[Hyperspace-list] Hyperspace Bulletin for April 2022

########################################### Table of Contents ########################################### 1. Conferences 1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity (online) 1.2. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop (online) 1.3. Amaldi Research Center Summer School, Paestum, Italy 1.4. 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Beijing, China and online 1.5. The Quantum, the Thermal and the Gravitational Reconciled: Physics and Philosophy in the Varied Landscape of the Intersections, Munich, Germany 1.6. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia 1.7. Carter Fest: Black Holes and other Cosmic Systems, Paris, France 1.8. ICTS summer school on gravitational-wave astronomy, Bangalore, India (hybrid) 1.9. XV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, St. Louis, MO, USA 1.10. 12th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting, Braga, Portugal (hybrid) 1.11. EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments", Rome, Italy 2. Jobs 2.1. 3-year postdoctoral position in general relativity and quantum gravity, Bergamo, Italy 2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa 2.3. Postdoc position in GW instrumentation, Napoli 2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Melbourne, Australia 2.5. Postdoc position on LISA data analysis, Toulouse, France 2.6. Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA 2.7. Postdoctoral Position��in Gravitational Wave Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany 2.8. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational waves or applied mathematics, Singapore 2.9. PhD position in Mathematical Analysis of Binary Black Hole Collisions, Vienna, Austria 2.10. postdoc positions in machine learning and data science at SISSA, Trieste, Italy 2.11. Post-Doctoral Position in X-ray Astrophysics, St. Louis, MO, USA 2.12. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and foundation of physics, Marseille, France 2.13. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa 2.14. Senior postdoc position in machine learning and data science for cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravitational physics, Trieste Italy 3. News 3.1. Philosophical Transactions A: "The future of mathematical cosmology" (part 1) 3.2. New book: "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy" 3.3. Call for contributions: "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories" ============================================== 1. Conferences ============================================== 1.1. Testing Aspects of General Relativity (online) --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24574 Starting: 2022-03-11 to 2022-03-14 Location: India (online) Additional Information: https://events.iitgn.ac.in/2022/gr/ Contact: srijuster[AT]gmail.com The conference brings together some of the leading global experts to discuss recent developments and challenges that lie ahead in the field of relativistic astrophysics and allied areas. This conference is organized jointly by the members of the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IITGN), the Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIITA), and the University of Lethbridge, Canada (ULeth) working on the field of classical and quantum gravity. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Workshop (online) --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/03/quantum-field-theory-in-curve... Starting: 2022-05-23 to 2022-05-26 Location: Online Additional Information: https://sites.google.com/view/qftcsworkshop/ Contact: antonio.ferreiro[AT]dcu.ie Since the seminal papers about particle creation in an expanding Universe by Leonard Parker (1968) and the discovery of quantum radiation by Black Holes by Stephen Hawking (1975), Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time (QFTCS) has achieved many advances in both its technical conceptualization and in its applications to cosmology and astrophysics. This workshop will be a unique opportunity to bring together different branches of theoretical physics (Astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical physics, etc.) around a key cornerstone such as QFTCS. It is also one of a kind in its unprecedented scope, providing a much needed unifying view of the field. The main research lines of the workshop include, but are not limited to: - QFT in expanding universes and in black hole geometries - Renormalization in curved spacetime - Semiclassical Einstein equations and the backreaction problem - Non-perturbative effects - Particle production in curved spacetime - Particle detectors in QFT and relativistic quantum information - Algebraic QFT - QFT in strong electric fields, etc. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3. Amaldi Research Center Summer School, Paestum, Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/09/amaldi-research-center-summer... Starting: 2022-09-05 to 2022-09-09 Location: Paestum, Italy Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/ARCschool Contact: paolo.pani[AT]uniroma1.it Dear Colleagues, Apologies if you received this multiple times. We would like to share the following announcement for a summer school. A few years ago, the Physics Department at Sapienza University of Rome inaugurated the Amaldi Research Center (ARC), an interdisciplinary Center for Gravitational Physics and Astrophysics. One of the ARC missions is to train a new generation of students and researchers with strong interdisciplinary skills. With this purpose, we are organizing a summer school about the ARC research lines, which include: - Gravitational physics and astrophysics - LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave data analysis - Multimessenger astronomy - Quantum technologies for gravitational-wave detection - Material science for 3G interferometers - 3G gravitational-wave lab The school will be held in Paestum on September 5-9, 2022. The venue will be the Hotel Ariston, a beautiful location within walking distance from the seaside and near the famous archeological site of the ancient Greek city of Paestum. We will host 10 lecturers and about 40 (mostly PhD) highly-motivated students. More information is available on the school website. For each lecturer we schedule a 2-hour slot to give an overview of the field and highlight the main latest results. List of invited lecturers: Gianpietro Cagnoli (Lyon U., FR) * Sarah Caudill (Utrecht U., NL) Giancarlo Cella (Pisa U., IT) Elisabetta Cesarini (INFN, Rome2, IT) Tim Dietrich (Potsdam U. and AEI, DE) Vittorio Giovannetti (SNS, IT) Michela Mapelli (Padova U., IT) Valentina Parigi (LKB, FR) Paolo Ruggi (EGO, IT) Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Toyama U., JP) * = to be confirmed There is a limited number of participants and a 200 euro participation fee, which covers double-room, half-board accommodation at the venue. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Please feel free to share this announcement with potentially interested students. Looking forward to hearing from you, All the best, Irene Di Palma Ettore Majorana Paolo Pani Francesco Pannarale Ernesto Placidi Nicolo' Spagnolo On behalf of the ARC Steering Committee +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4. 