[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for August 2012

################################################################# Table of Contents ################################################################# 1. Conferences 1.1 Barcelona Postgrad Encounters on Fundamental Physics 1.2 Horizons of Quantum Physics: from Foundations to Quantum-Enabled Technologies, Taipei 1.3 AMS Sectional Meeting AMS Special Session on Modern Relativity 1.4 XX SIGRAV Conference in Naples (Italy) 1.5 Workshop on Numerical and Mathematical Relativity at Oppurg, Germany 1.6 Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge Summer Open Session of Scientific Culture 1.7 Hot topics in Modern Cosmology (Spontaneous Workshop VII), Cargese, France 1.8 Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting, Oxford, Mississippi 2. Jobs 2.1 Two lecturer positions in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University 3. News 3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Binary Neutron Star Mergers" 3.2 New book: "Patterns in Physics, Toward a Unifying Theory" by Rejean Plamondon 3.3 New book: "Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe" by M.H.P.M. van Putten and A. Levinson ================================================================= 1. Conferences ================================================================= 1.1 Barcelona Postgrad Encounters on Fundamental Physics -------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/30/barcelona-postgrad-encounters-on-fun... Starting Wed, Oct 17, 2012 to Fri, Oct 19, 2012 Location: Barcelona, Spain Additional Information: http://ffn.ub.edu/bcn-encounters The “Barcelona Postgrad Encounters on Fundamental Physics” is conceived as a meeting of young researchers. We invite PhD students and young postdocs to participate in a friendly workshop intended to give them a unique opportunity to interact with each other, to present their own work and to get to know about the topics being developed in other institutions. The meeting has been conceived and is organized by students of our faculty. The speakers will be selected from the participants themselves, with no senior invited talks. The aim is to create an informal environment that promotes discussions and interaction. The topics covered by the talks are intended to range from mathematical studies such as string theory and QFT in curved spacetime to other grounded topics of condensed matter and strongly coupled systems, with an extra focus on holography and AdS/CFT. The talks will be selected to give a greater picture of how different fields of physics are interconnected with each other. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2 Horizons of Quantum Physics: from Foundations to Quantum-Enabled Technologies, Taipei ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/27/horizons-of-quantum-physics-from-fou... Starting Sun, Oct 14, 2012 to Thu, Oct 18, 2012 Location: Taipei, Taiwan Additional Information: http://www.quantumhorizons.org/ Our workshop sits at the crossroads of cutting edge Theoretical Quantum Physics, Experimental Quantum Information Processing and Industrial Research. Its scope is to create a top level environment for discussion and confrontation where a common language between theorists, experimentalists and technologists might start to develop, with the ultimate goal to explore and enable the fascinating knowledge that will shape the world of tomorrow. Main Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to: • Foundations of Quantum Physics • Gravity and Quantum Physics • Entropy, Information, Holography • Quantum Information Theory, Relativistic and Non-Relativistic • Experimental Quantum Information Processing • Quantum Optics and Photonics • Quantum Simulation and Quantum Algorythms Confirmed Keynote Speakers are: J. Bekenstein, G.'t Hooft, H. Kleinert, W. Unruh, A. Zeilinger, as well as a bunch of outstanding Invited Speakers. Registration Deadline: 1st October 2012 Poster Submission: 1st October 2012 For more detailed, updated information, direct contact, and to register, go to the website http://www.quantumhorizons.org On behalf of the Organizing Committee Fabio Scardigli (Academia Sinica, Taipei) (email: fabio[AT]phys.ntu.edu.tw) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3 AMS Sectional Meeting AMS Special Session on Modern Relativity ------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/26/ams-sectional-meeting-ams-special-se... Starting Sat, Sep 22, 2012 to Sun, Sep 23, 2012 Location: Rochester, NY, USA Additional Information: http://www.ams.org/meetings/sectional/2198_program_ss6.html#title 2012 Eastern Sectional Meeting Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY September 22-23, 2012 (Saturday - Sunday) Meeting #1082 Organizers: Manuela Campanelli and Yosef Zlochower, Rochester Institute of Technology. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4 XX SIGRAV Conference in Naples (Italy) ------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/21/xx-sigrav-conference-in-naples-italy... Starting Mon, Oct 22, 2012 to Fri, Oct 26, 2012 Location: Napoli, Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Additional Information: http://www.sigrav.org/Announcements/Napoli2012/Second.html The biennial Conference of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (SIGRAV) is devoted to all aspects of gravitational physics, such as Classical and Quantum Gravity, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, as well as Experimental Gravity. The five day Conference will host about twenty invited plenary talks and shorter invited and contributed talks in three parallel workshops. A science divulgation/outreach session will be hosted during the Conference. The Conference will take place at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Napoli), in the framework of the celebrations of 200 years since its foundation. During the Conference, the AMALDI MEDAL and the SIGRAV PRIZES will be awarded to outstanding Senior and Junior scientists. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5 Workshop on Numerical and Mathematical Relativity at Oppurg, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/10/workshop-on-numerical-and-mathematic... Starting Thu, Oct 11, 2012 to Sat, Oct 13, 2012 Location: Oppurg, Germany Additional Information: http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/Events/NRMR12/index.shtml The aim of the workshop is to give numerical relativists the opportunity to learn about topics in mathematical relativity beyond the level that they would typically be discussed by the numerical relativity community, and to inform the mathematical community about the current state of the art in numerical simulations. To this end talks will be presented over the following topics: 1.) Global results for numerical relativists. 2.) Formulations of general relativity. 3.) Boundary conditions and well-posedness of the initial boundary value problem. 4.) Accurate and stable discretizations of spacetime. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6 Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge Summer Open Session of Scientific Culture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/09/ecole-internationale-dastrophysique-... Location: Observatoire de Paris, historic Perrault building, Cassini Hall, France Additional Information: http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Programme2012.html Ecole Internationale d'Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge Summer Open Session of Scientific Culture Friday 27 July 2012 , Observatoire de Paris, historic Perrault building, Cassini Hall The summer open session of scientific culture 2012 of the Chalonge School in the framework of the 16th Paris Cosmology Colloquium will host the awarded cosmologists of the Nobel prize of Physics 2006, 2011 and awarded of the Daniel Chalonge Medal, and the ESA astronaut Michel Tognini, Brigadier General in the French Air Force. The Session will take place on Friday 27 July from 15h45 to 20h in the Cassini Hall, in the historic Perrault building. The welcome will take place in the Great Gallery. Programme: John Mather, George Smoot, Brian Schmidt, Michel Tognini and the Chalonge Medal Award 2012. Exhibitions: "21 years of activity of the Chalonge School: The golden days of Astrofundamental physics:". "High Mountain Scientific Stations and Observatories: Past, present and future". And the Paris Observatory exhibition "From Jean-Dominique Cassini (1625-1712) to the spacecraft Cassini-Huyggens" http://chalonge.obspm.fr/Programme2012.html With compliments and kind regards Norma G. Sanchez, Hector J. de Vega http//chalonge.obspm.fr +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.7 Hot topics in Modern Cosmology (Spontaneous Workshop VII), Cargese, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/03/hot-topics-in-modern-cosmology-spont... Starting Mon, May 06, 2013 to Sat, May 11, 2013 Additional Information: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~cosmo/SW_2013/SW7.html Spontaneous Workshop (SW) brings together specialists on recent insights in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. The aim is to stimulate debates on common topics in views of providing us with innovating ideas. The workshop’s organization is based on an optimal number of concise presentations and enough space for discussions on emergent problems in order to favour interactions among participants. SW7 topics includes : * Cosmological parameters – Anomalies in CMB * Baryon and Lepton number violation, CP violation * LHC and Dark Matter - Astroparticle Physics * Neutrino Cosmology * Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis - Cosmic antimatter * Inflation - Dark Energy – Modified Gravity * Cosmological Large Scale Structures, Magnetic Fields * Gravitational waves of Cosmological and Astrophysical origin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.8 Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting, Oxford, Mississippi ----------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/02/seventh-gulf-coast-gravity-meeting/ Starting Fri, Apr 19, 2013 to Sat, Apr 20, 2013 Location: Oxford, MS, USA Additional Information: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GCGM7/ The Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Theoretical Physics group at the University of Mississippi will host the Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting (GCGM7) on April 19-20, 2013. The GCGM is a regional meeting that brings together researchers in all areas of gravitational physics from the south-east region of the United States. The past two editions were at Louisiana State University (GCGM5, 2009) and Florida Atlantic University (GCGM6, 2011). This is the second GCGM organized by Ole Miss (the first one was GCGM4, 2008). The workshop is meant to be informal and student presentations are welcome. There will be no registration fee. To register, simply send an email with your name and affiliation to the following address: gcgm7 [at] phy [dot] olemiss [dot] edu We don't have travel funding at the moment, but we are looking for ways to support students and postdocs. Please say explicitly in your email if you are a student or postdoc and if you would like to have travel support in case it becomes available. The email address listed above can be used for all inquiries related to the conference. More information is available on the conference webpage: http://www.phy.olemiss.edu/GCGM7/ We are looking forward to seeing you in Oxford next Spring. ================================================================= 2. Jobs ================================================================= 2.1 Two lecturer positions in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/09/two-lecturer-positions-in-the-school... Institution: Melbourne, Australia Deadline: Fri, Aug 31, 2012 Additional Information: http://jobs.monash.