in each participating institution, after approval by the Faculty. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8. Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics, Padova, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=13327 Deadline: 2017-11-15 Location: Padova, Italy Additional Information: https://reclutamento.infn.it/ReclutamentoOnline/ Contact: bartolo[AT]pd.infn.it Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics, Padova, Italy The INFN InDark research group leading the Cosmology/Astroparticle program “Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe” announces one postdoctoral position in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. The deadline for application is November 15, 2017. The appointed fellow should start the fellowship not later than November 1, 2018; however, special requests to defer the starting date can be considered. The position will be a 1 + 1 year appointment, reserved to non-Italian citizens (or Italian citizens who, at the time of the application, hold a position in a foreign country and have been continuously abroad for at least 3 years). The appointed fellow will work at the Physics and Astronomy Dept. “G.Galilei”, University of Padova (Italy) which offers a stimulating, lively and international environment with multidisciplinary research interests. The staff team members of the InDark project in Padova are: Nicola Bartolo, Michele Liguori, Sabino Matarrese, Massimo Pietroni. The group has a broad range of interests in theoretical and observational cosmology, including modelling of LSS observables, inflationary models and primordial non-Gaussianity, primordial sources of gravitational waves, and analysis of large cosmological datasets. The group has a long-standing expertise in LSS and CMB computer simulations, it has a strong involvement in the Planck and Euclid collaborations and it has recently joined the LISA satellite Cosmology working group. Applications, in electronic form, must be sent to INFN not later than November 15, 2017 through the website https://reclutamento.infn.it/ReclutamentoOnline/ (see TITLE: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS) and one should choose PADOVA Inflation, Large Scale Structures and Cosmology The following items are requested for the online application Curriculum Vitae Publication list Research Statement At least three reference letters (specifying name, surname and e- mail of each referee). For further Info – see http://www.ac.infn.it/job/dettagli_job.php?id=2083 (or https://reclutamento.infn.it/ReclutamentoOnline/, selecting TITLE: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS, and then “attachments”). – or e-mail to Nicola Bartolo, bartolo[AT]pd.infn.it Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “Galileo Galilei”, via Marzolo, 8 – I−35131 Padova, Italy The postdoctoral fellow can benefit from the interactions with the other members of the Theoretical Physics Group in Padova, which is active in several different branches of research in fundamental physics, ranging from string theory and beyond-the-standard model physics to nuclear physics at the low energy scale, including also statistical physics. Further information about the Theoretical Physics Group in Padova can be found at http://active.pd.infn.it/g4/ The candidate will also benefit from the strong interaction between the various nodes participating in the INFN InDark project (for more information on the INFN InDark project see https://web.infn.it/CSN4/IS/Linea5/InDark/InDark.html): Padova INFN Section and University, Italy (main node at the Physics and Astronomy Dept. “G.Galilei”) Ferrara INFN Section and University, Italy Bologna INFN Section and University, Italy Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and University of L’Aquila, Italy Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy Roma III University, Italy Torino University, Italy Trieste SISSA and University, Italy The staff team members of the INFN InDark project are: Padova: Nicola Bartolo (national coordinator), Michele Liguori, Sabino Matarrese, Massimo Pietroni Bologna: Marco Baldi, Carlo Burigana, Stefano Ettori, Fabio Finelli (local coordinator), Federico Marulli, Massimo Meneghetti, Lauro Moscardini Ferrara: Denis Comelli (local coordinator), Paolo Natoli, Massimiliano Lattanzi Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and L’Aquila: Luigi Pilo (local coordinator), Francesco Villante Roma Tor Vergata: Amedeo Balbi, Giancarlo De Gasperis, Pasquale Mazzotta, Nicola Vittorio (local coordinator) Roma III: Enzo Branchini (local coordinator) Torino: Stefano Camera, Antonaldo Diaferio (local coordinator), Luisa Ostorero Trieste SISSA and University: Carlo Baccigalupi, Stefano Borgani, Stefano Cristiani, Pierluigi Monaco, Emiliano Sefusatti, Matteo Viel (local coordinator) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 3. News ==============================================