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Beijing, China and online --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/10/23rd-international-conference... Starting: 2022-07-03 to 2022-07-08 Location: Beijing, China and online Additional Information: http://gr23beijing.com Contact: beverlyberger[AT]me.com The 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation will be held in Beijing, China and online during 3-8 July 2022. GR23 is the latest in the series of triennial international conferences held under the auspices of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (website). This conference series constitutes the principal international meetings for scientists working in all areas of relativity and gravitation. GR22 was held in Valencia and GR21 was held in New York. GR23 will be hosted by the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Organisational support is provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Due to COVID-19, GR23 will be held as a hybrid conference (online and onsite). Please see the conference website for additional details including contact information for the Local Organizing Committee and the link for abstract submission. Note that online registration is free for members of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG). The registration fee is reduced for ISGRG members who attend in person. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5. The Quantum, the Thermal and the Gravitational Reconciled: Physics and Philosophy in the Varied Landscape of the Intersections, Munich, Germany --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24634 Starting: 2022-06-24 to 2022-06-26 Location: Munich, Germany Additional Information: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/qtgr... Contact: erik.curiel[AT]lmu.de Quantum, thermal, and gravitational theories constitute the three great pillars of modern fundamental physics. Each is, prima facie, conceptually and physically independent of the other two, and finds its application in regimes well separated from those of the others. Indeed, central principles of each are in manifest tension with those of the other, if not outright contradiction: general relativity admits causal and topological structures seemingly inconsistent with quantum mechanical dynamics; the superpositions of quantum mechanics conflict with general relativity's fixed causal structures; and both are in manifest tension if not outright contradiction with the most characteristic features of thermodynamics, viz., irreversibility and temporal asymmetry. It is thus of paramount importance that we investigate how our three best, most fundamental theories fit together, if indeed they do at all. In the past and in recent times, physicists and philosophers have worked together in remarkably fruitful ways in each of the three fundamental fields. This conference will explore these philosophical and foundational issues that arise where two or more of these three frameworks intersect. Our aim is to foster such collaboration at the intersections of the three. As such, we will be guided by the irenic spirit (and person) of Jeremy Butterfield, whose work, magisterially spanning these topics, has inspired and continues to inspire, all of us. Public-health conditions permitting, we plan to hold the conference in-person, with no video connections, although the talks and Q&A will be recorded (pending agreement by the speakers). Please send registration requests by 29 May 2022 using the following form: https://forms.gle/aNk8ujNmaPK1woCT6 *Confirmed Speakers* - Guido Bacciagaluppi, Utrecht University - Harvey Brown, University of Oxford - Fay Dowker, Imperial College London - Flaminia Giacomini, Perimeter Institute - Stephan Hartmann, LMU Munich - Klaas Landsman, Radboud University - Dennis Lehmkuhl, University of Bonn - Michela Massimi, University of Edinburgh - John Norton, University of Pittsburgh - Kasia Rejzner, University of York - Jos Uffink, University of Minnesota - Francesca Vidotto, University of Western Ontario - Lena Zuchowski, University of Salzburg +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.6. Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW), Melbourne, Australia --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24645 Starting: 2022-12-05 to 2022-12-09 Location: Melbourne, Australia Additional Information: https://www.gwpaw2022.org Contact: info[AT]ozgrav.org GWPAW is a leading workshop in Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy. The workshop is held annually and addresses the full range of gravitational wave physics and astronomy science, including detection techniques, search results, electromagnetic counterparts, and implications for physics, astronomy and cosmology. We are pleased to announce GWPAW will be held as an in person event in Melbourne Australia, 5-9 December 2022. (A hybrid format will be available for those who are unable attend in person). Further information including the registration, venue details, abstract submission, program of science talks and poster sessions will be continuously updated on our website. ��� We look forward to seeing you in person in December! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.7. Carter Fest: Black Holes and other Cosmic Systems, Paris, France --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/23/carter-fest-black-holes-and-o... Starting: 2022-07-04 to 2022-07-06 Location: Paris, France Additional Information: https://indico.obspm.fr/e/carterfest Contact: eric.gourgoulhon[AT]obspm.fr A conference in celebration of Brandon Carter's 80th birthday is organized in Paris on 4-6 July 2022. The conference will focus on the theory of black holes, topological defects in cosmology, the physics of neutron star interiors and the anthropic principle. The aim is to present the latest developments in the above-mentioned areas and to discuss the prospects for future research. Invited speakers: - Nils Andersson (University of Southampton, UK) - Richard Battye (University of Manchester, UK) - Luc Blanchet (IAP, Paris, France) - Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) - Bernard Carr (Queen Mary University of London, UK) - Nicolas Chamel (Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) - Piotr T. Chrusciel (University of Vienna, Austria) - Christos Charmousis (IJCLab, Orsay, France) - Milan M. Cirkovic (Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia) - Anne Davis (Univ. Cambridge, UK) - Cedric Deffayet (IAP, Paris, France) - Ruth Durrer (Universite' de Geneve, Switzerland) - Ruth Gregory (King's College, London, UK) - David Langlois (APC, Universite' Paris Cite', France) - Jean-Pierre Lasota (IAP, Paris, France) - Jean-Pierre Luminet (LAM, Marseille, France) - Malcolm MacCallum (Queen Mary University of London, UK) (TBC) - Raymond McLenaghan (University of Waterloo, Canada) - Micaela Oertel (LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, France) - Roger Penrose (University of Oxford, UK) - Malcolm Perry (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK) - Denis Priou (Conseil General Environ. Dev. Durable, Paris, France) (TBC) - Reinhard Prix (Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany) - Martin Rees (Trinity College, Cambridge, UK) (TBC) - Paul Shellard (DAMTP, Cambridge, UK) - Daniele Steer (APC, Universite Paris Cite, France) - Leonard Susskind (Stanford University, USA) - Kip Thorne (CalTech, USA) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.8. ICTS summer school on gravitational-wave astronomy, Bangalore, India (hybrid) --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/24/icts-summer-school-on-gravita... Starting: 2022-05-30 to 2022-06-10 Location: Bangalore, India Additional Information: https://www.icts.res.in/program/gws2022 Contact: gwschool[AT]icts.res.in Applications are invited for the ICTS summer school on GW astronomy. This school is part of the annual ICTS summer schools on gravitational-wave (GW) physics and astronomy. Recent observations of nearly a hundred GW