[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for February 2010

################################################################# Table of Contents ################################################################# 1. Conferences 1.1 Long-term Workshop on Gravity and Cosmology (GC2010) 1.2 Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS2010) 1.3 BritGrav 10 (Second Announcement) 1.4 2nd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting 1.5 Workshop on Unstructured Meshes in Dynamical Spacetimes 1.6 Quantum Gravity and the Foundations of Physics 1.7 Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone V 1.8 Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2010: First Announcement 1.9 COSPAR 2010 Event H02: 2nd announcement 2. Jobs 2.1 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Cosmology, Gravitation or String Theory 2.2 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Astrophysics, Cosmology or Gravitation 2.3 ERASMUS Mundus relativistic astrophysics Ph.D. fellowships 2.4 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (level B/C) in pure mathematics at Monash 2.5 Professorship in Gravitational Theory at University of Jena 3. News 3.1 IRAP Ph.D. lectures - Nice 3.2 Solitons, Instantons and Twistors, M. Dunajski (book) ================================================================= 1. Conferences ================================================================= 1.1 Long-term Workshop on Gravity and Cosmology (GC2010) -------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/31/long-term-workshop-on-gravity-and-co... Starting Mon, May 24, 2010 to Fri, Jul 16, 2010 Location: Kyoto, Japan Additional Information: http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ykis2010/index.html First circular of a long-term workshop on `Gravity and Cosmology' (GC2010). About GC2010 workshop The aim of this workshop is parallel to YKIS2010, but with a strong emphasis on stimulating informal and intensive discussions among the participants and initiating possible collaborations. Every participant is asked to interact actively with the others. We plan to arrange 3-4 seminars per week, and to have a one-day or two-day mini-workshop during the program. Participants are encouraged to organize additional informal seminars by themselves. Due to the limited capacity of office space, we have to restrict the number of participants to about 20 at a time. We apologize in case we are unable to accept your application. Financial support For YKIS2010 Symposium, limited amount of financial support may be available. Please contact LOC by e-mail. Accommodation and logistics Information of accommodation and logistics are given at the conference website. Local Organizing Committee (Kyoto University) Shunichiro Kinoshita, Norichika Sago, Misao Sasaki (chair), Tetsuya Shiromizu, Jiro Soda, Takahiro Tanaka (scientific secretary) Scientific Organizing Committee Nathalie Deruelle (APC, France), Georgi Dvali (NYU, USA), Renata Kallosh (Stanford, USA), Hideo Kodama (KEK), Andrei Linde (Stanford, USA), David H. Lyth (Lancaster, UK), Viatcheslav Mukhanov (Munich, Germany), Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto), Valery Rubakov (INR, Russia), Masaru Shibata (YITP), Jiro Soda (Kyoto), Ewan D. Stewart (KAIST), Naoshi Sugiyama (Nagoya), Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts, USA), Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku), Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU), Jiro Soda (Kyoto), Takahiro Tanaka* (YITP), Misao Sasaki** (YITP) ** Chair, * Scientific Secretary Contact address FAX: +81-75-753-7071 Email: gc2010[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2 Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS2010) ------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/31/yukawa-international-seminar-ykis-20... Starting Mon, Jun 28, 2010 to Fri, Jul 02, 2010 Location: Kyoto, Japan Additional Information: http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ykis2010/index.html First circular of YKIS2010 Symposium on `Cosmology --The Next Generation--' Agenda for YKIS2010 The basic concept of the workshop as well as the symposium is to develop concrete foundations for further expansion of the frontiers of gravity and cosmology. With the increase of precise observational data and of our knowledge about the universe, various new aspects of cosmology have been added. Rapidly expanding frontiers of cosmology make it difficult particularly for young generation to capture the concrete foundations and to take a step further. At YKIS2010 Symposium, we would like to survey various ideas in gravity and cosmology which have some relevance to the current and future observations, and re-examine them to be able to announce a clear message to the next generation. Invited speakers (*:to be confirmed) Bruce Allen Nathalie Deruelle Georgi Dvali George Efstathiou Roberto Emparan Kari Enqvist Josh Frieman Alan Guth* Masashi Hazumi* Renata Kallosh David Langlois Andrei Linde Viatcheslav Mukhanov Valery Rubakov Paul Shellard Masaru