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=502376 The School of Mathematical Sciences is seeking two suitably qualified and enthusiastic Lecturers/Senior Lecturers in Mathematics to join a highly motivated team at Clayton campus. You will undertake research and teaching in the area of pure or applied mathematics. Priority will be given to applicants with expertise in functional analysis, differential geometry, algebra, partial differential equations, or numerical analysis. To be successful in this role, you will have a PhD, an outstanding research record and proven teaching ability. This role is a full-time position for a fixed term period of three years; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated, and the position may be converted to a permanent position subject to certain performance criteria. Appointment will be made at a level appropriate to the successful applicant's qualifications, experience and in accordance with classification standards for each level. Applications close on Friday 31 August 2012, 11:55pm Aus. Eastern Standard Time. Enquiries: Professor Kate Smith-Miles, Head of School, telephone +61 3 9905 3170 For further information please use the following link http://jobs.monash.edu.au/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=502376 ================================================================= 3. News ================================================================= 3.1 Living Reviews in Relativity: "Binary Neutron Star Mergers" --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/19/living-reviews-in-relativity-binary-... Additional Information: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2012-8 Living Reviews in Relativity has published a new review article on "Binary Neutron Star Mergers" by Joshua A. Faber and Frederic A. Rasio on July 4, 2012. Please find the abstract and further details below. We are also pleased to announce that Living Reviews in Relativity received an impact factor of 17.462 in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report 2011, again leading the category Physics, Particles & Fields. Special thanks to all our authors for writing such excellent reviews! ------------------ PUB.NO. lrr-2012-8 Faber, Joshua A. and Rasio, Frederic A. "Binary Neutron Star Mergers" ACCEPTED: 2012-05-22 PUBLISHED: 2012-07-04 FULL ARTICLE AT: http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2012-8 ABSTRACT: We review the current status of studies of the coalescence of binary neutron star systems. We begin with a discussion of the channels by which merging binaries form, and discuss the most recent observational and theoretical predictions for observable merger rates. Next, we turn to the quasi-equilibrium formalisms that are used to study binaries prior to the merger phase and to generate initial data for dynamical simulations, including a discussion of our current understanding of the physics they can reveal in their own right and how they have shaped our view of the orbital instability processes that can drive binaries to merger at the end of their lifetimes. Afterwards, we turn to the techniques used in dynamical simulations, including relativistic formalisms, (magneto)hydrodynamics, gravitational wave extraction techniques, and nuclear-density microphysical treatments. This is followed by a discussion of the simulations performed across the field to date, including the most recent results from both fully relativistic and/or microphysically-oriented simulations. Finally, we discuss the likely directions for the field as we transition from the first generation of gravitational wave interferometers to the second while supercomputers enter the petascale regime. UPCOMING ARTICLES AT: http://relativity.livingreviews.org/Articles/upcoming.html +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.2 New book: "Patterns in Physics, Toward a Unifying Theory" by Rejean Plamondon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/10/new-book-patterns-in-physics-toward-... I am pleased to announce the recent publication of my book: “Patterns in Physics, Toward a Unifying Theory”, by Rejean Plamondon, 214 pages; 49 figures. Presses Internationales Polytechnique, June 2012. The main message conveyed throughout the book is that the four basic interactive forces of physics, which are considered to be empirical facts, can be seen as emergent phenomena described by specific mathematical patterns, when seen through the appropriate representation and interpretation schemes. Similarly, in such a model, once a coherent set of physical units is defined, the values of the fundamental constants can be seen as numerical parametric patterns that can be predicted after taking into account the various projections that are required to perform these measurements as well as the physical environment and the specific context in which these estimates are made. More specifically, in generalizing a statistical pattern recognition methodology, it is possible to point out some basic patterns that could contribute to bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and general relativity. The whole argument stems from two basic principles: the principle of interdependence and the principle of asymptotic congruence. It starts with an analogy between problem-solving methods in physics and the search for solutions in statistical pattern recognition. Based on this heuristic and analogical approach, a probabilistic version of the Einstein field equations is derived and a solution for the case of a weak-field symmetric massive object is proposed on the grounds of the central limit theorem and the Bayes' law. The model has only one emergent characteristic feature, a constant parameter which can be associated to the intrinsic proper length or the space-time response of the physical system. The resulting field and potential equations can be seen as ge neralizations of Newton’s empirical law. Once incorporated in the metric it leads to very chllenging predictions, regarding for example the dark matter and dark energy. Rejean Plamondon Professor Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Quebec, CANADA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.3 New book: "Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe" by M.H.P.M. van Putten and A. Levinson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@AEI: http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/2012/07/10/new-book-relativistic-astrophysics-o... Additional Information: http://www.cambridge.org/aus/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9781107010734 Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe: Gravitation, Hydrodynamics and Radiation by Maurice H. P. M. Van Putten and Amir Levinson Cambridge University Press, 2012 Advance praise: 'Van Putten and Levinson have made an enjoyable compilation of all those strange things that can happen in our Universe, not only providing detailed physical calculations to understand them, but also including descriptions of all the channels of radiation that we can use to receive as much information about them as we can.' Gerard 't Hooft, Utrecht University, from the Foreword
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