signals from coalescing binaries of compact objects have firmly established the field of GW astronomy. Physicists and astrophysicists are using these observations to not only study the properties of individual GW signals but also of the populations of these compact binaries as well as their progenitor stellar population. Recognizing this, this year's summer school will focus on foundational lectures on the astrophysics of GW sources, including the structure and evolution of stars that form progenitors of compact objects; and the evolutionary history of compact binaries and their population statistics. These lectures are organized into two graduate-level courses: Courses: Stellar structure, evolution, collapse and supernovae: Anthony Mezzacappa (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA) Compact binary evolution, rates and population modelling: Christopher Berry (University of Glasgow, UK) Eligibility criteria: The school is primarily meant for graduate students and postdocs in GW astrophysics and related fields. A small number of highly motivated senior undergraduates can also be considered. A basic understanding of general relativity and statistics is a prerequisite for the courses. Lectures will be held online. Depending on the pandemic situations, we will consider the possibility of accommodating some of the participants at the ICTS campus so that the tutorials are conducted in person. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.9. XV International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, St. Louis, MO, USA --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24692 Starting: 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-10 Location: St. Louis, MO, USA Additional Information: https://physics.wustl.edu/ppc2022 Contact: ppc2022[AT]physics.wustl.edu The 15th International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology, organized by the Department of Physics at Washington University in St. Louis will take place June 6-10 in St. Louis, Missouri. We are currently envisioning a fully in-person event. PPC is an opportunity to bring together scientists working on particle physics and cosmology, from an experimental or theoretical perspective, to explore the profound interconnections between the micro and macro-worlds - from the smallest to the largest structures in the universe. Advances in high-energy physics can have a major impact on our understanding of the physics of the early universe, shedding light on the era of inflation, the identity of dark matter and dark energy, the origin of the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry, the importance of neutrinos in the evolution of our universe, and the large scale structure formation. Conversely, advances in precision cosmology and observational astronomy can impact the directions in particle physics model building and can motivate specific types of searches in high-energy physics experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers. We hope to provide a stimulating venue for fruitful discussions and exchange of scientific ideas at the intersection of nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. It is timely to emphasize the importance of PPC in light of the ongoing Snowmass exercise and the Astro Decadal Survey. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.10. 12th Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting, Braga, Portugal (hybrid) --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/30/12th-iberian-gravitational-wa... Starting: 2022-06-06 to 2022-06-08 Location: Braga, Portugal Additional Information: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1141427/ Contact: herdeiro[AT]ua.pt The Iberian Gravitational Waves Meeting is an international conference set up yearly since 2011 by different groups around the Iberian Peninsula with interests in Gravitational Waves. The series of meetings have been associated to the Spanish Network on Gravitational Waves (REDONGRA). After the cancelation of the meeting in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemics, in 2021 took take place online organised by the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department (DAA) and the Mathematics Department (DM) of the University of Valencia. In 2022 the meeting will take place, for the first time in the University of Minho, in the city of Braga, Portugal, organized by Gr@v and Center of Physics of the University of Minho and University of Porto. The goal of this series of meetings is to bring together researchers working in Gravitational Waves with the aim at promoting collaboration and synergies among them. It also serves as a way of keeping track of recent advances in the Iberian gravitational wave community. The meeting covers all aspects of gravitational waves, including theory, data analysis, experiments and multi-messenger astronomy. The scientific program consists of plenary sessions with talks by invited speakers and selected contributed talks by participants. You can request a contributed talk during the registration process. Registration is needed regardless of whether you attend the meeting online or in person. The meeting will have a hybrid format with the possibility of attending in person or online through Zoom. The physical venue for the meeting will be the Complexo Pedag��gico II, Room B2, in the University of Minho. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.11. EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments", Rome, Italy --------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24706 Starting: 2022-06-15 to 2022-06-17 Location: Rome, Italy Additional Information: https://agenda.infn.it/e/GWenvironment Contact: alessandra.curto[AT]uniroma1.it Dear Colleagues, We would like to share the announcement of the following workshop. The advent of gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy has opened a new scientific era, giving access to hitherto unexplored regimes and sources. In parallel to its countless astrophysical implications, GW science is also reshaping tests of fundamental physics and contributing to the growth of a new, interdisciplinary community. The EuCAPT workshop "Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments" will bring together experts on GW sources and modelling, dark matter and GW searches, cosmology, and high-energy astrophysics to explore possible synergies in this emerging field. The event will be held at Sapienza University of Rome on June 15-17, 2022. We expect to host some invited overview talks as well as contributed talks, and short presentations by students and early-career researchers. List of topics will include: - Overview on current and future status of GW observations - GW searches for dark matter - Role of environmental effects in GW astronomy and tests of gravity - Environmental effects and primordial black holes - Modelling accretion onto black holes - Innovative data analysis and search pipelines for environmental effects Registration are now open and the abstract submission deadline is on April 30th, 2022 More information will soon be available on the workshop webpage. Sincerely, The Organising Committee P Astone, G Bertone, V Cardoso, E Cuoco, G Franciolini, L Gualtieri, P Leaci, A Maselli, P Pani, L Sberna +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 2. Jobs ============================================== 2.1. 