Shibata Eva Silverstein Ewan D. Stewart Rashid A. Sunyaev Registration fee The registration fee for YKIS2010 Symposium is 15,000 yen (10,000 yen for students), which includes a copy of the proceedings, conference bag, coffee breaks, and conference dinner. A reduced registration fee for early online payment (by 30 April 2010) is available; 12,000 yen for regular participants and 8,000 yen for students. Proceedings Proceedings will be published as a volume of Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement. Financial support Basic support for local expenses will be provided on request for participants of GC2010 workshop. Please contact LOC by e-mail. Accommodation and logistics Information of accommodation and logistics are given at the conference website. Local Organizing Committee (Kyoto University) Shunichiro Kinoshita, Norichika Sago, Misao Sasaki (chair), Tetsuya Shiromizu, Jiro Soda, Takahiro Tanaka (scientific secretary) Scientific Organizing Committee Nathalie Deruelle (APC, France), Georgi Dvali (NYU, USA), Renata Kallosh (Stanford, USA), Hideo Kodama (KEK), Andrei Linde (Stanford, USA), David H. Lyth (Lancaster, UK), Viatcheslav Mukhanov (Munich, Germany), Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto), Valery Rubakov (INR, Russia), Masaru Shibata (YITP), Jiro Soda (Kyoto), Ewan D. Stewart (KAIST), Naoshi Sugiyama (Nagoya), Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts, USA), Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku), Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU), Jiro Soda (Kyoto), Takahiro Tanaka* (YITP), Misao Sasaki** (YITP) ** Chair, * Scientific Secretary Contact address FAX: +81-75-753-7071 Email: ykis2010[AT]yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3 BritGrav 10 (Second Announcement) ------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/30/britgrav-10-second-announcement/ Starting Tue, Apr 06, 2010 to Wed, Apr 07, 2010 Location: Dublin, Ireland Additional Information: http://www.dcu.ie/conferences/britgrav10/ BritGrav 10 will take place in Dublin on April 6th and 7th, 2010. The conference is jointly hosted by the School of Mathematical Sciences, Dublin City University and the School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin. It will take place in the Gallery at the Helix on the DCU campus. The BritGrav conference series is dedicated to bringing together the gravitational research community of the UK, Ireland and beyond, and to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas. It aims to cover all aspects of gravitational physics ? both theoretical and experimental ? and related areas of mathematics. In particular, the series provides an opportunity for young researchers, both students and post-docs, to present their work to the regional gravitational research community. The conference will open at 10.30am (registration and coffee) on Tuesday 6th April, with the scientific programme commencing at 11.10am. The conference will close at 4.30pm on Wednesday 7th. Information regarding registration, abstract submission, travel and accommodation can be found at http://www.dcu.ie/conferences/britgrav10/ In selecting the programme, preference will be given to junior researchers (postgraduate students and post-doctoral researchers). There will be a prize, sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravity, for the best student presentation. A limited amount of funding will be available from the Gravitational Physics Group of the Institute of Physics to assist with travel and accommodation costs for research students. See the conference registration webpage for details. Registration will open in the first week of February; please check the website for updates. Contact: britgrav10[AT]dcu.ie We look forward to seeing you in Dublin. Marc Casals (DCU) Brien Nolan (DCU) Adrian Ottewill (UCD) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4 2nd Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting ---------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/28/2nd-galileo-xu-guangqi-meeting/ Starting Mon, Jul 12, 2010 to Sat, Jul 17, 2010 Location: Nice, France Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/2nd_galileo-xuguangqi Dear Colleagues, We are continuing with another installment of the successful 1st "Galileo - Xu Guanqi Meeting" (http://www.icranet.org/galileo-xuguangqi), held in Shanghai October 26 - 30, 2009 as a celebration of the 400th anniversary of the use of the telescope by Galileo Galilei to study the structure of our universe. In addition to scientists from Italy and China who first started the conference, the meeting saw the participation of many scientists originating from a variety of Western and Eastern countries. The meeting was particularly dedicated to recalling the roots of modern scientific research in China and to foster East-West exchanges in Relativistic Astrophysics, one of the most lively fields of research today. We have decided to hold this meeting every year, alternatively in the West and in the East. We are pleased to announce that the 2nd "Galileo - Xu Guanqi meeting" will be held July 12 - 17, 2010 at the University of Nice - Sophe Antipolis and at Villa Ratti, Nice (France), where a new ICRANet Center is going to be inaugurated in the month of June. We will review as usual current progress in General Relativity made possible by astronomical observations of the Sun, of the Stars and of the Universe. These results have been achieved on the basis of the theory of Albert Einstein and thanks to unprecedented numbers of observational techniques: in X-ray, gamma-ray and optical wave-lengths from space-based observatories, in radio telescope wavelengths from telescopes on the ground, as well as through particle physics experiments in underground observatories. The conference fee will be 350 Euros and it will cover coffee breaks, proceedings and the conference banquet. After the Meeting, the IRAP Ph.D. Erasmus Mundus program will run a summer school, the "Second Bego Rencontres", July 19 - 24, 2010 dedicated to graduate students and researchers. See websites: http://icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=370 and http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=504&Itemid=833 For any information, don't hesitate to contact Pina Barbaro (Pina.BARBARO[AT]unice.fr) or Annapia Del Beato (annapia.delbeato[AT]icranet.org). Li-Zhi Fang and Remo Ruffini, Co-Chairs of the "2nd Galileo - Xu Guanqgi meeting" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5 Workshop on Unstructured Meshes in Dynamical Spacetimes ----------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/26/workshop-on-unstructured-meshes-in-d... Starting Wed, Aug 25, 2010 to Fri, Aug 27, 2010 Location: Jena, Germany Additional Information: http://cse.mathe.uni-jena.de/wumds/ We are pleased to announce the Workshop on Unstructured Meshes in Dynamical Spacetimes in Jena, Germany on 25-27 August 2010. This workshop on the use of unstructured meshes in numerical relativity has been devised as a means to bring together experts in numerical relativity, finite elements, finite volumes, discrete differential forms, and Regge calculus to encourage discussion between the communities and identify areas in which new progress can be made. Topics for talks and discussions will be aimed at -Finite element methods in numerical relativity -Dynamical space-time meshing -Applications for finite-volume methods -Higher order geometric discretizations of Einstein's equations -Numerical methods based on Regge calculus -Advances in discrete differential forms. Registration is currently open, and we are accepting contributed talks. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 2 July 2010. http://cse.mathe.uni-jena.de/wumds/ Sincerely, Snorre H. Christiansen (University of Oslo) Jonathan R. McDonald (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena) Warner A. Miller (Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton) Gerhard Zumbusch (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6 Quantum Gravity and the Foundations of Physics -------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/18/quantum-gravity-and-the-foundations-... Starting Wed, Mar 17, 2010 to Fri, Mar 19, 2010 Location: Rosario, Argentina Additional Information: http://www.iafe.uba.ar/Homenaje_Castagnino/ It is a pleasure to announce the conference Quantum Gravity and the Foundations of Physics for celebrating Mario Castagnino’s 75th birthday. The meeting will be held on March 17-19th, 2010, in Mario’s home city of Rosario (Argentina). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.7 Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone V ------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/17/quantum-gravity-in-the-southern-cone... Starting Wed, Jul 28, 2010 to Sat, Jul 31, 2010 Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Preliminary Announcement Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone V, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 28-31 July, 2010 The fifth meeting of the Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone series will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 28 - 31, 2010. The purpose of the meeting is to gather world specialists on quantum gravity, geometry, string theory and field theory, and scientists and students from the southern region of Latin America. Previous meetings in the series took place in Punta del Este, Uruguay in 2007, Valdivia, Chile in 2002, Bariloche, Argentina in 1998 and Punta del Este, Uruguay in 1996. There will be a series of talks by invited speakers and also short communications by the participants, with ample time for discussions. A preliminary list of speakers includes: • Abhay Ashtekar (PennState), • Nathan Berkovits (Sao Paulo) • Henriette Elvang (Michigan) • Sebastián Franco (KAVLI), • Rodolfo Gambini (U. de la República, Uruguay) • Steve Giddings (UC, Santa Barbara) * • Mariana Graña (Saclay) * • Tom Hartman (Harvard), • Sean Hartnoll (Harvard), • Diego Hofman (Harvard) • Martin Kruczenski (Purdue), • Juan Maldacena (IAS Princeton), • Carlos Núñez (Swansea) • Joe Polchinski (UC, Santa Barbara) • Rafael Porto (UC, Santa Barbara), • Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State), • Fernando Quevedo (ASICTP, Trieste) * • Seif Randjbar Daemi (ASICTP, Trieste) * • Fabio Rocha (Princeton) • Jorge Russo (Barcelona)* • Thomas Thiemman (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.) * • George Thompson (ASICTP, Trieste) • Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia, Chile) Local organizers: Gerardo Aldazabal, Gustavo Dotti, José Edelstein, Gastón Giribet, Nicolás Grandi, Carmen Núñez, Martin Schvellinger , Guillermo Silva A first circular and call for contributed abstracts and registration will be coming out in March. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.8 Spanish Relativity Meeting ERE2010: First Announcement ---------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/15/spanish-relativity-meeting-ere2010-f... Starting Mon, Sep 06, 2010 to Fri, Sep 10, 2010 Location: Granada, Spain Additional Information: http://www.iaa.es/ere2010 ERE2010: First Announcement “Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics” The 2010 edition of the Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2010) will be held in Granada from the 6th to 10th September 2010. The Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE) is an international conference devoted to Relativity and Gravitation which is organized every year by one of the Spanish groups working in this area. This year, it will be hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) in Granada, Spain. ERE2010 is scientifically supported by the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity (SEGRE) and the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation. The EREs started in 1977 with the main objective of promoting scientific discussion and interchange of knowledge in relativity and gravitation in a relaxed atmosphere. Over the years, the conference has gained international recognition and has attracted an increasing number of worldwide participants. EREs are nowadays established as relevant international events in the field, maintaining substantially their original relaxed character. A list of previous meetings and a short history of the EREs can be found in http://www.segre.es/en/historia.shtml. 1) SCIENTIFIC CONTENT ERE2010 will have as subtitle “Gravity as a Crossroad in Physics”. The underlying rationale is to present Gravity physics as a scientific “locus” for the interbreeding between (separate) communities in Physics. We aim at reflecting this interdisciplinary perspective in the scientific program. In this sense, each Day along the week will be devoted to a particular “dialogue” between two communities sharing some of their ultimate goals, but differing in their conceptual background, methodology or technical approach. These ”dialogues” are envisaged as opportunities to compare alternative viewpoints, keeping a focus on their complementary nature. The following “Day Titles” aim at capturing the scientific spirit of each Day (brief descriptions can be found at http://www.iaa.es/ere2010/): Day 1: Fundamental vs. Effective Approaches in Theoretical Gravity Day 2: Geometric vs. Quantum Field/String Theory Approaches to Quantum Gravity Day 3: Theoretical Cosmology vs. Physical Cosmology Day 4: Relativity vs. Astrophysics Day 5: Mathematical Relativity vs. Numerical Relativity 2) INVITED SPEAKERS The interdisciplinary character of the meeting is reflected in the provisional list of invited speakers: A. Achúcarro, L. Álvarez-Gaumé, A. Ashtekar, F. Barbero, B. Carter, M. Colpi, S. Dain, J. Garriga, E. Gourgoulhon, B. Krishnan*, S. Liberati, A. Lobo, J.M. Martín-García, G. Mena-Marugán, R. Narayan, T. Padmanabhan, R. Parentani, R. Rebolo, L. Rezzolla*, C. Rovelli, J. Valiente-Kroon, E. Verdaguer and M. Visser, G.E. Volovik. (* to be confirmed) 3) COMMITTEES ERE2010 Advisory Board: M. Alcubierre (ICN, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). A. Ashtekar (Penn State University). R. Beig (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Viena). C. Cutler (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Inst. of Technology). T. Damour (Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris). R. Maartens (Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth). F. Quevedo (DAMTP, University of Cambridge). M. Visser (Victoria University of Wellington). ERE2010 Local Organising Committee: Víctor Aldaya Carlos Barceló (Coordinator) Luis J. Garay José Luis Jaramillo (Coordinator) Francisco López-Ruiz 4) ORGANIZATION ASPECTS Information regarding registration, abstract submission, accommodation and travel issues will be posted soon at the web page of the conference http://www.iaa.es/ere2010 . We hope that this conference will be of your interest, so that we will meet you in Granada in September. With best regards, The Local Organising Committee +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.9 COSPAR 2010 Event H02: 2nd announcement ------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/06/cospar-2010-event-h02-2nd-announceme... Starting