[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for October 2018

########################################## Table of Contents ########################################### 1. Conferences 1.1. IV Jose Plinio Baptista School on Gravitational Waves, Espirito Santo, Brazil 1.2. International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2018), Yangzhou, China 1.3. International workshop on “Dark Matter and Stars”, Lisbon, Portugal 1.4. Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA, MIAPP, Munich 1.5. Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT-2019), Moscow, Russia 2. Jobs 2.1. Postdoc position in the field of nuclear theory or ultracold atomic gases, Warsaw, Poland 2.2. Postdoctoral position in numerical relativity at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA 2.3. Postdoctoral Positions in Particle-Astrophysics/Cosmology/Gravitational-Wave Theory at Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA, 2.4. Postdoctoral Positions at Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, Yangzhou, China 2.5. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in applied mathematics at the University of Waikato, New Zealand 2.6. Postdocs in Quantum Gravity at SUSTech, Shenzhen, China 2.7. Scientific Programmer in Gravitational-Wave Physics at the MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany 2.8. PhD position in Quantum Gravity at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2.9. Postdoc position in Quantum Gravity at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2.10. Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA 2.11. Postdoc position in Gravitational-wave Astrophysics at California State University, Fullerton, CA 2.12. Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 2.13. Tenure-track faculty position in astronomy or gravitational physics at Montclair State University, NJ, USA 2.14. Tenure-track fellowships at Nottingham, UK 2.15. Perimeter Institute Postdoctoral Program 2018, Waterloo, Canada 2.16. Post-Doctoral Scholar Position in Multimessenger Astrophysics, Penn State, USA 2.17. Post-doc position at IGC, Penn State, USA 2.18. PhD positions in astrophysics/gravity at Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2.19. CITA National / Canada Fellowship at the University of Alberta, Canada 3. News 3.1. The Seventeenth Release of the Einstein Toolkit ============================================== 1. Conferences ============================================== 1.1. IV Jose Plinio Baptista School on Gravitational Waves, Espirito Santo, Brazil --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14408 Starting: 2018-10-15 to 2018-10-19 Location: Pedra Azul, Espirito Santo, Brazil Additional Information: http://www.cosmo-ufes.org/jpbcosmo4.html Contact: events[AT]cosmo-ufes.org We will hold the IV Jose Plinio Baptista School on Gravitational Waves in Pedra Azul, Espirito Santo, Brazil, during October 15-19, 2018. This school is aimed at postgraduate students, the registration fee is Brazilian R$200 and the registration deadline is October 5, 2018. The invited speakers for mini-courses are: • “Gravitational Wave Detection History” - Odylio D. Aguiar (INPE, Brazil) • “Fundamentals of Gravitational Wave Astronomy” - Scott Hughes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) • “Observing and Interpreting Gravitational Waves From Black Holes and Neutron Stars” - Badri Krishnan (Max Planck Institute, Germany) • “Topics in Post-Newtonian Theory” - Alexandre Le Tiec (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France) • “Gravitational Waves and Fundamental Gravity” - Ricardo Sturani (UFRN, Brazil) • “Topics in Gravitational Wave Physics” - Bernard Whiting (University of Florida, USA) The School will also consist of the following advanced seminars: • “Gravitational Waves: The Nobel Prize 2017” - Odylio Aguiar (INPE, Brazil) • “Self-Force and Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals” - Marc Casals (CBPF, Brazil) • “On the Bending of Light: from Newton Optics to the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Vicinity of a Black Hole” - Luís Crispino (UFPA, Brazil) • “Stability of Black Holes” - Gustavo Dotti (Universidad de Cordoba, Argentina) • “The Gravitational Waves Background” - Jose Antonio de Freitas Pacheco (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, France) • “Inflationary Models and Primordial Gravitational Waves” - Alexey A. Starobinsky (Landau institute, Russia) • “Black Hole Physics” - Jorge Zanelli (Centro de Estudios Científicos, Chile) Some time is also allocated to short communications and poster presentations by participants. Organizing Committee: • Davi C. Rodrigues (UFES, Brazil) • Felipe M. Santos (UFES, Brazil) • Hermano E. S. Velten (UFES, Brazil) • Julio C. Fabris (Chair, UFES, Brazil) • Marc Casals (CBPF, Brazil) • Oliver F. Piattella (UFES, Brazil) • Riccardo Sturani (UFRN, Brazil) • Syrios Gomes (UFES, Brazil) • Valerio Marra (UFES, Brazil) • Winfried Zimdahl (UFES, Brazil) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2. International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2018), Yangzhou, China --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/11/international-symposium-on-co... Starting: 2018-11-19 to 2018-11-23 Location: Yangzhou, China Additional Information: http://cospa2018.cgc-yzu.cn/ Contact: GRcenter[AT]yzu.edu.cn The CosPA, International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, is a series of conferences which was initiated in Taiwan and has been organized in Asia Pacific region annually as an activity of the Asia Pacific Organization of Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (APCosPA). The purpose of the CosPA 2018 conference is to bring together theorists, experimentalists and observers working in the fields of cosmology, black hole physics and particle astrophysics, in order to discuss the latest observations, theoretical results, and upcoming prospects for progress. This year the event will be hosted by the Center for Gravitation and Cosmology at Yangzhou University from Nov. 19 (registration) till Nov.23 (departure) in Yangzhou, China, Online registration ends on Sep.30. We are looking forward to seeing you in Yangzhou! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3. International workshop on “Dark Matter and Stars”, Lisbon, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14436 Starting: 2018-12-11 to 2018-12-12 Location: Lisbon, Portugal Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/734467/overview Contact: iwdms2018[AT]centra.tecnico.ulisboa.pt The goal of the workshop is to bring together scientists working across different research fields of stellar astrophysics and dark matter to discuss the current status and the future prospects of dark matter research. This meeting aims to discuss the recent advances in dark matter particle candidates, solar and stellar astrophysics, including helioseismology and asteroseismology, as well as compact astrophysical objects like neutron stars and white dwarfs. Moreover, we will also discuss the possibilities open by the next generation of stellar space observatories to the research in dark matter. We seek to encourage dialogue between different research groups to enhance collaboration and help to improve our understanding of the dark matter. The workshop was also planned with the aim of introducing the dark matter research field to encourage attendance by young scientists including PhD students. Invited Speakers: Malcolm Fairbairn (King’s College London, London, UK) Katherine Freese (University of Michigan, USA and Stockholm University, Sweden) Anne Green (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK) Jordi Isern (Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona, Spain) Christoforos Kouvaris (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Ángeles Perez-García (Universidade de Salamanca, Spain) Pearl Sandick (University of Utah, USA) Aldo Serenelli (Institute of Space Sciences, Barcelona, Spain) Pat Scott (Imperial College London, UK) Laura Tolos (Institute of Space Sciences, Spain and ITP & FIAS, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) Aaron Vincent (Queen’s University, Canada) Kathryn Zurek (University of California, Berkeley, USA), to be confirm The meeting will be held on 11-12 December at the Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation of the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register and send an abstract before November 15th. Workshop page: http://iwdms2018.tecnico.ulisboa.pt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4. Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA, MIAPP, Munich --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14496 Starting: 2019-08-26 to 2019-09-20 Location: MIAPP, Munich Additional Information: http://www.munich-iapp.de/Precision_Gravity Contact: rporto[AT]ias.edu Dear colleagues, We would like announce that the registration for our program Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA — to take place from August 26th to September 20th 2019 at MIAPP — is now open. We encourage you to apply for participation before the deadline: November 26, 2018. We ask you also to forward this message to those in your group who may be interested to participate, especially students and postdocs. Note that MIAPP provides a per diem of 80 EUR/day to cover part of the local expenses for external participants, as well as additional support for families (40 EUR/day) and graduate students. Since space and funding is limited, keep in mind that MIAPP requires attendance for at least two weeks. More details can be found in the MIAPP webpage. We are looking forward to seeing you in Munich! best regards, John Joseph Carrasco Ilya Mandel Donal O’ Connell Rafael Porto Fabian Schmidt +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5. Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT-2019), Moscow, Russia --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/10/01/physical-interpretations-of-r... Starting: 2019-07-01 to 2019-07-05 Location: Moscow, Russia Additional Information: http://www.pirt.info/?lang=eng Contact: dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru International Conference “Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory” (PIRT-2019), Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, 1 – 5 July , 2019, organized by Bauman University (Russia) and University of Liverpool (Great Britain). The objectives of this conference are the same as those pursued in the Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT) conferences which have been held in Imperial College, London, every two years since 1988. These objectives are the physical, geometrical, and mathematical interpretations of the formal structure of Relativity Theory, and to examine the questions concerning the various interpretations of the accepted mathematical expression of the Relativity Principle. The Conference Program of the Moscow PIRT-2019 will include papers dealing with the following major themes: – Gravitation, cosmology and large-scale structure; – Gravitational waves and experimental tests of the relativity theory; – Space-time, topology and differential geometry; – Relativistic electrodynamics; – High energy astrophysics; – Nature and models of physical vacuum. SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PIRT-2019 Anatoly Aleksandrov, Bauman University, Russia Barry Barish, California Institute of Technology, the United States Aroonkumar Beesham, University of Zululand, South Africa David Blair, University of South Western Australia, Australia Anatol Cherepashchuk, Sternberg Astronomical Institute Moscow University, Russia Alexander Chernikov, Bauman University, Russia Sergei Chervon, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russia Naresh Dadhich, IUCAA, PUNE, India John Dainton, Liverpool University, Great Britain Vladimir Gladyshev, Bauman University, Russia Georgii Izmailov, Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia Nikolay Kardashev, Astro Space Center of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Russia Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago, the United States Richard Kerner, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France Vassily Manturov, Bauman University, Moscow State University, Russia Bivudutta Mishra, BITS-Pilani, India Andrey Morozov, Bauman University, Russia Nicola Napolitano, INAF Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Italy Guido Pizzella, University of Rome, Italy Konstantin Postnov, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia Vladislav Pustovoit, Russian Academy of Science, Bauman University, Russia Carlos Romero, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Departamento de Fisica, Brazil Peter Rowlands, University of Liverpool, the United Kingdom Valentin Rudenko, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia Mikhail Sazhin, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Russia Alexei Starobinsky, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia Sergey Sushkov, Kazan Federal University, Russia Roland Triay, Centre de Physique Theorique CNRS - Aix- Marseille University, France Nina Tyannikova, Bauman University, Russia Rainer Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the United States Postal Communications may be sent to the Secretary of PIRT-2019 Organizing Committee preferably by e-mail to Dr. Nina D. Tyannikova (dekan-fn[AT]mail.ru). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 2. Jobs ============================================== 2.1. Postdoc position in the field of nuclear theory or ultracold atomic gases, Warsaw, Poland ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14419 Deadline: 2018-12-01 Location: Warsaw, Poland Additional Information: http://nuclear.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/html/news.html Contact: piotrm[AT]uw.edu Nuclear Theory Group (Warsaw University of Technology) invites applications to fill one postdoc position in the field of nuclear theory or ultracold atomic gases. The successful candidate will be working on the description of dynamical properties of strongly interacting fermionic superfluids being far from equilibrium state. In particular, he/she is expected to pursue studies of dynamics of neutron star interiors and/or dynamics of quantum atomic gases (vortex and soliton dynamics, quantum turbulence) within the framework of the time-dependent density functional theory. As a result we expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of microscopic dynamics of vortices in neutron stars and ultracold atomic gases allowing for microscopic underpinning of hydrodynamic models. We offer a unique opportunity to work on the most challenging problems related to superfluid dynamics of Fermi systems. The complexity of the problem poses novel computational challenges. Inevitably, high performance computing (HPC) will be the essential part of the research. Presently we use the fastest computing systems available for open science, like Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland), Titan (ORNL, USA) and Tsubame3.0 (GSIC Center, Japan). The candidate will also be partly involved in the software development for such systems. The research will be conducted in collaboration with our partners from USA and Japan. The successful candidate will be employed as a Research Assistant Professor for a minimum period of 12 months, which can be extended to 30 months. Requirements: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree, or foreign equivalent, and a strong record of published research in condensed matter theory or in nuclear theory. We are looking for a candidate with knowledge of methods of many body quantum mechanics and possessing programming skills in C or Fortran. Knowledge of MPI or CUDA as well as experience with supercomputing will be an advantage. Employment status: Full-time, position starts when a successful candidate is selected but not later than January 1, 2019. Salary: Depends on qualifications: 8000 - 10000 PLN per month (before tax). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2. Postdoctoral position in numerical relativity at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/11/postdoctoral-position-in-nume... Deadline: 2018-11-15 Location: Ithaca, NY, USA Additional Information: http://astro.cornell.edu Contact: lmk3[AT]cornell.edu Cornell University expects to have an opening for a Research Associate in numerical relativity starting in September, 2019. The position requires a Ph.D. and experience in numerical relativity or computational physics. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds. The Cornell Relativity Group consists of Saul Teukolsky and Eanna Flanagan, senior research associate Larry Kidder and research associates Mike Boyle and Prayush Kumar. There will also be opportunities to interact with the Theoretical Astrophysics Group, including Rachel Bean, David Chernoff, Dong Lai, Richard Lovelace, and Ira Wasserman. Applicants should submit a resume with a list of publications, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Lynda Sovocool, Finance and Human Resource Manager, lmk3[AT]cornell.edu. Completed applications should be received no later than November 15, 2018. Diversity and inclusion have been and continue to be a part of our heritage. Cornell University is a recognized EEO/AA employer and educator. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3. Postdoctoral Positions in Particle-Astrophysics/Cosmology/Gravitational-Wave Theory at Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA, ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/11/postdoctoral-positions-in-par... Deadline: 2018-12-01 Location: Baltimore, MD, USA, Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/11923 Contact: mhall64[AT]jhu.edu The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions beginning September 2019 (or possibly earlier) in theoretical cosmology, particle/nuclear/gravitational-wave astrophysics, numerical relativity and/or related areas. The successful applicant(s) will work with Prof. Emanuele Berti and Prof. Marc Kamionkowski, and with other postdocs and students in their groups. There will be opportunities for collaboration with other faculty, their students and postdocs. There are also opportunities to work with scientists at the Space Telescope Science Institute. A Ph.D. in physics or astronomy is required. Applications should consist of a CV, list of publications, a summary of research interests, and three letters of recommendation, submitted to AcademicJobsOnline, at www.academicjobsonline.org Applications will be due December 1st, 2018. Johns Hopkins is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and welcomes applications from women and members of underrepresented groups. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4. Postdoctoral Positions at Center for Gravitation and Cosmology, Yangzhou, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/13/postdoctoral-positions-at-cen... Deadline: 2018-11-30 Location: Yangzhou, China Additional Information: http://www.cgc-yzu.cn/ Contact: ycong[AT]yzu.edu.cn The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology of Yangzhou University, China, is seeking qualified and talented postdoctoral researchers in the field of gravitation (general relativity or modified theories of gravity) and/or its applications in astrophysics, cosmology, or high energy physics such as holography. Candidates with background in other closely related fields, such as quantum gravity (broadly defined), theoretical and observational cosmology, black hole physics, gravitational wave physics will also be considered. Applicants should have (or expected to obtain by starting date) a Ph.D. in the relevant fields to receive full considerations. We offer a 2+1 year contract starting from September 2019. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to collaborate with members of the center, but they are otherwise free to pursue their own research interest. There is no teaching duty. The Center for Gravitation and Cosmology (CGC) is a young research center founded in 2017 at Yangzhou University. Yangzhou is a scenic city with rich history in the Jiangsu Province of China, primarily known for its former major role in the salt trade. It is the Southern capital of China under Emperor Yang of Sui (r. 604-617). It is believed that Marco Polo had served as a governer in Yangzhou around 1282-1287. CGC is an initiative of the BRICS-Association of Gravity and Cosmology (BRICS-AGAC), with support from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Interested candidates should submit the following documents in a SINGLE PDF file to Prof. Yen Chin Ong at ycong[AT]yzu.edu.cn : (1) A full curriculum vitae. (2) A copy of PhD certificate (3) A publication list, with five most significant publications clearly highlighted. (4) A brief description of research interests, including future plans, not exceeding 2 pages. In addition, 2-3 recommendation letters should be arranged to be sent to the same E-mail address. Completed applications should be received no later than November 30, 2018. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in applied mathematics at the University of Waikato, New Zealand ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/14/lecturer-senior-lecturer-posi... Deadline: 2018-10-19 Location: Hamilton, New Zealand Additional Information: http://www.jobs.waikato.ac.nz Contact: woeichet.lim[AT]waikato.ac.nz The Department of Mathematics and Statistics within the Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences has a strong research culture with ongoing research programmes in various areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics. We are seeking to appoint a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer who will contribute to teaching, postgraduate supervision, administration and research within the Department and Faculty. Applicants must have the ability to teach several areas of graduate level applied mathematics and preference will be given to applicants who also have research strengths in applied mathematics. A research record of sustained excellence and a recognised contribution to the academic field appropriate to the level of position applied for are essential. You will also have demonstrated success in undergraduate teaching including the ability to lecture to large numbers and conduct small group tutorials effectively, along with the ability to contribute to the graduate and postgraduate teaching programmes and to maintain an active research programme. A PhD in Mathematics or a relevant discipline is required. Further information about the Department of Mathematics & Statistics is available at http://www.math.waikato.ac.nz/ The research interests of staff in the Department are listed under each staff member's entry in the 'People' tab. Current salary range for Lecturers is NZ $74,034 to $89,163 per year, and for Senior Lecturers is NZ $91,710 to $120,752 per year, depending on qualifications, skills and experience. Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to the Department Chairperson, Associate Professor Sean Oughton: email: sean.oughton[AT]waikato.ac.nz Closing date: 19 October 2018 (NZ time) Vacancy number: 380371 For more information and to apply, visit www.jobs.waikato.ac.nz +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6. Postdocs in Quantum Gravity at SUSTech, Shenzhen, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14452 Deadline: 2018-10-31 Location: Shenzhen, China Additional Information: https://lmodesto2.wixsite.com/lmodesto Contact: lmodesto[AT]sustc.edu.cn Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Gravity at SUSTech (Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen) The newly established "Classical and Quantum Gravity Group" (spacetime structure from small to large scales) at SUSTech (Shenzhen, China) is looking for very motivated candidates to fill up to three postdoctoral positions as soon as possible. Our research mainly focuses on: 1) Nonlocal Quantum Gravity (NLQG). 2) Local Lee-Wick Quantum Gravity (LWQG). 3) Super-renormalizable or Finite completion of the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SRSM or FSM). 4) Black hole physics. 5) Cosmology. Therefore, the interested candidates should submit a short research project highlighting the potential impact of their past research on NLQG, LWQG, SRSM or FSM. The group at the moment consists on 1 Research Associate Professor, 1 PhD student, and several undergraduate students. Priority will be given to experts in: quantum field theory, perturbative quantum gravity, asymptotically safe quantum gravity, string theory, black hole physics, and cosmology. Preference may be given to candidates with no more then 2 years of postdoctoral experience. ABD (All But Dissertation) candidates are also encouraged to apply. The positions will start as soon as possible and the appointment is for 2 years. The salary is about 200,000 RMB/year. Interested candidates should send their CV, including contact details of 2-3 referees, and expected starting date, short statement of research interests and/or experience, publication list. For full considerations all the material should be sent to lmodesto[AT]sustc.edu.cn by October 31, 2018. If electronic submission is not possible, application materials may be sent via regular mail to: Prof. Leonardo Modesto Physics Department, Southern University of Science and Technology No 1088, Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518055 Tel: +86 150 2672 5795 (Mobile) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7. Scientific Programmer in Gravitational-Wave Physics at the MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14455 Deadline: 2018-10-31 Location: Potsdam, Germany Additional Information: http://www.aei.mpg.de/2296918/scientific-programmer Contact: andre.schirotzek[AT]aei.mpg.de The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" division at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Potsdam is looking for a highly motivated, talented Scientific Programmer who will actively engage in the computational research activities carried out in the division. The position will be at the level of a staff scientist; the appointment will initially be for 3 years, with the possibility of becoming permanent afterwards. In exceptional cases, the position can be made permanent sooner, or from the beginning. The "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" (ACR) division, led by Alessandra Buonanno, develops theoretical models of gravitational waves (GW) from astrophysical and cosmological sources. These models --- implemented by the ACR division in Language C (for production analyses in the LIGO Algorithm Library (LAL) “LALsuite” code package) and Mathematica (for development) --- are used to detect signals in the LIGO and Virgo data streams, and extract invaluable information about extreme gravity and matter. The ACR division is composed of about 20-25 scientists, including two research group leaders, Jonathan Gair (to arrive in Spring 2019) and Harald Pfeiffer. The division also hosts several long and short-term visitors. Many members of the division are part of international collaborations including the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the LISA consortium. The ACR division has a high-performance computer cluster, Minerva with ~9,500 cores, and a high-throughput computer cluster Vulcan with ~2,000 cores (soon to be replaced by Hypatia with ~8,000 cores). Those clusters are used to run numerical-relativity simulations of gravitational-wave sources, and carry out source modeling and data-analysis studies for current and future gravitational-wave detectors. Key tasks/responsibilities: - Lead the development and maintenance of software packages used to generate waveform models, and to carry out statistical inference on the properties of observed gravitational-wave sources. - Work to ensure that the computational performance of the software meets the needs of the ACR’s scientists. - Ensure that software developed in the division is well documented to facilitate the easy use of the code by new members and external collaborators. - Consult and train scientists in the use of software, as needed. - Support research and publications conducted by scientists in the division. - Engage in visualization of results. Required education and experience: - Ph.D. in computer science, astronomy, physics or a related discipline. - At least 4 years of experience with high-performance computing (HPC) or high-throughput computing (HTC) resources. - Expert knowledge in computational languages used in the astrophysics and physics community (e.g., Python, C/C++, Mathematica, MatLab). - Experience using multiple computational platforms (e.g., OSX, Windows, Unix/Linux). - Excellent verbal and written communication skills. - Excellent knowledge of oral and written English. Preferred qualifications: - Background in gravitational-wave physics or astrophysics. - Familiarity with gravitational-wave software. - Familiarity with modern software development practices, such as version control system (Git) and continuous integration (CI). - Experience in numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. Salary and benefits follow the remuneration of public employees in Germany (“Tarifvertrag im Öffentlichen Dienst, TVöD”). Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for full consideration is October 31st, 2018. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8. PhD position in Quantum Gravity at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14462 Deadline: 2018-10-16 Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands Additional Information: http://hef.ru.nl/~tbudd/vacancies/ Contact: T.Budd[AT]science.ru.nl Applications are invited for a PhD position in the Quantum Gravity group at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Dr. Timothy Budd and will be funded as part of the NWO START-UP project “New routes towards quantum gravity in the ultraviolet”, which aims at the study of spacetime geometry at the smallest of scales with the help of the latest mathematical techniques and numerical methods. The Quantum Gravity group, consisting of three full-time and two part-time faculty and several postdocs and PhD students, provides an active and stimulating environment for fundamental research in the quantum aspects of spacetime and gravity. Applicants must have a university degree in physics or mathematics at the masters level or equivalent, with proven abilities in theoretical physics and interests in quantum gravity. Affinity in any of the following topics is considered an advantage but not essential: computer simulations and Monte Carlo methods, statistical physics and critical phenomena, probability and stochastic processes, enumerative combinatorics. The PhD position is for four years, which is the expected time for obtaining a doctoral degree in the Netherlands, and is subject to review after one year. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the collective labour agreement (CAO) of the Dutch universities. Starting date of the position is to be agreed upon. Applications will be considered until the position is filled, but those received by October 16th, 2018 are guaranteed full consideration. To apply the following documents should be sent electronically in pdf-format to T. Budd (T.Budd[AT]science.ru.nl): cover letter; CV; transcript of university courses and grades; (brief) statement of research interests. We encourage applications from women, racial and ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.9. Postdoc position in Quantum Gravity at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14464 Deadline: 2018-11-15 Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands Additional Information: http://hef.ru.nl/~tbudd/vacancies/ Contact: T.Budd[AT]science.ru.nl Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the Quantum Gravity group at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, starting in the fall of 2019 or earlier. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Timothy Budd and will be funded as part of the NWO START-UP project “New routes towards quantum gravity in the ultraviolet”, which aims at the study of spacetime geometry at the smallest of scales with the help of the latest mathematical techniques and numerical methods. The Quantum Gravity group, consisting of three full-time and two part-time faculty and several postdocs and PhD students, provides an active and stimulating environment for fundamental research in the quantum aspects of spacetime and gravity. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in physics or mathematics and have a background in quantum gravity, random geometry, or related areas. Affinity in any of the following topics is considered an advantage but not essential: computer simulations and Monte Carlo methods, statistical physics and critical phenomena, probability and stochastic processes, enumerative combinatorics. The position is for two years. Salary and benefits will be in accordance with the collective labour agreement (CAO) of the Dutch universities. Applications will be considered until the position is filled, but those received by November 15th, 2018 are guaranteed full consideration. To apply the following documents should be sent electronically in pdf-format to T. Budd (T.Budd[AT]science.ru.nl): cover letter; CV; research statement; publication list. We encourage applications from women, racial and ethnic minorities, and individuals with disabilities. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.10. Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/20/faculty-position-in-theoretic... Deadline: 2018-10-31 Location: Dallas, USA Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/11789 Contact: jobsearch[AT]physics.smu.edu The Department of Physics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant or tenured Associate Professor position in the broadly defined area of Theoretical Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitational Waves. The appointment will start in August 2019 or later. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy or closely related field. Current research at the Department of Physics at SMU is concentrated in the fields of particle physics and astrophysics. The theory program is concentrated on the studies of CMB and Early Universe and on QCD and LHC related topics. The current experimental program includes ATLAS at the LHC, NOvA and DUNE at Fermilab, SuperCDMS and DESI. The department is expected to have an access to the Simons Observatory. The successful candidate is expected to develop a vigorous research program, supervise graduate students and to teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Applications may be submitted electronically (pdf format preferred) via the academic jobs online website and should include a research statement, statement of teaching interests, curriculum vitae and contact information for three references. To ensure full consideration, the application should be received by October 31, 2018, but the committee will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. Inquiries (but not applications) can be sent to: jobsearch[AT]physics.smu.edu Southern Methodist University will not discriminate in any program or activity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression. The Executive Director for Access and Equity/Title IX Coordinator is designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies and may be reached at the Perkins Administration Building, Room 204, 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas, TX 75205, 214-768-3601, accessequity[AT]smu.edu. Hiring is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a background check. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.11. Postdoc position in Gravitational-wave Astrophysics at California State University, Fullerton, CA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14476 Deadline: 2018-10-31 Location: Fullerton, CA Additional Information: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/csufasc/jobs/2216601/post-doctoral-re... Contact: jread[AT]fullerton.edu The Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy Center (GWPAC) at California State University Fullerton welcomes applications for a Postdoctoral Associate in Gravitational-Wave Physics. GWPAC faculty members include Al Agnew, Geoffrey Lovelace, Jocelyn Read, and Director Joshua Smith. Its research projects include searches for binary systems with black holes and neutron stars with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), characterization of the LIGO detectors, waveform modeling including analytical solutions for neutron stars with realistic equations of state, modes and tides, numerical relativity simulations of binary black hole and black hole neutron star systems as part of the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) Collaboration, optical characterization of LIGO optics, theoretical calculations of thermal noise and mathematical relativity. The successful applicant will establish and carry out a research program in gravitational-wave physics that complements the existing strengths in GWPAC and involves undergraduate and master's students. Contributions to the study of third-generation gravitational-wave science and/or detector development are expected as part of their research activities. Women and members of groups traditionally underrepresented in physics and astronomy are especially encouraged to apply. The application deadline is 31 October 2018 or until filled. To be considered for this position, please submit an application at https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/csufasc/jobs/2216601/post-doctoral-re... On the application website, please submit the names and contact information of three references. We also ask that you attach a cover letter, a short statement of research interests, and a curriculum vita. If you have any questions, please email Jocelyn Read at jread[AT]fullerton.edu +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.12. Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14479 Deadline: 2018-11-10 Location: Lawrence, KS, USA Additional Information: https://employment.ku.edu/academic/12922BR Contact: kuastrosearch[AT]ku.edu The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas (KU) seeks outstanding applicants for an Assistant Professorship in the area of Astronomy and Astrophysics (tenure track position) expected to begin as early as August 18, 2019. We are interested in individuals with a computational, theoretical, or observational background who work in the broad realm of extragalactic or galactic astrophysics, although all qualified applicants will be considered. Some preference will be given to applicants who will have synergy with the research interests of KU faculty members. These interests include observational extragalactic astronomy and theoretical high energy astrophysics. The qualifying candidates must have a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics or a closely related field by the time of appointment as well as at least six (6) months of postdoctoral experience in astronomy, astrophysics, or physics. A strong record of research and demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching are required. A successful applicant will be expected to conduct an active research program and teach astronomy and astrophysics classes at the undergraduate and graduate level. Our department and university are dedicated to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive working and learning environment. Individuals who are committed to furthering these causes are encouraged to apply. We especially welcome applicants from groups traditionally underrepresented in Physics and Astronomy. This includes, but is not limited to, women, racial and ethnic underrepresented minorities, and LGBTQIA individuals as well as those residing at the intersection of these axes. Lawrence, KS is an excellent place to live. It is an affordable and progressive city with a lively arts and music scene, excellent schools, high quality restaurants, economical living, and a diverse cultural mix. It has often been called the “Austin of Kansas.” It is also less than an hour drive from Kansas City. For a complete announcement and to apply online, go to: https://employment.ku.edu/academic/12922BR. A complete online application includes the following materials: cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement, a teaching statement, and the names and contact information for three professional references. The candidate should also arrange for the three reference letters to be sent to kuastrosearch[AT]ku.edu. For additional information about the position, please contact: Professors Gregory Rudnick and Mikhail Medvedev, Search Committee co-Chairs, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kansas, kuastrosearch[AT]ku.edu. The application deadline is November 10, 2018. All application materials should be received by this date for proper consideration. The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, relation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and is the University’s Title IX Coordinator: the Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA[AT]ku.edu, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785) 864-6414, 711 TTY. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.13. Tenure-track faculty position in astronomy or gravitational physics at Montclair State University, NJ, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/24/tenure-track-faculty-position... Deadline: 2018-11-12 Location: Montclair, New Jersey, United States Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/12051 Contact: physics-search[AT]montclair.edu Tenure-track position in Physics/Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy Montclair State University Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Physics. (Applications for exceptional applicants at the Associate Professor or Professor level will also be considered.) Priority will be given to a physicist or astronomer with expertise in data analysis, observation, or computing. We are especially interested in candidates with expertise in gravitational-wave physics (data analysis preferred), multi-messenger astronomy, exoplanets, solar system astronomy, neutrino astrophysics, radio astronomy, optical/IR astronomy, and x-ray/gamma-ray astronomy. Highly qualified applicants in other areas of physics and astronomy may be considered. Montclair State University is New Jersey’s second-largest university, with over 20,000 students. It is a Research Doctoral University under the Carnegie Classification of higher-education institutions. The University has a very diverse student body and has met the criteria to be a Federally-designated Hispanic-Serving Institution. It is located 15 miles west of New York City in the town of Montclair. Additional information about our department can be found on our website: https://www.montclair.edu/physics-astronomy/ . A Ph.D. in Physics or Astronomy is required; one or more years of postdoctoral experience is preferred. We are especially interested in candidates who can support and further develop the astronomy or computational-physics/data science component of our curriculum. Applicants of all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, and nationalities are welcome in our department. A full search advertisement with more details and application instructions can be found at AcademicJobsOnline: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/12051 . Applications should be submitted before November 12, 2018 to ensure full consideration. Contact Marc Favata with any questions or requests for information at physics-search[AT]montclair.edu. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.14. Tenure-track fellowships at Nottingham, UK ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=14488 Deadline: 2018-10-12 Location: Nottingham, UK Additional Information: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1841 Contact: Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk This year’s Nottingham Research and Anne McLaren Fellowships are now open for expressions of interest. Deadline: 12/10/2018 What are the fellowships? Anne McLaren Fellowships – Our Anne McLaren Fellowships are aimed at outstanding female scholars in science, technology, engineering and medicine at the early stage of their academic careers. Nottingham Research Fellowships – The Nottingham Research Fellowships target outstanding early career researchers in all academic disciplines across the University. Each fellowship offers: . Three years independent funding, starting October 2019, to conduct research while based at the University of Nottingham . Extensive career development support, including participation in a mentoring scheme . Competitive salary set on the Research and Teaching Staff Scales Level 5 (GBP 38,833 and GBP 47,722) depending on experience . The linking of the Fellowship to an established academic post, subject to performance against a high quality threshold and the continued right to work in the UK. . Research expenses totalling GBP 75,000 . Additional childcare costs of up to GBP 5,000 per annum . Relocation expenses of up to GBP 1,500 . The opportunity to spend periods of time at University of Nottingham Campuses in China and Malaysia Link with further general info: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/researchwithus/fellowships/nottingham/... Job advert for fellowships in Mathematical Sciences: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/SCI1841 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.15. Perimeter Institute Postdoctoral Program 2018, Waterloo, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/25/perimeter-institute-postdocto... Deadline: 2018-11-01 Location: Waterloo, Ontario Canada Additional Information: http://perimeterinstitute.ca/about/careers/positions/perimeter-postdoctoral-... Contact: peopleandculture[AT]perimeterinstitute.ca Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions, including named fellowships, from new and recent PhDs working in fundamental theoretical physics. Our areas of research include - particle physics - quantum condensed matter - cosmology - classical gravity - mathematical physics - quantum fields and strings - quantum foundations - quantum information - quantum gravity as well as connections and overlaps between these areas. Most postdoctoral positions are offered for a period of three years. You may also be eligible for a named 4 year postdoctoral fellowship including: the Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Stephen Hawking and Chien-Shiung Wu fellowships. Senior 5 year fellowships are also available. Fellowships may in addition be offered jointly between Perimeter and partner institutes and universities. Perimeter Institute offers a dynamic, multi-disciplinary environment with maximum research freedom and opportunity to collaborate within and across fields. We welcome applications from highly creative and intellectually adventurous theorists. Perimeter offers you - comprehensive support including a generous research and travel fund, - opportunities to invite visiting collaborators, - help and support for organizing workshops and conferences. - a mentoring system that provides you with feedback and support to flourish as an independent researcher. As a postdoctoral researcher at PI you will be a welcome participant in a thriving research international community which includes 45 full-time and associate faculty members, 51 Distinguished Visiting Research Chairs, 58 Postdoctoral Researchers, 54 Graduate Students, and 35 master’s-level students participating in Perimeter Scholars International. Perimeter also welcomes around a thousand visitors and conference participants throughout the academic year. We are committed to building an inclusive community that promotes excellence. The due date for applications is November 1 2018; however, we will accept applications until all positions are filled. See link for details. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.16. Post-Doctoral Scholar Position in Multimessenger Astrophysics, Penn State, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/28/post-doctoral-scholar-positio... Deadline: 2018-12-01 Location: Penn State, University Park, PA, USA Additional Information: https://psu.jobs/job/83305 Contact: rxh1[AT]psu.edu The Department of Physics at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking to fill one or more Postdoctoral Scholar positions in multimessenger astrophysics with gravitational waves. The successful candidate will participate in the research program led by David Radice on the numerical and analytical modeling of compact binary mergers in general relativity. There will also be ample opportunity for collaboration with other faculty members at the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, which includes, among others, Abhay Ashtekar, Eugenio Bianchi, Chad Hanna, Sarah Shandera, and B.S. Sathyaprakash. These positions require a Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a closely related field. Applications must be submitted online at https://psu.jobs/job/83305 and include a cover letter, CV, and a statement of research interests. Applicants should arrange for three recommendation letters to be submitted to institute[AT]gravity.psu.edu indicating the appropriate job number in the subject line. Applications received before December 1, 2018 will be given full consideration. The expected start date is September 1, 2019, although alternative start dates will also be considered. For more information, please visit http://gravity.psu.edu. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with excellent possibility of re-funding. To review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters and policies, please go to https://police.psu.edu/annual-security-reports, which will also explain how to request a paper copy of the Annual Security Report. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.17. Post-doc position at IGC, Penn State, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/30/post-doc-position-at-igc-penn... Deadline: 2018-12-07 Location: University Park, PA 16802, USA Additional Information: http://igc.psu.edu/opportunities/index.shtml Contact: rxh1[AT]psu.edu The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking to fill one or more post-doctoral scholar positions in the theoretical aspects of gravitational physics for the academic year 2019-20 . The successful candidate will participate in the research programs led by Professors Abhay Ashtekar and Eugenio Bianchi. These include projects in classical general relativity, especially gravitational waves and cosmology; loop quantum gravity with emphasis on semi-classical issues and loop quantum cosmology; all aspects of quantum black holes with emphasis on entanglement entropy, singularity resolution and quantum eaporation; and relation between loop quantum gravity and other approaches to quantum gravity and non-perturbative techniques in quantum field theory. The larger gravitational theory group faculty will include Chad Hanna, Donghui Jeong, David Radice, Sarah Shandera and B. Sathyaprakash. Successful candidates will be encouraged to interact also with mathematicians in the Center for Fundamental Theory and with members of the Center for Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. During the current academic year, the Institute has 22 post-docs (including Drs. Emmanuele Alesci, Sina Bahrami, Tommaso de Lorenzo, Pietro Dona, Anuradha Gupta, Marc Schneider and Surabhi Sachdev in Gravitation and Cosmology). For further information on the Institute, see http://www.gravity.psu.edu/. A Ph.D. in physics or a related field is required, with a research record showing a strong background in general relativity, and at least one of the other areas listed above. While the primary responsibility of the successful candidate(s) will be to carry out research in some of these areas, we also expect them to interact strongly with the other researchers in the gravity and cosmology group at Penn State. The Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos offers significant additional resources for research expenses to exceptional candidates. They can be used for academic travel, computers, software, books, etc, entirely at the post-doctoral scholar’s discretion. Applications must be submitted electronically at https://psu.jobs/job/???? (the job number ???? will be posted in the very near future) and include a cover letter, CV and statement of research interests. Applicants should arrange for three reference letters to be submitted to Randi Neshteruk at rxh1[AT]psu.edu indicating the appropriate job number in the subject line. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire, with possibility of re-funding. Review of applications will begin on December 8th, 2018 and continue until suitable candidate(s) are found. CAMPUS SECURITY CRIME STATISTICS: For more about safety at Penn State, and to review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters, please go to http://www.police.psu.edu/clery , which will also provide you with detail on how to request a hard copy of the Annual Security Report. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.18. PhD positions in astrophysics/gravity at Fudan University, Shanghai, China ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/10/01/phd-positions-in-astrophysics... Deadline: 2018-11-30 Location: Shanghai, China Additional Information: http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/bambi/Site/Home.html Contact: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) has a few PhD positions for the next academic year (starting in September 2019). The successful candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or in a related area before September 2019. Courses and research are conducted in English. The PhD program normally lasts for 3 years, but it can be extended to 4-5 years. We are looking for candidates interested in working on: 1) X-ray data analysis of black holes 2) Astrophysical codes (fortran, C/C++, python) The group is led by Prof. Cosimo Bambi and currently consists of 2 postdoctoral researchers and several graduate and undergraduate students. More details can be found on the group webpage. Interested candidates should send their CV (including, among other things, date of birth and nationality) and a short statement of research interests and/or experience to: Prof. Cosimo Bambi E-mail: bambi[AT]fudan.edu.cn Please arrange also at least 2 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address. Applications received by November 30 will receive full consideration. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.19. CITA National / Canada Fellowship at the University of Alberta, Canada ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/10/02/cita-national-canada-fellowsh... Deadline: 2018-11-10 Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada Additional Information: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/c3f0003d Contact: rafernan[AT]ualberta.ca Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB, Canada, via the CITA National or Canada Fellowship, to be hosted by Prof. Rodrigo Fernandez. The CITA National Fellowship is 2 years long and can be held at a Canadian University. The CITA Canada Fellowship adds an additional 2 years to be spent at CITA in Toronto, ON. Applicants interested in holding the fellowship at the University of Alberta should have a PhD in Astronomy or Physics, and experience with time-dependent numerical (magneto)-hydrodynamic simulations in the context of nuclear astrophysics and/or numerical relativity. The position is expected to start in September 2019. Successful candidates will have part of their time available to develop their own independent research program during the first 2 years of the fellowship. To apply, please go to: https://icat.cita.utoronto.ca/pdf/ and upload a CV, List of Publication, Research Statement, and e-mail contact information of up to 3 reference letter writers. The application deadline is November 10, 2018. Interested applicants can contact Prof. Rodrigo Fernandez at [rafernan AT ualberta DOT ca] for information about research activities. More information about the CITA National Fellowship: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/c3f0003d https://www.cita.utoronto.ca/opportunities/national-fellows-programs/ And about the Astrophysics Group at the University of Alberta: https://sites.ualberta.ca/~rafernan/ https://www.ualberta.ca/physics/research/astronomy-and-astrophysics +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 3. News ============================================== 3.1. The Seventeenth Release of the Einstein Toolkit ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2018/09/18/the-seventeenth-release-of-th... Additional Information: https://einsteintoolkit.org/index.html We are pleased to announce the seventeenth release (code name "Chien-Shiung Wu") of the Einstein Toolkit, an open, community developed software infrastructure for relativistic astrophysics. The highlights of this release are Five new thorns have been added: GiRaFFE GiRaFFEfood ShiftedKerrSchild GiRaFFE_to_HydroBase ID_converter_GiRaFFE In addition, bug fixes accumulated since the previous release in Feb 2018 have been included. The Einstein Toolkit is a collection of software components and tools for simulating and analyzing general relativistic astrophysical systems that builds on numerous software efforts in the numerical relativity community including CactusEinstein, the Carpet AMR infrastructure and the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics code GRHydro. For parts of the toolkit, the Cactus Framework is used as the underlying computational infrastructure providing large-scale parallelization, general computational components, and a model for collaborative, portable code development. The toolkit includes modules to build complete codes for simulating black hole spacetimes as well as systems governed by relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics. The Einstein Toolkit uses a distributed software model and its different modules are developed, distributed, and supported either by the core team of Einstein Toolkit Maintainers, or by individual groups. Where modules are provided by external groups, the Einstein Toolkit Maintainers provide quality control for modules for inclusion in the toolkit and help coordinate support. The Einstein Toolkit Maintainers currently involve postdocs and faculty from six different institutions, and host weekly meetings that are open for anyone to join in. Guiding principles for the design and implementation of the toolkit include: open, community-driven software development; well thought out and stable interfaces; separation of physics software from computational science infrastructure; provision of complete working production code; training and education for a new generation of researchers. For more information about using or contributing to the Einstein Toolkit, or to join the Einstein Toolkit Consortium, please visit our web pages at http://einsteintoolkit.org. The Einstein Toolkit is primarily supported by NSF 1550551/1550461/1550436/1550514 (Einstein Toolkit Community Integration and Data Exploration). The Einstein Toolkit contains about 200 regression test cases. On a large portion of the tested machines, almost all of these tests pass, using both MPI and OpenMP parallelization. Additional information can be found at https://einsteintoolkit.org/about/releases/ET_2018_09_announcement.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
participants (1)