3-year postdoctoral position in general relativity and quantum gravity, Bergamo, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24582 Deadline: 2022-03-30 Location: Bergamo, Italy Additional Information: https://www.unibg.it/ricerca/lavorare-ricerca/assegni-ricerca/bandi Contact: agpn2203[AT]gmail.com Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position at the University of Bergamo, with a focus on theoretical research of spacetime propulsion devices. We seek applicants with a background in general relativity, quantum field theory in curved space, quantum gravity, who are highly motivated to investigate the repercussion of general relativity for future interstellar travels. This position is part of an existing collaboration between R. Garattini (Bergamo) and P. Nicolini (Frankfurt). Strong analytical skills and experience with traversable wormholes, spacetime geometries and perturbative methods of quantum gravity are highly desired. Required Qualifications Candidates must have a PhD in physics or astrophysics Preferred Qualifications Strong analytical skills and experience with quantum gravity methods, wormhole spacetime geometries Ability to work well in a collaborative project with colleagues from a remote location +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24583 Deadline: 2022-03-31 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/ Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za The High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2022. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory. For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman. We will consider candidates with an interest in quantum complexity and its application in quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, cosmology and gravity. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including machine learning techniques in physics and astrophysics. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research. The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa. The appointment is for one year at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to budgetary approval and satisfactory progress. A PhD in Physics, Applied Mathematics or Astronomy is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post. Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R300 000 per annum, tax free. Additional support is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate. Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2022. Applications close on 31 March 2022 and screening of candidates will start shortly thereafter. Any queries can be sent to shajid.haque[AT]uct.ac.za. The University of Cape Town reserves the right to: - disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications - change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3. Postdoc position in GW instrumentation, Napoli ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24608 Deadline: 2022-04-10 Location: Napoli, Italy Additional Information: https://www.na.infn.it Contact: difiore[AT]na.infn.it The Napoli GW research group announces a public selection procedure, based on CV and interview, to award 1 Senior research grant (Postdoc) for conducting scientific research at the INFN Structure of Napoli, Italy, on the following topic: "Development and experimental test of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for Einstein Telescope". The deadline for application is April 10 2022. The grant lasts 12 months and is renewable for a further 24 months. The call, both in Italian and English, is available at the following file: "https://jobs.dsi.infn.it/borseassegni/pdf/getfile.php?filename=24208.pdf" The grant lasts 12 months and is renewable for a further 24 months. All other details are reported in the call. The Napoli Gravitational research group is involved in the Virgo Experiment since its foundation and is actively working to the development of the ET project for a third generation GW antenna in Europe. Other research activities include the Archimedes and LAG experiments, funded by INFN. The group is composed by 6 staff members, 1 tenure track assistant professor, 1 temporary assistant professor, 1 research engineer, 1 postdoc and 2 PhD students. The selected candidate will work, within the ET collaboration, to the development and test, in the Gravitational Physics Laboratory in Napoli, of a prototype seismic pre-isolator for the future ET underground GW detector. For any further detail or information please contact: Luciano Di Fiore (difiore[AT]na.infn.it) or Lucia Trozzo (trozzo[AT]na.infn.it) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4. Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Melbourne, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24625 Deadline: 2022-04-24 Location: Melbourne, Australia Additional Information: https://careers.pageuppeople.com/513/cw/en/job/630719/lecturersenior-lecture... Contact: sci-maths-jobs[AT]monash.edu Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics LOCATION: Clayton campus EMPLOYMENT TYPE: Full-time DURATION: Continuing appointment REMUNERATION: $103,153 - $122,495 pa Level B / $126,360 - $145,702 pa Level C (plus 17% employer superannuation) POSITION DESCRIPTION The School of Mathematics at Monash University invites applications for the position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics. The School of Mathematics is a research leader with a strong international reputation in Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematical Finance, and Applied and Computational Mathematics. Monash University is a leading Australian research university that ranks in the top-100 globally. Monash University is located in Melbourne, which is a major cosmopolitan centre and has been named the world's most liveable city on several occasions. Candidates will be expected to have an outstanding research record and help our drive for excellence across the School. Exceptional candidates in any area of applied and computational mathematics will be considered. Of particular interest are candidates with an expertise in numerical and computational mathematics with a background in AI and Data Science, an area that the School is actively looking to grow. To be considered you will have a PhD in mathematics or a related area, proven ability to perform independent research, and a strong commitment to teaching and the supervision of research students. This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated. The School of Mathematics aims at increasing the representation of women in its academic ranks. Applications from qualified female candidates are especially encouraged. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5. Postdoc position on LISA data analysis, Toulouse, France ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24633 Deadline: 2022-04-07 Location: Toulouse, France Additional Information: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR5033-NICTAM-004/Default.aspx?lang=EN Contact: nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr Job offer: The Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse (L2IT) is inviting applications for a 2-year postdoc position to work on gravitational wave data analysis for LISA. Applications instructions are available here below. The successful candidate is expected to start on the 1st of June 2022, or as soon as possible after that date. A PhD degree or equivalent must have been obtained before the starting date. More information can be found through the application link reported here below. Context: L2IT is a new laboratory established in 2020 with the objective to pursue fundamental research with innovative numerical and theoretical approaches. The research of the laboratory is focused on particle physics, gravitational waves and the nuclear matter equation of state, and it is supported by a complementary development of data analysis and data science methodologies. The gravitational wave group