Sun, Jul 18, 2010 to Sun, Jul 25, 2010 Location: Bremen, Germany Additional Information: http://www.brera.inaf.it/gravity2010/index.html Probing Strong Gravity with Gravitational and Electromagnetic Waves Second announcement for an event (H02) at the 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly - Bremen (Germany), 2010 July 18-25 Duration: 4 half-days Commissions E (Research in Astrophysics from Space) and H (Fundamental Physics in Space) Sub-commissions: E1 (Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics) Scientific rationale: Neutron stars and black holes probe the strongest gravitational fields found in the present-day Universe. A large number of such objects is continuously monitored with high-energy satellites. In parallel, the recent discovery of a binary radio pulsar allows precise measurements of GR parameters at a larger distance from compact objects. Soon, these objects will be detected with upcoming gravitational-wave observatories, which will open another avenue for the study of strong gravity and the test of GR predictions. The scope of this two-day COSPAR session is to bring together experimentalists, observers, and theorists in these separate by complementary fields and discuss the strategies and aims of testing general relativity in the strong-field regime in the near future. Scientific Organizing Committee T.M. Belloni (Main Scientific Organizer, Italy), S.A. Hughes (Deputy Organizer, USA), D. Barret (France), M. Gilfanov (Germany/Russia), V. Kaspi (Canada), M. Kramer (UK), M. Mendez (Netherlands), R. Narayan (USA), G. Nelemans (Netherlands), D. Psaltis (USA), L. Rezzolla (Germany), M. Volonteri (USA),A. Watts (Netherlands), C. Will (USA) Invited speakers B. Allen (to be confirmed) N. Andersson J. Centrella K. Danzmann J. Lazio C.M. Miller K. Nandra F. Özel D. Psaltis C. Reynolds B. Schutz J. Steiner T. Strohmayer C. Will The precise dates of the Event will be announced as soon as they are fixed. We remind you that **** ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS 2010 FEBRUARY 19 **** This is also the deadline for asking COSPAR for financial support. Information on the 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly can be found at http://www.cospar2010.org/index.html and http://www.cospar-assembly.org/ Information on Event H02 is available on the COSPAR page http://www.cospar-assembly.org/admin/congress_overview.php?sessionid=216 and will soon be available at http://www.brera.inaf.it/gravity2010/index.html Conference email: gravity2010_AT_brera.inaf.it ================================================================= 2. Jobs ================================================================= 2.1 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Cosmology, Gravitation or String Theory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/30/postdoctoral-research-fellowships-in... Institution: Cape Town, South Africa Deadline: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 Additional Information: http://cosmology.uct.ac.za/GroupGrantAdvert-2010.pdf Cosmology and Gravity Group at the University of Cape Town 1+1 year position(s) Deadline: 28 February (but will remain open until filled) http://cosmology.uct.ac.za/GroupGrantAdvert-2010.pdf Up to three Post-doctoral research fellowships are available in the Cosmology and Gravity Group at the University of Cape Town. The fields of research are open, but preference will be given to candidates whose research interests are aligned with those of members of the group. Positions are available for a period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory performance and renewed funding. The stipend will afford a good standard of living and access to travel and equipment grants. The fellowship is awarded as part of the South African National Research Foundation Blue Skies Initiative. To be eligible for a Fellowship, the candidate must have received his or her PhD within 5 calendar years preceding that in which the Fellowship would begin. If you require further details please email any member of the group. To apply, please email your CV, publication list, a statement of research interests and three letters of recommendation to Ms Rushana du Toit ( CO Ms Nicky Walker) nassp[AT]saao.ac.za Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Phone: +27 21 460 9346 Fax: +27 21 447 3639 UCT is committed to equity in its employment practices. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Astrophysics, Cosmology or Gravitation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/30/postdoctoral-research-fellowship-in-... Institution: Cape Town, South Africa Deadline: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 Additional Information: http://cosmology.uct.ac.za/ACGCpostdocAdvert-2010.pdf Centre for Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity (ACGC) at the University of Cape Town 1+1 year position Deadline: 28 February (but will remain open until filled) http://cosmology.uct.ac.za/ACGCpostdocAdvert-2010.pdf The newly launched Centre for Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity (ACGC) at the University of Cape Town is offering its inaugural Post- doctoral research fellowship. The Centre includes members from the Astronomy Department as well as the Cosmology & Gravity Group in the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics department. The fields of research are open, but preference will be given to candidates whose research interests are aligned with members of the Centre. Positions are available for a period of up to two years, subject to satisfactory performance and renewed funding. The stipend will afford a good standard of living, and access to travel and equipment grants. The fellowship is awarded as part of the South African National Research Foundation Blue Skies Initiative. To be eligible for a Fellowship, the candidate must have received his or her PhD within 5 calendar years preceding that in which the Fellowship would begin. If you require further details please email any member of the Centre. To apply, please email your CV, publication list, a statement of research interests and three letters of recommendation to Ms Carol Marsh Department of Astronomy University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7700 South Africa admin[AT]ast.uct.ac.za Phone: +27 21 650 5830 Fax: +27 21 650 4547 UCT is committed to equity in its employment practices. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3 ERASMUS Mundus relativistic astrophysics Ph.D. fellowships -------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/28/erasmus-mundus-relativistic-astrophy... Institution: Europe Deadline: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 Additional Information: http://www.irap-phd.org The International Relativistic Astrophysics PhD is a newly established international doctorate program in astrophysics that has been selected by the European Commission as an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects... . This PhD program has a duration of 3 years and is developed within a consortium: - UNIVERSITE DE NICE - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France (Coordinating institution) - SHANGHAI ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY, China - FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, Germany - AEI - POTSDAM, Germany - TARTU OBSERVATORY, Estonia - STOCKHOLM UNIVERSTIY, Sweden - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA, Italy - UNIVERSITY OF ROME - LA SAPIENZA, Italy - BRAZILIAN CENTRE FOR PHYSICS RESEARCH, Brazil - OBSERVATORY OF THE CÔTE D'AZUR, France - INDIAN CENTRE FOR SPACE PHYSICS, India - INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS NETWORK, Italy - UNIVERSITY OF SAVOIE, France Applications are now solicited for the course starting in September 2010. *Deadline for Application: February 28, 2010* We invite applications from top-ranked students that either hold or are expected to obtain before August 2010 a Masters Degree or the equivalent in Theoretical Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics or closely related fields. A certified good knowledge of the English language is required. The selection of students is primarily based on excellence. 10 Erasmus Mundus Doctorate Fellowships will be made available by the European Commission, with a monthly stipend of 2800 € plus travel allowance* Full information about the IRAP PhD program, the application form, the current poster, and detailed instructions on how to apply can be found at the web-site: http://www.irap-phd.org/ The contact e-mail for inquiries is Pascal Chardonnet: chardonnet[AT]lapp.in2p3.fr Please bring this announcement to the attention of interested and capable candidates. Prof. Remo Ruffini Director of Erasmus Mundus IRAP PhD ICRANet and University of ROMA La Sapienza ruffini[AT]icra.it +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (level B/C) in pure mathematics at Monash ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/28/lecturersenior-lecturer-level-bc-in-... Institution: Clayton (Melbourne), Australia Deadline: Fri, Mar 26, 2010 Additional Information: http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/news/positions-vacant.html Monash University, two positions: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Pure Mathematics Job Reference Number: A1010541 Outstanding mathematicians are invited to apply for continuing full-time Lectureships at Level B or C as appropriate. We seek applications in any area of pure mathematics which enhances the School's research profile. This in particular covers the activities of the Geometric Analysis and General Relativity group, including Robert Bartnik, Todd Oliynyk, Pengzi Miao, Michael Eichmair, Tony Lun, Leo Brewin, Andrew Norton and various postgraduate students. Applicants should have a PhD, an outstanding research record and proven teaching ability. Appointment will be made at a level appropriate to the successful applicant's qualifications, experience and in accordance with classification standards for each level. All applications should address the selection criteria. Applications close on Friday, 26 March 2010. For further information please use the following links http://monash.turborecruit.com.au/job/job_details.cfm?id=436920 http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/news/positions-vacant.