at L2IT conducts research on both theoretical and experimental aspects of gravitational wave science, with a distinct focus at exploiting new ideas connecting theory with observations through data analysis and numerical simulations. The group is part of the LISA Consortium and of the Virgo Collaboration, it currently counts three permanent members, Christelle Buy, Sylvain Marsat and Nicola Tamanini, plus several postdocs and students, and it works in close collaboration with computing research engineers at L2IT. Application instructions: Interested candidates must complete the following steps to apply: 1) Submit an application containing a CV and a research statement through the Portail Emploi CNRS by following the instructions available at this link: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR5033-NICTAM-004/Default.aspx?lang=EN 2) Arrange for two or more letters of recommendation to be submitted by the reference writers to nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr (email subject "Reference for NAME SURNAME") Deadline & interviews: Application deadline is on 7 April 2022. Remote interviews are currently planned for the end of April 2022. Contacts: Please contact Nicola Tamanini (nicola.tamanini[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr) or Sylvain Marsat (sylvain.marsat[AT]l2it.in2p3.fr) with any questions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.6. Visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/20/visiting-assistant-professor-... Deadline: 2022-04-11 Location: Oxford, MS, USA Additional Information: https://physics.olemiss.edu/ Contact: luca[AT]phy.olemiss.edu The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi invites applications for one Visiting Assistant Professor appointment to start in the Fall 2022 semester. This temporary, non-tenure track position will be for a year, with the possibility of renewals for up to a total of three years. Duties will include teaching courses in both physics and astronomy. Applicants must have a PhD in physics, astronomy, or a related field, experience in teaching at the college level, and good communication skills. Priority will be given to applicants with experience in astronomy and/or active-learning approaches to teaching. Interested parties should apply online at https://careers.olemiss.edu. Applicants should include a description of their plan for implementing effective techniques in undergraduate classes, and a CV. Submission of a statement of research interests is encouraged. In addition, each applicant should have three letters of recommendation sent to vapsearch AT phy.olemiss.edu. Review of applications will begin on April 11, 2022 and continue until the position is filled or until an adequate applicant pool is established. Applications from underrepresented groups in physics and astronomy are strongly encouraged. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the field. The University of Mississippi provides equal opportunity in any employment practice, education program, or education activity to all qualified persons. The University complies with all applicable laws regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and does not unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment based upon race, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or genetic information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.7. Postdoctoral Position��in Gravitational Wave Physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/21/postdoctoral-position-in-grav... Deadline: 2022-04-15 Location: Tuebingen, Germany Additional Information: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/faculties/faculty-of-science/departments/physics... Contact: kostas.kokkotas[AT]uni-tuebingen.de The Theoretical Astrophysics section (TAT) at the University of Tuebingen has an opening for one postdoctoral research position (Wissenschaftlicher Assistant / Research Assistant) starting from 1st of October 2022. The successful applicant will carry out original research focusing on the dynamics of rotating and/or magnetized neutron stars in relation to the emission of gravitational waves. The position is initially for 1 year with the possibility of further extension, up to maximum of 2 more years, that will be decided after the first year. The successful applicant is expected to assist teaching with a maximum of four (4) hours per week. The salary will be paid according to the German public service scale. The research activities of TAT are related to the study of sources of gravitational waves with emphasis on the dynamics of neutron stars and black holes. Currently consists of six (6) post-doctoral researchers, five (5) PhD students and seven (7) MSc students (including an Emmy-Noether Research Group led by Dr. D. Doneva). Applications, including curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of research interests and experience, and the names (address, e-mail) of up to three potential referees should be sent to: Prof. Kostas Kokkotas Theoretical Astrophysics (IAAT), University of Tuebingen, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~kokkotas E-mail: kostas.kokkotas_at_uni-tuebingen.de Further information on the Theoretical Astrophysics Group may be found at https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/faculties/faculty-of-science/departments/physics... Applications by e-mail are welcome. All applications will receive full consideration until the position is filled. The University of Tuebingen seeks to increase the fraction of female scientists in research and teaching and particularly encourages applications from women. Disabled candidates are given preference if equally qualified. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.8. Postdoctoral fellowships in gravitational waves or applied mathematics, Singapore ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/21/postdoctoral-fellowships-in-g... Deadline: 2022-04-30 Location: Singapore Additional Information: https://www.physics.nus.edu.sg Contact: achua[AT]caltech.edu Applications are invited for two postdoctoral research fellowships in the Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The successful candidates will work under the supervision of incoming faculty member Alvin Chua, who is presently at Caltech. Fellowship A: We seek applicants with a strong background in scientific modelling and analysis for contemporary and/or near-future gravitational-wave detectors such as LIGO, LISA and pulsar timing arrays. The successful candidate will join and contribute to the growth of a new gravity/astrophysics group at NUS with both theoretical and observational interests, whose faculty members include Prof. Edward Teo (relativity and gravitation) and Prof. Chelsea Sharon (radio astronomy). There will also be opportunities to take up (or retain) membership in international gravitational-wave collaborations such as LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and the LISA Consortium, and to be formally involved in their activities. Fellowship B: We seek applicants with a general background in applied mathematics, statistics, data science or computational science. Specific areas of expertise can include (but are not limited to) topics such as applied geometry, numerical analysis, computational statistics, time-series analysis and statistical learning. The successful candidate will work with the gravity/astrophysics group to develop or adapt cutting-edge techniques for a variety of difficult open problems in gravitational-wave scientific analysis. They will also be encouraged to foster collaborations with other NUS researchers at the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Statistics and Data Science, and the Department of Computer Science. The ideal candidate for either position will possess skills and interests in both theoretical and computational research, a willingness to diversify their expertise and to be involved in cross-disciplinary projects, as well as the disposition to work well independently and as part of a team. They will be expected to maintain their own individual research programme, while working in close collaboration with Prof. Chua on topics of mutual interest. The initial appointment is for one or two years, with expected renewal up to three years in total, and could start as early as October 2022. Both positions come with a competitive salary and personal benefits, as well as travel funds for international conferences. There will also be opportunities for the successful candidates to gain additional experience in teaching and research supervision during their appointment. Applicants should submit the following materials via e-mail to Alvin Chua (achua[AT]caltech.edu): a cover letter, their CV and list of publications, a short statement of research, and the e-mail addresses of three academic referees who will provide letters of reference. They should also indicate clearly which of the two positions they wish to be considered for. All materials should be received by 30 April 2022 for full consideration. At NUS, the health and safety of our staff and students is one of our utmost priorities, and COVID-vaccination supports our commitment to ensure the safety of our community and to make NUS as safe and welcoming as possible. Many of our roles require a significant amount of physical interactions with students/staff/public members. Even for job roles that may be performed remotely, there will be instances where on-campus presences are required. In accordance with Singapore's legal requirements, unvaccinated workers will not be able to work on the NUS premises with effect from 15 January 2022. Thus job applicants will need to be fully COVID-vaccinated to secure successful employment with NUS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.9. PhD position in Mathematical Analysis of Binary Black Hole Collisions, Vienna, Austria ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/22/phd-position-mathematics-in-m... Deadline: 2022-04-30 Location: Vienna, Austria Additional Information: https://www.vsmath.at/application/ Contact: walter.simon[AT]univie.ac.at "Gravitational wave astronomy" provides an indirect confirmation of the mathematical concepts of gravitational collapse developed about 50 years ago. A key model for a black hole horizon is the so-called "marginally outer trapped surface" which has become the standard tool in determining the wave output during a merger via numerical simulations. However, the mathematical understanding of such a merging process is still incomplete and subject of this thesis project. A good background on "Mathematical General Relativity" (in particular differential geometry, functional analysis and second order PDEs) is a basic requirement for the position. Riemannian aspects (metrics with positive signature and elliptic PDEs) will play a more important role than Lorentzian (hyperbolic) ones. As the black hole merging process is a bifurcation phenomenon, some acquaintance with bifurcation theory and calculus of variations would be an advantage. While the project will draw heavily upon information coming from recent numerical analysis, the candidate is not required to do numerical work herself/himself. The advertised position is supervised by Walter Simon at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. The extent of employment is 30 hours per week for 3 years, starting June 1, 2022 or later. The candidate must have a master degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics (or Theoretical/Mathematical Physics). The application documents should contain a letter of motivation; the scientific CV with list of publications; higher education certificates/diplomas; and letter(s) of recommendation. Applications have to be sent to office[AT]vsmath.at, if possible in a single PDF file. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2022. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.10. postdoc positions in machine learning and data science at SISSA, Trieste, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/24/postdoc-positions-in-machine-... Deadline: 2022-04-30 Location: Trieste, Italy Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/21497 Contact: rtrotta[AT]sissa.it The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for two postdoctoral positions in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in the fall of 2022. Each of the positions will last for a minimum of two years, renewable subject to funding availability and performance. These positions are part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI). We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply. We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin. SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/), the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/), as well as many other national and international institutions. Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and an statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the positions are filled. For inquiries, contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.11. Post-Doctoral Position in X-ray Astrophysics, St. Louis, MO, USA ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24691 Deadline: 2022-12-31 Location: St. Louis, MO, USA Additional Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/104617 Contact: krawcz[AT]wustl.edu The X-ray Astrophysics group of Professor H. Krawczynski at the Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis (https://sites.wustl.edu/xastro/) is searching for a post-doc working on the XL-Calibur hard X-ray polarization mission, and on the analysis, theoretical modeling, and interpretation of stellar mass black hole, magnetar, blazar, and quasar observations with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), the Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer Mission (NICER), and the Neil Gehrels Observatory (NGO). The group is furthermore involved in the development of solid state and microcalorimeter X-ray and gamma-ray detectors. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in one or several of the three areas: theoretical, observational, or experimental astrophysics, and should bring the willingness to work in the other two areas as well. We expect that the candidate will carry through a vigorous research program and will author and co-author research articles in top-journals. The initial appointment will be for a two-year year period, renewable for a third year. Candidates must have a PhD in experimental, observational, or theoretical astrophysics before starting the appointment. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a list of 2-5 selected publications with a brief description of the applicant's role in these publications, a 2-page research proposal, as well as the names and contact information for three professional references. Washington University will request reference letters.The start date of the position is between 7/1/2022 and 7/1/2023. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at their earliest convenience through Interfolio (https://apply.interfolio.com/104617). The search will remain open until the position is filled. Questions related to the search or application process may be directed to Henric Krawczynski at (krawcz[AT]wustl.edu). Each year Washington University publishes a Safety and Security brochure that details what to do and whom to contact in an emergency. This report also publishes the federally required annual security and fire safety reports, containing campus crime and fire statistics as well as key university policies and procedures. You may access the Safety and Security brochure at https://police.wustl.edu/clery-reports-logs/. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.12. Postdoc position in quantum gravity and foundation of physics, Marseille, France ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24697 Deadline: 2022-05-01 Location: Marseille, France Additional Information: https://www.qiss.fr/ Contact: applications.qg.cpt[AT]gmail.com The quantum gravity team at the Centre de Physique Theorique in Marseille opens a two-year postdoctoral position. The group has 3 permanent members (Carlo Rovelli, Alejandro Perez and Simone Speziale), currently one postdoc (Johannes Munch) and 4 PhD students. The position can start at any time after October 1st, 2022. The candidate is expected to collaborate (but not exclusively) with members of the team on their projects, interact with the students and contribute to the organisation of the team's activities. The team focuses on quantum gravity and on foundational questions, and it is part of the international QISS project (see http://www.qiss.fr ) which provides funding for the position. Salary will follow the French grid system and depends on seniority after the PhD defense. Interested applicants should send a CV, list of publications and motivational cover letter, plus up to 3 support letters, to the following address: applications.qg.cpt[AT]gmail.com preferably before Mai 1st. Please indicate the name of the applicant in the subject line of all relevant mails. We encourage applications contributing to gender and origin diversity in our group. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.13. Postdoctoral Fellowship in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory, Cape Town, South Africa ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24704 Deadline: 2022-04-15 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Additional Information: http://hepcat.group/opportunities/ Contact: melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za The High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship starting in 2022. The HEPCAT group was established around the South African Research Chair in Physical Cosmology held by Amanda Weltman. Group members conduct research on a wide range of theoretical physics, cosmology and astrophysics problems, with a particular focus on connecting observation and theory. For more information on the activities of the HEPCAT group, see http://hepcat.group/. Our faculty members include Shajid Haque, Jeff Murugan, Jonathan Shock and Amanda Weltman. We will consider candidates with an interest in quantum complexity and its application in quantum field theory, quantum many-body systems, cosmology and gravity. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work across all group research areas, including machine learning techniques in physics and astrophysics. Applicants must have a track record of accomplishment and independence in their research. The appointment must comply with the University's approved policies, procedures and practices for the postdoctoral sector, and is subject to the rules and approval of the University of Cape Town and the National Research Foundation of South Africa. The appointment is for one year at the outset, with a possible extension of one year subject to budgetary approval and satisfactory progress. A PhD in Physics, Applied Mathematics or Astronomy is required. Postdoctoral experience is a bonus, however the candidate needs to be within 5 years from the date of PhD at the start of the position and may not have held a full-time permanent academic or professional post. Cape Town is an extremely beautiful city, surrounded by natural beauty. With beaches, mountains and forests only a short way from the city centre, Cape Town offers a perfectly balanced lifestyle. The city offers a wonderfully cosmopolitan atmosphere at a relatively low cost of living. The postdoc funding level is R300 000 per annum, tax free. Additional support is available for equipment and travel funding as appropriate. Interested candidates should send a CV, a research proposal (2-3 pages), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to melissa.largier[AT]uct.ac.za. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, Postdoc 2022. Applications close on 31 March 2022 and screening of candidates will start shortly thereafter. Any queries can be sent to shajid.haque[AT]uct.ac.za. The University of Cape Town reserves the right to: - disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications - change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.14. Senior postdoc position in machine learning and data science for cosmology, astroparticle physics and gravitational physics, Trieste Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/04/01/senior-postdoc-position-in-ma... Deadline: 2022-04-30 Location: Trieste (Italy) Additional Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/21551 Contact: rtrotta[AT]sissa.it The Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology groups and the newly formed research group in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science group at SISSA (www.sissa.it) invite expressions of interest for one senior three-year long postdoctoral position in machine learning and data science for cosmology and astroparticle physics, including gravitational wave astrophysics, starting in the fall of 2022. The position is part of a programme funded by the Italian Ministry to support collaboration and scientific exchanges between Italy's 6 Scuole Speciali, and collaborative research links will be developed in particular with the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI). Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. We are looking for qualified candidates interested in cross-disciplinary work across machine learning, data science, deep learning and statistical methods with a focus on methodological development and applications in the fields of astroparticle physics, astrophysical probes of fundamental interactions, gravitational wave astrophysics or large scale structures. Candidates with expertise in machine learning and Bayesian inference techniques, deep learning, gravitational wave physics (including synergies with cosmology), HPC techniques and numerical cosmology are especially encouraged to apply. We are committed to promoting equality and diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin. SISSA is an institute with exclusive focus on research and PhD education in Physics (including data science), Mathematics and Neurosciences, located in the beautiful seaside city of Trieste, in the North-Eastern tip of Italy, enjoying excellent quality of life and great outdoors. We have strong collaborative links with the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU, www.ifpu.it/), the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (www.ictp.it), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF; Observatory of Trieste, www.oats.inaf.it/index.php/en/) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN; Trieste Section www.ts.infn.it/en/), as well as many other national and international institutions. Applications should include a CV, a publication list, and an statement of research interests not exceeding 3 A4 pages in length. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference. Applications need to be submitted by Apr 30th, 2022 for full consideration. The search will continue until the position is filled. For inquiries, contact Roberto Trotta (rtrotta[AT]sissa.it) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== 3. News ============================================== 3.1. Philosophical Transactions A: "The future of mathematical cosmology" (part 1) ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/?p=24649 Additional Information: https://www.bit.ly/TransA-2222 Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions A entitled The future of mathematical cosmology (part 1) org compiled and edited by Spiros Cotsakis and Alexander P Yefremov and the articles can be accessed directly at www.bit.ly/TransA-2222 Purchase the print issue at the reduced price of 35 GBP by contacting sales[AT]royalsociety.org ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.2. New book: "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy" ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/03/26/handbook-of-gravitational-wav... Additional Information: https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-981-15-4702-7 Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy Cosimo Bambi, Stavros Katsanevas, Konstantinos D. Kokkotas (Editors) Springer Singapore 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4702-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction to Gravitational Wave Astronomy N.T. Bishop *** SECTION I: Gravitational Wave Detectors *** Section Editors: S. Katsanevas, D. Reitze, M. Ando Chapter 2: Terrestrial Laser Interferometers K.L. Dooley, H. Grote, J. van den Brand Chapter 3: Space-Based Gravitational Wave Observatories J. Gair, M. Hewitson, A. Petiteau, G. Mueller Chapter 4: Pulsar Timing Array Experiments J.P.W. Verbiest, S. Oslowski, S. Burke-Spolaor Chapter 5: Quantum Sensors with Matter Waves for GW Observation A. Bertoldi, P. Bouyer, B. Canuel Chapter 6: CMB Experiments and Gravitational Waves L. Conti, B.R.B. Saliwanchik Chapter 7: Third-Generation Gravitational-Wave Observatories H. Lueck, J. Smith, M. Punturo Chapter 8: Research and Development for Third-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors R.L. Ward, B.J.J. Slagmolen, Y. Aso Chapter 9: Squeezing and QM Techniques in GW Interferometers F. Sorrentino, J. Zendri Chapter 10: Environmental Noise in Gravitational-Wave Interferometers I. Fiori, A. Effler, P. Nguyen, F. Paoletti, R.M.S. Schofield, M.C. Tringali Chapter 11: Detection Landscape in the deci-Hertz Gravitational-Wave Spectrum K. Izumi, K. Jani *** SECTION II: Gravitational Wave Sources *** Section Editors: V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri, K.D. Kokkotas, G. Schaefer, M. Sakellariadou Chapter 12: Binary Neutron Stars L. Baiotti Chapter 13: Isolated Neutron Stars B. Haskell, K. Schwenzer Chapter 14: r-Process Nucleosynthesis from Compact Binary Mergers A. Perego, F.-K. Thielemann, G. Cescutti Chapter 15: Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers F. Foucart Chapter 16: Dynamical Formation of Merging Stellar-Mass Binary Black Holes B. Kocsis Chapter 17: Formation Channels of Single and Binary Stellar-Mass Black Holes M. Mapelli Chapter 18: The Gravitational Capture of Compact Objects by Massive Black Holes P. Amaro Seoane Chapter 19: Massive Black-Hole Mergers E. Barausse, A. Lapi Chapter 20: LISA and the Galactic Population of Compact Binaries M. Benacquista Chapter 21: Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernovae E. Abdikamalov, G. Pagliaroli, D. Radice Chapter 22: Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Waves in the Hz-kHz Range M. Branchesi, A. Stamerra, O.S. Salafia, S. Piranomonte, B. Patricelli Chapter 23: Multi-messenger Astrophysics with the Highest Energy Counterparts of Gravitational Waves A. Stamerra, B. Patricelli, I. Bartos, M. Branchesi Chapter 24: Mission Design for the TAIJI Mission and Structure Formation in Early Universe X. Gong, S. Xu, S. Gui, S. Huang, Y. Lau Chapter 25: Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds of Cosmological Origin C. Caprini, D.G. Figueroa Chapter 26: Primordial Gravitational Waves G. Tasinato Chapter 27: Primordial Black Holes J. Garcia-Bellido Chapter 28: Testing the Nature of Dark Compact Objects with Gravitational Waves E. Maggio, P. Pani, G. Raposo Chapter 29: Quantum Gravity and Gravitational-Wave Astronomy G. Calcagni Chapter 30: LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA as the International Gravitational Wave Network P. Brady, G. Losurdo, H. Shinkai *** SECTION III: Gravitational Wave Modeling *** Section Editors: P. Laguna, D. Shoemaker Chapter 31: Post-Newtonian Templates for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Inspirals S. Isoyama, R. Sturani, H. Nakano Chapter 32: Effective Field Theory Methods to Model Compact Binaries R. Sturani Chapter 33: Repeated Bursts N. Loutrel Chapter 34: Numerical Relativity for Gravitational Wave Source Modelling T. Zhao, Z. Cao, C. Lin, H. Yo Chapter 35: Black-Hole Superradiance: Searching for Ultralight Bosons with Gravitational Waves R. Brito, P. Pani Chapter 36: Black Hole Perturbation Theory and Gravitational Self-Force A. Pound, B. Wardell Chapter 37: Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Signals by Astrophysical Environments X. Chen Chapter 38: Emission of Gravitational Radiation in Scalar-Tensor and f(R)-Theories M. De Laurentis, I. De Martino Chapter 39: Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Waves Z. Carson, K. Yagi Chapter 40: Nonlinear Effects in EMRI Dynamics and Their Imprints on Gravitational Waves G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos, V. Witzany *** SECTION IV: Data Analysis Techniques *** Section Editors: L. Cadonati, E. Porter, P. Sutton Chapter 41: Principles of Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis A. Krolak Chapter 42: Inferring the Properties of a Population of Compact Binaries in Presence of Selection Effects S. Vitale, D. Gerosa, W.M. Farr, S.R. Taylor Chapter 43: Machine Learning for the Characterization of Gravitational Wave Data E. Cuoco, A. Iess, F. Morawski, M. Razzano Chapter 44: Advances in Machine and Deep Learning for Modeling and Real-Time Detection of Multi-messenger Sources E.A. Huerta, Z. Zhao Chapter 45: Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Gravitational Waves S. Mastrogiovanni, D.A. Steer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3.3. Call for contributions: "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories" ------------------------------------------------------------ Announcement on Hyperspace@GU: https://hyperspace.uni-frankfurt.de/2022/04/01/call-for-contributions-truth-... Additional Information: http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/truthinphysics.html Dear Colleagues, Minkowski Institute Press invites contributions to the volume "Truth in Physics: On the Nature of Physical Theories": http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/truthinphysics.html Minkowski Institute Press (http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/mip/books/) is an academic publisher, associated with the Minkowski Institute in Montreal, which is run by academics for academics and which has already published 66 books. As the Minkowski Institute Press publishes valuable books that are out of print and are now in the public domain (the books are typeset in LaTeX), any suggestions for the publication of such books are always appreciated. Best wishes, Vesselin Petkov Minkowski Institute http://www.minkowskiinstitute.org/ Montreal, Canada http://spacetimecentre.org/vpetkov/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
participants (1)