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5 Professorship in Gravitational Theory at University of Jena --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/15/professorship-in-gravitational-theor... Institution: Jena, Germany Deadline: Mon, Mar 01, 2010 Additional Information: http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/gravity/Jobs Professor (W2) in Theoretical Physics in the area of Gravitational Theory Focus area of the position is the classical theory of general relativity and its modern applications, for example gravitational wave astronomy. (A W2 position is roughly comparable to associate professor with tenure.) ================================================================= 3. News ================================================================= 3.1 IRAP Ph.D. lectures - Nice ------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/28/irap-ph-d-lectures-nice/ Additional Information: http://www.icranet.org/nice Lectures in Nice – February 2010 Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur We announce a 3-weeks course of the IRAP Ph D at the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis. The lectures will be held at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur starting on February 1st at 9 a.m. Interested graduate students can participate and register free of charge. If you need further information please contact: Pina Barbaro (Pina.BARBARO[AT]unice.fr) in Nice and/or Annapia Del Beato (annapia.delbeato[AT]icranet.org) Federica Di Berardino (federica.diberardino[AT]icranet.org) The preliminary program and the list of speakers, together with their CVs, title and abstract of each lecture, can be found at http://www.icranet.org/nice. The lecturers include: -------------------------------- **** 1-7 February Einasto Jaan Tartu Observatory and ICRANet Large Scale Structure of the Universe Chakrabarti Sandip S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences and ICRANet Black holes accretion Vereshchagin Gregory ICRANet Relativistic kinetic theory Morbidelli Alessandro Cote D’Azur Observatory Planetary systems Manchester Richard CSIRO Pulsars and Gravitational Wave Detection Melchiorri Alessandro University of Rome New Results on Cosmic Microwave Anisotropies Regimbau Tania Cote D’Azur Observatory The astrophysical SB: source and detection Boer Michael Haute Provence Observatory Observations of GRBs Pandolfi Stefania University of Rome Inflationary Constraints and reionization Menegoni Eloisa University of Rome Cosmological constraints on variations of fundamental constants Rabbia Yves Cote d’Azur Observatory Stellar interferometry **** 8-13 February Mignard Francois Cote d’Azur Observatory GAIA mission Rabbia Yves Cote d’Azur Observatory Stellar interferometry Guillot Tristan Cote d’Azur Observatory Exoplanets Damour Thibault IHES and ICRANet Two-body problem in General Relativity Vinet Jean-Yves Cote d’Azur Observatory GR ground based and space missions Chaibi Oualid Cote d’Azur Observatory The Art of GW Detection: Instrumentation & Practice Benoît Cristophe Cote d’Azur Observatory Dark energy and Cosmology **** 15-19 February Della Valle Massimo INAF and ICRANet Observational properties Rosati Piero ESO and ICRANet Baryonic and Dark matter in clusters ofgalaxies Minazzoli Olivier Cote d’Azur Observatory Laser ranging and time transfer experimentsin the solar system Ferrari Chiara Cote d’Azur Observatory Non-thermal component of galaxy clusters Frontera Filippo University of Ferrara GRBs observations Caito Letizia University of Rome “La Sapienza” Izzo Luca University of Rome “La Sapienza” -------------------------------- The Program will end with a 2 day-night stay at the Telescopes of Calern with a program of observations. Remo Ruffini Director of the IRAP Ph.D. program +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.2 Solitons, Instantons and Twistors, M. Dunajski (book) --------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2010/01/17/solitons-instantons-and-twistors-m-d... Additional Information: http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198570639.do Solitons, Instantons and Twistors, M. Dunajski (2009), Oxford University Press http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198570639.do Preface 1: Integrability in classical mechanics 2: Soliton equations and the Inverse Scattering Transform 3: The Hamiltonian formalism and the zero-curvature representation 4: Lie symmetries and reductions 5: The Lagrangian formalism and field theory 6: Gauge field theory 7: Integrability of ASDYM and twistor theory 8: Symmetry reductions and the integrable chiral model 9: Gravitational instantons 10: Anti-self-dual conformal structures Appendix A: Manifolds and Topology Appendix B: Complex analysis Appendix C: Overdetermined PDEs Index
participants (1)